



Interview conducted for C/E&2/E candidate1: What is the plant to ready for manoeuving and departure port?*start the second generator and after all checks, take it on load*The third generator should be kept on standby condition*Essential steps to be noted: Turning engine indicator cocks parameters abnormal noise*Check system FO service and settling tanks diesel oil service tank air system LO system T/C CW system checking the fuel regulating gear & starting system* slow turning the engine*this must be carried out to prevent damage caused by fluid in one of the cylinders and to check the reversing mechanism*Before beginning the slow turning obtain permission from the bridge2 what items to be analysis on lube oil?*Specific gravity viscosity flash point TAN(total acid number)SAN(strong acid number) alkalinity TBN( total base number) water content Conradson carbon ash insoluble3 what cause of exhaust temperature rises in all cylinders?* Increased scavenge air temperature owing to inadequate air cooler function*Fouled air and gas passages*Inadequate fuel oil cleaning or alerted combustion characteristics of fuel*wrong position of camshaft4 what causes of high turbocharger speed?*Fouled air filter(early stage of unloading the compressor)*Fire (early stage) in the exhaust check immediately.5 what causes of cylinder knocking?*Fuel timing too far advanced*fuel injector valve needle sticking at open position*Excessive carbon built up on the crown*Broken exhaust valve*Mechanical damage in the3 cylinder6 what action to be taken of crankcase mist detector alarm (never cut out mist detector potentially dangerous)?*Inform bridge and C/E*Stay away from crankcases*slowdown and stop*start turning gear immediately for at least 30 minutes to cool down*Through investigation of mist detector crankcase abnormality and moving parts required7 what caused of scavenge fire and action taken?*Inform bridge and C/E*Do not stand near the relief valves*slow down engine ensure that the auxiliary blowers are off*In case the fire persists stop the engine gradually to prevent risk of piston seizure*Fire should be go off when all deposits burnt out*keep turning the engine with cooling on to prevent seizure of moving parts8 what action taken when crankcase explosion? (Most of the cases engine will suddenly stop upon explosion)*Inform bridge and chief engineer*evacuate the E/R*Every safe effort to be made to turn engine by turning gear or slow turning for 30 minutes to prevent seizure of moving parts*Thorough investigation required into the cause of the explosion before re starting9 What will you do when boiler water level was low during normal steaming condition?*Fist start the standby feed water pump*Second check and wash the local water level gauge*Third check any leakage on steam pipes or safety valves10 Turbo charger surging causes and preventive measures?* T/C surging can be divided into three main categories* malfunction in the fuel system*Rapid variations in the engine load* Fuel system fuel injection system fuel line components fuel timing*exhaust system valve exhaust passage through turbocharger and gas boiler*scavenge air system*Miscellaneous rapid changes in load and RPM governor*Immediate action temporarily counteracted by blowing offReduce engine load by taking the T/C away from the surging line*Preventive measures regular maintenance of items mentioned above prevent load fluctuations during ballast voyage and bad weather*Periodical check of M/E bedplate a strength member* Cross girder under the bearing housing*Bolt holes* Holding down bolts of slackening*Chocks (fretting cracks and slackness)11 Turbo blower maintenance during operation and check to be made during maintenanceImportant points for turbo charger maintenanceGas casing scaling and corrosionWater treatment is essentialRotor unbalance due to improper cleaning of the air side as well as turbine side wheelsAir side impeller usually have a film of oil on the aluminum surface Gas side in service cleaning necessary to prevent deposits fromcombustion productsImproper cleaning of air side or turbine side could result in rotor unbalance and subsequent operational problemsBearings and gear pumps should be repaired at intervals specified by maker12 Daily routine checks required on steering gear system.* Oil quantity in the oil tank within range of level gauge*Oil temperature*Pressures of hydraulic cylinders comparing with normal data* Abnormal noises and vibration from moving parts and motor couplings* Oil leakages from tank cylinder valves ram packing and pipe joints* Abnormal overheating of cylinder stuffing box and glands motor ampler13 Immediate action/causes of abnormal related to steering gear system.* Rudder does not respond* Trouble of auto pilot control* Control the steering gear by the trick wheel in the steering gearroom* Failure in buffer spring levels and pins* Continue the operation by changing to stand by pump unit afterremoving the broken part* Trouble with hydraulic pump (including link mechanism)* Check the link mechanism (coupling) and electrical power to the pump* Lightly press the pump suction valve and check for oil suction* Trouble or abnormal operation of valves* Obstacles around the tiller and ramRudder rate of turning speed lowSlow auto pilot orderingTrouble and abnormal operation of valvesExternal oil leakage14 If main engine turbocharger out of operation due to rotor blade damage asa chief engineer what will be your plan and advise to all engineer to resume sea passage ASAP?-If main engine one unit out of operation due to fuel pump roller guide damage (no spare part on board) what precaution will you take and your plan to resume passage with one unit cut off.-what do mean by balanced engine ( If peak pressure different ) what will be affect on engine- If one unit peak pressure high compare to other unit what will be your action to balance the engine- How you will adjust fuel pump timing for scroll type fuel pump?- If timing advance or retarded what will be affect on engine exhaust temperature and peak pressure?15 Pilot on board engine can not start from control room. As a chief engineer what will be your first action of plan.- If can not start engine from engine local side what is your plan of action to start engine ASAP?- What are you going to check in engine maneuvering system?- Before taking bunker what will your plan as a chief engineer?- How will you maintain main engine fuel system if AL/SL is high and also water content is higher side? Fuel and lube oil purifier correct operation procedure and as a chief engineer advise to all engineer?- Auxiliary engine running on heavy oil starting difficulties on DO what is your action to resolve starting problem?-Boiler safety and action of plan if boiler tube leakage at sea. advise to all engineer regarding importance of boiler water treatment?-Oily water separator operation and incinerator operation and how you going to fill up oil record book/sulpher record book?- oily water record book and incinerator capacity how will calculate in oil record book?- CMS item preparation as a chief engineer- Earth fault findings what is your plan and how you going to check? - Generator circuit breaker can not close what is your action?- If any machinery merger reading 0 what is the cause?16 How do you understand good house keeping?Answer: - Safe and secure storage of loose items-proper securing of doors etc-Good maintenance of fittings and fixtures-Adequate illumination of work or transit area- Avoidance of over loading electrical circuit especially in cabins- Clear and legible signs or operational notices- Proper clearance and disposal of garbage or waste materials or waste oil17 who has responsibility for protection of environment?Answer: Every body on board has the responsibility to protect the environment18 What will you do from your engine side when ship gets fire while discharge cargo in port?Answer : - Life saving-Support fire fighting team-Prepare engine for leaving the port19 If you have to work in side of an enclosed space, what is necessary before you commence your work?- Work permit from master or chief engineer to enter enclosed space.20 What will you do to prevent spreading of fire?- shut off ventilator to affected area- Switch off electrical power supply to affected area21 How would you detect the condition of diesel engine during operation?22 How would you keep diesel engine in good operation order?23 How many types of indicator diagram can be obtained from two stroke diesel engine?24 What is the indication that white smoke from M/E exhaust funnel?- It is the indication that fuel oil is evaporating in exhaust gas manifold and used to happen during raising engine speed from harbor speed to sea speed- In the other hand it is indication high water contend in fuel oil or there is water leakage in one of combustion space/exhaust valve’25 what is the indication of black smoke from M/E exhaust funnel?26 How would you organize engineers and ratings for overhauling of M/E piston piston ring and stuffing box during port stay?27 How would you prepare for M/E X-head survey?28 What do you understand PMS?29 Describe safety shut down and alarms for M/E30 how often will test safety devices in E/R?31 What will you do if M/E remote control was failed during maneuvering?32 How may fuel be cut off a cylinder without stopping the engine?33 How would you confirm a exhaust valve of main engine was leaking?34 How would you check M/E air starting valve was leakage?35 What is the purpose of taking M/E crankshaft deflection?36 If a ship goes aground what precautions must be taken after vessel isafloat prior to operation M/E?37 What examination carried out before dismantling main bearing?38 How are main bearing remove from the bearing pocket?39 What would you do if M/E turbocharger surging occurred?40 what is the cause of turbocharger surging?41 How would you known exhaust turbo blower air filter require to be cleaned?42 what do you understand about ISM code?43 what do you understand about MARPOL?44 What do you understand about SOPEP?45 Explain bunkering procedure.46 What drill will you do within 24 hours before bunkering?47 what are the usual causes of starting air valve leakage?Answer: leakage of start air valve is usually by sluggish /seizes valve action. Preventing fast closure of the valve or the by dirt or foreignparticles from lodging on the valve seat and so preventing the valve from fully closed48 why it is need to keep the main engine to be warm enough to a temperature of50 to 60 degree Celsius?Answer: To avoid condensation in the crankcase and to be able to get high temperature for the air compressed in the cylinder at the time ofmaneuvering.49 If the automatic starting air valve should fail during maneuvering time. Whatprovision is made so that maneuvering can be continued?Answer: Usually designers provide emergency operating handles or hand wheels to open and close the valve manually. All joined engineer should observe it.50 Do you think it is necessary to run the cooling water pump and lube oil pumpwhen you are going to check piston .piston rings and cylinder liners through inspection peep holes?Answer: Yes it is a good practice to run cooling water pump and lube oil pump when to check piston, piston rings and cylinder through the inspection peep holes because it can be observed clearly if there is any leakage of water or oil from cylinder liner or piston.51 If you have experience with MAN-B&W MC engines, what will happen to the fuelinjection pump when reversing roller guide for particular injection pumpdoes not move to the required position?Answer: The safety device will activated and fuel pump rack will be remained in zero position and no fuel oil will be injected from that pump52 What are the causes of scavenge fir of a two stroke type main engine?Answer: Accumulation of sludge and fuel oil in scavenge air space and considerable blow out from scavenge air ports of cylinder liner or liners53 What will you prevent occurring of scavenge fire?Answer: a. Ensure scavenges air space drain valve is slightly opened during operation of engine and check the drain is not blockedb. Open the drain valve and blow off momentarily once in every watch to prevent clogging of scavenge drain linec. Cleaned the scavenge air space and drain pipe and valve at regular intervalsd. Maintain fuel injection valves, piston rings and cylinder liners at regular intervals and inspection pistons, piston rings and cylinder liners through inspection holes regularly to d3cide the condition of respective partse. cleaned turbocharger regularly54 How can you know that scavenge fire occurs in your engine?Answer: a. the rise of exhaust gas temperature from the cylinder affected by the fireb. the engine speed dropsc. turbocharger may surged. exhaust gas color from funnel will be blacke. scavenge air temperature rise55 What kind of action will you take immediately when you know that scavenge fire takes place?Answer: a. reduces engine speed to slow, inform bridge and request for stopping of main engineb. if permitted stop engine and stop auxiliary blowerc. check scavenge air temperature with local thermometer and if temperature exceed 80 degree Celsius use scavenge fire extinguish system. If less than 80 degree Celsius can open the window with great precaution and extinguish fire with fire extinguisher for oil fire.56 What effects does afterburning have on an engine?A .Creates high exhaust gas temperature and drop in maximum combustion pressure and damage to exhaust valves and risk of scavenge fires57 What kind of spare parts will you check for main engine after you have taken over the duty from signing off first engineer?Answer: Spare piston, piston rod, cylinder head, cylinder liner, cross head bearing, cylinder head tightening studs, high pressure pipes for fuel injectors, fuel injectors, thrust bearings, connecting rod big end bearings, exhaust valves, cylinder starting air valves, indicator cocks, cylinder head gaskets, pistonrings and special tools for overhaul and measure tools main engine etc.58 How will you organize engineers and ratings for overhauling of main engine piston and piston rings and stuffing box during port stay of one day?Answer: a. Fourth engineer on top parts dismantlingb. Third engineer in crankcasec. Overtime ratings helping fourth engineer and third engineerd. Second engineer supervising fourth and third engineer59 What will you do if one of cylinder starting air valves of main engine was leaking during maneuvering time and bridge could not give you to stop mainengine and change the valves with good spare?Answer: Cut out fuel to defective cylinder and carry out maneuvering withgreat care and infirm chief engineer about the event and follow of there is special instruction60 What is to be very careful when you are maneuvering the vessel from emergency maneuvering stand?Answer: Main engine RPM should be careful watched not to run move than rated RPM because governor is cut-cut and controlled by fuel handle6。



二管轮英文面试问题及参考答案考官对二管轮的面试主要集中在服从意识、对分管的机器和设备的维护保养方面的知识、对一些常见机械故障的判断能力、对一些常见机械的工作原理的认识、对《国际安全管理规则》(ISM CODE)和《公司安全管理手册》(SMS)的认识情况等等。




1. What are the responsibilities of the Second Engineer on board a ship?The responsibilities of the Second Engineer include the following.(1) Sea watch from 1200~1600 hours and from 0000~0400 hours every day except for UMS operation.(2) Port watch as designated by the Chief Engineer.(3) Maintenance and repair of the following machines and spare parts: generator engine, generator, fuel oil purifier, emergency generator,fuel oil control and other machines designated by the Chief Engineer.(4) Maintenance records of the generator engine, purifier, boilerand other equipments.(5) Sounding the fuel and lube oil tanks and making records of the daily consumption rate.(6) Requisition for spare parts of the machines and equipment under his charge.(7) Any other duties designated by the Chief Engineer.尽管二管轮和三管轮在不同的公司的职责有所区别,但是,基本工作内容还是很相似的。



大管轮面试英语自我介绍My name is [Your Name], and I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce myself for the position of Chief Engineer. I hold a degree in Maritime Engineering and have accumulated several years of extensive experience in the shipping industry, specializing in the operation and maintenance of marine engines and machinery.During my tenure as a marine engineer, I have been responsible for overseeing the technical operations of various vessels, ensuring their smooth sailing and compliance with safety regulations. I have a strong background in troubleshooting and have successfully resolved numerous complex engineering issues, minimizing downtime and maximizing operational efficiency.My expertise lies in the areas of engine management, propulsion systems, and electrical systems. I am proficient in both diesel and steam engines, and I have a deep understanding of the intricacies of marine machinery. I am also well-versed in the latest technological advancements in the shipping industry, which allows me to stay ahead of the curve and implement innovative solutions.Apart from my technical skills, I possess strong leadership and team management abilities. I believe in fostering a positive work environment where everyone can contribute to their fullest potential. I am also committed to safety and compliance, ensuring that all operations adhere to the highest standards.I am excited about the prospect of joining your esteemed organization and contributing to its success. I am confident that my experience, skills, and passion for the maritime industry will enable me to excel in the role of Chief Engineer. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in more detail.。



《外派船员面试手册轮机分册》三管轮面试问题及参考答案1.can you tell me about your educational background and workingexperience?Well ,I have been working for several shipping and manning companies in china .but I think x company is my favorite . I was registered here two years ago and I have worked for this company for two times .i am very satisfied with this company .Or I have worked as a seaman for ten years .but I have worked hard on board about 6 years . for the four years I was not on board .i just had my vacation or received training and tests .2 . what are the main duties of the third engineer ?The third engineer is usually responsible for the following :1)watch keeping from 0800 to 1200 ,and from 2000 to 2400 every day .2)operation and maintenance of other auxiliary machinery except under thecharge of the second engineer .3)giving assistance to the first engineer in all technical matters .4)taking positive measures in the safe and efficient operation of allmachinery ,and guarding against fire and oil pollution .5)safety produres and maintenance of all safety equipment ,and enginecontrol system in a thoroughly efficient state .6)carrying out instructions relating to ballasting and deballasting andrecording the operation .7)testing the telegragh before depature and recording all engine movement inthe bell book for staying in the engine room when vessel is entering or leaving a port or when the engine is on standby or in maneuvering .8)emergency fire pump and lifeboat engine .3.what chemicals did you use to treat the boiler water ?when you test alkalinity and acidity of water in boiler by pH test paper ? the result shows the boiler water is in acidiity . please describe what the possible cause is .I have ever used the following brand chemicals :unitor , drew and so on .We should keep the boiler water*s ph scale between 10.5 and 11.5 .If the water become of acidity ( ph scale is below 10 ) ,it is may be caused by following reasons :The water has not been given enough blow down ,or has not been filled enough alkalinity chemicals ..4 .how do you maintain emergency battery ?I should check and fill in some distilled , or electrolyzed solution (电解液)if necessary ,erase the oxide and test the gravity of the specification periodically .the record shall be made after work is done .5.describe the procedure to start an emergency generator ?1) to check the lube oil level in the crankcance and fuel oil level in the tank .2) to see whether there is any leakage .3) to check the air pressure if the generator is air started model ; and to check the battery voltage to see whether it is normal if the generator is the battery started model4)also to make sure there are no obstacles around the machine .6 .which machineries and spare parts should the third engineer be incharge of ?On my last vessel ,I was in charge of the following machines and the spare parts thereof :boiler , emergency batteries ,fresh water generator ,air conditions ,.refrigeration units ,electric insulations ,main switch board ,electric parts of deck machineris (winch ,windlass ,hatch cover equipment ) and some other machines as designated by the chief engineer .7during bunkering in the last vessel ,what were you assigned to do ?or what was your position during bunkering on your last vessel ?Just to listen to the orders from the second engineer ,but usually ,I was assigned to sound the oil level .8.as the third engineer ,what precautions do you need take to prepare for PSC inspection ?The third engineer is responsible for the fire fighting equipment ,life saving applicances and oil pollution prevention equipment . in US , the PSC carry out strict check on this equipment .so in order to meet the inspection ,under the leadership of chief engineers and master ,I have to make a detailed checklist on these equipment to make sure that these equipment are in good order .7what do you know about “SOPEP”?what is VRP , and what is VCP ? for the first question ,please refer to the questions and reference answers for the first engineer .VRP is vessel Response plan ; and VCP is Non-tanker vessel contingency plan .VRP is required oil pollution emergency plan made according to the requirement of oil pollution act 1990 of US ,which is a law ruling the tanker vessels sailing in the waters under the management of the US .in compliance with the legislation of the california state of the US ,all the nontanker vessels should prepare vessel contingency plan .8what is IMO ?what is ISO 9000?what is ISM ?what is SMS system ?IMO is international maritime organization under the united nations .ISO9000 m\eans international standard organization ,an organization making the quality management standards and doing the quality audit service .ISM means international management code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention .this is compulsory rule made by the IMO .The ISM code includes 16 chapters falling falling into two parts :implementation for part one ,and verification and certification for part one .the 16 chapters are : general ,safety and environment protection policy ,company responsibilities and authority ,designated persons ,master responsibility and authority ,resources and personnel ,development of plans for shipboard operation ,emergency preparedness , reports and analysis of non conformity ,accidents and hazardous occurrences , maintainence of the ship and equipment ,documentation ,company verification ,review and evaluation ,certification and verifications and control ,certification and periodical verification ,verification ,interim certification ,and forms of certificates .the last four chapters are newly added in the new version of ISM Code .SMS means safety management system ,and this system is mad based on the 16 elements of ISM Code ,which is a compulsory part SOLAS 74 .the shipowner or manager cannot get document of compliance (DOC) and SMC without audited safety management certificate (SMC) by class designated by the flag registry country adiministration .9.when the fuel is provided by the supplier ,what specifications of the oilcan you get from the supplier receipt ?The following information of the fuel shall be avalaible : density ,viscosity ,temperature as delivered ,water content ,sulfur content ,flash point and so on .10.what is the maximum blood alcohol concertration (BAC) rate on board ? According to the STCW 95 ,the BAC shall not be more than 0.08% by weight any time when being tested ,but the EFR(Code of Federal Regulation )requires the BAC to be no more than 0.04% .watch-keepers ,are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage 4 hours berfore their watch .11tell us briefly about the working principles of the purifier ,the oil water seperator and air compressor .Purifier :the different gravity of two types of liquids: water and oil .the centrifugal force of the water move towards the outside of the disc while the oil ,which is smaller in gravity shall move toward the center of the disc .this makes the seperation of the two liquids .Oil water separator : (1) pump bilge water into first chamber :polymerization of the oil on the gathering plates ,(2) and then through a fine filter (15ppm) separation of water and oil ,(3)discharge of the water overboard via 15ppm monitor and the oil into oil sludge tank .Air compressor :take into the air from the outside atmosphere and compress it with the up going piston .then ,cool the compressed air .then compress the air once again until it reaches the stated pressure (depending on the air bottle allowed pressure )For the maintenance of the air compressor ,fistly ,must check to make sure that the suction valve and outlet valve to be sealed ;then make periodical lifting of the piston to make the pistons are in good condition .must check the crankcance lube oil everyday .14.why do you need to take the lube oil sample for analysis ? in the analyzing , what can you possibly find ?and if you find these substances ,what are the possible problems the engines may have ?why ?At least ,every three months ..by analyzing the samples of the lube oil ,I can find such things as metal dust ,viscosity ,and other impurities ,this is preventive measures in engine maintenance ..for example ,if I find metal (aluminum ,copper etc )inside the lube oil ,maybe something wrong with the engine and part of the engine is broken .15.how to operate incinerator ? what kind of garbage can not be throwninto incinerator ?First ,check the oil level in the sludge oil tank ,open residue cock and discharge oily water ;heating the sludge oil in the tank up to 90 cent igrade ;start the incinerator .in the beginning ,combustion sludge oil with with diesel oil ,and after the water content in sludge oil is comparatively low ,stop supplying diesel oil and use sludge oil only .attention :the temperature in combustion cannot be higher than the stipulated figures of the incinerator (usually not more than 1200 degree in centigrade )The following garbage cannot be thrown into the incinerator :(1) any containers which have contained gases under pressure ,or aerosol cans into the incinerator .(2) the materials that may produce harmful gases or ashes .(3) the materials that may produce high temperature and prolonged incineration of such materials that may cause damage to the incinerator .16 .when you do the watch keeping in the engine room ,what should you be careful about ?I should take close watch on the fuel oil and lubricating oil condition to notice any possible problems arising from abnormal temperature ,,leakage ,or some other problems ; if hearing is seeing abnormal noises for machines ,I should make a quick judgement and report them to C/E or even master I myself cannot deal with it ,obey the rules of the company and the instruction from C/E and master and some warning from the deck department .l17 when do you have call the chief engineer to the engine room ?In emergency situations such as fire ,explosion and flooding etc ;Some other situations include :(1)if damage to or loss of function of the machinery occurs which maycause a hazard to the safe operation of the vessel(2)if a malfunction of certain equipment occurs that may cause damage orbreakdown of the propulsion machinery ,auxiliary machinery ,monitoring system or speed regulating system ;(3)in situation which the engineer officer of the watch is in doubt as towhich decision to make or which measure to adopt .18 what is your position (station ) in the muster lists ,for example ,during the fire fighting ,abandon vessel ,oil pollution prevention etc ?Abandon vessel :boarding the lifeboat to manage and control the engineFire fighting :manage and operate the emergency fire pmp .Oil pollution prevention ;collect the oil from the vessel or go down with the lifeboart to collect the oil from the sea .19.how is the oil sample taken during bunkering ?Open the cock of the special connector of the oil pipe .drain the fuel oil to the oil sample bottle all the bunkering time . seal the bottles and request the representive of the supplier to sign his name after bunkering .never accept any oil sample taken in advance or taken without the conformation by the 2nd engineer .20.as an engineer ,you must be familiar with SMS .can you please tellwhat is DP(s) and who was the DP of the company you served last time ?DP refers to the designated person in the SMS manual of a company .in my previous vessel company ,there was only one DP ,it was jack .21 .if it is cold ,you will find the air conditioner compressor stop automatically ,do you know the reasons ?When it is cold ,the suction pressure should be low ,if the suction pressure is lower than the setting pressure of the pressure controller ,the compressor will stop automatically .22.what is the use of a purifier ?explain the purpose of a gravity disc ? Purifier is used to separate oil from impurities such as sludge , ash ,various salts and water existing in the oil by means of gravitational rotation (centrifuging ).gravity disc is used for the purpose of establishing the correct oil water interface depending on the oil specific gravity .23.how can you create good vacuum on the fresh water (FW) distiller ? First of all ,to create good vacuum on the FW distiller .i must make sure that the internal chamber is sealed against possible entrance of the air during operation .secondly ,the air ejector and ejector pump should be in good condition .thirdly ,some revelant valves parking should be sealed against air leakage ,lastly ,the unit should be free from scales (水垢) 。



轮机长英文面试60题(含答案,供参考)1.你能谈谈你的最后一艘船吗?您体验过哪些类型(品牌)的主机?在我的最后一艘船上,我主要关注发动机类型等细节DOOSAN MAN B&W 8K90MC-C,36560 KW,总吨位 39906/净吨位 24504,从印度海航行到欧洲我有使用过几种不同类型的主机的经验,例如苏尔寿、MAN B&W 和 UEC 等。

2. 总工程师应该具备哪些能力?<>n>首先,我认为对于一个总工程师来说,工作中的熟练和熟练是非常重要的。









4. 能否请您详细描述一下加注程序?我应该先按照船东的指示制定加油计划,然后报船长批准。






我的值班工程师应注意油压、温度和油样n 和 u sed 作为未来的证据。

顺便说一句,负责工程师应该注意,需要再取一瓶样品油,这些油样将在容器中储存三年,以满足MARPOL VI 的要求。



船员职务英文1.甲板部 Deck department船长 Captain(Master)大副 Chief officer二副 Second officer三副 Third office驾助 Assistant officer见习驾驶员 Cadet管事 Purser报务员 Radio office水手长 Boatswain(Bosun)一水、舵工 Able bodiedsailor(quarter?master)(helms man) (Able seaman)AB二水 Ordinary sailor (ordinary seaman) OS 木匠 Carpenter2.机舱部 Engine?room department轮机长 Chief engineer大管轮 Second engineer二管轮Third engineer三管轮 Fourth engineer轮机助理 Assistant engineer电机员 Electrical engineer机匠长 No.1 motorman机匠、加油Motorman/oiler冷藏员 Refrigerating engineer见习轮机员 Assistant engineer机舱实习生(学徒)Engine cadet钳工 Fitter3.业务部 Steward department大厨 Chief cook二厨 Second cook餐厅服务员 Mess boy清洁工 Wiper大台服务员 Cheef steward小台服务员 Steward医生Doctor4.其它 Others引航员 Pilot代理 Agent船舶供应商 Shipchandler值守人员 Watch man港长 Harbour master海关官员 Customs officer移民官员 Immigration officer水上警察 Water police监督员 Superintendent验船师、检验员 Surveyor检疫官员 Quarantine officer海岸警卫队巴拿马证船员中英文职位对照表职务(中文)职务(英文简写)职务(英文)船长 CAPT MASTER大副 C/O FIRST DECK OFFICER二副 2/O SECOND DECK OFFICER三副 3/O THIRD DECK OFFICER轮机长 C/E CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICER 大管轮 1/E FIRST ENGINEER OFFICER 二管轮 2/E SECOND ENGINEER OFFICER 三管轮 3/E THIRD ENGINEER OFFICER 水手长 BSN BOSUN木匠 CARP CARPENTER付水手长 CASS CASSAB一水 A.B ABLE SEAMAN二水 O.S ORDINARY SEAMAN甲板实习生 D/C DECK CADET铜匠 FTR FITTER加油长 NO.1 NO.1 OILER机工 MM MOTORMAN加油 OIL OILER抹油 WIP WIPER轮机实习生 E/C ENGINE CADET电工 E/E ELECTRICIAN大厨 CH/C CHIEF COOK水手厨 CR/C CREW COOK大台(服务生) M/B STEWARD二台(服务生) M/B MESS BOY海员面试,怎么用英语介绍自己船员英语面试基本试题1. Nice to meet you!(很高兴见到你) Its very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你) Glad to meet you!2. Whats your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)答:I am XXX. 或 My name is XXX. Where are you from?(你是那里人?) 11.How old are you?(你多大?)答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁)3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?)答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。



轮机长/大管轮面试指南字体: 小中大 | 打印发表于: 2009-5-14 10:11 作者: 上海船人来源: 海员联盟轮机长/大管轮面试指南发布时间:2008-8-7 11:56:05轮机长面试问题及参考答案轮机长是轮部的第一把手,也是船上仅次于船长的重要管理人员。








面试时主要是看你的听力理解,而在国外船上干时主要是做一些英文的确PAPER WORK,另一方面,随着ISM的生效和强制实施,PSC检查和EXTRA AUDIT方面的审核都要求一定的听力和书写方面的能力。


1. Can you tell something about your last ship? What types (brands) of main engine have you ever experienced?My last ship (type of engine, horse power, trading area, GRT/DWT, etc.)I have experience with several different types of main engines, such as Sulzer, B&W, MAN, PC etc.2. What abilities should a Chief Engineer possess?First, I think it is very important for a Chief Engineer to be skillful and proficient at work. Second, he should maintain good management in the engine department. Third, he should be able to try to motivate every person under his management by assigning jobs fairly among them. Fourth, he needs to be good in English and language communication. Last, it is very important for a Chief Engineer to maintain good relationship with the Master, the technical superintendent and other personnel from company, First Engineer and the Chief Officer. Above all, he should listen to orders from the Master in most cases.轮机长不是船上的轮机总工程师,也是仅次于船长的重要的管理人员。






1. What are the responsibilities of the First Engineer on board a ship?The First Engineer is under the leadership of the Chief Engineer. He is responsible for the following.(1) Day-to-day running of the Engine room.(2) Management of the Engine department personnel.(3) Safety matters in the Engine room.(4) All maintenance and repair jobs on board ship(5) The main engine and its auxiliary equipment, steering gears, emergency equipments in engine room, etc.(6) Making and implementing the PMS (Planned Maintenance System)(7) Requisition for, receipt and control of spare parts and stores(8) Supervision of the jobs of engine crew.(9) Keeping watch from 0400 to 0800 and from 1600 to 2000 except for UMS operation.2. What is your emergency position on the Muster List on your last vessel?I control and operate the main engine except for the abandon-ship and fire in engine room emergency situations.3. Can you describe an emergency situation you ever encountered on board ships?No, I have never met any emergency situation before now.4. Which machineries and space parts should be under your charge?I should be responsible for the main engine, the service pumps for main engine, steering gear, accommodation air condition, provision of refrigerator and the emergency equipments. I should also prepare maintenance reports, fuel oil and lubrication oil samples analysis, inventory report of spare parts, store and spare parts requisitions, etc.5. Describe the procedure to start a fresh water generator, boiler, emergency generator?In case of fresh water generator:(1) Check the valves to make sure that they are in the normal position(2) Open the sea water valves of condenser and supply sea water to heating chamber(3) Start the sea water ejector pump to draw out the vacuum until the heating chamber vacuum reaches 93% (about 700 mmHg)(4) Open the water heating valves and keep the heating chamber temperature around 45 degrees Centigrade(5) When the condensed water reaches a certain level, start the distilled water pump, and keep its pressure no less than 0.2MPa.(6) Start chemical liquid feed pump.In case of automatic boiler:(1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside(2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time to raise pressure from cold condition)(3) Confirm the boiler water supply pumps are in “Auto” condition(4) Switch on the power supply(5) Put the boiler control switch in “Auto” condition(6) Automatically start the boiler, close the air vent valve while the boiler steam pressure reaches 0.02 MPa.(7) Confirm the boiler can auto stop while it pressure reaches “high limit” (e.g. 0.7MPa)In case of manual boiler(1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside and put the feed water pump in “Auto” position(2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time raise pressure from cold condition)(3) Put the draft fan in “Manual” position, and make preventive blow to avoid any possible explosion(4) Put the fuel oil pump in “Manual” position(5) Ignite fire by pressing the manual button, if the fire “On”, put valve(6) When the steam pressure reaches to 0.1MPa, close the air vent valve(7) After making sure that everything is in order, the normal burning can be done to make the steam pressure reach required levelIn case of emergency generator(1) Check the lube oil level in the crankcase and fuel oil level in the tank all in normal level(2) Check to see if there is any leakage(3) Check the air pressure if the generator is the air-started model; or check the battery voltage to see whether it is normal if the generator is of the battery start model(4) Also make sure there aren’t any obstacles around the machine.(5) Put the test switch in “Manual” position, and manually start it after maki ng sure that above-mentioned items in order(6) If you use “Auto test” model, or “Black out” model to test the emergency generator, you must inform bridge duty officer and Chief Engineer. And you cannot carry it until you get the permit from both of them. Otherwise, you must wait(7) “Auto test” must be carried out once every month. “Blackout” test must be carried out once every 3 months6. When the main engine cannot started by the compressed air, what are the possible causes? There may be the following causes(1) Air pressure is too low(2) The turning gear is still engaged(3) There may be operational fault(4) Some of the high injection pumps are sticked(5) No fuel oil due to the fact that the fuel valve is not open or the fuel pump is not running(6) Relative locked due to some safety device actions(7) Air distributor timing has been wrongEtc.7. When main engine stops after running a while, what are the possible causes?The following reasons may lead to the problem:(1) Some of the high injection pumps are sticked(2) There is no fuel oil because valve is not open or the fuel pump is not running(3) Lube oil pressure is too low, or control air pressure is too low8. What is the purpose of taking lube oil samples for analysis?By analyzing the lube oil sample, we want to know whether the lube oil meets the stipulated standards in viscosity, TBN (total base number), flash point, water contents, mechanic impurities etc.. If impurities (i.e. metals) are found, it means something wrong with the bearing and crankshaft. If the viscosity is lower than the standard, it may mean that fuel oil may have leaked into the lube oil system. Too much fuel oil in the lube oil system can lower the flash point of the lube and also may lead to possible explosion. The important figure is TBN. If the TBN is lower than the standard, itmeans the loss of the anti-acid ability and this will lead to the moving parts corrosive in the near future.9. What are the things you need to take note during the handover (before you sign off)?The outgoing First Engineer shall prepare a set of handover notes for the incoming First Engineer and shall ask the incoming First Engineer be familiar with the note contents. One copy of the handover notes with their signatures shall be given to the Chief Engineer for file. In general the handover procedure shall include the following(1) A tour of the engine room, with view of the engines, documents and equipments(2) Discussion on current and future engine and machine’s operation problems, spare part requirement(3) Information on the maintenance work and program(4) Dry dock repair list, if there if any(5) Discussion on the junior engineers or crew’s capacity and personalities(6) Survey status and requirements(7) Store and status of the ship’s safety equipment and machines(8) Current status of the ship’s safety equipments and machines(9) Safety and environment protection procedures and any special requirement by the company and in some areas in the world(10) Disciplinary procedures and management practice in the Engine department(11) Any other matters that the outgoing First Engineer thinks necessary and importantAfter the handover, the two First Engineers should sign all the Handover Checklist as evidence and for files.大管轮也是船上特别是轮机部非常重要的职位,所以交接班非常重要。




1.What are the responsibilities (duties) as Oiler No.1?机工长的职责是什么?The Oiler No.1 shall follow the orders of the Chief Engineer or the 1st Engineer, instruct and supervise the personnel under his control and engage in the ship service under the management of the Engine Department. Unless otherwise specified, the Oiler No.1 shall engage in the duties listed below:(1) Shall give order to the personnel under his control, be well aware of the conduct and skills of such personnel, arrange the job allocation, offer opinions to the Chief Engineer and thus try to improve the safety and efficiency of work;(2) Shall inspect the tools and staging well before beginning of the work, pay attention to the surrounding area during work and try to prevent danger and accidents;(3) Shall inspect the areas under the management of Engine Department and assist to maintain the main engines, auxiliary engines and machiney.(4) The handling of ship’s consumable stores.(5) Shall arrange complete circulation of orders, notificationsand various rules to the personnel under his control;(6) Other duties designated by chief engineer or other engineer.机工长应在轮机长或大管轮的领导下,安排和管理普通机工的工作,并做应该由本人承担的工作。

大管轮面试 英语

大管轮面试 英语




1. What are the responsibilities of the First Engineer on board a ship?The First Engineer is under the leadership of the Chief Engineer. He is responsible for the following.(1) Day-to-day running of the Engine room.(2) Management of the Engine department personnel.(3) Safety matters in the Engine room.(4) All maintenance and repair jobs on board ship(5) The main engine and its auxiliary equipment, steering gears, emergency equipments in engine room, etc.(6) Making and implementing the PMS (Planned Maintenance System)(7) Requisition for, receipt and control of spare parts and stores(8) Supervision of the jobs of engine crew.(9) Keeping watch from 0400 to 0800 and from 1600 to 2000 except for UMS operation.2. What is your emergency position on the Muster List on your last vessel?I control and operate the main engine except for the abandon-ship and fire in engine room emergency situations.3. Can you describe an emergency situation you ever encountered on board ships?No, I have never met any emergency situation before now.4. Which machineries and space parts should be under your charge?I should be responsible for the main engine, the service pumps for main engine, steering gear, accommodation air condition, provision of refrigerator and the emergency equipments. I should also prepare maintenance reports, fuel oil and lubrication oil samples analysis, inventory report of spare parts, store and spare parts requisitions, etc.5. Describe the procedure to start a fresh water generator, boiler, emergency generator?In case of fresh water generator:(1) Check the valves to make sure that they are in the normal position(2) Open the sea water valves of condenser and supply sea water to heating chamber(3) Start the sea water ejector pump to draw out the vacuum until the heating chamber vacuum reaches 93% (about 700 mmHg)(4) Open the water heating valves and keep the heating chamber temperature around 45 degrees Centigrade(5) When the condensed water reaches a certain level, start the distilled water pump, and keep its pressure no less than 0.2MPa.(6) Start chemical liquid feed pump.In case of automatic boiler:(1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside(2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time to raise pressure from cold condition)(3) Confirm the boiler water supply pumps are in “Auto” condition(4) Switch on the power supply(5) Put the boiler control switch in “Auto” condition(6) Automatically start the boiler, close the air vent valve while the boiler steam pressure reaches 0.02 MPa.(7) Confirm the boiler can auto stop while it pressure reaches “high limit” (e.g. 0.7MPa)In case of manual boiler(1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside and put the feed water pump in “Auto” position(2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time raise pressure from cold condition)(3) Put the draft fan in “Manual” position, and make preventive blow to avoid any possible explosion(4) Put the fuel oil pump in “Manual” position(5) Ignite fire by pressing the manual button, if the fire “On”, put valve(6) When the steam pressure reaches to 0.1MPa, close the air vent valve(7) After making sure that everything is in order, the normal burning can be done to make the steam pressure reach required levelIn case of emergency generator(1) Check the lube oil level in the crankcase and fuel oil level in the tank all in normal level(2) Check to see if there is any leakage(3) Check the air pressure if the generator is the air-started model; or check the battery voltage to see whether it is normal if the generator is of the battery start model(4) Also make sure there aren’t any obstacles around the machine.(5) Put the test switch in “Manual” position, and manually start it after maki ng sure that above-mentioned items in order(6) If you use “Auto test” model, or “Black out” model to test the emergency generator, you must inform bridge duty officer and Chief Engineer. And you cannot carry it until you get the permit from both of them. Otherwise, you must wait(7) “Auto test” must be carried out once every month. “Blackout” test must be carried out once every 3 months6. When the main engine cannot started by the compressed air, what are the possible causes? There may be the following causes(1) Air pressure is too low(2) The turning gear is still engaged(3) There may be operational fault(4) Some of the high injection pumps are sticked(5) No fuel oil due to the fact that the fuel valve is not open or the fuel pump is not running(6) Relative locked due to some safety device actions(7) Air distributor timing has been wrongEtc.7. When main engine stops after running a while, what are the possible causes?The following reasons may lead to the problem:(1) Some of the high injection pumps are sticked(2) There is no fuel oil because valve is not open or the fuel pump is not running(3) Lube oil pressure is too low, or control air pressure is too low8. What is the purpose of taking lube oil samples for analysis?By analyzing the lube oil sample, we want to know whether the lube oil meets the stipulated standards in viscosity, TBN (total base number), flash point, water contents, mechanic impurities etc.. If impurities (i.e. metals) are found, it means something wrong with the bearing and crankshaft. If the viscosity is lower than the standard, it may mean that fuel oil may have leaked into the lube oil system. Too much fuel oil in the lube oil system can lower the flash point of the lube and also may lead to possible explosion. The important figure is TBN. If the TBN is lower than the standard, it means the loss of the anti-acid ability and this will lead to the moving parts corrosive in the near future.9. What are the things you need to take note during the handover (before you sign off)?The outgoing First Engineer shall prepare a set of handover notes for the incoming First Engineer and shall ask the incoming First Engineer be familiar with the note contents. One copy of the handover notes with their signatures shall be given to the Chief Engineer for file. In general thehandover procedure shall include the following(1) A tour of the engine room, with view of the engines, documents and equipments(2) Discussion on current and future engine and machine’s operation problems, spare part requirement(3) Information on the maintenance work and program(4) Dry dock repair list, if there if any(5) Discussion on the junior engineers or crew’s capacity and personalities(6) Survey status and requirements(7) Store and status of the ship’s safety equipment and machines(8) Current status of the ship’s safety equipments and machines(9) Safety and environment protection procedures and any special requirement by the company and in some areas in the world(10) Disciplinary procedures and management practice in the Engine department(11) Any other matters that the outgoing First Engineer thinks necessary and importantAfter the handover, the two First Engineers should sign all the Handover Checklist as evidence and for files.大管轮也是船上特别是轮机部非常重要的职位,所以交接班非常重要。



船员英语面试三管轮面试问题及参考答案$1__VE_ITEM__1. can you tell me about your educational background and working experience?Well ,I have been working for several shipping and manning companies in china .but I think x company is my favorite .I was registered here two years ago and I have worked for this company for two times .i am very satisfied with this company . Or I have worked as a seaman for ten years .but I have worked hard on board about 6 years . for the four years I was not on board .i just had my vacation or received training and tests .2 . what are the main duties of the third engineer ?The third engineer is usually responsible for the following : 1) watch keeping from 0800 to 1200 ,and from 2000 to 2400 every day .2) operation and maintenance of other auxiliary machinery except under the charge of the second engineer .3) giving assistance to the first engineer in all technical matters ._4) taking positive measures in the safe and efficient operation of all machinery ,and guarding against fire and oil pollution .5) safety produres and maintenance of all safety equipment ,and engine control system in a thoroughly eff icient state .6) carrying out instructions relating to ballasting and deballasting andrecording the operation7) testing the telegragh before depature and recording all engine movement in the bell book for staying in the engine room when vessel is entering or leaving a port or when the engine is on standby or in maneuvering .8) emergency fire pump and lifeboat engine .。



⼤管轮船东英⽂⾯试试题及参考答案1.WHAT IS THE 2E’S RESPONSIBILITY?A: To help C/E, receive orders, lead andsupervise other engineers and crewTo operate and maintain the main engine and associated machineriesPersonally supervise the operation/maintenance works for all plate typeheat exchangers Tocarry out watch keeping in E/RTo carry out work plants and toolbox meetingTo manage lubricating oilTo help C/E manage ship stores and carry out material requisitionTo prepare repair works requestsTo manage the pms2. WHATWILL YOU CHECKING BEFORE START A COMPLETE OVERHAULLED G/E? A: Check all suction valves and exhaustvalves head clearanceCheck all oil and cooling water drain line was air vent and closedCheck flywheel turning device is gear out positionCheck the valves of fuel oil, cooling water, lub oil, starting air linewas opened and do not have anyleakageCheck cyl liner inside have water or oil by open indicator cocks and setstart/stop lever in stop position and hold start switch pressing 2-3 seconds toeffect air running3.WHAT IS THE PROCEDURE FOR PREPARE THE SHIP DRY DOCKING?A: First we should be confirming this dry docking is for intermediatesurvey or for special survey (5 years interval). If for intermediate survey weonly prepare the items due time already or nearly 2-3 years from last dry docking,if for special survey we need prepare all items due time already or nearly 5years from last dry docking according CMS (continuous machinery survey) of PMS After we confirmed machinery items according PMS we can prepare therepair specification and send to company approve before 6-9 months of drydockingWhen company approved the repairspecification, according those repair items we can raise up MR before 3-6months of dry docking4. OWSOPERATING PROCEDURE AND HOW TO DISCHARGE BILGE WATER O/B ACCORDING MARPOL ANNEXI?A: First theOWS be operated only with the approval of C/E and the o/b v/v shall be always closedand locked when not in operationSecond the bilge shall be discharged o/b accordance with MARPOL Annex Iregulation 15, the ship is proceeding enroute, any discharge of oily waterautomatically stopped when oil content exceeds 15ppmThird disposal bilge shall be recorded in oil record book (part 1) andsigned by c/e and master and retention oil record book is 3 yearsFourth when approved by c/e ,OWS shall be operated by followingprocedures, before operation 2/e should becheck 15ppm alarm, check oil content meter, check o/b v/v closed and locked,check ship route and position. when operation 2/eshould be check operation condition and control system, check indication shownwith fresh water, establish circulating line and operate bilge pumps, open o/b v/v when oil content is below 15ppm,during operation OWS theODM shall be under automatic operation, no operationallowed if there is no day light hours.Remark: ANNEXI-prevention oil pollution >50nm ANNEX II-noxious liquid ANNEXIII-harmful substance ANNEX IV-sewage ANNEX V-garbage only food waste>12nm ANNEX VI-air pollutionSpecial areas: Mediterranean Sea, BalticSea, black sea, red sea, North Sea, gulf area ,Antarctic area,Omanarea,etcetera.5.HOW TO CHECK MAIN BEARING CLEARANCE?carryout tool box meeting and risk assessmentA: Stop M/E and shut off main starting airv/v and starting air distributorEngage turning gearJust stopping engine, while L.O pp still running, check oil comes fromcrosshead bearing and guide shoes conditionTurncrankthrow to a suitable position and stop L.O ppCheck top clearance with a feeler gauge, the clearance is measured atboth fore and aft part of the bearing, if increase of clearance since previousreading larger than 0.05mm the bearing should be open up inspection, mainbearing top clearance max 0.85mm, min 0.55mmCheck bearing edges with feeler, check bearing metal fragments in theoil pan, large thick pieces will be found during crankcase inspection and smallthin pieces can enter the filter6.WHAT IS THE MAIN ENGINE PISTON TAKEOUT PROCEDURE?carryout tool box meeting and risk assessmentA: Stopped engine, block startingmechanism, shut off starting air, engage turning gear, shut off cooling water,fuel oil and L.OTurncrosshead down for enough to access to the piston rod stuffing box and pistonrod screws. Loosen stuffing box flange innermost screws and piston rod screws.Mount two distance pieces on the piston rod food to protect lower scraper ringand to guide stuffing box, dismount cylinder cover.Turn crosshead towards TDC, checkingstuffing box lands correctly on the distance pieces, turn to TDC, the top ofpiston now is free of cylinder linerClean lifting groove of piston crown andmount the lifting tool--fit two fixed claws of tool into lifting groove ofpiston and then fit the third adjustable claw and tightenLift piston out of cylinder liner7.Why an M/E can not start and what will you do?A: M/E fails to turnby air: staring air pressure too low- check and start air compressor,V/v on starting air receiver closed-open, v/v to starting airdistributor closed-open,Main starting v/v locked in closed position –open, turning gear engaged-disengage turning gear, control selectors arewrongly set-correct setting, control air system no pressure-check pressurenormally 7 bar clean filter, starting air v/v in cylinder cover defective-replace or O/H v/v M/E turns on starting airbut stops run on fuel oil: puncture v/v not air ventafter all replaced orO/H-air vent puncture v/v, shut down of engine-checkpressure and temp, reset alarm, sluggish in the manoeuvring gear-lubricate themanoeuvring gear, ensure the fuel pumps, rod connections and bearings aremovable, faulty adjustment of manoeuvring gear-check fuel pump index, governorair booster not supply oil pressure to governor during starting airperiod-check governor function, the preset speed setting pressure to governoris too low or too short- the pressure shall be setting between 1.6-2.0 bar andmaintained about 6sec, fault in governor-check governor oil prs, check limitingfunctions correctly adjusted and etc8.WHAT DO YOU CHECK IF M/E ALL CYL EXH. TEMP. HIGH?A: Scavenge air temp high due to air coolerdirty or cooling water not enough or cooling water high tempFouled air and gas passages due to T/C dirtyHeavy load or rough seaFuel quality not goodWrong position of camshaft, check chain tension9.WHAT DO YOU CHECK WHEN CARRY OUT SCAVENGE SPACE INSPECTION? carryout tool box meeting and risk assessment,enclosed space permite,toxic gas checksuch as O2,H2S,CO,BENEZEA: Inspect piston, rings and cylinder wallby piston is nearest BDC, check piston ring micro-seizure, scratched, sticking,breakage, carbon deposit conditionCheck total clearance between piston rings and ring groovesTo reduce risk of scavenge box fire, remove any oil sludge and carbondeposits in scavenge air box andreceiverCheck oil sludge drain pipe chock or not10.HOW DO YOU DETECT SCAVENGE SPACE FIRE, AND IF FIRE WHATS YOUR ACTION?A: DETECT:Exhaust temp increase of affected cylinder, scavenge air box fire detector alarm will coming setpoint 80 °C, rpm slow down 120 °CT/C may surgeSmoke out from T/C airinlet filter when surgingThe scavenge air box somuch hotterViolent blow-by willcause from scavenge box drain cockACTION:ask Bridgefor permission to stop engineStop F.O and L.O oilsupplyOpen the fireextinguishing steam v/v and neighborhood cyl. steam v/v to prevent firespreading Do not open scavengeair box before the fire extinguished and cooled down to below 100 °C Remove all sludge anddry deposits and clean piston rod cyl linerRetighten staybolts of scavenge air box11.DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER EXPERIENCE ABOUT IGG, M/E AND TURBINE PP ?A:YES,Sir.I had many experience about IGG and M.E cyl cover O/H and cooling jacket O/H 12.NCR---120RPM---10965BHPMCR---127RPM----12900BHP max.continous ratingMIN---32RPMCRITICAL---47—58RPM13.During SIRE inspection the OWS fail,howto do?A:Showthe test log to inspector and explain to him this is abrupt突然的condition,ask him to give few hours try tomodify the deficiency,and report to company.14.If the oiler wrong recorded the enginelog book ,how to do?A:Sir ,Our engine log book always record byengineers,because this is C/E’S log book,only engineers are permitted torecord.15.How to managament GE connecting rod bolt?A:By thetechnical sup. advises the connecting rod bolts should be renewed per 10,000hrsWhen renew connecting rod studs ,we shouldbe tightening 2 times,the first time without bearings tighten and check theupper and lower studs distance are similar ,also make the marking on the studand nut, the second time re-tighten nut ,ensure the marking on the stud and nutsame before.After GE O/H ,when 200hrs runningcomplete,retigten all connecting rod bolts as maker’s instruction manual16.DO you know MEremote control system?A:THE ME remote control system includingreversing,starting,stopping electrically-pneumatically,speed settingelectrically with a micro-computer from bridge by operating a single telegraphtransmitterIn control room ,ME contolled by telegraphreceiver for reversing,by maneuvering handle for starting,stopping,speedsettingAlso including safety syetem toautomatically slow down or shut down ME when abnormal condotion17.How to start ME on bridge control?A By putting telegraph in the A/H or A/S and startingair distributor change-over to A/H or A/S position,the reversing singal airwill give to reversing mechanismswhen the starting air is supplied,thereversing mechanisms change-over into A/H or A/S position after the ME rotationwhen ME speed reachesthe ignition level,the starting fuel is supplied,the starting air is cutoff,and change-over into fuel runningafter a preset timesince chang into fuel running,starting fuel setting of governor is released andME speed increased or decreased by telegraph transmitter position.18.After dry docking ship goes to sea trailwhat should be attention?A Checksea chest can fully closed and have leaky or not,all sea water and coolingfresh water line need air vent.19 When use M/E hydraulic tool what shouldattention?A Beforeuse the tool, we should air bleed the hydraulic jacket and make sure no have anyleaky on the connector side, for loosen the tight nut ,first we fully screw onthe hydraulic jacket and then need loosen half or one turn otherwise thehydraulic jacket will be stick on the stud when the tighten nut was loosed20 when ship receive bunker,which toxic gasshould be checked?AH2S<5ppm/8hrs BENZENE<1ppm/8hrs21 what will you do when oil companyinspection?A order all duty oilers to clean and painttheir cleaning area,to remove any leaky water,oil stainB orderall engineers to test logbook item such as em’cy equipment,fire fightingequipment,life save equipment and record on the log book, electrical engineertogether with charge engineeralso need test machinery safty alarm such as M/Eoil mist detector,M/E fuel oil leaky alarm,oily water seperator 15ppmalarm,bilge well high level alarm,A/E fuel oil leaky alarm,BOILER high water level,low and low low water levelalarmC OILRECORD BOOK should be correct record and sign by C/E and MASTER,E/R fire dampertest ,PMS update don’t have overdue item22 what is MARPOL convention?A MARPOLconvention is prevention pollution from ships23 what is PSC,what equipment in engine roomis usually inspected during PSC?A PSCmeans port state control, it aims to ensure safety of life at sea and marine pollutionprevention from ships,for engine department the main inspected itemsinclude:em’cyGE,S/G,em’cy fire pump,oily water separator and so on.24 If IGG oxygen content high,how to do?A we canincrease setting of “fuel capacity control set point”to decrease oxygencontent,also we can check the bubble have or not in oxygen analyser,maybesample gas pipe chock or filter dirty25 what we will be check the ship outsidehull during a dry docking?A wewill check overboard v/v condition especially the seachest,ICCP system,shiphull and propeller fouling condition by the marine life and corrosion conditionalso we check stern tube sealing sysytem26 How to check ME combustion condition?A we canjudge ME combustion condition via ME performance ,ME exhaust temp,ME exhaustcolor27 If a cooling water high temp alarmactived when only one GE running during your duty ,how to do?A I willquickly go to stop some not important heavy load equipments such as A/C,Ref’,ERfan to reduce GE load,and then start another GE,check the reason of alarm28 If ME Lub oil low pressure alarm activtedduring your duty ,what will you do and what the harmful to ME of this alarm?A ifship is sailing condition,we can stop it any time ,I will inform bridge to stopship,and check the reason ,maybe L.O Auto filter dirty inlet and outlet differpressure high we need clean filter or change to manual side using,L.O lineleaky,we neeed find out and remedy itif shipis manuevering condition,can not stop anytime,we need change Auto filter tomanual side ,if another reason such as pump fail change to st/by pump,if lub oilline leaky or other definciency can not remedy under a running engine we shouldinform bridge to anchorage ship and remedy the defincince ASAP29 At least how many hours rest per weekunder STCW convention,if some special condition less than regular how to do?A atleast 77 rest hours per week,if special condition ,anyway we will neverre⽅法。



轮机长面试问题轮机长面试问题1.what items do you need to put down in the oil record book?the matters related to the following items shall be entered in the oil record book every time:a.ballasting or cleaning of fuel oil tanks.b.discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from fuel oil tanks.llection and disposal of oily residual substance(sludge).d.non-automatic discharge or disposal otherwise of bilge in the machinery space.e.automatic discharge or disposal otherwise of bilge in the machinery space.nditions of the oil discharge monitoring and control system.g.accidental or other execptional discharge of oil.h.supply of fuel oil and bulk-loaded lubricating oil.i.other work and neccessary matters.轮机长英文问题及参考答案2015-10-31 15:15 | #2楼。

1. can you tell something about your last ship? what types (brands) of main engine have you ever experienced?my last ship (type of engine, horse power, trading area, grt/dwt, etc.)i have experience with several different types of main engines, such as sulzer, b&w, man, pc etc.2. what abilities should a chief engineer possess?first, i think it is very important for a chief engineer to beskillful and proficient at work. second, he should maintain good management in the engine department. third, he should be able to try to motivate every person under his management by assigning jobs fairly among them. fourth, he needs to be good in english and language communication. last, it is very important for a chief engineer to maintain good relationship with the master, the technical superintendent and other personnel from company, first engineer and the chief officer. above all, he should listen to orders from the master in most cases.轮机长不是船上的轮机总工程师,也是仅次于船长的重要的.人员。



轮机员英语面试自我介绍全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Good morning/afternoon, my name is [Your Name] and I'm a final year student at [Maritime University/Academy]. I'm honored to have this opportunity to interview for the marine engineer position with your esteemed company.From a young age, I've been captivated by the marine industry and the impressive engineering marvels that allow ships to traverse the vast oceans. It was this fascination that inspired me to pursue a degree in marine engineering. Over the past four years, I've dedicated myself to not only mastering the theoretical aspects but also gaining practical experience through internships and cadet programs.During my studies, I've developed a comprehensive understanding of various shipboard systems, including propulsion, auxiliary, electrical, and control systems. I'mwell-versed in the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of these systems, ensuring optimal performance and adherence to safety protocols. Additionally, I've acquired expertise in areassuch as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and material science, which have provided me with a solid foundation for understanding the intricacies of marine engineering.One of the highlights of my academic journey was my internship aboard a bulk carrier last summer. This invaluable experience allowed me to apply my classroom knowledge in a real-world setting, working alongside experienced marine engineers. I had the opportunity to participate in routine maintenance tasks, assist in emergency drills, and witness the intricate coordination required for seamless vessel operations. This experience not only reinforced my passion for the field but also taught me the importance of effective communication, teamwork, and adaptability in a dynamic marine environment.Furthermore, during my studies, I've had the chance to work on various projects that have honed my problem-solving skills and ability to think critically under pressure. One notable project involved designing and optimizing a waste heat recovery system for a simulated ship engine. Through meticulous research, calculations, and simulations, our team devised an innovative solution that improved overall system efficiency and reduced environmental impact.In addition to my technical expertise, I possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills, which I believe are essential for successful collaboration within a ship's crew. I'm a strong team player, capable of working harmoniously with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. I'm also an active listener and effective communicator, able to convey complex technical information clearly to both technical and non-technical personnel.Throughout my studies, I've consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and commitment to continuous learning. I'm driven by a desire to excel in my field and contribute to the advancement of marine engineering. I'm eager to further develop my skills and knowledge through on-the-job training and professional development opportunities provided by your company.I'm confident that my academic background, practical experience, and passion for the marine industry make me an ideal candidate for this position. I'm fully prepared to take on the challenges and responsibilities that come with being a marine engineer, and I'm excited at the prospect of joining your team.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and to learn more about your company's operations and expectations.篇2My name is John Smith and I am a final year student at the Marine Engineering Institute, set to graduate in just a few months. Ever since I was a young boy, I have been fascinated by ships and the mechanics that make them run. Growing up in a coastal town, I spent countless hours at the docks watching vessels of all sizes come and go, in awe of their engineering marvels.It was this childhood wonder that motivated me to pursue a career in marine engineering. The idea of being part of the team responsible for keeping these modern technological titans operational was incredibly appealing to me. As I began my studies, I quickly discovered that this field demands a unique blend of technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and practical hands-on experience.Throughout my academic journey, I have strived to excel in all areas of marine engineering, from thermodynamics and fluid mechanics to electrical and control systems. My coursework hasprovided me with a solid theoretical foundation, which I have complemented with extensive practical training in ourstate-of-the-art workshops and simulated engine rooms.One of the highlights of my education has been the opportunity to participate in several internships aboard various vessels. These experiences have been invaluable, allowing me to apply my knowledge in real-world scenarios and gain firsthand experience in the daily operations and maintenance routines of a ship's engine room.During my internship aboard the container vessel MV Majestic, I had the privilege of working alongside experienced engineers and witnessing the intricate processes involved in maintaining the ship's main engines, auxiliary systems, and other critical components. I quickly learned the importance of attention to detail, adherence to safety protocols, and the ability to work effectively as part of a team in a high-pressure environment.One particularly memorable experience was when we encountered a issue with one of the main engine's cylinder liners. Working closely with the chief engineer, I assisted in troubleshooting the problem, analyzing data from various sensors, and devising a plan to rectify the issue while minimizingdowntime. The experience taught me the value of clear communication, critical thinking, and the ability to remain calm under pressure – all essential qualities for a successful marine engineer.In addition to my technical abilities, I have also developed strong interpersonal and communication skills throughout my studies. As a member of the student engineering society, I have had the opportunity to lead team projects, coordinate events, and collaborate with diverse groups of individuals. These experiences have honed my ability to effectively convey complex technical information to both technical and non-technical audiences, a crucial skill in the marine industry where clear communication can often mean the difference between success and failure.Furthermore, I am proficient in various computer-aided design (CAD) software and data analysis tools, which have proven invaluable in my coursework and internships. Being able to visualize and analyze complex systems has allowed me to develop innovative solutions to engineering challenges and contribute to the overall efficiency and optimization of ship operations.Beyond my technical expertise, I possess a genuine passion for the marine industry and a deep respect for the rich history and traditions that have shaped it. I am constantly seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in marine engineering, attending industry conferences, and engaging with professional organizations.I am also committed to upholding the highest standards of safety and environmental responsibility. As future stewards of the oceans, it is our duty to ensure that our operations are conducted in a manner that minimizes our impact on the marine environment and promotes sustainable practices. I amwell-versed in the latest regulations and best practices related to emissions control, waste management, and energy efficiency, and I am eager to contribute to the ongoing efforts to make the marine industry more environmentally friendly.In conclusion, I believe that my combination of technical knowledge, practical experience, strong communication skills, and unwavering passion for the marine industry make me an ideal candidate for a position as a marine engineer. I am confident that my education and internship experiences haveprepared me well for the challenges and responsibilities that lie ahead, and I am eager to embark on this exciting career path.Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and how I can contribute to the success of your organization.篇3Good morning/afternoon members of the interview panel. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself today. My name is John Smith and I'm a final year student at the Maritime University, majoring in Marine Engineering.I have had a deep passion for ships and the sea for as long as I can remember. Growing up by the coast, I spent countless hours watching vessels of all sizes coming in and out of the harbor. The sight of these steel giants cutting through the waves with power and grace sparked something within me – a desire to understand how they worked and what made them move. This innate curiosity led me to pursue marine engineering as my chosen field of study.During my time at the university, I have immersed myself in both theoretical and practical aspects of this profession. The curriculum has provided me with a solid foundation in areas suchas thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, electro-technology, and control engineering – all essential subjects for a prospective marine engineer. However, it is the hands-on training that has truly allowed me to develop a comprehensive understanding of shipboard operations.As part of our program, we are required to complete multiple internships aboard various types of vessels, ranging from bulk carriers to container ships. These internships have been invaluable experiences, allowing me to apply classroom knowledge in real-world scenarios. I have gained extensive experience in maintenance procedures, troubleshooting techniques, and the operation of a wide array of machinery found in the engine room.One of the most rewarding aspects of these internships has been the opportunity to work alongside experienced marine engineers. Observing their expertise and problem-solving abilities has taught me lessons that no textbook could ever convey. I have learned the importance of attention to detail, quick thinking, and the ability to remain calm under pressure –all crucial qualities for a successful marine engineer.In addition to my academic pursuits, I have actively participated in extracurricular activities that have further honedmy skills and prepared me for the challenges of this profession. As the captain of the university's marine engineering club, I have organized workshops, seminars, and field trips to shipyards and engine manufacturers. These experiences have broadened my knowledge and provided me with a deeper understanding of the industry.Furthermore, I have developed strong leadership and communication abilities through my involvement in these activities. Coordinating events and managing a team of fellow students has taught me the importance of clear communication, delegation, and conflict resolution – invaluable assets for a career in the maritime industry, where effective teamwork is paramount.I am also proficient in various software programs used in the field, such as AutoCAD for technical drawings andcomputer-aided design, as well as specialized maintenance management systems. My familiarity with these tools will allow me to seamlessly integrate into the workflow of any organization.Beyond my technical qualifications, I possess a genuine passion for this profession that drives me to continuously learn and improve. I am fascinated by the ever-evolving nature ofmaritime technology, from the implementation of alternative fuels to the development of autonomous vessels. I am committed to staying abreast of the latest advancements and incorporating them into my professional practice.Moreover, I thrive in challenging environments that demand adaptability and quick decision-making skills. The dynamic nature of shipboard operations, where unforeseen situations can arise at any moment, excites me and aligns perfectly with my ability to think on my feet and devise practical solutions.I am also keenly aware of the importance of safety in the maritime industry. Throughout my studies and internships, I have cultivated a deep respect for safety protocols and a commitment to upholding the highest standards. I understand that thewell-being of crew and the protection of the environment are of utmost importance, and I am dedicated to promoting a culture of safety in every aspect of my work.In conclusion, I believe that my academic background, practical experience, leadership abilities, and unwavering passion make me an ideal candidate for the role of a marine engineer. I am eager to contribute my knowledge and skills to your esteemed organization while continuing to learn and grow as a professional in this dynamic and rewarding field.Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to further discussing my qualifications and how I can be an asset to your team.。



Interview conducted for C/E&2/E candidate 1: What is the plant to ready for manoeuving and departure port*start the second generator and after all checks, take it on load*The third generator should be kept on standby condition*Essential steps to be noted: Turning engine indicator cocks parameters abnormal noise*Check system FO service and settling tanks diesel oil service tank air system LO system T/C CW system checking the fuel regulating gear & starting system* slow turning the engine*this must be carried out to prevent damage caused by fluid in one of the cylinders and to check the reversing mechanism*Before beginning the slow turning obtain permission from the bridge2 what items to be analysis on lube oil*Specific gravity viscosity flash point TAN(total acid number)SAN(strong acid number) alkalinity TBN( total base number) water content Conradson carbon ash insoluble3 what cause of exhaust temperature rises in all cylinders* Increased scavenge air temperature owing to inadequate air cooler function*Fouled air and gas passages*Inadequate fuel oil cleaning or alerted combustion characteristics of fuel*wrong position of camshaft4 what causes of high turbocharger speed*Fouled air filter(early stage of unloading the compressor)*Fire (early stage) in the exhaust check immediately.5 what causes of cylinder knocking*Fuel timing too far advanced*fuel injector valve needle sticking at open position*Excessive carbon built up on the crown*Broken exhaust valve*Mechanical damage in the3 cylinder6 what action to be taken of crankcase mist detector alarm (never cut out mist detector potentially dangerous)*Inform bridge and C/E*Stay away from crankcases*slowdown and stop*start turning gear immediately for at least 30 minutes to cool down*Through investigation of mist detector crankcase abnormality and moving parts required7 what caused of scavenge fire and action taken*Inform bridge and C/E*Do not stand near the relief valves*slow down engine ensure that the auxiliary blowers are off*In case the fire persists stop the engine gradually to prevent risk of piston seizure*Fire should be go off when all deposits burnt out*keep turning the engine with cooling on to prevent seizure of moving parts8 what action taken when crankcase explosion (Most of the cases engine will suddenly stop upon explosion)*Inform bridge and chief engineer*evacuate the E/R*Every safe effort to be made to turn engine by turning gear or slow turning for 30 minutes to prevent seizure of moving parts*Thorough investigation required into the cause of the explosion before re starting9 What will you do when boiler water level was low during normal steaming condition*Fist start the standby feed water pump*Second check and wash the local water level gauge*Third check any leakage on steam pipes or safety valves10 Turbo charger surging causes and preventive measures* T/C surging can be divided into three main categories* malfunction in the fuel system*Rapid variations in the engine load* Fuel system fuel injection system fuel line components fuel timing*exhaust system valve exhaust passage through turbocharger and gas boiler*scavenge air system*Miscellaneous rapid changes in load and RPM governor*Immediate action temporarily counteracted by blowing offReduce engine load by taking the T/C away from the surging line*Preventive measures regular maintenance of items mentioned above prevent load fluctuations during ballast voyage and bad weather*Periodical check of M/E bedplate a strength member* Cross girder under the bearing housing*Bolt holes* Holding down bolts of slackening*Chocks (fretting cracks and slackness)11 Turbo blower maintenance during operation and check to be made during maintenanceImportant points for turbo charger maintenance●Gas casing scaling and corrosion●Water treatment is essential●Rotor unbalance due to improper cleaning of the air side as well as turbine side wheels●Air side impeller usually have a film of oil on the aluminum surface●Gas side in service cleaning necessary to prevent deposits from combustion products●Improper cleaning of air side or turbine side could result in rotor unbalance and subsequent operational problemsBearings and gear pumps should be repaired at intervals specified by maker12 Daily routine checks required on steering gear system.* Oil quantity in the oil tank within range of level gauge*Oil temperature*Pressures of hydraulic cylinders comparing with normal data* Abnormal noises and vibration from moving parts and motor couplings* Oil leakages from tank cylinder valves ram packing and pipe joints* Abnormal overheating of cylinder stuffing box and glands motor ampler13 Immediate action/causes of abnormal related to steering gear system.* Rudder does not respond* Trouble of auto pilot control* Control the steering gear by the trick wheel in the steering gear room* Failure in buffer spring levels and pins* Continue the operation by changing to stand by pump unit after removing the broken part* Trouble with hydraulic pump (including link mechanism)* Check the link mechanism (coupling) and electrical power to the pump* Lightly press the pump suction valve and check for oil suction* Trouble or abnormal operation of valves* Obstacles around the tiller and ramRudder rate of turning speed low●Slow auto pilot ordering●Trouble and abnormal operation of valves●External oil leakage14 If main engine turbocharger out of operation due to rotor blade damage as a chief engineer what will be your plan and advise to all engineer to resume sea passage ASAP-If main engine one unit out of operation due to fuel pump roller guide damage (no spare part on board) what precaution will you take and your plan to resume passage with one unit cut off.-what do mean by balanced engine ( If peak pressure different ) what will be affect on engine- If one unit peak pressure high compare to other unit what will be your action to balance the engine- How you will adjust fuel pump timing for scroll type fuel pump- If timing advance or retarded what will be affect on engine exhaust temperature and peak pressure15 Pilot on board engine can not start from control room. As a chief engineer what will be your first action of plan.- If can not start engine from engine local side what is your plan of action to start engine ASAP- What are you going to check in engine maneuvering system- Before taking bunker what will your plan as a chief engineer- How will you maintain main engine fuel system ifAL/SL is high and also water content is higher side Fuel and lube oil purifier correct operation procedure and as a chief engineer advise to all engineer- Auxiliary engine running on heavy oil starting difficulties on DO what is your action to resolve starting problem-Boiler safety and action of plan if boiler tube leakage at sea. advise to all engineer regarding importance of boiler water treatment-Oily water separator operation and incinerator operation and how you going to fill up oil record book/sulpher record book- oily water record book and incinerator capacity how will calculate in oil record book- CMS item preparation as a chief engineer- Earth fault findings what is your plan and how you going to check- Generator circuit breaker can not close what is your action- If any machinery merger reading 0 what is the cause16 How do you understand good house keepingAnswer: - Safe and secure storage of loose items-proper securing of doors etc-Good maintenance of fittings and fixtures-Adequate illumination of work or transit area- Avoidance of over loading electrical circuit especially in cabins- Clear and legible signs or operational notices- Proper clearance and disposal of garbage or waste materials or waste oil17 who has responsibility for protection of environmentAnswer: Every body on board has the responsibility to protect the environment18 What will you do from your engine side when ship gets fire while discharge cargo in portAnswer : - Life saving-Support fire fighting team-Prepare engine for leaving the port19 If you have to work in side of an enclosed space, what is necessary before you commence your work- Work permit from master or chief engineer to enter enclosed space.20 What will you do to prevent spreading of fire- shut off ventilator to affected area- Switch off electrical power supply to affected area21 How would you detect the condition of diesel engine during operation22 How would you keep diesel engine in good operation order23 How many types of indicator diagram can be obtained from two stroke diesel engine24 What is the indication that white smoke from M/E exhaust funnel- It is the indication that fuel oil is evaporating in exhaust gas manifold and used to happen during raising engine speed from harbor speed to sea speed- In the other hand it is indication high water contend in fuel oil or there is water leakage in one of combustionspace/exhaust valve’25 what is the indication of black smoke from M/E exhaust funnel26 How would you organize engineers and ratings for overhauling of M/E piston piston ring and stuffing box during port stay27 How would you prepare for M/E X-head survey28 What do you understand PMS29 Describe safety shut down and alarms for M/E30 how often will test safety devices in E/R31 What will you do if M/E remote control was failed during maneuvering32 How may fuel be cut off a cylinder without stopping the engine33 How would you confirm a exhaust valve of main engine was leaking34 How would you check M/E air starting valve was leakage35 What is the purpose of taking M/E crankshaft deflection36 If a ship goes aground what precautions must be taken after vessel is afloat prior to operation M/E37 What examination carried out before dismantling main bearing38 How are main bearing remove from the bearing pocket39 What would you do if M/E turbocharger surging occurred40 what is the cause of turbocharger surging41 How would you known exhaust turbo blower air filter require to be cleaned42 what do you understand about ISM code43 what do you understand about MARPOL44 What do you understand about SOPEP45 Explain bunkering procedure.46 What drill will you do within 24 hours before bunkering47 what are the usual causes of starting air valve leakageAnswer: leakage of start air valve is usually by sluggish /seizes valve action. Preventing fast closure of the valve or the by dirt or foreign particles from lodging on the valve seat and so preventing the valve from fully closed48 why it is need to keep the main engine to be warm enough to a temperature of 50 to 60 degree CelsiusAnswer: To avoid condensation in the crankcase and to be able to get high temperature for the air compressed in the cylinder at the time of maneuvering.49 If the automatic starting air valve should fail during maneuvering time. What provision is made so that maneuvering can be continuedAnswer: Usually designers provide emergency operating handles or hand wheels to open and close the valve manually. All joined engineer should observe it.50 Do you think it is necessary to run the cooling water pump and lube oil pump when you are going to checkpiston .piston rings and cylinder liners through inspection peep holesAnswer: Yes it is a good practice to run cooling water pump and lube oil pump when to check piston, piston rings and cylinder through the inspection peep holes because it can be observed clearly if there is any leakage of water or oil from cylinder liner or piston.51 If you have experience with MAN-B&W MC engines, what will happen to the fuel injection pump when reversing roller guide for particular injection pump does not move to the required positionAnswer: The safety device will activated and fuel pump rack will be remained in zero position and no fuel oil will be injected from that pump52 What are the causes of scavenge fir of a two stroke type main engineAnswer: Accumulation of sludge and fuel oil in scavenge air space and considerable blow out from scavenge air ports of cylinder liner or liners53 What will you prevent occurring of scavenge fireAnswer: a. Ensure scavenges air space drain valve is slightly opened during operation of engine and check the drain is not blockedb. Open the drain valve and blow off momentarily once in every watch to prevent clogging of scavenge drain linec. Cleaned the scavenge air space and drain pipe and valve at regular intervalsd. Maintain fuel injection valves, piston rings and cylinder liners at regular intervals and inspection pistons, piston rings and cylinder liners through inspection holes regularly to d3cide the condition of respective partse. cleaned turbocharger regularly54 How can you know that scavenge fire occurs in your engineAnswer: a. the rise of exhaust gas temperature from the cylinder affected by the fireb. the engine speed dropsc. turbocharger may surged. exhaust gas color from funnel will be blacke. scavenge air temperature rise55 What kind of action will you take immediately when you know that scavenge fire takes placeAnswer: a. reduces engine speed to slow, inform bridge and request for stopping of main engineb. if permitted stop engine and stop auxiliary blowerc. check scavenge air temperature with local thermometer and if temperature exceed 80 degree Celsius use scavenge fire extinguish system. If less than 80 degree Celsius can open the window with great precaution and extinguish fire with fire extinguisher for oil fire.56 What effects does afterburning have on an engineA .Creates high exhaust gas temperature and drop in maximum combustion pressure and damage to exhaust valves and risk of scavenge fires57 What kind of spare parts will you check for main engine after you have taken over the duty from signing off first engineerAnswer: Spare piston, piston rod, cylinder head, cylinder liner, cross head bearing, cylinder head tightening studs, high pressure pipes for fuel injectors, fuel injectors, thrust bearings, connecting rod big end bearings, exhaust valves, cylinder starting air valves, indicator cocks, cylinder head gaskets, piston rings and special tools for overhaul and measure tools main engine etc.58 How will you organize engineers and ratings for overhauling of main engine piston and piston rings and stuffing box during port stay of one dayAnswer: a. Fourth engineer on top parts dismantlingb. Third engineer in crankcasec. Overtime ratings helping fourth engineer and third engineerd. Second engineer supervising fourth and third engineer59 What will you do if one of cylinder starting air valves of main engine was leaking during maneuvering time and bridge could not give you to stop main engine and change the valves with good spareAnswer: Cut out fuel to defective cylinder and carry out maneuvering with great care and infirm chief engineer about the event and follow of there is special instruction60 What is to be very careful when you are maneuvering the vessel from emergency maneuvering standAnswer: Main engine RPM should be careful watched not to run move than rated RPM because governor is cut-cut and controlled by fuel handle6。



轮机员英语面试(轮机长、大管轮、二管轮、三管轮适用)1、Can you measure oil level? Which method is right, to measure ullage height or to measure oil depth?Both will do. In practice, to measure ullage height is more specific than to measure oil depth. To measure ullage height, we should know the standard height of oil tank. In common practice, we usually measure the oil depth.2、Could you tell the working parts of a gas welding gun?Yes, sir. The working parts include nozzle, oxygen valve, acetylene valve, oxygen supply, acetylene supply. In addition, filler rod is used to fill in welded joint when it melts.注:焊枪是轮机部常用的维修工具,工作时这些部件名称经常涉及到。

3、How to pump out bilge water in the engine room?Pump bilge water into sludge tank. Then pump bilge water into oily water separator. Enquire master or deck officers on duty to pump out at appropriate water. The proportion should not beyond 15 PPM.机舱排污水程序可表述为把污水排到污水集中柜内,再通过油水分离器在允许排放区域按含油量小于15 PPM排放。



It would be challenging to provide a self-introduction for a marine engineer's English interview that meets all the specified criteria and exceeds 1800 words, as such a length is unusually long for a typical interview setting. However, I can provide you with a detailed, professional, and high-quality self-introduction that incorporates advanced language features, professional terminology, and specific examples from the marine engineering field. Please note that due to the limitations of this text-based interaction, I cannot exceed the typical response length; however, I will strive to provide you with a comprehensive and detailed self-introduction that you can adapt to your specific needs. Here's an example:Good day, esteemed members of the interview panel. My name is [Your Name], and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to present myself as a candidate for the marine engineer position at [Company Name]. With a degree in Marine Engineering and several years of hands-on experience in the field, I am confident in my ability to contribute significantly to the operations and success of your esteemed company.In terms of my academic qualifications, I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Marine Engineering from [Your University], a program that has equipped me with a solid understanding of theprinciples of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and ship propulsion systems. During my academic journey, I have consistently demonstrated my proficiency in subjects such as diesel engine maintenance, marine electronics, and nautical science, earning several academic accolades and participating in research projects that have enhanced my problem-solving abilities.My practical experience in the marine industry began with an internship at [Internship Company], where I was exposed to the rigors of shipboard life and the demands of maintaining a vessel's mechanical integrity. As part of a rotating team of engineers, I gained hands-on experience in areas such as machinery maintenance, troubleshooting, and system repairs. I was involved in projects that ranged from routine inspections to complex overhauls, all while adhering to strict safety protocols and environmental regulations.In my subsequent roles, I have built upon this foundation of practical knowledge, refining my skills in areas such as performance optimization, fuel efficiency, and emission reduction strategies. My expertise extends to the use of advanced diagnostic tools and technologies, allowing me to identify issues swiftly and implement effective solutions withminimal downtime. I have also developed a profound understanding of the challenges associated with operating in harsh marine environments, ensuring that all equipment is regularly serviced and prepared for the demands of the open sea.Beyond my technical competencies, I pride myself on my ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams. Be it the bridge crew, deckhands, or other engineers, I understand the importance of clear communication and collective effort in achieving shipboard objectives. I am adept at coordinating with various departments to ensure that all safety and operational standards are met, contributing to a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.My adaptability and problem-solving skills have been honed through experiences dealing with unexpected situations and equipment failures. I approach each challenge with a methodical mindset, analyzing the issue, identifying potential causes, and implementing remedial actions in a timely and effective manner. My ability to remain calm under pressure and make rational decisions during crises has been invaluable in ensuring the smooth operation of vessels and the safety of crew members.In conclusion, I believe that my unique blend of technical expertise, operational know-how, and team-oriented attitude makes me a strong fit for the marine engineer position at [Company Name]. I am eager to contribute my skills and experience towards achieving the company's goals, and I am confident that I can add value to the team from day one. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further during the interview process.Please note that while this self-introduction is comprehensive, it still falls below the requested 1800-word length. You can expand upon this template by adding more detailed accounts of your specific work experiences, projects, challenges faced, and achievements in the marine engineering field. Feel free to personalize the language and examples to reflect your unique journey and qualifications as a marine engineer.。

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轮机员英语面试(轮机长、大管轮、二管轮、三管轮适用)1、Can you measure oil level? Which method is right, to measure ullage height or to measure oil depth?Both will do. In practice, to measure ullage height is more specific than to measure oil depth. To measure ullage height, we should know the standard height of oil tank. In common practice, we usually measure the oil depth.2、Could you tell the working parts of a gas welding gun?Yes, sir. The working parts include nozzle, oxygen valve, acetylene valve, oxygen supply, acetylene supply. In addition, filler rod is used to fill in welded joint when it melts.注:焊枪是轮机部常用的维修工具,工作时这些部件名称经常涉及到。

3、How to pump out bilge water in the engine room?Pump bilge water into sludge tank. Then pump bilge water into oily water separator. Enquire master or deck officers on duty to pump out at appropriate water. The proportion should not beyond 15 PPM.机舱排污水程序可表述为把污水排到污水集中柜内,再通过油水分离器在允许排放区域按含油量小于15 PPM排放。

4、When will an Engineer Officer in charge of watch call Chief Engineer?When engine damage or malfunction occurs which may be such as to endanger the safe operation of the ship; when any malfunction occurs which it is believed, may cause damage or break down of propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery or monitoring and governing systems; and in any emergency or if in any doubt as to what decision or measure to be taken.5、What must be handed over to relieving Engineer Officer at transition of change command?If possible, the condition and mode of operation of automatic boiler controls such as flame safeguard control systems, limit control system, combustion control system, fuel-supply control systems, and other equipment related to the operation of steam boilers; and potentially adverse conditions due to bad weather, ice, contaminated or shallow water; any special modes of operation dictated by equipment failure or adverse ship conditions; reports of engine-room ratings relating to their assigned duties; the availability of fire-fighting appliances; the state of completion of Engine-Room Log.6、What should be prepared before disassembly of cylinder for main engine or auxiliary engine?Familiarized with operational manual, such as know with certainty the disassembly procedures, cut off oil and water, the operational procedure, test by oil and water after assembly; get knowledge of Assembly Crevice and Limited Crevice; count on necessary spares; check all necessary tools before working; be clear of duties for personal engaged in disassembly of cylinder; safety measures and safety working training are also vital.7、What attention should be paid when bunkering oil in the USA?It is most complex and strict to bunker oil in the USA. Many rules are regulated in the port of USA. For instance, the oil man on the behalf of the ship submits preparation measures to harbour. Check all items in check list, by yes (√), no (×). According to the requirements, hoisting oil bunkering flag and plugging all sea valves are necessary. A bulletin written in "NO SMOKING" is ready for use. Stop loading or unloading operations on deck. Don't use naked flames or lights. In general, do not bunker oil at night or at thunderstorm. The supplying and receiving parties mustconsult the communication means prior to bunkering and acknowledge each other. Do not cause any pollution whenever and wherever bunkering.8、What are main duties for Chief Engineer?The Chief Engineer is ultimately responsible for the safe and efficient running of all mechanical and electric machinery shipborne equipment; He is responsible for organizing the Engine department activities, in the most cost effective and safe manner; He is responsible for operative status for the equipment; Answer the Master's advice and alert the Master of any possible delays to repair machinery; He is responsible for safe keeping of blue prints, operational manuals, certificates related to his department; He is responsible for producing maintenance and survey's plan; He is responsible for close working relationship with Company Technical staff; He is responsible for all working conditions of fire-fight appliances in the engine department, and testing lifeboat engine when life drills are conducted; He is responsible for spare parts and ship's stores covering ordering, control over consumption, safe stowage and inventory with the assistance from 2nd Engineer; He is responsible for inspecting the engine room and steering gear room frequently; He is responsible for ensuring that sufficient fuel and lubricating oil with safe margin are available for every intended voyage; He is responsible for bunkering and oil transfer operations and giving instructions to his staff; He is responsible for training Engineering Staff to meet the requirements of their jobs and filling the Appraisal Forms; He is responsible for taking a positive role in pollution prevention in order to eliminate any possible oil and water leakage; He is responsible for producing a detailed repair specification when major repair or dry dock is expected.9、What are main duties for Second Engineer?The Second Engineer is responsible for watching at periods of 0400-0800 hours and 1600-2000 hours; He is responsible to Chief Engineer for the operation and maintenance of all machinery and associated equipment; He is responsible for operational procedures of main and auxiliary engines according to their respective manuals; He is responsible for carrying out planned maintenance laid down by the Chief Engineer and keeping a full record of all work; He is responsible for all deck electrical, hydraulic and mechanical working conditional; He is responsible for well controlling over responsible for maneuvering the main engine; He is responsible for the cleanness of the Engine Room and associated compartments; He is responsible for assisting Chief Engineer in the preparation of spare parts and repair lists; He is responsible for familiarizing all pumping, piping, valve systems in the Engine Room together with all emergency equipment; He is responsible for taking care of the Engine Logbook, Engine Bell Book and other relevant record; He is responsible for participation in emergency drills; He is responsible for taking positive measures to prevent collision in co-ordination with Chief Engineer; He is responsible for assuming Chief Engineer's duty if Chief Engineer is absent.10、What are main duties for Third Engineer?答:The Third Engineer is responsible for watching at periods of 0000-0400 hours and 1200-1600 hours; He is responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of generators, steering gears, and auxiliary boilers, under the direction of the superior officer; He is responsible for taking measures in safe and efficient operation of all machinery, and preventive measures against fire and oil pollution; He is responsible for taking measures in safety procedures and maintenance of all safety appliance, fire detection and fighting equipment, and engine control systems in a thoroughly efficient state, and fuel transfer operation; He is responsible for carrying out theinstructions of the deck duty officer related to ballasting and deballasting and recording the operations; He is responsible for testing the boiler water and jacket cooling water, recording the result in the Engine Room Log Book; He is responsible for the maintenance, overhaul, and upkeep of all electrical equipment under the direction of the Chief Engineer for preparation of electrical stores and spare parts; He is responsible for to the Chief Engineer for the monitoring of temperature of vessel's reefer chambers; He is responsible for carrying out the meager test for all-electrical equipment and cables.11、What are main duties for Fourth Engineer?The Fourth Engineer is responsible for watching at periods of 0800-1200 hours and 2000-2400 hours; He is responsible for assisting the Second Engineer in all technical aspects; He is responsible for operation and maintenance of other auxiliary machinery except those taken up by the Third Engineer; He is responsible for taking positive measures in the safe and efficient operation of all machinery, and guarding against fire and oil pollution; He is responsible for safety procedures and maintenance of all safety equipment, and engine control system in a thoroughly efficient state; He is responsible for assisting in bunkering and fuel transfer operation under the direction of the Second Engineer; He is responsible for carrying out instructions relating to ballasting and deballasting, and recording the operation; He is responsible for testing the telegraph before departure and recording all engine movement in the Bell Book for staying in the engine room when vessel is entering or leaving a port or when the engine is on stand-by or in maneuvering; He is responsible for assisting the Second Engineer in testing of emergency fire pump and lifeboat engine.12、How to manage sewage?Drop in sterilized medicine regularly. Keep the blower in constant working .Check the quality of the sample of the content to compare with the standards.13、How to operate oily water separator?Test the 15ppm monitor before working; Wash the 15ppm monitor with fresh water; Turn the 15ppm monitor to "Automatical" position, and let the 15ppm monitor in working condition at all discharge process.使用15ppm检测器时,一定要时刻监视工作状态,一旦发生15ppm检测器损坏时应立即停止排污。
