
所以,我从第一节课开始,就用英语自我介绍:hello,every body.i am your english teacher.my english name is sally.you can call me sally.并且要求学生不论在学校里还是在路上,看到我都要用英语打招呼。
我根据小学生在课堂上回答问题的好坏,会用英语说:good/very good/good job/excellent等等来表扬他们,激发小学生的学习热情。
如:在学习happy new year一课时,我把教室布置成新年的场景,让他们用学过的英语来互相祝贺。

例如:在教“Happy birthday to you!”时,设计公鸡一家团聚互相祝贺生日的游戏,显得形象、生动、有趣。

笔者发现,如果教师在warming up中把日常用语情景化,既增加了学生学习的兴趣,也加强了课堂英语的氛围,在以后的教学过程中,学生与老师的配合会天衣无缝。
例如6b的第一单元讲的是比较级,书上的重点句子就只有两句who’s taller than david ?mike is.与whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? yours is, i think.一般我利用早读的5分钟时间让他们两人编,课前反馈。
上课前,拿出玩具同时说“hello, boys and girls, my name is peter.”“hello, peter.”一下子,学生的积极性就被成功的调动起来了。

在最新的英语教材《go for it》教材中涌现出大量的任务,在任务型语言教学中,教师如何进行任务的设计是教学的重点。
关键词:英语任务型教学情景教学一、任务型教学的概念任务型教学(task-based learning;简称tbl)是20世纪80年代外语教学研究者经过大量研究和实践提出的一个具有重要影响的语言教学模式,该模式是20年来交际教学思想的一种发展形态,它把语言运用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式。
二、任务型语言教学的特点 1、通过交流来学会交际。
笔者在《go for it》八年级(上)9单元 when wan he born? 的任务设计中,让学生为讨论自己喜爱的明星,科学家等,都是很真实的情景,学生们在其中也体会到了所学语言的真实性与实用性。
三、初中英语任务型教学的基本模式※leading-in/warning-up activities for interest.※pre-task(呈现和学习完成任务所需的语言知识,介绍任务的要求和实施任务的步骤)※while-task(设计了数个微型任务,构成任务链,学生以个人伙伴或小组形式完成各项任务)※post-task(各小组向全班展示任务结果)※check(学生自评,小组互评,教师总评)※homework(根据课堂任务内容,以个人或小组形式做相关项目)四、任务型教学在初中英语课堂教学中的运用我们教师要充分利用好教材,以学生为主体,运用任务型教学,培养学生的创造性思维能力,鼓励学生自己思考,使他们能够用所学的知识来解决新问题。

1 创设故事情景,激发学生学习英语的兴趣兴趣是一种非智力因素,现代心理学家之父皮亚杰说:“所有智力方面的工作都要依赖于兴趣。
我们又可进行short play、daily talk、 making a guess、 a spelling match、singing a song、 a chain word puzzle 等形式的活动,使学生在课前几分钟内快速集中思想,并活跃课堂氛围。

关键词:新课程高中英语情境教学1英语情境教学的理解英语情境教学法,就是指在教学过程中教师有目的地引入或创设具有一定情感色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景(concrete settings),以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解和获取知识或技能,并使学生心理机能得到发展的方法。



关键词:情境创设;英语教学;方法中图分类号:g622 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1002-7661(2012)22-274-01一、实物教学,展现直观而形象的情境在英语教学中,实物是一种更形象、更直观的教学用具。




ⅠIntroductionForeign language teaching has a history about 500 years in Europe. During this period various teaching methods succeed one after another owing to different social and historical backgrounds. English teaching in China also has a long history for more than 100 years. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the practice of the policy of reformation and opening, many western teaching methods have been introduced to China, which has led to the prosperity of English teaching in China to a great extent. All sorts of methods have been applied to the English teaching, which have contributed so much to the overall improvement of national English level.As we know that English which as an international language and a major medium in the Information Age is more and more prominent in the 21st century. So starting English education from primary school has become very necessary. Furthermore, it is a national step to make such a start because English education is a systematic project whose different stages are linked with one another just like the rings on a chain. On this chain, primary school is the special ring because it is the starting point and foundation for others. Childhood is the ideal phase to acquire a native or foreign language. So it is vital to start English teaching in primary school.However, it can not be denied that the Chinese traditional cramming method of teaching is still playing a leading role in our country especially in most mountainous schools, and the proper teaching approach in primary school English teaching process has been greatly neglected. Therefore, we should try to change this situation and adopt more effective methods based on different contents to excite students’interests to study English. As primary English teachers, they are duty-bound to exert themselves to find and create the most appropriate English teaching method. And the author has observed an effective English teaching method which is more suitable for schoolchildren during my internship. The method is situational teaching.The English situational teaching offers as many chances as possible to carry on the exercises in English for students through opening various situations, such as conversation, the song, the game and so on. At the same time, teacher can arouse students’ interests, make them study in the happy atmosphere, and use knowledge freely.II Literature ReviewIn 1954, Hornby in his book Adult Oxford English Course (Oxford Progressive English Course for Adult Learners) has described this approach in the second part. In the same year, Hornby describes the close relationship between English grammar and vocabulary teaching in the context in his monograph, Guide to English Usage patterns (Guide to Patterns and Usage in English). Sukkomlinsky, the former Soviet educationist, thinks highly of the educational effect of natural situation. When he educates students, he promotes the healthy growth by making most wonderful natural situations. He makes the beneficial practice and contribution for ST. Dewey is the first person who puts forward “situation” and uses ST in education. He considers that situation is the first factor for teaching method. He has pushed the theory and practice of situational teaching a great step. In the 1990s, in the U.S, we can see situational teaching in L. G Alexander's series of textbooks such as his New Concept English in which there is a typical structure used in the outline, and sentence patterns and situations are the main activities of the text. Many different versions of the book are reprinted in China and have been known for a long time. British veteran English teacher Penny Ur who has studied English teaching and researched for many years and finally formed a system of teaching theories. In her Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, she pointed out that Listening Teaching should focus on real-life situations.ST has become a systematic teaching method in China since the late 70s and the early 80s of the 20th century. Li Jilin begins to use situations in the Chinese classroom teaching, which is the start of China’s contemporary research on ST. About foreign teaching, the first generation foreign teaching expert, Zhang Shiyi, first starts the research about English ST and he gradually takes shape the theory of English ST. Zhang Jianzhong (2000) advocates that teachers should make full use of modern education which means to set up situation and create pleasant and harmonious lively classroom atmosphere. Zhang Hua (2000) thinks that English teaching in the situations which contain real events or solving problems. What’s more, educators Zhou Zhichao and Gong Shaoying (2006) make some researches on it and make some results.All above are the related literature reviews of the research topic. After the comparative analysis of quite a few literature materials, which find that the research methods for most ofthe previous researches are not multiple. The researches on situational teaching involving foreign languages teaching are mostly a summary of English teaching experience for many years or theoretical research. What's more, even though the subjects are different, the ways are much the same. The study on foreign language teaching focuses more on high school students while little attention is paid to English teaching for primary school, but primary school English teaching has its own unique characteristics. For example, in primary English teaching classrooms, the real objects, pictures, songs and musical scenes are used more than words to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students. Besides, elementary school students are lovely, active and curious about the new and fresh things. They don't have pressure as much as the others so that they can have more time and conditions to be taught in this approach. So the author thinks that as time goes on, ST method must be promoted well.ⅢIntroduction to the Situational TeachingIn this part, the author will briefly introduce something about the ST including its definition and theoretical foundation.3.1 Definition of the STSituation is one of the focus concepts of ST, which is the most frequently applied term in this paper. So the author first introduces the definition of situation.Zhang Jianzhong and Yu Hongzhen (1998) define situation as one in which all internal conditions and external conditions of people in language communication activities.Zhang Jianzhong (2004) defines situation as the complex circumstance which influences the learning of new language, including listening, speaking, reading and writing etc. Two factors are included, and they are social language context and personal characters of the learners.The explanation of situation in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English is: the things that are happening in a particular place or at a particular time (Hornby, 2000).In western psychology, situation is often the representative of stimulus, which approaches situation from the point of biology and sociology. However, in the field of education, it is generally regarded that the term of situations firstly proposed by the American educator Dewey. In his book How to think (Dewey, 1910), he proposes that theterm situation is introduced to education area and leave a profound effect in this field.According to the researches on situation listed above, this paper is in favor of the definition of situation in Cihai(Xia Zhengnong, 1989), in which the term situation is defined as the relevant social circumstance in the process of social activity, which is the pertain condition in which the social activities occur.Then the author introduces the definition of ST. The concept of ST was firstly proposed by Brown,Collin & Duguid in the essay Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning in 1989. According to their views, knowledge is meaningful only when it is applied to practice, which can not be separated from the context and the best way to learn is learning in the context.With the expansion of researches on ST, different ideas are proposed: ST is to excite children by creating typical situation, combining emotion and recognition, from the point of the dialectical relationship between emotion and context, emotion and expression, emotion and logics, emotion and all-round development. (Li Jilin, 1990)ST is a teaching method which inspires students and improves their study by creating a lively situation. (Gu Mingyuan, 1999)In the west, the most acknowledged definition of ST is made by a national research project sponsored by the US Department of V ocational and Adult Education Offices and National School Office as one concept related with teaching and learning, which combines the content of textbooks and the real world and helps the students establish the relationship between knowledge and practice, the identity of the student as a family member, a citizen and a worker. According to the definition, situational teaching can combine problem-solving, self-learning, partner-learning, the learning in situation and the strategy of value analysis. 3.2Theoretical foundation of the STThe feasibility of situational method in primary English teaching is validated by some well-known theories in education as its theoretical foundation. In this paper, the author introduces two theories. They are language acquisition theory and mood psychology theory.3.2.1 Language acquisition theoryLanguage acquisition theory is one of the theories of English situational teaching. Language acquisition is a person's language study and development, which has positive influence on modern language teaching. The main idea of this theory is that first languageacquisition is depended on natural and native language environment. To master language ability, we should put the students into specific and alternative language communication environment and make students do a series of language practice activities.The most famous theories are Chomsky's language acquisition device and Krashen's hypothesis theory of second language acquisition. Chomsky thinks that people are born with language acquisition, because there is a hereditary "language acquisition mechanism" (LAD) in the brain. In the period of language acquisition, when children are exposed in a language, they can acquire this language, and if they are exposed in more kinds of language, they can acquire more.Obviously, the environment is important to language learning and Krashen's hypothesis of second language acquisition is the greatest influential one. Krashen (1981) thinks that language acquisition is a subconscious process and that the acquisition of competence is also subconscious. He proves in his research that adult who develops competence in a second language depends on two ways: acquisition and learning. During language learning process, there are both unconscious acquisitions in children physiological growing process and conscious learning in social context and school context. In foreign language teaching, we cannot deny language acquisition mechanism just because we are lack of natural acquisition environment. So English teaching need to be used in real environment. Krashen(1985) argues that there can be a mental block that prevents acquirers from fully utilizing the comprehensible input they receive for language acquisition. In addition, Ellis also has some research on language acquisition.3.2.2 The mood psychology theorySituations have emotional character. If the situations are vivid and concrete, the students' emotional experience can be stimulated. It is helpful for them to understand teaching materials. Mood psychological process mainly includes cognitive process and affective process. Cognitive process is selecting and processing information, however, people's emotions and moods can promote or block their cognitive process. If a person is in a good mood, his cognitive process would be featured with thinking quickly, solving problems rapidly, on the contrary, his thinking is slow and he cannot solve problems actively. Pleasant mood is useful for intelligence operation organization, while too strong or too weak feelings or bad mood may cause confusion and memory difficulties. Therefore, cheerful and livelyclassroom atmosphere is a very important condition for obtaining effective teaching and learning, for students often internalize and deepen knowledge when they are in high spirits.In classes, teachers must integrate reasonably these emotional factors to promote students' learning in teaching process. Emotional adjustment can help people use positive emotion, and avoid negative emotions. School teaching should emphasize students’ emotions, will, creative ability training and development, and explore the ways that combine cognitive activities and the students' emotion.In addition, outside the classroom, teachers should also create opportunities of English communication for the students and exchange ideas with students, since positive emotions can promote students' cognitive activities; and increase students' passion and enthusiasm to communicate with each other, and finally improve their communicative ability.ⅣApplication of the STThe purpose of this part is to offer principles of designing situations and creations which can be employed in English teaching in primary school.4.1 PrinciplesIf teachers want to create effective situations, they must follow some principles. There are four principles for teachers to design situations.4.1.1 The principle of effectivenessIt is well known that the creation of situation is directly related to teaching effect. When creating situations, teachers mustn’t pay much attention to the form and process and they should pay more attention to content and effect. At the same time, the creation of situation is based on teaching task. It should be practical, targeted and realistic. Teachers should design meaningful and purposeful activities that are consistent with students' own experience, daily practice and current level of knowledge.In addition, situations should be closely related to teaching materials. The difficulty should be moderate. The length should be appropriate. The amount of the new words should not be too much. Through situational teaching, students are activated to review the old knowledge and learn the new. An effective way is to combine the content of the text with the scenes. In this way, the students are trained to deepen the understanding and master words. So the students can not only improve the ability of using language to communicate, but alsohave a deep understanding on the western culture. Proper designs of situations can promote students' mutual understanding and thinking, and stimulate their desire and interests to exchange information.4.1.2The principle of participationIn the class of primary English teaching, teachers should pay attention to the width and range of language learning and practice; they must be geared to the needs of all students. Therefore when teachers create situations, they must consider whether students are willing and capable to take part in and that they should try their best to make all of students can join in English activities. In other words, the creation of situation must base on students’ age and level of intelligence development. For low-grade students, teachers can set up games or objects, but for high-grade students, teachers can set up role play. Remarkablely, teachers are still guider in situational teaching, and they can’t only deliver situation to students. Oppositely, they should explain the pattern and requirement to students clearly at first. Meanwhile, they should stimulate students’enthusiasm with their own zeal. In addition, when students are performing, teachers should also listen to them carefully and pay attention to pronunciation of words and means of expression so as to find mistakes and correct them.4.1.3 The principle of definitenessSituations that are set up must be explicit, which includes such factors as scene, role, thoughts, grammar, and vocabulary. When designing situations, teachers must let students understand the meaning of scenes and their own roles in the scenes. Teachers must concisely introduce the time, place and story background of the situations to the students, assigning students roles and tasks with clear instructions before the students begin to do the practice. The teachers must explain the roles to the students explicitly when they lead to the situations. If the students don't clearly know what their roles and the tasks are, it is hard for them to put themselves into situations even though there are situations, they would just mechanically recite it, and consequently, the purpose of ST cannot be achieved.4.1.4 The principle of creativenessThe important point of quality education is to cultivate students' innovative ability. Learning a language is not only learning a particular sentence, but also using some rules tocreate and understand new sentences. Regularity and creativity are two important characteristics of language.Language creativity means that the learner uses known or previous information to flexibly create new sentences and words according to certain goals and it is the highest manifestation of intellectual development. Foreign language creativity refers to the ability of innovatively using the language to have improvisational communicative activities. Classroom teaching is the main place of cultivating students' innovation spirit.So it is highly recommended for teachers, through designing reasonable situations, to create a relaxed, harmonious classroom atmosphere so as to arouse students' active thinking and learning passion. Teachers should pay attention to use reasonable scenes to increase comprehensible language, and make necessary arrangements for students to let them use the language materials for communication.4.2 CreationsEstablishing the situation method is various. The author sums up some methods by collecting, organizing some successful examples of teaching and materials and combining with her experiences in this part.4.2.1 GamesGame is a recreational activity, often used in primary school English teaching. Games in primary English teaching can cause the interest of students, and create a relaxed and happy atmosphere, which can not only meet the need of "play", but also help students unconsciously learn the language knowledge and master the language skills. In the games, the students can cultivate active thinking and enhance self-confidence. Their positive feelings have been trained. When teachers teach students stationery, they can use games to promote teaching. For example:T: Hello, boys and girls. Let's play a game, ok?Ss: Ok!T: Now, guess. What's in my hand?S1: An eraser?T: No, it's not.S2: A ruler?T: No, it's not.S3: A crayon?T: Open it and see. Yes. It's a crayon. You're a clever boy.This kind of method not only reviews a lot of words and sentences but also set the stage for learning new lesson. At the same time, because the students are anxious to know what is it in the teacher’s hand so as to make them think quickly. This method makes it nature and easy for teachers to tells students about the contents of this lesson. However, in the carrying out games, the main following points should be paid much attention to:1) The design of the game should center on the teaching content: Games cannot be purely fun, otherwise, though it is very active, the students will waste a lot .of; classroom time after the game instead of mastering the language.2) The forms of games should be flexible and diversified. Teachers should focus on knowledge of different languages to design different game formats so that students will continue to produce fresh, actively participate in the game, access to knowledge `of the language.3) Playing games in class ought to be moderate. Although the game is a well-aided teaching, but this doesn't mean "the more, the better". While organizing lessons, teachers should choose right time appropriately to intersperse games. Only when the game is just right to assist instruction, will students not be in tension all the time. As a result, they can master the knowledge without being noticing it.4.2.2 Body languageIn daily life, students don’t have many opportunities get in touch with English, so classroom is the main place where they use English. In order to let students grasp knowledge well, teachers should apply a various of teaching means. Body language is a very good teaching means for primary students.The so-called body language is the non-language specific body posture, which is used in the process of communication to transmit information and express information. This specific body posture can not only support the body, modify or deny the speech act, but can partly replace the speech act, playing an independent function of expression. Moreover, it can also express the feelings and attitudes which speech acts cannot do. At the same time, body language can make pupils study English happily, and it changes sterile, mechanicalsentence patterns into vivid, lively and interesting. So it is feasible for teachers to bring in body language appropriately in the process of primary English teaching.With the help of body language and facial emotions, teachers can express situations more exactly and students are easier to understand. For example, when teachers find that students don’t pay attention and they are sleepy, teachers shouldn’t always repeat imperative languages, such as “Keep quiet! Listen to me!” On the century, teachers can make a gesture to remind them to be quiet. Another example, teaching students the word "dance", the teacher can invite a girl to dance to the music, and then ask the other students to guess what she is doing. Of course, it is very easy for them to understand that she is dancing. At that time, teachers teach “dance” again. Students will build up the relation between the word and its meaning. At last, the teacher can give an example to the students: "Let's dance together.” Or she can ask students to dance to the music together. Without doubt, the atmosphere of classroom will come to the peak. It is proved that the ST method can make students to participate in interactive teaching activity and stimulate students’ interest.For senior students, they will contact with imperative sentences, for example: “Stand up; Sit down; Open your book; Close your book; Lift up your fingers.” Teachers can ask them to say the sentences and do the actions. This means have many advantages. On the one hand, it can avoid Chinese explanation; on the other hand, it is in favor of training the students’ ability to think in English directly4.2.3 Role playThe aim of daily teaching is to bring students into simulation-based life background, in which students actively play many kinds of role, so that they can fully cognize language, master study contents, enhance the ability of employing what they have learnt and improve oral expressive capability.No matter do students play the role or they appreciate the performance, they are able to understand the text by their own thinking and experience. Shows not only improve students’ability of expression and imagination, but also give students a platform to display talent. As a result, students are sure of themselves and their studying enthusiasm has been improved. Teachers design teaching activities according to teaching goal and then create simulation scene, introduce the roles and processes to students, finally to consolidate.Role play lets students play in different roles and do some activities. It attractsstudents’attention and inspires their inner desire and performance potential. In a word, students can study easily, thus they will experience tremendous fun in studying. Meanwhile, role play offers a practical and colorful activity form for English class.For instance, there is a dialogue about visiting a friend. The dialogue can be played like this:A: May I come in.B: ( opening the door.)Oh,it’s you.Come in, please.Sit down, please. Would you like coffee or tea?A: Coffee, please.B: Here you are.A: Thank you.The form of this dialogue is very close to life. When students talk about stories, their enthusiasm is particularly high. They are eager to make dialogues on the basis of scenes.ⅤSuggestions for the STBased on the ST method studies and the teaching experiments, the author would provide the following suggestions on the application of the ST method in primary English classroom teaching.5.1 Using situation moderatelyIn primary English teaching classroom, firstly, teachers should let students experience, practice, participate, cooperate and communicate to get and understand English, stimulate and cultivate their interests in learning English. Secondly, teachers ought to help students build self-confidence, develop good learning habits and form effective learning strategies and develop autonomous learning ability and term spirit. Thirdly, teachers should let students master certain basic knowledge of English and skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, form a comprehensive language using ability and train their ability of observation, memory, thinking, imagination and creative spirit. Besides, the teachers should pay special attention to students who make great progress and praise them timely. The praise and encouragement will stimulate the students lag behind of others to try hard, arouse their interests in learning English, and turn the passive learning into the active learning.5.2 Considering the standard requirements of new curriculums of EnglishThe focus of English curriculum reform is to solve the problem that teacher attaches much importance to explaining and imparting grammar or vocabulary in the course of teaching instead of ignoring the tendency of fostering students’actual ability of using language, and it requires developing students’ ability to use integrated language to make the process of language learning be the process which students forming positive attitude ,voluntary thinking and audacious practice and make them form a habit of learning voluntarily. Therefore, the creation of situation must base on the standard requirements of new curriculums. That is to say, in the classroom of primary English teaching, it is important that students play the dominant role; teachers should guide the students to discover the useful knowledge and consciously imitate and exercise.5.3 Paying attention to the communicationTeaching process is a process of two-way exchange between knowledge information and emotional information, and exchange between students and teachers. If there isn’t communication then it will certainly take away from teacher’s teaching effect. Therefore, situational teaching should pay more attention to communication. This method combines knowledge with teacher’s personality characteristics and express by situation. Of course, if teachers don’t notice communication, some teaching method can’t get students’ recognition, sometimes it may be backfired. So on the relationship between teachers and students at ordinary times, teachers should try their best to achieve harmonious and democratic. Psychological harmony between teachers and students help students form a mutual support in the joyful mood. At the same time, teacher should pay close attention to the students every now and then and timely supervise, guide and evaluate. In addition, teacher s should also take different measures to control the atmosphere in classroom in the light of students’ actual fact and requirement. This shows the process of applying the ST method to classroom is a process of mutual urge, mutual encouragement, and mutual development between teachers and students.Ⅵ Conclusion。




初级阶段使用的图画,可以是简单的物体,如:一座房子、一条小河、河上有一座小桥、桥下有一条小船、船上有两个孩子,用来配合相应的简单描述性的录音材料:look, it`s a beautiful house. there is a river near the house. there is a bridge over the river.there is a boat on the river.there are two children in the boat.they have a good time.为降低听力难度,也可先引导学生用自己的话描述图画,然后再听。
如九年级的课文the man who loveddogs.可画一组十张的图来配合听:第一张画一张人像,上面写着名字:james herriot (1915,scotland);第二张画一个小男孩带着一条狗在山中玩;第三张画一个大学校门;第四张画一个美丽的农场,有马、牛、羊等各种动物,上写:yorkshire ,eagland.第五张画一条生病的狗,没精打采的躺在地上;第六张画herriot给狗治病,别的兽医在一旁嘲笑他;第七张画狗的主人面带微笑,小狗在一旁活蹦乱跳;第八张画herriot带着两条狗一起坐在车上前往农场;第九张画几本书,其中一本写上:james herriot`s dog stories.第十张画james herriot与一群狗快乐的在一起。
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”> (马林诺斯基 1980. 2 .页)语言的词、句、篇来源于情景,又不能脱离情景。
汉语中的“伯母、舅母、姨母、姑母”在英语中只用一个词“aunt”来表达,汉语中一个“开”字,英语则要用多个词来表达,如:开门open the door开车drive the car开机器run the machine开会have a meeting开收音机turn on the radio以上两个例子说明,词语只有在特定的社会文化环境和上下文情景中才能被理解和掌握。
2.情景教学的意义及重要性我国著名教育学家朱绍禹先生曾经指出:“教师的基本作用在于创造一种有利于学生学习的情境,这既要靠教师的知识经验,还要靠他们的艺术和品格;而表明良好学习情境的标志是使学生有广泛的思考自由……”《中学语文教育概论》(内蒙古人民出版社,朱绍禹.1983. 140页)。
3.如何在教学中发挥情景教学的功能3.1 巧用实际情景,激发学生求知欲。
实际情景贴近学生实际生活.为所有的学生熟悉.众所周知good morning. hello这样的句子.绝大多数学生都会运用如bye━bye更是连几个月的婴儿都能理解和运用,为什么?就是因为实际情景的运用赋予了这些句子极强的生命力.当前的中小学英语教材内容都与学生的日常生活密切联系.这样我们英语教师在备课时.要认真钻研教材根据实际.巧妙地启发学生把所学的英语与实际情景结合起来并加以应用.如教“making our world more beautiful”.这一课我在课前收集了有关环保的知识.了解班里的卫生情况于是.在巩固练习的时候.我设计了几个问题让学生回答:who’s on duty ?can you sweep the floor?how do you think your classroom dirty or clean?what things can harm the environment?what do you think we should do to improve our environment? 这样学生把课堂教学与周围的环境联系.然后教师把收集到资料.图片与实物vcd.如环保的宣传资料.环保的画面.播放环境的vcd给学生看.当学生看到这些资料时.意识到环保的重要性.全班同学共同达成协议“if everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment ,the world will become much more beautiful”教学内容,有时可准备一些便于携带的水果、衣物、文具、玩具等,上课时带入课室,帮助教实物是最常见的直观教具。
例如第三册第21课part one和part two,主要是操练“have you got……?”句型,可直接利用学生自己有的书、字典、尺子、铅笔等,让他们两两或小组演示情景,练习向别人借东西的习惯用语。
如向别人借字典时,可这样进行:excuse me. have you got a dictionary ? i think i’ve got one. yes, here you are. (sorry, i haven’t got one . ask lilei)巧用实际情景的方法使枯燥的长篇英语课活起来.这样学生不仅锻炼了想象能力,还提高了学生的口语表达能力.3.2 创设情景,调动学生积极性.。
中小学英语的教材内容大多都与学生的日常生活密切联系.但这些内容不可能正好与我们教学的实际情景相吻合.因此我们英语教师在教学这方面要创设情景.调动学生的学习积极性. 教师在创设情景时,应密切结合教学内容和学生的需要,所设情景要贴近教材内容并符合学生的认知水平和心理特征,努力做到教材、情景、学生高度协调统一,只有这样,才能充分发挥情景的作用。
如在教“merry christmas”这一课时.因为该课文的教学时间正好是12月份.教师可以在课前准备好圣诞树上的小饰等.上课时我一边给学生展示教具.一边用英语进行讲解.同时还辅助必要的动作.来演示动词词组.(1)help decorate the tree(2) cutting down the christmas tree(3) put up the lights(4)put an angle or a star at the top of the tree. 学生很容易的容入到课文中.学生根据创设的情景积极踊跃地抢着发言.整个课堂气氛非常活跃热烈.简笔画简单、易学,往往几笔画就能表现一件事物,一个行动,一个情景和一个情节;而且概括性强,能更为准确地表达意思,克服复杂画面常分散学生注意力,造成误解的缺点。
如第三册第5课“the high jump”和“the long jump ”两个短语,教学时在黑板上画上“跳远”“跳高”两幅简笔画,学生就很容易理解这两个短语的意思。
再如第一册第86课“what’s he/she doing?”主要是学习和操练现在进行时。
教师在黑板上画上男孩或女孩放风筝、做作业,跳高、跑步、看电视等若干幅简笔画,学生会很快地表达出she’s flying a kite. she’s doing homework. he’s running. he’s watching tv创设情景有多种方法.有用语言假设的抽象情景.有用画面创设的直观情景.有用音像创设的情景.教师在设计教学时.应用什么方法取于教学的实际情况.尤其是符合学生的实际.要利于激发学生学习的积极性.要利于教学目标的实现和教学内容的落实.3.3 拓展情景,开发学生的创造潜能。
课开始,t:boys and girls, here’s a card for you.电脑屏幕上缓缓向学生展示一张电子贺卡,电子贺卡最后是一排醒目的大字“万圣节快乐”。
t: oh, yes. today is halloween. do you know halloween? (由于大众媒体的传播,学生对万圣节已有一定的了解。
) 随着学生的介绍我打出了各种图片:南瓜灯、身着奇装异服的人们等。
t: look, what are they doing?电脑屏幕上展现孩子们在边交流边打扮准备参加万圣节的情景。
t: do you want to join them? s: great. 学生开始边讨论边打扮起来。
t: now let’s go. s: let’s go.学生挨家挨户拜访,索要糖果。
在教“ the sensons of the year”这一内容时,先创设情景来调动学生的学习积极性,用体现春夏秋冬的四幅情景图进行视听教学,让学生对要掌握的内容有感性认识含辛茹苦进行说的训练.在此基础上进一步拓展情景,把准备好的情景录音放给学生听<录间,春天:抒情的音乐,并有小鸟在鸣叫;夏天:热烈的音乐厅,并有人们游泳戏水的欢叫声;秋天欢快的音乐,收割机在轰鸣,人们在欢笑;冬天:紧凑的音乐,北风呼呼,让学生根据录音一边创造性地做出相应的动作,一边说相关的话,使他们兴致勃勃地用学过的词汇和句型说了许多话.这样拓展的情景使学生感到很新鲜,激发了学生强烈的参与欲望,收到了良好的教学效果.3.4 培养学生积极参与情景交际。
3.4.1 实物对话。
如老师可指着自己的黑头发说:“this is my hair.”“it‘s black.”。
有时教师还可把实物演变为一些简单的游戏形式以加深学生的印象,如教师指着自己的鼻子说:”this is my ear. i s thatright ?”学生便会很主动地回答:”no, it’s your nose .”有时,学生会因此物想到彼物,产生一些新的信息,增加词汇量,教师亦可在课前准备一些小件物品放在提包里,让课该派用时就拿给学生看,还可根据实物进行各种形式的提问。