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第I卷(1-4页)包括写作与阅读两部分,答题时间为45分钟。卷I和答题纸在开考时分发。Part I Writing (10’*2=20’)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write two short passages. You should include in your passages all the given information. You should write at

least 60words but not more than100 words for each passage. Write your

passages on Answer Sheet.

Section A

Write an-email to Li Hua, a friend of yours, answering his questions about how to write the description of a product. The necessary information below should be included.

1. 一个优秀的产品描述有助于买家了解产品并形成下单意向。

2. 由于买家都为境外客户,需要使用英文填写一切产品信息。

3. 必须将买家比较关注的产品的特色、功能、服务、包装及运输信息等展示出来。

4. 还应当包括产品的包装及配件信息、付款方式、物流方式、售后服务及承诺。Section B

Write an email to one of your customer, reminding her of a quick payment. The necessary information below should be included.

1. 你所挑选的商品是本店最畅销的。

2. 该商品因其优良的品质和具竞争力的价格而深受欢迎。

3. 此商品现存货不多,很快就会售完。

4. 如果您现在购买,我们会给你10%的折扣。

5. 一旦确认支付,将在24小时内发出。Part II Reading Comprehension (10’*3=30’)

Directions: In this part, there is a passage. You are required to finish Section A, Section B and Section C after reading the passage through carefully. You can have 25

minutes to do the work. Please give your answers on Answer Sheet.

CBE and omnichannel are the main trends of the global market. Let’s take a look at the reasons why the values of CBE are widely recognized among APEC economies and why CBE is empowering SMEs to enter the global value chain. Asia-Pacific region has become the dominant region in the global economy, growing faster than any other, at a rate of 35.2% year on.

The values of CBE to global SMEs are recognized among APAC economies because of two major reasons. First is the disruptive force in economies that are undergoing massive political, social and economic changes to support CBE. Even traditionally ‘closed’ economie s are putting CBE at the highest priority on their digital 2020 agenda. Second, SMEs are fast-growing due to disruptive innovation. By applying new sets of rules, values and models which ultimately disrupt and/or overtake existing markets by displacing earlier technologies and alliances, these innovative SMEs create new markets.

(1) International research conducted by University of South California revealed that 74% of businesses surveyed considered CBE as the key disruptive force on their economy over the next three years, 82% indicated that CBE would have great impact on SMEs over the next three years, and 48% said that CBE would have greater priority for their company strategy and development.

Domestic markets have become mature and saturated. CBE is the most logical way for future growth. Governments around the world have recognized ecommerce as an engine of future economic growth, especially in supporting SMEs to expand cross-border. Supportive policies boost the development of CBE.

International research conducted by Payvision showed that 70% of companies surveyed indicated that selling products and services overseas has proven to be profitable. While 40% indicated that emerging markets were their primary focus, and 45% indicate that China will be their main focus in the future.

CBE is empowering SMEs to enter global value chain, to survive in a mature and saturated competitive domestic market, increase their speed of development and broaden their business opportunities.

(2) SMEs with high internet and technology usage grow 2.1 times faster than SMEs that do not leverage technology, regardless of the industry. 60-80% of ecommerce exporters survive their first year in business compared with a 30-50% survival rate for traditional businesses. Ecommerce firms on average export to 30-40 different economies compared with 3-4 economies for traditional exporters. That’s 10 times more opportunities for business growth.

Using CBE the business risks are reduced to a level with lower intensity of competition in overseas markets, and wider reach of global markets. CBE offers more
