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12. 蠢得像猪

13. 有其父必有其子

Like father, like son: a person usually behaves in exactly the same way as his or her father.

14. 隔墙有耳

Walls have ears: even the most secret and private conversation may become known to other people.

15. 骑墙/保持中立/采取观望态度

sit on the fence: not to make any clear choice or decision between two possibilities or opposing groups of people.

16. 前后颠倒/本末倒置/倒果为因put the cart before the horse: to do or say things in the wrong order.

17. 乱七八糟/杂乱无章/七嘴八舌/众说纷纭

at sixes and sevens: in a state of confusion.

18. 翘辫子/死

19. 昙花一现的事物

a flash in the pan: something that only lasts for a very short time; a success or something that has not happened before and is unlikely to happen again.

20. 一贫如洗/穷到极点

as poor as a church mouse: very poor;

having very little money

21. 空中楼阁/空想/白日梦/架空的计划

castle in the air: dreams, hopes, or desires that are unlikely to become reality.

22. 对某事了如指掌/胸有成竹或准备行动

have something firmly at one’s fingers’ends: to be very familiar with something

23. 宁为鸡口,无为牛后

Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion=Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse: Better the

foremost amongst commoners than the lowest of the aristocracy; “better to reign in hell than serve in Heav’n”[Milton: Paradise Lost]

24. 杀生金蛋的鹅/毁掉摇钱树/断绝生财或成功之道/≈杀鸡取卵

kill the goose that lays the golden eggs: to destroy the chief cause of one’s profit or success 25. 有口才/有辩才/能说会道/能言善辩/口齿伶俐/有三寸不烂之舌

the gift of the gab: the ability to talk readily and easily

26. 不伦不类/非驴非马

neither fish nor fowl: neither one

thing nor the other

27. 吹牛/说大话/谈论赛马的事

28. 守口如瓶/沉默不语/很少讲话

29. 笑得前仰后合/大笑不止

laugh one’s head off: to laugh in an extreme way or beyond reasonable limits

30. 胆小如鼠

31. 过着非常忧虑又痛苦的生活/≈过着牛马不如的生活

a dog’s life: a life or existence full of worries, trouble, or unhappiness

32. 想方设法/千方百计

leave no stone unturned: to make

every possible effort or attempt 33. 进退维谷/进退两难/左右为难/≈前有猛虎,后有豺狼

between the devil and the deep /blue sea: having two possible courses of action open to one, both of which are dangerous, unpleasant, etc.

34. 孤注一掷

put all one’s eggs in one basket: to depend completely on the success of one thing

35. 旁观者清


11. 水

Adam’s wine=Adam’s ale: water 12. 赖以谋生的东西/生计someone’s bread and butter: something that provides a person with the simple things he needs to continue to live or work

13. 破坏细心的计划/打乱程序

upset the apple-cart: to spoil something that has been carefully planned

14. 打平伙(各自出钱合伙吃)/各人自己付钱

go Dutch: to share the cost of a meal, visit to the cinema, etc.
