2014 数学建模美赛B题


2014 数学建模美赛B题

2014 数学建模美赛B题

PROBLEM B: College Coaching LegendsSports Illustrated, a magazine for sports enthusiasts, is looking for the “best all time college coach”male or female for the previous century. Build a mathematical model to choosethe best college coach or coaches (past or present) from among either male or female coaches in such sports as college hockey or field hockey, football, baseball or softball, basketball, or soccer. Does it make a difference which time line horizon that you use in your analysis, i.e., does coaching in 1913 differ from coaching in 2013? Clearly articulate your metrics for assessment. Discuss how your model can be applied in general across both genders and all possible sports. Present your model’s top 5 coaches in each of 3 different sports.In addition to the MCM format and requirements, prepare a 1-2 page article for Sports Illustrated that explains your results and includes a non-technical explanation of your mathematical model that sports fans will understand.问题B:大学教练的故事体育画报,为运动爱好者杂志,正在寻找上个世纪堪称“史上最优秀大学教练”的男性或女性。

2014美赛B数学建模美赛B题 数据

2014美赛B数学建模美赛B题  数据

2009 2011 1987 1945 1980 1997 1955 1939 1916 1905 1928 2012 1983 1975 1971 1920 1910 1925 1937 1923 1922 1978 1990 1907 1896 1926 1946 1924 1943 1922 1902 1992 1926 1918 1918 1917 1946 1944 1935 1904 1926 1923 1912 1945 1914 1912 1901
Brown Hawaii Fresno State Fordham Towson Stephen F. Austin Murray State Maine Tulsa Oregon State Rochester (NY) Lipscomb Oral Roberts Saint Louis Oklahoma State Georgia Tech St. John's (NY) Kent State Louisville Navy Kentucky Marshall Tennessee State Kansas State Yale DePaul Saint Mary's (CA) Rice Chicago Santa Clara Bloomsburg Sacramento State Utah Virginia Military Institute Muhlenburg Boston University South Carolina Denison Wichita State Brown Valparaiso Rice Roanoke Nevada North Dakota Arizona State Mount Union



Team # 26254
Page 2 oon ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 2. The AHP .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.1 The hierarchical structure establishment ....................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Constructing the AHP pair-wise comparison matrix...................................................................................... 4 2.3 Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors and check consistency .............................................................. 5 2.4 Calculate the combination weights vector ..................................................................................................... 6 3. Choosing Best All Time Baseball College Coach via AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation ....................... 6 3.1 Factor analysis and hierarchy relation construction....................................................................................... 7 3.2 Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation ................................................................................................................... 8 3.3 calculating the eigenvectors and eigenvalues ................................................................................................ 9 3.3.1 Construct the pair-wise comparison matrix ........................................................................................ 9 3.3.2 Construct the comparison matrix of the alternatives to the criteria hierarchy .................................. 10 3.4 Ranking the coaches .....................................................................................................................................11 4. Evaluate the performance of other two sports coaches, basketball and football.................................................... 13 5. Discuss the generality of the proposed method for Choosing Best All Time College Coach ................................ 14 6. The strengths and weaknesses of the proposed method to solve the problem ....................................................... 14 7. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................................... 15



For office use only T1T2T3T4T eam Control Number24857Problem ChosenBFor office use onlyF1F2F3F42014Mathematical Contest in Modeling(MCM)Summary Sheet (Attach a copy of this page to each copy of your solution paper.)AbstractThe evaluation and selection of‘best all time college coach’is the prob-lem to be addressed.We capture the essential of an evaluation system by reducing the dimensions of the attributes by factor analysis.And we divide our modeling process into three phases:data collection,attribute clarifica-tion,factor model evaluation and model generalization.Firstly,we collect the data from official database.Then,two bottom lines are determined respectively by the number of participating games and win-loss percentage,with these bottom lines we anchor a pool with30to40 candidates,which greatly reduced data volume.And reasonably thefinal top5coaches should generate from this pool.Attribution clarification will be abundant in the body of the model,note that we endeavor to design an attribute to effectively evaluate the improvement of a team before and after the coach came.In phase three,we analyse the problem by following traditional method of the factor model.With three common factors indicating coaches’guiding competency,strength of guided team,competition strength,we get afinal integrated score to evaluate coaches.And we also take into account the time line horizon in two aspects.On the one hand,the numbers of participating games are adjusted on the basis of time.On the other hand,we put forward a potential sub-model in our‘further attempts’concerning overlapping pe-riod of the time of two different coaches.What’s more,a‘pseudo-rose dia-gram’method is tried to show coaches’performance in different areas.Model generalization is examined by three different sports types,Foot-ball,Basketball,and Softball.Besides,our model also can be applied in all possible ball games under the frame of NCAA,assigning slight modification according to specific regulations.The stability of our model is also tested by sensitivity analysis.Who’s who in College Coaching Legends—–A generalized Factor Analysis approach2Contents1Introduction41.1Restatement of the problem (4)1.2NCAA Background and its coaches (4)1.3Previous models (4)2Assumptions5 3Analysis of the Problem5 4Thefirst round of sample selection6 5Attributes for evaluating coaches86Factor analysis model106.1A brief introduction to factor analysis (10)6.2Steps of Factor analysis by SPSS (12)6.3Result of the model (14)7Model generalization15 8Sensitivity analysis189Strength and Weaknesses199.1Strengths (19)9.2Weaknesses (19)10Further attempts20 Appendices22 Appendix A An article for Sports Illustrated221Introduction1.1Restatement of the problemThe‘best all time college coach’is to be selected by Sports Illustrated,a magazine for sports enthusiasts.This is an open-ended problem—-no limitation in method of performance appraisal,gender,or sports types.The following research points should be noted:•whether the time line horizon that we use in our analysis make a difference;•the metrics for assessment are to be articulated;•discuss how the model can be applied in general across both genders and all possible sports;•we need to present our model’s Top5coaches in each of3different sports.1.2NCAA Background and its coachesNational Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA),an association of1281institution-s,conferences,organizations,and individuals that organizes the athletic programs of many colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.1In our model,only coaches in NCAA are considered and ranked.So,why evaluate the Coaching performance?As the identity of a college football program is shaped by its head coach.Given their impacts,it’s no wonder high profile athletic departments are shelling out millions of dollars per season for the services of coaches.Nick Saban’s2013total pay was$5,395,852and in the same year Coach K earned$7,233,976in total23.Indeed,every athletic director wants to hire the next legendary coach.1.3Previous modelsTraditionally,evaluation in athletics has been based on the single criterion of wins and losses.Years later,in order to reasonably evaluate coaches,many reseachers have implemented the coaching evaluation model.Such as7criteria proposed by Adams:[1] (1)the coach in the profession,(2)knowledge of and practice of medical aspects of coaching,(3)the coach as a person,(4)the coach as an organizer and administrator,(5) knowledge of the sport,(6)public relations,and(7)application of kinesiological and physiological principles.1Wikipedia:/wiki/National_Collegiate_Athletic_ Association#NCAA_sponsored_sports2USAToday:/sports/college/salaries/ncaaf/coach/ 3USAToday:/sports/college/salaries/ncaab/coach/Such models relatively focused more on some subjective and difficult-to-quantify attributes to evaluate coaches,which is quite hard for sports fans to judge coaches. Therefore,we established an objective and quantified model to make a list of‘best all time college coach’.2Assumptions•The sample for our model is restricted within the scale of NCAA sports.That is to say,the coaches we discuss refers to those service for NCAA alone;•We do not take into account the talent born varying from one player to another, in this case,we mean the teams’wins or losses purely associate with the coach;•The difference of games between different Divisions in NCAA is ignored;•Take no account of the errors/amendments of the NCAA game records.3Analysis of the ProblemOur main goal is to build and analyze a mathematical model to choose the‘best all time college coach’for the previous century,i.e.from1913to2013.Objectively,it requires numerous attributes to judge and specify whether a coach is‘the best’,while many of the indicators are deemed hard to quantify.However,to put it in thefirst place, we consider a‘best coach’is,and supposed to be in line with several basic condition-s,which are the prerequisites.Those prerequisites incorporate attributes such as the number of games the coach has participated ever and the win-loss percentage of the total.For instance,under the conditions that either the number of participating games is below100,or the win-loss percentage is less than0.5,we assume this coach cannot be credited as the‘best’,ignoring his/her other facets.Therefore,an attempt was made to screen out the coaches we want,thus to narrow the range in ourfirst stage.At the very beginning,we ignore those whose guiding ses-sions or win-loss percentage is less than a certain level,and then we determine a can-didate pool for‘the best coach’of30-40in scale,according to merely two indicators—-participating games and win-loss percentage.It should be reasonably reliable to draw the top5best coaches from this candidate pool,regardless of any other aspects.One point worth mentioning is that,we take time line horizon as one of the inputs because the number of participating games is changing all the time in the previous century.Hence,it would be unfair to treat this problem by using absolute values, especially for those coaches who lived in the earlier ages when sports were less popular and games were sparse comparatively.4Thefirst round of sample selectionCollege Football is thefirst item in our research.We obtain data concerning all possible coaches since it was initiated,of which the coaches’tenures,participating games and win-loss percentage etc.are included.As a result,we get a sample of2053in scale.Thefirst10candidates’respective information is as below:Table1:Thefirst10candidates’information,here Pct means win-loss percentageCoach From To Years Games Wins Losses Ties PctEli Abbott19021902184400.5Earl Abell19281930328141220.536Earl Able1923192421810620.611 George Adams1890189233634200.944Hobbs Adams1940194632742120.185Steve Addazio20112013337201700.541Alex Agase1964197613135508320.378Phil Ahwesh19491949193600.333Jim Aiken19461950550282200.56Fred Akers19751990161861087530.589 ...........................Firstly,we employ Excel to rule out those who begun their coaching career earlier than1913.Next,considering the impact of time line horizon mentioned in the problem statement,we import our raw data into MATLAB,with an attempt to calculate the coaches’average games every year versus time,as delineated in the Figure1below.Figure1:Diagram of the coaches’average sessions every year versus time It can be drawn from thefigure above,clearly,that the number of each coach’s average games is related with the participating time.With the passing of time and the increasing popularity of sports,coaches’participating games yearly ascends from8to 12or so,that is,the maximum exceed the minimum for50%around.To further refinethe evaluation method,we make the following adjustment for coaches’participating games,and we define it as each coach’s adjusted participating games.Gi =max(G i)G mi×G iWhere•G i is each coach’s participating games;•G im is the average participating games yearly in his/her career;and•max(G i)is the max value in previous century as coaches’average participating games yearlySubsequently,we output the adjusted data,and return it to the Excel table.Obviously,directly using all this data would cause our research a mass,and also the economy of description is hard to achieved.Logically,we propose to employ the following method to narrow the sample range.In general,the most essential attributes to evaluate a coach are his/her guiding ex-perience(which can be shown by participating games)and guiding results(shown by win-loss percentage).Fortunately,these two factors are the ones that can be quantified thus provide feasibility for our modeling.Based on our common sense and select-ed information from sports magazines and associated programs,wefind the winning coaches almost all bear the same characteristics—-at high level in both the partici-pating games and the win-loss percentage.Thus we may arbitrarily enact two bottom line for these two essential attributes,so as to nail down a pool of30to40candidates. Those who do not meet our prerequisites should not be credited as the best in any case.Logically,we expect the model to yield insight into how bottom lines are deter-mined.The matter is,sports types are varying thus the corresponding features are dif-ferent.However,it should be reasonably reliable to the sports fans and commentators’perceptual intuition.Take football as an example,win-loss percentage that exceeds0.75 should be viewed as rather high,and college football coaches of all time who meet this standard are specifically listed in Wikipedia.4Consequently,we are able tofix upon a rational pool of candidate according to those enacted bottom lines and meanwhile, may tender the conditions according to the total scale of the coaches.Still we use Football to further articulate,to determine a pool of candidates for the best coaches,wefirst plot thefigure below to present the distributions of all the coaches.From thefigure2,wefind that once the games number exceeds200or win-loss percentage exceeds0.7,the distribution of the coaches drops significantly.We can thus view this group of coaches as outstanding comparatively,meeting the prerequisites to be the best coaches.4Wikipedia:/wiki/List_of_college_football_coaches_ with_a_.750_winning_percentageFigure2:Hist of the football coaches’number of games versus and average games every year versus games and win-loss percentageHence,we nail down the bottom lines for both the games number and the win-loss percentage,that is,0.7for the former and200for the latter.And these two bottom lines are used as the measure for ourfirst round selection.After round one,merely35 coaches are qualified to remain in the pool of candidates.Since it’s thefirst round sifting,rather than direct and ultimate determination,we hence believe the subjectivity to some extent in the opt of bottom lines will not cloud thefinal results of the best coaches.5Attributes for evaluating coachesThen anchored upon the35candidate selected,we will elaborate our coach evaluation system based on8attributes.In the indicator-select process,we endeavor to examine tradeoffs among the availability for data and difficulty for data quantification.Coaches’pay,for example,though serves as the measure for coaching evaluation,the corre-sponding data are limited.Situations are similar for attributes such as the number of sportsmen the coach ever cultivated for the higher-level tournaments.Ultimately,we determine the8attributes shown in the table below:Further explanation:•Yrs:guiding years of a coach in his/her whole career•G’:Gi =max(G i)G mi×G i see it at last section•Pct:pct=wins+ties/2wins+losses+ties•SRS:a rating that takes into account average point differential and strength of schedule.The rating is denominated in points above/below average,where zeroTable2:symbols and attributessymbol attributeYrs yearsG’adjusted overall gamesPct win-lose percentageP’Adjusted percentage ratioSRS Simple Rating SystemSOS Strength of ScheduleBlp’adjusted Bowls participatedBlw’adjusted Bowls wonis the average.Note that,the bigger for this value,the stronger for the team performance.•SOS:a rating of strength of schedule.The rating is denominated in points above/below average,where zero is the average.Noted that the bigger for this value,the more powerful for the team’s rival,namely the competition is more fierce.Sports-reference provides official statistics for SRS and SOS.5•P’is a new attribute designed in our model.It is the result of Win-loss in the coach’s whole career divided by the average of win-loss percentage(weighted by the number of games in different colleges the coach ever in).We bear in mind that the function of a great coach is not merely manifested in the pure win-loss percentage of the team,it is even more crucial to consider the improvement of the team’s win-loss record with the coach’s participation,or say,the gap between‘af-ter’and‘before’period of this team.(between‘after’and‘before’the dividing line is the day the coach take office)It is because a coach who build a comparative-ly weak team into a much more competitive team would definitely receive more respect and honor from sports fans.To measure and specify this attribute,we col-lect the key official data from sports-reference,which included the independent win-loss percentage for each candidate and each college time when he/she was in the team and,the weighted average of all time win-loss percentage of all the college teams the coach ever in—-regardless of whether the coach is in the team or not.To articulate this attribute,here goes a simple physical example.Ike Armstrong (placedfirst when sorted by alphabetical order),of which the data can be ob-tained from website of sports-reference6.We can easily get the records we need, namely141wins,55losses,15ties,and0.704for win-losses percentage.Fur-ther,specific wins,losses,ties for the team he ever in(Utab college)can also be gained,respectively they are602,419,30,0.587.Consequently,the P’value of Ike Armstrong should be0.704/0.587=1.199,according to our definition.•Bowl games is a special event in thefield of Football games.In North America,a bowl game is one of a number of post-season college football games that are5sports-reference:/cfb/coaches/6sports-reference:/cfb/coaches/ike-armstrong-1.htmlprimarily played by teams from the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision.The times for one coach to eparticipate Bowl games are important indicators to eval-uate a coach.However,noted that the total number of Bowl games held each year is changing from year to year,which should be taken into consideration in the model.Other sports events such as NCAA basketball tournament is also ex-panding.For this reason,it is irrational to use the absolute value of the times for entering the Bowl games (or NCAA basketball tournament etc.)and the times for winning as the evaluation measurement.Whereas the development history and regulations for different sports items vary from one to another (actually the differentiation can be fairly large),we here are incapable to find a generalized method to eliminate this discrepancy ,instead,in-dependent method for each item provide a way out.Due to the time limitation for our research and the need of model generalization,we here only do root extract of blp and blw to debilitate the differentiation,i.e.Blp =√Blp Blw =√Blw For different sports items,we use the same attributes,except Blp’and Blw’,we may change it according to specific sports.For instance,we can use CREG (Number of regular season conference championship won)and FF (Number of NCAA Final Four appearance)to replace Blp and Blw in basketball games.With all the attributes determined,we organized data and show them in the table 3:In addition,before forward analysis there is a need to preprocess the data,owing to the diverse dimensions between these indicators.Methods for data preprocessing are a lot,here we adopt standard score (Z score)method.In statistics,the standard score is the (signed)number of standard deviations an observation or datum is above the mean.Thus,a positive standard score represents a datum above the mean,while a negative standard score represents a datum below the mean.It is a dimensionless quantity obtained by subtracting the population mean from an individual raw score and then dividing the difference by the population standard deviation.7The standard score of a raw score x is:z =x −µσIt is easy to complete this process by statistical software SPSS.6Factor analysis model 6.1A brief introduction to factor analysisFactor analysis is a statistical method used to describe variability among observed,correlated variables in terms of a potentially lower number of unobserved variables called factors.For example,it is possible that variations in four observed variables mainly reflect the variations in two unobserved variables.Factor analysis searches for 7Wikipedia:/wiki/Standard_scoreTable3:summarized data for best college football coaches’candidatesCoach From To Yrs G’Pct Blp’Blw’P’SRS SOS Ike Armstrong19251949252810.70411 1.199 4.15-4.18 Dana Bible19151946313860.7152 1.73 1.0789.88 1.48 Bernie Bierman19251950242780.71110 1.29514.36 6.29 Red Blaik19341958252940.75900 1.28213.57 2.34 Bobby Bowden19702009405230.74 5.74 4.69 1.10314.25 4.62 Frank Broyles19571976202570.7 3.162 1.18813.29 5.59 Bear Bryant19451982385080.78 5.39 3.87 1.1816.77 6.12 Fritz Crisler19301947182080.76811 1.08317.15 6.67 Bob Devaney19571972162080.806 3.16 2.65 1.25513.13 2.28 Dan Devine19551980222800.742 3.16 2.65 1.22613.61 4.69 Gilmour Dobie19161938222370.70900 1.27.66-2.09 Bobby Dodd19451966222960.713 3.613 1.18414.25 6.6 Vince Dooley19641988253250.715 4.47 2.83 1.09714.537.12 Gus Dorais19221942192320.71910 1.2296-3.21 Pat Dye19741992192400.707 3.16 2.65 1.1929.68 1.51 LaVell Edwards19722000293920.716 4.69 2.65 1.2437.66-0.66 Phillip Fulmer19922008172150.743 3.87 2.83 1.08313.42 4.95 Woody Hayes19511978283290.761 3.32 2.24 1.03117.418.09 Frank Kush19581979222710.764 2.65 2.45 1.238.21-2.07 John McKay19601975162070.7493 2.45 1.05817.298.59 Bob Neyland19261952212860.829 2.65 1.41 1.20815.53 3.17 Tom Osborne19731997253340.8365 3.46 1.18119.7 5.49 Ara Parseghian19561974192250.71 2.24 1.73 1.15317.228.86 Joe Paterno19662011465950.749 6.08 4.9 1.08914.01 5.01 Darrell Royal19541976232970.7494 2.83 1.08916.457.09 Nick Saban19902013182390.748 3.74 2.83 1.12313.41 3.86 Bo Schembechler19631989273460.775 4.12 2.24 1.10414.86 3.37 Francis Schmidt19221942212670.70800 1.1928.490.16 Steve Spurrier19872013243160.733 4.363 1.29313.53 4.64 Bob Stoops19992013152070.804 3.74 2.65 1.11716.66 4.74 Jock Sutherland19191938202550.81221 1.37613.88 1.68 Barry Switzer19731988162090.837 3.61 2.83 1.16320.08 6.63 John Vaught19471973253210.745 4.24 3.16 1.33814.7 5.26 Wallace Wade19231950243070.765 2.24 1.41 1.34913.53 3.15 Bud Wilkinson19471963172220.826 2.83 2.45 1.14717.54 4.94 such joint variations in response to unobserved latent variables.The observed vari-ables are modelled as linear combinations of the potential factors,plus‘error’terms. The information gained about the interdependencies between observed variables can be used later to reduce the set of variables in a putationally this technique is equivalent to low rank approximation of the matrix of observed variables.8 Why carry out factor analyses?If we can summarise a multitude of measure-8Wikipedia:/wiki/Factor_analysisments with a smaller number of factors without losing too much information,we have achieved some economy of description,which is one of the goals of scientific investi-gation.It is also possible that factor analysis will allow us to test theories involving variables which are hard to measure directly.Finally,at a more prosaic level,factor analysis can help us establish that sets of questionnaire items(observed variables)are in fact all measuring the same underlying factor(perhaps with varying reliability)and so can be combined to form a more reliable measure of that factor.6.2Steps of Factor analysis by SPSSFirst we import the decided datasets of8attributes into SPSS,and the results can be obtained below after the software processing.[2-3]Figure3:Table of total variance explainedFigure4:Scree PlotThefirst table and scree plot shows the eigenvalues and the amount of variance explained by each successive factor.The remaining5factors have small eigenvalues value.Once the top3factors are extracted,it adds up to84.3%,meaning a great as the explanatory ability for the original information.To reflect the quantitative analysis of the model,we obtain the following factor loading matrix,actually the loadings are in corresponding to the weight(α1,α2 (i)the set ofx i=αi1f1+αi2f2+...+αim f j+εiAnd the relative strength of the common factors and the original attribute can also be manifested.Figure5:Rotated Component MatrixThen,with Rotated Component Matrix above,wefind the common factor F1main-ly expresses four attributes they are:G,Yrs,P,SRS,and logically,we define the com-mon factor generated from those four attributes as the guiding competency of the coach;similarly,the common factor F2mainly expresses two attributes,and they are: Pct and Blp,which can be de defined as the integrated strength of the guided team; while the common factor F3,mainly expresses two attributes:SOS and Blw,which can be summarized into a‘latent attribute’named competition strength.In order to obtain the quantitative relation,we get the following Component Score Coefficient Matrix processed by SPSS.Further,the function of common factors and the original attributes is listed as bel-low:F1=0.300x1+0.312x2+0.023x3+0.256x4+0.251x5+0.060x6−0.035x7−0.053x8F2=−0.107x1−0,054x2+0.572x3+0.103x4+0.081x5+0.280x6+0.372x7+0.142x8 F3=−0.076x1−0,098x2−0.349x3+0.004x4+0.027x5−0.656x6+0.160x7+0.400x8 Finally we calculate out the integrated factor scores,which should be the average score weighted by the corresponding proportion of variance contribution of each com-mon factor in the total variance contribution.And the function set should be:F=0.477F1+0.284F2+0.239F3Figure6:Component Score Coefficient Matrix6.3Result of the modelwe rank all the coaches in the candidate pool by integrated score represented by F.Seetable4:Table4:Integrated scores for best college football coach(show15data due to the limi-tation of space)Rank coaches F1F2F3Integrated factor1Joe Paterno 3.178-0.3150.421 1.3622Bobby Bowden 2.51-0.2810.502 1.1113Bear Bryant 2.1420.718-0.142 1.0994Tom Osborne0.623 1.969-0.2390.8205Woody Hayes0.140.009 1.6130.4846Barry Switzer-0.705 2.0360.2470.4037Darrell Royal0.0460.161 1.2680.4018Vince Dooley0.361-0.442 1.3730.3749Bo Schembechler0.4810.1430.3040.32910John Vaught0.6060.748-0.870.26511Steve Spurrier0.5180.326-0.5380.18212Bob Stoops-0.718 1.0850.5230.17113Bud Wilkinson-0.718 1.4130.1050.16514Bobby Dodd0.08-0.2080.7390.16215John McKay-0.9620.228 1.870.151Based on this model,we can make a scientific rank list for US college football coach-es,the Top5coaches of our model is Joe Paterno,Bobby Bowden,Bear Bryant,TomOsborne,Woody Hayes.In order to confirm our result,we get a official list of bestcollege football coaches from Bleacherreport99Bleacherreport:/articles/890705-college-football-the-top-50-coTable5:The result of our model in football,the last column is official college basketball ranking from bleacherreportRank Our model Integrated scores bleacherreport1Joe Paterno 1.362Bear Bryant2Bobby Bowden 1.111Knute Rockne3Bear Bryant 1.099Tom Osborne4Tom Osborne0.820Joe Paterno5Woody Hayes0.484Bobby Bowden By comparing thoes two ranking list,wefind that four of our Top5coaches ap-peared in the offical Top5list,which shows that our model is reasonable and effective.7Model generalizationOur coach evaluation system model,of which the feasibility of generalization is sat-isfying,can be accommodated to any possible NCAA sports concourses by assigning slight modification concerning specific regulations.Besides,this method has nothing to do with the coach’s gender,or say,both male and female coaches can be rationally evaluated by this system.And therefore we would like to generalize this model into softball.Further,we take into account the time line horizon,making corresponding adjust-ment for the indicator of number of participating games so as to stipulate that the evaluation measure for1913and2013would be the same.To further generalize the model,first let’s have a test in basketball,of which the data available is adequate enough as football.And the specific steps are as following:1.Obtain data from sports-reference10and rule out the coaches who begun theircoaching career earlier than1913.2.Calculate each coach’s adjusted number of participating games,and adjust theattribute—-FF(Number of NCAA Final Four appearance).3.Determine the bottom lines for thefirst round selection to get a pool of candidatesaccording to the coaches’participating games and win-loss percentage,and the ideal volumn of the pool should be from30to40.Hist diagrams are as below: We determine800as the bottom line for the adjusted participating games and0.7 for the win-loss percentage.Coincidently,we get a candidate pool of35in scale.4.Next,we collect the corresponding data of candidate coaches(P’,SRS,SOS etc.),as presented in the table6:5.Processed by z score method and factor analysis based on the8attributes anddata above,we get three common factors andfinal integrated scores.And among 10sports-reference:/cbb/coaches/Figure7:Hist of the basketball coaches’number of games versus and average gamesevery year versus games and win-loss percentagethe top5candidates,Mike Krzyzewski,Adolph Rupp,Dean SmithˇcˇnBob Knightare the same with the official statistics from bleacherreport.11We can say theeffectiveness of the model is pretty good.See table5.We also apply similar approach into college softball.Maybe it is because the popularity of the softball is not that high,the data avail-able is not adequate to employ ourfirst model.How can our model function in suchsituation?First and foremost,specialized magazines like Sports Illustrated,its com-mentators there would have more internal and confidential databases,which are notexposed publicly.On the one hand,as long as the data is adequate enough,we can saythe original model is completely feasible.While under the situation that there is datadeficit,we can reasonably simplify the model.The derivation of the softball data is NCAA’s official websites,here we only extractdata from All-Division part.12Softball is a comparatively young sports,hence we may arbitrarily neglect the re-stricted condition of‘100years’.Subsequently,because of the data deficit it is hard toadjust the number of participating games.We may as well determine10as the bottomline for participating games and0.74for win-loss percentage,producing a candidatepool of33in scaleAttributed to the inadequacy of the data for attributes,it is not convenient to furtheruse the factor analysis similarly as the assessment model.Therefore,here we employsolely two of the most important attributes to evaluate a coach and they are:partic-ipating games and win-loss percentage in the coach’s whole career.Specifically,wefirst adopt z score to normalize all the data because of the differentiation of various dimensions,and then the integrated score of the coach can be reached by the weighted11bleacherreport:/articles/1341064-10-greatest-coaches-in-ncaa-b 12NCAA softball Coaching Record:/Docs/stats/SB_Records/2012/coaches.pdf。










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问题B:大学教练传奇Sports Illustrated, a magazine for sports enthusiasts, is looking for the “best all time college coach” male or female for the previous century. Build a mathematical model to choose the best college coach or coaches (past or present) from among either male or female coaches in such sports as college hockey or field hockey, football, baseball or softball, basketball, or soccer. Does it make a difference which time line horizon that you use in your analysis, i.e., does coaching in 1913 differ from coaching in 2013? Clearly articulate your metrics for assessment. Discuss how your model can be applied in general across both genders and all possible sports. Present your model’s top 5 coaches in each of 3 different sports.体育画报(一个体育爱好者喜爱的杂志)正在评选不限男女上世纪‘最好的全职教练’建立一个数学模型去评选在曲棍球,橄榄球,篮球,垒球,篮球,足球领域里最好的教练(过去或现在)。
















对于问题一,首先,我们根据所提供的已知尺寸的长方形平板和桌面形状,桌高的要求,以圆桌面中心作为原点建立了相应的空间直角坐标系,分别求出了各个桌腿的长度,根据在折叠过程中,钢筋穿过的每个点距离桌面的高度相同这一性质,利用MATLAB程序计算出了每根木棒卡槽的长度和桌脚底端每个点的坐标,其中卡槽长度依次为(从最外侧开始,单位:cm):0、 4.3564、7.663、10.3684、12.5926、14.393、15.8031、16.8445、17.5314、17.8728,并且根据底端坐标拟合出了桌脚边缘线的方程并进行了检验。





我们考虑了“操场形”桌面和“双曲线形”桌面,得到了“操场形”桌面的的创意平板折叠桌槽长为(从最外侧开始,单位:cm):0、4.3564、7.6637、10.3684、12.5926、14.3930、15.8031、16.8445、17.5314、17.8728; “曲线形”桌面的创意平板折叠桌槽长为(从最外侧开始,单位:cm):0、1.5756、2.8917、3.9886、4.9005、5.6532、6.2641、6.7397、7.0741、7.2501。




要表示折叠桌的动态变化过程,我们可以先求出在第一根桌腿转动的角度为 时,其他各个桌腿的位置(用各自转动的角度 来表示),另外为了清楚地显示变化过程,我们还计算了此时钢筋在各个开槽内滑动的距离 。由于在整个变化过程中, 是从0°到一个极限角度 之间进行连续地变化,所以只要用 来表示出 、 ,就可以描述出整个动态变化过程。
桌腿开槽的长度 (cm)
先求桌角边缘各点的三维坐标,如图,我们取各个桌腿的内侧边的靠近桌面圆心的点,从外向内,编号为 , ,….. :
z=[0 3.37 6.55 9.44 11.94 12.45 14.14 16.28 16.78 17.36];
plot3(xx,yy,zz,'r',x,y,z,'o') ;
hold on;
开槽的上顶点到桌腿顶点距离 (cm)
根据解析式(1)、(2)求出在桌子完全成型的时候,各条桌腿转动的角度 和钢筋在桌腿开槽内滑动的距离 ,此时的 也就是开槽的长度(见附录程序3)。



For office use onlyT1________________ T2________________ T3________________ T4________________ Team Control Number27820Problem ChosenBFor office use onlyF1________________F2________________F3________________F4________________ 2014Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) Summary Sheet(Attach a copy of this page to your solution paper.)Research on Choosing the Best College Coaches Based on Data Envelopment AnalysisSummaryIn order to get the rank of coaches in differ ent sports and look for the ―best all time college coach‖ male or female for the previous century, in this paper, we build a comprehensive evaluation model for choosing the best college coaches based on data envelopment analysis. In the established model, we choose the length of coaching career, the number of participation in the NCAA Games, and the number of coaching session as the input indexes, and choose the victory ratio of games, the number of victory session and the number of equivalent champion as the output indexes. In addition, each coach is regarded as a decision making unit (DMU).First of all, with the example of basketball coaches, the relatively excellent basketball coaches are evaluated by the established model. By using LINGO software, the top 5 coaches are obtained as follows: Joe B. Hall, John Wooden, John Calipari, Adolph Rupp and Hank Iba.Secondly, the year 1938 is chosen as a time set apart to divide the time line into two parts. And then, basketball coaches are still taken as an example to evaluate the top 5 coaches used the constructed model in those two parts, respectively. The evaluated results are shown as: Doc Meanwell, Francis Schmidt, Ralph Jones, E.J. Mather, Harry Fisher before 1938, and Joe B. Hall, John Wooden, John Calipari, Adolph Rupp and Hank Iba after 1938. These results are accordant with those best coaches that were universally acknowledged by public. It suggests that the model is valid and effective. As a consequence, it can be applied in general across both genders and all possible sports.Thirdly, just the same as basketball coaches, football and field hockey coaches are also studied by using the model. After the calculation, the top 5 co aches of football’s results are as follows: Phillip Fulmer, Tom Osborne, Dan Devine, Bobby Bowden and Pat Dye, and field hockey’s are Fred Shero, Mike Babcock, Claude Julien, Joel Quenneville and Ken Hitchcock.Finally, although the top 5 coaches in each of 3 different sports have been chosen, the above-mentioned model failed to sort these coaches. Therefore, the super- efficiency DEA model is introduced to solve the problem. This model not only can evaluate the better coaches but also can rank them. As a result, we can choose the ―best all time college coach‖ from all the coaches easily.Type a summary of your results on this page. Do not includethe name of your school, advisor, or team members on this page.Research on Choosing the Best College Coaches Based on DataEnvelopment AnalysisSummaryI n order to get the rank of coaches in different sports and look for the ―best all time college coach‖ male or female for the previous century, in this paper, we build a comprehensive evaluation model for choosing the best college coaches based on data envelopment analysis. In the established model, we choose the length of coaching career, the number of participation in the NCAA Games, and the number of coaching session as the input indexes, and choose the victory ratio of games, the number of victory session and the number of equivalent champion as the output indexes. In addition, each coach is regarded as a decision making unit (DMU).First of all, with the example of basketball coaches, the relatively excellent basketball coaches are evaluated by the established model. By using LINGO software, the top 5 coaches are obtained as follows: Joe B. Hall, John Wooden, John Calipari, Adolph Rupp and Hank Iba.Secondly, the year 1938 is chosen as a time set apart to divide the time line into two parts. And then, basketball coaches are still taken as an example to evaluate the top 5 coaches used the constructed model in those two parts, respectively. The evaluated results are shown as: Doc Meanwell, Francis Schmidt, Ralph Jones, E.J. Mather, Harry Fisher before 1938, and Joe B. Hall, John Wooden, John Calipari, Adolph Rupp and Hank Iba after 1938. These results are accordant with those best coaches that were universally acknowledged by public. It suggests that the model is valid and effective. As a consequence, it can be applied in general across both genders and all possible sports.Thirdly, just the same as basketball coaches, football and field hockey coaches are also studied by using the model. After the calculation, the top 5 coaches of football’s results are as follows: Phillip Fulmer, Tom Osborne, Dan Devine, Bobby Bowden and Pat Dye, and field hockey’s are Fred Shero, Mike Babcock, Claude Julien, Joel Quenneville and Ken Hitchcock.Finally, although the top 5 coaches in each of 3 different sports have been chosen, the above-mentioned model failed to sort these coaches. Therefore, the super- efficiency DEA model is introduced to solve the problem. This model not only can evaluate the better coaches but also can rank them. As a result, we can choose the ―best all time college coach‖ from all the coaches easily.Key words: college coach;data envelopment analysis; decision making unit; comprehensive evaluationContents1. Introduction (4)2. The Description of Problem (4)3. Models (5)3.1Symbols and Definitions (5)3.2 GeneralAssumptions (6)3.3 Analysis of the Problem (6)3.4 The Foundation of Model (6)3.5 Solution and Result (8)3.6 sensitivity analysis (17)3.7 Analysis of the Result (19)3.8 Strength and Weakness (19)4.Improved Model............................................................................................................................ .. (20)4.1super- efficiency DEA model (20)4.2 Solution and Result (21)4.3Strength and Weakness (25)5. Conclusions (25)5.1 Conclusions of the problem...............................................................................,.25 5.2 Methods used in our models (26)5.3 Applications of our models (26)6.The article for Sports Illustrated (26)7.References (28)I. IntroductionAt present, the scientific evaluation index systems related to college coach abilities are limited, and the evaluation of coach abilities are mostly determined by the sports teams’game results, and it lacks of systematic, scientific and accurate evaluation with large subjectivity and one-sidedness, thus it can not objectively reflect the actual training level of coaches. In recent years, there appear many new performance evaluation methods, which mostly consider the integrity of the evaluation system. Thus they overcome a lot of weaknesses that purely based on the evaluation of game results. However, it is followed by the complexity of evaluation process and index system, as well as the great increase of the implementation cost. Data envelopment analysis is a non-parametric technique for evaluating the relative efficiency of a set of homogeneous decision-making units (DMUs) with multiple inputs and multiple outputs by using a ratio of the weighted sum of outputs to the weighted sum of inputs. Therefore, it not only simplifies the number of indexes, but also avoids the interference of subjective consciousness, thus makes the evaluation system more just and scientific.Based on the investigation and research of the US college basketball coach for the previous century, this paper aims at establishing a scientific and objective evaluation index system to assess their coaching abilities comprehensively. It provides reference for the relating sports management department to evaluate coaches and continuously optimize their coaching abilities. For this purpose, the DEA is successfully introduced into this article to establish a comprehensive evaluation model for choosing the best college coaches. It makes the assessment of the coaches in different time line horizon, different gender and different sports to testify the validity and the effectiveness of this approach.II. The Description of the Problem In order to find out the ―best all time college coach‖ for the previous century, a comprehensive evaluation model is needed to set up. Therefore, a set of scientific and objective evaluation index system should be established, which should meet the following principles or requirements:The principle of sufficiency and comprehensivenessThe index system should be sufficiently representative and comprehensivelycover the main contents of the coaches’ coaching abilities.The principle of independenceEach of the index should be clear and comparatively independent.The principle of operabilityThe data of index system comes from the existing statistics data, thus copying the unrealistic index system is not allowed.The principle of comparabilityThe comparative index should be used as far as possible to be convenientlycompared for each coach.After the establishment of evaluation index system, it requires the detailed model to make assessment and analysis for each coach. Currently, the comprehensive assessment is mostly widely used, but most of them need to be gave a weight. It is more subjective and not very scientific and objective. To avoid fixing the weight, the DEA method is adopted, which can figure out coaches’ rank eventually from the coach’s actual data.For the different time line horizon, the coaches’ rank is inevitably influenced by the team’s l evel and the sports, thus it requires discussion in different time line horizon to get the further results.Finally, the DEA model is applied to all coaches (either male or female) and all possible sports to get the rank, and then the model’s whole assessm ent basis and process should be explained to the readers in understandable words.III. Models3.1 Terms Definitions and Symbols Symbol ExplanationDMU k the k th DMU0DMU the target DMU, which is one of the nevaluated DMUs;ik x the i th input variable consumed0i x the i th input variable consumedjk y the j th output variable produced0j y the j th output variable produced1I The length of coaching career2I The number of taking part in NCAAtournament3I coaching session1Ovictory ratio of game3.2 General AssumptionsThe same level game difficulty in different regions and cities is equal for all teams.The value of the champion in different regions and cities is equal (without regard to team’s number in the region, the power and strength of the teams and other factors).The same game’s value is equal in different years (without regard to the team number in the year and other factors).The college’s level has no influence to the coach’s coaching performance.3.3 Analysis of the ProblemFor the current problem, first of all, a comprehensive evaluation model is needed to set up. Therefore, a set of scientific and objective evaluation index system should be established. The evaluation system of the coaches is comparatively mature, but it mainly based on the people’s subjective consciousness, thus the evaluation system we build requires more data to explain the problem, and it tries to assess each coach in a objective and just way without the interference of subjective factors.Secondly, the evaluation system we used is different due to the different games in different time periods. So the influence of different time periods to the evaluation results should be taken into account when we deal with the problem. Furthermore, it should be discussed in different cases.3.4 The Foundation of ModelData Envelopment Analysis (DEA), initially proposed by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes [3], is a non-parametric technique for evaluating the relative efficiency of a set of homogeneous decision-making units (DMUs) with multiple inputs and multiple outputs by using a ratio of the weighted sum of outputs to the weighted sum of inputs. 2O the number of victory session3O The number of equivalent champion1Q the number of regular games champion2Q the number of league games champion3Qthe number of NCAA league gameschampionOne of the basic DEA models used to evaluate DMUs efficiency is the input-oriented CCR model, which was introduced by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes [1]. Suppose that there are n comparatively homogenous DMUs (Here, we look upon each coach as a DMU), each of which consumes the same type of m inputs and produces the same type of s outputs. All inputs and outputs are assumed to be nonnegative, but at least one input and one output are positive.DMU k : the k th DMU, 1,2,,=k n ;0DMU : the target DMU, which is one of the n evaluated DMUs;ik x : the i th input variable consumed by DMU k , 1,2,,=i m ; 0i x : the i th input variable consumed by 0DMU , 1,2,,=i m ;jk y : the j th output variable produced by DMU k , 1,2,,=j s ;0j y : the j th output variable produced by 0DMU , 1,2,,=j s ; i u : the i th input weight, 1,2,,=i m ;In DEA model, the efficiency of 0DMU , which is one of the n DMUs, isobtained by using a ratio of the weighted sum of outputs to the weighted sum of inputs under the condition that the ratio of every entity is not larger than 1. The DEA model is formulated by using fractional programming as follows:()()000111112121,1,2,...,..,,,0,,,0max sr rj r m j i ij i sr rj r m i ij i T m T s j n s t v v v v u u u u y u hv x y u v x =====⎧⎪⎪≤=⎪⎪⎨⎪=≥⎪⎪=≥⎪⎩∑∑∑∑ (2)The above model is a fractional programming model, which is equivalent to the following linear programming model:00111010,1,2,...,..1,0,1,2,..;1,2,...,max s j r rj r sm i ij r rj r i m i ij i ir j n s t i m r sy h y w x w x w μμμ=====⎧-≤=⎪⎪⎪=⎨⎪⎪≥==⎪⎩∑∑∑∑ (3) Turned to another form is:101min ..0,1,2,,nj j j n j j j j x x s t j ny y θλθθλλ==⎧≤⎪⎪⎪⎪≥⎨⎪⎪≥=⎪⎪⎩∑∑无约束 3.5 Solution and Result3.5.1 Establishing the input and output index systemIn the DEA model, it requires defining a set of input index and a set of output index, and all the indexes should be the common data for each coach. Regarding the team as an unit, then the contribution that the coach made to the team can be regarded as input, while the achievement that the team made can be regarded as reward. In the following, we take the basketball coaches of NACC as an example to establish the input and output index system. These input indexes could be chosen as follows:1I :The length of coaching careerThe more game seasons a coach takes part in, the more abundant experience he has. This ki nd of coach’s achievement is easily affirmed by others. As the Figure 1 shows, the famous coach mostly experienced the long-time coaching career.Furthermore, the time the coach has contributed to the team is fundamental if they want to have a good result in the game. Thus the length of coaching career can be regarded as an index to evaluate the coach’s contribution to the team.Figure 1 The relationship between the length of coaching career and the number ofchampionsI: The number of taking part in NCAA tournament2Whether the coach takes the team to a higher level game has a direct influence on the team’s performance, and also it can reflect the coach’s coaching abilities, level and other factors.I: coaching session3For the reason of layers of elimination, the coaching session is not necessarily determined by the length of coaching career. It can be shown in the comparison between Figure 2 and Figure 3. Thus the number of coaching session can also be regarded as an index.Figure 2These output indexes could be chosen as follows:O: victory ratio of game1The index reflects the coach’s ability of command and control, and it a ttaches great importance to the evaluation of coach’s coaching abilities.O: the number of victory session2The case that the number of victory session reflected is different from that of victory ratio, only if get the enough number of victory session in a large number of coaching session, the acquired high victory ratio can reflect the coach’s high coaching level. If the victory occurs in a limited games, this kind of high victory ratio can not reflect the rules. It can be shown in the comparison between Figure 3 and Figure 4.Figure 3Figure 43O :The number of equivalent championThe honor that US college basketball teams acquired can be divided into three types: 1Q : the number of regular games champion; 2Q : the number of league games champion; 3Q : the number of NCAA league games champion. The threechampionship honor has different levels, and their importance is increasing in turn according to the reference. The weight 0.2、0.3、0.5 can be given respectively, and the number of equivalent champion can be figured out and used as an output index, as it shown in Table 1.5.0Q 3.0Q 2.0Q O 3213⨯+⨯+⨯=Table 1 Coach names Number of regular games champion (weight 0.2) Number of league games champion (weight 0.3) Number of NCAA league games championNumber of equivalent championAccording to Internet, the data of input and output are given by Table 2.Table 2(weight 0.5)Phog Allen 24 0 1 5.3 Fred Taylor 7 0 1 1.9 Hank Iba 15 0 2 4 Joe B. Hall 8 1 1 2.4 Billy Donovan 7 3 2 3.3 Steve Fisher 3 4 1 2.6 John Calipari 14 11 1 6.6 Tom Izzo 7 3 1 2.8 Nolan Richardso 9 6 1 3.9 John Wooden 16 0 10 8.2 Rick Pitino 9 11 2 6.1 Jerry Tarkanian 18 8 1 6.5 Adolph Rupp 28 13 4 11.5 John Thompson 7 6 1 3.7 Jim Calhoun 16 12 3 8.3 Denny Crum 15 11 2 7.3 Roy Williams 15 6 2 5.8 Dean Smith 17 13 2 8.3 Bob Knight 11 0 3 3.7 Lute Olson 13 4 1 4.3 Mike Krzyzewski 12 13 4 8.3 Jim Boeheim 11 5 1 4.2 Doc Meanwell 10 0 0 2 Ralph Jones 4 0 0 0.8 Francis Schmidt61.2Coach namesInput indexOutput index1I2I3I1O 2O3ONCAA tourament Thelength of coaching careerCoaching session Win-Lose %WinsNumber of equivalent championPhog Allen 4489780.735 719 5.3 Fred Taylor 5 18 455 0.653 297 1.9 Hank Iba84010850.6937524Since the opening of NACC tournament in 1938, thus the year 1938 is chosen as a time set apart. The finishing time point of coaching before 1938 is a period of time, while after 1938 is another period of time.For the time period before 1938, take the length of coaching career 1I , coaching session 3I as input indexes, and then take W-L %1O , victory session 2O , the number of regular games champion 1Q as output indexes. The results is shown in Table 3 after the data statistics of each index.For the time period after 1938, because they all take part in NACC, the input index and output index are just the same as that of all time period. The data statistics is just as shown in Table 3.Table 3Coach namesInput indexOutput index1I3I1O2O1QThe lengthof coachingcareerCoachingsessionW-L % WinsNumber of regular games championJoe B. Hall 10 16 463 0.721 334 2.4 Billy Donovan 13 20 658 0.714 470 3.3 Steve Fisher 13 24 739 0.658 486 2.6 John Calipari 14 22 756 0.774 585 6.6 Tom Izzo 16 19 639 0.717 458 2.8 Nolan Richardson 16 22 716 0.711 509 3.9 John Wooden 16 29 826 0.804 664 8.2 Rick Pitino 18 28 920 0.74 681 6.1 Jerry Tarkanian 18 30 963 0.79 761 6.5 Adolph Rupp 20 41 1066 0.822 876 11.5 John Thompson 20 27 835 0.714 596 3.7 Jim Calhoun 23 40 1259 0.697 877 8.3 Denny Crum 23 30 970 0.696 675 7.3 Roy Williams 23 26 902 0.793 715 5.8 Dean Smith 27 36 1133 0.776 879 8.3 Bob Knight 28 42 1273 0.706 899 3.7 Lute Olson 28 34 1061 0.731 776 4.3 Mike Krzyzewski 29 39 1277 0.764 975 8.3 Jim Boeheim303812560.759424.2Louis Cooke 27 380 0.654 248 5 Zora Clevenger 15 223 0.677 151 2 Harry Fisher 14 249 0.759 189 3 Ralph Jones 17 245 0.792 194 4 Doc Meanwell 22 381 0.735 280 10 Hugh McDermott 17 291 0.636 185 2 E.J. Mather 14 203 0.675 137 3 Craig Ruby 16 278 0.651 181 4 Francis Schmidt 17 330 0.782 258 6 Doc Stewart 15 291 0.663 193 2 James St. Clair162630.58215323.5.2 Solution and ResultIn this section, take Phog Allen as an example and make calculation as follows:Taking Phog Allen as 0DMU , then the input vector is 0x , the output vector is 0y , while the respective input and output weight vector are:From the Figure 2 it can be inferred thatT x )978,48,4(0= T y )3.5,719,735.0(0=After the calculation by LINGO then the efficiency value h 1 of DMU 1 is0.9999992.For other coaches, their efficiency value is figured out by the above calculation process as shown in Table 4.Table 4Coach namesInput indexOutput indexEfficiency value 1I2I3I1O 2O3ONCAA Tourna ment Thelength of coachin g careerCoachin g session W-L % Wins Number ofequivalent championJoe B. Hall 10 16 463 0.721 334 2.4 1John Wooden 16 29 826 0.804 664 8.2 1John Calipari 14 22 756 0.774 585 6.6 1Adolph Rupp 20 41 1066 0.822 876 11.5 1Hank Iba 8 40 1085 0.693 752 4 1Mike Krzyzewski 29 39 1277 0.764 975 8.3 1Roy Williams 23 26 902 0.793 715 5.8 1Jerry Tarkanian 18 30 963 0.79 761 6.5 0.9999997 Fred Taylor 5 18 455 0.653 297 1.9 0.9999996 Phog Allen 4 48 978 0.735 719 5.3 0.9999992 Tom Izzo 16 19 639 0.717 458 2.8 0.9785362 Dean Smith 27 36 1133 0.776 879 8.3 0.9678561 Jim Boeheim 30 38 1256 0.75 942 4.2 0.941031 Billy Donovan 13 20 658 0.714 470 3.3 0.9405422 Rick Pitino 18 28 920 0.74 681 6.1 0.9401934 Nolan Richardson 16 22 716 0.711 509 3.9 0.920282 Lute Olson 28 34 1061 0.731 776 4.3 0.9114966 John Thompson 20 27 835 0.714 596 3.7 0.8967647 Jim Calhoun 23 40 1259 0.697 877 8.3 0.8842854 Denny Crum 23 30 970 0.696 675 7.3 0.8823837 Bob Knight 28 42 1273 0.706 899 3.7 0.8769902 Steve Fisher 13 24 739 0.658 486 2.6 0.8543039For those coaches in the time period after 1938, the efficiency values, which is shown in Table 5, are figured out from the similar calculation process as Phog Allen.Table 5Coach namesInput index Output indexEfficiencyvalue 1I3I1O2O1QThelengthofcoaching careerCoaching sessionW-L % WinsNumberof regularchampionDoc Meanwell 22 381 0.735 280 10 1Francis Schmidt 17 330 0.782 258 6 1Ralph Jones 17 245 0.792 194 4 1E.J. Mather 14 203 0.675 137 3 0.9999999Harry Fisher 14 249 0.759 189 3 0.999999 Zora Clevenger 15 223 0.677 151 2 0.9328517 Doc Stewart 15 291 0.663 193 2 0.8910155 Craig Ruby 16 278 0.651 181 4 0.859112 Louis Cooke 27 380 0.654 248 5 0.8241993 Hugh McDermott 17 291 0.636 185 2 0.8091489 James St. Clair 16 263 0.582 153 2 0.7468237Choose basketball, football and field hockey and make calculationsThe calculation result statistics of basketball is shown in Table 4.The calculation result statistics of football is shown in Table 6.Table 6Coach NamesInput index Output indexEfficiencyvalue Total ofthe BowlThelength ofcoachingcareerCoachingsessionW-L % WinsNumberofchampionPhillip Fulmer 15 17 204 0.743 151 8 1 Tom Osborne 25 25 307 0.836 255 12 1 Dan Devine 10 22 238 0.742 172 7 1 Bobby Bowden 33 40 485 0.74 357 22 1 Pat Dye 10 19 220 0.707 153 7 1 Bobby Dodd 13 22 237 0.713 165 9 1Bo Schembechler 17 27 307 0.775 234 5 1 Woody Hayes 11 28 276 0.761 205 5 1.000001 Joe Paterno 37 46 548 0.749 409 24 1 Nick Saban 14 18 228 0.748 170 8 0.9999993 Darrell Royal 16 23 249 0.749 184 8 0.9653375 John Vaught 18 25 263 0.745 190 10 0.9648578 Steve Spurrier 19 24 300 0.733 219 9 0.9639218 Bear Bryant 29 38 425 0.78 323 15 0.9623039 LaVell Edwards 22 29 361 0.716 257 7 0.9493463 Terry Donahue 13 20 233 0.665 151 8 0.9485608 John Cooper 14 24 282 0.691 192 5 0.94494 Mack Brown 21 29 356 0.67 238 13 0.9399592 Bill Snyder 15 22 269 0.664 178 7 0.9028372 Ken Hatfield 10 27 312 0.545 168 4 0.9014634 Fisher DeBerry 12 23 279 0.608 169 6 0.9008829 Don James 15 22 257 0.687 175 10 0.8961777Bill Mallory 10 27 301 0.561 167 4 0.8960976 Ralph Jordan 12 25 265 0.674 175 5 0.8906943 Frank Beamer 21 27 335 0.672 224 9 0.8827047 Don Nehlen 13 30 338 0.609 202 4 0.8804766 Vince Dooley 20 25 288 0.715 201 8 0.8744984 Jerry Claiborne 11 28 309 0.592 179 3 0.8731701 Lou Holtz 22 33 388 0.651 249 12 0.8682463 Bill Dooley 10 26 293 0.558 161 3 0.8639017 Jackie Sherrill 14 26 304 0.595 179 8 0.8435327 Bill Yeoman 11 25 276 0.594 160 6 0.8328854 George Welsh 15 28 325 0.588 189 5 0.820513 Johnny Majors 16 29 332 0.572 185 9 0.807564 Hayden Fry 17 37 420 0.56 230 7 0.792591The calculation result statistics of field hockey is shown in Table 7.Table 7Coach namesInput index Output indexEfficiencyvalue Total ofthe BowlThelength ofcoachingcareerCoachingsessionW-L % WinsNumberofchampionFred Shero 110 10 734 0.612 390 2 1 Mike Babcock 131 11 842 0.63 470 1 1 Claude Julien 97 11 749 0.61 411 1 1 Joel Quenneville 163 17 1270 0.617 695 2 1 Ken Hitchcock 136 17 1213 0.602 642 1 1 Marc Crawford 83 15 1151 0.556 549 1 0.9999998 Scotty Bowman 353 30 2141 0.657 1244 9 0.9999996 Hap Day 80 10 546 0.549 259 5 0.9999995 Toe Blake 119 13 914 0.634 500 8 0.9999994 Eddie Gerard 21 11 421 0.486 174 1 0.999999 Art Ross 65 18 758 0.545 368 1 0.9854793 Peter Laviolette 82 12 759 0.57 389 1 0.9832692 Bob Hartley 84 11 754 0.56 369 1 0.9725678 Jacques Lemaire 117 17 1262 0.563 617 1 0.9706553 Glen Sather 127 13 932 0.602 497 4 0.9671556 John Tortorella 89 14 912 0.541 437 1 0.9415468 John Muckler 67 10 648 0.493 276 1 0.9379403 Lester Patrick 65 13 604 0.554 281 2 0.9246999 Mike Keenan 173 20 1386 0.551 672 1 0.8921282 Al Arbour 209 23 1607 0.564 782 4 0.8868355 Frank Boucher 27 11 527 0.422 181 1 0.8860263Pat Burns 149 14 1019 0.573 501 1 0.8803399 Punch Imlach 92 14 889 0.537 402 4 0.8795251Darryl Sutter 139 14 1015 0.559 491 1 0.8754745Dick Irvin 190 27 1449 0.557 692 4 0.8688287Jack Adams 105 20 964 0.512 413 3 0.8202896 Jacques Demers 98 14 1007 0.471 409 1 0.7982191 3.6 sensitivity analysisWhen determining the number of equivalent champion, the weight coefficient is artificially determined. During this process, different people has different confirming method.Consequently, we should consider that when the weight coefficient changes in a certain range, what would happen for the evaluation result?For the next step, we will take the basketball coaches as example to illustrate the above-mentioned case.The weight coefficient changes is given by Table 12. The changes of evaluation results is shown in Table 13.Table 12Coach names Number ofregulargameschampion(weight0.2)Number ofleaguegameschampion(weight 0.4)Number ofNCAA leaguegameschampion(weight0.4)Number ofequivalentchampionPhog Allen 24 0 1 5.2 Fred Taylor 7 0 1 1.8 Hank Iba 15 0 2 3.8 Joe B. Hall 8 1 1 2.4 Billy Donovan 7 3 2 3.4 Steve Fisher 3 4 1 2.9 John Calipari 14 11 1 7.6 Tom Izzo 7 3 1 3 NolanRichardso9 6 1 4.4 John Wooden 16 0 10 7.2 Rick Pitino 9 11 2 7 JerryTarkanian18 8 1 7.2 Adolph Rupp 28 13 4 12.4 JohnThompson7 6 1 4.2 Jim Calhoun 16 12 3 9.2 Denny Crum 15 11 2 8.2 Roy Williams 15 6 2 6.2Dean Smith 17 13 2 9.4 Bob Knight 11 0 3 3.4 Lute Olson 13 4 1 4.6 MikeKrzyzewski12 13 4 9.2 Jim Boeheim 11 5 1 4.6Table 13Coach namesI nput index O utput indexEfficiencyvalue 1I2I3I1O2O3ONCAATournamentThelength ofcoachingCareerCoachingsessionW-L %WinsNumber ofequivalentchampionJohn Wooden 16 29 826 0.804 664 7.2 1.395729 John Calipari 14 22 756 0.774 585 7.6 1.318495 Joe B. Hall 10 16 463 0.721 334 2.4 1.220644 Adolph Rupp 20 41 1066 0.822 876 12.4 1.157105Hank Iba 8 40 1085 0.693 752 3.8 1.078677 Roy Williams 23 26 902 0.793 715 6.2 1.034188 Fred Taylor 5 18 455 0.653 297 1.8 1.013679 Jerry Tarkanian 18 30 963 0.79 761 7.2 1.007097 Phog Allen 4 48 978 0.735 719 5.2 0.999999 Jim Boeheim 30 38 1256 0.75 942 4.6 0.984568Tom Izzo 16 19 639 0.717 458 3 0.978536 Dean Smith 27 36 1133 0.776 879 9.4 0.96963Mike Krzyzewski 29 39 1277 0.764 975 9.2 0.960445 Rick Pitino 18 28 920 0.74 681 7 0.940614 Billy Donovan 13 20 658 0.714 470 3.4 0.940542 Nolan Richardson 16 22 716 0.711 509 4.4 0.920282 Lute Olson 28 34 1061 0.731 776 4.6 0.911496 John Thompson 20 27 835 0.714 596 4.2 0.896765 Jim Calhoun 23 40 1259 0.697 877 9.2 0.884227 Denny Crum 23 30 970 0.696 675 8.2 0.882805 Bob Knight 28 42 1273 0.706 899 3.4 0.87699 Steve Fisher 13 24 739 0.658 486 2.9 0.854304From the Table 13, it can been seen that the top 5 coaches are: John Wooden, John Calipari, Joe B. Hall, Adolph Rupp, Hank Iba. The result is in accordance with。



A Networks and Machine Learning Approach toDetermine the Best College Coaches of the20th-21st CenturiesTian-Shun Allan Jiang,Zachary T Polizzi,Christopher Qian YuanMentor:Dr.Dan TeagueThe North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics∗February10,2014Team#30680Page2of18Contents1Problem Statement3 2Planned Approach3 3Assumptions3 4Data Sources and Collection44.1College Football (5)4.2Men’s College Basketball (5)4.3College Baseball (5)5Network-based Model for Team Ranking65.1Building the Network (6)5.2Analyzing the Network (6)5.2.1Degree Centrality (6)5.2.2Betweenness and Closeness Centrality (7)5.2.3Eigenvector Centrality (8)6Separating the Coach Effect106.1When is Coach Skill Important? (11)6.2Margin of Win Probability (12)6.3Optimizing the Probability Function (13)6.3.1Genetic Algorithm (13)6.3.2Nelder-Mead Method (14)6.3.3Powell’s Method (14)7Ranking Coaches157.1Top Coaches of the Last100Years (15)8Testing our Model158.1Sensitivity Analysis (15)8.2Strengths (16)8.3Weaknesses (16)9Conclusions17 10Acknowledgments172Team#30680Page3of181Problem StatementCollege sport coaches often achieve widespread recognition.Coaches like Nick Saban in football and Mike Krzyzewski in basketball repeatedly lead their schools to national championships.Because coaches influence both the per-formance and reputation of the teams they lead,a question of great concern to universities,players,and fans alike is:Who is the best coach in a given sport? Sports Illustrated,a magazine for sports enthusiasts,has asked us tofind the best all-time college coaches for the previous century.We are tasked with creat-ing a model that can be applied in general across both genders and all possible sports at the college-level.The solution proposed within this paper will offer an insight to these problems and will objectively determine the topfive coaches of all time in the sports of baseball,men’s basketball,and football.2Planned ApproachOur objective is to rank the top5coaches in each of3different college-level sports.We need to determine which metrics reflect most accurately the ranking of coaches within the last100years.To determine the most effective ranking system,we will proceed as follows:1.Create a network-based model to visualize all college sports teams,theteams won/lost against,and the margin of win/loss.Each network de-scribes the games of one sport over a single year.2.Analyze various properties of the network in order to calculate the skill ofeach team.3.Develop a means by which to decouple the effect of the coach from theteam performance.4.Create a model that,given the player and coach skills for every team,canpredict the probability of the occurrence of a specific network of a)wins and losses and b)the point margin with which a win or loss occurred.5.Utilize an optimization algorithm to maximize the probability that thecoach skill matrix,once plugged into our model,generates the network of wins/losses and margins described in(1).6.Analyze the results of the optimization algorithm for each year to deter-mine an overall ranking for all coaches across history.3AssumptionsDue to limited data about the coaching habits of all coaches at all teams over the last century in various collegiate sports,we use the following assumptions to3Team#30680Page4of18 complete our model.These simplifying assumptions will be used in our report and can be replaced with more reliable data when it becomes available.•The skill level of a coach is ultimately expressed through his/her team’s wins over another and the margin by which they win.This assumes thata team must win to a certain degree for their coach to be good.Even ifthe coach significantly amplifies the skills of his/her players,he/she still cannot be considered“good”if the team wins no games.•The skills of teams are constant throughout any given year(ex:No players are injured in the middle of a season).This assumption will allow us to compare a team’s games from any point in the season to any other point in the season.In reality,changing player skills throughout the season make it more difficult to determine the effect of the coach on a game.•Winning k games against a good team improves team skill more than winning k games against an average team.This assumption is intuitive and allows us to use the eigenvector centrality metric as a measure of total team skill.•The skill of a team is a function of the skill of the players and the skill of the coach.We assume that the skill of a coach is multiplicative over the skill of the players.That is:T s=C s·P s where T s is the skill of the team,C s is the skill of the coach,and P s is a measure of the skill of the players.Making coach skill multiplicative over player skill assumes that the coach has the same effect on each player.This assumption is important because it simplifies the relationship between player and coach skill to a point where we can easily optimize coach skill vectors.•The effect of coach skill is only large when the difference between player skill is small.For example,if team A has the best players in the conference and team B has the worst,it is likely that even the best coach would not be able to,in the short run,bring about wins over team A.However, if two teams are similarly matched in players,a more-skilled coach will make advantageous plays that lead to his/her team winning more often than not.•When player skills between two teams are similarly matched,coach skill is the only factor that determines the team that wins and the margin by which they win by.By making this assumption,we do not have to account for any other factors.4Data Sources and CollectionSince our model requires as an input the results of all the games played in a season of a particular sport,wefirst set out to collect this data.Since we were unable to identify a single resource that had all of the data that we required,we4Team#30680Page5of18 found a number of different websites,each with a portion of the requisite data. For each of these websites,we created a customized program to scrape the data from the relevant webpages.Once we gathered all the data from our sources,we processed it to standardize the formatting.We then aimed to merge the data gathered from each source into a useable format.For example,we gathered basketball game results from one source,and data identifying team coaches from another.To merge them and show the game data for a specific coach,we attempted to match on commonfields(ex.“Team Name”).Often,however,the data from each source did not match exactly(ex.“Florida State”vs“Florida St.”).In these situations,we had to manually create a matching table that would allow our program to merge the data sources.Although we are seeking to identify the best college coach for each sport of interest for the last century,it should be noted that many current college sports did not exist a century ago.The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA),the current managing body for nearly all college athletics,was only officially established in1906and thefirst NCAA national championship took place in1921,7years short of a century ago.Although some college sports were independently managed before being brought into the NCAA,it is often difficult to gather accurate data for this time.4.1College FootballOne of the earliest college sports,College Football has been popular since its inception in the1800’s.The data that we collected ranges from1869to the present,and includes the results andfinal scores of every game played between Division1men’s college football teams(or the equivalent before the inception of NCAA)[2].Additionally,we have gathered data listing the coach of each team for every year we have collected game data[4],and combined the data in order to match the coach with his/her complete game record for every year that data was available.4.2Men’s College BasketballThe data that we gathered for Men’s College Basketball ranges from the sea-son of thefirst NCAA Men’s Basketball championship in1939to the present. Similarly to College Football,we gathered data on the result andfinal scores of each game in the season and infinals[2].Combining this with another source of coach names for each team and year generated the game record for each coach for each season[4].4.3College BaseballAlthough College Baseball has historically had limited popularity,interest in the sport has grown greatly in the past decades with improved media coverage and collegiate spending on the sport.The game result data that we collected5Team#30680Page6of18 ranges from1949to the present,and was merged with coach data for the same time period.5Network-based Model for Team Ranking Through examination of all games played for a specific year we can accurately rank teams for that year.By creating a network of teams and games played, we can not only analyze the number of wins and losses each team had,but can also break down each win/loss with regard to the opponent’s skill.5.1Building the NetworkWe made use of a weighted digraph to represent all games played in a single year.Each node in the graph represents a single college sports team.If team A wins over team B,a directed edge with a weight of1will be drawn from A pointing towards B.Each additional time A wins over B,the weight of the edge will be increased by1.If B beats A,an edge with the same information is drawn in the opposing direction.Additionally,a list containing the margin of win/loss for each game is associated with the edge.For example,if A beat B twice with score:64−60,55−40,an edge with weight two is constructed and the winning margin list4,15is associated with the edge.Since each graph represents a single season of a specific sport,and we are interested in analyzing a century of data about three different sports,we have created a program to automate the creation of the nearly300graphs used to model this system.The program Gephi was used to visualize and manipulate the generated graphs. 5.2Analyzing the NetworkWe are next interested in calculating the skill of each team based on the graphs generated in the previous section.To do this,we will use the concept of central-ity to investigate the properties of the nodes and their connections.Centrality is a measure of the relative importance of a specific node on a graph based on the connections to and from that node.There are a number of ways to calculate centrality,but the four main measures of centrality are degree,betweenness, closeness,and eigenvector centrality.5.2.1Degree CentralityDegree centrality is the simplest centrality measure,and is simply the total number of edges connecting to a specific node.For a directional graph,indegree is the number of edges directed into the node,while outdegree is the number of edges directed away from the node.Since in our network,edges directed inward are losses and edges directed outwards are wins,indegree represents the total number of losses and outdegree measures the total number of wins.Logically,therefore,outdegreeeindegreee represents the winlossratio of the team.This ratiois often used as a metric of the skill of a team;however,there are several6Team#30680Page7of18Figure1:A complete network for the2009-2010NCAA Div.I basketball season. Each node represents a team,and each edge represents a game between the two teams.Note that,since teams play other teams in their conference most often, many teams have clustered into one of the32NCAA Div.1Conferences. weaknesses to this metric.The most prominent of these weaknesses arises from the fact that,since not every team plays every other team over the course of the season,some teams will naturally play more difficult teams while others will play less difficult teams.This is exaggerated by the fact that many college sports are arranged into conferences,with some conferences containing mostly highly-ranked teams and others containing mostly low-ranked teams.Therefore, win/loss percentage often exaggerates the skill of teams in weaker conferences while failing to highlight teams in more difficult conferences.5.2.2Betweenness and Closeness CentralityBetweenness centrality is defined as a measure of how often a specific node acts as a bridge along the shortest path between two other nodes in the graph. Although a very useful metric in,for example,social networks,betweenness centrality is less relevant in our graphs as the distance between nodes is based on the game schedule and conference layout,and not on team skill.Similarly, closeness centrality is a measure of the average distance of a specific node to7Team#30680Page8of18 another node in the graph-also not particularly relevant in our graphs because distance between nodes is not related to team skills.5.2.3Eigenvector CentralityEigenvector centrality is a measure of the influence of a node in a network based on its connections to other nodes.However,instead of each connection to another node having afixed contribution to the centrality rating(e.g.de-gree centrality),the contribution of each connection in eigenvector centrality is proportional to the eigenvector centrality of the node being connected to. Therefore,connections to high-ranked nodes will have a greater influence on the ranking of a node than connections to low-ranking nodes.When applied to our graph,the metric of eigenvector centrality will assign a higher ranking to teams that win over other high-ranking teams,while winning over lower-ranking nodes has a lesser contribution.This is important because it addresses the main limitation over degree centrality or win/loss percentage,where winning over many low-ranked teams can give a team a high rank.If we let G represent a graph with nodes N,and let A=(a n,t)be an adjacency matrix where a n,t=1if node n is connected to node t and a n,t=0 otherwise.If we define x a as the eigenvector centrality score of node a,then the eigenvector centrality score of node n is given by:x n=1λt∈M(n)x t=1λt∈Ga n,t x t(1)whereλrepresents a constant and M(n)represents the set of neighbors of node n.If we convert this equation into vector notation,wefind that this equation is identical to the eigenvector equation:Ax=λx(2) If we place the restriction that the ranking of each node must be positive, wefind that there is a unique solution for the eigenvector x,where the n th component of x represents the ranking of node n.There are multiple different methods of calculating x;most of them are iterative methods that converge on a final value of x after numerous iterations.One interesting and intuitive method of calculating the eigenvector x is highlighted below.It has been shown that the eigenvector x is proportional to the row sums of a matrix S formed by the following equation[6,9]:S=A+λ−1A2+λ−2A3+...+λn−1A n+ (3)where A is the adjacency matrix of the network andλis a constant(the principle eigenvalue).We know that the powers of an adjacency matrix describe the number of walks of a certain length from node to node.The power of the eigenvalue(x)describes some function of length.Therefore,S and the8Team#30680Page9of18 eigenvector centrality matrix both describe the number of walks of all lengths weighted inversely by the length of the walk.This explanation is an intuitive way to describe the eigenvector centrality metric.We utilized NetworkX(a Python library)to calculate the eigenvector centrality measure for our sports game networks.We can apply eigenvector centrality in the context of this problem because it takes into account both the number of wins and losses and whether those wins and losses were against“good”or“bad”teams.If we have the following graph:A→B→C and know that C is a good team,it follows that A is also a good team because they beat a team who then went on to beat C.This is an example of the kind of interaction that the metric of eigenvector centrality takes into account.Calculating this metric over the entire yearly graph,we can create a list of teams ranked by eigenvector centrality that is quite accurate. Below is a table of top ranks from eigenvector centrality compared to the AP and USA Today polls for a random sample of our data,the2009-2010NCAA Division I Mens Basketball season.It shows that eigenvector centrality creates an accurate ranking of college basketball teams.The italicized entries are ones that appear in the top ten of both eigenvector centrality ranking and one of the AP and USA Today polls.Rank Eigenvector Centrality AP Poll USA Today Poll 1Duke Kansas Kansas2West Virginia Michigan St.Michigan St.3Kansas Texas Texas4Syracuse Kentucky North Carolina5Purdue Villanova Kentucky6Georgetown North Carolina Villanova7Ohio St.Purdue Purdue8Washington West Virginia Duke9Kentucky Duke West Virginia10Kansas St.Tennessee ButlerAs seen in the table above,six out of the top ten teams as determined by eigenvector centrality are also found on the top ten rankings list of popular polls such as AP and USA Today.We can see that the metric we have created using a networks-based model creates results that affirms the results of commonly-accepted rankings.Our team-ranking model has a clear,easy-to-understand basis in networks-based centrality measures and gives reasonably accurate re-sults.It should be noted that we chose this approach to ranking teams over a much simpler approach such as simply gathering the AP rankings for vari-ous reasons,one of which is that there are not reliable sources of college sport ranking data that cover the entire history of the sports we are interested in. Therefore,by calculating the rankings ourselves,we can analyze a wider range of historical data.Below is a graph that visualizes the eigenvector centrality values for all games played in the2010-2011NCAA Division I Mens Football tournament.9Team#30680Page10of18 Larger and darker nodes represent teams that have high eigenvector centrality values,while smaller and lighter nodes represent teams that have low eigenvector centrality values.The large nodes therefore represent the best teams in the 2010-2011season.Figure2:A complete network for the2012-2013NCAA Div.I Men’s Basketball season.The size and darkness of each nodes represents its relative eigenvector centrality value.Again,note the clustering of teams into NCAA conferences. 6Separating the Coach EffectThe model we created in the previous section works well forfinding the relative skills of teams for any given year.However,in order to rank the coaches,it is necessary to decouple the coach skill from the overall team skill.Let us assume that the overall team skill is a function of two main factors,coach skill and player skill.Specifically,if C s is the coach skill,P s is the player skill,and T s is10Team #30680Page 11of 18the team skill,we hypothesize thatT s =C s ·P s ,(4)as C s of any particular team could be thought of as a multiplier on the player skill P s ,which results in team skill T s .Although the relationship between these factors may be more complex in real life,this relationship gives us reasonable results and works well with our model.6.1When is Coach Skill Important?We will now make a key assumption regarding player skill and coach skill.In order to separate the effects of these two factors on the overall team skill,we must define some difference in effect between the two.That is,the player skill will influence the team skill in some fundamentally different way from the coach skill.Think again to a game played between two arbitrary teams A and B .There are two main cases to be considered:Case one:Player skills differ significantly:Without loss of generality,assume that P (A )>>P (B ),where P (x )is a function returning the player skills of any given team x .It is clear that A winning the game is a likely outcome.We can draw a plot approximating the probability of winning by a certain margin,which is shown in Figure 3.Margin of WinProbabilityFigure 3:A has a high chance of winning when its players are more skilled.Because the player skills are very imbalanced,the coach skill will likely not change the outcome of the game.Even if B has an excellent coach,the effect of the coach’s skill will not be enough to make B ’s win likely.Case two:Player skills approximately equal:If the player skills of the two teams are approximately evenly matched,the coach skill has a much higher likelihood of impacting the outcome of the game.When the player skills are11Team #30680Page 12of 18similar for both teams,the Gaussian curve looks like the one shown in Figure 4.In this situation,the coach has a much greater influene on the outcome of the game -crucial calls of time-outs,player substitutions,and strategies can make or break an otherwise evenly matched game.Therefore,if the coach skills are unequal,causing the Gaussian curve is shifted even slightly,one team will have a higher chance of winning (even if the margin of win will likely be small).Margin of WinProbabilityFigure 4:Neither A nor B are more likely to win when player skills are the same (if player skill is the only factor considered).With the assumptions regarding the effect of coach skill given a difference in player skills,we can say that the effect of a coach can be expressed as:(C A −C B )· 11+α|P A −P B |(5)Where C A is the coach skill of team A ,C B is the coach skill of team B ,P A is the player skill of team A ,P B is the player skill of team B ,and αis some scalar constant.With this expression,the coach effect is diminished if the difference in player skills is large,and coach effect is fully present when players have equal skill.6.2Margin of Win ProbabilityNow we wish to use the coach effect expression to create a function giving the probability that team A will beat team B by a margin of x points.A negative value of x means that team B beat team A .The probability that A beats B by x points is:K ·e −1E (C ·player effect +D ·coach effect −margin ) 2(6)where C,D,E are constant weights,player effect is P A −P B ,coach effect is given by Equation 5,and margin is x .12Team#30680Page13of18This probability is maximized whenC·player effect+D·coach effect=margin.This accurately models our situation,as it is more likely that team A wins by a margin equal to their combined coach and team effects over team B.Since team skill is comprised of player skill and coach skill,we may calculate a given team’s player skill using their team skill and coach skill.Thus,the probability that team A beats team B by margin x can be determined solely using the coach skills of the respective teams and their eigenvector centrality measures.6.3Optimizing the Probability FunctionWe want to assign all the coaches various skill levels to maximize the likelihood that the given historical game data occurred.To do this,we maximize the probability function described in Equation6over all games from historical data byfinding an optimal value for the coach skill vectors C A and C B.Formally, the probability that the historical data occurred in a given year isall games K·e−1E(C·player effect+D·coach effect−margin)2.(7)After some algebra,we notice that maximizing this value is equivalent to minimizing the value of the cost function J,whereJ(C s)=all games(C·player effect+D·coach effect−margin)2(8)Because P(A beats B by x)is a nonlinear function of four variables for each edge in our network,and because we must iterate over all edges,calculus and linear algebra techniques are not applicable.We will investigate three techniques (Genetic Algorithm,Nelder-Mead Search,and Powell Search)tofind the global maximum of our probability function.6.3.1Genetic AlgorithmAtfirst,our team set out to implement a Genetic Algorithm to create the coach skill and player skill vectors that would maximize the probability of the win/loss margins occurring.We created a program that would initialize1000random coach skill and player skill vectors.The probability function was calculated for each pair of vectors,and then the steps of the Genetic Algorithm were ran (carry over the“mostfit”solution to the next generation,cross random elements of the coach skill vectors with each other,and mutate a certain percentage of the data randomly).However,our genetic algorithm took a very long time to converge and did not produce the optimal values.Therefore,we decided to forgo optimization with genetic algorithm methods.13Team#30680Page14of186.3.2Nelder-Mead MethodWe wanted to attempt optimization with a technique that would iterate over the function instead of mutating and crossing over.The Nelder-Mead method starts with a randomly initialized coach skills vector C s and uses a simplex to tweak the values of C s to improve the value of a function for the next iteration[7]. However,running Nelder-Mead found local extrema which barely increased the probability of the historical data occurring,so we excluded it from this report.6.3.3Powell’s MethodA more efficient method offinding minima is Powell’s Method.This algorithm works by initializing a random coach skills vector C s,and uses bi-directional search methods along several search vectors tofind the optimal coach skills.A detailed explanation of the mathematical basis for Powell’s method can be found in Powell’s paper on the algorithm[8].We found that Powell’s method was several times faster than the Nelder-Mead Method and produced reasonable results for the minimization of our probability function.Therefore,our team decided to use Powell’s method as the main algorithm to determine the coach skills vector.We implemented this algorithm in Python and ran it across every edge in our network for each year that we had data.It significantly lowered our cost function J over several thousand iterations.Rank1962200020051John Wooden Lute Olson Jim Boeheim2Forrest Twogood John Wooden Roy Williams3LaDell Anderson Jerry Dunn Thad Matta The table above shows the results of running Powell’s method until the probability function shown in Equation6is optimized,for three widely separated arbitrary years.We have chosen to show the top three coaches per year for the purposes of conciseness.We will additionally highlight the performance of our top three three outstanding coaches.John Wooden-UCLA:John Wooden built one of the’greatest dynasties in all of sports at UCLA’,winning10NCAA Division I Basketball tournaments and leading an unmatched streak of seven tournaments in a row from1967to 1973[1].He won88straight games during one stretchJim Boeheim-Syracuse:Boeheim has led Syracuse to the NCAA Tour-nament28of the37years that he has been coaching the team[3].He is second only to Mike Krzyzewsky of Duke in total wins.He consistently performs even when his players vary-he is the only head coach in NCAA history to lead a school to fourfinal four appearances in four separate decades.Roy Williams-North Carolina:Williams is currently the head of the basketball program at North Carolina where he is sixth all-time in the NCAA for winning percentage[5].He performs impressively no matter who his players are-he is one of two coaches in history to have led two different teams to the Final Four at least three times each.14Team#30680Page15of187Ranking CoachesKnowing that we are only concerned withfinding the topfive coaches per sport, we decided to only consider thefive highest-ranked coaches for each year.To calculate the overall ranking of a coach over all possible years,we considered the number of years coached and the frequency which the coach appeared in the yearly topfive list.That is:C v=N aN c(9)Where C v is the overall value assigned to a certain coach,N a is the number of times a coach appears in yearly topfive coach lists,and N c is the number of years that the coach has been active.This method of measuring overall coach skill is especially strong because we can account for instances where coaches change teams.7.1Top Coaches of the Last100YearsAfter optimizing the coach skill vectors for each year,taking the topfive,and ranking the coaches based on the number of times they appeared in the topfive list,we arrived at the following table.This is our definitive ranking of the top five coaches for the last100years,and their associated career-history ranking: Rank Mens Basketball Mens Football Mens Baseball 1John Wooden-0.28Glenn Warner-0.24Mark Marquess-0.27 2Lute Olson-0.26Bobby Bowden-0.23Augie Garrido-0.24 3Jim Boeheim-0.24Jim Grobe-0.18Tom Chandler-0.22 4Gregg Marshall-.23Bob Stoops-0.17Richard Jones-0.19 5Jamie Dixon-.21Bill Peterson-0.16Bill Walkenbach-0.168Testing our Model8.1Sensitivity AnalysisA requirement of any good model is that it must be tolerant to a small amount of error in its inputs.In our model,possible sources of error could include im-properly recorded game results,incorrectfinal scores,or entirely missing games. These sources of error could cause a badly written algorithm to return incorrect results.To test the sensitivity of our model to these sources of error,we decided to create intentional small sources of error in the data and compare the results to the original,unmodified results.Thefirst intentional source of error that we incorporated into our model was the deletion of a game,specifically a regular-season win for Alabama(the team with the top-ranked coach in1975)over Providence with a score of67to 60.We expected that the skill value of the coach of the Alabama team would15。



Ⅱ-1 非线性规划


Ⅱ-2 目标规划


公司营业部门估计A,B,C三种笔记本电脑的利润分别是每台 1000,1440,2520(元),而公司预测这个月生产的笔记本电脑能够全部售出,公司经理考虑以下目标:





基于主成份分析的排名方法模型建立采用y(执教年份),G (参赛场数),WL (胜率)和sum(特殊得分)作为衡量教练排名得分的指标。





处理过程如下:(1)假设有n 个教练,记录第i 个教训4个指标的观测值分别为:421,...,,i i i x x x ,则所有n 个教练4个指标的观测值可以表示成以下矩阵:⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=42124222112114n n n x x x x x x x x x X(2)考虑到每个变量的数量级与及标准差不一样,对数据进行标准化处理: ,处理方法:∑∑==--====-=n i k ik kni ik k k k ik ik x x n s n x x k n i s x x x 1221'][11,/4,3,2,1,....2,1,/][式中,标准化处理后,指标的方差为1,均值为0; (3)设观察值构成的相关系数矩阵为:⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=444241242221141211r r r r r r r r r R经标准化处理后的数据的相关系数为:)4,3,2,1,(,111''=-=∑=j i x x n r n k kj ki ij(4)对应于相关系数矩阵R ,求特征方程=-I R λ的p 个非负的特征值4321,,,λλλλ。

对应于特征值i λ的特征向量为:4,3,2,1,),,,('4321==i c c c c C i i i i i(5)求主成分。

由特征向量组成的4个主成分为:42211....X c X c X c F pi i i i +++=主成分4321,,,F F F F 之间相互无关,且它们的方差是递减的。




我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。




我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D中选择一项填写): B我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话):所属学校(请填写完整的全名):农业大学参赛队员(打印并签名) :1. 富顺2. 安明梅3. 熊万丹指导教师或指导教师组负责人(打印并签名):指导组日期: 2014年 9 月 10 日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):2014高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):全国统一编号(由赛区组委会送交全国前编号):全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):太阳能小屋的设计摘要太阳能利用的重点是建筑,其应用方式包括利用太阳能为建筑物供热和供电,因此在设计电池时考虑太阳辐射强度、光线入射角、环境、建筑物所处的地理纬度、地区的气候与气象条件、安装部位及方式(贴附或架空)等对电池产电量的影响非常重要。




2010-2014MCMProblems建模竞赛美赛题目重点2010 MCM ProblemsPROBLEM A: The Sweet SpotExplain the “sweet spot” on a baseball bat.Every hitter knows that there is a spot on the fat part of a baseball bat where maximum power is transferred to the ball when hit. Why isn’t this spot at the end of t he bat? A simple explanation based on torque might seem to identify the end of the bat as the sweet spot, but this is known to be empirically incorrect. Develop a model that helps explain this empirical finding.Some players believe that “corking” a bat (h ollowing out a cylinder in the head of the bat and filling it with cork or rubber, then replacing a wood cap enhances the “sweet spot” effect. Augment your model to confirm or deny this effect. Does this explain why Major League Baseball prohibits “corking”?Does the material out of which the bat is constructed matter? That is, does this model predict different behavior for wood (usually ash or metal (usually aluminum bats? Is this why Major League Baseball prohibits metal bats?MCM 2010 A题:解释棒球棒上的“最佳击球点”每一个棒球手都知道在棒球棒比较粗的部分有一个击球点,这里可以把打击球的力量最大程度地转移到球上。

















我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛章程和参赛规则的,如果引用别人 的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的 表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。
我们郑重承诺,严格遵守竞赛章程和参赛规则,以保证竞赛的公正、公平 性。如有违反竞赛章程和参赛规则的行为,我们将受到严肃处理。
将 yi 代入上述圆的方程中便可以得i 到 xi 的值
已知木板长 120cm,即两边分别长 60cm,则第i 条桌腿长 s i 60 x i,因此,
只需要求出各点在圆上的坐标即可求出各个腿长。 (2)计算每根桌腿的槽长大小
由于钢筋在旋转过程中不发生任何形变,因此,通过对折叠过程的分析可 以知道,每根桌腿中的钢条到所平行的圆桌直径对应其钢条高度的距离是相同 的,圆桌高度是 53cm,厚度是 3cm,所以实际桌高应该是 50cm
( 2) 由 题 意 可 知 立 体 时 最 外 侧 桌 腿 钢 条 所 在 位 置 距 离 圆 桌 边 缘 的 距 离 p1 s21 26.0929
圆形桌面边缘之间的距离之差表示Qi pi z i
由(2)求得立体时每根桌腿钢条所在位置距离圆桌边缘的距离 pi ,每根桌
h 2
圆 桌 的 垂 直 高 度 为 H , 如 图 所 示 利 用 相 似 三 角 形 原 理 , 可 得 pi
我们授权全国大学生数学建模竞赛组委会,可将我们的论文以任何形式进 行公开展示(包括进行网上公示,在书籍、期刊和其他媒体进行正式或非正式 发表等)。
我们参赛选择的题号是(从 A/B/C/D 中选择一项填写): B
我们的报名参赛队号为(8 位数字组成的编号):



1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956
29 BAA
30 BAA
31 BAA
32 NBA

33 NBA
34 NBA
35 NBA
36 NBA
37 NBA
38 NBA
39 NBA
34 0.585
35 0.375
43 0.476
56 0.317
58 0.171
Stan Albeck Stan Albeck Stan Albeck Stan Albeck Bob Bass
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
K.C. Jones
41 NBA
46 ABA
40 NBA
42 NBA
47 ABA
43 NBA
42 NBA
43 NBA
44 NBA
51 NBA
42 NBA
5722 0.722806020
22 0.725
21 0.738
18 0.775
Coach Season


F1________________ F2________________ F3________________ F4________________
2014 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) Summary Sheet
This paper mainly sets a model of selecting five “best all time college coach” in basketball, football and hockey respectively. The model is separated to six sub-problems and its solution in our paper:1)Selecting the best coach in one NCAA basketball season; 2)Screening the college coach at top-20 to top-30 in the past 100 years; 3)Further analysis to these selected coaches, and ranking the top-5; 4)Applying this model to football and hockey; 5)Gender impact analysis and time impact analysis; 6)Analyzing the reasons that some famous coach selected by some magazines and media are not on our ranking list. For sub-problem1:Identify four indicators, and confirm the weight of each indicator by Analytic Hierarchy Process, then transformer the indicator data into scores and add these scores multiplied by the weight of itself to get the final scores. The best coach in one season is the one with highest score. For sub-problem2: Use the method above to score for all of the coaches in the past 100 years , then select the top-20.For purpose of reducing the influence of subjective factors, we use Principal Component Analysis to get another ranking list, also, we select the top-20.And union these two top-20. For sub-problem3:Surveying these coaches in the union to learn how many NBA players they've respectively brought up. And regarding this as an indicator, then dividing all indicators into Experience,Leading ability and Ability of player cultivation three aspects, and using Multilevel Hierarchical Analysis to weight them. Next, score for each person by the Fuzzy Criterion of Composite and rank according to the scores. With the purpose of reducing the influence of subjective factors, using Grey Correlation Analysis to calculate the grey correlation degree between “perfect coach” and these coaches. After that, using t-test to judge whether the two results with significant differences. The conclusion obtained: There are no significant difference. Namely, this method is generality. For sub-problem4:Fine-tuning part of indicators and weights, then apply this model in football and hockey. For sub-problem5:As One-way Analysis of Variance used, and the conclusion obtained: gender doesn’t affect the overall score or the ranking of coaches, but female coach has unique advantages in women's basketball league. And the time has no significant effect on the comprehensive score ,but the most excellent coach were in the 70s. Combined with the history of NCAA development, we think that it is necessary to improve the weight of the indicator---champions that gotten recently, making this model better. .For sub-problem6: Comparing the data of their career with our standards to find the reasons.
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PROBLEM B: College Coaching Legends
Sports Illustrated, a magazine for sports enthusiasts, is looking for the “best all time college coach”male or female for the previous century. Build a mathematical model to choose
the best college coach or coaches (past or present) from among either male or female coaches in such sports as college hockey or field hockey, football, baseball or softball, basketball, or soccer. Does it make a difference which time line horizon that you use in your analysis, i.e., does coaching in 1913 differ from coaching in 2013? Clearly articulate your metrics for assessment. Discuss how your model can be applied in general across both genders and all possible sports. Present your model’s top 5 coaches in each of 3 different sports.
In addition to the MCM format and requirements, prepare a 1-2 page article for Sports Illustrated that explains your results and includes a non-technical explanation of your mathematical model that sportsfans will understand.






