Evolis Primacy证卡打印机
产品特点:目前市场上性价比最高的彩色卡片打印机,目前市场上功能最齐全、结构最合理的打印机,可选配写磁模块、IC读写模块、非接RF卡读写模块(可改装指定读写器)韩国SISS SIP30F双面彩色卡片打印机SISS CARD PRINTER纯文本的驱动程序及卡片设计软件,向办公室普通打印机一样方便,无需专业培训即可使用。
韩国SISS SIP30F双面彩色卡片打印机.目前市场上性价比最高的的双面彩色卡片打印机. 目前市场上功能最齐全、结构最合理的打印机. 可选配写磁模块、IC读写模块、非接RF卡读写. 单面彩色打印速度达140张/小时. 双面彩色打印速度达120张/小时[YMCKOK]. 单写磁速度达1000张/小时. 写IC卡、非接RF卡速度视信息量大小而定. 理论走卡速度2000张/小时. 功能定制、显示屏定制、软件定制、模块定制、型号定制及整机定制. 写IC卡、非接RF卡速度视信息量大小而定. 理论走卡速度2000张/小时. 功能定制、显示屏定制、软件定制、模块定制、型号定制及整机定制SIP30F双面彩色卡片打印机SIP30F双面彩色卡片打印机RF读写卡片打印写磁IC打印模式彩色热升华及单色热转印边到边标准打印打印机规格单面/双面打印模式自动同步色带,节省色带功能打印速度140张/小时,单面全彩色[YMCKO]120张/小时,双面YMCKOK800张/小时,单色,单面160张/小时,半格彩色带[Half YMCKO]分辨率300dip(11.8点/mm)驱动模式UNIX,LIUNX,Windows(2000/2003/xp/vidta/732Bit or 64 Bit)个性化定制功能功能定制、显示屏定制、软件定制、模块定制、型号定制及整机定制打印端口USB打印,以太网扩展口,USB HUB,串口色带种类单色色带:1000张/卷(黑、蓝、红、绿、白、金、银及刮刮膜)5格彩色色带[YMCKO]:200张/卷6格彩色色带[YMCKO/K]:200张/卷半格彩色色带1/2[YMCKO]:400张/卷全息防伪色带:需定制进卡模式三种进卡模式:手动单张进卡,自动小批量进卡,100张卡盒自动进卡选装项Mag-HICO/LOCO写磁模块(ISO7811)Smart-智能卡IC读写模块(ISO7816/EMV2000)Contactess-非接触智能IC卡读写模式(可改装客户指定读写模块。
HID Global推出加强效能FARGO DTC证卡打印机系列
印机处理速度更快 ,并配备了新 的安 全、 编码以及无线发卡选顼。 其主要特
点包括 : ●通 过 门禁控 制数据 联 网编程 / 编 码: H I D G l o b a l 的 F A R G O D T C 打 印 机 配 备 多技 术 i C L A S S S E 编码 器 , 能
可以简化所有的卡片订制 、库存管理 以及卡片发放流程 ,同时保持最大限
度 的灵 活性 、安全性 以及端 到端操 作
●F A R G O D T C 1 0 0 0 M e单色打 印
用 了 嵌入 式 多 技 术 i C L A S S S E  ̄ 编 码
G l o b a l 的A s u r e I D 卡 片 个性 化 软件 , 采 用安全 无线 网络 , 新款 D T C打 印机 能实现 移动 制卡 。此 外 , 通过 在 F A R — G O D T C打 印机 / 编码 器上 安 装 上选 配 的 Wi — F i @ 酉 己 件 ,减 少在墙 上 安装 以太 网插 口及 连接 电缆 的需求 。该 解决方 案 为用 户提供 了 根据 需求 在现 场 进行
化 以及 大批 量 I D卡管 理 , 大幅 减 轻管
D T C产 品 系列 还扩 充 了 一站 式卡 片定 韦 1 J 功能 ,加 快打 印 的速 度和 提 高 灵活
性 。选配 的 Wi — F i 无线 配件 模 块还 能
理负 担和 硬件成 本 。新 款 D T C打 印机
发 卡功 能 :
睐 ,在全球各地生产 出数以百万计的 安全 I D凭证卡。 D T C打印机功能经提
升后 , 速度 比 以往 快 5 0 %。 大幅 减 少客 户 发卡 时 间 。进 一 步 强化 H I D G l o b a l 致 力 于持 续 提 升 产 品 投 资 价 值 的 承
Evolis Primacy证卡打印机
Evolis Primacy多功能高效证卡打印机Primacy系列打印机具备单面和双面打印功能,尤其适应中等批量和大批量卡片的打印和编码需求,是发放下列卡片的理想解决方案:
由于其可在极短的时间内完成彩色卡片的个性化打印,Primacy 系列印机可适应批量打印的要求:单面打印时,最高每小时225 张卡片,双面打印时,每小时最高140张效率。
得益于300 dpi 的图片分辨率和边到边打印功能,Primacy 系列打印机可获得品质完美无缺的打印效果。
Evolis Premium Suite® 软件套装,通过通知的接收,可借助电脑方便地控制打印机。
Evolis High Trust® 打印带安装简便且可被自动识别。
大容量的传送盒及托盒-可装入100 张卡片 - 避免了经常装填打印机的烦恼。
Primacy 系列打印机可在十分微小的空间内提供较大的连续打印能力。
强大的拍摄设备支持,支持更多设备联机拍摄,包括:摄像头、数码相机等;实时显示视频,控制相机拍照 (软件界面调节拍摄参数)。
在各种拍摄环境中,智能判断人脸特征。 人像采集
可自定义照片大小、证卡规格,自定义排版证卡模板(可通过鼠标拖动,操作灵活简便),自定义打印纸张 大小。
1纯度99%的无水酒精浸泡的清洁卡清洁卡 2纯度99%的无水酒精浸泡的棉签 3清洁抹布 4打印头清洁笔 清洁保养周期:每放入1000张卡片
随着智能卡的应用普及,证卡打印机得到了更加广泛的应用.智能证卡的优点主要有:第一,证件采用非接触 式射频卡技术制作,具有读写速度快,使用寿命长且方便,易于保管以及便于各用证部门使用络查询等优点。第 二,证件信息的采集和传输采用数码照相和计算机技术,可以缩短制证周期。第三,证件的制作和管理采用计算 机监控,可以严密内部管理,提高工作效率。第四,证件可实现全国范围的联快速查询和身份识别,也可实现各 行政管理部门间的互查,能够有效利功能,既包含固定的典型模板,又可任意修改或扩展模版库,还支持批量更换模板。
可输出照片或证卡:照片按自定义纸张大小以最节省纸张方式,单人、多人混排输出;证卡方面,既支持证 卡打印机单人、多人批量连续输出,又支持同一纸张多人混合排版输出。
支持一维条形码及连续及单打功能。 软著登字第号 证卡打印系统软件产品证号京DGY-2013-3945 证卡系统软件+信息录入硬件设备+证卡输出硬件设备,组成了证件制作系统。
K:= M 口 同 I 】= cI
3 6日,伴着江 南盎然 的春 印 ̄S IA印刷机。他们成为国内第 企业发展的生命周期为切 人 月2 PC 点,结合
意 ,兆迪 印刷机械有 限公司和常州
个 购 买速 印 龙 的 印刷 企 业 。 现 服务 需求提 出“ 客户 ” 是企 业的永恒
及 中国大陆 、港澳 台地 区及美国 、
高效率和数字化 工作流程 ,快速作 作 用 。 ※
( 兆迪公 司 供稿 )
【 商 专 栏 】 8 厂 7
刷品 ,充分展示 了S I A机型 的优 PC 限
结构紧凑 ,便于 操作 ,印刷 威力 。※ ( O O I 司 供稿 ) K M R公
在 中 国 ( 东 ) 际 印刷 技 术 日本 、欧洲 广 国 展 览会举办之 际,兆迪 印刷机械有 等 印刷业 发 限公 司与亚菲 印刷机械有 限公司携 达 的海外 市
手 ,于4 1 日组织来 自全国各地的 场 。2 0 年 月 1 05 10 名印刷企业代表在深圳参观小森 雅 昌率 先在 5 模范 用户— —深圳雅 昌彩 色 印刷有 国 内引进 小
限公 司 。
森Do t Ne 数
雅 昌公 司是 中国高端商 业 印刷 字化 工作 流 和 艺术 品 印刷 的典 范 ,独创 了“ 传 程 ,现有 的 统 印刷 +现代I T技术 +文化艺术 ” 1 台小森 印 3 的崭 新运 营模式 ,不 断追 求先进 的 刷机 已全 部 科学 技术 、创新 的经营管理模 式 , 实 现 联 线 业 准备 和标准化 印刷作业流程 ,以
为 中国高端商务 印刷 、艺术 市场提 D N t o e功能 ,并 已收到可观效果 。 供全 面、综合的服务 ,尤其 是在 中
Evolis Zenius 专业版塑料卡打印机说明书
FLEXIBILITY• W ith Zenius, you can choose to insert your cards individually or with the automatic feeder.• T he «Expert» version of Zenius features combinable encoding functions: magnetic encoding, contact and contactless chips. It takes just a few minutes to install these modules!EASE OF USE• W ith the Evolis Premium Suite ® software, you can receive notifications and easily control the printer from your computer.• E volis High Trust ® ribbons are easy to install and automatically recognized and set by the printer.SMALL FOOTPRINT• H ardly larger than a standard sheet of paper, Zenius fits perfectly into any environment, be it the office or a customer service counter.• Z enius is an eco-designed printer: very efficient sleep mode and low energy consumption.The Zenius printer is designed for single sided printing and encoding of a very large variety of plastic cards. Zenius generates color or monochrome cards, individually or in small runs, with top quality results. Zenius is a user-friendly, compact and cost-effective solution for delivering your personalized cards.ZENIUSTHE COMPACT AND AGILE CARD PRINTERMAIN FEATURES /Full technical specifications on ©2015 Evolis. All rights reserved. Actual product(s) may differ from information stated in this document. All specifications or pictures are subject to change without prior notice. All trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. Pictures: Olivier Calvez. 07/2015. KB-ZEN1-064-ENG-US Rev D0MANUAL OR AUTOMATIC CARD FEEDERGENERAL FEATURES• Direct-to-card dye-sublimation/Resin thermal transfer • Single-sided printing, edge-to-edge • 300 dpi print head (11.8 dots/mm)• 16 million colors• 16 MB memory (RAM)PRINTING PERFORMANCES• C olor (YMCKO): 120 - 150 cards/hour 1• Monochrome: 400 - 500 cards/hourINTERFACES• U SB (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0), cable supplied • E thernet TCP-IP 10BaseT, 100BaseT (Traffic Led) on the Expert versionCARD MANAGEMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS• A utomatic or manual feeding• F eeder capacity: 50 cards (0.76 mm – 30 mil)• O utput hopper capacity: 20 cards (0.76 mm – 30 mil)• C ard thickness: 0.25 to 0.76 mm (10 to 30 mil), gauge adjustment • C ard types: PVC cards, composite PVC cards, PET cards, ABS cards 1, special varnished cards 1• C ard format: ISO CR80 - ISO 7810 (53.98 mm x 85.60 mm)OPTIONAL FEATURES• C olors available: fire red & grey brown• E xpert version: Ethernet TCP-IP, encoding modules as optionsADDITIONAL ENCODING MODULES•A vailable modules:- Magnetic stripe encoder ISO 7811 HiCo/LoCo, JIS2 - Smart contact station ISO 7816-2- Contact smart card encoder - PC/SC, EMV 2000-1- C ontactless smart card encoder - ISO 14443A, B, ISO15693, MIFARE, DESFire, HID iCLASS - Other specific encoders upon request • I nternal USB or IP ports • O ptions can be combined • F actory-installed or installed on siteSAFETY• S upport for Kensington ® security lock • D ata encryption for magnetic encodingDISPLAY•P rinter LEDs• G raphical notifications from the printer 2: cleaning alerts, empty/low level ribbon and card alerts, etc.EVOLIS HIGH TRUST ® RIBBONSTo maximize the quality and durability of printed cards, the lifespan of the print head and the overall printer reliability, use Evolis High Trust ® ribbons.• A utomatic identification and setting • D elivered in a drop-in cassette for easy handling • R ibbon saver for monochrome printing List of ribbons available on SOFTWARE• D elivered with Evolis Premium Suite ® for Windows ®:- Printer driver - E volis Print Center for administration and settings - Evolis Printer Manager for graphical notification 3 - 24/7 online support - C ompatible with Windows ® (32/64 bits): XP SP3, Vista, W7, W8, W10• D elivered with cardPresso XXS Lite for designing and editing badges:- Internal database up to 50 records- Windows ® (from XP onwards) and Mac OS X • D elivered with a driver for Mac OS X (from 10.5 onwards)• L inux OS upon request • E volis Premium SDK for remote supervision of the printer, while facilitating and speeding up integration into IT systemsECO-FRIENDLY DESIGN, CERTIFICATIONS AND STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE• S tandby, sleep modes & reduced energy consumption • C E, FCC, IEC, VCCI, CCC, KC, BIS, EAC •R oHSSIZE AND WEIGHT• S ize (H x W x D): 195 x 205 x 315 mm (7.68’’ x 8.07’’ x 12.4’’)• W eight: 3.3 kg (7.3 lbs)Easy handling, automatic ribbonrecognition and setupW eight: 3.3 kg (3.64 lbs)315 mm (12.4’’)195 mm (7.68’’’)205 mm (8.07’’)1 Under specific conditions /2 Depends on the Windows version /3 Requires the .net 4.0 client profile version4 Warranty subject to observance of specific conditions and use of Evolis High Trust ribbonsEUROPE - MIDDLE-EAST - AFRICAEvolis - 14 avenue de la Fontaine - ZI Angers-Beaucouzé 49070 Beaucouzé - FranceT +33 (0) 241 367 606 - F +33 (0) 241 367 612 - info @ AMERICAS - Evolis Inc. - Fort Lauderdale - evolisinc @ ASIA-PACIFIC - Evolis Asia Pte Ltd - Singapore - evolisasia @ CHINA - Evolis China - Shanghai - evolischina @ INDIA - Evolis India - Mumbai - evolisindia @。
印能捷EVO 快速参考卡
虚拟打样 系统
已安装的 HotFolder 卷
新建自定义 模板面板
已安装的 JobData 卷
1. 将 PDF 文件拖到 Preps® 运行列表部分。 2. 在印张列表部分,单击“印张”添加印张或
版式。 3. a. 从文件菜单中选择输出。
4. 将输入文件拖到“精炼为 PDF”提交通道。 5. 创建提交通道,附加默认的输出处理模板 6. 查找输出 PDF。 7. 将 PDF 拖到输出提交通道。 参阅印能捷演化版自学指南和印能捷演化版 客户端联机帮助。
印能捷演化版是一套基于 PDF 的印前工作流程,用来组织印前作业和印版的生产。印能捷演化版支持 PostScript、EPS、DCS 和 PDF 输入文件,可完成单页和拼版文件的陷印、打样、制菲林和制版等诸多任务。 注意:本快速参考卡中所述的印能捷演化版工作流程和配置并非全部适用于印能捷演化版授权的所有标准工 作流程。
Output Folder
制菲林设备 制版设备
1. 设置处理模 板。
2. 设置提交通 道,附加处理模 板。
3. 提交输入文件 到印能捷演化 版。
有关详细信息,请 参阅印能捷演化版 客户端联机帮助。
输入文件 PS、EPS、DCS、 PDF、CT/LW 平面印版
颜色匹配 将彩色对象的颜色描述转换为适当的 最终输出颜色空间,然后转换为适当的 设备颜色空间。
专色处理 定义映射专色时使用的颜色数据库。
版式 定义拼版和版材参数。
叠印转换 定义叠印转换参数。
Evolis Primacy 智能卡打印机产品说明书
STANDARD PRINTER FEATURES SOFTWARE PRINTER SPECIFICATIONS Printer design:Delivered with driver for Windows ® XP SP3 32/64,Physical dimensions (H x W x D):• Central mechanical locking system Vista 32/64, W7 32/64, W8 32/64, W10• Without hoppers: • Interchangeable 500-card input & output hoppers• User interface languages available: English, French,215 x 300 x 850 mm (8.46" x 11.81" x 33.46")• Available in aluminium body, black plastic coversSpanish, German • With hoppers: Print technology:Delivered with cardPresso XXS for designing and 567 x 300 x 850 mm (22.32" x 11.81" x 33.46")• Direct-to-cardediting badges:Weight:• Dye-sublimation/resin thermal transfer• Internal database (unlimited records)• 21,7 kg (47.8 lbs)Print capability:• Signature acquisition (compatible with Evolis Sig100Electronic requirements:• One-or two-sided printing, edge-to-edgeand Sig200 signature pads)• Power supply: 100-240 Volts AC, 50-60 Hz, 2 A Print resolution:• Compatible with Windows ® XP SP3 32/64, Vista 32/64, • Printer: 24 Volts DC, 6.25 A • 16 million colorsW7 32/64, W8 32/64 and Mac OS X (Intel® processor)• 300x300 dpi (dots per inch)Delivered with a driver for Mac OS X (from 10.5 onwards)OPERATING ENVIRONMENT Printing performance:Linux OS, upon request • Min / Max operating temperature: 15° / 30° C (59° / 86° F)• Color YMCKO: up to 150 cards/hour 1 single-sidedSDK for remote supervision of the printer, while • Humidity: 20% to 65% non-condensing • Color YMCKO-K: up to 115 cards/hour 1 dual-sidedfacilitating and speeding up integration into IT systems • Min / Max storage temparature: -5° / +70° C (23° / 158° F)• Monochrome: up to 1000 cards/hour 1 single-sided• Storage humidity: 20% to 70% non-condensing • Monochrome: up to 320 cards/hour 1 dual-sidedPRINTER RIBBON SPECIFICATIONS • Operating ventilation: free air Printer memory:The Primacy is designed to work only with Evolis • 16 MB (RAM) allowing two card storagesHigh Trust ® ribbons SOUND (evaluated according to the ISO 7779 Interfaces:To maximize the quality and durability of printed Sound pressure in assistant positions LpAm (color mode • USB (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0)cards, the lifespan of the print head and the overall YMCKO):• Ethernet TCP-IP, 10BaseT, 100BAseT (Traffic Led)printer reliability, use Evolis High Trust ® ribbons • When operating: 50 dB (A)Safety:• Ribbon saver for monochrome printing • In sleep mode: background noise level • Centralized locking system• Recycled packaging Display:Ribbon capacity:CERTIFICATIONS / COMPLIANCES • 2-line LCD display• YMCKO: 500 prints/roll • CE, FCC, VCCI • Status LED for printer and encoding unit monitoring• YMCKO-K: 500 prints/roll (dual-sided)• RoHS • User interface languages available: English,• 1/2 YMCKO: 400 prints/roll French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese• KO: 500 prints/roll INCLUDED WITH THE PRINTER Warranty:• Black monochrome ribbon: 3000 prints/roll • CD with drivers and user's manuals • 1-year warranty on printer (limited to 500,000insertions 4• BlackFLEXmonochrome ribbon: 1000 prints/roll • DVD with cardPresso XXS card designer software insertions)4• Blue P300C monochrome ribbon: 1000 prints/roll • Quick Start Guide • 1-year warranty on original print head (limited to• Red P186C monochrome ribbon: 1000 prints/roll • Warranty booklet 500,000 insertions)4• Green P356C monochrome ribbon: 1000 prints/roll • Starter cleaning kit • White monochrome ribbon: 1000 prints/roll • USB cable (1.80m)OPTIONAL PRINTER FEATURES• Metallic silver monochrome ribbon: 1000 prints/roll • Power supply • Locking system to prevent acces to the printer• Metallic gold monochrome ribbon: 1000 prints/roll • Power cord (region specific)and consumables (cards and ribbons)• Signature panel monochrome ribbon: 1000 prints/roll • Quantum Production Pack: 1 detachable card hopper• Scratch-off monochrome ribbon: 1000 prints/roll with short door, 2 cleaning rollers, 1 cleaning kit• Hologram varnish ribbon: 350 prints/roll • Quantum Backup Pack: 1 print head, 1 reversibleencoding module, 1 detachable card hopper withY=Yellow, M=Magenta, C=Cyan, K=Black Resin short doorO=Overlay, S=Silver • Detachable hopper (long or short doors) with acapacity of 500 card (0,76mm - 30mil)CARD SPECIFICATIONS • Warranty extension program• Detachable and interchangeable card input feeder and output stacker with 500 cards capacity (0,76mm -ENCODING OPTIONS30mil)• Reversible upper and lower encoding unit for• Reject hopper for defective cards with a capacity magnetic stripes and contact smart cards (patented)of 20 cards (0,76mm - 30mil)• Magnetic stripe encoder ISO 7811, track 1, 2 and 3• Card thickness: 0,76 to 1mm (30 to 40mil)high and low coercivity, stripe down (0,76mm - 30mil• Gauge adjustment cards only)Card types accepted:• Magnetic stripe encoder JIS Type II• ISO 7810 format, Type ID 1, CR-80 size • Smart card contact station ISO 7816-2 for 3rd party• 85,6 x 53,98 mm (3.370" x 2.125")external encoder• PVC, Composite PVC, PET • Connecting panel and mounting area for users• ABS 1, special varnished cards 1own integration of encoding units• Contact smart encoder - PC/SC, EMV 2000-1• Contactless ISO 14443A, B, ISO 15693, MIFARE,DESfire, HID iCLASS• Other specific encoders upon request• Options can be combined• Factory-installed or installed on-site CARD PRINTER SPECIFICATIONS ©2015 Evolis. All rights reserved. All information, specifications or graphics are subject to change without prior notice. All trademarks mentioned herein belongto their respective owners. 08/2015. KB-QTM2-127-ENG-A4 Rev A0 Under specific conditions / Depends on the Windows® version / Requires 4.0 client profile version Warranty subject to observance of specific conditions and use of Evolis High Trust® ribbons。
EVOLIS BADGE STUDIOQUICK START GUIDEContentsIntroduction (3)Installation on Windows (4)Installation on Mac OS (5)Getting started with BadgeStudio (6)1.General use (6)a.Interface (6)b.Home page (7)2.Creating a badge using the "Templates" icon (8)3.Creating a badge using the "Wizard" icon (8)4.Creating a badge from a blank document (11)Database (13)1.Creating an internal database (13)2.Importing your database (16)3.Displaying database fields on your badge (18)Other features....................................................................................................... .. (19)ing the Line tool (19)ing the Shapes tool (19)3.Photo acquisition (19)Printing (20)1.Print settings (20)2.Printing (21)INTRODUCTIONEvolis Badge Studio is a card designer software package.It's easy to get started and allows you to create badges to meet all your needs:•Employee ID badges•Business cards•School ID cards•Membership cards•Loyalty cards•InvitationsAnd much more...GLOSSARY:Templates: refers to cards available in our card template library. These cards have a background and various fields (texts,images, logos, barcodes, etc.) which can be changed to adapt the cards to your needs.Background: Refers to the backdrop of a plain badge. The background is the visual which covers the base of the card. It can be anINSTALLATION ON WINDOWS1.Welcome:Select the language.2.Installation:Select installation options and click "Next."3.Finish installation.4.Accept the general terms and conditions of use.5.Installation is complete.INSTALLATION ON MAC OS1.Open the file in .dmg. format.2.Accept the general terms and conditions of use.3.Drag the Badge Studio file into the Applications folder.4.Installation is complete.You can launch Badge Studio from the available icon in the"Applications" folder.1.GENERAL USEa) I nterface 1.Document toolbar: Create, Open, Save, or Delete your card. 2.View and print toolbar: Orientation, Browse Records, Print, Zoom. 3.Database toolbar: Create, Disconnect, Import, Refresh, Go from one Record to Another, Add, Delete a Record (only available in Badge Studio+). 4.Insert objects toolbar: Add text, shapes, barcodes, images, and more. 5.Properties Window: brings together all the features linked to the object added to the badge. I. GETTING STARTED WITH BADGE STUDIO4 5 1 2 3I. GETTING STARTED WITH BADGE STUDIOBadge Studio was developed to help you design your badges, regardless of your level of knowledge in the subject.Several menus are available on the home page. They help you to create your card designs, depending on your needs:Using one of the various cardmodels Using the creation wizardCreating from a blank document Opening your last saved documents1.GENERAL USEb)Home page2.CREATING A BADGE USING THE "TEMPLATES" ICON1.Click on the "Templates" icon. 2.Select your preferred model and click "Next." 3.The model selected opens in Evolis Badge Studio. 4.Each item can be changed and moved, to adapt to your needs.I. GETTING STARTED WITH BADGE STUDIO3.CREATING A BADGE WITH THE "WIZARD" ICON1.Select the orientation of your card.2.Select a background.3.Choose the images you would like to add to your card (images, logos, etc.).4.Select the number of text fields.Your card now appears on the screen. Now all you need to do is customize the items by double-clicking on them and moving them as you want.I. GETTING STARTED WITH BADGE STUDIO123NB: In Badge Studio+, you can add fields which will be used to build your internal database.To do this, in step 4 of the wizard, select the box "Use the database" in the bottom left of the window. An internal database is created automatically in the software.Refer to the chapter on the database for more information. Set the type of fields featuredin your columns (texts, dates,etc.)I. GETTING STARTED WITH BADGE STUDIO4.CREATING A BADGE FROM A BLANK DOCUMENT1.Select the orientation of your badge. A blank document appears on the screen.2.Add a background: in the right-hand window you can select one of the backgroundsavailable by default. You can also import your own image.3.Click on the "Add an Image" button, and draw the area where your image or your photowill go on your badge.4.Once the area has been created, Navigate to your documents, select your image.5.The photo editor opens automatically. You can change your image (change colors, shape, etc.). Once the changes have been made, click on "Validate".I. GETTING STARTED WITH BADGE STUDIO2 3 56.You can add text using the "Text" tool. •First draw your text field, then edit it by double-clicking. •To the right of your screen, click on the "Font" tab to select the font, size, and color of your text. 7.If necessary, you can add other items, such as barcodes, logos, etc. 8.Your badge is ready to be printed.I. GETTING STARTED WITH BADGE STUDIOII. DATABASE•The "database" function lets you create an internal database in the software, or to import your data. It is only available in the Badge Studio+ edition. •The database allows you to add variable fields from one badge to the other (such as "First name/Surname",identity photos, etc.), enabling you to print your badges in batches automatically, without having to change each one separately.Note: When you create a database with Badge Studio+, the data is stored in the badge (in a ".card" file format). The more records you create (with variable fields, photos, etc.), the larger the .card file.GLOSSARY: Record : A record is a copy of a badge and includes 1 or more variable fields. For example, the database above has 5 records. Variable data/variable field: Badge data which is changed from one record to another, such as the first name, surname, or the identity photo of an employee.1.CREATING AN INTERNAL DATABASE1.In the "Menus" section of Badge Studio, select"Database," then "Create."2.The database window appears. Select the button"Edit records."3.You can start to edit records.4.To add a variable field, select the button to add columns (see the next page)5.Configure your column: Name it and choose the type of data (text, number, image, etc.).6.Once your columns have been configured, you can start to fill in your information. To do this, clickon the "Add a Record" button. Each record must be validated to be taken into account.7.Once you have finished editing your records, return to "Browse Records" to view your database. II. DATABASEII. DATABASEAdd, delete, or validate a recordIf you have configured a photo field, double-Add columns2.IMPORTING YOUR DATABASE1.The import function enables you to import yourdatabase into Badge Studio+ from a .csv, .txt, orMicrosoft Excel file.2.Select the type of file you want to import, then click"Next."3.Select your database file on your computer.4.You can configure your fields (text, photo, barcodes,etc.).Click on "Next."ing the screen opposite, you can select yourdatabase's columns that you want to display inBadge Studio+.Click on "Next."II. DATABASE7.Your database has now been imported. 8.To access it, click on the "Window" menu, and select "database", or directly from the available icon in the top bar. 9.To return to the editing window for your badge, click on the corresponding icon above.II. DATABASEReturn tobadge/orientation"Database"buttonII. DATABASE3.DISPLAYING DATABASE FIELDS ON YOUR BADGE1.To display "Database" properties on the right of your screen, click on the gray area around yourbadge.2.From the "Database" pane to the right, use your mouse to "drag and drop" the items to appearon your badge.3.To switch from one record to another, use the navigation arrows at the top of the screen.4.If you add text, the font can be changed using the "font" pane.This will appear automatically when you select text on your badge.III. OTHER FEATURESING THE "LINE" TOOL1.To draw a line, select the "Line" tool and draw on the badge.2.The thickness, color, and line style can be changed using theright-hand window.ING THE "SHAPES" TOOL1.Select the "Shapes" tool, and then draw your shape on the badge.2.The shape is a black rectangle by default. The right-hand windowallows you to change the shape style, color, contours, size, etc..3.PHOTO ACQUISITION1.Click on the Photo Acquisition button.2.Draw the field where your photo will be positioned on the badge.If a camera is installed on your computer, it will openautomatically.3.Validate the photo taken.III. PRINTING1.PRINT SETTINGS1.Open the print settings window ("File > Print Settings").2.Select your printer.3.You can also choose the format of your card and the orientation of your badge.4.The "Print Options" and "Advanced Options" sections allow you to make more advancedadjustments (expert users).2.PRINTING 1.Once your printer has been selected (File > "Print Settings"), you can print. 2.With Badge Studio+ (database), various settings are available to help you select the records/badges to print: •The "Print Selection" option lets you choose the cards you want to print •The "Records Selected in the Search Window" option lets you mark the records to print from the "Browse Records" view. •The "Printing Condition" option lets you print the badges which meet certain criteria which you can define. 3.In "Advanced Options," you can define the advanced properties of the printer if necessary.III. PRINTING Settings for selecting the records to printSUPPORT•For more information on the use of the Badge Studio software, refer to the available help in "Help > Index."•For any technical questions, please refer to the "Technical Support" section on the website •Updates:We recommend that you update the software regularly, so you can benefit from the latest corrections and improvements.Visit the website to view the updates available.Updates are free.。
热升华打印的英文名称是Dye-Sublimation printing,在证卡打印领域它有两种应用形式:一种是DTC技术打印,一种是HDP技术打印。
DTC打印(Direct-to-Card Printing:直接打印到卡面)它的工作原理是利用了基于热升华染料的色带,当色带和卡经过打印头时,通过半导体加热元件调节出的成千上万的热素将色带上的染料加热,染料受热后会气化并渗透到卡面,不同的热量产生不同的色彩饱和度,连续的色彩相混合,就产生了连续色调,照片质量的彩色图像。
HDP技术打印(High Definition Printing:高分辨率打印)HDP技术打印是美国FARGO公司发明的世界上最先进的证卡打印技术。
Evolis Zenius 芯片卡打印机用户指南说明书
SETTING NEW STANDARDS IN CARD PRINTINGWith Zenius , Evolis unveils its new conception of plastic card personalization, with a clear focus on the user and unmatched printing quality. Zenius, the fi rst eco-designed printer, stands out with its optimized features and a compact and sleek design.Zenius benefi ts from the newEvolis High Trust ® consumables and the Evolis Premium Suite ® software to provide ease of use and performance levels that set the new benchmark in the market.The Evolis Premium Suite ® software, at the core of all new Evolis printers. This software architecture supplies the Print Center, a printing and confi guration system that monitors allcommunications between the printer and the user. The printer’s operation can be managed entirely right from the user’s interface and through pop-up notifi cations on the printing status, ribbon availability and maintenance tasks. This Printer Manager also offers direct access to the Evolis Web-based Support Center, available on a 24/7 basis.The Evolis High Trust ® range of consumables is specifi cally designed to deliver premium graphic performances and ease of use. Installing the ribbon cassette is a simple one-step process, and with its integrated chip, Zenius instantly identifi es the ribbon type and confi gures all settings accordingly.ZENIUS: WHEN INNOVATION MEETS EFFICIENCYZenius comes with two major innovations:Zenius is the one-stop solution to print high-quality single-sided cards, in monochrome or color, and encode technology cards, in single or small runs, for a variety of applications: employee badges, access control badges, payment cards, transportation passes, and more.EASY-TO-USEZenius makes it easy for you every step of the way! Discover a wealth of advanced features loaded in a contemporary yet compact design.SCALABLEEquipped with state-of-the-art printingtechnologies, the Expert version of Zenius can be upgraded onsite with multiple encoders. These fl exible features ensure that you will always be in line with your current and future requirements in plastic card printing.COMPACT, LIGHTWEIGHT AND SILENTWith a sound level of just 46 dB (A) and its amazingly small size, Zenius can be accommodated in virtually any environment, be it a welcome desk, a sales counter, or an offi ce desk. Zenius weighs 3.3 kg (7.3 lbs) and is the lightest printer in its category.ECO-DESIGNEDZenius has earned the coveted ENERGY STAR certifi cation and complies with the reduced energy consumption guidelines from the ErP European Directive.SIMPLEC ard feeder and output tray located at the front of the printer M anual feeder C ontrol panel with LEDsnsite integration of specifi c modules*agnetic and smart card encoders can be combined within the same printer**Expert version and aboveFLEXIBLED irect access to portsO nsite integration of sp M agnetic and smart ca within the same printerr d P r i n t e r. A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A c t u a l p r o d u c t (s ) m a y d i f f e r f r o m i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t . A l l i n f o r m a t i o n , s p e c i fi c a t i o n s o r g r a p h i c s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e . A l l t r a d e m a r k s m e n t i o n e d h e r e i n b e l o n g t o t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . P i c t u r e s : O l i v i e r C a l v e z . 06/2011. K B -Z E N 1-65U S -A1 Under specifi c conditions /2 Depending on your Windows version /3 Requires .net 4.0 client profi le /4 For versions prior to Windows XP-SP2, please contact Evolis Services5 Available from November 2011 and for the “Expert” version or above /6 Expected by September 2011SPECIFICATIONSSingle-sided printing module, edge-to-edge printing Color-dye sublimation and monochrome thermal transfer 300 dpi print head (11.8 dots/mm) 16 MB of RAMPRINTING PERFORMANCESColor: from 120 to 150 cards per hour Monochrome: from 400 to 500 cards per hourCARD MANAGEMENT AND SPECIFICATIONSChoice of automated or manual feeding Feeder capacity: 50 cards (0.76 mm - 30 mil) Output tray capacity: 20 cards (0.76 mm - 30 mil)C ard thickness: 0.25 to 0.76 mm (10 to 30 mil), calibration via the gaugeT ypes of cards: all PVC, Composite PVC, PET, ABS and special varnish cardsC ard format: ISO CR-80 - ISO 7810 (53.98 mm x 85.60 mm - 3.375” x 2.125”)EVOLIS HIGH TRUST ® RIBBONSMaximize the quality and durability of printed cards, the lifespan ofyour print head and the overall reliability of your printer! A utomatic detection and setupR ibbon embedded in a cassette for ease of use R ibbon saver feature for monochrome printing R ibbon capacity:• YMCKO: 100 cards/roll • KO: 300 cards/roll• Monochrome ribbon: up to 1,000 cards per roll • Hologram ribbon: 400 cards/rollINTERFACESUSB 1.1 (compatible with 2.0)Ethernet available as an optionDISPLAYLEDsG raphic notifi cations from the printer : empty feeder, cleaning, “approaching end-of-ribbon” and “end-of-ribbon” warningsSOFTWARES upplied with the Evolis Premium Suite for Windows: • Printer driver• Evolis Print Center for printer management and setup • Evolis Printer Manager for two-way notifi cations • Supports Windows XP SP2 or later; Vista 32/64, W7 32/64 S upplied with the eMedia CS Card Designer (30-day free trial to be downloaded from Mediasoft’s website) O ther OS:• Mac and Linux: upon requestWARRANTY2 years (printer and print head)SIZE AND WEIGHTS ize: Height 195 mm (7.68”) x length 205 mm (8.07”) x width 310 mm (12.2”) W eight: 3.3 kg (7.3 lbs)SOUND (EVALUATED ACCORDING TO THE ISO 7779 STANDARD)Sound pressure level, LpAm, bystander position (YMCKO color mode)W hen operating: 46 dB (A) I n sleep mode: background noise onlySAFETYS upport for Kensington lock D ata encryption for magnetic encoding PACKAGING CONTENTP rinter C D-ROM with the printer driver and user manual C leaning kit U SB cable P ower supply and cordsOPTIONS & ACCESSORIESA vailable colors: Fire Red or Grey Brown E thernet TCP-IP E ncoding options , than can be combined. Upgrade can be carried out onsite, by adding new modules: • M agnetic stripe encoder, smart card contact station, smartcard encoder and contactless smart card encoder • Other encoders available upon requestECO-FRIENDLY DESIGN, CERTIFICATIONS AND STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCES leep mode and reduced energy consumption C E, FCC, IEC, VCCI, CCC , KCC E rP 2009/125/CE, ENERGY STAR, RoHSPOWERP ower supply: 100-240 V AC, 50-60 Hz, 1.8 AP rinter: 24 V DC, 3 AENVIRONMENTM in/max operating temperature: 15° / 30° C (59° / 86° F) H umidity: 20% to 65% non-condensing M in/max storage temperature: -5° / +70° C (23° / 158° F) S torage humidity: 20 to 70% non-condensing O perating ventilation: Open airRESIDENT FONTSA rial 100, Arial Bold 100B ar code: Code 39, code 128, EAN 13, Interleaved 2 of 5ECO-DESIGNEDS tandby and Sleep modesE NERGY STAR certifi cation C ompliance with the ErP European Directive N oise reduced to 46 dB (A) only。
evolis pebble 4 彩色塑料卡片打印机说明书
The color printer forplastic card personalization Color &MonochromeThermal10 - 40 mil•All PVC, Composite PVC cards, PET, ABS 1and special varnished 1cards •ISO CR-80 - ISO 7810 (3.375" x 2.125" - 53.98 mm x 85.60 mm)Min/max storage temperature: 23° / 158° F (-5° / +70° C)2. Subject to observance of specific conditions and use of Evolis genuine consumables.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS• Color printing module• 300 dpi print head (11.8 dots/mm)• Printer colors: Ocean blue, Fire red or Jungle greenPRINT MODES• Color dye sublimation and monochrome thermal transfer • Enhanced color management system • Integrated ribbon saver for monochrome printingPRINTING SPEEDPersonalization throughput will depend on card design and printer settings.• Color (YMCKO): 150 cards/hour• Monochrome: up to 1000 cards/hour 1SUPPORTED PLATFORMS• Windows™ XP, Server 2003 and Vista 32 & 64 bits • Mac™ OS X v10.2, 10.3 and 10.4 SUPPLIED SOFTWARE• eMedia Card Designer Software for designing and editing badges• Compatible with Windows™ XP, Server 2003 and • Connection to Microsoft™ Excel databasesRIBBON TYPES• 2-panel KO black monochrome ribbon - 500 cards/roll • 5-panel YMCKO color ribbon - 200 cards/roll · BlackWAX monochrome ribbon (for ABS & special varnished plastic cards) - up to 1000 cards/rollOPTIONS• Encoding options (can be combined):· Magnetic stripe encoder ISO 7811 HiCo/LoCo or JIS2· Smart contact station - ISO 7816-2• Travel case and bag • Cleaning kitsWARRANTYUse Evolis Genuine products for best performance and extended lifespan of your printer.• Printer, print head: 3-year warranty, unlimitedTechnical data & specificationsTarget markets:IdentificationLeisureLoyaltyEducationTransitePaymentStandard Ship kit :Pebble4printerPower supplyPower cordUSB cableeMedia Card designerIncl. Excel databaseXP, 2003 and Vista driversCleaning starter kit3-Year warrantyRoHS compliantPebble4is designed to cater to all your requirements, be they smallruns or bulk personalization of plastic cards.It is the ideal solution for any type of application that requires single-sided printing of badges.Thanks to the most advanced printing engine in the market, Pebble4delivers high-definition badges within seconds. This solution benefitsfrom the latest encoding technologies: ISO or JIS2 magnetic tracks,and smart card with contact or contactless(RFID). These encodingoptions can be seamlessly combined to personalize multifeaturedcards in a single pass.Pebble4comes with a very convenient 100-card feeder. Yet, it canalso turn into an elegant over-the-counter display, thanks to themanual feeding option that lets you print your badges, card by card,for instant delivery to the holder.Pebble4comes in a splash of three different translucent colors thatcan be interchanged: switch from Fire Red to Jungle Green to OceanBlue, and make sure Pebble4is always in line with your environmentor taste.The Pebble4range of printers proudly carries the stamp of Evolis’strong commitment to reliability, and therefore, benefits fromunmatched quality along with a pioneering 3-year warranty.350 cards/rollup to 1000 cards/rollXP, 2003 and Vista, 32 & 64 bitsOS X v10.2, 10.3 and 10.4 (free download)。
The Primacy printer is extremely fast,powerful and effi cient. Using advanced encoding technologies, this desktop printer is the best solution for issuing personalized cards, from the most simple to the most secure.Primacy is available in single and dual-sided versions and is the ideal choice for printing and encoding cards in medium and large runs.Primacy is ideal for instant issuance of:E mployee badges Access control badges T ransit passes P ayment cards H ealthcare cards S tudent cards M ulti application cards E vent passesENHANCED PRODUCTIVITYPrimacy is perfect for printing large runsbecause it personalizes color cards in record time : up to 225 cards per hour for single-sided printing and 140 cards per hour for dual-sided. You save time and increase productivity .PROFESSIONAL PRINTINGPrimacy printers feature 300 dpiphotographic resolution and edge to edge printing for optimum print quality.Your cards convey a professional image of your organization.EASE OF USEThe card feeder and output tray are directly accessible on the front of the printer, so you can check the cards as they come out.With the Evolis Premium Suite ® software you can receive notifi cations and easily control the printer from your computer.Evolis High Trust ® ribbons are easy to install and automatically recognized by the printer.SCALABILITYYou can upgrade your printer according to your needs by adding magnetic stripe, contact or contactless chip encoders.The printer can be factory confi gured for dual sided printing , or the function can be activated on site.HIGH CAPACITYThe large capacity card feeder and output tray hold 100 cards - so you don’t have to refi ll the printer as often. Primacy offers high capacity in a compact footprint .LASTING INVESTMENTPrimacy benefi ts from Evolis’ experience and proven quality control to ensure optimum performance and perfect results. We back up our strong commitment to quality with our 3-year standard warranty .THE FAST AND VERSATILE CARD PRINTERECO-DESIGNAs part of our eco-design system aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of our products, Evolis :u ses recycled materials in the manufacture of our printers and consumables whenever possible, d esigns compact and lightweight printers to reduce CO 2 emissions from transportation and packaging, r educes the power consumption of its printers through a very economical hibernation mode.©2014 E v o l i s C a r d P r i n t e r. A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A c t u a l p r o d u c t (s ) m a y d i f f e r f r o m i n f o r m a t i o n s t a t e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t . A l l s p e c i fi c a t i o n sorpic t u r e s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t ho utp r i o r n o t i c e . A l l t r a d e m a r k s m e n t i o n e d h e r e i n b e l o n g t o t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . P i c t u r e s : P a s c a l G u i r a u d . 07/2014. K B -P R M 1-074-E N G -A 4 R e v C 2EUROPE - MIDDLE-EAST - AFRICAEvolis Card Printer - 14 avenue de la Fontaine - ZI Angers-Beaucouzé 49070 Beaucouzé - FranceT+33(0)241367606-F+33(0)*************************AMERICAS ***********************************************ASIA-PACIFIC *************************************************INDIA ******************************************CHINA ********************************************U SB connectivityE thernet TCP/IPconnectivity 30-card reject trayO n-site or factoryconfi guration by adding specifi c modules A ll encoding options can be combined100-card feeder and output tray onthe front of the printerC heck the card level at a glance L ED control panelE asy to reach On / Off buttonA utomatic ribbon recognition and setup E asy handlingGENERAL FEATURESS ingle-sided or dual-sided printing module E dge-to-edge printing C olor dye sublimation, monochrome thermal transfer 300 dpi print head (11.8 dots/mm) 16 million colors 16 MB memory (RAM)PRINTING PERFORMANCESS ingle side:• Color (YMCKO): 190 - 225 cards/hour • Monochrome: 600 - 850 cards/hour D ual side:• Color (YMCKO-K): 140 cards/hourOPTIONAL FEATURESC olors available: fi re red & brilliant blueU pgrade kit for dual-sided printing U SB encoding over IP through additional USB Net Server module, upon request L ocking system to prevent access to the printer and consumables (cards and ribbons) W ireless range: wireless connection 802.11b/gADDITIONAL ENCODING MODULESA vailable modules:• Magnetic stripe encoder ISO 7811 HiCo/LoCo, JIS2 • Smart contact station ISO 7816-2• Contact smart card encoder - PC/SC, EMV 2000-1• C ontactless smart card encoder - ISO 14443A, B,ISO15693, Mifare, DesFire, HID iCLASS • Other specifi c encoders upon request I nternal USB or IP ports O ptions can be combined F actory-installed or installed on site INTERFACESU SB (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0)E thernet TCP-IP 10BaseT, 100BaseT (Traffi c Led) 802.11b/g wireless connection on the Wireless rangeSAFETYS upport for Kensington ®security lock D ata encryption for magnetic encodingDISPLAYP rinter LEDsG raphical notifi cations from the printer : cleaning alerts, empty/low level ribbon alert, etc.CARD MANAGEMENT AND SPECIFICATIONSF eeder capacity: 100 cards (0.76 mm – 30 mil)O utput hopper capacity: 100 cards (0.76 mm – 30 mil) R eject tray capacity: 30 cards (0.76 mm – 30 mil) C ard thickness: 0.25 to 1.25 mm (10 to 50 mil), gaugeadjustment (0.25 mm - 10 mil only for monochrome printing)C ard types: • PVC cards• Composite PVC cards • PET cards • ABS cards • Special varnished cards C ard format: ISO CR80 - ISO 7810 (53.98 mm x 85.60 mm)EVOLIS HIGH TRUST ® RIBBONSTo maximise the quality and durability of printed cards,the lifespan of the print head and the overall printer reliability, use Evolis High Trust ® ribbons.R ibbon capacity:• YMCKO: 300 prints/roll • YMCKO-K: 200 prints/roll • ½ YMCKO: 400 prints/roll • ½ YMCKO-KO: 250 prints/roll • KO: 600 prints/roll• Black monochrome ribbon: 2000 prints/roll • Other monochrome ribbons: 1000 prints/roll • Hologram varnish: 400 prints/roll • SO-KO: 250 prints/roll A utomatic identifi cation and setting D elivered in a drop-in cassette for easy handling R ibbon saver for monochrome printingSOFTWARED elivered with Evolis Premium Suite ® for Windows ®:• Printer driver• Evolis Print Center for printer administration and settings • Evolis Printer Manager for graphical notifi cation • 24/7 online support • C ompatible with Windows ®: XP SP3 32/64, Vista 32/64,W7 32/64, W8 32/64 D elivered with cardPresso XXS for designing and editing badges: • I nternal database (unlimited records) • S ignature acquisition (compatible with Evolis Sig100 andSig200 signature pads) • O perating systems:- W indows ®: XP SP3 32/64, Vista 32/64, W7 32/64,W8 32/64- Mac OS X (Intel ® processor) D elivered with a driver for Mac OS X (from 10.5 onwards) L inux OS upon requestECO-FRIENDLY DESIGN, CERTIFICATIONSAND STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCES tandby, sleep modes & reduced energy consumption C E, FCC, IEC, VCCI, CCC, KC E rP 2009/125/CE R oHSPOWERP ower supply: 100-240 Volts AC, 50-60 Hz, 1.8 A P rinter: 24 Volts DC, 3 AOPERATING ENVIRONMENTM in/max operating temperature:15° / 30° C (59° / 86° F) H umidity: 20% to 65% non-condensing M in/max storage temperature:-5° / +70° C (23° / 158° F)S torage humidity:20% to 70% non-condensing O perating ventilation: open airSOUND (EVALUATED ACCORDING TO THE ISO 7779 STANDARD)Sound pressure in assistant positions LpAm(color mode YMCKO) W hen operating: 48 dB (A) I n sleep mode: background noise levelPACKAGING CONTENTP rinter C D-ROM with printer driver, user manuals C leaning kit U SB cable R eject tray P ower supply and cordSIZE AND WEIGHTS ize (H x W x D):247 x 205 x 381 mm (9.72’’ x 8.07’’ x 14.99’’) W ith reject tray: 247 x 205 x 481 mm (9.72’’ x 8.07’’ x 18.93’’) W eight: 4.02 kg (8.86 lbs)WARRANTY3-year warranty (printer and print head) W arranty extension available as an option1 Under specifi c conditions2 Depends on the Windows version3 Requires the .net 4.0 client profi le version4 W arranty subject to observance of specifi c conditions and use of Evolis High Trust ribbonsCARD DURABILITY• A fter your cards have been encoded and printed, Primacy Lamination then heat seals a film (varnish or patch of varying thickness) over the surface of the card.• L amination adds durability to your cards and increases their life cycle by up to 10 years *.INCREASED SECURITY• E volis has a wide range of patches and laminates, with or without holograms. For added security, our teams can develop entirely personalized laminates.• P rimacy Lamination can handle different encoding modules: magnetic stripe,contact or contactless smart cards. These encoding options can be combined .EASY TO USE• W hen you install your system, you connect the lamination module to the printer in one easy step by infrared communication. Your system is up and running within minutes.• P rinting ribbons and lamination films are installed intuitively and are automatically recognized by the system.Primacy Lamination is an all-in-one, affordable system for encoding, printing, and laminating your cards, with or without holograms. Your ID cards will have maximum durability and an increased level of security, hence reducing the amount of fraudulent actions.Primacy Lamination prints and laminates up to 215 single-sided cards per hour .THE IDEAL SYSTEM FORPERSONALIZING AND LAMINATING YOUR CARDSPRIMACY LAMINATION*Under specific conditions©2016 Evolis. All rights reserved. Actual product(s) may differ from information stated in this document. All specifications or pictures are subject to change without prior notice. All trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. Pictures: François Charron. 06/2016. KB-PLA1-162-ENG-A4 Rev A4EUROPE - MIDDLE-EAST - AFRICAEvolis - 14 avenue de la Fontaine - ZI Angers-Beaucouzé 49070 Beaucouzé - FranceT +33 (0) 241 367 606 - F +33 (0) 241 367 612 - info @ AMERICAS - Evolis Inc. - Fort Lauderdale - evolisinc @ ASIA-PACIFIC - Evolis Asia Pte Ltd - Singapore - evolisasia @ CHINA - Evolis China - Shanghai - evolischina @ INDIA - Evolis India - Mumbai - evolisindia @QUICK INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION VIA INFRAREDMAIN FEATURES / Full technical specifications on GENERAL FEATURES• D irect-to-card dye-sublimation/Resin thermal transfer • S ingle or double sided printing, edge-to-edge • S tandard 300 x 300 dpi resolution • C ustomizable 300 x 600 dpi resolution (color and monochrome printing) or 300 x 1200 dpi resolution (monochrome printing only)• 32 MB memory (RAM) standard - optional 64 MB 1• S ingle and double sided (via flip over) lamination in standard • S tandard built-in card flattenerPRINTING AND LAMINATIONPERFORMANCES 1• S ingle side: up to 215 cards/hour • D ual side (YMCKO-K): up to 110 cards/hourCARD MANAGEMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS• F eeder capacity: 100 cards (0.76 mm – 30 mil)• O utput hopper capacity: 100 cards (0.76 mm – 30 mil)• R eject tray capacity: 100 cards (0.76 mm – 30 mil)• C ard thickness: 0.76 mm (30 mil)• C ard types: PVC cards, composite PVC cards, PET cards, polycarbonate cards 1, special varnished cards 1• C ard format: ISO CR80 - ISO 7810 (53.98 mm x 85.60 mm)INTERFACES• U SB (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0), cable supplied • E thernet TCP-IP 10BaseT, 100BaseT (Traffic Led)• 802.11b/g wireless connection on the Wireless rangeDISPLAY• P rinter LEDs • G raphical notifications 2: cleaning alerts, empty/low level ribbon, etc • L CD screen as an option (factory installed)4SAFETY• S upport for Kensington ® security lock• D ata encryption for magnetic encodingSOFTWARE• D elivered with Evolis Premium Suite ® for Windows ®:- P rinter driver - E volis Print Center for administration and settings - E volis Printer Manager for graphical notification 3 - 24/7 online support - C ompatible with Windows ® (32/64 bits): XP SP3, Vista,W7, W8, W10• D elivered with cardPresso XXS for designing and editing badges (internal database with unlimited records)• E volis Premium SDK for remote supervision of theprinter, while facilitating and speeding up integration into IT systemsEVOLIS HIGH TRUST ® RIBBONSTo maximize the quality and durability of printed cards,the lifespan of the print head and the overall printer and lamination module reliability, use Evolis High Trust ® ribbons and films.• A utomatic identification and setting • E rgonomic ribbons and films for easy handling • R ibbon saver for monochrome printing • L amination films: - C lear or holographic patch (0.5, 0.6 or 1 mil):600 sides/roll - C lear or holographic varnish: 1200 sides/roll - O ther films upon request - A lternate film to laminate cards with magnetic stripeor smart cards 4List of ribbons and films available on OPTION• C ard Lamination Module (CLM) sold separately as anadd-on for any Primacy printer • I nstallation of a second Card Lamination Module (CLM) to laminate both sides of the card with two different films 4ADDITIONAL ENCODING MODULES• A vailable modules: - M agnetic stripe encoder ISO 7811 HiCo/LoCo, JIS2 - S mart contact station ISO 7816-2 - C ontact smart card encoder - PC/SC, EMV 2000-1- C ontactless smart card encoder - ISO 14443A, B, ISO15693, MIFARE, DESFire, HID iCLASS, UHF(standard compliance: EPC C1 Gen2 / ISO18000-6C ETSI EN 302 208 or FCC part 15.247) - O ther specific encoders upon request • I nternal USB or IP ports • O ptions can be combined • F actory-installed or installed on siteCERTIFICATIONS AND STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE• C E, FCC, ICES, VCCI, CCC, KC, BIS • R oHSSIZE AND WEIGHT• Size (H x W x D): 269 x 205 x 753 mm (10.59’’ x 8.07’’ x 29.64’’)• Weight: 10 kg (22.04 lbs)WARRANTY• 3-year warranty 51 Under specific conditions /2 Depends on the Windows version /3 Requires the .net 4.0 client profile version /4 Available in Q4 20165 Warranty subject to observance of specific conditions and use of Evolis High Trust ribbons and films100-card feederLED information panel100-card reject trayLamination moduleBuilt-in card flattener100-card output hopper。
evolois tattoo2 卡片打印机 1 年有限保修说明书
Evolis Card Printer1-Year Limited Warranty© 2007 Evolis Card Printer. All rights reserved. Including the following printer model:Tattoo 2 Card Printer1) INSPECTION OF PRODUCT UPON RECEIPTYou must examine all components of the Evolis brand card printer delivered to you immediately upon receipt. In the event that any component is missing, damaged or visibly defective, you must notify Evolis or the Evolis Reseller who sold you the printer within ten (10) days from the date of delivery of the product. If you fail to give notice as required, you will be deemed to have accepted the product and waived any claim you may have against Evolis and/or the Evolis Reseller with respect to damage or defects discoverable at delivery.2) WHAT IS COVEREDEvolis Card Printer (“Evolis”) warrants to the original purchaser that the printer (printer model(s) mentioned above) will be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of original purchase. The original purchaser must be able to demonstrate the purchase or must register the printer on the internet site.If the printer proves to be defective in materials or workmanship during the warranty period, Evolis will choose either, to repair, replace or refund the price paid for the printer. A printer that is repaired or replaced under the warranty period will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty.In order to make a warranty claim you must contact an Evolis Reseller. You will be responsible for packaging the printer for shipment and the costs of shipping and insurance of the printer from the point of use of the printer to the Evolis Reseller. The Evolis Reseller will bear the costs of shipping and insuring the printer from the repair location to the address from which the printer was shipped.3) WHAT THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVEREvolis is not responsible for warranty service should the serial number label be removed from the printer.Evolis is not responsible for warranty service should the printer fail to be properly maintained or fail to function properly as a result of:Non observance of the installation instructions described in the printer manuals,Duty cycle abuse with cleaning of the printer and/or print head not conform with the instructions described in the printer manuals,Use of other but Evolis ribbons. For instance, the use of other but Evolis ribbons may affect the quality and reliability of the printing works, by causing poor quality printouts, or may even affect the operation of the printer. The warranty does not cover material damage or quality problem caused by the use of other but Evolis ribbons,All printer modifications or adaptations not expressly reported to and approved by Evolis.The use of options not manufactured / supported by Evolis,The use of printing media (cards) not endorsed by Evolis,Inappropriate shipping (the resending of the printer in any packing that is not the original packing),Damage caused by disasters such as fire, flood, and lightning,Service other than by an Evolis Reseller or certified Evolis Repair Centre (ERC).Postage, insurance or shipping costs incurred in presenting your Evolis printer for warranty service are your responsibility. If a claimed defect cannot be identified or reproduced in service, you will be held responsible for cost incurred.Evolis is not bound by any obligation to repair, replace or reimburse while the customer does not return the faulty product to Evolis.If Evolis is unable to repair the faulty material covered by the warranty, Evolis will proceed to replace it with a new or second hand product as long as the functions are at least the same as those of the original product it replaces.No goods may be returned to Evolis without an RMA (Return Material Authorisation) number. To obtain an RMA number, contact an Evolis Reseller or an Evolis Repair Centre (ERC).For all goods returns, the Evolis Reseller or the Evolis Repair Centre (ERC) may ask you to provide proof of purchase of the material.You are responsible for all damage caused in resending in any other but original packaging. Evolis Card Printer may refuse to accept reception of the goods.4) PRINT HEAD WARRANTYThe print head is subject to wear and tear. This is a very sensitive component of the printer which lifespan can be shortened in case the neighboring environment of the printer / print head or the cards are not dust-free.The user will act appropriately to insert cards that are clean, dustproof, and with no dirt.Moreover, the frequency and quality of cleaning are key in helping user extend the print head lifespan. Please be very careful during cleaning the print head. Stick to the instructions mentioned in the printer user guide.Evolis warrants that, under normal use and service, the thermal print head supplied with your printer shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase of the printer.In the event a warranty claim is submitted for a defective print head, Evolis reserves the right to inspect the printer, the print head and your blank or/and printed cards for the purpose of verifying that any such claim defect has not been caused by non-Evolis certified ribbons and/or cards that do not meet Evolis specifications, or by foreign particles or substances which have caused abrasion damage. Evolis’ decision in any such claim shall be final.In the event you believe a print head is defective you should call an Evolis Reseller or an Evolis Repair Centre (ERC) for assistance.In the event the print head is found to be defective, Evolis, as its sole obligation under this warranty, will replace the defective print head or refund the purchase of the print head. The replacement print head will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty.5) SPARE PARTS WARRANTYEvolis warrants that all spare parts shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of six (6) months (unless otherwise stated) from the date of the original purchase. This warranty no longer covers the product if it is modified, poorly installed, poorly used or damaged by accident of neglect.In the case of a print head, the six (6) month warranty will apply only if all maintenance and operating conditions mentioned in section four (4) PRINT HEAD WARRANTY from this document are enforced.6) LIMITATION OF LIABILITYTHE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.PURCHASER’S SOLE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL BE AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH ABOVE.NEITHER EVOLIS CARD PRINTER NOR THE RESELLER OF THE EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEMS SET FORTH ABOVE SHALL BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR EITHER SIMILAR DAMAGES OR CLAIMS, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGE EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL EVOLIS CARD PRINTER OR ITS RESELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY EXCESSIVE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRINTER REGARDLESS OF THE NATURE OR FORM OF THE CLAIM.THE ACTUAL WARRANTY IS GOVERNED AND INTERPRETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FRENCH LAWS IN FORCE.EXCEPTED CONTRARY PROVISIONS ACCEPTED BY EVOLIS CARD PRINTER, THE BRUSSELS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS THE ONLY ONE COURT OF JURISDICTION COMPETENT FOR ANY LITIGATION BOUND DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY TO THE ACTUAL WARRANTY.。
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Evolis Primacy多功能高效证卡打印机Primacy系列打印机具备单面和双面打印功能,尤其适应中等批量和大批量卡片的打印和编码需求,是发放下列卡片的理想解决方案:
由于其可在极短的时间内完成彩色卡片的个性化打印,Primacy 系列印机可适应批量打印的要求:单面打印时,最高每小时225 张卡片,双面打印时,每小时最高140张效率。
得益于300 dpi 的图片分辨率和边到边打印功能,Primacy 系列打印机可获得品质完美无缺的打印效果。
Evolis Premium Suite® 软件套装,通过通知的接收,可借助电脑方便地控制打印机。
Evolis High Trust® 打印带安装简便且可被自动识别。
大容量的传送盒及托盒-可装入100 张卡片 - 避免了经常装填打印机的烦恼。
Primacy 系列打印机可在十分微小的空间内提供较大的连续打印能力。