AACR 英美编目条例专英词汇表A detailed set of standardized rules for cataloging various types of library materials that had its origin in Catalog Rules: Author and Title Entries, published in 1908 under the auspices of the American Library Association and the Library Association (UK), and the A.L.A. Cataloging Rules for Author and Title Entries (1949), with its companion volume Rules for Descriptive Cataloging in the Library of Congress.academic library 高校图书馆; 学术图书馆A library that is an integral part of a college, university, or other institution of postsecondary education, administered to meet the information and research needs of its students, faculty, and staff. In the United States, the professional association for academic libraries and librarians is the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), which publishes Standards for Libraries in Higher Education. Compare with research library. See also: college library, departmental library, graduate library, undergraduate library, and university library.accession 登录;登录文献To record in an accession list the addition of a bibliographic item to a library collection, whether acquired by purchase or exchange or as a gift. In automated libraries, the addition is usually recorded by enhancing a brief order record that is expanded in cataloging to become the full bibliographic record entered permanently in the catalog. Also refers to the material added. The process of making additions to a collection is known as accessions. The opposite of deaccession. Compare with acquisitions.acquisitions 采访(部);采购(部);收集The process of selecting, ordering, and receiving materials for library or archival collections by purchase, exchange, or gift, which may include budgeting and negotiating with outside agencies, such as publishers, dealers, and vendors, to obtain resources to meet the needs of the institution's clientele in the most economical and expeditious manner. Also refers to the department within a library responsible for selecting, ordering, and receiving new materials and for maintaining accurate records of such transactions,usually managed by an acquisitions librarian. In small libraries, the acquisitions librarian may also be responsible for collection development, but in most public and academic libraries, this responsibility is shared by all the librarians who have an active interest in collection building, usually on the basis of expertise and subject specialization. Compare with accession.almanac 年鉴;年历;历书Originally, a book introduced by the Moors to Spain, listing the days, weeks, and months of the year and providing information about festivals, holidays, astronomical phenomena, etc. In modern usage, an annual compendium of practical dates, facts, and statistics, current and/or retrospective, often arranged in tables to facilitate comparison. Almanacs can be general (example: World Almanac and Book of Facts) or related to a specific subject or academic discipline (Almanac of American Politics). Information Please is an example of a modern online almanac.American Library Association (ALA) 美国图书馆协会he leading professional association of public and academic libraries and librarians in the United States, the ALA was founded in Philadelphia in October 1876 by a group of library leaders (90 men and 13 women) that included Melvil Dewey. An "association of associations," the ALA is organized in divisions, each with its own officers, budget, and programs, and is closely tied to over 50 state and regional chapters. The Association also sponsors round tables on specific issues and topics and is affiliated with other independent library-related organizations. Its imprint is ALA Editions. The most widely read periodicals published by the ALA are the professional journal American Libraries and the review publication Booklist. The ALA is a member of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)美国信息科学与技术学会An affiliate of the American Library Association, ASIS&T is a nonprofit association established in 1937 to provide opportunities for professionals in the information science field to communicate across the disciplines of library science, computer science, linguistics, mathematics, and the physical sciences. Formerly the American Society for Information Science (ASIS).annotated bibliography 提要式目A bibliography in which a brief explanatory or evaluative note is added to each reference or citation.录An annotation can be helpful to the researcher inevaluating whether the source is relevant to a giventopic or line of inquiry.archives 档案(资料);档案馆An organized collection of the noncurrent records of the activities of a business, government, organization, institution, or other corporate body, or the personal papers of one or more individuals, families, or groups, retained permanently (or for a designated or indeterminate period of time) by their originator or a successor for their permanent historical, informational, evidential, legal, administrative, or monetary value, usually in a repository managed and maintained by a trained archivist. Also refers to the office or organization responsible for appraising, selecting, preserving, and providing access to archival materials.audiovisual (AV) 视听资料; 声像资料A work in a medium that combines sound and visual images, for example, a motion picture or videorecording with a sound track, or a slide presentation synchronized with audiotape. Also spelled audio-visual and abbreviated a-v.Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) 澳大利图书情报协会The professional association for the Australian library and information services sector, ALIA seeks to empower the library profession in the development, promotion, and delivery of quality services to all Australians, through leadership, advocacy, and mutual support. ALIA sponsors a biennial national conference, presents national and regional awards, and publishes Australian Library Journal (ALJ).auxiliary schedule 辅助分类表;辅表;复分表In library classification, a separate list of classes (with their notations) that serves only to subdivide the classes listed in the main schedules.Bback issue 过刊Any issue of a periodical that precedes the current issue. Back issues are usually retained in a back file, which may be stored in a different location in the periodicals section of a library, sometimes converted to a more compact format, such as microfilm or microfiche. In the catalog record, the extent of the back file is indicated in the holdings statement. Synonymous with back number.Banned Books Week 禁书周An annual event observed in the United States since 1981 during the last week of September, Banned Books Week is sponsored by the American Booksellers Association, American BooksellersFoundation for Free Expression, American Library Association, Association of American Publishers, American Society of Journalists and Authors, and National Association of College Stores and endorsed by the Center for the Book at the Library of Congress. Libraries and bookstores throughout the country celebrate the freedom to read by displaying recently banned books and books that have been banned throughout history.bibliographic instruction (BI) 图书馆指导; 文献检索教育Instructional programs designed to teach library users how to locate the information they need quickly and effectively. BI usually covers the library's system of organizing materials, the structure of the literature of the field, research methodologies appropriate to the discipline, and specific resources and finding tools (catalogs, indexes and abstracting services, bibliographic databases, etc.). Synonymous with library instruction and library orientation. Compare with user education.bibliography 书目Strictly speaking, a systematic list or enumeration of written works by a specific author or on a given subject, or that share one or more common characteristics (language, form, period, place of publication, etc.). A bibliography may be comprehensive or selective. Long bibliographies may be published serially or in book form. The person responsible for compiling a bibliography is the bibliographer. Compare with catalog.bibliotheca 藏书楼;藏书目录;文库From the Greek biblion ("book") and theke ("to place").A library or collection of books. Also refers to a list or catalog of books, especially one prepared by a bibliographer.bibliotherapy 阅读疗法The use of books selected on the basis of content in a planned reading program designed to facilitate the recovery of patients suffering from mental illness or emotional disturbance. Ideally, the process occurs in three phases: personal identification of the reader with a particular character in the recommended work, resulting in psychological catharsis, which leads to rational insight concerning the relevance of the solution suggested in the text to the reader's own experience. Assistance of a trained psychotherapist is advised. See also: readers' advisory.branch library 图书分An auxiliary service outlet in a library system, housed馆in a facility separate from the central library, which hasat least a basic collection of materials, a regular staff,and established hours, with a budget and policiesdetermined by the central library.British National Bibliography (BNB) 英国国家书目The most comprehensive record of books and first issues of serials published since 1950 in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland, the BNB has been the responsibility of the British Library since the library's inception in 1973. Since 1990, bibliographic records created in accordance with international cataloging standards have been contributed by all the legal depository libraries in the UK, with CIP data on forthcoming titles provided by the Bibliographic Data Services. Coverage is selective, with emphasis on mainstream monographs available through regular book-buying channels. Research reports and non-trade monographs are recorded separately in the British National Bibliography for Report Literature. The BNB is available weekly in print, monthly on CD-ROM, and online.Ccall number 索书号A unique code printed on a label affixed to the outside of an item in a library collection, usually to the lower spine of a book or videocassette, also handwritten or printed on a label inside the item. Assigned by the cataloger, the call number is also displayed in the bibliographic record that represents the item in the library catalog, to identify the specific copy of the work and give its relative location on the shelf. In most collections, a call number is composed of a classification number followed by additional notation to make the call number unique.card catalog(ue) 卡片目录A list of the holdings of a library, printed, typed, or handwritten on catalog cards, each representing a single bibliographic item in the collection. Catalog cards are normally filed in a single alphabetical sequence (dictionary catalog), or in separate sections by author, title, and subject (divided catalog), in the long narrow drawers of a specially designed filing cabinet, usually constructed of wood.cataloging-in-publicati on (CIP) 在版编目A prepublication cataloging program in which participating publishers complete a standardized data sheet and submit it with the front matter or entire text of a new book (usually still in galleys) to the Library ofCongress for use in assigning an LCCN and preparing a bibliographic record, which is sent back to the publisher within 10 days to be printed on the verso of the title page. The Library of Congress distributes CIP records to large libraries, bibliographic utilities, and book vendors on a weekly basis to facilitate book processing. If incomplete, the initial record may be amended by the Library of Congress after the U.S. Copyright Office receives the deposit copy of the published work. The CIP Program began at the Library of Congress in 1971 and is used throughout the world. British spelling is cataloguing-in-publication.catalog 目录A comprehensive list of the books, periodicals, maps, and other materials in a given collection, arranged in systematic order to facilitate retrieval (usually alphabetically by author, title, and/or subject). In most modern libraries, the card catalog has been converted to machine-readable bibliographic records and is available online. The preparation of entries for a library catalog (called cataloging) is performed by a librarian known as a cataloger. British spelling is catalogue. Abbreviated cat. Compare with bibliography and index.central library 图书总馆The administrative center of a library system where system-wide management decisions are made, centralized technical processing is conducted, and principal collections are located. Synonymous with main library. See also: branch library.Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) 英国特许图书情报专业人员协会A new professional association formed in April 2002 by the union of the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS) and the Library Association (UK), CILIP is now is the leading professional body for librarians, information specialists, and knowledge managers in the UK, with nearly 23,000 members working in all sectors, including business and industry, science and technology, education, local and central government, health services, national and public libraries, and the voluntary sector.chief information officer (CIO) 首席信息官The title of the person in a commercial company or nonprofit organization who is responsible for managing the flow of official information, including computing and any library services - a relatively new position in companies and organizations that recognize the need for such a management function.children's librarian 儿 A librarian who specializes in services and collections童图书馆员for children up to the age of 12-13. Most children'slibrarians have extensive knowledge of children'sliterature and are trained in the art of storytelling.church library 教会图书馆A library maintained on the premises of a house of worship, containing books, pamphlets, and other materials related to its faith and to the history of the institution. Very old church libraries often have rare books and manuscripts in their collections, for example, the Hereford Cathedral Library in England which owns a historical collection of chained books. Cathedral libraries may restrict the use of all or a portion of their holdings to readers who have a research interest in their collections (example: Canterbury Cathedral Library in England). Most synagogues also have a library, with some materials in Hebrew.circulating library 租借图书馆;租书处A type of library established by booksellers and other businessmen in Britain in the early 18th century that provided popular reading material to the general public for a limited period of time in exchange for payment of a modest fee (usually no more than a shilling per month), comparable to a modern rental collection. With the introduction of inexpensive paperback editions and the growth of public libraries in the early 20th century, interest in circulating libraries declined. Synonymous with two-penny library. Compare with subscription library.circulation 流通The process of checking books and other materials in and out of a library. Also refers to the total number of items checked out by library borrowers over a designated period of time and to the number of times a given item is checked out during a fixed period of time, usually one year.classification schedule 分类表The names assigned to the classes and subdivisions of a classification system, listed in the order of their symbolic notation. In a hierarchical classification system, the arrangement of the schedule(s) indicates logical subordination. For example, in Dewey Decimal Classification the schedules consist of the class numbers 000-999, the associated headings, and notes concerning use, with logical hierarchy indicated by indention and length of notation.classification scheme分类法; 分类系统See: classification system.classification system 分类系统; 分类法A list of classes arranged according to a set of pre-established principles for the purpose of organizing items in a collection, or entries in an index, bibliography, or catalog, into groups based on their similarities and differences, to facilitate access and retrieval. In the United States, most library collections are classified by subject. In the United States, most public libraries use Dewey Decimal Classification, but academic and research libraries prefer Library of Congress Classification.classification 分类The process of dividing objects or concepts into logically hierarchical classes, subclasses, and sub-subclasses based on the characteristics they have in common and those that distinguish them. Also used as a shortened form of the term classification system or classification scheme.class 类;类别;等级A grouping of objects or concepts based on one or more characteristics, attributes, properties, qualities, etc., that they have in common, for the purpose of classifying them according to an established system, represented in library classification systems by a symbolic notation. In hierarchical classification systems, the members of a class (example: books) are divided into subclasses (children's books), which are in turn subdivided into more specific subclasses (picture books), and so on.In human resources management, a group of positions within an organization for which the qualifications, duties, responsibilities, evaluation procedures, etc., are comparable and which share the same scale of rank and pay. In library employment, positions are typically classified as follows: library director, librarian, library technician, library technical assistant, and clerical assistant.closed reserve 闭架保存资料;闭架保存馆藏An item on reserve that may be checked out by a registered borrower but may not be removed from library premises. Also, a reserve collection shelved in a closed stack from which requested items must be retrieved by a member of the library staff. Compare with open reserve.closed stacks 闭架A shelving area in a library to which only members of the library staff have access, established to protect the collection or conserve space by using aisles narrower than the width that is standard in open stacks.Materials are retrieved from closed stacks by staff members upon request.collaborative reference 协作参考咨询A mode of digital reference in which reference questions are routed to reference librarians at different institutions, based on such criteria as expertise, availability, etc. The QuestionPoint service developed by OCLC and the Library of Congress, with input from participating members of the Global Reference Network, is an example of such a service. Compare with cooperative reference.college library 学院图书馆A type of academic library maintained by an independent four-year college, or by one of several colleges within a larger university, for the use of students and faculty. The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has established Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (June 2004). Compare with undergraduate library.community information system (CIS) 社区信息系统A centralized source providing government, business, historical, and geographic information about a local community or small group of communities, intended primarily for the use of local residents, prospective residents, and visitors.community information 社区信息;社区信息格式A format in MARC 21 designed to carry descriptions of non-bibliographic resources that fulfill the information needs of a community, including programs, services, events, organizations, and individuals (storytellers, civic leaders, etc.).compact disc (CD) 激光唱盘;激光唱片A digital audiorecording medium introduced in 1982 capable of storing up to 74 minutes of high-fidelity stereophonic sound in a single spiral track on one side of a 4.75-inch disc, similar to the track on a phonograph record. Designed to be read by a laser beam and decoded inside a device called a CD player, compact discs not only provide clearer sound than phonograph records and audiotape but are capable of recording a much wider range of volume.In libraries, CDs are usually shelved separately, often in specially designed display cases. Some libraries provide listening equipment on the premises. In AACR2, the term "sound disc" is used in the physical description area of the bibliographic record representing a compact disc, with "digital" given as type of recording. See also: optical disk.conservation (文献)Physical or chemical intervention to ensure the survival修复;(文献)保护of manuscripts, books, and other documents, forexample, the storage of materials under controlledenvironmental conditions or the treatment ofmildew-infected paper with a chemical inhibitor.Non-invasive techniques are preferred as a means ofpreserving items in their original condition. In a moregeneral sense, any measures taken to protect archivalor library collections from damage or deterioration,including initial examination, documentation, treatment,and preventive care supported by research. Currentethical standards require respect for the historicalintegrity of the item. A person educated, trained, andexperienced in such procedures is a conservator.consortium (图书馆)联盟An association of independent libraries and/or library systems established by formal agreement, usually for the purpose of resource sharing. Membership may be restricted to a specific geographic region, type of library (public, academic, special), or subject specialization. In the United States, two leading examples are the Orbis Cascade Alliance, serving member colleges, universities, and community colleges in Oregon and Washington, and OhioLINK, serving the college and university libraries of Ohio and the Ohio State Library. Plural: consortia.cooperative reference 合作参考咨询Reference services provided by referring the user or the user's question(s) to library or information personnel at another institution, according to a formally established system of protocols, rather than on an informal case-by-case basis. When such services are provided digitally, the service is known as collaborative reference. The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) of the American Library Association (ALA) has developed Guidelines for Cooperative Reference Service Policy Manuals (1998) to assist libraries in establishing and evaluating cooperative reference service.copyright 著作权;版权The exclusive legal rights granted by a government to an author, editor, compiler, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to publish, produce, sell, or distribute copies of a literary, musical, dramatic, artistic, or other work, within certain limitations (fair use and first sale). Copyright law also governs the right to prepare derivative works, reproduce a work or portions of it, and display or perform a work in public.corporate library 企业图书馆; 公司图书馆A type of special library established and maintained as a unit within an incorporated company or organization to meet the information needs of its employees and facilitate the achievement of its mission and goals. Some corporate libraries also serve as the repository for the official records of the organization. For internal security reasons, most corporate libraries are closed to the public except by special appointment. Synonymous with corporation library or company library.current awareness service 新书通报;最新资料通报;新知通报A service or publication designed to alert scholars, researchers, readers, customers, or employees to recently published literature in their field(s) of specialization, usually available in special libraries serving companies, organizations, and institutions in which access to current information is essential. Such services can be tailored to fit the interest profile of a specific individual or group. Synonymous with selective dissemination of information.current issue 现刊The latest number of a serial publication, bearing the most recent issue date. In some libraries, current issues are displayed with the front cover facing forward on sloping shelves or on a periodical stand to facilitate browsing. Back files are typically stored in a different location, sometimes on microfilm or microfiche to conserve space. Synonymous with current number. Compare with back issue.cybrarian 网络图书馆员A shortened form of cyberlibrarian, coined from the terms "cyberspace" and "librarian" to refer to a librarian whose work routinely involves information retrieval and dissemination via the Internet and the use of other online resources. Despite its catchy sound, the appellation has not been widely adopted within the library profession.Ddeaccession 注销馆藏(记录)The process of deleting from an accession record documents and other materials that are to be removed from a library collection. Also refers to any item so removed. The opposite of accession.departmental library 系资料室;系图书馆A type of academic library that serves the information and research needs of the faculty members of a department within an institution of higher learning, usually a large university. Departmental libraries are also used by students enrolled in courses in the discipline(s) taught by the department, especiallygraduate students. If acquisitions are funded through the department, selection is usually the responsibility of the teaching faculty in collaboration with the departmental librarian.deposit copy 呈缴本A copy of a new publication sent without charge to a copyright depository or other designated library by the author or publisher in compliance with national copyright law. In the United States, the deposit copy is sent with the completed copyright application form and copyright fee to the U.S. Copyright Office of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Synonymous with statutory copy.depository library 储存图书馆A library legally designated to receive without charge all or a portion of the government documents provided by the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and other federal agencies to the Superintendent of Documents for distribution through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), having made a legal commitment to comply with federal regulations concerning maintenance and accessibility. Some federal depositories also collect publications issued by state government agencies. A regional depository library receives and retains permanently at least one copy of all the documents distributed through the FDLP, but a selective depository library receives only a percentage of the available publications and is required to retain them for a minimum of 5 years. Depository libraries are required to complete a self-study and/or undergo inspection at intervals of 6-7 years to assure compliance with FDLP rules and regulations. Compare with repository.descriptive cataloging 描述性编目The part of the library cataloging process concerned with identifying and describing the physical and bibliographic characteristics of the item, and with determining the name(s) and title(s) to be used as access points in the catalog, but not with the assignment of subject and form headings. In the United States, Great Britain, and Canada, descriptive cataloging is governed by Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2).Dewey, Melvil (1851-1931) 麦威尔•杜威One of the founders of the American Library Association, Melvil Dewey served as editor of Library Journal from 1876 to 1881, published the Dewey Decimal Classification system in 1876, and served aslibrarian at Columbia University from 1883 to 1888, where he founded the first professional library school in 1887. He became the director of the New York State Library in Albany in 1888, taking the library school with him. Dewey was also a spokesman for professionalism in librarianship, for library education, and for equality of opportunity for women in the profession. A dynamic man, he also advocated standardization of library education, methods, tools, equipment, and supplies and was an advocate of spelling reform.Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) 杜威十进分类法A hierarchical system for classifying books and other library materials by subject, first published in 1876 by the librarian and educator Melvil Dewey, who divided human knowledge into 10 main classes, each of which is divided into 10 divisions, and so on. Developed and updated continuously for the past 125 years, most recently by a 10-member international Editorial Policy Committee (EPC), DDC is the most widely used classification system in the world. According to OCLC, it has been translated into 30 languages and is used by 200,000 libraries in 135 countries. The national bibliographies of 60 countries are organized according to DDC.digital divide 数字鸿沟A term coined by former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Telecommunication and Communication Larry Irving, Jr., to focus public awareness on the gap in access to information resources and services between those with the means to purchase the computer hardware and software and necessary to connect to the Internet and low-income families and communities that cannot afford network access. Public libraries are helping to bridge the gap between information "haves" and "have-nots" with the assistance of substantial grants from industry leaders such as Bill Gates of Microsoft. The E-rate established by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TCA) has helped schools, public libraries, and rural health care institutions bridge the gap. Synonymous with information gap.Digital Libraries Initiative (DLI) 数字图书馆研究计划;数字图书馆工程A multi-agency interdisciplinary research program of the National Science Foundation (NSF) that provides grants to facilitate the creation of large knowledge bases, develop the information technology to access them effectively, and improve their usability in a wide。
AUT图书馆常用术语Abstract / Summary文摘,简介。
参考书目有不同的索引形式,APA是AUT 法定的Bibliography索引形式。
Call number图书编号。
AUT 图书馆采用国际上广泛使用的图书分类系统称Dewey Decimal Classification System。
例如:D 658.8 KOT – 存放在Course Reserve 的书籍。
2 小时馆内使用。
DS 657 CHA – 存放在Course Reserve 的期刊。
• D 代表Desk copy。
658 ABC – 普通书籍. 可借阅2周 (普通学位学生)。
R 658 ABC – Reference,参考书,只限馆内使用。
S 658 ABC – Serials,期刊和报纸,只限馆内使用。
NB 658 ABC – NB(non-book),音像资料,只限馆内使用。
例如:Gartner, W. B. and Thomas, R. J. (1993). Factors affecting new product forecasting accuracy in new firms. The Journal of Product Innovation Management. 10(1), 35-52.Course Reserve学习参考书。
存放在这个馆藏的书籍通常列在课程必读书录上(Reading list)。
这部分藏书又称Desk copy,属短期借阅资料(2小时或3天)。
数据库主要有如下几种形式:1) 含各种专业的文献(General or multi-disciplinary)2)专业科目的数据库(subject specific)3)提供文献索引(Index):只提供文章的基本信息,如Citation及abstract4)提供文献全文 (Full-text)Electronic book /e-book电子图书。
book carrier, book conveyor运书车book lift, book elevatorcataloguingclassifying分类classificationCategorycirculation desk, delivery desk 出纳台call number索书号current issue现期杂志chief librarian, librarian图书馆长clerk管理员current/back issues现今check out登记并借出double-sided book shelves双面书架date slip期限单date slip/deadline/date of expiry 期限Due应付费Ffor circulation外借fiction虚构小说fine 罚款Iinter-library loan馆际互借international loan国际互借index n索引ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) 国际标准期刊编号identification证明J journal定期刊物Kkeyword关键词L library national国家图书馆library municipal市图书馆library stamp图书馆馆章label书标library card/admission card借书卡Mmicrofilm缩微胶卷microprint缩微印刷品magazine binder杂志夹magazine杂志monthly月刊NNewspaper报纸newspaper reading room报纸阅览newspaper rack报架newspaper clipping剪报non-book materials非书资料(指手稿、乐谱、唱片、地图等)non-print media非印刷载体(指视听资料network网络novel小说nonfiction非小说文学not for circulation不外借Ooverdue notice催还通知opening hours, hours of service, hours of loan service 开放时间on the shelf在书架上overdue and pay a fine过期并交罚款overdueperiodical reading room期刊阅览室periodica rack杂志架Qquarterly季刊Rreader’s card, admission card借书证renewal n. 续借reading room阅览室row行reference stacks书库return in time及时归还reserve/book预借Uunique copy孤本be available for reference only 只用于参阅(不外借)street map市区地图facility设施photocopy影印,复印microform微缩版typewriter打字机printer打印机word processor文字处理器computer service计算机服务student cand number学生证号码library cand number借书证号码librarian图书管理员,馆员loan period租借期限。
national library 国家图书馆municipal library 市图书馆public library 公共图书馆school library 学校图书馆college library, university library, academic library 大学图书馆children's library 儿童图书馆acquisition department 采访部exchange of books 图书交换accessioning, accession of books 图书验收与登录accession number 登录号library stamp 图书馆馆章book card 书卡book pocket 书袋date slip 期限表cataloguing department 编目部description 著录classifying 分类cataloguing 编目re-cataloguing 目录改编cataloguer 编目员card 卡片card catalogue 卡片目录call slip 索书单call number 书号in circulation, out 借出not for circulation 不外借overdue notice 催还通知renewal 续借catalogue room 目录室reader's card, admission card 借书证opening hours, hours of service, hours of loan service 开放时间newspaper file, newspaper rod 报纸夹newspaper rack 报架newspaper clipping 剪报periodical record card 期刊登记卡daily periodical card 报纸登记卡periodica rack 杂志架magazine binder 杂志夹bound volume 合订本exhibition room, exhibition hall 展览室exhibit rack, display rack 展览架display window 陈列窗current issue 现期杂志back issue, back number 过期杂志missing issue 缺期期次supplementary issue 增刊index 索引alphabetical index 字顺索引author index 著者索引classified index 分类索引periodical index 期刊索引subject index 主题索引title index 书名索引information 情报,信息。
图书馆常用的英语词汇(第1页)1. 图书馆(Library)2. 书架(Bookshelf)3. 书籍(Book)4. 报纸(Newspaper)5. 期刊(Journal)6. 杂志(Magazine)7. 目录(Catalog)8. 借阅证(Library Card)9. 阅览室(Reading Room)10. 电子资源(Electronic Resources)图书馆常用的英语词汇(第2页)11. 借书(Check out a book)12. 还书(Return a book)13. 续借(Renew a book)14. 预约(Place a hold)15. 索引(Index)17. 馆藏(Collection)18. 分类号(Call number)19. 馆际互借(Interlibrary loan)20. 复印(Photocopy)在图书馆的日常使用中,这些词汇将帮助您更加得心应手地操作。
图书馆常用的英语词汇(第3页)21. 研究员(Researcher)22. 图书管理员(Librarian)23. 流通台(Circulation Desk)24. 静音区(Quiet Zone)25. 学习小组(Study Group)26. 数据库(Database)27. 学术期刊(Academic Journal)28. 非小说类(Nonfiction)29. 小说类(Fiction)30. 传记(Biography)了解这些词汇,不仅能帮助您在图书馆中找到所需资源,还能让您在与图书管理员的交流中更加自信。
图书编目员应懂的相关英文术语(附图书馆相关词汇)OPAC: 全称Online Public Access Catalogue, 在图书馆学上被称作“联机公共目录查询系统”。
CALIS:China Academic Library & Information System,中国高等教育文献保障系统。
CIP:CIP就是图书在版编目数据,它是英文Cataloguing In Publicntion的缩写。
MARC:机读编目格式标准(英语:MA chine-R eadable C ataloging,缩写:MARC),是一种图书管理的通讯格式标准,用以让图书馆或出版商之间作目录信息交换用途。
AAbbreviated title简名(连续出版物);见Key-titleAbridgement简本、节本Access point检索点;参见HeadingAccompanying material附件Acronym首字母缩略词Activity card游戏卡;参见Game, KitAdaptation (Music)改写曲(音乐);参见Arrangement (Music) Added entry附加款目;参见Main entryAdded title page附加题名页;参见Series title page。
前沿·热点Research Hot/Frontiers特色专题信息资源Specialized Science Information Resources 网络学术资源Internet Academic Resources学科/专题导航Subject Navigation网络信息Web information网络信息系统Web-based Information Systems学术信息Academic Information统一/跨库检索Unified Search数字资源长期保存Digital Preservation情报计量学Informetrics数字资源评价Digital Resources Evaluation重要度Importance Scale知识组织Knowledge Organization知识管理Knowledge Management知识处理Knowledge Processing知识共享Knowledge Sharing数字图书馆Digital Library信息素养Information Literacy信息意识Information Consciousness信息知识Information knowledge信息能力Information ability信息道德Information moral信息高速公路计划National Information Infrastructure(NII)图书馆管理Library Management图书馆运营Library Operations开放存取Open Access知识产权Intellectual property rights学术交流Scholarly Communication图书馆立法Library Legislation虚拟参考咨询Virtual Reference数字参考文献Digital Reference学科馆员Subject Librarians个性化服务Personalized Service图书馆射频应用Radio Frequency Identifica Applications(RFID)语义网Semantic Web本体论Ontology主题词表/叙词表Thesaurus分类法Classification数字战略Digital Strategy馆藏政策Collection policy竞争情报Competitive Intelligence读者隐私Reader Privacy高校图书馆University Library数字阅读Digital Reading图像信息Image Information档案网站Archives website数字档案Digital Archive信息集成Information Integration社会网络分析Social Network Analysis网络图书馆Network Library整合性图书馆系统Integrated Library System图书馆联盟Library consortia复合图书馆Hybrid Library图书漂流Bookcrossing链接分析Link analysis信息伦理Information Ethics信息检索Information Retrieval信息安全Information Security信息构建Information Architecture捐赠政策Donation Policy图书馆学Library science图书Books期刊Journals/Periodicals报纸Newspapers百科全书Encyclopedia信息资源Information resources知识Knowledge道德规范ethics图书馆服务library service交叉学科interdisciplinary science美国图书馆运动American Library Movement图书馆学学术课程Academic courses in library science 采集管理Collection management信息系统技术Information systems and technology编目分类Cataloging and Classification保藏Preservation参考咨询Reference统计管理Statistics and management数据库管理Database management情报建设Information architecture知识管理Knowledge Management图书馆学分支学科Subdisciplines in library science人类情报行为Human Information Behaviors知识组织Knowledge Organization数字图书馆Digital libraries采集开发Collection development个人信息管理Personal information management(PIM)保存Preservation公共参考咨询Public reference and other services学术交流Scholarly communication信息计量学informetrics科学计量学scientometrics图书馆职位类型Types of library science professionals图书管理员Librarian档案保管员Archivist编目员Cataloger图书馆馆长Curator编索引员Indexers文摘员Abstractors研究员Researchers信息设计师Information architect信息代理商Information broker元数据设计师Metadata Architects元数据经理Metadata Managers保护员Conservators图书馆相关刊物Current issues in LIS图书馆员教育Education for librarianshipInformation policy信息交流技术Information communication technologies (ICT's) Information Society阅览公平Equity of AccessSustainability and ICT's儿童互联网保护法规Children's Internet Protection Act审查制度Censorship信息爆炸Information explosion信息扫盲Information literacy政府信息Government Information复制权Copyright知识产权Intellectual property rights知识自由Intellectual freedom数字分水岭Digital divide开架阅览Open accessPatriot Act公共借阅权Public lending rightSerials crisisCurrent digital/scanning technologies远程存取Remote access数字图书馆Digital libraries信息检索系统information retrieval system电子信息系统Electronic Information System数字格式digital formats数字参考文献Digital Reference计算机获取accessible by computers电子图书馆electronic library电子书eBooks虚拟图书馆virtual library有声读物audiobooks原生数字born-digital数字化digitizing物理收藏physical collections数字收藏digital collections美国记忆American Memory数字档案Internet Archive电子出版ePrint电子书目ibiblio珀尔修斯项目Project Perseus古藤堡项目Project Gutenbergsearch engines元数据Metadata牛津文本档案馆Oxford Text Archive光学符号识别optical character recognition深度链接资源deep web resources/invisible web搜索引擎蜘蛛search engine crawlersOAI-PMH协议Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) Z39.50协议Z39.50网络计量学Webmetrics情报学(信息学)Information science/Informatics迭代过程iterative design processes美国医学图书馆National Library of MedicineDialogCompuserve特殊利益团体Special interest groupsPaul OtletHenri La Fontaine文献计量学Bibliometrics影响因子Journal Impact Factor重要度Importance Scale网页Rank值PageRank数据建模Data modeling数据模型理论data model theory数据模型实例data model instance数据库模型database model非结构化数据unstructured data文档管理Document management电子档案electronic documents电子图像electronic images群件Groupware社交软件Social softwareonline dating services社交网Social networksFriendster计算机支持协作computer-supported collaboration人机交互Human-computer interactionMan-machine interaction (MMI)Computer-human interaction (CHI)用户界面User interface情报建设Information architecture结构化信息structuring information用户体验设计user experience design信息系统设计information system design易用性usability信息伦理Information ethics隐私Privacy信息生命周期life-cycle of information所有权ownership安全security获取access公众community信息检索Information retrieval信息过载information overload单机数据库stand-alone databases超文本数据库hypertextually-networked databases数据检索data retrieval文档检索document retrieval文本检索text retrieval信息社会Information society知识经济knowledge economy后工业化社会post-industrial society知识社会knowledge society网络社会network society知识管理Knowledge management知识工程Knowledge engineering个人信息管理Personal Information Management语义网Semantic web网页内容web content自然语言natural language软件代理software agentsTim Berners-Lee资源描述框架Resource Description Framework (RDF)数据交换格式data interchange formats网页本体语言Web Ontology Language (OWL)用户为中心设计User-centered design可扩展标记语言XMLW3C标记语言markup language标准标记语言Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) RSSMathMLGraphMLXHTML可升级向量制图法Scalable Vector GraphicsMusicXML。
magazine 杂志periodical 期刊back number 过期杂志pre-dated 提前出版的world news 国际新闻home news 国内新闻news agency 新闻社editor 编辑commentator 评论员reporter, correspondent, journalist 记者resident correspondent 常驻记者special correspondent 特派记者editorial, leading article 社论feature, feature article 特写headline 标题banner headline 通栏标题news report, news story, news coverage 新闻报导serial, to serialize 连载serial story ⼩说连载editor''s note 编者按advertisement, ad ⼴告press communique 新闻公报press conference 记者招待会publication 出版publishing house, press 出版社publisher 发⾏者circulation 发⾏量edition 版本the first edition 初版the second edition 再版the third edition 第三版the first impression 第⼀次印刷the second impression 第⼆次印刷de luxe edition 精装本paperback 平装本pocket edition 袖珍本popular edition 普及版copyright 版权royalty 版税type-setting, composition 排版proof-reading 校对⼯作proof-reader 校对(者)editing 编辑(⼯作)editor 编辑(者)printing 印刷printing machine 印刷机type-setter, compositor 排字⼯⼈folio 对开本quarto 四开本octavo ⼋开本16-mo ⼗六开本32-mo 三⼗⼆开本64-mo 六⼗四开本reference book 参考书booklet, pamphlet ⼩册⼦, ⼩书periodical 期刊magazine 杂志daily ⽇报weekly 周刊fortnightly 半⽉刊monthly ⽉刊bimonthly 双⽉刊quarterly 季刊annual 年刊year-book 年鉴extra issue (报纸)号外special issue 特刊daily paper ⽇报evening paper 晚报morning paper 晨报Sunday newspaper 星期⽇报manual, handbook ⼿册document, paper 公⽂pictorial magazine 画报memorial volume 纪念刊selected works, selections 选集complete works 全集anthology ⽂集, ⽂选scientific literature 科学⽂献index 索引original edition 原版(书)new edition 新版revised edition 修订版reprint 重印, 翻印cheap edition, paperback 廉价本encyclopaedia, encyclopedia 百科全书textbook 教科书reader 读本best seller 畅销书。
1. Information literacy(信息素养)信息素养是指人们理解、评价和使用信息的能力。
2. Language acquisition(语言习得)语言习得是指人们通过听说读写等方式,掌握一种或多种语言的过程。
3. Language proficiency(语言能力)语言能力是指一个人的口语、听力、阅读和写作方面掌握一种或多种语言的能力。
4. Language learning materials(语言学习材料)语言学习材料是指为学习者提供的书籍、光盘、DVD、多媒体内容等各种学习资源。
原版书籍 (original books)
资料 (reference materials)
• 阅读图书管理专业书籍 (Read professional books on
• 阅读图书馆学期刊 (Read library science journals)
library management)
听懂 (understand) -听懂读者的问题
(Understand reader's questions)
回答 (answer)
• 听懂读者的需求 (Understand
• 用英语回答读者的问题 (Answer
reader's needs)
reader's questions in English)
• 分析书籍的优点 (Analyze the book's advantages)
结尾 (conclusion)
• 总结书籍推荐理由 (Summarize the reasons for recommending the book)
• 鼓励读者阅读 (Encourage readers to read the book)
提供帮助 (offer help)
• 帮助读者查找图书 (Help readers find books)
• 帮助读者解决图书馆使用问题 (Help readers solve library usage issues)
英语角 (English corner)
• 参加图书馆英语角活动 (Join library English corner activities)
包封皮机 订书机 烫金机
借助于一定压力和温度使金属箔(金箔或银 箔)烫印到印刷品上的机器。 把书帖或散印书页按照页序配集成册的机器 配页机 collating machine 。 切纸机 guillotine 裁切纸张或纸板的机器。 三面切书机 three-knife trimmer 用三把切刀切光书芯、杂志等的机器。 使用捆扎带缠绕产品或包装件,然后收紧并 捆扎机 bundling machine 将两端通过热效应熔融或使用包扣等材料连 接的机器 有钢制成,顶端有刃的排制模切版的片状材 模切刀 die-cutting rule 料。 圆片形刀具,其外圆上的刀刃象花瓣状,在 花轮刀 saw 折页工序使用。 因印刷事故,使书页的一面或两面未印上印 白页 blind sheet 迹。 残页 imperfect sheet 裁切后仍有破损或残缺的书页。 是指在烫印后不是电化铝箔牢固地附着在印 反拉 刷品底色墨层或白纸表面,而是部分或全部 底色墨层被电化铝拉走。 漏针 锁线订(或缝纫订)中,没有串线的针眼。 空套 书壳的包边在书壳纸板上未粘牢。 漏帖 即缺帖,是在插页时下帖不正常造成的。 也称乱帖,由于叼帖爪叼帖时间过晚或过早 乱车 imperfect collating 造成的书帖在集帖链通道内横竖不稳。 漏张 missing leaf 输纸歪斜或断张。 双帖 double sheet 贮帖问题造成的多帖现象,又称双张。 刀花 切口出现凹凸不平的刀痕。 在扒圆起脊加工时,书芯圆背上相邻的两书 吡裂 帖裂开分离。 由于印刷时承印物有皱折,印刷后印刷品的 死折 文字和图案出现断缺的现象。 锁线订(或缝纫订)中,某一书帖所串订 出套 的线因未拉紧或线扣未扣紧,使得书帖不能 与书芯锁紧
hot glue off-cut cold glue
library national 国家图书馆library municipal 市图书馆public library 大众图书馆school library 学校图书馆college library, university library, academic library 大学图书馆children's library 儿童图书馆acquisition department 采访部exchange of books 图书交换accessioning, accession of books 图书验收与登录accession number 登录 library stamp 图书馆馆章book card 书卡book pocket 书袋date slip 期限表cataloguing department 编目部description 著录classifying 分类cataloguing 编目recataloguing 目录改编cataloguer 编目员card 卡片card catalogue 卡片目录ledger catalogue 书本式目录looseleaf catalogue 活页目录catalogue card 目录卡片classified card 分类卡author card 作者卡title card 书名卡subject card 主题卡guide card 指引卡punched card 穿孔卡microcard 缩微卡microfilm 缩微胶卷microfiche 缩微胶片microprint 缩微印刷品label 书标ci阅览部stack room 书库shelving 排架book reservation 典藏circulation desk, delivery desk 出纳台open shelves 开架式closed shelves 闭架式opening hours, hours of service, hours of loan service 开放时间reader's card, admission card 借书证call slip 索书单call number 索书 in circulation, out 借出not for circulation 不外借overdue notice 催还通知renewal 续借catalogue room 目录室card catalogue cabinet 卡片目录柜classified catalogue 分类目录title catalogue 书名目录author catalogue 著者目录subject catalogue 主题目录book case 书橱scroll rack 卷轴架doublesided book shelves 双面书架roller shelf 滑动书架book carrier, book conveyor 运书车book lift, book elevator 图书升降机disinfection of books 图书消毒annual circulation 图书流通率turnover of books 图书周转interlibrary loan 馆际互借international loan 国际互借reading room 阅览室newspaper reading room 报纸阅览室periodical reading room 期刊阅览室newspaper file, newspaper rod 报纸夹newspaper rack 报架newspaper clipping 剪报periodical record card 期刊登记卡daily periodical card 报纸登记卡periodica rack 杂志架magazine binder 杂志夹bound volume 合订本exhibition room, exhibition hall 展览室exhibit rack, display rack 展览架display window 陈列窗current issue 现期杂志back issue, back number 过期杂志missing issue 缺期期次supplementary issue 增刊 索引alphabetical 字顺索引author 著者索引classified 分类索引periodical 期刊索引subject 主题索引title 书名索引information 情报, 信息information material 情报资料information media 情报载体指书刊、电影、广播、电视、磁带等information retrieval 情报检索information storage 情报贮存information science 情报学nonbook materials 非书资料指手稿、乐谱、唱片、地图等nonprint media 非印刷载体指视听资料audiovisual book 视听图书指附有录音带、唱片、幻灯片、录像带、电影等的图书audiovisual studio 视听室tape recorder 磁带录音机cassette tape recorder 盒式磁带录音机video tape recorder 磁带录像机TV set 电视机projector, film projector 电影放映机slide projector 幻灯机copier, duplicator xeroxing machine , 印机microfilm reader 缩微阅读机book 图书pamphlet, booklet 小册子pocket book 袖珍书miniature edition 微型本rare book 善本unique copy 孤本sample copy 样本gift 赠本secondhand book 旧书front cover 封面back cover 封底fly page, flyleaf 扉页title page 书名页copyright page 版权页briefs, synopsis 内容提要contents 目次MARC, machinereadable catalogue 机读目录network 网络terminal 终端terminal user 终端设备用户retrieval 检索keyword 要害词descriptor 主题词thesaurus 主题词表ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准图书编 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准期刊编 Universal Copyright Convention 国际版权公约chief librarian, librarian 图书馆长associate librarian, deputy librarian, sublibrarian 副馆长clerk 治理员librarian 馆员
前沿·热点Research Hot/Frontiers特色专题信息资源Specialized Science Information Resources 网络学术资源Internet Academic Resources学科/专题导航Subject Navigation网络信息Web information网络信息系统Web-based Information Systems学术信息Academic Information统一/跨库检索Unified Search数字资源长期保存Digital Preservation情报计量学Informetrics数字资源评价Digital Resources Evaluation重要度Importance Scale知识组织Knowledge Organization知识管理Knowledge Management知识处理Knowledge Processing知识共享Knowledge Sharing数字图书馆Digital Library信息素养Information Literacy信息意识Information Consciousness信息知识Information knowledge信息能力Information ability信息道德Information moral信息高速公路计划National Information Infrastructure(NII)图书馆管理Library Management图书馆运营Library Operations开放存取Open Access知识产权Intellectual property rights学术交流Scholarly Communication图书馆立法Library Legislation虚拟参考咨询Virtual Reference数字参考文献Digital Reference学科馆员Subject Librarians个性化服务Personalized Service图书馆射频应用Radio Frequency Identifica Applications(RFID)语义网Semantic Web本体论Ontology主题词表/叙词表Thesaurus分类法Classification数字战略Digital Strategy馆藏政策Collection policy竞争情报Competitive Intelligence读者隐私Reader Privacy高校图书馆University Library数字阅读Digital Reading图像信息Image Information档案网站Archives website数字档案Digital Archive信息集成Information Integration社会网络分析Social Network Analysis网络图书馆Network Library整合性图书馆系统Integrated Library System图书馆联盟Library consortia复合图书馆Hybrid Library图书漂流Bookcrossing链接分析Link analysis信息伦理Information Ethics信息检索Information Retrieval信息安全Information Security信息构建Information Architecture捐赠政策Donation Policy图书馆学Library science图书Books期刊Journals/Periodicals报纸Newspapers百科全书Encyclopedia信息资源Information resources知识Knowledge道德规范ethics图书馆服务library service交叉学科interdisciplinary science美国图书馆运动American Library Movement图书馆学学术课程Academic courses in library science 采集管理Collection management信息系统技术Information systems and technology编目分类Cataloging and Classification保藏Preservation参考咨询Reference统计管理Statistics and management数据库管理Database management情报建设Information architecture知识管理Knowledge Management图书馆学分支学科Subdisciplines in library science人类情报行为Human Information Behaviors知识组织Knowledge Organization数字图书馆Digital libraries采集开发Collection development个人信息管理Personal information management(PIM)保存Preservation公共参考咨询Public reference and other services学术交流Scholarly communication信息计量学informetrics科学计量学scientometrics图书馆职位类型Types of library science professionals图书管理员Librarian档案保管员Archivist编目员Cataloger图书馆馆长Curator编索引员Indexers文摘员Abstractors研究员Researchers信息设计师Information architect信息代理商Information broker元数据设计师Metadata Architects元数据经理Metadata Managers保护员Conservators图书馆相关刊物Current issues in LIS图书馆员教育Education for librarianshipInformation policy信息交流技术Information communication technologies (ICT's) Information Society阅览公平Equity of AccessSustainability and ICT's儿童互联网保护法规Children's Internet Protection Act审查制度Censorship信息爆炸Information explosion信息扫盲Information literacy政府信息Government Information复制权Copyright知识产权Intellectual property rights知识自由Intellectual freedom数字分水岭Digital divide开架阅览Open accessPatriot Act公共借阅权Public lending rightSerials crisisCurrent digital/scanning technologies远程存取Remote access数字图书馆Digital libraries信息检索系统information retrieval system电子信息系统Electronic Information System数字格式digital formats数字参考文献Digital Reference计算机获取accessible by computers电子图书馆electronic library电子书eBooks虚拟图书馆virtual library有声读物audiobooks原生数字born-digital数字化digitizing物理收藏physical collections数字收藏digital collections美国记忆American Memory数字档案Internet Archive电子出版ePrint电子书目ibiblio珀尔修斯项目Project Perseus古藤堡项目Project Gutenbergsearch engines元数据Metadata牛津文本档案馆Oxford Text Archive光学符号识别optical character recognition深度链接资源deep web resources/invisible web搜索引擎蜘蛛search engine crawlersOAI-PMH协议Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) Z39.50协议Z39.50网络计量学Webmetrics情报学(信息学)Information science/Informatics迭代过程iterative design processes美国医学图书馆National Library of MedicineDialogCompuserve特殊利益团体Special interest groupsPaul OtletHenri La Fontaine文献计量学Bibliometrics影响因子Journal Impact Factor重要度Importance Scale网页Rank值PageRank数据建模Data modeling数据模型理论data model theory数据模型实例data model instance数据库模型database model非结构化数据unstructured data文档管理Document management电子档案electronic documents电子图像electronic images群件Groupware社交软件Social softwareonline dating services社交网Social networksFriendster计算机支持协作computer-supported collaboration人机交互Human-computer interactionMan-machine interaction (MMI)Computer-human interaction (CHI)用户界面User interface情报建设Information architecture结构化信息structuring information用户体验设计user experience design信息系统设计information system design易用性usability信息伦理Information ethics隐私Privacy信息生命周期life-cycle of information所有权ownership安全security获取access公众community信息检索Information retrieval信息过载information overload单机数据库stand-alone databases超文本数据库hypertextually-networked databases数据检索data retrieval文档检索document retrieval文本检索text retrieval信息社会Information society知识经济knowledge economy后工业化社会post-industrial society知识社会knowledge society网络社会network society知识管理Knowledge management知识工程Knowledge engineering个人信息管理Personal Information Management语义网Semantic web网页内容web content自然语言natural language软件代理software agentsTim Berners-Lee资源描述框架Resource Description Framework (RDF)数据交换格式data interchange formats网页本体语言Web Ontology Language (OWL)用户为中心设计User-centered design可扩展标记语言XMLW3C标记语言markup language标准标记语言Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) RSSMathMLGraphMLXHTML可升级向量制图法Scalable Vector GraphicsMusicXML。
图书馆场景的英语词汇关于图书馆场景的英语词汇引导语:很多爱好学习的同学都喜欢待在图书馆,那么你们熟知关于图书馆场景的英语词汇吗,以下是店铺为大家整理的关于图书馆场景的英语词汇,欢迎阅读!1、acquaint 熟知2、reference stacks 书库3、classification 分类4、charge out 解除5、renew 续借6、fine 罚款7、out on loan 借出8、in circulation 未借出9、out circulation 借出10、not for circulation 不外借11、circulation desk=delivery desk 出纳台12、inter-library loan 馆际互借13、turnover of books 图书周转14、date slip 期限单15、call slip 借书单16、bibliography 著者检索目录17、admission card 借书证18、catalogue card 目录卡片19、title card 书名卡20、author card 作者卡21、classified card 分类卡22、closed reserve 库本书23、identification 证明24、process 加工25、temporary card 临时借书卡26、regular card 正式借书卡27、catalog 目录28、desk-top computer 台式计算机29、efficient 有效率的30、sheet 一张31、microfilm 微缩胶片32、alphabetical 按字母顺序的.33、loan 借出34、reference 参考书目35、journal 定期刊物36、magazine 杂志37、periodical 期刊38、weekly 周刊39、monthly 月刊40、quarterly 季刊41、publication 出版物42、issue 出版43、textbook 教科书44、novel 小说45、fiction 虚构小说46、nonfiction 非小说文学47、row 行48、author 作者49、check out 借书50、brochure 小册子51、explore 探测【拓展】托福英语考试图书馆类的词汇library图书馆librarian图书管理员publication 出版物periodical 期刊magazine 杂志book catalogue 图书目录classified catalogue 分类目录bibliography 参考书目title index 书目索引alphabetic index 按字母顺序排列的索引loan desk 借书处circulation 流通reserved books 馆藏书(只能在图书馆内借阅) library card 借书证overdue fine 过期罚金periodical reading room 期刊阅览室back issue 过期杂志current issue 近期杂志non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science-fiction 科幻小说copier 复印机check out 办理(借、还)手续renew 续借overdue过期。
图书馆常用名词1、什么是ISBN?答:国际标准书号(International Standard Book Number)的简称,是专门为识别图书等文献而设计的国际编号。
ISBN 由10位数字组成,分四个部分:组号(国家、地区、语言的代号),出版者号,书序号和检验码。
2、什么是ISSN?答:国际标准连续出版物号(International Standard Serial Number)的简称,是ISDS(国际连续出版物数据系统)国际中心为在该系统登记的连续出版物分配的号码。
4、什么是ISRC?答:国际标准音像制品编码(International Standard Recording Code)的简称。
5、什么是CALIS?答:中国高等教育文献保障系统(China Academic Library & Information System)的简称。
library national 国家图书馆library municipal 市图书馆public library 大众图书馆school library 学校图书馆college library, university library, academic library 大学图书馆children's library 儿童图书馆acquisition department 采访部exchange of books 图书交换accessioning, accession of books 图书验收与登录accession number 登录号library stamp 图书馆馆章book card 书卡book pocket 书袋date slip 期限表cataloguing department 编目部description 著录classifying 分类cataloguing 编目re—cataloguing 目录改编cataloguer 编目员card 卡片card catalogue 卡片目录ledger catalogue 书本式目录loose—leaf catalogue 活页目录catalogue card 目录卡片classified card 分类卡author card 作者卡title card 书名卡subject card 主题卡guide card 指引卡punched card 穿孔卡Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)图书馆与信息注册协会Information and Communications Technology(ICT)信息通信技术Loughborough University 英国拉夫堡大学Certified Power Builder Developer(CPD) 认证考试Continuing Professional Development(CPD) 职业继续发展Library and Information Science(LIS) 图书馆学信息学University of Wales, Aberystwyth 威尔士大学阿伯里斯特威斯分校University of Maryland-College Park 马里兰大学学院园分校Welcoming address 欢迎词Convenor 召集人University of California at Los Angeles(UCLA)加州大学洛杉机分校North Yorkshire 北约克郡Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM)(IFLA)版权和其他法律事务UNESCO 联合国教科文组织Colima, Mexico 墨西哥,科利马州Bertelsmann Stiftung 贝塔斯曼基金会Grimm Brothers 格林兄弟Oral session 口头论文报告Poster discussion session 海报论文讨论Poster session 海报论文Industry Update 行业动态federated search 分布式搜索,联邦搜索Plenary Session 全体会议Librarianship 图书馆管理业务,图书馆员的地位(职务),图书馆Laubach Literacy International 国际劳伯扫盲组织Performance measurement 绩效评估Interlibrary Loan(ILL)馆际互借Document Delivery(DD) 文献传递Ljubljana 卢布尔雅那市(斯洛文尼亚首都)ETH Bibliothek 苏黎世理工学院图书馆Graduate School of Informatics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK英国,格拉斯哥,斯杰克莱大学,格拉斯哥息学院)Programs for International Student Assessment(PISA)国际学生基础能力评估计划Provenance 指一件藝術品所有者的完整紀錄。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
图书编目员应懂的相关英文术语(附图书馆相关词汇)OPAC: 全称Online Public Access Catalogue, 在图书馆学上被称作“联机公共目录查询系统”。
CALIS:China Academic Library & Information System,中国高等教育文献保障系统。
CIP:CIP就是图书在版编目数据,它是英文Cataloguing In Publicntion的缩写。
MARC:机读编目格式标准(英语:MA chine-R eadable C ataloging,缩写:MARC),是一种图书管理的通讯格式标准,用以让图书馆或出版商之间作目录信息交换用途。
AAbbreviated title简名(连续出版物);见Key-titleAbridgement简本、节本Access point检索点;参见HeadingAccompanying material附件Acronym首字母缩略词Activity card游戏卡;参见Game, KitAdaptation (Music)改写曲(音乐);参见Arrangement (Music) Added entry附加款目;参见Main entryAdded title page附加题名页;参见Series title page。
Alternative title交替题名Analytical cataloging分析编目Analytical entry分析款目Analytical note分析注释;见"In" analyticsAnnexes (Materials)附页(资料)Annotated catalogue注释目录Anonymous佚名Anonymous work佚名著作Appendix附录Architectural rendering建筑示意图Area著录项目;参见Element, EntryArrangement (Music)改编曲(音乐);参见Adaptation (Music)Art original艺术品原件Art print艺术印刷品Art reproduction艺术复制品Artefact人工制品;参见RealiaAtlas图集Audio-visual materials视听资料Audiorecording录音资料;见Sound recordingAuthor著者;见Personal authorAuthor title added entry著者-题名附加款目;见Name title added entry Author title reference著者-题名参照;见Name title referenceAutonym署名著作Avant-titre题上信息BBack cover封底、封四、底封Basic description基本著录Bibliographical resource书目资源Bibliographical description书目著录Binder's title装订题名;参见Cover title, Spine titleBook catalogue书本目录Braille work盲文著作Brand name出版商标记British title of honour(英)姓名尊称British title of nobility(英)贵族称号;见Title of nobility Broadsheet单面大张印刷品;见BroadsideBroadside单页印刷品;参见SheetCCaption title文首题名;参见Running titleCarrier载体;见Physical carrierCartographic material测绘制图资料Case binding函套装Cased盒装;见Case binding.Catalogue目录Catchword entry关键词款目Chart图表、航图、挂图Chief source of information主要信息源Chinese style中国格式见Traditional format (Oriental book)Chorus score合唱总谱;参见Vocal scoreCinefilm电影胶片;见Motion pictureClose score缩编谱;参见Condensed score.Coded information block编码信息块Collaborator合作者;参见Joint author, Mixed responsibility, Shared responsibility.Collection文献集Collective title总题名Colophon书末出版说明(尾署)Coloured illustration彩图Common title共同题名;参见Dependent titleCompiler编纂者;参见EditorCompound surname复姓Compound title复合题名;参见Common title, Dependent title Computer file计算机文件;参见Electronic resource Condensed score缩写谱;参见Close scoreCondensed edition缩写本;见Abridgement.Conductor part指挥分谱;见Piano conductor partConference会议Container容器Continuation续编;参见SupplementContinuing resource连续性资源Conventional name惯用名称Conventional title惯用题名;见Uniform title.Corporate body团体Copyright版权Copyright page版权页Cover title封面题名;参见Binder's title, Spine title.Cross reference相关参照;见ReferenceDDiagonal slash斜线" / "Dimension文献尺寸Diorama透视图画、立体透视模型Direct access (Electronic resource)直接访问(电子资源);参见Remote access Direct subheading直接副标目;见Indirect subheadingDisc (Electronic resource)光盘(电子资源);见Optical disc (Electronic resource)Disk (Electronic resource)磁盘(电子资源);参见Optical disc (ELectronic resource)Distributor发行者;对文献具有独家或部分经销权的经销店或代理商。
Double leaf双折叶;参见Traditional format (Oriental books)EEdition: Books, pamphlets, fascicles, single sheets, etc.版本:图书、小册子、分册、单张等;参见Facsimile reproduction, Impression, Issue, Reprint Edition: Electronic resources版本:电子资源Edition: Other materials版本:其它资料;参见Facsimile reproduction, IssueEdition: Unpublished items版本:未出版文献Edition statement版本说明Editor编者Electronic resource电子资源;参见File (Electronic resources)Element著录单元;参见AreaEngineering drawing工程图;见Technical drawingEnlarged text增订本;见Abridgement.Entry款目;参见Area, HeadingEntry element款目要素;见Entry wordEntry word款目词;参见Heading.Explanatory reference说明参照Explicit正文尾署Extent of item文献数量FFacsimile reproduction摹真复制品;参见ReprintFascicle分册(卷);参见Volume, PartFile (Electronic resources)文件(电子资源);参见Electronic resourcesFile, computer计算机文件;见Computer fileFile name (Computer files)文件名(计算机文件)Filing title排列题名;见Uniform titleFiling word排列词;见Entry wordFilmstrip幻灯卷片Fingerprint指印Flash card闪视卡Format文献格式Format (Machine-readable data file) 机读文件格式Format (Texts)开本Frequency出版频率(出版周期)Full score总谱;见Score.GGame智力玩具、游戏Genealogical tables (Geneal. tables)(家族)谱系表General material designation文献类型标识(一般资料标识);参见Specific material designation.Globe球仪Government body政府机构Graphic图示资料HHalf title半题名;参见Added title pageHalf title page半题名页Hanging indention悬行式Harmony (Bible)主题对照表(圣经)Heading标目;参见Access pointHologram全息图IIllustration插图Impression印次Imprint出版项(过去使用的编目术语);见Publication, distriburion, etc., area "In" analytics"In"分析Incipit引言Incunabula摇篮版(古版书)Indirect subheading间接副标目Initial title element起始题名单元Integrating resource集成性资源International intergovernmental body国际政府间组织ISBN (International Standard Book Number)国际标准书号;参见Standard numberISSN (International Standard Serial Number)国际标准连续出版物号Issue发行印次;参见Impression, ReprintIteration替换页(部分)Item单册(文献)JJacket封套;参见SleeveJapanese style日本格式;见Traditional format (Oriental books)Joint author合著者;参见Shared responsibility.Journal期刊;见Periodical.Jurisdiction管辖范围(或管辖区域)KKey-title识别题名(或关键题名)Kit多载体配套文献LLeaf叶(张)Level of description著录级次Limited edition限定版Local access (Electronic resources)本地访问(电子资源);见Direct access (Electronic resources)Loose-leaf publication活页出版物;见Updating loose-leafMMachine-readable data file机读数据文档;见Electronic resourceMacroform直观品、放大资料Main entry主要款目;参见Added entryMain heading主标目;参见SubheadingMain series主丛编Manuscript手稿Map地图Map section截面图Map series系列地图Masthead标头Material special detail area文献特殊细节项Mechanical drawing机械图纸;见Technical drawing.Microfiche缩微平片Microfilm缩微胶卷Microform缩微资料;参见MacroformMicroopaque不透明缩微片Microscope slide显微载物片Microtape缩微纸带Miniature Score小总谱Mixed authorship混合著者;见Mixed responsibilityMixed responsibility混合责任;参见Joint author, Shared responsibility Mock-up实物模型Model模型;参见ToyMonograph专著(普通图书)Monographic series丛书;见SeriesMotion picture电影片Multimedia item多媒(载)体文献;参见KitMultipart file多部分文件;参见Computer fileMultipart item多部分文献Multivolume monograph多卷书;见Multipart itemMusic (large print) 大字印刷乐谱Music format乐谱格式Musical presentation statement乐谱型式说明(音乐表现说明)NName authority file名称规范档Name-title added entry名称/题名附加款目Name-title reference名称/题名参照Non-Book materials非书资料Note area附注项Numbering编号OObject实物;参见Artefact, RealiaOpen entry"开口"款目Optical disc (Electronic resources)光盘(电子资源);参见Disk (Electronic resources)Other title information其他题名信息Overhead Projectual投影图像;见Transparency.Overlay透明复盖片、叠片PParallel title并列题名Part部分Part (Music)声部、分谱Patronymic源于父名的名字Periodical期刊Personal author个人著者Personal heading人名标目;参见Heading.Phonorecord唱片;见Sound recording .Photocopy照相复制品Physical carrier物理载体Physical description area载体形态项Piano conductor part钢琴指挥分谱(乐谱)Piano score钢琴缩编谱Picture图画Plan平面图、详图Plate图版Plate number (Music)图版编号(乐谱);参见Publisher's number Political name行政区划名称Portfolio文件夹Predominant name显著名称、主要名称Preliminaries正文前书页Prescribed punctuation规定标识符Prescribed source of information规定信息源Principal responsibility主要责任者Printed music publication印刷乐谱Printing印刷(次);见Facsimile reproduction, Impression, Reprint Producer制作人Production Company (Motion picture)制片公司Profile (Cartography)剖面图(测绘资料)Program file程序文件Pseudonym笔名Publication, distribution, etc., area出版发行项Publisher's number (Music)出版商编号(乐谱)RRadiograph射线片Realia实物;参见Artefact, Model, Object, ToyRecto奇数页、右页、正面、图片正页;参见VersoReference参照、参考书目Reference source参考源Reissue再发行、重新发行;见Issue, ReprintRelated body相关团体Related music相关乐谱;见Adaptation (Music)Releasing agent发行者Remote access远程访问(电子资源);参见Direct access (Electronic resources)Reprint重印本、再印本Resource, Electronic电子资源;见Electronic resourceRespondent (Academic disputations)答辩人Romanization罗马化、拉丁化Running title逐页题名SScore总谱Secondary entry次要款目;见Added entrySection (Cartography)截面图(测绘制图资料);见Map sectionSection (Serials )分辑(连续出版物);参见Series定义2, Subseries See also reference相关参照See reference单纯参照Sequel续编、续集;参见Continuation, Supplement.Serial连续出版物;参见Series定义1。