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你ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ道吗
一日,妻将熬好的鸡汤盛砂锅内,因疲劳过 度,误将肉片佐料倒入砂锅,肉片熟,放入 米线食之,鲜嫩可口,神清气爽。妻喜,疾 过桥送夫食,夫赞不绝口。
故 事 Story
Then the intellectual hardly ever had other meals until he became Zhuang yuan. With a lot appreciation, he recalled, ‘I debit my wife a lot for the rice noodle she sent cross the bridge in front of my reading house.’ From then on, others imitate the way to make rice noodle and call it by a good name of ‘Mengzi Cross Bridge Rice Noodle’.
即每日食之且高中状元。叹曰:吾今日之成 乃贤妻每日过桥送米线食之缘也。自此,人 们就仿效此方法制作米线,且美其名曰: “蒙自过桥米线”。
制作 程序
production process Crosses the bridge rice-flour noodle to 过桥米线由三部分组成:一是汤,二是切成薄
not brave to be mad, but surely may not first have 烫伤。要先把鸽蛋磕入碗内,接着把生鱼片、
the soup, in order to avoid scalds. Must first knock 生肉片、鸡肉、猪肝、腰花、鱿鱼、海参、肚 into the pigeon egg in the bowl, meets the Sashimi, 片等生的肉食依次放入,并用筷子轻轻拨动, the fresh sliced meat, the chicken, the pig liver, the 避免粘连在一起。 scalloped kidney , the squid, the trepang, the stomach piece and so on the fresh meat is putting in turn, and gently moves with the chopsticks, avoids the adhesion in the same place.
制作 程序
production process
Eats when with big Bowl, first puts in the ripe
chicken oil, the monosodium glutamate, the black 吃时用大磁碗一只,先放入熟鸡油、味精、胡 pepper, then the chicken, the duck , the spareribs, 椒面,然后将鸡、鸭、排骨、猪筒子骨等熬出 the pig pony roll bone and so on. Scoops the soup 的汤舀入碗内端上桌略去用。此时滚汤被厚厚 to the bowl inner end the table leaves out uses. This 一层油盖住不冒气,但千万不可先喝汤,以免 time the boiling water is covered by thick oil does
Cross Bridge
Rice Noodle
The Story of Cross Bridge Rice Noodle
The production process
故 事 Story
There was an intellectual, pursuing the success in imperial examinations, in Mengzi, Yunnan Province in 1806. So he slogged away and lived in an isolated island, adjoining the mainland with a bridge, to separate from any distraction and entertainment. And his wife sent meals cross the bridge every day.
Different Taste
Hope you will love it !
be composed by three parts: The first is the soup, 片的各类嫩肉,三是米线和时鲜蔬菜。制汤考 the second is slice each kind of tender meat, the third is the rice-flour noodle and the vegetables. 究,选用武定壮母鸡、本地老母鸡和猪筒子骨 The system soup is elegant, selects the Wuding 煨制,制汤的要领是选料讲究,原料与水严格 strong hen, the local old hen and the pig roll bone simmers the system, makes the soup the main 按比例投放,中途不准加水,要用旺火烧开, point is chooses the material to be fastidious, the 撇去浮沫,改用小火煨制。鲜汤制好,经用精 raw material and the water strictly according to the proportion delivery, the midway do not permit 盐、味精、胡椒粉调味后,装碗时在汤内注入 the watering, must use big Fire to boil, skims the 热鸡油,油浮在汤的表面起保温作用。 spume, changes to the flame to simmer the system. Fresh soup is OK, after the durable refined salt, the monosodium glutamate, the ground pepper blend flavors, installs when the bowl pours into the hot chicken oiling the soup, the oil floats in the soup surface plays the heat preservation role.
公元1806年,一名书生为求功名,在云南蒙 自县一孤岛潜心攻读,其妻每日过桥送食。
故 事 Story
One day, his wife, tired and incautious, mistook to pot the chicken soup with the meat for making sauce in the terrine. The rice noodle made in the soup tastes and delicious; moreover, refreshed her mind as well. Surprised and joyful, the wife sent the discovery to her husband immediately and soon was prized by her husband without ceasing for her excellent cooking skill.
production process
the fresh sliced meat to turn
制作 程序
white maturely then bails out dips the 待鲜肉片已发白成熟即可捞出蘸佐料下酒食用。此 seasoning to drink edible. This time in the oil soup bowl immediately puts in each kind of 时油汤碗内立即放入各种蔬菜、豆腐皮、米线。撒 vegetables, the dried bean curd, the rice-flour 上葱花、芫荽即可食用。亦可肉片烫熟后即将蔬菜、 noodle. Scatters the minced green onion, the 米线放入烫熟共同食用。吃起来味道特别浓郁鲜美, coriandrum sativum edible then. After also 营养丰富 may the sliced meat burn the ripe soon vegetables, the rice-flour noodle puts in burns ripely together edible. Eats the flavor specially richly tasty, the nutrition is rich