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Abstract:In recent years, groundwater nitrate pollution in some regions of China is very serious. Especially,nitrate pollution in intensive cultivation

areas is more serious for the application of a large number of nitrogen fertilizer. The objective of this preliminary research is to investigate

the potential of application geo statistical method to explore spatial variability of groundwater nitrate pollution in Shandong intensive

farming regions in China. Detailed sample data of groundwater nitrate nitrogen were collected in 175 farming sites representing the typical

cropping systems in the study area. Semi-variole of the geo-statistical method was used to analyze the groundwater nitrate nitrogen spatial

variability based on the 175 sample sites data. The results indicated that there was an obvious variability and trend effect that gradually increasing

from the southwest to the northeast. Furthermore, the concentration decreased with the increase in the depth of groundwater. For obtaining

the spatial variation of groundwater nitrate nitrogen in the whole study area, cokriging method was utilized to interpolate the groundwater

nitrate nitrogen pollution with two synergy factors(e.g. soil organic matter content and total nitrogen content)which were the most obvious

relevant with groundwater nitrate nitrogen concentration. Compared with ordinary cringing method, cokriging method achieved higher precision

with a decrease of 80% of the average error. Cokriging spatial interpolation results showed that areas with higher nitrate nitrogen concentration in groundwater mainly distributed in Weifang, Qingdao, and Yantai intensive farming regions, due to the excessive use of nitrogen

fertilizer in these regions. The result suggested that the cokriging spatial interpolation was an effective approach of obtaining the groundwater nitrate nitrogen spatial variability in intensive farming regions. The possible reasons for the

spatial variation and distribution characteristics of groundwater nitrate nitrogen were discussed.

Keywords:groundwater nitrate pollution; spatial variability; geo statistics; cokriging


1 地下水硝酸盐污染的过程及危害

1.1 硝酸盐污染的来源


1.2 农业施肥造成的污染

自20世纪初实现氮素化肥的人工合成以来,全球农作物单位面积产量的大幅度提高在很大程度上依赖于氮素化肥施用量的不断增加。2002年,我国化肥的施用量达433.9亿kg,其中氮肥215.7亿kg,约占50%。已有研究表明,过量施用的氮肥仅有30%~40%被农作物吸收利用,大部分氮肥经各种途径进入环境中,尤其是径流和淋溶损失造成许多地表水和地下水中的硝酸盐含量过高[4]。有研究表明,地下水中的硝酸盐氮引起的污染与氮肥施用量成线性关系[5]。1.3 生活污水和工业废水的污染


1.4 固体废弃物的渗滤下渗污染


1.5 污水回灌引起污染

