美国排名第一的脱口秀Allen Show 25期:暮光之城大战复仇者联盟


H O T 高清明细

H O T 高清明细

白色海洋Forever. HOT001H.O.T.-.[星路历程].中字.aviH.O.T.-.[纽约故事剪辑1].双语.MPGH.O.T.-.[纽约故事剪辑2].双语.MPGH.O.T.-.[纽约故事剪辑3].双语.MPGH.O.T历年回顾(上).中字.MPGH.O.T历年回顾(下).中字.MPG05年Mnet十大Star荣誉殿堂之H.O.T篇.rmvb000514_HOT4辑蚕室Fanmeeting_上.rmvb000514_HOT4辑蚕室Fanmeeting_下.rmvb030918MnetJTL2辑采访完整版.rmvb030918MnetJTL2辑采访完整版.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战1.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战2.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战3.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战4.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战5.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战6.rmvbH.O.T短剧_姐姐,我爱你.rmvbH.O.T三辑隐藏摄像机.rmvbH.O.T四辑爱心料理店.rmvbH.O.T四辑花样男子运动会.rmvbH.O.T五辑万人召集.rmvbHeejun&Kangta_Talk H.O.T.rmvbHOT三辑金惠秀Talkshake.rmvbHOT抵制毒品广告拍摄花絮.rmvbJTL2003年校园突袭.rmvbJTL_0923_MNet.Star节目.rmvbJTL_StarGoGo.rmvbJTL万人召集.rmvbNon-stop3_JTL特别辑之冬季恋歌.rmvb充满爱的世界_新年特辑.rmvbJTL万人召集表演部分.wmvH.O.T十年回顾杂志.exe002H.O.T.2nd_Show.rmvbH.O.T.-.[20040321SBS明星殿堂].rmvb 800*448HOT5辑真实的椅子完整版.rmvbHOT_4th StarShow.rmvbJTL_1st.NCD.rmvbJTL_同居同落第1集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第2集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第3集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第4集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第5集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第6集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第7集.rmvbJJTL同居同落第8集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第9集.rmvbKM-HF传说01.rmvb (HOT回顾节目)KM-HF传说02.rmvbKM-HF传说03.rmvbKM-HF传说04.rmvbKM-HF传说05.rmvbKM-HF传说06.rmvbKM-HF传说07.rmvbKM-HF传说08.rmvbKM-HF传说09.rmvbKM-HF传说10.rmvbKM-HF传说11.rmvbKM-HF传说12.rmvbKM-HF传说13.rmvbKM-HF传说14.rmvbKM-HF传说15.rmvbKM-HF传说16.rmvbKM-HF传说17.rmvbKM-HF传说18.rmvbKM-HF传说19.rmvbKM-HF传说20(End).rmvb003[MV]Tony An - 1st Solo .VOB (中文翻译) 720*540[MV]Tony(feat SAT)-Melody(Mnet).tp 720*540[MV]Tony.土气.mpg (中文翻译) 720*540070617Tony.An.人气歌谣CB.avi 640* 352Tony.041114.SBS.请分享爱Con.爱得不到时最美丽.avi 768*432Tony.041217.SBS.爱得不到时最美丽.avi 800*464Tony.Melody.ChanneL[V].070714.tp 704*528Tony.记得我爱你.断肠草.SBS.人气歌谣.ComeBack.060402.tpTony_041017. 1th爱得不到时最美丽sbscomeback.avi 800*464Tony_041022. 1th爱得不到时最美丽KBS音乐银行comeback.avi 800*608 Tony_041119. 1th爱得不到时最美丽Km-ShowMusicTank.mpg 720*540 Tony_041128. 1th爱得不到时最美丽.avi 800*448Tony_041223. 1th爱得不到时最美丽m_Countdown.avi 624*480Tony_050116.Blue.Sky.SBS.mpg 852*480Tony_050123.BlueSky.SBS.mpg 852*480Tony_050206.Blue.Sky.SBS.mpg 852*480Tony_060416_KBS_断肠草.mpg 720*416Tony_060422_MBC_音乐中心_断肠草.avi 624*336Tony_060521_SBS_断肠草.avi 1024*576Tony_060521_SBS_受赏+返场.avi 1024*576Tony_060627_Ytn_多哥战应援公演_记得我爱你+断肠草.avi 640*480Tony_070621_KM_Countdown_Melody.tpTony_070703_KMTV_Melody.tp004[MV]张佑赫-flip reverse.vob[MV]张佑赫-不落的太阳.vob张佑赫_2005-2006跨年演唱会.avi张佑赫_050911. flip reverse +不落的太阳Comeback.SP.SBS 人气歌谣.ts张佑赫_050915.不落的太阳.M.Countdown.mpg 720*540张佑赫_050930.不落的太阳.MTV.mpg张佑赫_051016.不落的太阳.KBS2.avi 800*608张佑赫_051016.不落的太阳.Ytn StarSpecial.mpg 720*540张佑赫_051030.我爱济洲岛音乐会.不落的太阳.live.vob 1024*576张佑赫_051127.Flip Reverse.KBS2.avi 800*608张佑赫_051229.Flip Reverse+不落的太阳.KBS.avi 800*608张佑赫_061204.Mr. Jackson+One Way( Mcountdown ComeBack).ts 720*540 张佑赫_061217.SBS.人气歌谣.avi 624*352005张佑赫-050927.不落的太阳.Mnet.全国技能竞技大会.mpg 720*540张佑赫-061217 SBS 人气歌谣- One Way [1920x1088].tp张佑赫.Flip+Reverse.SBS.人气歌谣.vob 1024*576张佑赫.不落的太阳.SBS.希望音乐会.vob 1024*576张佑赫_050925.不落的太阳.SBS.vob 1024*576张佑赫_051007_Mnet SuperVibeParty_采访+SUN.avi 640*480张佑赫_051007_MTV_不落的太阳.avi 640*480张佑赫_051016不落的太阳.SBS.vob 1024*576张佑赫_051112.DanceShow+不落的太阳.MBC.tp张佑赫_051112.DanceShow+不落的太阳.MBC.tp张佑赫_051113.SBS.Love.Concert.不落的太阳.tp张佑赫_051127超赞的舞台. flip reverse +不落的太阳+talk.rmvb (中文翻译) 张佑赫_051207.不落的太阳.MTV Golden Disk Awards.tp张佑赫_051211_SBS_人气歌谣_Flip Reverse.tp张佑赫_061220_SBS_One Way.avi 1024*576张佑赫-The Sun that never goes Down 1st Live Concert.vob (演唱会开场)006[MV]Kang Ta & Vanness-127 Day.tp[MV]Kang Ta & Vanness-Scandal.tp[MV]Kangta.爱情比记忆...(Memories).avi[MV]Kangta_last.summer.night.MPG[MV]Kangta_Persona.mpg[MV]Kangta_Propose.VOBKang Ta.麻痹.假面.SBS.050320.aviKangta & Vanness - Scandal (20060528 SBS (i) Concert).tpKangta & Vanness.127日.Scandal.SBS.人气歌谣.060514.aviKangTa_2001闪电演唱会万人召集(中文字幕)].asxKangTa_041010_6th中韩歌会].live.aviKangTa_050325.假面.KBS音乐银行.aviKangTa_050809.Desperado_You_Needed_Me.SBS.Music.Wave.mpgKangTa_050809.Polaris.SBS.Music.Wave.mpgKangTa_070928.二十三.SBS.Korea.Spakling.tpS组合(安七炫.申彗星.李志勋)_031026.I Swear.SBS.aviS组合(安七炫.申彗星.李志勋)_031205 Golden Disk - S I swear.aviS组合(安七炫.申彗星.李志勋)_031207.Love is.SBS Group.aviS组合(安七炫.申彗星.李志勋)_031221.Love Is.SBS人氣歌謠.aviS组合(安七炫.申彗星.李志勋)_I Sware [MBC音樂中心].avi007 (娱乐节目)Star.Golden.Bell上[051126].mkv[找朋友][051027][张佑赫].rm万元的幸福051029--佑赫&amp_彬.1.rm万元的幸福051105--佑赫&amp_彬.2.rm05.11.09 mtv_musicstation张佑赫(上).rmvb05.11.09 mtv_musicstation张佑赫(下).rmvb05.12.18 - 维他命(佑赫剪辑版).rmvb050330 张佑赫与SEEN的舞蹈交流.rmvb050911.MBC.Mr.Cooking (佑赫,有天).rmvb060505张佑赫生日会(JIC).rmvbCome.to.play.E74.051111.rmvbSchool.of.Rock-- 张佑赫.rmvbSta.rGolden.Bell下[051203].rmvbTONY_060415_ETN.PEAK.rmvbyoung street 031029(佑猴广播剧).rmvb爱犬日记后续(佑赫探望小黄)PROJECT_1.rmvb爱犬日记后续(佑赫探望小黄)PROJECT_2.rmvb想象Plus - 张佑赫篇(上) KBS050927 中字.rmvb想象Plus-张佑赫篇(下)S.051004.KO_CN.rmvb夜心万万051226-佑赫.李成真.安在旭等.rmvb佑赫061216 明星金钟.rmvb佑赫_051127_EtnPeaktime.rmvb张佑赫千明勋_061216_StarGldenBell.rmvb卓在勋“明星的归家路”佑赫部分.rmvb08(娱乐节目)050502_李在元校园突袭.rmvb060308_KM在勇的纯情_H.O.T.VS东方神起.rmvbschool.of.rock--tony.an.rmvbSunday.Sunday.Night.E869.060521.星期天的晚上[brian.tony]表演王的男人.rmvb Tony070708 幻想的朋友.rmvb胜浩参加96期come to play.rmvb想象Plus - 爱情中毒篇KBS050503 中字(Kang Ta&金敏善).rmvb想象Plus.E110.brian.tony.rmvb想象Pluse KBS060718 中字(Kang Ta&李志勋出演)!.rmvb想象Plus新年特辑070102 Tony.rmvb夜心万万43期. SBS031212(S篇).rmvb夜心万万218期070702.Tony.东万.韩智敏.EV AN.rmvb夜心万万060417{白智英TONY}.rmvb异国佳丽话韩国.5回.E05.061224..张佑赫.rmvb隐藏摄像机(tony篇).rmvb在勇的纯洁_张佑赫VS 李珉宇.rmvb在勇的纯情_TONY VS 申慧星.rmvb09Hyuk_061224_SBS人气NO.1(中字).aviTony_MBC_040417谁是谁(中字).rmTony短剧_美丽的误会.rm060415 无限挑战~TONY.rmvb060428 来玩吧~TONY.rmvb060518 找朋友~TONY&KTNA TA.rmvb061001_Heejun军中_Openmusic.rmvb061228_Woohyuk_MBC新闻.rmvb070102_YTN_张佑赫2006韩流大赏新闻报道.rmvb070624MBC童颜俱乐部.rmvb070718_胜浩_tvN_E_NEWS_BongYang.rmvb070721re-alive history1.rmvb070721re-alive history2.rmvb070801_Music Space.tony.rmvbkangta.heejun.junjin等化妆舞会.rmvbMr.Cooking.MBC051006.文熙俊.rmvbSangsang.Plus KBS050426.rmvbS真心话(彗星kangta李志勋).rmvb爱犬日记01---016 集(中字).rmvb佑赫_061207-KM报道Mcountdown舞台.rmvb在元070624MBC幻想的朋友.rmvb做吧go.第三集~TONY.rmvb10[MV]H.O.T_Hope.TP[MV]H.O.T_We are the Future.tp[MV]H.O.T_幸福.tp[MV]H.O.T.Outside Castlee.tp[MV]H.O.T..For.妍歌.tp[MV]H.O.T..斗志..tp[MV]HOT.I.Yah.MV.tp[MV]文熙俊.RED.&.WHITE.MV.tpH.O.T-1999 KMMusicVideoFestival最高人气奖iyah. 现场表演H.O.T.-.[1997dream.Concert].aviH.O.T.-.[1998Dream.Concert].aviH.O.T.-.[1999Dream.Concert].aviH.O.T_Candy.Live(特别版本MTV).tpH.O.T-Candy[1996 KM SHOW MUSIC TANK).aviH.O.T-98.01.23第一场演唱会(上).rmvbH.O.T-98.01.23第一场演唱会(下).rmvbH.O.T_227告別演唱會_010227_上.rmvb (有中字)H.O.T_227告別演唱會_010227_下.rmvb (有中字)Tony.爱情不能持有的时候更美丽.MBC.Music.Camp.E249.041030.avi JaeWon in SBS Im so hot (070520).avi11[MV]JTL.Enter.the.dragon.tp[MV]JTL.Without Your Love.MV.tpH.O.T.-.[199904(世宗演唱会)-live1].DA TH.O.T.-.[199904(世宗演唱会)-live2].DA TJTL.-.[1st歌迷见面会].视频.MPGJTL.-.[JTL蹦极].视频.wmvJTL.-.[JTL万人召集演唱会.下].现场.wmvJTL.-.[KBS2-the.musician].现场.wmvJTL_03823.MBC)one.night.lover.without.your.love].现场.aviJTL_030824.Without.your.love.SBS.aviJTL_030928_SBS_ Without.your.love +得奖感言.aviJTL_031102Sbs.One.Night.Lover.现场.aviJTL_040724MTVBuzzAsia-A.Better.Day].现场.aviJTL_040724MTVBuzzAsia-Enter.The.Dragon].现场.aviJTL_040724MTVBuzzAsia-One.Night.Lover].现场.aviJTL_040724MTVBuzzAsia-Without.Your.Love].现场.aviJTL_041031.Concert-just say good bye.KBS2.vob文熙俊.Obsession.SBS.希望Tv24.080510.tp文熙俊_Obsession(Goodbye+Stage)_080530_KBS2_Music+Bank.tp 12 (娱乐节目)女杰5 歌手特辑.Special.050213.tony女杰5 歌手特辑.Special.050206.tony女杰6_第16期上_061217.张佑赫.SS501.吴志浩.李范秀女杰6_第16期下_061224.张佑赫.SS501.吴志浩.李范秀Girl6-051016-佑赫.熙俊.HOT复活.1Girl6-051023-佑赫.熙俊.HOT复活.2Girl6-051030-M.佑赫.熙俊等.1Girl6-051106-M.佑赫.熙俊等.2Girl6-051127-佑赫.SS501.brian.Tim等.1Girl6-051204-佑赫.SS501.brian.Tim等.2]]Girl6-051211-佑赫.SS501等.1Girl6-051218-佑赫.SS501等.2准备好了第五期上2007.6.3+下2007.6.10Tony13X-MAN第1期(安胜浩)03.11.08~03.12.13X-MAN第2期(安胜浩)031220~031227~040103~040110X-MAN第23期(安胜浩)04.11.21~04.11.28X-MAN第26期(安胜浩)05.01.02~05.01.0914X-man 35期李在元X-MAN第36期李在元X-MAN第44期(050918 050925)张佑赫X-MAN第46期(051016 051023)文熙俊X-MAN第48期(051113 051120) 张佑赫[5th]Mnet Showking M 2000.10.13 comeback 《Outside Castle》.avi 070525 M'net_李在元_[I'm so hot][143MB].tsHOT.光.Golden.Hit.Song.081124.tpkangta 麻痹_050710 i concert.avi15X-MAN第51期(051225 060101) 张佑赫X-MAN第58期TonyX-MAN第59期TonyX-MAN第60期TonyX-MAN第61期TonyX-MAN第63期Tony16X-MAN第65期安七弦(Kang Ta)X-MAN第66期安七弦(Kang Ta)---------1.442005mkmf颁奖典礼(中字)1-3 全,张佑赫安七炫----------1.17G[Star.Dance.Battle].MBC.中秋特辑2005-09-17 张佑赫.李珉宇等1.36G(无中文字幕)18水晶男孩Sechs.Kies.骑士道.Golden.Hit.Song.081124.tp情书第三季第1代06060527+060603 Tony[031104]Nonstop4.EP31.花美男F4(申彗星.安七炫.李志勋.Andy.JunJin).rmvb[JIC原创中字]Star.佑赫RealStory1.avi[JIC原创中字]Star.佑赫RealStory2.avi[知己知彼][MBC070614]李在元.rmvb020317HeejunvsKangta世纪对决1.rmvb020330HeejunvsKangta世纪对决3.rmvb020323HeejunvsKangta世纪对决2.rmvb070418阿里郎电视台张佑赫特辑[成人礼中字].wmv080329明星金钟(文熙俊,BIGBANG等).rmvbKangta_071008_日本演唱会_官方版本.rmvbNonstop4-花样男子F4-Andy,Junjin,安七炫,李志勋花絮.rmvb挑战状文熙俊篇_韩语中字_全_.rm夜心万万东方神起上(Kang Ta.允浩昌珉有天).rmvb夜心万万-东方神起下(Kang Ta.允浩昌珉有天).rmvb19Kangta_Eternity_KBS.音乐银行.080314.tpKangta_Eternity_080316_SBS_Inki.tp安七炫.Eternity.SBS.人气歌谣.080323.tp文熙俊_080313_COMEBACK_三首联唱.MCD.tp文熙俊_080316_ComeBack Special_SBS_Inki.tp文熙俊.Obsession.KBS.音乐银行.080328.tp文熙俊.Obsession.KM M!countdown 20080327.tp文熙俊_Obession_080321_KBS 音乐银行.tp20Blind.Meeting.MBC080208.KO_CN.rmvb春节特辑- 介绍明星的朋友MBC080208.文熙俊.rmvb爆裂!精神统一第5期上+下tony爆裂!精神统一第6期上+下李在元爆裂!精神统一第10期户外特辑[FTTS 南圭丽Tony]New.X-man 7 张佑赫New.X-man 20 最终回.070401Tony选择男女第5期元旦特辑张佑赫21[MV]Kangta.那天的谈心..tp[MV]柳英真.…之爱(KangTa&Eugene主演).tpKangta&Vanness.The cup of life+Scandal.SBS.060523.aviKangta.那天的谈心.Endless.Love.KBS.公开音乐会.080330.tp Kangta.那天的谈心.KM.M!countdown.080327.tpKangta_那天的谈心+ Candy + 幸福+ 光.KBS.尹LOVE.080329.tp 泰妍.M!countdown.tp22[MV]Just Say Goodbye.avi 512*288[MV]记忆中的小村庄-文熙俊MTV.avi 624*352[MV]李在元-No.pian.No.gain.rmvb 640*480[MV]文熙俊.Obsession.tp[MV]文熙俊_I.avi 512*256 (很普通的效果)李在元.I'm+so+Hot_070520_KBS.mpg李在元_no.pain,no.gain(SBS.050703).vob李在元_050423.no.pain,no.gain.mpg李在元_no.pain,no.gain(SBS.050703).vob李在元_No.pain.no.gain(MBC.050430).vob李在元_SayMyName,NoPain.NoGain(SBS.050515).vob李在元_SayMyName.NoPain,NoGain(KBS2.050422).mpg李在元_SayMyName.NoPain,NoGain(MBC.050416).vob文熙俊- Obsession ( M!countdown 2008.04.24).tp文熙俊- obsession (KBS 音乐银行2008.04.18).tp文熙俊- Obsession ( M!countdown 2008.04.10).tp文熙俊- Obsession (MBC 音乐中心2008.04.12).tp文熙俊- Obsession (SBS 人气歌谣2008.04.06).tp文熙俊- Obsession .SBS.人气歌谣.080330.tp23star king第20期.李在元star king第24期.李在元HeeJun_040719_99.8_01----------041108_99.8_16张佑赫-050916.MNET.THE+SHOW.avi张佑赫-051024.KM.舞蹈大会报道.avi张佑赫-061216_KBS_逃脱危机_Cut版.avi张佑赫-071214 mydaily佑赫公益服役第一天记.avi080513.想象Puls.2季.第6期-文熙俊.玄英.金盛恩.rmvb张佑赫-REAL DRAMA 1.2.324090426.MTV.Heroes.H.O.T.tp张佑赫&酷龙&M.Escape.2005MKMF.tp张佑赫.Flip Reverse.SBS 人气歌谣.051120.tp张佑赫_Intro+Mr.Jackson+暴风雨(One Way)[CB stage] SBS 人气歌谣061203.tp25文熙俊_TOY_090628_SBS_人气歌谣.tp文熙俊_Toy_090702_Mnet_M!Countdown.tp文熙俊_TOY_090705_SBS_人气歌谣.tp文熙俊_Toy_090710_KBS2_Music Bank.tp文熙俊_Toy_090711_MBC_MusicCore.tp文熙俊_我是两个人..你是一个人+ M_countdown.090625.tp文熙俊_我是两个人..你是一个人+ TOY_090703_KBS_Music.Bank.tp张佑赫.One way.KBS.061224.tp张佑赫.不落的太阳.Golden.Hit.Song.081202.tp张佑赫_061224_暴风中_SBS人气歌谣第一.tp26HOT연가(A Song For Lady) LIVE .DA THOT빛(Hope) LIVE(SBS蓝色服装).DATHOT빛(Hope) LIVE(SBS黑色服装).DATHOT아이야(I yah) LIVE.DA THOT꿈의기도(SBS 20001118)LIVE .DATHOTOutside Castle (The Castle Out (SBS PBS)LIVE.DA THOT연가(回归舞台).DA T[HDTV]张佑赫.-.[不落的太阳(SBS.05.11.13)].live.vob[HDTV]张佑赫.-.[不落的太阳(希望Korea音乐会.SBS.05.10.06)].live.vob [MV]HOT_Line Up[TP][ Logo].tp[MV]HOT_我们的誓言[TP][KM Logo].tp1997年水晶男孩VS H.O.T LIVE .DAT[MV]H.O.T.-你快我慢-2009-05-17-MTV.tsH.O.T - 4집(NCD).DA TH.O.T - 5집(NCD ).DA TH.O.T - 5집come back5人采访.DATHOT VS FIN K L (SBS)LIVE .DATJTL -Without.your.love[SBS.03.08.24][HD].aviJTL.-.[040724MTVBuzzAsia-A.Better.Day].现场.aviJTL.-.[040724MTVBuzzAsia-Enter.The.Dragon].现场.aviJTL.-.[040724MTVBuzzAsia-One.Night.Lover].现场.aviJTL.-.[040724MTVBuzzAsia-Without.Your.Love].现场.aviJTL.-.[(.Sbs.03.11.02)One.Night.Lover].现场.aviJTL.-.[(mbc)without.your.love].现场.WMVJTL.-.[From.fan].MV.mpgJTL.-.[青岛海洋节enter.the.dragon.without.Your.Love].现场.wmv JTL.-.[上海F1开幕式Enter.The.Dragon.Without.Your.love].现场.mpg 행복LIVE.DAT늑대와양LIVE .DA TOutside Castle (The Castle Out (M-NET)MTV.DATOutside Castle (The Castle Out (SBS PBS)LIVE.DA 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Sarah Jones莎拉·琼斯在Ted的精彩脱口秀

Sarah Jones莎拉·琼斯在Ted的精彩脱口秀

Sarah Jones莎拉·琼斯在Ted的精彩脱口秀Sarah Jones莎拉琼斯在Ted的精彩脱口秀脱口秀演员Sarah Jones莎拉琼斯在TED现场来了段精彩的单口秀,她惟妙惟肖地模仿了八国人说英语,惊为天人。









以下是Sarah Jones莎拉琼斯的演讲:Sarah Jones莎拉琼斯在Ted的精彩脱口秀以下是演讲全文:I should tell you that when I was asked to be here, I thought to myself that well, its TED. And these TED sters are - you know, as innocent as that name sounds - these are thephilanthropists and artists and scientists who sort of shape our world. And what could I possibly have to say that would be distinguished enough to justify my participation in something like that? And so I thought perhaps a really civilized sounding British accent might help things a bit.And then I thought no, no. I should just get up there and be myself and just talk the way I really talk because, after all, this is the great unveiling. And so I thought Id come up here and unveil my real voice to you. Although many of you already know that I do speak the Queens English because I am from Queens, New York. (Laughter)But the theme of this session, of course, is invention. And while I dont have any patents that Im aware of, you will be meeting a few of my inventions today. And I suppose its fair to say that I am interested in the invention of self or selves. Were all born into certain circumstances with particular physical traits, unique developmental experiences, geographical and historical contexts. But then what? To what extent do we self-construct, do we self-invent? How do we self-identify and how mutable is that identity? Like, what if one could be anyone at any time? Well my characters, like the ones in my shows, allow me to play with the spaces between those questions. And so Ive brought a couple of them with me. And well, theyre very excited. What I should tell you -- what I should tell you is that theyve each prepared their own little TED talks. So feel free to think of this as Sarah University. (Laughter)Okay. Okay. Oh, well. Oh, wonderful. Good evening everybody. Thank you so very much for having me here today. Ah, thank you very much. My name is Loraine Levine. Oh my! Theres so many of you. Hi sweetheart. Okay. (Laughter) Anyway, I am here because of a young girl, Sarah Jones. Shes a very nice, young, black girl. Well you know, she calls herself black, shes really more like a caramel color if you look at her. But anyway, (Laughter) she has me here because she puts me in her show, what she calls her one-woman show. And you know what that means, of course. That means she takes the credit and then makes us come out here and do all the work. But I dont mind.Frankly, Im kvelling just to be here with all the luminaries you have attending something like this, you know. Really, its amazing. Not only, of course, the scientists and all the wonderful giants of the industries but the celebrities. There are so many celebrities running around here. I saw -- Glenn Close I saw earlier. I love her. And she was getting a yogurt in the Google cafe. Isnt that adorable. (Laughter) So many others you see, theyre just wonderful. Its lovely to know theyre concerned, you know. And -- oh, I saw Goldie Hawn. Oh, Goldie Hawn. I love her, too; shes wonderful. Yeah. You know, shes only half Jewish. Did you know that about her? Yeah. But even so, a wonderful talent. And I -- you know, when I saw her, such a wonderful feeling. Yeah, shes lovely. But anyway, I should have started by saying just how lucky I feel. Its such an eye-opening experience to be here. Youre all so responsible for this world that welive in today. You know, I couldnt have dreamed of such a thing as a young girl. And youve all made these advancements happen in such a short time. Youre all so young. You know, youre parents must be very proud.But I --I also appreciate the diversity that you have here. I noticed its very multicultural. You know, when youre standing up here, you can see all the different people. Its like a rainbow. Its okay to say rainbow. Yeah. I just -- I cant keep up with whether you can say, you know, the different things. What are you allowed to say or not say? I just -- I dont want to offend anybody. You know. But anyway, you know, I just think that to be here with all of you accomplished young people, literally, some of you, the architects building our brighter future. You know, its heartening to me. Even though, quite frankly, some of your presentations are horrifying, absolutely horrifying. Its true. Its true. You know, between the environmentaldegradation and the crashing of the world markets youre talking about. And of course, we know its all because of the -- all the ... Well, I dont know how else to say it to you, so Ill just say it my way. The ganeyvish tetikeyt coming from the governments and the, you know, the bankers and the Wall Street. You know it. Anyway. (Laughter)The point is, Im happy somebody has practical ideas to get us out of this mess. So I salute each of you and your stellar achievements. Thank you for all that you do. And congratulations on being such big makhers that youve become TED meisters. So, happy continued success. Congratulations. Mozel tov. (Applause)Hi. Hi. Thank you everybody. Sorry, this is such a wonderful opportunity and everything, to be here right now. My name is Noraida. And Im just -- Im so thrilled to be part of like your TED conference that youre doing and everything like that. I am Dominican American. Actually, you could say I grew up in the capital of Dominican Republic, otherwise known as Washington Heights in New York City. But I dont know if theres any other Dominican people here, but I know that Juan Enriquez, he was here yesterday. And I think hes Mexican, so thats -- honestly, thats close enough for me, right now. So -- (Laughter)I just --Im sorry. Im just trying not to be nervous because this is a very wonderful experience for me and everything. And I just -- you know Im not used to doing public speaking. And whenever I get nervous I start to talk really fast. Nobodycan understand nothing Im saying, which is very frustrating for me, as you can imagine. I usually have to just like try to calm down and take a deep breath. But then on top of that, you know, Sarah Jones told me we only have 18 minutes. So then Im like, should I be nervous, you know, because maybe its better. And Im just trying not to panic and freak out. So I like, take a deep breath.Okay. Sorry. So anyway, what I was trying to say is that I really love TED. Like, I love everything about this. Its amazing. Like, its -- I cant get over this right now. And, like, people would not believe, seriously, where Im from, that this even exists. You know, like even, I mean I love like the name, the --TED. I mean I know its a real person and everything, but Im just saying that like, you know, I think its very cool how its also an acronym, you know, which is like, you know, is like very high concept and everything like that. I like that.And actually, I can relate to the whole like acronym thing and everything. Because, actually, Im a sophomore at college right now. At my school -- actually I was part of co-founding an organization, which is like a leadership thing, you know, like you guys, you would really like it and everything. And the organization is called DA BOMB, And DA BOMB -- not like what you guys can build and everything -- Its like, DA BOMB, it means like Dominican --its an acronym--Dominican American Benevolent Organization for Mothers and Babies. So, I know, see, like the name is like a little bit long, but with the war on terror and everything, the Dean of Student Activities has asked us to stop saying DA BOMB and use the whole thing so nobody would get the wrong idea, whatever. So, basically like DA BOMB --what Dominican American Benevolent Organization for Mothers and Babies does is, basically, we try to advocate for students who show a lot of academic promise and who also happen to be mothers like me. I am a working mother, and I also go to school full-time. And, you know, its like -- its so important to have like role models out there. I mean, I know sometimes our lifestyles are very different, whatever.But like even at my job -- like, I just got promoted. Right now its very exciting actually for mebecause Im the Junior Assistant to the Associate Director under the Senior Vice President for Business Development. Thats my new title. So, but I thinkwhether you own your own company or youre just starting out like me, like something like this so vital for people to just continue expanding their minds and learning. And if everybody, like all people really had access to that, it would be a very different world out there, as I know you know. So, I think all people, we need that, but especially, I look at people like me, you know like, I mean, Latinos, were about to be the majority, in like two weeks. So, we deserve just as much to be part of the exchange of ideas as everybody else. So, Im very happy that youre, you know, doing this kind of thing, making the talks available online. Thats very good. I love that. And I just -- I love you guys. I love TED. And if you dont mind, privately now, in the future, Im going to think of TED as an acronym for Technology, Entertainment and Dominicans. Thank you very much. (Laughter) (Applause)So, that was Noraida, and just like Loraine and everybody else youre meeting today, these are folks who are based on real people from my real life. Friends, neighbors, family members. I come from a multicultural family. In fact, the older lady you just met, very, very loosely based on a great aunt on my mothers side. Its a long story, believe me. But on top of my family background, my parents also sent me to United Nations school, where I encountered a plethora of new characters including Alexandre, my French teacher, okay.Well, you know, it was beginner French, that I am taking with her, you know. And it was Madame Bousson, you know, she was very [French]. It was like, you know, she was there in the class, you know, she was kind of typically French. You know, she was was very chic, but she was very filled with ennui, you know. And she would be there, you know, kind of talking with the class, you know, talking about the, you know, the existential futility of life, you know. And we were only 11 years old, so it was not appropriate.But [German]. Yes, I took German for three years, [German], and it was quite the experiencebecause I was the only black girl in the class, even in the UN school. Although, you know, it was wonderful. The teacher, Herr Schtopf, he never discriminated. Never. He always, always treated each of us, you know, equally unbearably during the class.So, there were the teachers and then there were my friends, classmates fromeverywhere. Many of whom are still dear friends to this day. And theyve inspired many characters as well. For example, a friend of mine.Well, I just wanted to quickly say good evening. My name is Praveen Manvi and thank you very much for this opportunity. Of course, TED, the reputation precedes itself all over the world. But, you know, I am originally from India, and I wanted to start by telling you that once Sarah Jones told me that we will be having the opportunity to come here to TED in California, originally, I was very pleased and, frankly, relieved because, you know, I am a human rights advocate. And usually my work, it takes me to Washington D.C. And there, I must attend these meetings,mingling with some tiresome politicians, trying to make me feel comfortable by telling how often they are eating the curry in Georgetown. So, you can just imagine -- right. So, but Im thrilled to be joining all of you here. I wish we had more time together, but thats for another time. Okay? Great. (Applause) And, sadly, I dont think well have time for you to meet everybody I brought, but -Im trying to behave myself. Its my first time here. But I do want to introduce you to a couple of folks you may recognize, if you saw Bridge and Tunnel.Uh, well, thank you. Good evening. My name is Pauline Ning, and first I want to tell you that Im -- of course I am a member of the Chinese community in New York. But when Sarah Jones asked me to please come to TED, I said, well, you know, first, I dont know that, you know -- before two years ago, you would not find me in front of an audience of people, much less like this because I did not like to give speeches because I feel that, as an immigrant, I do not have good English skills for speaking. But then, I decided, just like Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger, I try anyway. (Laughter) My daughter --my daughter wrote that, she told me, Always start your speech with humor.But my background -- I want to tell you story only briefly. My husband and I, we brought our son and daughter here in 1980s to have the freedom we cannot have in China at that time. And we tried to teach our kids to be proud of their tradition, but its very hard. You know, as immigrant, I would speak Chinese to them, and they would always answer me back in English. They love rock music, pop culture, American culture. But when they got older, when the time comes for them to startthink about getting married, thats when we expect them to realize, a little bit more, their own culture. But thats where we had some problems. My son, he says he is not ready to get married. And he has a sweetheart, but she is American woman, not Chinese. Its not that its bad, but I told him, Whats wrong with a Chinese woman? But I think he will change his mind soon.So, then I decide instead, I will concentrate on my daughter. The daughters marriage is very special to the mom. But first, she said shes not interested. She only wants to spend time with her friends. And then at college, its like she never came home. And she doesnt want me to come and visit. So I said, Whats wrong in this picture? So, I accused my daughter to have like a secret boyfriend. But she told me, Mom, you dont have to worry about boys because I dont like them. (Laughter) And I said, Yes, men can be difficult, but all women have to get used to that. She said, No Mom. I mean, I dont like boys. I like girls. I am lesbian. So, I always teach my kids to respect American ideas, but I told my daughter that this is one exception -- (Laughter) that she is not gay, she is just confused by this American problem. But she told me, Mom, its not American. She said she is in love, in love with a nice Chinese girl. (Laughter) So, these are the words I am waiting to hear, but from my son, not my daughter. (Laughter) But at first I did not know what to do. But then, over time, I have come to understand that this is who she is.So, even though sometimes its still hard, I will share with you that it helps me to realize society is more tolerant, usually because of places like this, because of ideas like this and people like you, with an open mind. So I think maybe TED, you impact peoples lives in the ways that maybe even you dont realize. So, for my daughters sake, I thank you for your ideas worth spreading. Thank you. Shin shen. (Applause)Good evening. My name is Habbi Belahal. And I would like to first of all thank Sarah Jones for putting all of the pressure on the only Arab who she brought with her to be last today. I am originally from Jordan. And I teach comparative literature at Queens College. It is not Harvard. But I feel a bit like a fish out of water. But I am very proud of my students. And I see that a few of them did make it here to the conference. So you will get the extra credit I promised you. But, while I know that Imay not look like the typical denizen, as you would say, I do like to make the point that we in global society we are never as different as the appearances may suggest.So, if you will indulge me, I will share quickly with you a bit of verse, which I memorized as a young girl at 16 years of age. So, back in the ancient times. [Arabic] And this roughly translates: Please, let me hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. And when I touch you, I feel happy inside. Its such a feeling that my love, I cant hide, I cant hide, I cant hide. Well, so okay, but please, please, but please. If it is sounding familiar, it is because I was at the same time in my life listening to The Beatles. On the radio [unclear], they were very popular.So, all of that is to say that I like to believe, that for every word intended to render us deaf to one another, there is always a lyric connecting ears and hearts across the continents in rhyme. And I pray that this is the way that we will self invent, in time. Thats all [unclear]. Thank you very much for the opportunity. Okay? Great. (Applause) Thank you all very much. It was lovely. Thank you for having me. (Applause)Thank you very, very much. I love you. (Applause) Well, you have to let me say this. I just -- thank you. I want to thank Chris and Jaqueline, and just everyone for having me here. Its been a long time coming, and I feel like Im home, and I know Ive performed for some of your companies or some of you have seen me elsewhere, but this is honestly one of the best audiences Ive ever experienced. The whole thing is amazing, and so dont you all go reinventing yourselves any time soon.。

美国脱口秀主持Ellen的爆笑演讲 英文原版

美国脱口秀主持Ellen的爆笑演讲 英文原版

Then my career turned into - I got my own sitcom, and that was very successful, another level of success. And I thought, what if they find out I'm gay, then they'll never watch, and this was a long time ago, this was when we just had white presidents - this was back, many years ago - and I finally decided that I was living with so much shame, and so much fear, that I just couldn't live that way anymore, and I decided to come out and make it creative. And my character would come out at the same time, and it wasn't to make a political statement, it wasn't to do anything other than to free myself up from this heaviness that I was carrying around, and I just wanted to be honest. And I thought, "What's the worst that could happen? I can lose my career". I did. I lost my career. The show was cancelled after six years, without even telling me, I read it in the paper. The phone didn't ring for three years. I had no offers. Nobody wanted to touch me at all. Yet, I was getting letters from kids that almost committed suicide, but didn't, because of what I did. And I realised that I had a purpose. And it wasn't just about me and it wasn't about celebrity, but I felt like I was being punished... it was a bad time, I was angry, I was sad, and then I was offered a talkshow. And the people that offered me the talkshow tried to sell it. And most stations didn't want to pick it up. Most people didn't want to buy it because they thought nobody would watch me.



广告狂人Mad Men第六季中英剧本第一集就是这样That's it.就是这样坚持住天啊That's it, hang in there. Woman: Oh, my God!我的天啊Oh, my God."在我们人生的旅途中"Midway in our life's journey,我偏离了笔直的大道I went astray from the straight road醒来发现自己孤单单一个人and woke to find myself alone身处黑暗的森林中"in a dark wood."谢谢Mahalo.继续记在二百二十八套房的账上It's still suite .我们晒了多久了How long has it been?我不能晒得太黑他们会解雇我的Can't get too suntanned,they'll fire me.你一定是弄进水了Oh, you must have gotten it wet.我看看Let me see.算了谁在乎现在是几点You know what? Who cares what time it is?你肯定不会喜欢那样的You would not have liked that.你绝对不会喜欢那样的You wouldn't have liked it at all.我沿着沙滩一直走远离人群I had to walk down the beach away from the crowds到达一个冲浪用品店去敲一个挂着停业牌的门to this surf shop and knock on a door with a closed sign.那边实在是太破了It was so seedy down there.而且我得从这里拿钱出来Plus, I had to get my money from here.来吧Come on.我知道你抽过但你没有在抽嗨了以后做爱I know you've tried it,but you haven't had sex high.那样会痛快强烈得多It makes it so much more intense.你们盘中的一切食物Everything you see on your plate is what you would find都是能上台面的夏威夷皇家盛宴in a royal Hawaiian feast.那个紫色的布丁是芋泥饼That purple pudding is poi.虽然很奇怪但绝对美味哦It's strange, but satisfying.我们夏威夷人称之为"奥布"And we Hawaiians say that it's ono,意思就是很好吃which means tasty.但你们或许会说"噢不我不要吃那个"But you might just say,"Ono, I'm not eating that."这是正宗的夏威夷食物This is real Hawaiian food.那个通心粉沙拉也是Even the macaroni salad.不过当然了在皇家夏威夷酒店But, of course,at the Royal Hawaiian,我们把每个顾客都当做...we try to treat every guest like they're这边什么都要好一些Well, everything is better here.我想也是I'm sure it is.要在天堂之地脱颖而出一定花了不少心思It must take a lot of work to stand out in paradise.唐你真得尝尝这个Don, you have to try this.不用了那简直是贴墙纸的浆糊Oh, don't bother.It's wallpaper paste.吃那个猪肉吧Just eat the pig.当你们逗留在这迷人的Now, while you stay with us at the lovely,美丽的皇家夏威夷酒店时beautiful Royal Hawaiian,请务必乘车或乘船去观赏风光秀丽的钻石山make sure you see enchanted Diamond Head以及夏威夷群岛的其他自然景观and all of the natural by bus or by boat. wonders of the island 去大厅预订我们导游带队的路线会更省心It's easy if you book one of our guided tours in the lobby.阿罗哈[问候语]Aloha.来来跳舞吧Come. Come dance.绝对不是我安排的I've got nothing to do with this.去嘛唐Go ahead, Don.别勉强他了亲爱的Leave him alone, honey.我想去跳I want to do it.不你得这样跳No, you have to do it like this.你必须完全放松You have to relax.感受小岛轻松的氛围Get in the spirit of the islands.大家都叫我夏威夷猫王They call me the Hawaiian Elvis.先生们容我提醒一下Gentlemen, I remind you,这是我的工作而已this is my job.别笑了不然我让她们再来邀请你Stop laughing or I'll make them come back for you.不好意思凯琳我冒昧打扰了Excuse me, Corinne. I hate to bother you.我知道你的名字不是凯琳I mean, I know your name's not Corinne.不我叫梅根No, It's Megan Calvet.天啊我真的打扰到你了不真没有Oh, my goodness. I'm really bothering you. No, not at all.你比电视上苗条显瘦得多有人跟你说过这一点吗You're so much trimmer than you are on TV. Do people tell you that?我没有《相爱相扶》是我最爱的剧I no. "To Have and to Hold" is my favorite.我看过一些你显然是来度假的I mean, I watch a few, and you're obviously on vacation.没关系的我知道你才加入《伯克希尔瀑布》It's okay. Well, I know you're new to "Berkshire Falls,"但我可以告诉你你有演戏的天赋but I can tell you you just have a way.非常感谢Thank you so much.你能给我侄女签个名吗Would you mind signing an autograph to my niece?她比我更迷你呢She's a bigger fan than I am.我很乐意I'd be delighted.她叫什么名字凯伦What's her name? Karen.跟凯琳很像It's like Corinne.我真不敢相信维克多不肯公开承认你I can't believe Victor won't acknowledge you.我们静待剧情的后续发展吧Well, we'll see what happens.祝您玩得愉快Enjoy your stay.那些女人真的认出我了Those women really knew me.其中一个来自明尼苏达州One of them was from Minnesota.我都不知道那边也在播我演的剧I didn't even know they had the show there.我爱这里I love it here.格洛威你想再来一杯吗Hey, Galloway, you want another?给我一大杯的啤酒快点Can I get a tall beer? Chop chop.先生你有看到他动过吗So, mister,has he moved at all?你要么是死了要么就是平衡感超好Well, you're either dead or you've got great balance.你服过役吗Hey, were you in the service?我也有个一样的I got the same one.你是哪个部队的陆军What branch? Army.你说得太好了You can say that again.朝鲜战场吗待过一阵Korea? Briefly.朝鲜跟这里一样吗Was Korea like this?我告诉你军队让你在火奴鲁鲁享受休息调整'Cause I'll tell you, they offer you R&R in Honolulu你会想有谁注意到这地方也没什么不同吗and you think, "Did anybody notice it's the same place?"但我可以说我很高兴能来这里But I'm glad to be here, I can tell you that.你是趁结婚纪念日来玩的吗You on your anniversary?现在的人都很友善Folks have been pretty friendly.经过去年夏天在本土发生的那一堆烂事After all the shit that went on last summer Stateside, 我原本还想找人打架呢I was looking for a fight.那就太帅气了戴着淤黑的眼眶上场That'd be classy showing up with a black eye.这是我的"告别单身"派对This is my bachelor party.我明天就要结婚了I'm getting married tomorrow.恭喜了我请你喝杯酒吧Congratulations. Let me buy you a drink.不用了我获得了一大笔参战补贴Nah, I got a shitload of combat pay.还是我请你吧Let me buy you one.你是宇航员吗You some kind of astronaut?我是做广告的I'm in advertising.我们有一种点的机关枪We got this . caliber machine gun.勃朗宁MThe M.你真该看看它是怎么打死一头水牛的You should see what it does to a water buffalo.老天血都能把这地方染红了Oh, my Lord. I could paint this place red.你还剩多少时间How long do you have left?婚礼是明早八点Ceremony's at .大约四个小时吧Four hours or so.不我是说去越南No, in Vietnam.八个月Eight months.有人告诉她结了婚的男人命大些Someone told her married guys live longer因为他们有活下去的动力'cause they got something to live for.她来自圣地亚哥She's from San Diego.是个墨西哥人She's Mexican.她在夏威夷之旅的途中认识了我She met me halfway in Hawaii.我为了哄她开心勉强答应结婚I met her halfway by getting married.你在朝鲜服役的时候结婚了吗Were you married when you were in Korea?没有No.你成功活下来了And you made it.听着中尉Listen, Lieutenant.我们不如来惹点麻烦吧What do you say we get into some trouble?我是一等兵丁金斯It's PFC Dinkins, by the way.一般都是印在这儿的It's usually printed right there.唐Don.你愿意陪新娘走红毯吗So how do you feel about giving away the bride?你觉得你朋友醒不过来吗You don't think your friend's gonna make it?他是我的伴郎Nah, he's my best man.她家在圣思多罗Her family's in San Ysidro.我可不想让那些酒店打杂的当她爸And I don't want some hotel employee being her dad.他们长得跟敌人差不多They look just like the enemy.我说错了吗Am I wrong?这儿有很多美国兵就没有你认识的吗There's plenty of GIs here. There's no one else you know?你的新娘是谁陪着走红毯的Who gave your bride away?我很愿意帮你可你都不认识我I'd love to help you out, but you don't even know me.我觉得你以后会后悔的I think you'd regret it later.我相信善有善报恶有恶报I believe in what goes around comes around.也许哪天我会成为升入天堂的老兵One day I'm gonna be a veteran in paradise.也许哪天我也会半夜失眠One day I'll be the man who can't sleep和陌生人聊天and talks to strangers.我詹姆斯愿意娶你康妮做我的合法妻子I, James, take you, Connie,for my lawful wife,从今相扶相爱直到永远to have and to hold from this day forward.无论顺境或逆境无论富有或贫穷For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,无论健康或疾病in sickness and in health,至死不渝until death do us part.但你做错什么了What were you doing wrong?很抱歉警官天太黑了看不清I'm so sorry, Officer. It's very hard to see.所以你得缓慢行驶That's why you have to drive slower.我们一般不要求限速但路面结冰了We go easy on the speed limit here, but not with this ice. 我以后会注意的I promise I will do that in the future.但我恐怕你已经违规了I'm afraid this is about what you already did.你或许不知道她就是贝蒂?弗朗西斯You may not be aware,but this is Betty Francis.你该认识她丈夫我儿子亨利?弗朗西斯You may know her husband,my son, Henry Francis.他在曼哈顿的市长办公室为林赛市长效劳He works in the mayor's office in Manhattan. Mayor Lindsay.我为纽约州效力我们有自己的市长I work for New York State. We've got our own mayor.你不必如此冷嘲热讽年轻人I'll do without your sarcasm, young man.如果你不介意Now, if you don't mind,我认为皆大欢喜的做法就是I think all concerned will be very content对我们做出严厉警告然后让我们走人if you issue a stern warning and let us be on our way. 宝琳Pauline.我尽量忍着不动用铲车来把你们拖走I'm trying to avoid taking you off the road with a shovel.她开车时像个疯子She's driving like a maniac.吼醒她Yell at her.我讨厌警察I hate cops.胡说他们只是履行职责而已Nonsense. They're just doing their job.他们也太一腔热血了Well, they're too enthusiastic.真扫兴气氛都被他毁了That ruined it. That ruined everything.我想不出有什么比这更阴郁的了I can't imagine it getting any darker than this.我妈妈死了My mom's dead.《胡桃夹子》怎么样How was "The Nutcracker"?精彩至极一如既往地迷人The highlight of the evening. Magical as always.博比吉恩和我很遗憾没能一起去Well, Bobby, Gene, and I are sorry we missed it.没什么比那个芭蕾更美妙对吧儿子们Nothing like the ballet, right, boys?桑迪留下过夜吗Is Sandy sleeping over?关你什么事What do you care?没人想说点什么吗Isn't somebody going to say something?贝蒂得到一张罚单Betty got a ticket.为什么For what?我以为是超速驾驶I thought it was going to be speeding,结果是鲁莽驾驶but apparently it's reckless driving.我想让你告诉你妻子I want you to tell your wife跟警察交涉时提你的名字that invoking your name in an interaction with a state trooper不是什么丢人的事is nothing to be ashamed of.妈妈我本人在场都没什么用Ma, it barely works for me.宝琳奶奶还冲他吼了呢Then Grandma Pauline yelled at him.我才没吼他干什么了I did nothing of the sort. What did he do?他出言不逊把罚单给他He was verbally abusive. Give him the ticket.他会解决的他帮所有人解决这种问题He'll fix it. He does it for everyone.妈妈你知道我怎么解决那些罚单吗Ma, you know how I fix those tickets?我老老实实交钱I pay 'em.可以打开吗Can I open it? Mmhmm.走开小怪物Get away, you little weirdo.我喜欢这个琴盒像个棺材I like the case. It looks like a coffin.要是能为我们拉上一曲就好了Would you play a little? That'd be nice.我不知道I don't know.拉一曲吧每次听都很有感觉Please. It makes me feel so much.真恶心别让他们勉强你This is disgusting. Don't let them force you.你已经练了很长时间了吗Have you been playing long?她下学期要去朱利亚德艺术学院了朱利亚德She's going to Juilliard next semester. Juilliard?原来站在我们面前的少女竟然是个神童Why didn't you tell me we were in the presence of a prodigy?岁不能叫神童了吧is not a prodigy.不好意思刚刚在检查蒸汽Sorry about that. Checking the steam.玩得怎么样很好How was your trip? Wonderful.温暖我可不怀念这里的冷天气Warm. I did not miss this.你感觉怎么样How are you feeling?让我来Let me in there.没事的乔纳西It's okay, Jonesy.老天他真名叫什么我不知道Jesus, what's his real name? I don't know.解开他的大衣解开他的大衣Open his coat. Open his coat.希维娅叫救护车Sylvia, call an ambulance.前台有部电话There's a phone at the desk.好了乔纳西听我说话Okay, Jonesy, keep listening to me.加油我知道你能听见Come on, I know you can hear me.撑住Come on.让我来拿吧Let me get those.不敢劳烦没想到你回来工作了Absolutely not. I'm surprised you're back at work.我老婆等不及要把我赶出来Oh, the missus couldn't wait to get me out of the house.我才不信等等I don't believe it. Oh, wait.邮差昨天给你送剧本来了Messenger came with your script yesterday.我一直小心保管着I didn't let it out of my sight.我送给你一瓶好酒作为圣诞礼物I got you a pretty nice bottle for Christmas怕你看不懂我写的字提前告诉你一下in case you can't read the handwriting.那你恐怕得送给罗森医生一整箱了Well, I hope you got Dr. Rosen a case.我以为你睡前不会再看那个了呢I thought you were going to stop reading that before bed.我今晚没感觉到烦心It's not bothering me tonight.我猜也是I bet it isn't.你听了小提琴之后可真是平静啊You're so calm from all that violin.她拉得很棒She plays beautifully.你当时和博比的表情一模一样You and Bobby had the same look on your face when she was playing.她只比萨丽大一岁你可真下流She's a year older than Sally. Shame on you.没人会责怪我因喜爱少女音乐天才而冷落你No one would blame me for leaving you for a teenage musician.她就在隔壁She's just in the next room.你不如进去把她强暴了吧Why don't you go in there and rape her?我帮你按住她的手贝蒂你他妈在想什么I'll hold her arms down. Betty, what the hell? 你说过你想增添点情趣You said you wanted to spice things up.我在场会不会扫兴Will it ruin it if I'm there?其实如果你想和她独处You know what? If you want to be alone with her,我可以穿上家居服带萨丽去兜风I'll put on my housecoat and take Sally for a ride.你可以用胶布粘住她的嘴以免吵醒孩子们You can stick a rag in her mouth and you won't wake the boys.够了贝蒂All right. All right, Betty.天呐你脸红了My goodness. You're blushing.她竟然把滑门开着She left the sliding door open.地毯上全是灰There's dirt all over the rug.她也许是想让屋子透透气Maybe she wanted to air out the place.她显然没打算把清洁作为圣诞礼物送给我们了I'm gonna take the cleaning out of her Christmas present.只有一个场景One scene.我帮人拿大衣给他们端饮料I take somebody's coat and offer them a drink.你演的是女仆那可比我们家女仆干得活多You're the maid. It's more than ours does.就一个场景唐他们让我去打包行李One scene, Don. They send me to pack suitcases.你的还是他们的Yours or theirs?维克多的Victor's.如果我是维克多的话我就该担心了Then I'd be worried if I was Victor.我就不该去度假I shouldn't have gone on vacation.你大半夜不睡在干什么What are you doing up?我睡不着我不想吵醒萨丽I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to wake Sally,虽然地板总是咯吱作响although you have the creakiest floor.老房子了你至少该把灯打开It's an old house. At least turn on a light.你饿了吗Are you hungry?你准备做东西吃吗Are you gonna have something?是的Yes,但我现在这个时节得悠着点but I really have to be careful this time of year.为什么Why?我在减肥I'm trying to reduce.你何不保持真我的风采你很漂亮Why don't you just be the way you are? You're beautiful.你的小嘴可真甜That's charming and you know it.我妈妈总是穿着紧身褡My mother wore a girdle all the time导致她经常胃痛我就想and she always had a stomachache and I always thought,"你为了讨老爸欢心宁愿忍受胃痛吗""You'd rather have a stomachache just so Dad will like you?"桑迪Sandy,我妈妈几年前去世了my mother passed away a few years ago我理解你的心情and I understand.这段时间是最难熬的This time of year is the hardest.亲爱的Oh, dear.我们家很高兴接纳你We're happy to include you in our family.我不能去朱利亚德艺术学院I can't go to Juilliard.我知道你的感受I know how you're feeling.我当时年纪比你大一些I was older than you, but I remember可我还记得我去上布林茅尔女院时心里害怕极了when I went to Bryn Mawr, I was terrified. 可当我... 不But then the minute I No.我根本就进不去I didn't get in.我的申请被拒绝了They rejected me.我能理解你为什么说谎Of course you'd lie about that.你明年还可以再试一次So you'll try again next year.跟大家说你想要先完成高中学业Tell everyone you wanted to finish high school.某些人编谎的速度可真快啊It's incredible how fast some people come up with lies.别这么刻薄Please don't do that.我已经错过了黄金年龄I'm old for a violinist.至少像我这样的资质已经太老了At least for one as good as I am.我不管我只想去纽约I don't care. All I wanted to do was go to New York.几年之后就行了In a few years.可那就太晚了But it'll be too late.我的心已经陷进去了My feet are already in wet cement.很多姑娘没去朱利亚德学院也很出色Plenty of girls do just fine without Juilliard.是啊你去上大学Sure, you go to college,遇到个男孩辍了学you meet a boy, you drop out,结了婚you get married,当他初涉社会时你在纽约苦撑了一年struggle for a year in New York while he learns to tie a tie,然后搬到了乡下又将这场灾难重新来过and then move to the country and just start the whole disaster over.你这说法太夸张了That's an arrogant exaggeration.你拥有很多东西You have so much.我没乞求这些也不需要这些I didn't ask for it and I don't need it.你不需要吗You don't need it?你尝过一无所有的滋味吗Do you know what it's like to have nothing?你尝过吗你为何总是侮辱我Do you? Why do you keep insulting me?我只是想帮你I'm trying to help.不你难道不好奇吗No, aren't you curious?格林尼治村里的那些人There are people in the Village.我读到过我甚至拜访过他们I read about it and I even visited them.你独自去城里了吗萨丽也去了吗You went to the city alone? Did Sally go with you?没No.但她说你去过But she told me you went.说你曾经当过模特That you were a model.没错Yes.我和另外个姑娘住在两间房里And I lived with five girls in two rooms喝着罐头汤and ate soup out of cans.一点都不光鲜It's not glamorous.但那种生活一定很棒But I bet it was great.那时候跟现在不一样It was different back then.那时没有骚乱与强盗There weren't all the riots and robberies.你看新闻吗Do you watch the news?我参观了一幢大厦I visited this building就坐落在圣马可大街上right off St. Mark's Place.孩子们自由自在地活着那很美好And the kids are just living and it's beautiful.你明白吗You know?只要有机会人自然就保持着民主作风People are naturally democratic if you give them a chance.你吸毒了吗Are you on dope?没No.可... 可But But...你得等到成年才能去过自在的生活you're going to wait until you're old enough to live on your own.那得等两年It's two years.那可算不上坐牢Hardly a jail sentence.你不是我的亲骨肉You know, you're not my child,所以我本没必要跟你说这些so there's no reason for me to say this,可我经常去听交响乐but I go to the symphony quite a bit,不管我喜欢与否whether I like it or not,但我很肯定你有那个天分and I am certain that you are talented.往好的方面想And on the bright side,如果你走了萨丽会心碎的Sally was crushed you were going away.你想去卫生间吗Want to use the bathroom?我感觉好多了可我还没I think I'm feeling better. I'm not.家里有胃药来不及了There's PeptoBismol. I think it's too late.我不喜欢素食I don't like vegetarian food.让我想起了大斋节Reminds me of Lent.没错那简直就是惩罚Exactly. It's a punishment.喂我找佩奇?奥尔森Hello? Peggy Olson, please.我就是佩奇你是哪位This is Peggy. Who is this?你看了卡森的节目吗你到底是谁Did you watch Carson? Who is this?我是伯特伯特?彼得森It's Burt. Burt Peterson.有什么事吗Oh. Is everything okay?我大半夜给你打电话我们完了佩奇I'm calling you at midnight. We're screwed, Peggy.我们现在处于三级戒备状态快要升到四级了We're at DEFCON . We're about to go to DEFCON .四级不如三级严重DEFCON is better than DEFCON .我跟你说过了一级才是最危急的状况I've told you that. One is the worst.那我们就是零级状态没有零级Then we're at zero. There is no zero.卡森提到的一件事让大家都了解到战争中的残酷Some comic on Carson was breaking everybody up with this routine about the war.伯特现在很晚了听你的声音好像不太舒服Burt, it's very late and you sound a little under the weather而且这个国家是有言论自由的and there's such a thing as free speech in this country.我会注意的高斯耳机想撤了我们的超级碗广告时段I could give a hoot. Koss Headphones wants to pull our Super Bowl spot.他不喜欢现在的文案He hates the line now."借我你的耳朵"吗那是莎士比亚的台词"Lend me your ears"? It's Shakespeare.反正那跟某事件扯上了关系Well, it's somehow related to something.总统我不知道我没看出来The president. I don't know. I didn't see it.你在听吗You there?在Yes.你得把你的广告改改So you got to change your ad.现在成我的广告了吗他想见面商量一下Now it's my ad? He wants to meet for a discussion.商量什么不知道一些"瑕疵" About what? I don't know. Something bad.我就直接引用客户的说法了I take the client's word for it.你得给泰德打电话干什么You've got to call Ted. About what?我都不知道问题何在I don't even know what the problem is.你来说比较好我挂了It's better coming from you. I've got to go.科罗拉多现在是几点What time is it in Colorado?不知道我现在什么都算不来I don't know. I can't do any math right now.完全不会算I can't do any math at all.求你了亲爱的别说话了Please, honey, don't talk.早上好Morning.我好像还没祝你圣诞快乐I guess I don't say Merry Christmas to you.留着跟希维娅说夏威夷之旅如何Save that for Sylvia. How was Hawaii?存于思念远在天边Long ago and far away.你们卖的相机是什么牌的What's that camera you guys are selling?宾得吗莱卡Pentax? Leica.哪款会改变我的生活呢And which model will change my life?跟大家一样我除了价格一无所知Like everybody else, I only know them by the price.你知道吗You know what?有空过来Come by.我有一整柜我送你一台吧I got a closetful. I'll give you one.别这样我会付钱的Come on. I'll pay for it.我愿意送一台给克里斯蒂?巴恩德[名医]I'd give one to Christiaan Barnard.我说不定真去I might just come by.就冲你这拍马屁的话你也得送我一台You owe me just for that comment alone.你现在就可以一起去不行You can come by right now. No.我有个手术要做到点可能做完后去吧I'm gonna be in surgery till :. Maybe after.记着你到我办公室来我才会去你那里Remember, you come by my office, I get to go to yours.又是一个美好的早晨罗森医生Another glorious morning, Dr. Rosen.没什么好事No good deed...我说不清I don't know.可能涉及到一个更深层次的问题Probably part of a deeper question.因为她们没一个是真正金发的对吧Because, I mean, none of them are really blonde anyway, right?她岁了She's years old.发色随年长而变深所以她可能是黑发女人Hair darkens by that age, so she's probably a brunette.也许她确实让我想起了简Maybe she does remind me of Jane.不我觉得不止是逢场作戏No, I think it's more than just distraction.你对我太苛刻了I think you're being hard on me.你刚刚用的词是"逢场作戏"You used the word "distraction."是吗看来我需要休假了Did I? Well, I need a vacation.我很忙非常忙I'm busy. I'm a busy man.我出现在那里人们总是会跟我问好I walk around that place, people say "Good morning" to me.他们其实并不在乎他们对我一无所知They don't really care. They don't know anything about me.天呐医生这都是为什么Oh, God, Doc, what is it all about?救救我Help me.我想说这是个笑话孩子I say I say that's a joke, son.我们讨论过这个什么We discussed this. What?不能你随便说什么我都得笑I can't laugh at everything you say.要么好笑要么不好笑Either it's funny or it's not.我不知道你怎么控制自己I don't know how you can control yourself.有时候是挺难的那个问题我们也谈过It's hard sometimes. We talked about that, too.你到底在取笑什么What exactly are you joking about?你明显不是在担心你很无趣You're obviously not afraid that you're boring.生命中最重要的事是什么What are the events in life?就好比你看见一扇门It's like you see a door.你第一次碰见时说The first time you come to it you say,门另一边是什么呢"Oh, what's on the other side of the door?"然后你开过几扇门之后Then you open a few doors.就会说我觉得我这次还是过桥吧Then you say, "I think I want to go over that bridge this time. 我厌倦门了最后你穿过了这些东西I'm tired of doors." Finally you go through one of these things来到了所谓的另一边结果你发现那边也还是这些东西and you come out the other side and you realize that's all there are门窗桥梁大铁门doors and windows and bridges and gates.打开的方式都一样And they all open the same way又在你身后关上and they all close behind you.听着生命应如一条长路你大步向前Look, life is supposed to be a path and you go along遇到各种各样的事情那些事情会改变你and these things happen to you and they're supposed to change you.改变你的方向结果发现根本不是这样Change your direction. But it turns out that's not true. 那些经历根本屁都不是It turns out the experiences are nothing.而只是你沿途从地上捡起来They're just some pennies you pick up off the floor,收入囊中的硬币而你其实一路笔直地stick in your pocket, and you're just going in a straight line通向终点to youknowwhere.你听起来很害怕You sound afraid.其实是恼怒More like irritated.你觉得是什么原因导致的And what do you think is causing that?最大的原因新年Top of the list, New Year's.就像多出了个生日It's like an extra birthday.你得吹灭蜡烛许下心愿You're supposed to blow out the candle and wish for something.我都不知道这是搞什么I don't even know what it is.你的圣诞过得怎么样How was your Christmas?跟过去五年一样被工作毁了Same as the last five ruined by work.你过得如何我是鳏夫佩奇How was yours? I'm a widower, Peggy.抱歉Oh. I'm sorry.显然《今夜秀》有很多笑话Apparently there was a bunch of jokes on the "Tonight Show,"关于士兵们在越南割耳朵一事in question, about soldiers cutting off ears in Vietnam.所以我们得另辟蹊径了And obviously we are gonna have to go in another direction.借我你的耳朵_他们说什么了What did they say?我没拿到Well, I wasn't able复件或抄本to obtain a copy or a transcript,但这位劳伦斯是一位热心观众but Lawrence here is a devout viewer.我不知道能不能做好I don't know if I can do it justice.闭嘴开始吧Just shut up and do it.他出来后开始说Well, he came out and started talking about南非的外科医生how that surgeon in South Africa移植心脏的事情他说transplanted a heart. And he says,我知道该给约翰逊总统送什么圣诞礼物了"Now I know what I'm getting President Johnson for Christmas."那人是谁我是劳伦斯Who is this guy? I'm Lawrence.不是我是说那个喜剧演员我们正在查No, the comedian. We're finding that out.你什么信息都没有我们知道主持人是菲丽丝?迪勒You have no information. We know the host was Phyllis Diller.继续说耳朵的事Get to the ears.我不记得他是怎么说到那事的Well, I don't remember how he got to it,但好像说的是什么but it was something about how第一例移植手术是在狗身上做实验的the first transplants they did were with dogs.所以肯定是混到一起了什么的So obviously there could be some sort of mixup or something.老爸要好一些但我们每次用开罐器他都会抓狂Dad's better, but he goes nuts every time we run the can opener.他很讨厌邮差什么的He hates the mailman or something.他不断把地毯弄脏And, oh, he keeps ruining the carpet.唯一能阻止他的就是把报纸卷起来敲打他的鼻子Only thing that stops him is hitting him on the nose with a rolledup newspaper.你到底还记不记得关于耳朵的那个笑话Do you remember the ear joke or not?他又说回到圣诞节一事上Well, he went back to Christmas.你听说过那些美国兵Did you hear about how there are these GIs发明了一种有趣的装饰品吗with interesting decorations?他们割下越共分子的耳朵'Cause they cut off the Vietcong's ears串成一圈像战利品一样挂在脖子上and wore them on a string around their neck like a trophy.他们真那样做了吗Oh. They really did that?不要忘了军事法庭的存在There's a courtmartial.他在卡森的节目上真用了越共这个词吗Did he actually say "Vietcong" on Carson?。



我曾经以为自己是小猫I did. I did. I--I thought I was a cat.我有点能够认同他们Well, kind of, kind of. I identified with cats. Well, I kind of did. 为什么呢?I wonder why that was?因为它们渴望被抚摸,对吗?They're never sure when you try to stroke them,is that right? 所以也许我是只可怜的小猫我是吗…?So maybe I was a sad cat. Was I a sad cat?因为我常想起… 是的想起猫儿Because I wonder--Yeah, yeah, yeah, I wonder about cats.真的,我的确是的…Truly, I did. I did. I did.因为我是个古板的人…'Cause I was a fuddy-duddy. Fuddy-duddy.我喜欢亲吻猫咪I kissed them all. Kissed them.我看到猫咪就会去亲…I will always kiss cats.如果它愿意让我亲的话我一定会亲它的If a cat would let me kiss it, I'd kiss it.如果我看到有猫站在篱笆上You know, if I see a cat on the fence,我就会去亲它真的,我会亲的…I'll kiss it. Always. Always. I would, didn't I?生命是永恒的冒险,不是吗Life's a perpetual risk, isn't it?没错,我认为是的That's right. I think it is.我当时和现在完全不同Because, the point is, I was different in those days.没错,没错…I was. I was.我必须要变得不同And I've--I've got to be different again.花豹会改变它的花纹吗?谁知道呢So, can the leopard change its spots? Who knows?那是血淋淋的游戏It's a blood sport. I think it's a blood sport.我认为是的没错,看来的确是的It's true. It seems to be true.还是一片空白的拼字游戏?Or is it a blank? Bit of a Scrabble.你得努力拼凑看是否能拼成正确的字You've got to put all the pieces together, see if you can make a word那真好玩,真好玩…That's funny. That's funny. That's funny.那是个谜It's a mystery. It's a mystery.再见Bye!慢走Take care.再见Bye-bye.打烊了We're closed!有问题吗?What's the problem, mate?抱歉…我就是个大问题Sorry, sorry, I'm the problem.是个问题Such a problem!真大的问题,还湿答答的And wet! But it's not an ideal world.但这不是理想世界,对不?Is it an ideal world?我们只须充分利用它We just have to make the most of it.我们只能接受事实,对不This is the way we find it, isn't it? Yeah, yeah.现在比以前理想多了因为我们有权利了…It's more ideal than it was, because, I mean,we're privileged We're privileged, aren't we? 不久之前人们还会被处以烙刑呢莫比Because not long ago,people would be burnt to a steak, wouldn't they, Moby yeah!汤尼…不是莫比,汤尼…Tony, Tony, Tony. Not Moby. Tony, Tony.我是谁?谁知道呢?我不认识Who am I, Tony? Who knows, Tony? I don't know.啊So, ah!我是大卫…听起来如何?I'm David. I'm David, Tony. How does it sound? 嗨,大卫Hi, David. How can Sylvia help?丝薇雅能帮忙吗?Sylvia. Is it Sylvia? Sylvia! Hi, Sylvia!丝薇雅…Pleased to meet you, Sylvia! Oh!幸会,丝薇雅Schubert. Schubert, wasn't it?舒伯特…对不?He said, "Who is Sylvia? What is she?"他问谁是丝薇雅,她是干嘛的?What--what can we do for you, David?我们可以帮你什么忙呢?大卫Do for me? Do for me? What? Oh, l--oh, l--帮忙…我需要闭嘴这是个大问题,对不?I got to stop talking. It's a problem, isn't it? 不…没关系,告诉丝薇雅No, no, no. It's all right.你来做什么?Just tell Sylvia why you're here.那是个谜…你迷路了?Oh, well, uh, Are you lost? it's a mystery--应该是吧,我迷路了…Am I lost? Perhaps that's it. Perhaps I'm lost. 是吗?听来如何?How does that sound? How does that sound? 那是你的钢琴吗?丝薇雅Is that your piano, Sylvia?丝薇雅好美,对吧?汤比?Beautiful Sylvia. lsn't Sylvia beautiful, Toby?不是汤比,你是汤尼Not Toby. Tony. Tony. Tony.汤尼…你也很美You're beautiful, too, Tony.我能弹钢琴吗?Perhaps I could play it.可以吗?Could I play it? Could I play it?下地狱吧You say. You say. Like hell, baby. Go on.闭嘴,山姆Shut up, Sam.地狱,噢,魔鬼山姆Hell, baby. Diablerie. Whoa, Sam... David... Whoa, whoa! The devil.不准!滚出去!Get out of here! Go on!丝薇雅…Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia...告诉我你是谁?住在哪里?You just tell us who you are and where you live.我可以弹吗?Could l--could I play? Live--live--live, Sylvia.我得大隐隐于市Live and let live. That's very important, isn't it?这是一生的挣扎,对吧?Molto, molto. But then again, isn't it, Sylvia? it's a lifelong struggle,汤尼, 丝薇亚为了生存生活生存完好无损地生存Tony, Tony, Tony. To live. To survive. Sylvia. To--to survive. To survive undamaged...且不能毁掉任何活着的生物and not to destroy any living, breathing creature.重点是,一失足成千古恨对吧所以我认为这是一生的折磨I mean, the point is, you're going to be punished if you do something wrong, for the rest of your life.所有我认为这是终生的挣扎So I think it's a lifelong struggle.这是个挣扎? 不论你怎么做这是个挣扎Is it a lifelong struggle? Yeah. Whatever you do, I think it's a struggle, a struggle,你得尽力求生a struggle to keepyour head above water and not get it chopped off我没让你们失望吧?I'm not disappointing you, am I, Sylvia? Tony?汤尼,丝薇亚噢…山姆!Tony, Sylvia, Sam, yes, Sam! Hello, Sam!放开我Get off!赫夫考,好名字Helfgott. What a name!对不起,丝薇雅,我好驴喔Sorry, Sylvia. I sound like a donkey.赫夫考,意思是神助Helfgott. "With the help of God." That's what it means. 爸爸很虔诚,非常虔诚You see, Daddy's daddy was religious. Very religious. 为人很严厉Ve-very strict. And a bit of a meanie.但是他被逐出教会But he got exterminated, didn't he?神也帮不了他So God didn't help him.不好笑,我真是残酷That's not very funny. It's very sad really.心肠真坏I'm callous, Daddy said. Callous.抱歉,丝薇雅And a bit of a meanie.我没伤到你吧?我不该伤你Sorry, Sylvia, I'm not damaging you.重点是…我可能没有灵魂I mustn't damage Sylvia.你怎么这么说?The point is, the point is, perhaps I haven't got a soul. 爹地说的…What makes you say that?他说人是没有灵魂的Daddy said there's no such thing as a soul.太荒谬了Oh, that's ridiculous.不错,我真荒谬…Ridiculous. You're right. I am ridiculous.还很无情And callous, Daddy said. Callous. Callous.既荒谬又无情…Ridiculous and callous.悲剧…Because it was a tragedy.一出荒谬的悲剧A tragedy. A ri-ridiculous tragedy.我会赢的,我会赢…I'm going to win. I'm going to win.我会赢的I'm going to win!我会赢的I'm going to win!大卫要弹钢琴David's going to play the piano for us. 对吧,大卫?Aren't you, David?对!Yes.你要弹什么What are you going to play?你要弹什么?What are you going to play?抱歉Excuse me.萧邦,波兰舞曲Chopin. The Polonaise.太离谱了This is crazy.钢琴!钢琴!It's the piano... the piano.真是离谱!It's a disgrace.这孩子弹得很好!This kid's good.他很棒!He's great.他是我儿子He is my son.我儿子My son.他们回来了Here they come.他赢了还是输了?Did he win or lose?玛格丽Margaret!他输了He lost.我们现在可惨了Now we'll cop it.该你了It's your turn.该你了,爹地It's your turn, Daddy.让我看看Let me see.让我看看Let me see.让我看看…Let, uh, let me see.你输了You're losing.你输了…You're losing. You're losing.大卫,你一定要赢David, always win.一定要赢Always... win.当我跟你一样小的时候You know, when l-- when I was a boy your age,买♥♥了一把小提琴一把美丽的小提琴I bought a violin, a beautiful violin.花光了我的积蓄And I saved for this violin.你知道结果吗?And you know what happened to it?知道被砸烂了Yes... he smashed it.没错,被砸烂了Yeah... he smashed it.大卫,你很幸运David, you're a very lucky boy.我父亲从不让我学音乐My father never let me have music.我知道I know.你很幸运A very lucky boy.说啊Say it.我是很幸运的小孩I'm a very lucky boy.非常幸运Very...lucky.要我弹琴给你听吗?Now shall I play for you?不,把棋子捡起来No. Pick up those pieces.是我就一定赢Bet I could have won.你会怕到弹不出来You'd have been too scared.大卫!听着,仔细听Listen. Have a listen.玛格丽Margaret!我告诉过你别让朋友来的I told you, tell your friends not to come.哈罗Hello.爹地,有人找你Daddy, there's somebody to see you!哈罗…Hello.希望没打搅各位I hope I'm not interrupting.班罗森,我是评审之一Uh, Ben Rosen. I was one of the judges.什么事?Yes?还没颁奖你们就走了You left before all the prizes were announced. 你今天下午弹得很好,大卫You were very good this afternoon, David.谢谢你Thank you.他还可以更好He can play better.也许他太出色了点Well, maybe he was a little too good.有些人并不喜欢Some people don't like that.我们为他的勇气颁给他一个特别奖We, uh, we gave him a special prize for his courage.你选的曲子很难弹Difficult piece you chose, David.爹地选的Daddy chose it.连大钢琴家都不会轻易的弹波兰舞曲Well, even great pianists think twice... before tackling the Polonaise. 失败奖A prize for losing.他并没有失败I wouldn't call him a loser.他们都They all...他们都会弹钢琴they all play.我相信大卫能赢很多比赛Well, I'm quite sure... David could win lots of competitions...只要有适当的调♥教♥with the right tuition.我的名片My card.他是我教的I teach him.你教得很好Yeah. You've obviously done very well.没人教过我Yeah. No one taught me.他不需要音乐老师No music teachers, Mr. Rosen.当然…No, of course. It's just, uh...他只要修正一些坏习惯it's just a few bad habits...就可以赢了can sometimes mean the difference between winning... or losing.也许您可以考虑看看Well, perhaps you'd, uh, you'd like to think about it, hmm?那是拉赫曼尼诺夫It's Rachmaninoff.好美喔It's beautiful.是的,你自己学的?Yeah. You taught yourself?听唱片学的From the record.是的Ah, yeah.这首曲子的确很难弹It's...it's very difficult. It's very difficult.那是世上最难弹的曲子It's... it's the hardest piece in the world, you know?你肯教我吗?Will you teach me?你知道You know...哪天你学会之后one day you will play it.我将会引你为傲You will make me very proud...我会感到非常骄傲,大卫very proud, won't you, David?是的Yes.下次我们要怎么样?And, uh... next time... What are we going to do?我们要赢吗?We're going to win?我们要赢,没错We're going to win, yes.晚安So... good night.晚安,爹地Good night, Daddy.过来,快过来Come. Come, come, come.别去摸,别碰Don't touch. Don't touch.什么事?Yes?罗先生,我决定请你教大卫Mr. Rosen, I have decided I would like... you teach David... 这个拉赫曼尼诺夫?别傻了Rachmaninoff? Don't be ridiculous.他已经会弹了But he can play it already.他只是个孩子He's just a boy.怎能诠释得出那种狂热?How can he express that sort of passion? 你够狂热,罗先生You are a passionate man, Mr. Rosen.你肯教他吗?You will teach him, no?不,我要教他我认为No.最适合的曲子I will teach him what I think is best.拉赫曼尼诺夫最适合Rachmaninoff is best.但…But...你是老师,由你作主You're his teacher. I'll let you decide.谢谢你Thank you.我们从莫扎特学起We'll start with Mozart.罗先生…Mr. Rosen.我付不起学费I can't afford to pay.快点,大卫,丝薇亚被淋湿了Come on, David. Sylvia's getting wet.对不起,丝薇亚… 再见,汤尼Oh, sorry, Sylvia. Sorry. Bye-bye, Tony. Bye. 回头见See you later.天空下起大雨来It's raining cats and dogs!狗狗和波斯猫Dogs and pussycats!Look out!你不会有事吧,大卫?You'll be all right, then, David?没事…谢谢你I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, thank you.回家真好This is it. Home sweet home.你会弹琴啊?Oh, you can play.一点…会弹一点Oh, kind of, kind of, kind of play.萧帮,波兰人Kind, sweet Sylvia. Chopin, Sylvia. Chopinzee! The pole. Polski.跟爹地和他的家人一样Like Daddy a-and his family...被关进集中营前也是波兰人before they were concentrated.你住这儿多久了,大卫?How long have you been here, David?不晓得,好几年了,好久了怎样Oh, golly, I don't know. A few years, I think. Eons, I suppose. How does that sound? 还有舒伯特And Schubert. Schubert.舒伯特也不错,只是染上梅毒Nothing wrong with Schubert, of course--except syphilis.梅毒?我想是的Was it syphilis? I think it was.他还罹患伤寒,这下就完了And then he got typhoid on top of that, so that was the end of him.真不小心,就这样失去他了We lost him. That was a bit careless of us, wasn't it? We lost him...你回来了So, you're back?吉姆,我很调皮吗…?Oh, Jim, Jim, Jim, I've been a naughty boy. Was I a naughty boy?我正要组织搜索队I was about to send out a search party.队伍?我又不能参加了Oh, a party, a party. I won't be invited again...他走进我的餐馆,看来似乎迷路He came into my restaurant and seemed a bit lost.他常迷路Oh, he's very good at that.谢谢你带他回来Thanks for bringing him home.我们将举♥行♥一个派对再见,大卫We'll have a party... Bye, David.饮酒作乐,抽雪茄狂欢It's time for a wine. A very fine time. A Mardi Gras. A nice long cigar. 最年轻的冠军,大卫赫夫考The winner and our youngest ever state champion... David Helfgott! 罗森,我们赢了…Mr. Rosen... We won! We won!要感谢莫扎特Thanks to Mozart, hmm?现在他可以弹拉赫曼尼诺夫了And now he can play Rachmaninoff.即将颁发奖金的是And now to present David with the prize money,远从美国来的贵宾our very special guest from America, ladies and gentlemen,各位,目前正在澳洲巡回演出的currently on tour in Australia...艾萨克史坦先生Mr. lsaac Stern.你很有才华,大卫You have a very special talent, David.谢谢您,史坦先生Oh, th-thank you, thank you, Mr. Stern.您也不赖Uh, so do you.你准备为音乐付出多少呢?How much are you prepared to give to your music, David?付出多少?H-how much?大卫,付出一切!David! Everything! Everything!付出一切Everything.不过…我也喜欢网球和化学But, uh, I do like tennis and, uh, chemistry, too.你网球打得和弹莫扎特一样好吗And do you play tennis as well as you play Mozart?我只会在家对着墙打球Uh, l--I just play up against the wall at home.我对着墙练球I, uh, I bounce the ball against the wall mainly.你想到美国就读音乐学院吗?How would you like to go to a special school in the States... where music bounces off the walls?美国?A-America?自♥由♥之土,勇气之乡You know, uh, land of the free, home of the brave--米老鼠Mickey Mouse?女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen,这真是我们年轻的冠军无上荣耀what an honor for our young state champion:他受邀到美国研习音乐an invitation to study in America.现在,我们欢迎从美国远道而来的And now, all the way from America...大卫赫夫考David Helfgott!谢谢大家…Thank you. Thank you.他不是从美国来的Not from America.但他要去美国了But he's going to America,等他从美国回来后and when he comes back,他就变成是从美国来的了对吧,大卫?he'll be coming from there, won't you, David?应该是吧玛格丽!Oh, I suppose so. Margaret.不,我没有钱送大卫去美国No. I have no money to send David to America.我们来慕款Well, uh... We'll raise it.什么?What?成人礼Bar mitzvah.大卫还没接受成人礼David hasn't yet had his bar mitzvah.宗教没有什么道理Religion is nonsense.宗教也可以是金矿如果你知道如何挖掘的话It's also a gold mine if you know where to dig. 有一天我会和乐团合奏And then one day, I-I'll play with an orchestra. 哇…我能来听吗?Wow! Can I come when you do?你能坐我的凯迪拉克轿车You can ride in my Cadillac.你在美国要住哪儿?Where are you going to live in America?他们说是很好的犹太家族同住With a nice Jewish family, they said.这家人不好吗?This is not a nice family?当然好,爹地非常好Yes, Daddy. It's...very nice.你能有家人很幸运,大卫You're very lucky to have a family, David.我得走了I've got to go.那是世上最好的音乐学院It's one of the finest music schools in the world. 由他父亲作主It is for his father to decide.他会被照顾得好好的我向你保证He would be well looked after, I assure you.瑞秋,求求你Rachel, please.大卫可能会是个伟大的钢琴师David could be one of the truly great pianists. 他只是个孩子,罗先生He is just a boy, Mr. Rosen.他还会尿床He still wets his bed.看看我有多强壮You see how fit I am? How strong?给我看你在马戏团工作时Show me where the lion scratched you...被狮子抓伤的地方,爹地when you worked in the circus, Daddy.好吧Up, up, up, up, up.上去,上去…Yeah. That's what happens...太接近栅栏就会遭殃when you get too close to the bars, eh?大卫?大卫,过来…David? David, come.打我Come. Hit me.打我对了,尽量用力OK. Hit me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. As hard as you can. 我也要打你Me! I want to hit you, Daddy!你也来,尽量用力打You, too. As hard as you can.你看,我是铁人You see? A man of steel!没有人能伤害我No one can hurt me.因为世上只有强者能生存Because in this world, only the fit survive.弱者会象小虫般被踩死The weak get crushed like insects.象蚱蜢吗?Like grasshoppers, Daddy.相信我如果你想在美国生存Believe me, if you want to survive in America, 就得保持身体强壮you have to be fit... and strong.就象你一样吗?Like you, Daddy.没错,就象我一样Yeah. Like me. Yes.对That's good.下礼拜见,大卫See you next week, David.记得要用功Don't forget to study.谢谢你,老师Thank you, Rabbi.赫夫考先生,这真叫人兴奋Mr. Helfgott, it is exciting, isn't it?大卫,市长大人很想见你David, the lord mayor is dying to meet you.彼得Peter.罗先生Mr. Rosen.各位,请大家听好Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please?我想感谢市长大人的好意I would like to thank our wonderful lord mayor...成立这个基金会帮助大卫到美国就读for establishing this fund to send David to America.现在大卫赫夫考将为我们演奏And now to play for us, our very own David Helfgott.这些人真是丢脸These people are a disgrace.他们自以为很了不起They think they are so important.其实只是满身的皮草和钻石What do they know with their furs and their diamonds?他们真令人作呕It makes me sick... to the stomach.还有罗森,他是什么样的人And Rosen. What kind of man is he?他没有结婚,没有小孩He is not married. He has no children.别跟我提起他Don't talk to me about Rosen.他跟你一样想让大卫成功He only wants for David... the same as you have always wanted. 别拿他跟我比Don't ever compare me to him.他吃过苦吗?一天都没有What has he suffered? Not a day in his life.他懂什么?What does he know?他毫无家庭观念Does he know about families?你的妹妹,我的父母惨死About...how your sisters died? And my mother and father? 谢谢你…大卫Thank you! Thank you, David!谢谢您,赫夫考同志Thank you, Comrade Helfgott.您儿子真了不起Your son is a credit to you.我谨代表苏联友谊社向您致意On behalf of the Soviet Friendship Society, we applaud you. 这是凯萨琳普契尔How do you do? Meet Katharine Prichard.你弹得真美You play beautifully.谢谢Thank you.我叫桑雅My name's Sonia.我是大卫I-I'm David.你知道我是谁I know who you are.你的手好优雅You've got the most wonderful hands.你的也是So do you.你要去美国吗?So, um, are you-- You're going to America?没错That's right. Yeah.哪天你也会去俄♥国♥Maybe one day you'll-- you'll go to Russia, too.有何不可?Why not?大卫我在这儿I'm here.有个重要的人想见你There's someone important who wants to meet you.我得走了I'd better go.我没见过弹这么优美的人♥大♥卫I've never met anyone... who plays the piano as beautifully as you, David.我也没见过作家,普太太I've never met a writer before, Mrs. Prichard.您一定很以他为傲You must be very proud of him.我这父亲当然为他骄傲As proud as a father can be.我家里有架破钢琴I have a long-suffering old piano at home.破钢琴Suffering piano.疏于照顾From neglect.也许哪天您能为我弹奏它Perhaps you'll come and play it for me one day.是的,非常乐意Yes. Anything to help.我的感觉很好I'd like that very much.我也是Me, too.各位同志,我想举杯…Your attention, comrades. I wish to propose a toast.该我上场了,失陪一下That's my cue. Excuse me.向今晚贵宾凯萨琳普契尔致意To our founder and very special guest this evening, Katharine Susannah Prichard. 你会从她身上学到很多东西You will learn much from this old woman.她去过苏联She has been to Soviet Union.从美国!From America!我们知道您杰出的才华"We have been informed of your exceptional talent并对您能前来同住感到荣幸"and can only say how privileged we feel "to have you come and stay with us. 您一定会喜欢这里"We're sure you'll feel very much at home here,你会很高兴知道,我们特地"and you'll be pleased to know为您将钢琴调好了音"we're having the Bosendorfer tuned especially.我们期待您的大驾光临"We eagerly await your innement arrival--"大驾光临,笨蛋!lmminent.你们有凯迪拉克轿车吗?I wonder if they've got a Cadillac.大驾光临"...imminent arrival并期待听到您的演奏"and look forward to hearing you play for us.祝好运"Kindest wishes, Simon and Basha Mickleburg."再念一次…Read it again! Read it again!别吵醒小宝宝Shush! You'll wake the baby.您会喜欢我们的鹦鹉"You'll enjoy the company of our parakeet还有叫玛格丽的狮子狗"and our poodle called Margaret."笨蛋才不是呢!笨蛋Pig! lt is not! Pig!够了!够了!It is too. Enough! Enough!关掉!Turn it off!把信给我!Give me the letter.大卫哪儿也不去!David is not going anywhere.爹地?Daddy.看什么看,他不会去美国What are you looking at, you fools? He is not going to America. 谁也不能毁掉这个家I won't let anyone destroy this family!求求你,爹地,别这样Please, Daddy, don't.你知道什么对你最好I know, David, what is best,因为我是你的父亲because I'm your father.我是你的父亲I'm your father,而这是你的家and this is your family!大卫!David!大卫,回来!回来!David, come back! Come back!我知道什么对他最好I know what's best.相信我Believe me.把门关上Close the door!罗老师Mr. Rosen!罗老师,我是大卫Mr. Rosen, please, it's David!罗老师!Mr. Rosen!起来吧,换我洗了Time to get out, David. It's my turn for the bath.你好点了吗?Are you feeling better now?不会冷得发抖了吧Have you stopped shivering?洗个澡对身体最好You know, a bath is always the best, David. Always the...恶心的禽兽Disgusting animal.你竟然在浴缸里大便To shit in the bath.你竟这样对我To do this to me.你这恶心的禽兽You disgusting animal!彼得!Peter我知道你听得到I know you can hear me.别这样对大卫Don't do this to David.你不能阻止他去You mustn't stop him going.不管你怎么做Whatever you do,别逼他弹拉赫曼尼诺夫don't you dare inflict bloody Rachmaninoff on him. 他还不行He's not ready!大卫,我的儿子David...my boy.你不该恨你的父亲It's a terrible thing... to hate your father.人生很残酷You know, life is cruel, but...但是音乐…but music...音乐是你一生的朋友music, it will always... always be your friend.其他的事情会让你失望Everything else... will let you down.最后每件事都会让你失望ln the end, everything, believe me, everything.别恨我,大卫Don't hate me.人生好残酷Life is cruel.不过你得求生存But you have... you have to... you have to survive. 你得求生存You have to survive.说啊Say it.你得求生存,爹地You have to survive, Daddy.你得求生存You have to survive.大卫,没有人象我那么爱你No one... will love you like me.你谁都不能信任You can't trust anyone.我会永远在你身边But I will always... be there.我会一直在你身边I will always be with you.直到永远Forever and ever.直到永远,爹地Forever and ever, Daddy.你每次为我弹奏Each time you play for me,都表达出难以言喻的情感it expresses so completely the... inexpressible. 那算好吗?Is that good?太美好了It's divine.难以言喻的美好lnexpressibly divine.没错Quite.说个故事,凯萨琳Tell me a story, Katharine.今天有什么故事?What's the story today?新的故事A new story.水滴Drops of water?雨滴?Ah...raindrops.是的,雨滴Yes, raindrops.太好了Perfect.我会保存到我死的那天I shall treasure this till the day I die.我这生的野外种籽和风中花朵"To you, all these wild weeds... "and wind flowers of my life...我将它们献在你的脚下"l bring, my Lord, "and lay them at your feet.它们并非乳香或灵药"They're not frankincense or myrrh,您是天神,耶酥和酒神"but you are Krishna, Christ, and Dionysus...您兼容并蓄,温柔和坚强"in your beauty, tenderness, and strength."最后的参赛者,大卫赫夫考That was our final contestant David Helfgott...非常精彩的拉赫曼尼诺夫with a very stirring Rachmaninoff.比赛非常接近Well, what a close contest we have,全国冠军with the national championship...取决于两位钢琴家中almost certain to go to one of the two pianists.加油,大卫Bravo, David.评审很难从两人之间分出高下I dare say it's going to be difficult for the judges... to separate them, 他们都很出色either one a worthy winner.评审现在正在讨论The judges are now conferring.这是野蛮游戏,对吧?罗杰It's a tough game, isn't it, Roger?是血淋淋的游戏It's a blood sport.各位Ladies and gentlemen...我很荣幸为您揭晓今年的I'm pleased to announce the winner...乐器及声乐大赛的胜利者of this year's instrumental and vocal competition.新的全国冠军是…Our new national champion is...罗杰伍德Roger Woodward.他是什么样的人,凯萨琳?What was he like, Katharine?你的父亲Your father.他老是忙于研究He was forever busy in his study.老是说走开,我在写稿"Go away, Kattie, I'm writing," he'd always say.有一天那时我年纪还小One day-- oh, I was very young--我气不过他I got so annoyed...于是把墨水弄倒在书桌上that I upset the ink pots all over his desk...然后在稿子上乱涂and scrawled on his work. Pages of it.他看到的时候When he saw it,气得说不出话来he just stood there seething with anger. I could feel it. 你在干什么他大吼"What are you doing?" he shouted.这时突然一片死寂Well, there was this terrible silence...我瞪着他说and I just stared at him and said,走开,爹地,我在写稿"Go away, Daddy. I'm writing."这时他冲过来把我抱得He ran at me and he picked me up...紧紧的and he cuddled me breathless.他老是说那是我第一次写作My first literary effort, he always called it.大卫,怎么了?David, what is it?英国皇家音乐学院Royal College of Music.奖学金A scholarship.大卫,那太好了Oh, David, that's marvelous.爹地不肯拥护我,凯萨琳Daddy won't cuddle me, Katharine. Oh, no.他不能阻止你,大卫He can't stop you, David.他是只发怒的狮子He's such an angry lion, Katharine.别傻了,他只是小猫咪Oh, nonsense. He's a pussycat.我会很想你的I'll miss you.这本来是给我儿子的但我要你收下These were for my son, but you better have them. 伦敦的天气很寒冷It gets very, very cold in London.你上哪儿去了?Where have you been?我错过了火车了I missed the train.那个普契尔老太婆That Prichard woman.那是什么?What is this?手套The gloves.看着我Look at me.看着我!Look at me!你以为你能为所欲为吗?And you think you can just do as you please?我想去,你不能阻止我I--I want to go, and you can't stop me.但是…But...I'm your father...我为你付出一切who has done everything for you.一切!Everything!你这冷酷无情的孩子You cruel, callous boy!你真蠢!Mum! Margaret! Stupid! Stupid--别管他Leave him. Leave him! Leave him alone.不,不,让他走Go, go! Go!你想走就走You want to go, go!我要报♥警♥I'll call the police!住手!Go! Go! Stop it!别管他,他没事Yeah, all right. Leave him. He's all right.你没事吧,大卫?Are you all right, David?你没事吧?Are you all right? Yeah?来,大卫Come on, David.他没事He's all right.我长大了,我能作主I'm old enough to make up my own mind.他想去伦敦He thinks he's going to London.我被皇家音乐学院录取了I've been accepted into the Royal College of Music.你到伦敦会怎样?What do you think is going to happen to you in London? 大卫David...如果你要去的话你就不许再回家you will never come back into this house again.你将不再是我的儿子You will never be anybody's son.你的妹妹将失去兄弟The girls will lose a brother.你想要这样吗?Is that what you want?你想毁掉这个家吗?You want... you want to destroy your family?我很抱歉I'm--I'm sorry.大卫如果你爱我你就马上住手David, if you love me, you will stop this nonsense.你不能出门You will not step out that door.大卫…David.如果你走了If you go,你将终生受到惩罚you will be punished... for the rest of your life.我的大卫My David.别去Don't go.大卫David!别逼我!Don't make me do it!他的手真巧妙He has the most fantastic hands.跟大脑一点关连都没有Not connected to anything above his shoulders.他是挺脆弱的Oh, he's a bit fragile, certainly.小萧邦Chopinzee.我看他可以参加协奏曲大赛I've seen enough to suggest that he can make the finals in the concerto trials.你看到什么了?What have you seen, Cecil?天才洋溢Moments of genius.天才?Genius?真的吗?Really.加油,大卫Come on, David.大胆的击键Boldness of attack.噢,魔鬼Diablerie.魔鬼,大卫The devil, David.不能把钢琴敲坏吧?Mustn't break the piano.李斯特敲坏过不少琴弦Liszt broke plenty of strings.是的Right. Right.快Come on.替我这只残废的手弹吧Fill in for this useless arm of mine.先弹出音符The notes first.再做诠释The interpretation comes on top of them. 是的,是的…On top, yes. Yes.你同意吧You agree, do you?是的,我没反对过Oh, yes. I always agree, Professor.这样好吗?Is that wise?不知道,好吗?I--I don't know. Is it?别忘了音符在乐谱上。




















剧本由V信公众号v i c t o r r i i d2018施工整理~排版多样~希望对您有所帮助[美、英剧、电影、纪录片] [中英纯英]台词剧本定制也可以发邮箱*****************(自动回复)———————————该信息下载后删除页眉即可,谢谢理解与支持——————————America is still going to the polls at 4:00.美国大选在下午四点仍在进行当中With some precincts opening as early as 12 this morning,各大选区于今早十二点就已经开放Voters across the country are deciding全国的选民们将最终决定Who will hold the most important office in the fr...美国总统之位究竟花落谁家Herman Phillips, Bert Cooper.赫尔曼·菲利普斯这位是伯特伦·库珀Actually, "Herman" goes on my checks.其实我只有在签名时才用这个名字People call me Duck.大家都叫我达克[与"鸭子"同音]My research says I was not to call you Duck.经验告诉我不该叫你达克You should have told me that.你应该早提醒我I don't know. I like when you say Herman.我也不知道我喜欢你叫我赫尔曼Herman was in London with Y&R.赫尔曼曾在伦敦的扬雅广告公司工作Isn't this a step down?你是辞职了吗I don't know.我不清楚Moving back to the power center of the universe, New York,回到世界权力中心纽约来And the chance to put on some weight.还能趁机增加点体重English food. I actually ate a kidney.英国菜实在不合胃口He landed American Airlines.他曾做过美国航空公司的广告案You could make something like that happen here.但愿你也可以为我们争取到这么大的客户Well, you have to spend money to make money.只有舍得投资才能有大收益So you're not promising anything.这么说你什么也保证不了咯Why would I do that?我为什么要做保证呢My goodness, he does want this job.老天他真想要这份工作I hope you play your cards close to the vest with clients.但愿你能够让客户称心如意I will keep that in mind.我会铭记在心Here's a test. Who'd you vote for?考考你你会给谁投票If I say Nixon, you'll think I'm buttering you.若我说尼克松你会觉得我在讨好你If I say Kennedy, you'll want to reform me.若我说肯尼迪你又会试图说服我改变观点So, uh, I'll say Nixon.所以我选择尼克松That's nice to see.不错Cooper has a smoker at The Waldorf at 6:00.6点钟库珀在沃尔道夫酒店有个吸烟聚会Marge told me.是玛琪告诉我的23 skidoo.快点走人吧At 6:15, we turn on the returns到6点一刻我们就可以打开电视看选举At 6:15, we turn on the returns and send for some ice.再叫点冰品和甜点来Party at the in-laws'.我要参加妻子娘家那边的聚会Another ending to a perfect day.那也算是为这一天划上完美的句号了Well, Jennifer and I were going to get tickets to Can-Can.詹妮弗和我本想去买跳康康舞的票It's empty, you know.但现在泡汤了She says apparently the phone company显然她是抽不开身is a war zone on election night.她说在选举之夜电话公司简直形同战场That's what I'm hoping for around here.我希望这里也能成为战场Although, You better hope that she's sitting at her switchboard 不过你最好指望她的确是在工作and not doing what we're doing.而不是骗你自己出去风流就像我们这样It's my wife.那可是我的妻子Besides, what if Nixon loses?更何况如果尼克松输了呢Won't that put a damper on things around here?岂不是会很扫兴Who cares? They didn't want our help.管他呢他们又不要我们操心You should care.你应该关心一下I do. It matters for the nation and for Sterling Coop.的确不论对国家还是公司都至关重要But tonight, either way.但今晚都一样If Nixon wins, we win.如果尼克松赢了当然好If Nixon loses...但万一他输了Let me console you.那就让我来抚慰你吧That's him.就是他Duck Phillips.达克·菲利普斯I know his name.我听过他的大名Because it's Duck?是因为"鸭子"这个名字很特别吗I grew up with a Tuck.我还有一个叫塔克的童年玩伴呢[又意点心]At least that has an air of dignity.至少那家伙的名字要好听的多Don took him to Cooper. That's a first.唐向库珀引见他这还是第一次呢I heard he disintegrated in London.我听说他在伦敦落得声名狼藉Got involved with some woman he met at the British Museum.和一个在大英博物馆认识的女人纠缠不清Her name was Rosetta.她是传说中的罗塞塔Rosetta Stone.罗塞塔·斯通[古埃及的罗塞塔石碑此处调侃]He's divorced. Lives in a hotel.他离了婚现在住酒店So what's this? His last stop?那他来这里干嘛最后的救命稻草吗No. He's a killer, but he's...he's damaged goods.不他是个狠角色不过是打了折扣They're bargain hunting.他们是在趁低价收揽人才He's the best one Draper's paraded around.德雷柏寻觅了一番后他是最佳人选Let's see if Cooper's smart enough to know that.只是不知道库珀够不够聪明意识到这点Can I help you?有什么需要帮忙吗What?什么Can I help you?有什么需要帮忙的吗Mr. Campbell would like to see you.坎贝尔先生想要见您Send him in.让他进来Thank you, sweetheart.谢谢甜心So that Duck fellow,达克那家伙I heard he fell apart in London.我听说他在伦敦一败涂地American Airlines.美国航空公司$7 million in billings.7百万美元的宣传花销He's not going to bring that with him.他不会把那个广告案一起带过来的Listen, Don, I don't feel听着唐我觉得你you've taken me seriously as a candidate.没有认真考虑把我作为候选人Candidate for what?什么候选人For the head of account services.客户部经理的候选人We may have had our differences,我们之间可能存在差异But Roger knows I've done everything I could to emulate him.但罗杰知道我已尽全力赶上他Roger's not involved in this.罗杰与此事无关Anything else?还有其他事吗I have the loyalty of our most important clients:公司最重要客户的对我很忠心Calvin Highland, Lee Garner.卡文·海兰和李·加勒These men trust me.这些人信任我They invite me to their grandchildren's christenings.还邀请我参加他们孙辈的洗礼When Walter Veith needed a urologist,上次瓦尔特·维夫需要一名泌尿科医生He called me for a recommendation.他也是向我征询意见Look, you're good at your job. Cooper loves you.听着你工作出色而库珀又赏识你What's the hurry?有什么急的呢It's been two and a half years.我在公司已经2年半了I could have jumped ship a hundred times.我本有多次机会可以跳槽Is that supposed to persuade me?这有什么说服力吗I have tremendous value to this company.我对这个公司有重大价值I'm aware of that.这点我很清楚But I don't think you are.但我觉得你似乎没有意识到这点I am. I just hope you realize that, the way things stand,我明白我只是希望你明白there will continue to be someone senior to you.公司需要一个比你资深的后继者Why?为什么What can they offer?他们能贡献什么呢All I'm asking is that you think about it.我只是希望你能考虑一下There are men younger than me with this job at bigger firms.其他大公司里这个职位的人甚至比我还年轻Cooper sign off on what's-his-name?他用什么名字与公司签约Duck?达克吗I'll keep you posted.有事我会通知你的He's got a big lead.现在他遥遥领先See you at the victory party in the morning.等着明早开庆祝派对吧Absolutely.那是当然Well, good night, Don.那么晚安唐He's gone!他走了Olly olly oxen free!哦列哦列自由啦- Do it. - All rightie.-来吧 -好嘞- Who's got the cups? - Oh. Sorry.-杯子呢 -噢抱歉With early returns just coming in,根据早些时候的投票结果our NBC computer is puttingNBC电视台的统计结果发现Senator Kennedy's odds for victory肯尼迪议员当选的可能性at a grim-sounding 22-1.为22比1的概率This is not good.真扫兴酒喝完了And liquor stores are closed tonight.酒铺子今晚都关门了Draper has plenty of booze.德雷柏可有不少呢We could ask her to join us.我们可以让她加入我们That might soften her up a bit.那可得费点力气才能拉拢她呢I have a bottle of absinthe in my office.我办公室里有一瓶苦艾酒Isn't that illegal?那不是违反公司规定吗It's marvelous.那可是极品美酒I become incantatory.我简直受到了魔咒的召唤And what does that mean?那是什么意思It means he starts making up words.意思是他要开始胡编乱造了Can someone freshen this?谁帮我添点酒We're not going to make it.酒肯定不够Really?真的吗If I let you into that supply closet,如果我让你到储物柜里去it is not going to be the sack of Rome.你可不能洗劫一空啊What do we have too much of?有什么经得起喝的货色吗Rum, creme de menthe,朗姆酒薄荷酒dog biscuits.还有小狗饼干May the best man win.但愿最好的人赢得选举In matters national and... local.为了广大人民和渺小私人的利益...Majority decision of the American...多数的美国人民将作出决定I made my judgment long ago.很久以前我就已作出判断Stop that. You're going to break it.别弄了你会弄坏的Look. They're doing math.看啊他们在做算术What do the numbers say?这些数字代表什么Who the president is going to be.谁将会做总统Hello.好啊Daddy! Hi!你好爸爸I wasn't expecting you.没想到你会回来I thought you were going to be watching returns at the office.我以为你会在办公室里看选举结果呢What are you doing up?你怎么还不睡Mommy said it was okay.妈妈说了没关系I'm watching the news.我在看新闻Nixon definitely won our precinct.尼克松肯定赢得了我们选区的支持You should have seen the line.你真该看看那些队伍Mommy said to ask you. What's the...妈妈要我来问你什么是...Electoral College.选举团I don't think that's a conversation appropriate for children.小孩子不适合谈论这种话题Come here.过来Do you want something to eat?你要吃点什么吗I'm going to fix a drink. You?我想喝一杯你呢I'm set.我来准备Senator Kennedy seems to be closing the gap肯尼迪议员看上去快要on the vice president's early lead.赶超副总统早先的领先差距State-by-state, Ohio, Illinois...一个接着一个州俄亥俄州伊利诺斯州Come here.过来What?怎么You better run.你最好快跑Go, Allison!快跑艾莉森White!白色Pink!粉红色You can tell me, or I can find out.你最好乖乖告诉我不然我亲自来看What color panties are you wearing?你穿什么颜色的内裤What? Oh, my G...什么我的天Blue!蓝色Who had blue?谁猜的蓝色Can I walk you home?能让我送你回去吗I used to think I'd find a husband here.我原本还想在这里找个老公呢I think I'm going to go home.我想我该回去了No, don't go. It's going to be fun.别走啊很有意思的迪克和亚当 1944年What are you doing?你在干什么Why aren't you asleep?怎么还不睡What is that?那是什么Nothing.没什么Myrna found it on the top of the closet,梅娜在橱柜顶上找到的and I didn't want to look at it.我可不想看My father has a box like that,我父亲也有一个类似的盒子and I looked at it when I was a little girl,我小时候打开看了and it was a mistake.事实证明这是个错误So you didn't open it?所以你没打开吗Peter, I don't want secrets.皮特我不想偷窥别人的秘密I can't sleep.我睡不着I know.我知道I've seen it the last few weeks.这几周来我已经注意到了You're not very quiet,你总会弄出声响来and every time I see the closet door is open 我一看到橱柜门开着and that box is gone, I know you're out here.盒子不见了我就知道你又失眠了And you never looked in the box?你从未看过盒子里的东西吗It's not yours.这不是你的东西What are you doing with it?你拿着它干什么I got it by mistake.我是不小心错拿的So give it back.那就还回去It's peculiar.这对某人来说有特殊意义It's not yours.这不属于你Come to bed.去睡吧Vice President Nixon seems to have carried尼克松副总统似乎已获得了predominantly Catholic Hudson County, New Jersey.新泽西州哈德逊郡全体教徒的压倒性支持Kinsey, you're a liar.金西你是个骗子I couldn't find any absinthe.我可没找到什么苦艾酒Who said you could go in my office?谁允许你去我办公室了We were exploring.我们只是到处逛逛But all we found was a large collection of Mad magazines 但我们倒是找到一堆疯狂杂志的收藏[美国幽默杂志]and this fascinating dramatic piece.还有这份相当戏剧性的手稿Death is My Client... Whoa.死亡是我的客户A play in one act by Paul Kinsey.保罗·金西所著的独幕剧本Give it to me.还给我"Peter Tollifson"...皮特·托里弗森"An animal in the board room and the bedroom. "不论在会议室还是卧室都是一头禽兽Kenny!肯尼Now, remember, he's angry.记住你的角色他现在很生气Why do I have to play Tollifson?为什么要我演托里弗森I wanted to be Galt.我想演伽尔特Tollifson is the hero. He thinks.托里弗森是真英雄他很有头脑Galt's a thug born on the wrong side of the tracks.伽尔特不过是个出身贫寒的暴徒You don't want to be Galt.你可不会想成为他那样的人Go ahead.开始吧I'm sorry. I don't have the pages.抱歉我没有剧本Oh. Sorry.噢抱歉Um, "I worked with Tollifson for four years.我和托里弗森共事了4年之久I shared everything, but I never knew him. "我将所有事都与他分享却从不了解他"I thought I knew him.我自以为了解他He used to talk to me. "他曾和我谈过"I can't control my genius.我无法自制自身的才华I'm not some boorish natural like that hack Cosgrove."我可不是什么天生粗鲁的庸俗文人That's crackerjack, Kinsey.相当出色啊金西"Your genius be damned. "你的才华受到诅咒"Perhaps. "也许是吧"You can make anyone buy anything.你可以说服所有人Anyone but me. "却无法说服我Turn the music down.把音量调低We now have confirmation我们现在已确定that the State of Ohio has indeed理查德·尼克松副总统gone to Vice President Richard Nixon.已完全获得俄亥俄州选民的支持Its 25 electoral votes will go in Mr. Nixon's purse. 25个选区的投票支持尼克松I'm...我I'm really tipsy.我是真的喝醉了I feel awful.我感觉很糟No, no. Uh... it was me.不是我的错I'm... I'm drunk.我喝醉了I'm happy... but not myself.我很开心却失控了I've never really seen your eyes before.我之前都没有仔细看过你的眼睛There they are.现在你看见了Just the two of them.真真切切地As Vice President Nixon's home state of California 作为尼克松的家乡continues to count ballots,加州仍在统计选票数量both candidates bid their supporters a good night.两位候选人的支持者都得以度过一个良宵Vice presidential hopeful Senator Lyndon Johnson有望继任副总统的林登·约翰逊had these words:道出以下这番话I'm very proud of the manner我感到很骄傲in which the Democratic campaign has been conducted 能够参加这场如此民主的竞选and which the people have reacted,还有民众对其的积极回应particularly in my state, the entire South,尤其是在我自己的州和整个南方and in many states...还有其他许多州What's going on?怎么了- I don't know. - ... feel, uh, very confident... -我也不清楚 -感到相当自信...It'll be all right in the morning.到了明天就好了He'll win California.他会赢得整个加州的选票...the counting that...正在统计...Turn it off.关了All Americans will be proud,所有美国人都将引以为豪and I think we have much to be proud of.而我觉得我们理应自豪I think this is one of America's finest hours.我认为这是美国史上最伟大的时刻Sit down.坐我边上No.不You can't sit down in that dress.你穿这条裙子没法坐You look so different when you're drunk.你喝醉后和平时截然不同You're not going to call me Orson Welles again.你不会再叫我沃森·威勒斯了You loved that.你不是很喜欢嘛Who wouldn't like that?又有谁不喜欢呢What did I do wrong?我做错了什么You have a big mouth.你很多嘴Joan, I never said...琼我从没有说过You have a big mouth.你真的很多嘴I do.是的I'm not proud of it.我也知道这样不好Did you like the play?你喜欢我写的剧本吗No.不The meaner you are, the more I like you.你就是喜欢你的刻薄I know.我知道Just like that?就这样吗I thought we could dance.我想我们能跳支舞1, 2, cha-cha-cha.1 2 蹦恰恰Hildy, wake up.希迪快醒醒Mm, it's cold in here.这儿真冷It is. You have to get dressed.没错你得把衣服穿上I can't find my glasses.我找不到我的眼镜了That's too bad.真是糟糕Tremendous.糟糕透了Harry?哈里Yes?怎么了I hope I didn't step on them.但愿不是我踩坏的Damn it.真见鬼There's an optometrist on Lexington.莱星顿街上有个眼镜商Great. Of course.真是太好了I don't want you to be worried.你不用有任何顾虑It didn't mean anything, okay?这没有任何意义好吗You're not drinking for taste.你又不是为了品酒才喝Don't be such babies.别孩子气了Oh, God.老天爷It's definitely not helping.这么做可没用I'm sorry. Does it offend you?不好意思冒犯到你们了吗My shirt. And my mad money. Who did this?我的衬衫和备用零钱谁干的I stole your blouse.是我偷了你的衬衫I'm not joking. I had $3.00 in here.我可没开玩笑这里本来有3美元呢If I give you $3.00, will you keep your voice down?我给你3美元你能小声点吗You're animals.你们真是禽兽I'm reporting it to building security.我要报告给大楼保安人员Striking resemblance to Broderick Crawford.简直和勃洛特·克罗福一样[著名演员]Peggy Olsen, Highway Patrol.《公路巡警》佩奇·奥尔森[由勃洛特主演的电影]I've read three different newspapers我看了三份不同的报纸with three different results.报道结果各不相同I'm sure you know something I don't.你肯定有独家内部消息吧Well, I just spent the night literally确切地说我整晚都和一群烟鬼in a smoke-filled room at The Waldorf泡在沃尔道夫酒店的房间内with every Republican luminary.和共和党的头面人物一起Save MacArthur and Jesus.老天保佑麦克阿瑟[朝鲜战争美军总司令]There's been widespread fraud.虚假消息满天飞啊Daley gave Joe Kennedy every corpse in Cook County.德利和库克县全力支持乔·肯尼迪Otherwise, Nixon wins.要不然尼克松早赢了It shouldn't have been that close.本不该这么势均力敌But it is. It always is.但偏偏如此世事总如此Those jingles.那些艺人的参与When they got Frank Sinatra,他们请来法兰克·辛纳屈的支持[著名歌手和演员]I knew they would close the gap.我就知道他们能缩小差距So what does he do now?那他现在准备怎样Walk away? Concede?一走了之妥协认输吗A recount in Illinois alone伊利诺斯州单独重点选票means 30 days without a president.导致选举结果的公布推迟30天You don't want to win like that.赢得不够体面But you want to win.但你仍想要赢He got 50% of the vote, maybe more.他拥有50%的选票甚至更多This way he lives to see another day.因此他能够笑到最后So... what happens?那发生了什么事Neil from P&G said if Kennedy is willing to buy an election,宝洁公司的尼尔称要肯尼迪收买选举he's probably willing to play ball with us.还不如让他来陪我们玩橄榄球呢Ah, the optimism of the American corporation.美国企业的盲目乐观由来已久It's a football game to them.对他们而言这只是一场球赛Doesn't seem fair.不公正的球赛Fair?何来公正可言Very good.好极了Where do you think you're going?你以为自己是去哪儿If I were you,如果我是你I would be very, very careful from now on 从现在起我就会倍加小心地about the way you speak to me.注意你和我说话的方式Can I help you?有事吗What's that?那是什么It's yours.是你的东西It came to me by mistake.我无意中拿到的Well, thanks.好吧谢了Have you reconsidered my qualifications 对于我胜任客服经理这一事for the head of account services?你有没有重新考虑呢Would it disappoint you如果说我从没考虑过if I told you it hadn't crossed my mind?你会感到失望吗I feel strange having to talk to you in this way.要以这种方式跟你谈话我也觉得有些怪异Spit it out, Campbell.有话直说吧坎贝尔I know that your name is not Donald Draper.我知道你的真实姓名不是唐纳德·德雷柏It's Dick Whitman.而是迪克·惠特曼I don't know who Donald Draper is,我不知道唐纳德·德雷柏是何方人士but according to my friend Russ但根据我在国防部的朋友at the Department of Defense,罗斯的信息Dick Whitman died in Korea in 1950,迪克·惠特曼死于1950年的朝鲜战争and Donald Draper dropped off the map.而从那时起唐纳德·德雷柏便人间蒸发Although he's 43 years old,尽管他那时已经43岁in which case you look remarkably good.相对而言你看起来年轻得不可思议That's kind of elaborate.这个故事还真是细节详尽Really?真的吗I wish I knew more.我还希望自己知道更多I bet a lot of people do.我相信有很多人都想知道真相Pete...彼得get out.滚出去You're making a fool of yourself.你是在自取其辱You can deny it.你可以尽情否认But I know it's true.但我知道这是真相I can see from your face.你的表情出卖了你You should leave.你该走了Don...唐you should think about how Bert Cooper will react 你应该考虑一下when he hears this information.伯特·库珀听到这条消息后有何反应What information?什么消息You're not who you say you are,你隐瞒自己的真实身份and there's obviously a reason.显然这其中另有隐情Come on.得了吧I would like you to reconsider my qualifications.我希望你重新考虑一下我的能力You said everything except "or else. "你似乎没有考虑过其他因素Assuming this information is true, which it isn't,自以为是地把虚假的信息当真it sounds to me like you're blackmailing me.这么说来你是在敲诈我I'm not.不是I'm hoping you'll realize that this all can be forgotten.我只希望你明白这一切完全能掩饰过去It's not like you're a deserter, is it?你不是个逃兵是吧When you threaten someone in this manner,一旦你用这种方式威胁别人you should be aware of the fact最还是早做心理准备that if your information is powerful enough确保你掌握的消息的杀伤力to make them do what you want...足够迫使别人服从你的想法What else can it make them do?不然的话会不会适得其反呢It's very simple.这很简单And it's not a threat. It's just a job.我不是威胁你只是想要份职位而已Think about it.考虑一下吧Whitman.惠特曼Yes, Sergeant.是长官What is this?这算什么This is it.就是这样的One? I'm supposed to have 20.怎么只有1个不是说好20个人吗This is going to take a month, and it should take 48 hours.那得要一个月本该48小时内完工Well, you're whining to the wrong guy, sir.你冲我抱怨也没用长官At ease.稍息Uh, this is for officers.这里是军官休息的地方You can bunk next door.你可以去隔壁睡I- I'd introduce you to the men,我很乐意把你介绍给大家认识but you're looking at the complete company.但整个连就只剩我一个了Where is everybody, sir?大家都去了哪儿长官They were gone when I got here.我到这儿时已经人去楼空I'm an engineer.我是个工程师They're in some action 5 miles over that mountain.他们去5英里外的山那边执行任务You want to go?你想去吗The answer is no.当然是不了The locals stopped showing up three days ago,近三天来渐渐不见当地人的踪影which, by the way, is not good.我是说这看上去可不妙You're going to be doing all the digging.你只能一个人挖了Digging what?挖什么Well, this unit... that's you...这个连队其实也只有你一个人will be establishing a field hospital,计划建立一座战地医院but first we're going to be但我们得先digging fighting positions on four sides.在四面八方布好阵地What are you doing here? Are you poor?你为何来这儿穷光蛋吗I volunteered.我是志愿兵You're kidding me.不是吧Well, they got me with college.他们征兵时我还在上大学But I'm three years, six months nearly a civilian.但我才三年六个月和民兵差不多I'm supposed to be building swimming pools, not latrines.我本该去造游泳池而不是什么旱厕You any good with that rifle?你会使步枪吗I wouldn't want you to mistake me for Chinese.我可不想你把我错当成中国人杀了As much practice as I've had, yes.我进行了足够的练习没问题What misconception traveled down the road是什么样的错误认识and made you want to be here?驱使你心血来潮身在此处A movie?被一部电影骗了吗No. I just wanted to leave.不我只是想离开过去的生活I'll bet you're reconsidering if this was a step up.我猜你现在已经开始后悔了吧Miss Menken,麦肯小姐Mr. Draper is here to see you.德雷柏先生来看你了Please hold my calls.如果有电话找我让他们先等着Did you run over? You're flushed.你跑过来的吗满脸通红的Let's go away.我们远走高飞吧Really? Where?真的吗去哪儿Anywhere.哪儿都可以Warmer weather?去温暖宜人的地方吗Sure.当然How about Los Angeles?洛杉矶如何Mexico? I have money.抑或是墨西哥我有钱I have money, but I have a store to run.我也有钱但我还要照顾生意Don, are you well?唐你还好吧No, I'm not.不我不好Did something else happen to Roger?罗杰又怎么了吗No.不Something happened, and...出了一些事情I want to go, and I want you to come with me,我要离开想让你和我一起走and I don't want to come back.我这一走并不打算回来What happened?怎么回事What does it matter? Isn't this what you want?这有什么你不是一直想要这样吗Of course. I've thought about it.当然我是想过My God, we've talked about it.老天我们也谈过I just...我只是I just didn't think it would happen...我只是没想到这会发生I mean, especially this way.这么突如其来I just... don't want to be without you,我只是想要你陪着我and I don't want to be here.远远离开这个地方I can't just leave.我不能就这样一走了之Maybe this weekend...到这周末再说吧Rachel.雷切尔No. This isn't how I thought it would be.不这和我想象中的大不相同What is the difference?这有什么区别We'll go somewhere else.我们会寻觅到另一个天堂We'll start over like Adam and Eve.如同亚当和夏娃那般重新开始What, are you 15 years old?什么你还是小孩子吗My father...我的父亲...Can't we be together here?我们在这儿不能在一起吗There's nothing here.我对这里毫无留恋What about your children?那你的孩子怎么办I'll provide for them.我会给他们抚养费And live in Los Angeles?你却丢下他们住在洛杉矶吗My God, you haven't thought this through.老天你根本是心血来潮I feel sick.我讨厌这样You're wrong. I know exactly what I want.你错了我已完全考虑清楚You want your children to go on without a father?你想让你的孩子在缺失父爱中成长吗You know how that felt.你能体会这种感觉Are you having an attack of conscience after all this?事到如今你反而突然良心不安了吗No. I'm watching you talk不虽然是你站在我面前说话because I feel I don't know you.但是你对我来说仿佛全然陌生You know more about me than anyone.最了解我的人莫过于你You won't even tell me what happened.你甚至都不告诉我发生了什么Why are you doing this to me?你为何要这样对待我What kind of man are you?你这样算什么Go away, drop everything, leave your life?抛弃一切远远逃离一走了之People do it every day.大家都是这样This was a dalliance, a cheap affair.只是逢场作戏你我的感情根本毫无价值Rachel, don't.雷切尔别You don't want to run away with me.你不是想和我一起远走高飞You just want to run away.你只不过想要自己一走了之You're a coward.你是个懦夫Please go now.请你走吧Get out.快走Peggy, this is my office.佩奇这是我的办公室Does this door mean nothing to you?你以为这扇门是形同虚设的吗I'm sorry, Mr. Draper.我很抱歉德雷柏先生I didn't know you were coming back. I just...我不知道你回来了我只是I just...我只是Calm down.别这样Stop it.别哭了I didn't mean to yell at you.我不是故意冲你吼Got to be some semblance of privacy left here.这里仅剩下徒有虚表的隐私了I had to get away from them all for a minute.我要远离外面那些人只一会也好Drink this.喝了吧Sonny from the elevator and some janitor...。

Reign of the Supermen《超人王朝(2019)》完整中英文对照剧本

Reign of the Supermen《超人王朝(2019)》完整中英文对照剧本

毁灭日已过去了六天It's been six months since Doomsday,整个世界仍笼罩在and the world is still shaken氪星之子卡尔-艾尔的死亡的恐慌中by the death of Kal-El of Krypton.也就是超人Better known to us as Superman.今天的嘉宾是评论员G·戈登·戈弗雷My guest is commentator,G. Gordon Godfrey.先生,您写过一篇论文Sir, you've written an editorial呼吁我们拒绝那些所谓的“超级英雄”in which you call on us to reject so-called "Supers,"并且努力成为自己的英雄and effectively become our own heroes.我们已经被入侵了,凯特We have an infestation, Cat.事态已经失去了控制It's out of control.你还在写关于新出现的神秘超人You're writing about the mysterious new Superman.哦,埃里克!Oh, Eric!听着,凯特,现实就是Look, Cat,the reality is,我们并不了解这些“超人”these are "Supermen" we know nothing about.但是他们的确在让世界变得更美好But they're actually making a difference.这话你能对神剑号♥航♥天♥飞机机组那些人说?Did they make a difference to the Excalibur Shuttle crew?我们已经有人在努力改变世界的人We already have,difference-makers.- 警♥察♥… - 应该是正义联盟跟泰坦- The police... - The Justice League, the Titans.但是,凯特,我的论文的观点But, Cat, the point of my editorial正是是时候让我们人类is to say that it's time for human beings停止依赖联盟跟泰坦to stop relying on Leagues and Titans,并且开始自我救赎and start saving ourselves.所以我们每个人都应该做自己的超人?So, we should each be our own Superman?我的意思是,这不就是那些人I mean, isn't that exactly what正在做的事吗?these guys are doing?帮我转个消息给曼海姆Get a message to Mannheim.告诉他生意都在斯奈基·多伊尔的掌控中Tell him, Snakey Doyle's got the business in-hand. 过几分钟他就来了We'll see him in five to ten.别再自欺欺人了,凯特Stop fooling yourself, Cat.“钢铁之子”已经死了The "Man of Steel" is dead.大伙都看到了尸体We saw the body.当然在它消失之前看到的Before it vanished.听着,我们甚至不知道氪星人是否会死Look, we have no idea if a Kryptonian can even die. 我的意思是,尸体上哪里去了I mean, where's the body?谁在乎Who cares?正真紧迫的问题其实是The real questions here are far more pressing.这些新来的人到底是谁?Who are these new guys?他们为什么要来这里?Why are they here?他们又来自哪里What is their place在一个没有超人的世界?in a world without a Superman?超人的统治Reign of the SuperMan我讨厌这标题I hate it!振作起来伙计们Buck up, Troupe.内容写的还可以,就是标题跟屎一样Writing's fine,just a crap headline.我们待会儿就改We'll fix it later.现在,我要角度Now, I want angles!沙利文?Sullivan?执法角度怎么样?Law enforcement angle.或者犯罪统计,“超人让我们更安全”?Crime stats. "Have the Supermen made us safer?"我喜欢,把执法角度放在九〇后板块I love it. Change "Law enforcement" to "Millennials" 把犯罪统计放在速推and "Crime stats" to "Re-tweets."超人有什么动向不?伙计们?Are the Supermen trending?Troupe?我今晚要去报导莱克斯普慈善晚会I was gonna go cover the LexCorp charity gala tonight. 错,你得报导在正义联盟的Wrong.You're covering the big launch瞭望塔的发布会of the Justice League's Watchtower.主题是“新的超人有被邀请”?Have the new Supermen been invited?伦巴德?Lombard?我真不觉得那里会有体育视角Uh, I... I don't really think there's a sports angle here. 这个好,我喜欢!肯特?I love it! Kent?我是说肯特视角I meant the Kent angle.缅怀毁灭日牺牲的人们"Missing persons following the Doomsday attack." “找寻幸存者”"The search for survivors."我记得路易斯负责这块,头I think Lois is covering it, Chief.别叫我“头”Don't call me "Chief."兰恩,你都知道什么了Lane, what have you got?见了凯撒的鬼了Great Caesar's ghost!路易斯兰恩跑哪里去了Where the hell's Lois Lane?一切都会好起来的路易斯It's okay, Lois.你还有我们We've got you.吉米收拾了下他的桌子Jimmy packed up his desk.他有个盒子,但是我还没回去过《星球日报》,自从…He has a box, but I haven't been to the Planet since...当我在那里,它总是提醒我他不在When I'm there, it just reminds me that he isn't.我应该打个电♥话♥I should've called.我想I wanted to.我只是很高兴他终于告诉你了I'm just glad he finally fessed up.要在你面前隐瞒对他来说真的很难It was such a big secret to keep from you.我也爱他I loved him too.- 我试着告诉他,但是 - 哦,亲爱的- I tried to tell him, but... - Oh, honey...他知道的He knew.我只是,我不能相信他就这么走了I just...I can't believe he's gone.那该死的格兰特女人说他可能没死He might not be if you watch that damn Grant woman. 乔纳森Jonathan!克拉克的尸体不见了Clark's body disappears,然后突然这些新超人就出现了and suddenly these new Supermen show up out of the blue. 会不会其中一个是克拉克重生?What if one of them really is Clark reborn?不可能Not possible.如果是我会知道的I would know.当然,我只是说…Of course. I just mean...还有很多未解的问题There are a lot of unanswered questions.当超人第一次出现在大都会When Superman first showed up in Metropolis,没人知道他是怎么回事nobody knew what to make of him,因为没人知道该问他什么because nobody knew what to ask him.我知道该问他什么I knew what to ask him.我知道该问这些人什么!I know what to ask these guys!抱歉,我得走了I'm sorry, I gotta go.很高兴你打电♥话♥给我I'm glad you called.很高兴你来了I'm glad you came.我希望你能帮我I was hoping you could help me.- 我跟着 - 我从没想过我们会成为竞争者- I'm following... - I never thought of us as rivals, you know. 我们是竞争者?Are we?卡尔-艾尔跟我有特殊的联♥系♥Kal-El and I had a special bond,但你是克拉克肯特生命中的挚爱but you were the love of Clark Kent's life.不管怎样我释怀了他最终已经告诉你一切了Anyway, I'm relieved he finally told you everything.很现实他并没有告诉我“一切”Apparently he didn't.我很抱歉,作为一个亚马逊人I'm sorry. For an Amazon,我在这里几乎没有什么女性朋友I have surprisingly few girl friends here.所以,我在这方面很差劲So, I'm bad at this.没关系的,我也没有很多女性朋友It's okay. I don't have many girl friends either.不管怎样,我叫你来的原因是Anyway, the reason I called is that我在跟进新的超人的故事I'm following the story on the new Supermen我希望and I was hoping that你或者联盟有关于这些人的内部消息you or the League might have some inside information on these guys. 匿名,深后台Anonymous, deep background,就当是帮助我指导我的工作just to help me direct my efforts.所以,你邀我来这里不是跟你一起悲伤?So, you didn't invite me here to grieve with you?作为朋友?As friends?说实话,不是Not really, no.感谢赫拉!Thank Hera!不考虑我的名声,我在矫情方面真的很差劲Despite my reputation, I'm not good at being touchy-feely.路易斯,在超人上我真的没有什么能给你的信息Lois, I don't have anything for you on the Supermen.真希望我有I wish I did.私下告诉你Off the record,自从我们失去了卡尔,联盟削瘦了很多the League's been stretched very thin since we lost Kal.我不觉得世界意识到I don't think the world realized他们有多依赖他how much they depended on him.我知道这种感觉I know the feeling.不,我很抱歉,路易斯No. I'm sorry, Lois.- 我不该… - 没关系的- I didn't... - That's fine.真的Really.能很理解的人谈一谈真的很高兴It feels good to talk to someone who understands. 我很抱歉劳烦你新超人的问题I'm sorry to bother you about the new Supermen. 当我没问过Forget I asked.这话我只跟你说Just between us,我喜欢戴面罩的那个性子野的I like the brutal one with the visor.不过我心里已经有人了But apparently I have a type.还有什么能提供给你们可爱的小姐的?Anything else I can get for you lovely ladies?冰激凌Ice cream.呃,也许你在女性朋友方面Hmm. Maybe you're not so bad也没这么差劲啦at the girl friend thing after all.你也是,路易斯兰恩And you, Lois Lane,你有一颗亚马逊人的心have the heart of an Amazon.你想搭便车不?So, you wanna share a ride?感谢,不过我有自己的车Thanks,I've kinda got my own.你介意不?Would you mind?我们应该什么时候再聚一次We should do this again sometime.路易斯,我知道为了治愈Lois, I know in order to heal,你需要解决这些超人的谜团you need to solve the mystery of these Supermen.但是你要确保在过程中不失去了自我Just make sure you don't lose yourself in the process.出事了?Something wrong?没,一切都在计划中No. Everything's on schedule.他只是有点辣手He's just a little...Handsy for me.他肯定从你身上学来的。



《盗梦空间》女星Ellen Page出柜演讲全文《盗梦空间》女星Ellen Page出柜演讲全文Hello! Wow. Thank you.Thank you Chad, for those kind words and for the even kinderwork that you and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation do every day—especially on behalf of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people here and across America.It’s such an honor to be here at the inaugural Time to THRIVE conference. But it’s a little weird, too. Here I am, in this room because of an organization whose work I deeply admire. And I’msurround ed by people who make it their life’s work to make other people’s lives better— profoundly better. Some of you teach young people—people like me. Some of you help young people heal and to find their voice. Some of you listen. Some of you take action. Some of youare young people yourselves…in which case, it’s even weirder for a person like me to be speaking to you.It’s weird because here I am, an actress, representing—atleast in some sense—an industry that places crushing standards on allof us. Not just young people, but everyone. Standards of beauty. Of a good life. Of success. Standards that, I hate to admit, have affected me. You have ideas planted in your head, thoughts you never had before, that tell you how you have to act, how you have to dress and who you have to be. I have been trying to push back, to be authentic, to follow my heart, but it can be hard.But that’s why I’m here. In this room, all of you, all of us, can do so much more together than any one person can do alone. And I hope that thought bolsters you as much as it does me. I hope the workshops you’ll go to over the next few days give you strength. Because I can only imagine that there are days—when you’ve worked longer hours than your boss realizes or cares about, just to help a kid you know can make it. Days where you feel completely alone. Undermined. Or hopeless.I know there are people in this room who go to school every day and get treated like shit for no reason. Or you go home and you feellike you can’t tell your parents t he whole truth about yourself. Beyond putting yourself in one box or another, you worry about the future. About college or work or even your physical safety. Trying to createthat mental picture of your life—of what on earth is going to happen to you—can crush you a little bit every day. It is toxic and painful and deeply unfair.Sometimes it’s the little, insignificant stuff that can tear you down. I try not to read gossip as a rule, but the other day a website ran an article with a picture of me wearing sweatpants on the way to the gym. The writer asked, “Why does [this] petite beauty insist upon dressing like a massive man?”Because I like to be comfortable. There are pervasive stereotypes about masculinity and femininity that define how we are all supposed to act, dress and speak. They serve no one. Anyone who defies these so-called ‘norms’ becomes worthy of comment and scrutiny. The LGBT community knows this all too well.Yet there is courage all around us. The football hero, Michael Sam. The actress, Laverne Cox. The musicians Tegan and Sara Quinn. The family that supports their daughter or son who has come out. And thereis courage in this room. All of you.I’m inspired to be in this room because every single one of you is here for the same reason.You’re here because you’ve adopted as a core motivation the simple fact that this world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort to be less horrible to one another. If we took just 5 minutes to recognize each other’s beauty, instead of a ttacking each other for our differences. That’s not hard. It’s really an easier and better way to live. And ultimately, it saves lives.Then again, it’s not easy at all. It can be the hardest thing, because loving other people starts with loving ourselves and accepting ourselves. I know many of you have struggled with this. I draw upon your strength and your support, and have, in ways you will never know.I’m here today because I am gay. And because… maybe I can make a difference. To help others have an easier and more hopeful time.Regardless, for me, I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility.I also do it selfishly, because I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission. I suffered for years because I was scared to be out. My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered. And I’m standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of all that pain. I am young, yes, but what I have learned is that love, the beauty of it, the joy of it and yes, even the pain of it, is the most incredible gift to give and to receive as a human being. And we deserve to experience love fully, equally, without shame and without compromise.There are too many kids out there suffering from bullying, rejection, or simply being mistreated because of who they are. Too many dropouts. Too much abuse. Too many homeless. Too many suicides. You can change that and you are changing it.But you never needed me to tell you that. That’s why this was a little bit weird. The only th ing I can really say is what I’ve been building up to for the past five minutes. Thank you. Thank for inspiring me. Thank you for giving me hope, and please keep changing the world for people like me.Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you.。



穷中成长。后来温弗莉搬到纳什维尔与父 亲一起生活。1971年,温弗莉赢得了田纳西 州立大学的全额奖学金,在该大学学习演 讲及表演艺术。温弗莉19岁就读于田纳西州 立大学时,成为一档电视新闻节目的主持 人。1976年,她成为纳什维尔WTVF电视台 新闻节目主持人。
嘉宾,而是自己一个人站在台上分享了她的 人生经验。5月25日之后,陪伴美国观众走 过25载的《奥普拉-温弗瑞秀》将彻底告别 荧屏。明年,奥普拉将在自己的电视网 OWN上推出新节目。

Ⅱ. 历史
1. 1984年,奥普拉·温弗莉在芝加哥主持WLS 电视台的脱口秀节目《芝加哥早晨》并迅 速窜红;
Thank you!
5. 奥普拉在节目中专访过很 多世界顶级明星:
比如流行音乐之王Michael Jackson、著名流行天后 惠特尼·休斯顿等,她还 采访过美国阿拉斯加州前 州长、曾经是共和党副总 统候选人的萨拉·佩林。
Ⅳ. 形式
1. 该节目形式上也更为灵活,有时前半部分 探讨一个社会问题,后半部分则邀请一位 明星作访谈。
之前,奥普拉曾表示要到年底才宣布消息, 以便给电视台时间为“后奥普拉时代”的节目做 计划。
Ⅷ. 奥普拉其人
奥普拉·温弗莉(Oprah Winfrey, 1954年1月29日),美国电视脱口 秀节目主持人、演员及制片人, 其电视脱口秀节目赢得了最高收 视率。她的非常流行的全国联播 日间脱口秀节目,因其随意和煽 情的形式而闻名。温弗莉的主持 风格有同情、真诚、直率的特点, 因此吸引了世界范围内数百万计 的观众。



美国脱口秀节目竟现“杀光一切中国人”言辞美国广播公司(ABC)本月16日播出的深夜脱口秀节目中,一名儿童在答复主持人吉米·凯梅尔(Jimmy Kimmel)的发问,美国怎么归还欠我国的1.3万亿美元时,信口开河,“要绕到地球另一边去,杀光我国人”。






















主流和非主流的结合, 90后的幽默+非90后的深刻.年轻人自己的特别急智脱口秀!蓝志小缪为您带来网络特别原创爆笑急智口才—[什么脱口秀]路比整理说明:蓝缪,特别是蓝志,20岁很难得的口才,想了解他们的口才一定要听他们强大现场,主要是急智临场超强,从不拿稿子,笑料都是不定的,说不完的,可又不是低级的.以下只是收录主节目中的部分蓝缪原创经典搞笑非低级语录和包袱.比某些自以为很搞笑的高雅小丑强多了2010-6-15 15:17 回复woshigcw6位粉丝2楼序:十年寒窗,一朝分娩。




2个美汁源活动受邀短片:1.蓝:下面我们用最热烈的掌声就不用了吧.2.蓝:因为喜欢上了小缪,我彻底告别同性恋.3.蓝:我们这个节目是反法西斯的,一般流氓都是这么给自己找自信的4.蓝:我是史蒂夫·马丁·蓝志,本节目由蓝志手机独家赞助播出,蓝志手机,手机中的缝纫机.5.蓝:他毕业于中央音乐学院耳鼻喉科系.6.蓝;歌手朱浩从《快乐男声》到《超级女声》这个路走得是,手术做得也辛苦7.蓝:小缪他的播音很出色,他是赞比亚电视台下放的.8.蓝:他喜欢打篮球,他的本垒打打得最好9.蓝:我从东土大唐而来前往西天求取圣经10.蓝:他们家很有钱,他爸是联通的,他妈是移动的... 缪:他妈是移动的?...第1-8期:蓝志:1.蓝:我们没有什么目标,无非就是抱着走向中国,冲向世界迈向宇宙。



]和取笑缪:我是正直的人,不是臭流氓蓝:你是正直的臭流氓缪:蜗居是出口转内销的蓝:想耍帅,留发型学了木村,学了无数大明星,还是张卫健适合我3.蓝:我从来不吃垃圾食品,都宅急送的KFC和M哪个好这问题从川岛芳子被毙时就讨论了.蓝:中国四大美食:盐水鸭,山东鹅,广东狗,肯德基.蓝:要比KFC和M哪个好,先比最重要的,就是哪个小姐好看.再比哪个吸管多. 缪:那么多吸管干嘛? 蓝:嘬死用蓝:肯德基的小姐要比麦当劳的小姐长的都不怎么样.蓝:大堂经理才好看,为了让她出来要等售货小姐出错.缪:肯德基最有名的当然是鸡蓝:他只剩鸡了.蓝:综上手术[综上所述],KFC吃完手是臭的,M吃完手是香的,发现了吗.缪:肯德基的可口可乐要比麦当劳的百事可乐好喝.缪:这局平手好吗蓝:好,1比10,我10 缪:... 蓝;你下一回1, 好吗缪:还下一回...缪:真相永远只有一个蓝:是的,事实可以有好几个4.蓝演讲:我从来不看奥特曼,毒害着年轻一代,幼稚,低俗,这就是**军国主义对我们的软侵略啊!这是多么不堪的现状!当然,我也看过,每当夜深人静的时候,我也会打开电脑寻找下载。

2011高考英语 奥普拉脱口秀25年全剧终“告别秀”星光云集阅读素材

2011高考英语 奥普拉脱口秀25年全剧终“告别秀”星光云集阅读素材

2011高考英语奥普拉脱口秀25年全剧终“告别秀〞星光云集阅读素材Oprah Winfrey wiped away tears as celebrity after celebrity surprised her during a farewell double-episode taping of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" that will precede her finale. "Thank you is not enough, but thank you," Winfrey told the crowd of 13,000 gathered at Chicago's UnitedCenter on Tuesday night for "Surprise Oprah! A Farewell Spectacular." "For your love and your support, thank you." The crowd gave Winfrey a standing ovation when she first walked on the stage. Then the stars came out, with Winfrey's producers making good on their promise of the biggest celebrities of movies, music and television. Aretha Franklin sang "Amazing Grace." Tom Hanks acted as host for the evening. Michael Jordan, who led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships during the 1990s, told Winfrey she inspires him. Tom Cruise, famous for his couch jumping on Winfrey's show, was there. And Madonna said she is among the millions of people who are inspired by Winfrey. 奥普拉近日录制了告别秀特别节目《奥普拉惊喜巨献》,分为两期,将在最后一期脱口秀之前播出。

















/【Ellen show】美国传奇人物Ellen DeGeneres星路历程来自: yolanda(love ellen) 2010-11-15 17:51:25Ellen DeGeneres 艾伦•德杰尼勒斯一、基本信息性别:女全名:Ellen Lee DeGeneres英文名:Ellen DeGeneres生日:1958年1月26日星座:水瓶座国籍:美国身高:171cm二、人物生平艾伦•德杰尼勒斯,出生于一个新奥尔兰一个中产阶级家庭。








Ellen有点特殊,虽然曾经和男生约会,甚至差点和男朋友Ben Heath结婚。



但是她职业的第一次突破是在1986年(28岁),在Johnny Carson的秀里面表演了一段名为《给上帝打电话》的脱口秀。





我得仔细思量I've really got to use发挥我的想象My imagination给自己找个借口To think of good reasons继续好好活着To keep on keepin′ on妥善地处理Got to make the best这糟糕的境遇Of a bad situation自从那天Ever since that day我醒来发现I woke up and found你已远走高飞That you were gone黑暗吞噬了我Darkness all around me太阳也黯淡了光芒Blackin out the sun老友来续Old friends call me我却无话可说But I just don't feel like talkin to anyone 拉芙蕾丝空虚拉扯着我Emptiness has found me不愿放我回去And it just won't let me go苟延残喘活着I go right on livin'不知有何意义But why I just don't know女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen,期盼已久的时刻就要到了the moment we've all been waiting for, 根据真实事件改编有请我们的女神the one,独一无二的琳达·拉芙蕾丝the only Linda Lovelace!-你叫什么 -琳达·拉芙蕾丝- What's your name? - Linda Lovelace.我是说你真名叫什么I meant what's your real name?这就是我的真名That's my real name.在成为有史以来第一个超级艳星之前So what did you do before你是做哪行的you were the first ever pornographic film superstar?做为性革命宣传海报的封♥面♥女♥郎♥ How does it feel to be the poster girl性革命指1960年代美国关于性解放的革命你有何感想for the sexual revolution?色情作品《深喉》The pornographic film Deep Throat上映不久便坐上最受欢迎和has become one of the most popular最高票房♥的色情电影宝座and profitable blue movies of all time.今日曼哈顿法庭裁定本片为淫秽片Today a Manhattan criminal court judge ruled the film obscene并强制纽约所有电影院下档此片and ordered it removed from theaters in New York City.这真是个奇怪的国度是吧This is kind of a strange country, isn't it?法官们能看深喉Judges can see Deep Throat,但却听不进那些证词but they can't listen to those tapes.深喉一部题材新颖的电影Deep Throat, a trendsetting film that让色情作品进入流行文化中brought pornography into popular culture.你的原名是琳达·伯尔曼How did you become Linda Lovelace in the first place,为什么当时要改叫琳达·拉芙蕾丝?if you were born as Linda Boreman?我觉得你能成为明星I think you can be a star,我指的不是艳星那种and I don't mean just an adult-movie star.而是真正的明星I mean a real star.你是叫琳达·拉芙蕾丝吗Is your name Linda Lovelace?开诚布公点吧So tell me,真正的琳达·拉芙蕾丝是什么样的who's the real Linda Lovelace?你是不是给了我暗示Is just give me some kind of sign, girl1970年佛罗里达州戴维镇我的宝贝Oh my baby让我知道你是我的Show me that your mine, girl别派茜别这样No! Patsy! Come on.神圣小姐琳达·拉芙蕾丝就读天主教学校的时候同学替她取的绰号♥ 别假惺惺了神圣小姐Jeez! Come on, Miss Holy Holy.你想要晒出一条黑线吗You want to get tan lines?到时你就会感谢我了You're gonna thank me later.你真的睡了那帅哥吗So have you slept with that guy yet?别瞎猜派茜No. Patsy, come on.别假正经了你都21岁了Don't be such a prude. You're 21 years old.假正经我怎么假正经了Prude? How am I a prude?上次就被狠狠教育了I think I've learned my lesson还全都拜你所赐that one time, thank you very much.你可以换个体♥位♥的There are other things that you can do.我都对你无语了Ugh. I don't even know how to talk to you anymore. 那个...那个太恶心了Seriously, that's disgusting.太恶心了That's disgusting.-琳达 -那是你妈吗- Linda! - Shit, is that your mom?你不是说她在上班吗I thought you said she was work.-琳达 -拿着- Linda. - Take this, please.-好的 -灭掉- Yeah. - Put it out.琳达你在后院吗Linda, are you out back?搞什么啊这里是暴露狂的殖民地吗Honestly, what is this, a nudist colony?-看你穿成什么样了 -妈- What are you wearing? - Ma!快进屋Get in the house.热舞轮滑准备好没大家都滑得很快OK? 'Cause everybody's going fast.-好没 -好了- Ready? - Ready.-小心点啊 -我只能看到你的屁屁- Careful. - All I can see is your butt.妈妈呀Oh, my God!乐队不错但少了些什么Cool band. They're missing something, though,-不觉得吗 -比如什么- don't you think? - Like what?-热舞♥女♥郎 -你自愿加入吗- Go-go dancers. - You volunteering?来啊美女Come on, babe.屁♥股♥扭起来啊Move your hips!用心感受Feel it!-我真想... -再来一次- Actually, like... - Do that again.-才不是呢 -瞧你刚那骚样- I know. I don't think so. - You enjoyed it.我得好好休息一周了I need, like, a week off.-你俩刚扭的很棒 -谢谢- You two move pretty good up there. - Thanks.想不想做点职业表演You ever think about doing that professionally?当然...想Yeah, right.维加斯的舞♥女♥们一晚能赚两三百Yeah! Dancing girls in Vegas, they make two or 300 bucks a night. 什么有谁会付那么多钱看我跳舞What? Ha. Someone would pay that much to see me dance?我就会啊I would.对了我叫查克·特雷诺I'm Chuck Traynor, by the way.-我叫派茜 -我叫琳达- I'm Patsy. - Linda.-抽烟不 -来根吧- You guys smoke grass? - Yeah, sure.派茜我到点回家了Patsy, I have to go home now.就抽一小口来嘛It's a little bit of grass. Come on, babe.好吧Ok.不用了谢谢I'm good.1969年11月尼克松关于越战著名演讲《沉默的大多数》我与你们的希望In accordance with your hopes,你们的关注mindful of your concerns,你们的祈祷一致sustained by your prayers,-谢谢晚安 -谢了老婆- thank you, and good night. - Thanks, honey.尼克松总统全国电视演讲直播由...President Nixon addressing the nation live from... 爸妈拜晚点见我出去了Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. See you later. I'm going.琳达Linda!你这是要去哪Where do you think you're going?去海边The beach.很晚了It's dark.你穿的都是些什么And what on earth do you have on?-那里有个派对 -谁举办的- It's a party. - And whose party is it?我和派茜还有她男友雷一起去Uh, I'm going with Patsy and her boyfriend Ray. 还有雷的一个朋友It's a friend of his.这个雷是做哪行的And what does this Ray do?我怎么知道啊I don't know, Ma.难不成我去逼他去做问卷调查It's not like I made him fill out a questionnaire.好像派茜说过他是调酒师I think Patsy said he was a bartender, all right? 我和他们说过But I did tell them that我11点要准时到家I had to be home by 11:00 on the nose.晚一秒钟我都会打电♥话♥告诉你Any later, and I'll call you,我发誓swear to God.早点回来宝贝See you, sweetheart.《法国贩毒网》[1971年]The French Connection.看过吗You know that one?-那大帅哥演的吗 -是的- The one with that guy? - Exactly.老天啊看完后我都蒙了My God, I was so stoned when I saw that. 完全不知道发生了什么事I couldn't figure out what was going on. 真希望能有字幕I kept expecting there to be subtitles.-可惜没字幕 -是的- Yeah, there weren't. - No, I know.结果发现他们讲的竟然是美语They were speaking American.电影都放一半了No, but by the time I figured that out,我才焕然大悟it was, like, halfway through the movie. 我们去裸泳咯Hey, guys. Let's go skinny-dipping.不了我要回家了No! I gotta go, so...-不是吧 -没办法啊- What? - Yeah.你真扫兴You're such a drag.那我可要去了We're gonna go. Whoo!快脱我下水了Come on. I'm going in!快跳下去Jump in!-你不想下水玩玩 -是啊- You don't dig the ocean? - No.不知道I don't know.怎么了What?-你咬了我 -有吗- You bit me. - I did?-有 -才没有呢- Yeah. - No, I didn't.没关系It's cool.你不会觉得我扫兴吧You don't think I'm a drag?一点都不觉得呢Well, I don't think you're a drag at all.-真的 -当然啦- No? - No way.谢谢载我回来Thanks for the ride home.等等等等Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait! Come on!等下嘛Come on!上车后你就没说过一句话了You haven't said a word since we got in the car. 和我说说You can tell me.你怎么了嘛What is it? What's going on?这样的Ok.我之前怀过孕I got pregnant.去年生了下来And I had a baby last year,所以我们从扬克斯搬来这里and that's why we moved here from Yonkers. 那你的宝宝现在在哪Where's this... Where's this baby now?我也不知道I don't even know.我妈把他送人收养了My mom put him up for adoption.她告诉孩子的割礼协议都签过了She told me I was signing circumcision papers. 操Damn.我想见见你的父母I'd like to meet your folks.-真的 -我觉得他们会喜欢我的- Really? - I think they'd dig me.不会他们谁都不喜欢No, they don't dig anybody.他们连自己都不喜欢They don't even dig themselves.我和你打个赌Listen, I'll make you a bet.你让我来你家吃饭You have me over for dinner,等到晚上离开时and by the end of the night,如果他们说了if they say,这小伙真不错"What a lovely young man,"-那我就赢了 -你想赢什么- then I win. - What do you win?你就得去我家过夜了You spend the night at my house.如果他们不喜欢你我又能赢什么呢And if they don't, what do I win?允许你去我家过夜You spend the night at my house.好的亲这OK. Right there.上帝感谢您为我们提供食物Lord, make us thankful for these感谢您对我们的所有祝福阿门and all our many blessings. Amen.-阿门 -阿门- Amen. - Amen.查克再次感谢你送来这么艳丽的花朵Chuck, I'd like to thank you again for those lovely flowers. 这是我的荣幸My pleasure.琳达说你之前服过役Linda tells us that you were in the service.是的在海军陆战队Yes, ma'am, Marine Corps.我老公伯尔曼也参加过二战Mr. Boreman was in World War II.是吗你也在陆战队吗Oh, yeah? You in the Corps?不陆军多数时间待在意大利No, Army. Italy, mostly.我那时驻扎在韩国I was stationed in Korea.我赢过两次射击比赛冠军I won a couple of marksmanship competitions,但这也只是我所经历过的枪林弹雨了but that's about all the action I ever saw.我赌你若上战场一定很英勇I bet you would have been brave, though.和你♥爸♥爸一起服役的那些兄弟The guys that served with your father,他们是我见过的最勇敢的人了they're some of the bravest men that I ever met.那你现在做什么呢So, what do you do now?-我经营一家酒吧和餐馆 -不错- I own a bar and restaurant. - That's interesting.是哪种类型的酒吧餐馆呢What kind of bar and restaurant?就有些美食和美女Just good food and pretty waitresses.伯尔曼先生您在哪高就呢What do you do for work, Mr. Boreman?搬来佛罗里达州之前我是名警♥察♥I was a cop in New York before we moved to Florida. 现在在机场做保安Now I do security at the airport.伯尔曼的事迹多得很呢查克Mr. Boreman has a million stories, Chuck.是吗Is that right?约翰尼快去厨房♥热热牛奶Johnny, you better go in the kitchen and warm his milk. 热牛奶马上去Milk. OK.琳达马克杯放到水槽上面Mugs are above the sink, Linda.-天哪 -别管他们- Jesus. - Forget about them.-好吧 -来吧- Yeah, right. - Yeah.你在哪呢你在哪呢宝贝Where are you? Where are you right now? 我和你在一起呢I'm with you.这才是我的宝贝Yeah, that's my girl.你是我的宝贝是吗You're my girl, hmm? Right?他们不会自己吃你个笨蛋They don't eat with their hands, you dope. -说 -我...我是- Say it. - I... I'm...我是你的宝贝I'm your girl.还没弄好吗琳达How's it coming out there, Linda?快了妈Uh, almost there, Ma!电影几点结束What time's the movie get out?不是说过了吗 10点半I told you, 10:30.11点前到家Be home at 11:00.知道了I know.看起来是个不错的小伙Seems like a nice young man.真正点啊Oh, right. Um...盖着嘛Just cut it out.紧张什么哦What are you so uptight about?我那伤疤很恶心My scar. It's gross.来吧像你这样狐媚的女孩Come on. Foxy girl like you该都挺喜欢炫耀自己的身体should love to show off her body.来嘛来嘛给我看看Come on. Come on. Let me see.来嘛我看看它Come on. Let me see it.-很恶心 -看看嘛- It's gross. - Please?这个吗这个小伤吗This is it? This little thing?丑死了我很讨厌它It's ugly. I hate it.怎么因为它让你很不同不完美吗Why? 'Cause it's different? 'Cause it's not perfect?那些待在郊区整天怨天尤人的白♥痴♥All those uptight idiots in the suburbs,那些和你妈妈去教堂的一丘之貉All those cookie-cutter robots that your mama goes to church with. 全都去死吧Screw 'em.去你♥妈♥的♥Screw 'em.因为现在和你'Cause this and you.干这事才是要紧事Mmm, are beautiful.我喜欢你脸上的雀斑Hey. I love your freckles.你回来晚了You're late.走吧宝贝Come on, baby.继续继续停To... Keep going. Keep going. Boom.再来一点And here we go.你混了好多玛格丽塔You put a lot of margarita mix in there. 来杯玛格丽塔吧Margarita?谢了Thanks.-你喜欢看色情片吗 -还行- You like porno? - I like some.我看得出你很喜欢You like 'em.-才不呢 -我看得出- No. - I can tell.-你非常喜欢 -不喜欢- Yeah, you do. - I don't.-绝对喜欢 -真的不喜欢- Yeah. - I don't actually.相信我Trust me.-我喜欢你的 -你干嘛啊- I love your... - What are you doing?琳达不会介意的放心吧But Linda won't mind. She's cool.我是你就绝对不过去I wouldn't go in there if I were you.-天啊 -自♥拍♥影片- Oh, my God. - Home movie.我爸妈带着我看过一次My parents took one of me once,不过和这一点都不像but it didn't look like this.我知道I bet.我之前从未看过色情片I've never seen a porno before.让你兴奋了吗Is it turning you on?乖女孩才不会看呢Good girls don't do that stuff.你什么时候成了乖女孩了Oh, 'cause you're a good girl?我能看出来你是个乖女孩I can tell you're such a good girl.所以我才爱你我的乖女孩That's what I love about you. You're such a good girl.来嘛Come on.我不喜欢I don't want to.不喜欢是因为你口♥活♥技术不好You know, maybe that's 'cause you're not any good at it.-来吧你会喜欢上的 -骗人- Come on. You're gonna love it. - Really?我难道会喜欢把自己憋死吗I'm gonna like it? Choking myself?我教你还记得我怎么教你戒烟的吗I could teach you. Remember how I got you to quit smoking? 是啊你要催眠我吗Yeah. You gonna hypnotize me?都是一样的身心控制技术It's the same mind-body control technique.要来吗Yeah?我不看Out of sight. Ah!你的思想已经给我控制了Hey, your mind has control.来再深一点来吧Come on. A little more. There you go.含进去就这样Take it in. That's right.别忘了呼吸来Don't forget to breathe. Come here.别忘了呼吸Don't forget to breathe, OK?你学会了继续吧You got it. OK? Go.恭喜你查克·特雷诺夫人Congratulations, Mrs. Chuck Traynor.我还从未和已婚男人做过呢I've never done it with a married man before.-我也没和已婚女人做过 -好样的- Me neither. - Good.六个月后-你好 -是我- Hello. - Hi. It's me.你在哪你知不知道我有多担心Where are you? I've been really worried about you.带上点钱来接我Get some money, and come get me.-我给拘留了 -别搞笑了- I'm in jail. - Very funny.可以走了女士Here you go, ma'am.发生什么事了查克What happened, Chuck?我怎么说的What did I say?但这次不一样But this is different.你说永远不要过问你的工作You said never ask about your work.我就这么说的That's right.有些女孩在那接了客Some girls were turning tricks out back.你是说她们在卖♥♥淫吗What do you mean by... Prostitution?是的琳达我那是间情♥色♥吧Yeah. Linda, it's a titty bar.你以为她们靠什么生存最低工资吗What do you think these girls live off? Minimum wage? 等等警♥察♥会来审问我吗Wait. The cops gonna come ask me questions?不会不会不会No. No, no, no, no, no, no, baby.妻子是不能指证丈夫的Wives can't testify against husbands.我需要的只是钱Hey. Look, all I need is money.付了你的保释金后我只有30多了Look, after paying your bail, I have, um, $32, $33.琳达我说的不是这个钱Linda, real money.我说的是给税务局和迈阿密警♥察♥的钱It's the IRS and the Miami PD,都在不断的增加and it's all just that shakedown.-你有足够的钱吗 -是我们- Do you have enough? - "We."宝贝我们有足够的钱吗Baby, do we have enough, right?没有我们没有No, we don't.-暂时没有 -那我们要怎么办- Not yet. - So, what are we gonna do?B&A电影工作室玛丽有一只毛如白雪的小羊仔Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow, 不管玛丽走到哪and everywhere that Mary went小羊仔就跟到哪the lamb was sure to go.怎么样Yeah, right?不错不错That... That was great.-我说过了吧怎样 -确实说过- Did I tell you, or what, right? - You did. You told us.宝贝街角那有间店Sweetheart, there's a little diner on the corner.不如你下去帮我们买♥♥四杯咖啡吧Why don't you run down, grab us four coffees, regular? -好的 -没问题吧- OK. - All right?-在街角吗 -是的- On the corner? - Yeah.-谢谢 -演的很棒- Thanks a lot, darling. - Beautiful work.老天啊查克刚那是什么Jesus fucking Christ, Chuck. What the fuck was that?她知道试镜的是什么角色吗Does she even know what she was auditioning for?我知道她还是新手I know. I know. She's new at this professionally.我可以给你们瞧瞧她厉害的地方I could show you this thing.查克她很可爱超级可爱Well, Chuck, she's really cute. She's adorable.破烂娃娃美国著名童书人物她就像性感般的破烂娃娃She's like a sexy Raggedy Ann or something.可爱的雀斑Cute freckles.她满脸雀斑真...Really dug her freckles. It was very...但在这行我不知道But, you know, for this industry, I don't... I don't know.你不知道什么杰瑞You don't know what, Jerry?直接说吧Go ahead. Be honest.重点是我们拍的是幻想系列片No, look, the point is, we traffic in fantasy here.她很纯真Yeah, she's very real,就像邻家女孩一样纯真the kind of girl you sit next to her in class.在街上遇到她就会不由自主想入非非You see her out on the street, you want to ball her.但你有见过这样的女孩拍这种片吗But, you know, you've seen the girls that come in and do this now. 像这种女孩都该去做医生什么的I mean, they've all been to the surgeon.你也不能用点燃的烟头烫她们I mean, you can't light your cigarette around 'em.你会害怕她们的奶♥子♥You're afraid their tits are gonna go up直直地耸立着like the Hindenburg or something.琳达的奶♥子♥很挺Linda has tits.是的她有而且还超挺呢She does. Nice ones, too.但这不是重点Not the point.今时不同往日It's not like the old days,以前架设一部摄影机you know, where you just point a camera找两人滚床单可以称为艺术at two people screwing, and you call it art.现在观众很难伺候了I mean, the audiences expect a lot more.她是很漂亮但我们需要更风♥骚♥的She's beautiful, but, you know, more pizzazz.-是的要更风♥骚♥ -打断下- We need more pizzazz. - No offense.我来解释解释杰瑞说的意思吧I'm gonna show you what Jerry's talking about.-我...-尼克进来一下- No, I... - Nicky, come here for a sec.我想给你看看我们自♥拍♥的影片I want to show you this... I want to show you this movie we made. 看这种才是标准Now, this is the prototype, right?色鬼都喜欢巨胸金发女郎People want blonde hair, huge tits,还要有手感好的翘臀and a nice, beautiful round ass.我们的挑选标准可是很严苛的It's the harsh reality of our chosen profession.你极具潜力啊尼克Dynamite work, Nicky.谢谢你布奇Thanks, Butch.我放给你们看I'm gonna show you this.查克我们是用35毫米胶片拍摄的Chuck, we are making a movie here on 35 millimeter.杰瑞甚至都写好剧本了Jerry even wrote a script.-共42页纸 -瞧 42页纸啊- Forty-two pages. - You hear that? Forty-two fucking pages.这部戏是要放到电影院上映的This thing is gonna be in theaters,这才是人们想看到的and, look, people want what they want.查克那女孩Chuck, your girl,小巧可爱但没翘臀啊she's cute, she's skinny. She's got no hips.她来主演就像拍摄一部没有打斗的战争片It's like making a war movie without the fighting. 奶♥子♥和翘臀才是战斗的精华Tits and ass, that's the action.查克我不愿你流浪街头但她不行Chuck, I don't want to bum you out. Can she type? 要不我帮她找份坐办公室的工作吧Maybe I could find some work for her in the office. 看快看Look at this! Look at the...我懒得看听我说I don't care about this. Listen to me.她没有我刚说的那些查克I know she doesn't have it. Chuck.-快看啊 -刚也看过她的试镜了- Look at that! - We just saw what she could do.-她那能叫表演吗 -快看她做了什么- She acted? Couldn't act. - Look what she can do. -看啊看到没 -布奇- Look! See? - Whoa, Butchie.布奇...你...刚有看到吗But... Are you... Did you see this?看仔细看看到没Look at this. Look at this. Are you seeing this?我的姑奶奶啊Holy shit.等下这是真的吗Wait. Is that real?她真的能含下去吗Is she actually doing that?当然Yeah, right.不可思议啊Ho ho! Oh, my God!再大点的棒棒也没问题吗Yeah, can she do that with a big cock?-别见怪 -多大都没问题- No offense. - She can do that with anything.这题材够超前够新看到没Ah, that's far out. That is... You see that?这才是艺术是艺术啊That is art, baby. That's art.-有人想来根吗 -杰瑞呢- Anybody want a hit? - Jerry?-啥事 -今天烈日当照- Yeah? - Not a cloud in the sky.还要这些灯光干屁啊What's with all the fucking lights?打阴影的布奇阴影Shadows, Butchie, shadows.你这些阴影花了我好几百大洋Your shadows are costing me hundreds of dollars.要关灯吗想让拍的像滩狗屎吗You want to turn the lights off? You want it to look like shit? 我没关系啊你说句话我全关了No problem. I'll turn 'em all off.该死的艺术家Fucking artist, huh?-嘴真臭 -拍电影有不要灯光的吗- Bad toupee. - Wants to make a movie without lights.你干化妆这行多久了How long have you been a makeup person?我不是专业的Oh, I'm not a professional.至少在化妆这行不是I mean, not in makeup, anyway.当你像我一样在这行干这么久You know, when you get to be my age in this business,你也会学会很多的it helps to have as many skills as you can.我什么都不会I don't have any skills.这可和我听说的不一样That's not what I heard.在这呢我们的巨星There she is. Here's our star, huh?我告诉过你的邻家女孩What'd I tell you? The girl next door.这是我们的投资人安东尼·罗马诺Linda, this is our financier, Anthony Romano.很高兴见到你It's very nice to meet you.甜心听我说Sweetheart, let me tell you something.如果这些家伙说的是真的If what these guys are saying is true,这将是我这辈子最成功的投资this is gonna be the best investment of my life.我等不及看你的作品了I can't wait to see your work.这位是多莉Yeah. Oh, and this is Dolly.-她是琳达的女配兼化妆师 -很荣幸- This is Linda's costar and makeup artist. - A pleasure. -我可不止会化妆 -是吗- I have many skills. - Yeah? Do you?让我们的巨星继续工作吧Let's let the stars get back to work, huh?好的待会见All right. We'll see you later.轻点老姐姐别遮住她的雀斑Easy there, sister. Don't cover her freckles.好的Ok.你在干什么Hey. What are you doing?她的雀斑是她的特色Her freckles are her thing.-好吗 -好的- All right? - OK.冷静点Be cool.你看起来真美You look good.装别化太浓行吗All right. Just not too much, OK?-听到了吗 -知道了- You hear me? - Yeah, I hear you.他真是太紧张了Wow, he's pretty intense.我以前的那个男人也是这样I used to have an old man like that once.我觉得应该You know, I should probably把这淤青处理一下do something about those.迪米亚诺先生看到了会发脾气的Mr. Damiano will be really pissed if I just leave 'em like that. -我真是笨手笨脚的 -我明白- I'm so clumsy. - I know, sweetie.我们都是的We all are.生活中一定有比滥交更有意义的事There's just got to be more to life than screwing around.比滥交更有意义Than screwing around.性非我所爱Sex, I don't enjoy it.性非我所爱啊Sex, I don't enjoy it.是琳达吗我叫哈利Linda? Harry.我们下场有对手戏We're getting it on in the next scene.很高兴见到你Oh, hey. It's nice to meet you.我记得你叫老二的I thought your name was Dick.我以前的艺名叫"大老二"My stage name used to be Dick Long,有点太过暴露了所以你懂的but it sounded kind of obvious, so you know...是的没错Yeah. I agree.这个行业不错吧This is a great business, isn't it?开拍前我觉得Anyway, I just thought I'd come by该过来自我介绍一下and introduce myself before we started going at it.你还好吧You OK?有点紧张I'm a little nervous.我以前没演过有台词的角色I've never had lines to talk before.这是世界上最棒的活We got the best job in the world.我们无视他人享受当下We just tune everybody out, live in the moment,好似这世上只剩我们二人like we're the only two people on the planet.无视他人Tune everybody out.-享受当下 -没错- Live in the moment. - Exactly.你一定会很棒的You're gonna do great.我非常期待和你的对手戏And I cannot wait to get it on.开拍Action!-你没事吧 -没事- Whoa. Whoa. You all right? - Yeah.你没事吧怎么样You OK? Yeah?像平常那样开车就行了You're just gonna drive normally.你知道该干什么吧You know what we're doing, right?-知道 -好的- Mm-hmm. Right. - OK.我都不记得平常怎么开车了It's just I don't know how I normally drive.-这个 -平常都没想过- You... - I just drive, you know.没错直接开就好了Yeah, that's exactly right. Just drive,当我们不存在做些你平常做的事and pretend we're not here, OK? Whatever you'd normally do. 好了开始了吗开拍吧All right, we rolling? Let's roll.做得很好非常好Doing beautiful, baby, beautiful!录音准备调整快门速度All right, sound, speed.开拍And action.我并不是性冷淡It's not that I'm turned off to sex.我很享受性♥爱♥I enjoy it. In fact,说实话我愿意做♥爱♥做一辈子I could spend the rest of my life getting laid.那你还有什么问题呢Then what seems to be the problem?我也不清楚就是不太对Well, I don't know. Something's different.性♥爱♥不应该仅仅只是I mean, there's just got to be more to it-那些微弱的快♥感♥ -微弱的快♥感♥- than just a lot of little tingles. - Little tingles?-我想听摇铃响起 -摇铃- I want to hear bells ringing. - Bells?-水泵迸发 -水泵迸发- Dams bursting! - Dams bursting?-炸♥弹♥爆♥炸♥ -炸♥弹♥爆♥炸♥ - Bombs going off! - Bombs going off!还有其他的Something.护士拉芙蕾丝夫人不需要泡泡了Nurse, Mrs. Lovelace is done with her bubbles.-谢谢杨医生 -张嘴- Thank you, Dr. Young. - Open your mouth for me.张大些Wider. Ah.就在那Well, there it is!看就是那个小家伙There it is, you little bugger!-什么 -你的阴蒂- What? - Your clitoris.在你的喉咙深处It's down in the bottom of your throat.好了好了拉芙蕾丝夫人Oh now, now, Mrs. Lovelace.不哭不哭听着There, there. Listen. It's better to have a clitoris阴蒂长在喉咙深处deep down in the bottom of your throat总比哪儿都没长强吧than to have no clitoris at all.你说得倒轻巧That's easy for you to say.难道你的蛋蛋长在耳朵里吗Suppose your balls were in your ears.那我就能听到自己高♥潮♥啦Well, then, I could hear myself coming.停And cut!很好演得非常好That was great. That was great!-那段真棒好了吗 -好了- That was fantastic, really. We good? - Yeah.伙计们都辛苦了总结一下Great work, everybody. That's a wrap.拍了两天还剩五天干得好Two days down. Five to go. Nice work.看到了吗You see?看到了吗那样会坏事的You see that? That's gonna be a problem.-我需要你帮个忙查克 -什么忙- I need you to do me a favor, Chuck. - What's that?我要你明天去趟迈阿密取点胶卷回来I need you to go to Miami, pick up some film tomorrow. 明天为什么要明天去Tomorrow? Tomorrow? Why?-你问为什么 -是啊- Why? - Yeah.因为这里的胶卷店都关门了Because the stores are all closed,明天如果没有胶卷就拍不下去了and if we run out of film tomorrow, we're screwed.可明天是琳达的大日子她需要我But tomorrow's Linda's big day. She needs me.-派其他人去吧 -好吧- Send somebody else. - OK.那我让琳达去拿胶卷How about I send Linda for the film,你明天去给哈利口♥交♥怎么样and you can spend tomorrow with Harry's cock down your throat? 没有我的女人你拍不了电影的You got no movie without my girl, right?-你知道的吧布奇 -是啊- You know that, right, Butchie? - Yeah.反正没有胶卷电影也拍不成And we ain't got no movie without no film neither.好吧Yeah.好了各位准备好就位All right, this is it, everybody. Here we go. Places!摄像机准备开拍Camera! And action!你来试试我的You can try it on me.你会喜欢上的You'll like it.好吧反正我也不吃亏Well, what do I have to lose?不错啊我们能拿下奥斯卡Not bad. We're all gonna win Oscars.停停停哈利Cut. Cut. Cut. Whoa! Harry?这是怎么回事What's the matter?怎么回事你怎么了What's happening? What'd you...-我我 -他射了- I don't... I'm... I... - He came.是的 -你竟然射了Yeah. - He what? He came?给我滚出去You came? Get outta here.。



















美国排名第一的脱口秀Allen Show 25期:暮光之城大战复仇者联盟

美国排名第一的脱口秀Allen Show 25期:暮光之城大战复仇者联盟

美国排名第一的脱口秀Allen Show 25期:暮光之城大战复仇者联盟25th Allen Show-Twilight Slash AvengersSo now there are rumors and this is done,right?我听说暮光之城破晓已经拍完了哈They keep saying that there's now gonna be more of at least another one.他们说还会有更多的续集出现或者另外一集(备注:主持人“套话动作一”)But that's not true,is that true?但这只是谣言真的吗It's amazing,when they're all talking about another one before this one not even come out.大奇怪了现在这部还没拍出来呢他们就在说另一部了I'm not finish yet. right,yeah.And there is no more book.我还没拍完这个呐亲是啊而且作者也不再写续集了Right,but you could kind of make up something after that,不过在破晓之后你可以再编点什么it doesn't have to be a book if it makes money and people love you不一定非得有小说原著如果电影续集能大卖大家有喜欢你们why wouldn't you make another one?Would you make another one?为什么不在拍一部呢你们会拍下一部吗(备注:主持人“套话动作二”,主持人一直在勾引他们说出暮光之城续集的信息,在套话,呵呵,可惜啊,没成功啊,娱乐圈也是不好混啊,说话也要严谨不能“剧透”,哇哈哈)If there was an alien invasion and stuff.I was sort of thinking one day that they kind of...they sort of mixed up with the Avengers or maybe just make it like Twilight slash Avengers.如果续集有外来物种入侵什么的我想也许可以这么拍某天外来物种入侵他们与复仇联盟的英雄们混在一起或者电影就叫暮光之城与复仇者联盟(备注:瞧,开始转移话题了,呵呵,)That's actually a good idea.这可是个好点子I was also thinking another way of doing it is that make it look like Will grace,where Edward turns gay.我还想了另一个版本就跟Willgrace差不多不过Eward 变弯了(备注:开始反击主持人Allen了,Allen is a lesibian,you know,主持人已经出柜了嗯,说话技巧果然很重要,这下主持人“引火烧身”,肯定不再追问了,下次咱们学着点哦,呵呵,)But they still stay together.And they raise the kid and everything.但是他们还是在一起了他们共同抚养孩子一起做所有的事情So you got some ideas,ha?I'm writing some of these stuff down.你已经有点想法了哈我要把这点子记下来Maybe just combine that alien invasion.也许可以和外来物种入侵那段结合起来That's right.Get my agent on the phone.太对了快给我的经纪人打电话小词汇:Kind of 可以说Example:You could kind of make up something after that. Sort of 可以说Example:I was sort of thinking......Twilight slash Avengers 暮光之城大战复仇者联盟。





以下是她的讲话全文:Oprah Announces the End of The Oprah Winfrey ShowOprah's Full StatementThe Real Reason She's Ending Her ShowNov,20th 2009After much prayer and months of careful thought, I have decided that next season, Season 25, will be the last season of The Oprah Winfrey Show.Over the next couple of days, you may hear a lot of speculation in the press about why I am making this decision nowand that will mostly be conjecture.So I wanted you to hear this directly from me.Twenty-four years ago, on September 8, 1986, I went live from Chicago to launch the first national Oprah Winfrey Show. I was beyond excited, and as you all might expect, a little nervous. I knew then what a miraculous opportunity I had been given, but I certainly never could have imagined the "yellow brick road" of blessings that have led me to this moment with you.These years with you, our viewers, have enriched my life beyond all measure. And you all have graciously invited me into your living rooms, into your kitchens and into your lives. And for some of you longtime Oprah viewers, you have literally "grown up" with me—we've grown together. You had your families, and you raised your children and you left a spot for me in your morning or your afternoon, depending on when The Oprah Show airs in your town.So I just wanted to say that whether you've been here with me from the beginning or you came on board last week, I want you all to know that my relationship with you is one that I hold very dear. And your trust in me, the sharing of your precious time every day with me has brought me the greatest joy I have ever known.So here we are, halfway through the season, 24, and it still means as much to me to spend an hour every day with you as it did back in 1986. So why walk away and make next season the last?Here is the real reason: I love this show. This show has been my life. And I love it enough to know when it's time to say good-bye.Twenty-five years feels right in my bones and it feels right in my spirit. It's the perfect number—the exact right time. So I hope that you will take this 18-month ride with me right through to the final show.Over this holiday break, my team and I will be brainstorming new ways that we can entertain you and inform you and uplift you when we return here in January. And then Season 25—we are going to knock your socks off.So, the countdown to the end of The Oprah Winfrey Show starts now and until that day in 2011 when it ends, I intend to soak up every meaningful, joy-filled moment with you.。

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美国排名第一的脱口秀Allen Show 25期:
25th Allen Show-Twilight Slash Avengers
So now there are rumors and this is done,right?
They keep saying that there's now gonna be more of at least another one.
But that's not true,is that true?
It's amazing,when they're all talking about another one before this one not even come out.
I'm not finish yet. right,yeah.And there is no more book.
Right,but you could kind of make up something after that,
it doesn't have to be a book if it makes money and people love you
why wouldn't you make another one?Would you make another one?
If there was an alien invasion and stuff.I was sort of thinking one day that they kind of...they sort of mixed up with the Avengers or maybe just make it like Twilight slash Avengers.
That's actually a good idea.
I was also thinking another way of doing it is that make it look like Will grace,where Edward turns gay.
我还想了另一个版本就跟Willgrace差不多不过Eward 变弯了
(备注:开始反击主持人Allen了,Allen is a lesibian,you know,主持人已经出柜了嗯,说话技巧果然很重要,这下主持人“引火烧身”,肯定不再追问了,下
But they still stay together.And they raise the kid and everything.
So you got some ideas,ha?I'm writing some of these stuff down.
Maybe just combine that alien invasion.
That's right.Get my agent on the phone.
Kind of 可以说Example:You could kind of make up something after that. Sort of 可以说Example:I was sort of thinking......
Twilight slash Avengers 暮光之城大战复仇者联盟。
