
7-B The limit of a sequence
The main question we are concerned with here is to decide whether or not the terms f(n) tend to a finite limit as n increases infinitely. 这里我们关心的主要问题是当n无限增加时,项 f(n) 是否会趋于一个有限的极限。
如果对每一个正整数 n都有一个实数或复数an与之对 应, 则有序集a1 , a2, …, an ,… 称为一个无穷序列.
The important thing here is that each member of the set has been labeled with an integer so that we may speak of the first term a1, the second term a2, and, in general, the nth term an. 这里重要的是集合中的每一个元素都由一个整数标 记,因此我们可以说第一项 , 第二项, 一般的,第n项
This particular rule is known as a recursion formula and it defines a famous sequence whose terms are called Fibonacci numbers. The first few terms are 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34. 这个特殊的规则就是常见的递推公式,它定义了一个 著名的序列,其中的项称为菲波那契数。前几项是…...

( 2 z
3 2
3 dxdy
D xy
D xy
1 2
2 3 9.
八.把f (x)
1 4 x
展为 x 的幂级数
1 4 x
1 4
1 1 x 4
1 4
x 4
x 4
2 2
x 4
3 3
n1 n
( A) (C ) y c1 y1 ( x ) y 2 ( x ) y y 1 ( x ) cy 2 ( x )
是 y P ( x ) y Q ( x )的通解 .
(B) (D) y c1 y1 ( x ) y 2 ( x ) y c 1 y 1 ( x ) cy 2 ( x )
2 a cos
f ( r cos , r sin ) rdr
5 . y 8 y 16 y e ( A) (C ) y Ax e y Axe
2 4x
的一个特解 (B )
y 的形式是
2 4x
y x e
y A ( x B )e
三 . u f ( x y , xy ), 且 f ( x , y ) 有连续的二阶偏导数
u x
u x
四 . 计算积分
五 . 求幂级数

《高等数学》试题解答一、填空题:(3×5=15分)1.设y x z =,则=∂∂yz x x y ln . 2. 积分=⎰⎰Dxydxdy 16 ,其中D 为40 ,20≤≤≤≤y x .3. L 为2x y =点(0, 0)到(1, 1)的一段弧,则=⎰ds y L []155121-. 大根号4x^2+1 4. 级数∑∞=-1)1(n p nn 当p 满足10≤<p 时条件收敛. 5. 方程0)1(=+-dy e dx ye x x 的通解为)1(x e C y +=.分离变量二、选择题:(3×5=15分)1.方程0)4(sin )cos 3(32=-++dy y x dx x y x 是 ( C ). x Q y P ∂∂=∂∂(A) 可分离变量微分方程 (B) 一阶线性方程(C) 全微分方程 (D) (A )、(B )、(C )均不对 2.),(y x f z =在),(00y x 可微,则yz x z ∂∂∂∂ ,在) ,(00y x ( D ). (A )连续 (B )不连续 (C )不一定存在 (D )一定存在3.级数∑∞=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+--21111n n n 是( A ). ∑∞=-212n n (A )发散 (B )收敛(C )条件收敛 (D )绝对收敛4.曲面22y x z +=与平面1=z 所围立体的体积为( B ).(A )⎰⎰⎰+Ωdv y x )(22; (B )⎰⎰⎰11 02 0 r πdz rdr θd ;“先一后二”(C )⎰⎰⎰+----2222 0 1 1 1 1 y x x x dz dy dx ; (D )⎰⎰⎰10 1 0 2 0 dz rdr θd π。
5.方程x e x y y y -=+'-''323的特解形式为( B ).(A )x e b ax )(+ (B )x cxe b ax ++(C )x ce b ax ++ (D )x xe b ax )(+三、)(22x y f z -=,其中)(u f 有连续的二阶偏导数,求22x z ∂∂.(8分) 解:)2()(22x x y f z x -⋅-'=)2()(2)2()(2222x x y f x x y f z xx -⋅-''--⋅-'= )(4)(222222x y f x x y f -''+-'-=四、计算⎰-+-Lx x dy y e dx y y e )2cos ()2sin (,L 为由点)0 ,1(A 到)1 ,0(B ,再到)0 ,1(-C 的有向折线.(8分) 解:作11 ,0:≤≤-=x y CA ,……………….1分⎰=ABCA []d xdy y e y e D x x ⎰⎰--)2cos (cos =2⎰⎰D dxdy =2, 0 ⎰=CA2=∴I五、计算⎰⎰++∑dxdy zx dzdx yz dydz xy 222,其中∑为球体4222≤++z y x 及锥体22y x z +=的公共部分的外表面.(8分) 解:()d xdydz x z y I ⎰⎰⎰Ω++=222⎰⎰⎰ππϕϕθ=2044020sin dr r d d ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=221564π六、求级数∑∞=22n n nx 的收敛域及和函数.(8 分)解:收敛域为:)1 ,1(-=)(x S ∑∞=22n n nx ∑∞=-=212n n nx x '⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=∑∞=22n n x x ='⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---x x x 1112⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡--=1)1(122x x 七、计算曲面积分⎰⎰+∑dS y x )(22,其中∑为锥面)(322y x z +=被平面3=z截下的带锥顶的部分.(8分) 解:dxdy y x y y x x y x I xy D ⎰⎰+++++=22222222331)( ⎰⎰+=xyD dxdy y x )(222⎰⎰πθ=303202dr r d π=9八、求函数22y x z +=在适合条件132=+y x 下的极小值.(7分) 解:作⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+++=132),,(22y x y x y x f λλ ⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧=-+==λ+==λ+=λ0132032022y x f xy f x f y x 1372-=λ,1312,1318==∴y x 1336min =z 九、求方程x e y y y 323=+'-''的通解.(8分) 解:特征方程:0232=+-r r特征根:2,121==r r对应齐次方程的通解为:x x e C e C Y 221+= 1=λ是单根,可设非齐次方程的特解为x Axe y =* 代入原方程得:x xe y A 3,3*-=∴-= 原方程的通解为:x x x xe e C e C y 3221-+=十、把)0( ,)(π<<=x x x f 展开为余弦级数.(7分) 解:π=π=⎰π002xdx a ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-==⎰为偶数为奇数n n n nxdx x a n 0 4cos 220πππ ∑∞=π<<-π--π=120 ,)12cos()12(42n x x n n x 十一、已知曲线积分⎰+⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+++),()0,0()()(1)1(y x n x dy x f ydx x f x n x e 与路径无关, 其中)(x f 可微,0)0(=f ,试确定)(x f ,并计算曲线积分的值.(8分) 解:依题意有:)()(1)1(x f x f x n x e n x '=+++ 讨论 )()(1x f x f x n '=+ n x C x f )1()(+=令)(x C C =,利用常数变易法得:C e x C x +=)( n x n x e x C x f )1()1()(+++=∴由10)0(-=⇒=C f)1()1()(-+=∴x n e x x f)()(0x yf dy x f I y==⎰。


Let P denote the set of all positive integers. Then P is itself an inductive set because (a) it contains 1, and (b) it contains x+1 whenever it contains x. Since the members of P belong to every inductive set, we refer to P as the smallest inductive set. 用P表示所有正整数的集合。那么P本身是一个归纳 集,因为其中含1,满足(a);只要包含x就包含x+1, 满足(b)。由于P中的元素属于每一个归纳集,因此P 是最小的归纳集。
Quotients of integers a/b (where b≠0) are called rational numbers. The set of rational numbers, denoted by Q, contains Z as a subset. The reader should realize that all the field axioms and the order axioms are satisfied by Q. For this reason, we say that the set of rational numbers is an ordered field. Real numbers that are not in Q are called irrational. 整数a与b的商被叫做有理数,有理数集用Q表示,Z 是Q的子集。读者应该认识到Q满足所有的域公理和 序公理。因此说有理数集是一个有序的域。不是有 理数的实数被称为无理数。

数学专业英语【第二版】1- A 什么是数学数学来自于人的社会实践,例如,工业和农业生产、商业活动、军事行动和科研工作。
17 世纪前, 男子向自己限于小学数学,即几何、三角和代数,只有常量被认为在其中。
17 世纪产业的快速发展促进了经济和技术的进展和所需变量的数量、处理从常量到带来两个分支的数学-解析几何和微积分,属于高等数学,现在有很多分支机构,其中有数学分析、高等代数、微分方程的高等数学中的可变数量的飞跃函数理论等。
公式、数字和图表是阿拉伯数字1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 与另外的符号"+"、减法"-",乘"*",除"\"和平等"="。
1--B 方程方程是平等的语句的两个相等的数字或数字符号之间。
因此(a-5)= 一5a 和x 3 = 5 是方程。
因此12-2=2+8,(m+n)(m-n) = m n 是身份。
1—c 比与测量今天的思想沟通往往根据编号和数量的比较。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版江西理工大学英语词汇题 The pony was revised in January 2021U n i t11. When making modern cameras, people began to _______ plastics for metal.A. surroundB. substanceC. stretchD. substitute2. People who have difficulty when communicating face-to-face can become______ and courteous when online.A. eloquentB. elusiveC. elegantD. elaborate3. The government is putting through some ______ social reforms to improve its image.A. rationalB. recreationalC. radicalD. recurrent4. He _______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.A. resolvedB. resortedC. requestedD. reserved5. He proved himself a ________ successor to the former Prime Minister.A. worthwhileB. worthlessC. worthyD. worth6. Anthony is a very ________ person and never wastes anything.A. miserlyB. thriftyC. economicD. conservative7. The ghostly presence was just a (n)_________ sensation of some people.A. objectiveB. subjunctiveC. subjectiveD. ejective8. The heavy traffic ______ us for half an hour.A. maintainedB. obtainedC. retainedD. detained9. I hope I can learn more from my role model and _____ more experience.A. accumulateB. stimulateC. simulateD. formulate10. He was caught ______ when the judge produced the evidence against him.A. off-limitB. off-siteC. off-sideD. off-balance11. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and thousands of jobs are at ________.A. dangerB. lossC. threatD. stake12. You should ______ all the information needed for your application.A. seizeB. acquireC. captureD. snatch13. We cannot trust him anymore because he often ________ his duty.A. owesB. spoilsC. desertsD. neglects14. After a slow start, the plan soon took ______and was accepted by all.A. upB. offC. overD. away15. What she achieved in her research might _______ what she had been expecting.A. exceedB. exclaimC. excessD. extendKey: 1-5 DACAC 6-10 BCDAD 11-15 DCDBAUnit 31.The government used their emergency powers to ________ the truth about theaccident.A. suppressB. manipulateC. controlD. utilize2. He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind, and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.A. fickleB. abnormalC. weirdD. errant3. In order to write his paper, he borrowed a lot of _______ books from the school library.A. sampleB. referenceC. resourceD. assist4. When he caught a _______ of his girl-friend in the rain, Jack asked thetaxi driver to stop to pick her up.A. glanceB. peepC. glareD. glimpse5. Embroidery calls for great care. There must not be even a single______stitch.A. recklessB. slackC. sloppyD. floppy6. This nation is noted for its economic _______.A. steadinessB. stabilityC. staticD. stationary7. Citizens have the right to know and to ______ government.A. monitorB. interfereC. controlD. supervise8. Mr. Smith asked his secretary to ________ a new paragraph in the annual report she was typing.A. injectB. installC. invadeD. insert9. It may be necessary to stop ________ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.A. at largeB. at intervalsC. at randomD. at length10. ________ quantities of water are being used nowadays with the rapid development of industry and agriculture.A. ExcessiveB. ExtensiveC. EffusiveD. Exclusive11. ________ recent developments we do not think your scheme is practical.A. In view ofB. In favor ofC. In case ofD. In honor of12. When you buy the spare parts for your car, try to get the _______ ones from the authorized dealer.A. genuineB. originalC. rawD. veritable13. Works of taste can ______ the mind.A. confineB. defineC. refineD. fine14. I hoped this film would provoke audiences to ______ what we could do tothe poor.A. templateB. contemptC. contemplateD. tempt15. He is ______ in his control of expenditureA. severeB. rigorous D. rigid D. graveKeys: 1-5 ACBDC 6-10 BDDBA 11-15 AACCBUnit51.They are trying to ________ the waste discharged by the factory for profit.A. exposeB. expireC. expandD. exploit2.The continuous rain ________ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks.A. set backB. set offC. set outD. set aside3. Too much stress can ________ toll on your body and affect your productivity.A. giveB. takeC. haveD. make4. To my teacher I ________ this dictionary in token of affection and gratitude.A. dedicateB. delicateC. dictateD. duplicate5. As a footballer, if you're ________ to injury it can mean the end of your career.A. sensitiveB. likely B. immune D. prone6. Research universities have to keep up with the latest computer and scientific hardware ________ price.A) on account of B) regardless of C) in light of D) in accordance with7. You will not be ________ about your food in time of great hunger.A. specialB. particularC. peculiarD. specific8. We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the economy out of ________.A. concessionB. confessionC. sessionD. recession9. This ticket you to a free boat tour on the lake.A. entitlesB. appointsC. grantsD. credits10. This mobile app has enabled people to make connections and virtual friendships can ________ into real-life relationships.A. resolveB. revolveC. evolveD. convolve11. In the sentence “The newly ______ network culture provides opportunities as well as challenges to the traditional college English teaching”, which of the following is the odd one out?A. risingB. arisingC. poppingD. emerging12. He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he ________ us that he would try as hard as possible.A. insuredB. assuredC. reassuredD. secured13. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to ________ the skills they need to succeed.A. adoptB. acquireC. accumulateD. assemble14. We have planned an exciting publicity ________ with our advertisers.A. struggleB. campaignC. battleD. conflict15. John doesn’t believe in ________ medicine; he has some remedies of his own.A. standardB. regularC. routineD. conventionalKeys:1-5 DABAD 6-10 BBDAC 11-15 CBBBDUnit71.Techniques for ________ sleep would involve learning to control both mindand body so that sleep can occur.A.promotingB. strengtheningC. cultivatingD. simulating2.Our ________ reaction when someone causes us pain is to strike backA.intuitiveB. instinctiveC. talentedD. natural3.They were ________ admission to the military exhibition because they wereforeigners.A. deniedB. declinedC. deprivedD. rejected4. Residents were cutting their lawns, washing their cars and otherwise________ a pleasant, sunny day.A. idling awayB. wasting awayC. chasing awayD. driving away5. We’d like to ________ a table for five for dinner this evening.A. preserveB. conserveC. reserveD. deserve6. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have________ supplies of petroleum.A. proficientB. efficientC. deficient D) sufficient7. As Jane was about to graduate, she was in a _______ whether to continue her website or seek work.A. difficultyB. troubleC. adversityD. dilemma8. Several witnesses can ________ to her good character.A. proveB. confirmC. attestD. testify9. Now, I'm still _______, but I'm much more open to spending on things that enrich my life.A. frugalB. extravagantC. stingyD. economic10. The group is accused of_________ its members to commit crimesA. luringB. persuadingC. temptingD. brainwashing11. The work was almost complete when we received orders to ________ nofurther with it.A. progressB. proceedC. promptD. promote12. A dark suit is ________to a light one for evening wear.A. favorableB. suitableC. preferableD. adorable13. It was in the United States that I made the ________of Professor Jones.A. acknowledgementB. acquaintanceC. recognitionD. association14. Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was ________.A. artificialB. deliberateC. well-intentionedD. innocent15. There was a big hole in the road which ________ the traffic.A. set backB. lay backC. held upD. kept downKeys: 1-5 ABAAC 6-10 DDCAD 11-15 BCBBC。

The line is named by labeling two points on it with capital letters or one small letter near it. The straight line extends infinitely far in two directions and has no ends. The part of the line between two points on the line is termed a line segment.
我们都熟悉直线,但是很难定义直线。可能可以用移动一支铅 笔或者钢笔横穿一张纸留下的痕迹来描述直线。
直线可以被看做是一维的,即只有长度。尽管我们画一条直线 的时候会赋予它宽度和厚度,但是当考虑直线的时候,只考虑 痕迹的长度。
A point has no length, no width, and no thickness, but marks a position. We are familiar with such expressions as pencil point and needle point. We represent a point by a small dot and name it by a capital letter printed beside it, as “point A” in Fig. 2-2-1.
有三种线:直线,折线和曲线。曲线是指其中没有任何部分是 直的。折线是由连起来的直线段构成,如图2-2-3中的ABCDE.

7A在日常使用的英文单词"序列"和' '系列"是同义词,和他们用来建议一系列的事情或按某种顺序排列的事件。
概念在本节中,将讨论序列和系列将定义第11 节。
如果为每个正整数n 有关联的真实或复数a,那时有序的集据说是定义一个无限的序列。
这里最重要的是每个成员集的已标记的整数,使我们可以发言的第一届、第二个任期,以及,一般的第n 个词。
如果我们给一些规则或第n 个词描述的公式,可以构造序列的最常见的例子。
因此,例如,公式= 1 定义的序列的第五个任期是1.有时两个或多个公式可受雇作为,例如,a=1.the 第一次在这种情况下被1 的一些术语。
因此,我们可能= 1。
最重要的事情是序列的序列的这样f(n) 的每个n=1.In 事实的第n 个燕鸥是序列的序列的正整数上定义一些函数 f 的任何序列,这可能是序列的序列的最方便的方法,国家技术定义。
其域是所有积极integers1 的一组函数f 称为一个无限的序列。
函数值f(n) 调用序列的第n 个词。
通过按顺序,因此编写条款通常显示的功能(即,函数值的集合)的范围:f (2)。
为简便起见,{f(n)} 符号用于指示第n 个任期是f(n) 的序列。
由使用下标,很多时候表示,n 的依赖和我们写,或类似的而不是f (n0。
7B我们担心在这里主要的问题在于决定是否条款f(n) 倾向于有限的n 无限增加。
考研14年的新 江西理工大学专业英语考试题

14年江西理工大学考研回忆版可以保证百分之90的准确率zhuan业英语复试题本文记录考题的三分之二,因时间原因以后补上剩下的三分之一英汉互翻译1kirchhoff current law 基尔霍夫电流定律2crossover frequency 变频3permanent magnet 永磁体4rotating machine 运转机5state variable 状态变量6无线传感器网络Wireless sensor network7单片机Single Chip Microcomputer8嵌入式控制系统embedded microcotroller9稳定性分析stabililty analysis10人工智能arctifical intellegent11电力电子power electronics12剪切角频率The shear angle frequency二翻译句子1 the various schemes differ in how well they are optmized for moving data quickly ,they多种方案的不同,关键在于怎样传送数据快,最适合实时控制,花费最少的硬件,产生可靠的分支,大距离,和高效率。
suitable for real time control ,the cost of hardware implementations ,their networking capability for branches ,spurs and long distances ,and for howe power is distributed2 the type of RAM used in microcomputers has one disadvantage ;it is volatile that is ,the contents of the memory are lost when the power supply is interrupted or turn offRAM用于微机系统有其缺点,就是存储的内容在断电和突发性关机的条件下会丢失数据。

Shell shock during World War OneA On 7 July 1916, Arthur Hubbard painfully set pen to paper in an attempt to explain to his mother why he was no longer in France. He had been taken from the battlefields and deposited in the East Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital suffering from “shell shock”. In his words, his breakdown was related to witnessing “a terrible sight that I shall never forget as long as I live”. He told his mother:B “We had strict orders not to take prisoners, no matter if wounded. My first job was when I had finished cutting some of their wire away, to empty my magazine(弹仓) on 3 Germans that came out of one of their deep dugouts(防空壕), bleeding badly, and put them out of misery. They cried for mercy, but I had my orders, they had no feeling whatever for us poor chaps... it makes my head jump to think about it."C Hubbard had gone over the top(跳出战壕) at the Battle of the Somme. While he managed to fight as far as the fourth line of trenches, by 3.30p.m practically his whole battalion had been wiped out by German artillery. He was buried, dug himself out, and during the subsequent retreat was almost killed by machine gun fire. Within this landscape of horror, he collapsed.D Arthur Hubbard was one of millions of men who suffered psychological trauma as a result of their war experiences. Symptoms ranged from uncontrollable diarrhea(腹泻) to unrelenting anxiety. Soldiers who had bayoneted(用刺刀刺) men in the face developed hysterical tics(抽搐) of their own facial muscles. Stomach cramps seized men who knifed their foes in the abdomen. Snipers(狙击手) lost their sight. Terrifying nightmares of being unable to withdraw bayonets from the enemies' bodies persisted long after the slaughter.E The dreams might occur “right in the middle of an ordinary conversation” when “the face of a Boche(德国兵) that I have bayoneted, with its horrible gurgle and grimace(怪相), comes sharply into view”, an infantry captain complained. An inability to eat or sleep after the slaughter was common. Nightmares did not always occur during the war. World War One soldiers like Rowland Luther did not suffer until after the armistice(停战) when he cracked up and found himself unable to eat, deliriously(神智混乱地) reliving his experiences of combat.F These were not exceptional cases. It was clear to everyone that large numbers of combatants could not cope with the strain of warfare. By the end of World War One, the army had dealt with 80,000 cases of shell shock. As early as 1917, it was recognized that war neuroses accounted for one-seventh of all personnel discharged for disabilities from the British Army. Once wounds were excluded, emotional disorders were responsible for one-third of all discharges. Even more worrying was the fact that a higher proportion of officers were suffering in this way. According to one survey published in 1917, while the ratio of officers to men at the front was 1:30, among patients in hospitals specializing in war neuroses, the ratio of officers to men was 1:6. Whatmedical officers quickly realized was that everyone had a breaking point: weak or strong, courageous or cowardly - war frightened everyone witless.G More difficult, however, was understanding what caused some panic-stricken men to suffer extremes of trauma. In the early years of World War One, shell shock was believed to be the result of a physical injury to the nerves. In other words, shell shock was the result of being buried alive or exposed to heavy bombardment. The term itself had been coined, in 1917, by a medical officer called Charles Myers. But Myers rapidly became unhappy with the term, recognizing that many men suffered the symptoms of shell shock without having even been in the front lines. As a consequence, medical officers increasingly began emphasizing psychological factors as providing sufficient cause for breakdown. Alfred Jones, president of the British Psychoanalytic Association, explained: War constituted an official abrogation(取消) of civilized standards in which men were not only allowed, but encouraged:H “To indulge in behavior of a kind that is throughout abhorrent to the civilized mind.... All sorts of previously forbidden and hidden impulses, cruel, sadistic, murderous and so on, are stirred to greater activity, and the old intrapsychical conflicts which, according to Freud, are the essential cause of all neurotic disorders, and which had been dealt with before by means of repression of one side of the conflict are now reinforced, and the person is compelled to deal with them afresh under totally different circumstances.”I Consequently, the return to the mental attitude of civilian life could spark off severe psychological trauma. The authors of one of the standard books on shell shock went so far as to point out that a soldier who suffered a neurosis had not lost his reason but was laboring under the weight of too much reason: his senses were 'functioning with painful efficiency.J Nevertheless, how were these men to be cured of their painful afflictions? From the start, the purpose of treatment was to restore the maximum number of men to duty as quickly as possible. During World War One, four-fifths of men who had entered hospital suffering shell shock were never able to return to military duty. However, the shift from regarding breakdown as organic to viewing it as psychological had inevitable consequences in terms of treatment. If breakdown was a paralysis of the nerves, then massage, rest, dietary regimes and electric shock treatment were invoked. If a psychological source was indicated, the talking cure, hypnosis, and rest would speed recovery. In all instances, occupational training and the inculcation(反复灌输) of masculinity were highly recommended. As the medical superintendent(负责人) at one military hospital in York put it, although the medical officer must show sympathy, the patient must be induced to face his illness in a manly way.K Sympathy was only rarely forthcoming. Sufferers had no choice but to acknowledge that their reputations as soldiers and men had been dealt a severe blow. After a major bombardment or particularly bloody attack, signs of emotional weakness could be overlooked, but in the midst ofthe fray, the attitude was much less sympathetic. When the shell shocked men returned home, things were not much better. Men arriving at Netley Hospital were greeted with silence: People were described as hanging their heads in “inexplicable shame”. No one better described the mix of shame and anger experienced by the war-damaged than the poet, Siegfried Sassoon. In October 1917, while he was at Craiglockhart, one of the most famous hospitals for curing officers with war neuroses, he wrote a poem, simply called “Survivors”:L No doubt they'll soon get well; the shock and strain / Have caused their stammering, disconnected talk. / Of course they're “longing to go out again”, - / These boys with old, scared faces, learning to walk. / They'll soon forget their haunted nights; their cowed / Subjection to the ghosts of friends who died, - / Their dreams that drip with murder; and they'll be proud / Of glorious war that shatter'd their pride... / Men who went out to battle, grim and glad; / Children, with eyes that hate you, broken and mad.____ 26. The symptoms of soldiers’ shell shock ranged from out-of-control diarrhea to endless anxiety, all related to their war experiences.____ 27. How shell shock was treated depended on what its source was viewed, physical or psychological.____ 28. At the Battle of Somme, Hubbard collapsed after experiencing the horror of the war.____ 29. Many men suffered the symptoms of shell shock even if they had never been in the front lines.____ 30. The authors of one book on shell shock pointed out that the reason that a soldier suffereda neurosis was that he had been afflicted with too much reason.____ 31. Siegfried Sassoon wrote a poem best describing the mixed feelings of shame and anger experienced by the war-beaten soldiers.____ 32. To some soldiers, the nightmares might occur just in the middle of an ordinary conversation long after the ending of the war.____ 33. The medical officer must show sympathy in treatment of shell shock, but even so, he must encourage patients to face their illness in a masculine way.____ 34. Not only soldiers, a high proportion of officers also suffered from shell shock, which wasa worrying fact.____ 35. It was believed that shell shock resulted from the injury of the nerves in the early years of World War One.26-30 D J C G I 30-35 K E J F GLive in Albert Einstein’s worldA 6 a.m. Your satellite-enabled alarm clock goes off. Blame Albert Einstein for rousting you out of bed. Your clock sounds precisely at 6 a.m. because it’s one of those fancy digital models that is synchronized (使同步) with the government’s atomic clocks and calibrated every second throughthe Global Positioning Satellite array circling the Earth. If they could not correct for the effects of relativity, Einstein’s most famous discovery, GPS signals would accumulate so many errors that their data would be meaningless.B 6:15 a.m. You nick yourself shaving and drip toothpaste on your shirt. Blame Einstein for the mess. His creation of a formula to measure the size of molecules (分子) dissolved in liquids made it possible for scientists to create or improve thousands of consumer products, including better shaving creams and toothpastes.C 6:30 a.m. You turn on the television to check the weather and traffic. It’s raining, and the traffic cameras show that the cars are already backed up for miles on the interstate. Blame Einstein for your bad mood. His declaration of the photoelectric (光电的) effect made possible the eventual invention of television cameras and the remotes that control them.D You’ve been up for just a half-hour, and already your day is being controlled by Albert Einstein. Most likely, we think of Einstein first as the man who paved the way to development of the atomic bomb. This is not the right way to look at him. Michel Janssen, a science and technology historian at the University of Minnesota, points out that Einstein had virtually nothing to do with developing the bomb. Einstein, in fact, was refused security clearance to have any role in the Manhattan Project, said Janssen, who was trained as a physicist and edited the volumes of Einstein’s collected papers on relativity.E However, many of Einstein’s other theories, which began pouring out in a burst of incandescent creativity 100 years ago, turned physics and our understanding of the natural world on their heads, giving scientists the tools to mold almost every observable aspect of life as we live it in today. His postulation (假定) of the photon (光子) and the photoelectric effect, which was described in his first great paper of 1905 and won him the Nobel Prize in 1921, gave us scores of everyday applications.F Einstein’s identifying of photons underlay the development of many of the advanced electronic inventions of the 20th century. It was the statement of the quantity effect, without which we would not have cellular telephones or smoke detectors or burglar alarms or those doors that automatically open at the supermarket or on the elevator.G Indeed, you can argue that the entire field of computers and semiconductors owes its existence to Einstein’s paper of 1905. That’s why it’s pointless to speculate about what he might have accomplished had he been born 75 or 80 years later and therefore been able to use computers. Without his having done the work he did when he did it, we might not have computers today, or atleast not in the form we recognize.H Moreover, it’s possible that in today’s scientific world, Einstein would have trouble getting his ideas heard. Science today is an institutionalized pursuit: What are your university degrees? What university or research institute are you affiliated with? How much peer-reviewed research have you published? How much grant money can you command? While Einstein’s work at the patent office in Bern, Switzerland, gave him wide opportunity to conduct sophisticated experiments on advanced submissions, he was, in his great year of 1905, still a 26-year-old government worker. If intelligent people really gave his manuscripts a careful read, they would have recognized something profound.I Robert Schumann, who co-edited Einstein’s collected papers and served as former director of the Einstein Papers Project, is more hopeful that his voice would have broken through. The journal that published his 1905 papers was the leading physics journal of the day. Among the editors who reviewed his submissions were Nobel laureate Wilhelm Roentgen, who discovered X-rays, and Max Planck, another Nobel winner, who came as close to matching Einstein in sheer brain power as anyone else ever did. If such esteemed editors found merit in the theories of the government clerk then, it is likely that they would do so today.J Much of Einstein’s work was multidisciplinary and abstract, while physics today is focused and empirical. “The possibility of coming out of almost no where, for a number of reasons, wouldn’t work today because of the highly philosophical character of his work. The questions he asked himself deal with space and time, which are philosophical concepts,” said Schumann.K Michel Janssen said there was “som ething special about the age that Einstein was working where he was, in a way, the right man at the right time at the right place. Between 1900 and 1925, you saw this tremendous overhaul (变革) of physics, and it is hard to imagine that today we’re going to see an overhaul on that scale.”L Einstein’s research paper on the photoelectric effect was just one of those that fundamentally altered how physicists look at the world. From the other papers came an almost equally wide range of modern applications: CD and DVD players use lasers, which Einstein first theorized in 1917 in advancing his work on the photoelectric and photovoltaic effects. “We have lasers in every supermarket checkout lane,” said John Rigden an American physicist. Medical revolutions like the PET scan rest on positrons (正电子), described by science journalist Robert Matthews as “antimatter electrons,” whose existence was implied by special relativity and quantum theory. Another one is carbon dating (碳年代测定法). We can take a stab at measuring how old fossils are thanks to Einstein (E=mc2 shows that mass and energy are interconnected; by measuring thedegradation of nuclei in atoms of organic materials, the theory goes, we can measure how long they’ve been degrading).M And all those everyday consumer products owe their existence, in no small part, to manufacturing methods that wouldn’t work without Einstein’s enunciation of the atomic theory of matter. In essence, Einstein proved that atoms exist. Before Einstein’s paper of May 1905, “many reputabl e scientists didn’t believe in atoms,” Rigden said. “May 1905 put the last nail in the coffin. No longer could the reality of atoms be denied. The nucleus wasn’t even discovered until 1909, so Einstein’s prescience was off the charts.”N What’s the most important was Einstein’s restoration of the belief in the power of reason and intellect. He gave science back its confidence. Thus, he is a standard because of what he did and how he did it.___ 26. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his postulation of the photoelectric effect, which has already found wide applications in our daily life.___ 27. The invention or improvement of countless consumer products is based on Einstein’s formula for the size of molecules in liquids.___ 28. Einstein had proved the existence of atoms several years before the discovery of the nucleus.___ 29. Einstein’s formula makes it possible to use carbon dating to determine the approximate age of an ancient object, such as old fossils.___ 30. Hadn’t it been for the theory of quantity effect, we wouldn’t have got the electronic inventions like mobile phones, automatic doors and so on.___ 31. Einstein’s ideas may be difficult to get heard today in that the current scientific pursuit is too institutionalized.___ 32. TV cameras and their remote controls owe their existence to the law of the photoelectric effect.___ 33. Without Einstein’s contribution, computers today might not have been invented.___ 34. A great revolution in physics happened in the first 25 years of the 20th century, but such a revolution is unlikely to take place today.___ 35.It’s inappropriate to blame Einstein for the first atomic bomb, for he wasn’t involved in its research project.26-30 E B M L F 31-35 H C G K DTaking a leap of faith to a new careerA It's a dream most people have at some point: just walking out of their job. It could be because work has become unbearable or unbearably boring. Or maybe it's the opposite – the job is fine, the colleagues are great, the boss is appreciative. But it's a rut (老一套), and unless you leave, youknow you'll be stuck on the wage-slave treadmill (令人厌倦的工作) forever. You always wanted more.B This is what motivated Miles Timothy, 24, to leave his secure job last year without a new one lined up. "I'd been working at a small business finance company for two years after leaving college. I was considering it as my career as it was going well. But I've always been creative and I wanted to do something in that line. My job didn't entirely fulfill me, and I thought it better to leave now before mortgage, kids and other responsibilities."C So Timothy left last October to set up a website business targeting a niche market. He admits it was a tough decision but has no regrets. "I was worried about telling my family, but my mum said I should go for it, and my dad said he wishes he'd done something similar. High unemployment and the state of the economy did concern me, and there is this attitude today that if you're lucky enough to have a job you shou ld stay as so many people are looking for work” "But I don't subscribe to that view. I think it limits you, and you've got to keep track of where you want to get to. I did my research, gave plenty of notice, then took the plunge. I saved a bit to keep me ticking over and I'll have to live without partying for a while, but it's very exciting and I'm looking forward to the future.”D To stay focused, Timothy won't even take a part-time job. He wants to concentrate all his energy on his new venture. But when Nancy Burgess, 40, left her sales liaison (联络) job in a large publishing house in 2001 to become a freelance translator, she took a part-time job for a short while in a women-only sex shop to keep money coming in. Once there was enough work, she became a full-time freelance translator. "I'd grown tired of the commute and wanted to move out of London," she recalls. "My degree was in French and I had many friends who were translators, so that got me thinking this was something I could do”. "I knew I didn't want to spend the rest of my life clocking in and out, so I left and started a master's degree in translation studies.I got translation work while there, it snowballed and I'm still doing it now."E Burgess knew it was risky giving up well-paid work with a regular salary, prospects and a pension. "I was working for a brilliant company. It was a high-pressure job involving trips to New York. So it took a lot to step away. But the reality of day-to-day work wasn't as exciting as it sounds and I was thinking about the future. I knew I wanted kids and to move away from the city.I couldn't do that if I stayed” "So, though I woke in the night a few times after I'd given my notice, and wondered if it had been a big mistake(turns out it wasn't), I'm massively, eternally, grateful to myself for taking that step, and for the people who supported me. In the end, it's just you who has to make it work. If you're good at your job you will find work. Despite the recession, people still need translations and want them done well. If you do a good job, your reputation means they'll come back to you. I have no regrets." Now with a six-month-old baby, Burgess is especially grateful for the flexibility of a freelancer's life.F It seems counter-intuitive to leave secure employment during a recession. But statistics show this isn't anecdotal (轶事的). Charles Levy, a senior economist at The Work Foundation, says, "The latest data from the Office for National Statistics, comparing the three months to October with the previous three months, highlights a significant shift from employment into self-employment. While the number of employees fell 252,000, there were 166,000 more people in self-employment. Rather than wait for employers to gain confidence and recruitment, it's hoped that workers will start out on their own business. This could create the churn needed to inject dynamism into our economy."G However, it isn't all good news. "There are signs some businesses are choosing to use subcontracting and work with networks of self-employed people to avoid tougher rules," Levy cautions. "The rise of self-employment could simply reflect a change in management practices and benefit rules, rather than a wave of brave new entrepreneurs."H Levy also points out that employment growth has been held back in recent years by a lack of new companies starting and hiring. "This is a real concern. Employment and business churn is vital for a dynamic economy. If people are too afraid, or unable, to switch jobs , ultimately, the labor productivity will be held back."I Karen Gale, a 31-year-old civil servant working in digital development, is strongly considering it. "We've been going through a review common across the public sector and it may lead to redundancies(裁员)," she says. "But in the intervening time, no one knows what their job is. So there's a lot of uncertainty. It could be a full year before the review is done. When you have redundancies, the first people to jump ship are those confident of getting work elsewhere. “If I haven't fou nd something soon I'm just going to leave because I can't stand it,” she says. "I sit at my desk all day, and try not to cry. I've almost forgotten how to do a real job. I feel so deskilled. I need to get out before I become unemployable."J Gale says lo ts of public sector workers are sick of being vilified in the press. “We're demonized (被恶魔化). It's incredibly demotivating. My husband is a journalist and he's just gone freelance so finances are stretched and we're broke after our wedding. But he's told me to just resign, as I go home every night and cry. Our relationship is suffering. For the sake of my mental health and our marriage, I feel I have no choice but to leave. I'll see if I can get agency work. It might take a while, but I think eventually I'll get something better."K It might work out better than Gale fears. Leaving a job without one to go can seem like madness, but it can also be energizing. It's often the most successful people who tend to take risks. Lucy Jolin, 37, left a secure job 10 years ago to become a freelance journalist and author – her latest book is Coping with Drug Problems in the Family. To her, it's better to regret something you've done than something you haven't.L If you're thinking about taking the plunge it could go badly, but it could be brilliant. You'll never know unless you do it. And let's face it; no one's job is secure these days anyway.____ 26. In recent years, there are few new companies started, which has affected employment growth.____ 27. No one knows whether it is worthwhile to take the risk of resigning his job unless he does it.____ 28. It seems crazy to quit a job without having a new one, but it can make people feel energized.____ 29. Leaving a fixed job during an economic recession seems irrational, but the data shows many people shift from employment to self-employment.____ 30. Timothy’s parents backed him up when he left his stable job for his dream.____ 31. At a certain period of time, most people dream to change their job, whether it is unbearable or satisfying.____ 32. Although she suffered a lot shortly after quitting her job, Burgess was very grateful to herself for her resignation from a brilliant company.____ 33. Timothy left his secure job because the job didn’t fulfill him in every w ay.____ 34. The defamation from the media has an incredibly negative impact on many civil servants.____ 35. Facing layoffs, the first job-hoppers are those who believe that they can get a job somewhere else.26-30 H L K F C 31-35 A E B J I。

Although the intuitive meaning of expressions may seem clear, in careful treatment of the real-number system it is necessary to give a more precise definition of the positive integers. There are many ways to do this. One convenient method is to introduce first the notion of an inductive set.
(a) The number 1 is in the set. (b) For every x in the set, the number x+1 is also in
the set. For example, R is an inductive set. So is the set R .
Now we shall define the positive integers to be those real numbers which belong to every inductive set.
整数a与b的商被叫做有理数,有理数集用Q表示,Z 是Q的子集。读者应该认识到Q满足所有的域公理和 序公理。因此说有理数集是一个有序的域。不是有 理数的实数被称为无理数。
4-B Geometric interpretation of real numbers as points on a line
The reader is undoubtedly familiar with the geometric representation of real numbers by means of points on a straight line. A point is selected to represent 0 and another, to the right of 0, to represent 1, as illustrated in Figure 2-4-1. This choice determines the scale.

2024江西理工大学成人学位英语考试真题全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the 2024 Adult Degree English Exam at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology. It was a super tough exam, but I think I did pretty well!The first part of the exam was a listening test. The voices were really fast and sometimes it was hard to keep up with what they were saying. But I tried my best to focus and write down the answers. There were questions about everyday things like shopping or going to the movies. I hope I got most of them right!After that, we had a reading comprehension test. We had to read a bunch of different passages and answer questions about them. Some of the passages were really long and had big words I didn't know. But I just tried to read carefully and use the clues in the text to help me answer the questions.Next up was the writing test. We had to write an essay on a topic they gave us. My topic was about the importance oflearning a second language. I wrote about how it can help you communicate with people from different countries and make new friends. I hope the examiners liked my essay!Finally, we had a grammar and vocabulary test. We had to fill in the blanks with the right words and choose the correct answers to questions about grammar rules. Some of the questions were tricky, but I had studied a lot so I think I did okay.Overall, the exam was really challenging but I had fun doing it. I hope I did well and can get a good score. I can't wait to see the results! Thanks for listening to my story about the 2024 Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Adult Degree English Exam. Bye!篇2Title: My Experience Taking the 2024 Adult English Degree Exam at Jiangxi University of Science and TechnologyHi everyone! My name is Amy and I want to share with you all about my experience taking the 2024 adult English degree exam at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology. It was a big challenge for me, but I learned a lot and had a great time.First of all, the exam had different sections like listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part was really hard because the speakers talked so fast! I had to concentrate really hard to understand what they were saying. The reading part was easier for me because I love reading English books and articles. The writing part was a bit tricky because I had to write an essay about a topic I didn't know much about. But I did my best and tried to use good grammar and vocabulary.The speaking part was the most fun! I had to talk to a teacher in English about different topics like my hobbies, family, and future plans. I was nervous at first, but the teacher was really nice and made me feel comfortable. I tried to speak clearly and confidently, and I think I did a good job.Overall, the exam was a great experience for me. It helped me improve my English skills and gave me more confidence in speaking and writing. I met new friends who were also taking the exam, and we studied together and encouraged each other.I'm proud of myself for taking this challenge, and I can't wait to get my results. I hope I did well and can continue studying English at a higher level. I want to thank Jiangxi University of Science and Technology for giving me this opportunity to test my English skills. Thank you for reading my story!篇3Hey guys! I wanna share with you the questions from the 2024 Jiangxi University of Science and Technology adult degree English exam. It was super tough, but I think I did okay!First, there was a reading section with a passage about climate change. We had to answer questions about the main idea, supporting details, and vocabulary. It was tricky, but I think I got most of them right.Then, there was a listening section where we had to listen to a conversation between two people at a restaurant. We had to answer questions about what they ordered, how they paid, and their opinions on the food. I found this part really hard because the people were talking so fast!Next, we had a grammar section where we had to fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense or preposition. This part was kind of fun because I like playing with words.Finally, there was a writing section where we had to write a short essay about our favorite season. I chose summer because I love swimming and playing outside in the sun.Overall, the exam was tough, but I think I did my best. I hope I pass and get my degree soon!Good luck to everyone who took the exam too! Let's all do our best and become English masters together!篇4Title: My Experience at the 2024 Examination for Adult Degree English Test at Jiangxi University of Science and TechnologyHi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my experience at the 2024 Examination for Adult Degree English Test at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology. It was such a big day for me because I had been preparing for this test for a long time.When I arrived at the examination room, I felt very nervous. There were so many people there and everyone looked so serious. But I told myself to stay calm and just do my best. The test had different sections like listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part was a bit tricky because the speakers talked so fast, but I tried my best to understand.In the reading section, there were some really difficult passages, but I tried to read carefully and answer the questions correctly. For the writing part, I had to write an essay about my favorite place to visit. I wrote about Disneyland because I love all the fun rides and delicious food there.Finally, it was time for the speaking test. I had to talk about a topic for two minutes. I chose to talk about my pet cat Fluffy, and I explained how cute and funny he is. I was a bit nervous speaking in front of the examiner, but I tried to speak clearly and confidently.After the test was over, I felt so relieved. I had worked hard and gave it my all. I hope I did well and can pass the test. I am proud of myself for taking on this challenge and I know that whatever the result, I have learned and grown from this experience.So that's my story about the 2024 Examination for Adult Degree English Test at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my experience. Thank you for listening!篇5Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the 2024 Jiangxi University of Science and Technology adult degree English exam. It was super duper hard, but I managed to do my best and pass with flying colors!First off, the reading section was tricky. There were a lot of big words that I didn't understand, but I tried my best to guess their meanings from the context. The questions were also tough, but I used my reading comprehension skills to figure out the answers. Phew, that was a relief when I finished that part!Next up was the listening section. Oh boy, that was a doozy! The speakers talked really fast and sometimes it was hard to catch everything they were saying. I had to focus super hard and listen carefully to pick up the important information. But in the end, I managed to get through it and answer all the questions.Then came the writing section. I had to write an essay about my favorite childhood memory. I chose to write about the time I went to the zoo with my family and saw a giraffe for the first time. It was so much fun to write about something I love!Finally, the speaking section was nerve-wracking. I had to talk about my future career goals and why I chose to study at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology. I was supernervous, but I practiced a lot beforehand and tried to speak clearly and confidently.In the end, I passed the exam and got my adult degree in English. I was so happy and proud of myself for all the hard work I put in. It just goes to show that with determination and perseverance, anything is possible!篇6Hey guys, guess what? I just took the 2024 Jiangxi University of Science and Technology adult degree English exam! It was super tough, but I think I did pretty well. Let me tell you all about it!The exam started with a reading comprehension section. We had to read a bunch of passages and answer questions about them. Some of the questions were tricky, but I managed to figure them out. Then we had a listening section where we had to listen to conversations and lectures and answer questions. It was a little hard to understand some of the speakers, but I tried my best.After that, we had a writing section where we had to write an essay on a given topic. I had to write about my favorite holiday and why I liked it. I wrote about Christmas because I lovespending time with my family and giving and receiving gifts. I hope the examiners liked it!The last section was a speaking test. We had to talk about different topics and answer questions from the examiner. It was a bit nerve-wracking, but I managed to get through it. I talked about my hobbies, my dream job, and why I wanted to improve my English skills. I think I did pretty well!Overall, the exam was challenging but fun. I'm proud of myself for getting through it, and I can't wait to see my results. Maybe one day I'll be able to go to Jiangxi University of Science and Technology for real!篇7Hello everybody! Today I want to tell you about the 2024 Jiangxi University of Science and Technology adult degree English exam. It was super duper hard, but I did my best, and I hope I can pass!The exam had lots of questions about reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The reading part had really long passages with tricky questions, but I tried my best to understand them. The writing part asked us to write an essay about our favorite subject in school, and I wrote about how much I love art.The listening part was the toughest for me. The speakers talked really fast, and I had to listen carefully to answer the questions. But I think I did ok, I hope so at least! And the speaking part was so nerve-wracking! We had to talk about our last vacation and I tried to remember all the details to impress the examiner.I studied really really hard for this exam, and I hope all my hard work pays off. I want to get a good grade and show everyone that I can do it! Even if I don't get the best score, I know I tried my best, and that's all that matters.So, wish me luck, everyone! I hope I pass the 2024 Jiangxi University of Science and Technology adult degree English exam. And if any of you are taking the exam too, I hope you do your best and don't give up! Let's all work hard and show the world what we're made of! Thank you for reading, bye bye!篇8Hey guys! Today I want to share with you the English exam questions from the 2024 Adult Degree English Exam at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology. It was super cool and fun to do, so let's dive right in!1. Listening Comprehension:The listening comprehension part was really interesting. They played a recording of a conversation between two students talking about their favorite hobbies. We had to answer questions about what activities they like to do in their free time. It was a bit tricky, but I think I did pretty well.2. Reading Comprehension:The reading comprehension part of the exam was all about a story of a young girl who traveled to different countries and tried different foods. We had to answer questions about her experiences and what she liked best about each place. It was so much fun to imagine all the delicious food she got to try!3. Writing:For the writing part, we had to write a short essay about our dream job. I wrote about how I want to be a scientist and discover new things that will help the world. It was really cool to think about all the possibilities and write down my thoughts.Overall, the exam was a blast and I'm so proud of myself for completing it. I can't wait to see my results and hopefully pass with flying colors! If you guys ever get a chance to take this exam, I highly recommend it. It's a great way to practice your Englishskills and have a lot of fun at the same time. Good luck to all of you in your English exams!篇9Title: My Thoughts on the 2024 Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Adult Degree English ExamHello everyone! Today, I want to share my thoughts on the 2024 Jiangxi University of Science and Technology adult degree English exam. It was a big day for all of us, and I have a lot to say about it!First of all, the exam was not as hard as I thought it would be.I studied really hard for it, so I was prepared for the questions. There were multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and even an essay question! I was a little nervous at first, but once I started answering the questions, I felt more confident.The multiple-choice questions were not too difficult. They tested our vocabulary and grammar skills, but I had been practicing a lot, so I knew most of the answers. Thefill-in-the-blank questions were a little trickier because we had to choose the right words to complete the sentences. But I remembered the rules of grammar and was able to do well on those too.Now, the essay question was the toughest part of the exam. We had to write about our favorite book and explain why we liked it. I chose to write about "Harry Potter" because it's myall-time favorite book. I talked about the characters, the plot, and the magic of the wizarding world. I had to think fast and organize my thoughts, but I managed to write a good essay in the end.Overall, I feel proud of myself for taking the 2024 Jiangxi University of Science and Technology adult degree English exam. It was a challenge, but I did my best, and that's what matters most. I can't wait to see my results and continue improving my English skills in the future. Thank you for listening to my thoughts on the exam!篇10Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about the 2024 Jiangxi University of Science and Technology adult degree English exam. It was super fun and exciting!The exam had different parts like listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part was a bit tricky because we had to listen to people talking and answer questions about it. But I practiced a lot with my friends, so I think I did okay.The reading part was fun because we got to read stories and answer questions about them. I love reading stories, so this part was my favorite. The writing part was a bit hard because we had to write an essay about our favorite book. I wrote about Harry Potter because I love magic and adventures.The speaking part was the most fun because we got to talk to the examiners and answer their questions. They asked me about my hobbies and what I want to be when I grow up. I said I want to be a doctor because I love helping people.Overall, the exam was a bit challenging but super fun. I can't wait to see my results and show them to my mom and dad. I hope I did well and can go to a good university in the future. Thanks for listening to my story!。

The real number tana is called the slope of the line through P and Q and it provides a way of measuring the “steepness” of the line.
实数tana叫做直线PQ的斜率,它提供了一种度量直线 陡峭程度的方法。 For example, if f is a linear function, say f(x)=mx+b, the difference quotient has the value m, so m is the slope of the line. 例如,如果f是一个线性函数,那么差商的值为m, 那 么m就是直线的斜率。
If f' , in turn, is defined on an open interval, we can try to compute its first derivative, denoted by f ″ and called the second derivative of f. 反过来,如果f ′ 定义在一个开区间上,我们也可以尝 试计算它的一阶导数,记为 f ″ ,叫做 f 的二阶导数。 For rectilinear motion, the first derivative of velocity (second derivative of position) is called acceleration. 在直线运动中,速度的一阶导数称为加速度。
approach 趋于
bound 界,限 derivative 导数 fraction 分数,分式
rectilinear motion 直线运动
slope 斜率 tangent 正切,切线 velocity 速度
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一、数学符号翻译12/156 twelve over one hundred and fifty-six234/567 two hundred and thirty -four over five hundred and sixty-seven 4% four percent7‰ seven permill6.79 six point seven nine 52.3 three point two five recurring85xthe eighth root of x to the fifth power 53x x to the minus three fifthsdx x f ba )( f is integrable on [a,b]32)(dx x f f is integrable on [2,3]x f the partial (derivative) of f with respect to x yf the partial (derivative) of f with respect to y 5log 3 the logarithm of five to the base threex a log the logarithm of x to the base aB A A cap B / A meet B / A intersection BB A A cup B / A join B / A union BA a a is an element of AB b b is an element of B二、名词翻译function theory 函数论 schematic representation 图解表示 geometry 几何学 trigonometry 三角学consequence 推论 proposition 命题theorem 定理 pyramid 棱锥cone 圆锥 abscissa 横坐标ordinate 纵坐标 coordinate system 坐标系 coordinate axis 坐标轴 polygonal region 多边形区域 tangent 切线 slope 斜率complex-valued sequence 复值序列 convergence 收敛real valued sequence 实值序列 divergence 发散rational number 有理数 irrational number 无理数 odd number 奇数 even number 偶数prime 质数、素数 composite 合数plane 平面 surface 曲面broken line 折线 Venn diagram 文氏图universal set 全集 the underlying set 基础集 proper subset 真子集 quadratic equation 二次方程 the absolute-value function 绝对值函数parabolic segment 抛物弓形三、中译英(1)17世纪之前,人类局限于初等数学,即几何,三角学和代数,那时只考虑常数。
Before 17th century, man confined himself to the elementary mathematics, i.e., geometry, trigonometry and algebra, inwhich only the constants were considered.(2)两个整数的和、差或积是一个整数,但是两个整数的商未必是一个整数。
The sum, difference, or product of two integers is an integ er, but the quotient of two integers need not be an integer.(3)设X是线性空间V中k个元素组成的一个线性无关集合,L(X)是由X张成的子空间。
Let X be an independent set consisting of k elements in a linear space V and let L(X)be the subspace spanned by X, then each element of L(X) can be expressed as a linear combination of element of X.(4)若P(A)>P(B),则称事件A比事件B有更大的可能性;如果P(A) P(B),则称事件A至少和事件B的可能性一样大。
The event A is called more likely than B if P(A)>P(B), and at least as likely as B if P(A) P(B).(5)微分方程的研究直接受到力学、天文学和数学物理的推动。
The study of differential equations has been directly inspired by mechanics, astronomy, and mathematical physics.(6)由定义导数的过程所提供的几何解释以一种自然的方式导出了关于曲线的切线的思想。
The procedure used to define the derivative has a geometric interpretation which leads in a natural way to the idea of a tangent line to a curve. (7)一个复值序列收敛当且仅当它的实部和虚部分别收敛。
A complex-valued sequence converges if and only if both the real part and the imaginary part converge separately.(8)几何主要不是研究数,而是形,例如三角形,平行四边形和圆,虽然它也与数有关。
Geometry mainly studies not numbers but figures such as triangles, parallelograms and circles, though it is related with numbers.四、英译汉1、Two events are said to be mutually exclusive when both cannot happen at the same time.If E denotes an event,then the event that E does not happen is called the complementary event of E,and is denoted by E .Obviously,E and E are mutually exclusive.Since an event either happens or does not happen,the sum of their probabilities is 1.两个事件若它们不能在同一时间都发生时我们称这两个事件是互斥的。
如果E 表示一个事件,然后 E 不会发生的事件称为 E的补充性事件,并由表示E 。
很明显,E 和E 是互斥的。
因为对于事件发生或不发生,其概率的总和是 1。
2、Thus p q is true if both p and q are true or if both p and q arefalse.The following are English-language equivalents to p q : “ p if and only if q ”,”p is a necessary and sufficient condition for q.”and “p precisely if q.”It is worth emphasizing that the compound proposition p q and its converse q p are quire different;they have different truth tables.因此 p q 是真的,在 p 和 q 同时为真或 同时为假时成立。
以下是英语语言描述,等同于p q : "p 当且仅当 q","p 是 q 的必要和充分条件"和"p 准确如果 q."值得强调的是复合命题 p q 和它的逆命题 q p 是不同的,他们有不同的真值表。
3、We now introduce a natural generalization of partial derivatives.In the definition of ),(001y x f ,the numerator of the difference quotient used involves the value of ),(y x f at two points ),x (00y x and ),(00y x .As x approaches zero,the first point approaches the latter along the line y=0y .For ),(002y x f a point ),(00y y x approaches ),(00y x along the line x=0x .We now replace these two special lines by an arbitrary line through ),(00y x .我们现在介绍的偏导数的自然推广。
由),(001y x f 中的定义,所使用的差商的分子涉及),(y x f 在),x (00y x 和),(00y x 两个点的值。
当x 接近零,第一点沿直线y =0y 接近后者。
对于),(002y x f 点),(00y y x 沿直线x =0x 趋向),(00y x 。
现在我们通过一个任意经过点),(00y x 的线来更换这两个特殊的线。
4、The whole numbers have many important subsets.A whole number is said to be even if it is divisible by 2;2,6 and 18 are example of even numbers.A whole number is said to be odd if it is not divisible by 2;1,7and 13 are examples of odd numbers.The natural numbers greater than 1 and called prime or composite.A number is prime if it is divisible only by 1 and itself.A number is composite if it is divisible by a natural number other than 1 and itself.整数集有很多重要子集。