附录英汉对照索引AA-weighted sound pressure level A声级(96)absolute humidity 绝对湿度(2)absolute roughness 绝对粗糙度(25)absorbate 吸收质(49)absorbent 吸收剂(49)absorbent 吸声材料(100)absorber 吸收器(85)absorptance for solar radiation 太阳辐射热吸收系数(60)absorption equipment 吸收装置(49)absorption of gas and vapo[u]r 气体吸收(48)absorptiong refrige rationg cycle 吸收式制冷循环(80)absorption-type refrigerating machine吸收式制冷机(84)access door 检查门(55)acoustic absorptivity 吸声系数(100)actual density 真密度(44)actuating element 执行机构(94)actuator 执行机构(94)adaptive control system 自适应控制系统(93)additional factor for exterior door 外门附加率(19)additional factor for intermittent heating 间歇附加率(19)additional factor for wind force 高度附加率(19)additional heat loss 风力附加率(19)adiabatic humidification 附加耗热量(18)adiabatic humidiflcation 绝热加湿(66)adsorbate 吸附质(49)adsorbent 吸附剂(49)adsorber 吸附装置(49)adsorption equipment 吸附装置(49)adsorption of gas and vapo[u]r 气体吸附(48)aerodynamic noise 空气动力噪声(98)aerosol 气溶胶(43)air balance 风量平衡(35)air changes 换气次数(35)air channel 风道(51)air cleanliness 空气洁净度(104)air collector 集气罐(31)air conditioning 空气调节(59)air conditioning condition 空调工况(76)air conditioning equipment 空气调节设备(70)air conditioning machine room 空气调节机房(59)air conditioning system 空气调节系统(62)air conditioning system cooling load 空气调节系统冷负荷(62)air contaminant 空气污染物(51)air-cooled condenser 风冷式冷凝器(82)air cooler 空气冷却器(74)air curtain 空气幕(30)air cushion shock absorber 空气弹簧隔振器(101)air distribution 气流组织(68)air distributor 空气分布器(54)air-douche unit with water atomization喷雾风扇(56)air duct 风管、风道(51)air filter 空气过滤器(58)air handling equipment 空气调节设备(70)air handling unit room 空气调节机房(59)air header 集合管(52)air humidity 空气湿度(2)air inlet 风口(54)air intake 进风口(41)air manifold 集合管(52)air opening 风口(54)air pollutant 空气污染物(51)air pollution 大气污染(50)air preheater 空气预热器(73)air return method 回风方式(70)air return mode 回风方式(70)air return through corridor 走廊回风(70)air space 空气间层(15)air supply method 送风方式(69)air supply mode 送风方式(69)air supply (suction) opening with slide plate 插板式送(吸)风口(54)air supply volume per unit area 单位面积送风量(69)air temperature 空气温度(2)air through tunnel 地道风(40)air-to-air total heat exchanger 全热换热器(73)air-to-cloth ratio 气布比(48)air velocity at work area 作业地带空气流速(5)air velocity at work place 工作地点空气流速(4)air vent 放气阀(31)air-water systen 空气—水系统(64)airborne particles 大气尘(43)air hater 空气加热器(29)airspace 空气间层(15)alarm signal 报警信号(90)ail-air system 全空气系统(63)all-water system 全水系统(64)allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity 室内温湿度允许波动范围(5)ambient noise 环境噪声(97)ammonia 氨(78)amplification factor of centrolled plant 调节对象放大系数(87)amplitude 振幅(100)anergy (77)angle of repose 安息角(44)ange of slide 滑动角(44)angle scale 热湿比(67)angle valve 角阀(31)annual [value] 历年值(3)annual coldest month 历年最冷月(3)annual hottest month 历年最热月(3)anticorrosive 缓蚀剂(78)antifreeze agent 防冻剂(78)antifreeze agent 防冻剂(78)apparatus dew point 机器露点(67)apparent density 堆积密度(45)aqua-ammoniaabsorptiontype-refrigerating machine 氨—水吸收式制冷机(84)aspiation psychrometer 通风温湿度计(102)Assmann aspiration psychrometer 通风温湿度计(102)atmospheric condenser 淋激式冷凝器(83)atmospheric diffusion 大气扩散(40)atmospheric dust 大气尘(43)atmospheric pollution 大气污染(50)atmospheric pressure 大气压力(6atmospheric stability 大气稳定度(50)atmospheric transparency 大气透明度(10)atmospheric turblence 大气湍流(50)automatic control 自动控制(86)automatic roll filter 自动卷绕式过滤器(58)automatic vent 自动放气阀(32)available pressure 资用压力(27)average daily sol-air temperature 日平均综合温度(60)axial fan 轴流式通风机(55)azeotropic mixture refrigerant 共沸溶液制冷剂(77)Bback-flow preventer 防回流装置(53)back pressure of steam trap 凝结水背压力(14)back pressure return 余压回水(15)background noise 背景噪声(98)back plate 挡风板(39)bag filler 袋式除尘器(57)baghouse 袋式除尘器(57)barometric pressure 大气压力(6)basic heat loss 基本耗热量(18)bend muffler 消声弯头(100)bimetallic thermometer 双金属温度计(102)black globe temperature 黑球温度(2)blow off pipe 排污管(23)blowdown 排污管(23)boiler 锅炉(27)boiller house 锅炉房(14)boiler plant 锅炉房(14)boiler room 锅炉房(14)booster 加压泵(29)branch 支管(22)branch duct (通风) 支管(51)branch pipe 支管(22)building envelope 围护结构(15)building flow zones 建筑气流区(37)building heating entry 热力入口(15)bulk density 堆积密度(45)bushing 补心(24)butterfly damper 蝶阀(52)by-pass damper 空气加热器〕旁通阀(41)by-pass pipe 旁通管(23)Ccanopy hood 伞形罩(42)capillary tube 毛细管(84)capture velocity 控制风速(43)capture velocity 外部吸气罩(41)capturing hood 卡诺循环(79)Carnot cycle 串级调节系统(92)cascade control system 铸铁散热器(29)cast iron radiator 催化燃烧(49)catalytic oxidation 催化燃烧(49)ceilling fan 吊扇(56)ceiling panelheating 顶棚辐射采暖(12)center frequency 中心频率(97)central air conditionint system 集中式空气调节系统(63)central heating 集中采暖(11)central ventilation system 新风系统(64)centralized control 集中控制(91)centrifugal compressor 离心式压缩机(82)centrifugal fan 离心式通风机(55)check damper (通风〕止回阀(53)check valve 止回阀(31)chilled water 冷水(76)chilled water system withprimary-secondary pumps 一、二次泵冷水系统(81)chimney (排气〕烟囱(50)circuit 环路(24)circulating fan 风扇(55)circulating pipe 循环管(23)circulating pump 循环泵(29)clean room 洁净室(104)cleaning hole 清扫孔(54)cleaning vacuum plant 真空吸尘装置(58)cleanout opening 清扫孔(54)clogging capacity 容尘量(47)close nipple 长丝(24)closed booth 大容积密闭罩(42)closed full flow return 闭式满管回水(15)closed loop control 闭环控制(87)closed return 闭式回水(15)closed shell and tube condenser 卧式壳管式冷凝器(82)closed shell and tube evaporator 卧式壳管式蒸发器(83)closed tank 闭式水箱(28)coefficient of accumulation of heat 蓄热系数(17)coefficient of atmospheric transpareney 大气透明度(10)coefficient of effective heat emission散热量有效系数(38)coficient of effective heat emission 传热系数(16)coefficient of locall resistance 局部阻力系数(26)coefficient of thermal storage 蓄热系数(17)coefficient of vapo[u]r 蒸汽渗透系数(18)coefficient of vapo[u]r 蒸汽渗透系数(18)coil 盘管(74)collection efficiency 除尘效率(47)combustion of gas and vapo[u]r 气体燃烧(58)comfort air conditioning 舒适性空气调节(59)common section 共同段(25)compensator 补偿器(31)components (通风〕部件(52)compression 压缩(79)compression-type refrigerating machine压缩式制冷机(81)compression-type refrigerating system压缩式制冷系统(81)compression-type refrigeration 压缩式制冷(80)compression-type refrigeration cycle 压缩式制冷循环(79)compression-type water chiller 压缩式冷水机组(81)concentratcd heating 集中采暖(11)concentration of harmful substance 有害物质浓度(36)condensate drain pan 凝结水盘(74)condensate pipe 凝结水管(22)condensate pump 凝缩水泵(29)condensate tank 凝结水箱(28)condensation 冷凝(79)condensation of vapo[u]r 气体冷凝(49)condenser 冷凝器(82)condensing pressure 冷凝压力(75)condensing temperature 冷凝温度(75)condensing unit 压缩冷凝机组(81)conditioned space 空气调节房间(59)conditioned zone 空气调节区(59)conical cowl 锥形风帽(52)constant humidity system 恒湿系统(64)constant temperature and humidity system 恒温恒湿系统(64)constant temperature system 恒温系统(64)constant value control 定值调节(91)constant volume air conditioning system 定风量空气调节系统(63)continuous dust dislodging 连续除灰(48)continuous dust dislodging 连续除灰(48)continuous heating 连续采暖(11)contour zone 稳定气流区(38)control device 控制装置(86)control panel 控制屏(95)control valve 调节阀(95)control velocity 控制风速(43)controlled natural ventilation 有组织自然通风(37)controlled plant 调节对象(86)controlled variable 被控参数(86)controller 调节器(94)convection heating 对流采暖(12)convector 对流散热器(29)cooling 降温、冷却(39、66)cooling air curtain 冷风幕(74)cooling coil 冷盘管(74)cooling coil section 冷却段(72)cooling load from heat 传热冷负荷(62)cooling load from outdoor air 新风冷负荷(62)cooling load from ventilation 新风冷负荷(62)cooling load temperature 冷负荷温度(62)cooling system 降温系统(40)cooling tower 冷却塔(83)cooling unit 冷风机组(56)cooling water 冷却水(76)correcting element 调节机构(95)correcting unit 执行器(94)correction factor for orientaion 朝向修正率(19)corrosion inhibitor 缓蚀剂(78)coupling 管接头(23)cowl 伞形风帽(52)criteria for noise control cross 噪声控频标准(98)cross fan 四通(24)crross-flow fan 贯流式通风机(55)cross-ventilation 穿堂风(37)cut diameter 分割粒径(47)cyclone 旋风除尘器(56)cyclone dust separator 旋风除尘器(56)cylindrical ventilator 筒形风帽(52)Ddaily range 日较差(6)damping factot 衰减倍数(17)data scaning 巡回检测(90)days of heating period 采暖期天数(9)deafener 消声器(99)decibel(dB) 分贝(96)degree-days of heating period 采暖期度日数(9)degree of subcooling 过冷度(79)degree of superheat 过热度(80)dehumidification 减湿(66)dehumidifying cooling 减湿冷却(66)density of dust particle 真密度(44)derivative time 微分时间(89)design conditions 计算参数(2)desorption 解吸(49)detecting element 检测元件(93)detention period 延迟时间(18)deviation 偏差(87)dew-point temperature 露点温度(2)dimond-shaped damper 菱形叶片调节阀(53)differential pressure type flowmeter 差压流量计(103)diffuser air supply 散流器(54)diffuser air supply 散流器送风(69)direct air conditioning system 直流式空气调节系统(64)direct combustion 直接燃烧(48)direct-contact heat exchanger 汽水混合式换热器(28)direct digital control (DDC) system 直接数字控制系统(92)direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器(83)direct-fired lithiumbromideabsorption-type refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机(85)direct refrigerating system 直接制冷系统(80)direct return system 异程式系统(20)direct solar radiation 太阳直接辐射(10)discharge pressure 排气压力(76)discharge temperature 排气温度(76)dispersion 大气扩散(49)district heat supply 区域供热(15)district heating 区域供热(15)disturbance frequency 扰动频率(100)dominant wind direction 最多风向(7)double-effect lithium-bromideabsorption-type refigerating machine 双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机(85)double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器(82)down draft 倒灌(39)downfeed system 上分式系统(21)downstream spray pattern 顺喷(67)drain pipe 泄水管(23)drain pipe 排污管(23)droplet 液滴(44)drv air 干空气(65)dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度表(102)dry-bulb temperature 干球温度(2)dry cooling condition 干工况(67)dry dust separator 干式除尘器(56)dry expansion evaporator 干式蒸发器(83)dry return pipe 干式凝结水管(22)dry steam humidifler 干蒸汽加湿器(72)dualductairconing ition 双风管空气调节系统(63)dual duct system 双风管空气调节系统(63)duct 风管、风道(51)dust 粉尘(43)dust capacity 容尘量(47)dust collector 除尘器(56)dust concentration 含尘浓度(46)dust control 除尘(46)dust-holding capacity 容尘量(47)dust removal 除尘(46)dust removing system 除尘系统(46)dust sampler 粉尘采样仪(104)dust sampling meter 粉尘采样仪(104)dust separation 除尘(45)dust separator 除尘器(56)dust source 尘源(45)dynamic deviation 动态偏差(88)Eeconomic resistance of heat transfer 经济传热阻(17)economic velocity 经济流速(26)efective coefficient of local resistance 折算局部阻力系数(26)effective legth 折算长度(25)effective stack height 烟囱有效高度(50)effective temperature difference 送风温差(70)ejector 喷射器(85)ejetor 弯头(24)elbow 电加热器(73)electric heater 电加热段(71)electric panel heating 电热辐射采暖(13)electric precipitator 电除尘器(57)electricradian theating 电热辐射采暖(13)electricresistance hu-midkfier 电阻式加湿器(72)electro-pneumatic convertor 电—气转换器(94)electrode humidifler 电极式加湿器(73)electrostatic precipi-tator 电除尘器(57)eliminator 挡水板(74)emergency ventilation 事故通风(34)emergency ventilation system 事故通风系统(40)emission concentration 排放浓度(51)enclosed hood 密闭罩(42)enthalpy 焓(76)enthalpy control system 新风〕焓值控制系统(91)enthalpy entropy chart 焓熵图(77)entirely ventilation 全面通风(33)entropy 熵(76)environmental noise 环境噪声(97)equal percentage flow characteristic 等百分比流量特性(89)equivalent coefficient of local resistance 当量局部阻力系数(26)equivalent length 当量长度(25)equivalent[continuous A] sound level 等效〔连续A〕声级(96)evaporating pressure 蒸发压力(75)evaporating temperature 蒸发温度(75)evaporative condenser 蒸发式冷凝器(83)evaporator 蒸发器(83)excess heat 余热(35)excess pressure 余压(37)excessive heat 余热(35)exergy (76)exhaust air rate 排风量(35)exhaust fan 排风机(41)exhaust fan room 排风机室(41)exhaust hood 局部排风罩(41)exhaust inlet 吸风口(54)exhaust opening 吸风口(54)exhaust opening orinlet 风口(54)exhaust outlet 排风口(54)exaust vertical pipe 排气〕烟囱(50)exhausted enclosure 密闭罩(42)exit 排风口(54)expansion 膨胀(79)expansion pipe 膨胀管(23)explosion proofing 防爆(36)expansion steam trap 恒温式疏水器(32)expansion tank 膨胀水箱(28)extreme maximum temperature 极端最高温度(6)extreme minimum temperature 极端最低温度(6)Ffabric collector 袋式除尘器(57)face tube 皮托管(103)face velocity 罩口风速(42)fan 通风机(55)fan-coil air-conditioning system 风机盘管空气调节系统(64)fan-coil system 风机盘管空气调节系统(64)fan-coil unit 风机盘管机组(72)fan house 通风机室(41)fan room 通风机室(41)fan section 风机段(72)feed-forward control 前馈控制(91)feedback 反馈(86)feeding branch tlo radiator 散热器供热支管(23)fibrous dust 纤维性粉尘(43)fillter cylinder for sampling 滤筒采样管(104)fillter efficiency 过滤效率(47)fillter section 过滤段(71)filltration velocity 过滤速度(48)final resistance of filter 过滤器终阻力(47)fire damper 防火阀(53)fire prevention 防火(36)fire protection 防火(36)fire-resisting damper 防火阀(53)fittings (通风〕配件(52)fixed set-point control 定值调节(91)fixed support 固定支架(24)fixed time temperature (humidity) 定时温(湿)度(5)flame combustion 热力燃烧(48)flash gas 闪发气体(78)flash steam 二次蒸汽(14)flexible duct 软管(52)flexible joint 柔性接头(52)float type steam trap 浮球式疏水器(32)float valve 浮球阀(31)floating control 无定位调节(88)flooded evaporator 满液式蒸发器(83)floor panel heating 地板辐射采暖(13)flow capacity of control valve 调节阀流通能力(90)flow characteristic of control valve 调节阀流量特性(89)foam dust separator 泡沫除尘器(57)follow-up control system 随动系统(92)forced ventilation 机械通风(33)forward flow zone 射流区(69)foul gas 不凝性气体(78)four-pipe water system 四管制水系统(65)fractional separation efficiency 分级除尘效率(47)free jet 自由射流(68)free sillica 游离二氧化硅(43)free silicon dioxide 游离二氧化硅(43)freon 氟利昂(77)frequency interval 频程(97)frequency of wind direction 风向频率(7)fresh air handling unit 新风机组(71)fresh air requirement 新风量(67)friction factor 摩擦系数(25)friction loss 摩擦阻力(25)frictional resistance 摩擦阻力(25)fume 烟〔雾〕(44)fumehood 排风柜(42)fumes 烟气(44)Ggas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采暖(13)gas-fired unit heater 燃气热风器(30)gas purger 不凝性气体分离器(84)gate valve 闸阀(31)general air change 全面通风(33)general exhaust ventilation (GEV) 全面排风(33)general ventilation 全面通风(33)generator 发生器(85)global radiation 总辐射(10)grade efficiency 分级除尘效率(47)granular bed filter 颗粒层除尘器(57)granulometric distribution 粒径分布(44)gravel bed filter 颗粒层除尘器(57)gravity separator 沉降室(56)ground-level concentration 落地浓度(51)guide vane 导流板(52)Hhair hygrometor 毛发湿度计(102)hand pump 手摇泵(29)harmful gas and vapo[u]r 有害气体(48)harmful substance 有害物质(35)header 分水器、集水器(30、31)heat and moisture transfer 热湿交换(67)heat balance 热平衡(35)heat conduction coefficient 导热系数(16)heat conductivity 导热系数(16)heat distributing network 热网(15)heat emitter 散热器(29)heat endurance 热稳定性(17)heat exchanger 换热器(27)heat flowmeter 热流计(103)heat flow rate 热流量(16)heat gain from appliance and equipment 设备散热量(61)heat gain from lighting 照明散热量(61)heat gain from occupant 人体散热量(61)heat insulating window 保温窗(41)heat(thermal)insuation 隔热(39)heat(thermal)lag 延迟时间(18)heat loss 耗热量(18)heat loss by infiltration 冷风渗透耗热量(19)heat-operated refrigerating system 热力制冷系统(81)heat-operated refrigetation 热力制冷(80)heat pipe 热管(74)heat pump 热泵(85)heat pump air conditioner 热泵式空气调节器(71)heat release 散热量(38)heat resistance 热阻(16)heat screen 隔热屏(39)heat shield 隔热屏(39)heat source 热源(13)heat storage 蓄热(61)heat storage capacity 蓄热特性(61)heat supply 供热(14)heat supply network 热网(15)heat transfer 传热(15)heat transmission 传热(15)heat wheel 转轮式换热器(73)heated thermometer anemometer 热风速仪(103)heating 采暖、供热、加热(11、14、66)heating appliance 采暖设备(27)heating coil 热盘管(74)heating coil section 加热段(71)heating equipment 采暖设备(27)heating load 热负荷(19)heating medium 热媒(13)heating medium parameter 热媒参数(14)heating pipeline 采暖管道(22)heating system 采暖系统(20)heavy work 重作业(105)high-frequency noise 高频噪声(98)high-pressure ho twater heating 高温热水采暖(12)high-pressure steam heating 高压蒸汽采暖(12)high temperature water heating 高温热水采暖(12)hood 局部排风罩(41)horizontal water-film syclonet 卧式旋风水膜除尘器(57)hot air heating 热风采暖(12)hot air heating system 热风采暖系统(20)hot shop 热车间(39)hot water boiler 热水锅炉(27)hot water heating 热水采暖(11)hot water system 热水采暖系统(20)hot water pipe 热水管(22)hot workshop 热车间(39)hourly cooling load 逐时冷负荷(62)hourly sol-air temperature 逐时综合温度(60)humidification 加湿(66)humidifier 加湿器(72)humididier section 加湿段(71)humidistat 恒湿器(94)humidity ratio 含湿量(65)hydraulic calculation 水力计算(24)hydraulic disordeer 水力失调(26)hydraulic dust removal 水力除尘(46)hydraulic resistance balance 阻力平衡(26)hydraulicity 水硬性(45)hydrophilic dust 亲水性粉尘(43)hydrophobic dust 疏水性粉尘(43)Iimpact dust collector 冲激式除尘器(58)impact tube 皮托管(103)impedance muffler 阻抗复合消声器(99)inclined damper 斜插板阀(53)index circuit 最不利环路(24)indec of thermal inertia (valueD) 热惰性指标(D值)(17)indirect heat exchanger 表面式换热器(28)indirect refrigerating sys 间接制冷系统(80)indoor air design conditions 室内在气计算参数(5)indoor air velocity 室内空气流速(4)indoor and outdoor design conditions 室内外计算参数(2)indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity 室内温湿度基数(5)indoor temperature (humidity) 室内温(湿)度(4)induction air-conditioning system 诱导式空气调节系统(64)induction unit 诱导器(72)inductive ventilation 诱导通风(34)industral air conditioning 工艺性空气调节(59)industrial ventilation 工业通风(33)inertial dust separator 惯性除尘器(56)infiltration heat loss 冷风渗透耗热量(19)infrared humidifier 红外线加湿器(73)infrared radiant heater 红外线辐射器(30)inherent regulation of controlled plant 调节对象自平衡(87)initial concentration of dust 初始浓度(47)initial resistance of filter 过滤器初阻力(47)input variable 输入量(89)insulating layer 保温层(105)integral enclosure 整体密闭罩(42)integral time 积分时间(89)interlock protection 联锁保护(91)intermittent dust removal 定期除灰(48)intermittent heating 间歇采暖(11)inversion layer 逆温层(50)inverted bucket type steam trap 倒吊桶式疏水器(32)irradiance 辐射照度(4)isoenthalpy 等焓线(66)isobume 等湿线(66)isolator 隔振器(101)isotherm 等温线(66)isothermal humidification 等温加湿(67)isothermal jet 等温射流(68)Jjet 射流(68)jet axial velocity 射流轴心速度(69)jet divergence angle 射流扩散角(69)jet in a confined space 受限射流(68)Kkatathermometer 卡他温度计(102)Llaboratory hood 排风柜(42)lag of controlled plant 调节对象滞后(87)large space enclosure 大容积密闭罩(42)latent heat 潜热(60)lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath 槽边排风罩(42)lateral hoodlength of pipe section 侧吸罩(42)length of pipe section 管段长度(25)light work 轻作业(105)limit deflection 极限压缩量(101)limit switch 限位开关(95)limiting velocity 极限流速(26)linear flow characteristic 线性流量特性(89)liquid-level ga[u]ge 液位计(103)liquid receiver 贮液器(84)lithium bromide 溴化锂(78)lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 溴化锂吸收式制冷机(84)lithium chloride resistance hygrometer氯化锂电阻湿度计(93)load pattern 负荷特性(62)local air conditioning 局部区域空气调节(59)local air suppiy system 局部送风系统(40)local exhaustventilation (LEV) 局部排风(34)local exhaust system 局部排风系统(40)local heating 局部采暖(11)local relief 局部送风(34)local relief system 局部送风系统(40)local resistance 局部阻力(25)local solartime 地方太阳时(10)local ventilation 局部通风(34)local izedairsupply for air-heating 集中送风采暖(12)local ized air control 就地控制(91)loop 环路(24)louver 百叶窗(41)low-frequencynoise 低频噪声(98)low-pressure steam heating 低压蒸汽采暖(12)lyophilic dust 亲水性粉尘(43)lyophobic dust 疏水性粉尘(43)Mmain 总管、干管(22)main duct 通风〕总管、〔通风〕干管(51)main pipe 总管、干管(22)make-up water pump 补给水泵(28)manual control 手动控制(91)mass concentration 质量浓度(36)maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 最高容许浓度(36)maximum coefficient of heat transfer 最大传热系数(17)maximum depth of frozen ground 最大冻土深度(7)maximum sum of hourly colling load 逐时冷负荷综合最大值(62)mean annual temperature (humidity) 年平均温(湿)度(6)mean daily temperature (humidity) 日平均温(湿)度(5)mean dekad temperature (humidity) 旬平均温(湿)度(6)mean monthly maximum temperature 月平均最高温度(6)mean monthly minimum temperature 月平均最低温度(6)mean monthly temperature (humidity) 月平均温(湿)度(6)mean relative humidity 平均相对湿度(7)mean wind speed 平均风速(7)mechanical air supply system 机械送风系统(40)mechanical and hydraulic combined dust removal 联合除尘(46)mechanical anemometer 机械式风速仪(103)mechanical cleaning off dust 机械除尘(46)mechanical dust removal 机械排风系统(40)mechanical exhaust system 机械通风系统(40)mechanical ventilation 机械通风(33)media velocity 过滤速度(48)metal radiant panel 金属辐射板(30)metal radiant panel heating 金属辐射板采暖(13)micromanometer 微压计(103)micropunch plate muffler 微穿孔板消声器(90)mid-frequency noise 中频噪声(98)middle work 中作业(105)midfeed system 中分式系统(22)minimum fresh air requirmente 最小新风量(68)minimum resistance of heat transfer 最小传热阻(17)mist 雾(44)mixing box section 混合段(71)modular air handling unit 组合式空气调节机组(71)moist air 湿空气(65)moisture excess 余湿(35)moisure gain 散湿量(61)moisture gain from appliance and equipment 设备散湿量(61)moisturegain from occupant 人体散湿量(61)motorized valve 电动调节阀(95)motorized (pneumatic) 电(气)动两通阀(95)2-way valvemotorized (pneumatic)3-way valve 电(气)动三通阀(95)movable support 活动支架(24)muffler 消声器(99)muffler section 消声段(72)multi-operating mode automtic conversion 工况自动转换(90)multi-operating mode control system 多工况控制系统(92)multiclone 多管〔旋风〕除尘器(56)multicyclone 多管〔旋风〕除尘器(56)multishell condenser 组合式冷凝器(82)Nnatural and mechanical combined ventilation 联合通风(33)natural attenuation quantity of noise 噪声自然衰减量(99)natural exhaust system 自然排风系统(37)natural freguency 固有频率(100)natural ventilation 自然通风(33)NC-curve[s] 噪声评价NC曲线(97)negative freedback 负反馈(86)neutral level 中和界(39)neutral pressure level 中和界(39)neutral zone 中和界(39)noise 噪声(97)noise control 噪声控制(98)noise criter ioncurve(s) 噪声评价NC曲线(97)noisc rating number 噪声评价NR曲线(97)noise reduction 消声(99)non azeotropic mixture refragerant 非共沸溶液制冷剂(77)non-commonsection 非共同段(25)non condensable gas 不凝性气体(78)non condensable gas purger 不凝性气体分离器(84)non-isothermal jct 非等温射流(68)nonreturn damper 〔通风〕止回阀(53)nonreturn valve 止回阀(31)normal coldest month 累年最冷月(3)normal coldest 3-month period 累年最冷三个月(3)normal hottest month 累年最热月(3)normal hottest 3month period 累年最热三个月(3)normal three summer months 累年最热三个月(3)normal three winter months 累年最冷三个月(3)normals 累年值(3)nozzle outlet air suppluy 喷口送风(69)number concentration 计数浓度(36)number of degree-day of heating period 采暖期度日数(9)Ooctave 倍频程(97)1/3 octave 倍频程(97)octave band 倍频程(97)oil cooler 油冷却器(84)oill-fired unit heater 燃油热风器(30)one-and-two pipe combined heating system 单双管混合式采暖系统(21)one (single)-pipe circuit (cross-over) heating system 单管跨越式采暖系统(21)one(single)-pipe heating system 单管采暖系统(21)one(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system 水平单管采暖系统(21)one(single)-pipe seriesloop heating system 单管顺序式采暖系统(21)one-third octave band 倍频程(97)on-of control 双位调节(88)open loop control 开环控制(86)open return 开式回水(15)open shell and tube condenser 立式壳管式冷凝器(82)open tank 开式水箱(28)operating pressure 工作压力(27)operating range 作用半径(26)opposed multiblade damper 对开式多叶阀(52)organized air supply 有组织进风(33)organized exhaust 有组织排风(34)organized natural ventilation 有组织自然通风(37)outdoor air design conditions 室外空气计算参数(7)outdoor ctitcal air temperature for heating 采暖室外临界温度(9)outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conlitioning 夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度(8)outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning 夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度(9)outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning 夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度(9)outdoor design relative humidityu for summer ventilation 夏季通风室外计算相对湿度(8)outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning 冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度(8)outdoor design temperature ture for calculated envelope in winter冬季围护结构室外计算温度(8)outdoor design temperature ture for heating 采暖室外计算温度(7)outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation 夏季通风室外计算温度(8)outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning 冬季空气调节室外计算温度(8)outdoor design temperature for winter vemtilation 冬季通风室外计算温度(7)outdoor designwet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning 夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度(8)outdoor mean air temperature during heating period 采暖期室外平均温度(9)outdoor temperature(humidity) 室外温(湿)度(5)outlet air velocity 出口风速(70)out put variable 输出量(89)overall efficiency of separation 除尘效率(47)overall heat transmission coefficient 传热系数(16)overflow pipe 溢流管(23)overheat steam 过热蒸汽(14)overlapping averages 滑动平均(4)overshoot 超调量(88)Ppackaged air conditioner 整体式空气调节器(70)packaged heat pump 热泵式空气调节器(71)packed column 填料塔(58)packed tower 填料塔(58)panel heating 辐射采暖(12)parabolic flow character-istic 抛物线流量特性(90)parallel multiblade damperin 平行式多叶阀(53)parameter detection 参数检测(90)part 通风〕部件(52)partial enclosure 局部密闭罩(42)partial pressure of water vapo[u]r 水蒸汽分压力(6)particle 粒子(44)particle counter 粒子计数器(104)particle number concentration 计数浓度(36)particle size 粒径(44)particle size distribution 粒径分布(44)particulate 粒子(44)particulate collector 除尘器(56)particulates 大气尘(43)passage ventilating duct 通过式风管(52)penetration rate 穿透率(47)percentage of men,women and children 群集系数(62)percentage of possible sunshine 日照率(7)percentage of return air 回风百分比(68)perforated ceiling air supply 孔板送风(69)perforated plate tower 筛板塔(58)periodic dust dislodging 定期除灰(48)piece (通风〕部件(52)pipe fittings 管道配件(23)pipe radiator 光面管散热器(29)pipe section 管段(25)pipe coil 光面管放热器(29)pitot tube 皮托管(103)plate heat exchanger 板式换热器(73)plenum chamber 静压箱(74)plenum space 稳压层(70)plug 丝堵(24)plume 烟羽(50)plume rise height 烟羽抬升高度(50)PNC-curve[s] 噪声评价PNC曲线(97)pneumatic conveying 气力输送(46)pueumatic transport 气力输送(46)pneumatic valve 气动调节阀(95)pneumo-electrical convertor 气-电转换器(94)positioner 定位器(95)positive feedback 正反馈(86)powerroof ventilator 屋顶通风机(55)preferred noise criteria curve[s] 噪声评价PNC曲线(97)pressure drop 压力损失(26)pressure enthalpy chart 压焓图(77)pressure ga[u]ge 压力表(103)pressure of steam supply 供汽压力(14)pressure reducing valve 减压阀(31)pressure relief device 泄压装置(53)pressure relief valve 安全阀(31)pressure thermometer 压力式温度计(102)pressure volume chart 压容图(77)primary air fan-coil system 风机盘管加新风系统(64)primary air system 新风系统(64)primary retirn air 一次回风(68)process air conditioning 工艺性空气调节(59)program control 程序控制(91)proportional band 比例带(89)proportional control 比例调节(88)proportional-integral (PI)control 比例积分调节(88)proportional-integralderivative(PID)control 比例积分微分调节(88)protected(roof)monitor 避风天窗(39)psychrometric chart 声级计(104)pulvation action 干湿球温度表(102)push-pull hood 焓湿图(65)pulvation action 尘化作用(45)push-pull hood 吹吸式排风罩(42)Qquick open flow characteristic 快开流量特性(89)Rradiant heating 辐射采暖(12)radiant intensity 辐射强度(4)radiation intensity 辐射强度(4)radiator 散热器(29)radiator heating 散热器采暖(12)radiator heating system 散热器采暖系统(20)radiator valve 散热器调节阀(32)rating under air conditioning condition 空调工况制冷量(75)reactive muffler 抗性消声器(99)receiver 贮液器(84)receiving hood 接受式排风罩(42)reciprocating compressor 活塞式压缩机(82)recirculation cavity 空气动力阴影区(38)recording thermometer 自记温度计(102)reducing coupling 异径管接头(24)reducing valve 减压阀(31)reentrainment of dust 二次扬尘(45)refrigerant 制冷剂(77)[refrigerating] coefficient of performance (COP) (制冷〕性能系数(76)refrigerating compressor 制冷压缩机(81)refrigerating cycle 制冷循环(79)refrigerating effect 制冷量(75)refrigerating engineering 制冷工程(75)refrigerating machine 制冷机(81)refrigerating medium 载冷剂(78)refrigerating planttoom 制冷机房(77)refrigerating station 制冷机房(77)refrigerating system 制冷系统(80)refrigeration 制冷(75)regenerative noise 再生噪声(98)register 百叶型风口(54)regulator 调节器(94)reheat air conditioning system 再热式空气调节系统(63)relative humidity 相对湿度(3)relay 继电器(95)remote control 遥控(90)resistance of heat transfer 传热阻(17)resistance thermometer 电阻温度计(93)resistance to water vapo[u]r permeability 蒸汽渗透阻(18)resistance to water vapo[u]r permeation 蒸汽渗透阻(18)resistive muffler 阻性消声器(99)resistivity 比电阻(45)resonance 共振(100)resonant frequency 共振频率(100)response curve of controlled plant 调节对象正升曲线(87)return air 回风(70)return air inlet 回风口(70)return branch of radiator 散热器回水支管(23)return fan 回风机(72)return flow zone 回流区(69)return water temperataure 回水温度(14)reverse Carnot cycle 逆卡诺循环(79)reversed return system 同程式系统(20)reversible cycle 可逆循环(79)rim exhaust 槽边排风罩(42)rim ventilation 槽边通风(34)。
暖通空调专业外文翻译 --空调系统
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英文文献Air Conditioning SystemsAir conditioning has rapidly grown over the past 50 years, from a luxury to a standard system included in most residential and commercial buildings. In 1970, 36% of residences in the U.S. were either fully air conditioned or utilized a room air conditioner for cooling (Blue, et al., 1979). By 1997, this number had more than doubled to 77%, and that year also marked the first time that over half (50.9%) of residences in the U.S. had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999). An estimated 83% of all newhomes constructed in 1998 had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999). Air conditioning has also grown rapidly in commercial buildings. From 1970 to 1995, the percentage of commercial buildings with air conditioning increased from 54 to 73% (Jackson and Johnson, 1978, and DOE, 1998).Air conditioning in buildings is usually accomplished with the use of mechanical or heat-activated equipment. In most applications, the air conditioner must provide both cooling and dehumidification to maintain comfort in the building. Air conditioning systems are also used in other applications, such as automobiles, trucks, aircraft, ships, and industrial facilities. However, the description of equipment in this chapter is limited to those commonly used in commercial and residential buildings.Commercial buildings range from large high-rise office buildings to the corner convenience store. Because of the range in size and types of buildings in the commercial sector, there is a wide variety of equipment applied in these buildings. For larger buildings, the air conditioning equipment is part of a total system design that includes items such as a piping system, air distribution system, and cooling tower. Proper design of these systems requires a qualified engineer. The residential building sector is dominatedby single family homes and low-rise apartments/condominiums. The cooling equipment applied in these buildings comes in standard “packages” that are often both sized and installed by the air conditioning contractor.The chapter starts with a general discussion of the vapor compression refrigeration cycle then moves to refrigerants and their selection, followed by packaged Chilled Water Systems。
Refrigeration System Performance using Liquid-Suction Heat ExchangersS. A. Klein, D. T. Reindl, and K. BroWnellCollege of EngineeringUniversity of Wisconsin - MadisonAbstractHeat transfer devices are provided in many refrigeration systems to exchange energy betWeen the cool gaseous refrigerant leaving the evaporator and Warm liquid refrigerant exiting the condenser. These liquid-suction or suction-line heat exchangers can, in some cases, yield improved system performance While in other cases they degrade system performance. Although previous researchers have investigated performance of liquid-suction heat exchangers, this study can be distinguished from the previous studies in three Ways. First, this paper identifies a neW dimensionless group to correlate performance impacts attributable to liquid-suction heat exchangers. Second, the paper extends previous analyses to include neW refrigerants. Third, the analysis includes the impact of pressure drops through the liquid-suction heat exchanger on system performance. It is shoWn that reliance on simplified analysis techniques can lead to inaccurate conclusions regarding the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers on refrigeration system performance. From detailed analyses, it can be concluded that liquid-suction heat exchangers that have a minimal pressure loss on the loW pressure side are useful for systems using R507A, R134a, R12, R404A, R290, R407C, R600, and R410A. The liquid-suction heat exchanger is detrimental to system performance in systems using R22, R32, and R717.IntroductionLiquid-suction heat exchangers are commonly installed in refrigeration systems With the intent of ensuring proper system operation and increasing system performance.Specifically, ASHRAE(1998) states that liquid-suction heat exchangers are effective in:1) increasing the system performance2) subcooling liquid refrigerant to prevent flash gas formation at inlets to expansion devices3) fully evaporating any residual liquid that may remain in the liquid-suction prior to reaching the compressor(s)Figure 1 illustrates a simple direct-expansion vapor compression refrigeration system utilizing a liquid-suction heat exchanger. In this configuration, high temperature liquid leaving the heat rejection device (an evaporative condenser in this case) is subcooled prior to being throttled to the evaporator pressure by an expansion device such as a thermostatic expansion valve. The sink for subcoolingthe liquid is loW temperature refrigerant vapor leaving the evaporator. Thus, the liquid-suction heat exchanger is an indirect liquid-to-vapor heat transfer device. The vapor-side of the heat exchanger (betWeen the evaporator outlet and the compressor suction) is often configured to serve as an accumulator thereby further minimizing the risk of liquid refrigerant carrying-over to the compressor suction. In cases Where the evaporator alloWs liquid carry-over, the accumulator portion of the heat exchanger Will trap and, over time, vaporize the liquid carryover by absorbing heat during the process of subcooling high-side liquid.BackgroundStoecker and Walukas (1981) focused on the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers in both single temperature evaporator and dual temperature evaporator systems utilizing refrigerant mixtures. Their analysis indicated that liquid-suction heat exchangers yielded greater performance improvements When nonazeotropic mixtures Were used compared With systems utilizing single component refrigerants or azeoptropic mixtures. McLinden (1990) used the principle of corresponding states to evaluate the anticipated effects of neW refrigerants. He shoWed that the performance of a system using a liquid-suction heat exchanger increases as the ideal gas specific heat (related to the molecular complexity of the refrigerant) increases. Domanski and Didion (1993) evaluated the performance of nine alternatives to R22 including the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers. Domanski et al. (1994) later extended the analysis by evaluating the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers installed in vapor compression refrigeration systems considering 29 different refrigerants in a theoretical analysis. Bivens et al. (1994) evaluated a proposed mixture to substitute for R22 in air conditioners and heat pumps. Their analysis indicated a 6-7% improvement for the alternative refrigerant system When system modifications included a liquid-suction heat exchanger and counterfloW system heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser). Bittle et al. (1995a) conducted an experimental evaluation of a liquid-suction heat exchanger applied in a domestic refrigerator using R152a. The authors compared the system performance With that of a traditional R12-based system. Bittle et al. (1995b) also compared the ASHRAE method for predicting capillary tube performance (including the effects of liquid-suction heat exchangers) With experimental data. Predicted capillary tube mass floW rates Were Within 10% of predicted values and subcooling levels Were Within 1.7 C (3F) of actual measurements.This paper analyzes the liquid-suction heat exchanger to quantify its impact on system capacity and performance (expressed in terms of a system coefficient of performance, COP). The influence of liquid-suction heat exchanger size over a range of operating conditions (evaporating and condensing) is illustrated and quantified using a number of alternative refrigerants. Refrigerants included in the present analysis are R507A, R404A, R600, R290,R134a, R407C, R410A, R12, R22, R32, and R717. This paper extends the results presented in previous studies in that it considers neW refrigerants, it specifically considers the effects of the pressure drops,and it presents general relations for estimating the effect of liquid-suction heat exchangers for any refrigerant.Heat Exchanger EffectivenessThe ability of a liquid-suction heat exchanger to transfer energy from the Warm liquid to the cool vapor at steady-state conditions is dependent on the size and configuration of the heat transfer device. The liquid-suction heat exchanger performance, expressed in terms of an effectiveness, is a parameter in the analysis. The effectiveness of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is defined in equation (1):Where the numeric subscripted temperature (T) values correspond to locations depicted in Figure 1. The effectiveness is the ratio of the actual to maximum possible heat transfer rates. It is related to the surface area of the heat exchanger. A zero surface area represents a system Without a liquid-suction heat exchanger Whereas a system having an infinite heat exchanger area corresponds to an effectiveness of unity.The liquid-suction heat exchanger effects the performance of a refrigeration system by in fluencing both the high and loW pressure sides of a system. Figure 2 shoWs the key state points for a vapor compression cycle utilizing an idealized liquid-suction heat exchanger on a pressure-enthalpy diagram. The enthalpy of the refrigerant leaving the condenser (state 3) is decreased prior to entering the expansion device (state 4) by rejecting energy to the vapor refrigerant leaving the evaporator (state 1) prior to entering the compressor (state 2). Pressure losses are not shoWn. The cooling of the condensate that occurs on the high pressure side serves to increase the refrigeration capacity and reduce the likelihood of liquid refrigerant flashing prior to reaching the expansion device. On the loW pressure side, the liquid-suction heat exchanger increases the temperature of the vapor entering the compressor and reduces the refrigerant pressure, both of Which increase the specific volume of the refr igerant and thereby decrease the mass floW rate and capacity. A major benefit of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is that it reduces the possibility of liquid carry-over from the evaporator Which could harm the compressor. Liquid carryover can be readily caused by a number of factors that may include Wide fluctuations in evaporator load and poorly maintained expansiondevices (especially problematic for thermostatic expansion valves used in ammonia service).(翻译)冷却系统利用流体吸热交换器克来因教授,布兰顿教授, , 布朗教授威斯康辛州的大学–麦迪逊摘录加热装置在许多冷却系统中被用到,用以制冷时遗留在蒸发器中的冷却气体和离开冷凝器发热流体之间的能量的热交换.这些流体吸收或吸收热交换器,在一些情形中,他们降低了系统性能, 然而系统的某些地方却得到了改善. 虽然以前研究员已经调查了流体吸热交换器的性能, 但是这项研究可能从早先研究的三种方式被加以区别. 首先,这份研究开辟了一个无限的崭新的与流体吸热交换器有关联的群体.其次,这份研究拓宽了早先的分析包括新型制冷剂。
(完整版)暖通空调英语专业词汇大全附录英汉对照索引AA-weighted sound pressure level A声级(96)absolute humidity 绝对湿度(2)absolute roughness 绝对粗糙度(25)absorbate 吸收质(49)absorbent 吸收剂(49)absorbent 吸声材料(100)absorber 吸收器(85)absorptance for solar radiation 太阳辐射热吸收系数(60)absorption equipment 吸收装置(49)absorption of gas and vapo[u]r 气体吸收(48)absorptiong refrige rationg cycle 吸收式制冷循环(80)absorption-type refrigerating machine吸收式制冷机(84)access door 检查门(55)acoustic absorptivity 吸声系数(100)actual density 真密度(44)actuating element 执行机构(94)actuator 执行机构(94)adaptive control system 自适应控制系统(93)additional factor for exterior door 外门附加率(19)additional factor for intermittent heating 间歇附加率(19)additional factor for wind force 高度附加率(19)additional heat loss 风力附加率(19)adiabatic humidification 附加耗热量(18)adiabatic humidiflcation 绝热加湿(66)adsorbate 吸附质(49)adsorbent 吸附剂(49)adsorber 吸附装置(49)adsorption equipment 吸附装置(49)adsorption of gas and vapo[u]r 气体吸附(48)aerodynamic noise 空气动力噪声(98)aerosol 气溶胶(43)air balance 风量平衡(35)air changes 换气次数(35)air channel 风道(51)air cleanliness 空气洁净度(104)air collector 集气罐(31)air conditioning 空气调节(59)air conditioning condition 空调工况(76)air conditioning equipment 空气调节设备(70)air conditioning machine room 空气调节机房(59)air conditioning system 空气调节系统(62)air conditioning system cooling load 空气调节系统冷负荷(62)air contaminant 空气污染物(51)air-cooled condenser 风冷式冷凝器(82)air cooler 空气冷却器(74)air curtain 空气幕(30)air cushion shock absorber 空气弹簧隔振器(101)air distribution 气流组织(68)air distributor 空气分布器(54)air-douche unit with water atomization喷雾风扇(56)air duct 风管、风道(51)air filter 空气过滤器(58)air handling equipment 空气调节设备(70)air handling unit room 空气调节机房(59)air header 集合管(52)air humidity 空气湿度(2)air inlet 风口(54)air intake 进风口(41)air manifold 集合管(52)air opening 风口(54)air pollutant 空气污染物(51)air pollution 大气污染(50)air preheater 空气预热器(73)air return method 回风方式(70)air return mode 回风方式(70)air return through corridor 走廊回风(70)air space 空气间层(15)air supply method 送风方式(69)air supply mode 送风方式(69)air supply (suction) opening with slide plate 插板式送(吸)风口(54)air supply volume per unit area 单位面积送风量(69)air temperature 空气温度(2)air through tunnel 地道风(40)air-to-air total heat exchanger 全热换热器(73)air-to-cloth ratio 气布比(48)air velocity at work area 作业地带空气流速(5)air velocity at work place 工作地点空气流速(4)air vent 放气阀(31)air-water systen 空气—水系统(64)airborne particles 大气尘(43)air hater 空气加热器(29)airspace 空气间层(15)alarm signal 报警信号(90)ail-air system 全空气系统(63)all-water system 全水系统(64)allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity 室内温湿度允许波动范围(5)ambient noise 环境噪声(97)ammonia 氨(78)amplification factor of centrolled plant 调节对象放大系数(87)amplitude 振幅(100)anergy (77)angle of repose 安息角(44)ange of slide 滑动角(44)angle scale 热湿比(67)angle valve 角阀(31)annual [value] 历年值(3)annual coldest month 历年最冷月(3)annual hottest month 历年最热月(3)anticorrosive 缓蚀剂(78)antifreeze agent 防冻剂(78)antifreeze agent 防冻剂(78)apparatus dew point 机器露点(67)apparent density 堆积密度(45)aqua-ammoniaabsorptiontype-refrigerating machine 氨—水吸收式制冷机(84)aspiation psychrometer 通风温湿度计(102)Assmann aspiration psychrometer 通风温湿度计(102)atmospheric condenser 淋激式冷凝器(83)atmospheric diffusion 大气扩散(40)atmospheric dust 大气尘(43)atmospheric pollution 大气污染(50)atmospheric pressure 大气压力(6atmospheric stability 大气稳定度(50)atmospheric transparency 大气透明度(10)atmospheric turblence 大气湍流(50)automatic control 自动控制(86)automatic roll filter 自动卷绕式过滤器(58)automatic vent 自动放气阀(32)available pressure 资用压力(27)average daily sol-air temperature 日平均综合温度(60)axial fan 轴流式通风机(55)azeotropic mixture refrigerant 共沸溶液制冷剂(77)Bback-flow preventer 防回流装置(53)back pressure of steam trap 凝结水背压力(14)back pressure return 余压回水(15)background noise 背景噪声(98)back plate 挡风板(39)bag filler 袋式除尘器(57)baghouse 袋式除尘器(57)barometric pressure 大气压力(6)basic heat loss 基本耗热量(18)bend muffler 消声弯头(100)bimetallic thermometer 双金属温度计(102)black globe temperature 黑球温度(2)blow off pipe 排污管(23)blowdown 排污管(23)boiler 锅炉(27)boiller house 锅炉房(14)boiler plant 锅炉房(14)boiler room 锅炉房(14)booster 加压泵(29)branch 支管(22)branch duct (通风) 支管(51)branch pipe 支管(22)building envelope 围护结构(15)building flow zones 建筑气流区(37)building heating entry 热力入口(15)bulk density 堆积密度(45)bushing 补心(24)butterfly damper 蝶阀(52)by-pass damper 空气加热器〕旁通阀(41)by-pass pipe 旁通管(23)Ccanopy hood 伞形罩(42)capillary tube 毛细管(84)capture velocity 控制风速(43)capture velocity 外部吸气罩(41)capturing hood 卡诺循环(79)Carnot cycle 串级调节系统(92)cascade control system 铸铁散热器(29)cast iron radiator 催化燃烧(49)catalytic oxidation 催化燃烧(49)ceilling fan 吊扇(56)ceiling panelheating 顶棚辐射采暖(12)center frequency 中心频率(97)central air conditionint system 集中式空气调节系统(63)central heating 集中采暖(11)central ventilation system 新风系统(64)centralized control 集中控制(91)centrifugal compressor 离心式压缩机(82)centrifugal fan 离心式通风机(55)check damper (通风〕止回阀(53)check valve 止回阀(31)chilled water 冷水(76)chilled water system withprimary-secondary pumps 一、二次泵冷水系统(81)chimney (排气〕烟囱(50)circuit 环路(24)circulating fan 风扇(55)circulating pipe 循环管(23)circulating pump 循环泵(29)clean room 洁净室(104)cleaning hole 清扫孔(54)cleaning vacuum plant 真空吸尘装置(58)cleanout opening 清扫孔(54)clogging capacity 容尘量(47)close nipple 长丝(24)closed booth 大容积密闭罩(42)closed full flow return 闭式满管回水(15)closed loop control 闭环控制(87)closed return 闭式回水(15)closed shell and tube condenser 卧式壳管式冷凝器(82)closed shell and tube evaporator 卧式壳管式蒸发器(83)closed tank 闭式水箱(28)coefficient of accumulation of heat 蓄热系数(17)coefficient of atmospheric transpareney 大气透明度(10)coefficient of effective heat emission散热量有效系数(38)coficient of effective heat emission 传热系数(16)coefficient of locall resistance 局部阻力系数(26)coefficient of thermal storage 蓄热系数(17)coefficient of vapo[u]r 蒸汽渗透系数(18)coefficient of vapo[u]r 蒸汽渗透系数(18)coil 盘管(74)collection efficiency 除尘效率(47)combustion of gas and vapo[u]r 气体燃烧(58)comfort air conditioning 舒适性空气调节(59)common section 共同段(25)compensator 补偿器(31)components (通风〕部件(52)compression 压缩(79)compression-type refrigerating machine压缩式制冷机(81)compression-type refrigerating system压缩式制冷系统(81)compression-type refrigeration 压缩式制冷(80)compression-type refrigeration cycle 压缩式制冷循环(79)compression-type water chiller 压缩式冷水机组(81)concentratcd heating 集中采暖(11)concentration of harmful substance 有害物质浓度(36)condensate drain pan 凝结水盘(74)condensate pipe 凝结水管(22)condensate pump 凝缩水泵(29)condensate tank 凝结水箱(28)condensation 冷凝(79)condensation of vapo[u]r 气体冷凝(49)condenser 冷凝器(82)condensing pressure 冷凝压力(75)condensing temperature 冷凝温度(75)condensing unit 压缩冷凝机组(81)conditioned space 空气调节房间(59)conditioned zone 空气调节区(59)conical cowl 锥形风帽(52)constant humidity system 恒湿系统(64)constant temperature and humidity system 恒温恒湿系统(64)constant temperature system 恒温系统(64)constant value control 定值调节(91)constant volume air conditioning system 定风量空气调节系统(63)continuous dust dislodging 连续除灰(48)continuous dust dislodging 连续除灰(48)continuous heating 连续采暖(11)contour zone 稳定气流区(38)control device 控制装置(86)control panel 控制屏(95)control valve 调节阀(95)control velocity 控制风速(43)controlled natural ventilation 有组织自然通风(37)controlled plant 调节对象(86)controlled variable 被控参数(86)controller 调节器(94)convection heating 对流采暖(12)convector 对流散热器(29)cooling 降温、冷却(39、66)cooling air curtain 冷风幕(74)cooling coil 冷盘管(74)cooling coil section 冷却段(72)cooling load from heat 传热冷负荷(62)cooling load from outdoor air 新风冷负荷(62)cooling load from ventilation 新风冷负荷(62)cooling load temperature 冷负荷温度(62)cooling system 降温系统(40)cooling tower 冷却塔(83)cooling unit 冷风机组(56)cooling water 冷却水(76)correcting element 调节机构(95)correcting unit 执行器(94)correction factor for orientaion 朝向修正率(19)corrosion inhibitor 缓蚀剂(78)coupling 管接头(23)cowl 伞形风帽(52)criteria for noise control cross 噪声控频标准(98)cross fan 四通(24)crross-flow fan 贯流式通风机(55)cross-ventilation 穿堂风(37)cut diameter 分割粒径(47)cyclone 旋风除尘器(56)cyclone dust separator 旋风除尘器(56)cylindrical ventilator 筒形风帽(52)Ddaily range 日较差(6)damping factot 衰减倍数(17)data scaning 巡回检测(90)days of heating period 采暖期天数(9)deafener 消声器(99)decibel(dB) 分贝(96)degree-days of heating period 采暖期度日数(9)degree of subcooling 过冷度(79)degree of superheat 过热度(80)dehumidification 减湿(66)dehumidifying cooling 减湿冷却(66)density of dust particle 真密度(44)derivative time 微分时间(89)design conditions 计算参数(2)desorption 解吸(49)detecting element 检测元件(93)detention period 延迟时间(18)deviation 偏差(87)dew-point temperature 露点温度(2)dimond-shaped damper 菱形叶片调节阀(53)differential pressure type flowmeter 差压流量计(103)diffuser air supply 散流器(54)diffuser air supply 散流器送风(69)direct air conditioning system 直流式空气调节系统(64)direct combustion 直接燃烧(48)direct-contact heat exchanger 汽水混合式换热器(28)direct digital control (DDC) system 直接数字控制系统(92)direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器(83)direct-fired lithiumbromideabsorption-type refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机(85)direct refrigerating system 直接制冷系统(80)direct return system 异程式系统(20)direct solar radiation 太阳直接辐射(10)discharge pressure 排气压力(76)discharge temperature 排气温度(76)dispersion 大气扩散(49)district heat supply 区域供热(15)district heating 区域供热(15)disturbance frequency 扰动频率(100)dominant wind direction 最多风向(7)double-effect lithium-bromideabsorption-type refigerating machine 双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机(85)double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器(82)down draft 倒灌(39)downfeed system 上分式系统(21)downstream spray pattern 顺喷(67)drain pipe 泄水管(23)drain pipe 排污管(23)droplet 液滴(44)drv air 干空气(65)dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度表(102)dry-bulb temperature 干球温度(2)dry cooling condition 干工况(67)dry dust separator 干式除尘器(56)dry expansion evaporator 干式蒸发器(83)dry return pipe 干式凝结水管(22)dry steam humidifler 干蒸汽加湿器(72)dualductairconing ition 双风管空气调节系统(63)dual duct system 双风管空气调节系统(63)duct 风管、风道(51)dust 粉尘(43)dust capacity 容尘量(47)dust collector 除尘器(56)dust concentration 含尘浓度(46)dust control 除尘(46)dust-holding capacity 容尘量(47)dust removal 除尘(46)dust removing system 除尘系统(46)dust sampler 粉尘采样仪(104)dust sampling meter 粉尘采样仪(104)dust separation 除尘(45)dust separator 除尘器(56)dust source 尘源(45)dynamic deviation 动态偏差(88)Eeconomic resistance of heat transfer 经济传热阻(17)economic velocity 经济流速(26)efective coefficient of local resistance 折算局部阻力系数(26)effective legth 折算长度(25)effective stack height 烟囱有效高度(50)effective temperature difference 送风温差(70)ejector 喷射器(85)ejetor 弯头(24)elbow 电加热器(73)electric heater 电加热段(71)electric panel heating 电热辐射采暖(13)electric precipitator 电除尘器(57)electricradian theating 电热辐射采暖(13)electricresistance hu-midkfier 电阻式加湿器(72)electro-pneumatic convertor 电—气转换器(94)electrode humidifler 电极式加湿器(73)electrostatic precipi-tator 电除尘器(57)eliminator 挡水板(74)emergency ventilation 事故通风(34)emergency ventilation system 事故通风系统(40)emission concentration 排放浓度(51)enclosed hood 密闭罩(42)enthalpy 焓(76)enthalpy control system 新风〕焓值控制系统(91)enthalpy entropy chart 焓熵图(77)entirely ventilation 全面通风(33)entropy 熵(76)environmental noise 环境噪声(97)equal percentage flow characteristic 等百分比流量特性(89)equivalent coefficient of local resistance 当量局部阻力系数(26)equivalent length 当量长度(25)equivalent[continuous A] sound level 等效〔连续A〕声级(96)evaporating pressure 蒸发压力(75)evaporating temperature 蒸发温度(75)evaporative condenser 蒸发式冷凝器(83)evaporator 蒸发器(83)excess heat 余热(35)excess pressure 余压(37)excessive heat 余热(35)exergy (76)exhaust air rate 排风量(35)exhaust fan 排风机(41)exhaust fan room 排风机室(41)exhaust hood 局部排风罩(41)exhaust inlet 吸风口(54)exhaust opening 吸风口(54)exhaust opening orinlet 风口(54)exhaust outlet 排风口(54)exaust vertical pipe 排气〕烟囱(50)exhausted enclosure 密闭罩(42)exit 排风口(54)expansion 膨胀(79)expansion pipe 膨胀管(23)explosion proofing 防爆(36)expansion steam trap 恒温式疏水器(32)expansion tank 膨胀水箱(28)extreme maximum temperature 极端最高温度(6)extreme minimum temperature 极端最低温度(6)Ffabric collector 袋式除尘器(57)face tube 皮托管(103)face velocity 罩口风速(42)fan 通风机(55)fan-coil air-conditioning system 风机盘管空气调节系统(64)fan-coil system 风机盘管空气调节系统(64)fan-coil unit 风机盘管机组(72)fan house 通风机室(41)fan room 通风机室(41)fan section 风机段(72)feed-forward control 前馈控制(91)feedback 反馈(86)feeding branch tlo radiator 散热器供热支管(23)fibrous dust 纤维性粉尘(43)fillter cylinder for sampling 滤筒采样管(104)fillter efficiency 过滤效率(47)fillter section 过滤段(71)filltration velocity 过滤速度(48)final resistance of filter 过滤器终阻力(47)fire damper 防火阀(53)fire prevention 防火(36)fire protection 防火(36)fire-resisting damper 防火阀(53)fittings (通风〕配件(52)fixed set-point control 定值调节(91)fixed support 固定支架(24)fixed time temperature (humidity) 定时温(湿)度(5)flame combustion 热力燃烧(48)flash gas 闪发气体(78)flash steam 二次蒸汽(14)flexible duct 软管(52)flexible joint 柔性接头(52)float type steam trap 浮球式疏水器(32)float valve 浮球阀(31)floating control 无定位调节(88)flooded evaporator 满液式蒸发器(83)floor panel heating 地板辐射采暖(13)flow capacity of control valve 调节阀流通能力(90)flow characteristic of control valve 调节阀流量特性(89)foam dust separator 泡沫除尘器(57)follow-up control system 随动系统(92)forced ventilation 机械通风(33)forward flow zone 射流区(69)foul gas 不凝性气体(78)four-pipe water system 四管制水系统(65)fractional separation efficiency 分级除尘效率(47)free jet 自由射流(68)free sillica 游离二氧化硅(43)free silicon dioxide 游离二氧化硅(43)freon 氟利昂(77)frequency interval 频程(97)frequency of wind direction 风向频率(7)fresh air handling unit 新风机组(71)fresh air requirement 新风量(67)friction factor 摩擦系数(25)friction loss 摩擦阻力(25)frictional resistance 摩擦阻力(25)fume 烟〔雾〕(44)fumehood 排风柜(42)fumes 烟气(44)Ggas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采暖(13)gas-fired unit heater 燃气热风器(30)gas purger 不凝性气体分离器(84)gate valve 闸阀(31)general air change 全面通风(33)general exhaust ventilation (GEV) 全面排风(33)general ventilation 全面通风(33)generator 发生器(85)global radiation 总辐射(10)grade efficiency 分级除尘效率(47)granular bed filter 颗粒层除尘器(57)granulometric distribution 粒径分布(44)gravel bed filter 颗粒层除尘器(57)gravity separator 沉降室(56)ground-level concentration 落地浓度(51)guide vane 导流板(52)Hhair hygrometor 毛发湿度计(102)hand pump 手摇泵(29)harmful gas and vapo[u]r 有害气体(48)harmful substance 有害物质(35)header 分水器、集水器(30、31)heat and moisture transfer 热湿交换(67)heat balance 热平衡(35)heat conduction coefficient 导热系数(16)heat conductivity 导热系数(16)heat distributing network 热网(15)heat emitter 散热器(29)heat endurance 热稳定性(17)heat exchanger 换热器(27)heat flowmeter 热流计(103)heat flow rate 热流量(16)heat gain from appliance and equipment 设备散热量(61)heat gain from lighting 照明散热量(61)heat gain from occupant 人体散热量(61)heat insulating window 保温窗(41)heat(thermal)insuation 隔热(39)heat(thermal)lag 延迟时间(18)heat loss 耗热量(18)heat loss by infiltration 冷风渗透耗热量(19)heat-operated refrigerating system 热力制冷系统(81)heat-operated refrigetation 热力制冷(80)heat pipe 热管(74)heat pump 热泵(85)heat pump air conditioner 热泵式空气调节器(71)heat release 散热量(38)heat resistance 热阻(16)heat screen 隔热屏(39)heat shield 隔热屏(39)heat source 热源(13)heat storage 蓄热(61)heat storage capacity 蓄热特性(61)heat supply 供热(14)heat supply network 热网(15)heat transfer 传热(15)heat transmission 传热(15)heat wheel 转轮式换热器(73)heated thermometer anemometer 热风速仪(103)heating 采暖、供热、加热(11、14、66)heating appliance 采暖设备(27)heating coil 热盘管(74)heating coil section 加热段(71)heating equipment 采暖设备(27)heating load 热负荷(19)heating medium 热媒(13)heating medium parameter 热媒参数(14)heating pipeline 采暖管道(22)heating system 采暖系统(20)heavy work 重作业(105)high-frequency noise 高频噪声(98)high-pressure ho twater heating 高温热水采暖(12)high-pressure steam heating 高压蒸汽采暖(12)high temperature water heating 高温热水采暖(12)hood 局部排风罩(41)horizontal water-film syclonet 卧式旋风水膜除尘器(57)hot air heating 热风采暖(12)hot air heating system 热风采暖系统(20)hot shop 热车间(39)hot water boiler 热水锅炉(27)hot water heating 热水采暖(11)hot water system 热水采暖系统(20)hot water pipe 热水管(22)hot workshop 热车间(39)hourly cooling load 逐时冷负荷(62)hourly sol-air temperature 逐时综合温度(60)humidification 加湿(66)humidifier 加湿器(72)humididier section 加湿段(71)humidistat 恒湿器(94)humidity ratio 含湿量(65)hydraulic calculation 水力计算(24)hydraulic disordeer 水力失调(26)hydraulic dust removal 水力除尘(46)hydraulic resistance balance 阻力平衡(26)hydraulicity 水硬性(45)hydrophilic dust 亲水性粉尘(43)hydrophobic dust 疏水性粉尘(43)Iimpact dust collector 冲激式除尘器(58)impact tube 皮托管(103)impedance muffler 阻抗复合消声器(99)inclined damper 斜插板阀(53)index circuit 最不利环路(24)indec of thermal inertia (valueD) 热惰性指标(D值)(17)indirect heat exchanger 表面式换热器(28)indirect refrigerating sys 间接制冷系统(80)indoor air design conditions 室内在气计算参数(5)indoor air velocity 室内空气流速(4)indoor and outdoor design conditions 室内外计算参数(2)indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity 室内温湿度基数(5)indoor temperature (humidity) 室内温(湿)度(4)induction air-conditioning system 诱导式空气调节系统(64)induction unit 诱导器(72)inductive ventilation 诱导通风(34)industral air conditioning 工艺性空气调节(59)industrial ventilation 工业通风(33)inertial dust separator 惯性除尘器(56)infiltration heat loss 冷风渗透耗热量(19)infrared humidifier 红外线加湿器(73)infrared radiant heater 红外线辐射器(30)inherent regulation of controlled plant 调节对象自平衡(87)initial concentration of dust 初始浓度(47)initial resistance of filter 过滤器初阻力(47)input variable 输入量(89)insulating layer 保温层(105)integral enclosure 整体密闭罩(42)integral time 积分时间(89)interlock protection 联锁保护(91)intermittent dust removal 定期除灰(48)intermittent heating 间歇采暖(11)inversion layer 逆温层(50)inverted bucket type steam trap 倒吊桶式疏水器(32)irradiance 辐射照度(4)isoenthalpy 等焓线(66)isobume 等湿线(66)isolator 隔振器(101)isotherm 等温线(66)isothermal humidification 等温加湿(67)isothermal jet 等温射流(68)Jjet 射流(68)jet axial velocity 射流轴心速度(69)jet divergence angle 射流扩散角(69)jet in a confined space 受限射流(68)Kkatathermometer 卡他温度计(102)Llaboratory hood 排风柜(42)lag of controlled plant 调节对象滞后(87)large space enclosure 大容积密闭罩(42)latent heat 潜热(60)lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath 槽边排风罩(42)lateral hoodlength of pipe section 侧吸罩(42)length of pipe section 管段长度(25)light work 轻作业(105)limit deflection 极限压缩量(101)limit switch 限位开关(95)limiting velocity 极限流速(26)linear flow characteristic 线性流量特性(89)liquid-level ga[u]ge 液位计(103)liquid receiver 贮液器(84)lithium bromide 溴化锂(78)lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 溴化锂吸收式制冷机(84)lithium chloride resistance hygrometer 氯化锂电阻湿度计(93)load pattern 负荷特性(62)local air conditioning 局部区域空气调节(59)local air suppiy system 局部送风系统(40)local exhaustventilation (LEV) 局部排风(34)local exhaust system 局部排风系统(40)local heating 局部采暖(11)local relief 局部送风(34)local relief system 局部送风系统(40)local resistance 局部阻力(25)local solartime 地方太阳时(10)local ventilation 局部通风(34)local izedairsupply for air-heating 集中送风采暖(12)local ized air control 就地控制(91)loop 环路(24)louver 百叶窗(41)low-frequencynoise 低频噪声(98)low-pressure steam heating 低压蒸汽采暖(12)lyophilic dust 亲水性粉尘(43)lyophobic dust 疏水性粉尘(43)Mmain 总管、干管(22)main duct 通风〕总管、〔通风〕干管(51)main pipe 总管、干管(22)make-up water pump 补给水泵(28)manual control 手动控制(91)mass concentration 质量浓度(36)maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 最高容许浓度(36)maximum coefficient of heat transfer 最大传热系数(17)maximum depth of frozen ground 最大冻土深度(7)maximum sum of hourly colling load 逐时冷负荷综合最大值(62)mean annual temperature (humidity) 年平均温(湿)度(6)mean daily temperature (humidity) 日平均温(湿)度(5)mean dekad temperature (humidity) 旬平均温(湿)度(6)mean monthly maximum temperature 月平均最高温度(6)mean monthly minimum temperature 月平均最低温度(6)mean monthly temperature (humidity) 月平均温(湿)度(6)mean relative humidity 平均相对湿度(7)mean wind speed 平均风速(7)mechanical air supply system 机械送风系统(40)mechanical and hydraulic combined dust removal 联合除尘(46)mechanical anemometer 机械式风速仪(103)mechanical cleaning off dust 机械除尘(46)mechanical dust removal 机械排风系统(40)mechanical exhaust system 机械通风系统(40)mechanical ventilation 机械通风(33)media velocity 过滤速度(48)metal radiant panel 金属辐射板(30)metal radiant panel heating 金属辐射板采暖(13)micromanometer 微压计(103)micropunch plate muffler 微穿孔板消声器(90)mid-frequency noise 中频噪声(98)middle work 中作业(105)midfeed system 中分式系统(22)minimum fresh air requirmente 最小新风量(68)minimum resistance of heat transfer 最小传热阻(17)mist 雾(44)mixing box section 混合段(71)modular air handling unit 组合式空气调节机组(71)moist air 湿空气(65)moisture excess 余湿(35)moisure gain 散湿量(61)moisture gain from appliance and equipment 设备散湿量(61)moisturegain from occupant 人体散湿量(61)motorized valve 电动调节阀(95)motorized (pneumatic) 电(气)动两通阀(95)2-way valvemotorized (pneumatic)3-way valve 电(气)动三通阀(95)movable support 活动支架(24)muffler 消声器(99)muffler section 消声段(72)multi-operating mode automtic conversion 工况自动转换(90)multi-operating mode control system 多工况控制系统(92)multiclone 多管〔旋风〕除尘器(56)multicyclone 多管〔旋风〕除尘器(56)multishell condenser 组合式冷凝器(82)Nnatural and mechanical combined ventilation 联合通风(33)natural attenuation quantity of noise 噪声自然衰减量(99)natural exhaust system 自然排风系统(37)natural freguency 固有频率(100)natural ventilation 自然通风(33)NC-curve[s] 噪声评价NC曲线(97)negative freedback 负反馈(86)neutral level 中和界(39)neutral pressure level 中和界(39)neutral zone 中和界(39)noise 噪声(97)noise control 噪声控制(98)noise criter ioncurve(s) 噪声评价NC曲线(97)noisc rating number 噪声评价NR曲线(97)noise reduction 消声(99)non azeotropic mixture refragerant 非共沸溶液制冷剂(77)non-commonsection 非共同段(25)non condensable gas 不凝性气体(78)non condensable gas purger 不凝性气体分离器(84)non-isothermal jct 非等温射流(68)nonreturn damper 〔通风〕止回阀(53)nonreturn valve 止回阀(31)normal coldest month 累年最冷月(3)normal coldest 3-month period 累年最冷三个月(3)normal hottest month 累年最热月(3)normal hottest 3month period 累年最热三个月(3)normal three summer months 累年最热三个月(3)normal three winter months 累年最冷三个月(3)normals 累年值(3)nozzle outlet air suppluy 喷口送风(69)number concentration 计数浓度(36)number of degree-day of heating period 采暖期度日数(9)Ooctave 倍频程(97)1/3 octave 倍频程(97)octave band 倍频程(97)oil cooler 油冷却器(84)oill-fired unit heater 燃油热风器(30)one-and-two pipe combined heating system 单双管混合式采暖系统(21)one (single)-pipe circuit (cross-over) heating system 单管跨越式采暖系统(21)one(single)-pipe heating system 单管采暖系统(21)one(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system 水平单管采暖系统(21)one(single)-pipe seriesloop heating system 单管顺序式采暖系统(21)one-third octave band 倍频程(97)on-of control 双位调节(88)open loop control 开环控制(86)open return 开式回水(15)open shell and tube condenser 立式壳管式冷凝器(82)open tank 开式水箱(28)operating pressure 工作压力(27)operating range 作用半径(26)opposed multiblade damper 对开式多叶阀(52)organized air supply 有组织进风(33)organized exhaust 有组织排风(34)organized natural ventilation 有组织自然通风(37)outdoor air design conditions 室外空气计算参数(7)outdoor ctitcal air temperature for heating 采暖室外临界温度(9)outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conlitioning 夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度(8)outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning 夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度(9)outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning 夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度(9)outdoor design relative humidityu for summer ventilation 夏季通风室外计算相对湿度(8)outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning 冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度(8)outdoor design temperature ture for calculated envelope in winter冬季围护结构室外计算温度(8)outdoor design temperature ture for heating 采暖室外计算温度(7)outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation 夏季通风室外计算温度(8)outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning 冬季空气调节室外计算温度(8)outdoor design temperature for winter vemtilation 冬季通风室外计算温度(7)outdoor designwet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning 夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度(8)outdoor mean air temperature during heating period 采暖期室外平均温度(9)outdoor temperature(humidity) 室外温(湿)度(5)outlet air velocity 出口风速(70)out put variable 输出量(89)overall efficiency of separation 除尘效率(47)overall heat transmission coefficient 传热系数(16)overflow pipe 溢流管(23)overheat steam 过热蒸汽(14)overlapping averages 滑动平均(4)overshoot 超调量(88)Ppackaged air conditioner 整体式空气调节器(70)packaged heat pump 热泵式空气调节器(71)packed column 填料塔(58)packed tower 填料塔(58)panel heating 辐射采暖(12)parabolic flow character-istic 抛物线流量特性(90)parallel multiblade damperin 平行式多叶阀(53)parameter detection 参数检测(90)part 通风〕部件(52)partial enclosure 局部密闭罩(42)partial pressure of water vapo[u]r 水蒸汽分压力(6)particle 粒子(44)particle counter 粒子计数器(104)particle number concentration 计数浓度(36)particle size 粒径(44)particle size distribution 粒径分布(44)particulate 粒子(44)particulate collector 除尘器(56)particulates 大气尘(43)passage ventilating duct 通过式风管(52)penetration rate 穿透率(47)percentage of men,women and children 群集系数(62)percentage of possible sunshine 日照率(7)percentage of return air 回风百分比(68)perforated ceiling air supply 孔板送风(69)perforated plate tower 筛板塔(58)periodic dust dislodging 定期除灰(48)piece (通风〕部件(52)pipe fittings 管道配件(23)pipe radiator 光面管散热器(29)pipe section 管段(25)pipe coil 光面管放热器(29)pitot tube 皮托管(103)plate heat exchanger 板式换热器(73)plenum chamber 静压箱(74)plenum space 稳压层(70)plug 丝堵(24)plume 烟羽(50)plume rise height 烟羽抬升高度(50)PNC-curve[s] 噪声评价PNC曲线(97)pneumatic conveying 气力输送(46)pueumatic transport 气力输送(46)pneumatic valve 气动调节阀(95)pneumo-electrical convertor 气-电转换器(94)positioner 定位器(95)positive feedback 正反馈(86)powerroof ventilator 屋顶通风机(55)preferred noise criteria curve[s] 噪声评价PNC曲线(97)pressure drop 压力损失(26)pressure enthalpy chart 压焓图(77)pressure ga[u]ge 压力表(103)pressure of steam supply 供汽压力(14)pressure reducing valve 减压阀(31)pressure relief device 泄压装置(53)pressure relief valve 安全阀(31)pressure thermometer 压力式温度计(102)pressure volume chart 压容图(77)primary air fan-coil system 风机盘管加新风系统(64)primary air system 新风系统(64)primary retirn air 一次回风(68)process air conditioning 工艺性空气调节(59)program control 程序控制(91)proportional band 比例带(89)proportional control 比例调节(88)proportional-integral (PI)control 比例积分调节(88)proportional-integralderivative(PID)control 比例积分微分调节(88)protected(roof)monitor 避风天窗(39)psychrometric chart 声级计(104)pulvation action 干湿球温度表(102)push-pull hood 焓湿图(65)pulvation action 尘化作用(45)push-pull hood 吹吸式排风罩(42)Qquick open flow characteristic 快开流量特性(89)Rradiant heating 辐射采暖(12)radiant intensity 辐射强度(4)radiation intensity 辐射强度(4)radiator 散热器(29)radiator heating 散热器采暖(12)radiator heating system 散热器采暖系统(20)radiator valve 散热器调节阀(32)rating under air conditioning condition 空调工况制冷量(75)reactive muffler 抗性消声器(99)。
空调系统英语对照(Air conditioning system in English)房间空调器 room air conditioner单元式空调机 unitary air conditioner窗式空调机 window type air conditioner分体式空调器 split type air conditioner室内机 indoor unit室外机 outdoor unit蒸发器 evaporator冷凝器 condenser毛细管 capillary tube压缩机 compressor往复式压缩机 reciprocating compressor(回转) 转子式压缩机 rotary compressor涡旋式压缩机 scroll compressor气缸 cylinder吸气阀 suction valve排气阀 discharge valve理论排量 theoretical displacement实除排量 actual displacement热交换器 heat exchangeru形管 u shape tube吊顶式 ceiling suspended吸顶式 cassettes ceiling (ceiling concealed) 壁挂式 wall mounted落地式 floor standing光管 plain copper pipe内螺纹管 inner groove copper pipe翅片管 finned tube四通换向阀 four way reversing valve单向阀 check valve轴流风机 axial flow fan (propeller fan)离心风机 centrifugal fan (sirocco fan)贯流风机 cross flow fan (1inefrow fan)截止阀 cut-off valve (ball valve)过滤器 strainer底盘 (底板) chassis (lower panel)安装板 installation sheet前 (后) 面板 front (rear) panel侧板 side plate (side panel)边板 than plate (panel)风扇电机 fan engine电机支架 engine support中间隔板 mid.isolation sheet (separated support plate) 网罩 protection grill nets扫风电机 swing engine (louver engine)步进电机 step motor (habit) engine进风格栅 air intake grill步进电机座 habit crank继电器引线 relay lead电器安装板 electrical supporting plate 盖板 cover plate (top plate)电容 capacitor电容夹 capacitor clamp胶圈 o - gasket管路系统 tubing system排气管 discharge pipe吸气管 suction pipe电气原理图 electrical principle diagram 电气接线图 electrical wring diagram线路图 circuit diagram保温管 thermal insulation pipe连接管堵头 connection pipe cap电器安装盒电气箱汽液分离器液气分离器接线板接线端子交流接触器交流接触器贮液器储液器波纹软管波纹管四芯(六芯)4控制线信号电缆(6)芯电热管加热元件扫风叶片支架百叶窗的支持左右端盖边箱(L,R)电源线电源线控制器控制器红外遥控器远程控制器继电器继电器主令开关主开关温控器恒温器螺钉螺钉螺栓螺栓螺母螺母垫圈垫片排水管排水管油分离器油分离器插片镶块插孔插入螺栓电机保护器电机保护器保险丝保险丝PTC发热元件PTC电加热器变压器变压器控制面膜控制面板脚轮蓖麻固定螺丝固定螺丝底板底板水位开关水位开关触摸开关触摸开关热断路热断路器限温器温度限制器电脑芯片IC集成电路集成电路可控硅可控硅蜂鸣器蜂鸣器插座插座插头插头过滤网空气过滤器过滤栅过滤格栅蜗壳螺旋桨住房水箱水箱水箱盖油箱盖上隔板内上盖下隔板下内罩上卡板顶盖下卡板底盖扫风叶片摆动百叶窗支撑条支撑杆导风叶片下百叶窗出风格栅前格栅出水管排水管出水槽出口水模具模具灯箱灯箱机壳体感温包temp.sensor 电磁阀电磁阀电磁线圈电磁线圈压缩机过载保护热保护器高压保护高压开关低压保护低压开关吊顶机风扇蜗壳套管集水盘排水盘安装螺钉盖螺旋盖(螺旋盖)壁挂机安装板壁架电机固定件电机支架电机固定圈橡胶支座风叶护网风扇罩室内电机风扇电机(IU)室外电机风扇电机(欧)四通阀四通阀步进/同步电机百叶窗电机电源互联线互联线(电源)信号线互联线(信号)拨动开关摆动开关电机电容风扇电机运行电容器(IU)压机电容压缩机运行电容器电机保护器风扇电机热保护压机保护器保护压缩机变压器保险管热连接在变压器电抗器反应堆电源模块IPM整流桥整流桥光藕光耦控制器保险管融合控制器压敏电阻压敏电阻电机继电器接力风机马达压机继电器继电器压缩机滤波电容X2 X2电容滤波器电容Y2 Y2电容器温度计温度计水银温度计水银温度计电阻温度计电阻温度计热敏电阻热敏电阻热电偶热电偶热电偶温度计热电偶温度计量热计量热计表压表压绝对压力绝对压力压力计压力表真空真空真空计真空计真空压力计复合表干球温度计干球温度计温球温度计湿球温度计湿度计湿度计干湿球温度计干湿球温度计流量计流量计喷嘴流量喷嘴质量流量计质量流量计温度传感器温度传感器湿度传感器湿度传感器风速仪风速计机械风速仪机械风速仪数字风速仪数字风速仪热线风速仪热线风速仪声级计声级计工具工具测量放大器测量放大器电容传声器电容话筒绝缘电阻表绝缘电阻表耐压测试仪可靠性高电压表接地电阻接地电阻测试台测试站泄漏电流测试装置泄漏电流测试设备直流电阻电桥电桥直流电阻炎炎灼热丝试验装置测试设备用废漏电起痕试验装置漏电流测试设备球压装置球压装置热平衡室或平衡热平衡环境型房间量热计焓差室湿空气焓差法或量热计测量不确定度测量不确定度扩口器管出口膨胀弯管器弯管机卤素检漏仪卤素检漏仪电子检漏仪电子检漏仪板子扳手冲击钻电动旋转锤风机盘管风机盘管阿虎:空气处理单元(空气处理机)空气处理机组故障:新风处理单元新风机组供热通风与空气调节暖通:暖通空调DCC:干盘管(干式盘管)干盘管FFU风机过滤单元:风机过滤单元茅:新风空调箱新风机组计划洁净空调系统中外气空调箱跨栏,完全是新风的空调箱阿虎:空气处理单元空气单元一般型空调箱跨栏高效:高效颗粒空气高效空气过滤器RAC:循环组合空调单元再循环空气柜单元计划C / R:洁净室无尘室清洁房间ULPA超低穿透空气过滤器:超高空气效过滤器如:风淋室空气簇射铅:传递箱传递箱答:净化工作台洁净工作台采访:泄压风门救济阻尼器CH.:制冷机CD:冷凝水管C.T.:冷却塔CAV:新风量控制箱电炉:排风机EAD:排风管EAG:排风口EAL:排风百叶FAG:新风口FAL:新风百叶前言:补风机空服员:新风时尚:新风管:防火阀F.D.慧聪网:加热盘管FP:风机盘管胡:热交换器n.r.d.:风管止回阀解析:经过处理的新风PDA:新风管(经过处理的新风)保罗:新风机(带处理功能)朋友:新风百叶R.A.:回风拉德:回风管抹布:回风口制冷剂形容词.制冷的制冷剂空气源热泵(ASHP)airsourceheatpump。
英文翻译Chilled Water Systems[1]Chilled water systems were used in less than 4% of commercial buildings in the U.S. in 1995. However, because chillers are usually installed in larger buildings, chillers cooled over 28% of the U.S. commercial building floor space that same year (DOE, 1998). Five types of chillers are commonly applied to commercial buildings: reciprocating, screw, scroll, centrifugal, and absorption. The first four utilize the vapor compression cycle to produce chilled water. They differ primarily in the type of compressor used. Absorption chillers utilize thermal energy (typically steam or combustion source) in an absorption cycle with either an ammonia-water or water-lithium bromide solution to produce chilled water.Overall SystemFigure 4.2.2 shows a simple representation of a dual chiller application with all the major auxiliary equipment. An estimated 86% of chillers are applied in multiple chiller arrangements like that shown in the figure (Bitondo and Tozzi, 1999). In chilled water systems, return water from the building is circulated through each chiller evaporator where it is cooled to an acceptable temperature (typically 4 to 7°C) (39 to 45°F). The chilled water is then distributed to water-to-air heat exchangers spread throughout the facility. In these heat exchangers, air is cooled and dehumidified by the cold water. During the process, the chilled water increases in temperature and must be returned to the chiller(s).The chillers shown in Figure 4.2.2 are water-cooled chillers. Water is circulated through the condenser of each chiller where it absorbs heat energy rejected from the high pressure refrigerant. The water is then pumped to a cooling tower where the water is cooled through an evaporation process. Cooling towers are described in a later section. Chillers can also be air cooled. In this configuration, the condenserwould be a refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger with air absorbing the heat energy rejected by the high pressure refrigerant.Chillers nominally range in capacities from 30 to 18,000 kW (8 to 5100 ton). Most chillers sold in the U.S. are electric and utilize vapor compression refrigeration to produce chilled water. Compressors for these systems are either reciprocating, screw, scroll, or centrifugal in design. A small number of centrifugal chillers are sold that use either an internal combustion engine or steam drive instead of an electric motor to drive the compressor.[1]节选自James B. Bradford et al. “HVAC Equipment and Systems”.Handbook of Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning.Ed. Jan F. Kreider.Boca Raton, CRC Press LLC. 2001FIGURE 4.2.2 A dual chiller application with major auxiliary systems (courtesy of Carrier Corporation).The type of chiller used in a building depends on the application. For large office buildings or in chiller plants serving multiple buildings, centrifugal compressors are often used. In applications under 1000 kW (280 tons) cooling capacities, reciprocating or screw chillers may be more appropriate. In smaller applications, below 100 kW (30 tons), reciprocating or scroll chillers are typically used.Vapor Compression ChillersTable 4.2.5 shows the nominal capacity ranges for the four types of electrically driven vapor compression chillers. Each chiller derives its name from the type of compressor used in the chiller. The systems range in capacities from the smallest scroll (30 kW; 8 tons) to the largest centrifugal (18,000 kW; 5000 tons).Chillers can utilize either an HCFC (R-22 andR-123) or HFC (R-134a) refrigerant. The steady state efficiency of chillers is often stated as a ratio of the power input (in kW) to the chilling capacity (in tons). A capacity rating of one ton is equal to 3.52 kW or 12,000 btu/h. With this measure of efficiency, the smaller number is better. As seen in Table 4.2.5, centrifugal chillers are the most efficient; whereas, reciprocating chillers have the worst efficiency of the four types. The efficiency numbers provided in the table are the steady state full-load efficiency determined in accordance to ASHRAE Standard 30 (ASHRAE, 1995). These efficiency numbers do not include the auxiliary equipment, such as pumps and cooling tower fans that can add from 0.06 to 0.31 kW/ton to the numbers shown (Smit et al., 1996).Chillers run at part load capacity most of the time. Only during the highest thermal loadsin the building will a chiller operate near its rated capacity. As a consequence, it is important to know how the efficiency of the chiller varies with part load capacity. Figure 4.2.3 shows a representative data for the efficiency (in kW/ton) as a function of percentage full load capacity for a reciprocating, screw, and scroll chiller plus a centrifugal chiller with inlet vane control and one with variable frequency drive (VFD) for the compressor. The reciprocating chiller increases in efficiency as it operates at a smaller percentage of full load. In contrast, the efficiency of a centrifugal with inlet vane control is relatively constant until theload falls to about 60% of its rated capacity and its kW/ton increases to almost twice its fully loaded value.FIGURE 4.2.3 Chiller efficiency as a function of percentage of full load capacity.In 1998, the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) developed a new standard that incorporates into their ratings part load performance of chillers (ARI 1998c). Part load efficiency is expressed by a single number called the integrated part load value (IPLV). The IPLV takes data similar to that in Figure 4.2.3 and weights it at the 25%, 50%,75%, and 100% loads to produce a single integrated efficiency number. The weighting factors at these loads are 0.12, 0.45, 0.42, and 0.01, respectively. The equation to determine IPLV is:Most of the IPLV is determined by the efficiency at the 50% and 75% part load values. Manufacturers will provide, on request, IPLVs as well as part load efficiencies such as those shown in Figure 4.2.3.FIGURE 4.2.4 Volume-pressure relationships for a reciprocating compressor.The four compressors used in vapor compression chillers are each briefly described below. While centrifugal and screw compressors are primarily used in chiller applications, reciprocating and scroll compressors are also used in smaller unitary packaged air conditioners and heat pumps.Reciprocating CompressorsThe reciprocating compressor is a positive displacement compressor. On the intake stroke of the piston, a fixed amount of gas is pulled into the cylinder. On the compressionstroke, the gas is compressed until the discharge valve opens. The quantity of gas compressed on each stroke is equal to the displacement of the cylinder. Compressors used in chillers have multiple cylinders, depending on the capacity of the compressor. Reciprocating compressors use refrigerants with low specific volumes and relatively high pressures. Most reciprocating chillers used in building applications currently employ R-22.Modern high-speed reciprocating compressors are generally limited to a pressure ratio of approximately nine. The reciprocating compressor is basically a constant-volumevariable-head machine. It handles variousdischarge pressures with relatively small changes in inlet-volume flow rate as shown by the heavy line (labeled 16 cylinders) in Figure 4.2.4. Condenser operation in many chillers is related to ambient conditions, for example, through cooling towers, so that on cooler days the condenser pressure can be reduced. When the air conditioning load is lowered, less refrigerant circulation is required. The resulting load characteristic is represented by the solid line that runs from the upper right to lower left of Figure 4.2.4.The compressor must be capable of matching the pressure and flow requirements imposed by the system. The reciprocating compressor matches the imposed discharge pressure at any level up to its limiting pressure ratio. Varying capacity requirements can be met by providing devices that unloadindividual or multiple cylinders. This unloading is accomplished by blocking the suction or discharge valves that open either manually or automatically. Capacity can also be controlled through the use of variable speed or multi-speed motors. When capacity control is implemented on a compressor, other factors at part-load conditions need to considered, such as (a) effect on compressor vibration and sound when unloaders are used, (b) the need for good oil return because of lower refrigerant velocities, and (c) proper functioning of expansion devices at the lower capacities.With most reciprocating compressors, oil is pumped into the refrigeration system from the compressor during normal operation. Systems must be designed carefully to return oil to the compressor crankcase to provide for continuous lubrication and also to avoid contaminating heat-exchanger surfaces.Reciprocating compressors usually are arranged to start unloaded so that normal torque motors are adequate for starting. When gas engines are used for reciprocating compressor drives, careful matching of the torque requirements of the compressor and engine must be considered.FIGURE 4.2.5 Illustration of a twin-screw compressor design (courtesy of CarrierCorporation).Screw CompressorsScrew compressors, first introduced in 1958 (Thevenot, 1979), are positive displacement compressors. They are available in the capacity ranges that overlap with reciprocating compressors and small centrifugal compressors. Both twin-screw and single-screw compressors are used in chillers. The twin-screw compressor is also called the helical rotary compressor. Figure 4.2.5 shows a cutaway of a twin-screw compressor design. There are two main rotors (screws). One is designated male (4 in the figure) and the other female (6 in the figure).The compression process is accomplished by reducing the volume of the refrigerant with the rotary motion of screws. At the low pressure side of the compressor, a void is created when the rotors begin to unmesh. Low pressure gas is drawn into the void between the rotors. As the rotors continue to turn, the gas is progressively compressed as it moves toward the discharge port. Once reaching a predetermined volume ratio, the discharge port is uncovered and the gas is discharged into the high pressure side of the system. At a rotation speed of 3600 rpm, a screw compressor has over 14,000 discharges per minute (ASHRAE, 1996).Fixed suction and discharge ports are used with screw compressors instead of valves, as used in reciprocating compressors. These set the built-in volume ratio — the ratio of the volume of fluid space in the meshing rotors at the beginning of the compression process to the volume in the rotors as the discharge port is first exposed. Associated with the built-in volume ratio is a pressure ratio that depends on the properties of the refrigerant being compressed. Screw compressors have the capability to operate at pressure ratios of above 20:1 (ASHRAE, 1996). Peak efficiency is obtained if the discharge pressure imposed by the system matchesthe pressure developed by the rotors when the discharge port is exposed. If the interlobe pressure in the screws is greater or less than discharge pressure, energy losses occur but no harm is done to the compressor.Capacity modulation is accomplished by slide valves that provide a variable suction bypass or delayed suction port closing, reducing the volume of refrigerant compressed. Continuously variable capacity control is most common, but stepped capacity control is offered in some manufacturers’ machines. Variable discharge porting is available on some machines to allow control of the built-in volume ratio during operation.Oil is used in screw compressors to seal the extensive clearance spaces between the rotors, to cool the machines, to provide lubrication, and to serve as hydraulic fluid for the capacity controls. An oil separator is required for the compressor discharge flow to remove the oil from the high-pressure refrigerant so that performance of system heat exchangers will not be penalized and the oil can be returned for reinjection in the compressor.Screw compressors can be direct driven at two-pole motor speeds (50 or 60 Hz). Their rotary motion makes these machines smooth running and quiet. Reliability is high when the machines are applied properly. Screw compressors are compact so they can be changed out readily for replacement or maintenance. The efficiency of the best screw compressors matches or exceeds that of the best reciprocating compressors at full load. High isentropic and volumetric efficiencies can be achieved with screw compressors because there are no suction or discharge valves and small clearance volumes. Screw compressors for building applications generally use either R-134a or R-22.译文冷水机组1995年,在美国,冷水机组应用在至少4%的商用建筑中。
暖通专业英语词汇暖通Heating ventilation and air conditioning空调平面图 air handling layoutMU1~3新风系统图MU1~3 make-up air system diagramAHU-1净化空调系统图Air purification & air handling system diagram, AHU-1空调通风平剖面图ventilation & air conditioning plan/section吊顶空调平剖面图air condition ceiling plan section吊顶通风和采暖,空调用水管平面图ventilation and heating piping plan above ceiling室内采暖空调平面图room heating and air condition plan吊顶一下净化空调平面图air purification & air conditioning above ceiling拉丝区+14米送风平面图air supply plan at level of +14.00, drawing areaS-1,2 送风系统图S-1,2 air supply system diagram室内回风口平面图indoor air return grill plan洁净室回风平面图air return grill plan in clean rooms空调用冷热水管平面图A.C water piping plan空调供热流程图A.C heating supply system diagram屋顶排风平面图roof exhaust plan排风系统图roof exhaust system送风系统图air supply system diagramAHU-1 水系统图AHU-1 water piping system diagram净化空调系统控制原理图air purification & air conditioning system control priciple diagram AHU-15 变风量空调系统图AHU-15 VAV system diagram冷冻水,冷却水管道系统图CHW and CW piping system diagram热水采暖系统图hot water heating system diagram空调机房平面图air handling room plan最冷月或最热月平均温度temperature coldest month or hottest month (mean)年,月,平均温度,最高,最低temperature, yearly, monthly, mean, highest, lowest最高或最低绝对温度absolute temperature, highest or lowest湿球温度wet bulb temperature干球温度dry bulb temperature采暖区region with heating provision不采暖区region without heating provision采暖室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature for heating通风冬季室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature for ventilation winter 绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure蒸发量 volume of vaporization相对湿度 relative humidity采暖 heating热媒 heating medium供暖管道 heating system供暖总管 heating pipe集中供暖 central heating供暖总站 central heating plant单管供暖系统 one-pipe heating system单管循环系统 one-pipe circuit system单管上行下给供暖系统one-pipe drop heating system单管热水供暖系统one-pipe hot water heating system单管强制循环系统one-pipe forced system蒸汽供暖 steam heating供应方式 means of supply蒸汽压力 steam pressure蒸汽密度 vapor density蒸汽压力势vapor pressure potential供汽装置steam supply installation蒸汽系统 vapor system降压站 reduction station蒸汽容量 steam capacity蒸汽消耗量 steam consumption蒸汽盘管供暖 steam coil heated蒸汽盘管 steam coil供热盘管 heating coil散热盘管 panel coil排蒸汽管 steam discharge pipe蒸汽回管 steam discharge pipe冷凝水管 condensing pipe冷凝回水管 condensing return pipe蒸汽散热器 steam radiator隔汽具,汽层 vapor barrier蒸汽分离器 steam separator蒸汽调整阀 steam regulating蒸汽减压阀 steam reducing valve蒸汽暖风机 steam unit ventilator供暖蒸汽锅炉 steam-heating boiler电热供暖 electrical heater电热器 electrical heater管式电热器 tubular electrical heater电热辐射器 electrical radiator电热对流器 electrical convector热风供暖 warm air-heating热风器 hot air generator热风烘干 hot air drying强制对流加热器forced convection heater空气加热器 air heater热风管道 warm-air heating压力供气 forced air supply压力环流 forced circulation辐射式供热系统embedded panel system双管供热系统 double pipe heating上分式双管系统double pipe dropping system顶棚板面供暖ceiling panel heating顶棚供暖盘 ceiling coil片式供暖盘 finned type heating coil 散热器 radiator墙挂式散热器 wall radiator单柱散热器 one column radiator板式散热器 plate radiator圆翼形散热器 circular wing radiator长翼形散热器 long wing radiator蜂窝式散热器 honeycomb radiator暖气管柱 column of radiator单个散热器 unit radiator闭式散热器 closed radiator悬挂式单个散热器suspended type unit radiator管式加热器 tubular heater波纹式散热片 corrugated radiator换热器 heat exchange散热器翘板 fin of radiator散热器阻气板 radiator air baffle散热器外罩 enclosure of radiators散热器阀 radiator valve穿墙管 wall pipe穿墙套管 wall sleeve导热性 thermal conductivity导热系数thermal coefficient of conduction供热面 heating surface散热面 heat delivery surface热气消耗 heat consumption热对流 thermal convection热消耗 heat dissipation热扩散 thermal convection热膨胀 thermal diffusivity热效率 thermal efficiency热效应 heat effect热风循环 heated air circulation辐射热吸收系数coefficient of absorption of radiant heat热膨胀系数 coefficient of expansion by heat 通风 ventilation通风设施 ventilation installation自然通风natural draft ventilation人工通风 artificial ventilation抽气通风 ventilation by extraction压力通风 forced ventilation通风系统 ventilation system鼓风系统 blower system通风管 vent pipe圆形通风管 circular vent pipe矩形通风管 rectangular vent pipe通风干管 main vent通风横管 vent heater通风立管 vent stack通风道 air duct通风井 vent shaft扁长通风孔 ventilation slot通风窗 ventilation window通风格子窗 ventilation grill通风百叶 ventilation louver气窗 ventilation casement屋顶通风 roof ventilation屋顶风机 roof fan顶棚风扇 ceiling fan换气风扇 scavenger fan通风压差 ventilation column通风冒 ventilation cowl通风扇 ventilation fan通风器 ventilator卫生间通风器 toilet ventilator通风机 blower轴流式通风机 axial flow fan玻璃钢屋顶离心通风机reinforced fiberglass centrifugal roof fan 空气缓冲器 air buffer鼓风机 air blower鼓风喷射 air blasting排气通风机 air exhaust ventilator吸风机 suction ventilator排风机 exhaust fan机械排风 mechanical exhaust局部排风 local exhaust事故排风 emergency exhaust空气室 air chamber空气体积 air volume空气流量 air steam通风面积 ventilation area压力气流 forced draft换气次数 air change外形尺寸 overall dimension风量 air volume热量 heat volume余压 surplus volume水量 water quantity水阻力 water resistance风压 air pressure压力露点 pressure dew point状态点 state point工况条件 operation condition制冷剂 refrigerant制冷量 refrigerating capacity制热量 heating capacity加湿量 humidifying capacity上送风 top supply下送风 bottom supply正压渗风量 exfiltration进水温度 inlet temperature出水温度 outlet temperature流量 flow污垢系数 filthy factor水阻系数 water pressure factor传热系数 transmission factor空气调节 air-conditioningair handling单体式空调器 unit air conditioner分体式空调器 separate air conditioner窗式空调器window type air conditioner卧式空调器 horizontal air conditioner立式空调器 floor air conditioner组装式空调器 packaged air conditioner风冷分体式空调器air-cooled split type air conditioner变风量空气处理机组VAV air handling units风机盘管空调器fan coil type air conditioner墙挂式空调器wall-mounted air conditioner立式明装 floor exposed立式暗装 floor concealed卧式明装 horizontal exposed吊顶暗装 floor concealed矮形明装 lowboy exposed矮形暗装 lowboy concealed天花嵌入式 cassette type设有空气调节的房屋air-conditioned building空气冷却 air cooling蒸发空气冷却air cooling by evaporation离心式制冷机组centrifugal refrigerating units]冷风机 air cooler空气冷凝器 air condenser蒸发式冷凝器 evaporating condenser水冷冷凝器water cooling condenser空气冷却冷凝器air cooled condenser冷凝水盘condense water drip plate冷凝水孔 condensed water hole冷凝水排出口 condensed water drain压缩制冷在这块也可以休息得不冷温度又高了点compression refrigerating旋转式压缩机 rotary compressor送风量 supply capacity管子冷却器 pipe cooler管子冷却面 pipe cooling surface冷却水量 cooling capacity空气加湿器 air humidifier电极加湿器 electrode humidifier干蒸汽加湿器 dry steam humidifier离心加湿器 centrifugal humidifier去湿 dehumidificating水冷系统 water cooling system喷雾嘴 air cup喷雾 water sprinkling冷媒 cooling medium水帘 water sheet水幕 water curtain水幕喷嘴 water spray nozzle空气洗涤 air washing空气粗滤器 air strainer空气洗涤器 air washer空调机组 air handling unit空气站 air bottle气阀 air cock气闸 air brake风机盘管 fan coil热泵 heat pump柔性通风管道flexible ventilation pipe面板 surface plate泄水口 drain hole出风口 air outlet进风口 air inlet气管 gas line混合段 mixing风机段 fan预加热段 preheat加热段 heating表冷器 surface cooling表冷器挡水段surface cooling water stop中间段 middle section蒸汽加热段 steam heating电加热段 electric heating加湿段 humidifying水淋段 sprinkling送风机段 air supply中效袋式过虑段medium bag filter消声段 sound absorption二次回风 secondary return检修段 maintenance挡水板 water buffer plate防尘构造 dust-tight construction。
暖通空调专业英语暖通空调术语abatement 减除[少];降低,消除abatement of smoke 消减烟雾,除烟abatjour 斜片百叶窗,天窗,亮窗;遮阳abat--vent 固定百叶窗;通风帽abbertite 沥青abbreviation 缩写,略语,省略aberration 象[偏,误]差;变形ability 能力,性能ablation 烧蚀;消融;剥落ablaze 着火ablution 吹[清]除,清洗,洗净abnormal 不正常的,不规则的,变态的abrade 磨损[光],清除abrasion 磨损abrasion--resistant 耐磨的abrasive 磨料;磨损的,研磨的abrasiveness 磨损性,磨耗abrupt 急剧的,突变的abrupt change of cross--section 截面突变abrupt contraction 突然缩小abrupt expansion 突然扩大[膨胀] abruption 断裂abscess (金属中的)砂眼,气孔,夹渣内孔abscissa 横坐标absolute 绝对的absolute altitude 标高,绝对高度,海拔absolute atmosphere 绝对大气压absolute black body 绝对黑体absolute filter 高效过滤器,绝对过滤器[具有99.9%以上效率并能过滤直径达0.01(微米)的颗粒尘埃的空气过滤器]absolute heating effect 绝对热效应;绝对供暖效果absolute humidity 绝对湿度[在水蒸气和干燥空气的混合物中,单位容积内所含水汽的质量] absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute vacuum 绝对真空absolute velocity 绝对速度absolute viscosity 绝对粘度absolute zero 绝对零度[理论上,分子热运动完全停止时的温度] absorb 吸收absorbability 吸收性absorbable 可吸收性absorbate 吸收物[被吸收剂吸收的物质]absorbent 吸收剂;有吸收能力的absorbent carbon 活性炭absorbent charcoal 活性炭,吸收性炭absorbent concentration 吸收浓度absorbent equipment 吸收装置absorbent filter 吸收性过滤器absorbent pressure 吸收压力absorbent process 吸收过程absorbent temperature 吸收温度absorber 吸收器[吸收式制冷机中的一部分,制冷剂蒸气在其中被吸收];减振器,阻尼器absorbility 吸收能力absorbing tower 吸收塔absorbing--type gas air filter 吸附式除气用空气过滤器absorptance 吸收系数[一个表面所吸收的辐射能流速率与该表面所接受的能流速率之比] absorption 吸收;吸收作用absorption brine chilling unit 吸收式盐水冷却设备absorption capacity 吸收容量absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption cooling 吸收式供冷absorption efficiency 吸收效率absorption factor 吸收系数[见absorptance]absorption heat 吸收热absorption hygrometer 吸收湿度计[根据吸湿材料所吸收的水蒸气量来测定大气湿度的仪器] absorption machine 吸收式机absorption of heat 吸热absorption of shock 缓冲,减absorption refrigerating machine 吸收式制冷机absorption refrigerating plant 吸收式制冷装置absorption refrigeration 吸收式制冷absorption refrigeration system 吸收式制冷系统absorption refrigerator 吸收式冰箱absorption silencer 吸收式消音器absorption system 吸收式系统[制冷剂的蒸汽为液体或固体所吸收,然后加热析出的制冷系统] absorption--type refrigerating unit 吸收式制冷机组absorptive 吸收性的absorptive drying 吸收式干燥法absorptivity 吸收率,吸收能力,吸收系数abstract 摘要,小计;萃取[提出]物;提出,抽出,除去;概括abstract heat 散热abstraction 抽出,提取abutment 支座,支点;接合点academy 学院,研究院,学会,协会accelerate 加速,促进accelerant 加速剂,促进剂accelerated circulation 加速循环acceleration 加速度,加速作用acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度acceleration of falling body 落体加速度accelerator 加速器accelerometer 加速计acceptable 合格,容许的,验收的acceptable standard 通用标准acceptable test 验收试验acceptance 验收,认可acceptance check 验收检查acceptance of materials 材料验收acceptance of work 工程验收access 通道;[出]入口,进入;接近access cover 检修盖access door 检查门,人孔access eye 检查孔hatch 检查门,人孔accessible 能进入的accessible canal 可通行通道accessible compressor 易卸压缩机,现场用压缩机accessible hermetic compressor unit 半封闭式压缩机组accessible trench 可通行地沟access of air 空气通路;空气流入accessories 附属设备accessory 附[备]件;附属的,附加的accident (偶然)事故,意外;破坏accidental 偶然的,意外的;附带的,随机的accidental admission of vapour 蒸汽漏入accidental maintenance 事故维修accidental prevention 安全措施acclimatization 气候适应,驯化作用[使动物或植物适应新的气候] accommodate 适应;容纳;调节;供应accommodation coefficient 适应系数accordion door 折门,折叠门account 计算书;说明;核算accountability 可计量性accumulate 积聚,堆积accumulate timber 层压材料,胶合板[2~10mm 厚的几张材料用高频加热器粘合起来的一种板材]accumulation 积聚,累[积]加;存储accumulation of cold 蓄冷accumulation of heat 蓄热accumulator 蓄热[能]器;蓄电池;贮液器,低压平衡筒[装在制冷装置低压侧的容器,用以供给满液式系统循环用的液体,或用来减低脉动]accuracy 精[精密,精确]度,准确度;准确;准确性accuracy of adjustment 调节精度accuracy of instrument 仪表精度accuracy of manufacture 制造精度accuracy of measurement 测量精度accurate control 精确控制acetic acid 醋酸acetone 丙酮acetylene 乙炔acetylene apparatus 乙炔气焊设备acetylene burner 乙炔燃烧器acetylene gas 乙炔气acetylene gas generator 乙炔发生器acetylene pipe 乙炔管acetylene station 乙炔站acetylene welding 乙炔焊,气焊acid 酸acid cleaning 酸洗acid degree 酸度acidification 酸化,氧化acidimeter 酸液比重计,酸度计acidity 酸性acidless 无酸的acidproof 防酸;耐[防]酸的acidproof material 耐酸材料acidresistant 耐酸的,抗酸的acidresisting 耐酸的acidresisting concrete 耐酸混凝土acid smuts 酸性烟尘acid test 酸性试验acme 峰,极点,最高点acoumeter = acousimeter 测听计acoustic(al) 声学的,听觉的acoustic absorptivity 吸声能力,吸声率[系数]acoustical absorbent 吸声材料acoustical attenuation 声衰减acoustical baffle 声障板acoustical behavior 声学性能acoustical conductivity 传声性,声导率acoustical damper 消声器acoustical material 传声[声学]材料acoustical thermometer 声学温度计[一种通过测量在某种气体中的声速来计温的温度计,用于测深低温]acoustical treatment 音响处理,防声措施acoustic board 隔音板,吸声板acoustic celotex board 隔音[甘蔗]板,隔音纤维板acoustic -- celotextile 甘蔗纤维吸声板acoustic filter 消声器,滤声器acoustic frequency 声频[30Hz(赫)--20Hz(千赫)] acoustic hangovers 声迟滞acoustic impedance 声阻抗acoustic insulation 隔声acoustic isolation 隔声acoustic lining 隔音衬板acoustic meter 比声计acoustic noise 噪声acoustic paint 吸声油漆,吸声涂料acoustic pick--up 拾声器,唱头acoustic plaster 吸声灰浆acoustic pressure level 声压级acoustic radiation pressure 声压,声辐射压acoustic reflectivity 声反射性;声反射比[系数] acoustic resistance 声阻力acoustic resonance 声共鸣acoustics(复) 声学,音响效果acoustic transmissivity 声透射性,声透射比[系数] acoustic velocity 声速acrylate resin enamel paint 丙烯酸合成树脂漆acrylic plastics(复) 丙烯酸塑料act 条例,法令,决议acting head 作用压头,有效水头actinic glass 光化玻璃actinograph 辐射仪actinometer 曝光计action 作用,影响,效应;作用力;操作action of blast 鼓风效应activated 活性的activated alumina 活性矾土,活性铝土,活性氧化铝[一种容易吸附水分的氧化铝] activated bauxite 活性矾土activated carbon 活性炭[能吸附挥发物的多孔性炭]activated charcoal 活性炭activation 活化,激活activator 活化剂,提高灵敏度装置active 活性的,主动的,灵敏的;放射性的active fuel bed 燃料燃烧层active furnace area 炉底有效面积active grate area 炉排有效面积active solar heating 主动式太阳能供暖activity 活性的;放射性;功率actual 真实的,有效的,现行的actual budget 决算actual cycle 实际循环actual displacement 实际排量[压缩机在单位时间内,按进气条件所排出气体的实际体积] actual gas 实际气体actual internal area 流通截面actuate 起动actuating 操纵的actuating cam 推动凸轮actuating device 调节[传动]装置actuating mechanism 执行机构actuating medium 工质actuating motor 起动[伺服]电动机actuating pressure 工作压力actuating signal 动作信号actuating system 传动系统actuating unit 驱动机组,动力机构,动力传动装置actuation 开[启、传]动actuation time (继电器)动作时间actuator 调节器,传动装置,(调节器的)执行机构,启动器actuator governor 调速控制器acyclic 非周期性的;单级的adapt 使适应,修改adaptability 适应性,灵活性,适应能力adaptation 适应;配合;修改adapter 附件;接合器,转接器adapter connector 接头,接头adapter glass 玻璃接头分线盒adapter junction box 分线盒adapter kit 成套附件adapter sleeve 紧固套,连接套管adaptive 适合的,适用的adaptive control system 自适应控制系统adaptor = adapter 附件;接合器,接头addendum 附录adder 加法器addition 增加,附加;加入;加法;扩建部分additional 附加的additional equipment 辅助设备,附加设备additive 添加剂;添加的,附加的adequate 适当的,充分的adhere 粘着,附着,连接adherence 粘着,附着adherent 粘附的,附着的adhesion 粘附力,粘着力,附着力,附着作用adhesive 胶粘剂,胶粘的adhesive bitumen primer 冷底子油adhesive force 粘附力adhesive strength 胶粘强度adiabat 绝热线, 等焓线adiabatic 绝热的,等焓的adiabatic calorimeter 绝热热量计adiabatic change 绝热变化adiabatic combustion 绝热燃烧adiabatic compression 绝热压缩adiabatic condensation 绝热冷凝adiabatic condition 绝热状态adiabatic constant 绝热常数adiabatic cooling line 绝热冷却曲线adiabatic curve 绝热曲线adiabatic demagnetization 绝热去磁adiabatic efficiency 指示[绝热]效率[压缩机压缩单位质量制冷剂所消耗的功与一理想压缩机压缩同一质量的制冷剂的功之比] adiabatic exchanger 绝热交换器adiabatic expansion 绝热膨胀adiabatic exponent 绝热指数adiabatic humidifying 绝热加湿adiabatic indicated efficiency 绝热指示效率adiabatic mixing 绝热混合adiabatic process 绝热过程adiabatic saturation 绝热饱和adiabatic stabilization 绝热稳定adiabatic system 绝热系统adiabatic temperature 绝热温度adjacent 邻接的,交界的adjust 调节,校[调,修]正adjust a bearing 调整轴承adjustability 可调性adjustable 可调节的adjustable blade 可调叶片adjustable bracket 可调[活动]托架adjustable capillary valve 可调毛细管阀adjustable contact 可调触点adjustable damper 可调风门adjustable guide vane 可调导叶adjustable head t-square 活头丁字尺adjustable instrument mounting 仪表的可调节支架,仪表调节装置adjustable louvers 活动百页窗adjustable pipe tongs 活动管钳adjustable spanner 活动扳手adjustable wrench 活动扳手adjuster 调整器,调节装置,调整工,装配工adjusting 调节的,校正的adjusting bolt 调整螺栓adjusting damper 调节风门adjusting device 调整装置adjusting instrument 调节器adjusting key 调整键adjusting nut 调整螺母adjusting screw 调整螺钉,调整[校正]螺丝adjusting spring 调整弹簧adjustment 调整,校正adjustment curve 校正曲线adjustment factor 修正系数adjust to zero 调整到零位adjutage 喷射管,放水管admeasurement 测量,度量,尺寸administrate=administer 管理,操作,执行administration 管理,控制,执行administration building 行政办公楼admissibility 可允许度admission 允许进入,通入;汽缸(被工作气体)充满程度;进汽度admission intake 进气admission port 进气口admission valve 进气阀admission velocity 进[吸]入速度admit 进气;注入,放进;容纳,承认,容许admittance 进入,通道,公差admitting pipe 进入管,进气管,进水管admix 混[掺]合admixture 掺合物;掺合adopt 采用,接受adsorb 吸附adsorbent 吸附剂,吸附物质,吸附的adsorbent concentration 吸附浓度adsorbent equipment 吸附设备adsorbent pressure 吸附压力adsorbent process 吸附过程adsorbent temperature 吸附温度adsorber 吸附器adsorption 吸附作用adsorption capacity 吸附容量adsorption coefficient 吸附系数adsorption isotherms 吸附等温线adsorption refrigeration 吸附制冷adsorption system 吸附系统advance 推进,提前,改进advance copy (新书)样本,试行本advance of admission 提前进气advance of release 提前排气advancing side of belt 皮带拉紧边(受拉部分)advantage 优点,利益,好处,便利advantageous 有利的advection 水平气流,对流advise 劝告,通告,建议advisory engineer 顾问工程师aedian fan 风动风机aerate 充(曝)气aerated 通风的;同空气混合的aerated concrete 加气混凝土aeration 充气的,通风的,透气,曝气,气浴[使物质或某空间处于新鲜空气循环中] aeration-cooling 通风降温aeration-drying 通风干燥aeration tank 曝气池aeration test 充气试验aerator 充气器,曝气设备,通气器aerial pollution 空气污染aerify 充气;使气化aerocrete aeroconcrete 加气混凝土aerodromometer 风速表[计]aerodynamic 空气动力学aerodynamic action 气动力作用aerodynamical analysis 空气动力学分析aerodynamic characteristic curve 空气动力特性曲线aerodynamic coefficient 空气动力系数aerodynamic controls 气动控制aerodynamic form 流线形,气流形aerodynamics 空气动力学aerodynamics of heat system 热系统空气动力学aerofilter 空气过滤器aerofoil 翼型aerofoil blade fan 机翼型叶片风机[具有流线形叶片的轴流风机] aerofoil fan 轴流通风机aerograph 气象记录仪aerography 气象图表,气象学aerojet 空气射流aerology 气象学aerometer 气体比重计,气量计aerophore 防毒面具,通风面具[矿工用压缩空气面具]aerosol 烟雾,尘;气溶胶;空悬液滴[悬浮在空气中的非常小的液体颗粒] aerosolize 使成烟的雾状散开aerosphere 大气,大气层aerostatic(al) 空气静力学的aerostatics 空气静力学aerothermopressor 气动热力增压器affect 影响;损伤;起作用affinity 亲合性,亲合力,相似affix 附件[录],添加剂afflux 流入;汇[集]流,聚集afire 着火的aflame 燃烧的,冒烟的afterbody 尾部afterburner 补燃器,复燃室afterburning 补燃,燃尽,烧完aftercombustion 燃[烧]完,补充[再次]燃烧aftercondenser 后冷凝器aftercooler 后冷却器,二次冷却器,(压缩机后的)空气冷却器aftercooling 再冷却[指温度调整后再冷却] afterdrying 再次干燥after end 后端afterfilter 后过滤器afterflaming 补充燃烧after flow 塑性变形,残余塑性流动afterheat 余热,后加热afterheat cooling 二次冷却,后冷却ertreatment 再处理age 使用年限,时期;老化,时效age hardening 时效硬化,老化ageing 时效,陈[老]化agency 动作,作用,介质,工具,代办,机构agent 剂,试剂,介质,因素agent of fusion 熔剂,焊剂[药]aggregate 机组,集合[综合]体;总计,骨料,填充料aggregate capacity 总功率;总容量;机组功率aggregation 聚集体aggressive agent 侵蚀剂aging=ageing 老[陈]化agitate 搅动,拨火agitation 搅拌[动];拨火;激励agitator 搅拌器agreement 契约,合同,协议,一致;符合aid 工具,设备,辅助设备;辅助air 空气,通风,通气;风动的,气动的air accumulation 集气air admitting surface 进风口面积air agitation 空气搅动air analysis 空气分析air-and-water system 气--水系统air anion-generator 负离子发生器air atomizer 空气雾化器air atomizing 空气雾化air atomizing burner 空气雾化喷油嘴air balance 空气平衡air-bath 空气浴air-bed 气垫air-blanketing 空气夹层(覆盖)air change method 换气法air change rate 换气次数,通风换气次数[单位时间(通常以每小时计)的全面换气次数air changes per hour 每小时换气次数air channel 风道air chimney 竖通风道,通风井air chute 风道air circuit 空气管道系统air circulation 空气循环[在一个封闭的空间内,空气的自然或强制运动]air circulation ratio 换气次数air classifier 气体分离器air cleaner 空气净化装置,空气似鱗除掉空气中含有的固体或液体颗粒的设备]air cleaning 空气净化[洁净]air cleaning devices 空气清洁装置air cock 气阀,放气旋塞air cock on the radiator 散热器放气阀air collector 集气罐air-compressor 空气压缩机air condenser 风冷冷凝器air-condition 空气调节air-conditioned room 空气调节房间air-conditioned space 空调空间air conditioner 空气调节器[可同时控制温度、湿度、纯净度等几种空气参数的组装设备]air-conditioning 空气调节[同时控制温度,湿度,纯净度和分配的空气处理法,用以适应空调场所的需要。
暖通空调专业外文翻译 --空调系统
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英文文献Air Conditioning SystemsAir conditioning has rapidly grown over the past 50 years, from a luxury to a standard system included in most residential and commercial buildings. In 1970, 36% of residences in the U.S. were either fully air conditioned or utilized a room air conditioner for cooling (Blue, et al., 1979). By 1997, this number had more than doubled to 77%, and that year also marked the first time that over half (50.9%) of residences in the U.S. had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999). An estimated 83% of all newhomes constructed in 1998 had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999). Air conditioning has also grown rapidly in commercial buildings. From 1970 to 1995, the percentage of commercial buildings with air conditioning increased from 54 to 73% (Jackson and Johnson, 1978, and DOE, 1998).Air conditioning in buildings is usually accomplished with the use of mechanical or heat-activated equipment. In most applications, the air conditioner must provide both cooling and dehumidification to maintain comfort in the building. Air conditioning systems are also used in other applications, such as automobiles, trucks, aircraft, ships, and industrial facilities. However, the description of equipment in this chapter is limited to those commonly used in commercial and residential buildings.Commercial buildings range from large high-rise office buildings to the corner convenience store. Because of the range in size and types of buildings in the commercial sector, there is a wide variety of equipment applied in these buildings. For larger buildings, the air conditioning equipment is part of a total system design that includes items such as a piping system, air distribution system, and cooling tower. Proper design of these systems requires a qualified engineer. The residential building sector is dominatedby single family homes and low-rise apartments/condominiums. The cooling equipment applied in these buildings comes in standard “packages” that are often both sized and installed by the air conditioning contractor.The chapter starts with a general discussion of the vapor compression refrigeration cycle then moves to refrigerants and their selection, followed by packaged Chilled Water Systems。
专业英语对照表additional factor for wind foce||风力附加率additional heat loss||附加耗热adiabatic humidification||绝热加湿weighted sound pressure level||A声级absolute humidity||绝对湿度absolute roughness||绝对粗糙度absorbate 吸收质absorbent 吸收剂absorbent||吸声材料absorber||吸收器absorptance for solar radiation||太阳辐射热吸收系数absorption equipment||吸收装置absorption of gas and vapor||气体吸收absorptiong refrige rationg cycle||吸收式制冷循环absorption-type refrigerating machine||吸收式制冷机access door||检查门acoustic absorptivity||吸声系数actual density||真密度actuating element||执行机构actuator||执行机构adaptive control system||自适应控制系统additional factor for exterior door||外门附加率additional factor for intermittent heating||间歇附加率additional factor for wind force||高度附加率additional heat loss||风力附加率adiabatic humidification||附加耗热量adiabatic humidiflcation||绝热加湿adsorbate||吸附质adsorbent||吸附剂adsorber||吸附装置adsorption equipment||吸附装置adsorption of gas and vapor||气体吸附aerodynamic noise||空气动力噪声aerosol||气溶胶air balance||风量平衡air changes||换气次数air channel||风道air cleanliness||空气洁净度air collector||集气罐air conditioning||空气调节air conditioning condition||空调工况air conditioning equipment||空气调节设备air conditioning machine room||空气调节机房air conditioning system||空气调节系统air conditioning system cooling load||空气调节系统冷负荷air contaminant||空气污染物air-cooled condenser||风冷式冷凝器air cooler||空气冷却器air curtain||空气幕air cushion shock absorber||空气弹簧隔振器air distribution||气流组织air distributor||空气分布器air-douche unit with water atomization||喷雾风扇air duct||风管、风道air filter||空气过滤器air handling equipment||空气调节设备air handling unit room||空气调节机房air header||集合管air humidity||空气湿度air inlet||风口air intake||进风口air manifold||集合管air opening||风口air pollutant||空气污染物air pollution||大气污染air preheater||空气预热器air return method||回风方式air return mode||回风方式air return through corridor||走廊回风air space||空气间层air supply method||送风方式TOP 2#大中小发表于 2006-5-26 11:46 只看该作者air supply mode||送风方式air supply (suction) opening with slide plate||插板式送(吸)风口air supply volume per unit area||单位面积送风量air temperature||空气温度air through tunnel||地道风air-to-air total heat exchanger||全热换热器air-to-cloth ratio||气布比air velocity at work area||作业地带空气流速air velocity at work place||工作地点空气流速air vent||放气阀air-water systen||空气—水系统airborne particles||大气尘air hater||空气加热器airspace||空气间层alarm signal||报警信号ail-air system||全空气系统all-water system||全水系统allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity||室内温湿度允许波动范围ambient noise||环境噪声ammonia||氨amplification factor of centrolled plant||调节对象放大系数amplitude||振幅anergy||@||angle of repose||安息角ange of slide||滑动角angle scale||热湿比angle valve||角阀annual [value]||历年值annual coldest month||历年最冷月annual hottest month||历年最热月anticorrosive||缓蚀剂antifreeze agent||防冻剂antifreeze agent||防冻剂apparatus dew point||机器露点apparent density||堆积密度aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine||氨—水吸收式制冷机aspiation psychrometer||通风温湿度计Assmann aspiration psychrometer||通风温湿度计atmospheric condenser||淋激式冷凝器atmospheric diffusion||大气扩散atmospheric dust||大气尘atmospheric pollution||大气污染atmospheric pressure||大气压力(atmospheric stability||大气稳定度atmospheric transparency||大气透明度atmospheric turblence||大气湍流automatic control||自动控制automatic roll filter||自动卷绕式过滤器automatic vent||自动放气阀available pressure||资用压力average daily sol-air temperature||日平均综合温度axial fan||轴流式通风机azeotropic mixture refrigerant||共沸溶液制冷剂Bback-flow preventer||防回流装置back pressure of steam trap||凝结水背压力back pressure return余压回水background noise||背景噪声back plate||挡风板bag filler||袋式除尘器baghouse||袋式除尘器barometric pressure||大气压力basic heat loss||基本耗热量hend muffler||消声弯头bimetallic thermometer||双金属温度计black globe temperature||黑球温度blow off pipe||排污管blowdown||排污管boiler||锅炉TOP3#大中小发表于 2006-5-26 11:46 只看该作者A- boiller house||锅炉房boiler plant||锅炉房boiler room||锅炉房booster||加压泵branch||支管branch duct||(通风) 支管branch pipe||支管building envelope||围护结构building flow zones||建筑气流区building heating entry||热力入口bulk density||堆积密度bushing||补心butterfly damper||蝶阀by-pass damper||空气加热器〕旁通阀by-pass pipe||旁通管canopy hood ||伞形罩capillary tube||毛细管capture velocity||控制风速capture velocity||外部吸气罩capturing hood ||卡诺循环Carnot cycle||串级调节系统cascade control system||铸铁散热器cast iron radiator||催化燃烧catalytic oxidation ||催化燃烧ceilling fan||吊扇ceiling panelheating||顶棚辐射采暖center frequency||中心频率central air conditionint system ||集中式空气调节系统central heating||集中采暖central ventilation system||新风系统centralized control||集中控制centrifugal compressor||离心式压缩机entrifugal fan||离心式通风机check damper||(通风〕止回阀heck valve||止回阀chilled water||冷水chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps||一、二次泵冷水系统chimney||(排气〕烟囱circuit||环路circulating fan||风扇circulating pipe||循环管circulating pump||循环泵clean room||洁净室cleaning hole||清扫孔cleaning vacuum plant||真空吸尘装置cleanout opening||清扫孔clogging capacity||容尘量close nipple||长丝closed booth||大容积密闭罩closed full flow return||闭式满管回水TOP4#大中小发表于 2006-5-26 11:46 只看该作者第六章制冷第一节一般术语第6.1.1条制冷 refrigeration用人工方法从一物质或空间移出热量,以便为空气调节、冷藏和科学研究等提供冷源的技术。
第二章室内外计算参数第一节一般术语第2.1.1条计算参数 design conditions特指设计计算过程中所采用的表征空气状态或变化过程及太阳辐射的物理量。
第2.1.2条室内外计算参数 indoor and outdoor design conditions设计计算过程中所采用的室内空气计算参数、室外空气计算参数和太阳辐射照度等参数的统称。
第2.1.3条空气温度 air temperature暴露于空气中但又不受直接辐射的温度表所指示的温度。
第2.1.4条干球温度 dry-bulb temperature干球温度表所指示的温度。
第2.1.5条湿球温度 wet-bulb temperature湿球温度表所指示的温度。
第2.1.6条黑球温度 black globe temperature黑球温度表所指示的温度。
第2.1.7条露点温度 dew-point temperature在大气压力一定、某含湿量下的未饱和空气因冷却达到饱和状态时的温度。
第2.1.8条空气湿度 air humidity表征空气中水蒸汽含量多少或干湿程度的物理量。
第2.1.9条绝对湿度 absolute humidity单位体积的湿空气中所含水蒸汽的质量。
第2.1.10条相对湿度 relative humidity空气实际的水蒸汽分压力与同温度下饱和状态空气的水蒸汽分压力之比,用百分率表示。
第2.1.11条历年值 annual(value)逐年值。
第2.1.12条累年值 normals多年值。
第2.1.13条历年最冷月 annual coldest month每年逐月平均气温最低的月份。
第2.1.14条历年最热月 annual hottest month每年逐月平均气温最高的月份。
Unit OneHeating:供暖Air conditioning:空调Ventilation:通风CNG(compressed natural gas):压缩天然气LNG(liquefied natural gas):液化天然气Fuel cell:燃烧电池Combined cycle power generation:联合循环发电Unit Threeair temperature:空气温度 air humidity:空气湿度air velocity:风速 air cleanliness:空气洁净度heat transfer:传热 mass transfer:传质heat conduction:热传导 heat convection: 热对流heat radiation: 热辐射heat source:热源(in winter) heat sink:热汇(in summer)heating:加热 cooling:冷却dehumidifying:除湿humidfying:加湿dust removal:除尘fresh air :新风natural ventilation: 自然通风mechanical ventilation: 机械风general ventilation:全面通风local ventilation:局部通风air-source/water-source/ground-source heat pump:空气源、水源、地源热泵Unit Fivetemperature difference 温差energy consumption 能耗 installation cost 安装费用running cost 运行费用two dimensional model 二维模型 heat source 热源air curtain 空气幕working medium 工作介质 wind-proofed 防风的thermal regulation 热量调整 radiate heat 辐射热capillary tube 毛细管central air conditioning system 集中式空气调节系统central heating 集中采暖 circulating pump 循环泵constant temperature system 恒温系统convection heating 对流采暖discharge pressure 排气压力discharge temperature 排气温度 heat balance 热平衡Unit Eightthermal comfort:热舒适 thermal sensation:热感觉thermal neutral: 热中性状态radiant asymmetry:辐射不对称draught:吹风感 thermal insulation 保温ventilating rate 换气次数 solar radiation 太阳辐射thermal conductivity[coefficient] 导热系数electric heater 电加热段emergency ventilation 事故通风excess heat 余热 fan-coil unit 风机盘管机组floor panel heating 地板辐射采暖heat and moisture transfer 热湿交换 heating load 热负荷local heating 局部采暖 radiator heating 散热器采暖refrigerating compressor 制冷压缩机Unit Nineatmospheric pressure:大气压力boiling point:沸点safety valve:安全阀sensible heat:显热 latent heat:潜热flash steam: 闪发蒸汽trap: 疏水器 throttle:节流阀thermodynamic:热力学的thermostatic:恒温式的air cooler 空气冷却器 air curtain 空气幕boiler room 锅炉房 by-pass pipe 旁通管chilled water 冷水circulating pump 循环泵 degree of sub-cooling 过冷度direct solar radiation 太阳直接辐射exhaust inlet/opening 吸风口heat flowmeter 热流计 heat flow rate 热流量Unit Elevenheating load:热负荷 cooling load:冷负荷pump duty: 水泵负荷 reserve pump:备用泵Single/twin/triple/quadruple pipe system:单管/双管/三管/四管系统plate heat exchanger 板式换热器pressure drop 压力损失 relative humidity 相对湿度temperature field 温度场 thermal insulation 保温unit heater 暖风机vacuum pump 真空泵ventilation equipment 通风设备water-cooled condenser 水冷式冷凝器industrial ventilation 工业通风moist air 湿空气 overheat steam 过热蒸汽constant humidity system 恒湿系统 cooling tower 冷却塔dew-point temperature 露点温度Unit Fifteenmechanical refrigeration:机械制冷vapor compression system:蒸汽压缩系统expansive valve: 膨胀阀absorption refrigeration system:吸收式制冷系统unitary equipment:整体式设备dry bulb temperature 干球温度 wet bulb temperature 湿球温度dew point temperature 露点温度 fan coil unit 风机盘管Vapour pressure, Saturated 饱和蒸汽压力 Adiabatic compression 绝热压缩Adiabatic efficiency 绝热效率 Adiabatic expansion 绝热膨胀Coefficient of performanceCoefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数Commercial refrigerating plant 商业制冷装置Double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器Counter-flow heat exchanger 逆流式换热器Evaporative condenser 蒸发式冷凝器 Water-cooled condenser 水冷式冷凝器Refrigerated transport 冷藏运输 Domestic refrigerator 家用冷柜。
暖通空调系统专业外文翻译英文文献Air Conditioning SystemsAir conditioning has rapidly grown over the past 50 years from a luxury to a standard system included in most residential and commercial buildings In 1970 36 of residences in the US were either fully air conditioned or utilized a room air conditioner for cooling Blue et al 1979 By 1997 this number had more than doubled to 77 and that year also marked the first time that over half 509 of residences in the US had central air conditioners Census Bureau 1999 An estimated 83 of all new homes constructed in 1998 had central air conditioners Census Bureau 1999 Air conditioning has also grown rapidly in commercial buildings From 1970 to 1995 the percentage of commercial buildings with air conditioning increased from 54 to 73 Jackson and Johnson 1978 and DOE 1998Air conditioning in buildings is usually accomplished with the use of mechanical or heat-activated equipment In most applications the air conditioner must provide both cooling and dehumidification to maintain comfort in the building Air conditioning systems are also used in other applications such as automobiles trucks aircraft ships and industrialfacilities However the description of equipment in this chapter is limited to those commonly used in commercial and residential buildings Commercial buildings range from large high-rise office buildings to the corner convenience store Because of the range in size and types of buildings in the commercial sector there is a wide variety of equipment applied in these buildings For larger buildings the air conditioning equipment is part of a total system design that includes items such as a piping system air distribution system and cooling tower Proper design of these systems requires a qualified engineer The residential building sector is dominatedby single family homes and low-rise apartmentscondominiums The cooling equipment applied in these buildings comes in standard packages that are often both sized and installed by the air conditioning contractor The chapter starts with a general discussion of the vapor compression refrigeration cycle then moves to refrigerants and their selection followed by packaged Chilled Water Systems11 Vapor Compression CycleEven though there is a large range in sizes and variety of air conditioning systems used in buildings most systems utilize the vapor compression cycle to produce the desired cooling and dehumidification This cycle is also used for refrigerating and freezing foods and for automotive air conditioning The first patent on a mechanically drivenrefrigeration system was issued to Jacob Perkins in 1834 in London and the first viable commercial system was produced in 1857 by James Harrison and DE SiebeBesides vapor compression there are two less common methods used to produce cooling in buildings the absorption cycle and evaporative cooling These are described later in the chapter With the vapor compression cycle a working fluid which is called the refrigerant evaporates and condenses at suitable pressures for practical equipment designsThe four basic components in every vapor compression refrigeration system are the compressor condenser expansion device and evaporator The compressor raises the pressure of the refrigerant vapor so that the refrigerant saturation temperature is slightly above the temperature of the cooling medium used in the condenser The type of compressor used depends on the application of the system Large electric chillers typically use a centrifugal compressor while small residential equipment uses a reciprocating or scroll compressorThe condenser is a heat exchanger used to reject heat from the refrigerant to a cooling medium The refrigerant enters the condenser and usually leaves as a subcooled liquid Typical cooling mediums used in condensers are air and water Most residential-sized equipment uses air as the cooling medium in the condenser while many larger chillers use water After leaving the condenser the liquid refrigerant expands to a lowerpressure in the expansion valveThe expansion valve can be a passive device such as a capillary tube or short tube orifice or an active device such as a thermal expansion valve or electronic expansion valve The purpose of the valve is toregulate the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator so that the refrigerant is superheated when it reaches the suction of the compressor At the exit of the expansion valve the refrigerant is at a temperature below that of the medium air or water to be cooled The refrigerant travels through a heat exchanger called the evaporator It absorbs energy from the air or water circulated through the evaporator If air is circulated through the evaporator the system is called a direct expansion system If water is circulated through the evaporator it is called a chiller In either case the refrigerant does not make direct contact with the air or water in the evaporatorThe refrigerant is converted from a low quality two-phase fluid to a superheated vapor under normal operating conditions in the evaporator The vapor formed must be removed by the compressor at a sufficient rate to maintain the low pressure in the evaporator and keep the cycle operating All mechanical cooling results in the production of heat energy that must be rejected through the condenser In many instances this heat energy is rejected to the environment directly to the air in the condenser or indirectly to water where it is rejected in a cooling tower With someapplications it is possible to utilize this waste heat energy to provide simultaneous heating to the building Recovery of this waste heat at temperatures up to 65°C 150°F can be used to reduce costs for space heatingCapacities of air conditioning are often expressed in either tons or kilowatts kW of cooling The ton is a unit of measure related to the ability of an ice plant to freeze one short ton 907 kg of ice in 24 hr Its value is 351 kW 12000 Btuhr The kW of thermal cooling capacity produced by the air conditioner must not be confused with the amount of electrical power also expressed in kW required to produce the cooling effect21 Refrigerants Use and SelectionUp until the mid-1980s refrigerant selection was not an issue in most building air conditioning applications because there were no regulations on the use of refrigerants Many of the refrigerants historically used for building air conditioning applications have been chlorofluorocarbons CFCs and hydrochlorofluorocarbons HCFCs Most of these refrigerants are nontoxic and nonflammable However recent US federal regulations EPA 1993a EPA 1993b and international agreements UNEP 1987 have placed restrictions on the production and use of CFCs and HCFCs Hydrofluorocarbons HFCs are now being used in some applications where CFCs and HCFCs were used Having an understanding of refrigerants can helpa building owner or engineer make a more informed decision about the best choice of refrigerants for specific applications This section discusses the different refrigerants used in or proposed for building air conditioning applications and the regulations affecting their use The American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers ASHRAE has a standard numbering systemfor identifying refrigerants ASHRAE 1992 Many popular CFC HCFC and HFC refrigerants are in the methane and ethane series of refrigerants They are called halocarbons or halogenated hydrocarbons because of the presence of halogen elements such as fluorine or chlorine King 1986 Zeotropes and azeotropes are mixtures of two or more different refrigerants A zeotropic mixture changes saturation temperatures as it evaporates or condenses at constant pressure The phenomena is called temperature glide At atmospheric pressure R-407C has a boiling bubble point of –44°C –47°F and a condensation dew point of –37°C –35°F which gives it a temperature glide of 7°C 12°F An azeotropic mixture behaves like a single component refrigerant in that the saturation temperature does not change appreciably as it evaporates or condenses at constant pressure R-410A has a small enough temperature glide less than 55°C 10°F that it is considered a near-azeotropic refrigerant mixture ASHRAE groups refrigerants by their toxicity and flammability ASHRAE 1994 Group A1 is nonflammable and least toxic while Group B3 isflammable and most toxic Toxicity is based on the upper safety limit for airborne exposure to the refrigerant If the refrigerant is nontoxic in quantities less than 400 parts per million it is a Class A refrigerant If exposure to less than 400 parts per million is toxic then the substance is given the B designation The numerical designations refer to the flammability of the refrigerant The last column of Table com shows the toxicity and flammability rating of common refrigerantsRefrigerant 22 is an HCFC is used in many of the same applications and is still the refrigerant of choice in many reciprocating and screw chillers as well as small commercial and residential packaged equipment It operates at a much higher pressure than either R-11 or R-12 Restrictions on the production of HCFCs will start in 2004 In 2010 R-22 cannot be used in new air conditioning equipment R-22 cannot be produced after 2020 EPA 1993bR-407C and R-410A are both mixtures of HFCs Both are considered replacements for R-22 R-407C is expected to be a drop-in replacement refrigerant for R-22 Its evaporating and condensing pressures for air conditioning applications are close to those of R-22 Table com However replacement of R-22 with R-407C should be done only after consulting with the equipment manufacturer At a minimum the lubricant and expansion device will need to be replaced The first residential-sized air conditioning equipment using R-410A was introduced in the US in 1998 Systems usingR-410A operate at approximately 50 higher pressure than R-22 Table com thus R-410A cannot be used as a drop-in refrigerant for R-22 R-410A systems utilize compressors expansion valves and heat exchangers designed specifically for use with that refrigerantAmmonia is widely used in industrial refrigeration applications and in ammonia water absorption chillers It is moderately flammable and has a class B toxicity rating but has had limited applications in commercial buildings unless the chiller plant can be isolated from the building being cooled Toth 1994 Stoecker 1994 As a refrigerant ammonia has many desirable qualities It has a high specific heat and high thermal conductivity Its enthalpy of vaporization is typically 6 to 8 times higher than that of the commonly used halocarbons and it provides higher heat transfer compared to halocarbons It can be used in both reciprocating and centrifugal compressorsResearch is underway to investigate the use of natural refrigerants such as carbon dioxide R-744 and hydrocarbons in air conditioning and refrigeration systems Bullock 1997 and Kramer 1991 Carbon dioxide operates at much higher pressures than conventional HCFCs or HFCs and requires operation above the critical point in typical air conditioning applications Hydrocarbon refrigerants often thought of as too hazardous because of flammability can be used in conventional compressors and have been used in industrial applications R-290 propane has operatingpressures close to R-22 and has been proposed as a replacement for R-22 Kramer 1991 Currently there are no commercial systems sold in the US for building operations that use either carbon dioxide or flammable refrigerants31 Chilled Water SystemsChilled water systems were used in less than 4 of commercial buildings in the US in 1995 However because chillers are usually installed in larger buildings chillers cooled over 28 of the US commercial building floor space that same year DOE 1998 Five types of chillers are commonly applied to commercial buildings reciprocating screw scroll centrifugal and absorption The first four utilize the vapor compression cycle to produce chilled water They differ primarily in the type of compressor used Absorption chillers utilize thermal energy typically steam or combustion source in an absorption cycle with either an ammonia-water or water-lithium bromide solution to produce chilled water32 Overall SystemAn estimated 86 of chillers are applied in multiple chiller arrangements like that shown in the figure Bitondo and Tozzi 1999 In chilled water systems return water from the building is circulated through each chiller evaporator where it is cooled to an acceptable temperature typically 4 to 7°C 39 to 45°F The chilled water is then distributed to water-to-air heat exchangers spread throughout the facility In theseheat exchangers air is cooled and dehumidified by the cold water During the process the chilled water increases in temperature and must be returned to the chiller sThe chillers are water-cooled chillers Water is circulated through the condenser of each chiller where it absorbs heat energy rejected from the high pressure refrigerant The water is then pumped to a cooling tower where the water is cooled through an evaporation process Cooling towers are described in a later section Chillers can also be air cooled In this configuration the condenserwould be a refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger with air absorbing the heat energy rejected by the high pressure refrigerantChillers nominally range in capacities from 30 to 18000 kW 8 to 5100 ton Most chillers sold in the US are electric and utilize vapor compression refrigeration to produce chilled water Compressors for these systems are either reciprocating screw scroll or centrifugal in design A small number of centrifugal chillers are sold that use either an internal combustion engine or steam drive instead of an electric motor to drive the compressorThe type of chiller used in a building depends on the application For large office buildings or in chiller plants serving multiple buildings centrifugal compressors are often used In applications under 1000 kW 280 tons cooling capacities reciprocating or screw chillers may be moreappropriate In smaller applications below 100 kW 30 tons reciprocating or scroll chillers are typically used33 Vapor Compression ChillersThe nominal capacity ranges for the four types of electrically driven vapor compression chillers Each chiller derives its name from the type of compressor used in the chiller The systems range in capacities from the smallest scroll 30 kW 8 tons to the largest centrifugal 18000 kW 5000 tons Chillers can utilize either an HCFC R-22 and R-123 or HFC R-134a refrigerant The steady state efficiency of chillers is often stated as a ratio of the power input in kW to the chilling capacity in tons A capacity rating of one ton is equal to 352 kW or 12000 btuh With this measure of efficiency the smaller number is better centrifugal chillers are the most efficient whereas reciprocating chillers have the worst efficiency of the four types The efficiency numbers provided in the table are the steady state full-load efficiency determined in accordance to ASHRAE Standard 30 ASHRAE 1995 These efficiency numbers do not include the auxiliary equipment such as pumps and cooling tower fans that can add from 006 to 031 kWton to the numbers shownChillers run at part load capacity most of the time Only during the highest thermal loads in the building will a chiller operate near its rated capacity As a consequence it is important to know how the efficiency of the chiller varies with part load capacity a representative data for theefficiency in kWton as a function of percentage full load capacity for a reciprocating screw and scroll chiller plus a centrifugal chiller with inlet vane control and one with variable frequency drive VFD for the compressor The reciprocating chiller increases in efficiency as it operates at a smaller percentage of full load In contrast the efficiency of a centrifugal with inlet vane control is relatively constant until theload falls to about 60 of its rated capacity and its kWton increases to almost twice its fully loaded valueIn 1998 the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute ARI developed a new standard that incorporates into their ratings part load performance of chillers ARI 1998c Part load efficiency is expressed by a single number called the integrated part load value IPLV The IPLV takes data similar to that in Figure com and weights it at the 25 50 75 and 100 loads to produce a single integrated efficiency number The weighting factors at these loads are 012 045 042 and 001 respectively The equation to determine IPLV isMost of the IPLV is determined by the efficiency at the 50 and 75 part load values Manufacturers will provide on request IPLVs as well as part load efficienciesThe four compressors used in vapor compression chillers are each briefly described below While centrifugal and screw compressors are primarily used in chiller applications reciprocating and scrollcompressors are also used in smaller unitary packaged air conditioners and heat pumps34 Reciprocating CompressorsThe reciprocating compressor is a positive displacement compressor On the intake stroke of the piston a fixed amount of gas is pulled into the cylinder On the compression stroke the gas is compressed until the discharge valve opens The quantity of gas compressed on each stroke is equal to the displacement of the cylinder Compressors used in chillers have multiple cylinders depending on the capacity of the compressor Reciprocating compressors use refrigerants with low specific volumes and relatively high pressures Most reciprocating chillers used in building applications currently employ R-22Modern high-speed reciprocating compressors are generally limited to a pressure ratio of approximately nine The reciprocating compressor is basically a constant-volume variable-head machine It handles various discharge pressures with relatively small changes in inlet-volume flow rate as shown by the heavy line labeled 16 cylinders Condenser operation in many chillers is related to ambient conditions for example through cooling towers so that on cooler days the condenser pressure can be reduced When the air conditioning load is lowered less refrigerant circulation is required The resulting load characteristic is represented by the solid line that runs from the upper right to lower leftThe compressor must be capable of matching the pressure and flow requirements imposed by the system The reciprocating compressor matches the imposed discharge pressure at any level up to its limiting pressure ratio Varying capacity requirements can be met by providing devices that unloadindividual or multiple cylinders This unloading is accomplished by blocking the suction or discharge valves that open either manually or automatically Capacity can also be controlled through the use of variable speed or multi-speed motors When capacity control is implemented on a compressor other factors at part-load conditions need to considered such as a effect on compressor vibration and sound when unloaders are used b the need for good oil return because of lower refrigerant velocities and c proper functioning of expansion devices at the lower capacities With most reciprocating compressors oil is pumped into the refrigeration system from the compressor during normal operation Systems must be designed carefully to return oil to the compressor crankcase to provide for continuous lubrication and also to avoid contaminating heat-exchanger surfacesReciprocating compressors usually are arranged to start unloaded so that normal torque motors are adequate for starting When gas engines are used for reciprocating compressor drives careful matching of the torque requirements of the compressor and engine must be considered35 Screw CompressorsScrew compressors first introduced in 1958 Thevenot 1979 are positive displacement compressors They are available in the capacity ranges that overlap with reciprocating compressors and small centrifugal compressors Both twin-screw and single-screw compressors are used in chillers The twin-screw compressor is also called the helical rotary compressor A cutaway of a twin-screw compressor design There are two main rotors screws One is designated male and the other female The compression process is accomplished by reducing the volume of the refrigerant with the rotary motion of screws At the low pressure side of the compressor a void is created when the rotors begin to unmesh Low pressure gas is drawn into the void between the rotors As the rotors continue to turn the gas is progressively compressed as it moves toward the discharge port Once reaching a predetermined volume ratio the discharge port is uncovered and the gas is discharged into the high pressure side of the system At a rotation speed of 3600 rpm a screw compressor has over 14000 discharges per minute ASHRAE 1996 Fixed suction and discharge ports are used with screw compressors instead of valves as used in reciprocating compressors These set the built-in volume ratio the ratio of the volume of fluid space in the meshing rotors at the beginning of the compression process to the volume in the rotors as the discharge port is first exposed Associated with thebuilt-in volume ratio is a pressure ratio that depends on the properties of the refrigerant being compressed Screw compressors have the capability to operate at pressure ratios of above 201 ASHRAE 1996 Peak efficiency is obtained if the discharge pressure imposed by the system matches the pressure developed by the rotors when the discharge port is exposed If the interlobe pressure in the screws is greater or less than discharge pressure energy losses occur but no harm is done to the compressor Capacity modulation is accomplished by slide valves that provide a variable suction bypass or delayed suction port closing reducing the volume of refrigerant compressed Continuously variable capacity control is most common but stepped capacity control is offered in some manufacturers machines Variable discharge porting is available on some machines to allow control of the built-in volume ratio during operation Oil is used in screw compressors to seal the extensive clearance spaces between the rotors to cool the machines to provide lubrication and to serve as hydraulic fluid for the capacity controls An oil separator is required for the compressor discharge flow to remove the oil from the high-pressure refrigerant so that performance of system heat exchangers will not be penalized and the oil can be returned for reinjection in the compressorScrew compressors can be direct driven at two-pole motor speeds 50 or 60 Hz Their rotary motion makes these machines smooth running andquiet Reliability is high when the machines are applied properly Screw compressors are compact so they can be changed out readily for replacement or maintenance The efficiency of the best screw compressors matches or exceeds that of the best reciprocating compressors at full load High isentropic and volumetric efficiencies can be achieved with screw compressors because there are no suction or discharge valves and small clearance volumes Screw compressors for building applications generally use either R-134a or R-22中文译文空调系统过去 50 年以来空调得到了快速的发展从曾经的奢侈品发展到可应用于大多数住宅和商业建筑的比较标准的系统在 1970 年的美国 36 的住宅不是全空气调节就是利用一个房间空调器冷却到1997年这一数字达到了 77在那年作的第一次市场调查表明在美国有超过一半的住宅安装了中央空调人口普查局1999 在1998年83的新建住宅安装了中央空调人口普查局 1999 中央空调在商业建筑物中也得到了快速的发展从 1970年到1995年有空调的商业建筑物的百分比从54增加到 73 杰克森和詹森1978建筑物中的空气调节通常是利用机械设备或热交换设备完成在大多数应用中建筑物中的空调器为维持舒适要求必须既能制冷又能除湿空调系统也用于其他的场所例如汽车卡车飞机船和工业设备然而在本章中仅说明空调在商业和住宅建筑中的应用商业的建筑物从比较大的多层的办公大楼到街角的便利商店占地面积和类型差别很大因此应用于这类建筑的设备类型比较多样对于比较大型的建筑物空调设备设计是总系统设计的一部分这部分包括如下项目例如一个管道系统设计空气分配系统设计和冷却塔设计等这些系统的正确设计需要一个有资质的工程师才能完成居住的建筑物即研究对象被划分成单独的家庭或共有式公寓应用于这些建筑物的冷却设备通常都是标准化组装的由空调厂家进行设计尺寸和安装本章节首先对蒸汽压缩制冷循环作一个概述接着介绍制冷剂及制冷剂的选择最后介绍冷水机组11 蒸汽压缩循环虽然空调系统应用在建筑物中有较大的尺寸和多样性大多数的系统利用蒸汽压缩循环来制取需要的冷量和除湿这个循环也用于制冷和冰冻食物和汽车的空调在1834年一个名叫帕金斯的人在伦敦获得了机械制冷系统的第一专利权在1857年詹姆士和赛博生产出第一个有活力的商业系统除了蒸汽压缩循环之外有两种不常用的制冷方法在建筑物中被应用吸收式循环和蒸发式冷却这些将在后面的章节中讲到对于蒸汽压缩制冷循环有一种叫制冷剂的工作液体它能在适当的工艺设备设计压力下蒸发和冷凝每个蒸汽压缩制冷系统中都有四大部件它们是压缩机冷凝器节流装置和蒸发器压缩机提升制冷剂的蒸汽压力以便使制冷剂的饱和温度微高于在冷凝器中冷却介质温度使用的压缩机类型和系统的设备有关比较大的电冷却设备使用一个离心式的压缩机而小的住宅设备使用的是一种往复或漩涡式压缩机冷凝器是一个热交换器用于将制冷剂的热量传递到冷却介质中制冷剂进入冷凝器变成过冷液体用于冷凝器中的典型冷却介质是空气和水大多数住宅建筑的冷凝器中使用空气作为冷却介质而大型系统的冷凝器中采用水作为冷却介质液体制冷剂在离开冷凝器之后在膨胀阀中节流到一个更低的压力膨胀阀是一个节流的装置例如毛细管或有孔的短管或一个活动的装置例如热力膨胀阀或电子膨胀阀膨胀阀的作用是到蒸发器中分流制冷剂以便当它到压缩物吸入口的时候制冷剂处于过热状态在膨胀阀的出口制冷剂的温度在介质空气或水的温度以下之后制冷剂经过一个热交换器叫做蒸发器它吸收通过蒸发器的空气或水的热量如果空气经过蒸发器在流通该系统叫做一个直接膨胀式系统如果水经过蒸发器在流通它叫做冷却设备在任何情况下在蒸发器中的制冷剂不直接和空气或水接触在蒸发器中制冷剂从一个低品位的两相液体转换成在正常的工艺条件下过热的蒸汽蒸汽的形成要以一定的足够速度被压缩机排出以维持在蒸发器中低压和保持循环进行所有在生产中的机械冷却产生的热量必须经过冷凝器散发在许多例子中在冷凝器中这个热能被直接散发到环境的空气中或间接地散发到一个冷却塔的水中在一些应用中利用这些废热向建筑物提供热量是可能的回收这些最高温度为65℃ 150°F 的废热可以减少建筑物中采暖的费用空调的制冷能力常用冷吨或千瓦千瓦来表示冷吨是一个度量单位它与制冰厂在 24小时内使1吨 907 公斤的水结冰的能力有关其值是351千瓦12000 Btuhr 空调的冷却能力不要和产生冷量所需的电能相互混淆21 制冷剂的使用和选择直到20世纪80年代中叶制冷剂的选择在大多数的建筑物空调设备中不是一个问题因为在制冷剂的使用上还没有统一的的标准在以前用于建筑物空调设备的大多数制冷剂是氟氯碳化物和氟氯碳氢化物且大多数的制冷剂是无毒的和不可燃的然而最近的美国联邦的标准环保署 1993a环保署 1993b 和国际的协议 UNEP1987 已经限制了氟氯碳化物和氟氯碳氢化物的制造和使用现在氟氯碳化物和氟氯碳氢化物在一些场合依然被使用对制冷剂的理解能帮助建筑物拥有者或者工程师更好的了解关于为特定的设备下如何选择制冷剂这里将讨论不同制冷剂的使用并给出影响它们使用的建筑空调设备和标准美国社会的供暖制冷和空调工程师学会 ASHRAE 有一个标准的限制系统表 com 用来区分制冷剂许多流行的氟氯碳化物氟氯碳氢化物和氟碳化物的制冷剂是在甲烷和乙烷的制冷剂系列中因为卤素元素的存在他们被叫作碳化卤或卤化的碳化氢例如氟或氯Zeotropes 和azeotropes 是混合二种或更多不同的制冷剂一种zeotropic混合物能改变饱和温度在它在不变的压力蒸发或冷凝这种现象被称温度的移动在大气压力下R-407 C的沸点沸腾是–44 °C – 47° F 和一个凝结点露点是–37°C –35°F 产生了7°C的温度移动 12°F 一个azeotropic 混合物的性能像单独成份制冷剂那样它在不变的压力下蒸发或冷凝它们的饱和温度不会有少许变化R-410有微小的足够温度滑动少于55 C10°F 可以认为接近azeotropic混合制冷剂ASHRAE组制冷剂 com 根据它们的毒性和易燃性 ASHRAE1994 划分的A1组合是不燃烧的和最没有毒的而B3组是易燃的和最有毒的以空气为媒介的制冷剂最高安全限制是毒性如果制冷剂在少于每百万分之400是无毒的它是一个A级制冷剂如果对泄露少于每百万分之400是有毒的那么该物质被称B级制冷剂这几个级别表示制冷剂的易燃性表 com 的最后一栏列出了常用的制冷剂的毒性和易燃的等级因为他们是无毒的和不燃烧的所以在A1组中制冷剂通常作为理想的制冷剂能基本满足舒适性空调的需求在A1中的制冷剂通常用在建筑空调设备方面的包括 R-11R-12R-22R-134a和R-410AR-11R-12R-123和R-134a是普遍用在离心式的冷却设备的制冷剂R-11氟氯碳化物和R-123 HCFC 都有低压高容积特性是用在离心式压缩机上的理想制冷剂在对氟氯碳化物的制造的禁令颁布之前R-11和R-12已经是冷却设备的首选制冷剂在已存在的系统维护中现在这两种制冷剂的使用已经被限制现在R-123 和 R-134a都广泛的用在新的冷却设备中R-123拥有的效率优势在 R-134a之上表 com 然而R-123有 B1安全等级这就意谓它有一个比较低的毒性而胜于R-134a如果一个使用R-123冷却设备在一栋建筑物中被用当使用这些或任何其他有毒的或易燃的制冷剂时候标准 15 ASHRAE1992 提供安全预防的指导方针制冷剂22 属于HCFC在多数的相同设备中被用也是在多数往复和螺旋式冷却设备和小型商业和住宅的集中式设备中的首选制冷剂它可以在一个更高的压力下运行这一点要优于R-11或R-12中的任何一个从2004开始HCFCs的制造将会受到限制在2010年R-22不能在新的空调设备中被使用 2020年之后R-22不允许生产环保署1993bR-407C和R-410A是 HFCs的两种混合物两者都是R-22的替代品R-407C预期将很快地替换R-22在空调设备中它的蒸发和冷凝压力接近R-22 com 然而用R-407C来替换R-22应该在和设备制造者商议之后才能进行至少润滑油和膨胀装置将需要更换在1998年第一个使用R-410A的空调设备的住宅在美国出现使用R-410A的系统运作中压力大约比R-22高50 表 com 因此R-410A不能够用于当作速冻制冷剂来替代 R-22R-410A系统利用特定的压缩机膨胀阀和热交换器来利用该制冷剂氨广泛地被在工业的冷却设备和氨水吸收式制冷中用它具有可燃性并且分毒性等级为B因此在商业建筑物中使用受到限制除非冷却设备的制造工厂独立于被冷却的建筑物之外作为制冷剂氨有许多良好的品质例如它有较高的比热和高的导热率它的蒸发焓通常比那普遍使用的卤化碳高6到8倍而且氨和卤化碳比较来看它能提供更高的热交换量而且它能用在往复式和离心式压缩机中天然制冷剂的使用例如二氧化碳 R-744 和碳化氢在空调和制冷系统中的使用正在研究之中二氧化碳能在高于传统的HCFCs或HFCs的压力下工作和在超过临界点的典型的空调设备中工作人们通常认为碳化氢制冷剂易燃且比较危险但它在传统的压缩机中和有的工业设备中都可以被使用R-290 丙烷都有接近R-22的工作压力并被推荐来替代R-22 Kramer 1991 目前在美国没有用二氧化碳或可燃的制冷剂的商业系统用于建筑部门31冷水机组1995年在美国冷水机组应用在至少4%的商用建筑中而且由于制冷机组通常安装在较大的建筑中在同一年里制冷机组冷却了多于28%的商用建筑的地板空间DOE1998在商用建筑中普遍采用五种型式的制冷机往复式螺杆式旋涡式离心式和吸收式前四种利用蒸汽压缩式循环来制得冷冻水它们的不同主要在于使用的压缩机种类的不同吸收式制冷机在吸收循环中利用热能典型的是来自蒸汽或燃料燃烧并利用氨-水或水-锂溴化物制得冷冻水32总的系统大约86%的制冷机和表所示的一样用在多台制冷机系统中Bitondo和Tozzi1999在冷冻水系统中建筑物的回水通过每个蒸发器循环流动在蒸发器中回水被冷却到合意的温度典型的为4~7℃-39~45℉然后冷冻水通过各设备传送到水-空气换热器在换热器中空气被冷冻水冷却和加湿在这个过程中冷水的温度升高然后必须回送到蒸发器中制冷机组是冷水机组水通过每个机组的冷凝器循环在冷凝器中水吸收了来自高压制冷剂的热量接着水用水泵打到冷却塔中水通过蒸发而降温冷却塔将在后一部分讲述冷凝器也可以是空冷式的在这种循环中冷凝器应是制冷剂-空气热交换器空气吸收来自高压制冷剂的热量制冷机组名义制冷量为30~18000kw8~5100tons在美国出售的大部分制冷机组是用电的利用蒸汽压缩制冷循环来制得冷冻水在设计中这种系统所使用的压缩机也有往复式螺杆式旋涡式和离心式一小部分的离心式制冷机利用内燃机或蒸汽机代替电来启动压缩机在建筑中所使用的制冷机组类型根据应用场所来确定对于大的办公室建筑或制冷机组需服务于多个建筑时通常使用离心式压缩机在所需制冷量小于1000kw280tons时使用往复式或螺杆式制冷机组较合适在小的应用场合若低于100kw30tons时使用往复式或旋涡式制冷机组33蒸汽压缩式制冷机四种电启动的蒸汽压缩式制冷机组的名义制冷量范围每种制冷机以所使用的压缩机类型来命名各种系统的制冷能力范围从最小的旋涡式30kw8tons到最大的离心式18000kw5000tons制冷机可使用HCFCsR22R123或HFCsR-134a制冷剂制冷机的效率通常用输入功用kw表示与制冷量用tons表示的比值表示1tons 的制冷量等于352kw或1200btu/h用这种方法衡量效率其数值越小越好离心式制冷机的效率最高而往复式是这四种类型中效率最低的表中所提供的效率是根据ASHRAE Standard30ASHRAE1995在稳定状态下测得满负荷时的效率这些效率中不包括辅助设备的能耗比如泵冷却塔的风机而这些设备可以增加006~。
暖通空调专业 毕业设计外文翻译3
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外文翻译(1)Refrigeration System Performance using Liquid-Suction Heat ExchangersS. A. Klein, D. T. Reindl, and K. BroWnellCollege of EngineeringUniversity of Wisconsin - MadisonAbstractHeat transfer devices are provided in many refrigeration systems to e xchange energy betWeen the cool gaseous refrigerant leaving the evaporator and Warm liquid refrigerant exiting the condenser. These liquid-suction or suction-line heat exchangers can, in some cases, yield improved system performance While in other cases they degrade system performance. Although previous researchers have investigated performance of liquid-suction heat exchangers, this study can be distinguished from the previous studies in three Ways. First, this paper identifies a neW dimensionless group to correlate performance impacts attributable to liquid-suction heat exchangers. Second, the paper extends previous analyses to include neW refrigerants. Third, the analysis includes the impact of pressure drops through the liquid-suction heat exchanger on system performance. It is shoWn that reliance on simplified analysis techniques can lead to inaccurate conclusions regarding the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers on refrigeration system performance. From detailed analyses, it can be concluded that liquid-suction heat exchangers that have a minimal pressure loss on the loW pressure side are useful for systems using R507A, R134a, R12, R404A, R290, R407C, R600, and R410A. The liquid-suction heat exchanger is detrimental to system performance in systems using R22, R32, and R717.IntroductionLiquid-suction heat exchangers are commonly installed in refrigeration systems With the intent of ensuring proper system operation and increasing system performance.Specifically, ASHRAE(1998) states that liquid-suction heat exchangers are effective in:1) increasing the system performance2) subcooling liquid refrigerant to prevent flash gas formation at inlets to expansion devices3) fully evaporating any residual liquid that may remain in the liquid-suction prior to reaching the compressor(s)Figure 1 illustrates a simple direct-expansion vapor compression refrigeration system utilizing a liquid-suction heat exchanger. In this configuration, high temperature liquid leaving the heat rejection device (an evaporative con denser in this case) is subcooled prior to being throttled to the evaporator pressure by an expansion device such as a thermostatic expansion valve. The sink for subcoolingthe liquid is loW temperature refrigerant vapor leaving the evaporator. Thus, the liquid-suction heat exchanger is an indirect liquid-to-vapor heat transfer device. The vapor-side of the heat exchanger (betWeen the evaporator outlet and the compressor suction) is often configured to serve as an accumulator thereby further minimizing the risk of liquid refrigerant carrying-over to the compressor suction. In cases Where the evaporator alloWs liquid carry-over, the accumulator portion of the heat exchanger Will trap and, over time, vaporize the liquid carryover by absorbing heat during the process of subcooling high-side liquid.BackgroundStoecker and Walukas (1981) focused on the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers in both single temperature evaporator and dual temperature evaporator systems utilizing refrigerant mixtures. Their analysis indicated that liquid-suction heat exchangers yielded greater performance improvements When nonazeotropic mixtures Were used compared With systems utilizing single component refrigerants or azeoptropic mixtures. McLinden (1990) used the principle of corresponding states to evaluate the anticipated effects of neW refrigerants. He shoWed that the performance of a system using a liquid-suction heat exchanger increases as the ideal gas specific heat (related to the molecular complexity of the refrigerant) increases. Domanski and Didion (1993) evaluated the performance of nine alternatives to R22 including the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers. Domanski et al. (1994) later extended the analysis by evaluating the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers installed in vapor compression refrigeration systems considering 29 different refrigerants in a theoretical analysis. Bivens et al. (1994) evaluated a proposed mixture to substitute for R22 in air conditioners and heat pumps. Their analysis indicated a 6-7% improvement for the alternative refrigerant system When system modifications included a liquid-suction heat exchanger and counterfloW system heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser). Bittle et al. (1995a) conducted an experimental evaluation of a liquid-suction heat exchanger applied in a domestic refrigerator using R152a. The authors compared the system performance With that of a traditional R12-based system. Bittle et al. (1995b) also compared the ASHRAE method for predicting capillary tube performance (including the effects of liquid-suction heat exchangers) With experimental data. Predicted capillary tube mass floW rates Were Within 10% of predicted values and subcooling levels Were Within 1.7 C (3F) of actual measurements.This paper analyzes the liquid-suction heat exchanger to quantify its impact on system capacity and performance (expressed in terms of a system coefficient of performance, COP). The influence of liquid-suction heat exchanger size over a range of operating conditions (evaporating and condensing) is illustrated and quantified using a number of alternative refrigerants. Refrigerants included in the present analysis are R507A, R404A, R600, R290,R134a, R407C, R410A, R12, R22, R32, and R717. This paper extends the results presented in previous studies in that it considers neW refrigerants, it specifically considers the effects of the pressure drops,and it presents general relations for estimating the effect of liquid-suction heat exchangers for any refrigerant.Heat Exchanger EffectivenessThe ability of a liquid-suction heat exchanger to transfer energy from the Warm liquid to the cool vapor at steady-state conditions is dependent on the size and configuration of the heat transfer device. The liquid-suction heat exchanger performance, expressed in terms of an effectiveness, is a parameter in the analysis. The effectiveness of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is defined in equation (1):Where the numeric subscripted temperature (T) values correspond to locations depicted in Figure 1. The effectiveness is the ratio of the actual to maximum possible heat transfer rates. It is related to the surface area of the heat exchanger. A zero surface area represents a system Without a liquid-suction heat exchanger Whereas a system having an infinite heat exchanger area corresponds to an effectiveness of unity.The liquid-suction heat exchanger effects the performance of a refrigeration system by in fluencing both the high and loW pressure sides of a system. Figure 2 shoWs the key state points for a vapor compression cycle utilizing an idealized liquid-suction heat exchanger on a pressure-enthalpy diagram. The enthalpy of the refrigerant leaving the condenser (state 3) is decreased prior to entering the expansion device (state 4) by rejecting energy to the vapor refrigerant leaving the evaporator (state 1) prior to entering the compressor (state 2). Pressure losses are not shoWn. The cooling of the condensate that occurs on the high pressure side serves to increase the refrigeration capacity and reduce the likelihood of liquid refrigerant flashing prior to reaching the expansion device. On the loW pressure side, the liquid-suction heat exchanger increases the temperature of the vapor entering the compressor and reduces the refrigerant pressure, both of Which increase the specific volume of the refr igerant and thereby decrease the mass floW rate and capacity. A major benefit of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is that it reduces the possibility of liquid carry-over from the evaporator Which could harm the compressor. Liquid carryover can be readily caused by a number of factors that may include Wide fluctuations in evaporator load and poorly maintained expansiondevices (especially problematic for thermostatic expansion valves used in ammonia service).(翻译)冷却系统利用流体吸热交换器克来因教授,布兰顿教授, , 布朗教授威斯康辛州的大学–麦迪逊摘录加热装置在许多冷却系统中被用到,用以制冷时遗留在蒸发器中的冷却气体和离开冷凝器发热流体之间的能量的热交换.这些流体吸收或吸收热交换器,在一些情形中,他们降低了系统性能, 然而系统的某些地方却得到了改善. 虽然以前研究员已经调查了流体吸热交换器的性能, 但是这项研究可能从早先研究的三种方式被加以区别. 首先,这份研究开辟了一个无限的崭新的与流体吸热交换器有关联的群体.其次,这份研究拓宽了早先的分析包括新型制冷剂。
Aabsolute filter 高性能过滤器absolute humidify 绝对湿度absorb 吸收absorbent filter 吸收性过滤器absorber 吸收器absorbing tower 吸收塔absorption refrigerating machine 吸收式制冷机absorption refrigeration 吸收式制冷absorption refrigeration system 吸收式制冷系统access door 检查门,人孔accessible hermetic compressor unit 半封闭式压缩机组accessible trench 通行地沟accessories 附属设备accessory 附件,附属的acoustic filter 滤声器acoustic noise 噪音acoustical 吸声能力acoustical damper 消声器additional equipment 辅助设备after heat 余热air admitting surface 进风口面积air blast refrigeration 空气喷射制冷air chamber 气舱,气室air change 换气air change rate 换气次数air channel 风道air chimney 竖风道,通风竖井air circuit 空气管道系统air circulation rate 换气次数air cleaner 空气净化装置air collector 集气罐air compressor 空气压缩机air condenser 风冷冷凝器air conditioner 空调器air conditioning 空气调节air cooling fin 散热(翅)片air cooling system 空气冷却系统air curtain 空气幕air diffuser 散流器air distribution 气流组织air distributor 空气分布器air draft 通风,气流air duct 通气管,风管air duct system 风道系统air escape valve 放气阀air filter 空气过滤器air flow 气流,空气流量air grid 通风格栅air grille 格栅风口air handler 空气处理机air handling 空气处理air handling unit 空气处理机组air heat exchanger 空气热交换器air heater 空气加热器air heater battery 空气加热机组air hood 通风罩air humidification 空气加湿air humidifier 空气加湿器air humidify 空气湿度air interchanger 换气装置air jet 射流air main 主风道air outlet 出风口,送风口air purification 空气净化air rate 通风量air refrigeration machine 空气制冷机air register 调风器,可调百叶风口air regulation 风量调节air relief shaft 排风竖井air relief valve 放气阀air renewal 换气air renewal system 换气系统air return 回风air screen 空气幕,空气滤网air source heat 空气热源air source heat pump system 空气热源热泵系统air supply 送风,进风air terminal 风道末端air terminal device 末端装置air treatment 空气处理air vent 通风,排气口air wetting 空气加湿air-and-water system 气-水系统air-condition 空气调节air-conditioned room 空调房间air-conditioned space 空调区域air-conditioning installation 空调装置air-conditioning load 空调负荷air-conditioning machine room 空调机房air-conditioning unit 空调机组air-cooled air conditioner 风冷式空调器air-cooled condenser 风冷式冷凝器air-cooled condensing unit 风冷冷凝机组air-cooled type 风冷式air-cooler 空气冷却器air-cooling 空气冷却air-cooling by evaporation 蒸发式空气冷却air-current 气流airflow rate 空气流量率air-gauge 气压计air-inlet grille 空气入口格栅air-inlet valve 进气阀air-intake 进风air-line system 风管系统air-to-air heat recovery 空气-空气热回收air-water system 空气-水系统all air system 全空气系统all water system 全水系统alternate air inlet 备用空气入口ambient 环境的,周围的ambient air 环境空气ambient condition 环境条件ambient environment 周围环境ambient humidify 环境湿度ammonia absorption refrigerating machine 氨吸收式制冷机ammonia compression refrigerator 氨压缩式制冷机angle valve 角阀anticorrosive pain 防腐漆antirusting pain 防锈漆apparatus dew point 机器露点appendage 附加,备用appliance 用具,设备appurtenance 附件,管件,零件area heating 区域采暖area of cooling surface 冷却面积area of heating surface 加热面积arrest point 临界点A-scale A声压级atomizing nozzle 雾化喷嘴attachment 连接,附件attenuator 衰减器,消声器attenuator box 消声静压箱auto alarm 自动报警automatic steam trap 疏水器average flow 平均流量axial flow pump 轴流泵Bback valve 止回阀backwater 回水baffle 导流板baffler 消声器bag filter 袋式过滤器balance of heat 热平衡ball cock 球阀,球形旋塞ball diffuser 球形风口,球形散流器ball valve 球阀base-load 基本负荷blind 百叶窗block heating 分片采暖blow 送风,射程blow-down 排污blowing cooling tower 鼓风式冷却塔body heat loss 人体热损失branch 分支,支管branch air duck 分支风管branch duck 支管道branch pipe 支管breeze-line diffuser 条逢送风口bridging over 架设,敷设bromide of lithium 溴化锂bumper 减振器,butterfly valve 蝶阀by-pass 旁通,旁路by-pass air duck 旁通风道by-pass pipe 旁通管by-pass system 旁路系统by-pass valve 旁通阀Ccalculating out door relative humidity 室外计算相对湿度calculating outdoor temperature for air conditioning 空调室外计算温度calorie 卡calorie value 热值calorific capacity 热容量carbon filter 活性炭过滤器cartridge filter 联系统cast 铸铁,铸件catch pit 集水坑central 中央的,集中的central air conditioning 集中空调central air conditioning plant 集中空调设备central air conditioning system 集中空调系统central fan system 集中通风系统central heat 集中供热central heating plant 集中采暖站central system 集中式系统centrifugal pump 离心泵centrifugal refrigerating machine 离心式制冷机change of air 换气,换气次数channel 管道,通道check valve 止回阀chilled water system 制冷水系统chilling water 冷水chock valve 阻气阀circuit diagram of refrigeration 制冷原理图circulating pump 循环泵circulating water 循环水cleaning vacuum plan 真空吸尘装置clear out door 出灰口,closed circuit water cooler 封闭循环式水冷却器closed expansion tank 闭式膨胀水箱closed hot water heating system 闭式热水供暖系统cloth bag collector 布袋除尘器cloth dust collector 布袋除尘器cloth type arrester 布袋滤尘器coarse filter 粗过滤器coarse filtration 粗过滤coefficient of absorption 吸收系数coefficient of dust collection 集尘系数coefficient of dust removal 除尘系数coefficient of flow rate 空气流量系数coefficient of flow rate 空气流量系数coefficient of flow rate 空气流量系数coefficient of flow rate 空气流量系数coefficient of friction resistance 摩擦阻力系数coefficient of heat passage 导热系数coefficient of heat preservation 保温系数coefficient of heat transmission 传热系数coefficient of safety 安全系数coil condenser 盘管冷凝器coil pipe 盘管coil pipe cooler 盘管冷却器coil radiator 盘管散热器coincidence factor 同时使用系数cold accumulation 蓄冷cold air 冷空气cold air machine 冷气机cold draft 冷风,冷气流cold source 冷源collecting electrode 集尘电极collecting sump 集水坑collective drawings 装配图collector 集尘器,集热器collector efficiency 集尘(热)效率column of mercury 汞柱column of water 水柱comfort air conditioning 舒适性空调comfort condition 舒适条件comfort requirements 舒适要求comfort zone 舒适区commingler 混合器compression refrigeration 压缩式冷水机组compression refrigeration cycle 压缩式制冷循环compression chiller 压缩式冷水机组compression dehumidifier 压缩减湿装置compressor 压缩机concentrate air conditioning 集中空调concentrate cooling 集中供冷concentrate heating 集中供暖concentrate load 集中负荷concentrate refrigerating 集中制冷concentrated 集中的condensate flow 冷凝水流量condensate pump 冷凝水泵condensate return pipe 冷凝水回水管condensate temperature 冷凝水温度condensate trap 冷凝水疏水器condensation water 冷凝水condenser 冷凝器condenser unit 冷凝器机组condensing coil 冷凝盘管condensing unit 冷凝机组conditioner 空调器conditioner capacity 空调器容量conduct 传导,导管conduction of heat 热传导cone valve 锥形阀conical ventilator 锥形风帽connection in parallel 并联constant humidity 恒湿constant temperature and humidity 恒温恒湿constant-volume and variable-temperature system 定风量变温度系统continuous heating 连续供暖continuous ventilation 连续通风coolant 冷却剂,冷媒cooling ceiling 冷却顶板cooling coil 冷却盘管cooling equipment 冷却设备cooling fin 冷却翅片cooling load 冷却负荷cooling medium 冷媒cooling system 冷却系统cooling temperature 冷却温度cooling tower 冷却塔cooling unit 冷气机组cooling water 冷却水cooling water flow 冷却水流量cooling water pump 冷却水泵cooling water tank 冷却水箱corrosion preventive 防腐型corrugated pipe 波纹管cowl 通风帽,罩cradle 支架,底(托)架creased (expansion) bend 波纹(膨胀)补偿弯管critical 临界的critical data 临界数据critical point 临界点criticality 临界状态cross 四通管,交叉cross-over valve 转换阀cutoff 防火墙cutoff valve 截流阀cyclone 旋风除尘器cyclone 旋风除尘器cyclone 旋风除尘器cyclone 旋风除尘器cyclone 气旋,旋风除尘器cyclone efficiency 旋风除尘器效率cyclone performance 旋风除尘器性能Ddamp 潮气damp air 潮湿空气damper 风门,闸板decentralized system 分散式系统decibel (dB) 分贝decompression device 减压装置decompressor 减压器decreasing vibration 减振dedust 除尘degree Celsius ( C) 摄氏温度degree Fahrenheit ( C) 华氏温度degree Kelvin (K) 开氏温度dehumidifier 去湿器,除湿机dehumidifying system 减湿系统deironing 除铁delay 滞后delivery lift 扬程deposit of scale 水垢design humidity 设计湿度design load设计负荷desuperheat 减温detail list of HVAC system 暖通空调设备明细表deverter valve 转向阀dew 露水dew point 露点dew-retardation 防露direct heating 直接式供暖direct heating system 直接式供暖系统direct return system 异程(回水)系统direction of flow 流向discharge head (泵)扬程,出口压力discharge valve 排出阀discontinuous heating 定时(间歇)供暖district cooling 区域供冷district heating 区域供暖district system 区域系统double deflection register 双层百叶风口double duct system 双风道系统double stage cyclone 双级旋风除尘器double-effect absorption refrigerating machine+A243 双效吸收式制冷机dry centrifugal collector 干式离心除尘器drying screen 汽水分离器,除水网duct 风道duct attenuation 风道消声duct fitting 风道接头,风管配件duct resistance 风道阻力duct system 风道系统duct velocity 风道流速ductwork 风管管网dust air 含尘气体dust collecting hood 吸尘罩dust collection efficiency 集尘效率dust collector = dust concentrator 除尘器,集尘器dust exhausting 排尘dust extracting plant 吸尘设备dust guard 防尘罩,防尘设备dust hood 吸(集)尘罩dust hopper 集尘斗dust prevention 防尘dust remover 除尘器dust reproving system 除尘系统dust settling chamber 灰尘沉降室dust trap 除(捕)尘器duster 除尘器dynamic head 动力水头dynamic load 动态负荷dynamic load 动态负荷dynamic load 动态负荷dynamic load 动态负荷Eefficiency of dust removal 除尘效率ejection pump 喷射泵ejector nozzle 喷嘴,喷口,喷射器ejector system 喷口送风系统ejector type grilles 条缝型送风口elbow 弯头elbow bend pipe 肘形弯管elbow joint 弯管接头elbow piece 弯头,弯管配件elbow pipe 弯管,弯头elbow tube 肘管elbow unit 弯管活接头electric heater in duct 风管电加热器electric heating coil 电热盘管electric heating system 电加热系统electric heating unit 电供暖装置electric precipitator 电除尘器electric thermostat 电动恒温器,恒温开关electric vacuum cleaner 电动真空吸尘器electro-precipitation 电除尘electrostatic cleaner 静电净化器electrostatic filter 静电过滤器elevated overhead 架空elevated pipeline 高架管道elevated water tank 高架水箱elevation head 高程水头ell 弯管,弯头emergency vent 紧急排气口emergency ventilation 事故通风enclosed spray type cooler 密闭式喷淋冷却器enclosed system 密闭系统energy efficiency 能量效率energy efficiency 能量效率energy efficiency 能量效率energy saving 节能energy saving 节能energy saving 节能entirely ventilation 全面通风environmental condition 环境条件equalizer 平衡器,补偿器equivalent air opening 等量风口equivalent diameter 当量直径erection diagram(drawing) 安装图escape pipe 溢流管estimate design load 设计估算负荷estimate maximum load 最大估算负荷evaporating capacity 蒸发量evaporation cooling 蒸发冷却evaporative capacity 蒸发量evaporator 蒸发器evase 渐扩段,喇叭口excess 过剩excess air 过量空气excess heat 余热,过热excess heating 过量供暖exchanger 热交换器exhaust 排出,排气exhaust air 排气,抽气exhaust blower 排气风机exhaust duct 排风管exhaust grille 排风格栅exhaust pipe 排气管exhaust shaft 排风竖井exhaust system 排风系统exhaust system of ventilation************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ************************************* ******************************* expansion bellows 波纹管,伸缩软管expansion U bend U(方)形补偿器expansion valve 膨胀阀expansion vessel 膨胀水箱explosion-proof 防爆的Fface area 迎风面积face velocity 迎风风速fall dust 落尘fall of pipe 管道坡度falling gradient 下降坡度fan characteristic 风机特性fan coil 风机盘管fan coil unit 风机盘管机组fan convector 风机对流器fan convector heater 风机对流加热器fan cooler 冷风机fan delivery 风机排(送)风量fan for primary air 一次风风机fan inlet 风机入口fan outlet 风机出口fan performance 风机特性(性能)fan room 通风机房fan speed风机转速fastener 紧固件feed-pump 给水泵feed-water pipe 给水管fibreglass 玻璃纤维,玻璃钢filler 填料filter 过滤器,滤网filter box 过滤箱filter cloth 过滤布filtering 过滤filtering capacity 过滤容量,过滤能力fin 翅片,肋片final filter 终过滤器final filtration 终过滤final reheater 末级再热器finned coil 肋片盘管finned radiator 翼型散热器finned tube 翅(肋)片管fin-tube heat exchanger 翅片管热交换器fire alarm 火警fire bulkhead 挡火墙fire-fighting system 消防系统fire-place 壁炉fitting and fitments 设备及附件fitting pipe 连接管fittings 管道配件,附件fixed anchor 固定支座fixed flange 固定法兰fixed shutter 固定百叶窗fixed support 固定支座flame proof 耐火的flange 法兰flap shutter 转动挡板,活动百叶flat oval tube steel radiator 扁管式钢制散热器flexible duct 柔性风管flexible pipe 软管,消振管float stop valve 浮球阀flow control 流量控制flow deflector 导流片flow head 流动水头flow header 分流缸,分水缸flow path 流程flow quantity 流量flow rate 流率flush off 溢出flush-off pipe 溢流管forced air change 强制换气forced draft cooling tower 强制通风冷却塔forced draft type cooling tower 强制通风冷却塔forced water air heating 机械循环热水采暖free support 活动支座fresh air 新风,新鲜空气friction drag 摩擦阻力friction loss 摩擦损失fuse block 熔断器fused disconnect switch 熔断开关Ggalvanized 镀锌的galvanized iron 镀锌铁皮galvanized steel pipe 镀锌钢管gate 门,闸阀,插板general arrangement 总体布置general layout of pipeline 管道总平面布置general ventilation 全面通风gill 肋片,散热片gilled radiator 翅片式散热器globe-tee 球形三通gooseneck 乙字弯gooseneck connection 乙字形管gradient 坡度grating 格栅grating with louvered damper 连动百叶风口gravity return 重力回水gravity type coil 格式盘管grille 通风格栅grilled pipe 肋片管guide vane 导向叶片Hhair pin bend 蛇形管hanger 吊架(钩,卡)hanger frame 吊架hanger rod 吊杆head 扬程,水头head loss 压力损失health standards 卫生标准heat exchanger 热交换器heat insulating material 保温材料heat leakage 热渗透量heat load 热负荷heat loss of protection structure 围护结构热损失heat medium 热媒heat pipe heat exchanger 热管式热交换器heat pump 热泵heat pump air conditioning 热泵式空调heat pump heating 热泵式采暖heat recovering 热回收heat removal 除热heat source 热源heat supply 供热heat supply network 供热管网heat trap 吸热器heating 加热,供暖heating and ventilation 供热与通风heating channel 采暖地沟heating design 供暖设计heating installation 供暖装置heating load 供暖负荷heating main 供暖干管heating period 供暖期heating pipe 供热管道heating radiator 采暖散热器heating riser 采暖立管heating steam 采暖蒸气heating system 采暖系统heating temperature 采暖温度heating trench 采暖地沟heating unit 采暖机组heat-insulating 保温的heat-insulating layer 保温层heat-producing 产热量high efficiency filter 高效过滤器high-pressure heating system 高压供暖系统high-pressure hot water heating system 高压热水供暖系统high-pressure steam heating system 高压蒸汽供暖系统high-velocity injection nozzle 高速喷口high-velocity system 高速风道系统hood 罩,通风帽hoover 真空吸尘器horizontal 卧式的horizontal evaporator 卧式蒸发器hose coupling 软管接头hot air duct 热风道hot air heating 热风采暖hot air radiant heating system 热风辐射采暖系统hot coil 热盘管hot water 热水hot water heating 热水供暖hot water heating load 热水供暖负荷hot water heating temperature 热水供暖温度humid 潮湿的humid air 湿空气humidification spray 喷雾加湿器humidifier 加湿器humidify 加湿humidifying process 加湿过程humidistat 恒湿器humidity 湿度humiture 温湿度hydrodynamic 动压头hydrostatic head 静压头hygrograph 湿度计hygrostat 恒湿器Iimpassable 不通行的impassable trench 不通行管沟impediment 阻抗式消声器impulse trap 脉冲式疏水器indoor design temperature 室内设计温度indoor temperature 室内温度industrial refrigeration 工业用制冷industrial ventilation 工业通风infrared rays heating 红外线供暖injection 喷射injection nozzle 喷嘴inlet duct 进风道insert radiator 嵌入式散热器inside diameter 内径inspection door 检查门inspection manhole 检查人孔inspection pit 检查井inspection shaft 检查竖井installed capacity 装机容量installed vacuum cleaner 固定式真空吸尘器insulation of piping 管道保温intensity level 声强级intermittent heating 间歇采暖intermittent load 间歇负荷International Institute of Refrigeration 国际制冷学会ion exchange 离子交换ion exchanger 离子交换器Jjacket cooler 套管式冷却器jet 射流,喷口joining flange 接合法兰Kkbar 千巴kcal 千卡kinetic energy 动能kinetic head 动压头knee bend 直角弯头knocking 水击Llatent heat 潜热latent heat load 潜热负荷lateral hood 侧吸风罩laying depth 埋设深度laying pipes 敷设管道layout plan 平面图layrinth trap 迷宫式疏水器lead red 红丹leaf 节流板leakproof 密封的leeway 可允许的误差legend 图例levorotatory 左旋的life of pump 泵的扬程limit capacity 极限容量limit load 极限负荷line diffuser 条缝送风口liquid separator 液体分离器load estimation 负荷估算load-factor 负荷系数local exhaust 局部通风local exhaust ventilation 局部排气通风local ventilation 局部通风loft drier 干燥器,干燥箱loop expansion joint 环形伸缩器loss of heat 热量损失louver = louvre 百叶通风窗louver intake 百叶式进风口louver separator 百叶式出风口louver shutter 活动百叶low-pressure steam heating 低压蒸汽采暖Mmain 主管,干管main air duct 主风道main duct 总风道main heating system 主采暖系统main laying 干管敷设main pipe 主管线main riser 主立管main supply duct 总送风道main supply line 供水干管main trap 总疏水器major component 主要部件make-up air 补充空气make-up water 补给水make-up water tank 补给水箱maximum cooling load 最大冷却负荷maximum head 最大压头maximum heat load 最大热负荷mechanical air supply 机械送风mechanical exhaust 机械排风mechanical ventilation 机械通风metal air duct 金属风管metal louver 金属百叶窗meter mercury column 米汞柱meter of water head 米水柱milliliter 毫升minimum capacity 最小容量minimum outdoor air 最小室外空气量moist 潮湿的moist air 湿空气moisture capacity 含湿量moisture load 湿负荷moisture removal 除湿量monitor 监控器mounting height 安装高度movable support 活动支架multiclone 多管旋风除尘器mushroom diffuser 蘑菇形散流器mushroom ventilator 伞形风帽Nnatural circulation heating 自然循环采暖natural draft cooling tower 自然通风冷却塔natural ventilation 自然通风net capacity 净容量noise control 噪声控制noise criteria 噪声标准noise damper 消声器noise elimination 消声nominal air flow rate 额定风量nonmetal air channel 非金属风管normal temperature 标准温度number of air changes 换气次数number of complete air changes 全面换气次数number of revolution 转数Oobstruction signal 事故信号one-pipe system 单管系统one-side opening 单面风口one-through 直流,单程open cycle 开式循环open refrigeration 开式制冷operating load 工作荷载,运转荷载ordinary load 常规荷载organized ventilation 有组织通风0out door load 新风荷载outdoor condition for designing 设计室外气象条件outdoor piping 室外管道outdoor trench 室外管沟outfit (成套)设备,工具outlet 出口,通风口outlet sound absorber 送风口消声器outlet waterhead 出口扬程outside air intake duct 新风风道outside condition 室外条件overflow 溢流overflow conduit 溢流管overhead laying 架空敷设overhead main 架空干管Ppackaged air conditioner 整体式空调机packaged unit 整体(独立)机组packing collar 垫圈panel heating 辐射板采暖panel radiator 板式散热器panel type steel radiator 钢制板式散热器paper air filter 纸过滤器parallel circuit 并联管网passable trench 通行地沟peak load 高峰负荷,最大负荷pedestal 支架(座)pendant 吊架performance 工况,性能persiennes 百叶窗pet cock 排气阀piece 零(部)件pin radiator 带脚散热器pipe bridge 管架pipe cannel 管沟pipe hanger 管吊架pipe hanger support 管道吊架pipe holder 管道托架pipe installation 管道敷设pipe insulation 管道保温pipe radiator 光管散热器pipe support 管支架pipe trench 管沟pipeline 管系(线)piping network 管网pitch of pipes 管道坡度plenum 静压室porcelain radiator 陶瓷散热器positive ventilation 正压通风power louvers 电动百叶窗precision filter 精过滤器prefilter 预过滤器pressure reducer 减压器primary air 一次风primary filter 粗过滤器prime pump 起动泵probe 探头,传感器program control 程序控制pump 泵pump duty 泵出力pump flow 泵流量pump head 泵扬程Rradiant heat exchanger 辐射热交换器radiant heating 辐射采暖radiant panel heating 辐射板采暖radiator 散热器radiator section 散热器片radiator trap 散热器疏水器radiator vent 散热器放气阀rated flow 额定流量rated load 额定负荷ratio of slope 坡度recirculated air 再循环空气rectangular duct 矩形风道red lead paint 红丹漆reduced tee 异形三通reflux valve 回流阀refrigerant 制冷剂refrigerant 12(CCl2F2) 制冷剂R12 refrigerant 22(CHClF2) 制冷剂R22 refrigerant pump 冷剂泵refrigerating 制冷的refrigerating capacity 产冷量refrigerating effect 制冷效果refrigerating machine 制冷机refrigerating plant 制冷装置refrigerating station 制冷站refrigerating system 制冷系统refrigerating unit 制冷机组refrigeration duty 制冷负荷region without heating 非采暖地区regulating damper 调节风门regulating device 调节装置relative humidity 相对湿度relative pressure 相对压力renewa filter 再生过滤器resulting temperature 综合温度return air 回风return air fan 回风机return air grill 格栅回风口return flow 回流return line 回水总管return main 回水干管return pipe 回水管return trap 回水盒,疏水器return valve 回水阀return water 回水reverse valve 可逆阀reverse-return system 同程式回水系统ribbed radiator 肋片对流散热器right angle valve 角阀riser 立管roll filter 卷绕过滤器roller curtain filter 卷帘式过滤器roof extract unit 屋顶排风机roof ventilator 屋顶通风器roof-top air conditioner 屋顶式空调器room temperature 室内温度rotary filter 旋转式过滤器rotating valve 回转阀roughing filter 粗过滤器round cowl 筒形风帽rust resistant 防锈的Ss bend S形弯头saddle 支架,滑动支架safety curtain 防火帘safety valve 安全阀sag rod 吊(拉)杆sanitary ventilation 卫生通风schedule ventilation 程序通风sealed system 封闭系统seamless steel pipe 无缝钢管secondary air 二次风sensible heat 显热separate chamber 沉降室sequence valve 顺序阀serpentine pipe 蛇形管service sleeve 预埋套管set pressure 给定压力shaft 竖井,通风井sheet steel 薄钢板sheet steel duct 薄钢板风管shell and coil condenser 壳管式冷凝器shell and tube heat exchanger 壳管式换热器shunt valve 旁通阀shutter 挡板,百叶窗silencer 消声器sill anchor 地脚螺栓simultaneous factor 同时系数single duct system 单风道系统single pipe system 单管系统sleeve 套(管)筒sleeve expansion joint 套管伸缩器sliding support 滑动支架slot diffuser 条缝形散流器slot outlet 条缝形送风口sluice valve 截止阀smoke emission 排烟smokecurtain 挡烟帘snap valve 快动阀sodium exchanger 钠离子交换器soften water 软化水sol-air temperature 综合温度solar heating 太阳能采暖solenoid valve 电磁阀sound absorber 消声器sound reduction 消声spark-proof 防火花器speed of wind 风速spill valve 溢流阀split (air condition )system 分体式(空调)系统split air conditioner 分体式空调器spray cooling tower 喷淋冷却塔square cowl 方伞形风帽stagnant area 滞流区stainless steel 不锈钢standby heating 值班采暖standby plant 备用设备standby pump 备用泵start pump 启动泵start valve 起动阀starting load 启动负荷static head 静压头steam air heater 蒸汽暖风机steam collector 分汽缸steam heating 蒸汽采暖steam heating system 蒸汽采暖系统steam humidification 蒸汽加湿steam radiator 蒸汽散热器steam trap 疏水器steam valve 蒸汽阀stop-and-go valve 起停阀stop-valve 截止阀straight way valve 直流阀supply air 进气,送风supply air duct 送风管道supply air outlet 送风口supply heat 供热supply main 供给总管supply system 进气系统support of pipeline 管道支架surface radiator 表面散热器surplus 过剩surplus air 过剩空气system design 系统设计system head 系统压力TT 三通,T形元件taper or cone hood锥形排风罩T-bend 三通管tee 三通thermal control 热力控制thermal load 热负荷thermal parameter 热力参数thermal resistivity 热阻系数thermal storage 蓄热thermobalance 热平衡thermodiffusion 热扩散thermodynamic heating 热力供暖thermo-hygrometer 恒温恒湿器thermo-resistance 热阻three column radiator 三柱散热器three-way tube 三通管three-way valve 三通阀throttle 节流阀throughway valve 直通阀top draft hood 上吸罩tornado dust collector 旋风除尘器total capacity 总容量total cooling capacity 总冷量total head 全扬程total pressure 全压total resistance 总阻力transmit heat 传热trap 疏水器trap valve 过滤阀treated air 处理过的空气trench 沟,管沟trench pipe 沟内管道triple valve 三通阀trunk duct 主干管tube radiator 管式散热器tubular radiator 管状光管散热器tunnel 管沟tunnelless underground laying 无地沟敷设two-column radiator 双柱散热器two-way valve 二通阀Uunderground pipe 地下管道uninsulated pipe 不保温管unit heater 暖风机unit ventilator 通风器useful area 有效面积useful capacity 有效容量useful refrigerating effect 有效冷量U-tube U形管Vvacuum 真空vacuum heating system 真空式采暖系统vacuum-cleaner 真空吸尘器valve 阀门vane ratio 导风率variable air volume system 变风量系统variable water flow system 变水量系统vent 通风,排气ventilate 通风,换气ventilated 通风的ventilating cowl 通风帽,通风罩ventilating device 通风装置ventilating duct 通风管道ventilating system 通风系统ventilation rate 通风换气次数ventilator 通风器ventilator hood通风罩vertical air tank 立式集气罐vibrating bag filter 振动式布袋除尘器vibrating filter 振动过滤器volume of fresh air 新鲜空气量Wwall duct 墙内风道,砖风道warm-air heating system 热风采暖系统waste heating 废热采暖water column 水柱water film separator 水膜除尘器water filter 滤水器water heating 热水供暖water to air heat pump 水-空气热泵water to air system 水-空气系统water to water system 水-水系统water-cooled air conditioner 水冷式空调器water-cooled condenser 水冷式冷凝器water-cooled packaged air condition 水冷式整体空调器water-cooling tower 水冷冷却塔water-head 水头,扬程water-water heat exchanger 水-水热交换器welded steel pipe 焊接钢管wet air 湿空气wet collector 湿式除尘器wet dust collection 湿式除尘wet filter 湿式过滤器wet-bulb temperature 湿球温度window air conditioner 窗式空调机window shutter 百叶窗wire filter cloth 金属丝滤布wire grating 铁丝格栅wooden louver 木制百叶窗wye 斜三通,Y形三通Xxeransis 除湿,干燥YY Y 形管Y globe valve Y形球阀year-round air conditioner 全年空调器year-round air conditioning 全年空调Y-pipe Y形管Y-section 三通接头,Y形接头Z zinc 锌zinc plating 镀锌zincification 镀锌zone air conditioner 区域空调器zone control 区域控制zone system 分区系统zone thermostat 区域恒温器A声压级A-scaleS形弯头s bendU(方)形补偿器expansion U bendU形管U-tubeY 形管YY形管Y-pipeY形球阀Y globe valveA安全阀safety valve安全系数coefficient of safety安装高度mounting height安装图erection diagram(drawing)氨吸收式制冷机ammonia absorption refrigerating machine氨压缩式制冷机ammonia compression refrigeratorB百叶窗blind百叶窗persiennes百叶窗window shutter百叶式出风口louver separator百叶式进风口louver intake百叶通风窗louver = louvre板式散热器panel radiator半封闭式压缩机组accessible hermetic compressor unit保温材料heat insulating material 保温层heat-insulating layer保温的heat-insulating保温系数coefficient of heat preservation 备用泵standby pump备用空气入口alternate air inlet备用设备standby plant泵pump泵出力pump duty泵的扬程life of pump泵流量pump flow泵扬程pump head闭式膨胀水箱closed expansion tank闭式热水供暖系统closed hot water heating system壁炉fire-place扁管式钢制散热器flat oval tube steel radiator变风量系统variable air volume system变水量系统variable water flow system标准温度normal temperature表面散热器surface radiator并联connection in parallel并联管网parallel circuit波纹(膨胀)补偿弯管creased (expansion) bend波纹管corrugated pipe波纹管,伸缩软管expansion bellows玻璃纤维,玻璃钢fibreglass薄钢板sheet steel薄钢板风管sheet steel duct补偿器expansion appliance补充空气make-up air补给水make-up water补给水箱make-up water tank不保温管uninsulated pipe不通行的impassable不通行管沟impassable trench不锈钢stainless steel布袋除尘器cloth bag collector布袋除尘器cloth dust collector布袋滤尘器cloth type arresterC采暖地沟heating channel采暖地沟heating trench采暖机组heating unit采暖立管heating riser采暖散热器heating radiator采暖温度heating temperature采暖系统heating system采暖蒸气heating steam侧吸风罩lateral hood产冷量refrigerating capacity产热量heat-producing常规荷载ordinary load潮气damp潮湿的humid潮湿的moist潮湿空气damp air沉降室separate chamber程序控制program control程序通风schedule ventilation翅(肋)片管finned tube翅片,肋片fin翅片管热交换器fin-tube heat exchanger 翅片式散热器gilled radiator出风口,送风口air outlet出灰口,clear out door出口,通风口outlet出口扬程outlet waterhead除(捕)尘器dust trap除尘dedust除尘器dust remover除尘器duster除尘器,集尘器dust collector = dust concentrator除尘系数coefficient of dust removal除尘系统dust reproving system除尘效率efficiency of dust removal除热heat removal除湿,干燥xeransis除湿量moisture removal除铁deironing处理过的空气treated air传导,导管conduct传热transmit heat传热系数coefficient of heat transmission 窗式空调机window air conditioner粗过滤coarse filtration粗过滤器coarse filter粗过滤器primary filter粗过滤器roughing filterD带脚散热器pin radiator袋式过滤器bag filter单风道系统single duct system单管系统one-pipe system单管系统single pipe system单面风口one-side opening当量直径equivalent diameter挡板,百叶窗shutter挡火墙fire bulkhead挡烟帘smokecurtain导风率vane ratio导流板baffle导流片flow deflector导热系数coefficient of heat passage导向叶片guide vane等量风口equivalent air opening低压蒸汽采暖low-pressure steam heating 地脚螺栓sill anchor。
暖通空调专业英语总结(时间:2008-3-28 9:41:52 )ahu air hundling unit 空调箱air conditioning load空调负荷air distribution气流组织air handling unit 空气处理单元air shower 风淋室air-side pressure drop空气侧压降aluninum accessaries in clean room 洁净室安装铝材as-completed drawing 修改竣工图layout 设计图brass stop valve 铜闸阀canvas connecting terminal 帆布接头centigrade scale 摄氏温度chiller accessaries 水冷柜机排水及配料chiller asembly 水冷柜机安装工费chiller unit 水冷柜机基础clean bench 净化工作台clean class 洁净度clean room 洁净室无尘室correction factor修正系数dcc dry coll units 干盘管district cooling 区域供冷direct return system异程式系统displacement ventilation置换通风drawing No.图号elevation立面图entering air temp进风温度entering water temp进水温度fahrenheit scale 华氏温度fan coil unit 风机盘管ffu fan filter units 风扇过滤网组final drawing 施工图flow velocity 流速fresh air supply 新风供给fresh air unit 新风处理机组ground source heat pump地源热泵gross weight 毛重heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节hepa filter 高效过滤网high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式hot water supply system生活热水系统humidity 湿度hydraulic calculation水力计算isometric drawing轴测图leaving air temp 出风温度leaving water temp出水温度mau make up air hundling unit schedule 外气空调箱natural smoke exhausting自然排烟net weight 净重noise reduction消声nominal diameter 公称直径oil-burning boiler燃油锅炉one way stop return valve 单向止回阀operation energy consumption运行能耗pass box 传递箱particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法Piping accessaries 水系统辅材piping asembly 配管工费plan 平面图recirculation air cabinet unit schedule循环组合空调单元ratio controller 比例调节器ratio flow control 流量比例控制ratio gear 变速轮ratio meter 比率计rational 合理性的,合法的;有理解能力的rationale (基本)原理;原理的阐述rationality 有理性,合理性rationalization proposal 合理化建义ratio of compression 压缩比ratio of expansion 膨胀比ratio of run-off 径流系数ratio of slope 坡度ratio of specific heat 比热比raw 生的,原状的,粗的;未加工的raw coal 原煤raw cotton 原棉raw crude producer gas 未净化的发生炉煤气raw data 原始数据raw fuel stock 粗燃料油raw gas 未净化的气体real gas 实际气体realignment 重新排列,改组;重新定线realm 区域,范围,领域real work 实际工作ream 铰孔,扩孔rear 后部,背面,后部的rear arch 后拱rear axle 后轴rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉rear pass 后烟道rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置]rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置]reason 理由,原因;推理reasonable 合理的,适当的reassembly 重新装配reaumur 列氏温度计reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片recalibration 重新校准[刻度]recapture 重新利用,恢复recarbonation 再碳化作用recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池receiving tank 贮槽recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中receptacle 插座[孔];容器reception of heat 吸热recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器recharge well 回灌井reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的reciprocal action 反复作用reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating feed pump 往复式蒸汽机reciprocating grate 往复炉排reciprocating motion 住复式动作reciprocating proportion 反比例reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机reciprocate 往复(运动),互换reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的reciprocating ( grate ) bar 往复式炉排片reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机recirculate 再循环recirculated 再循环的recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气] recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路recircilated air intake 循环空气入口recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统recirculating 再循环的,回路的recirculating air duct 再循环风道recirculating fan 再循环风机recirculating line 再循环管路recirculating pump 再循环泵recirculation 再循环recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水recirculation ratio 再循环比recirculation water 再循环水reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置reclamation 回收,再生,再利用reclamation of condensate water冷凝水回收recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图recording apparatus 记录仪器recording barometer 自记气压计recording card 记录卡片recording facility 记录装置recording liquid level gauge 自动液面计recording paper of sound level 噪声级测定纸recording pressure gauge 自记压力计recording water-gauge 自记水位计recoverable 可回收的,可恢复的recoverable heat 可回收的热量recoverable oil 可回收的油recoverable waster heat 可回收的废热recovery plant 回收装置recovery rate 回收率relief damper 泄压风门return air shutter回风百叶Seat air supply座椅送风Shaft seal 轴封Shaft storage 搁架式贮藏Shake 摇动,抖动Shakedown run 试车,调动启动,试运转Shake-out 摇动,抖动Shakeproof 防振的,抗振的Shaker 振动器Shaking 摇[摆,振]动Shaking grate 振动炉排Shaking screen 振动筛Shallow 浅层,浅的,表面的Shank 柄,杆,柱体,轴Shape 造[成]型,形状[态]模型。
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英文文献Air Conditioning SystemsAir conditioning has rapidly grown over the past 50 years, from a luxury to a standard system included in most residential and commercial buildings. In 1970, 36% of residences in the U.S. were either fully air conditioned or utilized a room air conditioner for cooling (Blue, et al., 1979). By 1997, this number had more than doubled to 77%, and that year also marked the first time that over half (50.9%) of residences in the U.S. had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999). An estimated 83% of all newhomes constructed in 1998 had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999). Air conditioning has also grown rapidly in commercial buildings. From 1970 to 1995, the percentage of commercial buildings with air conditioning increased from 54 to 73% (Jackson and Johnson, 1978, and DOE, 1998).Air conditioning in buildings is usually accomplished with the use of mechanical or heat-activated equipment. In most applications, the air conditioner must provide both cooling and dehumidification to maintain comfort in the building. Air conditioning systems are also used in other applications, such as automobiles, trucks, aircraft, ships, and industrial facilities. However, the description of equipment in this chapter is limited to those commonly used in commercial and residential buildings.Commercial buildings range from large high-rise office buildings to the corner convenience store. Because of the range in size and types of buildings in the commercial sector, there is a wide variety of equipment applied in these buildings. For larger buildings, the air conditioning equipment is part of a total system design that includes items such as a piping system, air distribution system, and cooling tower. Proper design of these systems requires a qualified engineer. The residential building sector is dominated by single family homes and low-rise apartments/condominiums. The cooling equipment applied in these buildings comes in standard ―packages‖ that are often both sized and installed by the air conditioning contractor.The chapter starts with a general discussion of the vapor compression refrigeration cycle then moves to refrigerants and their selection, followed by packaged Chilled Water Systems。
1.1 Vapor Compression CycleEven though there is a large range in sizes and variety of air conditioning systems used in buildings, most systems utilize the vapor compression cycle to produce the desired cooling and dehumidification. This cycle is also used for refrigerating and freezing foods and for automotive air conditioning. The first patent on a mechanically driven refrigeration system was issued to Jacob Perkins in 1834 in London, and the firstviable commercial system was produced in 1857 by James Harrison and D.E. Siebe.Besides vapor compression, there are two less common methods used to produce cooling in buildings: the absorption cycle and evaporative cooling. These are described later in the chapter. With the vaporcompression cycle, a working fluid, which is called the refrigerant, evaporates and condenses at suitable pressures for practical equipment designs.The four basic components in every vapor compression refrigeration system are the compressor, condenser, expansion device, and evaporator. The compressor raises the pressure of the refrigerant vapor so that the refrigerant saturation temperature is slightly above the temperature of the cooling medium used in the condenser. The type of compressor used depends on the application of the system. Large electric chillers typically use a centrifugal compressor while small residential equipment uses a reciprocating or scroll compressor.The condenser is a heat exchanger used to reject heat from the refrigerant to a cooling medium. The refrigerant enters the condenser and usually leaves as a subcooled liquid. Typical cooling mediums used in condensers are air and water. Most residential-sized equipment uses air as the cooling medium in the condenser, while many larger chillers use water. After leaving the condenser, the liquid refrigerant expands to a lower pressure in the expansion valve.The expansion valve can be a passive device, such as a capillary tube or short tube orifice, or an active device, such as a thermal expansion valve or electronic expansion valve. The purpose of the valve is toregulate the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator so that the refrigerant is superheated when it reaches the suction of the compressor.At the exit of the expansion valve, the refrigerant is at a temperature below that of the medium (air or water) to be cooled. The refrigerant travels through a heat exchanger called the evaporator. It absorbs energy from the air or water circulated through the evaporator. If air is circulated through the evaporator, the system is called a direct expansion system. If water is circulated through the evaporator, it is called a chiller. In either case, the refrigerant does not make direct contact with the air or water in the evaporator. The refrigerant is converted from a low quality, two-phase fluid to a superheated vapor under normal operating conditions in the evaporator. The vapor formed must be removed by the compressor at a sufficient rate to maintain the low pressure in the evaporator and keep the cycle operating.All mechanical cooling results in the production of heat energy that must be rejected through the condenser. In many instances, this heat energy is rejected to the environment directly to the air in thecondenser or indirectly to water where it is rejected in a cooling tower. With some applications, it is possible to utilize this waste heat energy to provide simultaneous heating to the building. Recovery of this waste heat at temperatures up to 65°C (150°F) can be used to reduce costs for space heating.Capacities of air conditioning are often expressed in either tons or kilowatts (kW) of cooling. The ton is a unit of measure related to the ability of an ice plant to freeze one short ton (907 kg) of ice in 24 hr. Its value is 3.51 kW (12,000 Btu/hr). The kW of thermal cooling capacity produced by the air conditioner must not be confused with the amount of electrical power (also expressed in kW) required to produce the cooling effect.2.1 Refrigerants Use and SelectionUp until the mid-1980s, refrigerant selection was not an issue in most building air conditioning applications because there were no regulations on the use of refrigerants. Many of the refrigerants historically used for building air conditioning applications have been chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). Most of these refrigerants are nontoxic and nonflammable. However, recent U.S. federal regulations (EPA 1993a; EPA 1993b) and international agreements (UNEP, 1987) have placed restrictions on the production and use of CFCs and HCFCs. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are now being used in some applications where CFCs and HCFCs were used. Having an understanding of refrigerants can help a building owner or engineer make a more informed decision about the best choice of refrigerants for specific applications. This section discusses the different refrigerants used in or proposed for building air conditioning applications and the regulations affecting their use.The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has a standard numbering system,for identifying refrigerants (ASHRAE, 1992). Many popular CFC, HCFC, and HFC refrigerants are in the methane and ethane series of refrigerants. They are called halocarbons, or halogenated hydrocarbons, because of the presence of halogen elements such as fluorine or chlorine (King, 1986).Zeotropes and azeotropes are mixtures of two or more different refrigerants. A zeotropic mixture changes saturation temperatures as it evaporates (or condenses) at constant pressure. The phenomena is called temperature glide. At atmospheric pressure, R-407C has a boiling (bubble) point of –44°C (–47°F) and a condensation (dew) point of –37°C (–35°F), which gives it a temperature glide of 7°C (12°F). An azeotropic mixture behaves like a single component refrigerant in that the saturation temperature does not change appreciably as it evaporates or condenses at constant pressure. R-410A has a small enoughtemperature glide (less than 5.5°C, 10°F) that it is considered a near-azeotropic refrigerant mixture.ASHRAE groups refrigerants by their toxicity and flammability (ASHRAE, 1994).Group A1 is nonflammable and least toxic, while Group B3 is flammable and most toxic. Toxicity is based on the upper safety limit for airborne exposure to the refrigerant. If the refrigerant is nontoxic in quantities less than 400 parts per million, it is a Class A refrigerant. If exposure to less than 400 parts per million is toxic, then the substance is given the B designation. The numerical designations refer to the flammability of the refrigerant. The last column of Table 4.2.1 shows the toxicity and flammability rating of common refrigerants.Refrigerant 22 is an HCFC, is used in many of the same applications, and is still the refrigerant of choice in many reciprocating and screw chillers as well as small commercial and residential packaged equipment. It operates at a much higher pressure than either R-11 or R-12. Restrictions on the production of HCFCs will start in 2004. In 2010, R-22 cannot be used in new air conditioning equipment. R-22 cannot be produced after 2020 (EPA, 1993b).R-407C and R-410A are both mixtures of HFCs. Both are considered replacements for R-22. R-407C is expected to be a drop-in replacement refrigerant for R-22. Its evaporating and condensing pressures for air conditioning applications are close to those of R-22 (Table 4.2.3). However, replacement of R-22 with R-407C should be done only after consulting with the equipment manufacturer. At a minimum, the lubricant and expansion device will need to be replaced. The first residential-sized air conditioning equipment using R-410A was introduced in the U.S. in 1998. Systems using R-410A operate at approximately 50% higher pressure than R-22 (Table 4.2.3); thus, R-410A cannot be used as a drop-in refrigerant for R-22. R-410A systems utilize compressors, expansion valves, and heat exchangers designed specifically for use with that refrigerant.Ammonia is widely used in industrial refrigeration applications and in ammonia water absorption chillers. It is moderately flammable and has a class B toxicity rating but has had limited applications in commercial buildings unless the chiller plant can be isolated from the building being cooled (Toth, 1994, Stoecker, 1994). As a refrigerant, ammonia has many desirable qualities. It has a high specific heat and high thermal conductivity. Its enthalpy of vaporization is typically 6 to 8 times higher than that of the commonly used halocarbons, and it provides higher heat transfer compared to halocarbons. It can be used in both reciprocating and centrifugal compressors.Research is underway to investigate the use of natural refrigerants, such as carbon dioxide (R-744) and hydrocarbons in air conditioning and refrigeration systems (Bullock, 1997, and Kramer, 1991). Carbondioxide operates at much higher pressures than conventional HCFCs or HFCs and requires operation above the critical point in typical air conditioning applications. Hydrocarbon refrigerants, often thought of as too hazardous because of flammability, can be used in conventional compressors and have been used in industrial applications. R-290, propane, has operating pressures close to R-22 and has been proposed as a replacement for R-22 (Kramer, 1991). Currently, there are no commercial systems sold in the U.S. for building operations that use either carbon dioxide or flammable refrigerants.3.1 Chilled Water SystemsChilled water systems were used in less than 4% of commercial buildings in the U.S. in 1995. However, because chillers are usually installed in larger buildings, chillers cooled over 28% of the U.S. commercial building floor space that same year (DOE, 1998). Five types of chillers are commonly applied to commercial buildings: reciprocating, screw, scroll, centrifugal, and absorption. The first four utilize the vapor compression cycle to produce chilled water. They differ primarily in the type of compressor used. Absorption chillers utilize thermal energy (typically steam or combustion source) in an absorption cycle with either an ammonia-water or water-lithium bromide solution to produce chilled water.3.2 Overall SystemAn estimated 86% of chillers are applied in multiple chiller arrangements like that shown in the figure (Bitondo and Tozzi, 1999). In chilled water systems, return water from the building is circulated through each chiller evaporator where it is cooled to an acceptable temperature (typically 4 to 7°C) (39 to 45°F). The chilled water is then distributed to water-to-air heat exchangers spread throughout the facility. In these heat exchangers, air is cooled and dehumidified by the cold water. During the process, the chilled water increases in temperature and must be returned to the chiller(s).The chillers are water-cooled chillers. Water is circulated through the condenser of each chiller where it absorbs heat energy rejected from the high pressure refrigerant. The water is then pumped to a cooling tower where the water is cooled through an evaporation process. Cooling towers are described in a later section. Chillers can also be air cooled. In this configuration, the condenserwould be a refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger with air absorbing the heat energy rejected by the high pressure refrigerant.Chillers nominally range in capacities from 30 to 18,000 kW (8 to 5100 ton). Most chillers sold in the U.S. are electric and utilize vapor compression refrigeration to produce chilled water. Compressors for these systems are either reciprocating, screw, scroll, or centrifugal in design. A small number of centrifugalchillers are sold that use either an internal combustion engine or steam drive instead of an electric motor to drive the compressor.The type of chiller used in a building depends on the application. For large office buildings or in chiller plants serving multiple buildings, centrifugal compressors are often used. In applications under 1000 kW (280 tons) cooling capacities, reciprocating or screw chillers may be more appropriate. In smaller applications, below 100 kW (30 tons), reciprocating or scroll chillers are typically used.3.3 Vapor Compression ChillersThe nominal capacity ranges for the four types of electrically driven vapor compression chillers. Each chiller derives its name from the type of compressor used in the chiller. The systems range in capacities from the smallest scroll (30 kW; 8 tons) to the largest centrifugal (18,000 kW; 5000 tons).Chillers can utilize either an HCFC (R-22 and R-123) or HFC (R-134a) refrigerant. The steady state efficiency of chillers is often stated as a ratio of the power input (in kW) to the chilling capacity (in tons). A capacity rating of one ton is equal to 3.52 kW or 12,000 btu/h. With this measure of efficiency, the smaller number is better. centrifugal chillers are the most efficient; whereas, reciprocating chillers have the worst efficiency of the four types. The efficiency numbers provided in the table are the steady state full-load efficiency determined in accordance to ASHRAE Standard 30 (ASHRAE, 1995). These efficiency numbers do not include the auxiliary equipment, such as pumps and cooling tower fans that can add from 0.06 to 0.31kW/ton to the numbers shownChillers run at part load capacity most of the time. Only during the highest thermal loads in the building will a chiller operate near its rated capacity. As a consequence, it is important to know how the efficiency of the chiller varies with part load capacity. a representative data for the efficiency (in kW/ton) as a function of percentage full load capacity for a reciprocating, screw, and scroll chiller plus a centrifugal chiller with inlet vane control and one with variable frequency drive (VFD) for the compressor. The reciprocating chiller increases in efficiency as it operates at a smaller percentage of full load. In contrast, the efficiency of a centrifugal with inlet vane control is relatively constant until theload falls to about 60% of its rated capacity and its kW/ton increases to almost twice its fully loaded value.In 1998, the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) developed a new standard that incorporates into their ratings part load performance of chillers (ARI 1998c). Part load efficiency is expressed by a single number called the integrated part load value (IPLV). The IPLV takes data similar to that in Figure 4.2.3 and weights it at the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% loads to produce a single integratedefficiency number. The weighting factors at these loads are 0.12, 0.45, 0.42, and 0.01, respectively. The equation to determine IPLV is:Most of the IPLV is determined by the efficiency at the 50% and 75% part load values. Manufacturers will provide, on request, IPLVs as well as part load efficiencies.The four compressors used in vapor compression chillers are each briefly described below. While centrifugal and screw compressors are primarily used in chiller applications, reciprocating and scroll compressors are also used in smaller unitary packaged air conditioners and heat pumps.3.4 Reciprocating CompressorsThe reciprocating compressor is a positive displacement compressor. On the intake stroke of the piston, a fixed amount of gas is pulled into the cylinder. On the compression stroke, the gas is compressed until the discharge valve opens. The quantity of gas compressed on each stroke is equal to the displacement of the cylinder. Compressors used in chillers have multiple cylinders, depending on the capacity of the compressor. Reciprocating compressors use refrigerants with low specific volumes and relatively high pressures. Most reciprocating chillers used in building applications currently employ R-22.Modern high-speed reciprocating compressors are generally limited to a pressure ratio of approximately nine. The reciprocating compressor is basically a constant-volume variable-head machine. It handles variousdischarge pressures with relatively small changes in inlet-volume flow rate as shown by the heavy line (labeled 16 cylinders).Condenser operation in many chillers is related to ambient conditions, for example, through cooling towers, so that on cooler days the condenser pressure can be reduced. When the air conditioning load is lowered, less refrigerant circulation is required. The resulting load characteristic isrepresented by the solid line that runs from the upper right to lower left.The compressor must be capable of matching the pressure and flow requirements imposed by the system. The reciprocating compressor matches the imposed discharge pressure at any level up to its limiting pressure ratio. Varying capacity requirements can be met by providing devices that unload individual or multiple cylinders. This unloading is accomplished by blocking the suction or discharge valves that open either manually or automatically. Capacity can also be controlled through the use of variable speed or multi-speed motors. When capacity control is implemented on a compressor, other factors at part-load conditions need to considered, such as (a) effect on compressor vibration and sound when unloaders are used, (b) the need for good oil return because of lower refrigerant velocities, and (c) proper functioning of expansion devices at the lower capacities.With most reciprocating compressors, oil is pumped into the refrigeration system from the compressor during normal operation. Systems must be designed carefully to return oil to the compressor crankcase to provide for continuous lubrication and also to avoid contaminating heat-exchanger surfaces.Reciprocating compressors usually are arranged to start unloaded so that normal torque motors are adequate for starting. When gas engines are used for reciprocating compressor drives, careful matching of the torque requirements of the compressor and engine must be considered.3.5 Screw CompressorsScrew compressors, first introduced in 1958 (Thevenot, 1979), are positive displacement compressors. They are available in the capacity ranges that overlap with reciprocating compressors and small centrifugal compressors. Both twin-screw and single-screw compressors are used in chillers. Thetwin-screw compressor is also called the helical rotary compressor. A cutaway of a twin-screw compressor design. There are two main rotors (screws). One is designated male and the other female .The compression process is accomplished by reducing the volume of the refrigerant with the rotary motion of screws. At the low pressure side of the compressor, a void is created when the rotors begin to unmesh. Low pressure gas is drawn into the void between the rotors. As the rotors continue to turn, the gas is progressively compressed as it moves toward the discharge port. Once reaching a predetermined volume ratio, the discharge port is uncovered and the gas is discharged into the high pressure side of the system. At a rotation speed of 3600 rpm, a screw compressor has over 14,000 discharges per minute (ASHRAE, 1996).Fixed suction and discharge ports are used with screw compressors instead of valves, as used inreciprocating compressors. These set the built-in volume ratio — the ratio of the volume of fluid space in the meshing rotors at the beginning of the compression process to the volume in the rotors as the discharge port is first exposed. Associated with the built-in volume ratio is a pressure ratio that depends on the properties of the refrigerant being compressed. Screw compressors have the capability to operate at pressure ratios of above 20:1 (ASHRAE, 1996). Peak efficiency is obtained if the discharge pressure imposed by the system matches the pressure developed by the rotors when the discharge port is exposed. If the interlobe pressure in the screws is greater or less than discharge pressure, energy losses occur but no harm is done to the compressor.Capacity modulation is accomplished by slide valves that provide a variable suction bypass or delayed suction port closing, reducing the volume of refrigerant compressed. Continuously variable capacity control is most common, but stepped capacity control is offered in some manufacturers’ machines. Variable discharge porting is available on some machines to allow control of the built-in volume ratio during operation.Oil is used in screw compressors to seal the extensive clearance spaces between the rotors, to cool the machines, to provide lubrication, and to serve as hydraulic fluid for the capacity controls. An oil separator is required for the compressor discharge flow to remove the oil from the high-pressure refrigerant so that performance of system heat exchangers will not be penalized and the oil can be returned for reinjection in the compressor.Screw compressors can be direct driven at two-pole motor speeds (50 or 60 Hz). Their rotary motion makes these machines smooth running and quiet. Reliability is high when the machines are applied properly. Screw compressors are compact so they can be changed out readily for replacement or maintenance. The efficiency of the best screw compressors matches or exceeds that of the best reciprocating compressors at full load. High isentropic and volumetric efficiencies can be achieved with screw compressors because there are no suction or discharge valves and small clearance volumes. Screw compressors for building applications generally use either R-134a or R-22.中文译文空调系统过去 50 年以来,空调得到了快速的发展,从曾经的奢侈品发展到可应用于大多数住宅和商业建筑的比较标准的系统。