Orange PI GPIO控制详细教程




GPIO用法及应用流程(也含其他设备的用法和配置)(GPIO用于STM32的IO处电平、信号的输入输出)1)定义一个GPIO结构体GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; (为了向GPIO外设内写数据)2)开启GPIOx口的时钟外设:(可以一次设置多个用(。


)形式)RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd( RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOx,ENABLE);——GPIO配置时都是用APB2,也就说这个语句在GPIO中就是这个样子。

3)选择引脚GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0;4)设置GPIO输出模式GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;(1)浮空输入:In_Floating(2)带上拉输入:IPU(In Push_Up)(3)带下拉输入:IPD(In Push_Down)(4)模拟输入:AIN(Anolog In)(5)开漏输出:OUT_PD(OD 代表开漏,既Open Drain,OC代表开集,Open Collect)(6)推挽输出:OUT_PP(PP代表推挽式,Push_Pull)效果例:三个灯轮流亮每刻有且只有一个灯亮(7)复用功能推挽输出:AF_PP(AF代表复用功能,Alternate-Fuction)(8)复用功能开漏输出:AF_OD5)设置引脚速率GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;6)调用库函数初始化GPIO(注:每次只能初始化一个引脚)GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure); (如果要控制其他引脚,重复上面的3和6有时也会用到4步,总的来说配置一个GPIO至少要有1—6步)另外:GPIO_SetBits(GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_i|GPIO_Pin_j); ——对所有端口进行置1操作(高电平)GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOx,GPIO_Pin_i); ——对所有端口进行置0操作(低电平)GPIO_WriteBits(GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_i,1); ——对一个端口进行写1(也可以写0,把括号内的1改为0即可)操作GPIO_Write(GPIOA, 0x1101);——向指定GPIO数据端口写入数据GPIO库函数:函数名描述GPIO_DeInit 将外设GPIOx寄存器重设为缺省值GPIO_AFIODeInit 将复用功能(重映射事件控制和EXTI设置)重设为缺省值GPIO_Init 根据GPIO_InitStruct中指定的参数初始化外设GPIOx寄存器GPIO_StructInit 把GPIO_InitStruct中的每一个参数按缺省值填入GPIO_ReadInputDataBit 读取指定端口管脚的输入GPIO_ReadInputData(GPIOx,GPIO_Pin_i) 读取指定的GPIO端口输入GPIO_ReadOutputDataBit(GPIOx,GPIO_Pin_i) 读取指定端口管脚的输出位(0|1)GPIO_ReadOutputData(GPIOx,GPIO_Pin_i) 读取指定的GPIO端口输出GPIO_SetBits 设置指定的数据端口位GPIO_ResetBits 清除指定的数据端口位GPIO_WriteBit 设置或者清除指定的数据端口位GPIO_Write 向指定GPIO数据端口写入数据GPIO_PinLockConfig 锁定GPIO管脚设置寄存器GPIO_EventOutputConfig 选择GPIO管脚用作事件输出GPIO_EventOutputCmd 使能或者失能事件输出GPIO_PinRemapConfig 改变指定管脚的映射GPIO_EXTILineConfig(GPIO_PortSourceGPIOA, GPIO_PinSource0); 选择GPIO管脚用作外部中断线路(例子是让PA0引脚作为中断线路),中断触发时该线将中断输出。



Orange Pi 用户手册目录一.Orange Pi简介 (3)1.我们可以用Orange Pi做什么 (3)2.Orange Pi 是为谁设计的 (3)3.硬件特性的介绍 (3)4.外观规格的介绍 (4)5.开发板使用方法 (6)6.SD卡的制卡介绍 (8)7.通用软件的配置 (18)8. GPIO规格介绍 (25)9.CSI摄像头接口规格 (26)二. Linux内核源码编译 (28)1.源码的获得方法 (28)2.项目源码的编译 (29)3.内核镜像和库的安装 (31)三. Android源码编译介绍 (34)1.JDK 的安装 (35)2.安装平台支持软件 (35)3.源码包的获得方法 (36)4.编译工具链的安装 (36)5.lichee 源码的编译 (37)6.android源码的编译 (37)四.工程化配置介绍 (41)1.工程配置化文件的个性化配置 (41)2. Uboot 和boot 更新方法 (42)3.例子介绍 (42)五.OrangePi驱动程序开发 (46)1.设备驱动和应用程序的编写 (47)2.设备驱动的编译方法 (49)3.应用程序的编译方法 (52)4.驱动和程序的运行方式 (53)六.串口调试工具介绍 (55)Windows平台 (56)1.Windows下USB 驱动安装 (56)2.Windows下Putty 安装 (56)3.调试的连接方式 (57)4.设备信息的获取 (57)5. Putty 的配置 (59)6.开始调试串口 (59)Linux 平台 (60)1.kermit的安装 (60)2.调试的连接方式 (61)3.设备信息的获取 (62)4.开始调试串口 (68)七.常见问题 (70)一. Orange Pi简介什么是 Orange Pi香橙派是一款开源的单板电脑,新一代的 arm 开发板,它可以运行Android4.4、Ubuntu、Debian 等操作系统,兼容树莓派。









实验内容•使用面包板和杜邦线连接电路•通过ssh局域网无线连接树莓派•使用wiringPi控制IO•使用vim编辑器实验元器件•树莓派及电源 x1•无线网卡 x1•串口连接器 x1•面包板 x1•Led灯 x1•电阻220欧 x1•杜邦线若干以上器件可在树莓派创客社区淘宝直营店购买:https://52pi.taobao实验步骤一、连接线路。


1.首先通过串口连接上树莓派,登陆进入树莓派后输入 ifconfig 回车。



三、使用vi编辑器编写控制代码及编译运行1.登陆树莓派后,输入cd ./wiringPi 进入wiringPi目录,使用vi编辑器编辑c源文件,输入vim.tiny blink.c,如目录下有blink.c文件打开编辑,若无则会新建一个打开编辑。



STM32之GPIO条记_zhuan 之阳早格格创做1 STM32的输进输出管足有底下8种大概的摆设:(4输进+2输出+2复用输出)①浮空输进_IN_FLOATING②戴上推输进_IPU③戴下推输进_IPD④模拟输进_AIN⑤开漏输出_OUT_OD⑥推挽输出_OUT_PP⑦复用功能的推挽输出_AF_PP⑧复用功能的开漏输出_AF_OD1.1 I/O心的输出模式下,有3种输出速度可选(2MHz、10MHz战50MHz),那个速度是指I/O心启动电路的赞同速度而不是输出旗号的速度,输出旗号的速度取步调有闭(芯片里里正在I/O心的输出部分安插了多个赞同速度分歧的输出启动电路,用户不妨根据自己的需要采用符合的启动电路).通过采用速度去采用分歧的输出启动模块,达到最好的噪声统造战落矮功耗的手段.下频的启动电路,噪声也下,当不需要下的输出频次时,请采用矮频启动电路,那样非常有好处普及系统的EMI本能.天然如果要输出较下频次的旗号,但是却采用了较矮频次的启动模块,很大概会得到得果然输出旗号.闭键是GPIO的引足速度跟应用匹配(推荐10倍以上?).比圆:1.1.1 对付于串心,假若最大波特率只需115.2k,那么用2M 的GPIO的引足速度便够了,既省电也噪声小.1.1.2 对付于C交心,假若使用400k波特率,若念把余量留大些,那么用2M的GPIO的引足速度或者许不敷,那时不妨采用10M的GPIO引足速度.1.1.3 对付于SPI交心,假若使用18M或者9M波特率,用10M的GPIO的引足速度隐然不敷了,需要采用50M的GPIO的引足速度.1.4 所有端心皆有中部中断本领.为了使用中部中断线,端心必须摆设成输进模式.1.5 GPIO心的摆设具备上锁功能,当摆设好GPIO心后,不妨通历步调锁住摆设推拢,曲到下次芯片复位才搞解锁.2 正在STM32中怎么样摆设片内中设使用的IO端心最先,一个中设通过①摆设输进的时钟战②初初化后即被激活(开开);③如果使用该中设的输进输出管足,则需要摆设相映的GPIO端心(可则该中设对付应的输进输出管足不妨搞一般GPIO管足使用);④再对付中设举止仔细摆设.对付应到中设的输进输出功能有下述三种情况:一、中设对付应的管足为输出:需要根据中围电路的摆设采用对付应的管足为复用功能的推挽输出或者复用功能的开漏输出.二、中设对付应的管足为输进:则根据中围电路的摆设不妨采用浮空输进、戴上推输进或者戴下推输进.三、ADC对付应的管足:摆设管足为模拟输进.如果把端心摆设成复用输出功能,则引足战输出寄存器断开,并战片上中设的输出旗号连交.将管足摆设成复用输出功能后,如果中设不被激活,那么它的输出将不决定.3 通用IO端心(GPIO)初初化:3.1 GPIO初初化3.1.1 RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA | B | C, ENABLE):使能APB2总线中设时钟3.1.2 RCC_ APB2PeriphResetCmd (RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA | B | C,DISABLE):释搁GPIO复位3.2 摆设各个PIN端心(模拟输进_AIN、输进浮空_IN_FLOATING、输进上推_IPU、输进下推_IPD、开漏输出_OUT_OD、推挽式输出_OUT_PP、推挽式复用输出_AF_PP、开漏复用输出_AF_OD)3.3 GPIO初初化完毕============================================== =========================迩去刚刚开初教习STM32,所以从最基础的GPIO开初教起;最先瞅瞅STM32的datasheet上对付GPIO心的简朴介绍:每个GPI/O 端心有二个32 位摆设寄存器(GPIOx_CRL,GPIOx_CRH),二个32位数据寄存器(GPIOx_IDR,GPIOx_ODR),一个32 位子位/复位寄存器(GPIOx_BSRR),一个16 位复位寄存器(GPIOx_BRR)战一个32 位锁定寄存器(GPIOx_LCKR).GPIO 端心的每个位不妨由硬件分别摆设成多种模式.每个I/O 端心位不妨自由编程,然而I/0 端心寄存器必须按32 位字被考察(不允许半字或者字节考察).GPIOx_BSRR 战GPIOx_BRR 寄存器允许对付所有GPIO 寄存器的读/变动的独力考察;那样,正在读战变动考察之间爆收IRQ 时不会爆收伤害.端心位摆设 CNFx[1:0]=xxb,MODEx[1:0]=xxb再瞅GPIO功能很强盛:1.通用I/O(GPIO):最最基础的功能,不妨启动LED、不妨爆收PWM、不妨启动蜂鸣器等等;2.单独的位树坐或者位扫除:便当硬体做业,步调简朴.端心摆设好以去只需GPIO_SetBits(GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_x)便不妨真止对付GPIOx的pinx位为下电仄;3.中部中断/唤醉线:端心必须摆设成输进模式时,所有端心皆有中部中断本领;4.复用功能(AF):复用功能的端心兼有IO功能等.复位功夫战刚刚复位后,复用功能已开开,I/O 端心被摆设成浮空输进模式:(CNFx[1:0]=01b,MODEx[1:0]=00b).5.硬件沉新映射I/O复用功能:为了使分歧器件启拆的中设I/O 功能的数量达到最劣,不妨把一些复用功能沉新映射到其余一些足上.那不妨通过硬件摆设相映的寄存器去完毕.那时,复用功能便不再映射到它们的本初引足上了;6.GPIO锁定体造:当正在一个端心位上真止了所定(LOCK)步调,正在下一次复位之前,将不克不迭再变动端心位的摆设.GPIO基础树坐GPIOMode_TypeDef GPIO mode 定义及偏偏移天面GPIO_Mode_AIN = 0x0, //模拟输进GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING = 0x04, //悬空输进GPIO_Mode_IPD = 0x28, //下推输进GPIO_Mode_IPU = 0x48, //上推输进GPIO_Mode_Out_OD = 0x14, //开漏输出GPIO_Mode_Out_PP = 0x10, //推挽输出GPIO_Mode_AF_OD = 0x1C, //开漏复用GPIO_Mode_AF_PP = 0x18 //推挽复用GPIO输进输出速度采用:typedef enum{GPIO_Speed_10MHz = 1,GPIO_Speed_2MHz,GPIO_Speed_50MHz}GPIOSpeed_TypeDef;#define IS_GPIO_SPEED(SPEED) ((SPEED ==GPIO_Speed_10MHz) ||(SPEED == GPIO_Speed_2MHz) || (SPEED ==GPIO_Speed_50MHz))搞一个GPIO输出的考查当I/O 端心被摆设为推挽模式输出时:输出寄存器上的0 激活NMOS,而输出寄存器上的1 将激活PMOS.用那段步调真止:GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode =GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;int main(void){#ifdef DEBUG#endif/* 树坐系统时钟 */RCC_Configuration();/* 嵌套中断树坐*/NVIC_Configuration();/* 激活GPIOC clock */RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC, ENABLE);/* Configure PC.04, PC.05, PC.06 and PC.07 as Output pushpull */GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_4 | GPIO_Pin_5 | GPIO_Pin_6 |GPIO_Pin_7;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP; GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);{/*本考查仅能真止LED1明、熄功能*/GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_4); //树坐PC.04 pin为下电仄,面明LED1Delay();GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_4); //树坐PC.04 pin为矮电仄,燃烧LED1Delay();}}搞一个GPIO输进的考查:以EKSTM32F中LCDdemo搞例子那个考查中把GPIO的PD.04搞为按键输进,当下落沿光临时触收.LCDdemo中的例程如下:最先摆设按键PD.03, PD.04为按键输进交心.void Button_Config(void){GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;/* Enable GPIOD clock */RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOD, ENABLE);/* Configure PD.03, PD.04 as output pushpull */GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_3 | GPIO_Pin_4 ;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode =GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);}底下为按键效率是开用中部中断GPIO_EXTILineConfig(GPIO_PortSourceGPIOD,GPIO_PinSource3);EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Line = EXTI_Line3; //设定中部中断3EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Mode = EXTI_Mode_Interrupt; //设定中断模式EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Trigger = EXTI_Trigger_Falling; //设定下落沿触收模式EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_LineCmd = ENABLE;EXTI_Init(&EXTI_InitStructure);。



目前Zero2开发板测试过的能用的USB 无线网卡型号为:
RTL8723BU,其他型号的USB 无线网卡请自行测试,如果无法使用就需要移植对应的 USB 无线网卡驱动
1) 首先将 RTL8723BU 无线网卡模块插入开发板的 USB 接口中
2) 然后 linux 系统会自动加载 RTL8723BU 蓝牙和 WIFI 相关的内核模块,通过 lsmod 命令可以看到下面输出
3) 通过 dmesg 命令可以看到 RTL8723BU 模块的加载信息
4) 然后通过 ifconfig 命令可以看到 RTL8723BU WIFI 的设备节点,WIFI 的连接和测试方法参看官方用户手册的 WIFI 连接测试章节
5) 然后通过 hciconfig 命令可以看到两个蓝牙设备,其中 Bus 类型为 USB 的节点就是 RTL8723BU 的蓝牙节点,蓝牙的测试方法直接看手册的蓝牙使用方法章节,这里不再赘述。



树莓派GPIO详细介绍与使⽤树莓派介绍Raspberry Pi(中⽂名为“树莓派”,简写为RPi,(或者RasPi / RPI) [1] 是为学习计算机编程教育⽽设计),只有信⽤卡⼤⼩的微型电脑,其系统基于。









控制GPIO ⽅法⼀通过终端命令cd /sys/class/gpio # 进⼊ GPIO ⽬录ls # 查看GPIO⽬录中的内容# GPIO 操作接⼝从内核空间暴露到⽤户空间echo BCM引脚编码 > export # 例如 echo 26 > export 执⾏之后该⽬录下会增加⼀个引脚⽂件ls这时候会看到⽬录下会出现⼀个gpio26的⽬录cd gpio26进⼊⽬录后就可以通过终端命令控制引脚了控制GPIO ⽅法⼆通过Python控制import RPi.GPIO as GPIOimport timeGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # 采⽤BCM编码GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)for i in range(1,100):GPIO.output(18, GPIO.HIGH)time.sleep(0.5)GPIO.output(18, GPIO.LOW)time.sleep(0.5)GPIO.cleanup()如果遇到这个警告可以忽略RuntimeWarning: This channel is already in use, continuing anyway. Use GPIO.setwarnings(False) to disable warnings.控制GPIO ⽅法三通过C语⾔控制#include<wiringPi.h>#define Pin 25int mian(){if(wiringPiSetup() < 0)return1;pinMode(Pin,OUTPUT);for(int i=0;i<30;i++){digitalWrite(Pin,1);delay(200);digitalWrite(Pin,0);delay(200);}return 0;}编译运⾏gcc -o ⽂件名⽂件名.c -lwiringPisudo ./⽂件名树莓派遇到的问题gpio readall 未找到命令原因是缺少[[wiringPi]]库树莓派4 ⾃带的 wiringPi 库默认是 2.50 ,⽆法映射到 gpio ,所以需要更新到 2.52及以上才能与树莓派映射。




Q驱动器的5脚和12脚分别接一个4.7K 的上拉电阻。

此外需要提供一个 5V 电源,有两种方式:
方式 1,使用外接电源:LMC-1 33脚接外部5V+,14接外部电源地;
方式 2,使用板卡上的内部电源:将LMC-1卡的8脚和33脚短接,14脚和21脚短接即可。






图1 脚踏开关使用内部电源
图2 脚踏开关使用外部电源

图3 软件设置服务电话:131********。



Raspberry Pi板实验教程实验一、点亮LED在Raspberry Pi板的边上有2列排针,1列13脚一共26脚。

这2列排针叫GPIO口,在Raspberry Pi板搭载的系统下,用户可以使用C语言或Python语言对这2列GPIO口进行控制,以此来控制外接的外部设备。


首先,在使用C语言编程之前,要先将Raspberry Pi板连接上网,下载一个GPIO的wirngpi函数库。

wirngpi 函数库是由一个外国人编写的,在使用C语言的时候可以通过对这个函数库的函数调用来对操作GPIO口。

点击LXTerminal进入root用户权限的命令行模式,依次键入以下命令:sudo apt-get update(需要一定等待时间,与网速有关)sudo apt-get upgrade(需要一定等待时间,与网速有关)sudo apt-get install git-coregit clone git:///wiringPicd wiringPigit pull origincd wiringPi./build下载并安装好wiringPi之后,再来看看GPIO口的排列。

将Raspberry Pi 板放置为两列GPIO口在右上角的方式,这两列GPIO口的引脚位如下图所示。


而左边的图则是wirngpi 库定义的引脚位图。





将这板连接到Raspberry Pi板上就可以通过操作Raspberry Pi板的GPIO来控制电机板上的发光二级管。

用杜邦线将Raspberry Pi板和电机板连接起来,如果只是简单的控制上面的1个发光二极管,那么只需要连接三条线:电源线(VCC)、地线(GND)和一条IO线。



GPIO的使用流程1. 概述GPIO(General Purpose Input/Output)是一种通用输入/输出接口,用于连接外部设备与嵌入式系统进行通信。


2. 硬件准备在使用GPIO之前,需要准备以下硬件设备: - 嵌入式开发板:通常是一块单片机或开发板,如Arduino、Raspberry Pi等。

- 外部设备:如LED灯、蜂鸣器、传感器等。

- 连接线:用于连接嵌入式开发板和外部设备。

3. GPIO的基本原理GPIO的基本原理是通过改变管脚的电平(高电平或低电平)来控制外部设备。


4. GPIO的使用步骤使用GPIO的基本步骤如下:步骤1:引入相关库文件在开始使用GPIO之前,需要引入相关的库文件或头文件。


可以通过以下命令来引入GPIO库文件:import gpio步骤2:初始化GPIO在使用GPIO之前,需要将GPIO管脚初始化为输入或输出模式。

可以使用以下命令来初始化GPIO管脚:gpio.setup(pin, mode)其中,pin是GPIO管脚的编号,mode是管脚的模式,可以设置为输入或输出。

步骤3:读取或设置GPIO管脚的值•读取GPIO管脚的值:使用以下命令来读取GPIO管脚的值:value = gpio.input(pin)其中,pin是GPIO管脚的编号,value是GPIO管脚的值,可以是高电平或低电平。

•设置GPIO管脚的值:使用以下命令来设置GPIO管脚的值:gpio.output(pin, value)其中,pin是GPIO管脚的编号,value是GPIO管脚的值,可以设置为高电平或低电平。




树莓派新版-入门配置来源:网络 ?? 编辑:admin如果你有密集恐惧症则只需要看标题和字体加粗部分.有下划线的是网站都可以点开的.Linux系统分支有很多国内常用的分支主要是:1.Debian2.Redhat参考:GNU/Linux发行版历年分支进化图一览.目前桌面版Debian分支相比要做的好点,服务器端肯定是Redhat分支了,因为树莓派硬件是基于ARM的,所以在树莓派官网也有针对其的编译版.RASPBIAN 对应debianPIDORA 对应 Redhat下的Fedora分支好了废话不多说,正文开始.1.系统安装写入SD卡a)在官网下载?RASPBIAN?的镜像,点击前面的链接下载,最新版本有900多M,下载后解压文件.b)这里推荐使用Win32DiskImager这款软件来将树莓派系统写入到SD卡c)然后将SD卡插入树莓派,并且连接上网线和电源.2.使用 raspi-config工具配置树莓派a)查看ip正常情况下树莓派就可以启动了,但是现在还不知道他的IP,无法用ssh的方式进入系统,如果会用路由器查看ip的朋友就不是事,如果不会的可以使用Advanced IP scanner这款软件查看.b)系统配置知道IP了就可以进入系统配置了树莓派的默认账号是pi,默认密码是raspberry.SSH进入后输入?sudo raspi-config这个命令会弹出这个命令行配置界面1 Expand Filesystem扩展文件系统按回车即可.(将SD卡利用率最大化).2 Change User Password?改变默认pi用户的密码.3 Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch启动时进入的环境选择? Console Text console, requiring login(default)? 启动时进入字符控制台,需要进行登录(默认项)? Desktop log in as user "pi" at the graphical desktop? 启动时进入LXDE图形界面的桌面? Scratch Start the Scratch programming environment upon boot? 启动时进入Scratch编程环境,进入后,可以点File->Exit退出,然后在退出过程中按Ctrl+C进入控制台。

gpioset gpioget用法

gpioset gpioget用法

GPIO(General Purpose Input/Output)是一种通用输入输出接口,可以用于连接不同外部设备,如传感器、执行器、LED等。





其基本用法如下:1. 设置GPIO为高电平:gpioset <chip设备编号> <引脚编号>=12. 设置GPIO为低电平:gpioset <chip设备编号> <引脚编号>=03. 反转GPIO电平:gpioset <chip设备编号> <引脚编号>=2其中,<chip设备编号>为GPIO设备在系统中的编号,<引脚编号>为具体引脚的编号。

通过这些简单的命令,我们可以轻松地控制GPIO 的状态。




其基本用法如下:1. 获取GPIO状态:gpioget <chip设备编号> <引脚编号>通过这个命令,我们可以查看指定GPIO引脚的当前状态,并据此进行相应的处理。





















gpio编程说明 -回复

gpio编程说明 -回复

gpio编程说明-回复GPIO编程是指通过控制树莓派(Raspberry Pi)的通用输入输出端口(GPIO)来实现与外部设备(如传感器、执行器等)的交互。



一、基本概念1. GPIO引脚GPIO引脚是树莓派上可编程的数字输入输出引脚。



2. 控制IO口电平GPIO引脚的电平即为其上的电压状态,一般有高电平和低电平两种状态。



3. 电平转换电路在实际应用中,外部设备的电平状态和树莓派的GPIO引脚的电平状态可能不一致,因此需要通过电平转换电路来匹配两者之间的电平差异。




1. 使用wiringPi库进行GPIO编程wiringPi是一款广泛应用的树莓派GPIO编程库,提供了丰富的API函数,简化了GPIO的配置和控制过程。

使用wiringPi库,需要先在树莓派上安装该库,然后在程序中包含相关头文件,并链接库文件,最后进行GPIO 的配置和控制操作。

2. 使用RPi.GPIO库进行GPIO编程RPi.GPIO是树莓派上广泛使用的Python GPIO编程库,使用该库可以简便地在Python语言下进行GPIO编程。

Raspberry Pi与Node-RED和工业GPIO构建教程(第1页)技术说明单表单2213-1

Raspberry Pi与Node-RED和工业GPIO构建教程(第1页)技术说明单表单2213-1

Build a Raspberry Pi with Node-RED and Industrial GPIO PAGE1TECHNICAL NOTEForm 2213-170123Build a Raspberry Pi with Node-RED and Industrial GPIOIntroductionNOTE: This technical note was originally a blog post on . We’ve reproduced theblog post here for your convenience.The Raspberry Pi® is an unquestionably powerful computer for just $35. And it really isjust that: a computer. That means the Pi is capable of many tasks and perfect for manyautomation applications.Couple the Pi to industrial, solid-state digital inputs and outputs , and you can buildcompelling and cost-effective solutions for commercial and industrial applications, too.One of the easiest and fun ways to quickly build software applications is with Node-RED ,the free, open-source software tool designed by IBM® Emerging Technologies and usedfor wiring together hardware devices, APIs, and online services in new and interestingways.However, Node-RED is only included in the full PIXEL GUI version of the Raspbian JessieOperating System, available from . Their latest2016-11-25-raspbian-jessie-lite.img build for headless operation (no monitor, keyboard,or mouse required) is no longer bundled with either Node-RED or the required softwaretools node.js and npm.The purpose of this post is to guide you through creating a headless Raspberry Picomputer with the latest versions of Node-RED, node.js, and npm, building a Node-REDapplication, and controlling and sensing GPIO connected to industrial digital I/O, quicklyand simply. This example uses the Opto 22 Digital I/O for Raspberry Pi Starter Kit.Build a Raspberry Pi with Node-RED and Industrial GPIO 2TECHNICAL NOTE •Form 2213-170123This post provides step-by-step instructions for:•Building and configuring your microSD boot image with Raspbian Jessie Lite •Installing Node-RED, node.js, and npm •Configuring Node-RED to start up at boot time •Installing various Node-RED nodes, including our SNAP PAC Node-RED nodes (optional)•Importing a Node-RED flow for sensing and controlling digital I/O through GPIO nodesHere is a diagram of the steps you'll take:What you'll need:•A Raspberry Pi—I'm using a Raspberry Pi 3•A microSD card (minimum 8 GB) and reader for your computer •A power supply Optional items used in this post (needed to see the result of a Node-RED flow with GPIO nodes):• A Digital I/O for Raspberry Pi Starter Kit —includes carrier board, rack, and four I/O modules Now, I'm no expert with the Raspberry Pi or the Linux command line. You don't need to be,either. I think you'll find the following instructions pretty easy to do if you're careful to follow thesteps in order.When you're done, you'll have yourself a complete, powerful, and exciting computing platformto build the automation application of your dreams.Build a Raspberry Pi with Node-RED and Industrial GPIO 3TECHNICAL NOTE •Form 2213-170123Step 1: Build and Configure Raspbian microSD boot device1.Download Raspbian Jessie Lite image for headless operation (no monitor, keyboard, ormouse needed): https:///raspbian_lite_latest2.Unzip the file into your /Downloads folder.Instructions for OS X from Terminal window:diskutil listDetermine microSD disk name from result (for example, for disk4):diskutil unmount disk4s1cd downloads/Choose one (1st for Jessie; 2nd for Jessie Lite):sudo dd bs=1m if=2016-11-25-raspbian-jessie.img of=/dev/rdisk4sudo dd bs=1m if=2016-11-25-raspbian-jessie-lite.imgof=/dev/rdisk4Instructions for Windows:–Download Win32 Disk Imager: https:///projects/win32diskimager/–Install and start Win32 Disk Imager.–Select image file from your Downloads folder, and choose the drive letter for your SDcard.–Click Write.UPDATE: The latest Raspbian Jessie image from (016-11-25-raspbian-jessie-lite.img)no longer allows SSH connections by default. You must place a file with no extension named "ssh" inthe root of the card. To do this, simply create a new Text Document on your desktop with no contents,then rename the file to remove the extension. Copy this file onto your microSD card in the /BOOT/directory. Now, you can SSH in as shown in the next step.Step 2: Log in and Configure Headless PiWe’re using the command prompt method for headless operation under Jessie LiteNOTE: this step could be problematic if more than one Raspberry Pi3/Raspbian Jessie in its defaultconfiguration exists on your network or if your DNS cache isn't flushed. If your connection is refused,see update in previous step.1.Log in:Mac/Linux: Attempt SSH session from your terminal application:ssh pi@raspberrypiWindows: You'll need the free PuTTy terminal application download. Once installed, enterraspberrypi in the Host Name (or IP address) field. Make sure the port number is 22 andSSH option is selected, then click Open.Build a Raspberry Pi with Node-RED and Industrial GPIO2.Once connected, log in:Mac/Linux: pi@raspberrypi’s password: raspberryWindows: login as: pipi@raspberrypi’s password: raspberry3.At the command prompt, enter: sudo raspi-config4.Select Option 1 - Expand Filesystem5.Select Option 2 - Change User Password (for example, opto22)6.Select Option 9 - Advanced Options; select option A2 - Change Hostname (example:rpi-g4pb8h-benson)7.Select Option 5 - Internationalisation Options (example for user in California):Locales: en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8Timezone: US, Pacific OceanChange Wi-Fi Country: US (press “U” to get close)8.Select <Finish> and then select yes when prompted for reboot.9.Log back in with new Hostname (example: ssh pi@rpi-g4pb8h-benson).10.Enter your new password.Step 3: Install Node.js, npm, and Node-REDsudo su -curl -sL https:///setup_6.x | sudo bash -apt-get install nodejs -ynode -v (returns v6.9.2 or higher)npm -v (returns 3.10.9 or higher)npm cache cleannpm install -g --unsafe-perm node-redexitnode-redAt this point, confirm that Node-RED is running by navigating with your browser to your Pi andport 1880:http://[hostname]:1880 (example: http://rpi-g4ph8h-benson:1880)Step 4: Build your first Node-RED appNote: This step and the next exercise are important for two reasons: (1) They confirm thateverything is installed properly; and (2) They create the appropriate folders for the remainingsteps.1.Click and drag an Inject node to the palette.2.Drag a Debug node to the palette.4TECHNICAL NOTE•Form 2213-170123Build a Raspberry Pi with Node-RED and Industrial GPIO 5TECHNICAL NOTE •Form 2213-1701233.Wire the two nodes together.4.Click Deploy in the upper-right corner of Node-RED.5.Click the Debug tab beneath the Deploy button.6.Finally, click the tab emerging from the left of the Inject node. You should see the currenttime (in Epoch time) in the debug pane.Now go back to your terminal session, and issue the following command:ctrl-c (to shut down Node-RED)sudo shutdown -P nowThis final command immediately shuts down your Pi with the Poweroff parameter, finishes disk writes, and requires you to remove and reinstall power to boot back up again. This is a safetymeasure to make sure all of your work up to this point is saved to the microSD card. Always wait for the green LED on the Pi to go out completely before removing power.NOTE: I highly recommend always using the shutdown command to preserve your Pi file system if you intend to power down the system. If you'd rather just reboot the Pi, use:sudo shutdown -r nowStep 5: Install SNAP PAC Node-RED Nodes (optional)The SNAP PAC Node-RED nodes offer a simple method for querying and controlling a SNAP PAC I/O System. You can use a SNAP PAC I/O system to gather and control analog, serial, and other digital I/O data not covered by any G4 and SNAP digital I/O connected to the GPIO of the Pi.NOTE: If you’ve installed Node-RED on your existing Pi separately from the above instructions, be sure you have node.js version 4.4.5 or later installed first. This is the minimum supported version to useOpto 22’s SNAP PAC Node-RED nodes. You can determine node’s version with the followingcommand: node -vpwd (should result in /home/pi)cd .node-rednpm install node-red-contrib-pacStep 6: Set up Node-RED to start up at bootThe Node-RED recommended method is to install Node-RED Service:sudo su -wgethttps:///node-red/raspbian-deb-package/master /resources/nodered.service -O /lib/systemd/system/nodered.servicewgethttps:///node-red/raspbian-deb-package/master /resources/node-red-start -O /usr/bin/node-red-startBuild a Raspberry Pi with Node-RED and Industrial GPIO 6TECHNICAL NOTE •Form 2213-170123wgethttps:///node-red/raspbian-deb-package/master /resources/node-red-stop -O /usr/bin/node-red-stopchmod +x /usr/bin/node-red-st*systemctl daemon-reloadsystemctl enable nodered.serviceshutdown -r nowWhen the Pi reboots, Node-RED should be running. Access the Node-RED environment fromyour web browser here:http://[hostname]:1880 (for example, http://rpi-g4pb8h-benson:1880)When installing new nodes from the command line, start/stop Node-RED by using theNode-RED service commands:node-red-stopnode-red-startStep 7: Import a GPIO-based Node-RED flow to test I/OThis final step involves importing a Node-RED flow I've created to test the GPIO nodes and the corresponding I/O modules on the rack. (This test flow will work either with or without the rack and I/O modules.)Power up your Pi, and log into Node-RED. Then we'll import this flow:To import this flow, go to your Node-RED application (http://[hostname]:1880), click the hamburger icon in the top right, select "Import", then "Clipboard" and choose the New Flowbutton. Next, copy and paste this code into the resulting window:[{"id":"d95eb067.d4687","type":"inject","z":"aa9ee7c0.e8cd88","name":"Turn OnOutput","topic":"0","payload":"","payloadType":"num","repeat":"","cron tab":"","once":false,"x":300,"y":180,"wires":[["878648ac.fc2948"]]},{"id":"878648ac.fc2948","type":"rpi-gpioout","z":"aa9ee7c0.e8cd88","name":"G4ODC5 digital output in position3","pin":"35","set":"","level":"0","out":"out","x":660,"y":220,"wires":[]},{"id":"7d18b79f.0fa588","type":"inject","z":"aa9ee7c0.e8cd88","naBuild a Raspberry Pi with Node-RED and Industrial GPIO 7TECHNICAL NOTE •Form 2213-170123me":"Turn OffOutput","topic":"","payload":"1","payloadType":"num","repeat":"","cron tab":"","once":false,"x":300,"y":260,"wires":[["878648ac.fc2948"]]},{"id":"82511eef.33cbb","type":"rpi-gpioin","z":"aa9ee7c0.e8cd88","name":"G4IDC5MA module in position0","pin":"40","intype":"tri","debounce":"25","read":false,"x":330,"y":400,"wires":[["6f379125.5007d","878648ac.fc2948"]]},{"id":"6f379125.5007d","type":"debug","z":"aa9ee7c0.e8cd88","name":"Status ofG4IDC5MA","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"payload","x":620,"y":400,"wires":[]},{"id":"2e694694.1487aa","type":"comment","z":"aa9ee7c0.e8cd88","name":"Make sure G4ODC5MA is in Automode","info":"","x":652.5,"y":146,"wires":[]}]Finally, click Import. Now, position the nodes on the canvas where you like, and you're done. Click the Deploy button to deploy this flow to your Pi.Now, you can click the left side of the Inject button named "Turn On Output" and you should see the value under the node named "G4ODC5 digital output in position 3" change to "0". Click the Inject button named "Turn Off Output", and the value will change to one.If this result seems inverted to you, it's because Opto 22 solid-state I/O modules are negative-true logic: Write a 0 to turn on; write a 1 to turn off.To see this in live action, I've used the new Digital I/O for Raspberry Pi Starter Kit (available for a limited time at $99). I placed my own Raspberry Pi3 (I purchased mine at ) on the assembled Starter Kit atop the OPTO-P1-40P carrier board and attached that to the G4PB8H mounting rack. Then, I inserted each of the 4 modules in the orientation shown in the photo on page 1. That puts my DC input module (G4IDC5MA ) in position 0 on the rack, and the DC output module (G4ODC5) in position 3.I connected the system to an Ethernet network, and powered it up using my Pi power supply (wall wart).Note that this test flow will work without the rack and I/O modules. You just won't be able to see the LEDs positively indicate everything is working properly. In the blog post you can see a short video I took with my phone, showing what happens on the rack when I flip the switch on the input, and the resulting output module firing.If you have the Starter Kit and followed all of the instructions above, you can turn the G4ODC5 on and off from software (Node-RED). Simply click the Inject button on the left of the nodes labeled Turn On Output and Turn Off Output.All done!Congratulations! You've just built a fully configured, latest-build Raspberry Pi computer with Node-RED and the ability to interface with real-world electrical loads using the Pi's GPIO pins.Let me know how your installation went in the comments section of the blog . I'd also love to hear any tips, comments, suggestions, or complaints, too!Thanks for reading. See the next page for additional nodes you may want to install.Build a Raspberry Pi with Node-RED and Industrial GPIOBONUS: Other nodes you may find usefulThere are hundreds of Node-RED nodes available from npm and . Here are afew I’ve found useful for various tasks. There are two ways to install these nodes.The preferred method is from within Node-RED. From the hamburger menu at the top right,select Manage Palette. Then click the Install tab in the left pane. You can search by the name ofthe node listed below, and click the small Install button.If you prefer, you can also install from the command line. Use these steps:1.Establish an SSH session to your RPi.2.Navigate to your .node-red folder (usually found under /home/pi folder):cd .node-redBigtimer—timer with dusk, dawn, months, days, manual override, schedule pause, and morenpm install node-red-contrib-bigtimerPing—for taking input and pinging devices on a networknpm install node-red-configurable-pingMSSQL—for establishing a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server instance, locally or in thecloud.npm install node-red-contrib-mssqlMySQL—for connecting to and exchanging data with MySQL databasesnpm install node-red-node-mysqlM2X—for connecting to and interfacing with AT&T’s M2X IoT Platformnpm install node-red-m2xBluemix—various nodes for interfacing with theIBM Bluemix® IoT platformnpm install node-red-bluemix-nodesAggregator—for aggregating numeric values over a specific time span, including mean,median, min, maxnpm install node-red-contrib-aggregatorMoment—produces a nicely formatted Date/Time stringnpm install node-red-contrib-momentSNMP—for fetching either individual oids, or a table oid from an SNMP-enabled hostnpm install node-red-node-snmpWeather Underground—for getting the current weather conditions and forecastnpm install node-red-node-weather-undergroundDropbox—to send and receive files from Dropbox cloudnpm install node-red-node-dropboxModbus TCP—to communicate with Modbus/TCP devices over Ethernet.npm install node-red-contrib-modbus8TECHNICAL NOTE•Form 2213-170123Build a Raspberry Pi with Node-RED and Industrial GPIOForm 2213-170123 • Opto 22 • 43044 Business Park Drive • Temecula, CA 92590-3614 • SALES800-321-6786•951-695-3000•FAX951-695-3095•****************•SUPPORT800-835-6786•951-695-3080•FAX951-695-3017•******************© 2017 Opto 22. All rights reserved. Dimensions and specifications are subject to change. Brand or product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.9Sparkplug—to communicate with Cirrus Link or Ignition MQTT servers with Sparkplug protocolnpm install node-red-contrib-sparkplugTo install all these nodes at once:cd .node-rednode-red-stopnpm install node-red-contrib-bigtimer node-red-configurable-ping node-red-contrib-mssql node-red-node-mysql node-red-m2xnode-red-bluemix-nodes node-red-contrib-moment node-red-node-snmp node-red-node-weather-underground node-red-node-dropboxnode-red-contrib-modbus node-red-contrib-sparkplugnode-red-start。





- 树莓派
- 一块面包板
- 一些杜邦线
- 一块LED灯
- 一个100Ω的电阻
1. 首先在面包板上插入LED灯和100Ω电阻,将它们连接好。

2. 将LED灯的正极连接至树莓派的GPIO 17号引脚上,负极连接至GND引脚上。

3. 打开树莓派的终端,进入Python编程环境。

4. 输入以下Python代码:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT)
while True:
GPIO.output(17, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(17, GPIO.LOW)
5. 运行上述代码后,LED灯就会开始闪烁。







而且这些代码放在Jetson Nano上面也是可以的。

源码都是主机上面写的,环境是Python3.7:如图所示先安装urllib3,我以前写爬虫是2安装一些插件,教我做人•https:///语言模式,就写Python••••import urllibcontens = urllib.urlopen("/").read()print(contens)出错了•••from urllib.request import urlopenwebpage = urlopen('')print(webpage)这个还算靠谱••••import sys for(i, value) in enumerate(sys.argv): print("arg:%d %s" % (i, value))这是它的第一种用法,直接读取命令行的数组•python.exe .\ a b c d也可以这样执行后面是捕获的参数树莓派B+另一个引脚图•https:///project/RPi.GPIO/•https:///zhongzhi107/raspberry-pi-tutorials•https:///p/raspberry-gpio-python/code/ci/default/tree/源文件是C的,应该是包装了Python的接口C文件py_gpio.py看上去都是C的实现,包装了一个接口这样只能尽可能的快了,差不多够用吧使用的方法是BCM•••••••••••import RPi.GPIO as GPIOimport timeGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)while (True): GPIO.output(18, True) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(18, False) time.sleep(0.5)LED闪烁的程序用到了io和time,先设置IO的map方式,然后是引脚。



wiringOP 已适配 Orange Pi 开发板,使用 wiringOP 可以测试GPIO,开始测试前,请确保已经安装好了 wiringOP
普通 GPIO 口测试
1) 下面以 7 号引脚——对应 GPIO 为 PA6 ——对应 wPi 序号为2——为例演示如何设置 GPIO 的高低电平
2) 首先设置GPIO 口为输出模式,其中第三个参数需要输入引脚对应的 wPi 的序号
3) 然后设置GPIO 口输出低电平,设置完后可以使用万用表测量引脚的电压的数值,如果为 0v,说明设置低电平成功
4) 然后设置GPIO 口输出高电平,设置完后可以使用万用表测量引脚的电压的数值,如果为 3.3v,说明设置高电平成功。



注意:此方法只适用于linux4.9 内核的系统,linux5.4 内核的系统无法使用
1) 在linux 系统的/boot/orangepiEnv.txt 中有fb0_width 和fb0_height 两个变量,可以通过它们来设置Framebuffer 的宽度和高度,linux 系统默认设置 fb0_width=1280、 fb0_height=720
2) fb0_width 和 fb0_height 不同分辨率对应的参考值如下所示
3) 在相同的 HDMI 分辨下,不同的 fb0_width 和 fb0_height 的显示情况如下所示,当 fb0_width 和 fb0_height 设置的值越大时,屏幕显示的文字就越小,当fb0_width 和fb0_height 设置的值越小时,屏幕显示的文字就越大
a. HDMI 分辨率为1080p60,fb0_width 和fb0_height 为1920x1080 的显示情况
b. HDMI 分辨率为1080p60,fb0_width 和fb0_height 为1280x720 的显示情况
c. HDMI 分辨率为1080p60,fb0_width 和fb0_height 为720x576 的显示情况
d. HDMI 分辨率为1080p60,fb0_width 和fb0_height 为720x480 的显示情况。

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Orange PI GPIO控制详细教程一、sysfs方式通过sysfs方式控制GPIO,先访问/sys/class/gpio目录,向export文件写入GPIO编号,使得该GPIO的操作接口从内核空间暴露到用户空间,GPIO的操作接口包括direction和value 等,direction控制GPIO方向,而value可控制GPIO输出或获得GPIO输入。



如果没有请在编译内核的时候加入Device Drivers-> GPIO Support ->/sys/class/gpio/…(sysfs interface)。

/sys/class/gpio 的使用说明:gpio_operation 通过/sys/文件接口操作IO端口GPIO到文件系统的映射◇控制GPIO的目录位于/sys/class/gpio◇/sys/class/gpio/export文件用于通知系统需要导出控制的GPIO引脚编号◇/sys/class/gpio/unexport 用于通知系统取消导出◇/sys/class/gpio/gpiochipX目录保存系统中GPIO寄存器的信息,包括每个寄存器控制引脚的起始编号base,寄存器名称,引脚总数导出一个引脚的操作步骤◇首先计算此引脚编号,引脚编号= 控制引脚的寄存器基数+ 控制引脚寄存器位数◇向/sys/class/gpio/export写入此编号,比如12号引脚,在shell中可以通过以下命令实现,命令成功后生成/sys/class/gpio/gpio12目录,如果没有出现相应的目录,说明此引脚不可导出◇direction文件,定义输入输入方向,可以通过下面命令定义为输出。

direction接受的参数:in, out, high, low。

high/low同时设置方向为输出,并将value设置为相应的1/0◇value文件是端口的数值,为1或0几个例子:1. 导出/sys/class/gpio# echo 44 > export2. 设置方向/sys/class/gpio/gpio44# echo out > direction3. 查看方向/sys/class/gpio/gpio44# cat direction4. 设置输出/sys/class/gpio/gpio44# echo 1 > value5. 查看输出值/sys/class/gpio/gpio44# cat value6. 取消导出/sys/class/gpio# echo 44 > unexport二、文件读写例程#include stdlib.h#include stdio.h#include string.h#include unistd.h#include fcntl.h /* define O_WRONLY and O_RDONLY *//* 芯片复位引脚: P1_16 */#define SYSFS_GPIO_EXPORT "/sys/class/gpio/export"#define SYSFS_GPIO_RST_PIN_VAL "48"#define SYSFS_GPIO_RST_DIR "/sys/class/gpio/gpio48/direction"#define SYSFS_GPIO_RST_DIR_VAL "OUT"#define SYSFS_GPIO_RST_VAL "/sys/class/gpio/gpio48/value"#define SYSFS_GPIO_RST_VAL_H "1"#define SYSFS_GPIO_RST_VAL_L "0"int main(){int fd;/* 打开端口/sys/class/gpio# echo 48 > export */fd = open( SYSFS_GPIO_EXPORT, O_WRONLY );if ( fd == -1 ){printf( "ERR: Radio hard reset pin open error.\n" );return(EXIT_FAILURE);}write( fd, SYSFS_GPIO_RST_PIN_VAL, sizeof(SYSFS_GPIO_RST_PIN_VAL) );close( fd );/* 设置端口方向/sys/class/gpio/gpio48# echo out > direction */fd = open( SYSFS_GPIO_RST_DIR, O_WRONLY );if ( fd == -1 ){printf( "ERR: Radio hard reset pin direction open error.\n" );return(EXIT_FAILURE);}write( fd, SYSFS_GPIO_RST_DIR_VAL, sizeof(SYSFS_GPIO_RST_DIR_VAL) );close( fd );/* 输出复位信号: 拉高>100ns */fd = open( SYSFS_GPIO_RST_VAL, O_RDWR );if ( fd == -1 ){printf( "ERR: Radio hard reset pin value open error.\n" );return(EXIT_FAILURE);}while ( 1 ){write( fd, SYSFS_GPIO_RST_VAL_H, sizeof(SYSFS_GPIO_RST_VAL_H) );usleep( 1000000 );write( fd, SYSFS_GPIO_RST_VAL_L, sizeof(SYSFS_GPIO_RST_VAL_L) );usleep( 1000000 );}close( fd );printf( "INFO: Radio hard reset pin value open error.\n" );return(0);}三、中断检测#include stdlib.h#include stdio.h#include string.h#include unistd.h#include fcntl.h#include poll.h#define MSG( args ... ) printf( args )/* 函数声明 */static int gpio_export( int pin );static int gpio_unexport( int pin );static int gpio_direction( int pin, int dir );static int gpio_write( int pin, int value );static int gpio_read( int pin );static int gpio_export( int pin ){char b uffer[64];int len;int fd;fd = open( "/sys/class/gpio/export", O_WRONLY );if ( fd < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to open export for writing!\n" );return(-1);}len = snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", pin );if ( write( fd, buffer, len ) < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to export gpio!" );return(-1);}close( fd );return(0);}static int gpio_unexport( int pin ){char b uffer[64];int len;int fd;fd = open( "/sys/class/gpio/unexport", O_WRONLY );if ( fd < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to open unexport for writing!\n" );return(-1);}len = snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", pin );if ( write( fd, buffer, len ) < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to unexport gpio!" );return(-1);}close( fd );return(0);}/* dir: 0-->IN, 1-->OUT */static int gpio_direction( int pin, int dir ){static const char dir_str[] = "in\0out";char path[64];int fd;snprintf( path, sizeof(path), "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/direction", pin );fd = open( path, O_WRONLY );if ( fd < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to open gpio direction for writing!\n" );return(-1);}if ( write( fd, &dir_str[dir == 0 ? 0 : 3], dir == 0 ? 2 : 3 ) < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to set direction!\n" );return(-1);}close( fd );return(0);}/* value: 0-->LOW, 1-->HIGH */static int gpio_write( int pin, int value ){static const char values_str[] = "01";char path[64];int fd;snprintf( path, sizeof(path), "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", pin );fd = open( path, O_WRONLY );if ( fd < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to open gpio value for writing!\n" );return(-1);}if ( write( fd, &values_str[value == 0 ? 0 : 1], 1 ) < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to write value!\n" );return(-1);}close( fd );return(0);}static int gpio_read( int pin ){char p ath[64];char v alue_str[3];int fd;snprintf( path, sizeof(path), "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", pin );fd = open( path, O_RDONLY );if ( fd < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to open gpio value for reading!\n" );return(-1);}if ( read( fd, value_str, 3 ) < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to read value!\n" );return(-1);}close( fd );return(atoi( value_str ) );}/** none表示引脚为输入,不是中断引脚* rising表示引脚为中断输入,上升沿触发* falling表示引脚为中断输入,下降沿触发* both表示引脚为中断输入,边沿触发* 0-->none, 1-->rising, 2-->falling, 3-->both*/static int gpio_edge( int pin, int edge ){const char dir_str[] = "none\0rising\0falling\0both";char ptr;char path[64];int fd;switch ( edge ){case 0:ptr = 0;break;case 1:ptr = 5;break;case 2:ptr = 12;break;case 3:ptr = 20;break;default:ptr = 0;}snprintf( path, sizeof(path), "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/edge", pin );fd = open( path, O_WRONLY );if ( fd < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to open gpio edge for writing!\n" );return(-1);}if ( write( fd, &dir_str[ptr], strlen( &dir_str[ptr] ) ) < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to set edge!\n" );return(-1);}close( fd );return(0);}/* GPIO1_17 */int main(){int gpio_fd, ret;struct pollfd fds[1];char buff[10];unsigned char cnt = 0;/* LED引脚初始化 */gpio_export( 115 );gpio_direction( 115, 1 );gpio_write( 115, 0 );/*按键引脚初始化 */gpio_export( 49 );gpio_direction( 49, 0 );gpio_edge( 49, 1 );gpio_fd = open( "/sys/class/gpio/gpio49/value", O_RDONLY );if ( gpio_fd < 0 ){MSG( "Failed to open value!\n" );return(-1);}fds[0].fd = gpio_fd;fds[0].events = POLLPRI;ret = read( gpio_fd, buff, 10 );if ( ret == -1 )MSG( "read\n" );while ( 1 ){ret = poll( fds, 1, 0 );if ( ret == -1 )MSG( "poll\n" );if ( fds[0].revents & POLLPRI ){ret = lseek( gpio_fd, 0, SEEK_SET );if ( ret == -1 )MSG( "lseek\n" );ret = read( gpio_fd, buff, 10 );if ( ret == -1 )MSG( "read\n" );gpio_write( 115, cnt++ % 2 );}usleep( 100000 );}return(0);}。
