• 打喷嚏( sneeze) 是一种生理现象, 但在公共场合或与朋友聚会, 绝对禁 止冲着他人打喷嚏。这是中西都有 的禁忌。实在要打喷嚏或擤鼻子时, 要用纸或手绢捂着鼻子, 转过身去。 事后还要说一声对不起( Excuse me) 周围的人会说一声“上帝保佑 你” ( God bless you) ,或“ 祝你健 康” ( keep fit/wish you healthy) 的 话语, 其来源说法不一。
公共场合禁忌( taboos in public places)
• 在英语国家, 人们在公共场合活动要严格按 照先来后到的顺序, 严禁别人打扰。比如到 邮局或银行办事, 或到某处参观, 人们会根 据先来后到的顺序排起队来, 并保持一定的 距离。他人不能加塞儿( queen- jumping) 。 到餐馆用餐, 如果人多客满, 后到的人不能 打扰先到的人, 必须在门口等候, 也不可到 餐厅内任意游走, 或自己找位指在 某个民族或宗教 传统文化里禁忌 的一些事物,行 动或言语。
• 十八世纪英国航海家库克来到南太平洋的 汤加群岛,发现那里有许多奇特的现象, 例如,某些东西只允许特定的头等人物(神、 僧侣、国王、酋长)使用,而不允许一般人 沾边;或只允许作特定的用途,而不准用 于一般的目的;或不许某一社会集团(例如 妇女)的人使用等等。那里的居民称这种禁 忌为taboo 直译为“塔布”。
• 厕所 在美国一般都叫rest room或bath room(男女厕均可) 或分别叫做 men‘s room 或 ladies‘ room(=powder room),不过在飞机上,则叫 lavatory,在军中又叫 latrine。至于 W.C.(water closet)乃是过去英国人用的, 在美国,几乎没有人使用。 • 此外,john是 bath room 或 toilet 的意思(也叫 outhouse),这通常是指在户外工作场地所使用的临时或 流动性厕所(有时前面也加 portable 一字)。 • He went to the john a few minutes ago.(他在几分钟前 上了厕所。) • 其他说法pass water, answer nature’ s call, wash one’ s hands, do one’ s business等等
中西方禁忌语的差异称谓方面的差异由于汉英文化背景的差异, 使得两种语言在称谓和礼貌方面的表达截然不同。
西方人大多喜欢别人直呼其名,不论职位、年龄的差异如何悬殊, 他们认为这样的称呼很亲切。
如果称他们先生、夫人或小姐, 他们总觉得过于郑重其事, 不利于缩短相互间的距离。
西方人为了表示对前辈的尊敬, 晚辈可与长辈同名, 在外国人看来司空见惯的事情, 中国人则觉得不可理解。
对长辈或年龄大的人直呼其名或者取与之相同的名字, 被认为是大不敬或没教养的表现。
在中国, 人们用师傅、同志来代替不同的称谓, 而西方人经常用“Hi, hello”与别人打招呼, 或轻微发音来引起别人的注意。
4.2 私人话题方面的禁忌西方人很看重个人隐私, 对于他们来说, 年龄、金钱、婚姻状况, 一个人在政治上的见解和宗教上的信仰都属于他们的私事, 别人无权过问。
询问这些方面的问题会被看作是干涉他人隐私, 不礼貌、无教养的行为。
询问在外国人看来是禁忌的问题, 中国人则认为这是密切人际关系,联络感情的表现, 在这种文化背景下, 所谓个人隐私几乎是不存在了。
4.3 数字方面的禁忌在数字方面的禁忌中西方表现出很大的差异性。
例如, 在中国的很多地方谈论岁数忌言73 和84。
传说是因为孔子73 岁死, 孟子84 岁死。
英语国家避讳13 和星期五, 因为耶稣遇难的日子恰好是13 号, 星期五。
另外, 中国人和英语国家的人们对偶数和奇数的态度也不同。
中国人偏爱偶数, 好事成双, 六六大顺, 成双成对都是很好的例子; 而西方人则把奇数(13 除外) 当作幸运的象征。
4.4 动物方面的禁忌在中国, 人们认为猫头鹰是倒霉、晦气的象征, 汉语中夜猫子进宅意味着厄运将至, 而在西方, 猫头鹰则被认为是智慧的象征; 中国人对蝙蝠很有好感, 认为蝙蝠是吉祥、健康、幸福的象征, 通常与寿字连在一起出现, 如“五蝠拜寿”。
中西方禁忌文化 (2)
![中西方禁忌文化 (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b8f552631eb91a37f1115cc3.png)
英语中的Jesus Christ, Holy Mary, Son of a bitCh就是这种话;而Damn, Damn it,Hell这样的话在语气上就稍微轻一些。
从中西方文化角度解析禁忌语的文献综述应用科技学院 14 级英语专业学号 130602033 姓名林巧凤指导教师林钦东职称助教作为一种复杂的文化现象,中西方禁忌不仅是每个民族内心深层的东西,也是我们生活中必不可少的交际手段。
英语Taboo 一词起源于波利尼西亚的汤加语,原意指“神圣超凡的”,世纪,而后渐渐发展具有了“危险的、禁止的”的引申义。
❖ 分布于印度,斯里兰卡,缅甸,中国,日本, 朝鲜半岛和东南亚国家。
❖ 主要教义:施与一切有生命者以慈爱和怜悯, 广施博爱,不计善恶,不分人畜,均一视同 仁。在这个教义的基础上,佛教有五戒、八 戒、十戒等戒律。
❖ 佛教五戒:不杀生;不邪淫;不盗窃;不饮酒; 不妄语。
❖ 忌食猪肉;忌用猪的形象做装饰图案。忌食动物的血液;忌食在 神石上宰杀的动物。忌酒及其他含有酒精的饮料。
❖ (E)保护一般人不受鬼神的愤怒或其力量所伤害。
❖ 《圣经》记录了“上帝十戒”(the ten commandments),它们是 基督教思想的核心。这十戒是:
❖ 1。除上帝外不可敬拜别的神; ❖ 2。不可敬拜偶像; ❖ 3。不可妄称上帝的名; ❖ 4。当守安息圣日; ❖ 5。当孝敬父母; ❖ 6。不可杀人; ❖ 7。不可奸淫; ❖ 8。不可偷盗; ❖ 9。不可假陷害人; ❖ 10。不可贪婪人的财物。
❖ (A)保护重要人物------领袖、僧侣等------和使事物免 受到伤害。
❖ (B)保护弱小者----妇女、儿童和一般民众----不受到 领袖和僧侣的曼那所伤害。
❖ (C)防止以手触摸或接触到死人所引起的危险或误吃 某些食物。
❖ (D)保护或避免危及生命的重要行为----生育、成人礼、 婚姻和性机能-----受到干扰。
❖ Powder room, convenience, cloakroom, loo (waterloo), gentlemen(’s),
ladies’ (mostly in UK)
❖ Bathroom, restroom, men(’s), women(’s), comfort station (mostly in US)
1 、禁忌的意义: 禁忌存在于各种文化和民族中, 不同文化和民 族, 禁忌的内容和形式各不相同。弗洛伊德在他的 书《图腾与禁忌》中对禁忌这一习 俗做出了分析。 他认为:禁忌是藐视一个人、一个地方、一件东西 或一种暂时性的情况, 他们具有这种神秘力量传导 作用或者本身既是这种神秘力量的来源。同时, 它 也是代表了由这种事物禁忌预兆所产生的禁制。 禁忌这个名词的内涵包含了“神圣的”和“超乎 寻常的”, “不洁的”和“怪诞的”等意义。这种 解释主要是真对原始民族队禁忌的理解。《现代 汉语词典》中对“禁忌”这样解释: 人们忌讳的话 或行动。现代人们所说的禁忌主要指人们认为会 带来厄运的话和事情, 因此极力避免他们的出现。
西方人常说The th ird time. s the charm. ( 第三次准 灵。) ; Number three is a lways fortunate. (第三号一 定运气好) 。莎士比亚戏剧里也说, All good things go by threes. (一切好事以三为标准) 。 英语中six是一个不受欢迎的数字, 人们视其为大 凶数或野兽数, 从下列习语, 我们可以感受数字6 在英 语中的地位。如at six and sevens(乱七八糟, 七零八 落) 、six penny(不值钱) 、h it sb.for six亦作knock sb. six (给敌人、某人毁灭性打击) 、six to one (六对一; 相差悬殊) 、six of the best ( 以藤鞭击六下 ) 学校的 一种惩罚手段) 等等。 在西方国家中, 人们看重数字7, 认为它吉祥有力。7 有着十分神秘的色彩, 于是在语言中便有了对这一数字 神秘性的反映。
由此演化出久远、 神圣之意, 受到历代帝王 的青睐。他们常借用九字来象征他们的统 治地久天长, 万世不变。这一点在中国帝王 的宫殿建筑中体现得尤为明显。例如: 故宫 三大殿和颐和园排云殿高为九九寸; 皇宫内 大小城门上各有横、竖九排共计八十一个 门钉。在故宫的建筑中用得最多的是九,因 为九是最大的阳数(奇数), 它代表天, 而皇帝 自称是天子(上天的儿子), 所以它也代表了 皇帝。有些地方祝寿, 习惯上做九不做 十, 那是因为九与久谐音, 取寿久之意。9也深 深植根于民俗文化之中, 人们生日送花或挑 选电话和车牌号码时, 也都喜欢带 9的号码。
影 响融合 的趋势 , 禁忌 文化也不 再是传统 意义上 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้极 、迷信 、愚 昧的 ,
在跨 文化 的交往 中 ,它愈 来愈 显现 出其作 为一 种社会 规范 的积 极 、合 理 、科学 的作用 。比如 1 9 5 1 年人 民解放 军第 十八 军进 藏前 ,为得 到藏 民的欢迎 和接受制定 了一个 3 O 条的 《 进军守则》 ,内容主要包括 :尊重
纱 ,而且红色常常 与 “ 战争” “ 鲜血 ” “ 死亡 ” “ 危险” 建立起关 系。 而在 中国的汉族文化 中认 为 白色 意 味着 “ 死亡” ,只有 在 “白事 ” 即 “ 丧事 ”的时候才会把 白色穿在身上或戴在头上。 3 、家居 禁忌。与东方人崇 尚的 “ 远 亲不如 近邻 ” 不 同,西方 人看 中隐私 ,与邻里往来不 多 ,也没有 中国的社 区文化 ,如果不 了解 这一禁 忌 ,可能会 在沟通 中造成不必要 的尴尬 。在西方国家 ,一旦成 年就不会 在 与父 母 合 住 ,这 种 愿 望 不 仅 是 子 女 渴 望 个 人 空 间 也 是 父 母 的愿 望 。 在 中国 ,两代 同住或者几代合住 的是及其常见 的。 4 、社 交禁忌。在 中西方 不同 的文化背景 下 ,在拜访 友人 ,商 务交 往, 请客 吃饭等交往上 的禁忌是极其不 同的。在西方 ,拜访友人 前需要 提前 预约 ,如果 突如其来 的贸然来访受访者会感到不快 。中国人 在传统 上受 客观条 件的限制,往往没有提前预约拜访 的习惯 ,但 随着 全球 化交 流的日 益深入和通 讯工具 的进 步 ,访前 预约 的习惯 已渐 渐被 中 国人 接 受 。西方人一般会严格遵守公共场合 的秩序 ,比如到邮局或银行 办事会 按 照先来后 到得顺序排 队 , 并保持一定 的距离 。中国人也有 自己的禁忌 和规 矩 ,只是由于种种原 因,很 多人不在乎 ,排 队加塞 ,拥挤 哄抢这类 不 文明举动 屡见不 鲜。 在全球 化发展 的大 背景下 ,各个地 区和民族的禁忌文化呈 现出相互
步骤三、禁忌语的范围⑴姓名称谓的禁忌语英汉两种语言在姓名称呼上的习惯与禁忌迥然有别: 中国有重等级次序、尊上敬上、讲究礼貌的传统,这样的观念在姓名称谓上也有所反映。
而在西方英语国家,尤其是美国,由于其社会价值观提倡平等自由,‘All men are created equal’这一观念深深地植根于人们的文化心理中,于是对于关系较为亲近的人,即使是长幼辈与上下级之间也是直呼其名的。
结婚的礼金不可以单,一定要双,例如2600元 3200元等等。 结婚的礼金不可以单,一定要双,例如2600元、3200元等等。 2600 元等等
2.病人、丧事忌包双数。 2.病人、丧事忌包双数。 病人
丧事包得礼金称之为白包,白包忌包双数,只能包奇数,例如1001元 2001元等 丧事包得礼金称之为白包,白包忌包双数,只能包奇数,例如1001元、2001元等 1001 不过白包通常量目不要包太多;探望病人通常很少送礼金,大部分是送花、 等,不过白包通常量目不要包太多;探望病人通常很少送礼金,大部分是送花、 水果等等,如果真的要送钱的话,基本上也是不能双数。 水果等等,如果真的要送钱的话,基本上也是不能双数。
列 奥 纳 多 . . . . . . . .
卡拉瓦乔 《耶稣被捕》 耶稣被捕》 (又名《犹大之吻》) 又名《犹大之吻》
西方人忌讳“13”,要是“13日”正赶上“星期五”被认 为更不吉利。分析家认为,问题不在这两个日子有什么魔法, 而是忌讳这两个数字的人心理在作怪。“13日”再加上“星期 五”是最“险恶”的日子,其由来要追溯到远古。据传说,犹 太教以星期五日落到星期六日落为休息日,称为安息日。按照 迷信的说法,每到这天,12个巫婆(witch)都要举行狂欢夜 会,第13个魔鬼(monster)是在夜会高潮时出现的撒旦 (Satan)。圣经的一些解释者认定,亚当和夏娃就是在这个 日子偷尝了禁果,亚当和夏娃的儿子该隐也是在“黑色星期五” 杀死了他的弟弟亚伯。 不仅普通人,名人也惧怕“13日”和 “星期五”。每当这时,歌德总是睡大觉,拿破仑绝不用兵, 俾斯麦不签署任何条约,即使是不触动任何人根本利益的文件 他也不愿签字。美国前总统胡佛•罗斯福也很迷信,有人还记 得,每月“13日”罗斯福都不出行,尽管并非每个13日都赶上 “星期五”。 其实,并非所有“13”都是不祥之兆,有的欧 洲人就很喜欢13。不错,以色列曾被分成13部分,可救世主恰 恰就是13日降临的。欧洲神秘的占卜术中有许多13,比如说, 有13眼天泉、13座天门、信奉上帝的人希望得到13种神药。而 在古埃及,在玛雅人(印第安民族群)的心目中,13象征着上 帝的青睐。有人认为13不仅不晦气,而且会给人带来运气。第 一位飞越大西洋的驾驶员林德伯格就是第13次飞越时获得成功 的———前12次都以失败告终…… 长期以来,人们为克服迷 信(superstition)、崇尚科学做了许多工作。例如,1791年, 英国一家造船厂准备造一条大船,厂家特意选择“13”号开工, 这一天正是“星期五”,而且这条船的名字也叫“星期五”, 大船第一次下水航行的日子还是“星期五”。
中西⽅礼仪的差异表现在哪⼏⽅⾯ 中西⽅礼仪有着较⼤的差异,这是众所周知的事情。
中西⽅礼仪的差异表现 1、称谓称呼⽅⾯ 在西⽅,称呼是⽐较笼统的,⼀个称呼可以涵盖中国很多称呼。
⽽在中国,⼈们喜欢加上职位,xx 经理,xx总裁等。
2、交际语⾔⽅⾯ 中国⼈通常是见⾯点头致意,握⼿或⾏拱⼿礼,微微⽋⾝然后握⼿,⽽西⽅⼈认为⽋⾝显得⾃卑,拥抱是最常见的见⾯礼与道别礼,亲吻礼与吻⼿礼也较为常见。
3,宴请⽅⾯ 酒⽂化在中国由来已久,被视为做⽣意,交朋友等社交场合不可或缺的。
4,禁忌习俗 中国⼈不喜欢说4,因为与“死”同⾳,认为8、6吉利,偏向于双数,追求成双成对。
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点——dot,即tiny dash。
横——horizontal,即rightward stroke。
竖——vertical,即downward stroke。
提——rise或rising,即flick up and rightwards。
捺——press down或right-falling,即falling rightwards,flattening at the bottom。
撇——throw away或left-falling,即falling leftwards,with slight curve,not very curved。
折——break或turning,即90de gre e turn,going down or going right only。
钩——hook,即appended to other strokes,going down or goingleft only。
弯——bend,即usually concave 凹的on the left。
斜——slant,即usually concave on the right。
笔画stroke点、横、竖、撇、捺、折、钩、提dot stroke, horizontal stroke, vertical stroke,left-falling stroke,right-falling stroke, turning stroke, hook stroke,raising stroke复杂笔画可以从上述基本笔画组合而来,例如,竖钩即可为…vertical‟+…hook‟。
永字八法(Eight Principlels of Yong;见篇首图)包含了八种基本笔画的写法与笔顺。
拇指 Thumb, often considered not to be a finger食指 Index finger, also called'pointer finger', or 'forefinger'中指 Middle finger, often the longest无名指 ring finger, also known as fourth finger小指 Little finger, also known as 'pinky'中国民间禁忌——节日禁忌春节是新年之始,禁忌较多。
Chinese Culture Taboo #1: Take credit for achievements - 受到表扬后不谦虚One of the first things most foreigners in China learn about cultural differences is the way to reply to compliments. In America if someone says you have a nicecar or keep up your yard wellyou would most likely say, "Thank you. I have worked hard for it." To respond to a compliment like that in China would be considered very prideful. It is almost like there are set rules for what is right to say in certain situations. Say for example, you are visiting a friend who has recently moved to anew house. When you enter you are expected to make some positive remarks about his house. “It is spacious.” “The lighting is good.” “It faces the correctdi rection.” “No, it is small.” “The lighting is not very good, especially in the afternoons.” “Alot of noise drifts up from the street.” You are never supposed to directly accept the praise. There is a Chinese phrase that is basically an all inclusive "divert praise" conversation tool. That is "na li, na li". The direct English translation is "Where, where?" Whenever people compliment my Chinese, and it doesn't take much language prowess to draw compliments, I use this phrase and people know that since I didn't say "Thank you" I must have been in China a while.I heard of a story of a foreigner who complimented a Chinese woman by telling her she waspretty. She had practiced a bit of English and knew how to translate some Chinese phrases directly into English. So she said, "Where, where?" The foreigner was quite taken aback, but assumed she just wanted a bit more praise. He said, "Umm, uh, your face is quite attractive." By now she was blushing. "Where, where?" This time the foreigner thought she was pretty presumptuous to keep demanding more praise, butdidn't want to offend her. "Well, your nose is quite graceful and your eyes have a sparkle to them."" This time her whole facewas bright red as she stammered one more time, "Where?"Chinese Culture Taboo #2: Showing the bottom of your shoes -被人看见鞋底In China, people walk almost everywhere. Shoes tend to collect more dirt and junk than in Western countries. Showing someone the bottom of your shoes is considered very rude. It is rude even when it happens in natural situations such as crossing your legs or putting your feet up on a coffee table. Like many rooted customs, this is slowly changing .The youngergeneration would not get as upset if this were to happen as an elderly person would. Also, when you enter someone's house you are supposed to take offyour shoes first. Most homes have a set of "house shoes" for wearing inside and which they offer to guests. Although the home owner might protest and tell you it is not necessary to take off your shoes, you should do it anyway unless you are very close to the host. He is also being polite by saying "no need, no need", but actually there is a need. When my family first arrived in China, my father rode on the subway and crossed hislegs in the seat. The gentleman sitting next to him took out a pad and paper and wrote something intently on it. Then he showed the paper to my father. It said, "The action which you are taking is impolite." Needless to say, we think twice before crossing our legs in public now!Chinese Culture Taboo #3: Major on one food and skip the others -只吃一种食物,其他的不吃The rights and wrongs of food etiquette could be an entire article in and of themselves. Iwill briefly summarize the "dos" and "don'ts" here. Traditional Chinese serve the bowls ofguests. It is considered rude to help yourself to the food you want when at someone's house. The proper way is to wait until the host serves your bowl. Don't be afraid that you will go hungry because good hosts take it as their personal mission to make sure your bowl is completely full all the time. Even after you have eaten 3-4 bowls full of food they will continue to scoop it for you and say "Don't be polite. Eat up. You haven't eaten anything yet." In the process they will give you what they consider to be the very best food, which might or might not be what you like.In other less traditional homes, you might have freedom to serve some of your own food. If you do, beware. Reaching across thetable for another dish is a big no no. So is using your chopsticks to pick out the meat or food from a dish you like the best. If you do seem to eat one thing more than another, it is likely that they will serve you more of that. My mother went to a guest's house where she was served a kind of boiled greens. They weren't her favorite so she ate them first to save the best for last. They saw saw her quickly eating them up and interpreted that to mean she loved them. The hostesspromptly got her bowl, went to the kitchen, and gave her another scoop. It is often advisable to leave a little bit of food left in your bowl or the host might think you are still hungry and fill it up again. Then again, in some regions it is considered very wasteful to leave any food. Sound complicated? It is. Accept a dinner invitation at your own risk. No, in seriousness most Chinese know that Westerners will not know all the rules or customs. They will give you some leeway, but try to be sensitive and navigate the system as well as you can. Just like in the States, do be graciousand rave over every good thing you eat. Cooks enjoy the attention worldwide.Chinese Culture Taboo #4: Hug a member of the opposite sex as a greeting -问候时拥抱异性In the US, it is very common for guys to hug girls and vice-versa as a friendly greeting. During my church fellowship time back in the States I can see guys and girls hugging across the entire auditorium. In some areas of the South it feels weird to offer your hand. Believe it or not, social customs in China are not the same as America's South. If youare a guy and want to make a Chinese girl feel extremely awkward and uncomfortable, offering a hug as a greeting is the way to go. She will likely offer a nervous laugh and attempt to escape as soon as possible. I have seen this happen several times with unsuspecting foreigners. Meanwhile, theydidn't have any idea how uncomfortable the girl felt. As weird as that is, it might be even more weird for a girl to initiate the hug. I have been in China for almost nine years and can't recall seeing that happen. So if it hasn't happened yet, don't bethe first try. There doesn'talways have to be a first for everything. So what is the appropriate way to act when meeting someone or introducing yourself? If you are a guy meeting a guy you can offer a warm handshake. It is not so common in China still, but it will probably be accepted. However, it is more normal when meeting someone to exchange verbal greetings, but not any physical contact. If you are unsure what to do, a good rule of thumb is always to wait and see how the other person responds. More than ninety percent of the time they won't offer their hand, so you don't need to either.Chinese Culture Taboo #5: Ask a member of the opposite sexhis/her birth date -问异性的生日In the West, this is generally an innocent question. You could have a hundred reasons for asking such as planning a party or event, preparing a gift, or simple banter. In China, it could be much more than an innocent question and cause you a load of trouble. Asking someone his birth date often signals a romantic interest. Why? Traditionally China has complex rules for making the perfect match of husband and wife. It is not necessarily based oninterests, hobbies, or even love. It is based on calculations by fortune tellers or feng shui specialists who have professional careers in matchmaking. Parents will often submit the birth date (down to the minute and second) of their child and their child's significant other. These specialists are paid big bucks to somehow determine if they match and if the marriage will be "lucky" or "prosperous." So if a guy asks a girl for her birth date it could be interpreted as, "I am interested in marrying you and want to see if we are a match." Again, this is not as important to the youngergeneration as the elder generation. Many traditions like this are gradually waning in importance. But if you want to avoid any confusion it is better to stick to safer topics. And if someone asks you your birth date, watch out!Western taboos:1 Social TabooIn English speakingcountries, you should makean appointment before paying a visit to sb. Sudden visit must be avoided, otherwise, the host will feel unhappy, becausethe unexpected visit will disrupthis original schedule and lead him to great inconvenience. Usually an appointment should be on time, but according to the habit, Americans are accustomed to be late for 3 or 5 minutes, 10 minutes late is also ok, especially for the dinner or party, inorder to give the hostessmore makeup time. Ofcourse, there is one of the biggest taboos in English speakingcountries, that's individual privacy. Just as an English saying goes: A man's home is his castle. That is to say: a man's home is sacred and inviolable不可侵犯的, no one can enter without permission. Personalthing is also like this, they do not have to let others know, let alone to interfere. Askingabout the age of theindividual, property,income, marriage, love, religion, politics, business is another way of invadingsomeone's "castle". Therefore, questions like " How old are you? "," What' syour income?"," How much did that dress cost you?"," Are you married orsingle?"," Are you a R epublican or a Democrat?"," Are you Catholic?" mustbe avoided. If you really wantto know the other's situation of this respect, you can talk about yourself, and then lead the other to talk about his condition. In addition, peoplein English countries are accustomed to send flowersas gifts, there are tabooshere. First of all, avoidsending even numbers of flowers, for they believe it brings bad luck. Also avoid sendingwhite flowers, such as the white lilies, for it is seen as a harbinger of doom or a symbol of death. In addition, avoidsending white or red and white flowers to patients.2 Holiday TabooChristmas is a great western festival, taboos in this festival are mainly contacted to the Christmas pudding. Many westerners think that the stir of the pudding can makeoneself good luck in the coming year. Therefore, when they're making Christmas pudding, each member of the family at least stir pudding and make a wish,for they believe that wish is very likely to achieve. But becareful, the pudding can only be stired in a clockwisedirection, not anti-clockwise; they can't tell the wish to anyone. In the western Christiancountries, most people believe the story that Jesus was betrayed, and was crucified on the cross. To commemorate him, people set up" passiontide", which is theannual Friday beforeEaster. Westernersgenerally regard thisas unauspicious不吉利的. So on this day, one must not be engaged in things with the symbolic link. Such as haircutting, shoeing修蹄 a horse, as well as nailling nail.3 Superstition and TabooThere're somecommon superstitions and taboos in American society, such as follows: 1 ) get out of bed from the wrong direction, you will have a bad day. 2) to have a black cat cross the road in front of you is unlucky. 3) in the morning before the wedding, the bride shouldn't see thegroom. 4) cattle lying down indicate rain. 5) a cricket in the house brings good luck. 6) walk under a ladder will bring bad luck. 7) lighting three cigarettes from one match brings bad luck to the third person. 8) to break a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck. 9) grab a rabbit's footbrings good luck. 10) open an umbrella in the house brings bad luck. Some ofthese superstitions havetheir accounts, but manyare groundless.4 Racial Slur种族歧视In English, the racial slur is an important partof language taboo. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the UnitedStates. American blackswere discriminatedin history, words usedto curse black racial become sensitive and taboos. For example, nigger is completely banned for it has the intenseof insulting color. Negro hasthe mean of contempt, it's alsoa taboo. Now American blacks are known as blacksor African American. In English, some words containing "black" are also regardedas taboos. In English, "white" means" innocence""pure"" clean"" char ity" --of which arethe positive meaning of the commendatory 赞赏的term; however, "black" is related to" evil " " sin" and" dirty". Such as: blackguard ( villain 坏人), blacklist ( black list黑名单 ), black mark ( stain 污点) and so on. The family call the shame of the family" black sheep",not white sheep. Whilea kind lie is calledwhite lie, not so badas ordinary lie (generally lie ) or black lie (evil lie ). The existence of taboos tend to promote the development of language,to enrich the vocabularyof language. That people wantto say someone, something without involving taboos, creates an objective andnecessary condition forthe origin of euphemism.5 Diet TabooDiet taboos includedietary rules and dietary contents. As everyone knows,the westernerseat with the separate dining system, looking for cannibalism 食人. They take little or none of the dish that theydislike to avoid wasting, so they will bevery repugnant about others giving them food. Aftersupper, they put fork in theplate according to the rules; they will not bogey to teeth; theyalso avoid spilled salt, because people think it would bring bad luck; if it is spilled, one must pick up a handful of salt to theleft shoulder throw threetimes [4 ]. About the dietary contents, westerners avoid fat, bone andpoultry skin ( except duck, chick en skin ); they avoid food made of abstain 自制from various animalheads, feet, visceral内脏的; they also avoid meat from their pets, such as dog and snake; strong flavor of condiment佐料 is also abstained避免.6 Time and Number TabooIn western culture, Friday, number 3 and 13 are the taboos.In the eyes of westerners, Friday is an unlucky day, they often say" black Friday", for Friday is Good Friday, moreover, Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden of eden伊甸园 on Friday. So westerners believe it unlucky to hold a wedding ceremony, to travel,to voyage, to start a new job, to hold a conference or do any business on Friday. Number 13 is a troubling number, so in daily life, people avoid number 13.For example, they avoid eating with 13 people sitting together or serving 13 dishes. House, floor and various serial numbers also try to avoid " 13". For when Jesus and his discipleswere having dinner, thethirteenth people was Judah who betrayed Jesus for 30 silver coins, then Jesus was crucified in the13th on Friday.7 Color TabooDue to the differences between Chinese and Western culture, even the same color in western culture has been given different meanings, red, yellow and black are the representative. Let's goin detail, red: in the west, red is often regarded as a derogatory term, it means anger, dangerous, bossy, arrogant, cruel, crazy, evil, even bloody. For example," red hands" ( the bloody hand, killinghand);" red - headed"( furious);" be caught red - handed" ( caught in the act ) etc.. Yellow: it stands for" cowardice and treason" in the west, for in the Bible it's Judah who put on the yellow dress betrayed Jesus. In addition, yellow also has the meaning of" miss", so in English," Yellow Pages" is said to be telephone book. Black: in the west, black is a symbol of the devil, evil, suffering and misfortune, therefore, it's also called" dead color black". In the modern age of European and American countries, black becomes specific to funeral, for westerners think black makesthe person serious, so as to express mourning and respect to the dead. However, in the eyesof European and American, black is also a symbol of grave,majesty and noble. In solemn occasions, dignitaries, social celebrities like to dress in black clothes. Symphony orchestra members are almost in black suit, in order to show solemn and respect.8 Animal TabooMaybe we know least about this aspect, but due to the close relationship between animal and human this appears to be particularly important. We havealready mentioned that the westerners consider dogs astheir friends, so it's taboo to kill or drown them, otherwise it will bring seven years of bad luck. But if your dog is suffering from some incurable disease, you can put it to drown in order to relieve its pain. Ladybug is a kind of insect which Chinese dislike, but the famous international friends Epworth mentioned in happy dictionary program that ladybug is a symbol of auspicious of beneficial insects, so when the ladybug fell upon you, just don't throw it away or destroy it, otherwise, you're driving away luck. British and Americanpeople love cats, but they have taboo for the black cats. In England, people often contact black cat with the witch. The witch in the British culture is an abominable image: old woman, wearing a hat, riding a broom, flying to everywhere to " make trouble". And in legend, the witch always has a black cat company. So until today, many people still regard black cats as the augur ill.Taboo is a cultural phenomenon shared by the world various nationalities, only the form and content differ. Strictly speaking, taboo only includes people orthings of the sacred; This is caused by nature with the production; The destruction of the role through banned from the sacred (or not pure). And taboos are almost ubiquitous, so understanding the western difference is very necessary. To keep speaking, to a country whether in politics, or in economic and trade, get to know each other country's etiquette habit, will be beneficial to the interaction between countries. From small aspect, a person knows each other's etiquette folk habits, is to respect each other, it's easier to make a good impression and a bettercommunication. With the continuous development of western culture and eastern culture, western andeastern etiquette is in mutual confluence, westerners gradually accepted the eastern culture's emphasis on emotion and reasonable factor, while the oriental also gradually accept the western culture's advanced civilization etiquette and communication mode.How to make preparations for the thanks-giving daySelect the menu in advance. The traditional menu of roasted turkey, mashedpotatoes, stuffing, several typesof vegetables such as sweet potatoes and squash,cranberry sauce, different pies, and a bread is fairly standard for most families and groups of celebrators. Here are somethings you'll need to do to get ready for that meal:Select your recipes. Knowing in advance what you'll cookensures that you can shop forthe ingredients and know the timing required for each item in the lead-up to Thanksgiving and on the day itself. For menu and recipe ideas, here are some suggestions to start with: Prepare the food. Some things can be done prior to the day,such as baking cookies and pumpkin pie, while other things need to be made fresh on the day, such as roasting the turkey. Whenever you're cooking, don't be afraid to ask for help; it'llmake your life and holiday much easier. You can also consider cooking two small turkeys instead of one to simplify the process. Here are some things you'll have to do to prepare the food for your holiday:Arrange the table decorations the day before Thanksgiving if you have a separate dining table available. If not, lay out the items somewhere readily accessible for quick deployment on the day. Get the kids tohelp set the table as part of their contribution to the preparations. Here are some other ways to make your table more festive: Enjoy some traditional Thanksgiving holidaypursuits. You can do these things before, during, or after you eat your Thanksgiving meal. Thereare a few traditions associated with the Thanksgiving holiday that are enjoyed in many families, and here are a few things that you can do:∙Gather around the TV and watch football. Spending hours watching football on Thanksgiving is a holidayfavorite for many fans, and it's a great way to pass time before the meal. Alternatively, organize a backyard football game with family, friends, and neighbors for fun and a little exercise to make way for the meal.∙Watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV with the kids. Broadcast on television fromNew York City, the parade is extremely popular and viewed by millions at home. Take a break and attend a local Thanksgiving parade if time permits, or watch it on television.Spend a little time reflecting on the meaning ofThanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a chance for many families to spend time together after being apart for much of the year; it is a good time to reflect on the love that you have for one another, as well as sharing your thoughts about what you feel grateful for. Think of your family's own ways to express your gratitude on this day and in the year to follow, or be guided by some of the following suggestions:Volunteer time before or during Thanksgiving to help preparemeals at a homeless shelter, donate extra cans and packaged goods to a soup kitchen, start a food or clothing drive, make a donation. This can be anessential part of teaching your children about gratitude in action.f ind activities to do after the meal. Everyone's likely to feel a little drowsy and well fed after the meal. It's a great opportunity to settle down to some relaxing activities. Ideas to help inspire you include:Go for a walk as a family. Don't forget to take your dog for his usual walk too, especially if he's been getting snacks he'd normally not have.∙Entertain guests. Play charades, tell stories, share photos around, catch up on news, etc.∙Catch up on your reading. Thereis always something you've goton hold that you'd like to read; take this opportunity to do so.∙Watch a movie. Check out the TV guide for any suitable movies, or pull out your favorite DVDs.∙Play a board game. If the kids are still hyper, suggest thatthey make a board game and then play it!。