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During World War I, Communism was on the rise. Lenin's revolution had forced Russia out of the war. The German Army at times faced near mutiny among their own troops. This contributed to Germany being forced to sue for peace. Since some socialist/communist leaders were Jewish this was exploited as another reason for Germans to hate Jews. Hitler often spoke of Bolshevik (communist) Jewry. There is still a strong association in people's minds between Jews and leftists.
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In the 1930s there was a lot of anti-Jewish feeling and resentment in the Western world. Many Jews who tried to escape the persecution in Germany were refused entry into the US and other European countries and also many countries further afield.
Some claim that Hitler's father was halfJewish and he was deeply ashamed of this. Hitler's grandmother on his father's side was said to have been a maid in the home of a Jewish family in Graz. When she left she was pregnant with his father. [However, nobody has been able to give the street where the house was, and at the relevant time Jews were not allowed to live in Graz].
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Hitler and others absorbed some of their parents' racism. Anti-Semitism has a lwenku.baidu.comng history. Some Germans believed that "Jewish bankers" were responsible for the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler and many Nazis were influenced by the notorious anti-Semitic book called "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion."
Hitler lived in Vienna from 1907 to 1913 and those were the most difficult years of his life. Hitler was trying to become an artist or to make himself a name in field of arts. He was twice rejected from the Vienna Academy of Fine Art. The second rejection by the Academy was one of the most traumatic experience of his life [or so he said]; all his dreams were shattered. He claimed that the professors that rejected him were Jewish ... [However, according to Ian Kershaw's biography, Hitler was very lazy and made absolutely no attempt to prepare for the admission process].
Mr.Wang Lei
1.introduction 2.reasons 3.pictures
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich are the common English names for Germany under the regime of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party (AKA NSDAP or the Nazi Party), which established a totalitarian dictatorship that existed from 1933 to 1945. Officially, the state was, as in the preceding Weimar Republic era, still called the Deutsches Reich (German Reich). In 1943 Großdeutsches Reich (Greater German Reich), became the official name. The state was a major European power from the 1930s to the mid-1940s. Its historical significance lies mainly in its responsibility for starting World War II, and its commission of large-scale crimes against humanity, such as the persecution and mass-murder of millions of Jews, minorities, and dissidents in the genocide known as the Holocaust. The state came to an end in 1945, after the Allied Powers succeeded in seizing German-occupied territories in Europe and in occupying Germany itself. In 1935, Germany was bounded on the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea; to the east by Lithuania, The Free City of Danzig, Poland and Czechoslovakia; to the south by Austria and Switzerland; and to the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Saarland, which joined in 1935. These borders changed after the state annexed Austria, the Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia and Memel, and after subsequent expansion during World War II.
Since the 1870s the Jews had been the object of a new wave of demonization and conspiracy theories. On the whole this wasn't taken too seriously in Germany, but in Austria antiJewish conspiracy theories were spread by extreme rightwing politicians and also by the Roman Catholic Church, which knew perfectly well that these theories were rubbish. Young Adolf was a server (altar-boy) and may have been influenced by this.
Nazis murdered about six million of Jewish people in Europe during the WWII. Possible reasons:
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Jealousy. Some Jews were successful and held influential positions in Austria and Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. At the same time, the world was suffering in the Great Depression. For various reasons, including war reparations for World War I, Germany was being hit the hardest by the worldwide economic depression. Successful Jews were envied and blamed for "taking German jobs."
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The Nazis had a vision of an Aryan German race that did not include Jews and many other groups of people.
Some say Hitler and the Nazis were simply opportunistic demagogues. Inciting hatred of the Jews was the means to an end. The Nazis used hatred of the Jews to unify the German people and create a new German empire. Nothing unites a people more than when they believe they are constantly under attack and fighting a common enemy. The Jews were convenient enemies. After propagating this idea of Jews being the scum of the earth so passionately, Hitler and the Nazis may have deluded themselves into believing it more deeply.