63EG 型泄压阀或背压阀 说明书
![63EG 型泄压阀或背压阀 说明书](
63EG 型和 1098-63EGR 型D 100315X C N 2指导手册资料号 51102008 年 11月63EG 型泄压阀或背压阀简介手册内容本手册为带有 6358, 6358B, 6358EB 型或 6358EBH 型指挥器的 63EG 型泄压阀或背压阀、以及带有 6358B 型指挥器的 1098-63EGR 型泄压阀提供了的操作说明和零件清单。
对于选配的指挥器用过滤器 252 型或 P590 系列,以及与其配合使用的装置的操作说明和零件清单,可在另外单独的手册中找到。
产品说明63EG 型和 1096-63EGR 型指挥器作用式泄压阀可用于液体和气体的场合。
63EG 型也适用于限流背压或旁路应用工况。
技术规格技术规格章节及表 1 到 3 列出了各种 63EG 型和 1098-63EGR 型的技术规格。
对于 1098-63EGR 型, 技术规格印在执行机构的上部阀膜箱体。
指挥器的控制弹簧作用范围印在指挥器弹簧箱体上,指挥器限流孔代码用一个字母表示,它印在指挥器阀体底部,靠近旁路出口: S 代表红色标准直径限流孔 (钻孔尺寸 57),L 代表蓝色大直径限流孔 (钻孔尺寸 47),用于液体的场合,或用 H 代表黄色小直径 (钻孔尺寸 70),用于高增益限流孔。
指挥器说明以下的指挥器配置可用于 63EG 型或 1098-63EGR 型泄压阀或背压阀。
泄压阀6358B, 6358EB 型指挥器或 6358EBH 型泄压指挥器可与泄压阀配合使用。
当入口压力低于设定压力时,指挥器停止排图 1. 63EG 型泄压阀或背压阀W6955图 2. 1098-63EG 型泄压阀W3003-1*63EG 型和 1098-63EGR 型2技术规格可供配置带 6358 系列指挥器的 63EG 型带 6358B 型指挥器的 1098-63EG 型主阀阀体和端口连接方式(1, 2)主阀阀体尺寸, 英寸 (DN)端口连接方式和额定值铸铁钢或不锈钢1, 2 (25, 50)NPT , CL125B FF , 或 CL250B RF 法兰连接NPT , BWE, SWE, CL150 RF , CL300 RF , CL600 RF , 或 PN 16/24/40 法兰连接2, 3, 4, 6, 8 x 6(50, 80, 100, 150,200 x 150)CL125B FF , 或CL250B RF 法兰连接BWE, CL150 RF ,CL300 RF , CL600 RF , 或 PN 16/24/40 法兰连接最大泄压 (入口(3)) 压力(2)63EG 型: 400 psig (27,6 bar)1098-63EGR 型: 82 psig (5,6 bar)最大执行机构压力(2) (标准尺寸 40, 仅适用于 1098-63EGR 型)最大设定压力(4): 65 psig (4,5 bar) 最大工作压力(3): 75 psig (5,2 bar)最大紧急情况压力: 82 psig (5,6 bar)设定泄压/背压控制范围(4) 见表 2主阀端口直径和阀塞行程阀体尺寸,英寸 (DN)端口直径, 英寸 (毫米)阀塞行程, 英寸 (毫米)1 (25)2 (50) 1.312.38 (33) (60)0.751.13 (19) (29)3 (80)4 (100) 3.384.38 (86) (111) 1.502.00 (38) (51)6 和 8 x 6 (150 和 200 x 150)7.19 (183)2.00 (51)主阀流量特性线性 (标准) 或 Whisper ®Trim III (可选)主阀流量方向上部通过阀座垫圈流入和外部通过阀笼流出温度范围(2)腈橡胶 (NBR):-20° 至 180°F (-29° 至 82°C) 氟橡胶 (FKM):0° 至 300°F -18° 至 149°C)水温限制在 0° 至 180°F (-18° 至 82°C ) 三元乙丙橡胶 (EPDM):-20° 至 275°F (-29° 至 135°C)可选项• 铝或不锈钢制的 252 型指挥器用过滤器 • 黄铜制的 P594-1 型过滤器 • 压力计(5)大致重量 (包括指挥器) 63EG 型1 英寸 (DN 25): 35 磅 (16 公斤)2 英寸 (DN 50): 55 磅 (25 公斤)3 英寸 (DN 80): 95 磅 (43 公斤)4 英寸 (DN 100): 145 磅 (66 公斤) 6 英寸 (DN 150): 330 磅 (150 公斤)8 x 6 英寸 (DN 200 x 150): 670 磅 (304 公斤) 1098-63EGR 型1 英寸 (DN 25): 65 磅 (29 公斤)2 英寸 (DN 50): 85 磅 (39 公斤)3 英寸 (DN 80): 125 磅 (57 公斤)4 英寸 (DN 100): 175 磅 (79 公斤)6 英寸 (DN 150): 360 磅 (163 公斤)8 x 6 英寸 (DN 200 x 150): 700 磅 (318 公斤)1. 通常也提供 DIN (或其它) 额定值和端口连接: 请向费希尔公司销售服务部门或销售代理商咨询。
首站泄压阀的设计压力是10.6MP a,当阀前压力低于设计压力时,导阀关闭,泄压阀前后压力平衡;阀前压力高于设计压力时,导阀开启,通过平衡管先将一小部分油品泄放至阀后管道,所以阀腔压力降低,前端压力推动阀芯后移,使油品大量泄放。
A X 742X-安 全 泄 压 阀使 用 说 明 书株洲南方阀门股份有限公司10 1625 40一、用途用于供水和输水系统,可对压力波快速反应和快速释放,防止压力急剧增高而损坏管线及设备,特别适用于高层楼房消防系统泄压,并可安装于减压阀下游,确保系统安全不超压。
三、技术参数1、公称压力:1.0Mpa 1.6Mpa 2.5Mpa 4.0Mpa2、出口压力:PN1.0MPa调节范围0.3~0.9MpaPN1.6MPa调节范围0.5~1.4MpaPN2.5MPa调节范围0.5~2.4MpaPN4.0MPa调节范围1.0~3.5Mpa3、启闭动作压力:0.05MPa4、适用介质:原水、清水5、适用温度:0~80℃四、结构示意图安全泄压阀是由主阀和先导阀及其它外装附件组成,其主阀由阀体、膜片、阀杆、组件、主阀板、阀座等组成,通过外装附件及先导阀实现安全泄压。
目录第1节 简介概论特点工作原理型号编号外形尺寸技术参数第2节 安装开箱安全措施安装第3节 压力设定与调整准备工作背压阀的压力设定泄压阀的压力设定第4节 维护备件设备维修第5节故障查询第6节部件第1节简介一、 概论当设备出现故障或化学管路堵塞出现过压时,VS系列隔膜泄压阀可用来保护可调容积泵和其他设备,VB系列背压阀在泵运行时在排出管路中提供一个比吸入管路更高的压力。
二、 特点1、高可靠性/低成本2、PTFE/EPDM复合膜片3、泄压阀0~1.0Mpa可调背压阀0~0.3Mpa可调4、可安全释放排泄至吸入管路或溶液箱中5、背压阀具有防虹吸功能6、防松调节螺钉7、机加工结构,坚固三、 工作原理VS系列隔膜式泄压阀在正常情况下,泄压阀不泄放,内部弹簧压紧支承块,使隔膜顶住阀座将排放口密封,当系统压力高于阀门设定压力时,化学品流出并回流至化学容器或计量泵吸入管路(在现场可通过调节螺钉在0~1.0Mpa范围内设置压力,泄放压力应设置高于系统压力约0.1Mpa。
四、 型号编码五、 外形尺寸六、 技术参数1、工作压力:1.0Mpa2、工作温度:PVC、PVDF阀体 max60℃316SS阀体 max90℃3、压力设置范围:VS 0~1.0MpaVB 0~0.3Mpa出厂设定:VS 0.5MpaVB 0.2Mpa(200L/h流量状态)4、工作性能曲线(参见背压阀,泄压阀流量压力曲线图)第2节安装一、开箱当承运人接受货物时,货物就从工厂发出,转交到用户,一切在运输过程中发生的损坏用户都应立即通知承运人并要求索赔,在正式接收前,仔细检查运输包装,确认在运输过程中没有发生损坏,打开包装,确认所有附件都完好,数量正确,并与装箱单核对无误。
1. 选择合适的泄压阀:泄压阀的选择应根据系统的压力范围、介质以及流量来确定。
2. 安装位置:泄压阀的安装位置应在系统中的高压区域,以便能够及时检测到并释放过高的压力。
3. 安全阀管道:泄压阀安装时应连接安全阀管道,以便将释放的压力导向安全区域。
4. 定期检查和维护:泄压阀应定期进行检查和维护,确保其正常运行。
5. 注意排放压力:在实际操作中,需要根据系统的要求和安全规定,设置泄压阀的开启压力和关闭压力。
6. 培训操作人员:对于使用泄压阀的操作人员,应提供相关的培训和指导,使其了解泄压阀的工作原理、正确使用方法以及应急处理措施,以确保其能够正确操作和维护泄压阀。
外接能源式(氮气式)泄压阀安 装 和 维 护 手 册External Energy (Nitrogen-Controlled) Relief ValveInstallation and Maintenance Manual重庆科特工业阀门有限公司Chongqing Kete Industrial Valve Co., Ltd.一、产品结构及工作原理I. Structure and Working Principles1、产品结构:如图11. Structure, as shown in Fig. 1阀座valve seat滑塞腔 Plug chamber滑塞 PlugFig. 12、工作原理:2. Working Principles:外接能源式(氮气式)泄压阀的工作主要依赖于对泄压阀滑塞内腔的压力控制,其滑塞内腔控制动力由外供氮气瓶通过氮气控制柜减压系统对其控制压力进行调控。
The External Energy (Nitrogen-Controlled) Relief Valve works mainly depending on the pressure control to its inner plug chamber. The control force to the inner plug chamber is supplied from external nitrogen bottle, with its pressure regulated by a reducing system in the nitrogen distribution cabinet.当输送管线正常工作时,滑塞在内腔设定压力作用下将滑塞紧紧的与主阀座贴合,使泄压阀处于正常关闭状态;当管线发生水击,异常升压,超过其滑塞内腔所设定的安全控制压力时,在压差的作用下滑塞打开,通过滑塞外腔开始泄压并报警,管线压力下降,当管线压力恢复正常工作压力时,滑塞与阀座紧紧贴合,恢复关闭状态,停止泄放。
压力释放阀PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE使用说明书OPERATION INSTRUCTION明远电器设备SHENYANG MINGYUAN ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO., Ltd.本说明书适用于我公司生产的系列变压器用压力释放阀,阐述其用途、性能、规格、技术参数、使用及安装,供用户参考。
The Operation Instruction is applicable to pressure release valve of a series of transformers manufactured by our company, indicating its application, performances, specifications, technical parameters, usage and installation for uses’ reference.1. 压力释放阀用途和性能压力释放阀适用于油浸式电力变压器、电力电容器及有载分接开关等,用来保护油箱。
1.Application and performancePressure release valves play a vital role in the protection of oil-immersed electrical equipments, such as transformers, high voltage switch gears, capacitor and on load tap-changers, etc. This device can prevent the oil-immersed electrical equipment from deformation or rupture. Should a fault occur in such electrical equipment, from deformation of rupture? Should a fault occurring in such electrical equipment, they are instantaneously vaporize the oil causing extremely rapid build-up of gaseous pressure? If mounting this type pressure release device on the oil-tank, when the pressure reaches to its opening pressure, it opens automatically within 2ms and relieves the pressure.2.型号、规格及基本参数Type, specification and technical parameters2.1 型号的含义 Meaning of typeY S F□—□ / □□□特殊环境代号(Special environment)带机械信号标“J”(“J”:mechanical signal)带信号开关标“K”(“K”:electrical signal)两者都带标“KJ”(“KJ”:Both with signal)喷油有效口径(Caliber of oil-gushing tube)mm开启压力(Opening pressure)kPa设计序号(Design serial number)阀(valve)释放(release)压力(pressure)注:特殊环境代号 note: special environment:TA: 干热带地区 dry tropicTH: 湿热带地区 humid tropicT: 干、湿热带地区 dry、humid tropic例:YSF16-55/130KKJT开启压力为55kPa,喷油口径为φ130mm,带电信号、机械信号。
1/8" - 3/4" NPT 10-2400 PsigH P R VDescriptionThe HPRV Series High Pressure Relief Valve provides accurate crack pressure with zero leakage up to 98% of set pressure. When properly specified, this factory preset, tamper proof design is ideally suited formost liquid and gas applications. Encapsulating the o-ring seal withinthe poppet prevents seal extrusion and cold flow. A precise line of contact seal is maintained by guiding the poppet in the body. At high crack pressure settings, the o-ring is protected by a metal-to-metal stopbetween the poppet and the body. The valve’s high flow design,combined with narrow band interchangeable springs, minimizes system pressure rise as flow demand increases. Series HPRV valves are available in brass or stainless steel and inline or discharge toatmosphere configurations. They can also be supplied with a manualpull ring override and cleaned for oxygen service.Features• 100% Factory Preset and Tested• Zero Leakage to 95-98% of Set Pressure • Tamper Proof Adjustment• Excellent Reseat PerformanceTechnical Data• Set Pressure Range: 10 to 2400 Psig (0.7 to 166 Bar)• Set Pressure: Factory Preset +/-5% on increasing pressure •Reseat: 90%-95% of Actual Crack PressureLeakage Allowance Specifications for Valves with PTFE Seal Option:Pressure Range Leak Rate up to 90% Crack Reseal Pressure Max Leak @ Reseal Pressure 10-100 PSI < 15 SCCM 50% of Crack 15 SCCM Max 100.1+ PSI< 5 SCCM80% of Crack5 SCCM Max* all allowable leakage rates specified in N2 gas.• Inline Valves (Series HPRV): Proof Pressure: 3700 Psig (225 Bar) Burst Pressure: >5000 Psig (345 Bar)•Temperature Range: -320º F to 400º F (-220º C to 204º C)Based on seal selection, see ordering informationMaterials of ConstructionComponentValve Body MaterialBrass303 StainlessSteel316 StainlessSteelInlet Body, Outlet Cap, Spring Chamber, SpringRetainer,O'Ring SpreaderBrass, ASTMB16 303 SS, ASTMA582*316 SS, ASTM A479*Poppet 303 SS, ASTM A582Spring 302 SS / 17-7 PH ASTM A313Locking Screw18-8 SSSeals* As Specified, See Ordering Information Pull Stud Brass,ASTMB16303 SS, ASTM A582 316 SS, ASTMA479Pull RingPlated SteelS E R I E S*Lubricated with Krytox ™HPRVInlineHPRVAVent to AtmosphereHPRVMVent to Atmosphere (Manual Override)Dimensional Data Flow DataInlet (NPT)HPRV HPRM HPRVAHex A B C D E F1/8”3.344.24 3.30 4.20 2.87 3.77 1”1/4"3/8”1/2" 4.16 5.06 4.27 5.18 3.56 4.46 1-1/4” 3/4" 5.90 7.14 5.44 6.70 4.82 6.13 1-3/4” Dimensional data is stated in inches.SetPressureRangeHPRV HPRVA and HPRVM10-1250 1251-2400 10-1250 1251-2400 Inlet (NPT) Orifice Kd Orifice Kd Orifice Kd OrificeKd1/8” .215 0.14.215 0.16.215 0.57.215 0.651/4".275 0.27 .275 0.653/8”1/2" .515 0.20 .275 0.27 .515 0.35 .2750.653/4"See “HPRV-750 Flow Datasheet” (Not offered below 70 PSI)Kd is stated at 110% of Nominal Set Pressure.Orifice sizes are stated in inches.Consult factory for proper sizing or flow requirements, flow curves available on request. Ordering InformationPROPER COMPONENT SELECTION – When specifying a component, the total system design must be considered to ensure safe and trouble-free performance.Intended component function, materials compatibility, pressure ratings, installation, environment and maintenance are the responsibility of the system designer.1865 Route 23 South PO Box 768 Butler, New Jersey 07405 973.838.6500 Fax 973.838.4888。
OPW 301 紧急泄压阀说明书
![OPW 301 紧急泄压阀说明书](
Materialsand ListingsOPW 301Emergency VentsThe OPW 301 Emergency Vent isLid: Cast iron with AST Phase 1 Enhanced Vapor Recovery (EVR) SystemTable 1Emergency Venting Size Selection GuideFor Horizontal Above Ground Storage TanksThe OPW AST Venting Guide is supplied to assist emergency venting selection for above ground storage tanks (AST). The table below contains common tank sizes and based on the Wetted Area of a horizontal cylindrical storage tank, the correct size OPW Emergency Vent . The following chart, was taken directly from NPFA 30 and UL 142.Horizontal AST Emergency Venting Size Guide – Table 1Capacity Diameter LengthWetted Area Required Vent Capacity OPW 301 Vent SizeGallons Liters ft. or in.Meters ft. or in.Meters sq. ft.sq. m.CFH CMHHorizontal AST Emergency Vent SelectionFor Horizontal Above Ground Storage TanksTABLE 1 is a pre-calculated chart that may have all the information needed to choose the proper emergency vent. If the tank size is not in the pre-calculated chart, use the example below as a guide to figure out the wetted area, cubic feet per hour (CFH), and proper vent selection for the particular tank.**EXAMPLE:Given: Tank capacity is 10,000 gallons; 10 feet in diameter x 17 feet long.Step 1From TABLE 1: WA = 518 sq. ft.If not in the table, do the following to calculate the wetted area:p d24p d 22Formula: WA=.75 2 + pdl =.75 + pdlWA = wetted area in square feet75% = horizontal tank factor p = 3.14d = diameter of tank end in feet l = length of tank in feet3.14 x1022WA=.75 + (3.14 x 10 x 17)WA=.75 (157.0 + 533.8) = 518 square feet rounded Step 2If the tank size is in the chart, use the supplied CFH values to determine theemergency vent size needed in TABLE 1.If not in the charts, continue the following example:Using 518 square feet, the cubic feet per hour (CFH) can be found using TABLE 1.Since 518 falls between the values of 500 and 600, interpolation is necessary as follows:See TABLE 2 for additional CFH values.600 sq. ft. 392,000 CFH -500 sq. ft. -354,000 CFH Difference: 100 sq. ft.38,000 CFH38,000 x100518-500; x =6,840 CFHTotal CFH required = 354,000 CFH + 6,840 CFH = 360,840 CFH Step 3Vent selection: using TABLE 1, find the range in which 360,840 CFH falls. The tables show that an 8" emergency vent is needed. **PEI Recommended Practices 200-96Wetted Area vesus Cubic Feet of Free Air Per Hour Table 2(14.7 PSIA and 60°)SOURCE: Flamable and Combustible Liquids Code 30, NFPA.Interpolate for immediate values.。
二、泄压阀主要外形连接尺寸:DN 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 L 150 160 180 200 203 216 241 292 330 356 495 622 698 787 914 978 H1 463 463 463 516 516 520 537 596 653 709 805 855 953 990 1030 1030H 557 557 557 610 610 625 642 750 808 864 1135 1185 1325 1385 1445 1445订货须知:一、①泄压阀产品名称与型号②泄压阀口径③泄压阀是否带附件二、若已经由设计单位选定公司的泄压阀型号,请按泄压阀型号三、当使用的场合非常重要或环境比较复杂时,请您尽量提供设计图纸和详细参数,相关产品:流量控制阀可调式减压阀遥控浮球阀液压水位控制阀排泥阀紧急关闭阀压差旁通平衡阀水泵控制液动排泥阀隔膜式多功能水泵控制阀缓闭式止回阀200X减压阀电磁遥控球阀定水位器遥控浮球阀液压水位控制阀WM3隔膜式多功能水泵控制阀超高压截止阀是高压截止阀的一种。
Forge Motorsport 2.0T FSI Replacement Bypass Valve KitPlease thoroughly read through and familiarize yourself with these instructions prior to beginning the installation process of any component. Please also ensure that the vehicle and engine have cooled down sufficiently to avoid risking skin burns or other injury.Tools Required:- Vehicle jack and jack stands or access to a vehicle lift- 5mm Allen wrench or Allen socket with extension- 3mm Allen wrench- 1/8 Inch Allen Wrench- Razor blade or Xacto knife to cut vacuum line- Blue colored medium strength semi-permanent Loc-Tite thread lockerBegin by safely lifting the vehicle and then locating the turbo and the OEM electronically controlled bypass valve/solenoid, which will be bolted to the compressor cover of the turbo.- On the MK5 VW GTI and Jetta GLI, the B6 Passat, and the 8P Audi A3, the OEM valve will be bolted to the turbo located on the lower passenger side of the rear of the motor.- On the Golf ED30 and R, Leon Cupra, Scirocco R and Audi S3 the valve is located at the top of the engine bay at the front directly behind the radiator- On the B7 Audi A4, the OEM valve will be bolted to the turbo located on the passenger side of the motor towards the front underside of the carOnce located, disconnect the electrical connector/plug for the valve and you can now use your5mm Allen wrench or socket to remove the three 5mm Allen bolts which secure the valve to the turbo. You must be sure to save the OEM valve bolts as they will be reused later.With the OEM valve removed from the turbo, you can now temporarily install the Forge replacement valve reusing the OEM bolts with them only hand-tightened. This initial installation is only temporary so as to find an appropriate mounting location for the solenoid and to find the appropriate lengths for the vacuum lines you will use on your car.First, attach the solenoid to your choice of the supplied brackets using the two supplied 5mm Allen bolts. The solenoid can be mounted anywhere in the engine bay within reach of the solenoid wiring.For the purpose of generating these instructions, we will mount the solenoid bracket using one of the bolt holes for the new Forge valve as shown below. You do not have to install the solenoid bracket in this manner on your application if you would prefer a different location.With the new Forge valve loosely mounted to the turbo, and a location selected for the solenoid and it loosely mounted as well, measure to find appropriate lengths for the vacuum hose connections between the valve and the solenoid.Please use the plumbing diagram below for the appropriate locations to connect the vacuum lines. As stipulated in the plumbing diagram, the plumbing MUST be as shown or the valve may fail to operate properly or possibly at all.Once you have determined the length of vacuum line you will need between each connection of the valve and the res pective connection on the solenoid, you can cut the appropriate lengths of line from the included s pool. The lengths you cut and use will be based on where in the engine bay you have chosen to mount the solenoid.You can now remove everything from the car to secure the lines between the valve and solenoid as shown above.With the valve and solenoid plumbed together and the lines secured with the included zip ties, you can now permanently mount the valve and solenoid bracket.Use your 5mm Allen wrench to bolt the new Forge valve to the turbo from where the OEM valve was removed, again, reusing the OEM valve bolts.Securely clip the supplied wiring harness to the solenoid (it is a tight fit) before you mount the solenoid in the engine bayWith the valve securely mounted to the turbo and the solenoid bracket also secured at your desired location within the engine bay, you can reconnect the OEM wiring harness plug to the connection on the end of the Forge wiring harness.We will now move on to the vacuum tap piece which will need to be connected to the intake manifold. The vacuum tap has 3 tap provisions and is supplied with multiple vacuum nipples and blanking plugs for you to select the number of provisions you will need on your application.- One nipple must be used at a minimum for valve operation. (largest port nipple only)- A second nipple can be used for a boost gauge tap. (s mallest port nipple only)- A third provision is available and can be used for whatever it may be needed for on your application.- All unused port provisions must be plugged with the supplied port plugs. (3mm Allen)It is highly recommended that all vacuum nipples and port plugs are secured with blue colored, medium strength, semi-permanent Loc-Tite thread locker. If not used, the vacuum nipples and port plugs may back out, becoming lost and/or causing a vacuum/boost leak.To install the vacuum tap, you will need to unclip the PCV hose connection on the intake manifold. This can be found up and to the right of the throttle body while looking at the manifold. Pinch down on the two ribbed sections releasing the clips and pull the hose out of the manifold barb.Next, you will slide the manifold tap over the barb until the edge of the lip can no longer be seen through the grooves in the tap. Once the lip is no longer visible, insert the black plastic C-clip to secure the tap in place. The o-ring seals are very tight and secure, so this may take a small bit of effort.Once the manifold tap is held securely in place with the plastic C-clip, reattach the PCV hose to the barb at the end of the tap.If you are using some sort of PCV “fix” or “bypass”, h owever, you will need to reconnect whatever components are supplied with that product. The barb on the end of our manifold tap is the same size and shape as the OEM manifold barb, so any hoses or caps that connect to the manifold barb will connect to the barb on our tap as well.From the appropriate nipple on the manifold tap (largest port), run a length of vacuum tubing along the top of the motor, around the passenger side, following the fuel rail and fuel lines, down to the remaining linear port on the solenoid you mounted previously. (See plumbing diagram) Secure both ends of this line using two of the included zip ties. If any s pare zip ties are available, use them to secure this vacuum line to the fuel rail and/or fuel lines.Your valve installation is now complete, and you can now enjoy all of the benefits that a more reliable and performance orientated bypass valve has to offer. You should notice slightly quicker spool, less tapering, more responsive mid-range, and overall better valve and boost response.打造赛车 2.0T FSI 置换旁路阀工具包请彻底阅读并熟悉这些指令之前,在开始任何组件的安装过程。
持压泄压阀规格型号-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容可以是:文章的结构分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。
1.3 目的:本文的目的在于介绍和探讨持压泄压阀的规格型号,通过对持压泄压阀的作用、工作原理和应用领域的分析,深入了解其在工业和民用领域的重要性。
2.正文2.1 持压泄压阀的作用:持压泄压阀是一种重要的控制阀门,其主要作用是在系统压力超过设定值时释放过剩的压力,以保护管道或设备不受损坏。
2.2 持压泄压阀的工作原理持压泄压阀是一种用来保护管道系统和设备免受过压危害的关键装置。
G-Force 型号 压力安全阀 使用说明书
![G-Force 型号 压力安全阀 使用说明书](
INSTRUCTION FOR SAFE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCEWARNING Understand manual before use. Operation of this device without understanding the manual and receiving proper training is a misuse of this equipment. Obtain safety information at /serial-number.This equipment is intended for use by trained and qualified emergency services personnel forfirefighting. All personnel using this equipment shall have completed a course of educationapproved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).This instruction manual is intended to familiarize firefighters and maintenance personnel with theoperation, servicing, and safety procedures associated with this product. This manual should beTABLE OF CONTENTS1.0 MEANING OF SAFETY SIGNAL WORDS2.0 SAFETY3.0 GENERAL INFORMATION3.1 FLOW VS. PRESSURE CURVE3.2 USE WITH SALT WATER3.3 OVERALL DIMENSIONS4.0 INSTALLATION5.0 RELIEF VALVE PRESSURE SETTING5.3 PRV OFF SETTING6.0 WARRANTY7.0 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION8.0 TESTING1.0MEANING OF SAFETY SIGNAL WORDSA safety related message is identified by a safety alert symbol and a signal word to indicate the level of risk involved with a particular hazard. Per ANSI Z535.6, the definitions of the four signal words are as follows:2.0SAFETYuse by qualified personnel before being considered safe for use.WARNING Severe water hammer may cause pressure spikes exceeding the Pressure Relief Valve’s capacity.Large spikes can result in injury from ruptured hose or system components. Review flow capacityof the Pressure Relief Valve. Add more PRVs if additional flow capacity is needed. Always operatevalves slowly to avoid the risk of water hammer.The Pressure Relief Valve may be set to any pressure between 90 and 300 psi. Its function is to protect the pump and the supply hose from excess pressure. The relief valve may be mounted with its opening facing the front, back, right, or left. A section of tubing or pipe may be mounted on the round spout to route the water in any direction.3.1FLOW VS. PRESSURE CURVEFigure 3.13.2USE WITH SALT WATERUse with salt water is permissible provided the equipment is thoroughly cleaned with fresh water after each use. The service life of the equipment may be shortened due to the effects of corrosion, and is not covered under warranty.Figure 3.3Table 3.3Visit for more detailed drawings, specifications, feature lists, and certifications specific to your model number.NOTICEPRV configurations for use on fire apparatus plumbing, or connected to a metal other thanaluminum include an integrated galvanic isolator. These models are 1/2” taller that those mounted to TFT appliances.4.0INSTALLATIONTo install the flange mounted Pressure Relief Valve:Required parts: •(4) 7/16” bolts of appropriate length for your application (Models with a galvanic isolator require 1/2” longer bolts)•Thread locking compound such as Loctite 242•Torque wrench •O-ring (provided)1.Install the O-ring in the groove on either the Pressure Relief Valve casting or the integrated galvanic isolator.2.Place the PRV in the desired orientation. Be sure that the PRV is aligned with the opening. Tightening the bolts with the PRV tiltedto one side may damage the galvanic isolator.3.Apply a drop of thread locking compound on the threads of the bolts to prevent them from coming loose.4.Loosely install the bolts through the flange of the PRV.5.Uniformly tighten the bolts 3 time each in an alternating pattern to a final torque of 140in/lb.Figure 4.0Tighten bolts in an alternating pattern as shown at left. Complete the pattern for each bolt first to 40 in/lb, thento 80 in/lb, and finally to 140 in/lb.12345.0RELIEF VALVE PRESSURE SETTINGTo set the relief valve pressure, turn the adjusting screw on the relief valve housing until the surface of the screw is even with the step marked with the desired pressure.Do not cap or plug discharge opening.Figure 5.0AThere is a patch of Torque Seal on the seam of the PRV between the Spring Housing and PRV Body just above the set screw. This patch must remain unbroken after setting the PRV. A broken seal indicates that the spring housing moved out of position during setting. If the seal is broken, contact the TFT service team.Figure 5.0B5.3PRV OFF SETTINGTo turn off the Pressure Relief Valve, align the adjusting screw with the OFF position. Placing the Pressure Relief Valve in the OFF position prevents the valve from venting water. Do not use the OFF position for normal operations. System damage may occur if the Pressure Relief Valve is in the OFF position and the system exceeds its operating limits.90 PSI200 PSIOFFUse a 1/4” (7mm) hex key or 9/16” (14mm) socket/wrench when setting the height of the adjusting screw to the desired relief pressure.Torque Seal IntactTorque Seal BrokenContact TFT Service Department6.0WARRANTYTask Force Tips LLC, 3701 Innovation Way, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383-9327 USA (“TFT”) warrants to the original purchaser of its products (“equipment”), and to anyone to whom it is transferred, that the equipment shall be free from defects in material and workmanship during the five (5) year period from the date of purchase for mechanical components, and the two (2) year period from the date of purchase for electrical components. TFT’s obligation under this warranty is specifically limited to replacing or repairing the equipment (or its parts) which are shown by TFT’s examination to be in a defective condition attributable to TFT. T o qualify for this limited warranty, the claimant must return the equipment to TFT, at 3701 Innovation Way, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383-9327 USA, within a reasonable time after discovery of the defect. TFT will examine the equipment. If TFT determines that there is a defect attributable to it, TFT will correct the problem within a reasonable time. If the equipment is covered by this limited warranty, TFT will assume the expenses of repair.If any defect attributable to TFT under this limited warranty cannot be reasonably cured by repair or replacement, TFT may elect to refund the purchase price of the equipment, less reasonable depreciation, in complete discharge of its obligations under this limited warranty. If TFT makes this election, claimant shall return the equipment to TFT free and clear of any liens and encumbrances.This is a limited warranty. The original purchaser of the equipment, any person to whom it is transferred, and any person who is an intended or unintended beneficiary of the equipment, shall not be entitled to recover from TFT any consequential or incidental damages for injury to person and/or property resulting from any defective equipment manufactured or assembled by TFT.It is agreed and understood that the price stated for the equipment is in part consideration for limiting TFT’s liability. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above may not apply to you.TFT shall have no obligation under this limited warranty if the equipment is, or has been, misused or neglected (including failure to provide reasonable maintenance) or if there have been accidents to the equipment or if it has been repaired or altered by someone else. THIS IS A LIMITED EXPRESS WARRANTY ONLY. TFT EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF ANY NATURE MADE BY TFT BEYOND THAT STATED IN THIS DOCUMENT.This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.7.0MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONThe Pressure Relief Valve requires no routine maintenance but should be tested regularly. Since the Pressure Relief Valve may not need to open in normal use, it is important that it be inspected at least quarterly for proper function per NFPA 1962 or annually per NFPA 1911, depending on the application. In particular, assure that:•There is no damage such as cracks or dents•There is no corrosion•Setting indications are readable•The waterway is clear of obstructions•The valve opens at the set pressureIf any problems are found, the Pressure Relief Valve should be removed from service until the problem is corrected. Any repaired Pressure Relief Valve must be tested before being placed in service.8.0TESTINGIt is important that your Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) is functioning properly at all times while in service. A properly functioning PRV prevents dangerous situations and reduces possible injury. In order to ensure the PRV is functioning properly, it should be tested regularly. NFPA standards set forth the minimum requirements and procedures for inspecting and testing these valves. It is strongly recommended that you read and follow the procedures.For PRVs mounted to piping of in-service emergency vehicles:NFPA 1911: Inspection, Maintenance, T esting, and Retirement of In-Service Emergency VehiclesFor PRVs mounted to a fire hose appliance:NFPA 1962: Standard for the Care, Use, Inspection, Service Testing, and Replacement of Fire Hose, Couplings, Nozzles, and Fire Hose AppliancesAny valves taken out of service due to failure should be returned to the factory for repair or replacement. If you have any questions regarding the testing or maintenance of your Pressure Relief Valve, please call T ask Force Tips at 800-348-2686.。
规范使用操作DANFLO 氮气式水击泄放对输油安全生产起着至关重要的作用。
一 DANFLO氮气式水击泄放系统结构特征:DANFLO氮气式水击泄放阀系统主要由氮气式水击泄放阀、温差平抑制补偿瓶和氮气控制系统三部分组成。
二 DANFLO氮气式泄放阀工作原理DANNFLO氮气式水击泄放阀的设定压力来自于氮气控制系统,氮气控制系统的提供的高压氮气经调压装置减压至阀门设定值所对应的氮气压力,通过连接氮气控制系统和主阀的不锈钢管充入主阀内的阀腔,为水击泄放阀提供设定压力。
grundfos prv压力释放阀安装和使用说明书
![grundfos prv压力释放阀安装和使用说明书](
GRUNDFOS说明书PRVPressure relief valves安装和使用说明书Other languages/qr/i/96681525中文 (CN)2中文 (CN) 安装和使用说明书翻译原来的英文版这些安装与操作指导对格兰富PRV(泄压阀)进行了说明。
目录页1. 概述1.1 目标人群本文档适用于运营公司和用户。
1.1.1 资格和培训负责本文档所述任务的人员必须具有相关资质。
1.1.2 运营公司的义务•遵守地方安全规章。
1.1.3 用户责任•遵守公认的健康和安全规定以及本地事故预防规定。
1.2 安全运行如果阀门已经无法保证安全运行,必须将产品从系统中解除并保证不会被意外地再次用于运行。
1.概述21.1目标人群21.1.1资格和培训21.1.2运营公司的义务21.1.3用户责任21.2安全运行21.3本文献中所用符号32.安装产品32.1位置32.2机械安装32.2.1安装要求32.2.2安装示范32.2.3泄压阀高达460 l/h 42.2.4泄压阀DN 6543.调试产品43.1设置泄压压力43.1.1最佳安装53.1.2其他安装54.搬运和储存产品54.1搬运产品54.2储存产品55.产品介绍55.1设计用途55.1.1不恰当的操作方法55.2型号55.2.1铭牌(泄压阀从60到460 l/h)55.2.2型号66.维护产品76.1维护日程76.2清洁处理76.3更换隔膜77.配件77.1联接螺母适配器(高达460 l/h)77.2用于泄压阀DN 65的一组对接法兰78.故障查找89.技术参数89.1允许介质温度89.2存放温度与环境温度89.3泄压阀高达60 l/h 89.3.1技术参数89.3.2材料89.3.3尺寸图89.4泄压阀从60到460 l/h 99.4.1技术参数99.4.2材料99.4.3尺寸图99.5泄压阀DN 65109.5.1技术参数109.5.2尺寸图1010.产品废弃10开始安装前,请先阅读本文件。
二、安装步骤1. 安装位置选择持压泄压阀应安装在管道系统中的合适位置,以便于操作和维护。
2. 阀门连接将持压泄压阀与管道系统的进口和出口进行连接。
3. 排气处理在安装前,应将管道系统中的气体排除干净,以免对持压泄压阀的正常工作产生影响。
4. 密封检查安装完成后,需对持压泄压阀的密封性进行检查。
5. 操作调试安装完成后,可进行操作调试。
三、操作要点1. 定期检查持压泄压阀在使用过程中需要定期检查,确保其正常运行。
2. 清洁维护保持持压泄压阀的清洁是保证其正常工作的重要措施。
3. 注意安全在操作和维护持压泄压阀时,务必注意安全。
快速泄压阀型号30-X- QR
控制系统图: a 66-300持压导阀
b 1/2寸针阀
c 1/2寸小球阀
a 将阀盖上的排气螺栓稍微拧开一些,泄放掉控制腔内的空气。
d 慢慢的旋开调节螺栓[a1],直到安全阀开始开启,然后将调节螺栓旋回半圈.
F650VIC 2英寸液体泄压阀说明书
![F650VIC 2英寸液体泄压阀说明书](
F650VICButterfly Valve with Grooved typesPressure Enhanced Rubber SeatType overviewType DN F650VIC50Technical dataFunctional dataValve size [mm]2" [50]Fluidchilled or hot water, up to 60% glycol Fluid Temp Range (water)-22...250°F [-30...120°C]Body Pressure Rating ANSI Class Grooved AWWA, 300 psi Flow characteristic modified equal percentage Servicing maintenance-free Flow Pattern 2-way Leakage rate0%Controllable flow range 90° rotation Cv115 Maximum Velocity20 FPSMaterialsValve body Ductile cast iron ASTM A536Body finish black alkyd enamel Stem 416 stainless steel Stem seal fiberglass with TFE lining SeatEPDMPipe connection grooved ANSI/AWWA (c606)Discelectroless nickel coated ductile iron Suitable actuatorsNon-Spring AMB(X)GRB(X)SpringAFF650VIC Product featuresFlow/Mounting detailsDimensionsType DN WeightF650VIC50 3.3 lb [1.5 kg]AFA B C D E F10.7" [273] 3.2" [82]12.3" [312]9.8" [248] 1.7" [44] 1.7" [44]F650VICAMA B C D E F9.8" [249] 3.2" [82]12.3" [312]9.8" [248] 1.7" [44] 1.7" [44]GR N4A B C D E F14.1" [358] 3.2" [82]9.5" [241]11.5" [292] 1.6" [40] 1.6" [40]FootnotesModulating, Non fail-safe, 100...240 VTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC 100...240 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 85...265 VPower consumption in operation 6 WPower consumption in rest position 2 WElectrical Connection1/2" NPT conduit connector, screw terminalsOverload Protection electronic thoughout 0...90° rotationFunctional data Input impedance500 ΩPosition feedback U 2...10 VPosition feedback U note Max. 0.5 mADirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Manual override under coverAngle of rotation90°Angle of rotation note adjustable with mechanical stopRunning Time (Motor)35 s / 90°Running time motor note constant, independent of loadNoise level, motor60 dB(A)Position indication Mechanical, 5...20 mm strokeSafety data Degree of protection IEC/EN IP66/67Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 4XEnclosure UL Enclosure Type 4XAgency Listing cULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSAE60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and2014/35/EUQuality Standard ISO 9001Ambient humidity Max. 100% RHAmbient temperature-22...122°F [-30...50°C]Ambient temperature note-40...50°C for actuator with integrated heatingStorage temperature-40...176°F [-40...80°C]Servicing maintenance-freeWeight Weight 6.9 lb [3.1 kg]Materials Housing material Die cast aluminium and plastic casing†Rated Impulse Voltage 4kV, Type of action 1, Control Pollution Degree 3.AccessoriesFactory add-on option only Description TypeHeater, with adjustable thermostat ACT_PACK_HHeater, with adjustable thermostat ACT_PACK_Y Electrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESProvide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may be connected in parallel. Power consumption and input impedance must beobserved.Only connect common to negative (-) leg of control circuits.A 500 Ω resistor (ZG-R01) converts the 4...20 mA control signal to 2...10 V.Actuators are provided with a numbered screw terminal strip instead of a cable.Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessaryto work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individualwho has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks.Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical componentscould result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagrams2...10 V / 4...20 mA Control AC 100...240 V。
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Forge Motorsport 2.0T FSI Replacement Bypass Valve KitPlease thoroughly read through and familiarize yourself with these instructions prior to beginning the installation process of any component. Please also ensure that the vehicle and engine have cooled down sufficiently to avoid risking skin burns or other injury.Tools Required:- Vehicle jack and jack stands or access to a vehicle lift- 5mm Allen wrench or Allen socket with extension- 3mm Allen wrench- 1/8 Inch Allen Wrench- Razor blade or Xacto knife to cut vacuum line- Blue colored medium strength semi-permanent Loc-Tite thread lockerBegin by safely lifting the vehicle and then locating the turbo and the OEM electronically controlled bypass valve/solenoid, which will be bolted to the compressor cover of the turbo.- On the MK5 VW GTI and Jetta GLI, the B6 Passat, and the 8P Audi A3, the OEM valve will be bolted to the turbo located on the lower passenger side of the rear of the motor.- On the Golf ED30 and R, Leon Cupra, Scirocco R and Audi S3 the valve is located at the top of the engine bay at the front directly behind the radiator- On the B7 Audi A4, the OEM valve will be bolted to the turbo located on the passenger side of the motor towards the front underside of the carOnce located, disconnect the electrical connector/plug for the valve and you can now use your5mm Allen wrench or socket to remove the three 5mm Allen bolts which secure the valve to the turbo. You must be sure to save the OEM valve bolts as they will be reused later.With the OEM valve removed from the turbo, you can now temporarily install the Forge replacement valve reusing the OEM bolts with them only hand-tightened. This initial installation is only temporary so as to find an appropriate mounting location for the solenoid and to find the appropriate lengths for the vacuum lines you will use on your car.First, attach the solenoid to your choice of the supplied brackets using the two supplied 5mm Allen bolts. The solenoid can be mounted anywhere in the engine bay within reach of the solenoid wiring.For the purpose of generating these instructions, we will mount the solenoid bracket using one of the bolt holes for the new Forge valve as shown below. You do not have to install the solenoid bracket in this manner on your application if you would prefer a different location.With the new Forge valve loosely mounted to the turbo, and a location selected for the solenoid and it loosely mounted as well, measure to find appropriate lengths for the vacuum hose connections between the valve and the solenoid.Please use the plumbing diagram below for the appropriate locations to connect the vacuum lines. As stipulated in the plumbing diagram, the plumbing MUST be as shown or the valve may fail to operate properly or possibly at all.Once you have determined the length of vacuum line you will need between each connection of the valve and the res pective connection on the solenoid, you can cut the appropriate lengths of line from the included s pool. The lengths you cut and use will be based on where in the engine bay you have chosen to mount the solenoid.You can now remove everything from the car to secure the lines between the valve and solenoid as shown above.With the valve and solenoid plumbed together and the lines secured with the included zip ties, you can now permanently mount the valve and solenoid bracket.Use your 5mm Allen wrench to bolt the new Forge valve to the turbo from where the OEM valve was removed, again, reusing the OEM valve bolts.Securely clip the supplied wiring harness to the solenoid (it is a tight fit) before you mount the solenoid in the engine bayWith the valve securely mounted to the turbo and the solenoid bracket also secured at your desired location within the engine bay, you can reconnect the OEM wiring harness plug to the connection on the end of the Forge wiring harness.We will now move on to the vacuum tap piece which will need to be connected to the intake manifold. The vacuum tap has 3 tap provisions and is supplied with multiple vacuum nipples and blanking plugs for you to select the number of provisions you will need on your application.- One nipple must be used at a minimum for valve operation. (largest port nipple only)- A second nipple can be used for a boost gauge tap. (s mallest port nipple only)- A third provision is available and can be used for whatever it may be needed for on your application.- All unused port provisions must be plugged with the supplied port plugs. (3mm Allen)It is highly recommended that all vacuum nipples and port plugs are secured with blue colored, medium strength, semi-permanent Loc-Tite thread locker. If not used, the vacuum nipples and port plugs may back out, becoming lost and/or causing a vacuum/boost leak.To install the vacuum tap, you will need to unclip the PCV hose connection on the intake manifold. This can be found up and to the right of the throttle body while looking at the manifold. Pinch down on the two ribbed sections releasing the clips and pull the hose out of the manifold barb.Next, you will slide the manifold tap over the barb until the edge of the lip can no longer be seen through the grooves in the tap. Once the lip is no longer visible, insert the black plastic C-clip to secure the tap in place. The o-ring seals are very tight and secure, so this may take a small bit of effort.Once the manifold tap is held securely in place with the plastic C-clip, reattach the PCV hose to the barb at the end of the tap.If you are using some sort of PCV “fix” or “bypass”, h owever, you will need to reconnect whatever components are supplied with that product. The barb on the end of our manifold tap is the same size and shape as the OEM manifold barb, so any hoses or caps that connect to the manifold barb will connect to the barb on our tap as well.From the appropriate nipple on the manifold tap (largest port), run a length of vacuum tubing along the top of the motor, around the passenger side, following the fuel rail and fuel lines, down to the remaining linear port on the solenoid you mounted previously. (See plumbing diagram) Secure both ends of this line using two of the included zip ties. If any s pare zip ties are available, use them to secure this vacuum line to the fuel rail and/or fuel lines.Your valve installation is now complete, and you can now enjoy all of the benefits that a more reliable and performance orientated bypass valve has to offer. You should notice slightly quicker spool, less tapering, more responsive mid-range, and overall better valve and boost response.打造赛车 2.0T FSI 置换旁路阀工具包请彻底阅读并熟悉这些指令之前,在开始任何组件的安装过程。