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高中英语必修三第五单元重点、难点Unit Five Canada—“The True North”

1、Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train west to east across Canada.她们不想一路坐飞机,而决定先飞到温哥华,再从西海岸乘火车横穿加拿大到达东海岸。

rather than 与其…宁愿He ran rather than walked. 他宁愿跑不愿走。

Rather than cause trouble, he left. 为了不引起麻烦,他离开了。


(1)rather…than 是…而不是

This is rather for father to decide than for you. 这应该由爸爸决定而不是由你来决定。

(2)had / would rather 宁愿

I’d rather stay here a couple of days. 我想在这儿再呆几天。

I had rather you told the truth. 我宁愿的说实话。

特别提示:“had / would rather 宁愿”后跟从句时,从句谓语要用虚拟语气,即过去式。

(3)would / had rather…than 宁愿…而不愿

I’d much rather deal with a man than with a woman. 我愿意和男人打交道,不愿和女人打交道。


1、I ____ play football than basketball. A. would rather B. had better C. like better D. prefer 答案:A

2、He insisted on staying _________ back home.

A. rather than going

B. rather than go

C. than going

D. rather than to go 答案:A

3、– Shall I tell them the news ---No, I would rather they _______ know.

A. won’t

B. don’t

C. wouldn’t

D. didn’t答案:D

4、I’d go to hell _____stay with you. A. than B. rather C. rather than D. better than 答案:C

5、In fact, Mary would rather have left for San Francisco ______ in Los Angeles .

A. by staying

B. that stay

C. than have stayed

D. to stay 答案:C

6、_______ you rather sit by the window. A. Don’t B. Will C. Wouldn’t D. Won’t答案:C

2、That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats.那天下午表姐妹俩才登上火车落了座。settle down 用法归纳:


Father settled down to read a book. 父亲坐下来看书。

The students settled down to have their English class. 学生们坐下上英语课。


We will drop in on you after we settle down. 安定下来后我们会去拜访你们。

After years of travelling, he decided to settle down. 旅行了很多年后,他决定定居下来。


Please settle down, let’s start the meeting. 请安静下来,我们开会。

You just go out for a while and I will settle him down. 你出去一会儿,我来让他平静下来。


You should get married and settle down. 你应该结婚,开始安稳生活了。

Many people will settle down if they have a job. 如果有工作,许多人就能生活稳定。

3、Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even

a grizzly bear and an eagle.那天早一点的时候,当她们穿越洛基山脉的时候,她们看到了一些山羊,甚至还看到了一只灰熊和一只鹰。


manage vt.用法归纳:


They at last managed to escape from the burning building. 他们最终设法从着火的大楼逃出来了。

How did you manage to hear it. 你是怎么设法听到那件事的

特别提示manage表示“设法完成”时,后面跟不定式。同学们一定要注意它和succeed“成功”的区别,succeed后跟in doing sth. 。


This shop doesn’t belong to me, I only manage it. 商店不是我的,我只是在经营。

Who manages this hotel 谁在管理这个饭店


Can you manage a big bowl of noodles 你能吃完一大碗面条吗


---Shall I take the suitcase for you 我来给你提箱子---No, thanks, I can manage it myself. 谢谢,不用,我自己拿得动。


The Smiths were not rich , but they ______ to send their two daughters to collages .

A. tried

B. managed

C. attempted

D. failed 答案:B

4、Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even

a grizzly bear and an eagle.那天早一点的时候,当她们穿越洛基山脉的时候,她们看到了一些山羊,甚至还看到了一只灰熊和一只鹰。

catch sight of 看见;看到

If you catch sight of Liu Qiang, ask him to come to school. 如果你看到刘强,让他来学校。

I caught sight of a guy hurrying away, but I didn’t know he was a thief. 我看到一个小伙急急忙忙离开,但当时我不知道他是小偷。

联想扩展:at first sight 看第一眼;乍一看catch / have sight of 看见lose sight of 看不见at the sight of 在看到…时in the sight of 在...看来keep sight of 使能看到in / within sight 在视线内out of sight 看不见



1、For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree ______.

A. in sight

B. on earth

C. at a distance

D. in place 答案:A

2、All of _______ sudden , I caught ______ sight of my English teacher in the crowd , smiling to me . I calmed down.

A. a ; 不填

B. a ; a

C. 不填; a

D. 不填;不填答案:A

3、The soldiers were ordered to shoot the enemy ______ .

A. on sight

B. in sight

C. within sight

D. I seen 答案:A

5、Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.



have a gift for sth. / doing sth. 有…的天赋Yao Ming has a gift for playing basketball. 姚明有打篮球的天赋。

I have no gift for foreigh languages. 我没有学外语的天赋。

联想扩展:in the gift of…由…决定给予谁

The scholarship is in the gift of the school. 奖学金给谁是由学校决定的。

6、There was frost on the ground, confirming that fall had arrived in Canada.
