新版PEP人教版小学三年级英语下册《Unit3 At the zoo A Let’s learn》教学设计

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新版PEP人教版小学三年级英语下册《Unit3 At the zoo A Let’s learn》




(1)能听、说、认读单词tall, short, fat, thin。

(2)能听懂、会说句型Look at that... It’s……

(3)能听懂所接触的Let’s do中的指示语。




(3)能按Let’s do中的指令做出相应的动作。





1.重点:听、说、认读单词tall, short, fat, thin并能用来描述动物的外形特征。



Step 1 Preparation


1、Sing a song

(师生加动作共唱歌曲)what animals are in the train?

S:Tiger/Monkey/Panda/Bear/Turkey T:Yes, they are so cute. I love animals.

2.Sharp eyes复习部分动物。

OK, let’s play a game: sharp eyes. Some animal pictures will appear on the screen. Please speak out what animals they are loudly and quickly. OK?(PPT出示动物图片,生喊出动物名称)

T: Do you love animals ?Ss: Yes.

T:Really!?OK, let’s play a game: sharp eyes. Some animal pictures will appear on the screen. Please speak out what animals they are loudly and quickly. OK?(PPT出示动物图片,生喊出动物名称)

Step 2 Presentation



T:Where can we see most of them? Ss:(At the)Zoo.T:Yes, most of them are in the zoo.(PPT出示师生三人在动物园门口)T:Today, Miss White, Amy and Zhang Peng are at the zoo. Let’s go together. OK?But at first, when we are at the zoo, don’t feed

the animals and don’t touch them .Clear?Let’s go.

2、整体感知文本,进入情景一参观猴山,学习fat、thin及句型Look at that...It’s....

(出示大情景图)T:Wow! So many animals and peoples here.PPT出示问题:Where are Miss White and children?T:Listen!(PPT切换同时播放录音: “Look at that monkey. It’s fat.”)

PPT: Where are Miss White and children?

A猴山图 B象馆图

T: Where are they? A or B?Ss: A.

(1)带问题试听,学习单词fat及句型Look at that ……. It’s ……. T:Yes.They are at the monkey stadium, now. (贴monkey图)

T: What’s that monkey like? 播放音频. “Look at that monkey. It’s fat.”

(PPT出示胖瘦猴图片,红箭头指向胖猴)课件播放单词音频,随后出现fat词形。师拿词卡教读:T升降调读两遍。(贴词卡fat)(PPT出示肥猫)T:Look at the cat ,it is fat. Cat-fat师结合自然拼读法示范字母及单词的发音,生跟读。

机械操练:齐读、小组读、个别读Can you read? You read!

师及时评价。T:Great! Good pronunciation!

Let’s do 渗透:T:Let’s act “fat” out.

师生合作:Be fat, be fat, be fat fat fat.师评价.

(PPT出示主句型)T:“Look at that monkey. It’s fat.”引导生

说出fat, 随后出现fat词.领读句型两遍。 1-2生读。师评价。

(2)带问题试听,学习单词thin,并套用句型Look at that ……. It’s …进行练习。

(PPT出示胖瘦猴图片,红箭头指向瘦猴)T: Boys and girls, look at that monkey. What’s that monkey like? (PPT上出现此问题)播放录音“Look at that monkey. It’s thin.”PPT放两遍单词音,随后单词thin出现。师拿词卡教读:T:高低音加升降调读两遍。(贴词卡thin)(PPT出示thank)T:Boys and girls, pay attention to the group ”th”.示范th 发音,生跟。

机械操练:小组读、开火车读Can you read? You read!

师及时评价。T:Great! Good pronunciation!

Let’s do 渗透T:Can you act “thin” out? Look at me.

师生合作:Be thin, be thin, be thin thin thin.师评价.

(PPT出示主句型)T:“Look at that monkey. It’s thin.”引导生说出thin, 随后出现thin词.1-2生读。师评价。


T:Now,boys and girls, let’s go on with our visit. Look, a pig and a dog.

引导生说出:That pig is fat. That dog is thin.(PPT出示主句型)T:(师指课件)Look at that pig. It’s fat. T:How about that dog? OK, you can try.S2:Look at that dog. It’s thin.T:Good job!

引导生说出:That monkey is thin. That cat is fat.(出示主句型,
