以下是48个国际音标的标准发音建议:1. /i/,像英语“ee”音,如heat。
2. /ɪ/,像英语“i”音,如sit。
3. /e/,像英语“ay”音,如they。
4. /ɛ/,像英语“e”音,如get。
5. /æ/,像英语“a”音,如cat。
6. /a/,像英语“ah”音,如father。
7. /ɑ/,像英语“aw”音,如saw。
8. /ɔ/,像英语“aw”音,如saw。
9. /o/,像英语“oh”音,如go。
10. /ʊ/,像英语“oo”音,如book。
11. /u/,像英语“oo”音,如boot。
12. /ʌ/,像英语“uh”音,如cup。
13. /ə/,像英语“a”音,如sofa。
14. /ɚ/,像英语“er”音,如her。
15. /ɝ/,像英语“ur”音,如her。
16. /ɑɪ/,像英语“i”音,如buy。
17. /aʊ/,像英语“ow”音,如cow。
18. /ɔɪ/,像英语“oy”音,如boy。
19. /eɪ/,像英语“ay”音,如say。
20. /oʊ/,像英语“oh”音,如go。
21. /ɪə/,像英语“ear”音,如fear。
22. /eə/,像英语“air”音,如hair。
23. /ʊə/,像英语“oor”音,如tour。
24. /p/,爆破音,如英语“p”音。
25. /b/,爆破音,如英语“b”音。
26. /t/,塞音,如英语“t”音。
27. /d/,塞音,如英语“d”音。
28. /k/,擦音,如英语“k”音。
29. /g/,擦音,如英语“g”音。
30. /f/,摩擦音,如英语“f”音。
32. /θ/,舌齿摩擦音,如英语“th”音。
33. /ð/,舌齿摩擦音,如英语“th”音。
34. /s/,舌尖齿槽摩擦音,如英语“s”音。
35. /z/,舌尖齿槽摩擦音,如英语“z”音。
以下是英语音标48个发音的教学:1. /i:/ - 读作“ee”,如“sheep”2. // - 读作“ih”,如“sit”3. /e/ - 读作“eh”,如“red”4. // - 读作“a”,如“cat”5. /ɑ:/ - 读作“aa”,如“father”6. /:/ - 读作“aw”,如“law”7. // - 读作“uh”,如“put”8. /u:/ - 读作“oo”,如“moon”9. // - 读作“uh”,如“bus”10. // - 读作“uh”,如“sofa”11. /e/ - 读作“air”,如“hair”12. /e/ - 读作“ay”,如“way”13. /a/ - 读作“ai”,如“bike”14. // - 读作“oi”,如“coin”15. // - 读作“oh”,如“go”16. /a/ - 读作“au”,如“house”17. /p/ - 读作“p”,如“pen”18. /b/ - 读作“b”,如“bat”19. /t/ - 读作“t”,如“top”21. /k/ - 读作“k”,如“kite”22. /g/ - 读作“g”,如“go”23. /f/ - 读作“f”,如“fish”24. /v/ - 读作“v”,如“van”25. /θ/ - 读作“th”,如“think”26. // - 读作“th”,如“this”27. /s/ - 读作“s”,如“sun”28. /z/ - 读作“z”,如“zip”29. // - 读作“sh”,如“ship”30. // - 读作“zh”,如“treasure”31. /h/ - 读作“h”,如“hat”32. /m/ - 读作“m”,如“man”33. /n/ - 读作“n”,如“no”34. // - 读作“ng”,如“sing”35. /l/ - 读作“l”,如“love”36. /r/ - 读作“r”,如“red”37. /j/ - 读作“y”,如“yellow”38. /w/ - 读作“w”,如“water”39. /i/ - 读作“ih”,如“hit”40. /u/ - 读作“oo”,如“book”41. // - 读作“eer”,如“beer”43. /e/ - 读作“airr”,如“stair”44. /a/ - 读作“aire”,如“fire”45. // - 读作“oire”,如“moire”46. /er/ - 读作“err”,如“her”47. /ɑ:/ - 读作“aa”,如“start”48. /:/ - 读作“oa”,如“boat”掌握这些音标的发音,可以帮助我们更准确地发音,提高英语口语水平。
英语国际音标表48个发音教学一、元音(20个)1. 长元音(5个)- /ɑ:/- 发音方法:口张大,舌身压低并后缩,舌尖不抵下齿,双唇稍收圆。
- /ɔ:/- 发音方法:双唇收得又圆又小,并向前突出,舌尖不触下齿,舌身往后缩。
- /ɜ:/- 发音方法:舌身尽量降低并向后缩,舌尖不抵下齿,舌中部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
- /u:/- 发音方法:双唇收圆,突出,舌尖离开下齿,舌身后缩,舌尖不触下齿,舌尖尽量向软腭靠近并保持紧张。
- /əʊ/- 发音方法:由/əʊ/滑向/ʊ/,舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,由扁平到收圆。
2. 短元音(7个)- /ʌ/- 发音方法:舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌身稍向后缩,舌尖不抵下齿,舌中部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开。
- /ɒ/- 发音方法:双唇收圆,稍突出,舌尖不触下齿,舌身尽量往后缩。
- /əʊ/- 发音方法:由/əʊ/滑向/ʊ/,舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,由扁平到收圆。
- /u/- 发音方法:双唇收圆,稍突出,舌尖离开下齿,舌身后缩,舌尖不触下齿,舌尖尽量向软腭靠近但不紧张。
- /e/- 发音方法:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
- /æ/- 发音方法:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,舌尖不抵下齿。
英语国际音标表48个元音20个长元音/ɑ://://://i://U:/短元音///////////e/ //双元音/e//a//////e//////a/辅音28个轻辅音/p// t// k//f//θ//s/浊辅音/b//d/ /g//v//e/ /z/轻辅音/ // h//ts//t //tr/浊辅音/ // r/ /dz/ /d //dr/鼻音/m//n/ / /半元音/ j// w/边音/ /1.//该音是个前元音;是字母i或y在重读闭音中的读音..它是个短元音;故发此音要短促而轻快..发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿;舌前部抬高;舌两侧抵上齿两侧;口形偏平..2. /i:/前元音;是字母ea;ee;ie或ei在单词中的发音..此音是长元音;一定注音把音发足..其发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿;前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平..3. /e/英式发音符号该音是个前元音;是字母e或ea在单词中的发音..它是个短元音..发音时舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬起;舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常;开口度比/i:/大..4.//该音是个前元素;是字母a在重读闭音节中的发音..//是短元音..发音时舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬高;舌位比/e/更低;双唇平伸;成扁平形..5.//英式读音符号该音是个后元音;是字母组合ar的读音;也是字母a在ss;st;th等字母前面的读音..//是长元音..发音时口张大;舌身压低并后缩;后舌稍隆起;舌尖不抵下齿..双唇稍收圆..6.//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个短元音;是字母o在重读闭音节单词中的读音..发音时口张大;舌身尽量降低并后缩;双唇稍稍收圆..7.//英式读音符号该音是个后元音;是字母o;or;al;oar;our或oor在单词中的发音..它是长元音..发音时舌后部抬得比//即美式//美式//高;双唇收得更圆更小;并向前突出..8.//英式读音符号该音是个后元素;是英语字母u;oo或ou等在单词中的发音../u/是短元音..发音时舌后部抬起;舌身后缩;舌尖离开下齿..双唇收圆;稍突出..9.//该音是个后元音;是字母oo或ou在单词中的发音..它是长元音..发音时舌后部尽量抬起;舌位比/u/即美式读音//英式读音//高..双唇收圆并突出..口形比/u/////稍小..10.//该音是个后元音;是字母o和u在单词中的读音..//是短元音..发音时舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿;舌后部靠前部分稍抬起;唇形稍扁;开口度较大;与//相似..11.//英式读音符号读音是个中元音;是字母组合er;ir;or和ur在单词中的发音..//是长元音..发音时舌中部比发//音时略高..双唇扁平..12.//该音是个中元音;是字母a;e;o;u;er;or和ur在单词中的读音..//是读短元音..发音时舌身平放;舌中部略隆起;双唇扁平..13.//该音是个双元音;是字母a在重读开音节单词中的读音..先发/e/音;然后滑向/i/音..双唇稍扁;口形从半开到合..14.//该音是个双元音;是字母o;oa和oe在单词中的读音..它由元音//滑向后元音/u/即美音和英音的//;舌位由半低到高;口形由半开到小..注意将音发足..15.//该音是个双元音;是字母i或y在单词中的发音../ai/为双元音..先发/a/音;然后滑向/i/音..舌尖抵住下齿..发此音的关键是要把/a/音发足;注意从开到合的滑动..16.//该音是个双元音;是字母ou和ow在单词中的读音../au/或//由/a/滑向/u///..舌位由低到高;口形由大到小..注意将音发足..17.//该音是个双元音;是字母oy和oi在单词中的发音..发音时双唇从圆到扁;口形从开到合..发好这个音的关键是首先要把后元音/a/////发足;然后滑向/i/音..18.//该音是个双元音;是字母ear;ere;eer在单词中的读音..其发音要领是从/i/音滑向//音;美音则滑向/r/音..前面的/i/发得较清楚;后面的//或/r/较弱..双唇始终半开..此音一定要发足..19.//该音是个双元音;是字母are;air;ear在单词中的读音..其发音方法是从///e/音滑向//音..发间时舌端抵下齿;前舌略抬起;双唇半开;此音中的//有似于/e/音;//音较轻..20.//该音是个双元音;是字母our;oor;ure在单词中的读音..发音时;嘴唇从收圆到半开..发好这个音的关键是首先要把/u///音发足;然后滑向//音..二辅音部分21-22/p/ /b//p/是p的发音;/b/是b的发音..双唇爆破辅音..发音时双唇紧闭;憋住气;然后突灰分开;气流冲出口腔;发出爆破音../p/是清辅音;声带不振动;/b/是浊辅音;声带振动..23-24/t/ /d//t/是t的发音;/d/是d的发音..舌齿爆破辅音..发音时舌尖抵上齿龈;憋住气;然后突然分开;使气流冲出口腔;发出爆破音../t/是清辅音;声带不振动;/d/是浊辅音;声带振动..25-26/k/ ///k/是字母k和字母c的发音;//是字母g的读音..舌后软颚爆破辅音..发音时舌后部隆起紧贴软颚;憋住气;然后突然分开;气流送出口腔;形成爆破音../k/是清辅音;声带不振动;//是浊辅音;声带振动..27-28/f/ /v//f/是f和ph的发音;/v/是v的发音..唇齿摩擦辅音..发音时下唇轻触上齿;气流由唇齿间通过;形成摩擦音../f/是清辅音;声带不振动;/v/是浊辅音;声带振动..29-30// //////是th的发音..舌齿摩擦辅音..发音时舌尖轻触上齿背;气流由舌齿间送出;形成摩擦音..//是清辅音;声带不振动;//是浊辅音;声带振动..31-32/s/ /z//s//z/是s的发音;/z/又是z的发音..舌齿摩擦辅音..发音时舌端靠近齿龈;气流由舌端齿龈间送出;形成摩擦音../s/是清辅音;声带不振动;/z/是浊浦音;声带振动..33-34/∫/ ///∫/是sh的发音;//是s的发音..舌端齿龈后部摩擦辅音..发音时舌端靠近齿龈后部;舌身抬起靠近上鄂;双唇稍收圆并略突出..气流通过时形成摩擦音../∫/是清辅音;声带不振动;//是浊辅音;声带振动..35/h//h/是字母h的发音..声门摩擦辅音..发音时气流送出口腔;在通过声门时发出轻微摩擦;口形随其后的元音而变化../h/是清辅音;声带不振动..36/m//m/是m的发音..双唇鼻辅音..发音时软颚下垂;双唇紧闭;气流从鼻腔送出..37/n//n/是n的发音..舌尖齿龈鼻辅音..发音时舌尖抵上齿龈;软颚下垂;气流从鼻腔送出..38////是ng的发音..舌后软颚鼻辅音..发音时软颚下垂;堵住口腔通道;气流从鼻腔送出..声带振动..39/w//w/是w的发音..舌后软颚半元音..发音时舌后部向软颚抬起;舌位高..双唇收小并向前突出;声带振动..发音短促;立刻滑向其后的元音..40/l//l/是l的发音..舌端齿龈边辅音..发音时舌尖及舌端紧贴上齿龈;舌前向硬颚抬起;气流从舌的旁边送出..当此音为尾音时;将舌端抵住上齿龈;舌前下限;舌后上抬;舌面形成凹形..浊辅音、声带振动..41/r//r/是r的发音..舌尖齿龈后部摩擦辅音..发音时舌尖卷起;靠近上齿龈后部..舌两侧稍收扰..双唇略突出..气流通过舌尖和齿龈形成轻微摩擦..浊辅音;声带振动..42/j/该音是国音字母y在词首的读音;是舌前硬颚半元音..发音时舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起;舌位较高;双唇伸展成扁平状..它是个浊辅音;声带振动..43-44// ////是ch的发音;//是dge的发音..舌端齿龈破擦辅音..发音时舌身抬高;舌端抵上齿龈后部;气流通过时发出破擦音..//是清辅音;声带不振动;//是浊辅音;声带振动..45-46/ts/ /dz/传统的国际音标读音符号;新课本中美式、英式读音都没将其包括在内;破擦音/ts/、/dz/分别是字母组合ts和ds的读音..舌端齿龈破擦辅音..舌端先贴住齿龈;堵住气流;然后略下降;气流送出口腔../ts/是清辅音;/dz/是浊辅音..47-48 /tr/ /dr/传统的国际音标读音符号..新课本中美式、英式读音都没将其包括在内../tr/、/dr/分别是tr、dr的发音..齿龈后部破擦辅音..发音时舌身与/r/相似;舌尖贴齿龈后部;气流冲破阻碍发出短促的/t/后立即发/r/../tr/是清辅音;/dr/是浊辅音..单元音1. /i:/ e key/ki:/ he/hi:/2. / / it/ t/ if/ f/ gift/g ft/3./ɑ:/ class/klɑ:s/ car/kɑ:/ last/lɑ:st/4./ / bus/b s/ much/m t / up/ p/5. / :/ or/ :/ water/w :t / door/d :/6./ / dog/d g/ stop/st p/ Bob/b b/7. /u:/ blue/blu:/ too/tu:/ who/hu:/8./ / book/b k/ look/l k/ cook/k k/9. / :/ work/w :k/ word/w :d/ bird/b :d/10./ / color/ 'k l / under/ nd / sister/ 'sist /11. /e/ pen/pen/ let/let/ get/get/12./ / cat/k t/ am/ m/ hand/h nd/双元音8个/e / /a / / / /a / / / /e / / / / /1. /e / age/e d / make/me k/ name/ne m/2. /a / hi/ha / fine/fa n/ nice/na s/3. / / toy//t / boy/b / voice/v s/4. /a / how/ha / now/na / cloud/kla d/5. / / hear/h / here/h / dear/d /6. /e / air/e / their/ee / fear/fe /7. / / home/h m/ no/n / cloud/kl d/8./ / sure/ / cure/kj / pure/pj / 辅音/p/ pig/p g/ pipe/pa p/ play/ple //b/ Bob/b b/ bag/b g/ bed/bed//t/ to/tu:/ ten/ten/ tea/ti://d/ day/de / dad/d d/ dog/d g//k/ key/ki:/ kid/k d/ kind/ka nd//g/ game/ge m/ get/get/ go/g //f/ fine/fa n/ find/fa nd/ fog/f g//v/ very/ver / voice/v s/ video/'v d //s/ sad/s d/ sale/se l/ see/si://z/ is/ z/ these/ei:z/ zero/'z r // / sure/ / shore/ :/ she/ i:// / usual/ 'ju: l/ vision/'v n//t / teacher/ 'ti:t / watch/ w t / catch/k t // d / orange/ ' r nd / job/d b/ June/ d u:n//tr/ try/tra / trip/tr p/ trace/tre s//dr/ drive/dra v/ draw/dr :/ drop/dr p//ts/ seats/si:ts/ sits/s ts/ puts/p ts//dz/ reads/ri:dz/ rides/ra dz//h/ hear/h / her/h :/ hope/h p//m/ map/m p/ make/me k/ mad/m d//n/ nine/na n/ nice/na s/ name/ne m// / sing/s / English/ ' gl //l/ little/ 'l tl/ less/les/ letter/let //r/ ride/ra d/ rice/ra s/ rabbit/r b t//w/ wait/we t/ war/w :/ word/w :d//j/ yes/jes/ yellow/jel / yard/jɑ:d/ 破擦音/ts/、/dz/分别是字母组合ts和ds的读音..舌端齿龈破擦辅音..舌端先贴住齿龈;堵住气流;然后略下降;气流送出口腔../ts/是清辅音;/dz/是浊辅音..ts 发ts音时;嘴巴稍张;用舌头抵住下牙齿齿根;发出汉语拼音“ci”的声音就可以了..dz 发dz音的口形与ts音一样;只要发出汉语拼音里的“zi”就行了..These students are my friends.There are lots of odds and ends in the huts/∫/是sh的发音;//是s的发音..舌端齿龈后部摩擦辅音..发音时舌端靠近齿龈后部;舌身抬起靠近上鄂;双唇稍收圆并略突出..气流通过时形成摩擦音../∫/是清辅音;声带不振动;//是浊辅音;声带振动..//是ch的发音;//是dge的发音..舌端齿龈破擦辅音..发音时舌身抬高;舌端抵上齿龈后部;气流通过时发出破擦音..//是清辅音;声带不振动;//是浊辅音;声带振动..They reach the village in the end./tr/、/dr/分别是tr、dr的发音..齿龈后部破擦辅音..发音时舌身与/r/相似;舌尖贴齿龈后部;气流冲破阻碍发出短促的/t/后立即发/r/../tr/是清辅音;/dr/是浊辅音..tr与dr 发这两个音时;嘴巴稍张;嘴唇向外翻;舌尖抵上齿龈后部;然后发音..I had a strange dream in the train.He prefers strong drinks.鼻辅音m 双唇自然合闭;通过鼻前部发音;双唇闭拢;让气流从口腔送出;声带振动n 发音时;舌尖紧抵上齿龈;形成阻碍;气流从口腔送出;声带振动;发音时双唇始终张开//是ng的发音..舌后软颚鼻辅音..发音时软颚下垂;堵住口腔通道;气流从鼻腔送出..声带振动../r/是r的发音..舌尖齿龈后部摩擦辅音..发音时舌尖卷起;靠近上齿龈后部..舌两侧稍收扰..双唇略突出..气流通过舌尖和齿龈形成轻微摩擦..浊辅音;声带振动.. /l/是l的发音..舌端齿龈边辅音..发音时舌尖及舌端紧贴上齿龈;舌前向硬颚抬起;气流从舌的旁边送出..当此音为尾音时;将舌端抵住上齿龈;舌前下限;舌后上抬;舌面形成凹形..浊辅音、声带振动..h发h音时;只要稍微张开嘴巴;通过气息向外呵气;就可以发出来了..w发w时;舌身和双唇呈发u:的姿势;舌后向软颚抬起;声带振动..发音急促短暂;立刻向后面的元音滑动..发w音的口形与h音稍有不同;要嘴巴稍张;双唇向外翻;然后用口腔发出声音.. 3What a nice hatThere is a hole in the wall.发j音时;舌身和双唇呈发i的姿势;舌前部向硬颚抬起;双唇向两旁伸展成扁平形;声带振动..发音急促短暂;一经发出;立刻向后的元音滑动..。
单元音1、[i:]①、发音字母e he[hi:]他she[ʃi:]她②、字母组合iepiece [pi:s] 片、块、件niece [ni:s]侄女③、字母组合ea eat [i:t] 吃meat [mi:t] 肉leave [ li:v] 离开④、字母组合ee green [gri:n] 绿色sheep [ʃi:p] 绵羊three [θri:] 三、三个2、[ɪ]①、发音字母i big [bɪg] 大的ship [ʃɪp]船little [ˈlɪtl]小的②、发音字母ebegin[bɪˈgɪn]开始become[bɪˈkʌm]变成、成为decide[dɪˈsaɪd]决定③、发音字母y daddy[ˈdædɪ]爸爸happy[ˈhæpɪ]快乐的many[ˈmenɪ]许多④、字母组合ey honey[ˈhʌnɪ] 蜂蜜money[ˈmʌnɪ]金钱monkey[ˈmʌŋkɪ]猴子3、[e]①、发音字母aa ny[ˈenɪ]任何ma ny [ˈmenɪ]许多②、发音字母e bed[bed]床desk [desk]书桌③、字母组合ea head[hed]头、头部bread [bred]面包4、[æ]发音字母abag[bæg]包、书包hat [hæt]帽子map [mæp]地图hand [hænd]手ha ppy [ˈhæpɪ]快乐的black [blæk]黑色5、[ɑ:]①、发音字母a aunt[ɑ:nt]阿姨、姑妈fast[fɑ:st]快的class [klɑ:s]班级②、字母组合ar arm[ɑ:rm]手臂car[kɑ:(r)]汽车farm [fɑ:rm]农场6、[ʌ]①、发音字母olove[lʌv]爱come[kʌm]来mo ther [ˈmʌðə(r)]母亲②、发音字母u bus[bʌs]公共汽车lunch [lʌntʃ]午餐su pper[ˈsʌpə(r)]晚餐③、字母组合oo blood [blʌd]血flood [flʌd]洪水④、字母组合ou rough[rʌf]粗糙的trou ble[ˈtrʌbl]麻烦、困难7、[ɔ:]①、字母组合au cause[kɔ:z]原因、理由au tumn [ˈɔ:təm]秋天②、字母组合al talk[tɔ:k]说话、讨论small[smɔ:l]小的③、字母组合arwarm[wɔ:rm]暖和的、温暖的quar ter[ˈkwɔ:tə(r)]四分之一、一刻钟④、字母组合or horse [hɔ:rs]马short [ʃɔ:rt]短的、矮的⑤、字母组合our four[fɔ:(r)]四court[kɔ:rt] 法院8、[ɒ]①、发音字母a want[wɒnt]想要wash [wɒʃ]洗watch[wɒtʃ]手表、看②、发音字母o box[bɒks]盒子hot[hɒt]热的not [nɒt]不、没有9、[u:]①、发音字母o two[tu:]二shoe [ʃu:]鞋子②、发音字母u blue [blu:]蓝色true[tru:]对的、正确的③、字母组合oo food [fu:d]食物moon [mu:n]月亮too th [tu:θ]牙齿10、[ʊ]①、发音字母o wolf [wʊlf]狼wo man[ˈwʊmən]女人②、发音字母u pull[pʊl]拉push[pʊʃ]推③、字母组合oo book [bʊk]书本foot [fʊt]脚④、字母组合ou could[kʊd]能够、会should [ʃʊd]应该11、[ɜ:]①、字母组合ir bird [bɜ:rd]鸟girl [gɜ:rl]女孩②、字母组合or work[wɜ:rk]工作worth [wɜ:rθ] 价值③、字母组合ur burn [bɜ:rn]燃烧nurse [nɜ:rs]护士④、字母组合ear earth[ɜ:rθ]地球learn[lɜ:rn]学习、学会12、[ə]①、发音字母asofa[ˈsəʊfə]沙发about [əˈbaʊt]关于、大约②、字母组合ardollar[ˈdɒlə(r)]美元popular[ˈpɒpjələ(r)]流行的③、字母组合er farmer[ˈfɑ:mə(r)]农民teacher[ˈti:tʃə(r)]老师④、字母组合or actor[ˈæktə(r)]演员doctor[ˈdɒktə(r)]医生。
一、元音前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [æ]前元音发音要领:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,双唇不要收圆。
[i] ①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起。
[e] ①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,比[i:]低。
中元音:[ʌ] [ǝ:] [ǝ]中元音发音要领:舌尖抵住下齿,但不如发前元音时抵得那样紧。
[ǝ] ①舌中部抬起。
[ʌ] ①舌中部稍抬起。
后元音:[ɑ:] [ɔ] [ɔ:] [u] [u:]后元音发音要领:①舌尖不触下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部向软颚抬起,除[ɑ:]外,双唇要收圆。
[ɑ:] 舌尖不触下齿,口张大,舌身平放后缩。
[ɔ] ①舌尖不触下齿,口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩。
[ɔ:] ①舌后部比发[ɔ]时抬得略高。
[u] ①舌尖不触下齿, 舌后部向软颚抬起,舌身后缩。
[u:] 双唇比发[u]时收得更圆更小,向前突出,舌后部比发[u]时抬得更高。
双元音:[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [ǝu] [au] [iǝ] [uǝ] [Ɛǝ]双元音发音要领:①由两个元音组成,发音时由第一个向第二个元音的部位滑动,但不完全到达第二个元音的部位。
36个音标的读法一、元音音标:1. /iː/ - 这个音标表示的是长音/i:/,发音时舌尖抵住下齿,嘴巴张开,发出/i:/的音。
2. /ɪ/ - 这个音标表示的是短音/ɪ/,发音时舌头放松,嘴巴微微张开,发出/ɪ/的音。
3. /eɪ/ - 这个音标表示的是长音/eɪ/,发音时嘴巴微微张开,舌头放松,发出/eɪ/的音。
4. /æ/ - 这个音标表示的是短音/æ/,发音时嘴巴张开,舌头放松,发出/æ/的音。
5. /ɑ:/ - 这个音标表示的是长音/ɑ:/,发音时嘴巴张开,舌头放松,发出/ɑ:/的音。
6. /ɒ/ - 这个音标表示的是短音/ɒ/,发音时嘴巴张开,舌头放松,发出/ɒ/的音。
7. /ʌ/ - 这个音标表示的是短音/ʌ/,发音时嘴巴张开,舌头放松,发出/ʌ/的音。
8. /ə/ - 这个音标表示的是中央元音/ə/,发音时嘴巴微微张开,舌头放松,发出/ə/的音。
9. /ɜ:/ - 这个音标表示的是长音/ɜ:/,发音时嘴巴张开,舌头放松,发出/ɜ:/的音。
10. /ʊ/ - 这个音标表示的是短音/ʊ/,发音时嘴巴稍微张开,舌头放松,发出/ʊ/的音。
11. /u:/ - 这个音标表示的是长音/uː/,发音时嘴巴张开,舌头放松,发出/uː/的音。
二、辅音音标:12. /p/ - 这个音标表示的是爆破音/p/,发音时双唇紧闭,然后突然张开,发出/p/的音。
13. /b/ - 这个音标表示的是爆破音/b/,发音时双唇紧闭,然后突然张开,发出/b/的音。
14. /t/ - 这个音标表示的是爆破音/t/,发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后突然离开,发出/t/的音。
15. /d/ - 这个音标表示的是爆破音/d/,发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后突然离开,发出/d/的音。
16. /k/ - 这个音标表示的是爆破音/k/,发音时舌尖抵住软腭,然后突然离开,发出/k/的音。
17. /g/ - 这个音标表示的是爆破音/g/,发音时舌尖抵住软腭,然后突然离开,发出/g/的音。
1. 爆破音(Plosives)爆破音是由于阻塞气流突然放开而产生的音,也可称为塞音。
例词:cat(猫)2. 摩擦音(Fricatives)摩擦音是通过气流从阻碍点上方或中间流过产生的音。
例词:sun(太阳)3. 鼻音(Nasals)鼻音是气流通过鼻腔而不是口腔产生的音。
例词:sing(唱歌)4. 摩擦塞音(Affricates)摩擦塞音是爆破音和摩擦音的结合。
例词:job(工作)5. 半元音(Semi-vowels)半元音是介于元音和辅音之间的音。
◆ 1 [i:]I c a n s e e t h e d e e p g r e e n s e a.◆ 2 [i] Why does Lily go out with Jim and not him?◆[ә:] The nurse put her pearl in her purse.◆[ә]My mother and my sister like the new shopping center.◆[ɔ:] Paul plays basketball.◆[ɔ] My mom likes to shop, she shops until she stops.◆[u:] You look so cool.◆[u]Where’s the cook book? Please take a look.◆[a:]Our game of darts is starting.◆[Λ]Father and son are flying kites in the sun.◆[æ]An apple is good after a nap.◆[e]My hen likes to lay ten fresh eggs everyday.◆[ei]It is a rainy day.◆[ai] I like to fly my kite in a quiet place.◆[ɔi] Boys and girls like new toys. They will bring many joys.◆[au]I got a cat to chase the mouse, now I hear “meow meow”aroundthe house.⏹[әu] Rose likes ice-cream in a cone, but never when she’s home alone.◆[iә] Tom has one bad ear, you must speak loud and clear.◆[eә] Beware of the hare in the yard,he glares and stares veryhard.◆[uә]I love tours of European places.•音节 (Syllables): 音节是包含一个元音或一个元音跟别的辅音结合而成的发音单位在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可以构成一个音节, 如:I ;一个元音和一个或几个元音或辅音音素也可以构成一个音节, 如:go, bed,lamp, stand一般来说,元音可以构成音节, 辅音不响亮, 不能构成音节• A. 音节的种类:•(A) 开音节(Open syllables): 分绝对开音节和相对开音节两种• a. 绝对开音节:就是在元音字母后面没有辅音字母的音节, 如: no, she, me等(无声的e 除外)• b. 相对开音节:就是在元音字母后面有辅音字母(r 除外), 还有一个无声的字母 e,•如: take, bike, note, mute等 (have 例外)不论是绝对开音节还是相对开音节, 读音的规则就是发其中元音字母的名称音元音字母在重读开音节或重读相对开音节中读元音字母本身的音:元音字母读音例词读音a /ei/ a /ei/e /i:/ m e /mi:/I /ai/ I /ai/o / әu /n o /nәu /u /ju:/ c u e /kju:/元音字母在重读闭音节中的常用读音:元音字母读音例词读音a / æ / m a n /mæn/e /e/ m e n /men/I /i/ b i t /bit/o / ɔ/ h o t hot-pot /h ɔ t/u /u/ p u t /put/a/i/ vill a ge/e/ a ny m a ny/æ/ c a tch m a tch f a ct h a ppy m a rry/a:/ p a ss gl a ss dem a nd adv a nce/ɔ/ wh a t w a sh sw a llow w a nt w a tch/Λ/ a gree a head a dmire a ttend/ei/ t a ke m a ke t a ble c a sebeh a ve a ble l a teai/e/s ai d/ei/w ai t r ai n tr ai n r ai se gr ai nar/a:/ar m g ar den m ar ch sm ar t h ar mful/ɔ:/w ar w ar m w ar n/ә/calend ar pol ar/eә/ar ea v ar y v ar iousau/a:/au nt l au gh/ɔ:/t au ght c au ght n au ght f au ltay /e/ s ay s/ei/ m ay w ay pl ay st aye/i:/m e w e h e e qual sc e ne/i/pr e tty E nglish E ngland/e/e gg e ffect ch e ck e nter n e ver g e ntle acc e ptee /i:/ s ee ind ee d br ee ze succ ee d/i/ coff ee committ eeea /i:/ ea t b ea t n ea t r ea l def ea t/e/ spr ea d/iә/ i d ea r ea l ly r ea lize/ei/ br ea k gr ea t•eer /iә/ b eer ch eer d eer car eerear /a:/h ear t/iә/ ear n ear cl ear f ear h ear/eә/ b ear t ear w ear/ә:/ear th h ear d s ear chei/i:/ s ei ze rec ei ve c ei ling/ei/ei ght n ei ghbor r ei gni/i:/ pol i ce sk i mach i ne/i/ i t f i t p i g m i ss k i ss f i ll p i cn i c/ai/ n i ce l i ke w i fe adv i ced i ve pr i ze w i se t i dyigh /ai/ h igh n igh tir/ә:/b ir d f ir st b ir thdayie/i:/y ie ld p ie ce f ie ld bel ie ve/i/carr ie d worr ie d lad ie s/e/fr ie ndo/i/ w o men/ɔ/c o py o ffer bl o ck c o llege p o ssible/u/ w o man w o lf/u:/ wh o d o l o se d o ve m o vement/Λ/ son c o me c o mpass g o vernment/ә/ meth o d Eur o pe sec o nd/әu/ n o tice b o ne dev o te her o h o stoo/ɔ:/ d oo r/u/ g oo d w oo d b oo k w oo len f oo tball/u:/ f oo l sp oo n c oo l t oo th ch oo se/Λ/fl oo d bl oo doa/ɔ:/br oa d b oa rd/әu/r oa d b oa t c oa t c oa chow/ɔ/ kn ow ledge/әu/kn ow b ow l sl ow l ow fl ow foll ow/au/n ow h ow t ow n t ow erou/ɔ/ c ou gh/ɔ:/ b ou ght br ou ght c ou rse/Λ/t ou ch tr ou ble c ou ple d ou ble/ ә / fam ou s/au/l ou d h ou se sh ou t s ou thou ter m ou th ab ou t/uә/t ou r t ou rist/әu/ s ou l sh ou lder th ou gh alth ou ghu /i/ b u sy/e/ b u ry/u/ p u sh p u ll helpf u l b u llet caref u l/u:/ r u de J u ne revol u tionary poll u tion/Λ/ s u n ad u lt c u lture c u stomui/u:/ fr ui t j ui ce/i/ b ui ld g ui ltue /u:/ bl ue cr ue lty tr ueur /ә:/turn church furniture further/ә/ s ur prise s ur vive/uә/ f ur y j ur y ass ur ance•辅音的特点:•辅音是气流从肺中压出后受唇、齿、、咽喉等发音器官阻碍的结果辅音有清浊之分, 发音时声带震动的是浊音,不震动的是清音•L esson 6辅音音标[p] [b] [t] [d]练习[p] 发这个音的字母和字母组合p ppp: piano panda parrot pet shipsheep pig stoppp: apple happy根据发音规则,圈出没有发[p]的单词1.ship phone sleep pear2.pick pen big pineapple3.taxi parrot sheep pig4.panda pony pet truck[b]发这个音的字母和字母组合b bbb: book ball bird big boy bagbananabb: rubber rabbit cabbage根据发音规则,圈出发[b]的2个单词1.cab gift beach love2. pet god tub bed3.weather boy bus make4.rabbit read dress baby[t]发这个音的字母和字母组合 t ttt: table tea taxi cat rat fat ticketTt: butter matter根据发音规则,圈出没有发[t]的1个单词1.taxi fat bag toy2.hat ticket tea duck3.pocket packet cat rain[d]发这个音的字母和字母组合d edd: duck seed door desk day redhead bed read colded: smiled opened played根据发音规则,圈出没有发[d]的1个单词1.bed clothes hand2.dog cold five3.dance duck grape音标[p] [b] [t] [d]练习一.抄写音标,一个抄写5遍•[p]: [b]: [t]:[d]:_______二. 选出下列没有相同发音的词•( ) 1. pear ship coat pig •( ) 2. taxi bean cab cabbage •( ) 3. hat sea ticket wallet •( ) 4. seed dance hand full •( ) 5. pick pen sit pineapple •( ) 6. cold find door chair •( ) 7. cloth purple pool push •( ) 8. eat fan quiet set三.写出单词或音标• [pændә] [kΛt] [di:p] [klaud]• apple pear rabbit read四. 改变下列单词的一个字母,使它变成另一个单词•short→_____________(衣物) sea→_________________(感官动词)•pet →______________(蔬菜) ten→___________________(动物) •Lesson 7辅音音标[k] [g] [s] [z]学习•[g]发这个音的字母和字母组合g gg• g: glass golf get girl bag goat flag• gg: egg•根据发音规则,圈出发[g]的单词• gas drive gum give violin bag• jeans orange log bridge guess • tank grade long language •[s]发这个音的字母和字母组合s c ss ce • s: star sun snake sea see • c: pencil city cedar ceiling celebrate • ss: grass glass class boss• ce: face race rice nice•根据发音规则,圈出每组中2个发[s]的单词• 1. whose juice lick student • 2. those case scarf shoes • 3. space nose science meat • 4. tears piece bus nose •Lesson 8辅音音标[∫] [3] [t∫] [d3]练习•[3]发这个音的字母和字母组合s• s: television, usually, Asia measure, •unusual; decision;pleasure根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发[3]的2个单词• 1. shell ship garage desk• 2. truck shirt pleasure ship• 3. brush casual sheep sleep• 4. hero shape leisure shelf •[t∫]发这个音的字母和字母组合ch tch • ch: teacher peach cherry chair • tch: watch match•根据发音规则,找出下列单词中发[t∫]的单词,并抄下来• chair dumpling beach cheese • night she monkey• China church these flower egg • dream shark chick catch •Lesson 9音标[f] [v] [θ] [ð]的练习•[v]发这个音的字母和字母组合v ve • v: video vase vest violin • ve: five love•根据发音规则,在不发[v]的单词上打ו violin move vote window • van volcano white woman • victory wet wave vase •摩擦辅音 /f/ /v/•fast•few•leaf•proof•safe•surf•view•leave•prove•save•serve•[ð]发这个音的字母和字母组合th• th: father mother brother clothes weather than these thisbreathe clothe•根据发音规则,圈出每组中发[ð]的1个单词• 1.than sister brother three• 2. weather thank night good• 3. tie look teeth they• 4. thin father throat watch• / θ / /s/•thin•thing•faith•/ ð /•breathe•clothe•seethe 沸腾•sin•sing•face•mouse•/z/•breeze•close•seize• A thousand thanks.•Cathy has three brothers.•Mr. Smith talked about this, that and the other. •There is something.•They have been there for more than three months.•Lesson 10辅音音标[ts][dz] [tr] [dr]的练习•[dz] 发这个音的字母和字母组合ds des• ds: seeds woods goods friends birds• beds foods feeds needs• reads cards• maids• des: rides, hides prides•根据发音规则,找出发[dz]的5个单词写在后面的横线上• coats hands cats kites• beds words pets kids• seats sands gates•名词的单复数•名词的复数:名词分两种,可数名词和不可数名词•一般来说:专有名词、物质名词和抽象名词是不可数名词 bread、pork、water、money、air、paper、glass 反之就是可数名词•如果名词单独跟数词产生数量上歧义就是不可数名词,比如:Give me two pork 不能表达出名词的准确数量,这就是不可数名词•可数名词的复数变化:•(1) 一般情况下加-s,在清辅音后读[s];在浊辅音后读[z],但在[s][z]读[iz] .如:•book-books friend-friends case-cases•(2) 以-s,-x,-ch,-sh加-es,读[iz]如:•dress-dresses box-boxes watch-watches dish-dishes •(3) 以-f或-fe结尾的,把f或fe变v再加-es,读作[vz],如:•leaf-leaves life-lives knife-knives•但也有例外情况:roof-roofs chief-chiefs gulf-gulfs serf-serfs belief-beliefs proof-proofs•(4) 以“辅音+y”结尾的,把y变i再加es,读[iz],但“元音+y”只加s,如:•factory-factories boy-boys•(5) 有些以“辅音+o”结尾的加es,常用的单词只有四个:•Negro-Negroes hero-heroes potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes •(黑人英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿)•(6) 不规则变化:•1)特殊变化:•foot-feet mouse-mice child-children man-men woman-women•2)单复数相同:• a sheep-two sheep a fish- two fish•3)只有复数•glasses 眼镜;compasses 圆规 goods 货物 trousers 裤子•4)复数常用:常使用复数,如果使用单数表示其中之一•matches 火柴 shoes 鞋子 twins 双胞胎 parents 父母•5)当表示“某国人”的名词,以-ese或-ss结尾的,通常单复数相同,但一般情况下加-s•Chinese-Chinese American-Americans •Exercises• 1. oranges 2、classes 3、texts •4、monkeys 5、pianos 6. child children •7、shelf shelves 8、beds 9.country countries •10、family families 11、toys 12、foot feet •13、Japanese 14、radios 15、photos •16、army armies 17、tomatoes 18、foxes •19、woman women 20、knife knives 21、sheep • 1.chair(chairs) ring (rings) river (rivers)•table (tables) eye (eyes); lesson (lessons); •Father (fathers); friend (friends); book (books)•star (stars) ball (balls); song (songs); meeting (meetings) • 2.watch(watches); class (classes);•box (boxes); match (matches); fox (foxes);•bus (buses); glass (glasses);• 3.toy (toys); monkey (monkeys)•baby (babies); lady (ladies); family (families)• factory (factories) city (cities);• 4.man(men);woman(women);child(children)•fish (fish); sheep (sheep); ox (oxen);•mouse (mice); foot (feet);•goose (geese) .tooth (teeth); deer (deer);• 5.hero(heroes);potato(potatoes); tomato (tomatoes)•zoo (zoos); radio (radios); photo (photos);• 6.belief(beliefs);•half (halves) knife (knives) life (lives) •Review• 1. bus 2. fox 3. boy 4. days • 5. cups 6. zoos 7. trees 8. deer •9. fish 10.cities 11.leaves 12. lives •13. milk 14. foot 15. horse 16. mouse •17. tooth 18. woman 19. broom 20. juice •21. water 22. people 23. branch•24. families 25. oxen 26. countries• 1. comedy 2. action 3. movie 4. life • 5. knife 6. fry 7. leaf 8. photo •9. radio 10. piano 11. coffee 12. tomato •13. potato 14. bus 15. watch 16. tea •17. book 18. map 19. rain 20. film •21. air 22. month 23. picture 24. class •25. toy 26. tooth 27. doctor 28. eye •29. foot 30. German 31. Chinese 32. bag •33. football 34. child 35. classroom •36. monkey 37. head 38. egg•[tr] 发这个音的字母和字母组合tr• tr: tree truck trousers trick• train try treat track trip• trouble tradition traffic• travel trade•根据发音规则,找出没有发[tr]的3个单词写在后面的横线上• seats truck train trash• tractor drink street drug• trousers•[dr] 发这个音的字母和字母组合dr• dr: draw drink driver drive dragon• dry dream drug drag drap 织物• drop dress dressing drain•根据发音规则,找出每组中发[dr]的2个单词写在后面的横线上• 1. dream duck dress rain• 3. tree treasure drawer drink • 4. truck dragon dish drum•Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.•麻烦不找你,就别自找麻烦• [I] i y e a u ey ay ie ai•词首i n i ll i s i f i nk i t i ncome i ndoor i nside i nterest •词中b i ll wom e n v i s i t w i sh seive v i ll a ge sh i p m i st b u sy •词尾cit y histor y Sund ay prett y tax i sleep y ic y monk ey •[p]•词首pen price person pole post page park please •proud•词中•happen appeal example computer open operation surprise chapter •词尾•stop step hope tape rope cheap slip sleep help 、•wipe tip•[b]•词首•bit big bad black back basis bag block best business box•词中table about robber lobby cabin habit rubber mobile •词尾web job cab lab crab globe sob tube• [t ]•词首tea talk time tooth tomato take town teacher type •词中item Peter fatal butter bitter kitty button better •词尾at it best cost next paint debt but fit bit boat •• [d]•词首dad day dog deep doom dance done double delight•词中reader garden building murder Monday radio president •词尾did ride read bad good hard child avoid bond red •[e] a e ea ei ie•词首•e gg e nd e very e ssay a nyway e dge•词中•w e ll b e g g e t d ea d m e n t e ll l ei sure fr ie nd•词尾英语中这个音不出现在词尾•[æ] a•词首•a s a t a sh a pple a ction a ngry a ccent A frica•词中•c a t m a d b a ck pl a n th a n c a tch h a bit m a rry•词尾英语中这个音不出现在词尾•[k] k c ck q x•词首catch keep close quit cope care queen kitchen kiss quite•词中•baker secret equal biscuit expense tax•词尾milk back desk duck take pick task seek thank joke •[g]•词首Girl gas gate give gold guide goose guest glad grass •词中•again sugar degree figure angry example examine•词尾•Big bag dog leg flag hug dig frog• [ f ] f ff gh ph•词首•face fell fall fear free food flower funny family •词中• office define coffee sofa careful affair prefer•词尾if off half leaf chief wife enough cough laugh knife • [v]•词首•Very vine vegetable visa volume•词中Never even avoid level eleven driving savings ever •government•词尾Love move eve have alive brave serve wave •twelve deserve•Lesson 11辅音音标[h][r][l][m]的练习•[r] 发这个音的字母和字母组合r rr wr• r: rice room ride red road rose bread run rich right Roman romantic river rob• rr: mirror carrot parrot• wr: write wrong wrap•根据发音规则,选出发[r]的单词,打√• 1. bread driver wrong rain worker• 2. river father robot rope sister• 3. write fruit rabbit crown drum•[l] 发这个音的字母和字母组合l ll• l: look light lock lucky lion tail fail love littleletter last let• ll: ball pull dollar tell•根据发音规则,选出每组中不发[l]的单词• 1. lamp nail flag woman• 2. yellow fruit lion lychee• 3. grape bull laugh lake• 4. dumpling moon wheel whale•[ɑ:] a ar er au al ear•词首ar e ar t au nt ar my ar gue ar ticle a sk a fter ar tful •词中f a st c al m h ear t l ar ge cl a ss f a ther l a st m ar ch d a nce •词尾c ar st ar f ar b ar j ar• [ ɔ:] ar oar oor ore our al au aw oa ou ough •词首•al l aw e al ways au thor aw ful au tomobile•词中•b al l th ou ght w ar m d au ghter blackb oar d br oa d b or der•c ore d oor p our s oar fl oor l aw r aw s aw•[ɔ ] o a ou ow•词首•o dd o x o n o ff o bvious O scar o ption o ffer o ften •词中•j o b c ou gh kn ow ledge w a sh d o ctor wh a t w a tch•词尾•英语中这个音不出现在词尾• [s ]•词首•See say stay slow cease science sign school•词中•ask task last fast past must essay consider excellent •词尾•tax fix class race pass six goose famous miss chess • [ z]•词中•busy crazy pleasant cousin wisdom Tuesday•词尾as is has raise news pose pause choose refuse lose• [ θ] th•词首think thing thirst thin thank three thought theatre theme thick•词中•either author something healthy birthday truthful•词尾•faith mouth smooth bath health math breath myth•• [ ð ] th•词首•the they there though than their this those that•词中either mother father another further rather brother weather clothing•词尾•with breathe bathe clothe• [ʌ] u o oo ou•词首o ther u tter u ncle u mbrella u gly o nion u nderstand •词中l o ve fl oo d j u st l u ck c o ver t ou ch tr u st r ou gh w o n •词尾•英语中这个音不出现在词尾• [ɜ: ] ear er ir or ur yr•词首•ear n ear ly ear th ear nest ur ban ear ning ear thly•词中•w or k h ur t b ir d w or ld p er son d ir ty p ur se t er m•词尾•h er s ir st ir ref er pref er occ ur f ur•[ә ] a o u e ea io er or ar•词首•a go a bout a gain a lone u pon a long a bandon a ttractive•词中happ e n list e n nat io n f or get t o gether dist a nce oc ea n seld o m Germ a n•词尾•teach er work er doct or sug ar sail or wait er wat er nev er Chin a • [h ]•词首•he his has hurt home house horse who human help•词中•ahead uphill unhappy childhood lighthouse•词尾英语中这个音不出现在词尾• [ l ]•词首•low look lead leather litter like ladder lunch•词中•dealer really salary alive feeling milk flood slow•词尾•full girl middle useful apple little• [ r]•词首•read red really right write wrong rain rise run•词中•crime arrive around very mirror arrow cry pride bread narrow•词尾在英式英语中,单词末尾的r或re 不发音•L e s s o n12音标[n] [η] [w] [j]的练习[n]发这个音的字母和字母组合n k n g n•n:n o s e n e t n u t b a n a n a n o o d l e s t r a i n r a i n p l a n e d o w n •k n:k n e e k n i f e k n o c k•g n:s i g n根据发音规则,找出发[n]的单词并抄下来•1.m i r r o r w h e e l y e s k n o c k•2.m a l l h e n l a u g h n u t•3.e a r r i n g s p l a n e w i n g b r e a d[η]发这个音的字母和字母组合n n g•n:i n k b a n k t a n k f i n g e r•n g:s i n g h a n g s o n g k i n g r e a d i n g•r u n n i n g•1.n e t r i n g f i n g e r m e a t•2.t e n n i s m o u t h s o n g s w i n g•3.d u m p l i n g w i n g r u n n a i l•4.h a n g s w i m i n k n o t e[w]发这个音的字母和字母组合•w:w i n t e r w i n d o w w a t c h w a t e r w e l l w o u l d•w h:w h i t e w h e r e w h i c h w h e n w h a t w h y w h e e l w h a l e根据发音规则,选出每组中不发[w]音的1个单词•1.w o o d w r i t e w h e e l w h i c h•2.w h e a t s n o w w e t w o m a n•3.w h i t e w i n d o w n o w w h y•4.w h a l e w a t e r w a t c h r o w[j]发这个音的字母和字母组合y•y:y o-y o y o g u r t y a r d y e s y e s m a n y o u y o u r y e l l o w y e a ry e s t e r d a y y o u n g根据发音规则,找出发[j]的单词写在下面横线上•c r y y o u y o u r s k y y e l l o w l o r r y•m o n e y j e l l y t o y b o y y o g u r t s o y•有志者,事竟成•you still look young, year after year.•一年一年过去了,你看起来还那么年轻• [u: ] o oo ou u ue oe ui ew•词首•ooze充满 oodles 大量很多•词中•cool moon choose tomb improve rumor music group fruit through •词尾•blue flew shoe do too grew chew bamboo glue•[ u] u o oo ou•词首•英语中这个音不出现在词首•词中•classroom look good woman wood put could pudding understood •词尾•除to的弱读形式[ tu ]外,英语中这个音不出现在词尾•[m]•词首•man my may maybe many member memory mother•词中•Amy Emily enemy immigrant•词尾•am time jam come room dream home swim film•[n]•词首•no none not know now neighbour narrow•词中•manner island honor wonder honey business kindness•词尾•person can fan season kitchen sudden eaten moon •[ŋ]•词首这个音一般不出现在词首词中•drink angry banker finger English pink language•词尾sing ring wing long thing song morning evening •[ei]a ai ay ea ei•词首•age ate aim eighty ache aid April agent able•词中•late great weight main cake plate save•词尾•say day gray weigh lay spray tray hay pay may•[әu] o ow oa uo oe ough•词首•old own owe oath oak open over ocean odor•词中•wrote quote loaf polar float phone bold motion moment hotel •词尾•so toe row flow echo sow tomato window gold •[ai] i y ai ei eye igh ye ie uy•词首•I eye idea island eyesight idle icon ivory ice •词中•like fight mind light wine wild knife crisis arrive •词尾•fly lie spy tie buy try high dry cry pie my why[ʃ]词首she shop shut shy sure shape show shoulder sheep词中fishing machine conscious motion action special sunshine 词尾fish dish wash ash push rush finish cash wish[ʒ]词首英语中这个音一般不出现在词首词中illusion vision decision usual explosion measure pleasure词尾garage prestige•[tʃ]•词首•chain chess check chairman cheap Charles chuck cheese •词中•nature teacher feature capture kitchen•词尾•catch watch coach beach march church lunch•[dʒ]•词首•jam just just jewel join jump general•词中•danger soldier object urgent fragile vegetable imagine•词尾•page large orange edge judge image language village• [au] ou ow•词首•Our owl ounce outfit outside outdoors outing•词中house sound mouse south crowd flower powder mountain•词尾•now bow sow cow how allow eyebrow wow•[ɔi] oi oy•词首•oil oilskin oyster牡蛎 ointment 药膏•词中•soil boil coin join toilet poison choice spoil•词尾•soy boy joy toy enjoy annoy employ•[ts ] 这个音一般出现在词尾•词尾students goats coats guests flights reports nights rights hearts hits projects waits eats gets meets•[dz ]这个音一般出现在词尾•词尾sands funds cards aids records standards goods hands seeds beadsheads holds finds thousands feeds adds•[tr]•词首tree train try treat truck truth trade trace trick trip true •词中•attractive country entry street restrict actress•词尾•英语中这个音不出现在词尾•[dr]•词首•dress dream drive drain drink dragon draw drama•词中•hundred address Madrid withdraw•词尾英语中这个音不出现在词尾•[iә] ea eir ear eer ere eu io iou•词首•ear eardrop earphone era earring•词中serious realize weird curious experience museum idiot clearly •词尾•idea here hear mere beer clear appear cheer tear•[εә ] a air ar ae are ear ere•词首•air airbus airplane aircraft area•词中•fairly rarely rareness parent chairman careful vary•词尾care where share compare pair chair square prepare rare bear • [ j ]•词首yes year you young yellow use yell yogurt Yale •词中•suit news loyal beauty union due refuse•词尾英语中这个音不出现在词尾•[w]•词首we white why west whether woman one which whisper worry •词中always twin quite request swim twice anyway swallow •词尾英语中这个音不出现在词尾c/k/c ap c at c are c ase c lass/s/c entre c ity c inema c ivil c yclebi c ycle/ʃ/ o c ean so c ial spe c ialch/k/ ch emistry ch aracter/ ʃ / ma ch ine/tʃ/ch oose ch oice ea ch lun chmu ch su chd/d/d egree include trade intro d uce d ark/dʒ/sol d ierg/g/g ive g old g un g ate g uide be g/ dʒ/ a g e g eneral g entle lar g es/s/ s end s ince loo s e again s t lea s t/z/ i s a s cau s e noi s e plea s e prai s egoe s play s say s house s knive s/ ʃ / s ure s ugar A s ia/ 3 / mea s ure u s ual plea s ure trea s uress/s/mi ss pa ss acro ss/z/de ss ert/ ʃ / pre ss ure permi ss iont / ʃ / na t ion ac t ion/ tʃ/ fea t ure fu t ure ges t ure pic t ure lec t ure na t ure ques t ion。
➢ 单个辅音有8个:
/m/ /n/ /ŋ/ / ǀ/ / j/ / w/ / r/ / h/
❖ 音标、字母组合及单词示例
[a:] 字母组合: ar a 单词举例:car card arm fast class glass
[ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar 单词举例:small wall talk short more horse author autumn four warm
➢ 单个辅音:
[m]字母组合: m 单词举例: many meat mother music
[n]字母组合: n 单词举例: no not noodle new now
[ŋ] 字母组合: ng 单词举例:long [l ɔ ŋ] sing strong wrong young
[l]字母组合: l 单词举例: look long left light let
/ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/ /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/
/əʊ/ /aʊ/
➢ 清浊成对的辅音有10对:
/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/
/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/
/ʃ/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/
/ʒ/ /dz/ /dʒ/ /dr/
( ) A.slide
( ) A.study B.cut
(6)初步练习音标时,尽量不要带儿化音,这样更有利于发音标准与初步记忆2.各类音标对应的字母及48个音标对应单词举例元音20个长短元音比较[i:] he [hi:] need [ni:d] meat [mi:t] tea [ti:][i] give [gi v ] kid [ki d] big [bi g ] fish [fi ʃ][æ] fat [f æt] man [mæn] have [hæv ] bank [bæŋk][e] let [let] rest [rest] red [re d] bed [bed ][a:] aunt[a:nt] car [ka:] start[sta:t] laugh [la:f][ʌ] luck [lʌk] love [lʌv] money [mʌni] come [kʌm][ə:] girl[gə:1] learn[lə:n] work [wə:k] murder['m ə:də][ə] today [t ə'dei] teacher ['ti:tʃə] forget [fə'get][ɔ:] your [jɔ:] daughter ['d ɔ:tə] tall [tɔ:] horse [hɔ:s][ɔ] hot[hɔt] dog[dɔg] want [wɔnt] box [bɔks][u:] food [fu:d] two [tu:] too[tu:]zoo[zu:][u] look [luk] good [gud] book[buk] cook[kuk]双元音[ei] baby['b ei bi] wait ['w ei t] pay ['pei] cake ['keik] [ai] a [hai] I [ai] like [laik] bike [baik][ɔi] boy [bɔi] voice[vɔis] avoid[əv ɔid] noisy [nɔizi][au] cow [kau] out [aut] house[haus] now [nau][əu] no[nəu] hope [həup] go[gəu] home[həum][iə] here[hiə] cheer[tʃi ə] near [niə] beer[biə][eə] where [weə] fair [feə] there [ðɛə][uə] poor[puə] sure[ʃ uə]辅音28个清辅音与浊辅音比较[p] pen [pen] paper [peipə] peace [pi:s] pig [pig][b] boss [bɔs] buy [bai] blue [blu:] bike [baik][t] tiger[taigə] hurt [hə:t] sister[sistə] toe [təu][d] dead [ded] deaf [def] dame [deim] dance ['dɑ:ns][k] kill[kil] clever [klevə] cat [kæt][g] gay [gei] ghost [gəust] get [get] gift [gift][f] film [film] forty [fɔ:ti] fine [fain] wife [waif][v] give [giv] love [lʌv] very [‘veri ] lovely [lʌvli][ʃ] she [ʃi:] wash [wɔʃ] brush [brʌʃ] shoe [ʃu:][ʒ] decision [disiʒən] treasure [treʒə] pleasure [pleʒə][s] some[sʌm] place[pleis] looks[luks] nice [nais][z] zero [ziər əu] size [saiz] rose [rəuz][θ] tooth[tu:θ] faith [feiθ] athlete ['æθli:t][ð] they [ðei] with [wið] their [ðɛə] father [fɑ:ðə][tʃ] chinese [tʃaini:z] children[tʃildr ən] rich [ritʃ][dʒ] job [dʒɔb] large [lɑ:dʒ] jeep[ʤi:p] bridge[briʤ][tr] try [trai] trust [trʌst] true [tru:][dr] dress [dres] dream[dri:m] drum[drʌm] drink[driŋk][ts] parents [pærənts] wants [wɔnts] cats [kæts][dz] fields [fi:ldz] seeds[si:dz] goods[gudz] woods [wudz][h] here [hiə] how [hau] help [help] him [him][l] look [luk] like [laik] bill [bil] girl [gə:1][r] write [rait] read [ri:d] right [rait] history [histəri][j] you [ju:]year[jie]yes[jes][w] when [wen] where [wɛə] why [wai] what [wɔt][m] man [mæn] may[mei][n] need [ni:d] no[nəu][ŋ] sing[si ŋ]音标的学习离不开实践,多多使用,掌握更熟练。
第一课元音[i:][i][ә:][ә][i:]发这个音的字母和字母组合e ea ee 【衣声音拖长】e: me be she he we eveningee: sweet bee sweep sheep see sleep three greenea: meat leaf sea pea teach eat clean[i]发这个音的字母和字母组合i e y ey ay 【诶急促地发声】i: pig fish in fifteen six ship thine: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Friday[ә:]发这个音的字母和字母组合er ir ur ear or【额声音拖长】er: her serve termir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirtur: nurse Thursday turtle purple curtainear: early learnor: word work world[ә]发这个音的字母和字母组合 ure er ar or a e 【额发短音】ure: pictureer: teacher brother dinner father sisterar: sugaror: doctora: panda about above camera sofa China第二课音标[ɔ:] [ɔ] [u:] [u][ɔ:]发这个音的字母和字母组合a aw al or oor 【凹声音拖长】a: wateraw: draw strawberryal: ball wallor: horse corn fork or shortoor: floor door[ɔ]发这个音的字母和字母组合o a 【凹急促】o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor longa: watch[u:]发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo ui u 【乌声音拖长】o: do who whoseoo: food moon tooui: fruit juiceu: ruler rude[u]发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo u 【乌急促】o: woman wolfoo: look good book foot woodu: bull bullet第三课音标[a:] [Λ] [æ][e][a:]发这个音的字母和字母组合a ar au ear 【啊嘴巴张到最大】a: grass glass class plant dance fast father lastar: car star arm March garden dark scarfau: laugh auntear: heart发这个音的字母和字母组合o u oo ou 【啊嘴巴微微张开】o: son come colour love moneyu: sun nut jump gum bus brush supper usou: touch cousin country[æ]发这个音的字母和字母组合a 【安嘴巴张到最大】a: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map[e]发这个音的字母和字母组合e ea 【安嘴巴自然张开,不要太大】e: egg bell desk leg pet ten penea: bread head breakfast第四课元音音标[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [au][ei]发这个音的字母和字母组合a ai ay【诶拐个弯读】a: cake make name game snake gate lazyai: rain train waitay:day May play taday way[ai]发这个音的字母和字母组合i y ie uy 【唉拐个弯读】i: kite bike nice tiger write knifey: by cry fly my sky try whyie: tie pieuy: buy[ɔi]发这个音的字母和字母组合oi oy 【凹诶连着读】oi: oil boil coinoy: boy toy[au]发这个音的字母和字母组合ou ow 【啊呜嘴巴张大】ou: house mouse mouth trousersow: flower cow how now down第五课元音音标[әu] [iә] [eә] [uә]发这个音的字母和字母组合o oa ow 【怄】o: nose rose poen overoa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowl[iә]发这个音的字母和字母组合ear eer 【诶尔连着读】ear: ear hear teareer: deer beer[ɛə]发这个音的字母和字母组合air ear 【爱尔连着读】air: hair chair pairear:pear bear wear[uә]发这个音的字母和字母组合oor our ure 【乌尔连着读】oor: poorour: tourure: sure pure第六课辅音音标[p] [b] [t] [d][p]发这个音的字母和字母组合p pp 【泼轻音】p: piano panda parrot pet ship sheep pig stoppp: apple happy[b]发这个音的字母和字母组合b bb 【波浊音】b: book ball bird big boy bag bananabb: rubber rabbit cabbage[t]发这个音的字母和字母组合 t tt 【特轻音】t: table tea taxi cat rat fat tickettt: butter matter[d]发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed 【的浊音】d: duck seed door desk day red head bed read cold ed: smiled opened played第七课辅音音标[k] [g] [s] [z][k]发这个音的字母和字母组合c k ck 【科轻音】c: cap cook cup car can classk: cook milk key desk kite cakeck: clock sock cock neck[g]发这个音的字母和字母组合g gg 【歌浊音】g: glass golf get girl bag goat flaggg: egg[s]发这个音的字母和字母组合s c ss ce 【斯轻音】s: star sun snake sea seec: pencil city cedar ceiling celebratess: grass glass class bossce: face race rice nice[z]发这个音的字母和字母组合z s se 【“斯”浊音】z: zero zebra zoos: bags photos sistersse: nose rose第八课辅音音标[∫] [ʒ] [t∫] [dʒ][∫]发这个音的字母和字母组合s sh 【师轻音】s: sugar suresh: ship sheep wash cash shop she[ʒ]发这个音的字母和字母组合s 【日浊音】s: television usually measure unusual collision decision pleasure[t∫]发这个音的字母和字母组合ch tch 【吃轻音】ch: teacher peach cherry chairtch: watch match[dʒ]发这个音的字母和字母组合g j dge 【知浊音】g: ginger giraffej: jump job jamge: orange cabbage cage第九课音标[f] [v] [θ] [ð][f]发这个音的字母和字母组合f ff ph gh 【佛轻音】f: five fan flower fish four leafff: giraffeph: phone elephant photogh: laugh[v]发这个音的字母和字母组合v ve 【呜上牙齿咬住下嘴唇浊音】v: video vase vestve: five love violin[θ]发这个音的字母和字母组合th 【牙齿咬住舌头轻音】th: three thin third teeth mouth[ð]发这个音的字母和字母组合th 【与[θ]相同,只不过清浊有变化牙齿咬住舌头浊音】th: father mother brother clothes weather第十课辅音音标[ts][dz] [tr] [dr][ts]发这个音的字母和字母组合ts tes 【词轻音】ts: seats goats coats cats pets eatstes: gates kites dates tastes[dz]发这个音的字母和字母组合ds des 【紫浊音】ds: seeds woods friends birds bedsdes: rides[tr]发这个音的字母和字母组合tr 【戳轻音】tr: tree truck trousers strawberry trick[dr]发这个音的字母和字母组合dr 【捉浊音】dr: draw drink driver dragon dry第十一课辅音音标[h][r][l][m][h]发这个音的字母和字母组合h wh 【喝轻音】h: he her head heart hair hamwh: who whose[r]发这个音的字母和字母组合r rr wr 【若浊音】r: rice room ride road roserr: mirror carrot parrotwr: write wrong wrap[l]发这个音的字母和字母组合l ll 【词末呕浊音;词首了浊音】l: look light lock lucky lion tailll: ball pull dollar tell[m]发这个音的字母和字母组合m mb 【莫浊音】m: mouth mouse milk monkey moon money mummb: climb comb thumb第十二课音标[n] [η] [w] [j][n]发这个音的字母和字母组合n kn gn 【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上颚,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】n: nose net nut banana noodles train rain plane downkn: knee knife knockgn: sign[η]发这个音的字母和字母组合n ng(就是ang eng ing ong的后半部分)【嘴巴长大,舌头向下弯曲,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】n: ink bank tank fingerng: sing hang song king reading running[w]发这个音的字母和字母组合w wh 【我浊音】w: winter window watch water well wouldwh: white where which when why wheel whale[j]发这个音的字母和字母组合y 【也浊音】y: yo-yo yogurt yard yes you your音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。
一、元音前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [æ]前元音发音要领:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,双唇不要收圆。
字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree meet beef 、eat tea meat teacher、 she me、piece receive、 ceiling[i]①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起。
发音字母 i y e uisit pig big build 、many twenty happy 、defect decide delicious[e]①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,比[i:]低。
字母组合 ea e ahead bread、elephant bed desk 、many any[æ]①舌尖抵下齿。
发音字母 aBag happy hat map中元音:[ʌ] [ǝ:] [ǝ]中元音发音要领:舌尖抵住下齿,但不如发前元音时抵得那样紧。
发音字母 u o ouooup supper cup bus、come mother 、trouble rough 、bloodflood[ǝ:]①舌中部稍抬起。
字母组合ir ur ear er orGirl skirt thirty 、turn burn murder nurse 、learn 、her serve、work world[ǝ]①舌中部抬起。
国际音标元音1、单元音:前元音 [i:] [i] [e] [æ]中元音 [ʌ] [ə:] [ə]后元音 [u:] [u] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [a:]2、双元音:开合双元音[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [əu] [au]集中双元音[iə] [εə] [uə]辅音1、爆破音:清辅音 [p] [t] [k]浊辅音 [b] [d] [g]2、摩擦音:清辅音 [f] [s] [ʃ] [θ] [h]浊辅音 [v] [z] [ʒ] [ð]3、破擦音:清辅音 [tʃ] [tr] [ts]浊辅音 [dʒ] [dr] [dz]4、鼻音浊辅音):[m] [n] [ŋ]5、舌则音(浊辅音):[l] [r]6、半元音(浊辅音):[w] [j]字母音标A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:] H h [eit∫] I i [ai] J j [d3ei] K k [kei] L l [el]M m [em] N n [en] O o [əu] P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:]S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:]W w [′dʌ j blju:] X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:][zed]1.元音:1) [ i:] 字母组合: ee ea e ie ei y举例:three tree green sheep meet beef see eat teameat leave lead teache r speak clean please he she me piece receiv e ceilin gHeat the meat so we can eat.Blue sea, blue sea, please keep this key.A sheepeats some beef and drinks some greentea.2) [ I ] 发音字母: i y e ui u a举例:sit pig big little many it is little six happydictio narydefect decide delici ousA chicke n is in the kitche n.A big pig hit my hip and it hurt a little bit.Six sick hicksnick six slickbricks with picksand sticks.3) [ æ ] 发音字母: a举例:bag hand happy hat map mad bad blackbackglad manHappycat has a blackhat.A red red apple, I love red red apple.4) [ e ] 字母组合: ea e a举例:head bread bed red elepha nt rememb er selllesson better desk hotel yes eggMy pet and pen were left on Terry’s bed.The eggs he sellseveryd ay are better than everyb ody else sells.5) [ З:] [ə: ]字母组合: ir ur ear er or举例:girl shirt skirt thirty third bird turn nurse turtleThursd ay learn earth term her work worldA girl, a skirt, a girl has a skirt.6) [ ə] 字母组合 er or ar o a举例:teache r rememb er player speake r doctor actorauthor famili ar collar dollar togeth er tomorr ow today lesson around a ccoun t ago elepha nt bananaPandain Chinadon’t like banana.That doctor likesto eat carrot s in winter.7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a举例:car farm card arm fast class glass plantA car is in a park.SmartClarkparked his car in a park wherea lark sang in the dark.8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母: u o ou oo举例:up lunch fun gun nut cup bus come motherdose love above troubl e blood floodMoney, money, give me money.Nevertroubl e abouttroubl e untiltroubl e troubl es you!9) [ɔ: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar举例:small wall talk tall ball walk short more lord horsefor forty sport author autumn caught four warmShe was born four yearsago.She though t she oughtto take a walk before four o’clock.10) [ ɔ ] ([ɒ]) 发音字母: o a举例:on hot lot fox box dog rock want wash watchWhat’s your name ?A dog is in a box.Bob has a good job and a lot of hobbie s.Does a doctor doctor anothe r doctor the way the doctor doingthe doctor want sto be doctor ed, or does the doctor doingthe doctor ing doctor the otherdoctor in his own way?11) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u举例:food room goose toothshoe do two true blue fullblue moon junk foodGive two true toolsto the troops.12) [u] 字母组合: u oo ou举例: put full push look good foot book wood shouldcouldThis is a good book.I’m a good person. I do everyt hingI should do!Underw ood wouldread book if Underw ood knew wherehis book was.Underw ood’s book was in Durwoo d’s woods.Underw ood went into Durwoo d’s woodsand got his book.13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey举例: name cake late plane April play say may waygreat break rain paint plainthey greyThey play with me in the rain.I bakeda cake in a rainyday in May.14) [ai] 发音字母 i y举例:bike fine find nine light night my try fly eyeA tigerhas bright eyes in the forest of the night.15) [au] 字母组合: ou ow举例:house out ground sound loud around mouseflower down now cow howGet out, get out, get out of the house! How are you? Speakloudly! 16) [əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa举例: me old go no know low below grow showboat coat goalI don’t know my mother is at home now.East or west, home is best.17) [ ɔi ] 字母组合: oy oi举例: boy toy oil soil voice choiceA boy has a toy.The spoile d boy lost his toy and made a lot of noise.18) [Iə] 字母组合: eer ear [iə]举例:beer deer ear near ideaI have an ear, I can hear.19) [ɛə] 字母组合: ar air ere举例: pear bear chair air fair there where careCan you dare? Can you dare?Can you see a bear? Where? Where?There, there, a bear in a square.Be thereor be square. 不见不散20) [ʊə] 字母组合: ure [uə]举例:sure poor tourI’m sure, you are poor!2、辅音清辅音:21. [ p ] 字母组合: p举例:pen pet paper plantA big blackbear sits on a big blackbug,A big blackbug bits a big blackdog on his big blacknose.22. [ t ] 字母组合: t举例: time table stay toyA tidy tigertied a tie tighte r to tidy her tiny tail.Good better best, neverlet it rest, till good is better, and better best .23. [ k ] 字母组合: k c ck举例: kite king kitche n can car cake trick lockI like chocol ate.A cat may look at the king.24. [ f ] 字母组合: f ph gh举例: foot feet fog phone photo elepha ntFrank’s father foundFrankfoolin g with Frank’s father’s phone.Five, five, Give me five!25. [ θ ] 字母组合: th举例:thin thank three thingbathSometh ing is better than nothin g.A mousehas a mouth.I though t a though t but the though t I though t I though t was not the though t I th ough t .If the though t I though t had been the though t I though t I though t ,I woul dnot have though t so much .26. [ s ] 字母组合: s c举例:six sing snow cinema cityI scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!27. [ ts ] 字母组合: ts举例:ants street s studen tsShe has lots of cats.A box of biscui ts,a box of mixedbiscui ts.Bob bought threeboxesof biscui ts a nd two boxesof mixedbiscui ts.28. [ tr ] 字母组合: tr举例: tree truck tryThe tackytracto r traile rs trucks.29. [ ʃ ] 字母组合: sh举例: ship shoe shop shortShould Shawnshavea shortman with shorthair or a shy man whoseshortle gs are shakin g?She sellsseashe lls by the sea shore.30. [ tʃ ] 字母组合: ch举例: chair chicke n chines eThe chiefchiefchewed the cheapcheese.31. [ h ] 字母组合: h举例: hot he hat has he hard halfHe hopesto have a happyholida y.A horseis in the house.I heardHenryhas got hurt from the horseriding.浊辅音:32. [ b ] 字母组合: b举例:boy ball bed bagBarkin g dogs do not bite.Bob’s bike is broken by a bad guy.Bettyhas some bitter butter so she bought some better butter to make the bitt er butter better.33. [ d ] 字母组合: d举例:dog do day doctorDan didn’t drivedirect ly to Denver, did he?34. [ g ] 字母组合: g举例:big lag glass gum good guestget go girl goodA good beginn ing makesa good ending.Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?A good cook cooksgood cookie s.Goldie gold has a golden gate in her golden garden.35. [ r ] 字母组合: r举例: red read rain run write wrong proble mI borrow ed some freshfruits from our across-road neighb or, Rose, last Friday. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.36. [ v ] 字母组合: v举例: van voice seven elevenVariou s visito rs visite d the villag e .Vivien sold her violin and bought a van from Victor.37. [ ð ] 字母组合: th举例: this that these thoseI’d rather bathein a southe rn sea than wear thickclothe s as northe rners do .38. [ z ] 字母组合: z s举例: zoo zero pizza these those closekeys boysShe sellssea shells on the seasho re.The seashe lls she sellsare seashe lls she is sure.39. [ dz ] 字母组合: ds举例: beds handsEdward's seedsare in that child's hands.40. [ dr ] 字母组合: dr举例: dry drink dress driverI had a strang e dreamin the train.I dranka lot last night, and then I dreame d a dreadf ul dragon.41. [ ʒ ] 字母组合: si(on)举例:measur e pleasu re leisur e usuall y televi sionGeorge placed his broken televi sions in the garage. In his garage therehave been threebroken televi sions.42. [ dʒ ] 字母组合: g举例: orange gentle page age large villag eThey reachthe largevillag e in the end.John urgesJane to buy a digita l watch.其他辅音:43. [ m ] 字母组合: m举例: many meat mother music T om mumI’m an amazin g person. I make everyeffort to achiev e more!A warm summer mornin g makesme merry.A mouseis in the cat’s mouth.44. [ n ] 字母组合: n举例: no not noodle new now lendI’m a confid ent person. If I don’t do it, nobody can!A friend in need is a friend indeed.Nina neverknew her new neighb or Nero knew her.45. [ l ] 字母组合: l举例: look long left light let late like leadLook at the lighton your right.Look before you leap.Luke really likeslots of friedrice daily.Don’t call me a doll, I’m only a ball.46. [ ŋ ] 字母组合: ng举例:long sing ring bring think goingI’m an easygo ing person. I neverget angryat anythi ng or with anybod y! Your singin g and dancin g are charmi ng.47. [ j ] 字母组合: y举例: year yellow you yes few yard musicYou usuall y cleanyour yard.The yellow bird has yelled for many yearsin the yard of Y ale .48. [ w ] 字母组合: w wh举例: word winter window What where when well workWherethereis a will, thereis a way.“www” is shortfor “WorldWide Web”Wouldyou like to wait a whilefor some warm wine to keep you warm?If two witche s watche d two watche s ,whichwitchwouldwatchwhichwatch? Whichwristw atchis a Swisswristw atch?。
/ aɪ/是字母 i ,y, ie , ei 在单词中的发音
kite /kaɪt/
bike / baɪk/
knife / naɪf/
time /taɪm/
fly /flaɪ/
cry /kraɪ/
tie /taɪ/
pie / paɪ/
/ ɔ:/
/ ɔ: /是字母al or oor au 在单词中的发音
ball /b ɔ: l/ floor /fl ɔ: / wall /w ɔ: l/ short /ʃ ɔ: t/ water /w ɔ: t ə/ corn /k ɔ: n/ talk /t ɔ:k/ horse /h ɔ:s/ door /d ɔ: /
write /raɪt/
right / raɪt/
1.rice good right jacket 2.ship kite ice house 3.tie eye cake say
1. doctor teacher box zoo 2. love dog clock cold 3. watch beach fox girl
1. He got a job at a coffee shop.
2. It’s wrong not to lock the box. 3.Lost time is never found again. 时不再来。
purse /p ɜː s/
girl /g ɜː l/ nurse /n ɜː s/
bird /b ɜː d/ curl /k ɜː l/
skirt /sk ɜː t/ pearl /p ɜː l/
例子:/ɪ/音(sit)、/e/音(ten)、/ə/音(about)3、半元音:这类音标的发音类似辅音,音标发音时需要较弱的声音,比如/i/和/j/组合时读成 [ɪj] 的发音。
英语音标和例子元音音标表(20个)5个元音的字母音a [ei] e [i:] i [ai] o [?u] u [u:]5个元音的短元音:a [?e] bag cat hat mape [e] pen bed ten henI [i] big pig sit hillo [?] box hot dog frogu [u] but mum bus mug12个单元音:短元音[?e] [e] [i] [?] [?] [u] [?]长元音[i:] [?:] [a:] [u:] [?:]8个双元音:[ei] [ai] [?u] [au] [?i] [i?] [e?] [u?]元音发音规则表:1.单元音/i:/ see me be she need read meal eat seat deep keep 开音节中的e/i:/ me be sheee /i:/ see sleep deep feet needea /i:/ read eat meal seat2.单元音/i/ in it is fit pin bit kiss sick miss fish rich lid闭音节中的i /i/ if, his, film(闭音节指以辅音结尾的音节)闭音节中的y /i/ sympathy, syllable, system, gym位于词尾的y /i/ city, pity, willingly, possibility3.单元音/e/ get let bed pen best rest wet never better best 闭音节中的e /e/ bed, peg, set, tellea /e/ dead, heaven, feather4.单元音/?e/ hat cat rat cap map fat man thank stamp fact 闭音节中的a / ?e / bad, lad, rat, cab5.单元音/a:/ heart arm darn farm cart fast car dark barn pass ar /a:/ arm, ark, lard, dark, car, card, hard, harm6.单元音/ ? / lot got job shop soft song top hot box pot lock闭音节中的o / ? / hot, got, not, lost, on, soft7./ ?:/ tall fall wall Paul Maud walk call yawn thought or / ?:/ or, sport, bored, horse, more,beforea(+ll或lk) / ?:/ all, fall, talk, walkaw / ?:/ law, paw, draw, flaw, claw8.单元音/u/ cook book look put goodfull foot wouldu /u/ put, full, pull, push, sugar, cushionoo /u/ good, took, wood, wool, stood,bedroomou /u/ could, would, should9.单元音/u:/ too soon rule boot foolschool soup cool lose newoo /u:/ fool, booth, room, foodou /u:/ soup, you, groupo /u:/ do, to, who10./ ?/ cup bus gun hut sung duck lungluck cut stuck闭音节中的u /?/ but, hunt, sun, duck,luck闭音节中的o /?/ son, once, colour, other,moneyou /?/ rough, enough, touch, cousin,young11.单元音/?:/ shirt hunt burn girl birdnurse work worm curseer /?:/ herd, verb, mercyir /?:/ thirty, shirt, third, firur /?:/ turn, church, burn, nurse, curse or /?:/ word, work, world, worseear /?:/ heard, earth, search12.单元音/?/ ago about asleep above again among mother brother许多元音在非重读章节中读成/?/,所以/?/的拼写形式多种多样。
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3.Cat, cat, catch that fat rat.
4.He went to sea to see what he could see
at sea to draw, but all he saw is what we always see at sea- see?
origin because cotton 口张大,舌身 cock 尽量降低并后 sorry 缩,双唇稍微 novel
color double customer
supper ugly
发音时,舌尖和舌端两 侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠 前部分稍抬起,口形稍 扁,开口度较大
Some luck A tough son A funny couple
My other son is in the room above.
push wood pudding 舌后部向软腭抬起,舌 butcher 身后缩,舌尖离开下齿, woman 双唇收圆,稍向前突出。 look
look for the book The bull stood in the bushes. The woman is cooking some good food. Your can't eat the pudding mom cooks. Don't stand in the wood on the moonless night.
『』 『 :』
• 『 bet 』 • 『d kt 』
• 『 baut 』
『n :s』 『b :d』 『f :st』
invite lie 先发a 再滑到i,舌尖 height 抵下齿,注意从开到 ice-cream 合的滑动 fry island
time and tide life on the island from time to time out of sight,out of mind. I think I climbed several miles. The price for a flight is sky high these days.
office document a novel on dogs obvious obstacles He lost his job in the Foreign Office. The doctor forgot to stop at the crossing. e boss was not sorry for calling off the talk with Tom.
attend a lecture fewer and fewer a hundred lawyer The singer in the center looks younger. I mixed the butter,sugar,and water togther. Generally, the inventor's work was quite difficult.
movement spoon group 舌后部尽量抬起,舌 位更高 glue 双唇收圆并突出 ooze 口形比更小
a useful rule a gloomy room a huge pool full of water The rumor was eventually proved to be true. Mankind flew to the moon many years ago. They chose some blue shoes and went out in groups.
长元音 5个 短元音 7个 双元音 8个 清辅音 浊辅音
10 对
其它辅音 8个
元音:发音时不受到发音器 官的阻碍发出的声音。
辅音:发音时受到发音器官 的阻碍发出的声音。
清辅音 :发音时声带不震动, 送气 浊辅音 :发音时声带震动, 不送气
free meet teacher please 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量向上 颚抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成 each 扁平形,注意一定要把音发足 magazine
obey pay aim nation break decade
先发e 音,然后 发 i 音,双唇稍 扁,口形从半开 到合
the railway station the name of eight players Take-away food displayed wayside. No pain, no gain. The actors left and the play failed There are many railways in the United States.
舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌 两侧抵上齿两侧,口型扁平, 发此音时要短促而轻快
dig and pick an English village. a pretty little kid she filled my dish with fish. The fisherman's ship was hit by the wind.
again and again
a happy man caps and hats catch and cat draw a map hand in hand
1.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 2.It is never too late to mend.
1. The baby and the lady are playing by the lake. 2. The four tall reporter are talking about sports. 3. I like the toy bear.I often brush its hair.I have a pear near the chair. 4.Today is cold.Don’t forget to put on your coat.You can go to school by boat. 5.She often makes birthday cakes on holiday. 6.David is saying”Maybe Kate can’t skate.” 7)The ugly man has one hundred ducks. 8)The farmer has a large farm and a car. 9) After art class we put down sunglasses and sit on the grass 10) Miss Mo, She’s tall.She has a dog, it’s small.She likes walking and riding a horse.
earn occur service worse joural serve
舌身平放,舌中部稍 抬起,比 略高,双 唇向两旁伸开,成扁 平形
the third world work in this firm in the early1930's He started the journey early on Thursday. The nurse was nervous at the burned wound. The journalists has a worse journey than the clergyman.
『i 』 『sit』
sit 『di:p』 deep 『 i:p』 sheep 『mi:t』 meet 『ti:』 tea 『i:t』 eat 『si:t』 seat
『pig』 pig 『iz』 is 『siks』 six 『it』 it 『dip』dip
education lecture enemy 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起, 上下齿之间可容一个食指 many television
free she feels sleepy we need some meat for dinner In the evening,we eat under the trees. These three teachers are having a meeting.
busy pretty milk fill village
daugher before war jaw thought
舌后缩,舌后部 抬得比 略高,双唇也收 的更圆更小,并 向前突出
『 :』 『』
• • • • 『t 『k 『l 『s k』 :z』 :t』 :s』
• • • •
『g 『d 『h 『k
d』 k』 t』 p』
more horses an ordinary story chalk and blackboard Jhon bought a lot of hot dogs. They are four more balls by the wall. Her daughter put some salt in the water.
employ joy
destroy disappoint choice
口形从开到合,关键是 把元音 发足,然后滑向i 音
The noise of the coins
The spoiled boy’s annoying voice
bags of apples a happy marriage the handsome yong man Jack and his hat on Saturady They were happy listening to the band
『b e g』 『 e m 』 『b e d』 『 e t』 『d e d』
『u:』 『u』
• 『ru:l』 rule • 『blu:』 blue • 『hu:』 who • • • • 『put』 put 『luk』 look 『gud』 good 『kud』 could