莫顿、博迪版 金融学课后习题答案(中文版)第一章

《金融学》习题答案第一章货币与货币制度一、填空题1.一般等价物易于携带便于贮藏2.一般等价物3.纸币硬币银行活期存款近似货币货币替代物4.狭义货币广义货币5.价值尺度流通手段贮藏手段支付手段世界货币6.价值商品价值货币价值正比反比7.平衡国际贸易的差额购买外国商品从一国转移到另一国家8.银本位制复本位制金本位制纸币本位制9.格雷欣法则10.待售的商品数量商品的价格水平货币流通速度二、判断题1.×2.√3.×4.×5.×6.√7.√8.√9.×10.√三、选择题1.A2.ABCE3.A4.AC D5.ABCD6.A7.ACD8.ABC四、名词解释1.一般等价物——随着商品交换日益增多,交换地区扩大,充当商品交换媒介的物品就逐渐被固定在某种特殊的商品上,这种特殊的商品称为一般等价物。

第一章货币与货币制度一、不定项选择题1、与货币的出现严密相联的是〔B〕A、金银的稀缺性B、交换产生与开展C、国家的强制力D、先哲的智慧2、商品价值形式最终演变的结果是〔D〕A、简单价值形式B、扩大价值形式C、一般价值形式D、货币价值形式3、中国最早的铸币金属是〔A〕A、铜B、银C、铁D、贝4、在以下货币制度中劣币驱逐良币律出现在〔C〕A、金本位制B、银本位制C、金银复本位制D、金汇兑本位制5、中华人民国货币制度建立于〔A〕A、1948年B、1949年C、1950年D、1951年6、欧洲货币同盟开场使用“欧元EURO〞于〔B〕A、1998年B、1999年C、2001年D、2002年7、金银复本位制的不稳定性源于〔D〕A、金银的稀缺B、生产力的迅猛提高C、货币发行管理混乱D、金银同为本位币8、中国本位币的最小规格是〔C〕A、1分B、1角C、1元D、10元9、金属货币制度下的蓄水池功能源于〔C〕A、金属货币的稀缺性B、金属货币的价值稳定C、金属货币的自由铸造和熔化D、金属货币的易于保存10、单纯地从物价和货币购置力的关系看,物价指数上升25%,则货币购置力〔B〕A、上升20%B、下降20%C、上升25%D、下降25%11、在国家财政和银行信用中发挥作用的主要货币职能是〔C〕A、价值尺度B、流通手段C、支付手段D、贮藏手段12、以下货币制度中最稳定的是〔C〕A、银本位制B、金银复本位制C、金铸币本位制D、金汇兑本位制13、马克思的货币本质观的建立根底是〔A〕A、劳动价值说B、货币金属说C、货币名目说D、创造创造说14、对商品价格的理解正确的选项是〔C〕A、同商品价值成反比B、同货币价值成正比C、商品价值的货币表现D、商品价值与货币价值的比15、货币的本质特征是充当〔B〕A、特殊等价物B、一般等价物C、普通商品D、特殊商品16 、马克思关于货币起源的论述,是以如下哪种理论为依据的? 〔D 〕A 、货币价值论B 、货币数量论C 、国家政权决定论D 、劳动价值论17、马克思主要是通过分析如下哪一要素的开展,来提醒货币产生的客观必然性的? 〔C〕A 、经济体制B 、使用价值形式C 、价值形式D 、社会形态18、与货币的起源密不可分的是:〔D〕A 、私有制B 、社会分工C 、贫富分化D 、商品交换19、不同商品在量上可以比拟、在质上同一的共同根底是:〔C〕A 、价格标准B 、使用价值C 、价值D 、价格20、属于物物的直接交换的价值形式包括:〔CD 〕A 、一般的价值形式B 、特殊的价值形式C 、简单的价值形式D 、扩大的价值形式21、最初的货币所采取的形态是:〔B〕A 、金币、银币B 、牲畜、皮革、烟草C 、纸币D 、银行券22、货币的各种职能都是从现实的货币出发来描述的,但可用货币符号来代替的是:〔B 〕A 、流通手段B 、价值尺度C 、储藏手段D 、支付手段23、货币支付手段职能最初是导源于:〔B〕A 、支付工资B 、商品赊销C 、吸收存款D 、发放贷款24、在价值形式的演进中,商品交换有质的变化的是:〔A 〕A 、扩大价值形式到一般价值形式B 、一般价值形式到货币形式C 、简单价值形式到货币形式D 、货币价值形式25、金本位制度下,汇价的根本决定因素是:〔A〕A 、铸币平价B 、商品的价格C 、货币购置力D 、物价指数26、第一次世界大战前,主要的国际储藏货币是:〔C 〕A 、美元B 、黄金C 、英镑D 、德国马克27、作为流通手段职能的货币是:〔AD 〕A 、价值符号B 、现实的货币C 、信用货币D 、观念上的货币28、在兴旺的商品经济中,支付手段发挥作用的主要场所是:〔D 〕A 、信贷收支B 、支付工资C 、财政收支D 、大额交易29、以下属于货币发挥支付手段职能的有:〔AC〕A 、银行吸收存款B 、汽车购置C 、工资支付D 、商品购置30、经济对货币的需求包括对:〔CD 〕A 、世界货币的需求B 、储藏手段的需求C 、流通手段的需求D 、支付手段的需求31、货币所具有的特征是:〔ACD 〕A 、表现商品价值B 、在世界围流通C 、衡量商品价值D 、和一切商品相交换32、在我国境严禁作为计算单位和价值尺度流通的有:〔BCD 〕A 、人民币B 、金银C 、港币、澳元D 、外国货币二、判断题1、最早的货币形式是金属铸币。

A.投资者承担较小的投资风险 B.容易实现资金供求期限和数量的匹配C.有利于落低信息成本和合约成本 D.能够节省交易成本2、直截了当融资的缺点包括等。
①投资者需要花费大量的搜集信息、分析信息的时刻和成本②投资者要承担较大的投资风险③别利于经过分散化来落低金融风险④融资的门槛比较高A.①②③④ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②③3、金融机构可经过来筹集资金。
①发行存单②提供贷款③发行债券④发行股票A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.①②③④4、以下阐述正确的是。
①金融市场是金融资产交易的场所②金融市场是金融资产的供求关系、交易活动和组织治理等活动的总和③金融市场的发育程度直截了当妨碍金融体系功能的发挥④金融市场为有形市场A.②③④ B.①③④ C.①②③ D.①②④5、金融创新包括等在内的创新。
①金融工具②金融市场③金融制度④金融机构A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②③④6、的金融创新对传统的金融市场和体制带来巨大冲击。
A.20世纪50年代 B.离岸金融市场—欧洲货币市场的建立C.18世纪英国中央银行制度的建立 D.20世纪70年代别断涌现7、当代金融创新的直截了当导因是。
①国际资本的加速流淌②世界范围的放松金融管制③国际债务危机的爆发和妨碍④电子计算机技术和网络技术在金融领域的广泛应用A.①②③④ B.②④ C.②③④ D.①③④8、以下哪一选项别是金融创新所能产生的积极作用?A.金融创新扩大了金融机构的资金来源渠道,扩大了金融服务业务领域 B.有利于发挥利率杠杆在调节金融资源配置中的作用C.能落低金融系统的风险D.有利于世界金融和经济的深化进展9、金融市场创新别包括:A.市场种类的创新 B.市场组织形式的创新C.市场制度的创新 D.汇率制度的创新10、金融工具的创新具体包括:①时刻衍生②功能衍生③种类衍生④复合衍生A.①②③④ B.以上都别是 C.①②④ D.②③④11、以下对金融资产的描述别正确的是A.市场价值稳定 B.是一种无形资产C.是一种将来收益的索取权 D.市场价值受市场供求状况妨碍二、推断题1、在现代经济条件下,资金的流淌要紧是经过金融体系来实现的。

(完整版)金融数学课后习题答案第一章习题答案1. 设总量函数为A(t) = t2 + 2t + 3 。
试计算累积函数a(t) 和第n 个时段的利息In 。
解: 把t = 0 代入得A(0) = 3 于是:a(t) =A(t)A(0)=t2 + 2t + 33In = A(n) ? A(n ?1)= (n2 + 2n + 3) ?((n ?1)2 + 2(n ?1) + 3))= 2n + 12. 对以下两种情况计算从t 时刻到n(t < n) 时刻的利息: (1)Ir(0 < r <n); (2)Ir = 2r(0 < r < n).解:(1)I = A(n) ? A(t)= In + In?1 + + It+1=n(n + 1)2t(t + 1)2(2)I = A(n) ? A(t)=Σnk=t+1Ik =Σnk=t+1Ik= 2n+1 ?2t+13. 已知累积函数的形式为: a(t) = at2 + b 。
若0 时刻投入的100 元累积到3 时刻为172 元,试计算:5 时刻投入的100 元在10 时刻的终值。
第1 页解: 由题意得a(0) = 1, a(3) =A(3)A(0)= 1.72a = 0.08,b = 1∴A(5) = 100A(10) = A(0) ? a(10) = A(5) ? a(10)a(5)= 100 × 3 = 300.4. 分别对以下两种总量函数计算i5 和i10 :(1) A(t) = 100 + 5t; (2) A(t) = 100(1 + 0.1)t. 解:(1)i5 =A(5) ? A(4)A(4)=5120≈4.17%i10 =A(10) ? A(9)A(9)=5145≈3.45%(2)i5 =A(5) ? A(4)A(4)=100(1 + 0.1)5 ?100(1 + 0.1)4100(1 + 0.1)4= 10%i10 =A(10) ? A(9)A(9)=100(1 + 0.1)10 ?100(1 + 0.1)9100(1 + 0.1)9= 10%第2 页5.设A(4) = 1000, in = 0.01n. 试计算A(7) 。



二、简述题 1.货币价值形态的演变过程。
货币价值形态的历史演变过程为:简单的价值形态→扩大的价值形态→一般的价值形态→货币形态 2.货币形态的演进过程。

2.金融体系(financial system)答:金融体系是金融市场以及其他金融机构的集合,这些集合被用于金融合同的订立以及资产和风险的交换。

Chapter1Role of Financial Markets and Institutions OutlineOverview of Financial MarketsMoney Versus Capital MarketsPrimary Versus Secondary MarketsOrganized Versus Over-the-Counter MarketsSecurities Traded in Financial MarketsMoney Market SecuritiesCapital Market SecuritiesDerivative SecuritiesValuation of Securities in Financial MarketsMarket Pricing of SecuritiesMarket EfficiencyFinancial Market RegulationDisclosureOther RegulationsFinancial Market GlobalizationRole of the Foreign Exchange MarketForeign Exchange RatesRole of Financial Institutions in Financial MarketsRole of Depository InstitutionsRole of Nondepository InstitutionsComparison of Roles Among Financial InstitutionsOverview of Financial InstitutionsCompetition Between Financial InstitutionsConsolidation of Financial Institutions12E Chapter1/Role of Financial Markets and InstitutionsGlobal Expansion by Financial InstitutionsKey Concepts1.Explain the role of financial intermediaries in transferring funds from surplus units to deficit units.2.Introduce the types of financial markets available and their functions.3.Introduce the various financial institutions that facilitate the flow of funds.4.Provide a preview of the course outline.Emphasize the linkages between the various sections of thecourse.Questions1.Explain the meaning of surplus units and deficit units.Provide an example of each.ANSWER:Surplus units provide funds to the financial markets while deficit units obtain funds from the financial markets.Surplus units include households with savings,while deficit units include firms or government agencies that borrow funds.2.Distinguish between primary and secondary markets.ANSWER:Primary markets are used for the issuance of new securities while secondary markets are used for the trading of existing securities.3.Distinguish between money and capital markets.ANSWER:Money markets facilitate the trading of short-term(money market)instruments while capital markets facilitate the trading of long-term(capital market)instruments.4.Distinguish between perfect and imperfect security markets.ANSWER:With perfect financial markets,all information about any securities for sale would be freely available to investors,information about surplus and deficit units would be freely available, and all securities could be unbundled into any size desired.In reality,markets are imperfect,so that surplus and deficit units do not have free access to information,and securities can not be unbundled as desired.5.Explain why the existence of imperfect markets creates a need for financial institutions.ANSWER:Financial intermediaries are needed to facilitate the exchange of funds between surplus and deficit units.They have the information to provide this service and can even repackage deposits to provide the amount of funds borrowers desire.6.Explain the meaning of efficient markets.Why might we expect markets to be efficient most of thetime?ANSWER:If markets are efficient then prices of securities available in these markets properly reflect all information.We should expect markets to be efficient because if they weren't,investors would capitalize on the discrepancy between what prices are and what they should be.This action would force market prices to represent the appropriate prices as perceived by the market.7.In recent years,several securities firms have been guilty of using inside information when purchasingsecurities,thereby achieving returns well above the norm(even when accounting for risk).Does this suggest that the security markets are not efficient?Explain.ANSWER:Efficiency is often defined with regard to publicly available information.In this case, markets can be efficient,but investors with inside information could possibly outperform the market on a consistent basis.A stronger version of efficiency would hypothesize that even access to inside information will not consistently outperform the market.Chapter1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutions E3 8.What was the purpose of the Securities Act of1933?What was the purpose of the SecuritiesExchange Act of1934?Do these laws prevent investors from making poor investment decisions?Explain.ANSWER:The Securities Act of1933was intended to assure complete disclosure of relevantfinancial information on publicly offered securities,and prevent fraudulent practices when selling these securities.The Securities Exchange Act of1934extended the disclosure requirements tosecondary market issues.It also declared a variety of deceptive practices illegal,but does not prevent poor investments.9.If barriers to international securities markets are reduced,will a country's interest rate be more or lesssusceptible to foreign lending or borrowing activities?Explain.ANSWER:If international securities market barriers are reduced,a country's interest rate will likely become more susceptible to foreign lending and borrowing activities.Without barriers,funds will flow more freely in between countries.Funds would seek out countries where expected returns are high.Then,the amount of foreign funds invested in any country could adjust abruptly and affect interest rates.10.In what way could the international flow of funds cause a decline in interest rates?ANSWER:If a large volume of foreign funds was invested in the United States,it could placedownward pressure on U.S.interest rates.Without this supply of foreign funds,U.S.interest rates would have been higher.11.Distinguish between the functions of a broker and those of a dealer,and explain how each iscompensated.ANSWER:Brokers are commonly compensated with commissions on trades,while dealers arecompensated on their positions in particular securities.Some dealers also provide brokerage services.12.Why is it necessary for securities to be somewhat standardized?ANSWER:Securities can be more easily traded when they are standardized because the specifics of the security transaction are well known.If securities were not standardized,transactions would be slowed considerably as participants would have to negotiate all the provisions.13.What are the functions of securities firms?ANSWER:Securities firms provide a variety of functions(such as underwriting and brokerage)that either enhance a borrower's ability to borrow funds or an investor’s ability to invest funds.14.Explain why some financial flows of funds cannot occur through the sale of standardized securities.ANSWER:Some financial flows,such as most commercial loans,must be provided on a personal basis,since the firms requesting loans have particular needs.15.If securities were not standardized,how would this affect the volume of financial transactionsconducted by brokers?ANSWER:If securities were not standardized,the volume of financial transactions conducted by brokers would be reduced,because the documentation would be greater.mercial banks use some funds to purchase securities and other funds to make loans.Why are thesecurities more marketable than loans in the secondary market?ANSWER:Securities are more standardized than loans and therefore can be more easily sold in the secondary market.The excessive documentation on commercial loans limits a bank's ability to sell loans in the secondary market.17.How have the asset compositions of savings and loan associations differed from those of commercialbanks?Explain why and how this distinction may change over time.ANSWER:Savings and loan associations have traditionally concentrated in mortgage lending,while commercial banks have concentrated in commercial lending.Savings and loan associations are now4E Chapter1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutionsallowed to diversify their asset portfolio to a greater degree and will likely increase theirconcentration in commercial loans(but not to the same degree as commercial banks.18.With regard to the profit motive,how are credit unions different from other financial institutions?ANSWER:Credit unions are non-profit financial institutions.pare the main sources and uses of funds for finance companies,insurance companies,andpension funds.ANSWER:Finance companies sell securities to obtain funds,while insurance companies receive insurance premiums and pension funds receive employee/employer contributions.Finance companies use funds to provide direct loans to consumers and businesses.Insurance companies and pension funds purchase securities.20.What is the function of a mutual fund?Why are mutual funds popular among investors?ANSWER:A mutual fund sells shares to investors,pools the funds,and invests the funds in aportfolio of securities.Mutual funds are popular because they can help individuals diversify while using professional expertise to make investment decisions.21.How does a money market mutual fund differ from a stock or bond mutual fund?ANSWER:A money market mutual fund invests in money market securities,whereas other mutual funds normally invest in stocks or bonds.22.Classify the types of financial institutions mentioned in this chapter as either depository ornondepository.Explain the general difference between depository and nondepository institution sources of funds.ANSWER:Depository institutions include commercial banks,savings and loan associations,and credit unions.These institutions differ from nondepository institutions in that they accept deposits.Nondepository institutions include finance companies,insurance companies,pension funds,mutual funds,and money market funds.23.It is often stated that all types of financial institutions have begun to offer services that werepreviously offered only by certain types.Consequently,many financial institutions are becoming more similar in terms of their operations.Yet,the performance levels still differ significantly among types of financial institutions.Why?ANSWER:Even though financial institutions are becoming more similar,they often differ distinctly from each other in terms of sources and uses of funds.Therefore,their performance levels differ as well.24.Look in a recent business periodical for news about a recent financial transaction that involves twofinancial institutions.For this transaction,determine the following:a.How will each institution's balance sheet be affected?b.Will either institution receive immediate income from the transaction?c.Who is the ultimate user of funds?d.Who is the ultimate source of funds?ANSWER:This exercise will force students to understand how the balance sheet and incomestatement of a financial institution is affected by various transactions.When a financial institution simply acts as a middleman,income(fees or commissions)are earned,but the institution's asset portfolio is not significantly affected.25.Which types of financial institutions do you deal with?Explain whether you are acting as a surplusunit or a deficit unit in your relationship with each financial institution.ANSWER:This exercise allows students to realize that they constantly interact with financialinstitutions,and that they often play the role of a deficit unit(on car loans,tuition loans,etc.).Chapter1/Role of Financial Markets and Institutions E5 26.Explain how the privatization of companies in Europe can lead to the development of new securitiesmarkets.ANSWER:The privatization of companies will force these companies to finance with stocks and debt securities,instead of relying on the federal government for funds.Consequently,secondary markets for stocks and debt securities will be developed over time.Interpreting Financial News“Interpreting Financial News”tests your ability to comprehend common statements made by Wall Street analysts and portfolio managers who participate in the financial markets.Interpret the following statements made by Wall Street analysts and portfolio managers.a.“The price of IBM will not be affected by the announcement that its earnings have increased asexpected.”The earnings level was anticipated by investors,so that IBM’s stock price already reflected this anticipation.b.“The lending operations at Bank of America should benefit from strong economic growth.”High economic growth encourages expansion by firms,which results in a strong demand forloans provided by Bank of America.c.“The brokerage and underwriting performance at Merrill Lynch should benefit from strongeconomic growth.”High economic growth may result in a large volume of stock transactions in which Merrill Lynch may serve as a broker.Also,Merrill Lynch underwriters new securities that are issued whenfirms raise funds to support expansion;firms are more willing to issue new securities to expand during periods of high economic growth.Managing in Financial MarketsAs a financial manager of a large firm,you plan to borrow$70million over the next year.a.What are the more likely alternatives for you to borrow$70million?You could attempt to borrow$70million from commercial banks,savings institutions,or finance companies in the form of commercial loans.Alternatively,you may issue debt securities.b.Assuming that you decide to issue debt securities,describe the types of financial institutions thatmay purchase these securities.Financial institutions such as mutual funds,pension funds,and insurance companies commonly purchase debt securities that are issued by firms.Other financial institutions such as commercial banks and savings institutions may also purchase debt securities.c.How do individuals indirectly provide the financing for your firm when they maintain deposits atdepository institutions,invest in mutual funds,purchase insurance policies,or invest in pensions?Individuals provide funds to financial institutions in the form of bank deposits,investment inmutual funds,purchases of insurance policies,or investment in pensions.The financialinstitutions may channel the funds toward the purchase of debt securities(and even equitysecurities)that were issued by large corporations,such as the one where you work.。

第1章金融学1.1 复习笔记【知识框架】【考点难点归纳】金融金融学对金融学进行界定金融体系金融理论消费和储蓄决策居民户的金融决策投资决策融资决策风险管理决策战略计划资本预算企业的金融决策资本结构决策营运资本管理独资企业企业组织的形式合伙企业公司所有权与管理分离管理的目标市场性管束:收购财务专家在公司中的角色金融学考点一:对金融学进行界定1.金融金融是货币流通、信用活动及与之相关的经济行为的总称。
按金融中介机构是否充当资金转移的媒介,金融可以分为直接金融(direct finance)和间接金融(indirect finance)。

金融体系(financial system)答:金融体系是金融市场以及其他金融机构的集合,这些集合被用于金融合同的订立以及资产和风险的交换。
请问该投资者的年化收益率是多少?(1100 - 1000) / 1000 × 100% = 10%其中,分子部分为投资者获得的收益,分母部分为投资者的初始投资金额。
现代投资组合理论(MPT)是由Harry Markowitz于20世纪50年代提出的,它认为投资者应该通过多元化投资来降低风险。


(1)安全的商业法规体系,较低的税负,较少的管制; (2)高度发达的投资银行业; (3)高度发达的经纪行和金融交易体系: (4)高度发达的信息系统,尤其是在财务披露方面。 这些都是一个高度发达的金融市场的必备条件,所以证券化只发生在高度发达的证券市 场上。
11.答:a.固定工资意味着管理者的报酬(至少在短期内)与公司的业绩无关,这种薪酬形 式难以将管理者的利益与公司业绩统一起来,不能解决二者的潜在利益冲突,即使管理者认 为固定工资是稳定的工资结构。 b.将公司股票作为薪酬发放给管理者,在公司业绩好时,公司股价上升,管理者报酬上升。 这在一定程度上将管理者与股东的利益统一起来,能够促使管理者努力提升公司业绩,有助 于解决管理者与股东之间的潜在利益冲突。然而,如果股票补偿过度,管理者可能会认为这 过于冒险,因为管理者的事业与公司紧密相连。 C.与利润挂钩的工资制度将会激励管理者为公司的成功做出贡献。然而,工资与短期利润 挂钩的管理者会过于冒险,尤其是当短期利润决定工资,或者当回报无法补偿项目风险的全 部成本的时候。相比之下,承担着项目的损益的股东可能不太愿意承担这种风险。 12.答: (1)对管理者的监管是需要付出大量成本的,个人投资者的财力、精力和对公司的 控制权都不足以胜任对管理者的监管;而大机构投资者却可以运用其充足的财力、大量的专 业人才和对公司的有力的控制权来雇佣独立人士或在公司内部实行某种机制来对管理者进 行监管。 (2)在监管成本一定时,即使个人投资者可以监控和改善代理人的业绩,增加公司的市值, 但是这种回报会很少,因为个人在一个大公司中拥有的股票数量是非常少的。举例来说,假 如某人拥有 10000 美元通用汽车公司的股票,公司的市值增加了 5%而他仅仅能从中受益 500( 10000 X0.05)美元。相反,对于有几百万美元企业贷款的银行而言,确信企业能偿还贷 款是非常重要的。银行显然值得花费大量的资源去监控企业。 (3)对管理者的监管存在着外部经济效应,即某个股东在对管理者进行监管,他并不能得到 其监管活动的所有收益,因为其他股东也能从其监管中获得好处。当小股东执行监管时,外 部经济效应是非常大的;而大股东执行监管时,虽然仍存在着外部经济效应,却能降低这种 外部经济效应。

国际金融 Corporate Finance 3rd Berk DeMarzo Solution教材习题全解答案第一章

Chapter 1The Corporation1-1. What is the most important difference between a corporation and all other organizational forms?A corporation is a legal entity separate from its owners.1-2. What does the phrase limited liability mean in a corporate context?Owners’ liability is limited to the amount they invested in the firm. Stockholders are not responsible for any encumbrances of the firm; in particular, they cannot be required to pay back any debts incurred by the firm.1-3. Which organizational forms give their owners limited liability?Corporations and limited liability companies give owners limited liability. Limited partnerships provide limited liability for the limited partners, but not for the general partners.1-4. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of organizing a firm as a corporation?Advantages: Limited liability, liquidity, infinite lifeDisadvantages: Double taxation, separation of ownership and control1-5. Explain the difference between an S corporation and a C corporation.C corporations must pay corporate income taxes; S corporations do not pay corporate taxes, but mustpass through the income to shareholders to whom it is taxable. S corporations are also limited to 75 shareholders and cannot have corporate or foreign stockholders.1-6. You are a shareholder in a C corporation. The corporation earns $2 per share before taxes. Once it has paid taxes it will distribute the rest of its earnings to you as a dividend. The corporate tax rate is 40% and the personal tax rate on (both dividend and non-dividend) income is 30%. How much is left for you after all taxes are paid?´-= is left to pay dividends. Once First, the corporation pays the taxes. After taxes, $2(10.4)$1.20´-=. So, after all the the dividend is paid, personal tax must be paid, which leaves $1.20(10.3)$0.84taxes are paid, you are left with 84¢.1-7. Repeat Problem 6 assuming the corporation is an S corporation.An S corporation does not pay corporate income tax. So it distributes $2 to its stockholders. These stockholders must then pay personal income tax on the distribution. So they are left with ´-=.$2(10.3)$1.401-8. You have decided to form a new start-up company developing applications for the iPhone. Give examples of the three distinct types of financial decisions you will need to make.As the manager of an iPhone applications developer, you will make three types of financial decisions.i. You will make investment decisions such as determining which type of iPhone applicationprojects will offer your company a positive NPV and that your company, therefore, shoulddevelop.ii. You will make the decision on how to fund your iPhone application investments and what mix of debt and equity your company will have.iii. You will be responsible for the cash management of your company, ensuring that your company has the necessary funds to make investments, pay interest on loans, and pay your employees.1-9. When a pharmaceutical company develops a new drug, it often receives patent protection for that medication, allowing it to charge a higher price. Explain how this public policy of providing patent protection might help align the corporation’s interests with society’s interests.Without patent protection, the developer of the drug would be forced to lower prices to compete with generic manufacturers. Because this price competition would lower expected future profits, the developer would be willing to spend much less in R&D to develop the drug initially, and drug innovation would be curtailed.A lternatively, by allowing the drug’s developer to earn higher profits that are commensurate with thevalue of the drug to society, drug developers will find it in their best interests to spend more on R&D, and drug innovation is enhanced. Thus, patent protection can align the corporation’s and society’s interests and provide for more efficient spending on drug R&D.1-10. Corporate managers work for the owners of the corporation. Consequently, they should make decisions that are in the interests of the owners, rather than their own. What strategies are available to shareholders to help ensure that managers are motivated to act this way?Shareholders can do the following.i. Ensure that employees are paid with company stock and/or stock options.ii. Ensure that underperforming managers are fired.iii. Write contracts that ensure that the interests of the managers and shareholders are closely aligned.iv. Mount hostile takeovers.1-11. Suppose you are considering renting an apartment. You, the renter, can be viewed as an agent while the company that owns the apartment can be viewed as the principal. What principal-agent conflicts do you anticipate? Suppose instead that you work for the apartment company.What features would you put into the lease agreement that would give the renter incentives to take good care of the apartment?The agent (renter) will not take the same care of the apartment as the principal (owner), because the renter does not share in the costs of repairing damage to the apartment. To mitigate this problem, having the renter pay a deposit should motivate the renter to keep damages to a minimum. The deposit forces the renter to share in the costs of repairing any problems that they cause.1-12. You are the CEO of a company and you are considering entering into an agreement to have your company buy another company. You think the price might be too high, but you will be the CEO of the combined, much larger, company. You know that when the company gets bigger, your pay and prestige will increase. What is the nature of the agency conflict here and how is it related to ethical considerations?There is an ethical dilemma when the CEO of a firm has the opposite incentives to those of the shareholders. In this case, you (as the CEO) have an incentive to potentially overpay for another company (which would be damaging to your shareholders) because your pay and prestige will improve. 1-13. Are hostile takeovers necessarily bad for firms or their investors? Explain.No. They are a way to discipline managers who are not working in the interests of shareholders.1-14. What is the difference between a public and private corporation?The shares of a public corporation are traded on an exchange (or “over the counter” in an electronic trading system) while the shares of a private corporation are not traded on a public exchange.1-15. Explain why the bid-ask spread is a transaction cost.Investors always buy at the ask and sell at the bid. Since ask prices always exceed bid prices, investors “lose” this difference. It is one of the costs of transacting. Since the market makers take the other side of the trade, they make this difference.1-16. The following quote on Yahoo! Stock appeared on July 9, 2012, on Yahoo! Finance: If you wanted to buy Yahoo!, what price would you pay? How much would you receive if you wanted to sell Yahoo!?You would buy at $15.78 and sell for $15.77.。
投资学 博迪 第九版 中文答案 第一章

然而,当金融工程创建新产品时, 个人可以受益,可以让他们更有效地管理金融资产投资组合。
为了吸引这些投资者,资本市场需求: 1。
7.a 银行贷款是兰尼的金融负债,收到的现金是兰尼的金融资产。
莫顿、博迪版 金融学课后习题答案(中文版)第一章

h 小,同时,单收入家庭比双收入家庭更愿意购买残疾保险,人身保险.然 k 而,如果单收入家庭需要有人照顾放学后回家的孩子,他们还要再支付 . 照看小孩的额外费用. w五.学生们结合他们具体的经历和看法会给出不同的答案。很多的人 w很可能会说应该是在完成学业,并获得一份可观收入的工作之后实现 w经济上的独立。
o 资产包括:经常帐户余额 c 储蓄存款帐户余额 . 家具设备,首饰类(如表) w 车(如果有的话)
a 信用卡结余的差额 d 各种租用金的协定(不包括转租) h 应付车款 k 在计算净值时学生会特别地排除了他们一生潜在的赚钱
. 三.一个单身汉之需要养活他自己,所以他可以独立自主的作出金融 w决策。如果他不想购买健康保险(而愿意承担由这个决定而带来的金 w融风险)那么除了这个单身汉自身,没谁会受这个决定的影响。另外, w他不需要在家庭成员之间分配收入这件事上做任何决定。单身汉是很
m ●拥有我自己的房子 o ●供养我的家庭生活
c ●退休 . 在我实现目标的过程中,金融所扮演的角色: w 答案样例:1,金融现在可以为我提供大学本科及研究生教育的 a 学费并帮我完成学业,帮我决定投资于上学是否是一个好的投资决定 d 2,高等教育可以帮助提高我赚钱的能力以及获得一个我喜欢的工作 h 的能力 3,当我结婚并且有了孩子以后,我就有了额外的金融责任(以
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因为修补这些损坏而造成的花费需要靠什么工程项目的推迟来弥补。 如何支付楼下礼拜室维修的费用。 怎么样可以增加团体成员的参与和捐赠数量。 怎么样可以组织和要求志愿者参加一年一度的教堂义卖(这是每年最 大的资金募集活动)。
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h 小,同时,单收入家庭比双收入家庭更愿意购买残疾保险,人身保险.然 k 而,如果单收入家庭需要有人照顾放学后回家的孩子,他们还要再支付 . 照看小孩的额外费用. w五.学生们结合他们具体的经历和看法会给出不同的答案。很多的人 w很可能会说应该是在完成学业,并获得一份可观收入的工作之后实现 w经济上的独立。
缺点 1 费时 2 目的地可能太远 1 需要强健的体魄和耐力 2 目的地可能太远 1 可能不是很直捷 2 有很多站,不是很快捷 1 可能不是很直捷 2 只是本地运营 可能不是很直捷 昂贵
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d b. 1 银行借贷 h 2 汽车经销商借贷或租赁
3 个人储蓄
k C(略) . d 你应该从可选择的融资方式中选择成本最小的一种。 w当你分析的时候,你应该考虑以下方面: w1 你是否有足够的现金储蓄去购买?为了买车,你必须放弃的利息? w你付现金和贷款所付是否不同?
m 里程限制? o 七.a 为学生们提供个人服务可能是个低成本的选择。比如,你可以 c 为同学们做些差事,像带他们的宠物散步,或者帮他们去买东西等等。
. 举行,而且几乎不花费你多少成本。如果你想雇用帮手,你必须在一 w 定的工资基础上支付他们费用。 a b 当然,如果你能借到你需要的所有资金,你就能投资很多有趣的 d 行业。既然你可以筹集到 100%的资金,投资一些风险行业总比储蓄
h C [答案当然取决于你对 b 题的回答] k d 这取决于所需要的资金规模,学生应该寻找债券或股票融资。来源 . 可以是个人给你的借款,或者银行的信用卡(只能是给你很少的数 w目),风险投资家,公共债券,股票市场,保险公司,或退休基金。
ww宗教团体。最主要的金融决策: 是否要修理在上次飓风中毁坏的教堂和地面(尤其是修理漏雨的屋 顶)。
灵活自由的,可以选择住在几乎任何地方。他主要是在今天的消费(开 支)和为明天储蓄之间做出权衡决策。既然他只需要养活他自己,那
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么他储蓄的重要性就比对一家之主的重要性小。 有许多孩子的一家之长必须在这些家庭成员中分配资源[或者说
是收入].他们必须随时准备着处理各种风险,比如说潜在财政危机的 突然发生[诸如家庭成员经历的严重健康问题,或者因为火灾和其他 疏忽导致的保险问题].因为在一般一个家庭里人会比较多,有些人生
k 会如何留置一定的资金以用之于紧急事件,教育,假期旅游等;金融 . 也帮助我理解如何应对危机,比如残疾,生活,健康 4,金融也帮我 w决定我想买的房子是否值钱,也帮我如何用最少的金融资源购买那所 w房子 5,金融帮我决定我应该储蓄多少钱以备我子女的学业和我以后 w的退休
大学答案 --- 中学答案 --- 考研答案 --- 考试答案 最全最多的课后习题参考答案,尽在课后答案网()! Khdaw团队一直秉承用心为大家服务的宗旨,以关注学生的学习生活为出发点,
旨在为广大学生朋友的自主学习提供一个分享和交流的平台。 爱校园() 课后答案网() 淘答案()
. 费在募集资金上。而既然不是所有的项目都能获得财政支持,因此不 www.khdaw 同关键人物(比如牧师)的偏好在决策的制定中就显得至关重要。
o 资产包括:经常帐户余额 c 储蓄存款帐户余额 . 家具设备,首饰类(如表) w 车(如果有的话)
a 信用卡结余的差额 d 各种租用金的协定(不包括转租) h 应付车款 k 在计算净值时学生会特别地排除了他们一生潜在的赚钱
. 三.一个单身汉之需要养活他自己,所以他可以独立自主的作出金融 w决策。如果他不想购买健康保险(而愿意承担由这个决定而带来的金 w融风险)那么除了这个单身汉自身,没谁会受这个决定的影响。另外, w他不需要在家庭成员之间分配收入这件事上做任何决定。单身汉是很
m 病或受伤的风险就会更大.并且因为家庭中有许多依赖性的个体,所 o 以薪水收入者得认真地考虑生活和残疾保险.还有,家庭并不像个体 c 那样富有机动性,这是因为有了适龄儿童的缘故,这个家庭会想离所
. 有所裨益.因此一家之主的资源配置会更加的复杂:要有更多的钱于 w 目前的消费(这也是他或她需要来抚养成员的),但是同时又需要更 a 多的钱储蓄起来以支付未来的费用,诸如教育和房屋购置,还有风险 d 投资,比如生活和残障保险.
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一 . 我的生活目标: ●完成学业 ●找到一份自己喜欢且收入不菲的工作 ●结婚和生养子女
m ●拥有我自己的房子 o ●供养我的家庭生活
c ●退休 . 在我实现目标的过程中,金融所扮演的角色: w 答案样例:1,金融现在可以为我提供大学本科及研究生教育的 a 学费并帮我完成学业,帮我决定投资于上学是否是一个好的投资决定 d 2,高等教育可以帮助提高我赚钱的能力以及获得一个我喜欢的工作 h 的能力 3,当我结婚并且有了孩子以后,我就有了额外的金融责任(以
2 对于不同的贷款方式,首付金额是多少?月付多少?付多久?相关
课 后 答 案 网
费是否包括在月付款中? 3 对于不同的租赁方式,首付金额是多少?月付多少?付多久?在租 赁期末你是否拥有车?如果不拥有,买车要花多少?在租赁期末你是 否必须得买车?你是否拥有优先购买权?如果你不买车你是否得付 钱?相关利息是多少?税收和保险费是否包括在月付款中?是否有
我主要的权衡决策 :
课 后 答 案 网
答案样例:1,现在花钱接受高等教育(并完成学业)可是假设 以后由于我的高等教育文凭挣更多的钱 2,现在消费更多为以后比 如买房,买车或储蓄留置很少的钱还是现在消费很少,甚至少于我的 许多朋友
m 二.
答案样例:我认为应当在孩子已完成学业,找到工作并有稳定可观的 收入后才能对其实行经济独立。
六.a交通方式 优点m 源自行1 直捷 2 免费 3 方便
o 自行车 c 汽车
1 直捷 2 免费 3 方便 1 不贵 2 去远的目的地
. 地铁
1 不贵 2 快捷 可以到达远的目的地
aw 飞机
1 可以到达远的目的地 2 快捷
课 后 答 案 网
因为修补这些损坏而造成的花费需要靠什么工程项目的推迟来弥补。 如何支付楼下礼拜室维修的费用。 怎么样可以增加团体成员的参与和捐赠数量。 怎么样可以组织和要求志愿者参加一年一度的教堂义卖(这是每年最 大的资金募集活动)。
m 重要的权衡决策和偏好: o 宗教团体的资金是极其有限的,所以他们要优先考虑各项花费和需 c 求带来的开支。因为所涉及的资金问题,并不是每个需要进行的项目