
Unit 10 How can I improve my English?(第一课时教学设计)一、学情分析本单元为《英语1》(基础模块高教版)最后一单元,主要话题为如何提高英语。
二、教学分析1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第十单元的第一课时,包括Lead- in + listening and speaking 两部分。
2. 教学重点、难点:教学重点、难点:(1)教学重点教学重点听懂并掌握有关英语学习中的各种困难及建议的词汇、句式。

中等职业学校英语教材教案Unit 1一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握常用的英语问候语和介绍自己的方式。
2. 技能目标:学生能够听懂并能够用英语进行简单的自我介绍。
3. 情感目标:学生能够积极参与课堂活动,增强自信心。
二、教学内容:1. 问候语和介绍自己:如何用英语进行问候,介绍自己的姓名、年龄、来自哪里等。
2. 日常用语:如何用英语询问时间、地点、天气等,以及如何回答这些问题。
3. 简单指令和问题:如何用英语进行简单的指令和提问,以及如何进行简单的回答。
三、教学方法:1. 任务驱动法:通过设定具体的任务,引导学生参与课堂活动,提高学生的实际应用能力。
2. 情景教学法:通过创设真实的语境,让学生在实际情境中学习和使用英语。
3. 互动教学法:通过教师与学生、学生与学生之间的互动,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。
四、教学步骤:1. 热身活动:教师与学生用中文进行简单的自我介绍,引导学生用英语进行自我介绍。
2. 教学新知识:教师展示一些常用的英语问候语和介绍自己的方式,引导学生进行学习和模仿。
3. 实践环节:教师创设一些实际情境,如询问时间、地点、天气等,让学生进行实际操作和练习。
4. 总结和反馈:教师对学生的表现进行总结和评价,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动。
五、课后作业:1. 复习本节课所学的英语问候语和介绍自己的方式。
2. 练习用英语询问时间、地点、天气等,并能够进行回答。
3. 准备下一节课所需带的教材和资料。
中等职业学校英语教材教案Unit 6六、教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握有关日常生活中的常见场景的英语表达方式,如餐厅、医院、机场等。

中等职业学校英语教材教案第一章:英语语音知识教学目标:1. 让学生掌握英语音标及其发音方法。
2. 培养学生正确拼读单词的能力。
3. 提高学生英语口语表达能力。
教学内容:1. 英语音标及其发音方法。
2. 单词拼读练习。
3. 口语表达练习。
教学步骤:1. 讲解英语音标及其发音方法。
2. 示范单词拼读,让学生跟随读。
3. 学生自主练习单词拼读。
4. 开展口语表达练习,让学生运用所学音标和单词进行交流。
练习与作业:1. 完成英语音标发音练习。
2. 练习拼读单词。
3. 进行口语表达练习。
第二章:英语词汇与短语教学目标:1. 让学生掌握一定量的英语词汇和短语。
2. 培养学生正确运用词汇和短语的能力。
教学内容:1. 英语词汇和短语的用法。
2. 词汇和短语的搭配。
教学步骤:1. 讲解词汇和短语的用法。
2. 举例说明词汇和短语的搭配。
3. 学生自主练习运用词汇和短语。
练习与作业:1. 完成词汇和短语练习。
2. 运用所学词汇和短语进行写作或口语表达。
第三章:英语语法教学目标:1. 让学生掌握基本的英语语法知识。
2. 培养学生正确运用语法知识的能力。
教学内容:1. 英语语法的基本规则。
2. 语法在实际语境中的应用。
教学步骤:1. 讲解英语语法的基本规则。
2. 举例说明语法在实际语境中的应用。
3. 学生自主练习语法知识。
练习与作业:1. 完成语法练习。
2. 运用所学语法知识进行写作或口语表达。
第四章:英语阅读理解教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语阅读能力。
2. 培养学生获取和处理信息的能力。
教学内容:1. 阅读理解的技巧。
2. 不同类型阅读材料的特点。
教学步骤:1. 讲解阅读理解的技巧。
2. 分析不同类型阅读材料的特点。
3. 学生自主练习阅读理解。
练习与作业:1. 完成阅读理解练习。
2. 阅读不同类型的英语材料,提高阅读能力。
第五章:英语写作与口语表达教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语写作能力。
2. 培养学生流利的英语口语表达能力。

中职英语教学设计教案中职英语教学设计教案【篇一:中职英语教学设计】unit 2 i can do itlistening +dialogue a一学情分析本单元是教材的第二单元,要求学生能够应用常见动词,会使用can来开展对自己个人和对他人能力的表述,在此基础之上,能够看懂求职表,会填写求职表等。
二教材分析、1 教学内容教学材料来源于高教出版社中职英语教材模块一第二单元第一课时,包括lead-in listening and speaking中的dialogue a两部分,具体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。
2 教学重点,难点(1)教学重点学会用can 表述个人和他人能力(2)教学难点表达个人能力的词汇,词组的记忆三教学目标1. 知识目标⑴掌握描述个人能力的词汇,speak chinese, drive cars, repair computers, teach english, read in chinese, serve customers. ⑵掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,can you say something about yourself?can you sing english songs?well, i can teach english and i can speak a little chinese.2. 能力目标⑴听用情态动词can表述的有关个人能力的介绍(2)说会用can表达有关个人能力和他人能力的介绍3. 情感目标了解自己的能力欣赏自我的同时,看到他人的长处四学生分析each coin has two sides.the students in class are all boys. they prefer learning major skills to language points,they dislike english grammar and speaking english. many of them are weak at english . on the other hand they are active and energetic .they are interested in electronic products and internet .they are good at running programs in smart cell -phones and internet .it is easy for them to accept new ideas ,which is of great help to this period 五教学过程step 1 lead-in(1)talk about abilitiesplay ppt for the ss(2)look and complete.activity 1 on page23ask the students to describe each picture, using the sentence pattern “he/she/they can …” after that, the teacher may ask the students to listen to the tape and circle what ben can do.(设计意图:通过ppt快速展示名人的能力图片,引导学生学习can 的表述。

中职英语教案中文版第一部分一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)掌握基本的英语语法和词汇;(2)学会常用的英语日常会话;(3)了解英语国家的文化背景。
2. 技能目标:(1)能够听懂简单的英语对话和短文;(2)能够用英语进行自我介绍和日常交流;(3)能够阅读和理解简单的英文文章。
3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生学习英语的兴趣和热情;(2)培养学生的团队合作精神和自信心;(3)提高学生的跨文化交际意识。
二、教学内容:1. 课程主题:介绍自己和家人2. 教学重点:(1)介绍自己的姓名、年龄、来自哪里;(2)介绍家人的职业、爱好等;(3)掌握基本的日常会话表达方式。
三、教学方法:1. 交际法:通过模拟真实场景,让学生在实际交流中学习和应用英语;2. 任务型教学法:通过完成具体任务,培养学生的综合语言运用能力;3. 情境教学法:通过创设真实情境,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。
四、教学步骤:1. 热身活动:让学生自由交谈,询问他们是否喜欢英语学习,以及他们的英语学习目标;2. 引入新课:讲解本节课的主题,让学生分组讨论如何用英语介绍自己和家人;3. 新课内容:讲解基本的日常会话表达方式,如“Hello, my name is I e from”等;4. 实践环节:让学生模拟真实场景,用英语介绍自己和家人;5. 总结反馈:对学生的表现进行评价和反馈,鼓励他们继续努力。
五、作业布置:1. 抄写本节课所学的日常会话表达方式;2. 练习用英语介绍自己和家人;3. 预习下节课的内容。
中职英语教案中文版第二部分六、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)扩展基本的英语词汇;(2)学习简单的英语阅读理解技巧;(3)了解英语日常交流中的礼貌用语。
2. 技能目标:(1)能够听懂日常英语对话;(2)能够用英语描述日常生活;(3)能够阅读和理解简单的英文故事。
3. 情感目标:(1)培养学生积极的学习态度;(2)增强学生的团队合作精神;(3)培养学生对英语文化的兴趣。

下面是小编为你准备的中职英语教学设计方案,快来借鉴一下并自己写一篇与我们分享吧!中职英语教学设计方案【篇1】本节课是Unit 1 lesson 2 ,它是在学生理解词汇意义的基础上,结合故事内容,了解词汇的用法,然后进行模仿、并注意词汇书写形式的把握。
能运用what does……?句式对职业提问。
教学目标:(1)知识目标:让学生能用英语正确的表达和书写第四页的职业名称,并运用what does……句式进行问答。
重点难点:关于职业名称的学习教学过程:1、simon说用这个活动复习学过的课堂用语:stand up……2、情境引入提问学生:你的父亲是干什么的?当你遇到坏人时向谁求救?当你生病时找谁?等等。
引出单词a farmer ……放一遍录音,让学生重复,不放录音,指着录音或插图,引导学生说出单词。
3、卡片活动师指着卡片问:what does……把句子写在黑板上,并解释句子的意思。

新课标中职英语第3册教案模板教案一,Unit 1 My Job。
1. 知识与能力目标。
a. 掌握本单元的重点词汇和短语,如,job, engineer, nurse, doctor, teacher, etc.b. 能够描述自己的职业,并能够询问他人的职业。
c. 能够理解并运用一般现在时的肯定句、否定句和疑问句。
2. 过程与方法目标。
a. 通过听、说、读、写等多种方式,培养学生的英语语言综合运用能力。
b. 通过小组合作、角色扮演等形式,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。
3. 情感态度价值观目标。
a. 培养学生对不同职业的尊重和理解,树立正确的职业观念。
b. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们的自信心和积极性。
1. 重点。
a. 掌握本单元的重点词汇和短语。
b. 能够描述自己的职业,并能够询问他人的职业。
2. 难点。
a. 运用一般现在时的肯定句、否定句和疑问句进行交流和表达。
b. 理解并运用一些职业相关的句型和表达方式。
1. Warm-up。
a. 让学生观看一段关于不同职业的视频,引导他们讨论并分享自己对不同职业的看法。
b. 教师引导学生学习本单元的重点词汇和短语,如,job, engineer, nurse, doctor, teacher, etc.2. Presentation。
a. 教师通过图片、实物或视频等方式呈现不同职业的相关内容,让学生感知并理解。
b. 教师通过示范和操练,引导学生学习并掌握一般现在时的肯定句、否定句和疑问句。
3. Practice。
a. 学生进行小组活动,通过角色扮演的方式,模拟不同职业的对话和交流,锻炼他们的口语表达能力。
b. 学生进行配对练习,互相询问对方的职业,并做出回答,巩固所学的句型和表达方式。
4. Production。
a. 学生进行写作练习,描述自己理想的职业,并说明理由。
b. 学生进行口头报告,分享自己的写作内容,展示他们对职业的理解和期待。

教学内容A Listen and find.1.本部分提供了一幅迷宫游戏图。
B Lets make a mural and talk.1.本部分是一项学生自主活动。
教学建议1.教师出示本课教学挂图,要求学生用“I can see....”语句对图画进行简单描述。
2.教师请学生猜一猜画面上人物要去哪儿,引导学生说出在本单元学到的交际用语(注意:说本单元交际用语时需要换人称,教师可以帮助学生说,如:教师说前半句Andy is,学生接后半句going to the supermarket.)。

1)教师将手中卡片上的体育项目英文逐一呈现,幻灯片上出现“Go, PLAY, PRACTISE”单词,要求学生抽牌配对动词。
1)What does Lisa want to do?
2)What does Gary want to do?
3)Does Lisa want to join Gary?
1)Do you know the name of the song you have just heard?

中职英语老师讲课教案范文教案一,Unit 1 My School。
教学目标:1. 能正确地听、说、读、写26个英文字母;2. 能正确地听、说、读、写26个英文字母的大小写形式;3. 能正确地听、说、读、写26个英文字母所代表的音素。
教学重点:1. 26个英文字母的大小写形式;2. 26个英文字母所代表的音素。
教学难点:1. 英文字母大小写形式的辨认;2. 英文字母所代表的音素的正确发音。
教学准备:1. 教师准备26个英文字母的卡片;2. 教师准备26个英文字母的图片;3. 教师准备26个英文字母的音频。
教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up。
Step 2: Presentation。
Step 3: Practice。
Step 4: Production。
Step 5: Homework。
教案二,Unit 2 My Family。
教学目标:1. 能正确地听、说、读、写家庭成员的英文名称;2. 能正确地用英文介绍自己的家庭成员;3. 能正确地用英文向他人询问家庭成员的情况。
教学重点:1. 家庭成员的英文名称;2. 介绍和询问家庭成员的情况。
教学难点:1. 家庭成员的英文名称的记忆;2. 用英文介绍和询问家庭成员的情况。

中职基础英语教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握一定数量的英语词汇和短语。
2. 技能目标:(1)能够进行简单的英语听、说、读、写操作。
3. 情感目标:(1)培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和信心。
二、教学内容1. 单元一:Greetings and Introductions(1)学习问候语和自我介绍。
2. 单元二:Family and Friends(1)学习家庭成员的称呼和描述。
三、教学方法1. 情境教学法:通过设置真实的日常交流情境,让学生在实际操作中学习英语。
2. 任务型教学法:通过完成具体的任务,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。
3. 互动式教学法:通过学生之间的互动交流,提高学生的口语表达能力和听力理解能力。
四、教学评价1. 平时成绩:学生的出勤、课堂表现、作业完成情况等。
2. 单元测试:每个单元结束后进行测试,检验学生对单元知识的掌握情况。
3. 期末考试:综合检验学生的听、说、读、写能力。
五、教学资源1. 教材:《中职基础英语教材》。
2. 多媒体教学设备:用于播放音频、视频资料,进行互动教学。
3. 网络资源:用于查找和使用相关的教学资料和在线教学资源。
六、教学安排1. 课时:本课程共计36课时,每个课时45分钟。
2. 授课方式:课堂教学+实践教学。
3. 教学进度:每周安排2课时,共计18周完成教学内容。
七、教学步骤1. 热身活动:通过简单的英语歌曲或游戏,调动学生的学习氛围。
2. 新课导入:介绍本节课的主要内容和目标。
3. 课堂讲解:讲解新知识点,并通过示例进行说明。
4. 实践练习:让学生在小组内进行实际操作,运用所学知识。
5. 总结反馈:对学生的学习情况进行总结,并对学生进行鼓励和指导。

中职英语试讲教案大全(精选5篇)第一篇:中职英语试讲教案大全Unit 6 Weather 教学内容分析The emphasis of this period will be placed on speaking and grammar.Make students describe different seasons with new words.The grammar talks about how to change noun into adjective.教学目标1.Knowledge object:To master the words about the weather.2.Ability object:To talk about the weather and express their feelings as well as developing their ability of speaking English.3.Emotion obje ct:Inspire the students’ sense of protectingenvironment.教学重难点1.Master new words and phrases.2.How to talk about different weather.教学资源准备1.A multimedia2.A taper recorder3.The blackboard 教学过程Step 1 Lead-inGive some pictures of four seasons on ppt.and have a talk with students.Step 2 Learn the new wordsSeason,weather,cold,warm,sunny,cloudy,snow,snowy,quiet,t urn Step 3 Fast reading Let students find out the topic of each paragraph.Step 4 Skimming Read the text again and help the students master the important e out, be good for,on vacation,go swimming,get cooler,be happy with,trees turn green.Step 5 Grammar and Sentences1.Grammar:名词变形容词rain—rainy, wind—windy, sun—sunny, snow—snowycloud—cloudy 2.Sentences What’s the weather like today? / How’s the weather today? It’s cloudy/rainy/sunny/snowy/windy.Where are you going?/I want to go sightseeing.Step 6 Have a drill Ask and answer in pairs.What’s your favorite season and give the reason.Step 7 ListeningListen to the tape and do the exercises on the book.Step 8 Sum up Step 9 Homework 1.Master the new words and useful language points2.Writing:Reply a letter about the weather Step 10 Reflection after teachingStimulating students’ interest with multimedia’s help.Encouraging students to be confident in speaking English and cultivating the students’ sense of cooperative learning in a group.I will improve my teaching methods and create a lively atmosphere in the classroom.Unit 11 Friendship教学内容分析The article talks about “making friends”,in order to tel l students that we should get on well with others, and to make friends with others.The emphasis of this period will be placed on speaking and reading.Make students describe the characteristic of their friends.Help students to learn new words and phrases when canning the text.教学目标1.Knowledge object:To master the words and point phrases.2.Ability object:To talk about how to make friends with others as well as developing their ability of speaking English.3.Emotion object:Inspire the students’ sense of getting on well with others and being friends with others.教学重难点1.Master new words and point phrases.2.Improve students’ ability of communicating with others.3.Be able to summarize themain idea of this article.教学资源准备1.A multimedia2.A taper recorder3.The blackboard 教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1.Play a game:Please describe one friend in class,then ask another one to guess.2.Show the students some questions and help them think of these questions.(1)Do you want to make new friends?(2)What should a good friend be like? Step 2 Fast reading Read the text quickly and decide whether the following statements are T or F.()(1)Friends don't play an important part in our lives.()(2)We may get on well with many people,but we make friends with only a few of them.()(3)“Best friends”or “close friends” aren’t people who have known each other for a long time.()(4)Close friends are those who can share joy and sorrow with you.()(5)A good friend is someone who will do anything for you.Step 3 Skimming Read the text again and help the students master the important points.Words:friendship,honest,rich,funny,freely,sorrow,welling,tr easure ,yet.Phrases:play a part in,the number of/a number of,a few of,rely on,share with,lend a hand to,be willing to.Step 4 Listening Play the tape for the students to listen and practice pronunciation and tone.then summarize the meaning of each paragraphStep 5 Conclusion Make a conclusion about “making friends”and describe the characteristic of their friends.1.Friends play an important part in our lives.2.Friendship is one of life’s greatest treasure.3.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Step 6 Homework 1.Read the passage again 2.Master the new words and useful language points 3.Writing:Talk about your friendshipwith others Step 7 Reflection after teaching Stimulating students’ interest with multimedia’s help.Encouraging students to be confident in speaking English and cultivating the students’ sense of cooperative learning in a group.I will improve my teaching methods and create a lively atmosphere in the classroom.Unit 9 cultivation教学内容分析The article talks about “food for thought”,in order to tell students that we should get on well with others.The emphasis of this period will be placed on speaking and reading.Make students talk about their problems when they get on with others.Help students to learn new words and phrases when canning the text.教学目标1.Knowledge object:To master the words and point phrases.2.Ability object:To talk about how to get on well with others as well as developing their ability of speaking Englis h.3.Emotion object:Inspire the students’ sense of getting on well with others and being kind to others.教学重难点1.Master new words and point phrases.2.Improve students’ ability of communicating with others.3.Be able to summarize the main idea of this article.教学资源准备1.A multimedia2.A taper recorder3.The blackboard 教学过程Step1 Lead-inShow the students some questions and help them think of these questions.(1)Do you often lose your temper?(2)Can you get on well with yow friends or classmates?(3)If you quarreled with your friends, how did you usually solve the problem?Step 2 Discuss Show the students four pictures and have afree talk.Picture 1:What did they do ?(They fought with each other.)Picture 2: What did the boy do?(He hammered the nail into the fence.)Picture 3: What did the boy do ?(The boy pulled the nail out of the fence.)Picture 4: What can you see on the fence ?(We can see many holes.The fence is not the same as before.)Step 3 Fast reading Read the text quickly with the questions below: 1.Why did the boy hammer the nails into the fence?2.Why did the boy pull the nails out of the fence?3.Why did the boy’s father ask his son to do that? Finally each group presents their own opinions.Step4 Skimming Read the text again and help the students master the important points.fight, lose/keep one’s temper, the number of, a number of, not at all, be able to, by the hand, the same as/the same that, in anger.get on well with sb..Step5 Listening Play the tape for the students to listen and finish the exercises.then summarize their own opinions about “how to get on well with others”Step6 Conclusion Make a conclusion about “food for thought”,and draw a conclusion according to the students’ answers.1.We should keep our temper.2.We should not say things in anger and hurt our friends.3.We should realize the importance of friendship.4.we should get on well with others.Step 7 Homework 1.Read the passage again 2.Master the new words and useful language points 3.Writing:your ideas about how to get on well with others.Step 8 Reflection after teaching Stimulating students’ interest with multimedia’s help.Encouraging students to be confident in speaking English and cultivating the students’ sense of cooperative learning in a group.I will improve my teaching methods and create a livelyatmosphere in the classroom.Unit 1 Travel教学内容分析The article talks about the famous world wonder-“The Great Wall”.The emphasis of this period will be placed on speaking and reading.Make students pretend to be a guild and introduce the interest for us.Help students to learn new words and phrases when canning the text.Practice the ability of their reading comprehension.教学目标1.Knowledge object:To master the words and point phrases.2.Ability object:Train the students’ ability of speaking and reading English.3.Emotion object:Through the study, we learned that the Great Wall is the wisdom of the Chinese people, to stimulate students' national pride.教学重难点1.Master new words and phrases ,and put it into practice.2.Improve students’ ability of speaking and reading.3.Be able to summarize the main idea of the article.教学资源准备1.A multimedia2.A taper recorder3.The blackboard 教学过程Step 1 Lead-inShow the students some questions and make students express their own views.(1)What do you know about the Great Wall?(2)Have you ever been to the Great Wall?Step 2 Presentation Show the students some pictures of the interests and give the name in English.the Great Wall,the First Pass Under Heaven(Shanhaiguan Pass),Jiayuguan Pass,the old dragon head Step 3 Fast reading Read the text quickly with the questions below: 1.Where is the Great Wall? 2.When was theGreat Wall first built?3.Who decided to have the walls linked and extended?4.When was the Great Wall rebuilt? Finally each group presents their answer..Step4 Skimming Read the text again and help the students master the important points.rebuild, heaven, dragon, province, engineer, guide, period,be famous for,be located in, protect from , force to, pick up ,on business.Step5 Listening Play the tape for the students to listen and then summarize the meaning of each paragraph.Step 6 Role play Pretend to be a tour guild and then introduce the interests of The Great Wall or the interests in your hometown.Step 7 Sum up The use of Passive Voice: 1.一般现在时的被动语态.am / is / are + 动词的过去分词 2.一般过去式的被动语态: was / were + 动词的过去分词 3.现在进行时的被动语态: am / is / are + being + 动词的过去分词 4.过去进行时的被动语态: was / were + being + 动词的过去分词5.一般将来时的被动语态:(1)will / shall + be + 动词的过去分词(2)am / is / are + going to be +动词的过去分词.6、过去将来时的被动语态:(1)would / should + be + 动词的过去分词(2)was / were +going to be + 动词的过去分词.7、现在完成时的被动语态:have / has + been + 动词的过去分词8、过去完成时的被动语态:had + been + 动词的过去分词9、含情态动词的被动式:can/may/must + be + done Step 8 Homework 1.Read the passage again 2.Master the new words and be able to use Passive Voice 3.Writing:Make a brief introduction of a interest.Step 9 Reflection after teaching Stimulating students’ interest with multimedia’s help.Encouraging students to be confident in speaking English and cultivating the students’ sense of cooperative learning in a group.I will improve my teaching methods and create a lively atmosphere in the classroom.Unit 2 shopping教学内容分析The article talks about “going shopping”.The emphasis of this period will be placed on speaking and reading.Help students to learn how to do shopping with speaking English and to learn new words and phrases when canning the text.Make students master the new words and be able to use The Infinitive.教学目标1.Knowledge object:To master the words and point phrases.2.Ability object:Train the students’ ability of speaking and reading English.3.Emotion object:Through the study, we learned that it is a nice character to help others.教学重难点1.Master new words and phrases ,and put it into practice.2.Improve students’ ability of speaking and reading.3.Grammar:The Infinitive 教学资源准备1.A multimedia2.A taper recorder3.The blackboard 教学过程Step 1 Lead-inShow the students some questions and make students express their own views as well as making a discussion.(1)Where would you like to go shopping?(2)What do you usually buy when you do shopping?(3)If I want to buy a pair of shoes,what advice will you give to me?Step 2: Presentation Show the students some pictures of the place that we usually do shopping,and give the name in English.store商店,店铺;department store 百货公司,商场;shopping plaza购物广场;grocery杂货店;green grocery蔬菜水果店;mall 商场,商业街;shopping center购物中心;supermarket超级市场Step 3 Fast readingRead the text quickly with the questions below:1.Who is Mr Wallace?2.What does Mr Wallace want to buy in Beijing?3.What is the size of the blouse that his wife wears?4.Why does the salesgirl think Mr Wallace is right to buy his wife a silk blouse?5.What should Mr Wallace tell his wife about the silk blouse? Finally each group presents their answer.Step4 Skimming Read the text again and help the students master the important points.Go shopping/do shopping,be in style,Extra large,Prefer doing to doing,In total,be worried about Step5 Listening Play the tape for the students to listen and then summarize the meaning of each paragraph.Step 6 Role play Pretend to be a buyer and a seller in pairs,and make dialogues in English.Step 7 Sum up The use of The Infinitive: 1.动词不定式用作主语 2.动词不定式用作表语 3.动词不定式用作宾语4.动词不定式作宾语补足语5.动词不定式用作定语6.动词不定式用作状语 Step 8 Homework 1.Read the passage again 2.Master the new words and be able to use The Infinitive.3.Translating(1)我想在离开北京之前买一些东西.(2)学好英语是很重要的.(It is…)(3)他是第一个发现这个秘密的人.(4)那个男孩被迫再擦一遍窗户.(5)他有很多工作要做.(6)我发现学好英语不难.Step 9 Reflection after teaching Stimulating students’ interest with multimedia’s help.Encouraging students to be co nfident in speaking English and cultivating the students’ sense of cooperative learning in a group.I will improve my teaching methods and create a lively atmosphere in the classroom.Unit 8 The business world教学内容分析The article talks about “Iced tea”.The em phasis of this period will be placed on speaking and reading.Help students tospeak English confidently.and to learn new words and phrases when canning the text.Practice the ability of their reading comprehension.教学目标1.Knowledge object:To master the words and point phrases.2.Ability object:Train the students’ ability of speaking and reading English.3.Emotion object:Inspire the students’ sense of service and professionalism.教学重难点1.Master new words and phrases ,and put it into practice.2.Improve students’ a bility of speaking and reading.3.Grammar:The-ing form of verb 教学资源准备1.A multimedia2.A taper recorder3.The blackboard 教学过程Step1 Lead-inShow the students some questions and make students express their own views as well as making a discussion.(1)What kind of drinks would you like?(2)Do you know Iced Tea?Step 2: PresentationShow the students some pictures of the drinks and ask students to give the name in k牛奶,mineral water矿泉水,hot chocolate 加巧克力的热饮料,soft drinks软饮料(果汁,汽水等),hard drinks烈性酒,alcohol酒精,含酒精饮料;beer啤酒,red wine 红葡萄酒,yellow wine黄酒,whisky威士忌,brandy白兰地Step 3 Fast reading Read the text quickly and answer the questions below: 1.Who introduced iced tea in our life?2.What did he give away first?3.What did it become popular?Step4 Skimming Read the text again and help the students master the important points.It takes… to do…,deal with,offer sb.sth.,give away.so… that,be interested in Step5 Listening Playthe tape for the students to listen and then summarize the meaning of each paragraph.Step 6 Roll play Pretend to be a waiter and a customer in pairs,and make dialogues in English.Step 7 Sum up The-ing Form of verb: 1.作主语 2.作宾语(1)作及物动词的宾语(2)动词的-ing形式作介词宾语,所构成的介词短语在句中作定语或状语.3.作表语Step 8 Homework 1.Read the passage again 2.Master the new words and be able to use The-ing form of verb.Step 9 Reflection after teaching Stimulating students’ interest with multimedia’s help.Encouraging students to be confident in speaking English and cultivating the students’ sense of cooperative learning in a group.I will improve my teaching methods and create a lively atmosphere in the classroom.Unit1 Social Communication 教学内容分析The article talks about “Etiquette in Language Communication”which is the core of this unit.It offers interesting reading materials, grammatical structures, hot words and useful expressions.Meanwhile, it broadens the students’ view of culture.The emphasis of this period will be placed on speaking and reading.Help students to learn how to be polite and to learn new words and phrases when canning the text.Practice the ability of their reading comprehension.教学目标1.Knowledge object:To master the words and point phrases.2.Ability object:Train the students’ ability of speaking and reading English.3.Emotion object:To know some of the etiquette in language communication and to be a person with good manner.教学重难点1.Master new words and phrases ,and put it intopractice.2.Improve students’ ability of speaking and reading.3.Put the knowledge of etiquette in language communication into reality.教学资源准备1.A multimedia2.A taper recorder3.The blackboard 教学过程Step1 Lead-inShow the students some questions and make students express their own views as well as making a discussion.(1)What will you do If you see an old man beside you on the bus?(2)Is it right to interrupt others when they are talking?(3)What should you do to make you have good manner?Step 2 Presentation Show the students some pictures with bad manners.Then ask the question: “What are wrong manners?”Step 3 Fast reading Read the text quickly and show the pictures again.Then ask the question: “What we should say/do here?”Step4 Skimming Read the text again and help the students master the important points.be tolerant of/towards ,have some/no trouble(in)doing sth.,be annoyed with sb., pretend(not)to do sth.,Switch to,now that.Step5 Listening Play the tape for the students to listen.Step 6 Roll play Pretend to meet a good friend and make dialogues with him/her in English.Step 7 Sum upStep 8 Homework 1.Read the passage again 2.Master the new words and phrases.3.make a sentence with each of the key words and expressions.Step 9 Reflection after teaching Stimulating students’ interest with multimedia’s help.Encouraging students to be confident in speaking English and cultivating the students’ sense of coope rative learning in agroup.I will improve my teaching methods and create a lively atmosphere in the classroom.Unit6 Chinese heritage 教学内容分析The article talks about “Beijing opera” which is the core of this unit.By studying this text,students can improve their reading ability, learn more about the traditional Beijing opera.Meanwhile,they may develop their interests in the traditional Chinese art form.教学目标1.Knowledge object:To master the words and point phrases.2.Ability object:Train the students’ ability of speaking and reading English.3.Emotion object:Help Students to develop their love for our traditional culture.教学重难点1.Master new words and phrases ,and put it into practice.2.Improve students’ ability of speaking and reading.3.How to motivate the Students’ interest in Beijing Opera.教学资源准备1.A multimedia2.A taper recorder3.The blackboard 教学过程Step1 Lead-inShow the students some questions and make students express their own views as well as making a discussion.(1)Do you like to watch Beijing Opera?(2)Do you know anything about the history of Beijing Opera?(3)How much do you know about the Chinese culture?Step 2 Presentation 1.Show the students some pictures of painted faces,and make students think of what personality the painted faces represent?2.Show the students some pictures of famous performer.(梅兰芳,尚小云,谭鑫培)Step 3 Fast reading Read the text quickly and answer the questions below:(1).Why did the four opera groups from Anhui come to Beijing?(2).What does Sheng mean in Beijing Opera?(3).What are the main types of roles in Beijing Opera?(4).What function does the painted face play in Beijing Opera?Step4 Skimming Read the text again and help the students master the important points.painted face脸谱,costume戏服,instrument乐器,performer演出者,symbolic象征性的,originate in起源于,in common with和…一样,date back to追溯到,be characterized by以……为特征,be divided into被分成Step5 ListeningPlay the tape for the students to listen and make students to summarize the main idea of each paragraph.Step 6 Roll play Pretend to introduce Beijing Opera to a foreign friend and make dialogues with him/her in English.Step 7 Sum up Beijing opera is a traditional treasure of our country.Though it is difficult to perform, we can enjoy it if it is reformed.Step 8 Homework 1.Read the passage again 2.Master the new words and phrases.3.make a sentence with each of the key words and expressions.Step 9 Reflection after teaching Stimulating students’ interest with multimedia’s help.Encouraging students to be confident in speaking English and cultivating the stu dents’ sense of cooperative learning in a group.I will improve my teaching methods and create a lively atmosphere in the classroom.第二篇:英语试讲教案小学四年级下册Unit 1 Our School 教案课题:Unit 1 Our School 第二课时教学目标:让学生熟练掌握单词art room, computer room,music room, TV room, wash room.教学重点、难点、:掌握part B 部分的五个单词,以及这几个单词中room的构词功能。

Unit11,教学目标teaching objectivesinstructional objectivesoverview of titles1,学习新单词并掌握一些重点单词Learning new words and master some key words2,了解两篇阅读中的人物Understand the characters in the two discourse reading并从课文中的介绍中把握并学习著名人物的高贵品质And from the text introduced the grasp of famous people and learn the noble quality3,掌握本单元语法Master this unit grammar“规则动词的过去式的读音”Rules of the past forms of verbs stress4,归纳并会运用重点单词Induction and will use a key words,短语,及表达二教学重难点Teaching important points focal points anddifficult points Tea ching important and difficult points重点掌握并能运用重点单词Key words to use,学习人物事迹Learning characters deeds难点重点单词的灵活用法Key words flexible usage教学过程teaching processTe1,aching steps┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈Teaching Procedures Teaching Procedure Teaching Steps1,音标复习20个元音48个辅音2,口语练习“介绍”3,新授授4,基本翻译5,award7,give8,teach9,instruct单词10,文章“她想读书”口头解读并请学生朗读翻译归纳concludeinduce[数] inductionsum up网络释义┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈Induction deduce Generalization11,本课文重点内容,包括(单词,短语,表达,句型,语法)12,学习语法部分规则动词过去式的读音做练习do exercises网络释义┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈do exercise do exercises do some exercise13,Unit2,教学目标1,学习并掌握新单词2,有趣的情节性文章提高学生的阅读兴趣,扩大词汇量,增强学生自信心3,掌握并灵活运用重点词,短语,表达,句型,4,学习语法过去完成时教学重难点重点新单词的学习,加强从有趣的文章中获得词汇量的练习难点重点单词用法的掌握,语法的理解和运用1,新概念英文课文朗读2,口语练习(问候和告别)3,新授单词4,课文“关于不认识的弟弟的案子“解读,5,教师归纳并讲解课文重点单词,短语,表达,句型6,学习语法过去完成时(一)7,做练习Unit3教学目标1,学习新单词2,了解著名科学家爱迪生和牛顿,学习他们的科学精神3,加强口语交际能力“询问信息”4,学习并会运用过去分词教学重难点重点学习新单词,练习口语表达,学习科学家的科学精神难点科普类单词的学习教学过程1,新概念英文话题朗读2,口语练习“询问信息”3,新单词学习4,解读课文“五号室的秘密”5,教师罗列并讲解课文重点单词,短语,表达,句型的用法6,学习语法过去完成时7,做练习Unit41,学习新单词,积累词汇量2,能够用口语问路,或给问路者以指导3,了解保育机构的发展教学重难点重点难点教学过程1,朗读新概念英语文章2,练习表达如何问路,或给别人方向指导3,新授单词4,解说课文5,归纳并解说语言要点6,要求学生分组组织一个关于问路的对话7,做练习Unit5教学目标1,学会向别人询问自己要找的东西2,学习并掌握新单词3,在把握本单元的文化知识的基础上了解更多西方文化4,学习语法‘宾语从句’教学重难点重点对新单词的理解与运用了解更多西方文化难点对宾语从句的理解和掌握教学过程1,新概念英语话题文章朗读2,口语交际‘找东西’3,新授单词4,学生阅读课文‘狐狸和葡萄’,老师要求学生复述故事5,老师罗列并解说重点单词,短语,表达,句型6,学习语法‘宾语从句’7,做练习Unit 6教学目标1,学习和练习表达接受和拒绝的观点2,学习新单词,扩充词汇量3,了解幼儿的学习的关键期,及相关幼儿身心发展规律4,学习语法‘宾语从句’教学重难点重点学习新单词,了解幼儿学习的关键期难点理解和使用宾语从句教学过程1,朗读新概念英语话题对话2,关于接受和拒绝的交际语表达练习3,新授单词4,解说课文展开一个讨论5,罗列和解说语言重点6,学习语法宾语从句7,做练习Unit7教学目标1,能够表达焦虑和可能性2,学习新单词扩充词汇3,更多地了解狗等动物,增强对世界的热爱4,应用宾语从句教学重难点重点难点教学过程1,朗读新概念英语文章2,练习表达焦虑和可能性3,新授单词4,解读课文5,盘点解说重点语言点6,学习语法宾语从句7,做练习Unit8教学目标1,学会表达喜好,厌恶的情感2,学习新单词3,了解美国幼儿园的每日生活,找出与中国的幼儿园每日生活的不同4,能够在幼儿园环境中使用简单的交际用语教学重难点重点学习新单词,了解美国幼儿园的每日生活难点重点语言点的使用,更多地了解美国幼儿园教育的作用和影响教学过程1,朗读新概念英语话题对话2,学习和练习表达个人的喜好,厌恶的情感3,新授单词4,解说课文,并展开一场辩论5,罗列和解说重点语言点6,学习和练习在幼儿园环境中用到的词汇,常用语及话题7,做练习Unit9教学目标1,学习和练习表达邀请和保证2,学习新单词3,翻阅资料了解灰姑娘的故事,及更多西方小说发展的知识4,学习语法被动语态教学重难点重点难点教学过程1,朗读新概念英语几个对话2,角色扮演练习对话3,新授单词4,解说课文,并介绍西方相关文学知识,请学生课后查阅5,罗列和解说课文语言重点6,学习语法被动语态7,做练习Unit 10教学目标1,学会表达埋怨2,学习并掌握新单词3,学生阅读课文,学生从中学到一种启示,要正面失败教学重难点重点难点教学过程1,朗读新概念英语对话2,学习表达埋怨,两人一组完成对话3,新授单词4,学生阅读课文,并谈谈对失败的感受5,老师罗列并解说课文语言重点6,学习语法被动语态7,做练习Unit11教学目标1,学会表达给建议2,学习和理解新单词3,了解动物的世界,培养保护动物的责任感4,学习语法定于从句教学重难点重点难点教学过程1,朗读新概念英语对话2,练习表达给建议3,新授单词4,学生阅读课文,并罗列出不同动物的表现5,罗列和解说语言要点7,做练习Unit12教学目标1,学会描述事物或事情2,学习新单词3,了解人为什么能睡觉,及睡觉的规律4,理解和使用动词不定式教学重难点重点学会描述事物或事情,了解人的睡眠规律难点理解和使用动词不定式教学过程1,朗读新概念英语对话2,练习描述事物或事情3,新授单词4,解读课文,学生总结睡眠的规律5,罗列并解说本课语言重点6,学习语法动词不定式7,做练习Unit13、教学目标1,学会表达满意与不满意2,学习新单词3,认识到记日记的好处,有利于学生的健康成长4,灵活运用动词不定式教学重难点重点难点教学过程1,朗读新概念英语文章2,练习表达满意与不满意的两种态度3,新授单词4,学生阅读课文,并讨论其他记忆的方式5,罗列和解说课文语言重点6,学习语法动词不定式7,做练习Unit14教学目标1,能够表达对某人的祝贺和赞美2,理解和掌握新单词3,了解孩子玩的方式,加深对幼儿的理解4,学习语法现在分词教学重难点重点难点教学过程1,朗读新概念英语文章2,练习表达对某人的祝贺和赞美3,新授单词4,讲解课文,并多为学生准备点相关阅读材料5,盘点语言知识点6,学习语法现在分词Unit15教学目标1,能够表达感谢和描述天气2,理解和掌握新单词3,掌握课文讲述的科学常识,提高学生的科学精神的追求4,理解和运用语法系动词教学重难点重点难点教学过程1,朗读新概念英语文章2,练习表达感谢和描述天气3,新授单词4,讲解课文,准备一些其他有趣的科学的生活常识5,罗列和讲解语言重点6,学习语法系动词7,做练习Unit16教学目标1,能够表达回想和后悔2,理解和掌握新单词3,了解肢体语言的表现形式和他们的意思教学重难点重点难点1,朗读新概念英语文章2,练习表达回想和后悔3,新授单词4,阅读课文,收集肢体语言的表现形式5,盘点重要语言知识点6,学习语法动名词7,做练习Unit1The teaching objectives1,, Learn new words and master some key words2, Understand the characters in the two discourse reading, And from the text introduced the grasp of famous people and learn the noble quality3,Master this unit grammar’ Rules of the past forms of verbs stress’4, Induce and can use key words,Teach important points and difficult pointsimportant points use k ey words Learn characters’ deedsdifficult points flexible usage of Key wordsTeaching process1,learn the phonetic symbols20vowels 48consanants2,speaking practising intruduction3,teach the new words will ,dusty,silly,cabin,spare,figure,slate,diploma4,explain the text ‘she wanted to read’ask some ss to read and translate some paragraphs5,stress the points in the text,including words ,phrases,expressiones,and sentence6,learn the grammer Rules of the past forms of verbs stress7,do the exercisesUnit2The teaching aims1,learn and master the new words2,encourage ss to read some plot articles to improve their interests in th e reading, enlarge their vocabularies ,besides, enhance ss’confidence 3,master and apply the key words,phrases ,expressions,and sentence pat terns4,learn the grammer”past paticipleTeaching”important points and difficult pointsImportant points learn the new words ,do more excerices about Interesting plot article to improve the students' interest in the reading to enlarge the vocabularyDifficult points use key words flexiblely,understand and apply the grammer Teaching process1,read aloud some topics from New Cocept English2,speaking practising’greetings and partings/3,grant the new words newly case,clue,fool,ad,cash,tale,fortune,admit, 4, unscramble the text ‘the case of unknown brother’5,the teacher explain the text and conclude all key words ,phrases , expressions,sentence patterns all her life be good at run away for years odd jobs run the mine send for will more t han pick out right away look like solve fool die admit•6,learn the grammer’past paticiple the past paticiple usually be used to show some action had happened before another action happened,or had ended at some time ago7,do some exercisesUnit3The teaching goals1,understand and master the new words2,get to know about scientists Edison and Newton,learn the scientific spirits from them3,be able to express how to ask for information to enhance the ability of oral English 4,learn and apply the post participleTeaching important points and difficult pointsIP new words,express how to ask for information,DP key words,apply the post participleTeaching process1,read severa; articles from New Concept English2,pracise to ask for informationg orally3teach new words genius candy,bulb,patent,phonograph,basement,helper.bow 4,explain the text ‘the secret of Room55,list and explain the key language points6,learn the grammer the past paticiple7,do some excerciesUnit4The teaching goals1,accumulate your words and master them2,be able to ask the way orally,or give some directions for others3,get to know about the development of nusery organizationsTeaching important points and difficult pointsIP new words,DP ask the way orally,or give some directions for othersTeaching process1,read some articles from New Concept English2.practise to express how to ask the way or give directions for others3,teach new words nursery-school,training,space,equipment,paint,blocks,popular,clay,label,second-rate,c onsult4,unscram the texti5,conclude and explain the key language points6,ask ss to make a dialogue about asking the way in groups7,do some exercisesUnit5The teaching aims1,learn to turn to sb to tell you the things you are looking for2,learn and master new words3,to get to know more about the western culture on the basis of mastering of the culture from the text4,learn the grammer ‘the object clause’Teaching important points and difficult pointsImportant points understand and use the new words learn more about western culturesDifficult points understand and master the object clauseTeaching process1,read aloud several topic articles from New Concept English2,speaking practising’Asking for things’3,grant the new words newly approach ,reply ,delicious,snap,plead, charge,attempt,futile,sour,fulfil,betray4,ask ss to read the text and retell the story5,the teacher lists and explaines some key words ,phrases,expressions ,and sentential forms6,learn the grammer ‘the object clause’7,do some exerciseUnit6The teaching aims1,learn and practise to express your thinking about acception and decling2,learn new words to enlarge your vocabulary3,to get to know about the key period for children to learn ,and relative knowledge about the babies ‘ growing up law4,learn the grmmer ‘the object clauseTeaching important points and difficult pointsIP new words oral communicationDP master the babies’ growing up lawTeaching process1,read aloud several topic dialogues from New Concept English2,expressing practising about accepting and decling3,words newly granted smell ,bark,robber, watchman,finger,button,miss4.unscram the text and have a discussion5,list and explain the key language k nowledge6,learn the grammer ‘the object clause’7,do some exerciseUnit 7The teaching goals1,be able to express anxiety and possibilities2,enlage vocabulary3,get to know more about animle like dogs and deepen your love for this world4,understand and apply the grammer the objective clauseTeaching important points and difficult pointsIP new wordsDP apply the grammerTeaching prcoess1,read some articles from New Concept English2,practise to express anxiety and possibilities3,teach new words smell,finger,button,robber,wathchman,miss,bark4,explain the text5,conclude and explain the key language points6,learn the grammer the object clause7,do some exercisesUnit8The teaching aims\1,learn to express your feelings about likes ,prference,or dilikes2,learn new words3,learn about the daily life in Ameican kingdergarten,and make a comparise from Chinese4,talk to others with simply usual expressions specially for kindergartenTeaching important points and difficult pointsIP express your likes an dilkes learn about the daily life in American kingdergartenDP use some expressions specialize used in kingdergartenTeaching process1,read several dialogues from New Concept English aloud and fluently2,learn to express your feelings aabout preference ,likes ,or diskes3.grand the new words hook,dpress up,hard-hat.wander ,cathy,scold ,seesaw,pedal,furiously4,explain the text and have a debate5,list and explain some key language points6,learn and practise some vocabularies,epressions and topics7,do some exerciseUnit9The teaching aims1,learn and practise ‘invitation’and ‘promise’2,learn new words3,to get to know about the story of Cinderilla,and get to know more about western literature4,learn the grmmer the passive tenseTeaching impotant points and difficult pointsIP oral communication practising new words the grammerDP know about the western literature cultureTeaching process1,read some dialogues from New Concept Englsh2,,practise the dialogue in the way of playing roles3,grant the new words fairy,suit,godmother,comfort,magic,coach,stepmother,servent,grant,cruelty,calf,pumpk in,goat,slipper,mice,reward4,explain the text ,and introduce some knowledged concerned western literature,and a,sk ss to look into some materials5,list and explain some language points6,learn the grammar the passive tense7,do some exerciseUnit10The teaching aims1,learn to express your complain2.learn and master the new words3,the ss read the text ,can learn a lesson,he should be positive to face faliure4,learn the grammer the passive voicedTeaching impotant points and difficult pointsIP express complains new words learning , the grammerDP disussion about failiureTeaching process1,read several dialogus from New Concept English2,a dialogue about complaing finished by two cooperately,3,teachi new words shriek,growl,ditch,hide,stitch,blame,deserve,ignore,grab,trial,urge,tactical,failure4 ,the ss read the text ,and talk about their feelings5,list and explain some key language points6learn the grammer the passive voives7,do some exceerisesUnit11The teaching goals1,learn to express your suggestions2,learn the new words3,the ss read the text tocultivate their resposibility on protecing animals4,learn and master the grammer the definitive clauseTeaching impoint points and difficult pointsIP express your suggestionsDP master the grammer the definitive clauseTeaching process1.read several dialogues fron New Concept English2.pravtise to express one’s own suggessions3.teach new wordsnibble,hop,hawk,attack,owl.whistle,shadow,mate,spider,sniff,squeak,poke,rotten,e cho,insect,worm4.the ss read the text and tell the difference among different animals,,5.list and explain the key language points6.learn the grammer the definite clause7.do some exercisesUnit12The teaching goals1,learn to express the dicription about sth2,learn the new words3,get to know about why do people sleep and the law of sleep4,grasp and apply the ?Teaching important points and difficult pointsIP express the dicription about sth,and the key wordsDP grasp and apply the ?Teaching process1,read some dialoues frme New Conceppt English2,practise to discrebe sth3,teach new words4,explain the text, and ask the ss to conclude the law of movement5,list and explain some language points6,learn the grammer7,do some exerciseUnit13The teaching goals1,be able to express one’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction2,learn new words3,relize that keeping a diary is advantageous,also it is helpful to make their body and mind healthy4,be able to applyTeaching important points and difficult pointsIP express one’s satisfaction or dissatisfactionDp be able to applyTeaching process1,read some articles from New C onecepr English2,practise to express one’s diaaatisfaciong and satisfaction3,teach new words diary,erase,joural,private,memory,specific,image,sketch,detail,paste,obliterate,illustrat e4,read the text and talk about other wats to keep a memory5 list and explain the key language points6,learn the grammer7 do some exercisesUnit14The teaching goals1,be able to express your congratulation or comeplement to others2,understand and master the new words3,know about the way to play,and go step further into children4,understand and apply the grammerTeaching important points and difficult pointsIP express your congratulation or comeplement to othersDP understand and apply the grammerTeaching process1,read some articles from New Concept English2,practise to express your congratulations or complements3,teach new wordsApt,rattle,amusement,crawl,occupation,crack,geometry,plain,strive,realistic,graduate. hitch,immediate,separate,metal4,explain the text ,teacher would better make more materials prepared to ss to read5,list and sress the key language points6,learn the grammer the present tense7 do some exercisesUnit15The teaching goals1,be able to express one’s gratitude and describ the weather2.understand and master the new words3,master the scentific common sense the text talks ,and it inhances the pusuation of scentific spirit4,understand and apply the grammer verbingTeaching important points and difficult pointsIP express one’s gratitude and describ the weatherDP understand and apply the grammer verbingTeaching process1,read some articles from New Concept English2,practise to express one’s gratitude and describe the weather3,,teach new wordsJuice,pinch,recognize,blindfold,vinegar,chew,bitter,apart,expect,odd,prove4, explain the text, and prepare some articles having to do with scentific common sense in life5,list and explain the key language points6,learn the grammer7,do some exercisesUnit16The teaching goals1,be able to express recalling and regretting2,understand and master new words3, kown about the way of body lainguages show and its point4,understad and apply the grammerTeaching important points and difficult pointsIP express recalling and regrettingDP understad and apply the grammerTeaching process1,read some articles from New Concept English2,practise to exress recalling and regretting3,teach new wordsComment,items.judgement,obvious,communication,observe,code,facial,complicated,b ehavior,insult,emotion,appear,disgust4 read the text ,and collect the ways to show youself without any words5, list and explain the key language points6,learn the grammer 7,do some exercises。

中职英语教学设计教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)让学生掌握常用的英语问候语和自我介绍的表达方式。
2. 技能目标:(1)培养学生能够用英语进行简单的交流和自我介绍。
3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强自信心。
二、教学内容1. 教材:《中职英语》第一册,人民教育出版社。
2. 教学主题:介绍自己和他人,日常交流。
3. 教学重点:(1)常用英语问候语和自我介绍的表达方式。
三、教学方法1. 情境教学法:通过设定真实的生活情境,让学生在实际交流中学习英语。
2. 交际法:引导学生参与课堂对话,提高学生的实际运用英语的能力。
3. 任务型教学法:通过完成具体任务,培养学生解决问题的能力。
四、教学步骤1. 热身活动(5分钟):引导学生用中文进行自我介绍,用英语进行模仿。
2. 教学新课(20分钟):讲解常用的英语问候语和自我介绍的表达方式,让学生进行实际操作练习。
3. 听力训练(15分钟):播放日常对话录音,让学生进行听力理解练习。
4. 小组活动(10分钟):学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟日常对话。
5. 总结与作业布置(5分钟):对本节课内容进行总结,布置相关作业。
五、教学评价1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与情况,包括发言、表演等。
2. 听力理解能力:通过听力练习,评估学生的听力理解水平。
3. 口语表达能力:通过角色扮演等环节,评估学生的口语表达能力。
4. 作业完成情况:检查学生对课堂内容的掌握程度。
六、教学资源1. 教材:《中职英语》第一册,人民教育出版社。

中等职业学校英语教材教案Unit 1一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)能够正确理解并使用本单元的核心词汇和短语。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够用英语进行简单的日常交流。
3. 情感目标:(1)培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和自信心。
二、教学内容1. 核心词汇和短语:(1)词汇:如job, pany, friend 等。
(2)短语:如work at, live in, go to school 等。
2. 语法知识:一般现在时。
3. 对话或故事:描述人们的工作、生活和学习情况。
三、教学重点与难点1. 重点:(1)本单元的核心词汇和短语。
2. 难点:(1)一般现在时的句子结构的运用。
四、教学方法1. 交际法:通过模拟真实情境,让学生在实际交流中学习英语。
2. 任务型教学法:通过完成各种任务,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。
3. 语法翻转教学法:通过先让学生自主探究语法知识,再进行讲解和练习。
五、教学步骤1. 热身活动:(1)与学生进行简单的英语对话,检查他们的英语水平。
2. 引入新课:(1)介绍本单元的主题和目标。
3. 新课讲解:(1)讲解一般现在时的句子结构和用法。
4. 课堂练习:(1)让学生进行小组活动,用一般现在时造句。
六、教学评估1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂活动中的参与情况,了解他们的学习状态。
2. 口语表达:评估学生在口语交流中的词汇运用、语法准确性和表达流畅性。

Unit 3 Would you like some cookies?(第一课时教学设计)一、学情分析职业学校的学生虽然大多数基础较差,英语表达能力欠缺,但他们有较强的表现欲望,好奇心强,有一定的求知卻,喜欢动手操作。
本单元设计分为3个课时:本单元设计分为3个课时:第一课时 lead-in + listening and speaking第二课时 Phonetics review Vowels第三课时Phonetics review Consonants+unit task第一课时 Lead-in + Listening & Speaking二、教材分析1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语》(基础模块预备级)第三单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:询问对方意愿,表达自己的意愿,听懂并掌握询问和表达意愿的词汇、句型。
2.教学重点、难点⑴教学重点询问对方意愿,表达自己的意愿,听懂并掌握询问和表达意愿的词汇、句型⑵教学难点食物,饮料类名词;询问对方意愿,表达自己的意愿的词汇、句型三、教学目标1.知识目标⑴掌握食物,饮料,物品类词汇,如doll; candle; balloon; bottle;cola; popcorn; wine; beer; cookie;⑵询问和表达意愿的句型,如:Would you like…?I’d like….How about…?2.能力目标⑴学生能听懂关于询问和提供个人信息的对话。

中职英语教案Unit 1一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)能够掌握本单元的单词和短语。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够运用所学知识进行日常英语交流。
3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
二、教学内容1. 单词和短语:(1)单词:如“hello”、“goode”、“how are you”等。
(2)短语:如“see you”、“have a good time”、“what's your name”等。
2. 主要句型和对话:(1)句型:如“How are you?”、“What's your name?”等。
(2)对话:如“A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm fine, thank you. What's your name? A: My name is Li Ming.”等。
三、教学重点与难点1. 重点:单词、短语的掌握和运用,主要句型的运用。
2. 难点:正确的语音、语调,流利的口语表达。
四、教学方法与手段1. 教学方法:任务型教学法、交际法、分组合作学习法。
2. 教学手段:多媒体教学、录音机、教学卡片等。
五、教学过程1. 热身(5分钟):(1)教师与学生用中文进行简单的交流,询问学生的情况。
2. 导入(10分钟):(1)教师用英文自我介绍,并向学生问好。
3. 新课内容(20分钟):(1)教师展示单词和短语的图片,引导学生进行观察和记忆。
4. 对话练习(15分钟):(1)教师展示对话的图片,引导学生进行观察和理解。

中职英语教案中文版(第一至五章)一、教学目标:1.1 知识目标:让学生掌握基本的英语语法和词汇。
1.2 技能目标:提高学生的英语交际能力,使其能在日常生活中的简单场景进行英语交流。
1.3 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养其自主学习英语的习惯。
二、教学内容:2.1 第一章:英语语音基础元音、辅音、连读、语调等基本语音知识。
2.2 第二章:基本语法名词、动词、形容词、副词等词性的基本用法。
2.3 第三章:常用词汇和短语日常生活、学习、工作等场景中的常用词汇和短语。
2.4 第四章:日常对话问候、介绍、道别等基本交际用语。
2.5 第五章:阅读理解简单的故事、说明文、议论文等阅读材料。
三、教学方法:3.1 任务驱动法:通过设定具体的学习任务,引导学生主动参与学习过程,提高其自主学习能力。
3.2 情境教学法:通过模拟真实的生活场景,让学生在实际语境中学习和应用英语。
3.3 交际法:通过角色扮演、小组讨论等互动形式,提高学生的英语交际能力。
3.4 差异化教学:针对不同学生的学习水平和兴趣,提供不同难度的学习材料和活动。
四、教学评价:4.1 平时成绩:学生的课堂参与度、作业完成情况、课堂表现等。
4.2 单元测试:每个单元结束后进行测试,检验学生对单元知识的掌握情况。
4.3 期中和期末考试:全面测试学生的英语听、说、读、写能力。
五、教学资源:5.1 教材:选用适合中职学生的英语教材,如《中职英语》等。
5.2 辅助材料:如单词卡片、PPT、视频、音频等。

字数在 80个左右,并注意日记的格式。
(图片节选自仁爱版八年级英语p40 , section d ,topic 2 , unit 6)三、教学方法讨论、示范、练习、同学之间互改、教师反馈。
培养学生正确的日记写作方法及策略四、教学环节step1 . review1. ask the students to read michael’s diary of his trip to the ming tombs in 1a , section d ,topic 2 , unit 6 , grade 8.2. ask the students to pay attention to the form of the diary.3. ask the students to talk about the forms of the diary.4. leading:do you know how to write a diary ? when we write our diaries , what should we pay attention to ? we should pay attention to the forms of the diary. we should use the past tense , except that , we should pay attention to what we mainly write . we usually write the following: what we saw ; what we did ; who we met ; how we felt and so on . step2. presentation1. show the pictures to the students and ask the students to talk about the pictures.2. ask the students to say some sentences about the pictures.3. ask the students to write some sentences by using the words and expressions given.4. go camping1) run after a goat2) get lost3) help him get back5. teach something about the diary.日记范文march 17th,2011thursday rainytoday, i still went to my mother’s office. my mother was very busy, so was my father. they always live in beijing. they work hard every day. so i should save my money. and i can help them with housework because i am one of my family. in the future, i will take a job and work. but now i should study hard.讲解:1)日记格式。
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基础模块Unit 9《Getting Around》参赛教师:李婧婧(大连市轻工业学校)一、学情分析我所授课的班级是数控专业二年级学生。
本课选自本书的第六单元,课题是“Getting Around”课型是Lead-in and speaking.内容涉及的是学生们日常生活中必须掌握的关于指路、问路的基本用语。
问句:Where is / can we find …?How can I get to…?Could you show me the way to…? Is there a… near / around here?We are looking for …答句:It’s + 介词+ 参照物. It’s near / far from here.You may take + 交通工具/ get there by + 交通工具You can’t miss it. Sorry, I don’t know.难点:能结合具体的生活场景,准确地使用所学句型进行真实的会话。
在听力部分中出现的生词放在课件中的free talk 部分进行解决和运用,让学生们不仅听懂,而且能说。
再者,结合课本中for better performance 的部分,设计本节课的听力和口语训练,使得学生们在做动态练习的同时,比较立体的感受问路指路语境中需要使用的表达方式。
三、教学方法1. 教法设计:根据学生的V AK 学习类型,使用任务驱动教学法和情境教学法。
2. 学法指导:学生合作学习、探究学习——在做中学。
3. 教学策略:短篇动画、创设情境、头脑风暴、游戏竞赛、分层教学、团队合作、评价活动,自我检测,“开放型”作业四、教学方法Sept One: Lead-in Today we ’re going to learn a new unit. But before that, I’ve got a short story. Let ’s see it. (Play the PPT) 设计意图:以短篇动画的形式对学生进行视听输入,提高本课内容的吸引力,有效激发学生学习兴趣。
效果预测: 学生跟着故事进入设定情境,开始思考引入的情节和问题。
Sept Two: Tasks AssignmentGet Around CampusLook at the picture of campus. Know about the buildings and other places. Pay attention to the position ofthem. Try to use things in your envelope to finish the task.设计意图:设置情境,新入校的学生在询问中熟悉校园的基本环境,既是对于之前Welcome Unit 学习内容的复习,也是对新内容的融合。
完成任务后,将由每组选出2名代表作reader 的角色,对于本组的讨论结果进行展示,选择其余两组中的任意一名同学作conductor 的角色,在听对话的同时,在图片上进行实际的指引。
在任务展示环节,代表小组的reader 和被挑选的conductor都会通过自己的表现为自己的小组争取最高的分数。
解决预案:Sept Three: Information CollectionLet’s go over the useful expressions for asking and showing the way.Make full use of the notes you have got in the envelopes.设计意图:通过利用手中的小纸条,充分、尽可能多地将指路与问路的语句进行记忆和应用。
解决预案Step Four: Better PerformanceHere is a map with several blocks. And there are 6 blanks for certain places. You will hear 6 conversations from your classmates. And try to find the place and mark them on the map.Pay attention to two main points: “what they are looking for” and “where the place is”.设计意图:利用教材中的听力练习,转变形式,让学生同时完成听,说和理解的任务。
而且在对话的听取上,选择了前两个对话听取2遍,后4个对话听取1次的难度递增方式,一来鼓励学生们面对挑战,提升自我;二来这样的设置可以使学生有一定的预Step Five: Free TalkHere is a map of a district of our city. Let’s see what we have got.Then, imagine that you are at somewhere this moment, and think about where you would like to go. Make up your own conversation with your partner.设计意图:将学生从校园行带到具体的城市街区,给出街区图片,掌握基本的词汇,试着组织自己的对话。
Step Six: Self-assessmentSend each student a self-assessment form with words and sentences learned on this class. Tick what they have known. And write down what suggestions they can give for the teacher and what other words or sentences they want to learn.设计意图:通过评价表,让学生自查自己会了多少单词,多少句型,并让学生评价一下老师的这堂课。
Step Seven: HomeworkGet around Dalian.Help a tourist to get around our city. List out some places of interest. Then try to tell the way from the train station.设计意图:传统的抄写作业不能培养学生的学习能力和运用所学知识解决问题的能力。