
例如:she’s a student.--→ she’s a excellent student.2.增加并列成分(并列主语、并列宾语、并列谓语、并列定语等)或并列句。
例如:sometimes, I go to school by bike.--→ sometimes, I go to school by bike or by bus.3.增加附加成分(插入语、同位语、独立成分等)。
例如:who is the most outstanding author?--→ who do you think is the most outstanding author?4.出现倒装或省略现象。
例如:there lived an elderly lady whose husband died long ago. --→ an elderly lady whose husband died long ago lived there.5.增加由短语或多级短语充当的成分。
例如:they are yours.--→ they are yours sooner or later.6.增加由长句或多级长句充当的句子成分。
例如:he knew how ashamed he would have been.--→ he knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among when he was born.以上我们讲述了长句是怎么来的,现在我们就讲一下长句应该怎么翻译、长句的翻译方法有哪些。
翻译长句的译法 translation of long sentences

2、We were busy with the hay in a faraway field, when the girl that usually brought our breakfasts came running an hour too soon across the meadow and up the lane, calling me as she ran.
Translation skills:顺译法、逆译法、分译法、综合法。
Social problem
A long-held view of the history of English colonies that became the United Stated has been that England’s policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to a more imperial policy, dominated by expansionist militarist objectives, generated the tensions that ultimately led to the American Revolution. 政治类
译文:以阿斯旺大坝为例,它 挡住了尼罗河的洪水,但也使 埃及失去了洪水冲击的肥沃土 壤,换回来的却是一个病态的 大水库。现在水库积满泥沙, 几乎不能用于发电了。

11.3 common ways to translate long sentences 长句的常用译法 • Step 1: 查明基本句型:SV, SVP, SVO, SVoO, and SVOC? • Step 2: 查明从属结构 • Step 3: 查明语义 • Step 4: 查明语法关系 • Step 5: 查明重心,时间或逻辑关系顺序 • Step 6: 按照中国人的思维表达习惯,安排或 调整语序 • Step 7: 修订,润饰初稿
• 他是一个胸怀宽广,思想高尚的人,由于其政治家风度 并真正献身于联合国组织的崇高原则,博得了人们广泛 的称赞。他曾作为大会主席和秘鲁首席代表,成绩卓越 地为联合国组织服务。多年来,他把丰富的思想献给了 联合国组织,直到结束他崇高的一生。
11.3.4 靠拢法
eg: The history of a tree from the time it starts in the forest until the boards which it yields are used, would form an interesting and, in many instances, an exciting story. • 原译:树的历史,开始于树林中,直到生产为木板 后被使用为止,成为一个有趣且有许多事例的故 事.
• 从发展中国家的观点来看,下一个十年应有一个 大力加速科学技术合作的纲领,旨在广泛传播技 术,从而满足人们诸如营养,住宅,交通,卫生保健的 基本需要.
Drills1: ① A few stars are known which are hardly bigger than the earth, ② but the majority are so large that hundreds of thousands of earths could be packed inside each and leave room to spare; ③ here and there we come upon a giant star large enough to contain millions of millions of earths

on,而且有“一逗到底”的现象,分句之 间的逻辑关系并不言明
一Байду номын сангаас主语
• 1、大约有四分之一的美国青年人没有阅读能 力,这简直令人难以置信! 【译文】It is incredible that about 25% young people in the United States cannot read. 【点评】汉语句子主语较长,译成英语时为了 防止句子头重脚轻,通常采用it作形式主语的 句型,而将真正主语搁置亍句末。
• (2)世界上一些国家发生问题,从根本上来说, 都是因为经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,没 有房住,工资增长被通货膨胀抵消,生活水平下 降,大批人下岗和失业,长期过紧日子。 • 【译文】Basically, the root cause for social unrest in some countries lies in their failure to boost their economy. Consequently they lack food, clothing and shelter, and their wage increases are offset by inflation. With a decline in living standards, widespread layoffs and unemployment, people have to suffer chronic hardships. • 【点评】原句虽然较长,但分析后不难得出句意 间的因果关系。先是总述其结果,其后是句子的 原因状语“因为经济上不去”,最后又做了详细 的分述。句子中这种先果后因的顺序正好与英语 思维一致,因此我们可以采用顺译法来处理此句 中的状语成分。

• 注意原文的修辞和逻辑关系,避免仅靠字面意思翻译长句。 • 避免使用人工智能翻译工具翻译复杂的长句。 • 根据原文和目标语言的不同,采用不同的翻译技巧和方法。 • 要注意正确使用标点符号,以便更好地体现原文的意思。
N ever accept false lim itations.
长句中包含大量信息,需要抓住关 键词,准确地表达原文意思。
将复杂的长句分成多个短句,逐一翻译。这种方法 可以避免错误和歧义。
调整原文句子的顺序,使其更符合目标语言的语序 和惯常表达方式。
以上是原句"N ever accep t false lim itatio ns."的两种翻译,哪个更准确呢?其中翻译1将"false"翻译成"错误的",而 翻译2将"fa ls e"翻译为"不正确的"。两种翻译都可以达到翻译目的,但翻译1会让人感到这是一种道德性质的错误, 翻译2更加生动、通俗易懂。这个例子告诉我们,在翻译时要互动
让我们一起来练习翻译长句吧!以下是一句中文长句,尝试翻译成英语,并 与同桌交流,比较谁的翻译更加准确、地道。
中译英长句翻译技巧 ppt课件

1. 许多人都说他是个笨蛋, 但果真如此吗? Many people say he is an ass. But is that so ?
2. 应当承认, 每个民族都有它的长处, 不然它为什么能存 在? 为什么能发展?
It must be admitted that every nation has its strong points. If not , how can it survive ? How can it progress ?
英语长句结构: 主语+谓语+修饰语 并列成分或并列句
英语主谓关系非常明显,其他成分 通过各种手段(介词、连词、关系 代词、关系副词)同主谓成分挂钩
汉语连接词相对少,使用频率也低, 少用介词而多用动词 结构松散,分句间缺乏应有的形式
你可能知道中国一向坚持开放政策并对引进 国外投资采取积极立场,以在平等互利的基 础上与其他国家扩大经济合作和技术交流。
You are probably aware that China has always persisted in an opening up policy and taken a positive stand to attract foreign investment, with a view to expanding economic cooperation and technical exchange with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
翻译长句的译法 translation of long sentences

练习: 1、The big bang is a well-tested scientific
theory which is widely accepted within the scientific community because it is the most accurate and comprehensive explanation for the full range of phenomena astronomers observe.
--Wuthering Heights,Chapter2,1847, Emily Bronte
她很苗条,明显还处于少女的年 龄阶段:长得极好,看着这张非常精 致的脸让我感到从未有过的荣幸。五 官,非常端正;黄色的发卷,或者说 是金色的发卷散落在她精巧的脖子旁 边;眼睛,如果它们在表达恰当,那 将宁人难以拒绝。幸运的是,对于我 易受感动的心而言,它们所表示的唯 一情感盘旋在蔑视和绝望之间,可以 发现异乎寻常的不自然。
The American economic system is, organized around a basically privateenterprise, market oriented economy in which consumers largely determine 经济类 what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.

10. 1. 2 逆译法 (Translation in Reverse Order)
• 2. As for the unfortunate people who can command everything they want, who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every object of desire—for them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation.
例1:The successful testing of atomic and hydrogen
bombs and guided missile and the launching and accurate recovery of man-made earth satellites are important indications of our new level in science and technology.
terms in the field of mathematics, in order that he may
be able to build up the foundation of the mathematical
subject and master it well for pursuing advanced study.
Chapter10 长句翻译

The common techniques of translating English long sentences
长句并非是指句子很长 语法结构复杂、从句和修饰语较多、包含内容
层次复杂 翻译长句应该从结构的分析入手 找出句子的主语和谓语,了解句子的中心意思 清理从句与从句,修饰语与被修饰语间的关系 掌握各层次的内容,按逻辑关系串联内容
driven principle
If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.
Warm-up: Translation Practice
As evening comes to Paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront.
参考译文: 译文1:夜幕降临巴黎,魅力和码头的薄雾
一起上升。 译文2:薄暮时分,码头上雾气升腾,巴黎
Translation Practice
Translation of long sentences 长句翻译技巧 ppt课件

were faintly mottled, and whose grey-blue
eyes had acquired a certain fullness.
如果说她早已失掉了那蔚蓝色眼睛的,花儿般的魅力, 也失掉了她脸儿和身段的那种冰清玉洁,苗条多姿的气质和那苹果花似的颜色— 二十六年前这种花容月貌曾那样迅速而奇妙地影响过艾舍斯特 --- 那么在四十三岁 的今天,她依旧是个好看而忠实的伴侣,不过两颊淡淡地有点儿斑驳,而灰蓝的 眼睛也已经有点儿沧桑了。
the apple-blossom colouring which had so
swiftly and oddly affected Ashurst twenty-six
years ago, she was still at forty-three, a
comely and faithful companion, whose cheeks
+ 将原句中某一个或几个词从句中抽出,译成 中文之后置于句首或句尾。这些词可以是副 词、过去分词、或一句话。
+ This is a NATO matter and any comment on it should appropriately come from NATO.
+ 这是北约组织的问题,关于这个问题的任何
+ No one will deny that /what we have been able to do in the past five years is especially striking /in view of the crisis which we inherited from the previous government.

一般来说,在以下几种情况下都可以断句:1. 汉语句子较长,内容较复杂这种句子如果同样译作一个长句,在结构上有困难,语境也不清楚;断句则便于清晰地表达原意,又符合英语的表达习惯。
Throughout the ages only honest laboring people see the truth that wealth is created through labor. Only they can free their minds of any fantastic ideas of getting rich. And only they create and accumulate wealth for both society and themselves through hard practical work.·如今没奈何,把你雇在隔壁人家放牛,每月可以得他几钱银子,你又有现成饭吃,只在明日就要去了。
There’s no way out but to set you to work looking after our neighbor’s buffalo. Y ou’ll make a little money every month, and you’ll get your meals there too. Y ou are to start tomorrow.2. 汉语的总分复句汉语的总分复句都包括总说和分述两个部分。

(2005年真题)译文:As long as they are living, they always work and study as hard as possible, unwilling to dream their life away, let alone waste even a single moment of their lives.例2:原文:…一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,顿感被打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。
(2003年真题)译文:Once I was deposed into a cold palace on the hillside of the garden, I suddenly felt I was neglected and became very depressed.例3:原文:我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界,一片喧闹。
商务英语翻译10.2 长句的翻译[精]
![商务英语翻译10.2 长句的翻译[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d6b7a54d915f804d2b16c1de.png)
2. Yes, as we agreed, we will cover the shipping costs from Ningbo to the Los Angeles port and any ground transportation from the Los Angeles port to your warehouses will be your responsibility. 是的,就按我们商定的那样,我们会承担从宁波到洛杉矶 港口的船运费。从洛杉矶港口到你们仓库的陆上运输则由 你们自己负责。
万豪国际酒店集团是这种业务的一个成功例子,它 拥有大型顾客信息数据库,这样就可以根据顾客 需要对其连锁酒店进行调整。
四、重新整合译法 1. The bright side of world financial deregulation is that countries such as Mexico have access to private capitn a decade ago.
南非具有很多和第一世界相同的特征——一些良好的基础设 施,数百万富人以及不少的世界级公司、医院和大学——但 仍然不属于第一世界。
2. We demand that before delivery you should test and inspect all the equipment and parts comprehensively in regard to quality, quantity, specification and performance and issue a test report along with the certificate of inspection issued by the inspection agency which is approved by both parties and stipulated in the contract.
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2. 使用同一动词∙那次晚会,夏洛特被一名男士迷的神魂颠倒,以至于丢失了一条珍贵的项链。
3. 使用同位语从句∙布诺在欢迎致辞时说,中国有望取代日本,成为全球最大的奢侈品消费国。
4. 使用定语从句∙对女性而言,这一时代充满了机遇,社会开始追求多元化,女性领导日益获得认可。
篇章翻译:Lucrative bonuses and international travel were once the main attractions for prospective employees, but companies no longer mention glitz. Their new selling points are sandwiches with the boss, opportunities for advancement, flexible working hours and more holiday time.Another shift comes from companies’ attempts to reconcile their desire to cut costs now with their need for talent later. One solution, popular in many industries, is to offer deferred start dates to new hires, giving them six months or a year to travel or do public service. Because of the slowdown in recruiting, colleges and business schools are going on the offensive. Some have set up networks to help place students with firms run by alumni. Some schools have come to terms with the idea that finding full-time work for all graduates might be unrealistic and are creating new schemes to find temporary placements for graduating MBAs. The Johnson School of Business at Cornell, for example, has set up a programme that links MBAs with short-term projects over the summer. This way, students can at least get a foot in the door.环保词汇:坚持环境保护基本国策 adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection污染者负担的政策 "the-polluters-pay" policy强化环境管理的政策 policy of tightening up environmental management环保执法检查environmental protection law enforcement inspection限期治理undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time生态示范区 eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region国家级生态示范区(珠海) Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region国家级园林城市Nationally Designated Garden City工业固体废物 industrial solid wastes白色污染 white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)可降解一次性塑料袋throwaway bio-degradable plasticbags放射性废料积存 accumulation of radioactive waste有机污染物 organic pollutants 三废综合利用 multipurpose use of three types of wastes(waste water, waste gas, solid waste)城市垃圾无害化处理率 decontamination rate of urban refuse垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林 protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率deforestation rate水土流失 water and soil erosion土壤盐碱化 soil alkalization生态农业 environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone海水淡化 sea water desalinization 造林工程 afforestation project绿化面积 afforested areas; greening space森林覆盖率 forest coverage防风林 wind breaks 防沙林 sand breaks速生林fast-growing trees 降低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源 develop renewable resources环保产品environment-friendly products自然保护区 nature reserve野生动植物 wild fauna and flora保护生存环境 conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物endangered wildlife珍稀濒危物种繁育基地 rare and endangered species breeding center美化环境 landscaping design for environmental purposes环境恶化 environmental degradation温饱型农业 subsistence agriculture空气污染浓度 air pollution concentration酸雨、越境空气污染 acid rain and transboundary air pollution工业粉尘排放 industrial dust discharge烟尘排放soot emissions矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气) fossil fuels: coal, oil, andnatural gas清洁能源 clean energy汽车尾气排放 motor vehicle exhaust尾气净化器 exhaust purifier无铅汽油 lead-free gasoline天然气汽车 gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车 cell-driven vehicles; battery cars小排量汽车 small-displacement (engine) vehicles温室效应 greenhouse effect工业废水处理率treatment rate of industrial effluents城市污水处理率 treatment rate of domestic sewage集中处理厂 centralized treatment plant 工业固体废物 industrial solid wastes白色污染 white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics) 可降解一次性塑料袋 throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags放射性废料积存 accumulation of radioactive waste有机污染物 organic pollutants氰化物、砷、汞排放 cyanide, arsenic, mercury discharged铅、镉、六价铬 lead, cadmium, sexivalent chromium城市垃圾无害化处理率 decontamination rate of urban refuse垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林 protect forests from overexploitation 森林砍伐率 rate of deforestation水土流失 water and soil erosion土壤盐碱化 soil alkalization农药残留 pesticide residue水土保持 conservation of water and soil 生态农业 environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone海水淡化 sea water desalinization保护珊瑚礁、红树林和渔业资源 protect coral reefs, mangrove and fishing resource绿化祖国 turn the country green全民义务植树日 National Tree-Planting Day造林工程 afforestation project绿化面积 afforested areas; greening space森林覆盖率 forest coverage防风林 wind breaks (防沙林 sand breaks)速生林 fast-growing trees降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource degradation。