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1. 名词复数形式的构成












(5)以man和woman构成的复合名词变复数时,要采用双复数形式。如:man tourist-men tourists,woman teacher-womenteachers。

2. 名词的数量表达

可数名词:用数词直接修饰,如:one book,three watches,200 years;与量词连用,量词与所修饰名词都要用复数形式,如:three pairs of shoes,hundreds of years;与模糊数量词连用,如:a few relatives,some people,many boys,a lot of/lots of computers,a large number ofstudents。

不可数名词:与量词连用,量词有复数形式,而不可数名词不能有复数形式。如:two loaves of bread,a bottle of water;与模糊量词连用,如:some work,a little milk,much

advice/time/money,a lot of/lots of news,a large amount of information。

模糊数量词修饰可数名词,有如下几个:many,a few,few,a large number of。

模糊数量词修饰不可数名词,有如下几个:much,a little,little,huge amounts of,a great deal of。

模糊数量词既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,有如下几个:some,any,a lot of,lots of,plenty of,enough。

3. 名词所有格


(1)单数名词加's,如:Peter's bag。

(2)词尾有s或es的复数名词加“'”,如:the teachers' office。

(3)不以s或es结尾的复数名词后仍加“'s”,如:Children's Day。

(4)表示时间、距离,如:today's newspaper,two hours' walk。

2)表示无生命的名词所有格,用of+名词所有格,如:thefront gate of the City Hall,a map of China。

3)表示有生命的名词所有格,也可用of+名词所有格,如:afriend of mine,a book of jane's,a friend of Mary's sister's。

【注意】Peter and Mary's desk 表示“彼得和玛丽合用的桌子”

Peter's and Mary's desks 表示“彼得和玛丽各自的桌子”



1. Tomorrow I'm going to my________. It's a _________.

A aunt...five minutes' walk

B aunt's...five minute's walk

C aunt...five minute's walk

D aunt's...five minutes' walk

2. A computer is one of the greatest ________ in this century.

A inventors

B inventions

C invitations

D invention

3. We haven't ________ homework to do today.

A many

B a lot of

C few

D much

4. Mr. Black is a teacher full of ________.Yesterday he told us his ________ inthe U.S.

A experience...experience

B experiences...experiences

C experience...experiences

D experiences...experience

5. Three hours ________ enough for a __________ boy to read books.

A is...ten-year-old

B are...ten-year-old

C is...ten-years-old

D are...ten-years-old

6. _________that pair of new _________ expensive?

A Is...shoe

B Are...shoe

C Is...shoes

D Are...shoes

7. Linda, I've bought many_______. Now let's make the birthday cake.

A fresh eggs

B chocolate milk

C frozen food

D rice dumplings

8. The two ________ are my________.

A womans doctors...girls friends

B women doctors...girls friends

C woman doctors...girl friends

D women doctors...girl friends

9. Mr. Lin often gives us _______ by e-mail.

A some good information

B some good informations

C good informations

D a good information

10. These are ________ houses.

A Wang and my uncle

B the Wang's and my uncle's

C the Wangs' and my uncle

D the Wangs' and my uncle's

11. People waste _______ water every day.

A a large number of

B a huge amount of

C many

D quite a lot

12. They tended(照顾)________,and buried(埋葬)_________.

A wounded...dead

B the wounded...dead

C the wounded...the dead

D wounded...the dead

13. We are__________.They are_________.

A Chinese...Germen

B Chinese...German

C Chinese...Germany

D Chinese...Germans

14.Did you have a lot of _________ last weekend?

A funny

B funnies

C fun

D funs

15. Which is wrong?_________

A How many cartons of milk are there on the tables?

B How much carton of milk is there on the table?

C How many cartons are there on the table?

D How much milk is there on the table?
