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上海牛津英语4b 英语期末测试卷一.根据句意写单词,首字母已给出:

time is it? ---It ’s a q_ _________to eight.

are you doing? ---I’m brushing my t_________.

o _________wants to catch the mouse.

Tom g _______up now?---Yes,he is.

I finish w _________the cartoon? ---No,you can ’t. is this? --- It ’s a c_________, (时钟)’s the date today?

---It 8W ’s the f ________of May.(五月一日)

____________is in the middle of the week.

often visit our g __________on Sunday. (奶奶)

time is it? ---It ’s_______________. (7:45)

are seven days in a w________.

often goes to the school l_ __________on Monday afternoon.



is Wednesday today. Tomorrow is ________.

2. At twelve o ’clock, I eat rice and fish for my ________.

3. Teachers ’ Day is on the ________of September, It ’s for teachers.

’m give some bread, please.

is the first day of a week.

little sister_______(like)_______(drink)juice.

can_______(do)a puzzle, Look. l_________(do)a puzzle now.

,Ben,_______you_______(write) a letter to your friend?

is six in the evening. The Lis_______(have) breakfast?

’s time for_______(bed).Canyou finish_______(do)your homework?

三.读一读 , 选一选 , 将字母代号写前面的括号内, 将字母代号写在前面的括号内 :

( ). ’s the date today? ---It the fifth of May B.

’s _______

Sunday C. the fifth of May

( ) 2. At weekend, Peter ’s family sometimes _______to the Rainbow Park.

C. are going.

( ) 3. — Would you like some apple juice?-_______


A. No,I don’t ) time

is it?---_______

B. Yes, I like

C. No, thank you


nine o ’clock. B. At night ’s nine o ) are going to have

a good time ______Sunday afternoon.


( ) goes to school ________ Monday ______ Friday.


B. from, to, on

( ) go home

A. at, in _______half past four _______the afternoon.

B. at, In

C. on, on

( ), are you hungry _______thirsty?---I ’m hungry. ( ) gets up late, He runs all the way ______ _school.

( ) 10 .It


’s time _______ lunch. have having

( ) ’s a quarter _______twelve in the morning.

( ) ’s half past seven in the morning. _______, Tom!

A. Go to bed

B. Have dinner up

( ) 13. It ’s nine o ’clock. Jim is late ______ _school.

A. to C. at.

( ) 14. The clock ________at ten thirty last night.


( ( )


girl on the bike _______,Excuse me! ’A. say.

comes a bear, _________go near the bear.


四.根据要求改变下列句子, 每线一词 :

is always busy on Tuesday and Wednesday.(改为反义句)
