coffee 英文介绍咖啡 种类与做法

Latte is one of espresso items that the most people are familiar with, which is rich in SHEN added proportionally in Espresso, milk and even
• CaféAu Lait can be seen as a European-style latte, and totally different from Italian and American latte.The greatest feature that latte is different from American and Italian latte is that it requires with milk and espresso into the cup, milk and coffee in the first encounter,and the collision is a quiet feeling of freedom.
It has an irresistible charm. At first the taste it is with a very fragrant smell when you first drink it down, you can feel the sweet and melted a lot of foam, the second port can really taste the bitterness of coffee and the original rich, the last stop when the taste in the mouth, you will feel more of a mellow and meaningful.

咖啡的种类1.拿铁咖啡(Coffee Latte)咖啡与牛奶交融的极至之作,意式拿铁咖啡纯为牛奶加咖啡;美式拿铁则将牛奶替换成奶泡。
2.美式咖啡(Coffee Americano)使用Espresso咖啡机所制作出比较淡的咖啡,类似美国滴滤方式制作。
3.法式咖啡(Cafe au Lait)这是法国人早餐时最爱喝也最常喝的咖啡,尤其适合老年人和不适吸收咖啡因的人饮用。

今天小编就为大家推荐咖啡的多种做法,给大家好好参考参考!咖啡的分类1.黑咖啡(black coffee):用直接用咖啡豆烧制的咖啡,不加奶等会影响咖啡原味的饮用方式。
3.美式咖啡(Americano):浓缩咖啡(Espresso) + 大量热水,和上面说的Caffè lungo类似。
4.卡布奇诺(Cappuccino):1/3通常咖啡(Espresso)+ 1/3牛奶+ 1/3牛奶沫,上面再撒点cocoa粉。
5.拿铁咖啡(Latte):浓缩咖啡(Espresso) + 两份以上的热牛奶。
6.摩卡咖啡(Caffè Mocha):这个是我最喜欢的,其实就是拿铁再混上巧克力,也就是咖啡+牛奶+巧克力....咖啡的介绍一。
材料:摩卡热咖啡1杯、温热鲜奶2 OZ、巧克力糖浆1/2 OZ、鲜奶油适量、削片巧克力少许、糖包。

1. Espresso 意式咖啡[e'spresəu]又叫“蒸馏咖啡”、“浓缩咖啡”、“意式八倍浓缩”是用浓缩咖啡机(espresso machine)萃取出的咖啡精华(coffee essence),每份都是很小的一杯,非常苦。
2. Americano 美式咖啡[ə,meri'kanɔ]把1到2份意式咖啡(1-2 shots of espresso)加水稀释(dilute),就成了美式咖啡。
其实就是黑咖啡(black coffee)。
据说Americano这个名字最早是意大利人拿来挤兑美国人的,“喝咖啡居然要加水?”3.Black Coffee黑咖啡于是,现在为了和美式咖啡区别开,就专门把直接用咖啡豆、咖啡粉煮出来的咖啡叫黑咖啡。
4. Latte拿铁在意式咖啡里加点牛奶,就成了拿铁。
完整名字应该是“咖啡拿铁”(coffee latte),因为latte在意大利语里就是“牛奶”的意思。
话说,现在还流行一种和拿铁很像的奶咖,叫醇艺白或者平白咖啡(flat white),从根本上讲,就是奶加得少一点,更能体会咖啡本来的风味。
5. Au Lait欧蕾一种来自法国的咖啡,欧蕾跟拿铁一样,是一种加牛奶的咖啡。
和拿铁一样,au lait也是个简称,全称是coffee au lait(欧蕾咖啡),au lait在法语里的意思是“和奶”。
咖啡发展英文介绍 Coffee

world’s production
Coffee canephora- known as Robusta
coffee and is more resilient than Arabica shrubs, but does not produce the same taste that is considered inferior to that of Arabica Coffee bean development-video
Coffee was spread to Turkey through the Sufi’s who used the coffee to help keep them stay awake during devotional exercises performed all night
Coffee’s True Origin
coffee and Turkish influence resulted in pronunciation as
qahveh Italian origin? Caffe but is
derived from Turkish, which derives from Arabic Qahwah is the name given to coffee in Arabic but means ‘wine’
Coffee is not a native plant to Arabia
It is a native plant of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and can be found growing wild and cultivated

十款咖啡生豆的介绍1、瑰夏咖啡英文名称:Geisha coffee产地:埃塞俄比亚巴拿马哥伦比亚口感与特点:生豆蓝绿色,熟豆带一些褶皱,花香、热带水果、浓烈的甜度。
2、牙买加蓝山咖啡英文名称:Blue mountaincoffee产地:牙买加蓝山口感与特点:香味十分浓郁,有持久的水果味,酸、甘、醇与苦味非常均衡,味道芳香,喝起来非常润顺。
3、哥伦比亚咖啡英文名称:Colombian coffee产地:哥伦比亚口感与特点:甘甜香味、具有酸中带甘,因浓度合宜,常被用于高级的混合咖啡中,甘甜的淡香低调而优雅。
4、巴西咖啡英文名称:Brazils coffee产地:巴西口感与特点:有较低的酸味,配合咖啡的甘苦味,入口极为滑顺,又带有淡淡的青草芳香,甘滑顺口。
5、耶加雪菲咖啡英文名称:Yirgacheffe coffee产地:埃塞俄比亚口感与特点:身形娇小,温婉秀气,独特的柠檬、花香和蜂蜜般的甜香气,柔和的果酸及柑橘味,口感清晰明亮和丰厚的质感。
6、危地马拉咖啡英文名称:Guatemala coffee产地:危地马拉口感与特点:生豆成青绿色,豆子瘦小,酸味较强的品种之一,味道酸醇而略具野性,最适合用来调配成混合咖啡,口感丰富,具有烟草味,口感顺滑略含炭烧味。
7、曼特宁咖啡英文名称:Mandeling coffee产地:印度尼西亚口感与特点:生豆呈褐色或深绿色,非常浓郁、香、苦、醇厚、带有少许甜味,也是调配混合咖啡不可或缺的品种,气味香醇,酸度适中,口感丰富扎实。
8、麝香猫咖啡英文名称:Kopi luwak coffee产地:印度尼西亚口感与特点:麝香猫的粪便中提取出来后加工完成,麝香猫吃下成熟的咖啡果实,经过消化系统排出体外后,由于经过胃的发酵,产出的咖啡别有一番滋味,成为国际市场上的抢手货。
9、夏威夷咖啡英文名称:Kona coffee产地:美国口感与特点:有最完美的外表,它的果实异常饱满,而且光泽鲜亮,是世界上最美的咖啡豆,柔滑、浓香,具有诱人的坚果香味口味,酸度也较均衡适度。

英文介绍我爱咖啡作文英文回答:Coffee is an aromatic beverage prepared from the roasted beans of the Coffea plant. The plant is native to the tropical regions of Africa and Asia. Coffee beans are roasted and ground to produce the flavorful drink that is enjoyed by people all over the world.The origins of coffee can be traced back to the 9th century, when it was first discovered in Ethiopia. The legend has it that a goat herder named Kaldi noticed his goats behaving strangely after eating the berries of a certain tree. He tried the berries himself and found that they gave him a boost of energy.From Ethiopia, coffee spread to the Arabian Peninsula and eventually to Europe. In the 17th century, coffee houses became popular in Europe, and coffee became a favorite drink among intellectuals and artists.Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It is estimated that over 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day. Coffee is brewed in avariety of ways, including drip brewing, French press, and espresso.Coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant that can improve alertness and focus. It also contains antioxidants, which can help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.There are many different types of coffee, each with its own unique flavor and aroma. Some of the most popular types of coffee include Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica.Coffee is a versatile beverage that can be enjoyed in many different ways. It can be drunk hot or cold, with or without milk or sugar. Coffee can also be used in desserts, such as tiramisu and coffee cake.中文回答:咖啡是一种用烘焙过的咖啡豆制成的香气饮料。

1. Capp: CappuccinoCappuccino是一种由咖啡和奶泡混合而成的意大利浓缩咖啡。
2. Latte: LatteLatte是一种由咖啡和牛奶混合而成的饮料。
3. Frap: FrappuccinoFrappuccino是一种星巴克咖啡饮料,由冰块、牛奶、糖和咖啡混合而成。
4. Mocha: MochaMocha是一种由咖啡和巧克力混合而成的饮料。
5. Americano: AmericanoAmericano是一种由咖啡和热水混合而成的饮料。
6. ICED: Iced CoffeeICED是一种由冰块、咖啡和牛奶混合而成的饮料。
ICED的缩写是Iced Coffee。
7. Black: Black CoffeeBlack是一种没有添加任何牛奶、糖或奶泡的咖啡。
Black的缩写是Black Coffee。
8. Espresso: EspressoEspresso是一种独特的浓缩咖啡,由水和咖啡粉压制而成。
9. Decaf: Decaffeinated CoffeeDecaf是一种去咖啡因的咖啡,通常在晚上食用。

咖啡英文介绍作文英文:Coffee, a beloved beverage for many people around the world, has a rich history and a wide variety of flavors and preparations. As for me, I am a huge fan of coffee and I can't imagine starting my day without a cup of it. There are so many reasons why I love coffee, and I would love to share them with you.First of all, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee is simply irresistible. The moment I walk into a coffee shop, I am greeted by the warm and inviting scent of coffee beans being roasted and brewed. It's like a comforting hug in a cup. The rich, earthy smell immediately puts me in a good mood and gets me excited for that first sip.Speaking of that first sip, the taste of coffee is another reason why I love it so much. Whether it's a bold and robust espresso or a creamy and indulgent latte, thereis a coffee flavor for every mood and occasion. I love how the bitterness of the coffee is balanced by the sweetness of milk and the rich, nutty undertones of the beans. It's a complex and satisfying flavor profile that never fails to please my taste buds.Furthermore, coffee has become a social ritual for me.I often meet up with friends at a local café to catch up over a cup of coffee. It's a great way to bond with others and share stories and laughter. There's something about the act of sipping on a hot beverage together that brings people closer and creates a sense of community.In addition to its wonderful taste and social aspects, coffee also provides a much-needed energy boost. Whenever I have a long day ahead of me, a strong cup of coffee helps me feel more alert and focused. It's like a little pick-me-up in a mug, and it gives me the motivation to tackle whatever tasks lie ahead.Finally, I appreciate the versatility of coffee. It can be enjoyed hot or cold, black or with added flavors, and itcan be prepared in countless ways. From pour-over to French press, from cold brew to espresso, there is always a new coffee experience to explore. The world of coffee is vast and exciting, and I love discovering new ways to enjoy it.In conclusion, coffee is much more than just a beverage to me. It's a source of comfort, a social lubricant, an energy booster, and a world of endless possibilities. Ican't imagine my life without it.中文:咖啡,是世界上许多人喜爱的饮品,它有着丰富的历史和多样的口味和制备方法。

拼音kā fēi解释1. 英文[coffee]2. 产于热带、亚热带的常绿小乔木或灌木。
3. 咖啡豆【以蓝山、Cubita、摩卡、那加雪飞...为首】4. 咖啡粉:咖啡种子制成的粉末5. 咖啡饮料6.咖啡饼干:用咖啡豆研磨成粉制作而成7.咖啡冷饮:以咖啡为原料,在夏天的时候,是人们的必爱。

The History of CoffeeThe effect of coffee beans on behavior wasnoticed by a sheep herder from Caffa Ethopianamed Kaldi as he tended his sheep. He noticedthat the sheep became hyperactive after eatingthe red "cherries" from a certain plant . He trieda few himself, and was soon as overactive as hisherd. The story relates that a monkhappened by and scolded him for "partaking ofthe devil"s fruit." However the monks soondiscovered that this fruit from the shiny greenplant could help them stay awake for theirprayers.Composition Caffeine 咖啡因Tannin 单宁酸Fat 脂肪Protein 蛋白质Table sugar 食糖Fiber 纤维Mineral 矿物质Two main kinds of coffee ●single-origin coffees●Variation coffeesSingle-origincoffees Characteristics: pure1、single-origin coffee beans2、without milk and sugar and any other thingskinds of Single-origin coffees 蓝山咖啡:Blue Mountain Coffee哥伦比亚咖啡:Colombian Coffee巴西山度士咖啡:Brazil Santos曼特林咖啡:Mandeling Coffee意大利咖啡:Italian Coffee摩卡咖啡:Mocha coffee炭烧咖啡:Charcalfire coffeeVariation coffeesEspresso 浓缩咖啡Macchiato 玛奇朵Latte 拿铁Cappuccino 卡布奇诺Mocha 摩卡Advantages of drinking coffee of the effects that caffeine has on the human body is the improvement of memory.2. It protects you from having type 2 diabetes. Coffee has natural sugar content that makes it more blood sugar friendly. It is advisable though that you put less processed sugar when preparing coffee drinks and consume in small quantities.performance. Drinking coffee can bring mental focus and relaxation. The fresh scent aroma of coffee can calm mood swings and making your brain always alert.3.Drinking coffee has a function of hangover。

咖啡的种类及产地英语作文Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It is enjoyed by people of all ages and cultures. There are many different types of coffee, each with its own unique flavor and aroma. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular types of coffee and their origins.Arabica Coffee。
Arabica coffee is one of the most popular types ofcoffee in the world. It is grown in many countries,including Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Arabica coffee is known for its mild flavor and low acidity. It is often used in gourmet coffee blends and is considered to be a high-quality coffee.Robusta Coffee。
Robusta coffee is another popular type of coffee. It is grown in many countries, including Vietnam, Brazil, andIndonesia. Robusta coffee has a strong, bitter flavor and a high caffeine content. It is often used in instant coffee and espresso blends.Kona Coffee。

咖啡产品特色介绍英文作文Title: Exploring the Unique Features of Coffee Products。
Coffee, a beloved beverage cherished worldwide for its rich aroma and invigorating taste, embodies a diverse range of characteristics that captivate enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. In this exposition, we delve into the distinctive features that define various coffee products, celebrating their uniqueness and cultural significance.1. Origin and Terroir:One of the most fascinating aspects of coffee is its origin and the influence of terroir on its flavor profile. From the lush highlands of Ethiopia to the misty mountainsof Colombia, each coffee-growing region imparts distinct nuances to the beans cultivated within its borders. Thesoil composition, altitude, climate, and otherenvironmental factors converge to create a flavor profile unique to each locale. For instance, Ethiopian coffee isrenowned for its floral and fruity notes, while Colombian coffee often boasts a balanced profile with hints of caramel and chocolate.2. Varietal Diversity:Coffee enthusiasts revel in the myriad of coffee varietals available, each possessing its own set of characteristics. Whether it's the bold and earthy flavors of Arabica or the robust intensity of Robusta, there's a varietal to suit every palate preference. Additionally, specialty varietals such as Geisha and Bourbon offer discerning coffee drinkers an opportunity to explore rare and exceptional flavor experiences.3. Processing Methods:The method by which coffee beans are processed significantly impacts their flavor and aroma. From the traditional dry process to the modern wet process, each technique imbues the beans with distinct qualities. Dry-processed coffees often exhibit fruity and complex flavors,while wet-processed coffees tend to be cleaner and more vibrant. Furthermore, innovative processing methods like honey processing and anaerobic fermentation have emerged, offering novel flavor profiles that push the boundaries of traditional coffee offerings.4. Roasting Profiles:Roasting plays a pivotal role in unlocking the full potential of coffee beans, transforming raw green beansinto aromatic gems bursting with flavor. Roasters meticulously tailor the roasting process to accentuate desirable characteristics while mitigating undesirable ones. Whether it's a light roast with delicate acidity and floral notes or a dark roast boasting bold body and smoky undertones, the roasting profile profoundly shapes thefinal cup's taste experience.5. Brewing Techniques:Coffee aficionados embrace a plethora of brewing methods, each yielding distinct results that cater todiverse preferences. From the simplicity of a pour-over to the sophistication of an espresso machine, the brewing process allows for customization and experimentation. Factors such as grind size, water temperature, and brew time exert a profound influence on the final cup's flavor, empowering enthusiasts to fine-tune their brewing techniques to perfection.6. Artisanal Craftsmanship:In an era dominated by mass production, artisanal coffee roasters and brewers stand out for their commitment to quality and craftsmanship. These artisans meticulously source premium beans, roast them with care, and brew them with precision, ensuring that each cup embodies excellence and authenticity. Their dedication to the craft elevates the coffee experience, inviting consumers to savor the fruits of their labor and appreciate the artistry behind every sip.7. Sustainable Practices:As awareness of environmental and social issues grows, the coffee industry has embraced sustainable practices to promote ethical sourcing and environmental stewardship. From fair trade certifications to organic farming methods, coffee producers are increasingly prioritizingsustainability throughout the supply chain. By supporting environmentally and socially responsible coffee products, consumers can enjoy their favorite brews with the knowledge that they are contributing to a more sustainable future.In conclusion, coffee products encompass a myriad of unique features that reflect the rich tapestry of coffee culture worldwide. From the distinct terroir of coffee-growing regions to the meticulous craftsmanship ofartisanal roasters, each element contributes to the diverse and vibrant world of coffee. Whether enjoyed as a morning ritual or savored as a gourmet indulgence, coffee continues to captivate our senses and inspire our palates with its unparalleled versatility and charm.。

c o f f e e的各种分类及名称(英文)------------------------------------------作者xxxx------------------------------------------日期xxxx墨咖啡:Mexican Coffee01. 哥伦比亚咖啡 Colombian Coffee02. 牙买加咖啡 Jamaican Coffee03. 蓝山咖啡 Blue Mountain Coffee04. 巴西山度士咖啡 Brazil Santos Coffee05. 曼特林咖啡 Brazilian Coffee06. 速溶咖啡 Instant Coffee07. 特浓咖啡 espresso08. 意大利咖啡 Italian Coffee09. 意大利浓咖啡 Espresso10. 意大利泡沫咖啡 Cappuccino11. 拿铁咖啡 Café Latté (Coffee Latte)12. 美式咖啡 Café Americano13. 法式滴滤咖啡 French Coffee14. 冰法式滴滤 Iced French Coffee15. 低因咖啡 Decaffeinated Coffee16. 曼巴咖啡 Special Coffee (Mandeling and Brazilian Coffee)17. 速溶咖啡 Instant Coffee18. 现磨咖啡 Fresh Ground Coffee19. 冰咖啡 Iced Coffee20. 浓缩冰咖啡 Iced Espresso21. 冰薄荷咖啡 Iced Mint Coffee22. 冰卡布奇诺 Iced Cappuccino23. 冰焦糖卡布奇诺 Iced Caramel Cappuccino24. 冰香草卡布奇诺 Iced Vanilla Cappuccino25. 冰榛子卡布奇诺 Iced Hazelnut Cappuccino26. 果味冰卡布奇诺 Iced Fruit Cappuccino27. 果味卡布奇诺 Fruit Cappuccino28. 薰衣草卡布奇诺 Lavender Cappuccino29. 香草卡布奇诺 Vanilla Cappuccino30. 榛子卡布奇诺 Hazelnut Cappuccino31. 冰拿铁咖啡 Iced Café Latté32. 冰焦糖咖啡拿铁 Iced Caramel Latté33. 冰香草咖啡拿铁 Iced Vanilla Latté34. 冰榛子咖啡拿铁 Iced Hazelnut Latté35. 冰菠萝咖啡拿铁 Iced Pineapple Latté36. 冰草莓咖啡拿铁 Iced Strawberry Latté37. 冰果味咖啡拿铁 Iced Fruit Latté38. 黑莓咖啡拿铁 Blackberry Latté39. 拿铁香草 Vanilla Bean Latté40. 薰衣草咖啡拿铁 Lavender Latté41. 椰子冰咖啡拿铁 Iced Coconut Latté42. 黑莓冰咖啡拿铁 Iced Blackberry Latté43. 芒果冰咖啡拿铁 Iced Mango Latté44. 蜜桃冰咖啡拿铁 Iced Peach Latté45. 蜜桃咖啡拿铁 Peach Latté46. 樱桃咖啡拿铁 Cherry Latté47. 樱桃冰咖啡拿铁 Iced Cherry Latté48. 榛子咖啡拿铁 Hazelnut Latté49. 香蕉咖啡拿铁 Banana Latté50. 浓缩咖啡康保蓝 Espresso Con Panna51. 浓缩咖啡玛奇朵 Espresso Macchiato52. 冰美式咖啡 Iced Café Americano53. 菠萝冰美式 Iced Pineapple Americano54. 芒果冰美式咖啡 Iced Mango Americano55. 蜜桃冰美式咖啡 Iced Peach Americano56. 香蕉冰美式 Iced Banana Americano57. 冰摩卡 Iced Mochaccino58. 草莓摩卡咖啡 Iced Strawberry Mocha59. 樱桃摩卡咖啡 Cherry Mocha60. 椰子摩卡咖啡 Coconut Mocha61. 芒果摩卡咖啡 Mango Mocha62. 香蕉摩卡咖啡 Banana Mocha63. 冰水果咖啡 Iced Fruit Coffee64. 法国香草咖啡 French Vanilla Coffee65. 漂浮冰咖啡 Iced Coffee Float66. 巧克力冰咖啡 Iced Chocolate Coffee67. 巧克力咖啡 Chocolate Coffee68. 塔拉珠高山咖啡 Tarrazu Coffee69. 碳烧咖啡 Charcoal Coffee70. 特雷里奥咖啡 Tres Rios Coffee71. 维也纳咖啡 Vienna Coffee72. 杏香咖啡 Saronno Coffee73. 夏威夷可娜咖啡 Hawaiian Kona Coffee74. 玫瑰夫人咖啡 Rose Lady Coffee 玫瑰花香与咖啡奶油结合后,芳香无比75. 墨西哥冰咖啡 Iced Mexican Coffee76. 瑞士冰咖啡 Iced Swiss Coffee77. 巴西咖啡 Brazil Coffee78. 皇家咖啡 Royal Coffee79. 君度咖啡 Cointreau Coffee80. 爱尔咖啡 Irish Coffee81. 生姜咖啡 Ginger Juice Coffee82. 贵妇人咖啡 Dame Coffee83. 椰香咖啡 Coconut Coffee84. 百利咖啡 Sherry Coffee 一份咖啡加一份百利甜酒,让您品尝香甜可品的美酒咖啡85. World Famous Coffee纯品咖啡86. 上岛咖啡UBC Coffee 数种咖啡依其酸甘度调配而成,是本公司代表产品87. 曼巴咖啡Mandeling & Brazilian Coffee 曼特宁配上巴西,芳香可口,强劲有味,是咖啡中之绝配89. 碳烧咖啡Charcoal Roasted Coffee 碳火慢焙而成的咖啡,更增加浓郁、甘醇90. 哥伦比亚咖啡Colombian Coffee 丰富浓郁、味醇芳香,犹如皇后般高贵91. 夏威夷可娜咖啡 Hawaiian Kona Coffee 产地:夏威夷,香味圆润、回味无穷92. 极品蓝山咖啡The Best Blue Mountain Coffee 香味甘醇, 更是蓝山咖啡极品中的极品93. 意大利咖啡 Italian Coffee 别具风味,兼具意大利式的浪漫94. 维也纳咖啡Vienna Coffee 发泡奶油漂浮在咖啡上,可享受咖啡的三段滋味95. 巧克力咖啡Chocolate Coffee 咖啡、鲜奶油、巧克力三种口味的混合,形成一种特殊的香味96. 椰香咖啡 Coconut Coffee 椰香加咖啡胜过美酒加咖啡97. 抹茶咖啡 Macha Coffee 抹茶的清香营养加上咖啡的香醇浓郁,真是一大绝配.2。

Coffee, oh coffee! What a versatile and fascinating beverage it is. There are countless ways to enjoy coffee, from the classic black brew to intricate espresso-based concoctions. Today, I want to share some interesting and creative ways to make coffee that will tantalize your taste buds and awaken your senses.One of the most intriguing methods to make coffee isthe "Vietnamese Egg Coffee." Yes, you heard it right – egg coffee! Originating from Vietnam, this unique drink combines the richness of egg yolks with the boldness of coffee. To make it, you whisk together egg yolks and condensed milk until fluffy, then pour hot coffee over the mixture. The result is a creamy, indulgent beverage that tastes like a liquid dessert. It may sound strange at first, but once you try it, you'll be hooked!Another fun way to enjoy coffee is by making "coffee ice cubes." This is perfect for those who love iced coffee but hate it when it gets watered down. Simply brew a strong batch of coffee and pour it into ice cube trays. Once frozen, you can use these coffee ice cubes to chill your iced coffee without diluting its flavor. It's a simple yet ingenious trick that ensures every sip is packed with robust coffee goodness.If you're feeling adventurous, why not try making "coffee cocktails"? Mixing coffee with alcohol opens up a whole new world of flavor possibilities. One popular coffee cocktail is the Espresso Martini, made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and freshly brewed espresso. It's a sophisticated and energizing drink that's perfect for a night out or a cozy evening at home. You can also get creative and experiment with different spirits, syrups, and garnishes to create your signature coffee cocktail.Now, let's switch gears and delve into the Chinese language.中文:咖啡啊,咖啡!这是一种多才多艺、令人着迷的饮料。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Coffee is a popular beverage enjoyed by people all over the world. There are various types of coffee, each with its own unique flavor and characteristics. From the strong and bold taste of espresso to the smooth and creamy texture of a latte, coffee lovers have an array of options to choose from.One type of coffee is the classic black coffee. It is a simple yet satisfying drink that offers a pure and intense taste. The bitterness of black coffee can be an acquired taste for some, but for others, it is the perfect way to start the day.For those who prefer a milder flavor, there is the option of a cappuccino. This coffee is made by combining equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. The result is a creamy and smooth drink that is often topped with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon.If you are looking for a sweet and indulgent treat, a mocha might be the perfect choice. This coffee combines the rich flavors of chocolate and espresso, creating a decadent drink that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. It is often garnished with whipped cream and chocolate shavings for an extra touch of luxury.For those who enjoy a strong and concentrated coffee, espresso is the way to go. This type of coffee is made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans at high pressure. The result is a small but powerful shot of coffee that is often enjoyed on its own or used as a base for other drinks.If you are in the mood for something refreshing, an iced coffee is a great option. This drink is made by brewing coffee and then chilling it over ice. It can be enjoyed as is or customized with milk, sugar, or flavored syrups. It is the perfect choice on a hot summer day or when you need a pick-me-up in the afternoon.In addition to these popular options, there are manyother types of coffee available, such as macchiato, americano, and flat white. Each type offers a unique flavor profile and can be customized to suit individual preferences.No matter what type of coffee you prefer, there is no denying the pleasure that comes from sipping on a freshly brewed cup. So whether you enjoy a strong and bold espresso or a creamy and indulgent latte, there is a coffee out there for everyone to enjoy.。

用这种方式煮出来的“一份浓缩咖啡”,被称为one shot。
比如说,I’d like a double/triple espresso. 我要双份/三份的意大利浓缩咖啡。
但是如果你想要多一点奶泡,可以说,I want some extra foam. 我想要多一点奶泡。
在喝冰拿铁的时候,希望少放一点冰块,你就可以说,Don’t use too much ice. 不要加太多冰块。
第三种是caffe mocha 摩卡咖啡。
不过万一你觉得鲜奶油热量高,可以说,I don’t want any whipped cream. 我不要鲜奶油。
你还可以调整摩卡酱的比例,可以说,Please give me a little extra /less chocolate syrup。
第四种是cappuccino 卡布奇诺。
如果希望奶泡再多一点,热牛奶少一点,可以说,I want it dry. 我要牛奶少一点。
或者I want a dry cappuccino. 我要一杯不加牛奶,只有奶泡的卡布奇诺。
如果你想要多一点热牛奶,可以说,I want it wet. 我要牛奶多一点。
或者I want a wet cappuccino. 我一杯牛奶多一点的卡布奇诺。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!There's espresso, which is super concentrated and full of flavor. It's the base for a lot of coffee drinks.Then there's cappuccino. It has that lovely mix of espresso, steamed milk, and foam on top. It's a classic.Latte is another popular one. It has more milk than a cappuccino, making it a bit milder.And don't forget about Americano. It's basicallydiluted espresso to give a more mellow taste.There's also mocha, which is a combination of coffee and chocolate. Yum!And iced coffee for those hot days. It's refreshing and a great way to cool down.。
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The first plants grown from these smuggled seeds were planted in Mysore. Coffee then spread to Italy, and to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia, and to the Americas.
There is some controversy over whether the Caffeine in coffee causes headaches or helps relieve headaches. In a 2000 controlled study by the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago, llinois, revealed that adults who took ibuprofen, an over the counter pain killer, combined with caffeine or one cup of coffee had increased effectiveness against tension headaches. The study did not recommend that the caffeine and ibuprofen combination was effective against migraine headaches.
The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of th coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries around Mokha in Yemen.
Raw beans of coffee contains 8% sugar, most sugar become caramel after baking, making coffee form brown, combing with tannin produce sweet.
Tannin is a substance found in many different plants. Tannin is notably found naturally occurring in grapes, tea leaves, and oak. The word tannin comes from the historical practice of using the tannin found in oak bark to tan leather, although in the modern world, synthetic is usually used for this purpose instead.
2.Mocha Pot
Mocha pots are normally made of aluminium for use over a flame or electric range. They cannot be used on induction stoves. Electric self-heating mocha pots are also available. Maintenance : Mocha pots require periodic replacement of the rubber seal and the filters, and a check that the safety release valve is not blocked .
Almost everything about using a vacuum coffee maker is sensory involved: aromas, fragrance, motion, touch, action. Grind the coffee, add it to the top vessel. Add cold (or hot) water to the bottom. Put the bottom on a heat source. Add the top vessel with its attached siphon. Watch. Liquids defy gravity. The brew gurgles, but it's not boiling. Remove from heat source. Watch the coffee move back down, or "south". Watch the bottom vessel's brewed coffee gurgle as air is drawn through the spent grounds to release the built up vacuum. Remove top vessel. Smell. Pour. Taste. Applicable coffee: Slightly sour, Alcohol degrees in the coffee. Grinding degrees: Slightly coarse than powder and close to Especially grain of sugar .
Drip coffee: Due to the higher than atmospheric pressure involved, the mixture of water and steam reaches temperatures well above 100 °C, causing a more efficient extraction of caffeine and flavours from the grounds, and resulting in a much stronger brew than that obtained by drip brewing, but with a different flavour.
However, no direct evidence has been found indicating where in Africa coffee grew or who among the natives might have used it as a stimulant or even known about it, earlier than the 17th century. The story of Kaldi, the 9th-century Ethiopian goatherd who discovered coffee, did not appear in writing until 1671 and is probably apocryphal. From Ethiopia, the beveragewas introduced into the Arab world through Egypt and Yemen.
3.Balancing Siphon
Regardless of how delightful the finished product may be, most methods of brewing coffee are pretty dull. Drip machines just sit there and dribble, percolators burble a little, and plunger pots don't do anything at all. If you enjoy having people over for coffee, you might want to try a coffee maker that puts on a show. The balancing siphon coffee maker is an elaborate device for making coffee, and it's both beautiful to look at and fun to use
Over the door of a Leipzig coffeeshop is a sculptural representation of a man in Turkish dress, receiving a cup of coffee from a boy. Ethiopian ancestors of today's Oromo people were believed to have been the first to recognize the energizing effect of the coffee bean plant.
The fiber of Raw beans will be carbonized after baking, combing with caramel form the tonal of coffee.
Contain a little Lie, Iron , Sodium carbonate.