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1. The factory was built in a secret place, around _________ high mountains.

A. which was

B. it was

C. which were

D. them were

【陷阱】容易误选A或B,将A、B中的which 和it 误认为是其后句子的主语。

【分析】最佳答案是C,around which were high mountains 是一个由“介词+which”引出的非限制性定语从句,而在该从句中,主语是high

mountains,around which 是表语,所以句子谓语应用复数were,而不是用单数was。请做以下类例题目(答案均为C):

(1) Yesterday we visited a modern hospital, around _________ some

fruit shops.

A. which is

B. it is

C. which are

D. them are

(2) The murder happened in an old building, beside _________ the

city police station.

A. which are

B. it is

C. which is

D. them are

(3) Next month we’ll move to a new building, next to _________ a

nice restaurants where we can have Chinese food.

A. which are

B. it is

C. which is

D. them are

2. A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked, “Is there a hospital around

_________ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand” 

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. what

【陷阱】容易误选B,认为around 是介词,选which 用以代替前面的名词hospital,在此用作介词around 的宾语。



C 的理由是:句中的around 不是介词,而是副词,意为“在附近”;其后的where 引导定语从句用以修饰其前的地点名词hospital,句意为:附近有没有一家医院,我可以去治我的手伤?

3. David is such a good boy _________ all the teachers like.

A. that

B. who

C. as

D. whom

【陷阱】此题容易误选A,许多同学一看到题干中的such,再联系到选项中的that,便认为这是考查such … that …句式。况且,这样理解意思也还通顺。

【分析】最佳答案为C,不是A,因为在such … that … (如此……以至……)结构中,that 引导的是结果状语从句,并且that 在从句中不充当句子成分,若在上句填入such … that …,句末的动词like 缺宾语。选C的理由如下:as 用作关系代词,用以引导定语从句,修饰其前的名词boy,同时as 在定语从句中用作动词

like 的宾语,句意为“所有老师都喜欢的一位好男孩”。有的同学可能还会问,假若选A,能否将其后的that 视为引导定语从句的关系代词呢?不能,因为当先行词受到such 的修饰时,其后的定语从句应用关系代词as 来引导,而不用that。比较下面一题,答案为A,因为like 后有自己的宾语him:

David is such a good boy _________ all the teachers like him.

A. that

B. who

C. as

D. whom


It was not such a good dinner _________ she had promised us.

A. like

B. that

C. which

D. as

4. The buses, most of _________ were already full, were surrounded

by an angry crowd.

A. that

B. it

C. them

D. which

【陷阱】容易误选C,用them 代指the buses。

【分析】最佳答案是D。most of which were already full 为非限制性定语从句,修饰the buses。类似地,以下各题也选D:

(1) His house, for _________ he paid $10, 000, is now worth $50,


A. that

B. it

C. them

D. which

(2) Ashdown forest, through _________ we’ll be driving, isn’t a forest any longer.

A. that

B. it

C. them

D. which
