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)题目(中文题目、宋体、三号字、)(英文题目、Times New Roman、三号字)学生姓名***学号201014******院系外国语学院专业英语届别2014届指导教师***职称***2013 年10 月18 日1、毕业设计(论文)基本要求(统一套用以下内容、楷体GB2312、小四、行距20磅)(1) 该内容应理论联系实际,运用科学的研究方法对选题进行认真分析,力争立论正确,证据充分;(2) 引用别人的研究成果,一定要注明出处;(3) 篇幅要适当,5,000字左右,全英文写作;(4) 使用电脑录入和打印论文及其相关资料;(5) 运用本专业所学知识,在广泛阅读和自己选题相关的文献的基础上,写出自己的看法或对他人之观点发表自己的见解,须有一定的创新。
2、文献查阅指引(1.英文文献:Times New Roman、小四、行距20磅;中文文献:楷体_GB2312、小四号、行距20磅;2.英文文献在前,中文文献在后,排序原则是:无论中英文文献,皆以作者名字首字母在英文中的字母顺序排列,首字母相同的,以姓名第二字母的先后排序,依此类推;3.英文的著作文献必须用斜体;中文著作文献则不要斜体,但也不要加书名号;4.所有文献,特别是期刊文献必须标注出具体页码;5.所有文献都以实心句点结尾;英文和中文文献的作者名称后都是句点,英文文献中单词间要空格,中文则不要;6.文献序号排列在方括号中,一个文献另起一行时,第二行相对第一行右缩进4个字符,如有第三、四行则与第二行左对齐;特别提示:该处参考文献数目不能少于5个,必须要有:著作文献、期刊文献,其中至少必须有2条英文文献![1] Andre Lefevere. Translating Literature: Practice and Theory in a Comparative LiteratureContext[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2006.[2] Dunkling, Leslie Alan. The Guiness Book of Names[M]. London: GuinnessPublishing, 1991.[3] Peter Newmark. A Textbook of Translation[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign LanguageEducation Press, 2001.[4]卜爱会.浅析人名文化翻译[J].科技信息(学术研究),2007,(27):174.[5]包惠南.文化语境与语言翻译[M].北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司,2001.[6]黄向前.英汉文学作品的人名寓意及翻译[J].湖南科技学院学报,2005,(2):138-139.(说明:此处文献仅提供格式上的参考,每个人必须用自己的文献;此处的文献条目数须比开题报告中文献少2-3条)3、毕业设计(论文)进度要求(统一套用一下内容)(1) 选题,定题:2013年10月上旬;(2) 资料查询:2013年10月中旬至2013年11月中旬;(3) 任务书和开题报告:2013年10月中下旬;(4) 初稿:2013年11月底;(5) 第二稿:2014年2月下旬;(6) 第三稿:2014年4月中旬(7) 定稿:2014年5月上旬;(8) 答辩:2014年5月中旬毕业设计(论文)指导小组意见请按照本任务书对本科生毕业论文内容和格式的基本要求,认真查阅老师所提供的和自己选题相关的文献资料,根据外国语学院论文指导委员会安排的论文创作进度开始论文写作。

2.意志坚定的人才能完成伟大的使命,3.学生也是这样,不刻苦学习,终究不会成为有用之才There is an old saying: where there is a will, there is a way. It tells us that a strong will is the most essential quality that anyone who wants to achieve success. It can contribute a lot to one’s success.Although “All roads lead to Rome”, none of them is completely smooth. Our life is filled with obstacles which may make us feel so hopeless that we may choose to give up. At the crucial moment, strong will helps a lot. As a matter of fact, the ability to work through difficult situation and unfortunate events with strong will can make one stronger and more capable. In other words, if we want to realize life’s goal, we must keep forging ahead with strong consciousness.From what has been discussed above, we can see that the establishment of tough determination is of great importance to everyone. With a strong will, including our knowledge, we will be able to deal with any situation in our life. Whatever we do, as long as we stick to and do not give up easily, we will realize the goal at last.英语专业论文模板篇二“魅力新声”英语歌唱比赛不仅具有较高的学术含量,而且包含较浓厚的英语文化。

[11]陆欣.大学英语网络自主学习的实证研究(MA) .东北林业大学.2009-09-07
[12]肖坤学.多媒体辅助教学的策略研究(MA) .首都师范大学.2009-08-22
[13]王亚娟.计算机辅助教学系统的开发与应用(MA) .新疆师范大学.2009-07-15

毕业设计(论文)任务书一、学生姓名:郎灵秀学号:41391020二、题目:Functional Equivalence in the Translation of Jinling Prophecies in Hong Lou Meng《红楼梦》中金陵判词翻译的功能对等三、题目来源:真实□、自拟■(二选一)四、结业方式:设计□、论文■(二选一)五、主要内容:本文以奈达的功能对等为理论框架,分析《红楼梦》中金陵判词的翻译。
六、主要(技术)要求:七、日程安排:第1周2月20日—2月26日提交论文题目和联系方式第2周2月27日—3月 5 日完善论文题目,开始撰写任务书第3周3月 6 日—3月12日完善任务书第4周3月13日—3月19日撰写选题报告和写作提纲第5周3月20日—3月26日完善选题报告,导师检查参考资料第6周3月27日—4月2 日开始撰写论文一稿第7-8周4月12日—4月16日完善论文一稿第9-10周4月17日—4月30日提交一稿,导师阅读一稿并反馈第11周5月1日— 5月7日撰写论文二稿第12周5月8日—5月14日提交二稿,导师阅读二稿并反馈第13周5月15日—5月21日撰写三稿第14周5月22日—5月28日论文定稿,打印装订八、主要参考文献和书目:Hawkes, D. (1973). The story of the stone. London: Penguin Books.Nida, E. A & C. R Taber (2004). Theory and practice of translation. Shanghai: Foreign Language Education Press..Yang, Hsien-Yi & Yang, Glays. (1994). A dream of red mansions. Beijiing: Foreign Langauage Education Press.冯庆华,(2007),《红译艺坛:<红楼梦>翻译艺术研究》。

[3] 艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Bronte)著,方平译.呼啸山庄[M]. 上海译文出版社, 2001
[4] 夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)著,宋兆霖译.勃朗特两姐妹全集[M]. 河北教育出版社, 1996
年 月 日
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毕业论文任务书题目An Analysis of View of Love and Marriage in Emma浅析《爱玛》中的婚恋观专业英语翻译学号 20091412109 姓名侯明璐主要内容、基本要求、主要参考资料等:主要内容:本文的目的在于通过对英国女作家简·奥斯丁的小说《爱玛》中主要几对人物爱情和婚姻关系的分析,探讨简·奥斯丁的爱情婚姻观,即反对为金钱和财产而结婚,反对门当户对的观念,坚持婚姻应该建立在爱情上的信念;而且还充分地肯定经济在婚姻中的作用,在此基础上,分析了奥斯丁所推崇的理性的爱,揭示简·奥斯丁的婚姻观和爱情观,从而达到本课题的研究目的。
主要参考资料:1. Abbott, Rob. Jane Austen:A Beginner's Guide. London: Hodder, 2001.2. Austen, Jane. Emma. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.3. Gillie, Christopher. A Preface to Jane Austin. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2005.4. Litz, Walton. Jane Austen: A Study of Her Artistic Development. New York:: Oxford UP, 1965.5. Ruth, Amy. Jane Austen. Shanghai: Foreign Language English Press, 2008.完成期限: 2013 年 4 月 20日指导教师签名:专业负责人签名:年月日开题报告表课题名称外文:An Analysis of View of Love and Marriage in Emma 中文:浅析《爱玛》中的婚恋观课题来源自选题目课题类型论文指导教师李明职称讲师学生姓名侯明璐学号20091412109 专业英语翻译班级一班设计目的:本课题将从分析简·奥斯丁的作品《爱玛》中的几对人物关系入手,分析他们的爱情与婚姻关系原因及影响其爱情与婚姻中的主要因素,然后总结作品中主要体现的婚恋观,进一步探讨作者对爱情与婚姻的独特见解。

大学英语议论文范文第1篇英语议论文的格式一、英语议论文写作要点者同意自己的看法,提出若干理由,企图说服他人.高中英语议论文的写作要注意以下要点:1.论点要鲜明、确切.一篇议论文只能有一个中心论点.论点一般在开头提出,然后加以论证.2.论据要充分、可靠.一般是以事实为论据,也可以利用成语,格言,名人名言作为论据.i borrowed a book from the library last week .it was very boring and difficult .i read only ten pages. therefore, i think that all library books are useless.评注: it does not have a logical argument .the writer dislike one library book, but not all library books are the same. the writer should not make a general statement (all library books are useless) based on his reactions to one single book.二、议论文的写作步骤:大学英语议论文范文第2篇英语议论文作文:关于我Hello, my name is Jian ’m a ’m 12 years ’m in Class 5,Grade ’m tall and thin.In the school,I’m a good student. At my home,I’m s good son.I like playing badminton, playing the violin and so on. Sometimes, I play badminton with my good friends, sometimes; I watch badminton games on like blue and green, because they’re very beautiful. I like eating watermelons and mangoes very much.This is me. Do you like me?大学英语议论文范文第3篇英语作文的格式作文与阅读一样极为重要。

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关键词:咖啡咖啡文化欧洲影响AbstractCoffee is common to find in the life of European people. Just like tea, which influences the Chinese, coffee culture is deeply rooted in the mind and life of European people, forming a necessary part. However, different countries in Europe have different history of drinking coffee, and also, people hold different habits of drinking coffee. That is to say different countries in Europe have the special coffee culture of their own. At the same time, coffee holds a strong influence to people’s daily life in Europe. This article studies coffee culture of different countries in Europe, which hold an important status in coffee consumption in Europe, and try to find the influences of coffee culture in each country and also in Europe.Key words: coffee coffee culture Europe influenceContentsChapter 1 Introduction: General Description of Coffee Culture in Europe (1)Chapter 2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in Different Countries in Europe (4)2.1 Coffee Culture in Italy (4)2.1.1 The Development of Coffee Culture in Italy (5)2.1.2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in Italy (6)2.2 Coffee Culture in France (6)2.2.1 The Development of Coffee Culture in France (7)2.2.2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in France (8)2.3 Coffee Culture in Britain (8)2.3.1 The Development of Coffee Culture in Britain (9)2.3.2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in Britain (10)2.4 Coffee Culture in Belgium (11)2.4.1 The Development of Coffee Culture in Belgium (11)2.4.2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in Belgium (12)2.5 Coffee Culture in Germany (13)2.5.1 The Development of Coffee Culture in Germany (13)2.5.2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in Germany (14)Chapter 3 Conclusion: The Importance of the Influence of Coffee Culture in Europe (15)The Influence of Coffee Culture in EuropeChapter 1 Introduction:General Description of Coffee Culture in EuropeAnyone who has visited Europe will have noticed what is often referred to as the coffee culture. European coffee culture is famous for its long history and excellent making techniques.Generally speaking, for five centuries the western world has been brewing the coffee bean into a rich and fragrant serum – waking up the world to its medicinal ability to engage the conscience.Coffee houses also make up of part of coffee culture in Europe. The first "penny universities" opened in 17th century London. The coffee house was often called a “penny university” because a person could buy a cup for 1 cent and learn more at the coffee house than in class. The coffee house boom is nothing new, and its rooting in Europe goes back to the 1600s. There are cultural processes that shaped early capitalism into a global machine of market exchange. The coffeehouse was a European phenomenon. Before the office age, coffeehouses were places where business could be accomplished. They were bustling, noisy places where merchants, therapists and newspaperman came and went to do their business or sell their goods. Like their modern counterparts, specific 17th-century coffeehouses attracted certain clientele. Garraway's and Jonathan's, known for the businessmen who frequented them, helped give birth to the London Stock Exchange, which will be stated in the following part of this article.It was not until 1615, that Europe was formally introduced to coffee. Venetian traders, who had strong trade links with the Levant (historical term referring to a large area of the Middle East incorporating the countries of: Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria), started to import coffee into Italy. Once in Europe, the consumption of coffeesoon spread. However, the introduction of coffee into Europe was not without its controversy. According to many accounts, a group of Christian clerics tried to have coffee banned before it had become widely available. They came to Pope Clement VIII (1535-1605), claiming that coffee was for Satan's followers, and that Christians who drank it might lose their souls to the Devil. But before Pope Clement would ban coffee he insisted on tasting it. After drinking his first cup, the Pope was so impressed with the flavour, that he reasoned that such a drink could not possibly be the work of Satan and instead declared that coffee should be baptized to make it a true Christian drink.The first person recorded in history to brew coffee in Europe was an international student named Nathaniel Conopios from Crete, who was studying at Balliol College, Oxford. This simple act, which happened in May 1637, was recorded by both; scholar John Evelyn and historian Anthony Wood. Although, shortly afterwards Conopios was expelled from college, his influence had a lasting effect on Oxford, as it was in Oxford that the first English coffeehouse was opened in 1650 by Jacob, a Lebanese Jew. Even though Jacob moved to London a few years later to repeat his success, he had begun a trend that saw many more coffeehouses open in Oxford during that decade. (Michaele Wesissman,203)The most significant of these coffeehouses, was the one open by Arthur Tillyard in 1655. Tillyard's coffeehouse became a meeting point for a group who were known as the Oxford Coffee Club. This group was made up of Oxford's leading scientists, including Sir Robert Boyle, and their students, who would meet to discuss their theories and research and share ideas. It is from the Oxford Coffee Club which the world famous Royal Society, one of the leading scientific societies in the world, evolved from.The early growth of coffeehouses was largely due to support by doctors, promoting coffee for its supposed healing abilities. Before the introduction of coffeehouses, there was a widespread problem with public drunkenness as beer was consumed with almost every meal. But with public knowledge of the health benefits of coffee, and with coffee being significantly cheaper then beer, coffeehouses began to replace the tavern as the meeting place of choice. Needless to say, tavern owners were not going to let their profits dwindle without a fight, and many of the most aggressive attacks against coffeecame from them. They claimed that coffee was an Arabic drink not suitable for well-mannered Christian men, unlike beer which had been brewed by Monks' for centuries.Café’s in the 19th-century provided an important meeting place for artists, writers, and intellectuals. News, gossip, and ideas were shared as coffee was poured and pipes, cigars, and cigarettes were smoked. What was it that made writers in France seek out cafés as places to work? Some writers nowadays may want to live the café life in the 16th in Paris. Café at that time had the necessary comforts provided for tranquil writing.A writer could walk every morning to his favorite café where he would have lunch and for the rest of the day sit with a glass of coffee, writing. That may be why coffee culture sometimes is associated with accomplishment and famous persons in literature.Europe has the most coffee houses than any other part of the world. People love to drink coffee outside in their favorite coffee house which provides a satisfying service for each guest. One may also arrive at one of coffeehouses and not have a partner to converse with, hang out at the bar where your barista dwells and chances are conversation will strike up, as he finds that coffee bar attendants are some of the most interesting and artistic individuals. Also many people may prefer grinding beans at home and using his drip machine every time that he wants a cup of coffee. This doesn’t change the subject of loving for coffee. They choose another coffee culture and a different life but coffee is the common ground and remains a necessary part of human life.In this modern day, the typical nice, friendly, wooden but modern interior is a pleasant place to sit, relax, read, and even debate. Pricing can be fairly high but so is the quality. Café’s usually come with a selection of edibles such as bagels, cakes, cookies, muffins, scones and so on.There is even a coffee lingo that enthusiasts use: Aftertaste - the taste left in the mouth after coffee is swallowed; Aged - beans stored for a year or more before being roasted; Bouquet - a medley of aroma, fragrance, and aftertaste of a coffee; Burnt - a term sometimes used for very dark-roasted coffees with bitter taste; Buttery - a full flavored coffee with an oily feeling in the mouth that may bring to mind the richness ofbutter; Fragrance - the smell of brewed coffee, described with terms such as nutty, spicy, and fruity; Rich - coffee with luxurious aroma and intense flavors; Toasty - a coffee with an appealing taste and scent that may bring to mind toast; Woody - a coffee that has flavors and scents of wood, caused by storage in a wooden structure.For writers who adore the cafélife, there are positive pleasures. Writing, unlike most other arts, doesn't require much of a budget. Writing can make some writers sometimes feel as if they were physically confined in their rooms, their condos, there dining room tables, and may possibly make them feel as if they were trapped in the prison of the mind. To go to the cafe is to see other people exist, to hear conversation, to feel life, which may serve as wonderful stimulation for many. That is the coffee culture of Europe which is a true rich storage for people in Europe and even people all over the world.Chapter 2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in Different Countries in Europe2.1 Coffee Culture in ItalyThe coffee culture has quite a long history in Italy. About seven hundred years ago, the magic drinking of Italy was introduced to other countries like France. It is said that the coffee of Europe begins with Italy and the coffee of Italy begins with Espresso. Espresso is a kind of condensed coffee, made by the process of distilling. (W.D.Ling. 169) That is to say, compared with other coffee, Espresso is five or six times more condensed. That is the unique charm of Italian coffee. Many kinds of coffee, like CaffèLatte, are made by mixing Espresso and milk.2.1.1 The Development of Coffee Culture in ItalyItaly has a long history. It has the world famous city Venice, which was built on the river and always told a beautiful and ancient story. It is like a romantic dream and a poetic picture. Such an old city witnesses every moment of the development of Italian coffee. It would be hard to think of Italy without coffee. Coffee is loved by Italians and even by people all over the world.It is known that coffee was not invented in Italy, but coffee culture as we know it did originate in Italy. Most of the world's coffee today comes from either South America or Indonesia, but coffee originated in the highlands of Ethiopia and did not reach Europe for thousands of years. It was not until the 16th century that the introduction of coffee to Europe took place. Coffee arrived from the Middle East where it had achieved a cult, with the first coffeehouses being established in Istanbul. Once accepted by Islamic law, the beverage followed the spread of Islam across Africa and Eastern Europe. Venice, which relied heavily upon trade with the Muslim east, was first introduced to the invigorating coffee in the 1570's. However coffee would remain a luxury item at this time and not drunk for refreshment, but as a medicinal drink. However, once coffee was transplanted to European colonies in Asia and South America, the bean thrived and became accessible to the public.Nowadays, Italian coffee and Italian coffee culture has spread all over the world. Each one who loves coffee very much is familiar with the term Espresso which is a unique name belongs to Italy. The habits of taking a cup of coffee before breakfast or drinking a cup of coffee at home have taken the rest of the world by storm. After all Italy is a country of coffee funs who will not tolerate an establishment that has bad coffee. Italian coffee culture establishes its place in the world both for its history and its love for coffee.2.1.2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in ItalyThe style of coffee in Italy is famous for its condensed one, the Espresso. People inItaly prefer Espresso because of their culture and conventions. In Italy, what is the most impressive thing for the foreign visitors is always man and coffee. As the Italian saying goes, man should like coffee, full of force and passion. Espresso is the presentation of Italian coffee culture.Another factor of the Italian coffee culture is the speed. It represents its quickness both in the process of making and in the process of drinking, each no more than ten seconds. Normally, the first thing after they got up is to make a cup of coffee. During the day, from morning till night, men or women would like to drink many cups of coffee in small bar even without a seat. The Italians will drink about 20 cups of coffee each day. Due to its small amount, even though Espresso is so condensed, it will not do harm to one’s stomach or even good for di gestion. Till now, the quick speed has become a feature of Italian coffee culture. (Emma Hu 78)The Espresso expresses the character and conventions of Italians. Italians cherish a quick way of life. They love passion and force just like what is contained in the Espresso. The coffee culture of Italy represents the culture and people’s basic ideas and opinions toward life. If one wants to understand Italy, coffee culture is a point of view. The reason for its popularization and the unique habit of drinking all serves as the factors for representing the Italian way of life. The bar is an important part of Italian life, and it also presents a vivid picture of how Italians spend each day. Coffee culture is one of the important facets of the whole Italian culture. (D.C.Zhang 72)2.2 Coffee Culture in FranceSince the ancient time, eating, wearing and living are the fundamental problems in human life which cannot be derived from people’s life. However, in France, coffee is also a necessary part of life and cannot be derived.(Zhang Yao 211) This is really a puzzle for the Chinese people of eastern world, but it is reasonable when one reviews the history of France since the renaissance and considers the way of living of modern French.2.2.1 The Development of Coffee Culture in FranceThe development of coffee is not smooth going when it first appeared in France. The first café appeared in France in 1643 which was even too small to be a café. It was really a hard time for such a café, since people took coffee as the reason for diseases and weakness of the body. Though people nowadays may take it as a joke, French people of 1640s held a strong belief on this saying and was even afraid of drinking coffee. Thus one can simply figure out that the first café in France was n’t received by people and won a cold welcome from the very beginning.While this kind of situation lasted for several years, coffee began to be a fashion in France in 1669. An ambassador from the Ottoman Empire propagandized coffee to the royal family of France every day. Le Roi Soleil, Louis XIV at that time was totally captivated by the charm of coffee. Hearing this news, the major of Holland sent him a coffee tree which was cherished very much by the emperor.From then on, coffee was always popular in France, especially in the rich people and café also found its important status in the society. One could find that the café and the theatre were on the same street. From the first of the performance, the caféwas crowded with actors and spectators. Coffee and fruits in the café were quite welcomed at that time. It was also common to see that the lofty ladies stopped outside the café and left after sending her servants to buy a cup of coffee. Besides its popularity, café had also been a base for the famous thinkers and literary giants, such as V oltaire and Rousseau. Many of their great works were written in caféwhich made cafévery important in the literary history of France.French revolution serves as the activator for the development of café. Café appears to be more popular and the coffee culture reached its peak in French history. From then on, there were also many changes of café in France but coffee always kept its central status in the life of French people. French cherish coffee in their daily life, especially when they are working. When studding the culture of France, one has to pay great attention to the influences of coffee culture.2.2.2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in FranceCoffee is so popular in France that almost everyone takes it a necessary part of life. In 1991, when the Gulf War broke out, France also took part in the war. Many people in the country worried about the supply of the commodity, so they rushed to purchase thing of daily use in the supermarket. It is found that goods they took most were coffee and sugar. Though many people may laugh at the scene, it really exists in France and serves as an evidence for French love of coffee.French people had their own way of drinking. They seem to care more about the environment and atmosphere than the coffee itself. Most of the time, they prefer drinking coffee outside instead of staying at home although it is much more expensive there. And also, drinking coffee for them is not only a process, but also a process of tasting. They may spend much time in café which is the time of enjoyment. This habit of the French people expresses a kind of graceful, romantic and enjoyable view of life. It is also the most unique way of French coffee culture.Due to the French habit of drinking coffee, it is easy to find a café everywhere in France, besides the street or on the bank. Café, as the most familiar and friendly corner of France, belongs to every French including both the rich and the poor. People may have his or her own preferred one or even the preferred seat in the café. This is a French way of life. Almost every café has a quiet atmosphere even when it is full of guests. People like to spend the afternoon time in café, which make caféquite a center to communicate ideas and opinions. In history, caféis an important place where many famous political thinking was born, like the Renaissance in France. (Alessandro Messe 63)Nowadays, the political factors of café had been minimized than before. Café is more a place to express love between the lovers. With the fragrance of coffee and the romantic atmosphere in café, the love stories are more likely to happen in such a place. Besides, café is always associated with literature and arts in France. Famous artists like Picasso and Rousseau, had associated their way with café. Paris is famous for being an important center of art and literature in the history, and also caféin Paris record theefforts of those famous people and servers as a unique scene in France.Since coffee and café is so popular and influencing in France, it is fair to say that one has to understand the coffee culture of France before they wanted to understand the French people.2.3 Coffee Culture in BritainBritain has a special physical status in Europe, so does its coffee culture. Compared with Italy and France, Britain didn’t exhibit such an interest on coffee or the coffee maker. However, coffee represents a new trend of grace and new way of life which is welcomed by young man in Britain. That is equal to say, British coffee culture is on its way of further development.2.3.1 The Development of Coffee Culture in BritainBritain is a country with a long history. It is always famous for the grace of gentleman, the strictness of study and the beauty of British castle. From a certain points of view, British people wouldn’t like to receive things newly appeared, which make the earlier history of coffee culture quite different from the European continent.In Britain, the first coffee house was opened beside the Oxford University in 1650 which was welcomed by the students there. Two years later, a merchant saw the possibility in dealing with the business of coffee. Surely, it would be a hard time at the very beginning, since people in Britain had the habit of drinking in a tavern instead of drinking coffee. Due to the successive propaganda of the merchant, coffee was received by people in Britain little by little. From then on, many merchants imitate this action, and set up café themselves. Thus, by 1700 there were 3,000 coffee houses in London. Every man of the upper middle classes went to his coffee house daily to learn the latest news.There are many cafés in its history of development, but it lasted for a short periodof time. People of Britain didn’t like drinking coffee at home. It is seemed that most people of Britain take the process of making coffee as complex and fussy. It would be more suitable for them to pour boiled water directly on tea. But coffee is surely popular in Britain. It is said that Britain is one of the first countries to import coffee. Even today, the import amount of coffee in Britain is still rank the second compared with the other goods in this country.Coffee drinking spread to the colonies and was indeed taken to Virginia, USA but it would not have become so popular in America had it not been for the Boston Tea Party. Americans turned their back on Britain and tea and instead adopted coffee as their national beverage. Nowadays, the famous company, Starbucks which began from America is welcomed in Britain.2.3.2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in BritainIt is fair to say that coffee houses influence the social communication and commercial activities in the following two hundred years after the establishment of café. And also, it has aroused a storm in the political world of Britain. At the very beginning of the coffee house in London, café presented many obvious characteristics of social gathering places. Each coffee house had its own resource of guests, such as Puritans, Protestants, Catholics, writers, merchants, lawyers and even the doctors. Some coffee house had also become the clinic for the patients. Some coffee house might give services mainly for the merchants and seafarers like Edward Lloyd's coffee house. It was founded in 1668 and attracted many seafarers and merchants. They had small talks and collected information of entering of leaving the port and sold insurance for sea transportation. For the convenience of the guests, Edward always prepared many tables to record the ships which the guests had made a insurance. And eventually this coffee house became Lloyd’s of London, the world-famous insurers. Till now, in the headquarters of this company, the name and clothing of the receptionists isn’t changed. Similarly, Jonathon’s Coffee House became the London Stock Exchange.Unlike the Italian people, British people would like to drink coffee with milk.They seemed to dislike the original taste of coffee, and took a kind of drinking by mixing 1/4 coffee and 3/4 milk. Anyway, coffee serves as an important part of British life. One cannot separate British people with coffee in their life.One may say that such a large part of British people love tea more than coffee. Though it is a fact, what is surprising is that it is the coffee house who firstly introduces tea to British people. The coffee house also provided tea to their guests which became popular later all over Britain.Besides, 80% of the coffee consumption in Britain is the instant coffee. However, the sale of coffee has exceeded the sale of tea in Britain. It is generally believed that young men love coffee while men of the old generation still prefer tea. In Britain, today, coffee represent a kind of rebelling spirit in pursuit of the European taste in some way. Like the other countries, more and more people in Britain tend to buy coffee of large brand. There is also special building for the coffee making only. That is to say, today, people in Britain care more about the quality of coffee, which makes the coffee more popular and the coffee culture more complete.2.4 Coffee Culture in BelgiumBelgium is a very coffee specialized country due to different factors, such as the famous Belgian coffee pot and the special making process. All the special ways making Belgian coffee one of the most famous and tasteful kinds of coffee in the world. That is to say, Belgian coffee culture constitutes an important part in the whole coffee culture of Europe and even of the world.2.4.1 The Development of Coffee Culture in BelgiumBelgium is famous for its coffee pot which is made quite exquisitely. It is invented by Weidy in Herb Market Street and still inherits the tradition of Europe. The royal coffee pot of Belgium kept the best technology of roasting and delicate arts. That is tosay, the royal coffee pot itself is a piece of art work and at the same time it has an almost perfect coffee making process. It has to consider many elements like fire, vapor, and stress, which made the whole process of making coffee a beautiful scene. When coffee is boiled in the coffee pot, it is the brightest part of the night. Due to its dainty appearance and arts, nowadays, the coffee pot of Belgium is world famous.Today, Belgian coffee pot keeps its tradition and serves an important role in defining and shaping coffee culture in Belgium. Though Belgian coffee pot is only part of Belgian coffee culture, it is an important representation. Behind such a delicate coffee pot and such a making process, one can figure out the attitude of Belgian people towards coffee. Coffee to them is somewhat a kind of art not only a kind of drinking.2.4.2 The Influence of Coffee Culture in BelgiumUnlike coffee in Italy, Belgian coffee always carries with it a lighter flavor. In its making process, there is a filter in the coffee maker which makes Belgian coffee unique in the world. People can have Belgian coffee while talking with the others which is an attracting point and charm of Belgian coffee.Besides, Belgium establishes its status in the coffee world both for the quality of coffee and the amount of coffee trade. It has one of the largest coffee ports Antwerp, which holds more coffee than any port in the US. Moreover, there are more than 120 coffee roasters in Belgium, compared to about 15 large ones in Holland. Belgium has several coffee roasters who roast for brands all over Europe. Besides, most of Belgian roasters are small though and very specialized. They provide coffee that is typical for that region.People in Belgium love coffee and take it as part of their life. An important feature of Belgian coffee culture is that they don't have an outdoor coffee culture. Belgium doesn't have Starbuck, Costa Coffee and those hip coffee bars. People in Belgium drink it at home.2.5 Coffee Culture in GermanyCoffee culture of Germany constitutes an important part in Europe. Germany has a growing amount of coffee consumption. People in Germany love coffee and may even leave a period of time for coffee during the working hours. One should not neglect coffee and coffee culture when studying the culture of Germany and communicating with Germans2.5.1 The Development of Coffee Culture in GermanyGermany has a long history of coffee making. In 1675, a doctor of Holland firstly introduced coffee to the northern part of Germany. At almost the same time, many caféappeared in Bremen, Hanover and Hamburg. For a long period of time, Germans spent their time on discuss ing whether coffee was good to people’s health, so café appeared in Germany in a large amount until 1721. However, coffee was taken as a beverage of nobility as the very beginning. Not until the early 18th century, the middle class and the low class began to drink coffee, while drinking coffee at home made its way though out the country a long period of time later.At that time, since most of the caféare for males only, females had only the opportunity of founding a club called Kaffeekranzschen. The working class was even forbidden to drink coffee by the king for the reason that coffee may cause sterility. This policy only led to the flourishing of the black market. At last, the King forbade his people to make coffee at home and send officials to find out the source of the fragrance of coffee. However, these kinds of situations just lasted for a short period of time. Till the early 19th century, coffee began to have its right status in the country.At present, the consumption of coffee in Germany is more than the other countries in Europe. Germany ranks the second in the consumption of coffee, with the consumption per capita much higher than the American one. Coffee is important to people in Germany and coffee culture is an important part of the whole culture of。
英语专业毕业论文任务书 格式.doc

[1]J. C. Catford.A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London:Oxford University Press, 1965.
A Brief Analysis on the Cultural Default and Compensation of Chinese-English Translation

学生姓名:张玉欣学号: 200608221
设计(论文)题目:The Dark Side of Human Nature as Illustrated
by Lord of the Flies
起迄日期: 2009年10月至2010年7月
设计(论文) 地点:一号教学楼
发任务书日期: 2009年 11月 25日
5.任务书内“主要参考文献”的填写,应按照国标GB 7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》的要求书写,不能有随意性;
6.有关年月日等日期的填写,应当按照国标GB/T 7408—94《数据元和交换格式、信息交换、日期和时间表示法》规定的要求,一律用阿拉伯数字书写。

英文论文写作工作计划范文IntroductionWriting a research paper is a challenging and time-consuming task that requires careful planning and organization. This work plan outlines the steps and timeline for completing a research paper, from choosing a topic to the final editing and proofreading.1. Defining the Research Topic (1 week)The first step in writing a research paper is to choose a topic that is both interesting and manageable. This process involves brainstorming ideas, reading relevant literature, and narrowing down the topic to a specific focus. Additionally, the research question or hypothesis should be clearly defined at this stage.2. Conducting Literature Review (2 weeks)Once the research topic is determined, the next step is to conduct a comprehensive literature review. This involves searching for relevant articles, books, and other sources of information related to the topic. The literature review provides the theoretical foundation for the research paper and allows for the identification of gaps in the existing knowledge.3. Formulating the Research Design and Methodology (2 weeks)After completing the literature review, the research design and methodology need to be developed. This step includes deciding on the research approach (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods), data collection methods (surveys, interviews, experiments, etc.), and data analysis techniques. The research design and methodology should be aligned with the research question and objectives.4. Data Collection and Analysis (4 weeks)Once the research design is finalized, data collection can begin. This may involve conducting interviews, administering surveys, or collecting and analyzing existing data. The data analysis process should be carefully documented, and any findings should be clearly presented in the research paper.5. Writing the Research Paper (6 weeks)The writing process is the most time-consuming part of completing a research paper. This step includes drafting the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion sections. It is important to maintain a clear and logical structure throughout the paper and to cite all sources properly.6. Editing and Proofreading (2 weeks)After completing the initial draft of the research paper, it is essential to edit and proofread the document carefully. This involves checking for grammatical errors, formattinginconsistencies, and ensuring that the content is coherent and well-organized. Peer review and feedback from colleagues can also be helpful at this stage.7. Submission and Publication (1 week)Once the research paper has been thoroughly edited and proofread, it is ready for submission to a journal or conference. This step involves following the submission guidelines and ensuring that all required documentation is included. Upon acceptance, the research paper will be published and made available to the academic community.ConclusionWriting a research paper requires careful planning, organization, and attention to detail. This work plan provides a structured approach to completing a research paper, from choosing a topic to the final submission and publication. By following this plan, researchers can increase their chances of producing a high-quality and impactful research paper.。

英语专业本科毕业论文任务书毕业论文任务书编写阶段,导师都让大家尽可能的多阅读已经成功发表的毕业论文,通过了解前人已经取得的成果以及写作方法,对于完成自己的毕业论文,会有相当好的帮助,为大家分享了英语专业本科毕业论文任务书,欢迎借鉴!英语专业本科毕业论文任务书1毕业设计(论文)题目:On The Alienation in Doris Lessing’s My Father (英文)论莱辛《我的'父亲》中的异化主题 (中文)毕业设计(论文)起止日期:指导教师:1、主题词、关键词:异化;启蒙;历程;苦难;顺从;交际Alienation; initiation; journey; suffering; reconciliation; communication2、文献查阅指引:[1] Buscemi, Smith. 75 Readings Plus. Fifth Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, inc. the United States of America. 2000.[2] Contemporary Authors, Vols 9-12, rev.ed, Gale Research Company, Michingan. 1988.[3] Elizabeth B, Booz Introduction To Modern English Literature 1914-1980, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 1984.[4] 罗国林. 风格与译风翻译思考录[C]. 武汉:湖北教育出版社.1998:33[5] 范文美. 自由女性・互文关系与翻译. 花城出版社. 1988.[6] 海西.陶丽丝莱辛及其作品. 1982(5)108.[7] 林材明. 自由的限度―莱辛、张洁、王安忆比较. 外国文学评论. 1994.4.[8] 王佐良、周珏良. 英国210世纪文学史. 外研出版社.3、毕业设计(论文)内容要求:1)内容丰富有新意;2)论文资料充足、详实、运用得当;3)篇章逻辑层次清晰,中心突出;4)论证充分,结论合理;5)语体正确,格式规范。

毕 业 论 文 任 务 书1.毕业论文的任务和要求:The task is to finish writing a thesis about the characteristics of advertising translation.In the process, the student is required to read many books to find out the influence on characteristics of advertising translation which contain vocabularies, syntactic, rhetoric and so on, collect some typical examples, and my view about advertisement and popular network language. Meanwhile, the thesis should include such components as the title paper in English and in Chinese, acknowledgements, abstract and keywords in both Chinese and English, table of content, main body and bibliography.2.毕业论文的具体工作内容(包括原始数据、技术要求、工作要求等) :1). Collect data and determine research interests for 3 weeks. 2). Make literature review and collect relevant data and materials for 3 weeks. 3). Complete conceptual thesis-outline and narrow down topics for 2 weeks. 4). Produce sentence outline and submit it to your supervisor for revision for 1 week. 5). Complete thesis draft and submit it to your supervisor for comments for 3-4 weeks. 6). Revise your thesis draft and submit it to your supervisor for approval for 2-3 weeks. 7). Complete final version of thesis and make copies as required for 1 week.毕 业 论 文 任 务 书3.对毕业论文成果的要求(包括毕业论文、图纸、实物样品等) :The student is required to hand in two copies of the thesis, including the title paper in English and in Chinese, acknowledgements, abstract and keywords in English and in Chinese, content, main body and bibliography. Besides, the proposal of the thesis also must be submitted before the beginning of the writing.4.毕业论文工作进度计划: 起 迄 日 期Jan. 1st----Apr. 15th Apr. 16th----May. 15th May. 16th----Jun.1st Jun. 2nd----Jun. 20th工 作 内 容To finish the first draft. To finish the second draft. To finish the final draft. To prepare for the oral defense.学生所在系审查意见:系主任: 年 月 日。

毕业设计(论文)材料之二(1)毕业设计(论文)专业:英语题目:论汉语古典诗歌音韵的翻译作者姓名:导师及职称:导师所在单位:2011年 6 月 18 日安徽工程大学本科毕业设计(论文)任务书2011 届外国语学院英语专业学生姓名:Ⅰ毕业设计(论文)题目中文:论汉语古典诗歌音韵的翻译英文:The Study on the Translation of Metrical Patterns in Chinese Classical PoetryⅡ原始资料[1] 黄灿, 许渊冲诗歌方法论研究[J]. 宿州学院学报2010. 第25卷第10期.[2] 汪榕培,王宏. 中国典籍英译[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009[3] 刘华文,汉诗英译的主体审美论[M]. 上海:上海译文出版社,2005,10.Ⅲ毕业设计(论文)任务内容1、课题研究的意义本选题主要从汉诗英译中存在的困难入手,着重对英译汉语古典诗歌的翻译方法进行探讨。

任务英文作文模板初中英文:When it comes to tasks, I think it's important to have a plan and prioritize what needs to be done first. I usually make a to-do list and cross off tasks as I complete them. This helps me stay organized and motivated throughout the day.Another tip I have is to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. For example, if I have a research paper due, I'll break it down into smaller tasks like researching, outlining, and writing each section. This makes the task seem less daunting and helps me make progress more efficiently.In terms of time management, I try to avoid procrastination by setting deadlines for myself andsticking to them. I also try to eliminate distractions like social media and TV while I'm working on tasks.Overall, I think having a plan, breaking down tasks, and managing time effectively are key to successfully completing tasks.中文:谈到任务,我认为制定计划和优先安排任务是很重要的。

英文作文计划书模板范文Title: Proposal Template for an English Essay。
The purpose of this proposal is to outline the plan for an English essay, including the topic, objectives, and methods for research and writing. This proposal will provide a clear roadmap for the essay and ensure that all necessary steps are taken to produce a high-quality piece of writing.Topic。
The topic of the essay will be "The Impact of Technology on Education." This is a relevant and important topic in today's society, as technology is increasingly integrated into educational settings. The essay will explore the ways in which technology has changed the way students learn, the role of teachers, and the overall educational experience. It will also consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of technology in education.Objectives。

英语论文的工作计划范文IntroductionEnglish language learning is essential in today's globalized world. As such, it is crucial for secondary schools to implement effective strategies to help students develop their English language proficiency. This work plan outlines the steps and strategies to be taken to enhance the English language learning experience in secondary schools.1. BackgroundSecondary schools are a critical stage in a student's education as they prepare for higher studies or entering the workforce. English language proficiency is a core skill that is required for successful academic and professional pursuits. However, many secondary schools struggle to provide effective English language learning opportunities for their students. This work plan aims to address this issue by proposing a comprehensive strategy for improving English language learning in secondary schools.2. ObjectivesThe objectives of this work plan are as follows:- To identify the current challenges and gaps in English language learning in secondary schools- To develop a set of strategies and interventions to improve English language learning outcomes- To implement and monitor the effectiveness of the proposed strategies and interventions- To provide recommendations for continuous improvement and sustainability of English language learning in secondary schools3. MethodologyThe work plan will begin with a comprehensive review of the current state of English language learning in secondary schools. This will involve gathering data on the students' English language proficiency levels, the teaching methods and materials used, and the support systems in place for English language learners. Based on this review, a set of strategies and interventions will be developed to address the identified challenges and gaps.The proposed strategies and interventions will focus on the following areas:- Curriculum and instructional design: Developing a comprehensive and learner-centered English language curriculum, and providing teachers with training in effective instructional strategies for language learning- Student support and intervention: Implementing support programs for at-risk English language learners, such as tutoring, mentoring, and language enrichment activities- Language assessment and feedback: Implementing regular assessment of students' language proficiency, and providing feedback to students and teachers to track progress and identify areas for improvement- Engagement with parents and the community: Involving parents and the community in supporting English language learning, and providing resources and opportunities for language exposure outside of the classroom4. ImplementationThe proposed strategies and interventions will be piloted in a select number of secondary schools, and their effectiveness will be assessed through various measures, such as student performance on language assessments, teacher feedback, and student and parent satisfaction surveys. Based on the results of the pilot, the strategies and interventions will be refined and scaled up for broader implementation in secondary schools.5. Monitoring and EvaluationThe implementation of the strategies and interventions will be closely monitored to track their impact on English language learning outcomes. Regular evaluations will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the interventions, and adjustments will be made as necessary based on the results. Additionally, feedback from students, teachers, and parents will be collected to ensure that the interventions are meeting their needs and expectations.6. Sustainability and RecommendationsFinally, recommendations will be made for sustaining and further improving English language learning in secondary schools. This will include strategies for integrating English language learning into the broader school curriculum, building capacity among teachers, and securing resources for continued support and intervention for English language learners.ConclusionThis work plan outlines a comprehensive strategy for improving English language learning in secondary schools. By identifying the challenges and gaps in English language learning, developing effective strategies and interventions, and monitoring and evaluating their impact, the goal is to enhance the English language learning experience for secondary school students and provide them with the skills they need to succeed in a globalized world.。

任务英文文案作文模板Title: Crafting Compelling Task Descriptions: A Comprehensive Guide。
In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is key, especially when it comes to task descriptions. Whether you're assigning tasks to colleagues, students, or team members, the clarity and precision of your instructions can greatly impact the outcome. In this guide, we'll explore a structured approach to crafting compelling task descriptions in English, ensuring that your message is understood and executed with excellence.1. Understand the Objective。
Before diving into writing the task description, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the objective. What do you aim to achieve by assigning this task? Definethe desired outcome and any specific goals or deliverables. This clarity will guide you throughout the writing process and help you convey your expectations effectively.2. Identify the Target Audience。
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黄全愈.素质教育在美国.广州:广东教育出版社, 1999
卡尔.威特.卡尔威特的教育.哈尔滨:哈尔滨出版社, 2009THE ART OF Fra bibliotekIM BURTON
Tim burton者:Aurélien Ferenczi
作者:Antoine de Baecque
Jenny He,Ron Magliozzi,Tim Burton著
Huang Xiaoyong and Huang Caifang. “A Comparative Study on the Family Education betweenChinaandAmerica.”Journal ofWuhanUniversityof Technology(Social Sciences Edition)4 (2009).
Bellow, Saul.Humboldt’s Gift.London: Penguin Books Ltd, 2007.
Erikson, E.H.Childhood and Society.New York: Norton, 1950.
Guo Ping, Luo Heng and Zhou Yan. “Study of US-China Cultures: Comparison of Family Structure BetweenChinaand theU.S.”US-China Foreign Language9 (2007): 70.
Kandel,I.L.The New Era in Education: A Comparative Study.Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955.
Monroe, Paul.A Brief Course in the History of Education.New York: The Macmillan Company, 1907.
钱钟书里面的幽默需要挖掘李敖王朔神马的新编外国现代派作品选(第3编):新小说黑色幽默魔幻现实主义Tim Burton[平装][蒂姆·伯顿传]Tim Burton作者:Antoine de Baecque
Aries, Philippe and Robert Baldick.Centuries of Childhood: A Social History of Family Life.London: Vintage Books, 1962.
Bowen, James.A History of Western Education.London: Routledge, 2003.
A Text-book in the History of Education.London: Macmillan, 1905.