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1.I have moved to the countryside recently, and I feel quite at home in the new surroundings.

2. At the back of my cottage, many kinds of wildflowers were in full bloom, a variety of which I couldn’t name.

3. John enjoyed a peaceful life in the countryside in his retirement, and he didn’t want it to be disturbed.

4. In the countryside, stores of grain are attacked frequently by pests, especially rats.

5. Human love is often compared to a rose, for like the flower, it blossoms and it withers .

6.Many people think that to be close to nature is a romantic thing; but how about finding a snake creeping into your tent at midnight?

7. When they became fed up with the routine of life in the small town, they moved to another place. They became migrants.

8. People need religious faith to carry on life when one misfortune after another befalls them. 、

9. In the past, the country people were often superstitious and talked about ghosts and specters (幽灵) when they encountered something mysterious.

10. Since cities are quite developed now, it is high time that the government made the coun-tryside prosperous.


in harmony with: 和谐,一致,相配

delight one’s eye:赏心悦目

come into bloom: 鲜花盛开

as though: 好像,仿佛

apply to : 使用


organism stark vernacular surroundings

Patch spell misfortune film

1. Culture shock is generated by the anxiety that results from losing one's familiar signs of social interaction in new ___________.

2. Chemicals sprayed on forests or gardens lie long in soil, entering into living __________.

.3 This black dog looks very cute with a white __ ____ on its neck.

4 The landscape is gray and ______ in northern China in winter.

5. After several people were stricken by a strange illness, there was rumor that the town was under a _____ _.

6. My friend complained that it is a _________ to live in a polluted world.

.7 There is a ______ of oil on the surface of the river.

.8 One difficulty about moving to the countryside is that you might feel at sea with the natives’_________.


a variety of come into bloom stark specter

cold and clear chorus creep grim

in harmony with surroundings

1.你能够想像一个一年大多数的时间里都听不到鸟儿的合唱,看不到盛开的鲜花,尝不到清冽的水的地方吗?Could you imagine a place where no chorus of birds was heard, no flowers were seen in full bloom and no cold and clear water was available through much of the year?

2.在我们的周围,环境污染的幽灵已经悄悄逼近了我们:沙漠化(desertification)、沙尘暴、酸雨以及一些珍稀物种的灭绝等等。Around us the grim specter of environmental pollution has already crept upon us: desertification, sand and dust storm, the acid rain, the extinction of some precious species and the rest.

3.虽然距拉结卡森等预言性作家第一次呼吁我们关注环境生态问题已经有很长一段时间了It has been a long time since such prophetic writers as Rachel Carson first called our attention to the ecological problems.

4. 然而我们大多数人仍旧将我们今天所享有的一切看做理所当然。But most of us still take for granted what we are enjoying today.

5.如果我们继续这样下去的话,我们的明天会更严峻。We will have a starker future if we keep on going like this.

6.正如俗话所说:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆.As the saying goes, one reaps only what one sows.

7.要想避免我们的环境进一步恶化,我们应该与自然环境,也是我们的生存环境和谐相处。To avoid the worsening of our surroundings, we should live in harmony with our natural environment, which is our living environment as well.

The Translation of Text A




