PEP 五年级上册Unit6 storytime说课稿

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Unit 6 In a nature park

Part C Stroytime

一.Teaching material

(一)Teaching aims

Language knowledge:

1.Ss can read the stroy correctly.

2.Ss can understand and use the sentences in real situations.(There be...and Is/Are


Language skills:

1.To develop the Ss' abilities of listening, speaking and reading .

2.To train the Ss' ability of working in pairs.

3.To develop the Ss' ability of communication.

Emotional aim:

1.To foster Ss' awareness of finding and solving problems independently.

2.To foster Ss' awareness of cooperation and proper competition.

(二)The key and difficult points

1.Let the Ss can use the key sentences to act out the stroy in the situation.

2.The pronunciation of corn , koala and broken .

(三)Analysis of the students

The studengts are grade 5 and they are active,curious and interested in new things. After learning English for 5years, they have some basic English background knowledge, I shuold pay attention to the communication with them,providing them the chances of using language.

二.Teaching methods

In this lesson , I’ll mainly use “Task-based”teaching method,Situational teaching Method,Communicative teaching method, “TPR” teaching method.And in this lesson,PPT and picture cards will be needed.

三.Teaching procedures

Step1:Warming up(5minutes)


2.Sing a song

(Purpose: In order to close the distance between T and Ss. It will get Ss back to the English learning atmosphere quickly. )

3.Guessing game

(Purpose:Review the words and the sentences”There be”, this nature park is prepare for the next step. )

Step2:Presentation (20minutes)

1.Lead in

Make a situation.

2.Teaching the new words and sentences.

What a nice day!/There is a.../Are there...?

(Purpose:Let the Ss understand the words' meaning and improve their listening.) 3.Group work

Discuss the question “What’s in the house?”

(Purpose:Let the Ss use “Is/Are the house?”to discuss.)

4.Teaching the new words and sentences

Koala/Why don’t you.../broken/Dear me.

(Purpose:Let the Ss use “There is/ the house.”and review the words of Unit5. And lead to the new words and sentences. Let the Ss can learn the new words easily.)

5.Watch the video

Watch the video of the stroy and think the quetion “Why is Zoom’s card broken?”(Purpose:Let the Ss can use their imagination.)

Step3 Practice (10minutes)

1.Listen and tick

(Purpose:Check if the Ss understand the stroy . )

2.Read the stroy

3.Retell the stroy

Try to retell the stroy with the help of the blackboard design on the blackboard.

4.Role play

To give the Ss a deeper understanding of the stroy and the characters.

Step4 Summary(3minutes)

1.Ask and answer

What have you learned?

2.Show the nature park

Each group can use the picture cards to design their nature park and introduce it to the whole class.

3.Watch a video about the beautiful nature

We need to enjoy the beautiful nature.
