




法规与规章类文书的正文部分一般采用条款形式,分章分条,各章条数前后相连、统一排列,条下可分款,但各款不连,独立编号,这种写法称为章断条连式凡是属会议通过的文件,应以为准:通过决定日期消息常见的结构形式有:倒金字塔式,正金字塔式,并列式结构,与消息等新闻题材相比,通讯的主要特征有结构的完整性、灵活性,实效性,从媒体传播综合特点的角度看,广播新闻可分为:现场报道,录音报道,广告标题的种类有:直接标题,标语标题,复合标题,实用写作的特征有哪些:文体的实用性,体式的规范性,写作的时效性,通告与公告的区别表现为:内容轻重不同,告知对象不同,发文机关不同,发布方式不同,下列调查报告选项,哪些选项属于同一类别:临时性市场调查报告,定期性市场调查报告,经常性市场调查报告,下列公文种类哪些属于按照公文效力分类:规范性公文,非规范性公文,决定是一种重要的公文:约束性,指挥性,可用来签批和书写公文的字迹材料有:墨汁,碳素墨水,蓝黑墨水,批复在制发前需进行认真的调查,调查的内容包括:查阅有关的规定和指示,与内容涉及到的有关部门协商,调查研究请示的理由、事项与具体要求 ,批实性通知可分为::“颁发”型通知,“转发”型通知,“批转”型通知,签收文件的工作由完成:专职外收发人员,兼职外收发人员 ,通讯人员 ,请示的主送对象可以是:直属的上级领导机关,上级业务主管部门,实用型文章自身所具有的特点是::主旨单一、集中、明确,材料多样、真实、有力,结构合理、谨严、固定,语言准确、简明、平易、庄重,事务文书的作用有:贯彻政策,指导工作,沟通情况,联系工作,积累和提供材料,宣传教育,检查督促以下不属于市场调查的基本方法的是:询问法“一水环流,三山拱抱,名城四季皆春色;千帆竞发,百业争荣,潮郡八方遍颂声。



机密★启用前大连理工大学网络教育学院大工20春《商务英语写作-精品课程》课程考试期末考试复习题☆注意事项:本复习题满分共:400分一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)1.Please let us know which of our products _______.A. you are interestedB. are you interestedC. they are interestedD. you are interested in2.We ______ your name and address _______ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn.A. are learning….fromB. have learned ….fromC. have come to know….ofD. have been given ….from3.We are now enclosing a price list for all the items you _______ in your letter under reply.A. requiredB. inquired aboutC. saidD. informed4.If you are prepared to increase your ______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase thecomplete stock.A. priceB. discountC. sales volumeD. cost5. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer __________.A. in demandB. demandedC. on demandD. for demand6. We will do our best to _______ shipment to meet your requirements in time.A. complyB. makeC. expeditingD. arranged7. Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the ______ at the time, otherwise he will not be responsible for it.A. consignorB. consigneeC. shipperD. carrier8. For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _______ would these dates be exceeded by more that ten days.A. in no caseB. in any caseC. by all meansD. under any circumstances9. Your failure to open the L/C in time will ________impossible for us to deliver goods within theperiod stipulated in the contract.A.make them beB. make it beC. make itD. make that be10. The stipulations in your L/C _________ not in accordance with the contract, we have to requestyou to make an amendment.A. isB. beingC. is to beD. would be11. We____ if you could give us whatever information you can in this respect.A. should appreciateB. appreciateC. appreciate itD. would appreciate it12. We _____the fact that the market is declining.A. are aware ofB. awareC. aware ofD. are aware13. Should your price _____ competitive, we will place a trial order _____you.A. is; withB. are; fromC. is; fromD. be; with14. There is steady demand here _____silk scarves of high quality.A. in B of C. for D. on15. We regret____ entertain your order for our Green Beans as we are in short supply at present.A. not able toB. are unable toC. cannotD. our inability to16. The company was slow to restructure, and its problems could carry over into another _______ profit decline in 1996.A. essentialB. substanceC. substantialD. sensatory17. The profit or loss on the disposal of ________ must be accounted for.A. a setB. an assetC. an assaultD. a resolve18. The overseas aid budget has been almost ________, from $18m to just over $10m.A. halfedB. splittedC. halfD. halved19. This profit has been resulted largely from a reduction of RMB 27 million in expenditure, ______ because of two factors.A. drawnB. reachedC. achievedD. provided20. In my opinion, he's ______ the most imaginative of all the contemporary poets.A. in allB. at bestC. for allD. by far21. It’s estimated that the company has a(an)______of 2 million US dollars and is regarded as one of the most trustworthy clients in this area.A. numberB. financeC. assetD. status22. Moreover, ______ Nikon tractors were considered more attractive in appearance; I suggestexperimenting with new designs for our next model.A. withB. sinceC. due toD. so as to23. He soon received promotion for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable ______.A. abilityB. futureC. possibilityD. opportunity24. We would cordially like to invite Liebert Corporation that has established business relationship with us to ______ a visit to our synthetic dye production factory.A. offerB. haveC. giveD. pay25. Last year we shipped walnuts to you ______ the extent of 500metric tons.A. byB. withinC. inD. to26. Among other matters, the city council ________ more funds for additional police officers.A. authorizedB. accreditedC. empoweredD. licensed27. She said Thresher was aware of the ________ for £18.37 and had established that it belonged to another customer.A. receiveB. receiptC. receivingD. achieve28. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have ____ supplies of petroleum.A. proficientB. efficientC. potentialD. sufficient29. The goods you delivered are below the standard we expected ______ the sample.A. fromB. toC. onD. in30. We take pleasure in ______ you a copy of our price-list.A. sendB. sendingC. sentD. to send二、填空题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)1. 将下面五个词以适当的形式填入下面短文空格中。





































二、单项选择题1.不具法律效力的商务信函是 c 。

A.订购信 B.催款信 C.询价信 D.推销信2.全线通公司产品终于打进欧洲市场,其合作伙伴新大地公司特发来表示热烈的祝贺。

(B)A.请柬B. 贺信C.感谢信D.慰问信3.下列应用启事行文的是 D 。

A.明达公司诚寻合作厂家B. 健爽公司宣传经销的茶饮料C.科网公司招聘销售经理D. xx建筑设计院迁址4.下面哪一项不是市场调查报告的特点 A 。

A.鉴戒性 B.真实性 C.时效性 D.针对性5.“顺祝商祺”是 c 的结尾用语。

A.商务礼仪文书(总称) B.商务宣传文书(总称:广告文案、产品说明书、商务消息) C.商务信函 D.商务告启文书(总称:公告、通告、启事、声明)(顺颂商祺是订购信的结尾)6.“我方愿与贵方建立商务关系”是 c 的常用语。

A.理赔信 B.订购信 C.首次联系函 D. 还价信7.关于总结的特点说法不正确的是 a 。

A.预想性B.实践性C.自述性D.理论性8.经济合同的标题一般应标明 d 。

A.合同单位B.合同事由C.合同特点D. 合同性质9.商务文书写作构成的四要素是 b 。



111The Principles of Business WritingConsideration: You-AttitudeConcisenessCorrectnessCourtesyClarityCompletenessConcretenessCredibilityPragmatic Analysis of the Principles of Business WritingCooperative PrinciplePoliteness PrincipleThe Theory of Face-workFace-Threatening ActsPrinciple of Least EffortPrinciple of EconomyConsideration: Consideration focuses on “you”(the reader) instead of “I”or “we”(the writer). You-Attitude emphasizes reader benefit ,The You Attitude is positive ,You-Attitude protects the reader’s ego (use an impersonal expression or a passive verb to avoid assigning blame)You-Attitude expresses appreciationfor (not annoyance with) your readers,You-Attitude applies psychology to humanize our messages (You can buy in your own language, but you have to sell in the language of the customer)1Conciseness:Conciseness means omitting unnecessary words and expressions so that your writing gets to the point, avoiding unnecessary repetition and wordy expression, including only relevant facts (with courtesy), and organizing effectively.2 avoid Wordiness:Avoid redundancy(unnecessary repetition. ),,Avoid awkward repetition,Avoid complicated word choice by using plain languageCorrectness Correctness meansgiving accurate facts and figures andusing the correct level of languageincluding only accurate facts, words, and figuresusing acceptable writing mechanicsCorrectness is achieved byusing formal language for scholarly works, top level government documents and legal documents. Correctness is achieved byAvoid using words that you feel will impress the reader,avoiding substandard, ungrammatical words and spellings,using accurate facts and figures, using the correct word,using correct sentence-level grammaravoiding discriminatory expressions - sexism, race, and personal characteristics.Courtesy Courtesy meansbeing sincerely tactful, thoughtful, and appreciative, omitting expressions that irritate, hurt, or belittle, answering mail and phone messages promptly and granting and apologizing good-naturedly.Clarity (Use plain, everyday, natural, conversational speech,You can buy in your own language, but you have to sell in the customer’s language,Sometimes confusion is caused by being long-winded. Confusion is sometimes caused by jargon and buzz words.Clarity meansbeing clear by choosing short, conversational language and using visual aidsconstructing effective sentences & paragraphs,being straight-forward, avoiding jargon & buzz words 流行语achieving appropriate readabilityincluding examples, illustrations, & other visual aids when desirable.Completeness Completeness meansanswering all questions asked so that you accomplish your goal in ONE letter without needing following letters, giving something extra, when desirable and checking for the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, and why) and other essentials (how)Concreteness Concreteness meansusing specific facts and figures so that your meaning is clearputting action in verbs (avoid passive voice or hiding action in nouns)choosing vivid, image-building words --use active verbs, avoiding adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases andgiving specific information the reader needs (such as due dates, dollar amounts, phone numbers). Being concrete meansbeing specific, definite and vivid rather than vague and general.Three rules for concreteness areusing specific facts and figuresputting action in verbs andchoosing vivid, image-building words.Credibility Credibility means:1)Being ethical and honest: Honesty is the best policy? No! Honesty is the ONL Y policy.2)Avoiding exaggeration - in claims, resumes, and in all your business doings信的分析1111)The language is stiff and legalistic: in accordance with, please be advised, obtain prompt responses, the proper person, advising the undersigned;(2)the tone is selfish.(3) It is written from the writer’s viewpoint, so there are no obvious benefits for the reader;(4) the main point is buried in the second paragraph.The middle is the least emphatic part of a letter) rather than up front in the beginning.222(Beginning with the main point),Necessary explanation,goodwill)333(Neutral statement)(Reasons(Refusal)(Alternative)(Goodwill ending)444Analysis of the application letter for bookkeeperAttention --- The advertisement is quoted below the salutation for the purpose of drawing the recipient's attention.Interest --- The self-introduction, including the age, health, qualifications, references, reasons for the application, etc. should be of interest to the employer.Desire ---If you…, try me.Action --- If you will write me, I shall be glad to come down for an interview.Getting/ winning/ drawing Attention 引起注意Creating / awakening the Interest 发生兴趣Creating the Desire 唤起欲望Stimulating the Action 决定行动555推销信的写法---询问式、命令式、说明式、假定式或故事式Interrogative way-Would you be willing to take the necessary steps to save 10% on your gas bill? (used to push sales of gasoline)Giving an order-When you buy your next automobile tires, make certain of two things Making a statement--- using a proper maxim or old saying.A penny saved is a penny earned.Making a supposition-6661st paragraph--gripping (扣人心弦的)2nd paragraph– stressing the opening thought.3rd paragraph—creating desire by showing how the Comfort Hot Bottle meets need, and beginning to establish conviction.4th paragraph—intensifying the desire through the appeal to convenience.5th paragraph– convincing the reader that he can make no mistake in purchasing the bottle.6th -8th paragraph--- stimulating action.单词accusatory.指控的解释A twofer is two words that mean the same thing when a single word would do.Eliminate the following common trite陈腐的expressions:acknowledge receipt of, allow me to, it has come to my attention, as a matter of fact, at this writing, receipt is hereby acknowledged, regret to inform ( advise ), thank you in advance, kindly (for “please”), as of this date, as per (request, etc.), please be advised that, attached hereto, enclosed herewith, re (your letter of), duly (noted, entered, credited), in accordance with (your request).Poor correspondence means:Wasted time ,Wasted efforts ,Lost goodwill-doublespeak as the INTENTIONAL and very conscious use of language as a weapon or tool by those in power to achieve their goals by cloaking/ hiding meaning. It is NOT a slip of the tongue.e.g.clear writing means:choosing familiar, natural, conversational words and avoid jargon,using common words instead of uncommon wordsavoiding vague words whose meaning is hard to pin down, such as: aspect, facilitate, feasibility, input, parameters, proximity, factor and element,using short sentences with correct word choices (avoiding ambiguous wording and using precise words instead of almost-precise words).Quality Maxim (Do not say what you believe to be false, Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence);Quantity Maxim (Make your contribution as informative as required, Do not make your contribution more informative than is required);Relation Maxim (Be relevant);Manner Maxim (Avoid obscurity of expression, Avoid ambiguity, Be brief, and Be orderly).Tact Maxim (The speaker minimizes the cost and correspondingly maximizes the benefit to the listener;Generosity Maxim (The speaker minimizes the benefit and correspondingly maximizes praise of the listener);Approbation Maxim (The speaker minimizes dispraise and correspondingly maximizes praise of herself);Modesty Maxim (The speaker minimizes praise and correspondingly maximizes dispraise ofherself);Agreement Maxim (The speaker minimizes disagreement and correspondingly maximizes agreement between herself and the listener);Sympathy Maxim (The speaker minimizes antipathy and correspondingly maximizes sympathy between herself and the listener).222 Completeness can be analyzed in terms of Quantity Maxim and Relation Maxim in Cooperative Principle and principle of economy.Concreteness can be analyzed by quality maxim and manner maxim in cooperative principle. Credibility may be analyzed in terms of Quality Maxim, Manner Maxim and Approbation Maxim.Classificationaccording to the content of the letterrequest letters,letters answering requestsclaim and adjustment letterscredit inquiry and collection letters, sales lettersemployment letterssocial business letters, etc.according to the functions in the process of a business transactionletters for establishment of business relationsletters for the inquiry of business, quotation letters, negotiating letters, ordering letters, confirming ordering letterspayment letters, shipment and insurance letters, acknowledging goods receipt lettersclaim letters and adjustment letters, etc. (Shi Ruifen, 1993).according to the nature of the information givenfour different kinds of information in terms of its effect on the reader’s needs:good newsneutral newsbad news andpersuasive letters.according to illocutionary functions categorized by Leechbusiness letters are classified into four kinds:competitive lettersconvivial letters 和谐类信函collaborative lettersconflictive letters.叙事行为(Locutionary act)、施事行为(illocutionary act)和成事行为(perlocutionary act)。





























一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分)1. A friendly football match will be held ______ the visiting Shanxi Team and Shanghai Team in Shanghai Hongkou Gymnasium.A. betweenB. inC. amongD. with2. “The Fighter on the Spe cial Front”, a new-produced feature film, will be ________ in the college auditorium at seven tonight.A. showedB. showingC. showD. shown3. There are some tickets ________ for the concert given by a group of popular singers. The concert fans should be quick.A. leaveB. leftC. leavingD. leaved4. It’s ________ to interrupt the others while they are talking.A. roughB. rudeC. politeD. troublesome5. The bridge was named _________ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A. afterB. forC. because ofD. before6. Centralized management is exercised by a small number of people, the Board of Directors, which is headed by the Chairman (or, in the USA, the President) and decides the overall policy of the ________.A. societyB. familyC. firmD. world7. Investment is freely transferable, which means one owner can sell his ownership interests to an ________ without a change in the nature of the business.A. investorB. personC. ownerD. outsider8. The more popular sequence of dating today is ________.A. date-month-yearB. year-date-monthC. month-year-dateD. date-year-month9. The computer system ________suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A. broke downB. broke outC. broke upD. broke in10. I would like to draw your attention ________ our new detergent powders.A. forwardB. towardsC. forD. on11. We would welcome any further ________ you have, and look forward to hearing from you.A. advicesB. answersC. enquiriesD. suggests12. Any exporter who wants to sell his products in a foreign country or countries must first ________ a lot of market research.A. instructB. destructC. conductD. induct13. The _______ price in our market is $8 per case.A. prevalenceB. prevailingC. prevailedD. prevail14. I would like to know if it is possible to make ________ online.A. shippingB. boughtC. priceD. purchases15. We are now writing to you to ________ long-term trade relations.A. publishB. establishC. protectD. lavish16. We are sure you will find a ________ sale for our products in Canada as our other retailers through Europe and the USA.A. toughB. roughC. badD. ready17. Two days are not enough for me to get ready for the conference. I need ________day.A. otherB. the otherC. the thirdD. a third18. We would be ________ if you could send us full details about your products.A. wonderfulB. hopefulC. regretfulD. grateful19. If your prices are competitive and your goods ________ to our standard, we shall order on a regular basis.A. upB. belowC. aboutD. in20. We find it impossible to ask our end users to ________ the delayed delivery.A. receiveB. acceptC. refuseD. allow二、填空题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)阅读下列短文,从方框中选择5个词并用其适当的形式填入空白处。



重商应用文写作复习资料单项选择题:1.陈述事件的来龙去脉,记叙人物的活动、经历、行为的一种表达方式是( B )A.说明B.叙述C.解释D.归纳2.材料具有多义性,提炼主旨时,应把材料本身的特点与解决具体问题的实际需要结合起来,对材料进行( A )A.对比筛选B.分析归纳C.集思广益D.修改润色3.来源于实践,又为实践所验证了的理论、思想、观点是( C )A.事实性材料B.具体材料C.观念性材料D.正面材料4.失实的消息不仅毫无价值可言,而且会造成很坏的影响,因此消息具有AA.真实性的特点B.欺骗性的特点C.权威性的特点D.目的性的特点5.解说词能把图画或实物无法或不易表达的事物本质特征的内容全部介绍出来,因此解说词具有AA.真实全面的特点B.主题鲜明的特点C.分析深刻的特点D.形象生动的特点6.简讯一般只突出事实中的某一部分或某一侧面,因此在写作时要求DA.格式规范B.内容真实C.通俗易懂D.背景从略7.政府机关、企业、社会团体等单位为完成某项工作,约束某类工作人员的行为准则的文书是BA.规定B.守则C.意向书D.通知8.会议记录要当场把开会时的自然情况和具体情况如实记录下来,因此会议记录具有AA.纪实性的特点B.时效性的特点C.预见性的特点D.可行性的特点9.不管是欢迎词表达“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”的愉悦心情,还是欢送词表达亲朋远行的依依惜别之情,都具有的特点是DA.说服力强B.号召力强C.情理结合D.感情真挚10.请柬的正文内容如时间、地点、活动的具体事项必须写清楚、完整,不可疏忽遗漏,因此请柬写作时要求DA.语气谦恭B.有说服力C.事理结合D.表达准确11.机关单位、社会团体、企业等组织对某一具体工作和专门问题作出部分规范的法规文书是AA.规定B.守则C.总结D.通知12.为了维护当事人的合法权益,解决纠纷,防止其他人的侵害,当事人才书写诉状,因此其具有DA.议论充分的特点B.条款明确的特点C.感情真挚的特点D.目的明确的特点13.一种应用广泛,公布需要周知或遵守、执行等有关事项的公文是CA.规定B.规则C.通知D.意向书14.总结不能停留在对事实的叙述上,必须对客观事物本质和内在规律进行概括,从实践中找出规律性的经验教训,因此总结具有CA.客观性的特点B.主观性的特点C.理论性的特点D.针对性的特点15.由领导个人凭着良好的愿望杜撰出来的计划,只能是无源之水、无本之木,可能令人无法执行,因此计划在写作时要求DA.论证充分B.条理清楚C.内容全面D.集思广益16.请柬大都用于正式的社交场合,因此,在款式和装帧设计上比较讲究艺术性,注重外表的美观、精致、庄重大方,因此请柬具有DA.礼节性的特点B.奢侈性的特点C.夸张性的特点D.精美性的特点17.为便于上级领导阅读、有问必答,请示在写作时要求( D )A.全面分析B.针对性强C.论证充分D.语言简明18.为了使申请书的接受者批准自己的申请,写作前应认真了解接受者的职责范围、业务范围、心理等有关情况,同时,申请书内容必须局限于所请求的事项之内,因此申请书写作时要求( C )A.论证充分B.条款明确C.有针对性D.立意鲜明19.单位或个人对以往一段时间内的工作或活动进行全面回顾,分析、研究、评价得失,探求规律性认识的一种文体是( B )A.计划B.总结C.市场调查报告D.市场活动分析报告20.闭幕词要号召与会人员以及非与会人员为完成会议提出的任务而奋斗,因此闭幕词具有AA.号召性的特点B.宣告性的特点C.理想性的特点D.强迫性的特点21.根据逻辑关系,由已知的某一现象或几个现象类比推断,得出结论的一种方法是DA.因果法B.专家意见法C.分析法D.类推法22.依据市场调查获得的真实材料,采用科学的方法,对过去和现在的信息进行加工,对未来一定时期内市场变化及其发展趋势、特点进行推测,并提出有针对性的措施和建议的书面报告是( D )A.计划B.意向书C.市场活动分析报告D.市场预测报告23.意向书的行文一般都不拘泥死板,从而显示双方或多方进一步接触、商谈的可能性、积极性,因此,意向书行文具有( A )A.友好性B.典型性C.遗留性D.原则性24.产品说明书供消费者阅读,帮助消费者了解产品、使用产品,进而指导该产品的消费,因此产品说明书具有( D )A.说服性B.知识性C.吸引性D.功能性25.投标人为了中标根据招标人的要求,具体向招标人提出签订合同的建议而提供给招标人的备选方案是( B )A.申请书B.投标书C.意向书D.产品说明书26.企业在开发或建设某一经济项目之前,必须全面、客观地分析、论证该项目实施的可行性、所能获得的经济效益,以避免建设的盲目性和不必要的经济损失,因此需要书写( A )A.经济项目可行性研究报告B.意向书C.总结D.经济合同书27.为欢迎团体、个人而写作的书面文字或发表的口头讲话,称为( A )A.欢迎词B.请柬C.解说词D.开幕词28.为向作出贡献的个人或集体表示慰问,鼓励他们戒骄戒躁,继续前进,应写作的慰问信属于( C )A.劝说型B.强迫型C.鼓励型D.批评型29.主办隆重会议的单位邀请的人员或主要领导人在会议结束之际对与会者发表的讲话是( B )A.欢送词B.闭幕词C.解说词D.总结30.感谢信是写给对本人或本单位给予支持、帮助或关心的个人或单位的,对象确定,因此感谢信具有( B )A.具体性B.针对性C.引导性D.艺术性多项选择题1.在选择材料时,应注意(ABDE )A.以主旨为中心B.鉴别真伪,选取真实准确的材料C.为了使材料生动典型,选择几个单位的材料写到一个单位D.选择能反映事物本质与特点的材料E.选择新颖的材料2.应用文语言的特点是(ABD )A.规范性B.平实庄重C.高雅华美D.专门性E.模棱两可3.通讯的类型主要有ABCEA.人物通讯B.工作通讯C.事件通讯D.评述通讯E.新闻故事4.演讲稿的特点是ABCEA.受众广泛B.口头传播C.号召力强D.体例规范E.富有情感5.消息的导语部分从表达方式来看,主要形式有ABCDEA.述评式B.描写式C.设问式D.引语式E.叙述式6.经济项目可行性研究报告的作用主要表现为ABDEA.为企业筹措资金提供依据B.为有关部门的审批提供依据C.为企业确保产品质量,提高经济效益提供了保障D.为经济部门和企业领导提供建设项目的决策依据,避免决策失误E.为有关部门和企业签订协议提供依据7.应用文结构的特点ACDEA.格式化B.多样化C.条理化D.严密化E.单一化8.经济合同书主要条款一般包括(ABCDE )A.标的B.数量和质量C.价款和酬金D.履行期限、地点和方式E.违约条款9.请柬的写作要求有(ACE )A.措辞典雅B.热情洋溢C.表达准确D.富有号召力E.语气谦恭10.通知的特点主要有(ABDE )A.周知性B.权威性C.情感性D.时效性E.广泛性三、简答题1.会议记录中会议内容包括哪些?①议题②会议发言内容③会议决议情况④会场动态2.欢迎词的内容要求?①对被欢迎者表示热烈欢迎②赞颂被欢迎者取得的成绩③对被欢迎者的前途及双方的关系与友谊提出良好的希望④对被欢迎者提出良好的祝愿3.通告与公告的区别?①发布的方式不同②内容的重要程度不同③发布范围有所不同④对发文机关的限制不同⑤作用性能不同4.报告的种类有哪些?①工作报告②情况报告③呈转报告④答复报告⑤报送报告。



《商务英语写作》考试大纲 一、期末考试要求“商务英语写作”是英语专业专科商务方向的限选课程。





第一部分 填空题一、请把下面所给词语放进原文中适当的位置,让他们在信件中执行相应的语言功能这部分为选词填空。

给出一段文章,文章中有10 个空格,要求从所给的10个词语中选择合适的词语填入文章。


第二部分 配对题二、阅读下列两组句子。

从Part B 中选择适当的句子与Part A 中的句子配对。

本题要求把Part A 部分的5个句子和Part B 部分的5个句子进行配对。


第三部分 判断题本部分5小题,每小题3分,共15分。


第四部分 翻译题本部分为商务信函英译中,要求翻译一篇信函,本题共20分。

第五部分 写作题本部分为根据要求,写一封商务信函,本题共20分。

《商务英语写作》参考资料我们在学习书信范例时应该从哪些方面入手呢? 范例的学习也非常重要。

大家学习书信范例可以从以下几个方面入手:1、书信的写作格式2、书信中常用的表达方式(包括用词、常用套语与语法)3、措辞与结构4、方法策略的应用5、注意与中文译文相对照在学完本学期教学内容后,应该做到: 1、熟悉常用商务英语文体。



11、某单位要求增拨款项,向上级写了“请示报 告”。( × ) 12、任何公文都必须标识“秘密等级和保密期限”。 ( × ) 13、为了提高办事效率,“报告”中也可以夹带请 示事项。 ( × ) 14、意见语言少用指令性词语,多用祈求性、指导 性词语,体现注重商榷、尊重对方的民主作风。 (√ ) 15、一般来说,只有国家最高领导机关及其领导人 才使用命令。 ( × )
6、收到下级的“请示”或“报告”,上级都应作出答复。 (× )
7、级别低的机关可以和级别高的机关联合行文。( × )
8、用命令任免人员,仅限亍任免部长级以上的官员,而一 般官员丌用命令任免。(√ ) 9、写总结一定要按照完成工作的时间先后顺序来写。(× ) 10、公文附件和正文有同等效力。( √ )
16、布置重要的工作或重大的行劢用决定行文,布 置日常具体工作则用通知行文。( ) √ 17、丌允许向上级机关収函。( × ) 18、为了提高办事效率,一份议案可写多项审议事 项。( ) × 19、公告的写作充分体现了収文的权威,因此,有 约束力。( ) × 20、通知丌允许同时収给若干个机关。( × )
12、总结在写作时要( C)。 A全用叙述 B全用议论 C 以叙述为主,叙议结合 D 以说明为主 13、简报在格式上丌同亍一般公务文书的突出特点 是( A) A有独特的报头 B有标题 C针对性、指导性强 D材料新颖 14、条例的制収者是( B ) A 国务院各部委、各级人民政府及所属机关 B国家最高权力机关,最高行政机关 C政党、社会团体 D机关团体、企事业单位及其部门
19、下列既可向上级行文,又可向下级行文的是 ( C)。 A 通知 B请示 C意见 D通报 20、受双重领导的机关向上级机关行文,应当这样 处理( A)。 A写明主送机关和抄送机关 B主送一个上级机关





















– 13、招标书按招标方式分正确的一项是( )。 – A.国际性招标书、国内招标书 – B.设计招标书、建筑工程招标书、生产产品招标书、劳务招标书 等 – C.单位招标书、个人招标书 – D.公开招标、邀请招标 – 14、在13种公文中,使用频率最高的公文是( )。 – A.公告 B.通知 C.报告 D.函 – 15、国际公文标准用纸的尺寸是( )。 – A.A4(140mm×203mm) B.A4(210mm×297mm) – C.A4(176mm×250mm) D.A4(184mm×260mm)
– 31.《江苏省卫生厅( )南京市卫生局关于加强医疗服务市场 管理意见的通知》。 – A.转发 B.批转 C.印发 D.发布 – 32.部门内设机构除( )外不得对外正式行文。 – A.宣传部门 B.人事机构 – C.办公厅(室) D.内设机构 – 33.撰写复函时,正文的开头应首先( )。 – A.写明来函日期及标题 – B.阐述有关规定 – C.写明具体的回复意见 – D.引用重要领导人的有关批示意见
– 21、政府各部门可以向下一级政府正式行文。( ) – 22、请示的行文语气要谦恭,要用商请的口气说话。 ( ) – 23、批复日过不同意下级机关的请示事项,应说明理 由,但要避免空发议论。( ) – 24、函的正文一般有缘由、事项、结语几部分组成。 ( ) – 25、当事人必须在诉讼时效期间内将经济纠纷上诉书 送交上一级人民法院,逾期无效。( )
– 10、邀请书的使用范围比请柬广泛。邀请书涉及国家元首互访、 大小会议、庆典、报告等社会生活各个方面,而请柬则多用于 ( )之事。 – A.求助 B.商讨 C.喜庆 D.聘请 – 11、转发性通知不能转发( )。 – A.上级机关的公文 B.下级机关的公文 – C.同级机关的公文 D.不相隶属机关的公文 – 12、《国家行政机关公文处理办法》规定的行政公文中,除某种 公文外,应当加盖印章。这某种公文指的是( )。 – A.通知 B.会议纪要 C.通报 D.通告



BEC高级写作复习资料BEC高级写作写作部分BEC HIGHER写作部分主要涉及商业信函和图表写作两部分的内容,现具体介绍如下:商业信函第一章格式问题1.格式问题:请同学们在BEC的写作中采用平头式的写法。

收信人的姓名和地址置于信纸的左上方地址、称呼和结束礼词后没有标点符号日期在右上方段落从定格开始,段落之间的行距为两行(但在考试中由于受答题卡限制,请同学们酌情考虑)写信人的名字和头衔在签名下方2.称呼和结束礼词的注意事项:称呼的写法遵循下列原则:Dear Sir or XXX写信给某一公司,不确定具体的收信人Dear Sir对男士,但是你不知道他的具体姓名Dear XXX对女士,但是你不知道他的具体姓名Dear Mr Smith对男士Dear Ms Smith对已婚或未婚的女士Dear Mrs Smith对已婚密斯Dear Miss Smith对XXXDear John (此处John为英语中常用男名)对朋友或你比较熟悉的人(通常为多年生意伙伴)称号与竣事礼词存在对应的干系,请同砚们出格留意:XXXXXXDear XXX以下均为错误用法:Dear Mr JohnDear Mr John Smith3.日期:在英国英语中,天在前,但是在美国英语中,月份在前。


例如:12 06 2003 在英国指的是:6月21日在美国指的是:12月6日因此日期要写成:12 XXX 2003注释:在XXX考试中同学们可以采用恩波所推荐的用法。

但是12 06 2003的用法仍然是可以使用的,因为bec为英版考试。









例子:; ;6.什么是enclosure(附件)?一般可以采用什么方法表示信函中还有附件?7.商业书信一般由信头(opening)、正文(body)和信尾(closing)三部分组成,那么信头部分一般包含哪些内容?8.写信日期:12/06/2011是指哪一天?美国和英国日期的写法有什么区别?是什么意思? bcc是什么意思?两者的区别。




1.Could you please send me a catalogue of your office equipment range?2.Would you like to know which toothpaste most dentists use?3.Further to my letter of 2 July in which I requested that you pay the outstandingsum of S$3750 to our account, I was disappointed to discover yesterday that we have still not received a cheque from you fro the overdue amount.4.Enclosed please find our cheque to the sum of HK$55,200 in full settlement ofthis invoice.5.Thank you for your fax dated 25 March requesting the above mentioned report onthe retail industry in the USA. I take great pleasure in enclosing details of this report.6.We agree to your quoted prices, as stated above, and anticipate receiving thegoods on or before 10 October.7.I should like you to replace these faulty disks with fully-functioning Grade‘A’ disks within the next week.8.We take all our customers’ comments seriously. With this in mind, we are morethan happy to make special arrangements to have your order ( no. 735228) delivered in the next three days.9.I should like to apply for the position of Senior Secretary at your company thatwas advertised in the Classified Section of the Business Post on 7 December.10.I was really delighted to hear that you have been elected to the Board of Directorsat Aston Engineering. Let me among the first to congratulate you.11.I should appreciate further details about the camera you advised in PracticalPhotographer.12.In independent tests, the CX2 showed that it was up to twice as reliable as otherleading brands.13.If you are experiencing difficulties with our payment scheme, please come toour gallery and discuss the matter.14.I am enclosing a cheque for S$3750 to clear the outstanding balance of my accountwith Jamboree Art Gallery.15.Thank you for your letter of 30 November requesting a quotation fro the proposedrefurbish of your refectory and office furniture.16.Please arrange to send us the following books for an exhibition which we arearranging of the work of contemporary Hong Kong photographers.17.I am afraid I really must complain about the quality of these machines. You appearto have supplied us with a product which falls far below the standard our customers expect.18.I refer to your letter of 27 March 2011 regarding the standard of the VCRs wesupplied to you recently. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.19.I enclose my resume and look forward to having the opportunity to answer anyquestions you may have regarding my application.20.I take great pleasure in inviting you to an exclusive exhibition of the worksof the Mexican sculptor, Joachim Paz.三、信函翻译书上的信函翻译,重点复习P10 Subject: Integrated Circuit BoardsP71 Forthcoming cultural and educational events四、写作Section A:Requirements: Write a reply to the following letter. You should include all the necessary parts of a business letter and provide necessary information according to the original letter.原信见P76回复信件P92Section B:Write a letter for the following situation.You have just received a letter pressing for overdue payment. Write a letter of payment to include the following particulars.(1)Explain that payment was delayed because your accounting department made anoversight in making remittance.(2)Inform the seller that the sum has been sent to him by Telegraphic Transfertoday.Section B:Write a letter to order something from a foreign company. Please include the following information:(1)previous contact(2)details about the items you ordered, such item number, quantity, color, size,unit price, total price, etc.(3)time for delivery, payment terms and discount。




A 项目式组织B 职能式组织C 强矩阵式组织D 弱矩阵式组织答案:B2."我认为,选择这一职位,我有三个明显的优势"一语()。



A.祝颂式B.总结式C.号召式D.格言式答案: C4.狭义的新闻专指()。






A.15 天 B. 20 天 C.25 天 D.30 天答案:D10.商业助学贷款的贷款审批人审查的内容不包括()。



A 发起人B 投资人C 项目经理D 承包商答案:A13.合同的非主要条款是()。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Complaint concerning qualityDear SirsWe have recently received several complaints from customers about your fountain pens. The pens are clearly not giving satisfaction and in some cases we have had to refund the purchase price.The pens are part of batch of 500 supplied against out order number 8562 dated 28 March. This order was placed on the basis of a sample pen left by your representative. We have ourselves compared the performance of this sample with that of a number of the pens from this batch, and there is little doubt that many of them are fault some of them leak and others blot when writing.General structure of bad-news messagesThe general structure:-begin with agood news comes before bad newssomething the reader will respond positivelya reference to some early communication, small talks-explain why the refusal has to be made-state the bad news(make it clear, offer some constructive suggestions)- Close positivelydon’t apologizeFunctions and Principles of Business WritingTactful:婉转的Blunt:直率的T:Sometimes policy wording is a little hard to understand. I’m glad to clear up these questions for you.B: obviously, if you’d read your policy carefully, you’d be able to answer these questions yourself.T: If I understand your letter correctly…..B: Your letter is not clear at all. I can’t understand it.T: As mentioned in my May 15 letter to youB: Apparently you have forgotten what I wrote you two weeks ago.申请做代理人Dear Sir or Madam:I recently attended the international Exhibition in Ningbo and was impressed by the high quality service and reasonable prices of your products. Having since seen your full catalogue, I am convinced that there is a promising market for your products here in Ningbo.I am an English teacher, working in College of Science &Technology Ningbo University. ………your advantages1.The traffic is convenient. People can arrive at it by bus, the bus comes every 5 minutes, andalso can get there by taxi. The customer can easy to find the parking area.2.The population densification. Especially, the major part is the youth, they are familiar withWeiqian.Importer asks for sale agencyDear SirAt the Guangzhou spring fair, we were impressed by the high quality, attractive design and reasonable prices of your cameras. We have read your full catalogue and are convinced that there is here in Seattle a promising market for your products. If you are not already represented here, we should be interested in acting as your sole agents.As leading importers and distributors of more than twenty years’standing in the photographic trade, we have a good knowledge of the Seattle market and have fostered close business relations with the domestic wholesalers in this district. We feel confident that if you give us any opportunity to deal in your goods the result will be entirely satisfactory to both of us.Please let us know your quotations, the rate of our commission, and payment terms, so that we may begin negotiating with our customers to secure their orders. We await your affirmative reply.Exercise1)He went to the fair for the purpose of finding a partner2)We plan to give consideration to the idea at the meeting.3)It is necessary that the project be finished by next month.4)We are in receipt of the letter you sent to us on May,24.5)It is known that we must reduce the labor force by 20% in order to cut the cost.6)We wish to let you know that we fully appreciate the confidence you reposed in us.7)The course will be of benefit to him in his accounting work.8)It is not the desire of this firm not to allow its young engineers to assume some responsibility.9)Mail your payment at once.10)Perhaps you could afford to run a store that way, but we cannot.11)The problem would not have happened if you had connected the wires properly.12)Your television’s guarantee is up, so you will have to pay for it to be fixed.13)I am writing to complain because I was very unhappy with the way I was treated in your storetoday.1.purpose of --to find a partner2.Give consideration to the idea--discuss,3.It is necessary that --the project must be finished``4.In receipt of the letter you ---of you letter of May```5.In order to ---to6.Appriciate---thank you for your confident in us7.```8.Unfortinataly your```is up.so you must pay for fixed it.9.Please mail you``--as soon as possible,immediately10.We can not afford to```because11.We cannot do anything about your``--we can help you out if you``12.The problem can be solved by connect the wres properly14.I am feeling unsatisfied of your service.The direct approach in complaints and claims:The direct approach can be used for some complaints, particularly when they are small in value and significance and when the evidence is conclusive.Organizations:state the problem directly, with background information if necessary(a survey report,facts,etc.) What action you require, with a deadline.a warning of what will happen if the action does not take place(if necessary)End positively with a friendly but firm tone(cordial attitude, appreciation of an early solution)Reply(accepting complaint):DearThank you for your letter dated 10 May pointing our faults in the pens supplied to your order number 8562.This has caused us a good deal of concern and we are glad that you brought this matter to your notice.We apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you.Reply(rejecting complaint):DearWe are sorry to learn from your letter of 10 May of the difficulties you are having with the pens supplied to your order number 8562.```````We sympathize with your problem but regret that we cannot accept your suggestion to take back all the unsold````and on this particular batch are prepared to allow you a special discount of 5% to compensate for your inconvenience.We trust you will accept this as being a fair and reasonable solution of this matter.Please give me a call on 21327 if you have any further questions.Yours sincerely典型错误句子案例分析:13.We have evaluated your work performance,and you need correct yourself.14.We can hardly finish the assignment by seven tomorrow morning.15.Each manager has to certify that the time card for his section is correct.16.Due to our tight budget,hope you pay the bill within 20days.17.We would not like to but have to file a law sue if your bill isn’t paid on Jan.23.18.You’ll have no need to worry about your money because of Huaxia Bank’s stable rate.19.As a manager of Customer Complaint Department,I am so sorry about the bad service you had.General structurea thank you to the sendera show of understanding and an explanationan apology if the receiver is at faultan outline of action taken/to be takenThe exercycle is not guaranteed for lifeCustomers under 60 are not eligible for the Prime Time discountWe will not allow you to charge more than 1,500 on your Visa accountYou will not qualify for the student membership rate of 25 a year unless you are a full-time studentMemosCharacteristics of successful memos> subject headings: To, From, Date and Subject>single topic: one topic, easy to file and retrieve the memo>conversational tone: ordinary words, first-personpronoun and occasional contractions>conciseness: no background information, no goodwilleffort, nowordy expressions or sentences>visual signaling: numbers or bullets, boldface or italics.Headings and subheadingsMemo on Sales SeminarTo: All Marketing StaffFrom: David ShawSubject: Sales Seminar on Promotional StrategiesDate: May 18thA sales seminar on XXXXXX is being held at XXXX from 9:00am to 11:00am on May 25th. The seminar is chaired by XXXXX and it will be extremely informative and instructive.It is strongly recommended that every member of the marketing force attend this seminar. I am confident that it really pays to attend this seminar. Anyone who cannot attend the seminar shall have a justifiable reason and shall tell me no later than 20th.As usual we will pay the entrance fees for all those attending.The status QuoThe company scale ----manufacturing capacity, assets, employees.Administrative organizations-----1.effective management is indispensable for sound operation of the company. 2. When you introduce administrative organizations, you shall focus on the company’s most significant departments.Business scope/ major productsAchievements---is the greatest important in the company profile, usually demonstrated by the output, sales and market share.Corporate culture: sample 1 (P&G)Core value by which we live: 1. leadership; 2. ownership; 3. integrity; 4. passion for winning;5.trust.Principles:These are principles and supporting behaviors which flow from our Purpose and Values:We show respect for all individuals.The interest of company and the individual is inseparable.We are strategically focused on our work.Innovation is the cornerstone of our success.We are externally focused.We value personal mastery.We seek to be the best.Mutual interdependency is the way of life.Foreground or development plan:As a inventor company, we plan to continue setting trends in(引领)research intensive areas. Innovations are the foundation for our competitiveness and our corporate growth, and thus our success in the future.Job Application Letters:The job application letter is also called the resume _____ ______.As a kind of business letter,it is essential to job-hunting.Its purpose is to attract the ____ of your prospective employer to give you a job interview.On general,a job application letter should contain the following content: AIDA: attention, interest, desire, actionTo tell how you got to know this _____ and the purpose of this letter.To introduce ______ informationTo explain the ______ of applying for this position or changing the jobReferencesEndPleasantries (客套话)OpeningI wish to apply for the post…advertised in the…on…I was interested to see your advertisement in…and wish to apply for this post.I am writing to enquire whether you have a suitable vacancy for me in your organization.I understand from Mr…, one of your suppliers, that there is an opening in your company for…Mrs…informs me that she will be leaving your company on…and if her position has not been filled, I should like to be considered.ClosingI look forward to hearing from you and to being granted the opportunity of an interview.I hope you will consider my application favorably and grant me an interview.I look forward to the opportunity of attending an interview when I can provide further details.Applying for a Position of Assistant AccountantDear Mr.Smith,I am writing to you to ask if you have a vacancy on your staff for an assistant accountant.My education and experience give me the confidence to apply for this position.I graduated from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics,majoring in accounting.I have been working in the costing department of ABC Company for the past two years.The only reason for my seeking another employment is that ABC is moving to a new location in the northwest of the city,which is very far away from my home.It is inconvenient for me to go to work every day.Attached is my curriculum vitae,together with the names of my references.If there is some opportunity of a vacancy occurring in the near future,1 would greatly appreciate being given an interview.You may call me at 6573298 or email at feifei@I look forward to your reply.Yours faithfully,Application for Post of Data Processing TraineeDear Sir,I would like to apply for the post of Management Trainee in your Data Processing Department advertised today in The Guardian.I obtained A level passes in Mathematics, Physics and German at Marlborough College, Wiltshire. The College awarded me an open scholarship to Queens College, Cambridge, where I obtained a first in Mathematics and a second in Physics. After leaving university last year I accepted a temporary post with Firma Hollander & Schmidt in order to improve my German and gain some practical experience in their laboratories at Bremen. This work comes to an end in 6 weeks’time.My special interest for many years has been computer work and I should like to make it my career. I believe my qualifications in Mathematics and Physics would enable me to do so successfully.I am unmarried and would be willing to undertake the training courses away from home to which you refer in your advertisement.My former Housemaster Mr T Gartside, has consented to act as my referee. I hope that you will take up these references and grant me the opportunity of an interviewYours faithfully,Rhetoric Characteristics of English Advertising:(1) _________Light as a feather.(glass)Time is money (Xerox)(2) ________Unlike me,my Rolex never needs a rest.(Rolex)Flowers speak from the heart.(Florist)(3) ________No more sore feet, no more crowded stores ,no more endless shopping lists.With just one phone call,you can wrap up all your holiday shopping by giving Newsweek as a gift.to your family and friends (by Newsweek)(4) ________Try our sweet corn.You’ll smile from ear to ear.Ask for More.(More Cigarette)(5) ________We have hidden a garden full of vegetables where you’d never expect.In a pie.(food) The world is shrinking.(magazine)(6) ________Make up your mind before you make up your face.(Cosmetic)Soft curl.soft color.soft touch.PERMASOFT.(Shampoo)(7) ________Health, Humor&Happiness.Gifts we’d love to give.A smooth silky skin.(Cosmetic)Get three.The fourth is free.(book)Flash,dash, classic splash.(drink)(8) _______Mini size.Maxi sound.(stereo)Big thinking in small sizes.(baby’s clothes)No problem too large,No business too small.1IBM)运动品牌广告语大全阿迪达斯Adidas:没有不可能(impossible is nothing耐克Nike:Just do it 事在人为;想做就做。
