
• Describe different personalight © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Learning Outcomes (cont.)
9Chapter Foundations of Individual Behavior
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Learning Outcomes
• Identify the focus and goals of organizational behavior (OB).
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Emotional Intelligence
Five dimensions: • Self-awareness • Self-management • Self-motivation • Empathy • Social skills
Personality Theories
Personality: A unique combination of emotional, thought, and behavioral patterns that affect how a person reacts to situations and interacts with others.
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
9.2 Explain the role that attitudes play in job performance.



罗宾斯《管理学》第九版试题罗宾斯《管理学》第九版试题Chapter 10 – Organizational Structure and DesignTrue/False QuestionsA MANAGER’S DILEMMA1. According to the boxed feature, ―A Manager’s Dilemma,‖ Nokia was once involved in industries rangingfrom paper to chemicals and rubber.True (moderate)2. According to the boxed feature, ―A Manager’s Dilemma,‖ Nokia has been competing in thetelecommunications industry since 1965.False (moderate)DEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE3. Organizational design is the organization's formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated.False (difficult)4. The concept of work specialization can be traced back a couple of centuries to Adam Smith's discussion ofdivision of labor.True (moderate)5. The degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs is division of labor.True (moderate)6. Historically, many organizations have grouped work actions by function departmentalization.True (moderate)7. Grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow istermed customer departmentalization.False (moderate)8. Geographic departmentalization has greatly increased in importance as a result of today’s competitivebusiness environmentFalse (moderate)9. A group of individuals who are experts in various specialties and who work together is a cross-functional team.True (moderate)10. Authority is the individual's capacity to influence decisions.False (difficult)11. Authority is synonymous with responsibility.False (easy)12. Responsibility is the rights inherent in a managerial position.False (easy)13. A manager's span of control refers to the number of subordinates who can be effectively and efficientlysupervised.True (moderate)14. The classical view of unity of command suggests that subordinates should have only one superior to whom they report.True (easy)15. The trend in recent years has been toward smaller spans of control.False (easy)16. When decisions tend to be made at lower levels in anorganization, the organization is said to bedecentralized.True (moderate)17. Decentralization describes the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in theorganization.False (moderate)18. In the last 35 years, there has been a trend of organizations moving toward increased decentralization.True (easy)19. Appropriate organizational structure depends on four variables: the organization's strategy, size, technology, and degree of environmental uncertainty.True (difficult)20. Standardization refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extent towhich employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.False (moderate)ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS21. An organic organization tends to be characterized by high specialization, extensive departmentalization,narrow spans of control, high formalization, a limited information network, and little participation indecision-making by low-level employees.False (moderate)22. An organic organization would likely be very flexible.True (moderate)23. Innovators need the efficiency, stability, and tight controls of the mechanistic structure.False (easy)24. The relationship between organizational size and structure tends to be linear.False (difficult)25. Joan Woodward attempted to view organizational structure from a technological perspective.True (moderate)26. Woodward demonstrated that organizational structures adapted to their technology.True (moderate)27. Woodward's findings support that there is "one best way" to organize a manufacturing firm.False (moderate)28. The strength of the functional structure is that it focuses on results.False (moderate) it is the strength of divisional structure.\\\\\\\29. According to the text, a functional structure creates strategic business units.False (moderate)COMMON ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGNS30. Project structures tend to be rigid and inflexible organizational designs.False (easy)Multiple ChoiceA MANAGER’S DILEMMA31. Accordi ng to t he company profile in ―A Manager’s Dilemma,‖ the organizational structure of Nokia is best described as ______________.a. mechanisticb. organic (moderate)c. centralizedd. formalized32. The factor contributing the most to Nokia’s success in the mobile phone industry according to the company profile in ―A Manager’s Dilemma‖ is ______________.a. new product development (moderate)b. government subsidiesc. national trade barriersd. weak competition33. ______________ is the process of creating an organization's structure.a. Human resource managementb. Leadingc. Organizing (moderate)d. Planninge. DepartmentalizationDEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE34. According to the text, a(n) ______________ is the formal framework by which job tasks are divided,grouped, and coordinated.a. mission statementb. environmental scanc. internal resource analysisd. organizational structure (moderate)35. Which of the following is not one of the six key elements in organizational design?a. work specializationb. departmentalizationc. chain of commandd. bureaucratic design (difficult)e. span of control36. Work specialization is also known as ______________.a. departmentalization.b. centralization.c. span of control.d. formalization.e. division of labor. (easy)37. The term ______________ is used to describe the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided intoseparate jobs.a. work ethicsb. managerial capitalismc. social responsibilityd. work specialization (moderate)38. When did the idea of enlarging, rather than narrowing, job scope begin?a. 1950sb. 1960s (moderate)c. 1970sd. 1980se. 1990s39. Which of the following is not an example of the classical viewof division of labor?a. assembly-line productionb. Burger Kingc. Taco Belld. TQM (moderate)e. Kentucky Fried Chicken40. ______________ is the basis on which jobs are grouped inorderto accomplish organizational goals.a. Departmentalization (moderate)b. Centralizationc. Formalizationd. Coordinatione. Efficiency41. A local manufacturing organization has groups of employees whoare responsible for sales, marketing,accounting, human resources, etc. These are examples of what concept?a. authorityb. chain of commandc. empowermentd. departmentalization (moderate)e. social grouping42. Grouping sporting equipment in one area, men's clothing in another area, and cosmetics in a third area, is anexample of what kind departmentalization?a. customerb. product (easy)c. geographicd. processe. outcome43. Sales responsibilities divided into the southwest, midwest, southern, northern, and western regions would bean example of ______________ departmentalization.a. productb. geographic (easy)c. processd. outcomee. customer44. Grouping activities on the basis of customer flow is______________.a. functional departmentalization.b. product departmentalization.c. geographical departmentalization.d. process departmentalization. (moderate)e. technological departmentalization.45. What type of departmentalization expects that each department will specialize in one specific phase of the process or product production?a. productb. geographicc. process (easy)d. outcomee. customer46. What kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government organization where different publicservice responsibilities are divided into activities for employers, children, and the disabled?a. productb. geographicc. processd. outcomee. customer (moderate)47. Which of the following is not a form of departmentalization suggested by your text?a. functional departmentalizationb. product departmentalizationc. geographical departmentalizationd. process departmentalizatione. technological departmentalization (difficult)48. Today's competitive business environment has greatly increasedthe importance of what type ofdepartmentalization?a. geographicb. customer (difficult)c. productd. processe. outcome49. According to the text, managers are using ______________, which are groups of individuals who areexperts in various specialties and who work together.a. specialized teamsb. cross-demanded teamsc. cross-functional teams (moderate)d. simple structured teams50. Which of the following is a contemporary addition to thehistorical view of departmentalization?a. increased rigidityb. cross-functional teams (moderate)c. enhanced centralizationd. elimination of product departmentalizatione. addition of sales departmentalization51. Bringing together the company's legal counsel, research engineer, and marketing specialist for a project isan example of a(n) ______________.a. empowered team.b. process departmentalization.c. product departmentalization.d. cross-functional team. (moderate)e. continuous improvement team.52. The ______________ is the continuous line of authority that extends from upper organizational levels to thelowest levels and clarifies who reports to whom.a. chain of demandb. chain of command (easy)c. demand hierarchyd. continuous design structure53. To whom a worker reports concerns which aspect of organizational structure?a. chain of command (moderate)b. departmentalizationc. pay structured. line of commande. authority framework54. ______________ entitles a manager to direct the work of a subordinate.a. Responsibilityb. Legitimate powerc. Rankd. Operating responsibilitye. Authority (moderate)55. ______________ is the obligation to perform assigned activities.a. Authorityb. Responsibility (easy)c. Chain of commandd. Unity of commande. Formalization56. The ______________ principle (one of Fayol’s 14 principles of management) helps preserve the concept ofa continuous line of authority.a. unity of demandb. unity of command (moderate)c. demand structured. continuous demand57. Span of control refers to which of the following concepts?a. how much power a manager has in the organizationb. the geographic dispersion of a manager's subunits ofresponsibilityc. how many subordinates a manager can effectively and efficiently supervise (moderate)d. the number of subordinates affected by a single managerial ordere. the amount of time it takes to pass information down through a manager's line of command58. Other things being equal, the wider or larger the span of control, the more ______________ theorganizational design.a. bureaucraticb. democraticc. effectived. efficient (difficult)e. classical59. Wider spans of control may be viewed as more efficient, but eventually, wider spans tend to have whateffect on organizations?a. reduced effectiveness (difficult)b. increased turnoverc. loss of managerial powerd. customer dissatisfactione. rigid chains of command60. An organization that spends money on maintaining a well-trained work force can expect which of thefollowing span-of-control outcomes?a. increased contempt for managementb. increased voluntary turnoverc. centralized authorityd. less direct supervision (moderate)e. increased need for managerial-level employees61. A high-tech manager who supervises the development of a new computer chip needs ______________compared to a manager who supervises the mailing of unemployment insurance checks at the localgovernment office.a. about the same span of controlb. a narrower span of control (difficult)c. a wider span of controld. a more informal span of controle. elimination of the span of control62. In general, span of control is ______________ for managers.a. increasing (easy)b. decreasingc. staying the samed. significantly decreasinge. no longer important63. ______________ describes the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in theorganization.a. Decentralizationb. Centralization (moderate)c. Transnationalismd. Cross sectional analysis64. If lower-level employees provide input or are actually given the discretion to make decisions, theorganization is ______________.a. formalized.b. centralized.c. decentralized. (easy)d. mechanistic.e. organic.65. Recently, there has been a distinct trend toward ______________.a. smaller spans of control.b. decentralized decision-making. (moderate)c. decreased flexibility.d. emphasis on chain of command.e. mechanistic organizations.66. Which of the following factors WOULD NOT influence an organization to have a higher degree ofcentralization?a. Environment is stable.b. Company is geographically dispersed. (difficult)c. Company is large.d. Decisions are significant.e. Organization is facing a crisis.67. ______________ refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extentto which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.a. Standardizationb. Centralizationc. Chain of commandd. Strategye. Formalization (moderate)68. All of the following factors indicate that a decentralized organization would be most effective EXCEPTwhen ______________.a. the environment is complex.b. decisions are relatively minor.c. the organization is facing a crisis. (difficult)d. the company is geographically dispersed.e. effective implementation of strategies depends on managers having involvement and flexibilityto make decisions.69. Which of the following factors describes an environment in whicha high degree of decentralization isdesired?a. Environment is complex, uncertain. (moderate)b. Lower-level managers do not want to have a say in decisions.c. Decisions are significant.d. Company is large.e. Organization is facing a crisis or the risk of company failure.70. The ______________ organizational structure is characterized by high specialization, extensivedepartmentalization, narrow spans of control and high formalization.a. mechanistic (easy)b. organicc. contingencyd. adhocracye. functional71. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mechanistic organization?a. high specializationb. wide spans of control (moderate)c. high formalizationd. limited information networke. extensive departmentalization72. What type of organizational form follows classical principles such as unity of command?a. organicb. linearc. decentralizedd. mechanistic (moderate)e. adhocracyORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS73. Which of the following would likely be found in mechanistic organizations?a. wide span of controlb. empowered employeesc. decentralized responsibilityd. few rules and/or regulationse. standardized job specialties (difficult)74. All of the following are characteristics of an organic organization EXCEPT:a. narrow spans of control. (moderate)b. cross-hierarchical teams.c. free flow of information.d. low formalization.e. cross-functional teams.75. In the early years of Apple Computers, its desire for highly proficient and creative employees who operatedwith few work rules was an example of what type of organization?a. bureaucraticb. mechanisticc. volatiled. nouvellee. organic (difficult)。

Chapter 13 – Managing Change and InnovationTrue/False QuestionsWHAT IS CHANGE?1. Change is an organizational reality.True (easy)2. Organizational change can be alteration in people, structure, or technology.True (moderate)FORCES FOR CHANGE3. The marketplace is an external force of change.True (moderate)4. The change in demand for health care technicians is an example of an economic change.False (difficult)5. Economic changes are an internal force of change.False (moderate)6. Any manager can be a change agent.True (moderate)TWO VIEWS OF THE CHANGE PROCESS7. The "calm waters" approach to change would be consistent with Lewin's concept of unfreezing, changing,and refreezing.True (difficult)8. In the "white-water rapids" metaphor of change, managers should expect change at any time, and it may lastfor unspecified lengths of time.True (moderate)MANAGING CHANGE9. Change threatens the investment you've already made in the status quo.True (easy)10. One reason people resist change is that is substitutes ambiguity for uncertainty.False (difficult)11. The manager's options for change essentially fall into three categories: structure, technology, and product.False (difficult)12. Computerization is a technological change that replaces people with machines.False (moderate)13. Probably the most visible technology changes in recent years have come through managers’ efforts toexpand corporate financing.False (moderate)14. Sensitivity training is a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction.True (easy)15. Organizational cultures tend to resist change.True (moderate)16. Techniques to change people and the quality of interpersonal work relationships are termed organizationaldevelopment.True (moderate)17. Cultural change is easier when the organizational culture is strong.False (easy)18. The first step in accomplishing organizational cultural change is to initiate a reorganization.False (moderate)CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MANAGING CHANGE19. Cooptation refers to covert attempts to influence.False (moderate)20. Manipulation is using direct threats.False (moderate)21. A major disadvantage of coercion is that it is frequently illegal.True (moderate)22. Negotiation refers to covert attempts to influence, twisting and distorting facts or withholding information.False (moderate)23. In cooptation, an organization seeks to "buy off" the leaders of a resistance group by giving them a key rolein the change decision.True (moderate)24. Never negotiate with employees as a means of overcoming resistance to change.False (moderate)25. The first step in changing organizational culture is to conduct a cultural analysis.True (easy)26. In process reengineering, a company drastically changes its structure, technology, and people by startingfrom scratch in reexamining the way the organization's work is done.True (moderate)27. Stress is a dynamic condition a person faces when confronted with an opportunity, constraint, or demandrelated to what he or she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.True (moderate)28. In terms of organizational factors, any attempt to lower stress levels has to begin with employee selection.True (moderate)MANAGING WORKFORCE DIVERSITY29. The Paradox of Diversity is described as situations in which limitations are placed upon diverse individualsby strong organizational cultures.True (moderate)STIMULATING INNOVATION30. Creativity is the process of taking an idea and turning it into a useful product, service, or method ofoperation.False (difficult)Multiple ChoiceA MANAGER’S DILEMMA31. According to the company profile in “A Manager’s Dilemma,” whic h of the following branded productsdoes Panamerican Beverages, Inc sell in Latin America?a.Pepsib.Coca-Cola (moderate)c.Ocean Sprayd.Gatoradee.Evian32. According to the company profile in “A Manager’s Dilemma,” Francisco Sanchez-Loaeza, Panamco’sChairman a nd CEO, attributes all of the following organizational factors as important to the company’s success EXCEPT:a.centralized management philosophy (moderate)b.logistical expertisec.innovative merchandising strategiesd.excellent financial stewardshipe.decentralized management philosophyWHAT IS CHANGE?33. Being a manager, with no environmental uncertainty or threat of competitors' new products, would besimple without any ______________.a. government regulations.b. unions.c. diversity.d. cultural differences.e. change. (moderate)FORCES FOR CHANGE34. Which of the following is not an external force of change?a. marketplaceb. government laws and regulationsc. technologyd. economic changese. work force (moderate)35. The Americans With Disabilities Act is an example of which of the following forms of environmentalchange?a. internalb. technologyc. government laws and regulations (moderate)d. labor marketse. economic36. Changing human resource activities to attract and retain health care specialists due to increased needs forthose workers is an example of what kind of environmental change factor?a. marketplaceb. technologyc. labor markets (difficult)d. economice. government laws and regulations37. Falling interest rates would most stimulate what change factor for a manager?a. marketplaceb. government laws and regulationsc. labor marketsd. economic (easy)e. technology38. Which of the following is not an internal force of change?a. technology (moderate)b. strategyc. work forced. employee attitudese. equipment39. What change factor did Harley-Davidson motorcycles react to in its turnaround of production qualitycontrol and modernization?a. technologyb. externalc. work forced. equipmente. strategy (difficult)40. Increasing the numbers of employed women and minorities forces managers to pay attention to whatchange factor?a. strategyb. work force (moderate)c. equipmentd. technologye. employee attitudes41. Labor strikes are an example of what change factor that may encourage a change in management thinkingand practices?a. work forceb. equipmentc. employee attitudes (easy)d. strategye. government laws and regulations42. In organizations, people who act as catalysts and assume responsibility for managing the change process,are called ______________.a. change masters.b. change agents. (moderate)c. operations managers.d. charismatic leaders.e. transformational leaders.43. In an organization, who is usually the change agent?a. CEOb. executive vice-presidentc. any manager or nonmanager (difficult)d. any competitore. union leaders44. In spurring organizational change, outside consultants are usually more ______________, while internalmanagers may be more ______________.a. drastic; thoughtful (moderate)b. highly paid; riskyc. resistant; boldd. cautious; friendlye. interested; scaredTWO VIEWS OF THE CHANGE PROCESS45. Lewin's theory is consistent with which view of organizational change?a. continuousb. contemporaryc. Mayo'sd. "calm waters" (moderate)e. change in the 1990s46. Who theorized the change process involving unfreezing, changing, and refreezing?a. Druckerb. Robbinsc. Lewin (easy)d. Mayoe. Lawler47. According to Kurt Lewin, which of the following is not a stage in the change process?a.unfreezingb.changingc.refreezingd.restraining (moderate)48. According to Kurt Lewin, increasing the driving forces, which direct behavior away from the status quo, isa means of doing which of the following?a. unfreezing (moderate)b. changingc. restraining forcesd. refreezinge. melting49. Which of the following terms best describes the two primary views of the change process?a. problematic, encouragedb. occasional, continuous (difficult)c. costly, conservatived. optimistic, pessimistice. reactive, proactive50. Which of the following is the objective of refreezing, according to Lewin?a. directs behavior away from the status quob. hinders movement away from existing equilibriumc. changes to a new environmentd. eliminates the need for future changee. stabilize the new situation (moderate)51. According to the text, the ______________ is consistent with uncertain and dynamic environments.a.calm-waters metaphorb.white-water rapids metaphor (moderate)c.contemporary metaphord.continuous metaphore.cultural metaphor52. A manager who comes to work every morning expecting that today will definitely bring new challengesfrom competitors, the work force, etc., views organizational change in what way?a. pragmaticb. continuous (moderate)c. pessimisticd. reactivee. occasional53. According to the text, managers in such businesses as wireless telecommunications, computer software,and women’s high-fashion clothing have long confronted the ______________.a.calm-waters metaphorb.white-water rapids metaphor (moderate)c.contemporary metaphord.continuous metaphore.cultural metaphorMANAGING CHANGE54. As ______________, managers should be motivated to initiate change because they are committed toimproving their organization's effectiveness.a. change agents (difficult)b. efficiency expertsc. manipulatorsd. process consultantse. reengineering specialists.55. Managers' options for change essentially fall into what three categories?a. environment, technology, and missionb. structure, technology, and people (difficult)c. mission, structure, and peopled. mission, environment, and processe. environment, attitudes, and processes56. Ac cording to the text, “changing structure” includes alteration in any of the following EXCEPT:a.authority relations.b.coordination mechanisms.c.degree of centralization.d.job redesign.e.technology (moderate)57. Which of the following is not a part of organizational structure?a. work specializationb. departmentalizationc. chain of commandd. formalizatione. work processes (difficult)58. If an organization increases the span of control, what factor is being focused on in an organizational change?a. structure (difficult)b. peoplec. technologyd. strategye. human resources59. A company that decides to decentralize its sales procedures is managing what change category?a. technologyb. peoplec. equipmentd. competitorse. structure (moderate)60. According to the text, competitive factors or new innovations within an industry often require managers tointroduce all of the following EXCEPT:a.new equipment.b.new tools.c.new operating methods.d.new employees (moderate)61. ______________ is a technological change that replaces people with machines.a. Operationsb. Organizational developmentc. Automation (moderate)d. Roboticse. Downsizing62. Probably the most visible technological changes in recent years have come through manager s’ efforts toexpand _____________.a.corporate financing.anizational culture.puterization.d.employee retention.63. When grocery stores installed scanners to read the product price, this was an example of managing whatchange category?a. technology (moderate)b. peoplec. competitorsd. structuree. laws and regulations64. If Kraft Foods hired a consultant to decrease group friction and enhance cooperative work relationships,this would be an example of managing what change category?a. technologyb. people (difficult)c. competitorsd. structuree. laws and regulations65. Techniques to change people and the quality of interpersonal work relationships are termed______________.a. operations.b. organizational development. (moderate)c. downsizing.d. robotics.e. automation.66. ______________ is a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction.a. Survey feedbackb. Organizational developmentc. Sensitivity training (moderate)d. Process consultatione. Team building67. According to the text, an individual is likely to resist change because of all of the following reasonsEXCEPT:a.uncertainty.b.increased productivity. (easy)c.concern over personal loss.d.belief that the change is not in the organizati on’s best interest.68. Which of the following reactions to change is a threat to the investment you have already made in the statusquo?a. uncertaintyb. freezingc. change is not good for the organizationd. concern over personal loss (moderate)e. refreezing69. Which of the reasons for resistance to change may be beneficial to the organization?a. uncertaintyb. freezingc. change is not good for the organization (difficult)d. refreezinge. concern over personal loss70. All of the following are mentioned in the text as actions that managers can use to deal with resistance tochange EXCEPT:cation and communication.b.diversification (moderate)c.participation.d.facilitation and support.e.negotiation.71. Which of the following techniques for reducing resistance to change is based on the belief that, ifemployees receive the full facts and clarifications, they will no longer be resistant?a. education and communication (easy)b. participationc. facilitation and supportd. negotiatione. manipulation and cooptation72. If K-mart has employees serving on the committee to decide what color the new uniform colors should be,this is an example of what tactic for reducing change resistance?a. education and communicationb. manipulation and cooptationc. participation (easy)d. facilitation and supporte. coercion73. If a bank offers personal and financial counseling to employees prior to an upcoming downsizing, this is anexample of what kind of tactic for reducing change resistance?a. education and communicationb. coercionc. manipulation and cooptationd. negotiatione. facilitation and support (moderate)74. If management offers the union guaranteed wage hikes and a no-layoff promise in exchange for help inimplementing a new production process, this would be an example of what kind of tactic for reducing change resistance?a. participationb. facilitation and supportc. coerciond. negotiation (difficult)e. manipulation and cooptation75. If a state legislator purposely misrepresents public employee wages to the citizens in order to applydownward wage pressure in the collective bargaining process, this would be an example of what kind of tactic for reducing change resistance?a. negotiationb. coercionc. cooptationd. education and communicatione. manipulation (difficult)76. ______________ refers to covert attempts to influence, twisting and distorting facts or withholdinginformation.a. Negotiationb. Coercionc. Cooptationd. Education and communicatione. Manipulation (moderate)77. "Buying off" the leader of a resistance group in order to get his/her endorsement is an example of what kindof tactic for reducing change resistance?a. negotiationb. coercionc. education and commitmentd. cooptation (moderate)e. facilitation and support78. ______________ is using direct threats or force on those who resist change.a. Negotiationb. Coercion (moderate)c. Cooptationd. Education and communicatione. Manipulation79. A manager who threatens to ruin an employee's name in the company if he/she does not cooperate with animpending organizational change is using what kind of tactic for reducing change resistance?a. negotiationb. coercion (moderate)c. manipulation and cooptationd. education and communicatione. facilitation and supportMANAGING YOUR CAREER80. According to the boxed feature, “Managing Your Career,” all of the following are examples of means inwhich individuals can reinvent themselves EXCEPT:a.take advantage of continuing education or graduate courses at local colleges.b.sign up for workshops and seminars that can help enhance personal skills.c.depend on the organization to provide career development and training opportunities.(moderate)d.voice concerns in a constructive manner.81. Which of the following represents the relationship between organizational culture and change?a. Culture and change are naturally compatible.b. Culture tends to be very resistant to change. (moderate)c. Culture can change in months but not weeks.d. Culture can never be purposely changed.e. There is no relationship between culture and change.82. Which of the following is not a favorable situational condition that may facilitate change in organizationalculture?a. A dramatic crisis occurs.b. The culture is weak.c. Stock price sharply falls. (moderate)d. The organization is young and small.e. Leadership changes hands.83. Which of the following is the first step in accomplishing organizational cultural change?a. Appoint new leadership with a new vision.b. Initiate a reorganization.c. Conduct a cultural analysis. (moderate)d. Change the selection and socialization process.e. Introduce new stories and rituals to convey the new mission.84. Which of the following is the last step in accomplishing organizational cultural change?a. Make it clear that change is necessary to organizational survival.b. Introduce new stories and rituals to convey new vision.c. Appoint new leadership with a new vision.d. Change the selection, socialization, and reward system to support new values. (difficult)e. Initiate a reorganization.85. All of the following describe Continuous Quality Improvement EXCEPT:a. continuous, incremental change.b. fixing and improving.c. redesigning. (moderate)d. mostly "as is."e. works from bottom up in organization.86. Which of the following statements reflects the relationship between Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)and reengineering?a. They are basically the same.b. CQI begins with reengineering.c. They are radically different. (difficult)d. Reengineering begins with TQM.e. Both require decentralized participative decision-making.87. In _____________, a company drastically changes its structure, technology, and people by starting fromscratch in reexamining the way the organization's work is done.a.process reengineeringb.Continuous Quality Improvement (moderate)c.team buildingd.structural realignment88. All of the following describe process reengineering EXCEPT:a. radical change.b. redesigning or starting over.c. mostly "what can be."d. fixing and improving. (moderate)e. initiated by top management.89. ______________ is a dynamic condition a person faces when confronted with an opportunity, constraint, ordemand related to what he or she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.a.Stereotypingb.Stress (moderate)c. A halo effectd.Creativity90. Which of the following is true concerning stress?a. It is a static condition.b. Stress is a negative reaction to an outside force.c. Stress is often associated with constraints and demands. (moderate)d. Stress limits performance.e. Stress has nothing to do with opportunity.91. Which of the following must be present for potential stress to become actual stress?a. uncertainty, importance (moderate)b. risk, valuationc. age, uncertaintyd. certainty, riske. pain, desire92. According to the text, stress symptoms can be grouped under any of the following three general categoriesEXCEPT:a.physiological.b.cultural (moderate)c.psychological.d.behavioral.93. Which of the following general categories of stress symptoms is least relevant to managers?a.physiological. (moderate)b.culturalc.psychological.d.behavioral.94. In terms of organizational factors, any attempt to lower stress levels has to begin with ______________.a. employee work loads.b. the reward system.c. the organizational leader.d. the organizational culture.e. employee selection. (difficult)95. Which of the following is the primary condition to reducing organizational stress?a. good job/person match (moderate)b. merit pay systemc. decentralizationd. caring and understanding managemente. fewer government laws and regulations96. Which of the following is true concerning stress that arises from an employee's personal life?a. A manager should offer advice.b. A manager who understands his/her subordinates can help control employee personal stressors.c. Management involvement may raise ethical concerns. (moderate)d. A caring manager can be the most effective counselor.e. There is nothing the organization should or can do to help relieve personal stressors. STIMULATING INNOVATION97. ______________ refers to the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associationsbetween ideas.a. Innovationb. Imaginationc. Creativity (moderate)d. Interpretive thinkinge. CQI98. ______________ is the process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a useful product, service, ormethod of operation.a. Innovation (moderate)b. Imaginationc. Creativityd. Interpretive thinkinge. CQIMANAGING IN AN E-BUSINESS WORLD99. According to the boxed feature, “Managing in an E-Business World,” which of the following best describesthe metaphor of the E-business world?a.calm-watersb.white-water rapids (moderate)c.contemporaryd.continuouse.cultural100. According to the boxed feature, “Managing in an E-Business World,” Tivoli Systems is a division of which of the following companies?a.General Motorsb.Microsoftc.IBM (moderate)d.Hewlett Packarde.Gateway101. Which of the following is an example of a variable that can foster innovation?a. mechanistic structureb. organic structure (difficult)c. few organizational resourcesd. low ambiguity acceptancee. low job security102. Which of the following is not a cultural value that supports innovation?a. acceptance of ambiguityb. tolerance for the impracticalc. high external controls (moderate)d. focus on ends, not meanse. open-system focus103. Which of the following human resource variables is supportive of organizational innovation?a. low commitment to trainingb. selection of Type A employeesc. high job security (moderate)d. unionizatione. long job tenure104. ______________ actively and enthusiastically support new ideas, build support, overcome resistance, and ensure that innovations are implemented.a.Idea champions (moderate)b.Whistle blowersc.Idea generatorsd.Idea screeners105. According to the text, all of the following are common personality characteristics of idea champions EXCEPT:a.extremely high-self-confidenceb.persistencec.energyd.risk averse (moderate)ScenariosFORCES FOR CHANGEChanging The Way (Scenario)Due to his spouse's accepting a promotion, Colin had recently left his private sector job in Kansas and accepted a new position in public service with the state of Ohio. The change had been quite a shock at first. The organizational cultures were quite different and each environment offered a different set of challenges. One new challenge Colin accepted was implementing changes into a state government system. Historically, this environment had not seen a lot of changes, and now, with the changes in Washington and the move toward privatization, change was necessary. Plus, his agency director was also new and had announced that the agency would be developing a new strategic plan. Together, Colin had been through many changes recently, and would be involved in more in the near future.106. The changes the state government was facing due to pressures put on by Washington could be referred to as a(n) ______________ force of change.a. drivingb. external (moderate)c. technologicald. internale. marketplace107. The changes Colin's agency was facing due to the new strategic plan anticipated from the new director could be referred to as a(n) ______________ force of change.a. drivingb. externalc. technologicald. internal (moderate)e. marketplace108. If Colin accepts the responsibility and acts as a catalyst for change, he could be referred to as a(n)a. change master.b. director of change.c. change agent. (each)d. change manager.e. enforcer of change.TWO VIEWS OF THE CHANGE PROCESS109. The past environment of state government, with very little change, where the status quo is considered the equilibrium state, would be consistent with all but which of the following terms?a. calm watersb. unfreezingc. refreezingd. white-water rapids (easy)e. LewinMANAGING CHANGEMaking Change Happen (Scenario)Colin was getting accustomed to his surroundings in state government. His efforts at getting people to accept change had met with a little resistance due to his and his new director's efforts and the hard work of his subordinates. But now the hard part really started, actually managing the change. What techniques could he and his agency's new director employ to most effectively implement changes that would result in increased productivity in his department? He considered changing three aspects of his agency: the structure, technology, and people.110. If the new agency director decided to remove layers in the agency and increase the span of managerial control, this would be considered changing thea. structural design.b. selection process.c. degree of centralization.d. structural components. (moderate)e. technological design.111. If the agency director decided to shift away from a functional to a product design, this would be considered changing thea. structural design. (challenging)b. selection process.c. degree of centralization.d. structural components.e. technological design.112. If Colin decided to replace some employee work time with a telephone menu system, this would be considered changing thea. organizational structure.b. technology. (moderate)c. people.d. organizational development.e. attitudes.113. Finally, Colin decided his people could benefit from ___________, a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction.a. survey feedbackb. sensitivity training (difficult)c. team buildingd. intergroup developmente. process consultationCONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MANAGING CHANGEChanging Culture (Scenario)Mandy recently returned from her two-day managerial seminar, How to Totally Change Your Management and Leadership Style in Two Days. Even though she felt the seminar was worthless (as she had predicted), it did give her a chance to think about how to change the culture of her organization. She had been brought in by the new CEO as a change agent, and her position had the authority to have impact. She felt that the recent hostile takeover by their parent company had shocked everyone, especially given that the entire organization consisted of only 150 people and had been in business for only five years. She felt this might be the time to attempt the cultural change while everyone was still thinking in terms of change. As she tossed her leadership seminar manual into the wastebasket, she considered what might be her first step and how well the cultural change would work.114. Of the following, which is an advantage that Mandy has to implement cultural change?a. her new leadership skillsb. the recent purchase of her company (difficult)c. previous stable leadershipd. her managerial levele. her change agent power115. Which of the following statements is true concerning the leadership of Mandy's company and its effect on cultural change?a. New top leadership can be an advantage. (moderate)b. New top leadership is rarely an advantage.c. It is important for the cultural change to begin with employees first.d. Leadership issues have little impact on cultural change.e. Retaining the old leadership would have been preferable for cultural change.116. Which of the following statements about her company is most advantageous to Mandy as she attempts to change the cultural leadership?a. Change would be easiest with a company that is older and has a small number of employees.b. Change would be easiest in an older company with many employees.c. Small companies that are new are easiest in which to implement change. (difficult)d. Small companies that are old are easiest in which to implement change.e. In terms of cultural change, company size and age rarely matter.117. Of the following, which statement about her company's previous culture would be most advantageous to her accomplishing a change?a. A previously strong culture is receptive to change.b. A previously nonexistent culture is receptive to change.c. A moderately strong culture is receptive to change.d. A weak culture is more receptive to change. (difficult)e. An organization with multiple cultures is receptive to change.。



第七章一、选择题1·( )是正式计划而非非正式计划的特征。
a.组织内部很少或没有共同目标 b.计划工作是普遍的c.为实现目标存在具体的行动计划 d.关注结果2·( )属于计划工作的四个原因之一。
a.计划自动地增加灵活性 b.计划减少不确定性c.计划即使不确定也具有价值d·计划不是件容易的工作,需要经过高强度训练才能制定好的计划3·( )是个体、群体和整个组织期望的产出。
a.计划 b.目 c.战略 d.政策4·( )是组织向外界宣称的试图使各种利益相关群体相信的正式的陈述。
a.真实目标 b.陈述目标c·目标管理 d.方向性计划5.不是融资目标例子的是( )。
a.较大的现金流 b.较高的分红、c·较高的红利和较好的信用等 d.较大的市场份额6·( )构成了组织的整体目标,( )具体表明整体目标怎样达到。
a.战略计划;运营计划 b.长期计划;短期计划c.具体计划;方向性计划 d.持续性计划;一次性计划7.长期计划的时间框架是( )。
a·小于一年 b.大于一年c·超过两年 d.超过三年8·短期计划的时间框架是( )。
a.一年左右 b.两年左右 c.三年左右 d.四年左右9·制定一般指导原则的灵活性计划是( )。
a·运营计划 b.战略计划 c.具体计划 d.方向性计划l0·当环境的不确定性很高时,( )更好。
a·战略计划 b.方向性计划c·运营计划 d.持续性计划11为满足特定情况需要,对非程序性决策作出反应而制定的计划是L )。
a·短期计划 b.具体计划 c.方向性计划 d.一次性计划12·( )计划提供了对重复进行的活动的持续指导。
a·方向性 b.持续性c·运营 d.一次性13‘窑三…:中j首先设立组织的最高目标,然后将其分解为每一个组织层次的子目标。


Chapter 7 – Foundations of PlanningTrue/False Questions4. Research indicates that managers who plan always outperform managers who do not plan.False (moderate)9. Plans that specify the details of achievement of the overall objectives are calledoperational plans.True (difficult)10. Directional plans have clearly defined objectives.False (moderate)12. Standing plans are created in response to programmed decisions that managers make andinclude policies, rules, and procedures.True (moderate)13. The greater the environmental certainty, the more plans need to be directional andemphasis placed on the short term.False (moderate)22. An organization's real goals are what they actually plan on accomplishing, rather thanwhat they hope to accomplish.False (moderate)24. Real goals are official statements of what an organization says its goals are.False (easy)Multiple Choice36. One purpose of planning is that it minimizes ______________ and ______________.a. cost; timeb. time; personnel needsc. waste; redundancy (difficult)d. time; wastee. mistakes; cost38. What does the evidence suggest about organizations that plan compared to organizationsthat do not plan?a. Planning organizations always outperform nonplanning organizations.b. Nonplanning organizations always outperform planning organizations.c. Planning organizations generally outperform nonplanning organizations (easy)d. Nonplanning organizations generally outperform planning organizations.e. They generally perform at about the same level.45. Which of the following is the foundation of planning?a. employeesb. goals (easy)c. outcomesd. computerse. the planning department46. According to the text, _____________ are documents that outline how goals are going tobe met and which typically describe resource allocations, schedules, and other necessary actions to accomplish the goals.a.strategiesb.goalsc.plans (moderate)d.policiese.procedures50. Which of the following is true concerning an organization's stated objectives?a. They issue identical objectives to all constituents.b. Organizations typically have internal and external sets of objectives.c.They may issue different objectives to stockholders, customers, employees, and thepublic.(moderate)d. It is illegal to issue conflicting stated objectives.e. Stated objectives are usually in line with short-term actions.54. What should a person do to understand what are the real objectives of the organization?a. observe organizational member actions (moderate)b. attend a stockholders annual meetingc. read their statement of purposed. read their annual reporte. watch television news reports59. When we categorize plans as being single-use versus standing, we categorize them by______________.a. breadth.b. specificity.c. frequency of use. (easy)d. depth.e. time frame.61. Based on the information presented in the text, ______________ are short term,specific, and standing.a. operational (moderate)b. long-termc. strategicd. specifice. directional67. An organizational plan that has a 6-year time frame would be considered what type ofplan?a. operationalb. short-termc. strategicd. intermediatee. long-term (moderate)68. Strategic plans tend to include a time period of usually ______________.a. 1 year.b. 1-3 years.c. 3 years or more. (moderate)d. 5 years or more.e. at least 10 years.71. Compared to directional plans, what type of plan has clearly defined objectives?a. strategicb. single-usec. short-termd. specific (moderate)e. standing76.Planning accuracy with a high degree of environmental change tends to produce which ofthe following results?a. Planning accuracy is likely.b. Planning accuracy becomes much more important.c. Planning accuracy becomes less important.d. Planning accuracy is less likely. (moderate)e. Planning accuracy occurs in the long-run.78. A ______________ plan is a one-time plan designed to meet the needs of a uniquesituation and created in response to nonprogrammed decisions that managers make.a. single-use (easy)b. short-termc. directionald. standinge. strategic79. A small town's preparation for a visit by the President of the United States would beconsidered what type of plan?a. strategicb. directionalc. standingd. long-terme. single-use (moderate)81. A city's policy concerning skateboarding on downtown sidewalks providing guidance forpolice action would be considered what type of plan?a. standing (difficult)b. contingencyc. directionald. single-usee. strategic84. Where in the organizational hierarchy are traditional goals determined?a. front-line employeesb. team leadersc. lower-level managersd. middle managerse. top managers (moderate)89. A management system in which specific performance goals are jointly determined byemployees and their managers is known as ______________.a.management by objectives. (moderate)b.means-ends chain.c.traditional goal setting.d.management by opinions.91. Which of the following is not one of the four common elements of Management ByObjectives (MBO)?a. goal specificityb. participative decision-makingc. an explicit time periodd. a systems loop (difficult)e. performance feedback93. Management By Objectives (MBO) can be described by which of the following statements?a. an autocratic systemb. a "bottom up" systemc. a "top down" systemd. both a "top down" and a "bottom up" system (difficult)e. a static system105. According to the boxed feature, “Managing in an E-Business World,” probably the biggest change for planning in e-business is that ______________.a.the environment is more stable.b.customers are calling the shots. (moderate)c.employees are making the demands.d.only a few competitors exist.Essay Questions122. In a short essay, list and discuss the four reasons for planning.Answera.Planning establishes coordinated effort. It gives direction to managers andnonmanagers alike. When employees know where the organization or work unit aregoing and what they must contribute to reach goals, they can coordinate theiractivities, cooperate with each other, and do what it takes to accomplish thosegoals. Without planning, departments and individuals might be working at cross-purposes, preventing the organization from moving efficiently toward its goals.b.Planning reduces uncertainty by forcing managers to look ahead, anticipate change,consider the impact of change, and develop appropriate responses. It alsoclarifies the consequences of actions managers might take in response to change.Even though planning can’t eliminate change, managers plan in order to anticipatechanges and develop the most effective response to them.c.Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities.When work activities arecoordinated around established plans, wasted time and resources and redundancy canbe minimized. Furthermore, when means and ends are made clear through planning,inefficiencies become obvious and can be corrected or eliminated.d.Planning establishes goals or standards that are used in controlling. If managersare unsure of what they are trying to accomplish, they will be unable to determinewhether or not the goal has actually been achieved. In planning, goals and plansare developed. Then, through controlling, actual performance is compared againstthe goals, significant deviations are identified, and necessary corrective actionis taken. Without planning, there would be no way to control.(moderate)127. In a short essay, list and discuss five characteristics of well-defined goals.Answer(1) A well-designed goal should be written in terms of outcomes rather than actions.The desired end result is the most important element of any goal and, therefore, thegoal should be written to reflect this. (2) Next, a goal should be measurable and quantifiable. It’s much easier to determine if a goal has been met if it’s measurable. In line with specifying a quantifiable measure of accomplishment, (3) a well-designed goal should also be clear as to a time frame. Although open-ended goals may seem preferable because of their supposed flexibility, in fact, goals without a time frame make an organization less flexible because a manager is never sure when the goal has been met or when he or she should call it quits because the goal will never be met regardless of how long he or she works at it. (4) Next a well-designed goal should be challenging but attainable. Goals that are too easy to accomplish are not motivating and neither are goals that are not attainable even with exceptional effort.(5) Next, well-designed goals should be written down. Although actually writing downgoals may seem too time consuming, the process of writing the goals forces people to think them through. In addition, the written goals become visible and tangible evidence of the importance of working toward something. (6) Finally, well-designed goals are communicated to all organizational members who need to know the goals.Making people aware of the goals ensures that they’re “on the same page” and working in ways to ensure the accomplishment of the organizational goals.(moderate)128. In a short essay, list and discuss the five steps in the goal-setting process.Answera.Step 1: Review the organization’s mission, the purpose of the organization.These broad statements of what the organization’s purpose is and what it hopes toaccomplish provide an overall guide to what organizational members think isimportant. It’s important to review these statements before writing goals becausethe goals should reflect what the mission statement says.b.Step 2: Evaluate available resources. A manager doesn’t want to set goals thatare impossible to achieve given the available resources. Even though goals shouldbe challenging, they should be realistic. If the resources a manager has to workwith doesn’t allow for the achievement of that goal no matter how had the managertries of how much effort is exerted, that goal shouldn’t be set.c.Step 3: Determine individually, or with input from others, the goals. These goalsreflect desired outcomes and should be congruent with the organizational missionand goals in other organizational areas. These goals should be measurable,specific, and include a time frame for accomplishment.d.Step 4: Write down the goals and communicate them to all who need to know.Writing goals down forces people to think them through and also makes those goalsvisible and tangible evidence of the importance of working toward something.e.Step 5: Review results and whether goals are being met. Make changes, as needed.Once the goals have been established, written down, and communicated, a manager isready to develop plans for pursuing the goals.(difficult)129. In a short essay, list and discuss the three contingency factors that affect planning.Answera.Level in the organization–for the most part, operational planning dominatesmanagers’ planning efforts at lower levels. At higher organizational levels, theplanning becomes more strategy oriented.b.Degree of environmental uncertainty–when environmental uncertainty is high,plans should be specific, but flexible. Managers must be prepared to reword andamend plans as they’re implemented. At times, managers may even have to abandon their plans.c.Length of future commitments –the more that current plans affect futurecommitments, the longer the time frame for which managers should plan. This commitment concept means that plans should extend far enough to meet those commitments made when the plans were developed. Planning for too long or for too short a time period is inefficient and ineffective.(moderate)。

罗宾斯《管理学》习题答案第一章:管理和组织1. 什么是管理?管理是一种通过组织和协调组织内外资源,以实现组织目标的活动。
2. 管理者的角色有哪些?管理者的角色包括:决策者、沟通者、协调者、资源分配者、监督者和激励者等。
3. 组织的特点有哪些?组织的特点包括:目标导向、人员组合、协作和分工、形式和非形式结构等。
4. 什么是组织文化?组织文化是指组织内部共享的价值观、信念和行为方式。
5. 管理学的历史和发展管理学的历史可以追溯到古代,但现代管理学的发展主要起源于20世纪初。
第二章:管理环境1. 管理环境的组成部分有哪些?管理环境包括内外环境。
3. 技术环境对管理的影响有哪些?技术环境对管理的影响包括信息技术的发展、生产工艺的改进和自动化等方面。
4. 政治环境对管理的影响有哪些?政治环境对管理的影响主要表现为政府政策、法律法规和政府政策等方面。
第三章:管理理论1. 传统管理理论有哪些?传统管理理论包括科学管理学、行政管理学和人际关系学。


Chapter 8 - Strategic ManagementTrue/False Questions3. The first step in the strategic management process is analyzing the external environment.False (difficult)6. Within an industry, an environment can present opportunities to one organization and pose threats to another.True (moderate)The final step in the strategic management process is implementing the objectives.False (difficult)TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES11.Corporate-level strategics arc developed for organizations that run more than one type of business.True (moderate)The business group that is characterized by having low growth but high market share is known as a cash cow.True (moderate)According to the Boston Consulting Group matrix, question marks are businesses that generate large amounts of cash, but their prospects lor future growth are limited?False (moderate)According to Porter's competitive strategies framework, the cost leadership strategy would result in the best quality product at a justifiable cost.False (difficult)Multiple Choice38.The strategic management process is divided into which of the following sections?a.planning, implementation, and evaluation (easy)b.problem identification, planning, and implementationc.implementation, evaluation, and restructuringd.mission statement, environmental evaluation, and specific goalse.mission statement, environmental scoping, and evaluationIn the strategic management process, the defines the organizational purpose and answersthe question: "What is our reason for being in business?" a. objective b. evaluation c. strategyd.mission (easy)e.values statement41. Which of the following is not an example of an organization's mission?a.We believe our first responsibility is to doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and all others who use ourproducts and services. (Johnson & Johnson).b.AMAX's principal products are molybdenum, coal, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc, petroleum and natural gas,potash, phosphates, nickel, tungsten, silver, gold, and magnesium.c.We at Xeren want to increase market share by 10% during the next fiscal year, (difficult)d.Wc are dedicated to the total success of Corning Glass Works as a worldwide competitor.e.Hoover Universal is a diversified, multi-industry corporation with strong manufacturing capabilities,entrepreneurial policies, and individual business unit autonomy.44.Which of the following is not part of the organization's external environment?a.what competition is doingb.pending legislation that might affect the organizationc.consumer trendsd.employees* education level (moderate)bor supplyWhat step in the strategic management process follows analyzing the external environment?a.identifying opportunities and threats (moderate)b.mission statementc.evaluationd.identifying strengths and weaknessese.formulating strategiesWhat step in the strategic management process follows analyzing the organization's resources?a.identifying opportunities and threatsb.formulating strategyc.mission statementd.implementing strategye.identifying strengths and weaknesses (easy)In the strategic management process, what step comes prior to evaluating results?a.identifying strengths and weaknessesb.formulating strategiesc.identifying opportunities and threatsd.implementing strategies (easy)f.analyzing the organization's resourcesWhat is the final step in the strategic management process?a.mission statementb.identifying opportunities and threatsc.implementing strategicsd.analyzing the organization's resourcese.evaluating results (easy)Which of the following is one level of strategic planning in large companies?a.management levelb.financial levelc.staff leveld.corporate level (easy)e.systems levelLower level managers in an organization are typically responsible for which of the following types of strategies?a.functional-level strategiesb.business-level strategiesc.corporate-level strategiesd.mergers and acquisitionsWhich of the following is associated with corporate-lcvcl strategies?a.They are needed if your organization is in more than one type of business, (moderate)b.They answer: "How should our business compete?"c.They represent a single business.d.They arc a method of support for the business-level strategics.e.They determine the operations of a single business unit.65.When PepsiCo seeks to integrate the strategies of Pepsi, 7-Up International, and Frito-Lay, it is developingwhat level of business strategy?a.functionalb.systemc.managementd.businesse.corporate (moderate)Examples of a corporate-level stability strategy include all of the following EXCEPT:a.continuing to serve the same clients by offering the same product or service.b.maintaining market share.c.sustaining the organization's return-on-investment results.d.implementing vertical or horizontal integration, (moderate)When should management pursue a stability strategy?anizational performance is slipping.b.The environment is changing.c.The organization's performance is satisfactory and the environment is stable, (moderate)d.The firm has valuable strengths.e.There are abundant environmental opportunities.76.In, the organization attempts to gain control of its inputs by becoming its own supplier.a.forward vertical integrationb.backward vertical integration (moderate)c.horizontal integrationd.related diversificatione.unrelated diversificationWhich of the following describes a company growing by combining with other organizations in the same industry?a.forward vertical integrationb.backward vertical integrationc.horizontal integration (moderate)d.related diversificatione.unrelated diversificationWhich of the four business groups in (he corporate portfolio matrix has high growth and high market share?a.cash cowb.stars (difficult)c.question marksd.dogse.elephantsMichael Porter's competitive strategies framework identifies three generic competitive strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, and.a.depth.b.breadth.c.revenue growth.d.focus, (moderate)e.acquisition.102.Porter's competitive strategies framework describes a strategy whereby an organizationwants to be unique in its industry along dimensions widely valued by buyers.a.differentiation (moderate)b.fbcusc.cost leadershipd.depthe.defenderAccording to the boxed feature, "Managing in an E-Business World? all of the following are mentioned as major implications of the increasingly dynamic and uncertain environments on e-business strategies EXCEPT:a.environmental analysis will become an important part of everyone's job.b.strategy will become increasingly long term in orientation, (moderate)c.barriers to entry are practically nonexistent.d. a sustainable competitive advantage will be harder to achieve.ScenariosA Large Taco (Scenario)It is now ten years later and, as the original owner of Taco Rocket, you have seen your business holdings grow substantially. You now need to decide how to best manage and utilize the large number of assets represented by the companies you own. You called the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and they have offered you some advice based on their corporate portfolio matrix.117.Your oldest holding, Taco Rocket, has not grown much in recent years but, due to low debt, generates a hugeamount of cash. Taco Rocket would be considered, according to BCG, a.a.cash cow. (moderate)b.star.c.question mark.d.dog.e.does not fit with their matrix-Recently, you also purchased a company that manufactures a new satellite dish, allowing you to enter into the cable television market. The business is profitable and growing, but the technological unknowns make it risky. BGC considers it a.a.cash cow.b.star.c.question mark, (moderate)d.dog.e.does not fit with their matrix-Another purchase you made was to acquire a local coffee-cart chain with thirty locations around the city. You don't see it growing very much, bui then, ii doesn't cost much (o operate. BGC has labeled this venturea.cash cow.b.star.c.question mark.d.dog. (moderate)e.does not fit with their matrix118.You also got somewhat lucky with an investment made a few years ago. You were an original investor in a computer chip company that took off quickly and now dominates the market. While growing quickly, it docs not tend to generate positive cash flow and is in continuous need of reinvestment of equipment and product development. BGC considers this a. a. cash cow.b.star, (moderate)c.question mark.d.dog.e.does not fit with their matrix-Essay QuestionsTHE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCESSIn a short essay, list and discuss the eight steps in the strategic management process.123.In a short essay, list and discuss the three levels of strategy that an organization must develop.Answer Corporate-level strategy - this strategy seeks to determine what businesses a company should be in or wants to be in. Corporate-level strategy determines the direction that the organization is going and the roles that each business unit in the organization will plan in pursuing that direction.a.Business-level strategy - this strategy seeks to determine how an organization should compete in each ofits businesses. For a small organization in only one line of business or the large organization that has not diversified into different products or markets, the business-level strategy typically overlaps with (he organization's corporate strategy. For organizations with multiple businesses, however, each division will have its own strategy that defines the products or services it will offer and the customers it wants to reach.b.Functional-level strategy - this strategy seeks to determine how (o support (he business-level strategy. Fororganizations (hat have traditional functional departments such as manufacturing, marketing, human resources, research and development, and finance, these strategies need to support the businesslevel strategy(moderate)In a short essay, discuss the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix and explain its usefulness in segmenting businesses. Include a discussion of the characteristics for each of the four categories based on the BCG matrix.Answer The Boston Consulting Group matrix introduced the idea that an organization's businesses could be evaluated and plotted using a 2 x 2 matrix to identify which ones offered high potential and which were a drain on organizational resources. The horizontal axis represents market share, which was evaluated as either low or high; and the vertical axis indicates anticipated market growth, which also was evaluated as either low or high. Based on its evaluation, the business was placed in one of four categories:a.Cash cows (low growth, high market share) - businesses in this category generate large amounts of cash,but they prospects for future growth are limited.b.Stars (high growth, high market share) - these businesses are in a fast-growing market, and hold a dominantshare of that market. Their contribution to cash flow depends on their need for resources.c.Question marks (high growth, low market share) - these businesses are in an attractive industry, but holda small market share percentage.d.Dogs (low growth, low market share) - businesses in this category do not produce, or consume, much cash.However, they hold no promise for improved performance.(easy)In a short essay, list and discuss the five competitive forces, according to Porter, which determine industry attractiveness and profitability.Answer Threat of new entrants - determined by the height of barriers to entry which includes factors such as economies of scale, brand loyalty, and capital requirements determine how easy or difficult it is for new competitors to enter an industry.a.Threat of substitutes - factors such as switching costs and buyer loyalty determine the degree to whichcustomers are likely to buy a substitute product.b.Bargaining power of buyers - factors such as number of customers in the market, customer information,and the availability of substitutes determine the amount of influence that buyers have in an industry.c.Bargaining power of suppliers - factors such as the degree of supplier concentration and availability ofsubstitute inputs determine the amount of power that supplier have over firms in the industry.d.Existing rivalry - factors such as industry growth rate, increasing or falling demand, and product differencesdetermine how intense the competitive rivalry will be among firms in the industry.(moderate)In a short essay, list and discuss the three competitive strategics, according to Porter. Include specific examples of companies that pursue each of the three competitive strategies.Answer Cost leadership strategy - when an organization sets out to be the lowest-cost producer in its industry, it's following a cost leadership strategy. A low-cost leader aggressively searches out efficiencies in production, marketing, and other areas of operation. Overhead is kept to a minimum, and the firm does everything it can to cut costs. For example, Wal-Mart,s headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, office furnishings are sparse and drab but functional. Although low-cost leaders don't place a lot of emphasis on "frills,“ the product or service being sold must be perceived as comparable in quality to (hat offered by rivals or al least be acceptable (o buyers. Examples of companies that have used the low-cost leader strategy include Wal-Mart, Hyundai, and Southwest Airlines.a.Differentiation strategy - the company that seeks to offer unique products that are widely valued bycustomers is following a differentiation strategy. Sources of differentiation might be exceptionally high quality, extraordinary service, innovative design, technological capability, or an unusually positive brand image. The key to this competitive strategy is that whatever product or service attribute is chosen for differentiating must set the firm apart from its competitors and be significant enough to justify a price premium that exceed the cost of differentiating. Practically any successful product or sen ice can be identified as an example of the differentiation strategy: Nordstrom's (customer service); Sony (reputation for quality and innovative design); Coach handbags (design and brand image); and Kimberly-Clark's Huggies Pull-Ups (product design).b.Focus strategy - the aim of the focus strategy is at a cost advantage or a differentiation advantage in anarrow segment. That is, managers select a market segment or group of segments in an industry and don't attempt to serve the broad market. The goal of a fbcus strategy is to exploit a narrow segment of a market.These segments can be based on product variety, type of end buyer, distribution channel, or geographical location of buyers. Research suggests (hat (he focus strategy may be (he most effective choice lor small businesses because they typically do not have the economies of scale or internal resources to successfully pursue one of the other two strategies.(moderate)。



第五章口选择题1.认为通过实现利润最大化保护利益相关群体的利益是管理者的主要职责的观点是( )。
a.古典观点 b.社会经济学观点 C.社会责任 d.问题强度2.认为企业应该为其所处的更大社会环境承担自己的社会责任的观点反映的是( )。
a.古典观点 b.社会经济学观点 C.社会义务 d.问题强度3.斯巴克车辆维修公司的管理者将雇员纳入企业利益相关群体的范畴,希望吸引、保留、激励优秀员工,管理者处于组织社会责任扩展的四阶段模型中的( )。
a.阶段1 b.阶段2 c.阶段 3 d.阶段44.企业提高空气污染标准以达到法律规定的最低水平是在实践( )。
a.社会责任 b.社会义务 C.社会响应 d.问题强度5.认为社会责任违背管理古典观点的本质而反对社会责任的人在( )基础上阐述自己的观点。
a.利润最大化的偏离 b.成本 C.权力过大 d.淡化使命6.企业发现自己生产的玩具存在安全隐患时,主动召回该产品是在实践( )。
a.社会责任 b.社会义务 C.社会响应 d.问题强度7.( )强调道德的强制约束,使社会环境变好而不是变坏。
a.社会责任 b.社会义务 c.社会响应 d.问题强度8.研究表明,( )。
9.对组织决策和活动与组织对自然环境的影响之间的紧密联系的意识称为( )。
a.联结点理论 b.管理的绿色化 c.生态意识 d.利益相关群体的授权10.以绿化美国为目标的环境敏感度的最高层次是( )。
a.法律方式 b.活动家方式 c.市场方式 d.利益相关群体方式11.当意识到管理应绿色化时,大多数组织在第一阶段采取的是( )。
a.法律方式 b.市场方式 c.利益相关群体方式 d.活动家方式12.管理者建立、推行和实践组织共享价值观的管理方式是( )。

Chapter 4 Managing in a Global Environment1.In a global marketplace ____________.a.the entire world is a marketplaceb.national borders are irrelevantc.the potential for organizations to grow expands dramaticallyd.all of the above(d; moderate; p. 90; AACSB: Globalizations)2.To succeed in a global marketplace, managers must _____________.a.constantly develop new strategies to maintain their parochial viewsb.c.implement only the best practices of their home countriesd.downplay the effect of the values and customs of other cultures(b; difficult; p. 90; AACSB: Globalizations)3.One reason for parochialism in the United States is that Americans tend to study _____________in school.a.only Englishb.only two languagesc.English and Frenchd.English and Spanish(a; easy; p. 91; AACSB: Globalizations)4.a.Germans and Italians, unlike other Europeans, only speak their native language.b.Americans tend to study many other languages in school.c.More than 75 percent of all primary school children in China now learn English.d.Americans tend to think of English as the only international business language.(d; moderate; p. 91; AACSB: Globalizations)5.Ethnocentric views concentrate on their _____________.a.home countryb.host countryc.world orientationd.racial orientation(a; easy; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)6.Parochialism is ____________.a.acceptance of diverse points of viewb. a desire to leave one’s own culture for a foreign culturec. a tendency to view the world through a single perspectived.recognition of diverse religious beliefs(c; moderate; p. 91; AACSB: Globalizations)7.a.Americans should continue to push for the use of English only.b.Stick to your own customs to avoid embarrassing incidents.c.Make sure foreign businesspeople know you are American so they will speak to you inEnglish.d.Develop an understanding of multicultural differences.(d; moderate; p. 93; AACSB: Globalizations)8.a.multiculturalb.multicentricc.ethnocentricd.polycentric(c; easy; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)9.Managers with a(n) ___________ attitude view every foreign operation as different and hard tounderstand.a.geocentricb.polycentricc.ethnocentricd.transnational(b; moderate; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)10.Successful global management requires an attitude that is best described as _____________ .a.ethnocentricb.parochialc.polycentricd.geocentric(d; easy; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)11.A(n) __________ attitude is characterized by parochialism.a.geocentricb.acculturatedc.polylinguisticd.ethnocentric(d; moderate; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)12.A(n) _____________ attitude is the view that host-country managers know the best practices forrunning their operations.a.ethnocentricb.polycentricc.geocentricd.international(b; easy; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)13.The geocentric attitude is a _____________ view.a.nationalisticb.world-orientedc.culture-boundd.franchise-based(b; moderate; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)14.Successful _____________ management requires enhanced sensitivity to differences in nationalcustoms and practices.a.ethnocentricb.polycentricc.globald.parochial(c; moderate; p. 93; AACSB: Globalizations)UNDERSTANDING THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT15.The _____________ was created by the unification of 12 countries in Europe.a.European Common Marketb.European Unionc.Western European Allianced.Trans-European Market (TEM)(b; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)16.The principle reason for the formation of a regional trading alliance in Europe was to reassertmembers’ economic positions against the strength of the United States and _________.a.Canadab.Mexicoc.Japand.Russia(c; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)17.The European Union covers ______________.a.border controls, taxes, and subsidiesb.nationalistic policies and travelc.employment, investment, and traded.all of the above(d; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)18.The _____________ is a collection of countries that use a common currency.a.European Common Marketb.European Unionc.Western European Allianced.Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)(d; difficult; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)19.The single EU currency is called the ____________.a.francb.franc-markc.poundd.euro(d; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)20.The European Union currently consists of ___________.a.12 countriesb.15 countriesc.10 countriesd.25 countries(d; difficult; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)21.a.Icelandb.Irelandc.Cyprusd.Slovenia(a; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)22._______ is expected to join the European Union in 2007.a.Hungaryb.Estoniac.Romaniad.Turkey(c; moderate; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)23.The executive body of the EU, based in Brussels, is known as the ________.a.Maastricht Officeb.FTAAc.Euro Protectorated.European Commission(a; moderate; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)24.Among the member countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement, trade has___________ since the treaty was signed.a.decreased initially, but increased steadilyb.increasedc.decreasedd.increased in commodities, but decreased in manufactured goods(b; moderate; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)25.The North American Free Trade Agreement includes _________________.a.Mexico, Canada, and the United Statesb.Canada, Mexico, and Brazilc.the United States, Canada, and Hondurasd.Columbia, Mexico, and the United Sates(a; easy; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)26.a.It increased imports from Mexico by 106 percent.b.It eliminated duties on imports from Venezuela.c.It increased exports to Canada by 62 percent.d.It increased trade with the European Union.(a; easy; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)27.a.NAFTAb.FTAAc.Mercosurd.ASEAN(b; difficult; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)28.The North American Free Trade Agreement eliminated all of the following except________________.a.the need for import licensingb.tariffs on traded commoditiesc.customs user feesd.China’s role as a U.S. trading partner(a; moderate; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)29.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations includes ________________.a.the members of the European Union and Indiab.the members of NAFTA and CAFTAc. a membership of 10 Southeast Asian nationsd.none of the above(c; moderate; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)30.Each of the following is a member of ASEAN except ________________.a.Bruneib.Singaporeosd.Japan(d; moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)31.a.46b.53c.62d.67(b; moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)32.a.EUb.SAARCc.AUd.ASEAN(b; moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)33.a.GATTb.Mercosurc.UNIDIRd.Marshall Plan(a; moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)34.a.public protestsb.economic sanctionsc.trade agreementsd.peace treaties(c; moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)35.The goal of the World Trade Organization is to ___C_____.a.help develop environmental policyb.help regulate international marketsc.help businesses conduct their businessd.help reduce conflicts between nationsc moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)DOING BUSINESS GLOBALLY36.a.the fifteenth centuryb.the seventeenth centuryc.the nineteenth centuryd.the twentieth century(c; difficult; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)37.a.mid-1960sb.mid-1970sc.1945d.mid-1980s(a; moderate; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)38.Multidomestic corporations are known for _______________.a.ethnocentric attitudesb.polycentric attitudesc.multicentric attitudesd.having their holdings in one country(b; moderate; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)39.a.borderless organizationb.global companyc.multidomestic corporationd.transnational organization(c; moderate; pp. 97-98; AACSB: Globalizations)40.Multidomestic corporations _________________.a.maintain operations in multiple counties, but do not allow managers in eachcountry to make their own decisionsb.utilize ethnocentric attitudes in financial decisions, but favor polycentric views inhuman resources issuesc.utilize decentralization to make decisions in management in local countriesd.follow the tastes, preferences, and values of the home country(c; moderate; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)41.When an organization drops its structure based on countries and reorganizes according toindustries, it is pursuing a global organizational operation known as ___________.a.ethnocentrismb.polycentrismc.borderless organizationd.multinational organization(c; moderate; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)42.Transnational organizations are also known as ________.a.ethnocentric organizationsb.polycentric organizationsc.borderless organizationsd.multidomestic organization(c; moderate; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)43.Transnational organizations are focused on _________________.a.increasing efficiencyb.developing INVsc.reinforcing structural divisionsd.all of the above(a; moderate; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)44.a.international new ventureb.global companyc.born globald.joint economic market(c; difficult; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)45.a. a company that maintains operations in multiple countriesb. a company that maintains franchises in multiple countriesc. a company that has multiple home bases and manufacturing plantsd. a company that pays corporate taxes in at least two countries(a; difficult; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)46.a.Multidomestic corporations typically do business with more countries than global companiesdo.b.Multidomestic corporations are run by global companies but must be owned by a local,national company.c.Multidomestic corporations decentralize management to the local country, whileglobal companies centralize management in the home country.d.Multidomestic corporations pay more in taxes than global companies do.(c; difficult; pp. 97-98; AACSB: Globalizations)47.a.Decision making takes place at the local level.b.Nationals are typically hired to run operations in each country.c.Marketing strategies are tailored to each country’s culture.d.Products are manufactured only in the local country.(d; easy; pp. 97-98; AACSB: Globalizations)48.a.multidomestic corporationb.transnational organizationc.global companyd.regional organization(b; difficult; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)HOW ORGANIZATIONS GO GLOBAL49.a.licensingb.franchisingc.global sourcingd.strategic alliance(c; easy; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)50.In an attempt to be more aggressive, a company might export and import more. These stepsusually require ____________.a.minimal investment and minimal riskb.conducting business in a polycentric mannerc.the establishment of strategic alliancesd.abnormal operations for a geocentric organization(a; easy; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)51.Franchising is primarily used by ________________.a.political organizationsb.manufacturing organizationsc.service organizationsd.legal organizations(c; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)52.In the later stages of doing business globally, if an organization is ready to make a more directinvestment, it might utilize ______________.a.foreign subsidiariesb.strategic alliancesc.joint venturesd.all of the above(d; moderate; pp. 99-100; AACSB: Globalizations)53.An international company is most likely to develop foreign subsidiaries _______________.a.before it develops licensing agreementsb.before it develops franchising agreementsc.before it begins importing and exportingd.after it establishes strategic alliances(d; moderate; p. 100; AACSB: Globalizations)54.The process of making products domestically and selling them abroad is known as ________.a.exportingb.importingc.franchisingd.joint ventures(a; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)55.a.exporting its products to other countriesb.cross-culturally training its managersc.establishing strategic alliances with partnersd.licensing another firm to use its brand name(c; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)56.Joint ventures are a type of ____________.a.licenseb.franchisec.foreign subsidiaryd.strategic alliance(d; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)57.Foreign subsidiaries are usually managed ______________.a.through local control onlyb.through centralized control onlyc.through local or centralized controld.none of the above(c; easy; p. 100; AACSB: Globalizations)58.A domestic firm and a foreign firm sharing the cost of developing new products or buildingproduction facilities in a foreign country is called a ____________.a.franchising agreementb.joint venturec.foreign subsidiaryd.brokering agreement(b; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)59.a.cross-cultural training of the company’s managersb.sending domestic employees on regular foreign business tripsc.hiring foreign brokers to represent the organization’s product lined.creating a joint venture with suppliers around the globe(d; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)60._____________ present(s) the greatest risk to an organization going international.a.Joint venturesb.Strategic alliancesc.Licensingd.Foreign subsidiaries(d; difficult; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)MANAGING IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT61.a.legal environmentb.economic environmentc.cultural environmentd.religious environment(d; difficult; pp. 101-103; AACSB: Globalizations)62.From an economic standpoint, a threat to the global manager is _________________.a.widely fluctuating inflation rates in foreign countriesb.marginal revenues exceeding marginal costsc. a stable exchange rate between currencies in various countriesd.all of the above(a; moderate; p. 102; AACSB: Globalizations)pared to many other countries, the U.S. legal–political environment is considered____________.a.radicalb.stablec.unstabled.fixed(b; moderate; p. 101; AACSB: Globalizations)pared to many other countries, changes to the U.S. legal–political environment areconsidered ___________.a.very fast and effectiveb.fast, but not efficientc.radicald.slow(d; moderate; p. 101; AACSB: Globalizations)65.The reason that a nation’s cultural differences are the most difficult to gain information about isbecause __________________.a.people tend to be sensitive about their own cultureb.providing this information to foreign organizations reduces a competitive business advantagec.there is little written on the issued.“natives” are least capable of explaining the unique characteristics of their ownculture(d; difficult; p. 104; AACSB: Globalizations)66.ton Friedmanb.Michael Porterc.Geert Hofsteded.Abraham Maslow(c; moderate; p. 104; AACSB: Globalizations)67._____________ is a cultural dimension in which people expect others in their group to look afterthem and protect them when they are in trouble.a.Power distanceb.Collectivismc.Achievementd.Uncertainty avoidance(b; easy; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)68.a.Society accepts narrow differences in organizations.b.Title carries little power, but status power is high.c.There is little respect for those in authority.d.Titles, rank, and status carry a lot of weight.(d; moderate; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)69.a.fiveb.sixc.nined.twelve(c; moderate; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)70._____________ is a cultural measure of the degree to which people will tolerate risk andunconventional behavior.a.Power distanceb.Uncertainty avoidancec.Achievementd.Nurturing(b; easy; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)71.a.high power distanceb.low power distancec.high uncertainty avoidanced.low uncertainty avoidance(c; easy; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)72.In a society with a highly ______________ culture, strong value is placed on relationships andconcern for others.a.collectivistb.achievement-orientedc.nurturingd.uncertainty avoidant(c; moderate; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)73._____________ is a national culture attribute describing the extent to which societal values arecharacterized by assertiveness and materialism.a.Power distanceb.Uncertainty avoidancec.Achievement orientationd.Long-term orientation(c; moderate; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)74._____________ is a national culture attribute that places a high value on future occurrences.a.Power distanceb.Uncertainty avoidancec.Long-term orientationd.Leisure orientation(c; moderate; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)75.a.Singapore and Swedenb.Australia and Englandc.France and Greeced.United States and V enezuela(b; easy; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)76.a.Greeceb.Swedenc.Canadad.England(a; easy; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)77.a.future orientationb.humane orientationc.gender differentiationd.uncertainty avoidance(c easy; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)SCENARIOS AND QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.First Visit Abroad (Scenario)Bill Sanderson is halfway over the Atlantic and is excited about his first European business trip. Bill is confident about this trip but is somewhat concerned about the strange habits and foreign languages he will encounter. “If only they would just speak English like everyone else!” Bill thinks.78.a.nondiversityb.discriminationc.parochialismd.monolingualism(c; moderate; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)79.If Bill is to become successful as a global manager, he must _______________.a.attempt to change other cultures to American waysb.learn and accept other culturespete internationally but remain in the United Statesd.learn to manipulate other business cultures(b; moderate; p. 93; AACSB: Globalizations)Cultural Training (Scenario)Jane wants to expand her career opportunities in international operations of a company. She is 19 years old and currently attends a university. She has only lived in her current country and has never traveled to foreign countries.80.Jane decides to enroll in a foreign language class to help her overcome her ______________.a.parochialismb.ethnocentric attitudec.monolingualismd.polycentric attitudes(c; moderate; p. 91; AACSB: Globalizations)81.In talking with her advisor at the university, Jane decides she probably has a(n)__________ attitude, as she has never traveled abroad and only relates well to people from her home country.a.culturally focusedb.polycentricc.ethnocentricd.geocentric(c; moderate; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)82.Jane becomes involved with an international student association to give her experiences that willallow her to understand the views of students from other countries. She is trying to become more _________ in her attitude.a.parochialisticb.polycentricc.ethnocentricd.geocentric(d; difficult; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)UNDERSTANDING THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTA Foreign Alliance Talk (Scenario)As manager of the international department for your company, you have been asked by the local Chamber of Commerce to deliver a speech on foreign trade. The Chamber president even goes so far as to say “and be sure to include the EU, NAFTA, and all that stuff because we’re afraid that Ross Perot is right—all the good jobs will leave the United States.” As you pour over your notes, you try t o choose the best information to present in the allotted half hour.83.You plan to explain during your talk that the acronyms EU, NAFTA, FTAA, and ASEAN refer to________________.a.regional trade alliancesb.foreign airlinesc.soccer teams in Europed.new multinational corporations(a; difficult; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)84.One of the hottest topics of your talk will be NAFTA. One of the points that you emphasize is that______________.a.the United States has definitely come out the worst of the three nationsb.Canada is profiting the most in this arrangementc.the expansion of NAFTA has benefited North America’s competitiveness andeconomic powerd.U.S. high-tech companies, such as computer manufacturers, have been hit hard by theNAFTA provisions(c; difficult; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)85.You will also give participants a likely view of the future of the EU, which suggests that_______________.a.it will likely disband by the year 2010b.it is expected to merge with NAFTA by 2020c.Bulgaria will probably join in 2007d.Cuba has applied to join the EU(c; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)DOING BUSINESS GLOBALLYBusiness Expansion Plan (Scenario)As a business expansion director, Shana’s goal is to scout out potential locations and basically provide input on how her company should proceed with its planned expansion to Europe. There are many options, including maintaining the business’s head office in the United States and sending over company representatives when necessary or establishing separate operations facilities abroad and hiring locals as managers.86.If Shana’s company decides to open another company in France but maintain its management inthe United States, it would be considered _________________.a. a transnational corporationb. a global companyc. a regional trade allianced. a multidomestic corporation(b; moderate; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)87.If Shana’s company decides to open a completely new operation in Germany, tailoring thecompany to local customs and marketing strategies and hiring local managers, they would be considered _______________.a. a transnational corporationb. a global companyc. a regional trade allianced. a multidomestic corporation(d; moderate; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)88.If Shana’s company eliminates country-designated locations and reorganizes based on industrygroups, it would best be considered a __________________.a.borderless organizationb.strategic partnershipc.global business allianced.multidomestic corporation(a; moderate; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)89.One section of Shana’s company’s business plan involves strategic alliances and joint ventures.This section is most likely focused on the _________ phase of the company’s global business expansion.a.legalb.middlec.finald.preliminary(c; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)The European Expansion (Scenario)You have been hired by a company to look at the ways to best move the company into the European market, but you have to first determine what kind of company you are dealing with.90.If the company that has hired you is primarily used by manufacturing organizations, itis a ___________.a.licensing companyb.franchising companyc.strategic allianced.joint venture(a; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)123.If the company that has hired you is really a partnership between an organization and a foreign company, in which both share resources and knowledge in developing new products, then it is a _______________.a.licensing companyb.franchising companyc.strategic allianced.joint venture(c; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)Software Entrepreneurial Venture (Scenario)Theodore and James have formed an entrepreneurial venture to develop software for banks and other financial institutions. Their company is growing, but in looking for opportunities in the future, they decide to explore international operations.124.The international operations in their firm continue to grow. Theodore and James have come to see that decentralized management using foreign nationals to run operations in the host countries works well. Their firm has developed into a(n) ____________ organization.a.transnationalb.multidomesticc.borderlessd.franchise(b; moderate; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)125.A new and exciting opportunity has appeared that enables Theodore and James to form a joint venture with an insurance company in Japan. This will move their firm into the global role of an organization with a(n) ______________.a.minimized level of business riskb.indirect international investmentc.direct international investmentd.independent foreign subsidiary(c; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)126.Theodore and James decide to allow a firm in Europe to use the rights to their software, its brand name, and software specifications in return for a lump-sum payment. The firm is a service organization that plans to use the software to assist its customers. This agreement is known as a ________________.a.strategic allianceb.licensing agreementc.franchised.foreign subsidiary(c; difficult; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)MANAGING IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTA Different View (Scenario)127.John found out that, compared to managers in many other countries, U.S. managers are accustomed to legal and political systems that are ____________.a.stableb.fixedc.neutrald.unaffiliated(a; easy; p. 101; AACSB: Globalizations)128.John found out that wealthier nations, such as the United States, tend to ______________.a.have high uncertainty avoidanceb.be individualisticc.be collectivistd.have large power distance(b; moderate; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)129.John also found out that in some countries, such as Venezuela, titles, rank, and status carry a lot of weight. These countries have a large _________________ cultures.a.uncertainty avoidanceb.nurturingc.collectivistd.power distance(d; moderate; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)130.John knew that he did not want to manage in a country where the people have high anxiety, nervousness, and stress. He will, therefore, try to avoid countries characterized as having high _______________.a.uncertainty avoidanceb.achievement orientationc.future orientationd.power distance(a; moderate; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)The Overseas Assignment (Scenario)Christopher has a degree in business administration and has worked for a major corporation for 5 years. He is offered a chance to work in another country.131.Through research on the Internet, Christopher finds that in this country’s social framework, people are expected to look after others in their family (or organization) and protect them when they are in trouble. This society tends to support ______________.a.collectivismb.parochialismc.individualismd.monotheism(a; moderate; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)132.This new country’s people are favorably influenced by Christopher’s job title, and the status given by his experience of having worked in the home office for 5 years. This country has a large _______________.a.interest in attracting foreign executivesb.sense of uncertainty avoidancec.uncertainty avoidanced.power distance(d; difficult; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)133.Through talking to executives in the international division, Christopher realizes that his home country has the highest individualism, low power distance and uncertainty avoidance, and a strong achievement orientation. He probably lives in _____________.a.Great Britainb.Japanc.the United Statesd.Canada(c; difficult; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)。
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(F )3、效率与效果之间的差别可表述为:效果是使组织资源的利用成本达到最小化,而效率则是使组织活动实现预定的目标。
(F )6、主张通过与管理者职能相联系的办法把有关管理知识汇集起来,力图把用于管理实践的概念、原则、理论和方法糅合在一起以形成管理学科的学派是管理过程学派。
(T )8、管理科学是把科学的原理、方法和工具应用于管理的各种活动,制定用于管理决策的数学和统计模型,并把这些模型通过计算机应用于管理减低不确定性,最大限度地提高了管理活动的程序性,代表着管理理论的发展趋势,因此优于其它的管理理论。
( F )9.马克斯·韦伯的行政组织是有机式组织。
(F )10.企业内部环境包括竞争对手、顾客、供应者、政府机构、利益集团。
(F )二、选择题1、将管理要素按目标的要求结合成一个整体,体现了管理的(B )职能。
A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制2、粗略划分,管理有(ABCD )职能。
A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制3、下列(C )性质不属于管理的特性。
A. 综合性B. 应用性C. 精确性D. 艺术性4、要确保“事有人做,人有事做;事得其人,人得其事”,需做好管理中的(B )工作。
A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制5、管理的职能也就是管理工作中所包含的几类基本活动。
这些基本活动具有(CD )的性质。
这些是组织中的(A )职能。
A. 计划、控制、组织和领导B. 计划、组织、领导和控制C. 领导、计划、组织和控制D. 领导、组织、计划和控制7、某大企业人才济济、设备精良,长期以来以管理正规有序而自翔。
从管理职能分析,该企业最有可能是(C )工作存在问题。
A. 计划职能B. 组织职能C. 领导职能D. 控制职能8、美国管理大师彼德.德鲁克说过,如果你理解管理理论,但不具备管理技术和管理工具的运用能力,你还不是一个有效的管理者;反过来,如果仅具备管理技术和能力,而不掌握管理理论,那麽你充其量只是一个技术员。
这句话说明(A )A.有效的管理者应该既掌握理论,又具备管理技巧与管理工具的运用能力B.是否掌握管理理论对管理工作的有效性来说,无足轻重C.如果理解管理理论,就能成为一名有效的管理者D.有效的管理这应该注重管理技术与工具的运用能力,而不必注意管理理论9、基层管理人员必须具备(ABC )技能A. 技术技能B. 人事技能C. 概念技能D. 协调技能10、根据明茨伯格的“十角色理论”,管理者在人际关系方面主要扮演(B )角色。
A.监听者B. 联络者C. 传播者D. 发言人11、下列那些因素属于组织所面临的任务环境(AB )A. 竞争对手B. 顾客C. 技术因素D. 经济因素12、某研究所的一位管理人员告诉自己的好朋友,说他在单位的主要职责是给软件开发人员分派具体的工作任务,并指挥和监督各项具体工作任务的完成。
由此可推断,这位管理人员是(C )A. 高层管理人员B. 中层管理人员C. 基层管理人员D. 无法推断13、按照X理论的观点,(CD )。
A. 依附宽容和信任可以改进工作B. 人们都有从事生产的基本需要C. 人天生懒惰、需要激励D. 金钱比地位重要14、“大河有水小河满”和“小河有水大河干”说明(D )A. 人们看问题的角度不同B. 人们所持的心态不同C. 系统的结构决定了系统的整体效用D. 系统的整体效用不等于个体效用之和15、权变理论是根据(D )的观点提出来的。
A. 经济人B. 社会人C. 自我实现人D. 复杂人16、某建筑工地的包工头王某对其手下的民工采用了一种“胡萝卜加大棒”的管理方法,他常说的口头禅是“不好好干就回家去,干好了下个月多发奖金”,可以认为(D )是不对的。
A. 王某的观点与X理论相符B. 王某的观点与泰勒的理论相符C. 王某把民工看成经济人D. 王某把民工看成自我实现人17、泰勒曾提出差别计件薪水制,即完不成定额的按较低的计件单价(如0.5元/件),超额完成定额的按较高的计件单价(如0.7元/件)。
对这种方法进行评述是(E )。
A. 这种方法从经济上是合理的,但道义上是不合理的B. 这种方法在经济和道义上都是合理的C. 这种方法在经济上不合理,道义上合理D. 以上方法都不合理E.以上方法值得推广18、法约尔是古典组织理论的创始人,他提出过著名的管理五大职能,在计划、组织、控制、领导、协调五个职能中,(D )职能是法约尔没有提到的。
A. 计划B. 组织C. 控制D. 领导E. 协调19、某公司总经理认为公司中存在宗派不利于组织目标的实现,宗派是非正式组织,所以非正式组织对公司是不利的。
他的推断是(B )A. 完全正确B. 不正确C. 不能判断D. 没有什麽正确与不正确20、关于非正式组织如下说法中,哪一种是不正确的?(C )A.非正式组织既可对正式组织目标的实现起到积极的作用,也可产生消极影响B.非正式组织的积极作用在于可以提供员工在正式组织中很难得到的心理需要满足C.非正式组织对正式组织目标的实现有不利的影响,应该取缔D.非正式组织的消极作用的一个方面在于非正式组织的压力有时会造成组织创新的惰性。
这反映了管理学理论中的(C )A.领导素质理论B.领导特性理论C.管理万能论D.管理象征论24.以下各项,哪项应作为管理干部培训的主要目标?( B )A.传授信息与新知识,丰富和更新他们的有关概念和理论。
这反映了管理学理论中的(C )。
A.领导素质理论B.领导特性理论C.管理万能论D.管理象征论26.有人说,教师不是管理者,但也有人不同意此观点,正确的观点是(B )A.教师是管理者,因为在教学过程中同样要行使计划、组织、领导、控制的职能。
(F )2、目标管理就是上级给下级制定目标,并依照此对下级进行考核。
(F )3、不确定型决策是指具有多种未来状态和相应后果,但是只能确定各状态发生的概率而难以获得充分可靠信息的决策问题。
(F )4、按决策的作用(所处地位)可以把决策分为战略决策、管理决策和专业决策。
(T )5、行为决策学派认为决策是一个选优过程,所以决策结果是基于已有资源背景下寻求利润或收益的尽可能大。
(T )7、群体决策的过程是群体成员相互妥协并谋求意见一致的过程。
(F )二、选择题1、在管理的基本职能中,属于首位的是(A )A. 计划B. 组织C. 领导D. 控制2、计划职能的主要作用是(D )A. 确定目标B. 管理C. 确定实现目标的手段D. A和C3、管理的计划职能的主要任务是要确定(C )A. 组织结构的蓝图B. 组织的领导方式C. 组织目标以及实现目标的途径D. 组织中的工作设计4、可以依据(A )把计划分为战略计划、管理计划、业务计划。
A. 决策层次B. 对象C. 时间D. 范围5、企业计划从上到下可分成多个层次,通常越低层次目标就越具有以下特点(D )A. 定性和定量结合B. 趋向与定性C. 模糊而不可控D. 具体而可控6、企业计划从上到下可分成多个等级层次,并且(B )A. 各层次的目标都是具体而可控的B. 上层的目标与下层的目标相比,比较模糊和不可控C. 各层次的目标都是模糊而不可控的D. 上层的目标与下层的目标相比,比较具体而可控7、当代最新的计划形成方法是(C )A. 从上往下的形成方法B. 从中间开始的形成方法C. 从下往上的形成方法D.先上后下,最后在中间形成的方法8、实行参与式管理的计划形成方法是(B )A. 从上往下形成的方法B. 从下往上的形成方法C. 由专门计划人员制定计划D. 由各层领导配合制定计划9、要明确企业计划的外部条件,关键是(C )A. 定量预测B. 定性预测C. 环境预测D. 销售预测10、下述关于计划工作的认识中,哪种观点是不正确的(C )A.计划是预测与构想,即预先进行的行动安排B.计划的实质是对要达到的目标及途径进行预先规定C.计划职能是参谋部门的特有使命D.计划职能是各级、各部门管理人员的一个配合职能11、组织在未来特定时限内完成任务程度的标志是(A )A. 目标B. 可行C. 选择D. 满意12、实施目标管理的主要环节是:①逐级授权②目标的制定与展开③实施中的自我控制④成果评价这些环节的逻辑顺序是(D )。