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beginning inventory :期初存货cost of goods sold :销货成本depreciation :n.折旧distribution :n.配销

freight :n.运费

gross margin :毛利

income statement :损益表

net income :净损益,净收入net sales :销货净额operating expense :营业费用sales revenue :销货收入batch :n.一批glitch :n.缺失

inspection :n.检查

leave out :遗漏

QC history :品管记录

QC procedure :品管流程quality standard :质量标准random sampling :随机抽样recall :v.回收

reject :v.拒收;退回simulation test :模拟测试cash discount :现金折扣consignment :n.寄售(货品卖出才付款)

direct deposit :直接汇款extend :v.展延

open account :记帐交易payment in advance :预先付款refundable :a.可退还的shipment :n.装运;装载的货物wire transfer :电汇转帐

bulk order :大量订购commission :n.佣金competitive edge :竞争优势deal :n.交易

hot seller :畅销品;热卖商品

in stock :库存

lead time :交货期(从订货到取货所需的时间)

market share :市场占有率product line :产品线

proceeds :n.净收入;净所得(此义恒作复数)

quantity discount :大量订购折扣

quotation :n.报价单

sales pitch :营销辞令;营销手法specs (specifications) :n.规格swear by :保证;强力推荐baggage claim :行李提领处baggage handler :行李搬运员boarding pass :登机证business suite :商务套房

carry-on luggage :随身行李Immigration :n.入境管理处;移民itinerary :n.行程表

jet lag :时差不适

on business :出差;洽公

R&R (rest and relaxation) :休息放松

reconfirm :v.再确认reservation :n.订位

room service :客房服务

stipend :n.津贴switch flights :转机

travel agent :旅行代办员;旅行社业务

call waiting :电话插拨

caller ID :来电显示器

cell phone :手机

cold call :陌生电访;主动以电话推销商品

cordless :a.无线的

dial tone :拨号音

directory assistance :查号服务extension :n.分机号码

long-distance call :长途电话payphone :n.公共电话

receiver :n.电话筒

reception :n.收讯;接收telemarketing :n.电话营销

text message :简讯

toll-free :a.免付费的

touch-tone phone :按键式电话transfer :v.转接

voicemail :n.语音信箱

wrong number :打错电话fragile :a.易碎的

mail order :邮政划拨mailman :n.邮差

parcel :n.包裹

postage :n.邮资

postmark :v.邮戳

printed matter :印刷品registered letter :挂号信return address :寄件人地址sender :n.寄件者

zip code :邮政编码

cash on delivery :货到付款delay :v.延迟

free on board :船上交货ground delivery :海陆运输letter of credit :信用状

lump sum :一次付清

Net 30 :货到后三十日付款

net weight :净重

pallet :n.(装卸、搬运货物用的)货板

rush order :紧急订单;急件shipment :n.货运物;货运barrier :n.障碍

bilateral :a.双边的

boycott :v.抵制

dumping :n.倾销

free trade :自由贸易

Normal Trade Relations :正常贸易关系

protectionism :n.保护主义trade agreement :贸易协议trade friction :贸易磨擦

trade imbalance :贸易不均衡trade surplus :贸易出超

trade talk :贸易会谈

bottom line :结余;结算bundle :n.搭售商品convention :n.(专业)展览会demonstration :n.展示entrance :n.入口

go with :选择;决定采用

high traffic :a.高流量的marketing material :营销材料;宣传品

sign :n.标志

trade show :商展

turnout :n.出席者;参观人数visible :a.显眼的
