浙江省义乌市2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次(2月)学力检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

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第一节:听对话,选择正确的图片。(每题1分,共 5分)

5. How did he feel at first?



第二节:听小对话,选择正确的答语。(每题2分,共 10分)

6. What’s on the desk?

A. Some books.

B. Some dolls.

C. Some model cars.

7. What is the favorite hobby of Tony’s brother?

A. Playing computer.

B. L istening to music.

C. Reading.

8. How often does the woman prepare the music programme?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Every day.

9. Who is in Britain?

A. Daming’s parents.

B. Daming’s uncles.

C. Daming’s


10. What is the gift Mary has got?

A. A beautiful smile.

B. A nice dress.

C. A game card.


What to do_____12______ When to meet___13_______

Where to meet_____14_______ Telephone________15_________

11. A. Tom B. Kate C. We don’t know.

12. A. have a test B. have a rest C. have a picnic

13. A. 7:00 B. 6:30 C. 7:30

14. A. At the school gate B. Out of the school C. In the school

15. A. 33718854 B. 37114588 C. 33714588


一.单项选择。(每题1分,共 15分)

1. The weather in China is different that in Australia.

A. from

B. to

C. for

D. like

2. -Welcome to China. , where are you from?


A. This way

B. On the way

C. In the way

D. By the way

3. Some hobbies, _______ reading, writing and painting, are relaxing.

A. as well as

B. such as

C. for example

D. as a result

4. Please tell me where now.

A. he lived

B. does he live

C. he lives

D. did he lived

5. The teacher says some hobbies are relaxing, are creative.

A. others

B. other

C. another

D. the other

6. During the vacation, students often spend some time computer games.

A. play

B. playing

C. to play

D. on playing

7. The fifth Harry Potter story book in 2020.

A. come out

B. come on

C. came out

D. came on

8. She parked(停) her car outside the door , but the next morning she found

it missing(丢失的).

A. as usual

B. at least

C. usual

D. so

9. -I don’t know they will go swimming or not.

-You’d better ask Mrs. Li.

A. if

B. \

C. that

D. whether

10. Sally said her visit here was all about friends.

A. make

B. makes

C. making

D. made

11. ─ Could you tell me from Jiaxin to Haining?

─ About 25 km.

A. how far is it

B. how long is it

C. how far it is

D. how long it is

12. When you are unhappy, try to find to do or to see.

A. in teresting something

B. something interesting

C. something interested

D. interested something

13. ─Look at that poor girl. She stands by the window at this time every day.

─Yes, she feels after her best friend left last week.

A. alone

B. lonely

C. happy

D. relaxing

14. Don’t make me this or that. I’m too busy.

A. to do

B. do

C. doing

D. done

15. ----I’m sorry, I broke your cup.

-----_________, but next time please be careful.

A. You’re we lcome

B. It doesn’t matter

C. That’s right

D. It’s my pleasure

二、完型填空(每题1分,共 10分)

A man was very hungry. He went into a 1 . He knew that the restaurant

was famous 2 its bread because he had been there 3 . He 4 for five pieces of bread. But to his 5 , the bread was 6 small that he ate one at a mouthful(一口的). He said to the waiter, "Please tell me, is it because my mouth become bigger 7 the bread becomes smaller?”

"Oh, you know 8 about that, " said the waiter. "No w let me ask you a question.

What 9 is it now?
