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Andre Lefevere
The focuses of his study: 1.The historical context of the translation activity 2.The manipulation of the original text 3.The function of the translated text in the target culture
Constrains outside of the literary system
3.Patronage: power from individuals, a group people, media, institutions
Advantages and Weakness of Andre Lefevere’s Theory
―他说起话来还带着一种长辈教训人的口吻,即 使对他喜欢的人也一样。因此在纽黑文的时候对 他恨之入骨的大有人在。” (巫坤宁 译)
“他说话的声音里有一种老子教训儿子的口吻, 甚至对他喜欢的人也是如此,所以在纽黑文时, 就有人对他十分反感。” (姚乃强 译)
Descriptive School to Translation
Andre Lefevere Translation as Rewriting
Andre Lefevere
Andre Lefevere(1945-1996), a Belgian-born scholar, worked in the Department of Germanic Languages and the Comparative Literature Program at the university of Taxes until his unexpected death in 1996.
Advantages: His theory of rewriting broadens the concept of translation, and allow us to explain some translation phenomena by examining the social, political and cultural context in which a translation is done.
Descriptive Approaches to Translation Studies
Literary-oriented School of Translation Studies
Opposite to linguistically-oriented studies
• Conduct traditional comparative analysis of source texts and target texts. • Main representatives:
Itamar Even –Zohar, Gideon Toury Andre Lefevere Etc.
• Belgium and the Netherlands in late 1970s.
What are Descriptive Approaches?
Adopted by Literary-oriented School of Translation Studies Common view
反之,如果源语比译入语的文化地位低,译 者往往表现得更为保守,倾向于采取归化的 策略,以维护译入语的稳定性与纯洁性。此 时,译者更强调译文的可接受性。 日本早期对外来语的翻译都是按日式汉语的 形式进行的而二战后则大量出现直接日式外 来语
Gideon’s Toury’s DTS
• • • • Non-prescriptive strategy-thus Descriptive Target-oriented Functional Systemic
佐哈的多元系统理论对翻译的 影响
多元系统理论认为,各种社会符号现象,应视为系 统而非由不相干的元素组成的混合体,才能得以充 分的解释。这些系统各自有其不同的行为模式,却 又相互依存,且共同构成一个有组织的“大多元系 统”。 因此,各种符号现象,即文化、语言、文学与社会 等由符号主导的人类交际形式,只有当做系统而不 是毫无联系的因素构成的混合体时,才能得以更充 分地理解与研究

初始规范:目标与文化在某一时期 内的翻译政策,能够影响到翻译的 选材,比如目标语文化能够接受什 么类型的作品,作家和流派 首要规范:译者选择遵守源语还是 译语文化的语言规范,以及能不能 重译 操作规范:翻译技巧和策略,决定 译文的整体结构,语料选择和语言 组织等
宏 观 层 面
.1、 ST: 青山横北郭, 白水绕东城 Blue mountains to the north of the walls, White river winding about them 2、ST: 惊沙乱海日。 TT2: Surprised. Desert turmoil. Sea sun
Constrains of Rewriting
Constrains within the literary system
1.Ideology: political sphere, form, convention and beliefs in the original text 2.Poetics: (1).literary devices, genres, motifs, prototypical characters, situations and symbols (2).social system as a whole
Eugene Nida Peter Newmark Albrecht Neubert Etc.
• America in the early 1960s
Literary-oriented school of translation studies
• Emphasis the relation between the translated texts and the target culture • Main representatives:
吉迪恩· 图里 描写翻译理论
以色列 特拉维夫大学 (Tel Aviv University)
Toury 以多元系统理论为前提,集中研究翻译如 何受到译语文化,特别是译语文学传统的影响

主要思想: A.对描写性研究的重要性的论述 B.译入语为导向的研究方法 C.翻译规范理论 其目的不是为了制定翻译规则,而是找出在翻 译实践中译者普遍遵守的规范。 打破了传统译论的忠实对等的理想化观点和规 约性的特点,在社会和文化的背景下考察翻译过
• from the perspective of the target literature, all translation involves some form of manipulation of the source text for a certain purpose.
层微 面观
源语文本 (ST)
Adequate translation foreignization
Semantic translation
Communicative translation
译语文本 (TT)
Acceptable translation
―There was a touch of paternal contempt in it, even toward people he liked— and there were men at New Haven who had hated his guts.‖
Advantages and Weakness of Andre Lefevere’s Theory
Weakness: 1.His theory blurs the traditional borderline between translation and recreation. 2.Non-literary forms of rewriting are completely ignored in his study. 3.In attempting to address the importance of sociocultural context, he tends to downplay the function of linguistics in translation studies.
Factors influencing Pound’s rewriting of Cathay Patronage
ST: 借问谁凌辱? 天骄毒威武。 赫怒我圣皇, 劳师事鼙鼓。 TT: Who brought this to pass? Who has brought the inflaming imperial anger? Who has brought the army with drums and with kettle drums? Barbarous kings. In the four lines of ST, there is only one question mark, but in Pound’s translation (TT), three ―Who‖ and question marks are used. Through this repetition, Pound vividly depict the scene of battlefield and intensified people’s hatred against the barbarous enemy.
多元系统理论把翻译纳入到一个宏观的社会 文化语境进行研究,使翻译研究从传统的对 文本进行孤立的、静态的对比中解放出来, 拓宽了翻译研究的视野
多元系统理论认为,翻译往往受译入语与源语文化 之间的相对地位与强弱的影响。如源语比译入语文 化地位高,翻译时译者往往倾向于采用异化策略, 更可能地接近原文,也就是说,译文在复制原文的 文本关系时的充分性的可能性更大。 清末民初大量日式汉语通过翻译方式被引入到中国 如: 民主 法律 科学 体育 健康 麻醉剂 中国有些文人也在直接使用舶来的汉语如:鲁迅的 费尔泼赖 中国民间对外来词语的接受:嘎斯
1、To promote his imagism, he has not only chosen to translate Chinese poems with dense images, but also adopted various measures to highlight images in the original poems. 2、Pound makes several fruitful attempts to imitate the Chinese sentence structure so as to highlight images.
Andre Lefevere
Representative works: 1.TranslatingHale Waihona Puke BaiduPoetry: Seven Strategies and Blueprint 2.Translating, Rewriting and the Manipulation of the Literary Fame 3.Transaltion/History/Cluture: A Course Book
Lefevere in his assay ―Why Waste our Time on Rewrites? The trouble with the Role of Rewriting in a Alternative Paradigm‖ put forward for the first time the notion of ―rewriting‖.