


The orient Pearl TV Tower
The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui. The tower, surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest, creates a picture of 'twin dragons playing with pearls'. The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors year-round.
The spheres in the tower
• The tower features 11 spheres, big and small. The two largest spheres, along the length of the tower, have diameters of 50 m (164 ft) for the lower and 45 m (148 ft) for the upper. They are linked by three columns, each 9 m (30 ft) in diameter. The highest sphere is 14 m (46 ft) in diameter. • The entire building is supported by three enormous columns that start underground.



东方明珠东方明珠广播电视塔(the Oriental Pearl TV Tower),坐落在中国上海浦东新区陆家嘴,毗邻黄浦江,与外滩隔江相望,上海国际新闻中心所在地。




中文名称:东方明珠广播电视塔外文名称:The Oriental Pearl TV Tower Of Shanghai所属地区:中国上海下辖地区:上海黄浦江畔、陆家嘴金融贸易区面积:1500平方米著名景点:旋转餐厅、电视塔入口、东方明珠游船码头东方明珠科幻城设计师:江欢成原版:徐州电视塔目录简介小资料建筑结构地理位置名称由来建筑数据球体观光层顶端天线悬空观光廊结构餐饮旋转餐厅电视塔入口游船码头发展陈列馆上海国际新闻中心东方明珠股份科幻城展览城市长廊明珠广场城市大厅门票和交通信息周边住宿设计师设计历程作品荣获奖项周边环境饮食相关诗文展开简介小资料建筑结构地理位置名称由来建筑数据球体观光层顶端天线悬空观光廊结构餐饮旋转餐厅电视塔入口游船码头发展陈列馆上海国际新闻中心东方明珠股份科幻城展览城市长廊明珠广场城市大厅门票和交通信息周边住宿设计师设计历程作品荣获奖项周边环境饮食相关诗文展开编辑本段简介东方明珠广播电视塔名称:上海东方明珠广播电视塔英文名:Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower位置:上海黄浦江畔、陆家嘴金融贸易区所在地:中国上海市外滩设计者:江欢成动工时间:1991年7月30日动工竣工时间:1994年10月1日建成高度:主体结构高350米,塔高468米作用:游览、会议、博览、餐饮、购物、娱乐、住宿、广播电视发射东方建造中的东方明珠高度天线/尖顶:468米(1,535英尺)最高楼层:350米(1,148英尺)技术资讯楼层数:14升降机数目:6小资料东方明珠广播电视塔,高468米,亚洲第四,世界第六高塔。



游船码头 位于黄浦江畔,占地面积2200余平方米,乘坐东方明 珠浦江游览船沿江畅游,即可尽情领略百业兴旺、百舸争 流的都市情怀。东方明珠游船码头外形犹如一只凌波汲水、 展翅欲飞的海鸥,清新自然、富有时代气息。乘坐东方明 珠浦江观光游览船沿浦江航行,可以让游客饱览两岸现代 化都市风景线。夜色中的明珠 -- 入夜后,遥望东方明珠 塔,则是华灯齐放、色彩缤纷;而在塔上俯瞰都市夜景, 更是一派流光溢彩、灯火辉煌。东方明珠塔每年接待来自 于五洲四海中外宾客280多万人次,是集观光、餐饮、购 物、娱乐、游船、会展、历史陈列、广播电视发射等多功 能于一体的综合性旅游文化景点。东方明珠塔业已成为上 海的标志性建筑,荣列上海十大新景观之一。
电视塔入口 位于4.2米检票大厅的豪华电梯将以7 位于4.2米检票大厅的豪华电梯将以7米/秒的高速 4.2米检票大厅的豪华电梯将以 把您在40秒内平稳地送至263米观光层 这种绝无仅有、 把您在40秒内平稳地送至263米观光层,这种绝无仅有、 40秒内平稳地送至263米观光层, 风驰电掣的感觉将是您到东方明珠的难得体验。 风驰电掣的感觉将是您到东方明珠的难得体验。沿着明 亮华贵的弧形梯道拾级而上,登上267米平台, 亮华贵的弧形梯道拾级而上,登上267米平台,迎面的 267米平台 便是亮丽的迎宾厅, 便是亮丽的迎宾厅,乳白色的墙面连同光可鉴人的黑色 大理石反射柔和的灯光,把您环绕在一片尊贵的气氛中。 大理石反射柔和的灯光,把您环绕在一片尊贵的气氛中。 上海东方明珠广播电视塔坐落于上海浦东新区陆家嘴嘴 尖上,以其468米的绝对高度成为亚洲第一、 尖上,以其468米的绝对高度成为亚洲第一、世界第三 468米的绝对高度成为亚洲第一 之高塔。 之高塔。东方明珠塔背拥陆家嘴地区崭新的现代化建筑 楼群,与隔江的外滩万国建筑博览群交相辉映, 楼群,与隔江的外滩万国建筑博览群交相辉映,展现了 国际大都市的壮观景色。 国际大都市的壮观景色。

《东方明珠》PPT课件 图文

《东方明珠》PPT课件  图文
tā yǒu yi gè měi lìde míng zi,jiào dōng fāng míng zhū 她有一个美丽的名字,叫“东方明珠”。 zhè zuò tǎ,tóu dǐng lán tiān,jiǎo cǎi dà dì,xiàng yi gè jù rén 这座塔,头顶蓝天,脚踩大地,像一个巨人。 yèwǎn,tǎ shàng de dēng dōu liàng le,wǔguāng shísè,fēi cháng hǎo kàn 夜晚,塔上 的灯都亮了,五光十色,非常好看。 shàng hǎi guǎng bō diàn shìtǎ,zhēn shìyi kē měi lìde dōng fāng míng zhū 上海广播电视塔,真是一颗美丽的东方明珠。
你们说,上海广播电视塔,像不 像一颗美丽的东方明珠?
估计大家都等不及了,快上去看 看吧!
谢谢欣赏 一、鲁迅是一个非常勤奋的人 鲁迅的勤奋,我想不用我细说大家都是 很明白 的。在 鲁迅的 散文《 百草园 和三味 书屋》 中,鲁 迅讲过 关于上 学迟到 的故事 ,后来 他在桌 子上刻 了个“ 早”字 ,当作 了他一 生的座 右铭。 鲁迅写作的勤奋也是出了名的。为了工 作他常 常工作 到深夜 ,点燃 一支烟 便又来 了工作 激情。 二、鲁迅是一个性格非常刚强的人 小时候的鲁迅就十分的要强,事事总想 走在别 人的前 面。鲁 迅成年 后,他 的性格 变得更 加刚强 ,从他 的文章 中,从 他面对 敌人的 迫害不 惧怕中 ,从他 与批评 他的人 的针锋 相对中 ,我们 都可以 看出他 的性格 。 在鲁迅病重期间,他写个一篇关于自己 身后事 的文章 ,其中 有一句 话说, “让他 们记恨 去,我 一个都 不原谅 !”这 句话就 是鲁迅 刚强性 格的绝 好体现 。 三、鲁迅是一个正义的、富有民族气节 的、忧 国忧民 的人 鲁迅的一生是处在乱世中的一生,国家 的动荡 ,民族 的败落 。深深 的影响 着鲁迅 。为了 追寻人 生的价 值,鲁 迅到日 本去留 学,民 族的耻 辱改变 了他的 人生观 ,他决 定弃医 从文, 也许是 上天注 定,也 许是性 格使然 。从文 的鲁迅 找到了 改变人 们灵魂 的武器 ,也使 自己的 才华和 思想得 到了淋 漓尽致 的发挥 。 弃医从文,鲁迅的忧国忧民的思想在他 的文章 中得到 了充分 的体现 。无论 是《阿Q 正传》 还是《 祝福》 、还是 《伤逝 》无不 充满了 对普通 劳苦大 众的爱 与关怀 。 试问,如果一个写作者,心中没有爱与 关怀, 没有对 劳苦大 众的一 种赤诚 的心。 又怎么 能够写 出感人 至深的 文章呢 ? 四、鲁迅是一个寂寞的、孤独的、哀伤 的、富 有才情 的文人 鲁迅的故乡是在绍兴,自古以来,绍兴 就是出 文人才 子的地 方。可 能是和 江南的 环境有 关系吧 。 这里的文人多情敏感、才思敏捷。鲁迅 在绍兴 鲁镇, 那里的 文化气 息也十 分的浓 厚。鲁 迅从小 就在这 里生活 ,自然 耳濡目 染,身 上的文 人气质 不招自 来。 在鲁迅的《故乡》中,我能时时刻刻感 受到一 个失意 忧伤的 文人的 存在。 作者说 要找一 种全新 的生活 ,要走 一条没 有路的 路。这 是多么 忧伤的 希冀啊 ! 鲁迅的寂寞、孤独、哀伤、在他的散文 、杂文 中都有 充分的 体现。 五、鲁迅是一个甘于清贫、不贪图荣华 富贵的 有气节 的人 纵观鲁迅的一生,是孤独寂寞的一生。 鲁迅的 辉煌从1 919年 算起, 到1936 年去世 总共就 十几年 的时间 。 鲁迅的大半生是在漂泊、孤独中渡过的 。另外 ,鲁迅 的婚姻 也不是 很幸福 。有时 候他就 是一个 苦行僧 ,肉体 在精神 的支配 下默默 的服着 苦役。 鲁迅在物质生活上实在没法与胡适相比 。其实 ,鲁迅 并不是 没有享 受荣华 富贵的 能力。 只是, 鲁迅是 一个精 神独立 的文人 。不愿 为了荣 华富贵 向人卑 躬屈膝 。这一 点,鲁 迅就像 陶渊明 。中国 古代文 人的气 节在鲁 迅身上 得到了 很好的 体现。 上面,我们说了鲁迅的许多优点,当然 人无完 人,鲁 迅也有 一定的 缺点: 一是鲁 迅的性 格过于 刚烈, 心肠较 硬。二 是鲁迅 过于敏 感、常 常为了 一些琐 碎的事 情而小 题大做 。 对于鲁迅的缺点,笔者只是举出了一二 ,也许 鲁迅还 有其他 的缺点 ,限于 作者的 水平有 限只能 举这么 多了。 总而言之,鲁迅的优点是多于缺点的, 而且, 最让笔 者敬佩 鲁迅的 是他有 一颗永 远和劳 苦大众 在一起 的赤子 之心。 他的一 生付出 的多, 索取的 少,这 就是他 的可贵 之处, 也是他 不朽崇 高的地 方。



上海明珠塔的英语As the sun sets over the bustling city of Shanghai, the 东方明珠 Tower rises majestically against the horizon, a beacon of modernity and a symbol of China's economic boom. With its distinctive shape and breathtaking views, the Tower has become a popular tourist destination, drawing visitors from all over the world who come to admire its elegance and to capture its essence in photos.Built in 1994, the Oriental Pearl Tower stands at a height of 468 meters, making it the tallest television tower in Asia. Its design, inspired by the traditional Chinese pagoda, is a testament to the harmonious blend of ancient and modern architecture. The Tower consists of three main sections: the base, the three main spheres, and the antenna. Each sphere offers a different experience, from the bustling observation deck at the base to the serene skywalk at the very top.The journey up the Tower is an adventure in itself. Visitors can choose to take the elevator, which whisks them to the top in a matter of minutes, or they can opt for the slower, more scenic stairs. As they ascend, they aretreated to breathtaking views of the cityscape, with the hustle and bustle of Shanghai unfolding below them.At the top of the Tower, the skywalk offers an unforgettable experience. Here, visitors can step out onto a glass-bottomed walkway and gaze down at the cityscape below, feeling as if they are walking on air. The view is truly breathtaking, and it's hard to imagine being anywhere else in the world at that moment.But the Oriental Pearl Tower is not just a观光景点;it's also a symbol of Shanghai's transformation. Since its opening, the Tower has become a fixture in the city's skyline, serving as a testament to China's rise on the global stage. It's a reminder of the city's past as a trading hub and a port city, and a testament to its future as a global city.The Tower's popularity is not just limited to tourists; it's also a fixture in the lives of locals. Many Shanghainese consider the Oriental Pearl Tower to be a symbol of their city, and they often visit it to relive memories or to simply enjoy the views. The Tower has becomea part of the city's identity, and it's hard to imagine Shanghai without it.In conclusion, the Oriental Pearl Tower is not just a building; it's an experience. It's a testament to thecity's past, a symbol of its present, and a promise of its future. As the sun sets over Shanghai, the Tower stands tall, a beacon of hope and a reminder of the city's endless possibilities.**明珠塔之光:上海的标志与象征**当夕阳洒落在繁华的上海城时,东方明珠塔雄伟地矗立在地平线上,成为现代性的标志和中国经济腾飞的象征。



翻译作业英译汉081班刘波The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, with a total floor space of 54,000 square meters, is mainly composed of the base, three gigantic columns (9 meters in diameter), the lower sphere (50 meters in diameter), the upper sphere (45 meters in diameter), and the spherical penthouse. The tower is outstanding and unique in configuration, and has good stability and aseismatic performance. It also represents the state-of-art in TV tower design, reflecting the progress of the modern science and technology. It is an exciting unity of arts and technology as well as architectural conception and structural design, and has contributed a significant effect to the world. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is equipped with a double deck elevator which travels at 4 meters per second and two high speed elevators at 7 meters per second, which will reach the upper sphee from the ground within 40 seconds. People will get a wonderful thrill being flung from sea level to the zenith in the elevators. The upper sphere (from 250 m to 295 m) covers 9,480 square meters with the maximum capacity of 1,400. It boasts an observation deck, a revolving restaurant, KTV rooms and a discotheque. The sightseeing deck is 263 meters in height, making it the best place to get a bird’s eye view of Waibaidu Bridge flanked by the Monument to the People’s Heroes and the gray RussianConsulate on the north; the famed Bund, together with views from nine main roads, including Beijing Road, Nanjin g Road, Yan’an Road, etc, on the west; the Shanghai harbor, with ocean liners passing in and out on the south, and the Pudong New Area, with numerous skyscrapers on the east. Standing on the deck, one gets the feeling that the world is belittled. The revolving restaurant (267m in height), which turns one revolution every one hour, is an ideal place for visitors. Experienced chefs prepare set menus as well as buffets. The spherical penthouse is 350 meters from the ground with an area of 280 square meters. There is a sightseeing terrace and a beautifully decorated meeting hall. The tower ingeniously incorporated the image of the outer space, the space ship, the missile and the atom in its structure, unifying perfectly modern technology with oriental culture. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower hosts 6,000 visitors on a daily average. Up till now, 118 state heads from different countries and regions have visited the tower. The last , Jin Mao Tower. Jin Mao Tower is situated at the heart of Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone in Pudong New Area of Shanghai, boasting a height of 420 meters and a total floor space of around 290,000 square meters. Jin Mao Tower, an 88-story skyscraper with 3 stories underground, is, up till now, the tallest building in the Mainland of China and the 3rd tallest in the world. It is an intelligent top-grade building, which combines efficiency of function with elegant aesthetic form. With world-famous architectural design, thestructural pro the building originated in the oriental ancient pagoda, a style which represents the oriental national form of design as well as the occidental modern style of building. Jin Mao Tower, therefore, may well be considered a representative work of post-modern architecture prevalent in recent years in the world.Levels 3-50 of Jin Mao Tower are used for offices, Levels 51-52 for mechanical and electrical equipment, Levels 53-87 for the highest preeminent 5-star deluxe hotel in the world---Grand Hyatt Shanghai. The 6-story podium is a multi-functional building, while its Level 1 is used for a conference hall and an exhibition hall, its Level 2 for ballrooms and Levels 2-6 for shopping and recreation centers.So the brief introduction about Shanghai is over. Thank you for attention, we'll go to the hotel now.东方明珠电视塔,总占地面积54000 平方米,主要组成基地、三个巨大的支柱(直径9米)、低球(直径50米)、上球(直径45米),和球型顶棚组成。

The Oriental Pearl Radio(东方明珠塔)

The Oriental Pearl Radio(东方明珠塔)

The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower (Chinese: 东方明珠塔) is a TV tower in Shanghai, China. Its location at the tip of Lujiazui in the Pudong district by the side of Huangpu River, opposite The Bund, makes it a distinct landmark in the area.With a height of 468 meters, the Oriental Pearl Tower ranks the second in Asia and the fourth in the world in height, merely behind Guangzhou New TV Tower, Canada's Toronto TV Tower and Moscow's Ostankino Television Tower. Although replaced by World Financial Centre as the tallest building of Shanghai, Oriental Pearl Tower is still standing erectly among those modern buildings complex in the Lujiazui area.With Nanpu and Huangpu Bridge on its left and right side respectively, it looks like two dragons playing with a pearl. Together with the newly constructed Jinmao Tower and World Financial Centre, they reflect spectacular scenery of this international metropolis. The Oriental Pearl Tower has complex functions of observation, catering, shopping, entertainment, Huangpu River touring, meeting and exhibition, history display, travel agent, etc. All of these make it one of Shanghai's representative buildings and scenic spots. Now, it ranks the second only to France's Eiffel Tower in terms of touring population and revenue, numbering among world renowned tourist attractions.Depending on its high-speed elevator shuttling among three nine meters giant pillars and the world's first 360 degree completely transparent three-track sightseeing elevator, the Oriental Pearl Tower gives every tourist a feeling of enjoying the endless vista brought by modern technology. With great fantasy, the designer make 11 different sized spheres scattered high and low fallowing from the blue sky to the green lawn. Highly propped up by two huge ruby-like eye-catching balls, the Oriental Pearl Tower creates an atmosphere of pearls, small and large, falling into a jade plate. In February 1994, the former president Jiang Zemin gave the title "Oriental Pearl Broadcasting & TV Tower" to the tower.Standing on the tower and having a bird-eye look of Shanghai, you will feel that the whole city looks just like building blocks made arena by some architects whose wisdom are undoubtedly amazing. The city extends the height of human being and brings them together. This land constructed with steel rods and cement is destroying our surviving environment while protecting us.Its principal designers were Jiang Huan Chen, Lin Benlin, and Zhang Xiulin. Construction began in 1991, and the tower was completed in 1994. At 468 m (1,535 feet) high, it was the tallest structure in China from 1994–2007, when it was surpassed by the Shanghai World Financial Center. It is classified as a AAAAA scenic area by the China National Tourism Administration.。



东方明珠英语54介绍The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Shanghai, China. As one of the most iconic landmarks in the city, it is a must-visit attraction for both locals and tourists.Standing at a height of 468 meters, the tower has become a symbol of Shanghai's modernization and rapid development. It has a unique design, with 11 spheres of different sizes stacked on top of each other, resembling pearls on a string. The largest sphere, known as the Space Module, offers a panoramic view of the city and is a popular spot for visitors.The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is not only renowned for its architectural beauty but also for its various facilities and attractions. The tower houses a number of observation decks, including the Transparent Observatory, where visitors can step onto a glass floor and experience the thrill of standing at such great heights. There is also a revolving restaurant located at the top of the tower, providing a unique dining experience with stunning views of Shanghai.For those interested in learning more about the city's history and culture, the tower also features a museum on its lower levels. The museum showcases various artifacts and exhibitions that highlight Shanghai's rich heritage.At night, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower becomes even more captivating as it is illuminated with colorful lights, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. The tower is also a part of Shanghai's skyline and can be seen from different viewpoints along thefamous Bund.Overall, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower is not only a telecommunications tower but also a tourist destination that offers breathtaking views, entertainment facilities, and a glimpse into the vibrant culture of Shanghai.。



东方明珠塔介绍东方明珠塔(Oriental Pearl Tower)是位于中国上海市浦东新区的一座标志性建筑。


























“Space Capsule” & Sightseeing Floor
futuristic design and interesting interact experiences
The Routes
Take subway line 7 , transfer at Jing'an Temple Station to line 2 and get off at Lujiazui Station. Get out form Exit 1 and you can see the tower. It takes about 1 hour and 19 minutes.
98m/ 90m Game City Indoor Roller Coaster 5D Cinema 4.2m City Gallery 0m Shanghai History Museum No.8 Old Shanghai Restaurant Old Shanghai-style Street OPG Souvenir The Shanghai Show “Chocoholic” Shop Coke-Cola Bar Flower Bar Wedding Book Store
Revolving Restaurant
Revolving Restaurant The revolving restaurant is the Asian second-highestrestaurant, offering an unparalleled view of the city, which is especially beautiful at night. The threelegged tower rests on giant pillars that are buried beneath the surface, making the tripod base of Pearl of the Orient Tower exceptionally stable.












东方明珠内部景点介绍:旋转餐厅-- 誉名中外的东方明珠空中旋转餐厅,坐落于上海东方明珠广播电视塔267米上球体,是亚洲最高的旋转餐厅。






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