大学核心商务英语读写教程 u10-A


大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit 10 Foreign Currencies and Exchange Rates

大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit 10 Foreign Currencies and Exchange Rates

To master how to analyze difficult and long
Text A Foreign Exchange Market
1. Background Information 2. Introduction to the Text 3. Business Terms 4. Words and Expressions 5. Notes to the Text
3. Business Terms
BIS (Bank for International Settlements) 国际清算银行
Bank for International Settlements are a consortium of the Central Banks of England, French, German, Italian, Belgium, Japan and other countries and representatives of the interests of U.S. banks such as JP Morgan, Citibank New York and Chicago. According to the Hague Agreement , BIS established its headquarters in Basel, Switzerland in May 1930 together with only seven members, now it
UNIT TEN Foreign Currencies and Exchange Rates

大学核心商务英语读写教程 u10-A

大学核心商务英语读写教程  u10-A
Meaning: to create or prepare something carefully, giving
• Domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets.
• 国内价格已调整到与世界市场一致。
• The quality strategy for the organization from time to time should align with the organizational strategy.
Business Terms
Employee retention:
Employee retention is a business management term referring to efforts by employers to retain current employees in their workforce. The purpose is to avoid employee turnover and associated costs: hiring and training expenses; productivity loss; lost customers; diminished business; and damaged morale among remaining members of the workforce. Retention is particularly a problem in high stress occupations such as teaching, nursing and social carework.
• to boost/raise/improve morale 鼓舞/提高士气/增强信心



What Is International Trade?
Difference between international trade and domestic trade
— International trade is typically more costly than domestic trade.
— What are the main items China exports to the U.S. and what does China mainly import from the U.S.?
International Trade
Reasons for International Trade
Lecture Outline
What Is International Trade? 什么是国际贸易? Reasons for International Trade 国际贸易的原因 Basics of International Trade 国际贸易的几个基本概念 International Trade Settlement 国际贸易结算 Restrictions to International Trade 国际贸易障碍
International Trade
What Is International Trade?
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries.
Trading globally gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their own countries.



3. Communicative Skills (交际技能) — Expressions: Booking Flight Tickets — Reading: Flight Schedule
高 等 教 育 出 版 社 高等教育电子音像出版社
Unit 10 Air Travel
Listening Comprehension Tasks
Unit 10 Air Travel
4. Before taking off, you need to _____. a. lock your tray table in place b. put your seat in the upright position c. securely fasten your seat belt d. All of the above.
Exercise I Exercise II Exercise III Exercise IV Exercise V Spot Dictation
高 等 教 育 出 版 社 高等教育电子音像出版社
Unit 10 Air Travel
I. Listen to passage 1 for the first time and then write out questions, if there are any, about the part(s) you fail to understand. If you have no questions, just move on to ExerciseⅡ.
2. The flight is under the command of Captain _____ and the chief purser is _____ .



4. Words and Expressions
⑴ logistics /ləu'dʒistiks/ n.
practical arrangements that are needed to make a complicated plan successful when a lot of people and equipment is involved
2. Introduction to the Text
文体 特征 分析
物流的概念最早是在 形成的,当初被称为Physical Distribution( 即PD),译成汉语是“实物分配”或“货物配送”。 我国是在80 年代才接触物流这个概念的,此时的物流已被称为Logistics,已 经不是过去PD的概念。
1. Background Information
The advent of the information age witnesses tremendous changes in all sectors of industry. Although logistics is not a newly born concept, it keeps pace with time, extending its denotative and connotative meanings. Deriving from Physical Distribution, logistics nowadays has expanded into an integration concept with the character of being consumer-oriented. However, it is hard to define logistics to show all its attributes because of its comprehensiveness.

U10 口译商英一班 一组

U10  口译商英一班 一组

R:The breakout of SARS probably served to boost online education,I suppose.
T:据我看,非典的爆发可能在很大程度上促进了 网络教育的发展。 A:我想,非典肯定推动了网络教育的发展吧?
顾:当然。对所有人来说非典都是一场灾 难,但是对网络教育我却觉得是一个福 音,因为它确实使人们看到了网络教育的 优势。
T:我的理解是网络教育课程可 能涉及到大量资金的投入, 而大多数投资者都期望通过 他们的投资,能够在短时间 内得到回报。所以您是如何 解决这一问题的呢? A:我的理解是网络教育 往往涉及的投资数额 较大,而投资商大多 数都期待在较短时间 内可以得到收益,这 个问题你怎么解决呢?
顾:如果你要建一个超市,就必须要有一些 基础设施。教育也一样。必须要开发出 人们真正喜欢的课程软件,而这需要相当 长的时间。
T:Students can overcome the barrier of time and space by E-education. And they will use online educational resources more easily. A:With E-education, students can overcome barriers of time and space and they will find it easier to have access to the online educational resources.
R: My understanding is that an online education project may involve a large amount of money and yet most investors expect a quick return for their investment, so how did you sort out that problem?

商务英语阅读Unit 10ppt课件

商务英语阅读Unit 10ppt课件
习语的结构都是固定的,不能被更改或替换,即使是 同义词也不行,比如不能把rain cats and dogs改成rain dogs and cats或rain a cat and a dog等等。也就是说, 习语的任何一个组成部分都是固定的,随意更改会出 现词不达意甚至啼笑皆非的结果。如:
Notes on the Text:
2. We lose touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.
Business English: A Reading Course
Unit 11
习语常常利用音韵的和谐来达到朗朗上口、易懂易 记、栩栩如生的目的,许多英语习语利用头韵、尾 韵、重复等手法来增加语言的语音美感和修辞效果 。如:as busy as a bee(忙如蜜蜂), might and main(竭 尽全力), trials and tribulations(烦躁和苦恼)均为头韵 ;high and dry(孤立无援),by hook and by crook(不 择手段)均为尾韵;step by step(逐步),neck and neck(齐头并进)均为重复。
Unit 11
人民大众在长期的劳动中创造出来的,与一个民族 的地理环境、历史背景、经济生活、风俗习惯、宗 教信仰以及价值观念等方面都有不可分割的联系。
一般都用较恰当的比喻,引起人们的联想,但这种 联想是由各民族的现实环境和生活经验决定的。如 形容事物迅速而大量地产生: like mushrooms (英语 ),雨后春笋(汉语)。


urriculum 核心英语教程
1 写 作
Sentence variety
Key Terms
left-branching sentence 左扩散句(圆周句)
right-branching sentence 右扩散句(累积句)
sentence interrupter 插入语
Short sentences
A series of short simple sentences/syntactic structures can help build up the atmosphere of fast movement, great urgency, and continuous activities.
Long sentences
Long sentences are particularly useful for presenting a set of complex, interlocking ideas, or for building up momentum.
• In light of the foregoing and realization by Employee and the Company that the Company’s trade secrets are valuable assets of the Company and form the foundation upon which much of the Company’s success and existence depend, Employee hereby agrees that Employee will…
Long sentences

大学核心商务英语读写教程 u9-A

大学核心商务英语读写教程  u9-A

Introduction to the Text
• 文章通篇运用祈使句和“should”, “can”, “keep in
mind”等语气较强烈的表达,并引用谚语“Loose lips sink ships”告诫出行者言多必失的道理,表现了作者对 商务旅行者外出时务必遵守某些行为准则的期望。整 体上看,该片文章语言比较通俗易懂,句式也多为简 单句,极少涉及商务术语(business faux pas算是例 外),学习者应着重理解商务出行各方面的具体注意 事项,思考如何最完美地执行公司的出差任务。
Behave appropriately and ask intelligent questions. 举止要得体,提问要机智。
Words and Expressions
2. representative /7repri5zentEtiv/ n.
Meaning: a person who has been chosen to speak or
How to Behave Appropriately on a Business Trip
Backgroo the Text
Business Terms
Words and Expressions
Notes to the Text
Introduction to the Text
• 本商务语篇为说明文体,言简意赅地介绍了商 务旅行的具体步骤及其可能涉及的场合、语境 和突发情况,为商务出行者在公务旅行中为公 司建立良好的形象和客户关系提供了切实可行 的方法和建议。
• 文章对商务旅行者的衣着、赴约、用语、餐桌 礼仪、发票等细微处提出指导意见,并告诫出 差者在吸烟、异国文化、闲余时间管理等方面 的注意事项。

综合商务英语教程四册10章Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Area

综合商务英语教程四册10章Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Area
Free Trade Area
• BeneFree
Trade Area
1.1 What are Free Trade Zone?
• A free trade zone is a designated area that
eliminates traditional trade barriers.
• In this unit, we learnt: • 1. The advantages of FTZ. • 2. The difference of FTZ and FTA. • 3. How to express a multiple.
• open border
• economic integration ( if their economic
structures are complementary)
• no incentive for a FTA ( if their economic
structures are competitive)
1.3 What are the advantages and possible drawbacks of Free Trade Zone ?
Sum-up Assignment
When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to
1.2 What is the difference between Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Area
• 1) Definition of Free Trade Area (FTA) • 2) Difference with Free Trade Zone (FTZ)


2. The Beatles’ lyrics gave hope to the disenchanted youth during the 1960s and 1970s.
Suitable for a research paper because it argues a point.
Activity 1
8. Thomas Hardy is the greatest English novelist of his era.
Suitable for a research paper because it argues a point.
Activity 1
Tell whether each of the following topics can be developed into a research paper and then explain your reasons.
Suitable for a research paper because it argues a point.
Activity 1
Tell whether each of the following topics can be developed into a research paper and then explain your reasons.
qualitative research 定性研究 quantitative research 定量研究
research design 研究设计 research method 研究方法 secondary research 间接研究 theoretical framework 理论框架
theoretical research 理论研究


Google is a completely automated search engine: a robot or spider (computer program) automatically craws the Web, capturing every word on every page crawled. Google是一种完全自动化的搜索引擎:名叫robot或spider的计算机程序自动搜 索整个网络,捕捉被搜索的每一页网页上的每一个词汇。
If They Can't Find It They Won't Buy It
Slow Site = Slow Business Simple Sites Sell Successfully If You Don't Know Your Customers, You Don't Know Your Business Not Everyone Is a Talented Web Site Designer More Time on Site Means More Sales The “Experts” Aren't Always Right
10 things to think about that may save you form some of the more common mistakes:
If It Was That Easy, We'd All Be Doing It. Marketing Is King You Can't Sell What They Don't Want
rave on about 大肆鼓吹,情绪激动地表述
Take a look at the Google home page. 请看一下Google 主页。



《商务英语读写》课程教学大纲课程基本信息(Course Information)课程代码(Course Code)EN368 *学时(Credit Hours)64 *学分(Credits)4*课程名称(Course Name)商务英语读写Business English Reading and Writing课程性质(Course Type) 必修;Mandatory授课对象(Audience)英语本科大三学生;Third-grade English undergraduates 授课语言(Language of Instruction) 英语;English*开课院系(School)外国语学院;School of Foreign Languages 先修课程(Prerequisite)英语读写;English Reading and Writing授课教师(Instructor)王哲希;Wang Zhexi课程网址(Course Webpage) 无*课程简介(Description)《商务英语读写》为英语专业本科必修课程,授课对象为本科三年级学生,开课时间为第5学期。




*课程简介(Description)Business English Reading and Writing is a mandatory course for all undergraduates of English majors during the 5th semester. It adopts English textbooks as teaching materials, covering theories and researches on marketing and business management, correspondences in international business and business survey reports and proposals. The course aims at helping students learn about the daily operation of a business as well as the English expressions of technical terms in the related areas, and the basic formats, content composition and idiomatic expressions for business writing in English through readings, lectures, analyses, samples, writing practice, peer correction and teacher correction.课程教学大纲(course syllabus)*学习目标(Learning Outcomes) 1. 使学生掌握市场营销、工商管理、外贸函电等内容。



Robert Taylor : (B) hair and blue eyes he was an instant heartthrob from his first film appearance. In later life, he made many television appearances, notably in the 1959 series, The Detectives Starring Robert Taylor.
Background Information 导入
Churchill: (A) Winston Churchill was born on 30th November, 1874. He was educated at Harrow and Sandhurst. After a brief but eventful career in the army, he
Winston Churchill : (C) Conservative victory of 1951 and resigned in 1955. However, he remained a Member of Parliament until the general election of 1964, when he did not seek
the perfect profile”. One of his first major films was Camille (1936), playing opposite Greta Garbo. Strikingly handsome with wavy black



The Transaction1 About ten years ago a school in Connecticut held “a day devoted to the arts,” and I was asked if I would come and talk about writing as a vocation. When I arrived I found that a second speaker had been invited —Dr. Brock (as I’ll call him), a surgeon who had recently begun to write and had sold some stories to national magazines. He was going to talk about writing as an avocation. That made us a panel, and we sat down to face a crowd of student newspaper editors, English teachers and parents, all eager to learn the secrets of our glamorous work.2 Dr. Brock was dressed in a bright red jacket, looking vaguely bohemian, as authors are supposed to look, and the first question went to him. What was it like to be a writer?3hospital, he would get rid of his tensions through writing.)The words just flowed. It was easy.4 I then said that writing wasn’t easy and it wasn’t fun. It was hard and lonely, and the words seldom just flowed.5 Next Dr. Brock was asked if it was important to rewrite. “Absolutely not,” he said.writer relax completely and the sentences he writes will show the most natural state of him.)6 I then said that rewriting is the essence of writing. I pointed out that professional writers rewrite their sentences repeatedly and then rewrite what they have rewritten. I mentioned that E. B. White and James Thurber rewrote their pieces eight or nine times.7 “What do you do on days when it isn’t going well?” Dr. Brock wa s asked. He said he just stopped writing and put the work aside for a day when it would go better.8 I then said that the professional writer must establish a daily schedule and stick to it. I said that writing is a craft, not an art, and that the man who runs away from his craft because he lacks inspiration is fooling himself. He is also going broke.9 “What if you’re feeling depressed or unhappy?” a student asked. “Won’t that affect your writing?”10 Probably it will, Dr. Brock replied. Go fishing. Take a walk.11 Probably it won’t, I said. If your job is to write every day, you learn to do it like any other job.12 A student asked if we found it useful to circulate in the literary world. Dr. Brock said that he was greatly enjoying his new life as a man of letters, and he told several stories of being taken to lunch by his publisher and his agent at chic Manhattan restaurants where writers and editors gather.I said that professional writers are solitary drudges who seldom see other writers.13 “Do you put symbolism in your writing?” a student asked me.14I have nearly always failed to understand the hidden, implicit meaning expressed in any story, play or movie, and I do not have the slightest idea of what is being conveyed in dance and mime.)15 “I love symbols!” Dr. Brock excl aimed, and he described with gusto the joys of weaving them through his work.16 So the morning went, and it was a revelation to all of us. At the end Dr. Brock told me he was enormously interested in my answers — it had never occurred to him that writing could be hard. I told him I was just as interested in his answers — it had never occurred to me that writing could bePerhaps I should take up surgery as a hobby)17 As for the students, anyone might think we left them bewildered. But in fact we probably gave them a broader glimpse of the writing process than if only one of us had talked. For of course there isn’t any “right” way to do such intensely personal work. There are all kinds of writers and a ll kinds of methods, and any method that helps people to say what they want to say is the right method for them.18 Some people write by day, others by night. Some people need silence, others turn on the radio. Some write by hand, some by typewriter or word processor, some by talking into a tape recorder. Some people write their first draft in one long burst and then revise; others can’t write the second paragraph until they have fiddled endlessly with the first.19 But all of them are vulnerable and all of them are tense. They are driven by a compulsion toman or woman behind all the tension.20 For ultimately the product that any writer has to sell is not the subject being written about, but who he or she is. I often find myself reading with interest about a topic I never thought would interest me — some unusual scientific quest, for instance. What holds me is the enthusiasm of the writer for his field. How was he drawn into it? What emotional baggage did he br ing along? How did it change his life? It’s not necessary to want to spend a year alone at Walden Pond to become deeply involved with a writer who did.21 This is the personal transaction that’s at the heart of good nonfiction writing. Out of it come two of the most important qualities that this book will go in search of: humanity and warmth. Good writing has an aliveness that keeps the reader reading from one paragraph to the next, and it’s not a question of gimmicks to “personalize” the author. It’s a q uestion of using the English language in a way that will achieve the greatest strength and the least clutter.22 Can such principles be taught? Maybe not. But most of them can be learned.1) drudge n. → drudge v. → drudgery n.无尽无休的﹑单调乏味的家务the endless drudgery of housework给那个公司打工无异于做苦力。

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people are not totally honest with each other. • 在商业合作中如果人们彼此不坦诚以对就会出现
• 最近的政治危机显示了社会关系的紧张。
• Aging is a process obviously manifested by sagging skin, graying hair and increasing fat, especially around the waist.
• 变老会通过松弛的皮肤,花白的头发和腰部增加的脂肪体 现出来。
Words and Expressions
4. dominant /5dCminEnt/ adj.
Meaning: more important, powerful or noticeable
than other things
• Gradually Microsoft became the dominant company in the software business.
Business Terms
Employee retention:
Employee retention is a business management term referring to efforts by employers to retain current employees in their workforce. The purpose is to avoid employee turnover and associated costs: hiring and training expenses; productivity loss; lost customers; diminished business; and damaged morale among remaining members of the workforce. Retention is particularly a problem in high stress occupations such as teaching, nursing and social carework.
本语篇是一篇典型的论说文,题目即是论点,文 章主要论述卓越的企业文化带给企业的好处。企 业文化是一个相对抽象的概念,所以作者先澄清 认识,指出企业文化的重要组成因素,来明确其 含义,然后用沃尔玛、西南航空和惠普这些大公 司的例子来证明优秀的企业文化的好处。文章论 点明确,论证充分,论据有说服力。语言正式但 是并不晦涩难懂,现在分词结构,被动语态和并 列结构的使用使文章句式富于变化,客观而令人 信服。
• We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.
• 我们保证一周内交货。 • While skill is certainly needed for success, it can
never guarantee happiness. • 技能是成功所必需的,但是无法保证你幸福。
• 微软逐渐地在软件业占据了主导地位。
• TV is the dominant source of information in our society.
• 电视已成为我们社会信息的首要来源。
Words and Expressions
5. arise /E5raiz/ v.
Meaning: (especially of a problem or a difficult
Words and Expressions
3. manifest /5mAnifest/ v.
Meaning: to show something clearly, especially a feeling,
an attitude or a quality
• Social tensions were manifested in the recent political crisis.
situation) to happen; to start to exist
• In some cases, difficulties arise because of failure to communicate.
• 在一些情况下,因沟通的失败会产生问题。 • Difficulties can arise in a business partnership if
Words and Expressions
1. intangible /in5tAndVEbl/ adj.
Meaning: that exists but that is difficult to
describe, understand or measure
• The underlying difficulty, say copyright experts, comes from trying to guard intangible electronic “property” using laws originally crafted with printing press technology in mind.
Strong Corporate Culture Counts
Introduction to the Text
Business Terms
Words and Expressions
Notes to the Text
Introduction to the Text
• 版权专家的电子产品的版权 。
Words and Expressions
2. guarantee /7^ArEn5ti:/ v.
Meaning: to promise to do something; to promise
something will happen