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So, how are we to improve the production of knowledgeable(有知识的)people and the creation of new knowledge in Guangdong? Since my experience is in universities, I shall speak mainly about them. However, let me first refer(参考)briefly to schools. It is evident that the government must advance(发展)the well-being(福利)of the whole province by developing education in the poorer and less provided areas in the East, North and West of the province. // Intelligence(才智)and talent(才能)have little to do with social circumstance(环境), but lack of opportunity in education deprives(剥夺)not only individuals but the whole province of their contribution to prosperity(繁荣).// In the second place, I believe that there is a need(需求)throughout(遍及)the secondary schools(中学)in the province to review carefully how best to teach students. I mean by this that it is essential to look beyond the instruction(教导)of students in the classroom (making them learn a lot of connected(连贯的), ordered(有序的)information) towards getting them increasingly(越来越多地)to learn for themselves individually (独自地)and collectively(共同地)through shared tasks(任务)and the development of curiosity(好奇心)and questioning(询问).// It is here that the foundations of creativity(创造力)and self-starting learning (自我学习)are founded. There is much literature(文献)on this and I do not have time here to summarize(概述)it. //

Let me turn to universities. Universities have three functions(功能).

The first is to create new knowledge through research; the second is to transmit knowledge to new generations by teaching; the third is to transfer innovation(新事物)into the economy both by producing graduates with modern skills and by helping to move invention into commercial production. //All universities ought to do all three, but there is bound to be a great range of difference between how much individual universities do in each of these functions. There is no reason at all why all should excel(优于别人)at all three. // On the contrary, it is important for government to help to produce and sustain(支持)excellence(长处)but it should not expect to produce excellence everywhere in all subjects. This is particularly true in the research function of universities, but it also has relevance for(有关联)the transfer of innovation. //



