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Seeing this style really made me curious. So one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, I don’t get it! You can’t be a positive person all the time.How do you do it?


Jerry replied, each morning I wake up and say to myself , jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.


Hey,it’s not that easy,I protested.


Yes it is, jerry said. Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice, you choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good or bad mood. The bottom line : it’s your choice how you live life.


According to Churchill, victory comes only to those who work long and hard, who are willing to pay the price in blood, sweat, and tears. Hard work is also the basic building block of every kind of achievement: Without it, everything else is pointless. You can start with a dream or an idea or a goal, but before any of your hopes can be realized, you truly must deserve your success. This may sound old-fashioned in this age of instant gratification, but from the Sistine Chapel to the first transconti-nental railroad to today’s space shuttle, there’s no mystery as to how these things of wonder were created. They were created by people who worked incredibly hard over a long period of time.


Many years later, after I graduated from Harvard with honors and became a lawyer and the CEO of my own company, my mother reflected that, when I was a child,no one would have predicted a successful future——no one except a mother, that is. My parents were crucial in helping me through a nightmare that engulfs so many children,especially young Black boys. As I was on the brink of being condemned as aproblem child, they intervened so I would have a chance. And I have been blessed with opportunities. After college, I worked in politics, becoming chief of staff and campaign manager for a Florida legislator. I attended Stanford Law School and, after some years at a leading consulting firm, founded a company with my sister, Carolyn, and my best friend, Jeff Livingston. Our company,Achieva, offers innovative soft-ware, books and workshops to help school districts across the country prepare their students for college.



没有人除了一个母亲,。我的父母帮我度过一场吞噬了许多孩子的噩梦,尤其是年轻的黑人男孩。因为我是在被谴责为问题孩子的边缘,因为他们的干预,所以我就有机会。和我一直有机会。大学毕业后,我曾在政治,成为办公室主任和佛罗里达议员的竞选经理。我参加了斯坦福大学法学院,若干年后在一家领先的咨询公司,成立了一个公司,我的妹妹,卡罗琳,和我最好的朋友,杰夫·利文斯顿。阿奇沃,我们公司提供创新的软件,书籍和全国研讨会帮助学区学生为大学做好准备。 One reason I started Achieva is that I realized how critical a second (oreven third) chance could be in a young person's life. The indelible memory of being counted out, then helped back in,inspired me to help others. The early lessons I learned about overcoming obstacles also gave me the confidence to chart my own course.

