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幼儿园教学能手评选活动总结(Summary of Kindergarten Teaching Experts Selection Activity)

xx月x日——xx日,我园组织了集体教学观摩研讨活动,xx位一线教师提供的五大领域xx节活动课,为老师们提供了一个个生动的研讨情境,大家在听课、自我反思、共同研讨中发现问题,解决问题,活动中对如何把握分析教材、如何运用孩子已有经验进行学习、如何设计教学情境、如何通过材料的投放实现体育教学活动的梯度等问题有了更加明晰的认识,在研讨中形成了基于教师个人经验的教学方法与策略。具体情况总结如下:(xx month x day-xx day, our park organized a group teaching observation and seminar activity, xx first-line teachers provided xx activity classes in five areas, providing teachers with a vivid discussion situation, everyone is listening to the class and self-reflection , In the joint discussion, problems were discovered and solved. In the activities, the issues of how to grasp and analyze the teaching materials, how to use the children's existing experience to learn, how to design the teaching situation, and how to achieve the gradient of physical education activities through the distribution of materials, etc. Recognition, the teaching methods and strategies based on the teacher’s personal

experience were formed in the discussion. The specific situation is summarized as follows:)

能根据幼儿的现有水平重新确定目标,而不是对目标的照搬照用。许多老师在拿到内容以后,都深入的去分析解读教材内容,并重视对孩子现有水平的分析,在此基础上对原活动目标进行取舍和添加,制定出更加符合幼儿实际的教学目标。如:美术活动《未来的车》原目标是能大胆想象未来的车,并用绘画的形式创造性地表现,比较笼统,根据当前中班幼儿对车的相关经验少,对未来车更没有明确清晰的认识,实现起来有一定难度的情况,王巧霞老师将目标确定为1、引导幼儿从自己的生活实际出发,发挥想象力,画出新式的汽车,激发幼儿创造性绘画的热情和兴趣;2、引导幼儿说出自己设计的未来车的优点及给人们生活带来的好处,引导孩子从生活中有汽车的运用引发的问题入手,启发幼儿想像绘画,让孩子的想想有据可依,降低了难度,更加适宜;张延君老师的体育活动游乐场里真有趣,在实际了解幼儿的基础上将做的高度进行调整,又50改为60厘米,从而更加适合本班孩子。还真有许多老师都对原目标进行了改进,将目标真正看做活动出发点和归宿点,围绕着目标设计组织活动,这是本次活动的一大亮点。(Can re-determine the goal according to the child's current level, rather than copying the goal. After receiving the content, many teachers thoroughly analyze and interpret the content of the teaching materials, and pay attention to the analysis of the children's current level, and on this basis,

select and add to the original activity goals, and develop teaching goals that are more in line with the actual children. For example, the original goal of the art activity "Future Car" is to be able to boldly imagine the car of the future and express it creatively in the form of painting. It is relatively general. According to the current middle-class children's experience with cars, there is no clear and clear idea about the future car. Understanding and realizing situations that are difficult to achieve, Mr. Wang Qiaoxia sets the goal as 1. Leading children to start from the reality of their own lives, use their imagination, draw new style cars, and stimulate children's enthusiasm and interest in creative painting; 2. Guide children Tell the advantages of the future car designed by yourself and the benefits it brings to people's lives, guide the children to start with the problems caused by the use of cars in life, inspire children to imagine and draw, let the children have a basis for thinking, and reduce the difficulty , More suitable; Teacher Zhang Yanjun’s playground for sports activities is really interesting. Based on the actual understanding of children, he adjusted the height from 50 to 60 cm, which is more suitable for children in this class. There are really many teachers who have made improvements to the original goal. They
