
上册第一单元1.in the past (formerly)2.include (embrace)3.man-made (artificial)4.control systematically (regulate)5.exactly (precisely)6.undesired (unwanted)7.irrelevant (extraneous)8.having intense feeling (passionate)9.aim toward (be targeted to)10.not far away (at hand)11.be charged for (be used for)第二单元1.His criminal activities were finally(uncovered).2.Scienctist from the two countries(concurred)to develop the vaccine.3.Lightning usually(accompanies)thunder.4.The bad weather(frustrated)our hopes of going out.5.She believes that she is not a good mother because she does not fit the (stereotype)of a woman who spends all her time with her children.6.He is always(switching)from one job to an another.7.He just smiled and(dismissed)the story as mere rumor.8.The sudden noise(distracted)his mind from his painful memories.9.The story can be(adapted)for use in schools.10.That is what we(assume),but it is not esay to find evidence to prove it.11.She tried to(probe)into my mind and discover what I was thinking.12.She is too ambitious to remain in a(subordinate)position for long in the company.第三单元1.containing many detailed parts and thus difficult to understand. (intricate)2.nearly correct but not exactly. (approximately)3.a sudden shaking of the Earth,s surface. (earthquake)4.having many different kinds of skills or abilities. (versatile)5.standing apart, separate as is to be alone. (isolated)6.the opposite in position; the other way around. (reverse)7.in addition to; also (as well as)8.depending on each other; necessary to each other. (interdependent)9.increase in number by giving birth to offspring. (multiply)10.eat something in order to stay alive or subsist. (live on)11.destroy completely. (kill off)12.not in its exact or accurate position. (out of true)13.provide with proper or necessary skills, knowledge etc. (qualify)14.not in any way. (not at all)15.as a result from a natural impulse or tendency. (spontaneously)第四单元1、The meeting dragged (on) for three hours.2、The party broke (up) only after midnight.3、We dropped (by) the club to see if Bill was there.4、No matter what we talk about, Jim always drags (in) politics5、Britain has dropped (behind) Japan as a producer of cheap cotton fabrics.6、Gradually his strength failed and he dropped (behind) in the race7、Scientists hope to break (through) soon in their fight against heart disease.8、Several friends dropped (in) during the day, but only a few stayed for dinner.9、A big fire broke (out) on the ground floor of the market.10、If you hadn’t broken (in), I could have told the story more easily.11、The cold winter dragged (on) until we thought that spring would never come.12、Why must you always drag this subject (in) when we are talking.13、Please drop (by) any time you are in town.14、They dragged (out) the meeting with long speeches.15、The children seem to have been dragged (up) without proper training and education.16、Several painters in the exhibition have broken (with) traditional styles.17、He tried to cope with the ever-increasing burden of his work, but finally he broke (down) and had to take a complete rest.18、He broke (off) in the middle of the conversation.19、It is difficult to break (away) from old habits.20、Well, drop (in) some time tomorrow and we will talk things over.第五单元1、Learn and discover (a fact that was hidden) (find out)2、A group of people living together by shared interests, religion, etc. (community)3、Change into something of different form or properties (convert)4、Have a clear meaning (wake sense)5、A state of very strong feeling, esp. of joy and happiness (ecstasy)6、Take the place of (replace)7、to some extent; somewhat (more or less)8、at the lowest estimate or figure (at least)9、not easily managed; hard to treat, relieve, or cure (intractable)10、understand; figure out the meaning of (make out)下册第一单元Invigorate transient inaccessible impetus conviction facilitate cherish disturbance motto suppress stagnation incorporate defiance exhilarating ideology1.The Bill has (incorporated)many of the suggestions put forward by the Opposition..2.New technologies are needed to(invigorate)the country’s economy.3.The noise of cars passing along the road is a continual (suppressed) to our quiet life.4.The soldier (disturbance) his fear and went on fighting.5.This country is suffering from its economic (stagnation).6.The old man (cherished) the girl as if she were his daughter7.Do not lose hope ;remember the (motto)“Never say die”.8.The temple is high in the mountain , and is (inaccessible) to the public in winter.9.The child showed (defiance) by refusing to eat.10.I am defending my communist (ideology) ,my ideals ,the content and significance of my whole life.11.The car run down the hill under its own (impetus)12.There a canal was being built to (facilitate) commerce between these two cities.13.My first parachute jump wan a(n) (exhilarating) experience.14.It’s my (conviction) that you did not try hard enough.15.“Worldly wealth is (transient);heavenly wealth lasts for ever.”said the priest.第二单元Infection immune deficiency sparsely devastate host quadruple impoverish avenue cripple afflict deluge inure phenomenal menace1.The hurricane (devastated) a large section of the coast.2.After the lecture on human cloning, the professor was (deluged) withquestions.3.She was greatly (afflicted) with the loss of her child.4.When once you have the disease of smallpox, you are (immune) from it for the rest of your life.5.You can guard against the (infection)of that disease by doing more exercise to help your body to resist it.6.They found there was a serious (deficiency) of VC in this patient.7.The land had become (impoverished) from years of irresponsible use.8.He has decided to cross the English Channel . Now he has to (inure) himself to the cold water.9.Mexico will be (quadruple) to the next APEC meeting.10.If you (host) 5,you get 20.11.The road outside the school is a (menace) to the children' s safety.12.She experienced a time of deep depression after she was (crippled) in the car accident .13.He has been working very had in the past few years , and has achieved the (phenomenal) success of his books.14.I like this (sparsely) populated region. It is quiet with little traffic.15.To find the solution to this tough problem,we have explored every (avenue).第三单元1.A general agreement ; (consensus)2.break into small pieces ; (crumble)3.of the greatest importance ; (vital)4.most common ; (prevailing)5.Become gradually fewer or smaller ; (dwindle)6.call into question ; (dispute)7.A person who argues in favor of sth. ; (proponent)8.an authoritative principle or belief ; (dogma)rge in amount ; (massive)10.explain ; (interpret)11.suspicion ; (hunch)12.baffle or confuse . (puzzle)第四单元rge-scale industry (emerged) gradually as technology evolved.2.Although the ministers intend to (launch) a major new negotiation, the conference stalled on the issue of agriculture and was widely regarded asa failure .3.There is a wide (gap) between the views of the two statesmen.4.When the Communist Party went out of power, Russia (declined)asa world power.5.Trade rules are important for small and (medium-sized) countries.6.The rules are enforced by the WTO members themselves under agreed (procedures) that they negotiated.7.The success of this experiment is (crucial) to the project as a whole.8.The members of the group are (diverse), but sharing a common objective that agriculture has to be liberalized.9.Investors made millions on that real estate (transaction)10.There are strict rules (regulating) the use of chemicals in food.11.The work of WTO is undertaken by (representatives)of member governments but its root lie in the everyday activity of industry and commerce.12.She went through a long (depression) after losing her job.13.The Uruguay Round agreement has a 6-year (implementation) period and 10 years for developing countries.14.Special (provisions)deal with the interest of countries that rely on imports for their food supplies, and the least developed economies.第五单元1 .very anxious and troubled almost to the point of madness (distraught)2 .fall suddenly (tumble)3 .move oneself violently,hurriedly (fling)4 .kind;sort (strain)5 .sell goods at a lower price than a business competitor (undersell)6 .make up for (compensate)7 .brisk energy and high spirit (pep)8 .destroy completely and put an end to sth. (eradicate)9 .infected (tainted)10 .sudden rush of frightened people or animal (stampede)。

研究⽣英语教材课后习题解答上册Unit 1Text AExercises1. Reading comprehensionA. Read the text and answer the following questions.1. What, according to the author, do Americans love? Cite examples to illustrate your point.Americans love new frontiers. For example, they hanker after wide-open spaces; they like to explore; they like to make rules but refuse to follow them.2. Is there a place on earth where you can go and be yourself? What is the place according to the author?According to the author, there is a place—cyberspace, where you can go and be yourself.3. What metaphor does the author use to describe cyberspace? Why does she use such a metaphor?Real estate, because both real estate and cyberspace consist of different parts and each part is suitable for a particular group of people.4. Does the author approve of regulating cyberspace? Why or why not?Yes, but first, it is fundamental to understand the nature of cyberspace.5. What does the author think is needed in cyberspace besides government control?Self-rule.6. What are some of the main areas of cyberspace that the author defines? What other areas do you know that have recently emerged in cyberspace (e.g. e-business)?E-mail conversations, information and entertainment services, and cyberspace communities.7. How do cyberspace communities evolve? Give examples to illustrate your point.People of similar interests and tastes form a community. For example, communities on CompuServe tend to be professional; those on America Online are affluent young singles, and so on.8. What is unique about cyberspace rules? What authority do they have that rules in terrestrial environments don’t have?It allows communities of any size and kind to flourish. Cyberspace rules have moral authority that terrestrial governments don’t have.9. In what spirit are new communities formed?Communities cater to their own members’ inclination..10. What kind of government do explorers in cyberspace need?Their own local government besides terrestrial government does explorers.11. What should be done to deal with questionable items in cyberspace? Are people already doing that?We should be banning them and using labels and automatic filters to get rid of them. Yes.12. Is cyberspace a perfect place? If not, why are people so excited about it?No, it is not. People are excited about it because it offers a lot of information and freedom.B. Global understanding and appreciation of the text.1. Analogy (⽐喻,类推) is a figure of speech (修辞⼿段) which draws a parallel between two different types of things, anduses on (usually familiar to the reader) to explain reader’s understanding of the writer’s point.Can you draw a parallel between real estate and cyberspace? What point does the analogy support?The analogy between real estate and cyberspace2. By dividing cyberspace into three parts and using similes(明喻), the author defines the nature of cyberspace and illustrates further her point that government regulation is not needed in cyberspace. Complete the following form to show that you understand the author’s point. Please be reminded that the underlyingA is like B”.structure of a simile is “3. In what way do the rules of a terrestrial government and those of a cyberspace community differ? Refer to para. 11 to answer the question.4. What is the language style of the article? Is it formal and literary or informal and conversational? Cite examples from the text to support your answer.This article is written in an informal and conversational style. For example, theauthor uses some slangy words, incomplete sentences, contractions, and addresses the reader as “you”.II. VocabularyA. Find a word or phrase from the paragraph indicated in the bracket that means the same as:1. in the past —→ formerly2. include —→ embrace3. man-made —→ artificial4. control systematically —→ regulate5. exactly —→ precisely6. undesired —→ unwanted7. irrelevant —→ extraneous8. having intense feeling —→ passionate9. aim toward —→ be targeted to10. not far away —→ at hand11. be charged for —→ be sued forB. Choose the best word to complete each of the following sentences,1. this book ____a___ all the information you need.a. containsb. embracesc. offersd. involves2. The government _____c____ the number of foreign cars that could be imported.a. refrainsb. restrainsc. restrictsd. prevents3. As a teacher you should not show _____b___ towards any of your students.a. pleasureb. favorc. preferenced. inclination4. Traffic is _____d___ by police at every intersection.a. enforcedb. imposedc. limitedd. regulated5. How much do you ____b___ for this pair of shoes?a. billb. chargec. costd. afford6. We can ______b____ now and return to work in the morning.a. leave outb. leave offc. sign awayd. sign off7. That matter can be left ___b___ until our next meeting.a. onb. overc. aloned. about8. I learned that he was _____a____ sick leave from a government office.a. onb. inc. takend. spending9. It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had ever set eyes ____c_____.a. tob. inc. ond. down10. Each week he tried to set _____d____ a few dollars of his salary.a. forthb. aboutc. apartd. asideIII. ClozeChoose a proper word from the list to fill in each blank in the following passage. Change the form of the word if necessary:Born to SurfThe web From the Window contains poetry and literature from well-known writers across the global. There are thoughtful articles analyzing the state of the world we live in. There is (1)even a piece from the Secretary General of the United States, Kofi Annan. It may come (2)as some surprise to find out (3)that the editor of the magazine is a 12-year-old girl, Joy Nightingale.From the Window (4)won Joy Nightingale the first prize in the 1999 childnet Inter-national and Cable and Wireless awards. These are given (5)annually for the best use of the Internet (6)by and for young people. And (7)they highlight one ofthe most welcoming aspects of the (8)virtual world. Children have taken to the Internet as though they are born surfing.Perhaps this is (9)because adults have had to change their understanding of technology while children (10)simply accept it as natural. Whatever the reason, children can be found building websites and E-mailing friends (11)across the world while adults are (12)still asking: “Tell me again —where (13)exactly is cyberspace?”Of course there is growing (14)concern about the fact that children can travel far away from parental supervision incyberspace. In (15)response , many parents have installed soft-ware packages which prevent (16)access to violent or pornographic websites. Childnet is taking a more positive line. The website is a gateway (17)to a world of education and entertainment.The rapid growth in Internet culture has (18)led analysts to speculate that society will soon be divided (19)between the “information rich”and “information poor”. For Childnet it is especially important that children at the margins of society through poverty or disability have the chance to take their (20)palce as equal citizens in the virtual world.IV. TranslationTranslate the following into Chinese:The possibility of a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand. Incyberspace, we’ll be able to test and evolve rules governing what needs to be governed — intellectual property, content and access control, rules about privacy and free speech. Some communities will allow anyone in: others will restrict access to members who qualify on one basis or another. Those communities that prove self-sustaining will prosper (and perhaps grow and split into subsets with ever-more-particular interests and identities). Those that can’t survive-either because people lose interest or get scared off-will simply wither away.⼀种真正的市场型管理模式很快成为可能。

Unit 1A: formerly, embrace, artificial, regulate, precisely, unwanted, extraneous, passionate, be targeted to, at hand, be sued forB: ACBDB BBACDUnit 2A.uncovered, concurred, accompanies, frustrated, stereotype, switching, dismissed, distracted,adapted, assume, probe, subordinateB.BADB ADACUnit 3A.intricate, approximately, earthquake, versatile, isolated, reverse, as well as, interdependent,multiply, live on, kill off, out of true, qualify, (not) at all, spontaneouslyB.DABCA BCABCUnit 4A.on, up, by, in, behind, behind, through, in, out, in, on, in, by, out, up, with, down, off, away, inB.prime, constantly, at regular intervals, at arm's length, come off, got over, yielded, be put intooperation, challenging, resort to, swarming with, take inUnit 5A.find out, community, convert, make sense, ecstasy, replace, more or less, at least, intractable,make outB.BDABC BCACACloze: quantitatively, make up, at least, unlikely, even if, greater than, common-sense, turn out to be, increases, in the direction of, complaints, the Theory of Relativity, close to, so far as, not only Unit 6A.acbacabbB.singaled, steer, stand out, stand up for, secondary, stand by, steered, pulled up, pulled into,expireUnit 7A.get the better of, futility, one-way, unnerve, unscramble, chaotic, haphazardness, catch, smog,flute, depressing, nil, random, distress, institution, congregateB.DBCAB CADBC CCUnit8A. 1. boom 2.hybrid 3. executive 4. returns 5. apart from 6. unparalleled 7. bringabout 8. stillborn 9. strategy 10. subsequent 11. figure out 12. leave overB. 1. C 2.D 3. A 4. B 5. B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.D 10. Bll.A 12.C新生的亿万富翁■1最近所呈现的技术进步,新商务的欣欣何荣,以及个人财富的急剧增长是过去25年中计算机产业形成的第三次,也是最令人瞩目的一次浪潮。

一,选择1,This book (contains) all the information you need.2,The government (restricts) the number of foreign cars that could be imported. 3,As a teacher you should not show (favor) towards any of your students.4,Traffic is (regulated) by police at every intersection.5,How much do you (charge) for this pair of shoes?6,We can (leave off) now and return to work in the morning.7,That matter can be left (over) until our next morning.8,I learned that he was (on) sick leave from a government office.9,It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had even set eyes (on).10, Each week he tried to set (aside) a few dollars of his salary.11, All this ceremony is just (for show); it doesn’t mean a thing.12 ,Bill is afraid to (show his face) since Tom threatens to beat him up.13, She has been behaving foolishly; I hope you will (bring her to senses).14, The classroom is 30 feet (in length) and 20 feet in breadth.15, I’m leaving this job because I’m tried of being (pushed around).16, After the rain, the orchard seems to have (burst into) blossom overnight.17, The two men stood (glaring at)each other, while the crowd looked on with amusement.18, When you have any problems in your studies, you can always (look to) John for help.19, Theodore Roosevelt was a (versatile) man ; he was successful as a statesman, soldier….20, The small town has (undergone) many changes during last 10 years.21, The old farmer (survived) his wife, living until 105 years of ages.22, Poor eyesight is a (handicap) to many students.23, The wheat crop will be (decimated) with strong spring rains.24, The various parts of the essays do not adequately (interrelate).25, Hot weather (multiplies) the bacteria in the milk rapidly.26, If something very substantial is not done next month , he cannot (retain)his office.27, We sent him an invitation but he (declined).28, The lifeguard pulled the (inanimate) body out of the pool.29, If you are to be accepted as a member of the club you must (abide) by its rules. 30, (Even if) you dislike ancient monuments, Warrick Castle is worth a visit.31, The cites will to be (deflated) and the population distributed in villages.32, He gave a (distorted) account of what has happened.33, His speech (fermented) trouble among the works.34, The criminal was told he would be (immune)from punishment if he said what……35, If you (strain) the elastic band any more, it will break.36, The Egyptians (inhabit) an area equal to France and Spain combines.37, He is (by no means) considered to be a great explorer.38, It was a long time before scientists could (penetrate) the mystery of the atom.39, inhale (breathe in)40, scent (fragrance)41, beam (smile happily)42, solid (heavy)43, suspicious (unbelieving)44, steady (regular)45, accomplishment (success)46, impressionable (easily noticeable)47, The speaker was a long way (off the track).48, The new government tried to (defuse) the growing discontent of the people.49, The (catch) is how to grow rice in a dry area.50, They were surprised to see the efficiency of the(well-oiled) military machine of ……51, He was (upset) to learn that he had been left out of the basketball team.52, It is fortunate when a young man’s career goals(coincide)with what his parents ……53, If the body is robbed this way for too long, vital organs (break down).54, If your car (conks out) on a turnpike, wait for assistance.55, My pencil is (worn down) to a stump.56, The waterfall has (worn) a hole in the stone.57, Anna did what she could to keep the marriage from (falling apart).58, His wife becomes more and more (preoccupied) with children.59, Artificial light is not to be (compared with) daylight for general use.60, To (retrieve) some data, one has to consult a computer.61, When the car hit the wall, the (impact) broke the windscreen.62, The problem is closely (involved with) the management of pastures.63, If you travel by jet plane, Tokyo and Shanghai are (virtually) neighbors.64, There is no(tangible)evidence that the diplomatic relations will be restored to……65, After 10 years’efforts, the farmers have (turned)the waste land(into)paddy fields.66, He traveled with some British doctors who took (short-term) jobs abroad.67, Utter weariness (overtook) me one hour later.68, Farmers will have a bumper harvest, (assuming) that the weather is favorable. 69, Stocks may (boom) today, but droop tomorrow.70, The mountain peak is (dominant) on the horizon.二,VocabularyUnit1In the past formerly Include embrace man-made artificial control systematically regulate exactly precisely undesired unwanted irrelevant extraneous having intense feeling passionateaim toward be targeted to not far away at hand be charged for be send forUnit3Containing many detailed parts and thus difficult to understand intricateNearly correct but not exactly approximatelyA sudden shaking of the Earth’s surface earthquakeHaving many different kinds of skills or abilities versatileStanding apart, separate as is to be alone isolatedThe opposite in position; the other way around reverseIn addition to; also as well asDepending on each other; necessary to each other interdependentIncrease in number by giving birth to offspring multiplyEat something in order to stay alive or subsist live onDestroy completely kill offNot in its exact or accurate position out of trueProvide with proper or necessary skills, knowledge etc. quality(not) in any way (not) at allAs a result from a natural impulse or tendency spontaneouslyUnit4The meeting dragged onThe party broke upWe dropped by the club to see if Bill was thereNo matter what we talk about, Jim always drags in politicsBritain has dropped behind Japan as a producer of cheap cotton fabrics Gradually his strength failed and he dropped behind in the raceScientists hope to break throughSeveral friends dropped inA big fire broke outIf you hadn’t broken in,The cold winter dragged onWhy must you always drag this subject inPlease drop byThey dragged outThe children seem to have been dragged upSeveral painters in the exhibition have broken withHe tried to cope with the ever-increasing burden of his work, but finally he broke downHe broke offIt is difficult to break awayWell, drop inPrime constantly intervals at arm’s length come off get over yield put into operation challenging resort to swarming with take inUnit5Learn and discover (a fact that was hidden) find outA group of people living together by shared interests, religion, etc. community Change into something of different form or properties convertHave a clear meaning wake senseA state of very strong feeling, esp. of joy and happiness ecstasyTake the place of replaceto some extent; somewhat more or lessat the lowest estimate or figure at leastnot easily managed; hard to treat, relieve, or cure intractableunderstand; figure out the meaning of make outUnit7Defeat (sb.)or deal successfully with(w difficulty) get the better ofUselessness; useless action or thing futilityMoving or allowing movement in only one direction one-wayTake away the courage or power to act unnervePut back into order so as to be understood unscrambleIn a state of complete disorder and confusion; confused chaoticA state marked by lack of plan, order, or direction haphazardnessAny tricky or concealed problem or drawback catchSmoke or other gases that pollute, combined with fog in an unhealthy or irritating mixture smogA pipelike wooden or metal musical instrument with finger holes fluteCausing gloominess or a lowering of spirit depressingNothing; zero nilMade or done aimlessly, without any plan randomCause great suffering of the mind or body distressAn organization, a habit, custom, etc. , which has been in existence for a long time institution(cause to) gather together congregateUnit8A rapid increase in sales, worth, profits, etc. boomThe offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds, varieties, or species hybrid A person or group having administrative or supervisory authority in an organization or government executiveProfit or gain, such as from work returnsAside from, except for apart fromNot equal or matched; unique unparalleledAccomplish, cause bring aboutIneffective or useless from the beginning stillbornThe science of planning and directing military operations strategyOccurring after; succeeding subsequentWork out; understand by thinking figure outDelay doing, considering, etc., till a later time leave over三,完形。

研究⽣英语教材课后习题解答(上册)Unit 1Text AExercises1. Reading comprehensionA. Read the text and answer the following questions.1. What, according to the author, do Americans love? Cite examples to illustrate your point.Americans love new frontiers. For example, they hanker after wide-open spaces; they like to explore; they like to make rules but refuse to follow them.2. Is there a place on earth where you can go and be yourself? What is the place according to the author?According to the author, there is a place—cyberspace, where you can go and be yourself.3. What metaphor does the author use to describe cyberspace? Why does she use such a metaphor?Real estate, because both real estate and cyberspace consist of different parts and each part is suitable for a particular group of people.4. Does the author approve of regulating cyberspace? Why or why not?Yes, but first, it is fundamental to understand the nature of cyberspace.5. What does the author think is needed in cyberspace besides government control?Self-rule.6. What are some of the main areas of cyberspace that the author defines? What other areas do you know that have recently emerged in cyberspace (e.g. e-business)?E-mail conversations, information and entertainment services, and cyberspace communities.7. How do cyberspace communities evolve? Give examples to illustrate your point.People of similar interests and tastes form a community. For example, communities on CompuServe tend to be professional; those on America Online are affluent young singles, and so on.8. What is unique about cyberspace rules? What authority do they have that rules in terrestrial environments don’t have?It allows communities of any size and kind to flourish. Cyberspace rules have moral authority that terrestrial governments don’t have.9. In what spirit are new communities formed?Communities cater to their own members’ inclination..10. What kind of government do explorers in cyberspace need?Their own local government besides terrestrial government does explorers.11. What should be done to deal with questionable items in cyberspace? Are people already doing that?We should be banning them and using labels and automatic filters to get rid of them. Yes.12. Is cyberspace a perfect place? If not, why are people so excited about it?No, it is not. People are excited about it because it offers a lot of information and freedom.B. Global understanding and appreciation of the text.1. Analogy (⽐喻,类推) is a figure of speech (修辞⼿段) which draws a parallel between two different types of things, anduses on (usually familiar to the reader) to explain reader’s understanding of the writer’s point.Can you draw a parallel between real estate and cyberspace? What point does the analogysupport?2. By dividing cyberspace into three parts and using similes(明喻), the author defines the nature of cyberspace and illustrates further her point that government regulation is not needed in cyberspace. Complete the following form to show that you understand the author’s point. Please be reminded3. In what way do the rules of a terrestrial government and those of a cyberspace community differ?Cite examples from the text to support your answer.This article is written in an informal and conversational style. For example, the author uses some slangy words, incomplete sentences, contractions, and addresses the reader as ―you‖.II. V ocabularyA. Find a word or phrase from the paragraph indicated in the bracket that means the same as:1. in the past —→formerly2. include —→embrace3. man-made —→artificial4. control systematically —→regulate5. exactly —→precisely6. undesired —→unwanted7. irrelevant —→extraneous8. having intense feeling —→passionate9. aim toward —→be targeted to10. not far away —→at hand11. be charged for —→be sued forB. Choose the best word to complete each of the following sentences,1. this book ____a___ all the information you need.a. containsb. embracesc. offersd. involves2. The government _____c____ the number of foreign cars that could be imported.a. refrainsb. restrainsc. restrictsd. prevents3. As a teacher you should not show _____b___ towards any of your students.a. pleasureb. favorc. preferenced. inclination4. Traffic is _____d___ by police at every intersection.a. enforcedb. imposedc. limitedd. regulated5. How much do you ____b___ for this pair of shoes?a. billb. chargec. costd. afford6. We can ______b____ now and return to work in the morning.a. leave outb. leave offc. sign awayd. sign off7. That matter can be left ___b___ until our next meeting.a. onb. overc. aloned. about8. I learned that he was _____a____ sick leave from a government office.a. onb. inc. takend. spending9. It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had ever set eyes ____c_____.a. tob. inc. ond. down10. Each week he tried to set _____d____ a few dollars of his salary.a. forthb. aboutc. apartd. asideIII. ClozeChoose a proper word from the list to fill in each blank in the following passage. Change the formThe web From the Window contains poetry and literature from well-known writers across the global. There are thoughtful articles analyzing the state of the world we live in. There is (1)even a piece from the Secretary General of the United States, Kofi Annan. It may come (2)as some surprise to find out (3)that the editor of the magazine is a 12-year-old girl, Joy Nightingale.From the Window (4)won Joy Nightingale the first prize in the 1999 childnet Inter-national and Cable and Wireless awards. These are given (5)annually for the best use of the Internet (6)by and for young people. And (7)they highlight one of the most welcoming aspects of the (8)virtual world. Children have taken to the Internet as though they are born surfing.Perhaps this is (9)because adults have had to change their understanding of technology while children (10)simply accept it as natural. Whatever the reason, children can be found building websites and E-mailing friends (11)across the world while adults are (12)still asking: ―Tell me again —where (13)exactly is cyberspace?‖Of course there is growing (14)concern about the fact that children can travel far away from parental supervision in cyberspace. In (15)response , many parents have installed soft-ware packages which prevent (16)access to violent or pornographic websites. Childnet is taking a morepositive line. The website is a gateway (17)to a world of education and entertainment.The rapid growth in Internet culture has (18)led analysts to speculate that society will soon be divided (19)between the―information rich‖ and ―information poor‖. For Childnet it is especially important that children at the margins of society through poverty or disability have the chance to take their (20)palce as equal citizens in the virtual world.IV. TranslationTranslate the following into Chinese:The possibility of a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand. In cyberspace, we’ll be able to test and evolve rules governing what needs to be governed —intellectual property, content and access control, rules about privacy and free speech. Some communities will allow anyone in: others will restrict access to members who qualify on one basis or another. Those communities that prove self-sustaining will prosper (and perhaps grow and split into subsets with ever-more-particular interests and identities). Those that can’t survive-either because people lose interest or get scared off-will simply wither away.⼀种真正的市场型管理模式很快成为可能。

练习答案Unit 1Text A T ax Competition Spurs GlobalizationⅡ. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) The economic forces behind globalization include rising trade and investment flows, greater labor mobility, and rapid transfers of technology. Those trends have bee stimulated by thederegulation of financial markets, reductions in trade barriers, and lower communication costs.(2) Most economists support globalization because it raises the incomes of people worldwide. Another lesser0noticed benefit is that it makes it harder for governments to sustain excessively high tax rates. When economic integration increases, individuals and businesses gain the freedom to take advantage of low tax rates abroad.(3) It shows that some smart nations like Ireland are treating international tax competition as an opportunity, not a threat.(4) First, high0tax countries have urged international organizations to reduce tax competition. Second, many nations are adding layers of complex rules on businesses to discourage them from investing abroad, rather than reducing tax burdens so that businesses want to invest at home.(5) Because there are more opportunities and lower taxes in cities such as London.(6) The author cites the case of Ireland to show that with the reduction of taxes, a large number of immigrants are attracted, and people at home are unwilling to migrate out. The lower one country's tax is, the more skilled people are attracted.(7) Because market competition encourages production efficiency. Tax competition provides an incentive to improve government efficiency. For example, the Federal government is no longer a monopoly―Americans now are able to invest abroad, retire in a low0tax Caribbean country, or move their business to low0tax Ireland. Accordingly, the Federal government needs to reform the tax code and provide services more efficiently to encourage Americans and their money to stay at home.(8) Tax competition among countries should be a win0win policy, as it restrains governments and helps spur global economic growth.2. Vocabulary(1) d (2) g (3) k (4) I (5) b (6) m (7) c (8) f (9) n (10) a3. Paraphrase(1) Until now, basic economic forces have been greater in importance than political efforts to make this trend slow.(2) Efforts to oppose the effects of economic integration have extended from anti0globalization protests to Congressional efforts to prevent American companies from forming new corporations in foreign countries.(3) The U.S. is able to be divided into this group because it has one ofthe highest corporate tax rates.(4) International investors have been affected easily by changes and differences between national tax rates when their investment choices have increased.(5) For many years, young Irish people went to America and other foreign countries, and tried to find a way to live a better life. But after Ireland reduced individual tax and then quickly cut corporate tax, the pattern of out0migration was changed around completely.(6) If the U.S. makes progress in tax reform, other nations would probably reform their taxes in the same way, as they did when the U.S. reduced rates in the 1980s.4. Cloze(1) and(2) understand(3) about(4) sides(5) what(6) bad(7) nor(8) properly(9) destroy(10) says(11) which(12) stronger(13) behind(14) up(15) While(16) unique(17) dark(18) benefits(19) from(20) rule5. TranslationA. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.由于殖民地与许多海外地区的大量贸易,所有欧洲重要商业国以及它们在西半球领地的金银铸币在北美东海岸都可以自由交换.由于法律不允许英国货币从英国流向殖民地,相比之下,西班牙的货币更加重要.这些货币在墨西哥城及利马铸造,再进入西班牙殖民地.西班牙币在殖民地被普遍使用,以至于这种硬币最后成为美国货币单位.B. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) With the growing of this town's economy, people intend to tailor afirst0class nursing home for the needs of the local elderly.(2) Because of the recessionary effect on the economy, many small businesses have gone bankrupt or have been swallowed up by giant corporations.(3) The facts relative to the case have been surveyed clearly, and the court has still to pass judgment on it.(4) He didn't marry her, because he felt that although pity was closely akin to love, they were still different. He was eager to marry for love, not pity.(5) Your advice was a great help to me, so a small expression of my gratitude is in place.Text B Measuring GlobalizationKey to the exercises1. F2. F3. T4. F5. T6. T7. F8. F9. F10. TUnit 2Text A Climate Talks Collapse: Rejoice, Rejoice!Ⅱ. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) This sentence reveals that the author didn't feel disappointed about the collapse of the conference. Instead, he thought it was a good thing in the long run. A similar attitude is also embedded in sentences like "climate talks collapse: rejoice, rejoice!", "And then, thank God, it all collapsed." and "we are better off with a clean slate than a weak precedent."(2) First, the targets decided on the conference are too measly, more than ten times less than we need to stabilize the problem. Even if the conference had been a success, the crisis would still not be able to be diverted. Second, once the agreement had been made, politicians would stop wasting their time on climate problems for some time, giving the public a false impression that something was being done. What's more, some developed countries would frequently use "flexible mechanisms" to delude. So the author thought the collapse was for the best.(3) According to the text, the real solution to the climate crisis is to adapt economics. For example, unnecessary dependence on the global economy should be shifted towards dependence on the local economy, and infrastructure should be established to free us from dependence on fossil fuels, and wind power should be better exploited to avoid more pollution.(4) The author thought this claim was ridiculous. He thought if we did not take action, the cost would be much more. So, according to him, it was worthwhile for us to take action to combat climate crisis compared with the loss caused by natural disasters.(5) The author considered this as a waste, because the chance for the occurrence of an attack from a nuclear state is slim. To waste money on something unlikely to happen is automatically unwise. He thought it would be better to spend the same sum on the prevention of the deterioration of climate, which has a greater possibility to happen.2. Vocabulary(1) splashed(2) comply(3) offset(4) concessions(5) pledged(6) prohibitive(7) Astoundingly(8) undermined(9) deluded(10) tumbled 3. Paraphrase(1) After many years of warning from people who are concerned about the protection of environment, groups of influential people in science and politics in most countries had finally began to realize and understand.(2) The analysis of the IPCC scientists was repeated by a number of other scientific groups, and even by the British and American government.(3) Actually, we might be wiser to keep a clean record than a weak climate agreement made earlier. In another words, we might be wiser not to have any if we can only achieve a climate agreement which is not so binding.(4) Without changing our economics, we will just be saving the separate leaves on a dying tree. That is to say, without changing our economics, the action taken by us will be just superficial, not enough to divert the worsening situation.(5) Our government, similar to its predecessors, sticks to the belief that increased global trade is naturally beneficial.(6) This has not only weakened the local economies gradually, but has also led to the situation where each mouthful of food involves the consumption of gallons of fuel.(7) Surprisingly, some people still declare that climate change is something imaginary and impossible-and that, even if it is not imaginary, the costs of changing the situation will prevent us from taking action.(8) There is no negative side in the action to prevent climate change.4. Cloze(1) committing(2) combat(3) issued(4) reduce(5) withdrawal(6) ratified(7) accounted(8) emissions(9) participation(10) implemented[](11) reached(12) proceed(13) secure(14) concessions(15) original(16) option(17) pressure(18) unanimous(19) revised(20) greenhouse5. TranslationA. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.但是,一切都考虑进去了之后,那个长期的真正能够解决环境危机的方法却被所有的领导人忽视了.倘若不去调整我们的经济,我们将只能是绿化垂死的树上的个别叶子.我们的政府,和它的前任们一样,坚持认为持续增长的全球贸易理所当然是一件好事情.因此,政府给予了无数直接或间接的资助.这些资助只能使那些生产远距离出口商品的大公司获益:比方说,欧盟的要求使得这个国家不得不进口一些诸如牛奶之类的基本商品.这不仅殃及到了当地的经济,而且会造成一种局面:每一口普普通通的食物在抵达我们嘴边之前都要消耗掉数加仑的燃料.我们正在迅速地朝着美国现在所面临的难以维继的局面发展.在美国,每一盘普普通通的食物都穿越了长达1000多英里的旅程,这并不是聪明的经济,也不是一种很好的做法.B. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) As to the climate crisis, we are better off with a clean slate than aweak proposal. Because once the proposal is made, politicians will close the climate chapter for some time.(2) She's cottoned on that her constant stomachache was caused by eating the smoked meat on offer last week at the local market. (3) That superstar descended on a small costal town, which was splashed across the front page of the local newspaper.(4) His last0ditch effort to win a place in the business world collapsed, which seemed frustrating. But it was also for the best. From the failure, he could learn a lot.(5) Parents lavish their love and care on their children. However, when they become old, some of them are condemned to live alone.(6) The present political leaders of our country, in line with his predecessors, were wedded to the belief that we should not retreat in the action against corruption.(7) The school dropouts in poverty0stricken areas came back to school by courtesy of the subsidies from government and donations from the kind people.(8) Under the effective organization of the local government, the damage caused by the flood has been watered down to the minimum.(9) Superpowers forge ahead in economic development, leaving other countries far behind. But it doesn't necessarily follow that they have the final say in everything.(10) At the end of the day the new executive is no better than his predecessor.Text B Hot StuffKey to the exercisesF2. F3. T4. F5. T6. T3Unit 3Text A How Progress Makes Us SickⅡ. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) In Belgium and the Netherlands, the avian flu was wiping out entire chicken farms. And even though Dutch farmers recently slaughtered 18 million birds in hopes of stopping the outbreak, the bird flu has spread to several provinces and jumped from poultry to pigs and even people, causing 83 human cases. The complaints of most infected people were eye inflammation and some developed respiratory illness.(2) They didn't think so because smallpox was largely defeated and AIDS had never been heard nor dreamed of; and at that time medical science was advancing very fast.(3) The ocean disturbance caused an unusually warm winter in the Southeast of America, which gave rise to an explosion of the mouse population that gave a free ride to the hantavirus to be bad enough to infect human beings.(4) In the 1980s, when the farmers in V enezuela cleared millions of acres of forest to create cropland, the arrival of more and more rodents introduced a deadly new virus-Guanarito virus - into theregion. It caused fever, shock and hemorrhaging, infecting more than 100 people and leaving a third of them dead. The lesson we should learn is that almost any activity that disrupts a natural environment can enhance the mobility of disease-causing microbes.(5) A similar experience happened to Malaysian farmers in 1999 after they pushed back the forest to expand their operations. As barns replaced forestland, displaced fruit bats started living in the rafters, contaminating the pigs' drinking water with the Nipah virus. The pigs developed an explosive cough that became known as the one0mile cough because it could be heard from so far away. The virus soon spread from the pigs to their keepers, causing extreme brain inflammation and killing 40 percent of the affected people. It resulted in eight farms closed and a million pigs slaughtered.(6) No, we cannot. Rain forests are not dangerous. The point is that human beings blindly rearrange ecosystems that can be hazardous to our health. Another such example is Lyme disease.(7) The human AIDS viruses are descended from simian pathogens known as SIVs. HIV01 is basically a chimpanzee virus, while HIV02 comes from the sooty mangabey (a monkey). The best suggestion to the current wide spread of AIDS is that African hunters contracted the chimp virus while butchering animals, and then passed it on through sexual contact. The reason why so many people have nowadays got AIDS is not just a new infectious agent but a proliferation of roads, cities and airports, a breakdown of social traditions, and the advent ofblood banking and needle sharing.(8) Human society has been progressing at an unprecedented clip with more and more comfortable life, helped with advanced science and technology. However, many subsequent disasters have told us that a lot of efforts to improve our life is at the expense of the law of nature, which, in turn, can make us sick. One impressive case mentioned by the author is the Malaysian pig farmers' experience in 1999. After they started pushing back the forest to expand their operations, the fruit bats began to live in the rafters, contaminating the pigs' drinking water with a pathogen now known as Nipah virus, which soon spread from pigs to their keepers, killing 40 percent of the affected people.2. Vocabulary(1) parade(2) scourge(3) surveillance(4) virulent(5) harbored(6) sealed(7) bombarded(8) contracted3. Paraphrase(1) SARS may have been the most important topic in the newspapers last week, but it wasn't the only peculiar disease according to the report the World Health Organization had received.(2) With the continuing manifestation of frightening new illnesses, we become more and more sure that human beings, in spite of our intelligence, are still under the control of the microbe.(3) With smallpox largely defeated, no such thing as AIDS even imagined and medical science advancing fast, we thought humanbeings could defeat all microbes.(4) We are not sure about every factor causing disease.(5) Such accidents are sure to happen until someone stops the spreading of disease.(6) These conditions practically decided HIV's wide spread, and they continue to quickly get every corner of the world infected by the originally unknown bugs.(7) The number of travelers and speed of travel have both reached the highest degree.(8) Nobody can predict how much we can achieve in this work.4. Cloze(1) account(2) Including(3) of(4) burden(5) reflects(6) as(7) increasing(8) approach(9) under(10) strategy(11) extensive(12) in(13) goal(14) improve(15) through(16) synthesize(17) between(18) for(19) on(20) framework5. TranslationA. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.虽然非典造成很大恐慌, 但至少根据目前的形式看,它还不算是大范围的.这种致病的冠状病毒和其它流感病毒一样对人有威胁,可它的传播并不那么快.正如路易威尔大学进化学家保罗・爱华德指出:倘若不是每一个病人都传染几个人,这种流行病是不会长久的.他说:"如果每一个非典病人都传染甚至两个人,那现在我们就会有成千上万的非典病人了." 一种致命的流感病毒充其量达到非典因子的毒性, 但它只会感染上一个房间所容纳的人数.B. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) Though difficulties kept on cropping up in his work, he still suceeded in finding this new element after solving all the problems.(2) The train was moving at such a good clip that one day's travel brought him to the south with scorching sun from the northerm part of the country covered with white snow.(3) The breakdown of the ship's engine left them at the mercy of the rough sea.(4) While seeking after their own profit, some companies ignore the farmer workers' interest. Recently, the government has been bombarded with the complaints about delayed payment.(5) With the bird flu emerging in some Asian countries, our government has placed the imported food under close surveillance. Text B Basic Information about SARSKey to the exercisesF2. F3. F4. T5. T6. F7. T8. F9. T10. FUnit 4Text A Marriage and Love(I)Ⅱ. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) They cannot completely outgrow the convention. And they submit to marriage for the sake of public opinion.(2) Marriage differs from the ordinary life insurance agreement only in that it is more binding, more exacting. It's returns are insignificantly small compared with the investments. In taking out an insurancepolicy one pays for it in dollars and cents, always at liberty to discontinue payments. If, however, woman's premium is a husband, she pays for it with her name, her privacy, her self0respect, her very life, "until death doth part." Moreover, the marriage insurance condemns her to life0long dependency, to parasitism, to complete uselessness, individual as well as social.(3) The statistics show the fact that marriage is a failure. First, every twelfth marriage ends in divorce; second, since 1870 divorces have increased from 28 to 73 for every hundred thousand population; third, adultery, since 1867, as ground for divorce, has increased 270.8 percent; fourth, desertion increased 369.8 percent.(4) The author thinks that Nora leaves her husband because she has come to know that for eight years she had lived with a stranger and borne him children.(5) It is the slavish acquiescence to man's superiority that has kept the marriage institution seemingly intact for so long a period.(6) This is an irony. The author tries to tell us that the change in women's position is indeed extraordinary if we realize that it is only a short time since woman has entered the industrial arena. Six million women now are exploited, robbed, and they go on strike and starve like men. They have to work in every walk of life, from the highest brain work to the most difficult menial labor in the mines and on the railroad track, even detectives and policemen. Women are now doing the things that men used to do. But women don't get any benefit frombeing equal to men. Women are just equally exploited, robbed. That's why "surely the emancipation is complete" is an irony.(7) (open)2. Vocabulary(1) intact(2) humiliated(3) assert(4) subdue(5) repelled(6) bias(7) drab(8) undermine(9) appendix(10) stereotype3. Paraphrase(See teacher's notes)4. Cloze(1) variety(2) legal(3) independence(4) dependent(5) into(6) lesser(7) Moreover(8) divorce(9) themselves(10) about(11) remains(12) survey(13) important(14) outdated(15) over(16) more(17) point(18) while(19) proportion(20) declined5. TranslationA. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.何谓女权主义据一般定义,女权主义是女性及其贡献得到重视的哲学.它建立在女性的社会,政治,经济权利平等基础之上.任何人,男人,女人,男孩,女孩,都可以成为女权主义者.女权主义也可被描述为一种运动,一场革命,在这种运动或革命中男人女人们希望世界平等无界.这种界线或障碍就是广为大家所知的针对性别,性取向,年龄,婚姻状况和经济状况的歧视和偏见.每个人都以他/她自己的性别观和平等观来看待这个世界.女权主义者认为这个世界不平等.他们希望看到性别差异减小,男人优于女人的观念减退,并直至消失.B. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) Johnson was born in China and there he passed his childhood.Therefore, he is saturated in Chinese culture.(2) How can you justify your rude behavior towards your parents who love you so much(3) He has grown up and has outgrown the adolescent bad habits of smoking and drinking.(4) Any state should not interfere with the domestic affairs of other nations. This is especially true of great powers.(5) As there is no money, they must content themselves with the simple life: a small room, dry bread and plain boiled water.Text B Marriage and Love (Ⅱ)Key to the exercisesF2. T3. F4. F5.T6. F7.T8.T9.TUnit 5Text A A Vision of Education in the Year 2010Ⅱ. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) The facilitator using interactive keypad technology is able to manage the discussions of on0 and off0site students.(2) In the morning, evening; or on weekends.(3) Because of the new educational models, students have online access to the Learning Center's resources every time.(4) The relationship between parents and learning facilitators is close; they contact with each other via e0mail, telephone, or satellite; and their common desire is to provide the children with the best education(5) They will function as learning facilitators, coaches, mentors, and fellow learners, guiding the learning process in areas in which they may or may not be experts.(6) The community will be more involved in education.2. Vocabulary(1) meticulous(2) facilitators(3) incentive(4) accommodate(5) agile(6) downsized(7) relevant(8) foster3. Paraphrase(1) And she may have an on0site meeting with an expert for practical help about her work at hand.(2) In the past, capital investment was demanded for large buildings, but now it is used for smaller high technology facilities that can be obtained or reached by all children.(3) The instructional design principle should be concentrated on creating learning activities based on student's research tasks and projects that are connected with students and the community. (4) Research in academic fields is demanded in order to put theory into practice. Scientific research is needed in order to make practical use of the knowledge obtained from advanced intelligent research in student's learning.(5) Very large school buildings will no longer be built. And existing buildings will be reduced and planned again for meeting the changing needs of students, who will spend much of their time on learning(6) Funds, which are not spent on technology and subordinate installations, will be given to supply smaller educational facilities and provide all students with means of approaching computer networks via hand0held computers.4. Cloze(1) not(2) between(3) ecological(4) such(5) as(6) then(7) that(8) contribute(9) form(10) groups(11) in(12) comprise(13) which(14) from(15) linked(16) may(17) with(18) content(19) Once(20) and5. TranslationA. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.我们的计算机网络相当先进,不久就会使我们有机会和地方公司甚至其他大学共享我们的教学专长.一个专门服务于远程学习的中心已在酝酿之中.我们将越来越多地利用基于因特网的计算机课程,提高我们自己的教学水平,同时也使校外的学生有机会学习.这并不意味着计算机终端将会取代人,学生永远需要当场建议和高质量的面授.但这的确意味着我们可以逐步完善我们的教学课程,并使之以课本的形式让大家得到.就我们大学自身来讲,提供更多的入学机会将仍是我们的头等大事.B. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) At my friend's suggestion, the room was converted from a single bedroom to a bathroom.(2) People always connect Xi'an with the Big Goose Pagoda and Terra0cotta Warriors and Horses.(3) College students must have access to a good library, throughwhich their knowledge and experience can be broadened.(4) The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters, so that the river had burst its banks and flooded the houses by the river.(5) Her success was largely due to her efforts. Also her parents' words were a great encouragement to her.Text B Don't Police Plagiarism: Just T each!Key to the exercises1. C2. C3. D4. B5. A6. Bunit 6Text A T errorism and NationalismⅢ. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) According to nationalism, a functioning state must rely upon pure ethnicity and a set of cultural and religious beliefs widely and deeply shared by those within its boundaries.(2) Hypernationalism is the root cause of terrorism. People who are hyper0nationalist are apt to turn a hostile eye toward "intruders." When some visitors engage in an act of criminal violence against the mainstream culture, many people just take a "find0and0expel" attitude, which is easy to initiate ethnic and racist hatred. Violence and terror thus arise.(3) The word "dichotomy" is used here to describe the embarrassing situation of workers from other countries. They work cheap and without complaints for the construction of the country they are livingin. In this respect, they are needed. But at the same time, they can never be accepted by the mainstream culture. They are still deemed as potentially dangerous.(4) Because most terrorists inhabit or have inhabited states which claim that political society can be held together only by a common ethnicity, religious belief, and cultural practice. And they don't criticize the nationalist ideal but attempt to become the new center of power and belief by annihilating those who once discriminated against or subjugated them.(5) In the Middle East, geopolitical and economic considerations make U.S. support both Israeli democracy and the moderate state of Saudi Arabia. This kind of support intensifies destructive nationalism instead of guaranteeing economic and military security. Therefore, although the U.S didn't initiate crude forms of ethnic and racial hatred, it still in some way fuels terrorism.(6) According to the author, to avoid terrorist action between different races and ethnic groups, it might be better for us to nurture cultural and democratic pluralism, in which people with different cultural and national heritage can live together peacefully and prosper together.2. Vocabulary(1) nuance(2) dichotomy(3) provision(4) entrenched(5) mandate(6) discrimination(7) Paradoxically(8) annihilate(9) explicit(10) solvent 3. Paraphrase(1) Although the war against terrorism is different from World War II,it has similarities in many present and past conflicts.(2) Contradictorily, the most serious sin of terrorism may be that it imitates or is even worse than the worst aspects of the cruel and unjust regime from which the terrorists appear.(3) The United States didn't start the basic form of hatred between different ethnic groups which is the cause of terrorism, but it is not free from blame.(4) Inside the country, U.S. leaders avoid offending religion that they dislike or disagree with.(5) The Saudi regime still exists partly because it encourages the fundamentalists who are not satisfied with it to take the United States and Israel as an outlet to show political dissatisfaction.(6) Without the reconstruction of a democratic view like this, I am afraid that civil wars within many states which pursue nationalism will last forever.4. Cloze(1) disclose(2) strike(3) high(4) probe(5) standpoint(6) entails(7) absence(8) resort(9) stimulate(10) grievances(11) alternatives(12) establishment(13) conceive(14) internal(15) born(16) Accordingly(17) predominantly(18) injustices(19) strives(20) eliminate5. TranslationA. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.美国并未激起产生恐怖主义根源的原始的民族和种族仇恨,然而,美国也并不能完全脱离干系.在中东地区,基于地域和经济上的考虑使得美国不得不既支持以色列的民主形式,又支持沙特阿拉伯的温和立场.然而,这种支持更多地支持和加剧了灾难性的民族主义,而并没有使经济和军事上的安全得到保证.以色列对占领区的控制使得阿拉伯人越来越多地采取暴力手段.沙特政权之所以能够幸存下来部分上是由于政府总在默默地鼓励基督教原教旨主义者把他们对国内政治的不满发泄在美国和以色列身上.在所有这些国家中,那些寻求一个在民族上和宗教上单一化的国家的人越来越多地操纵着政治.这个世界日益增加的危险又被作为向中东出口更多武器装备的借口,同时也被作为我们越来越多地采用民族化和武力的方法去解决安全问题的借口."要么是朋友要么是敌人."那些和我们的目的相背的人被认为是我们可能打击的目标.B. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) The increasing reliance of the third industry in big cities on guest workers isentrenched. Without legions of them to participate in the cities' construction the development of many cities would grind to a halt.(2) The development of economy mainly hinges on social stability. Therefore, the overwhelming issue at present is to maintain stability.(3) An open international metropolis should be one with cultural pluralism, where people with different cultural backgrounds coexist peacefully and develop together.(4) Due to drug abuse, he was detached from the people around him. Gradually, he embraced a moral revulsion towards drug abuse and was determined to give it up.(5) He has a big car, a country house, and all the other trappings of。

当代研究生英语答案【篇一:当代研究生英语课后习题答案(上册、下册)总结好的,供期末考试用英语复习】many of the suggestions put forward by the opposition.2. new technologies are needed to invigorate the country’s economy.3. the soldier suppressed his fear and went on fighting.4. the noise of cars passing along the road is a continual disturbance to our quiet life.5. this country is suffering from its economic stagnation.6. the old man cherished the girl as if she were his daughter.7. do not lose hope ; remember the motto “never say die”.8. the temple is high in the mountain, and is inaccessible tothe public in winter.9. the child showed defiance by refusing to eat.10. i am defending my communist ideology my ideals, the content and significance of my wholelife.11. the car ran down the hill under its own impetus.12. there a canal was being built to facilitate commerce between these two cities.13. my first parachute jump was a(n) exhilarating experience.14. is my conviction that you did not try hard enough.15. “worldly wealth is transient; heavenly wealth lasts for ever.” said the priest.1. in order to strengthen his arguments, toffler () respectable social scientists who agree withhim.a. quotesb. confirmsc. recitesd. convinces2. he could scarcely resist taking another drink of thedelicious wine, but remembering thedoctor’s advice, he ( ).a refrainedb withdrewc avoided d retreated3. when people have their basic needs satisfied, they begin to think of other things to fulfill theirlife ( ).a necessitiesb requirementsc appreciationsd expectations4. within seconds, the experienced instructor ( ) the situation and decided to attempt rescue.a assumedb assuredc assessed d affirmed5. most good writers use every means at their () to make the reader’s way smooth and easy.a willb disposalc requestd convenience6. the new apartment house built a few months ago is large enough to () over two hundredpeople.a accommodateb locatec settled reside7. a river () through the narrow wooded valley below.a poursb twistsc expendsd expands8. to use a chinese saying, this is “a punishment which they well ()”.a desertb deservec reserved preserve9. the captain of the ship () the passengers that there was no danger.a securedb ensuredc assuredd guaranteed10.the growth of cities and suburbs throughout the region has () the residents to build houseswherever they could find open land.a convertedb appealedc justifiedd encouragedunit 21. the kitchen was small and ()so that the disabled woman could reach everything withoutdifficulty.a completeb complexc composited compact2. his authority and ()make him an excellent teacher.a self-consciousnessb self-confidencec self-centerednessd self-regard3. being both spoilt and lazy he ()everyone else for his lack of success.a accusedb chargedc criticizedd blamed4. when i learned that i had passed the exam, i felt ()and relaxed.a carelessb trouble-freec negligentd care-free5. a very large cat was watching us intently from the top of a ()car.a carelessb stationeryc motionlessd stationary6. this is the ()piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.a actualb realc genuined contemporary7. your usual teacher has lost his voice and ()i am taking his place today.a neverthelessb howeverc moreoverd accordingly8. a ()woman is needed to take care of two small children.a confidentb reliablec trustyd faithful9. i have had a ()of misfortunes.a continuationb repetitionc continuityd succession10. he had an ()habit of emptying ash trays out of his upstairs window onto our doorstep.a objectionableb afflictingc uneducatedd offending11. the music aroused a(n) ()feeling of homesickness in him.a intenseb hopelessc intensived sad12. the jury ()him of having committed the robbery and he was then sentenced to five year’simprisonment.a accusedb chargedc convictedd acquitted13. the book proved to be very ueliable and so was quite ()to him in his research.a unimportantb disusedc uselessd unusable14. the plan was ()when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.a resignedb abandonedc releasedd redeemed15. the blow at the end of round three knocked the champion ().a insensitiveb stupefiedc senselessd nonsensicalunit 31. the roman empire () under pressure pressure from uncivilized northern tribes.a trembledb crumbledc hurdledd smashed2. the police are () a war against crime in the city. a committingb breakingc undertakingd waging3. the sign was no longer legible because much of the lettering had () 。

Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Uint 6洛城邂逅混凝土、烟雾及晨色将好莱坞高速公路立交桥下的奥尔瓦多街笼罩在特有的灰色之中,车辆堵塞在路上,几乎一动不动。

Unit 1Text AExercises1. Reading comprehensionA. Read the text and answer the following questions.1. What, according to the author, do Americans love Cite examples to illustrate your point.Americans love new frontiers. For example, they hanker after wide-open spaces; they like to explore; they like to make rules but refuse to follow them.2. Is there a place on earth where you can go and be yourself What is the place according to the authorAccording to the author, there is a place—cyberspace, where you can go and be yourself.3. What metaphor does the author use to describe cyberspace Why does she use such a metaphorReal estate, because both real estate and cyberspace consist of different parts and each part is suitable for a particular group of people.4. Does the author approve of regulating cyberspace Why or why notYes, but first, it is fundamental to understand the nature of cyberspace.5. What does the author think is needed in cyberspace besides governmentcontrolSelf-rule.6. What are some of the main areas of cyberspace that the author defines What other areas do you know that have recently emerged in cyberspace . e-business)E-mail conversations, information and entertainment services, and cyberspace communities.7. How do cyberspace communities evolve Give examples to illustrate your point.People of similar interests and tastes form a community. For example, communities on CompuServe tend to be professional; those on America Online are affluent young singles, and so on.8. What is unique about cyberspace rules What authority do they have that rules in terrestrial environments don’t haveIt allows communities of any size and kind to flourish. Cyberspace rules have moral authority that terrestrial governments don’t have.9. In what spirit are new communities formedCommunities cater to their own members’ inclination..10. What kind of government do explorers in cyberspace needTheir own local government besides terrestrial government does explorers.11. What should be done to deal with questionable items in cyberspaceAre people already doing thatWe should be banning them and using labels and automatic filters to get rid of them. Yes.12. Is cyberspace a perfect place If not, why are people so excited about itNo, it is not. People are excited about it because it offers a lot of information and freedom.B. Global understanding and appreciation of the text.1. Analogy (比喻,类推) is a figure of speech (修辞手段) which draws a parallel between two different types of things, and uses on (usually familiar to the reader) to explain reader’s understanding of the writer’s point.Can you draw a parallel between real estate and cyberspace What point does the analogy supportThe analogy between real estate and cyberspace2. By dividing cyberspace into three parts and using similes(明喻), theauthor defines the nature of cyberspace and illustrates further her point that government regulation is not needed in cyberspace. Complete the following form to show that you understand the author’s point. Please be reminded that the underlying structure of a simile is “A is like B”.3. In what way do the rules of a terrestrial government and those of a cyberspace community differ Refer to para. 11 to answer the question.4. What is the language style of the article Is it formal and literary or informal and conversational Cite examples from the text to support your answer.This article is written in an informal and conversational style. For example, the author uses some slangy words, incomplete sentences, contractions, and addresses the reader as “you”.II. VocabularyA. Find a word or phrase from the paragraph indicated in the bracket that means the same as:1. in the past —→ formerly2. include —→ embrace3. man-made —→ artificial4. control systematically —→ regulate5. exactly —→ precisely6. undesired —→ unwanted7. irrelevant —→ extraneous8. having intense feeling —→ passionate9. aim toward —→ be targeted to10. not far away —→ at hand11. be charged for —→ be sued forB. Choose the best word to complete each of the following sentences,1. this book ____a___ all the information you need.a. containsb. embracesc. offersd. involves2. The government _____c____ the number of foreign cars that could be imported.a. refrainsb. restrainsc. restrictsd. prevents3. As a teacher you should not show _____b___ towards any of your students.a. pleasureb. favorc. preferenced. inclination4. Traffic is _____d___ by police at every intersection.a. enforcedb. imposedc. limitedd. regulated5. How much do you ____b___ for this pair of shoesa. billb. chargec. costd. afford6. We can ______b____ now and return to work in the morning.a. leave outb. leave offc. sign awayd. sign off7. That matter can be left ___b___ until our next meeting.a. onb. overc. aloned. about8. I learned that he was _____a____ sick leave from a government office.a. onb. inc. takend. spending9. It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had ever set eyes ____c_____.a. tob. inc. ond. down10. Each week he tried to set _____d____ a few dollars of his salary.a. forthb. aboutc. apartd. asideIII. ClozeChoose a proper word from the list to fill in each blank in the following passage. Change the form of the word if necessary:Born to SurfThe web From the Window contains poetry and literature from well-known writers across the global. There are thoughtful articles analyzing the state of the world we live in. There is (1)even a piece from the Secretary General of the United States, Kofi Annan. It may come (2)as some surprise to find out (3)that the editor of the magazine is a 12-year-old girl, Joy Nightingale.From the Window (4)won Joy Nightingale the first prize in the 1999 childnet Inter-national and Cable and Wireless awards. These are given (5)annually for the best use of the Internet (6)by and for young people. And (7)they highlight one of the most welcoming aspects of the (8)virtual world. Children have taken to the Internet as though they are born surfing.Perhaps this is (9)because adults have had to change their understanding of technology while children (10)simply accept it as natural. Whatever the reason, children can be found building websites and E-mailing friends (11)across the world while adults are (12)still asking: “Tell me again — where (13)exactly is cyberspace”Of course there is growing (14)concern about the fact that children can travel far away from parental supervision in cyberspace. In (15)response , many parents have installed soft-ware packages which prevent (16)access to violent or pornographic websites. Childnet is taking a more positive line. The website is a gateway (17)to a world of education and entertainment.The rapid growth in Internet culture has (18)led analysts to speculate that society will soon be divided (19)between the “information rich”and “information poor”. For Childnet it is especially important that children at the margins of society through poverty or disability have the chance to take their (20)palce as equal citizens in the virtual world.IV. TranslationTranslate the following into Chinese:The possibility of a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand. In cyberspace, we’ll be able to test and evolve rules governing what needs to be governed — intellectual property, content and access control, rules about privacy and free speech. Some communities will allow anyone in: otherswill restrict access to members who qualify on one basis or another. Those communities that prove self-sustaining will prosper (and perhaps grow and split into subsets with ever-more-particular interests and identities). Those that can’t survive-either because people lose interest or get scared off-will simply wither away.一种真正的市场型管理模式很快成为可能。

Unit OneTask 11.A2.C3.B4.C5.D6.D7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.BTask 21.public(c)2.discipline(b)3.strength(a)4.reference(a)5.strength(d)6.public(a)7.demonstrated(b)8.discipline(c)9.references(c) 10.p ersonality(a)11.discipllining(d) 12.demonstrates(a) 13.public(d) 14.reference(b) 15.perso nality(c)Task 31.employment2.paid3.adjust4.setting5.discouraged6.credit7.cite8.demonstrate9.teamwork 10.rulesUnit TwoTask 11.A2.B3.B4.C5.B6.A7.B8.C9.A 10.CTask 21. bud (n.); budding (adj.)2. access (n.); access (v.)3. taste (n.);tasted (v.)4. fool (n.); fooling (v.)5. produces (v.); produce (n.)6. garnish (v.); garnishes (n.)7. reigns (v.); reign (n.) 8. concern (n.); concerned (v.)9. named (v.); name (n.) 10. practiced (v.); practice (n.)Task 31) integration 2) choice 3) handed 4) aspiring 5) steaming6) masterpieces 7) pleasure 8) partake 9) amazing 10) presentedUnit ThreeTask 11.A2.B3.C4.B5.A6.B7.C8.ATask 21. stack up against2. struck a chord3. amounted to4. chopping off5. appeal to6. pick up on7. turned out8. fade away9. brought together 10. pulled off 11. thrust upon 12. be kept clear ofTask 31) swirling 2) delivered 3) glowed 4) intervals 5) converge6) wanderings 7) navigate 8) jealousy 9) presence 10) absorbedUnit FourTask 11.A2. A3. C4. B5. B6. C7. D8. C9. A 10. CTask 21. maintained (a)2. romantic (a)3. essential (a)4. essentials (c)5. dimension (c)6. intimate (a)7. maintains (c)8. defies (b)9. intimated (d) 10. dimensions (a) 11. defy (a) 12. romantic (b)13. dimensions (b) 14. maintain (d) 15. intimate (c)Task 31) prerequisite 2) date 3) Respect 4) important5) whomever 6) candidates 7) highly 8) essential9) suitable 10) sufficientUnit FiveTask 11. B2. D3. C4. B5. C6. A7. B8. D9. C 10. A 11.C 12. D 13. BTask 21. A. masterpieces B. mastered C. mastery2. A. committed B. commission C. commitment3. A. executing B. execution C. executive4. A. presentation B. represented C. presented D. present5. A. inventors B. investors C. innovator6. A. breath B. breathing C. breathtaking D. breathless7. A. physical B. physiological C. psychological8. A. discipline B. routine C. discipline9. A. practice B. performed C. perfect D. proper10. A. reaction B. reconciliation C. resistance D. responseTask 31) written 2) practiced 3) adapted 4) fundamental 5) soul6) described 7) mental 8) state of being 9) pictured 10) exercises11) control 12) experiences 13) including 14) individuals 15) medicalUnit SixTask 11.B2. D3.A4. C5. B6. A7. C8. D9. B 10. CTask 21. contented2. convention3. tall4. curiously5. Convention6. content7. execute8. curious9. execute 10. count11. content 12. conventions 13. count 14. convention 15. tallTask 31) sheer 2) subject 3) contradictory 4) worldly 5) chaotic6) sophisticated 7) violence 8) glamorous 9) crime 10) safestUnit SevenTask 11.A2. C3. B4. B5. C6. A7. B8. C9. A 10. CTask 2Step 1partially unfold unselfishness/selfishness imperfect employee proverbial refinement indestructible criminal mistake alteration liar considerable traitor philanthropi stStep 21. indestructible2. mistook3. unselfishness4. imperfect5. alteration6. traitor7. considerable8. liar9. employees 10. unfolds 11. refinement 12. philanthropist 13. criminal 14. partially 15. proverbialTask 31. So far as I'm concerned2. should endeavor to measure whether predetermined goals are being achieved3. has been engrossed in conversation with all night4. draw conclusions from the results of a single survey5. He had no friends nor acquaintances6. did she tell him about the attack7. as we had seen8. that he had had a family himself9. the problems you mention are inherent in the system10. young people conscientious in their work/young people who are conscientious in their work11. deviated from her custom12. at the peril of your own life/at your own peril13. taken on a new dimension14. capable of looking after myself15. in much the same way as it was 200 years ago16. rescue the sailors from the sinking ship17. Portugal participated in the war18. due to our ignoranceUnit EightTask 1Step 11. boot---e, m2. bound--c, j3. fatal--b, q4. negotiate--g, n5. net---a, f, 16. the odds--h, i7. reward--k, o 8. vacuum---d, pStep 21. boot (m)2. vacum (p)3. rewarded (o)4. reward (k)5. net (f)6. negotiating (n)7. odds (h)8. odds (i)9. Fatal (b) 10. negotiations (g)Task 21. A. black and white B. in black and white C. black-and-white2. A. on the scene B. sets the scene C. behind the scenes3. A. make no difference B. make a differenceC. make any differenceD. make all the difference4. A. work on B. works against C. work out5. A. spread to B. spreading out C. spread throughTask 31.A2.B3.B4.D5.A6.B7.C8.B9.D 10.CUnit NineTask 11.A2. D3. B4. B5. C6. A7. B8. A9. C 10. ATask 21. crammed (b)2. balloon (a)3. crash (a)4. crammed (a)5. crashed (a)6. crammed (d)7. ballooned (c)8. crash (b)9. balloon (b) 10. slumped (b) 11. trust (c) 12. trust (d) 13. liberal (c) 14. slump (c) 15. liberals (b) 16. trust (b)Task 31)A 2) D 3) B 4) B 5) C 6) C 7) A 8) A 9) D 10) DUnit TenTask 1I.A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. BTask 21. underlying2. immune3. impart4. imperative5. vulnerable6. diffused7. foremost8. scholarly9. illuminated 10. eloquenceTask 31) deeper 2) contribute 3) explore 4) potential 5) how6) productive 7) likely 8) produce 9) Nationally 10) dedicated。

1. The Bill has incorporated many of the suggestions put forward by the opposition.2. New technologies are needed to invigorate the country’s economy.3. The soldier suppressed his fear and went on fighting.4. The noise of cars passing along the road is a continual disturbance to our quiet life.5. This country is suffering from its economic stagnation.6. The old man cherished the girl as if she were his daughter.7. Do not lose hope ; remember the motto“Never say die”.8. The temple is high in the mountain, and is inaccessible to the public in winter.9. The child showed defiance by refusing to eat.10. I am defending my communist ideology my ideals, the content and significance of my whole life.11. The car ran down the hill under its own impetus.12. There a canal was being built to facilitate commerce between these two cities.13. My first parachute jump was a(n) exhilarating experience.14. Is my conviction that you did not try hard enough.15. “Worldly wealth is transient; heavenly wealth lasts for ever.” said the priest.1. In order to strengthen his arguments, Toffler ( ) respectable social scientists who agree with him.A. quotesB. confirmsC. recitesD. convinces2. He could scarcely resist taking another drink of the delicious wine, but remembering the doctor’s advice, he ( ).A refrainedB withdrewC avoidedD retreated3. When people have their basic needs satisfied, they begin to think of other things to fulfill their life ( ).A necessitiesB requirementsC appreciationsD expectations4. Within seconds, the experienced instructor ( ) the situation and decided to attempt rescue.A assumedB assuredC assessedD affirmed5. Most good writers use every means at their ( ) to make the reader’s way smooth and easy.A willB disposalC requestD convenience6. The new apartment house built a few months ago is large enough to ( ) over two hundred people.A accommodateB locateC settleD reside7. A river ( ) through the narrow wooded valley below.A poursB twistsC expendsD expands8. To use a Chinese saying, this is “a punishment which they well ( )”.A desertB deserveC reserveD preserve9. The captain of the ship ( ) the passengers that there was no danger.A securedB ensuredC assuredD guaranteed10.The growth of cities and suburbs throughout the region has ( ) the residents to build houses wherever they could find open land.A convertedB appealedC justifiedD encouragedUnit 21. The kitchen was small and ( )so that the disabled woman could reach everything withoutdifficulty.A completeB complexC compositeD compact2. His authority and ( )make him an excellent teacher.A self-consciousnessB self-confidenceC self-centerednessD self-regard3. Being both spoilt and lazy he ( )everyone else for his lack of success.A accusedB chargedC criticizedD blamed4. When I learned that I had passed the exam, I felt ( )and relaxed.A carelessB trouble-freeC negligentD care-free5. A very large cat was watching us intently from the top of a ( )car.A carelessB stationeryC motionlessD stationary6. This is the ( )piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.A actualB realC genuineD contemporary7. Your usual teacher has lost his voice and ( )I am taking his place today.A neverthelessB howeverC moreoverD accordingly8. A ( )woman is needed to take care of two small children.A confidentB reliableC trustyD faithful9. I have had a ( )of misfortunes.A continuationB repetitionC continuityD succession10. He had an ( )habit of emptying ash trays out of his upstairs window onto our doorstep.A objectionabl eB afflictingC uneducatedD offending11. The music aroused a(n) ( )feeling of homesickness in him.A inten seB hopelessC intensiveD sad12. The jury ( )him of having committed the robbery and he was then sentenced to five year’s imprisonment.A accusedB chargedC convictedD acquitted13. The book proved to be very unreliable and so was quite ( )to him in his research.A unimportantB disusedC uselessD unusable14. The plan was ( )when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.A resignedB abandonedC releasedD redeemed15. The blow at the end of round three knocked the champion ( ).A insensitiveB stupefiedC senselessD nonsensicalUnit 31.The Roman empire () under pressure pressure from uncivilized northern tribes.A trembledB crumbledC hurdledD smashed2.the police are () a war against crime in the city. A committingB breakingC undertakingD waging3.the sign was no longer legible because much of the lettering had () 。

一,选择1,This book (contains) all the information you need.2,The government (restricts) the number of foreign cars that could be imported. 3,As a teacher you should not show (favor) towards any of your students.4,Traffic is (regulated) by police at every intersection.5,How much do you (charge) for this pair of shoes?6,We can (leave off) now and return to work in the morning.7,That matter can be left (over) until our next morning.8,I learned that he was (on) sick leave from a government office.9,It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had even set eyes (on).10, Each week he tried to set (aside) a few dollars of his salary.11, All this ceremony is just (for show); it doesn’t mean a thing.12 ,Bill is afraid to (show his face) since Tom threatens to beat him up.13, She has been behaving foolishly; I hope you will (bring her to senses).14, The classroom is 30 feet (in length) and 20 feet in breadth.15, I’m leaving this job because I’m tried of being (pushed around).16, After the rain, the orchard seems to have (burst into) blossom overnight.17, The two men stood (glaring at)each other, while the crowd looked on with amusement.18, When you have any problems in your studies, you can always (look to) John for help.19, Theodore Roosevelt was a (versatile) man ; he was successful as a statesman, soldier….20, The small town has (undergone) many changes during last 10 years.21, The old farmer (survived) his wife, living until 105 years of ages.22, Poor eyesight is a (handicap) to many students.23, The wheat crop will be (decimated) with strong spring rains.24, The various parts of the essays do not adequately (interrelate).25, Hot weather (multiplies) the bacteria in the milk rapidly.26, If something very substantial is not done next month , he cannot (retain)his office.27, We sent him an invitation but he (declined).28, The lifeguard pulled the (inanimate) body out of the pool.29, If you are to be accepted as a member of the club you must (abide) by its rules. 30, (Even if) you dislike ancient monuments, Warrick Castle is worth a visit.31, The cites will to be (deflated) and the population distributed in villages.32, He gave a (distorted) account of what has happened.33, His speech (fermented) trouble among the works.34, The criminal was told he would be (immune)from punishment if he said what……35, If you (strain) the elastic band any more, it will break.36, The Egyptians (inhabit) an area equal to France and Spain combines.37, He is (by no means) considered to be a great explorer.38, It was a long time before scientists could (penetrate) the mystery of the atom.39, inhale (breathe in)40, scent (fragrance)41, beam (smile happily)42, solid (heavy)43, suspicious (unbelieving)44, steady (regular)45, accomplishment (success)46, impressionable (easily noticeable)47, The speaker was a long way (off the track).48, The new government tried to (defuse) the growing discontent of the people.49, The (catch) is how to grow rice in a dry area.50, They were surprised to see the efficiency of the(well-oiled) military machine of ……51, He was (upset) to learn that he had been left out of the basketball team.52, It is fortunate when a young man’s career goals(coincide)with what his parents ……53, If the body is robbed this way for too long, vital organs (break down).54, If your car (conks out) on a turnpike, wait for assistance.55, My pencil is (worn down) to a stump.56, The waterfall has (worn) a hole in the stone.57, Anna did what she could to keep the marriage from (falling apart).58, His wife becomes more and more (preoccupied) with children.59, Artificial light is not to be (compared with) daylight for general use.60, To (retrieve) some data, one has to consult a computer.61, When the car hit the wall, the (impact) broke the windscreen.62, The problem is closely (involved with) the management of pastures.63, If you travel by jet plane, Tokyo and Shanghai are (virtually) neighbors.64, There is no(tangible)evidence that the diplomatic relations will be restored to……65, After 10 years’efforts, the farmers have (turned)the waste land(into)paddy fields.66, He traveled with some British doctors who took (short-term) jobs abroad.67, Utter weariness (overtook) me one hour later.68, Farmers will have a bumper harvest, (assuming) that the weather is favorable. 69, Stocks may (boom) today, but droop tomorrow.70, The mountain peak is (dominant) on the horizon.。

一、Vocabulary A根据定义写单词Unit1In the past formerly Include embrace man-made artificial control systematically regulate exactly precisely undesired unwanted irrelevant extraneous having intense feeling passionateaim toward be targeted to not far away at hand be charged for be send for Unit3Containing many detailed parts and thus difficult to understand intricate Nearly correct but not exactly approximatelyA sudden shaking of the Earth’s surface earthquakeHaving many different kinds of skills or abilities versatileStanding apart, separate as is to be alone isolatedThe opposite in position; the other way around reverseIn addition to; also as well asDepending on each other; necessary to each other interdependentIncrease in number by giving birth to offspring multiplyEat something in order to stay alive or subsist live onDestroy completely kill offNot in its exact or accurate position out of trueProvide with proper or necessary skills, knowledge etc. quality(not) in any way (not) at allAs a result from a natural impulse or tendency spontaneouslyUnit5Learn and discover (a fact that was hidden) find outA group of people living together by shared interests, religion, etc. community Change into something of different form or properties convertHave a clear meaning wake senseA state of very strong feeling, esp. of joy and happiness ecstasyTake the place of replaceto some extent; somewhat more or lessat the lowest estimate or figure at leastnot easily managed; hard to treat, relieve, or cure intractableunderstand; figure out the meaning of make out下册:Unit 31. A general agreenment consensus2.Break into small pieces crumble3.Of the greatest importance vital4.Most common prevailing5.Become gradually fewer or smaller dwindle6.Call into question dispute7. A person who argues in favor of something proponent8.An authoritative principle or belief dogmarge in amount massive10.Explain interpret11.Suspicion hunch12.Baffle or confuse puzzleUNIT 51.Emergedunch3. Gap4.declined5. Medium-sized6.procedures7. Crucial 8 diverse 9.transaction 10.regulating 11.representatives 12.depression 13.implementation 14.provisions二、选词填空下册:UNIT 1UNIT 2三、翻译UNIT 11.The possibility of a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand.一种真正的市场型管理模式很快成为可能。

完型1(The web) even, as, that, won, annually, by, they, virtual, because, simply, across, still, exactly, concern, response, access, to, led, between, place2 (When you)viewed, almost, even, lower, means, reality become, like, grow, proving, status, afford, faced, necessarily, disciplined, longer, own, schedule, talking, until.3(When 1998) been, raise, spread out, dying of, began, caused, According to, up to, as, unusual, be linked to, of course, however, came into, ranging.4(We may) former, among, purpose, for, serves, strengthened, official, majority, heavily, similar, extends, through, limits, adds, familiar, ways, and, ability, as, means.5(It is) quantitatively, make up, at least, unlikely, even if, greater than, common-sense, turn out to be, increases, in the direction of, complains, the Theory of Relativity, close to, so far as, not only6(philip’s) reading, knowledge, because, to, came, imagine, taken, gazed, with, when, Once, in, and, used, thinking, memory, that, no, truly, humour.翻译:1, 一种真正的市场型理模式很快成为可能。

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第一单元1.This book (contains包含) all the information you need.2.The government(restricts限制) the number of foreign cars that could be imported.3.As a teacher you should not show(favor偏爱)towards any of your students.4.Traffic is (regulated有限) by police at every intersection.5.How much do you (charge付费) for this pair of shoes?6.We can (leave off停止) now and return to work in the morning.7.That matter can be left (over推迟) until our next morning.8.I learned that he was (on) sick leave 休病假from a government office.9.It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had even set eyes (on).见过10.Each week he tried to set (aside存储) a few dollars of his salary. 第二单元11. All this ceremony is just (for show作秀炫耀); it doesn’t mean a thing.12. Bill is afraid to (show his face出现) since Tom threatens to beat him up.13. She has been behaving foolishly; I hope you will (bring her to senses理智).14. The classroom is 30 feet (in length) and 20 feet in breadth.15. I’m leaving this job because I’m tried of being (pushed around 摆布).16. After the rain, the orchard seems to have (burst into闯入) blossom overnight.17. The two men stood (glaring at瞪着怒视) each other, while the crowd looked on with amusement.18. When you have any problems in your studies, you can always (look to指望) John for help.第三单元19. Theodore Roosevelt was a (versatile多才多艺的) man ; he was successful as a statesman, soldier…20. The small town has (undergone经历) many changes during last 10 years.21. The old farmer (survived)幸存his wife, living until 105 years of ages.22. Poor eyesight is a (handicap障碍) to many students.23. The wheat crop will be (decimated摧毁)with strong spring rains.24. The various parts of the essays do not adequately (interrelate减少).25. Hot weather (multiplies繁殖) the bacteria in the milk rapidly.26. If something very substantial is not done next month , he cannot (retain保留) his office.27. We sent him an invitation but he (declined拒绝谢绝).28. The lifeguard pulled the (inanimate无生命尸体)body out of the pool.第五单位41. If you are to be accepted as a member of the club you must (abide忍受遵守) by its rules.42. (Even if虽然) you dislike ancient monuments, Warrick Castle is worth a visit.43. The cites will to be (deflated扩散郊区) and the population distributed in villages.44. He gave a (distorted歪曲的) account of what has happened.45. His speech (fermented动乱发酵) trouble among the works.46. The criminal was told he would be (immune免疫的免除) from punishment if he said what he knew about the murder.47. If you (strain拉紧) the elastic band any more, it will break.48. The Egyptians (inhabit居住占据) an area equal to France and Spain combines.49. He is (by no means不考虑) considered to be a great explorer.50. It was a long time before scientists could (penetrate渗透穿透) the mystery of the atom.第六单元39, inhale (breathe in吸入)40, scent (fragrance香味)41, beam (smile happily堆满笑容)42, solid (heavy同时可靠)43, suspicious (unbelieving多疑)44, steady (regular普通)45, accomplishment (success)成功46, impressionable (easily noticeable易受影响)第七单元1.The speaker was a long way off the track离题误入歧途.2.The new government tried to defuse化解the growing discontent of the people.3.The catch 抓捕捉is how to grow rice in a dry area.4.They were surprised to see the efficiency of the well-oiled 运转顺利的military machine of that country.5.He was upset心烦混乱to learn that he had been left out of the basketball team.6.It is fortunate when a young man’s career goals coincide 一致同时发生with what his parents wish for him7.If the body is robbed this way for too long ,vital organs break down损害.8.If your car conks out 出故障失灵on a turnpike, wait for assistance.9.My pencil is worn down磨损to a stump.10.The waterfall has worn穿,磨损a hole in the stone.11.Anna did what she could to keep the marriage from falling apart 破碎.12.His wife becomes more and more preoccupied全神贯注with children.Unit1In the past formerly 在过去Include embrace 包括man-made artificial 人造control systematically regulate 控制系统exactly precisely 完全undesired unwanted不受欢迎irrelevant extraneous无关having intense feeling passionate强烈感觉aim toward be targeted to目的not far away at hand 不远be charged for be sued for 收费Unit 21. His criminal activities were finally uncovered.揭发2. scientists from the two countries concurred同意to develop the vaccine.3. Lightning usually accompanies伴随thunder.4. The bad weather frustrated 阻扰our hopes of going out .5. She believe that she is not a good mother because she dose not fit the stereotype 老套of a woman who spends all her time with her children.6. He is always switching 立刻from one job to another.7.He just smiled and dismissed开除解散the story as mere rumor.8. The sudden noise distracted 转移分心his mind from his painful memories.9.The story can be adapted适应for use in schools.10. That is what we assume 假定,but it is not easy to find evidence to prove it.11. She tried to probe调查into my mind and discover what I was thinking.12. She is too ambitious to remain in a subordinate从属position for long in the company.Unit3Containing many detailed parts and thus difficult to understand intricate 复杂Nearly correct but not exactly approximately 窒息A sudden shaking of the Earth’s surface earthquake地震Having many different kinds of skills or abilities versatile 多才多艺Standing apart, separate as is to be alone isolated 被孤立The opposite in position; the other way around reverse 相反的In addition to; also as well as 独立Depending on each other; necessary to each other interdependent互相依赖Increase in number by giving birth to offspring multiply 多重的Eat something in order to stay alive or subsist live on 靠。