
Chapter 12 Human Resource ManagementTRUE/FALSE QUESTIONSWHY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT1.High-performance work practices are those that lead to high individual and high organizationalperformance.(True; moderate; p. 323)2.High-performance work practices involve a commitment by management to improve the knowledgeskills and abilities of the organization’s employees, increasing employee motivation, and enhancing the retention of quality employees.(True; easy; p. 323)THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS3.The human resource management (HRM) process consists of 10 activities necessary for staffing theorganization and sustaining high employee performance.(False; moderate; p. 323)4. A labor union is an organization that represents workers and seeks to protect their interests. (True; easy; p. 323)5.In the United States, nearly 25 percent of all workers are unionized.(False; moderate; pp. 323-324)6.Affirmative action programs assure that minorities are given equal opportunities in the workplace. (False; difficult; p. 324)7. A community fire department can categorically deny employment to a firefighter applicant who isconfined to a wheelchair.(True; moderate; p. 324)8.The United States will experience a shortage of 20 million workers over the next 10 years accordingto the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.(False; moderate; p. 325)HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING9.Human resource planning can be condensed into two steps: assessing current human resources andassessing and meeting future resource needs.(True; easy; p. 326)Job descriptions focus on the job, while job specifications focus on the person.(True; easy; p. 326)RECRUITMENT AND DECRUITMENT10.One disadvantage to employee referrals as a source of job candidates is that candidates tend to beminimally skilled.(False; moderate; p. 327)11.Firing and early retirements are two decruitment options.(True; moderate; p. 328)SELECTION12.A selection device is valid if it measures the same thing consistently.(False; difficult; p. 329)13.A good interviewer will minimize any prior knowledge about the applicants’ background, experience,interests, test scores, or other characteristics.(True; difficult; p. 332)14.Reference checks generally provide useful information for most jobs.(False; moderate; p. 332)15.In a realistic job preview (RJP), an applicant might be told that there are limited opportunities tointeract with peers during office hours and that the likelihood for advancement is slim.(True; moderate; p. 333)ORIENTATION16.There are three types of orientation: work unit orientation, organization orientation, and proceduralorientation.(False; moderate; p. 334)TRAINING17.Job rotation is the implementation of lateral transfers allowing employees to work at different jobs inan organization.(True; moderate; p. 336)EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT18.Types of performance appraisal methods include written essays, multiperson comparisons, andgraphic rating scales.(True; easy; p. 337)COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS19.The primary determinant of an individual’s pay is job performance, not seniority.(True; difficult; p. 340)20.Variable pay systems reward employees for the job skills and competencies they can demonstrate. (False; moderate; p. 340)CAREER DEVELOPMENT21.The idea of increased personal responsibility for one’s career has been described as a boundarylesscareer in which individuals define their career progression.(True; moderate; p. 341)CURRENT ISSUES IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT22.Studies find that downsizing is as stressful for the survivors as it is for the victims.(True; moderate; p. 342)23.Although most sexual harassment complaints are filed against men, the percentage of charges filedagainst women has steadily risen over the past decade.(True; moderate; p. 344)24.Sexual harassment is defined as any desired action or activity of a sexual nature that explicitly affectsan individual’s employment, performance, or work environment.(False; easy; p. 344)25.A firm can do little to protect itself from sexual harassment claims. It is usually one employee’s w ordagainst another’s.(False; moderate; p. 344)26.The environment in today’s organizations with mixed-gender work teams and working long hours isundoubtedly contributing to an increased number of workplace romances.(True; moderate; p. 344)27.Work life conflicts are less relevant for male and single employees as they are for married andfemale employees.(False; easy; p. 346)28.Today’s progressive workplaces provide a wide range of scheduling options and benefits that allowemployees more flexibility at work and allow them to better balance or integrate their work and personal lives.(True; easy; p. 346)29.People who prefer integration are more likely to respond positively to options such as flextime andpart-time hours.(False; moderate; p. 347)MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.WHY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT30.Various studies have concluded that an organization’s human resources can be a significant source of_______________.petitive advantageb.problems for managementc.frustration for employeesd.high-performance work practices(a; moderate; p. 322)31.High-performance work practices are characterized by ____________.a.improving knowledge, skills, and abilities of employeesb.allowing managers to lead in their own best stylec.allowing employees to loaf on the job as long as they can produce average daily production levelsd.decreasing employees’ motivation(a; moderate; p. 323)32.High-performance work practices include such activities as ______________.a.closed communicationb.centralized decision makingc.firm job assignmentsd.self-managed teams(d; moderate; p. 323)THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS33.The first _______________ activities of the human resource management (HRM) process ensurethat competent employees are identified and selected.a.twob.threec.fourd.five(b; moderate; p. 323)The final three activities of the HRM process _______________.e.ensure that the organization retains competent and high-performing employeesf.ensure that the organization selects and trains competent employeesg.identify for the organization the best compensation packages for the new hiresh.provide employees with up-to-date knowledge and skills(a; moderate; p. 323)bor unions use ____________ to protect the rights of their members.a.functional operationsb.new product developmentc.collective bargainingd.process(c; easy; p. 323)35.In organizations, _____________ programs ensure that protected classes are retained and theiropportunities are maintained.a.needs-based analysisb.functionalc.global human resource managementd.affirmative action(d; moderate; p. 324; AACSB: Diversity)36.Federal laws, the largest environmental factor constraining human resource activities, cover suchprocesses as _______________.a.choosing employees to be hiredb.directing who can be hiredc.selecting who can be firedd.selecting pay scales(b; moderate; p. 324)37.What U.S. act permits employees in organizations with 50 or more workers to take up to 12 weeks ofunpaid leave each year for family or medical reasons?a.Civil Rights Act of 1991b.Fair Pay Overtime Initiativec.Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993d.Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996(c; easy; p. 324)38.What U.S. act requires that employers destroy personal information about employees beforediscarding it if they received the information from the credit report?a.Civil Rights Act of 1991b.Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Actc.Privacy Actd.Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act(b; moderate; p. 325)39.By 2010, more than half of all workers in the United States will be _______________.a.baby boomersb.Gen Yersc.over 40d.retiring(c; moderate; p. 325)HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING40.The beginning point for any human resource planning process is the examination of the currenthuman resource status by making a _____________.a.strategic planb.human resource inventoryc.product evaluationd.analysis of customer demands(b; easy; p. 326)41.An assessment that defines the jobs and behaviors necessary to perform the job is known as a_____________.a.job descriptionb.job specificationc.goal-oriented job definitiond.job analysis(d; difficult; p. 326)42.Job analysis is concerned with which of the following human resource planning aspects?a.deciding how well someone is performing his or her jobb.what behaviors are necessary to perform a jobc.hiring someone to do a jobd.estimating pay on job level in an organization(b; easy; p. 326)43.A written statement of what a job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done is known as_____________.a.job specificationb.process departmentalizationc.goal-oriented job definitiond.job description(d; moderate; p. 326)A list of the minimum qualifications or requirements needed by an employee to perform a job isknown as a ____________.a.job analysisb.job descriptionc.responsibility factor listd.job specification(d; moderate; p. 326)RECRUITMENT AND DECRUITMENT44.Recruitment is the process of _____________.a.hiring employees from competitorsb.locating, identifying, and attracting potential employeesc.measuring the pressure in the local labor marketd.hiring from outside the organization(b; difficult; p. 327)45.If human resource planning shows a surplus of employees, management may want to reduce theorganization’s workforce through ______________.a.recruitmentb.decruitmentc.expansiond.jobbing(b; moderate; p. 327)46.As a source of potential job candidates, _____________ generates the best referrals, because a goodreferral reflects on the source of the recommendation.a.the company Web siteb.the Internetc.employee referralsd.professional recruiting organizations(c; moderate; p. 327)47.While _____________ reaches a tremendous number of people, it also generates many unqualifiedcandidates for jobs.a.the company Web siteb.the Internetc.employee referralsd.college recruiting(b; moderate; p. 327)Which of the following is a disadvantage of recruiting at colleges?a.limited supplyb.generates many unqualified candidatesc.may not increase workforce diversityd.limited to entry-level positions(d; easy; p. 327)48.As a decruitment option, ____________ are a temporary involuntary termination that can last from afew weeks to several years.yoffsb.attritionsc.transfersd.early retirements(a; moderate; p. 328)49.Which of the following is not an option for decruitment?a.attritionb.reduced workweeksc.early retirementsd.Internet hiring(d; moderate; p. 328)50.Which of the following decruitment methods is accomplished by not filling openings created bynormal retirements?a.firingyoffsc.attritionb.reduced workweeks(c; moderate; p. 328)SELECTION51.The selection process is _______________.a.determining who is best for a jobb.not related to performance in the jobc.an exercise in predictiond.determining how to best train employees(a; moderate; p. 328)____________ is the proven relationship between the selection device and some relevant job selection criterion.a.Responsibilityb.Unreliabilityc.Reliabilityd.Validity(d; moderate; p. 329)52.____________ indicates how consistent a selection device measures a criterion.a.Operational scoringb.Qualificationc.Reliabilityd.Validity(c; moderate; p. 330)53.Which of the following is an example of selection device reliability?a.An applicant’s score on an intelligence test predicted his or her job performance.b. A superior job performer was given a low interview score by all five independent interviewers.c.The intelligence test significantly predicted the job performance of 250 job applicants.d. A protected group individual was given a low selection score and was a poor job performer. (b; difficult; p. 330)54.Asking a candidate for an automotive mechanic’s position to deconstruct and reconstruct part of anengine motor would be an example of what kind of selection device?a.spatial testb.performance-simulation testc. intelligence testd. interview(b; easy; p. 330)55.______________ involves presenting applicants with a miniature model of a job and having themperform a task that is central to that job.a. An interviewb. A written testc. A vertically integrated interviewd. Work sampling(d; difficult; p. 330)56.Assessment centers are best if they are used to select ______________.a.senior managementb.semiskilled workersc.routine operatives in the firmd.unskilled workers(a; moderate; p. 330)57.A strength of using an application form as a selection device is that ______________.a.relevant biographical facts that can be verified have been shown to be valid performancemeasures for some jobsb.many items on most forms are valid in selecting good employeesc.they are moderately valid predictors for many semiskilled and unskilled lower-level jobs inindustrial organizationsd.they are reasonably good predictors for supervisory positions(a; difficult; p. 331)58.A weakness of using a performance-simulation test is that it is ____________.a.typically expensive to create and administerb.based on job analysis datac.is not a proven predictor of job performanced.subject to potential biases(a; moderate; p. 331)59.To use a physical exam as a selection device, a company must ____________.a.be sure the physical requirements are valid and that they do not discriminateb.have an insurance carrier that does not require the testingc.prove that supervisors do not need physical abilities to perform their jobsd.prove that the test has nothing to do with insurance(a; difficult; p. 331)60.Interviews are valid predictors of success in the workplace if _____________.a.some illegal questions are askedb.questions are unstructuredc.questions are structuredd.they are short(c; moderate; p. 332)61.A good interviewer would ask ____________.a.“What type of work have you done before?”b.“Do you own your own home?”c.“Do you have a physical disability that would prevent you from doing this job?”d.“Have you ever filed a workman’s compensation claim?”(a; difficult; p. 332)62.A(n) __________ that includes both positive and negative aspects about the job and the companyprovides higher job satisfaction and lower turnover.a.structured interviewb.unstructured interviewc.realistic job previewd.assessment center(c; moderate; p. 333)ORIENTATION63.______________ familiarizes the employee with the goals of the work unit, clarifies how his or herjob contributes to the unit goals, and includes an introduction to his or her new co-workers.anizational orientationb.Work unit orientationc.Procedural orientationd.An assessment center(b; easy; p. 334)64.Successful orientation, whether formal or informal, results in an outsider-insider transition that________________.a.makes the new member feel uncomfortableb.helps the new member feel fairly well adjustedc.lowers the likelihood of high work performanced.increases the probability of a surprise resignation(b; easy; p. 334)TRAINING65.It has been estimated that the dollar amount spent by U.S. firms on formal courses and trainingprograms is _____________.a.$553 millionb.$956 millionc.$31 billiond.$51 billion(d; easy; p. 334)66.If a training event includes learning to be a better listener or learning to interact effectively with teammembers and customers, it is attempting to teach _____________.a.technical skillsb.interpersonal skillsc.problem-solving skillsd.observational skills(b; difficult; p. 335)67.What traditional training method involves employees working with an experienced worker whoprovides information, support, and encouragement?a.e-learningb.experiential exercisesc.mentoring and coachingd.on-the-job training(c; moderate; p. 336)68.What training method involves employees participating in role playing, simulations, or other face-to-face types of training?a.experiential exercisesb.job rotationc.mentoring and coachingd.on-the-job training(a; moderate; p. 336)69.What training method is Internet-based learning where employees participate in multimediasimulations or other interactive modules?a.CD-ROM/DVD/videotapes/audiotapesb.e-learningc.experiential exercisesd.videoconferencing/teleconferencing/satellite TV(b; moderate; p. 336; AACSB: Technology)70.What is considered a technology-based training method?a.classroom lecturesb.experiential exercisesc.videoconferencing/teleconferencing/satellite TVd.workbooks/manuals(c; easy; p. 336; AACSB: Technology)EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT71._______________ is a process of setting standards and measuring employee performance to arrive atperformance standards.a.Time and motion studyb.Benchmarkingc.Legal influence arrangementsd. A performance management system(d; difficult; p. 337)72.The use of ___________ focuses the evaluator’s attention on key behaviors that distinguish effectivefrom ineffective work performance.a.simple analysisb.job analysisc.critical incidentsd.graphic rating scales(c; difficult; p. 337)A performance appraisal method that allows the evaluator to rate employees on an incremental scaleis called a ____________.a.written essayb.critical incidentc.graphic rating scaled.multiperson comparison(c; difficult; p. 337)73.A performance appraisal system that combines a graphic rating scale and a critical incident systeminto one process is a(n) _______________.a.written essayb.360-degree feedbackc.objectived.behaviorally anchored rating scale(d; difficult; p. 337)74.________________ is a process used to compare one’s performance with that of others.a.Multiperson comparisonb.Job analysisc. A critical incidentd. A graphic rating scale(a; difficult; p. 338)75.______________ is often used for appraising managers and professional employees.a.Management by objectivesb.Job analysisc. A critical incidentd. A graphic rating scale(a; difficult; p. 338)76.The most thorough performance appraisal method, _____________, utilizes feedback fromsupervisors, employees, and coworkers.a.management by objectivesb.360-degree feedbackc.critical incidentsd.graphic rating scales(b; difficult; p. 338)COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS77.An organization’s compensation system has been shown to have an impact on its _______________.a.turnoverb.profitsc.strategic performanced.productivity(c; difficult; p. 339)78.What is not a factor that can influence compensation and benefits?a.appearance and sexb.unionizationc.geographical locationbor intensive(a; easy; p. 339)79.Skill-based pay systems rely on the employee’s _____________ to define his or her pay category.a.job titleb.job skillsc.job performanced.job description(b; difficult; p. 339)80.What pay systems seem to be more successful in manufacturing organizations than in serviceorganizations and organizations pursuing technical innovations?a.skill-based pay systemsb.traditional pay systemsc.variable pay systemsd.incentive pay systems(a; moderate; pp. 339-340)CAREER DEVELOPMENT81.What is defined as the sequence of positions held by a person during his or her lifetime?a.jobb.careerc.boundaryless careerd.high-performance work practices(b; easy; p. 340)What is a characteristic of career development programs today?e.They are typically designed to help employees advance their work lives within a specificorganization.f.The focus of such programs is to provide employees the information, assessment, and trainingneeded to help them realize their career goals.g.They are a way for organizations to attract and retain highly talented people.h.They have all but disappeared due to widespread organizational changes.(d; moderate; p. 340)82.What is a suggestion offered for a successful management career?a.have your boss support youb.develop a networkc.stay in your first job for at least seven yearsd.take the first job you’re offered(b; easy; p. 341)CURRENT ISSUES IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT83.__________________ is the term used to define planned elimination of jobs in an organization.a.Downsizingb.Decruitmentc.Recruitmentd.Planned firing(a; moderate; p. 342)84.When an organization _______________, it may need to eliminate jobs.a.is faced with increasing market shareb.has grown too slowlyc.has been poorly managedd.is confronted with new management(c; moderate; p. 342)85.In providing assistance to employees being downsized, many organizations offer some form of_______________.a.severance payb.employee trainingc.orientationd.family-friendly benefits(a; moderate; p. 342)To help survivors of downsizing cope with their new stress, managers might want to ____________.e.individually call employees into the office intermittently with those being downsizedf.offer some form of severance payg.provide job search assistanceh.provide counselors for employees to talk to(d; moderate; p. 342)86.To improve workplace diversity, managers should _______________.a.widen their recruiting netb.downsizec.hire more employee referralsd.recruit more minority candidates(a; difficult; p. 342; AACSB: Diversity)87.Which of the following statements is true of current situations in human resource management?a.To improve workforce diversity, managers need to narrow their approach to recruiting.b.Once a diverse pool of applicants is defined, a manager does not need to address discriminationas a problem.c.Recent research has shown that diversity makes moving into a workforce harder for women andminorities.d.Some organizations are aggressively pursuing diversity efforts.(d; difficult; p. 343; AACSB: Diversity)88.About _______________ Fortune 500 companies have been sued for sexual harassment.a.one in tenb.one in fivec.one in threed.one in two(c; moderate; p. 344)89.__________________ creates an unpleasant work environment and undermines workers’ ability toperform their job.a. A workplace romanceb.Diversityc.Sexual harassmentd.Work-family imbalance(c; easy; p. 344)90.When there are sexual harassment claims against an organization, the courts want to know whetherthe organization _______________.a.knew about the alleged behaviorcated their employees on sexual harassment mattersc.had mechanisms available to monitor employeesd.ensured that no retaliatory actions were taken against a person who has filed the charges(a; moderate; p. 344)91.Why are workplace romances potentially problematic for organizations?a.an increased work-family life imbalanceb.the potential for sexual harassment accusationsc.flirting on the job affects productivityd.couples tend to act as their own team(b; moderate; p. 345)92.What can organizations do to protect themselves against workplace romances?a.have mechanisms available to monitor employeesb.ensure that no retaliatory actions are takencate employees on the dangers of workplace romancesd.have some type of policy regarding workplace dating among coworkers(d; moderate; p. 345)93.“Family-friendly benefits” commonly include programs like _____________.a.health insurance programsb.health savings accountsc.time off for school functionsd.individual retirement accounts(c; easy; p. 346)94.People who prefer segmentation are more likely to be satisfied and committed to their jobs whenoffered options such as _______________.a.job sharingpany-sponsored family picnicsc.on-site child cared.gym facilities(a; moderate; p. 347)95.What is not one way that organizations are controlling their health care costs?a.passing on additional health care costs to employeesb.firing those who refuse to quit smokingc.providing opportunities for employees to lead healthy lifestylesd.eliminating health insurance from their benefit programs(d; moderate; p. 347)96.Many reasonably sound companies no longer provide _______________.a.health insuranceb.family-friendly benefitsc.pension plansd.stock options(c; moderate; p. 347)SCENARIO QUESTIONSFor each of the following, choose the answer that most completely answers the question.WHY HUMAN RESOUCE MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANTHuman Resource Planning (Scenario)Steve is hired to manage the human resources department of a local manufacturing company. This company has the reputation of being the firm “where you work until you find your next job.” Employee turnover is high and morale is low. Steve is determined to change the situation and make the organization’s human resources a competitive advantage and source of pride for the firm.97.Steve believes that achieving competitive success in business today requires that managers changehow they think about their employees and how they view the work relationship. He hopes to initiate workplace programs geared toward improving organizational commitment to improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees, increasing employee motivation, and enhancing retention of quality employees. These traits have been found to be consistent with ______________.a.employee empowermentb.high-performance work practicesc.the human resources management processd.performance appraisal methods(b; moderate; p. 323)THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESSThe New Hire (Scenario)Frances begins her career working in the human resources department of a major corporation. She is asked to help ensure that the organization is following the federal guidelines for employment.98.Frances reviews the ______________ guidelines, which outlines practices that enhance theemployment, upgrading, and retention of protected groups.a.employment need-basedb.functional employmentc.global human resource managementd.affirmative action(d; difficult; p. 324; AACSB: Diversity)HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNINGHuman Resource Planning (Scenario)Steve is hired to manage the human resources department of a local manufacturing company. This company has the reputation of being the firm “where you work until you find your next job.” Employee turnover is high and morale is low. Steve is determined to change the situation and make the organization’s human resources a competitive advantage and source of pride for the firm.99.As one of his first tasks, Steve’s boss asks him to develop a database of the education, specialcapabilities, and specialized skills of all the employees. This is known as a ______________.a.simple design of the organizationb.human resource inventoryc.division of labord.job analysis(b; moderate; p. 326)100.Steve believes that part of the reason for the high turnover is that individual jobs are very poorly defined. Employees are not sure of what is expected of them and that performance standards are unequal between regions and functions. Steve conducts a _________ for each position, defining all the jobs and behaviors necessary to perform them.a.job descriptionb.job specificationc.job analysisd.job satisfaction analysis(c; moderate; p. 326)101.As part of restructuring the organization’s human resources, Steve decides that new ___________, which state the minimum job qualifications that a person must possess to successfully perform a given job, must be written for each position.a.job descriptionsb.job specificationsc.job analysesd.job satisfaction surveys(b; moderate; p. 326)。



Chapter 12 Human Resource ManagementTRUE/FALSE QUESTIONSWHY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT1.High-performance work practices are those that lead to high individual and highorganizational performance.(True; moderate; p. 323)2.High-performance work practices involve a commitment by management toimprove the knowledge skills and abilities of the organization’s employees, increasing employee motivation, and enhancing the retention of quality employees. (True; easy; p. 323)THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS3.The human resource management (HRM) process consists of 10 activities necessaryfor staffing the organization and sustaining high employee performance. (False; moderate; p. 323)4. A labor union is an organization that represents workers and seeks to protect theirinterests.(True; easy; p. 323)5.In the United States, nearly 25 percent of all workers are unionized.(False; moderate; pp. 323-324)6.Affirmative action programs assure that minorities are given equal opportunities inthe workplace.(False; difficult; p. 324)7. A community fire department can categorically deny employment to a firefighterapplicant who is confined to a wheelchair.(True; moderate; p. 324)8.The United States will experience a shortage of 20 million workers over the next 10years according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.(False; moderate; p. 325)HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING9.Human resource planning can be condensed into two steps: assessing currenthuman resources and assessing and meeting future resource needs.(True; easy; p. 326)10.Job descriptions focus on the job, while job specifications focus on the person. (True; easy; p. 326)RECRUITMENT AND DECRUITMENT11.One disadvantage to employee referrals as a source of job candidates is thatcandidates tend to be minimally skilled.(False; moderate; p. 327)12.Firing and early retirements are two decruitment options.(True; moderate; p. 328)SELECTION13.A selection device is valid if it measures the same thing consistently.(False; difficult; p. 329)14.A good interviewer will minimize any prior knowledge about the applicants’background, experience, interests, test scores, or other characteristics.(True; difficult; p. 332)15.Reference checks generally provide useful information for most jobs.(False; moderate; p. 332)16.In a realistic job preview (RJP), an applicant might be told that there are limitedopportunities to interact with peers during office hours and that the likelihood for advancement is slim.(True; moderate; p. 333)ORIENTATION17.There are three types of orientation: work unit orientation, organization orientation,and procedural orientation.(False; moderate; p. 334)TRAINING18.Job rotation is the implementation of lateral transfers allowing employees to workat different jobs in an organization.(True; moderate; p. 336)EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT19.Types of performance appraisal methods include written essays, multipersoncomparisons, and graphic rating scales.(True; easy; p. 337)COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS20.The primary determinant of an individual’s pay is job performance, not seniority. (True; difficult; p. 340)21.Variable pay systems reward employees for the job skills and competencies they candemonstrate.(False; moderate; p. 340)CAREER DEVELOPMENT22.The idea of increased personal responsibility for one’s career has been describedas a boundaryless career in which individuals define their career progression. (True; moderate; p. 341)CURRENT ISSUES IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT23.Studies find that downsizing is as stressful for the survivors as it is for the victims. (True; moderate; p. 342)24.Although most sexual harassment complaints are filed against men, the percentageof charges filed against women has steadily risen over the past decade.(True; moderate; p. 344)25.Sexual harassment is defined as any desired action or activity of a sexual nature thatexplicitly affects an individual’s employment, performance, or work environment. (False; easy; p. 344)26.A firm can do little to protect itself from sexual harassment claims. It is usually oneemployee’s word against another’s.(False; moderate; p. 344)27.The environment in today’s organizations with mixed-gender work teams andworking long hours is undoubtedly contributing to an increased number of workplace romances.(True; moderate; p. 344)28.Work life conflicts are less relevant for male and single employees as they are formarried and female employees.(False; easy; p. 346)29.Today’s progressive workplaces provide a wide range of scheduling options andbenefits that allow employees more flexibility at work and allow them to better balance or integrate their work and personal lives.(True; easy; p. 346)30.People who prefer integration are more likely to respond positively to options suchas flextime and part-time hours.(False; moderate; p. 347)MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.WHY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT31.Various studies have concluded that an organization’s human resources can be asignificant source of _______________.petitive advantageb.problems for managementc.frustration for employeesd.high-performance work practices(a; moderate; p. 322)32.High-performance work practices are characterized by ____________.a.improving knowledge, skills, and abilities of employeesb.allowing managers to lead in their own best stylec.allowing employees to loaf on the job as long as they can produce average dailyproduction levelsd.decreasing employees’ motivation(a; moderate; p. 323)33.High-performance work practices include such activities as ______________.a.closed communicationb.centralized decision makingc.firm job assignmentsd.self-managed teams(d; moderate; p. 323)THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS34.The first _______________ activities of the human resource management (HRM)process ensure that competent employees are identified and selected.a.twob.threec.fourd.five(b; moderate; p. 323)35.The final three activities of the HRM process _______________.a.ensure that the organization retains competent and high-performing employeesb.ensure that the organization selects and trains competent employeesc.identify for the organization the best compensation packages for the new hiresd.provide employees with up-to-date knowledge and skills(a; moderate; p. 323)bor unions use ____________ to protect the rights of their members.a.functional operationsb.new product developmentc.collective bargainingd.process(c; easy; p. 323)37.In organizations, _____________ programs ensure that protected classes are retainedand their opportunities are maintained.a.needs-based analysisb.functionalc.global human resource managementd.affirmative action(d; moderate; p. 324; AACSB: Diversity)38.Federal laws, the largest environmental factor constraining human resourceactivities, cover such processes as _______________.a.choosing employees to be hiredb.directing who can be hiredc.selecting who can be firedd.selecting pay scales(b; moderate; p. 324)39.What U.S. act permits employees in organizations with 50 or more workers to takeup to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year for family or medical reasons?a.Civil Rights Act of 1991b.Fair Pay Overtime Initiativec.Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993d.Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996(c; easy; p. 324)40.What U.S. act requires that employers destroy personal information aboutemployees before discarding it if they received the information from the credit report?a.Civil Rights Act of 1991b.Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Actc.Privacy Actd.Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act(b; moderate; p. 325)41.By 2010, more than half of all workers in the United States will be _______________.a.baby boomersb.Gen Yersc.over 40d.retiring(c; moderate; p. 325)HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING42.The beginning point for any human resource planning process is the examination ofthe current human resource status by making a _____________.a.strategic planb.human resource inventoryc.product evaluationd.analysis of customer demands(b; easy; p. 326)43.An assessment that defines the jobs and behaviors necessary to perform the job isknown as a _____________.a.job descriptionb.job specificationc.goal-oriented job definitiond.job analysis(d; difficult; p. 326)44.Job analysis is concerned with which of the following human resource planningaspects?a.deciding how well someone is performing his or her jobb.what behaviors are necessary to perform a jobc.hiring someone to do a jobd.estimating pay on job level in an organization(b; easy; p. 326)45.A written statement of what a job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done isknown as _____________.a.job specificationb.process departmentalizationc.goal-oriented job definitiond.job description(d; moderate; p. 326)46.A list of the minimum qualifications or requirements needed by an employee toperform a job is known as a ____________.a.job analysisb.job descriptionc.responsibility factor listd.job specification(d; moderate; p. 326)RECRUITMENT AND DECRUITMENT47.Recruitment is the process of _____________.a.hiring employees from competitorsb.locating, identifying, and attracting potential employeesc.measuring the pressure in the local labor marketd.hiring from outside the organization(b; difficult; p. 327)48.If human resource planning shows a surplus of employees, management may wantto reduce the organization’s workforce through ______________.a.recruitmentb.decruitmentc.expansiond.jobbing(b; moderate; p. 327)49.As a source of potential job candidates, _____________ generates the best referrals,because a good referral reflects on the source of the recommendation.a.the company Web siteb.the Internetc.employee referralsd.professional recruiting organizations(c; moderate; p. 327)50.While _____________ reaches a tremendous number of people, it also generates manyunqualified candidates for jobs.a.the company Web siteb.the Internetc.employee referralsd.college recruiting(b; moderate; p. 327)51.Which of the following is a disadvantage of recruiting at colleges?a.limited supplyb.generates many unqualified candidatesc.may not increase workforce diversityd.limited to entry-level positions(d; easy; p. 327)52.As a decruitment option, ____________ are a temporary involuntary termination thatcan last from a few weeks to several years.yoffsb.attritionsc.transfersd.early retirements(a; moderate; p. 328)53.Which of the following is not an option for decruitment?a.attritionb.reduced workweeksc.early retirementsd.Internet hiring(d; moderate; p. 328)54.Which of the following decruitment methods is accomplished by not fillingopenings created by normal retirements?a.firingyoffsc.attritionb.reduced workweeks(c; moderate; p. 328)SELECTION55.The selection process is _______________.a.determining who is best for a jobb.not related to performance in the jobc.an exercise in predictiond.determining how to best train employees (a; moderate; p. 328)56.____________ is the proven relationship between the selection device and somerelevant job selection criterion.a.Responsibilityb.Unreliabilityc.Reliabilityd.Validity(d; moderate; p. 329)57.____________ indicates how consistent a selection device measures a criterion.a.Operational scoringb.Qualificationc.Reliabilityd.Validity(c; moderate; p. 330)58.Which of the following is an example of selection device reliability?a.An applicant’s score on an intelligence test predicted his or her jobperformance.b.A superior job performer was given a low interview score by all five independentinterviewers.c.The intelligence test significantly predicted the job performance of 250 jobapplicants.d.A protected group individual was given a low selection score and was a poor jobperformer.(b; difficult; p. 330)59.Asking a candidate for an automotive mechanic’s position to deconstruct andreconstruct part of an engine motor would be an example of what kind of selection device?a.spatial testb.performance-simulation testc. intelligence testd. interview(b; easy; p. 330)60.______________ involves presenting applicants with a miniature model of a job andhaving them perform a task that is central to that job.a. An interviewb. A written testc. A vertically integrated interviewd. Work sampling(d; difficult; p. 330)61.Assessment centers are best if they are used to select ______________.a.senior managementb.semiskilled workersc.routine operatives in the firmd.unskilled workers(a; moderate; p. 330)62.A strength of using an application form as a selection device is that ______________.a.relevant biographical facts that can be verified have been shown to be validperformance measures for some jobsb.many items on most forms are valid in selecting good employeesc.they are moderately valid predictors for many semiskilled and unskilled lower-level jobs in industrial organizationsd.they are reasonably good predictors for supervisory positions(a; difficult; p. 331)63.A weakness of using a performance-simulation test is that it is ____________.a.typically expensive to create and administerb.based on job analysis datac.is not a proven predictor of job performanced.subject to potential biases(a; moderate; p. 331)64.To use a physical exam as a selection device, a company must ____________.a.be sure the physical requirements are valid and that they do not discriminateb.have an insurance carrier that does not require the testingc.prove that supervisors do not need physical abilities to perform their jobsd.prove that the test has nothing to do with insurance(a; difficult; p. 331)65.Interviews are valid predictors of success in the workplace if _____________.a.some illegal questions are askedb.questions are unstructuredc.questions are structuredd.they are short(c; moderate; p. 332)66.A good interviewer would ask ____________.a.“What type of work have you done before?”b.“Do you own your own home?”c.“Do you have a physical disability that would prevent you from doing thisjob?”d.“Have you ever filed a workman’s compensation claim?”(a; difficult; p. 332)67.A(n) __________ that includes both positive and negative aspects about the job andthe company provides higher job satisfaction and lower turnover.a.structured interviewb.unstructured interviewc.realistic job previewd.assessment center(c; moderate; p. 333)ORIENTATION68.______________ familiarizes the employee with the goals of the work unit, clarifies howhis or her job contributes to the unit goals, and includes an introduction to his or her new co-workers.anizational orientationb.Work unit orientationc.Procedural orientationd.An assessment center(b; easy; p. 334)69.Successful orientation, whether formal or informal, results in an outsider-insidertransition that ________________.a.makes the new member feel uncomfortableb.helps the new member feel fairly well adjustedc.lowers the likelihood of high work performanced.increases the probability of a surprise resignation(b; easy; p. 334)TRAINING70.It has been estimated that the dollar amount spent by U.S. firms on formal coursesand training programs is _____________.a.$553 millionb.$956 millionc.$31 billiond.$51 billion(d; easy; p. 334)71.If a training event includes learning to be a better listener or learning to interacteffectively with team members and customers, it is attempting to teach _____________.a.technical skillsb.interpersonal skillsc.problem-solving skillsd.observational skills(b; difficult; p. 335)72.What traditional training method involves employees working with an experiencedworker who provides information, support, and encouragement?a.e-learningb.experiential exercisesc.mentoring and coachingd.on-the-job training(c; moderate; p. 336)73.What training method involves employees participating in role playing, simulations,or other face-to-face types of training?a.experiential exercisesb.job rotationc.mentoring and coachingd.on-the-job training(a; moderate; p. 336)74.What training method is Internet-based learning where employees participate inmultimedia simulations or other interactive modules?a.CD-ROM/DVD/videotapes/audiotapesb.e-learningc.experiential exercisesd.videoconferencing/teleconferencing/satellite TV(b; moderate; p. 336; AACSB: Technology)75.What is considered a technology-based training method?a.classroom lecturesb.experiential exercisesc.videoconferencing/teleconferencing/satellite TVd.workbooks/manuals(c; easy; p. 336; AACSB: Technology)EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT76._______________ is a process of setting standards and measuring employeeperformance to arrive at performance standards.a.Time and motion studyb.Benchmarkingc.Legal influence arrangementsd.A performance management system(d; difficult; p. 337)77.The use of ___________ focuses the evaluator’s attention on key behaviors thatdistinguish effective from ineffective work performance.a.simple analysisb.job analysisc.critical incidentsd.graphic rating scales(c; difficult; p. 337)78.A performance appraisal method that allows the evaluator to rate employees on anincremental scale is called a ____________.a.written essayb.critical incidentc.graphic rating scaled.multiperson comparison(c; difficult; p. 337)79.A performance appraisal system that combines a graphic rating scale and a criticalincident system into one process is a(n) _______________.a.written essayb.360-degree feedbackc.objectived.behaviorally anchored rating scale(d; difficult; p. 337)80.________________ is a process used to compare one’s performance with that ofothers.a.Multiperson comparisonb.Job analysisc. A critical incidentd.A graphic rating scale(a; difficult; p. 338)81.______________ is often used for appraising managers and professional employees.a.Management by objectivesb.Job analysisc. A critical incidentd.A graphic rating scale(a; difficult; p. 338)82.The most thorough performance appraisal method, _____________, utilizes feedbackfrom supervisors, employees, and coworkers.a.management by objectivesb.360-degree feedbackc.critical incidentsd.graphic rating scales(b; difficult; p. 338)COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS83.An organization’s compensation system has been shown to have an impact on its_______________.a.turnoverb.profitsc.strategic performanced.productivity(c; difficult; p. 339)84.What is not a factor that can influence compensation and benefits?a.appearance and sexb.unionizationc.geographical locationbor intensive(a; easy; p. 339)85.Skill-based pay systems rely on the employee’s _____________ to define his or herpay category.a.job titleb.job skillsc.job performanced.job description(b; difficult; p. 339)86.What pay systems seem to be more successful in manufacturing organizations thanin service organizations and organizations pursuing technical innovations?a.skill-based pay systemsb.traditional pay systemsc.variable pay systemsd.incentive pay systems(a; moderate; pp. 339-340)CAREER DEVELOPMENT87.What is defined as the sequence of positions held by a person during his or herlifetime?a.jobb.careerc.boundaryless careerd.high-performance work practices(b; easy; p. 340)88.What is a characteristic of career development programs today?a.They are typically designed to help employees advance their work lives within aspecific organization.b.The focus of such programs is to provide employees the information, assessment,and training needed to help them realize their career goals.c.They are a way for organizations to attract and retain highly talented people.d.They have all but disappeared due to widespread organizational changes.(d; moderate; p. 340)89.What is a suggestion offered for a successful management career?a.have your boss support youb.develop a networkc.stay in your first job for at least seven yearsd.take the first job you’re offered(b; easy; p. 341)CURRENT ISSUES IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT90.__________________ is the term used to define planned elimination of jobs in anorganization.a.Downsizingb.Decruitmentc.Recruitmentd.Planned firing(a; moderate; p. 342)91.When an organization _______________, it may need to eliminate jobs.a.is faced with increasing market shareb.has grown too slowlyc.has been poorly managedd.is confronted with new management(c; moderate; p. 342)92.In providing assistance to employees being downsized, many organizations offersome form of _______________.a.severance payb.employee trainingc.orientationd.family-friendly benefits(a; moderate; p. 342)93.To help survivors of downsizing cope with their new stress, managers might want to____________.a.individually call employees into the office intermittently with those beingdownsizedb.offer some form of severance payc.provide job search assistanced.provide counselors for employees to talk to(d; moderate; p. 342)94.To improve workplace diversity, managers should _______________.a.widen their recruiting netb.downsizec.hire more employee referralsd.recruit more minority candidates(a; difficult; p. 342; AACSB: Diversity)95.Which of the following statements is true of current situations in human resourcemanagement?a.To improve workforce diversity, managers need to narrow their approach torecruiting.b.Once a diverse pool of applicants is defined, a manager does not need toaddress discrimination as a problem.c.Recent research has shown that diversity makes moving into a workforce harderfor women and minorities.d.Some organizations are aggressively pursuing diversity efforts.(d; difficult; p. 343; AACSB: Diversity)96.About _______________ Fortune 500 companies have been sued for sexual harassment.a.one in tenb.one in fivec.one in threed.one in two(c; moderate; p. 344)97.__________________ creates an unpleasant work environment and underminesworkers’ ability to perform their job.a. A workplace romanceb.Diversityc.Sexual harassmentd.Work-family imbalance(c; easy; p. 344)98.When there are sexual harassment claims against an organization, the courts wantto know whether the organization _______________.a.knew about the alleged behaviorcated their employees on sexual harassment mattersc.had mechanisms available to monitor employeesd.ensured that no retaliatory actions were taken against a person who has filed thecharges(a; moderate; p. 344)99.Why are workplace romances potentially problematic for organizations?a.an increased work-family life imbalanceb.the potential for sexual harassment accusationsc.flirting on the job affects productivityd.couples tend to act as their own team(b; moderate; p. 345)100.What can organizations do to protect themselves against workplace romances?a.have mechanisms available to monitor employeesb.ensure that no retaliatory actions are takencate employees on the dangers of workplace romancesd.have some type of policy regarding workplace dating among coworkers(d; moderate; p. 345)101.“Family-friendly benefits” commonly include programs like _____________.a.health insurance programsb.health savings accountsc.time off for school functionsd.individual retirement accounts(c; easy; p. 346)102.People who prefer segmentation are more likely to be satisfied and committed to their jobs when offered options such as _______________.a.job sharingpany-sponsored family picnicsc.on-site child cared.gym facilities(a; moderate; p. 347)103.What is not one way that organizations are controlling their health care costs?a.passing on additional health care costs to employeesb.firing those who refuse to quit smokingc.providing opportunities for employees to lead healthy lifestylesd.eliminating health insurance from their benefit programs(d; moderate; p. 347)104.Many reasonably sound companies no longer provide _______________.a.health insuranceb.family-friendly benefitsc.pension plansd.stock options(c; moderate; p. 347)SCENARIO QUESTIONSFor each of the following, choose the answer that most completely answers the question.WHY HUMAN RESOUCE MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANTHuman Resource Planning (Scenario)Steve is hired to manage the human resources department of a local manufacturing company. This company has the reputation of being the firm “where you work until you find your next job.”Employee turnover is high and morale is low. Steve is determined to change the situation and make the organization’s human resources a competitive advantage and source of pride for the firm.105.Steve believes that achieving competitive success in business today requires that managers change how they think about their employees and how they view the work relationship. He hopes to initiate workplace programs geared toward improving organizational commitment to improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees, increasing employee motivation, and enhancing retention of quality employees. These traits have been found to be consistent with ______________.a.employee empowermentb.high-performance work practicesc.the human resources management processd.performance appraisal methods(b; moderate; p. 323)THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESSThe New Hire (Scenario)Frances begins her career working in the human resources department of a major corporation. She is asked to help ensure that the organization is following the federal guidelines for employment.106.Frances reviews the ______________ guidelines, which outlines practices that enhance the employment, upgrading, and retention of protected groups.a.employment need-basedb.functional employmentc.global human resource managementd.affirmative action(d; difficult; p. 324; AACSB: Diversity)HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNINGHuman Resource Planning (Scenario)Steve is hired to manage the human resources department of a local manufacturing company. This company has the reputation of being the firm “where you work until you find your next job.”Employee turnover is high and morale is low. Steve is determined to change the situation and make the organization’s human resources a competitive advantage and source of pride for the firm.107.As one of his first tasks, Steve’s boss asks him to develop a database of the education, special capabilities, and specialized skills of all the employees. This is known as a ______________.a.simple design of the organizationb.human resource inventoryc.division of labord.job analysis(b; moderate; p. 326)108.Steve believes that part of the reason for the high turnover is that individual jobs are very poorly defined. Employees are not sure of what is expected of them and that performance standards are unequal between regions and functions. Steve conducts a _________ for each position, defining all the jobs and behaviors necessary to perform them.a.job descriptionb.job specificationc.job analysisd.job satisfaction analysis(c; moderate; p. 326)。


第一章:管理和组织1. 什么是管理?管理的目标是什么?管理是指通过计划、组织、领导和控制等一系列活动,使组织能够有效地实现其目标。
2. 什么是组织?组织的类型有哪些?组织是指由一群人共同协作,追求共同目标的社会系统。
3. 管理者的角色有哪些?请举例说明。
第二章:管理环境1. 什么是管理环境?管理环境对组织有何影响?管理环境是指组织所处的外部环境和内部环境。
2. 请列举几个影响管理环境的因素,并简要说明其影响。
第三章:管理理论1. 请简要介绍几个著名的管理理论。


第1章管理与组织导论1.1 本章要点详解本章要点■管理者为什么很重要■谁是管理者以及他们在哪里工作■管理者做什么■管理者工作是如何变化的■为什么要学习管理重难点导学一、管理者为什么很重要?(1)在当今复杂、混乱和不确定的时代,组织需要管理者的管理技能和能力。
图表1-1 组织的特征(1)每个组织都有一个明确的目标,这个目标通常是以该组织希望实现的目标来表达的。



管理学第九版清华大学出版社课后习题答案第12章Chapter 12 Human Resource ManagementTRUE/FALSE QUESTIONSWHY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT1.High-performance work practices are those that lead to high individual and high organizationalperformance.(True; moderate; p. 323)2.High-performance work practices involve a commitment by management to improve the knowledgeskills and abilities of the organization’s employees, increasing employee motivation, and enhancing the retention of quality employees.(True; easy; p. 323)THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS3.The human resource management (HRM) process consists of 10 activities necessary for staffing theorganization and sustaining high employee performance.(False; moderate; p. 323)4. A labor union is an organization that represents workers and seeks to protect their interests. (True; easy; p. 323)5.In the United States, nearly 25 percent of all workers are unionized.(False; moderate; pp. 323-324)6.Affirmative action programs assure that minorities are given equal opportunities in the workplace. (False; difficult; p. 324)7. A community fire department can categorically deny employment to a firefighter applicant who isconfined to a wheelchair.8.The United States will experience a shortage of 20 million workers over the next 10 years accordingto the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.(False; moderate; p. 325)HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING9.Human resource planning can be condensed into two steps: assessing current human resources andassessing and meeting future resource needs.(True; easy; p. 326)10.Job descriptions focus on the job, while job specifications focus on the person.(True; easy; p. 326)RECRUITMENT AND DECRUITMENT11.One disadvantage to employee referrals as a source of job candidates is that candidates tend to beminimally skilled.(False; moderate; p. 327)12.Firing and early retirements are two decruitment options.(True; moderate; p. 328)SELECTION13.A selection device is valid if it measures the same thing consistently.(False; difficult; p. 329)14.A good interviewer will minimize any prior knowledge about the applicants’ background, experience,interests, test scores, or other characteristics.(True; difficult; p. 332)15.Reference checks generally provide useful information for most jobs.16.In a realistic job preview (RJP), an applicant might be told that there are limited opportunities tointeract with peers during office hours and that the likelihood for advancement is slim.(True; moderate; p. 333)ORIENTATION17.There are three types of orientation: work unit orientation, organization orientation, and proceduralorientation.(False; moderate; p. 334)TRAINING18.Job rotation is the implementation of lateral transfers allowing employees to work at different jobs inan organization.(True; moderate; p. 336)EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT19.Types of performance appraisal methods include written essays, multiperson comparisons, andgraphic rating scales.(True; easy; p. 337)COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS20.The primary determinant of an individual’s pay is job performance, not seniority.(True; difficult; p. 340)21.Variable pay systems reward employees for the job skills and competencies they can demonstrate. (False; moderate; p. 340) CAREER DEVELOPMENT22.The idea of increased personal responsibility for one’s career has been described as a boundarylesscareer in which individuals define their career progression.(True; moderate; p. 341)CURRENT ISSUES IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT23.Studies find that downsizing is as stressful for the survivors as it is for the victims.(True; moderate; p. 342)24.Although most sexual harassment complaints are filed against men, the percentage of charges filedagainst women has steadily risen over the past decade.(True; moderate; p. 344)25.Sexual harassment is defined as any desired action or activity of a sexual nature that explicitly affectsan individual’s employment, performance, or work environment.(False; easy; p. 344)26.A firm can do little to protect itself from sexual harassment claims. It is usually one employee’s w ord against another’s.(False; moderate; p. 344)27.The environment in today’s organizations with mixed-gender work teams and working long hours isundoubtedly contributing to an increased number of workplace romances.(True; moderate; p. 344)28.Work life conflicts are less relevant for male and single employees as they are for married andfemale employees.(False; easy; p. 346)29.Today’s progressive workplaces provide a wide range of scheduling options and benefits that allowemployees more flexibility at work and allow them to better balance or integrate their work and personal lives.(True; easy; p. 346)30.People who prefer integration are more likely to respond positively to options such as flextime andpart-time hours.(False; moderate; p. 347)MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.WHY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT31.Various studies have concluded that an organization’s human resources can be a significant source of_______________./doc/1a4427616.htmlpetitive advantageb.problems for managementc.frustration for employeesd.high-performance work practices(a; moderate; p. 322)32.High-performance work practices are characterized by ____________.a.improving knowledge, skills, and abilities of employeesb.allowing managers to lead in their own best stylec.allowing employees to loaf on the job as long as they can produce average daily production levelsd.decreasing employees’ motivation(a; moderate; p. 323)33.High-performance work practices include such activities as ______________.a.closed communicationb.centralized decision makingc.firm job assignmentsd.self-managed teams(d; moderate; p. 323)THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS34.The first _______________ activities of the human resource management (HRM) process ensurethat competent employees are identified and selected.a.twob.threec.fourd.five(b; moderate; p. 323)35.The final three activities of the HRM process _______________.a.ensure that the organization retains competent and high-performing employeesb.ensure that the organization selects and trains competent employeesc.identify for the organization the best compensation packages for the new hiresd.provide employees with up-to-date knowledge and skills(a; moderate; p. 323)/doc/1a4427616.htmlbor unions use ____________ to protect the rights of their members.a.functional operationsb.new product developmentc.collective bargainingd.process(c; easy; p. 323)37.In organizations, _____________ programs ensure that protected classes are retained and theiropportunities are maintained.a.needs-based analysisb.functionalc.global human resource managementd.affirmative action(d; moderate; p. 324; AACSB: Diversity)38.Federal laws, the largest environmental factor constraining human resource activities, cover suchprocesses as _______________.a.choosing employees to be hiredb.directing who can be hiredc.selecting who can be firedd.selecting pay scales(b; moderate; p. 324)39.What U.S. act permits employees in organizations with 50 or more workers to take up to 12 weeks ofunpaid leave each year for family or medical reasons?a.Civil Rights Act of 1991b.Fair Pay Overtime Initiativec.Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993d.Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996(c; easy; p. 324)40.What U.S. act requires that employers destroy personal information about employees beforediscarding it if they received the information from the credit report?a.Civil Rights Act of 1991b.Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Actc.Privacy Actd.Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act(b; moderate; p. 325)41.By 2010, more than half of all workers in the United States will be _______________.a.baby boomersb.Gen Yersc.over 40d.retiring(c; moderate; p. 325)HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING42.The beginning point for any human resource planning process is the examination of the currenthuman resource status by making a _____________.a.strategic planb.human resource inventoryc.product evaluationd.analysis of customer demands(b; easy; p. 326)43.An assessment that defines the jobs and behaviors necessary to perform the job is known as a_____________.a.job descriptionb.job specificationc.goal-oriented job definitiond.job analysis(d; difficult; p. 326)44.Job analysis is concerned with which of the followinghuman resource planning aspects?a.deciding how well someone is performing his or her jobb.what behaviors are necessary to perform a jobc.hiring someone to do a jobd.estimating pay on job level in an organization(b; easy; p. 326)45.A written statement of what a job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done is known as_____________.a.job specificationb.process departmentalizationc.goal-oriented job definitiond.job description(d; moderate; p. 326)46.A list of the minimum qualifications or requirements needed by an employee to perform a job isknown as a ____________.a.job analysisb.job descriptionc.responsibility factor listd.job specification(d; moderate; p. 326)RECRUITMENT AND DECRUITMENT47.Recruitment is the process of _____________.a.hiring employees from competitorsb.locating, identifying, and attracting potential employeesc.measuring the pressure in the local labor marketd.hiring from outside the organization(b; difficult; p. 327)48.If human resource planning shows a surplus of employees,management may want to reduce theorganization’s workforce through ______________.a.recruitmentb.decruitmentc.expansiond.jobbing(b; moderate; p. 327)49.As a source of potential job candidates, _____________ generates the best referrals, because a goodreferral reflects on the source of the recommendation.a.the company Web siteb.the Internetc.employee referralsd.professional recruiting organizations(c; moderate; p. 327)50.While _____________ reaches a tremendous number of people, it also generates many unqualifiedcandidates for jobs.a.the company Web siteb.the Internetc.employee referralsd.college recruiting(b; moderate; p. 327)51.Which of the following is a disadvantage of recruiting at colleges?a.limited supplyb.generates many unqualified candidatesc.may not increase workforce diversityd.limited to entry-level positions(d; easy; p. 327)52.As a decruitment option, ____________ are a temporary involuntary termination that can last from afew weeks to several years./doc/1a4427616.htmlyoffsb.attritionsc.transfersd.early retirements(a; moderate; p. 328)53.Which of the following is not an option for decruitment?a.attritionb.reduced workweeksc.early retirementsd.Internet hiring(d; moderate; p. 328)54.Which of the following decruitment methods is accomplished by not filling openings created bynormal retirements?a.firing/doc/1a4427616.htmlyoffsc.attritionb.reduced workweeks(c; moderate; p. 328)SELECTION55.The selection process is _______________.a.determining who is best for a jobb.not related to performance in the jobc.an exercise in predictiond.determining how to best train employees(a; moderate; p. 328)56.____________ is the proven relationship between the selection device and some relevant jobselection criterion.a.Responsibilityb.Unreliabilityc.Reliabilityd.Validity(d; moderate; p. 329)57.____________ indicates how consistent a selection device measures a criterion.a.Operational scoringb.Qualificationc.Reliabilityd.Validity(c; moderate; p. 330)58.Which of the following is an example of selection device reliability?a.An applicant’s score on an intelligence test predicted his or her job performance.b. A superior job performer was given a low interview score by all five independent interviewers.c.The intelligence test significantly predicted the job performance of 250 job applicants.d. A protected group individual was given a low selection score and was a poor job performer. (b; difficult; p. 330)59.Asking a candidate for an automotive mechanic’s position to deconstruct and reconstruct part of anengine motor would be an example of what kind of selection device?a.spatial testb.performance-simulation testc. intelligence testd. interview(b; easy; p. 330)60.______________ involves presenting applicants with a miniature model of a job and having themperform a task that is central to that job.a. An interviewb. A written testc. A vertically integrated interviewd. Work sampling(d; difficult; p. 330)61.Assessment centers are best if they are used to select ______________.a.senior managementb.semiskilled workersc.routine operatives in the firmd.unskilled workers(a; moderate; p. 330)62.A strength of using an application form as a selection device is that ______________.a.relevant biographical facts that can be verified have been shown to be valid performancemeasures for some jobsb.many items on most forms are valid in selecting good employeesc.they are moderately valid predictors for many semiskilled and unskilled lower-level jobs inindustrial organizationsd.they are reasonably good predictors for supervisory positions(a; difficult; p. 331)63.A weakness of using a performance-simulation test is that it is ____________.a.typically expensive to create and administerb.based on job analysis datac.is not a proven predictor of job performanced.subject to potential biases(a; moderate; p. 331)64.To use a physical exam as a selection device, a company must ____________.a.be sure the physical requirements are valid and that they do not discriminateb.have an insurance carrier that does not require the testingc.prove that supervisors do not need physical abilities to perform their jobsd.prove that the test has nothing to do with insurance(a; difficult; p. 331)65.Interviews are valid predictors of success in the workplace if _____________.a.some illegal questions are askedb.questions are unstructuredc.questions are structuredd.they are short(c; moderate; p. 332)66.A good interviewer would ask ____________.a.―What type of work have you done before?‖b.―Do you own your own home?‖c.―Do you have a physical disability that would prevent youfrom doing this job?‖d.―Have you ever filed a workman’s compensation claim?‖(a; difficult; p. 332)67.A(n) __________ that includes both positive and negative aspects about the job and the companyprovides higher job satisfaction and lower turnover.a.structured interviewb.unstructured interviewc.realistic job previewd.assessment center(c; moderate; p. 333)ORIENTATION68.______________ familiarizes the employee with the goals of the work unit, clarifies how his or herjob contributes to the unit goals, and includes an introduction to his or her new co-workers./doc/1a4427616.htmlanizational orientationb.Work unit orientationc.Procedural orientationd.An assessment center(b; easy; p. 334)69.Successful orientation, whether formal or informal, results in an outsider-insider transition that________________.a.makes the new member feel uncomfortableb.helps the new member feel fairly well adjustedc.lowers the likelihood of high work performanced.increases the probability of a surprise resignation(b; easy; p. 334)TRAINING70.It has been estimated that the dollar amount spent by U.S. firms on formal courses and trainingprograms is _____________.a.$553 millionb.$956 millionc.$31 billiond.$51 billion(d; easy; p. 334)71.If a training event includes learning to be a better listener or learning to interact effectively with teammembers and customers, it is attempting to teach _____________.a.technical skillsb.interpersonal skillsc.problem-solving skillsd.observational skills(b; difficult; p. 335)72.What traditional training method involves employees working with an experienced worker whoprovides information, support, and encouragement?a.e-learningb.experiential exercisesc.mentoring and coachingd.on-the-job training(c; moderate; p. 336)73.What training method involves employees participating in role playing, simulations, or other face-to-face types of training?a.experiential exercisesb.job rotationc.mentoring and coachingd.on-the-job training(a; moderate; p. 336)74.What training method is Internet-based learning where employees participate in multimediasimulations or other interactive modules?a.CD-ROM/DVD/videotapes/audiotapesb.e-learningc.experiential exercisesd.videoconferencing/teleconferencing/satellite TV(b; moderate; p. 336; AACSB: Technology)75.What is considered a technology-based training method?a.classroom lecturesb.experiential exercisesc.videoconferencing/teleconferencing/satellite TVd.workbooks/manuals(c; easy; p. 336; AACSB: Technology)EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT76._______________ is a process of setting standards and measuring employee performance to arrive atperformance standards.a.Time and motion studyb.Benchmarkingc.Legal influence arrangementsd. A performance management system(d; difficult; p. 337)77.The use of ___________ focuses the evaluator’s attention on key behaviors that distinguish effectivefrom ineffective work performance.a.simple analysisb.job analysisc.critical incidentsd.graphic rating scales(c; difficult; p. 337)78.A performance appraisal method that allows the evaluator to rate employees on an incremental scaleis called a ____________.a.written essayb.critical incidentc.graphic rating scaled.multiperson comparison(c; difficult; p. 337)79.A performance appraisal system that combines a graphic rating scale and a critical incident systeminto one process is a(n) _______________.a.written essayb.360-degree feedbackc.objectived.behaviorally anchored rating scale(d; difficult; p. 337)80.________________ is a proc ess used to compare one’s performance with that of others.a.Multiperson comparisonb.Job analysisc. A critical incidentd. A graphic rating scale(a; difficult; p. 338)81.______________ is often used for appraising managers and professional employees.a.Management by objectivesb.Job analysisc. A critical incidentd. A graphic rating scale(a; difficult; p. 338)82.The most thorough performance appraisal method, _____________, utilizes feedback fromsupervisors, employees, and coworkers.a.management by objectivesb.360-degree feedbackc.critical incidentsd.graphic rating scales(b; difficult; p. 338)COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS83.An organization’s compensation system has been shown to have an impact on its _______________.a.turnoverb.profitsc.strategic performanced.productivity(c; difficult; p. 339)84.What is not a factor that can influence compensation and benefits?a.appearance and sexb.unionizationc.geographical location/doc/1a4427616.htmlbor intensive(a; easy; p. 339)85.Skill-based pay systems rely on the employee’s_____________ to define his or her pay category.a.job titleb.job skillsc.job performanced.job description(b; difficult; p. 339)86.What pay systems seem to be more successful in manufacturing organizations than in serviceorganizations and organizations pursuing technical innovations?a.skill-based pay systemsb.traditional pay systemsc.variable pay systemsd.incentive pay systems(a; moderate; pp. 339-340)CAREER DEVELOPMENT87.What is defined as the sequence of positions held by a person during his or her lifetime?a.jobb.careerc.boundaryless careerd.high-performance work practices(b; easy; p. 340)88.What is a characteristic of career development programs today?a.They are typically designed to help employees advance their work lives within a specificorganization.b.The focus of such programs is to provide employees the information, assessment, and trainingneeded to help them realize their career goals.c.They are a way for organizations to attract and retain highly talented people.d.They have all but disappeared due to widespread organizational changes.(d; moderate; p. 340)89.What is a suggestion offered for a successful management career?a.have your boss support youb.develop a networkc.stay in your first job for at least seven yearsd.take the first job you’re offered(b; easy; p. 341)CURRENT ISSUES IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT90.__________________ is the term used to define planned elimination of jobs in an organization.a.Downsizingb.Decruitmentc.Recruitmentd.Planned firing(a; moderate; p. 342)91.When an organization _______________, it may need to eliminate jobs.a.is faced with increasing market shareb.has grown too slowlyc.has been poorly managedd.is confronted with new management(c; moderate; p. 342)92.In providing assistance to employees being downsized, many organizations offer some form of_______________.a.severance payb.employee trainingc.orientationd.family-friendly benefits(a; moderate; p. 342)93.To help survivors of downsizing cope with their new stress, managers might want to ____________.a.individually call employees into the office intermittently with those being downsizedb.offer some form of severance payc.provide job search assistanced.provide counselors for employees to talk to(d; moderate; p. 342)94.To improve workplace diversity, managers should _______________.a.widen their recruiting netb.downsizec.hire more employee referralsd.recruit more minority candidates(a; difficult; p. 342; AACSB: Diversity)95.Which of the following statements is true of current situations in human resource management?a.To improve workforce diversity, managers need to narrow their approach to recruiting.b.Once a diverse pool of applicants is defined, a manager does not need to address discriminationas a problem.c.Recent research has shown that diversity makes moving into a workforce harder for women andminorities.d.Some organizations are aggressively pursuing diversity efforts.(d; difficult; p. 343; AACSB: Diversity)96.About _______________ Fortune 500 companies have been sued for sexual harassment.a.one in tenb.one in fivec.one in threed.one in two(c; moderate; p. 344)97.__________________ creates an unpleasant work environment and undermi nes workers’ ability toperform their job.a. A workplace romanceb.Diversityc.Sexual harassmentd.Work-family imbalance(c; easy; p. 344)98.When there are sexual harassment claims against an organization, the courts want to know whetherthe organization _______________.a.knew about the alleged behavior/doc/1a4427616.htmlcated their employees on sexual harassment mattersc.had mechanisms available to monitor employeesd.ensured that no retaliatory actions were taken against a person who has filed the charges(a; moderate; p. 344)99.Why are workplace romances potentially problematic fororganizations?a.an increased work-family life imbalanceb.the potential for sexual harassment accusationsc.flirting on the job affects productivityd.couples tend to act as their own team(b; moderate; p. 345)100.What can organizations do to protect themselves against workplace romances?a.have mechanisms available to monitor employeesb.ensure that no retaliatory actions are taken/doc/1a4427616.htmlcate employees on the dangers of workplace romancesd.have some type of policy regarding workplace dating among coworkers(d; moderate; p. 345)101.―Family-friendly benefits‖ commonly include programs like _____________.a.health insurance programsb.health savings accountsc.time off for school functionsd.individual retirement accounts(c; easy; p. 346)102.People who prefer segmentation are more likely to be satisfied and committed to their jobs when offered options such as _______________.a.job sharing/doc/1a4427616.htmlpany-sponsored family picnicsc.on-site child cared.gym facilities(a; moderate; p. 347)103.What is not one way that organizations are controlling their health care costs?a.passing on additional health care costs to employeesb.firing those who refuse to quit smokingc.providing opportunities for employees to lead healthy lifestylesd.eliminating health insurance from their benefit programs(d; moderate; p. 347)104.Many reasonably sound companies no longer provide _______________.a.health insuranceb.family-friendly benefitsc.pension plansd.stock options(c; moderate; p. 347)SCENARIO QUESTIONSFor each of the following, choose the answer that most completely answers the question.WHY HUMAN RESOUCE MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANTHuman Resource Planning (Scenario)Steve is hired to manage the human resources department of a local manufacturing company. This company has the reputation of being the firm ―where you work until you fi nd your next job.‖ Employee turnover is high and morale is low. Steve is determined to change the situation and make the organization’s human resources a competitive advantage and source of pride for the firm.105.Steve believes that achieving competitive success in business today requires that managers change how they thinkabout their employees and how they view the work relationship. He hopes to initiate workplace programs geared toward improving organizational commitment to improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees, increasing employee motivation, and enhancing retention of quality employees. These traits have been found to be consistent with ______________.a.employee empowermentb.high-performance work practicesc.the human resources management processd.performance appraisal methods(b; moderate; p. 323)THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESSThe New Hire (Scenario)Frances begins her career working in the human resources department of a major corporation. She is asked to help ensure that the organization is following the federal guidelines for employment.106.Frances reviews the ______________ guidelines, which outlines practices that enhance the employment, upgrading, and retention of protected groups.a.employment need-basedb.functional employmentc.global human resource managementd.affirmative action(d; difficult; p. 324; AACSB: Diversity)HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNINGHuman Resource Planning (Scenario)Steve is hired to manage the human resources department of a local manufacturing company. This company has the。

第十九章: 控制的基础学习目的:为控制下定义解释控制为什么重要描述控制过程区分三种不同类型的控制说明哪些因素是管理者能够控制的对比组织目标和系统方法对组织的效果解释战略伙伴方法为什么能够提高组织的效果描述一个有效控制系统的特征解释控制是如何演变为机能障碍的什么是控制控制【control】监视活动以确保其按计划进行和纠正任何重大偏差的过程。
换句话说, 控制就是要消除计划与执行的偏差, 使组织一切活动都能按有利于实现组织的目标的方向进行, 使组织运行方式更加可靠、更加便利和更加有效。
控制的重要性1. 它可使管理者了解组织目标是否实现, 及没有实现的原因。
2. 管理者需要向员工授权控制的过程控制过程【control process】衡量实际绩效, 将其与标准比较, 采取管理行动纠正偏差或不适当的标准的过程。
应该注意, 控制过程假定行动的标准总是存在的, 这些标准实际上就是一系列目标。
衡量为了确定实际工作的绩效究竟如何, 管理者首先需要的是收集必要的信息如何衡量: 有四种信息常常被管理者用来衡量实际工作绩效个人的观察: 提供了实际工作的最直接和最深入的第一手资料。
统计报告:可以清楚有效地显示各种数据之间的关系, 但是它只是提供几个关键的数据, 信息有限口头汇报: 快捷的、有反馈的但在存档和重新使用方面诸多不便书面报告:更正式, 更精确和全面, 易于分类和存档当比较慢, 缺乏反馈。
衡量什么标准是衡量实际成果的尺度, 是从一个完整的计划中提取出来的对工作成果进行计量的关键点, 即将组织的总目标具体化为数量化的、可考核的、多样的部门目标、指标和标准, 使之成为衡量计划进度和最终成果的标尺和工具。
控制标准的类别实物标准成本标准资本标准收益标准时间标准比较通过比较实际工作成效与控制标准, 会出现两种情况: 一是没有出现偏差, 一是出现了偏差。
一般来说, 管理工作的实际成效与控制标准不可能完全一致, 两者之间总会有一定的偏差, 因此, 人们往往规定了一个可以浮动的范围, 只要实际结果在这个范围之内就可以认为不存在偏差, 则该控制过程暂告完成;而一旦实际结果在允许范围之外, 就可以认为存在偏差, 则控制过程进入下一步骤。

罗宾斯《管理学》习题答案第一章:管理和组织1. 什么是管理?管理是一种通过组织和协调组织内外资源,以实现组织目标的活动。
2. 管理者的角色有哪些?管理者的角色包括:决策者、沟通者、协调者、资源分配者、监督者和激励者等。
3. 组织的特点有哪些?组织的特点包括:目标导向、人员组合、协作和分工、形式和非形式结构等。
4. 什么是组织文化?组织文化是指组织内部共享的价值观、信念和行为方式。
5. 管理学的历史和发展管理学的历史可以追溯到古代,但现代管理学的发展主要起源于20世纪初。
第二章:管理环境1. 管理环境的组成部分有哪些?管理环境包括内外环境。
3. 技术环境对管理的影响有哪些?技术环境对管理的影响包括信息技术的发展、生产工艺的改进和自动化等方面。
4. 政治环境对管理的影响有哪些?政治环境对管理的影响主要表现为政府政策、法律法规和政府政策等方面。
第三章:管理理论1. 传统管理理论有哪些?传统管理理论包括科学管理学、行政管理学和人际关系学。

3.管理者的分类:1) 基层管理者:指最低层的管理人员。
2) 中层管理者:包括所有处于基层和高层之间的各个管理层次的管理者,他们管理着基层管理者,可能具有地区经理、项目主管、工厂厂长或事业部经理的头衔。
3) 高层管理者:即处于或者接近组织顶层的管理者,他们承担着制定广泛的组织决策,为整个组织制定计划和目标的责任。



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