2013年9月中级口译听力真题 Spot Dictation 含解析
9月高级口译听力真题spot dictation
![9月高级口译听力真题spot dictation](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a50a7504cc22bcd127ff0c6e.png)
9月高级口译听力真题spot dictationSpot DictationWhat’s in a surname? You may ask. A new website project has been released, that helps you locate your past. Have you ever wondered why your ancestors gathered where they did, or where others with your surname live now. A research project investigating the distribution of surnames in Britain answers these questions. And another study has found the surnames are still extremely regional.Smith, for example, remains the most common surname in Britain, used by more than half a million people. It has exactly the same concentration it always did in Lerwick, in the Scottish Shetland Islands. Jones is the No. 2 surname, and is the most common among hill farmers in north Wales.The data used for this project comes partly from electoral register. A number of other files are held by Ex-pairing, which is probably Britain’s largest collector of data about individuals.There’re some of us who are fairly predictable. Campbell, for example, as you might expect, is somewhat concentrated in the northern parts of Scotland, and it appears really bizarre to be found somewhere else.Well, with 25, 000 names as difficult to generalize, what you can do is put them in general categories, if, for example, you look at names which are people’s work. Like the name, Webber, you might find it is much more common in the Midlands than in the south of England. If you go to Wales, most people get their names from their ancestors and in Yorkshire for example, a lot of people have names based on the places that they originally lived in or at least their ancestors did.Well, we only have 25, 000 names on this website, but there’re another 50, 000names now found in Britain and they’re particularly interesting, for they are non-British names. Most British names are fairly common and about what we can now do as such is look for the frequency of all names from different parts of the world and different faiths, religions and languages. And what there is in names is actually extremely useful for researchers in anthropology and sociology may find a lot about different immigrant groups and their descendants now living in this country.。
《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》培训与考试项目是上海市委组织部、上海市人事局、上海市教育委员会、上海市成人教育委员会等政府部门共同设立的上海市紧缺人才培训工程的高层项目之一。又称SIA(Shanghai Interpretation Accreditation),考试每年开考两次。3月中旬和9月中旬的一个周日为综合笔试,合格者可参加口试。上海市外语口译岗位资格证书考试项目1994年启动,1997年3月开考了英语中级口译。1997年9月开考了日语口译。十年来,报考总人数已达150000人。基本要求一名合格的译员应具有听、说、读、写、译五项基本技能且都能达到较高的水准。因此,对于选英语中级口译课的学生也应有较高的要求。一) 听力能力和水平提高听力水平是其它基本技能发展的关键,也是综合英语交际能力的基础,要求学生达到四听懂、两听译。1.听懂一般说话者的含意;2.听懂交际英语会话;3.听懂一般性讲座;4.听懂一般广播或电视短篇;5.听懂和理解英语短句并译成汉语;6.听懂和理解英语片段并译成汉语。二) 笔译能力和水平译者不仅具有较高的英文水平,而且对汉语亦应有较深的造诣;否则会造成理解上的困惑和措辞上困难。译者应知识渊博,广泛涉猎。这样笔译时才能得心应手,游刃有余。笔译是文字工作,差之毫厘,失之千里。下笔应慎之又慎,切忌马虎懈怠。三) 口语能力和水平1.具有口头交际手段的能力。2.具有良好的口语能力,可从事一般的生活翻译、陪同翻译、国际研讨会翻译以及外事接待、外贸业务洽谈等工作。四) 口译能力和水平1.具有基本口译技能,可从事一般的生活翻译、陪同翻译、国际研讨会翻译以及外事接待、外贸业务洽谈等工作。2.英语中级口译考试旨在测试考生的“英译汉”和“汉译英”的口译能力以及对口译基本技巧的掌握程度。考生在口译时应能准确传达原话意思,语音、语调正确,表达流畅、通顺,句法规范,语气恰当,用词妥切。3.考生应具有口译短篇演讲文的能力。4.考生应具有良好的听译能力。即逐句听事先录制好的原文,然后逐句将原文的内容准确而又流利地从来源语口译成目标语。编辑本段考试介绍上海中级口译考试1. 报考对象:任何人都可以报考2. 考试难度:目前笔试难度逐年增加,阅读文章均选自外刊,未做任何修改,阅读难度相当与托福阅读难度,并且有和高口接轨的趋势。听力部分难度比较大,尤其是听译,更加考验考生的水平。总体来说,中口笔试的难度要高于CET6,高口笔试难度高于TEM8。3. 考试形式:根据口译特点,以测试口译水平为主要目标,从听、说、读、译(笔译、口译)等四个方面对考生的语言运用能力进行全面测试。考试采取客观试题与主观试题相结合,单项技能测试与综合技能测试相结合的方式,如在第一阶段笔试中,客观试题约占笔试试卷总分的35%,主观试题约占笔试试卷总分的65%4. 考试分两个阶段:笔试、口试笔试共分四部分。总考试时间为150分钟,满分为250分。(150分合格)1: 听力40分钟/90分;2:阅读50分钟/60分;3:英译汉30分钟/50分;4:汉译英30分钟/50分。凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试。5. 第二阶段口试共分两部分:口语与口译。考试时间为25分钟左右6. 每年的3月、9月进行笔试,笔试后1个月左右进行口试。7. 考试时间:13:30分:进考场 ;14:00: 正式考试 ;14:40: 听力结束 ;16:30: 结束考试 上海中级口译笔试分值A:听力:1: spot dictation: 20空/30分;B: listening comprehension: 30题/30分 ;C: 听译:5句子+2短文/30分。D: 阅读:30题/60分 ;E: 英译汉/50分;F: 汉译英/50分。 上海中级口译听力1: spot dictation ;2: statements 10个题 (4个选项中选一个与所听到的句子意思最接近的 ;3: talks and conversations 20个题(根据提问4个选一个答案)4: listening translation : 1 sentence translation 5句;2 passage translation 2段编辑本段口试流程中级口译口试:第一部分 3-minute talk这部分要求大家在规定的三分钟内就所给的一个英文题目进行口语表达。要求做到无重大语法错误,表达流畅,能围绕题目进行论点阐述,论证,无偏题,跑题问题。第二部分 4 passages of interpretation这部分共有四段口译,两段英翻中,两段中翻英。每一段分四小段翻完,即共有十六小段。每小段通常在两到三小句,其中至少应有一句长难复杂句。每小段结束后磁带中发出“嘟”的声音,考生必须在第二声“嘟”之前把听到的段落翻译出来。每小段间隔时间约为22到25秒钟。每小段字数大约为60-80字。 口试评分标准及通过率口试与笔试最大的区别在于没有具体的分数,而只有及格与不及格之分。中级口译共十六小段,必须要确保翻对其中的十一小段。即最多只能错五小段。如只翻对十小段,错六小段,虽然只差一小段,但结果仍然是不过。所以口试是相对来说比较残酷的。这也是口试通过率特别低的主要原因,中口一般为不超过30%,高口一般不超过20%。如一个考场一天有二十名考生,中口最多过六到七人,高口最多过三到四人。具体到每小段的时候,考官会遵循三分之二正确率的原则。即如一小段中有六个关键信息,考生必须正确翻出至少三分之二的内容才算这小段通过,如翻对二分之一,则算不及格。编辑本段报名时间笔试报名时间:每年6月20-26日,12月19日-30日3月的考试报名时间通常在前一年的12月19日-12月30日9月的考试报名时间在当年的6月20日-6月26日。如果是明年3月的中级口译,那么今年12月19日-30日就要准备报名请于每年的4月或10月的上旬在本网“新闻公告”栏查询报名日期及注意事项编辑本段报名费英语高级口译报名费210元;英语中级口译报名费186元,口译+笔试一共是396元PS:1、上海考点报名一律不收代办费;2、长三角地区另收代办费20元/人次;3、其他省市考点另收代办费30元/人次。编辑本段报名地点1、口译考试办公室报名点:浦东东方路121号(后门钱仓路400号) 电话:63774103[笔试、日语口试报名点]2、第二工业大学成人与继续教育学院报名点:陕西北路80号底楼103室 电话:62534086[笔试报名点]3、上海外国语大学继续教育学院:大连西路550号三号楼底楼中门厅 电话:65422405 [笔试、英语口试报名点]4、上海交大外语学院:华山路1954号教学二楼316室 电话:62932471 [笔试报名点]5、PCEC明天学院: 国权路580弄1号(复旦大学步行街)电话:55664355 [笔试报名点]6、松江大学城:文汇路169号-上海对外贸易学院成人教育学院招生报名处 电话:67703141[笔试报名点]编辑本段考点1、笔试考点:(1)上海外国语大学(2)上海财经大学(3)东华大学(4)华东师范大学(5)上海远程教育集团学习广场(原上海电视大学考点)(6)上海对外贸易学院(7)华东理工大学(8)上海师范大学(9)上海应用技术学院(10)上海工程技术大学2、口试考点:(1)上海外国语大学(英语高级口译口试、英语中级口译口试、英语口译基础能力笔试、口试)(2)上海应用技术学院(日语高级口译、日语中级口译)3.外省市报名点和考点:(一)南京:1、南京金陵国际语言进修学院(笔试、英语口试报名点;英语口试承办单位)报名地址:南京市长江路262号2、南京师范大学(笔试承办单位)单位地址:南京市亚东新城区文苑路1号(二)宁波:宁波市人事考试中心(笔试、英语口试报名点;笔试、英语口试承办单位)报名地址:宁波市柳汀街557号(三)杭州:杭州市人事考试中心(笔试、英语口试报名点;笔试承办单位)报名地址:杭州市文晖路97号(四)苏州:苏州大学外国语学院(笔试、英语口试报名点;笔试承办单位)报名地址:苏州市十梓街1号苏州大学本部崇远楼109室(五)青岛:青岛大学师范学院英语系(笔试、英语口试报名点;笔试承办单位)报名地址:青岛市青大一路16号教学楼518室(六)武汉:1、湖北楚才考试服务有限公司(笔试、英语口试报名点;笔试、英语口试承办单位)报名地址:武汉市东湖路147号2、武汉江岸区华英口译培训学校(笔试报名点)报名地址:武汉洪山路2号湖北科教大厦A座1502室(七)深圳:深圳市新世界文化发展有限公司(笔试、英语口试报名点;笔试承办单位)报名地址:深圳市深南中路新闻大厦2号楼7楼(八)烟台:鲁东大学外国语学院(笔试、英语口试报名点;笔试承办单位)报名地址:烟台市芝罘区世学路184号10号楼109室(九)南昌:南昌大学外国语学院(笔试、英语口试报名点;笔试承办单位)报名地址:南昌市前湖校区学府大道1066号外经楼318室(十)无锡:1、江南大学外国语学院(蠡湖校区)(笔试、英语口试报名点;笔试承办单位)报名地址:无锡市蠡湖大道1800号文科楼A243外国语学院资料室2、江南大学报名点(笔试、英语口试报名点)报名地址:无锡市人民东路20号现代广场3楼306��
2013年9月中级口译英译汉真题及答案解析2013年09月16日18:17 沪江英语微博我有话说编辑点评:2013年秋季上海中高级口译考试于今日9月15日开考,沪江英语在考后第一时间提供真题、解析、答案信息,本文为2013年9月中级口译英译汉答案部分。
原文:American are much more likely than citizens of other nations to believe that they live in a meritocracy, i.e. Government by people selected according to merit. But this self-image is a fantasy: America actually stands out as a the advanced country in which it matters most who your parents were, the country in which those born on one of society’s lower rungs have the least chance of climing to the top or even to the middle。
And if you ask why America is more class-bound in practice than the rest of the Western world, a large part of the reason is that our government falls down on the job of creating equal opportunity。
The failure starts early: in America, the holes in the social safety net mean that both low-income mothers and their children are all too likely to suffer from poor nutrition and receive inadequate health care. It continues once children reach school age, where they encounter a system in which the afflent send their kids to good, well-financed public schools or, if they choose, to private schools, while less-advantaged children get a far worse education。
年9月中级口译考试真题,答案与解析Spot Dictation:We all have problems and barriers that block our progress or prevent us from moving into new areas. Our problems might include the fear of speaking in front of a group anxiety about math problemsor the reluctance to sound silly trying to speak a foreign language. It's natural to have problems and barriersbut sometimes they limit our experience so muchwe get bored with life. When that happensconsider the following three ways of dealing with the problem or barrier.One way is to pretend it doesn't exist. Avoid itdeny itand lie about it. It's like turning your head the other wayputting on a fake grinand saying"Seethere's really no problem at all. Everything is fine."In addition to looking foolishthis approach leaves the barrier intactand we keep bumping into it. Soa second approach is to fight the barrierto struggle against it. This usually makes the barrier grow. It increases the barrier's magnitude. A person who is obsessed with weight might constantly worry about being fat. He might struggle with it every daytrying diet after diet. And the more he strugglesthe bigger the problem gets.The third alternative is to love the barrier. Accept it. T otally experience it. Tell the truth about it. Describe it in detail.Applying this process is easier if you remember o ideas. First loving a problem is not necessarily the same as enjoying it. Love in this sense means total and unconditional acceptance. Secondunconditional acceptance is not the same as unconditional surrender. Accepting a problem is different than giving up or escaping from it. Ratherthis process involves escaping into the problemdiving into it headfirstand getting to know it in detail.Often the most effective solutions ewhen we face a problem squarelywith eyes wide openthen we can move through the probleminstead of around it. When you are willing to love your problemsyou drain them of much of their energy.【评析】本文选自Dave Ellis 的著作Being a Master Student其中的一个章节:Love your problems and experience your barriers,本文主要介绍了解决问题的三种办法,第一种是直接无视它,就当不存在;第二种是正视它,挑战它,第三种则是爱上困难,充分体验。
9月中级口译考试答案解析(完整版)Spot DictationIn America there are no nobles or men of letters, and the common folk mistrust the wealthy; Consequently lawyers form the highest political class and the most cultivated circle of society. They have therefore nothing to gain by innovation, which adds a conservative interest to their natural taste for public order. If I were asked where I place the American aristocracy, I should reply without hesitation that it is not composed of the rich, who are united together by no common tie, but that it occupies the judicial bench and the bar.When I started researching this topic, I found an interesting website “Legal Reform Now”. As the name suggests, this website is devoted to legal reform and it is definitely concerned about the dominance of lawyers in American government. There I read an article by a political science professor from the university of Wisconsin. One observation the UW article confirms is that the legal profession is the dominant profession of the people re-elect to public office. For example, about half our representatives and two-thirds of our senators are lawyers. No other profession comes close to having the same the number of people in political office. Effectively, lawyers form our nation’s most powerful organized political constituency in America. Lawyers make our laws and lawyers interpret our laws. When judges are appointed, the American bar association is the only professional organization that is consulted to rate the fitness of potential judicial appointees. Our nation has been in existence for over 200 years and lawyers have been this nation’s aristocracy since its formation. Our system works, but do we really want to have a single profession in charge of our nation? Specifically, do we want to have the legal profession in charge? Next time youvote, that’s something to think about.评析:这篇文章是关于律师在美国的地位。
9月中级口译真题+参考答案(1)Part A: Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.British people are far more sophisticated about beverages than they were 50 years ago. Witness the Starbucks revolution and you’ll know where ___________ (1)goes. However, spurred on by recent studies suggesting that it can cut the risk of ___________ (2)and retard the aging process, tea is enjoying a ___________ (3).Although tea is available in more places than ever, it remains to be _____________ (4)of a typical British family.If you are invited to an English home, _____________ (5)in the morning you get a cup of tea. It is either brought in by a heartily _____________ (6)or an almost malevolently silent maid. When you are _____________ (7)in your sweetest morning sleep you must not say: ‘Go away, you _____________ (8).’ On the contrary, you have to declare with your best five o’clock smile: ‘Thank you very much. I _____________ (9)a cup of tea, especially in the morning.’ If they leave you alone with the liquid you may pour it _____________ (10)!Then you have ___________ (11); then you have tea at 11 o’clock in the morning; _____________ (12); then you have tea for tea; then after supper; and again at eleven o’clock _____________ (13).You must not refuse any additional cups of tea under the _____________ (14): if it is hot; if it is cold; if you are _____________ (15); if you are nervous; if you arewatching TV; _____________ (16); if you have just returned home; if you feel like it; if you do not feel like it; if you have had no tea ______________ (17); if you have just had a cup.You definitely must not ______________ (18). I sleep at five o’clock in the morning; I have coffee for breakfast; I drink innumerable _____________ (19)during the day; I have the _____________ (20)even at tea-time!Part B: Listening Comprehension1. StatementsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.1. (A)The program on Channel Eight reminds me of TV commercials.(B)The product advertised in the TV commercial cannot help cure my illness.(C)I don’t watch TV that much, because of the omnipresent advertis ements.(D)I have to sit on the sofa, because I am too sick to stand in front of the television.2. (A)The plane arrived at 7:30.(B)The plane arrived at 8:00.(C)The plane arrived at 9:00.(D)The plane arrived at 10:00.3. (A)I’ll ask someone else to read and check this agreement for errors.(B)I’ll think more about the agreement before making a decision.(C)It’s obvious that I’ll discuss the agreement with my assistant first.(D)It’s out of question that I shou ld get into any agreement with you.4. (A)The better members decided to cancel the meeting.(B)Less than half of the committee was away on business trips.(C)It’d be better if no one had attended this morning’s committee meeting……(D)The meeting was cancelled because of low attendance.5. (A)Supermarkets in the inner city and the suburbs are usually owned by the same company.(B)Products in grocery stores are more expensive than those in supermarkets.(C)There is a price difference for the same product even in shops run by the same company.(D)People prefer to shop in supermarkets, which are mostly located in the suburbs, with free parking space.6. (A)Many Americans cannot afford higher education because of the soaring college tuition fees and expenses.(B)Sending their children to college is no longer a bigger challenge for millions of Americans.(C)The American government has set the goal that it will eventually stop funding higher education institutions.(D)Nowadays, American parents have to pay more to send their children to college.7. (A)For many university graduates, the jobs they take will not be related to their academic achievements.(B)Because of economic recession, the number of university students majoring in liberal arts is declining.(C)University students who are interested in liberal arts will have more job opportunities upon graduation.(D)With high unemployment rate, many university students will have to opt for transferring to other majors.8. (A)Good business negotiators will never repeat what other people have already restated.(B)Restating by good business negotiators is not an effective way to check the information.(C)Good business negotiators are sometimes curious about other people’s restatements.(D)Restating what others have said is a good strategy for confirming understanding.9. (A)We cannot reach an agreement, let alone a spoken promise.(B)We’d better draft and then sign a written agreement.(C)We generally keep our promises in business transactions.(D)We hope you understand why we are unable to keep our promises.10. (A)I don’t think you have more to say on that topic.(B)I think we’d better talk about that in detail sometime later.(C)I am truly appreciative if you can elaborate on that topic after lunch.(D)I am busy right now, so we might as well discuss it over lunch today.2. Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks andconversations After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 11-1411. (A)Two (B)Three (C)Four (D)Five12. (A)A profit-making private school.(B)A non-profit-making independent school.(C)A state school that is funded by non-governmental sources.(D)A secondary school that is open to the majority of British students.13. (A)Many children are no longer placed in schools according to their academic abilities.(B)Many children can afford to study in private schools, as they become part of the state system.(C)Children from wealthy families no longer choose to go and study in public schools.(D)Cleverer children will be sent to the best private schools in the country for a better development.14. (A)Clever and less bright children will mix well with each other.(B)School authorities will receive more funds from the government.(C)Most students will do well in their entrance examination for the higher education.(D)Every child will have an equal opportunity to go on to higher education.。
2013年9月高级口译听力真题Listening Comprehension 含解析
![2013年9月高级口译听力真题Listening Comprehension 含解析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/863938f7700abb68a982fb42.png)
2013年9月高级口译听力真题Listening Comprehension 含解析作者:沪江英语来源:沪江英语Listening comprehension 1W: So, one of the things that I really have trouble understanding is how jazz music developed to be so different from many other kinds of music? My class notes are terrible.M: Well, what can't you understand from your notes?W: Uh, one thing is I copied down the musical training from the blackboard. What did it mean by that?M: Well, most people who became professional musicians have some kind of formal training in music. But the first people who play jazz music had almost none.W: OK, but so what? Doesn't it just mean that they weren't very good musicians?M: Well, it's not that the early jazz musicians weren't good; it's that they played their instruments differently. Let's say you are receiving formal instruction in the trumpet. First you would learn the right way to place your mouth, and the right way to use your fingers, and the right way to blow air. And then you will practice single notes and different combination of notes until you could do those correctly. And only after that, would your teacher give you a piece of music to play.W: And the early jazz musician didn't learn to play this way?M: No, the first people who play jazz music learned to play their instrument by actually trying to play a song the way they like. They were humanity, and tried to play themselves on their instruments. Because they were mostly teaching themselves, they began to express themselves in ways that formally traditionally trained musicians didn't. In traditional instruction, there is one correct way to play something, and everyone who plays tries to make the correct sound. But in jazz...W: In jazz music, there isn't one right way to play. In fact, individual musicians are supposed to interpret the music in their own style. So you are saying that this aspect of jazz developed because the first people who play jazz didn't have any formal musical training?M: Yes, I believe so.Q1: What is the woman most probably according to the conversation?Q2: What is the problem the woman has trouble understanding?Q3: How did early jazz musicians learn to play their instrument?Q4: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?Q5: Why did jazz music develop to be so different from many other kinds of music?【解析】本文难度并不大,围绕着女生的疑问以及男生的解答,讲述了爵士是如何发展成一种与其他种类相距甚大的音乐的。
9月中级口译真题+参考答案(2)Questions 15-1815. (A)One that is unabridged with detailed definitions.(B)One that contains fewer words and emphasizes on special words.(C)One that contains a broad range of words in common usage.(D)One that spans several volumes and has extensive word histories16. (A)The New Oxford Picture Dictionary(B)The American Heritage Dictionary(C)The Dictionary of Legal Terms(D)The Drinking Water Dictionary17. (A)It lists abbreviations, proper nouns, and tables of measures.(B)It is an unabridged edition providing as many as 500,000 entries.(C)It was randomly compiled and contains as many foreign words as possible.(D)It provides detailed information of famous people and places.18. (A)A school dictionary. (B)A college dictionary.(C)A general dictionary. (D)A specialized dictionary.Questions 19-2219. (A)He’s bought his wife a present. (B)He’s missed an important phone call.(C)He’s dismissed his new sec retary. (D)He’s popped out shopping.20. (A)Talking about the latest fashion.(B)Offering special reductions.(C)Giving bigger discounts to female customers.(D)Pressing on the customer to make a decision.21. (A)Upside down and inside out. (B)Inside out and back to front. (C)With its sleeves as trouser legs. (D)With its pattern upside down.22. (A)A V-necked pullover with short sleeves.(B)A high-necked pullover with long sleeves.(C)A white pullover with a pattern.(D)A blue pullover with a high neck.Questions 23-2623. (A)That of a creator. (B)That of a re-creator.(C)That of a receiver. (D)That of a performer.24. (A)Because we need to concentrate for our quiet thought.(B)Because we want to give full attention to the driving.(C)Because we try to avoid being caught by the patrolling police.(D)Because we intend to be as casual as possible in the driving.25. (A)In the elevator. (B)In the car.(C)In the bathroom. (D)In the church.26. (A)By perceptive and analytical listening.(B)By taking a sonic bath.(C)By attending classical concerts.(D)By listening to an emotional piece of music.Questions 27-3027. (A)His grandfather’s house. (B)His parents’ remarks.(C)A magazine. (D)A coursebook.28. (A)Enjoying visiting zoos. (B)Driving a car.(C)Making money. (D)Taking kids to a museum.29. (A)It died a few years ago. (B)It killed several tourists.(C)It is only a legend. (D)It is a living dinosaur.30. (A)No one has provided an accurate description of the animal.(B)No dead bodies of the animal have ever been found.(C)There are only 500 species living in Loch Ness.(D)The lake is not deep enough for such a huge animal.Part C: Listening and Translation1. Sentence TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2. Passage TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.(1)(2)。
英语翻译中级口译听力-4(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part A: Spot DictationDirection:In this part of the test, you will hear ten passages and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape.(总题数:1,分数:20.00)Breakfast is supposed to be (1) of the day.But on average we spend just three minutes and (2) on a weekday breakfast- and we're so pressed for time that we often eat it (3) .In fact, only half of us eat breakfast at all, (4) . Many prefer to have a lie-in, while others blame the growing pressure to (5) .Only a third of us now (6) in the kitchen. Some resort to eating it in the bedroom, or even the bathroom, with (7) getting dressed at the same time.Around a fifth manage to eat only (8) because they have so little time, while more than a third say they (9) of the day on the bus or train.In Birmingham, (10) said they were too busy on the internet or watching TV in the morning to eat breakfast.In London 57 percent said the same, and (11) from Bristol and 51 percent of Mancunian agreed. One in seven eat at their desk at least (12) —and one in five confess to grabbing something as they (13) and eating it while they walk down the street.But (14) it was the most important meal of the day, and seven in ten always have (15) according to the survey commissioned by Weetabix.Sian Porter, a company (16) , said; "Encouragingly, the research indicated that possibly 1.2 million of us find time to eat a hot breakfast (17) and demonstrates that Brits do understand (18) breakfast, even going as far as (19) it on the bus, or (20) , to try and fit it in. /Breakfast is supposed to be (1) of the day.But on average we spend just three minutes and (2) on a weekday breakfast- and we're so pressed for time that we often eat it (3) .In fact, only half of us eat breakfast at all, (4) . Many prefer to have a lie-in, while others blame the growing pressure to (5) .Only a third of us now (6) in the kitchen. Some resort to eating it in the bedroom, or even the bathroom, with (7) getting dressed at the same time.Around a fifth manage to eat only (8) because they have so little time, while more than a third say they (9) of the day on the bus or train.In Birmingham, (10) said they were too busy on the internet or watching TV in the morning to eat breakfast.In London 57 percent said the same, and (11) from Bristol and 51 percent of Mancunian agreed. One in seven eat at their desk at least (12) —and one in five confess to grabbing something as they (13) and eating it while they walk down the street.But (14) it was the most important meal of the day, and seven in ten always have (15) according to the survey commissioned by Weetabix.Sian Porter, a company (16) , said; "Encouragingly, the research indicated that possibly 1.2 million of us find time to eat a hot breakfast (17) and demonstrates that Brits do understand(18) breakfast, even going as far as (19) it on the bus, or (20) , to try and fit it in. /(分数:20.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the most important meal)解析:[听力原文]Breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day.But on average we spend just three minutes and 15 seconds on a weekday breakfast-and we're so pressed for time that we often eat it standing up.In fact, only half of us eat breakfast at all, research shows. Many prefer to have a lie-in, while others blame the growing pressure to get to work early.Only a third of us now eat breakfast in the kitchen. Some resort to eating it in the bedroom, or even the bathroom, with 22 percent getting dressed at the same time.Around a fifth manage to eat only half their breakfast because they have so little time, while more than a third say they eat their first meal of the day on the bus or train.In Birmingham, 59 percent said they were too busy on the internet or watching TV in the morning to eat breakfast.In London 57 percent said the same, and 52 percent of people from Bristol and 51 percent of Mancunians agreed.One in seven eat at their desk at least one morning a week-and one in five confess to grabbing something as they run out of the door and eating it while they walk down the street.But three-quarters still said it was the most important meal of the day, and seven in ten always have a hot breakfast according to the survey commissioned by Weetabix.Sian Porter, a company spokesman, said: Encouragingly, the research indicated that possibly 1.2million of us find time to eat a hot breakfast every single morning and demonstrates that Brits do understand the importance of breakfast, even going as far as eating it on the bus, or in the bathroom, to try and fit it in.填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:15 seconds)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:standing up)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:research shows)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:get to work early)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:eat breakfast)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:22 percent)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:half their breakfast)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:eat their first meal)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:59 percent)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:52 percent of people)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:one morning a week)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:run out of the door)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:three-quarters still said)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a hot breakfast)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:spokesman)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:every single morning)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the importance of)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:eating)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:in the bathroom)解析:二、Part B: Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Ⅰ. StatementsDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space.(总题数:2,分数:15.00)(分数:7.50)(1).A. The Government's welfare-to-work policy is not running good.B. The Government's welfare-to-work policy is practical and effective.C. The Government's welfare-to-work policy is targeting poverty.D. The Government's welfare-to-work policy is very positive.(分数:1.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Positive effects of the Government's welfare-to-work policies could be "swamped" by worsening poverty among people who remain dependent on benefits.(2).A. The Metropolitan Police has six forces.B. These six police forces will spend £7.5m.C. The security is more than just these six forces.D. The security plan will be fully carried out by the Metropolitan Police.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Six police forces are part of the £7.5m security plan. The Metropolitan Police is leading, but calling in colleagues from the City of London and British Transport Police.(3).A. His plan is well accepted.B. His has come across a lot of good plans.C. He had problem articulate his nice ideas.D. People don't understand the level of pollution in the city.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]He had an interesting plan for reducing the level of pollution in the city, but it took him a long time to get his ideas across.(4).A. We will take the kids to visit the grandparents.B. The weather is so bad that the kids cannot go to school.C. The kids will visit the grandparents after school.D. Though the weather is nice, the kids cannot visit the grandparents.(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]If our kids didn't have to go to school, they could visit the grandparents. What a pity it is such a good day.(5).A. The only child loves apples.B. The only child is too dependent and lack problem-solving ability.C. Parents of the only child are not qualified.D. Parents of only child have education problems.(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Most parents see their only child as the apple in their eyes and do everything for him or her, but at the same time, they also worry that too much dependence will weaken their child's problem-solving ability.(分数:7.50)(1).A. Alan reads one book a week now.B. Alan reads four books a week now.C. Alan reads eight books a week now.D. Alan never reads now.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Alan used to read two books a week when he was attending university in Germany, but now he reads twice as many.(2).A. We managed to catch the last bus.B. The last bus left earlier than we had expected.C. The last bus was at 8:45.D. We arrived at the bus station at nine.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]We took a taxi at 8:20 and arrived at the bus station 25 minutes later, thought there would still be 15 minutes left for the last bus, but were told that the time schedule had changed and the last bus had gone 15 minutes before.(3).A. Mr. Johnson never smokes now.B. Mr. Johnson took the doctor's advice seriously.C. Mr. Johnson was suffering from health problems.D. Mr. Johnson was sick and has to quit smoking.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]After his doctor told him how to stay health, Mr. Johnson hardly ever smokes, though he used to be a chain-smoker.(4).A. The average rate of export for the last nine month is 17%.B. Export gave a better performance than import.C. Import reached more than 13 million tones.D. Export is expected to keep rising.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Exports through the region's ports rose almost 17% during the first nine months of this year to more than 13 million tons, while imports fell.(5).A. David is fired.B. David changes his office.C. David gets promoted.D. David earns more than he used to.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Because of his hard work, David is to be transferred to the BM's office next week. He's sure to get a risen pay.四、Ⅱ. Talks and ConversationsDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefullybecause you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question.(总题数:5,分数:40.00)(分数:8.00)(1).A. Clothes. B. Ideas.C. Languages.D. Food.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]In the last 500 years, nothing about people not their clothes, ideas, or languages—has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of a certain kind of tree by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500s. And although it was very expensive, it quickly became popular. In London, shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today.The potato is also from the New World. Around 1600, the Spanish brought it from Peru to Europe, where it soon was widely grown. Ireland became so dependent on it that thousands of Irish people died from hunger when the crop failed during the "Potato Famine" of 1845-1846.There are many other foods that have travelled from South America to the Old World. But some others went in the opposite direction. Brazil is now the world's largest grower of coffee, and coffee is an important crop in many other countries of South America. But it is native to Ethiopia. It was first made into a drink by Arabs during the 1400s.The thing about people that has changed the most is(2).A. South American Indians. B. The Spanish.C. English people.D. Londoner.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Who introduced the original chocolate drink to the rest of the world during the 1500s?(3).A. Spain. B. The New World.C. England.D. None of the above.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Where is potato from?(4).A. Coffee travelled from South America to the Old World.B. Coffee travelled from Europe to Ethiopia.C. Brazil produces the greatest amount of coffee.D. Ethiopia produces the greatest amount of coffee.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Which statement is true according to the speaker?(分数:8.00)(1).A. A uniformed policeman whose job is to catch criminals.B. A policeman out of uniform whose job is to track down criminals.C. An ordinary man who finds out criminals.D. An ordinary policeman whose job is to avoid criminals.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]A detective is a policeman, but he does not wear a uniform. He works in his ordinary clothes. If he wears a uniform, robbers will know that he is a policeman. Then they will avoid him. "To detect" means "to find out". A detective finds out who does bad things. He can sit in a coffee shop with other customers. He can listen to people talking. Some thieves may want to rob a shop. If they talk, a detective may hear them. Then policemen will hide in the shop. When the thieves come, the policemen will catch them.A detective can go to a football match. He can watch for pickpockets and catch them. Pickpockets are people who steal things from people's pockets.A detective must be clever, honest and brave. He works hard and helps to protect us.What is a detective?(2).A. To catch thieves.B. To steal things.C. To put things in people's pockets.D. To watch the players.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What is the job of a detective?(3).A. It is dangerous for thieves to drink coffee.B. All the people who go to a coffee shop are bad.C. Bad men are foolish if they talk too much.D. Thieves like to rob coffee shop.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]What is true according to the speaker?(4).A. Be clever.B. Be honest.C. Be brave.D. All the above.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]What qualities does a detective need?(分数:8.00)(1).A. How to improve your reasoning ability.B. Why classical music is popular with math students.C. The difference between classical music and rock music.D. The effects of music on the results of math tests.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Do you have a tough math test coming up? Then listen to some classical piano music just before the test. You might end up with a higher score. Researchers at a university in California conducted an experiment. They asked a group of college students to listen to some piano music by a famous 18th century composer before taking a math test. They were surprised to find that the students' scores jumped 8 to 9 points. The music seems to excite nerve activities in the brain, similar to the activity that occurs when a person is figuring out a math problem. However, the scientists warn that before you get too excited about applying this method to you math test, you should remember that brain exciting effects last only 10 to 15 minutes. Would rock music work as well as the piano music did? No. The scientists say. In fact, the less complex music might even interfere with the brain's reasoning ability.What is the topic of the speech?(2).A. Because it keeps you calm.B. Because it strengthens your memory.C. Because it stimulates your nerve activity.D. Because it improves your problem solving strategies.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Why classical piano music helps a tough math test?(3).A. The effects of music do not last long.B. Piano music could interfere with your reasoning ability.C. Music, whether classical or rock, helps improve your memory.D. The more you listen to music, the higher your test scores will be.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Which of the statement is true according to the speaker?(4).A. Yes, rock and the less complex music won't help at all.B. Yes, but rock music is an exception.C. Yes, but less complex music is also helpful.D. No, music genre makes no difference.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Does music genre have anything to do with the effect'?(分数:8.00)(1).A. It works faster than the human brain.B. It seldom makes errors.C. It can solve complicated problems.D. It can "think" without information fed into it.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]A computer is a machine designed to perform work mathematically and to store and select information that has been fed into it. It is run by either mechanical or electronic means. These machines can do a great deal of complicated work in a very short time. A large computer, for example, can add or subtract nine thousand times a second, multiply a thousand times a second, or divide five hundred times a second. Its percentage of error is about one in a billion digits. It has been estimated that human beings making calculations average about one mistake per two hundred digits. The heart of an electronic computer lies in its vacuum tubes, or transistors. Its electronic circuits work a thousand times faster than the nerve cells in the human brain. A problem that might take a human being two years to solve can be solved by a computer in one minute, but in order to do properly, a computer must be given instruction it must be programmed.Computers can be designed for many specialized purposes—they can be used to prepare payrolls, guide airplane flights, direct traffic, even to play chess. Computers play an essential role in modern automation in many places and factories throughout the world.What is not true about computer?(2).A. Its vacuum tubes.B. Its electronic circuits.C. Computer programs.D. All of the above.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]What help the computer work at high speed?(3).A. The advantages and disadvantages of computers.B. The future of the computer.C. The main features of the computer.D. The scientific principles of the computer.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]What is the title of the speech?(4).A. It can prepare payroll.B. It can teach languages.C. It can write essays.D. It can sweep floors.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What can a computer do according to the speaker?(分数:8.00)(1).A. They get close to nature.B. They are usually healthier than city people.C. They get better and cheaper farm products.D. They are more polite than city people.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]People living in the country enjoy several advantages that people living in the city cannot enjoy. They are in close contact with nature. They make friends with trees and stones, cows and dogs. They breathe fresh air. They fight with strong winds. They listen to the song of birds.This contact with nature is beneficial to health. There are many diseases that are common in the city, but are not to be found in the country. For example, near-sightedness is almost unknown to country people. People living in the country can easily get fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, and fresh milk. And they can get them at lower prices than in the city.Country people are mostly honest. They say what they mean, and make and keep promises with seriousness. They do not put on airs. They do not assume any manners common in what we call polite society.Which feature of the country people does not belong to contact with nature?(2).A. To breathe fresh air.B. To have no diseases common in cities.C. To be in close touch with nature.D. To eat a lot of fresh vegetables.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]What does "contact with nature" mean?(3).A. They make a lot of promises without carrying them out.B. They speak their minds.C. They breathe more fresh air.D. They assume polite manners.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]How do you understand "They say what they mean"?(4).A. To convince people that country is a better place to settle down.B. To convince people that city is a better place to settle down.C. To complain about the city dwellers.D. To complain about the country dwellers.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What is the purpose of the speaker?五、Part C: Listening and Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Ⅰ. Sentence TranslationDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese.(总题数:1,分数:15.00)(分数:15.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(经济仍处于衰退期,母亲节消费连续第二年下跌。
第⼀部分 听⼒ 第⼀节 听下⾯5段对话,每段对话后有⼀个⼩题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. What are the speakers talking about? [A] Who will attend the meeting. [B] When to announce the news. [C] What to discuss on Wednesday. 2. What will the man do? [A] Boil more water. [B] Have a cup of tea. [C] Make tea for Christine. 3. Why is Sheila late? [A] She forgot the time. [B] She had to finish work. [C] She argued with her boss. 4. What is the weather normally like? [A] Warm. [B] Rainy. [C] Cold. 5. What does the man mean? [A] He likes his professor. [B] He wants a new task. [C] He needs more time. 第⼆节 听下⾯5段对话或独⽩。
. 6. What happened to the man? [A] His car broke down. [B] He broke his phone. [C] He lost his way. 7. Why did the man fail to call the woman? [A] He had no time. [B] He forgot the number. [C] He had no coins. 听下⾯⼀段对话,回答第8⾄第10题。
2013年9月上海市中级口译第二阶段口试真题试卷(精选)(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 2. 口译题口译题Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.., and stop it at the signal...You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage.听力原文:What is human dignity? To have a sense of dignity, I think one should at least have the means to afford daily necessities and not suffer from feelings of inferiority due to poverty. I often feel grateful to this country for the self-esteem I enjoy as a woman. There is no sex discrimination here and people get equal pay for equal work. The principle of “to each according to his work”is a practice here. Jobs are available if one is prepared to work hard. A woman who is economically independent is also psychologically independent—there is no need for her to rely on any man for that matter. Equality of men and women is not a slogan. There are many ways to upgrade one’s skills. By acquiring expertise in the latest technology and knowledge, I can compete with men on brain power rather than physical power.1.Passage 1正确答案:什么是人的尊严?我认为,从容面对生活必需品,不必因贫困而自惭形秽,才会有尊严。
2013年九年级月考英语试题一、听力测试(共三节)(满分25分)第一节(共5小题, 每小题1分)听下面5个小问题。
1. A. It’s Jim’s. B. It’s a hat. C. It’s too low.2. A. Very well. B. In school. C. Every student.3. A. In his bag. B.The thick one. C. It’s Lily’s.4. A. For London. B. At 2 pm. C. For half an hour.5. A. To read books. B. For an hour. C. In the morning.第二节(共7小题, 每小题1分)听下面7段对话。
6. Where is the man going?A. To the station.B. To the supermarket.C. To the farm.7. What did the man want to do?A. He wanted to call Oscar.B. He wanted to take part in Oscar’s part y.C. He wanted to invite the woman to the party.8. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Teacher and student.C. Mother and son.9. Which country is the woman going?A. France.B. Italy.C. Both.10. Where did the conversation take place?A. In a shop.B. In a street.C. In a hospital.11. What does the woman mean?A. She wants to go to the football match.B. She wants to stay home.C. She likes to spend a tiring weekend.12. What does the woman want to get?A. A goat.B. A boat.C. A coat.第三节(共13小题,每小题1分)听下面4段对话或独白。
Spot-dictation:Americans have four primary avenues for making friends: at work, at school, through a hobby or a _________ (1) such as volunteer work and discussion group, or through a family or __________ (2).In American culture, a job is more than the work that one performs between the hours of 9 a.m. and __________(3). Work becomes a major socializing influence. Many young mothers who __________(4) their jobs to care for small children remark on the loneliness of their new lifestyles because they have lost their forum for __________(5).A great number of American employers recognize business social ________(6) and use it to build a family atmosphere on the job so that employees will feel __________(7) in their work environment. Some employers arrange company get-togethers in their home or at a _________(8). American companies have at least one __________(9) annually, usually at Christmas time. Many corporations have __________(10) where employees and administrators alike dress _________(11) to play games such as baseball and volleyball.Top American administrators often hold social gatherings __________(12). Depending upon the size of the employer's home and the number of _________(13). These social gatherings may be picnics, pool parties, or __________(14). If the company is large, an employer may hold what Americans call __________(15). For anopen house, the employer will invite his employees to come to his home ___________(16) between 1 p.m. on a certain day. Those invited usually stay for _________(17), chatting with the other guests and their host. People come and go __________(18) during the designated hours, and the host keeps refreshments, usually ___________(19) or hors d'oeuvres and beverages, available for all who com. For such social gatherings, it is considered ___________(20) the invitation unless you have an excellent reason.9.13 中口Spot Dictation 参考答案:(新东方版权所有)1. Common interest2. a mutual friend3. 5 p.m.4. sacrifice5. adult interaction6. potential7. comfortable8. cocal restaurant9. major function10. annual summer picnic11. jeans and T-shirts12. in their own home13. his employees14. formal banquet15. an open house16. anytime17. 1 to 2 hours18. as they please19. light snack20. poor practise。
英语翻译中级口译听力-1(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part A: Spot DictationDirection:In this part of the test, you will hear ten passages and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.(总题数:1,分数:20.00)When it came to the mobile phone, the Fins were quick off the mark. A large country with a small savvy population is (1) . They sprinted far ahead of the Americans in developing a digital system which became (2) . But it's difficult to associate Fins with any instrument (3) . The average Fin speaks (4) and uses none of them.But Finnish kids have, and they are the vanguard of the (5) . Before they know how to read they roam the cities like nomadic tribes always in touch, always (6) . Almost a hundred percent of Finnish 18-year-olds have (7) . It's become such a problem in high schools that (8) are demanding metal detectors at the gates. Remember when jeans and Walkmen were (9) ? Today, it's your very own personalized ringing tone. Ringing tones that you download (10) . A fashion statement (11) your watch.Finland is the first country in the world to have more mobile phones than (12) . And the phone booth? It's off the Sutheby's with the other (13) . But the young leaders of the revolution now use the mobile phone less for talking than for sending (14) . The Fins are doing this so much that last Christmas both (15) crashed. But all this is just the tip of a Finnish iceberg. The mobile phone (16) that little Finnish hand.The way things are going Fins won't need to carry money or credit cards much longer. Already you can buy a drink or snack (17) . A car wash too. (18) a number and the suds and the brushes start (19) . And when you've driven to the driving range in (20) , all you need is to whip our your phone again and buy your balls.When it came to the mobile phone, the Fins were quick off the mark. A large country with a small savvy population is (1) . They sprinted far ahead of the Americans in developing a digital system which became (2) . But it's difficult to associate Fins with any instrument (3) . The average Fin speaks (4) and uses none of them.But Finnish kids have, and they are the vanguard of the (5) . Before they know how to read they roam the cities like nomadic tribes always in touch, always (6) . Almost a hundred percent of Finnish 18-year-olds have (7) . It's become such a problem in high schools that (8) are demanding metal detectors at the gates. Remember when jeans and Walkmen were (9) ? Today, it's your very own personalized ringing tone. Ringing tones that you download (10) . A fashion statement (11) your watch.Finland is the first country in the world to have more mobile phones than (12) . And the phone booth? It's off the Sutheby's with the other (13) . But the young leaders of the revolution now use the mobile phone less for talking than for sending (14) . The Fins are doing this so much that last Christmas both (15) crashed. But all this is just the tip of a Finnish iceberg. The mobile phone (16) that little Finnish hand.The way things are going Fins won't need to carry money or credit cards much longer. Already you can buy a drink or snack (17) . A car wash too. (18) a number and the suds and the brushes start (19) . And when you've driven to the driving range in (20) , all you need is to whip our yourphone again and buy your balls.(分数:20.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a superb laboratory)解析:[听力原文]When it came to the mobile phone, the Fins were quick off the mark. A large country with a small savvy population is a superb laboratory. They sprinted far ahead of the Americans in developing a digital system which became the worldwide standard. But it's difficult to associate Fins with any instrument used for talking. The average Fin speaks several languages and uses none of them. But Finnish kids have, and they are the vanguard of the revolution. Before they know how to read they roam the cities like nomadic tribes always in touch, always sending signals. Almost a hundred percent of Finnish 18-year-olds have mobile phones. It's become such a problem in high schools that Principals are demanding metal detectors at the gates. Remember when jeans and Walkmans were social necessities? Today, it's your very own personalized ringing tone. Ringing tones that you download off the net. A fashion statement as defining as your watch.Finland is the first country in the world to have more mobile phones than wired phones. And the phone booth? It's off the Sutheby's with the other antiques. But the young leaders of the revolution now use the mobile phone less for talking than for sending written messages. The Fins are doing this so much that last Christmas both national telephone networks crashed. But all this is just the tip of a Finnish iceberg. The mobile phone has literally become that little Finnish hand. The way things are going Fins won't need to carry money or credit cards much longer. Already you can buy a drink or snack with your phone. A car wash too. Dial a number and the suds and the brushes start coming your way. And when you've driven to the driving range in your bright shining car, all you need is to whip our your phone again and buy your balls.填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the worldwide standard)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:used for talking)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:several languages)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:revolution)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:sending signals)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:mobile phones)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Principals)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:social necessities)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:off the net)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:as defining as)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:wired phones)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:antiques)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:written messages)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:national telephone networks)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:has literally become)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:with your phone)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Dial)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:coming your way)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:your bright shining car)解析:二、Part B: Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Ⅰ. StatementsDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard.(总题数:2,分数:15.00)(分数:7.50)(1).A. We went swimming.B. He went swimming.C. We didn't go swimming.D. He didn't go swimming.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]We tried to persuade him not to go swimming in the lake by the forest, but in vain.(2).A. Your teacher changed my career idea.B. I am interested in history.C. I am a gym teacher.D. I will be in your class soon.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become a history teacher instead of a gym teacher.I have no idea that your teacher was so great.(3).A. You need to prepare gift for your foreign host.B. You need to understand foreign culture before sending a gift to foreign host.C. If you don't send them gift, business partners may get angry.D. It's not polite to give gift during a business deal.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]A seemingly innocent gift can turn into a colossal blunder and offend your foreign host—and could ultimately sabotage a crucial business deal—unless you know what to give and when to give.(4).A. I was in China during your campaign.B. My efforts have helped you win the campaign in China.C. I went to China to join the campaign.D. I have tried my best to win the campaign though we lost.(分数:1.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]I am sorry your team lost the campaign. I wish I had worked in the campaign. I would certainly have if I hadn't gone to China.(5).A. He is a good boss.B. He understands quite well his position in the board.C. He has great influence in that matter.D. He thinks he has control over that matter.(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]As a member of the board of the multinational company, he has no voice at all in the matter, though he little realizes it.(分数:7.50)(1).A. Please buy me some paper when I'm making the phone call.B. Please read the paper and call me later.C. Please let me know what's the paper writing about.D. Please wait for me a while.(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]I just have to make several phone calls and will be ready in a few minutes. You can go down to the lobby for the paper.(2).A. I gave the letter to Jeannie.B. Jeannie presented us a good outcome.C. I thought the letter was not important.D. Jeannie was important to us.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Only at that time did I realize how important the letter was to Jeannie, if I had given to her, we could have expected a much better outcome.(3).A. Renault is going to close its factories in France, Belgium and SpainB. 6,000 Renault workers are on strike.C. Belgium will suffer the loss of factory closure and jobs.D. France and Spain are happy with Renault's decision.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]In an unprecedented trans-European strike, Renault workers yesterday staged simultaneous stoppages in France, Belgium and Spain to protest against the car maker's decision to close its factory in Belgium and cut 6,000 jobs.(4).A. The auditor was a skeptical one.B. The accountant ate his words.C. The auditor doubted the accuracy of the figures.D. The accountant was not helpful.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Although the accountant promised to help by all he could, the auditor called into question the accuracy of the figures in the books.(5).A. 620 summit is on Monday.B. Family values is the key on G20 summit.C. Banks and financial markets are Gordon Brown's topics.D. Gordon Brown will meet the world leaders in London on Wednesday.(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Gordon Brown on Monday has called for banks and financial markets to adopt "family values" as world leaders gather in London for Thursday's G20 summit in two days.四、Ⅱ. Talks and ConversationsDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question read the .four answer choices and choose the best answer to thatquestion.(总题数:5,分数:40.00)(分数:8.00)(1).A. Small cars are easy to park quickly.B. Small cars are cheaper than big cars.C. Small cars are convenient on long trips.D. Small cars need smaller parking spaces.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]The convenience and economy of small cars account for their popularity. They are easy to park quickly and take smaller parking spaces. Small cars are also a means of conserving energy because they use less gas than big cars. Small cars are inconvenient and uncomfortable on long trips. However, because of their limited passenger and trunk space, they are also more economical to operate and maintain. And they cost less. Because of all these advantages, the next car I buy is going to be an Econo-Midget.Which is not true about small cars?(2).A. Why Small Cars Are Popular.B. The Advantages of Small Cars.C. The Differences between Big and Small Cars.D. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Cars.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What is the possible title to the speech?(3).A. They are cheap to buy.B. They cost less to park.C. They consume less energy.D. They are cheaper to repair.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Which is not the advantage of small cars?(4).A. A kind of cheap energy.B. A kind of small car.C. A kind of big car.D. A kind of new car.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]What is an Econo-Midget?(分数:8.00)(1).A. About fifty years before the first modern Olympics.B. Fifty years ago.C. When the crawl was developed.D. After the breast stroke was developed.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Being able to swim has always been a valued skill. But competitive swimming is just over one hundred years old. Racing in the water began in Europe only about fifty years before the first modern Olympics. England was the leader in this new sport. Pools were built and races were held. Interest was spurred when a group of Native Americans went to England in 1844 to swim against an English team. To the surprise and dismay of the English, the Americans beat them easily. At that time the English used the breast stroke, which was thought a good form. The Americans used a kind of free style that was much faster.A short time later an English family, who had moved to Australia, developed the crawl, an overhand swimming method. One of that same family also took it to America. Charles Daniels, an early user of the crawl, changed the kicking rhythm to develop the American crawl.When did racing in the water begin in Europe?(2).A. They learned the English way of swimming.B. They beat an English team easily in a competition.C. They introduced breast stroke to England.D. They failed in the competition.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]What is true about the American swimming team?(3).A. An Australian family.B. An American family.C. An English family who moved to Australia.D. An Australian family who moved to England.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Who developed the crawl?(4).A. A designer of the American crawl.B. An early user of the crawl.C. An English moved to Australia.D. An professional swimmer.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Who is Charles Daniels?(分数:8.00)(1).A. The name of the bird.B. The name of the man.C. The name of the town.D. The name of the chicken.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]There was once a man in South America who had a parrot, a pet bird that could imitate human speech. The parrot was unique. There was no bird like him in the whole world. He could learn to say any word except one. He could not say the name of his native town, Ketunnel. The man did everything he could to teach the parrot to say Ketunnel, but he never succeeded. At first he was very gentle with the bird. But gradually, he lost his temper. "You stupid bird! Why can't you learn to say that one word? Say Ketunnel or I will kill you. " But the parrot would not say it. Many times the man screamed, "Say Ketunnel, or I'll kill you. " But the bird would never repeat the name. Finally, the man gave up. He picked up the parrot and threw him into the chicken house, "You are even more stupid than the chickens." In the chicken house, there were four old chickens, waiting to be killed for Sunday's dinner. "The next morning, the man went out to the chicken house. When he opened the door, he was shocked by what he saw. He could not believe his eyes and ears. On the floor lay three dead chickens. The parrot was screaming at the fourth, "Say Ketunnel, or I'll kill you. "What does Ketunnel mean?(2).A. Because the bird couldn't repeat his master's name.B. Because the bird screamed all day long.C. Because the bird uttered the wrong word.D. Because the bird failed to say the name of the town.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Why did the man throw the bird into the chicken house?(3).A. The cruel master.B. The man in the kitchen.C. The pet bird.D. The fourth chicken.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.Who was screaming "Say Ketunnel, or I'll kill you. " at the end of the story?(4).A. The bird had finally understood his threat.B. The bird managed to escape from the chicken house.C. The bird had learned to scream back at him.D. The bird was living peacefully with the chickens.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]How does the story end?(分数:8.00)(1).A. International investors.B. American investors.C. American federal authorities.D. American transportation department.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Not only in Los Angeles but all over America states and federal authorities are now pouring out resources for improving the road system. By 1960 the states were spending twice as much on roads as they have done in 1950, and the general expenditure for highways is now nearly ten times as much in dollars as in 1930, although the proportion of cars to people has only doubled in that period and the value of a dollar has not declined to anything like the same extent. By the middle 1960s the total annual expenditure on roads in the United States amounted to $11 billion dollars, or $50 per person. This is about four times as much as in England and twice as much as in most European countries.Who are now pouring out resources for improving the road system?(2).A. The same as that in 1950.B. Slightly above that in 1950.C. Two times as much as that in 1950.D. Ten times as much as that in 1950.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]How much were spending on roads by 1960?(3).A. A little B. Two times.C. Four times.D. Ten times.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.How much did the proportion of cars to people increase by 1960?(4).A. Americans spend 4 times as much as English people.B. Americans spend 2 times as much as English people.C. Americans spend 4 times as much as Europeans.D. Europeans spend 4 times as much as English people.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What is true about expenditure on roads?(分数:8.00)(1).A. They are interested in other kinds of reading.B. They are active in voluntary services.C. They tend to be low in education and in income.D. They live in isolated areas.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Not everybody reads the daily newspaper. People who don't read newspaper are sometimes referred to as non-readers. Early research has shown that the non-readers are generally low in education, low in income, either very young or very old. In addition, non-readers are more likely to live in rural areas and have less contact with neighbors and friends. Other studies show thatnon-readers tend to isolate themselves from the community and less likely to own a home, and seldom belong to a local voluntary organization.Why don't these people read daily paper? They say they don't have the time, they prefer radio or TV, they have no interest in reading at all, and besides, they think newspapers are too expensive. Recent surveys, however, have indicated that the portrait of the non-reader is more complicated than first thought. There appears to be a group of non-readers that does not fit the type mentioned above. They are high in income and fall into the age group of 26 to 65. They are far more likely to report that they don't have the time to read the papers and they have no interest in the content. Editors and publishers are attempting to win them back. First, they are also adding news briefs and comprehensive indexes. This will help overcome the time problem. And they are also giving variety to newspaper content to help build the reader's interest.What is the stereotype about non-readers?(2).A. The reasons why people don't read newspapers are more complicated than assumed.B. There are more uneducated people among the wealthy than originally expected.C. The number of newspaper readers is steadily increasing.D. There are more non-readers among young people nowadays.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What have people found out about non-readers now?(3).A. Lowering the price of their newspapers.B. Shortening their news stories.C. Adding variety to their newspaper content.D. Including more advertisements in their newspapers.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]What helps overcome the time problem of non-readers?(4).A. Lowering the prices of their newspapers.B. Shortening their news stories.C. Adding variety to their newspaper content.D. Including more advertisements in their newspapers.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]What do editors and publisher do to help build the readers' interest?五、Part C. Listening and Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Ⅰ. Sentence TranslationDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese.(总题数:1,分数:15.00)(分数:15.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(地震发生前是没有征兆的,因此,从现在就开始进行准备相当重要。
2013年9月公共英语三级真题及答案SECTION I Listening Comprehension Part A回答1-10题。
Directions:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English.You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them.There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test book-let.At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part ADirections:You will hear 10 short dialogues.For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible an-swers.Choose the correct answer- A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet.You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue only once.1、What will the woman do tomorrow?A.Hold a party.B.See Mr.Smith.C.Work overtime.D.Attend a wedding.2、Who is Mr.Johnson according to the speakers?A.Their former colleague.B.Their former neighbor.C.Their former teacher.D.Their former client.3、What are the speakers talking about?A.A job interview.B.A reporter' s work.C.How to impress people.D.How to handle an interview.4、How many flights to Sydney will there be next Tuesday afternoon? A.One.B.Two.C.Four.D.Five.5、What did the man' s teacher tell him to do?A.Polish his essay.B.Hand in his essay.C.Rewrite his essay.D.Write a shorter essay.6、What can we learn about the woman' s son?A.He often talks with his mother.B.He often drives in a careless way.C.He is willing to listen to his mother.D.He is worried about his driving skills.7、What do we know about Jack?A.He is a company manager.B.He makes emergency calls.C.He records emergency calls.D.He is a company technician.8、What can we learn from this conversation?A.The woman is paying the bill.B.Bill' s phone number is 510-1520-20.C.The man pays 20 dollars to the woman.D.The woman has a 20-dollar bill changed.9、What does the woman mean?A.The dentist' s is at a convenient place.B.The dentist's is close to Times Square.C.It was comfortable to sit at the dentist' s.D.It was not so terrible a visit to the dentist' s.10、What do we know about the woman?A.She is going to deliver a lecture.B.She spent a year in the rain forest.C.She is looking forward to the lecture.D.She will finish her report this weekend.SECTION I Listening Comprehension Part B11、What do we know about the woman's family?A.They kept a lot of birds.B.They lived in a big house.C.They owned a small farm.D.They suffered from poverty.12、What did the woman' s mother impress her with?A.Her love.B.Her success.C.Her ambition.D.Her knowledge.13、What did the woman' s mother wish her to do?A.Go to college.B.Become a writer.C.Have a better life.D.Support her family.14、Whom is the man probably complaining to?A.A receptionist.B.A travel agent.C.A coach driver, D.A hotel staff member.15、Why did the man wait in the heat for two hours?A.The coach had to be replaced.B.The coach driver felt sick.C.The hotel rooms were full.D.The hotel had to be cleaned.16、What did the man mention in his complaint?A.Impolite hotel cleaners.B.Dark light and dirty rooms.C.Rude people living downstairs.D.Disturbing noise and poor food.17、How did the man feel about the woman' s apology? A.Amusing.B.Annoying.C.Desirable.D.Reasonable.18、What did the NWHA survey aim to explore?A.The incidences of obesity.B.Popular views on obesity.C.Ways to fight obesity.D.The causes of obesity.19、How many people in the world are rated as being overweight?A.16 million.B.18 million.C.1.6 billion.D.1.8 billion.20、In which country do people feel the most pressure to be thin? A.Brazil.B.India.C.France.D.America.21、Who are most likely to blame their parents for obesity?A.The French.B.The Swiss.C.Germans.D.Russians.22、What do trendspotters do?A.Take pictures of youth culture.B.Write reports on youth culture.C.Sell products to young people.D.Create websites for young people.23、What does Look-Look concentrate on?A.Recruiting trendspotters for its clients.B.Providing advice to young trendspotters.C.Organizing sales networks for its clients.D.Dealing in information about youth trends.24、Why do some companies use Look-Look' s images on their websites?A.To promote visits to Look-Look.com.B.To attract young people to their new products.C.To learn about what makes young people buy.D.To encourage young people to be photographed.25、Why is it difficult for trendspotters to catch original styles?A.Many young people like to show off.B.Many young people stick to the rules.C.Many young people try to copy trends.D.Many young people refuse to take pictures.SECTION II Use of English(15 minutes)What do I want? It' s really a very 26 question; yet many of us are not sure.27 it doesn' t have to be all that difficult to answer.It' s a matter of 28 Have you ever looked through a telescope at something? You find a 29 point to concen-trate on, and then 30 the settings.At first, it's too 31 , then it's too far away, finally it' s just right.The 32 is that it takes many adjustments to 33 the subject into focus.If 34 want to look at something else, the 35 starts again.Goal-setting is the same way.Don' t 36 if at first you don' t know exactly what you want to 37 .Just don' t make the mistake of never committing 38 anything.Sometimes the answer is very simple: Just 39 something!Dr.Mark Goldstone, author of Get Out of Your Own Way, 40 you "look back in order to look 41." Examine your calendar at day' s end during a typical week and 42 each appointment or listing on a scale of - 3 to + 3, 43 -3 means "If I never do this again, it will be 'too soon to do it." and + 3 means "I could do this all day long, and I can' t 44 to do it all over again." 45 you identify the frequent themes, you' 11 be able to better focus your dreams.26、A.Strange B.Simple C.Ridiculous D.funny27、A.And B.So C.For D.But28、A.Time B.Determination C.Focus D.preference29、A.Reference B.Turning C.Starting D.major30、A.Switch B.Open C.Adjust D.fix31、A.Large B.Dark C.Foggy D.Close32、A.Sign B.Point C.Choice D.law33、A.Bring B.Move C.Include D.put34、A.Observers B.Viewers C.We D.you35、A.Practice B.Process C.Progress D.performance36、A.Hesitate B.Mind C.Worry D.apologize37、A.See B.Say C.Do D.hear38、A.In B.On C.To D.at39、A.Write B.Pick C.Test D.draw40、A.Suggests B.Announces C.Imagines D.warns41、A.Forward B.Up C.Round D.in42、A.Read B.Correct C.Define D.grade43、A.Which B.What C.Where D.why44、A.Wait B.Promise C.Afford D.manage45、A.Once B.Unless C.Before D.ThoughSECTION III Reading Comprehension Part A(40 minutes)Text 1In 1997, 25 Japanese citizens, all older than 60, launched Jeeba (the name means "old man and old woman") to make senior-friendly products.They knew they were making history when they coined their company motto : "Of the elderly, by the elderly and for the elderly." They do not hire young people, and the oldest of their workers is 75.Firms run by senior citizens are still a rarity, in Japan and worldwide.But the elderly have numbers on their side.Healthier and longer-living seniors, born immediately after World War II,are reaching retirement age in huge numbers all over the developed world.Extremely lowbirthrates in those same countries mean there are far fewer young workers to take their place.One likely con-sequence is now clear: shrinking work forces.While the streamlining effects of international competition are focusing attention on the need to create and keep good jobs, those fears will eventually give way to worries about the growing short-age of young workers.One unavoidable solution: putting older people back to work, whether they like it or not.Indeed, advanced economies like those of Finland and Denmark have already raised their retirement ages.Others are under severe pressure to follow suit, as both the European Com-mission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development have recently warned their members that their future prosperity depends on a growing contribution from the elderly.Whether these changes are good or bad news to workers depends on whether they anticipate retirement with eagerness or dread.In the United States, half of working-age Americans now expect to work into their 70s, whether by financial necessity or by lifestyle choice, according to a new study by Putnam Investments.Contrary to still widespread assumptions, there is very little hard evidence to suggest that com-panies cannot stay competitive with a rising share of older workers.At 13ritish hardware chain B&Q, its "elder worker" stores in Manchester and Exmouth were 18 percent more profitable than its regular outlets--due in part, the company says, to six times less employee turnover and 60 per-cent less shoplifting and breakage.46、Jeeba' s difference from a conventional company mainly lies inA.the age of its employees B.the number of its ownersC.the quality of its products D.the scope of its operations47、In the developed world, compared with young people, the elderlyA.are better at business B.are greater in numberC.have healthier lifestyles D.have more job opportunities48、According to the writer, in the current situation companies are faced with the tough task of A.creating good positions B.employing retired workersC.filling vacant positions D.replacing unskilled workers49、For future prosperity, many European countries will have toA.increase the number of young workers B.offer many senior-friendly jobsC.improve services for seniors D.raise their retirement ages50、B&Q' s "elder worker" stores are mentioned to show that the employment of older work-ers A.does not reduce a company' s competitivenessB.does not affect older workers' lifestyle ChoicesC.is not a usual practice among competitive firmsD.is not good news to those who are eager to retireText 2Here' s how I want to watch the 2014 Winter Olympics.I want to go to a Web site to see any event I want, whenever I want to watch it, on whatever screen I choose.I' 11 gladly pay.The technology exists to make this happen today.Yet nearly two decades after theintroduction of the World Wide Web, this remains a fantasy.NBC, which broadcasted the Vancouver Olympics in the United States, wouldn' t put videos on its Web site until they had been shown on prime-time TV.So Americans had the weird experience of learning from a news report during the day that something fantastic had just happened, and then having to wait until that night' s broadcast to see it.Bloggers complained, but NBC wouldn' t give way.Its research shows that people like me, who want to watch the Olympics online, represent only 7 percent of the total audience.The other, bigger concern is: the Internet doesn' t deliver any money.Advertisers remain willing to pay big money to show their commercials on prime-time TV.But on the Internet? Not so much.So NBC clings to the old way of doing things.As it sees it, the prime-time show is the most important.To make matters worse, NBC was already expecting to lose $ 250 million on the 2010 Vancouver Games.Good luck persuading it to invest in a risky Web project.It's easy to blame the network executives.But the NBC guys and their like are only doing what makes sense.They're going where the money is.That needs to change.Yes, selling reporting of Olympic events over the Internet would drain away some of the prime-time audience, but my sense is many of the online subscribers would still watch the prime-time show.And over time, the subscription dollars could become a substantial rev- enue stream.Instead of viewing the Internet as a threat to prime time, the TV networks should see the Web as a way to sell even more of their product to a small but passionate subset of their audi-ence.I' m hoping that by 2014, that will have changed.51、According to the writer, watching the Olympics online as one likesA.is technologically impossible B.is still denied to the audienceC.has been a dream for 20 years D.will no longer be free in 201452、We learn that what Americans saw about the V ancouver OlympicsA.was unavailable online B.differed from the newsC.seemed weird to them D.was first shown on TV53、Bloggers complained about NBC' sA.neglect of those in the minority B.excessive online advertisementsC.delay in providing videos online D.limited reporting on sports news54、After the 2010 Vancouver Games, NBC is likely toA.improve its prime-time show B.continue its current practiceC.raise its price for advertising D.try its luck in a web program55、The writer thinks the TV networks should view the Web as a potential to help them to A.make dramatic profits B.develop new productsC.satisfy their subscribers D.divide prime-time revenuesText 3One important thing during the pre-Christmas rush at our house was the arrival of my daughter' s kindergarten report card.She got high praise for her reading, vocabulary and overallen-thusiasm.On the other hand, we learnt that she has work to do on her numbers and facility with the computer, though the detailed handwritten report her teachers prepared is absent of any words that might be interpreted as negative in describing her efforts.A number system indicates how she' s measuring up in each area without any mention of passing or failing.All of which seems to make my daughter' s school neither fish nor fowl when it comes to the debate over the merits of giving formal grades to kids.At one level, the advantages and disadvanta-ges are obvious.A grade system provides a straightforward standard by which to measure how your child is progressing at school--and how he or she is getting on compared to other children.But as writer Sue Ferguson notes, "Grades can deceive." The aim should be "to measure learning, not simply what a student can recall on a test." The two aren' t the same--and if you doubt that as an adult, ask yourself whether you could sit down without any preparation and still pass those high-school-level examinations.If you' re old enough, you' ve lived through this debate before.At one time, it was considered unfair to put children in direct competition with one another if it could be avoided.The inten-tion behind tha.t may have been good, but it ignored the fact that competition, and the will to come out on top, are essential components of the human condition.This time around, educators working with a no-grades approach are emphasizing different rea-sons.The thing is, that approach is much more commonplace in the adult workplace than is the tra-ditional pass-fail system we place on our children.Many workplaces conduct regular employee eval-uations.There are usually fairly strict limits to what an employer can tell an employee in those eval-uations-and even then, negative evaluations can be challenged by the employee.No matter where you sit in the debate over the grade system, then, the real question is this: if it' s so good for kids, why isn't that also true for adults?56、The school report indicates that the writer' s daughterA.lacks interest in her school work B.ranks among the best at languageC.has some trouble with her handwriting D.needs to improve in math and computer skills57、We can learn that the girl' s school tries to deliver the reportA.in a positive way B.in a scientific way C.in an attractive way D.in an enthusiastic way58、Sue Ferguson seems dissatisfied with the grade system for its focus onA.the process of getting the knowledge B.the capability of memorizing for the testC.the procedure of measuring learning D.the standard of comparing schools59、The writer would agree that cutting children off from competition isA.fit for human development B.fit for their age and experienceC.against a key part of human nature D.out of consideration for children60、It can be learned that today's educators supporting the no-grades approach insist that A.kids be allowed to challenge the negative evaluationsB.the traditional teacher-student relationship be changedC.the evaluation system for kids be similar to that for adultsD.strict rules be set up in evaluating school childrenSECTION III Reading Comprehension Part B(40 minutes)Directions:Read the texts from a magazine in which five people voice their different opinions in response to an article on the issue of praising.For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person (61 to 65) to one of the statements ( A to G) given below.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.Mike :Praise often and sincerely--it' s as simple as that.Employees want to feel needed and appreci-ated.By offering sincere praise with examples about what they did right, you' ll go far in creating an energetic team.Meanwhile, I don't agree with the assertion that "to focus on what needs im-proving isn' t good management." In fact, it' s the balance of praise along with constructive criti-cism that drives employees to work smarter and reach higher.Frank:This article makes a valid point that needs to be understood, especially for the new generation of workers, my generation.We don' t see ourselves as parts in the machine to be put in the dark to work.My generation needs respect in return from our employer, we need to feel appreciated beyond just a pay check, it' s the difference between being fulfilled at our career and being sad at our job.Joyce :One skill missing in today's workplace is the ability to build effective business relationships.At the core of that relationship is the need for consistent feedback."How am I doing?" is a ques-tion that should be answered consistently.When you tell an employee once a year what is needed to improve, you have not done your job as a leader--build skills, provide feedback and help the em-ployee grow and develop.Ellen:I don' t see a problem with praising employees when it' s truly deserved ( insincere praise is an entirely different story).It' s a cost-free "benefit", if you will, in that it allows employees to see that their efforts are both noticed and valued.In the work world there are always people available to tell that you are doing something wrong and far too few occasions when employees are told that they've done something right!Diana:Praise what the employee did.Be specific about why it was helpful.An employee who contin-ually earns your praise also deserves your attention as to how else to reward their behavior.Mean-ingful praise encourages people beyond anything else.Written comments are available for later re-view.They give them confidence that they can "do it again." I never regretted praising an employ-ee who deserved it but often kicked myself for missing an opportunity.Now match the name of each person (61 to 65) to the appropriate statementNote: there are two extra statements.Statements[A]Praise combined with criticism is helpful.[B] Praise can bring about many kinds of desired behavior.[C] Employees may feel it hard to accept.insincere praise.[D] Let employees know exactly for what they are praised.[E] In my opinion, we are not generous enough to give praise.[F] Employees need helpful advice on a regular basis.[G] Money alone cannot guarantee a sense of career fulfillment for me.61、Mike62、Frank63、Joyce64、Ellen65、DianaSECTION IV Writing Part A(40 minutes)You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section o n ANSWER SHEET 2.Part AYou will be transferred to the city where your friend James lives. Write a n email to him, telling him about:1 ) the reason(s) for your job transfer;2 ) the help you will need from him.You should write approximately 100 words. Do not use your own name at the end of your email. Use "Wang Lin" instead.SECTION IV Writing Part B(40 minutes)67、Below is a picture showing a young man who chooses to stay at home, dep ending on his parents for a living. Write an essay of about 120 words making r eference to the following points:1) the possible causes of the young man' s problem;2) your suggested solutions to the problem.THAT IS THE END OF THE TEST.第四部分写作Part A66.【高分范文】Dear James,I want to tell you a big news about me. I will be transferred to your ci ty! I have been working in my com-pany for three years and would like to chang e my working environment for better personal development. The good thing is th at there will be a branch company built in the city you live in. I seized the chance and luckily I got pro-moted as a manager to work in your city.I will be officially transferred to your city one month later. I need to get a decent-furnished house with two bedrooms, one living room, one bathroom a nd one kitchen. If it is convenient for you, please help me get such a house.Thank you very much.Please let me know if you can.Yours Sincerely,Wang Lin【写作点金】此篇属应用文文体,是给朋友写一封求助邮件。
9月中级口译真题+参考答案(2)Questions 15-1815. (A)One that is unabridged with detailed definitions.(B)One that contains fewer words and emphasizes on special words.(C)One that contains a broad range of words in common usage.(D)One that spans several volumes and has extensive word histories16. (A)The New Oxford Picture Dictionary(B)The American Heritage Dictionary(C)The Dictionary of Legal Terms(D)The Drinking Water Dictionary17. (A)It lists abbreviations, proper nouns, and tables of measures.(B)It is an unabridged edition providing as many as 500,000 entries.(C)It was randomly compiled and contains as many foreign words as possible.(D)It provides detailed information of famous people and places.18. (A)A school dictionary. (B)A college dictionary.(C)A general dictionary. (D)A specialized dictionary.Questions 19-2219. (A)He’s bought his wife a present. (B)He’s missed an important phone call.(C)He’s dismissed his new sec retary. (D)He’s popped out shopping.20. (A)Talking about the latest fashion.(B)Offering special reductions.(C)Giving bigger discounts to female customers.(D)Pressing on the customer to make a decision.21. (A)Upside down and inside out. (B)Inside out and back to front. (C)With its sleeves as trouser legs. (D)With its pattern upside down.22. (A)A V-necked pullover with short sleeves.(B)A high-necked pullover with long sleeves.(C)A white pullover with a pattern.(D)A blue pullover with a high neck.Questions 23-2623. (A)That of a creator. (B)That of a re-creator.(C)That of a receiver. (D)That of a performer.24. (A)Because we need to concentrate for our quiet thought.(B)Because we want to give full attention to the driving.(C)Because we try to avoid being caught by the patrolling police.(D)Because we intend to be as casual as possible in the driving.25. (A)In the elevator. (B)In the car.(C)In the bathroom. (D)In the church.26. (A)By perceptive and analytical listening.(B)By taking a sonic bath.(C)By attending classical concerts.(D)By listening to an emotional piece of music.Questions 27-3027. (A)His grandfather’s house. (B)His parents’ remarks.(C)A magazine. (D)A coursebook.28. (A)Enjoying visiting zoos. (B)Driving a car.(C)Making money. (D)Taking kids to a museum.29. (A)It died a few years ago. (B)It killed several tourists.(C)It is only a legend. (D)It is a living dinosaur.30. (A)No one has provided an accurate description of the animal.(B)No dead bodies of the animal have ever been found.(C)There are only 500 species living in Loch Ness.(D)The lake is not deep enough for such a huge animal.Part C: Listening and Translation1. Sentence TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2. Passage TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.(1)(2)。
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2013年9月中级口译听力真题Spot Dictation 含解析
2013年秋季上海中高级口译考试于今日9月15日开考,沪江英语在考后第一时间提供真题、解析、答案信息,本文为2013年9月中级口译听力真题Spot Dictation部分,由沪江网校提供。
Spot dictation
Next, let's talk about earthquakes on our planet. Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of them. Others do not have many. For example, there are few earthquakes in Britain. There is often a great noise during an earthquake. The ground vibrates. Houses fall down. Trains run off the lines. Sometimes, there is a heavy loss of human lives.
Earthquakes often happen near volcanoes, but this is not always true. The centers of some earthquakes are under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves. The powerful forces inside the earth break the rocks. The coast is shaken and great waves appear. These waves, also known as seismic waves, or tsunamis can travel long distances and rush over the land when they reach it. They are strong enough to break down houses and other buildings. Very often fires follow the most serious earthquakes. In 1906, the great earthquake at San Francisco broke the gas pipes. The gas escaped, and soon large numbers of fires were burning in the city. The water pipes were also shaken and broken, so it was not possible to put the fires out. There was no water. The Tokyo Earthquake of 1923 happened just before noon. People were cooking meals on their fires at that time. When the ground shook, the fires shook, too. Hot materials were thrown on the different parts of the houses, some of which were made of wood. Soon 134 fires were burning in the city.
What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake? A building with concrete walls is perhaps the best. A steel frame will make it even stronger.
The frame holds the different parts together and the walls do not easily fall. There is less chance of fire because concrete and steel do not burn. Over the years, scientists carefully studied the results of the earthquake in different parts of the world, and they are convinced that this kind of building is the safest.