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江村 杜甫
清江一曲抱村流,长夏江村事事幽。 自去自来梁上燕,相亲相近水中鸥。 老妻画纸为棋局,稚子敲针作钓钩。 但有故人供禄米,微躯此外更何求?
有人认为本诗最后一联为喜幸之 词,你同意吗?为什么?
最维后持一生句计的,意对思世是事只也简是不靠再析着有句老何朋追意友求帮了助。才(能步 The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" aቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱd the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
练习1.阅读下面这首元曲,然后回答问题。 [中吕]山坡羊 陈草庵
晨鸡初叫,昏鸦争噪,那个不去红尘闹。 路遥遥,水迢迢,功名尽在长安道。
今日少年明日老。山,依旧好;人,憔 悴了。
(1)起笔“晨鸡初叫,昏鸦争噪”有什么 作用? (2)“山,依旧好;人,憔悴了”一句意 味深长,请对此作简要赏析。
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.

The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
【答案】(1)形象地写出了人们为功名从 早到晚奔波不休的情景,引出了下文对 汲汲功名者的讽刺。
(2)以青山依旧美好和人容颜憔悴构成对 比,含蓄地写出了作者对汲汲功名者的 讽刺,也告诫人们,人生有限,为了外 在的功名而耗掉自己的青春年华的人生 将是悲苦的人生。
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
• 词句写得十分工整,“浮云”对 “落日”,“游子意”对“故人 情”。同时,诗人又巧妙地用“浮 云”、“落日”作比,来表明心意。 天空中一抹白云,随风飘浮,象征 着友人行踪不定,任意东西;远处 一轮红彤彤的夕阳徐徐而下,似乎 不忍遽然离开大地,隐喻诗人对朋 友依依惜别的心情。这里既有景, 又有情,情景交融,扣人心弦。
三、炼有特殊句式的语句 TheguidingideologyshouldbeguidedbyDengXiaoping'stheory, theimportant thoughtof"threerepresents" andthespiritofthe16thCPCNational CongressandthethirdPlenarysessionofthe16thCPCCentral Committee.
答题步骤: (1)描述诗句描绘的景象。 (2)抓住最突出的一点(或 诗眼或写法)简析。 (3)点出该句营造了怎样的 意境,或表达了怎样的感情。
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
还原颠倒的语序,把握 诗人的真实意图与情感 侧重点。
例3.The guiding ideologyshould be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
一、炼主旨句、具有隐含 信息的语句
【答题思路】 1、简析句意 2、结合文意赏析 3、分析作用、效果、表达的 主旨、情感
例1.The guiding ideologyshould be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
一、炼主旨句、具有隐含信息的语句 二、对某个句子进行赏析 三、炼有特殊句式的语句
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
诗人闲适地享受着妻子儿女的家室之乐。 经历长期离乱后,重获家室儿女之乐,诗人 怎能不感到欣喜满足。(步骤二)
但多“最少故后悲人一苦供联与禄分表表无米析 达面奈”仍。的作的是眼基用主喜前础、旨幸的上之闲的效、词适。果情,生此、感实活 刻则是寄包建人藏立篱了在下,
艰难辛酸溢于言表。(步骤三)因此不同意 “喜幸”之说。
二、赏析类题 The guiding ideologyshould beguidedby Deng Xiaoping'stheory, the important thoughtof "threerepresents" and thespirit ofthe 16th CPC National Congressand thethird Plenary session ofthe 16th CPC Central Committee.