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11 — enclosure
12 — carbon copy 13 — postscript
1) Letterhead (信头)
The letterhead usually includes the essential information about the
writer — name, address, cable address, telex number, etc. The writing of the 一般放在整封信的首页最上面中央,有些公司为方便直接将 Chinese address should be stressed as it is totally different from
8) Reference Notation (参考案号)
In business letters, reference is often made to previous letter. It may include the date of the letter, a file number, the contr-act number, L/C number or the initials of the signer of the le-tter and take the form as “Our ref.” and “your ref.”
March 4,2006
March 4th, 2006 4 March, 2006 日期的表达式最简单的主要有(英式)日期/月/年,及(美式)
Avoid using “3/4/06” or “2006.3.4”. 月/日期/年排列法,如2006年3月4日写为:March 4,2006,
Or March 4th, 2006 。
corporation, he will add it under the inside name and address. It usually takes the form like “Attention: The Advertising Manager” (由广告经理亲阅)
placed on the left under the inside name and address.
5) Message (正文)
Message is the part the writer expresses his idea or requirements. Usually, it is divided into three parts: opening, body and closing. Opening is to give
the city and country be put at the end. For example, "中国广东省广州
2) Date(日期)
As for the date, it is usually put one or two lines under the letterhead
on the right for the purpose of filing or checking. Simple ways of writing:
正文的内容一般都包括开头、正文、结束三部分。 正文内容会根据具体的交易环节而有所改变。正文格式根据信 件格式不同有区别,齐头式下正文全部齐左边,缩进式下正文 each paragraph indented and blocked one with all lines on the left. 每一段首行往里缩进。
此名称和地址由于写在信内而被称为封内名称地址,目的是为了确保信封与信件的一致 性以免装错信封寄错信。封内名称地址的写法与信头写法一致。 此内容放在日期之下, 齐左边。如 xxx, China National Chemical Imp.& Exp. Corp., Nanning Branch, 65# Qixing road, Nanning, Guangxi, China. 姓名的写法: 1)写给认识的男性,用Mr.加上姓名,如 Mr. John Smith 2)对认识的男性,可用头衔或职称代替Mr.表示尊重,如: Doctor John Smith, Professor Joyce Gwillian 3) 对认识的男性,可以同时写上职称甚至工作单位,如: Mr. John Smith, manager Camera Shop 4) 对数位男性,可用Messrs., 如:Messrs. Thomas Wood and John Smith 5) 写给不知姓名的人,可写其职务或所在机构,如:The manager Oriented Bank 6) 写给未婚女性,用Miss, 接姓名;给已婚女性,用Mrs.; 给不知婚姻状况的女 性,用Ms.
complimentary close will be “yours truly, truly yours”, etc.
此内容根据信件格式不同位置有区别,齐头式下结束语放在左 边,缩进式下结束语放在右边。
7) Signature (签名) It is usually printed and written on a letter, the place of which will depend on the layout of the letter. We put signature under the complimentary close with title under it. If the writer represents certain institute, the name of the institute will be printed above the signature, for example: Yours truly, (signature) Yours faithfully, MITSUBISHI CORPORATION (signature)
There are two main kinds of layout here: indented one with the first line of
6) Complimentary Close (结束语)
There are many ways of complementary close to show respect. It carries no specific meanings. Usually we keep them in pace with the salutation. When the salutation is “Dear sir (s)”, complimentary close will be “yours faithfully, yours sincerely”; when salutation uses “Gentleman (men)”,
4) Salutation (称呼)
Salutation in business letter is different from that in Chinese or ordinary
English letters. “Dear” is used to express respect here, for example, “Dear Mr. Perton”. Sometimes the letter is not ad-dressed to a specific person, then “Dear sir (s)”, “Gentleman (men)” are used. This part is
大连理工大学出版社 大连理工大学电子音像出版社
1 2 3
Contents and ways of writing (主要内容和写法)
Layout (格式)
1. Contents and ways of writing (主要内容和写法)
签名紧跟在结束语之下,手写表示尊敬,所以有时信函是打印 的,也要在打印签名之下手签。签名根据信件格式不同位置有
(Miss) Lucy Steinbeck
Thomas C. Sutton
General Manager, Sales Department
信头印在信笺上端。如 order. The number and the street should be put at the beginning while PING AN INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHINA Add: No.48 Zhonghua Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China 市天河街14号” should beCable address: xxx translated into “No.14 Tianhe Street, Guan Tel: 5899900 Telex China”. gzhou,Fax: 2438999 Province, No: Guangdong 这里须强调一下,国外地址写时应注意从小写到大,而不是 中国人的习惯从大写到小。
3) Inside Name and Address (封内名称和地址)
It will be the same as in the envelope, which shall be the name
and address of the receiver. But when some companies use the name of the owner as part of the company name, “Messrs” will be added before the name, for example, “Messrs Bob& Michael Trading Co.”
有时为了归档、查找方便,或明确让双方明白此封信函的内容 与什么有关,会在信头之下,日期之上右边添上这一内容,后 面多跟合同号、信用证号等。
9) Attention (送交)
When the writer wants to address the letter to a special person or
the reason of writing; body is to specify his requirements and wishes while closing is to express thanks or hope. The contents of body will vary with
the specific step of business.
10) Subject Line (标题)
It is usually the order or contract number or the name of the goods to
There are seven parts in an ordinary business letter:

1 — letterhead
2 — reference number and date 3 — inside name and address

4 — salutation
5 — message 6 — complimentary close

7 — signature
Some letters may contain one or more of the following, which depend on the different situation of each writing requirement: 8 — reference notation 9 — attention line 10 — subject line