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- The power of pareto chart 和the 80/20 rules - Construction of a Pareto Chart using computer - 流程flow diagram 和its associated symbols - Two 实例of 流程flow diagram (using a common scenario) - Barriers that hinder 6西格玛implementation ------------------------------------Break---------------------------------------------- What is FMEA - Example of FMEA - Group exercise on FMEA of barriers to 6西格玛implementation - FMEA presentations ------------------------------------Lunch----------------------------------------------
Leabharlann Baidu
版本 日期
: 1.00 : May 2003
- 6西格玛及精简优化与COQ的关系 - COQ的脑力风暴 - First Pass Yield Exercise II
•IPO 和流程flow diagram •流程analysis of dropping cards onto target •Repeating the exercise •Results 和discussions - 西格玛培训中的某些质量改进工具 - 脑力风暴技术 - 第一天wrap up
第二天(Variance Reduction):
- Concept of precision 和accuracy - How does it link to the mean 和标准偏差 - Precision 和accuracy example (i.e. Selection of fund manager) Statapult exercise I ------------------------------------Break---------------------------------------------- Introducing concept of variance reduction (i.e. PF/CE/CNX/FMEA/SOP) - Variance reduction 脑力风暴exercise for Statapult - Statapult exercise II - Computation of Statapult exercise result after variance reduction - Discussion of variance contributors - 第二天wrap up
DAY 3 (Measure Phase):
- Recap of statistical terminology - Histogram 和a normal data - Construction of histogram - Transformation of data - Calculate Cp, Cpk from non-normal data ------------------------------------Break----------------------------------------------
DAY 3 (Measure Phase):
- The importance of good measurement - Direct 和indirect measurement (i.e. Introduction to scatter diagram) - Risk of wrong interpretation - Underst和variance concept in measurement system - Introduction to Gauge repeatability 和reproducibility (GR&R) ------------------------------------Lunch---------------------------------------------- GR&R example - Calculation of measurement variance - Rules of thumb in GR&R - Calculation of GR&R with computer ------------------------------------Break---------------------------------------------- Graphical interpretation of GR&R - Balls’ circumference measurement exercise - Result 和discussion on measurement exercise - The Anova method of GR&R - Day 3 wrap up
DAY 4 (Measure + Analyze Phase):
- Introduction to GR&R analysis on attribute data - Example of attribute data GR&R - Attribute GR&R exercise - Result 和discussion on exercise ------------------------------------Break---------------------------------------------- Computing attribute data GR&R using the computer - 为什么variable data is better than attribute data - Converting attribute data to variable data - Example of attribute data conversion (i.e. Wu Fan’s project on reducing bubble defect) - Introduction to probability theory ------------------------------------Lunch---------------------------------------------- Probability approach (classical, relative frequency) - Probability rules - Probabilities under statistical independence (Marginal, Joint, Conditional) - Exercise ------------------------------------Break---------------------------------------------- Probability under conditions of statistical dependence - Exercise - Introduction to probability distributions - Day 4 wrap up