ET-XXX13系列变速器主、副箱均采用两根结构完 全相同的中间轴总成(左中间轴内花键除外), 两根中间轴总成相间180°,动力从输入轴输入, 分流至两中间轴,后汇集主轴输出。主轴各档齿 轮同时与两中间轴啮合,主轴齿轮在主轴上呈径向 浮动状态,这样就取消了传统的主轴齿轮要用滚针 轴承支撑的结构,使主轴总成的结构更简单。主 轴采用绞接式浮动结构,在工作时,两个中间轴齿 轮对主轴所施加的径向力大小相等,方向相反,改善 了主轴和轴承的受力状况,大大提高变速器可靠性 和耐久性。
主变速器为手操纵,1-2-3-4-5档和倒档在超低档区,6- 7-8-9档在低档区。 10-11-12-13在高档区。副变速器为气操纵换档,换档气压为0.75Mpa,操纵手球位于驾驶室。
同步器构造如图所示。高档同步 环2和低档锥环6上各有铆有三根 锁止销4和7,滑动齿套3通过花 键与副变速器输出轴结合。高档 同步环和低档锥环基体为铁基粉 末冶金烧结而成,在高档同步环 的内锥面和低档锥环的外锥面上 分别粘有最新高性能非金属摩擦
PTO盖 上部倒档齿轮
伊顿变速箱配件目录 (1)
6033828-001 113298-000 4998934-001 113361-000 4999386-001 104584-000 165C101 165C70 166C863 165C241 165C229 165C49
产品名称 产品代号 电机驱动轴 112479-000 液压轴 112948-000 电机驱动轴 114572-000 电机驱动轴 6028248-001 进料泵轴 FEC165C001 油泵驱动轴 113200-000 进料泵轴 113337-000 进料泵轴 4992695-001 进料泵轴 6033644-001 液压泵驱动轴 124C262 液压轴 113288-000 电机驱动轴 103249-085 液压泵驱动轴 113304-000 油泵驱动轴 112505-000 进料泵轴 113357-000 进料泵轴 6029826-001 液压泵驱动轴 113359-000 液压轴 6032587-001 进料泵轴 105061-000 电机驱动轴 113300-000 液压轴 电机驱动轴 液压轴 液压轴 液压轴 液压轴 电机驱动轴 液压轴 电机驱动轴 电机驱动轴 电机驱动轴 液压轴 液压轴 液压轴
1010744 114627-000 103249-106 103249-170 110474-085 110474-106 165C261 165C276 165C278 165C291 165C293 165C309
凸缘 1210111TBW00离合器轴 油泵驱动轴1210112TBW00油泵齿轮 进料泵轴 1210126TBW00驱动毂花键轴 进料泵轴 1210140TBW00K2内花键轴 进料泵轴 1210145TBW00K1内花键轴 进料泵轴 1210148TBW00驱动毂内轴 内轮毂 内轮毂 外轮毂 内轮毂 外轮毂 内轮毂 165C254 165C310 AE0373B 4302188 165C311 165C188 花键毂 内轮毂 活塞环 后轴承盖 内轮毂 内轮毂
伊顿富勒变速箱适用于多种类 型的车辆和机械设备,具有广
该变速箱的设计考虑到了维护 和维修的需求,使得维护工作
由于采用了先进的技术和高质量的材料,伊 顿富勒变速箱的成本相对较高。
需要专业培训和实践经验才能熟练掌握该变 速箱的操作和维护。
随着新能源汽车市场的不断扩大,伊顿富勒变速箱需要加 强在新能源汽车领域的研发和应用,推出适合新能源汽车 需求的变速箱产品。
未来汽车工业将朝着智能化和自动化的方向发展,伊顿富 勒变速箱需要加强智能化和自动化技术的研发和应用,以 满足未来汽车工业的发展需求。
综合考虑伊顿富勒变速箱的优缺点,可以 得出该变速箱适用于特定的高性能和可靠 性要求的应用场景。
基于市场需求和技术发展趋势,对伊顿富 勒变速箱的市场前景进行预测和分析。
伊顿富勒变速箱的维护与保 养
定期清理变速箱表面和周围环境,防 止杂物和污垢进入内部。
变速箱需要与发动机、传动系统和车辆控制系统进行协同工作,因此需要具有良好 的匹配和协调能力。
伊顿富勒变速箱的优点与缺 点
伊顿富勒变速箱采用先进的机 械设计,提高了传动效率,减
该变速箱的零部件经过严格的 质量控制和耐久性测试,确保
Synchro -9 Twin Countershaft Fully Synchronized Transmission
? 2002 Eaton Corporation. A l l rights reserved.
S9 transmission training manaul
特点 Characteristics
S-9(synchro-9)系列9档双中间轴全同步器变速器是美国伊顿公司最新投放市场的高科技产品, 整体采用了美国 EATON 公司先进的设计理念,主副箱组合设计,主箱为手操纵,副箱为 气操纵,具有 9个前进档, 1个倒档。
1. 主、副箱全同步器设计,配置有当今世界最先进的自动增力式同步器
倒档 Power Flow Reverse Gear
动力传递路线图 Power Flow
低速档 Power Flow LO Gear
动力传递路线图 Power Flow
Power Flow 1 stGear
动力传递路线图 Power
主变速器为手操纵,低 1-2 -3-4 及倒档在低档区, 5 -6-7 -8档在高 档区。有两个空档位置,一个在低档区 3-4 档,另一个在高档区 5 -6档。副变速器为气 操纵换档气压为 0. 75Mpa 。
RTS 型双H 换档机构操纵手球位置图 双H 换档机构气动线路示意图
装在双H 操纵装置中横向换档杆上的拨头直接控制双 H 气阀,使其 接通高档区的气路或低档区的气路,来实现高档区档位与低档区档 位的自由转换。双 H 气阀上的孔口 1为进气口,孔口 2和4为出气口 ,孔口 3和5 为排气口。
Pacific Rim
2. 型号的定义:
富勒同步器式 Fuller Synchronized
带超速档 Overdrive
前进档数 设计级别 X 136=额定的扭矩
变速器的型号和编号都被印 刻在变速器的铭牌上,在寻 求服务时,请记下变速器的 型号和编号。它将有助于您 尽快的得到技术支持。
检查离合器壳法兰上的螺栓是否有松动的现象。 离合器分离轴承
拆下维修孔盖,检查分离轴承的径向和轴向间隙。 检查分离轴承止推面和推式离合器止推套的相对位置 离合器踏板的轴和孔(3) 将轴向上撬起检查其磨损情况,若发现存在过大间隙,应拆下 离合器的分离机构检查轴孔的衬套及轴的磨损 加油螺塞和放油螺塞(5) 拆下加油螺塞,按规定的时间间隔检查润滑油油面,应拧紧加 油螺塞和放油螺塞。 螺栓和垫片(6) 检查所有的螺栓和垫片,看是否存在螺栓松动或垫片缺损现象 而造成的润滑油的泄露,特别是取力器孔盖和后轴承盖。 变速操纵杆(7) 检查变速操纵杆在杆座中的松动量和自由行程,如果过于松动 ,检查变速操纵杆及杆座总成。
•Navistar •GMC •Ford •Freightliner •Sterling •RVI/Mack •Mercede-Benz •Kenmex •Dina •Bering/Hyundai
South America
•GMC •Ford •VW •Navistar/Agrale •Iveco •Isuzu •Mercedes
• 采用细齿啮合套,换档平稳; • 由于增加杠杆比、减小换档行程和采用新的摩擦材料,使得换档非常
轻便 • 自1998年开始在1、2档采用获得专利的低换档力同步器技术,使得1
Eaton 自动变速箱辅助箱主箱漏油症状指南说明书
Pre-Authorized Warranty Repair Guideline RWRG0060Page 1RWRG0060 - Auxiliary Case to Main Case Gasket LeakSymptom(s)•Oil leak toward rear of transmissionCauseAuxiliary case gasket may leak. Slight dampness or an oil stain would not justify a repair but if wetness or a drip is noticed re-pairs should be made.Repair GuidelineThe shift tower, shift bar housing and auxiliary section must be removed. All gasket surfaces should be cleaned and new gas-kets installed.Warranty Parts•Gaskets•Top off oil (up to $30 if needed)•Strap bolts (if needed)For part numbers refer to the Eaton InfoRanger site, , or a current IPL.Warranty Labor•Shift bar housing R&R per OEM guideline •Auxiliary section R&R per OEM guidelineWarranty Coding•Part: 4302248•Complaint: Oil leak •Failure: LeaksWarranty Claim FilingReference warranty coverage. File pre-authorized warranty claim through appropriate OEM or through Direct Pay. Refer-ence guideline number RWRG0060 in warranty claim text.Note: Repairs that exceed parts and labor parameters cannot be pre-authorized.Filing through Direct PayClick here for Direct Pay submission guidelines and claim forms:Parts DispositionParts can be scrapped.Warranty DisclaimerIf the failure is not the result of an accident, damage, negli-gence, abuse or misuse, improper installation or maintenance or any other conditions described in the Limits and Exclusions section of W arranty Manual TCW Y0600, available on , then Roadranger will treat the condition as cov-ered under its warranty. However, this conclusion does not necessarily mean that a defect in fact exists. In all cases, Road-ranger shall make the final determination and interpretation as to the warrantability of the Product.。
Driveline Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Wheel End Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Operating Temperatures
Transmissions must not be operated at temperatures above 250°F [121°C]. Operation at temperatures above 250°F [121°C] causes loaded gear tooth temperatures to exceed 350°F [177°C] which will ultimately destroy the heat treatment of the gears. If the elevated temperature is associated with an unusual operating condition that will recur, a cooler should be added, or the capacity of the existing cooling system increased. The following conditions in any combination can cause operating temperatures over 250°F [121°C].
Roadranger Products Lubrication Manual
Eaton 9-Speed Synchronized Transmissions Double “H” Shift Control ConfigurationTRDR0070February 2008FS(O) 6109FS(O) 6209FS(O) 6309FS(O) 8209FS(O) 8309FS(O) 10209FS(O) 10309Warnings and CautionsRead the entire driver instruction before operating this transmission.Set the park brakes before starting the vehicle, always be seated in the driver's seat, move the shift lever to neutral, and depress the master clutch.If engine cranks in any gear other than neutral or without the master clutch depressed, service your vehicle neutral safety start circuit immediately (where a safety start circuit is fitted).Before working on a vehicle, parking the vehicle, or leaving the cab with the engine running, place the transmission in neutral, set the parking brakes, and block the wheels.Do not release the parking brake or attempt to select a gear until the air pres-sure is at the correct level.TOWING: To avoid damage to the transmission during towing, place the trans-mission in neutral and lift the drive wheels off the ground or disconnect the driveline.iWarnings & Cautions (i)Introduction (1)Tag Information (1)Operation (2)Nomenclature (2)Shift Pattern (2)General Information (3)High to Low Range Shifting (3)Driving Tips (4)Initial Start-Up (5)Upshift (5)Downshift (6)Service & Maintenance (7)Proper Lubrication (7)Mixing Oil Types (7)Proper Transmission Lubrication Levels (8)Lubricant Change Intervals (9)Operating Temperatures (10)Lubricant Change (11)Maintenance Checks (12)Tag InformationTransmission model designation and other transmission identification information are stamped on the transmission tag. To identify the transmission model designation and serial number, locate the tag on the transmission and then locate the numbers as shown.IMPORTANT: DO NOT REMOVE OR DESTROY THE TRANSMISSION IDENTIFICATION TAG.Transmission TagRecord the Transmission Model and Serial Number below. Have these reference numbers handy when ordering replacement parts or requesting service information:Transmission Model:Transmission Serial Number:Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this manual. However, Eaton Truck Components Operations makes no expressed or implied warranty or representation based on the enclosed information. Any errors or omissions may be reported to Eaton Corporation, Truck Components, Global Marketing Services, P.O.Box 4013, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 49003.1NomenclatureShift PatternCNote: The shift lever is cross gate biased and will rest naturally in 3rd / 4th gate position when in LOW and in 5th / 6th gate position when in HIGH.The cross gate bias could vary or may be omitted depending on thevehicle manufacturer. Ensure you are familiar with this before driving the vehicle2General Information9-Speed Double “H”Models in this series provide nine forward speeds and one reverse speed, consisting of a five-speed front section and a two-speed auxiliary range section.Crawler gear (C) in the front section is used only as a starting gear. The other four ratios are used once in LOW range and once again in HIGH range.After shifting out of Crawler gear, shift the remaining gears in LOW range and HIGH range as you would shift any synchronized transmission.Shift range from LOW to HIGH and HIGH to LOW by moving the shift lever fully to the right or fully to the left as described in the Operation section. The transmission will automatically make the synchronized range shift as the shift lever is moved fully left or right.High to Low Range ShiftingNever attempt to shift down at too high a vehicle speed as this will result in major damage to the driveline.Note: Some vehicles are fitted with a range shift over-speed protection device in conjunction with the vehicle manufacturer. Never assume a rangeover-speed device is fitted.As a guide never shift from HIGH range to LOW range above 30 kph - not even if the vehicle is in neutral and the clutch pedal is depressed.Note: This speed will vary based on the overall driveline configuration.3Shift Pattern DiagramsA shift pattern diagram / etched shift knob should be in your vehicle (depending on vehicle manufacture).Driving Tips•Always use the clutch when making up shifts or down shifts.Premature synchronizer failure can result from not using the clutch.•Always select an initial starting gear that provides sufficient reduction for load and terrain.•Never slam or jerk the shift lever to complete gear engagement.•Never coast with the shift lever in the neutral position.•Never downshift at too high of a road speed.•Never shift to crawler gear (C) while the vehicle is moving.•Never select reverse gear while the vehicle is moving.4Initial Start-UpBefore starting the vehicle, always be seated in the drivers seat, move the shift lever to neutral, and depress the master clutch fully.Before moving a vehicle, make sure you understand your shift pattern configuration.1.Make sure the shift lever is in neutral, the range section is in LOW,and the parking brakes are set.2.Turn on the key switch. Start the engine.3.Build up the air pressure to cut off.4.Apply the service brakes.5.Depress the clutch pedal to the floor.6.Move the shift lever to the desired initial gear.7.Release the parking brakes.8.Slowly release the clutch pedal and apply accelerator.In the following instructions it is assumed that the driver is familiar with operating a commercial vehicle and can coordinate the shift lever movement and clutch pedal to make a smooth gear engagement while upshifting and downshifting.Upshift1.Fully depress the clutch pedal. Move the shift lever to the nextdesired speed.2.Release the clutch pedal.3.Accelerate the vehicle.4.Continue upshifting to 4th speed.5Range Shift Low to High (4th to 5th)1.When in the last LOW range gear position (4th) and ready for thenext upshift, with the engine / vehicle speed at a point that will allowthe vehicle to accelerate.2.Release the accelerator.3.Fully depress the clutch pedal. Move the shift lever to neutral.4.Move the shift lever fully RIGHT for a short period - doing this willtrigger the range valve to automatically shift the transmission toHIGH range.5.Allow the shift lever to return to its natural cross gate position.6.With the clutch still depressed shift to 5th speed.7.Release the clutch and apply the accelerator.8.Continue upshifting to 8th speed.Downshift1.Fully depress the clutch pedal, move the shift lever to the nextdesired speed.2.Release the clutch pedal.3.Continue downshifting to 5th speed.Range Shift High to Low (5th to 4th)1.When in the last HIGH range gear position (5th) release theaccelerator.2.Fully depress the clutch pedal. Move the shift lever to neutral.3.Move the shift lever fully LEFT for a short period - doing this willtrigger the range valve to automatically shift the transmission toLOW range.4.Allow the shift lever to return to its natural cross gate position.5.With the clutch still depressed shift to 4th speed.6.Release the clutch.7.Slow the vehicle and continue downshifting.Note: Never shift to crawler gear (C) while the vehicle is moving.6Proper LubricationProper lubrication procedures are key to a good all-around maintenance program. If the lubricant level is ignored, all the maintenance procedures in the world are not going to keep the transmission running or assure long transmission life.Eaton transmissions are designed so that the internal parts operate in an oil circulating bath created by the motion of the gears and shafts.All parts will be lubricated if these procedures are closely followed:•Maintain oil level and inspect regularly.•Follow maintenance plan.•Use correct grade and type of oil. Prolonged oil change will cause internal damage.•Do not overfill as this causes overheating and effects fuel economy.•Buy from a reputable dealer.Mixing Oil TypesNever mix engine oils and gear oils in the same transmission.Note: Additives and friction modifiers must not be introduced. Engine oils and gear oils may not be compatible; mixing can cause breakdown of thelubricant and affect component performance. When switching between types of lubricants, all areas of each affected component must bethoroughly flushed.7Proper Transmission Lubrication Levels•Make sure the transmission lubricant is level with the bottom of the fill opening.Always check the oil on level ground•8Lubricant Change Intervals•Lubricant change intervals will be included in the vehicle operating handbook and will be defined based on the type of oil used and theoperating conditions.•As a base rule the following should be followed:Mineral Oils* On Highway UseInitial oil change -At the operator’s discretion.Every 20,000 km -Inspect oil level and check for leaks.-Change oil (see Note below) Every 100,000 km (orannually)Note: Whichever comes first.* Off Highway UseInitial oil change -At the operator’s discretion.Every 40 hours -Inspect oil level and check for leaks.Every 500 hours -Change oil (see Note 1 below)Every 1000 hours -Change oil (see Note 2 below)Note 1: Oil change - where severe dirt conditions exist.Note 2: Oil change - where normal conditions exist.910Operating TemperaturesTransmissions must not be allowed to operate at temperatures above 120o C (250o F). Operating above this temperature causes loaded gear toothtemperatures to exceed 177o C (350o F), which will ultimately destroy the heat treatment of the gears. If the elevated temperature is associated with an unusual operating condition that will recur seek advice from your vehicle manufacturer.Synthetic / Semi-Synthetic Oils* On Highway UseEvery 20,000 km-Inspect oil level and check for leaks.Every 300,000 km to500,000 km- OR -Every 3 years - -Change oil (see Note below)Change oil.Note: Mileage will depend on type of oil used.* Off Highway UseEvery 40 hours-Inspect oil level and check for leaks.Every 500 hours-Change oil (see Note below)Every 1000 hours -Change oil (Normal operation)Note: Change oil where severe dirt conditions exist.Lubricant ChangeDraining OilHot oil may be present during this activity.•Drain the transmission when the oil is warm.•Remove the two drain plugs from the transmission.•Clean the oil strainer before replacing it.•Replace copper washer / o-ring as required.Re-filling•Fill transmission to the level of the filler opening.•Do not inter mix different types of brands of oil.•Do not use additives i.e. friction modifiers.•Do not overfill the transmission, as this will cause overheating and may cause oil leaks through the input and output shaft oil seals. 11Maintenance ChecksConduct regular maintenance checks where possible regarding:-Clutch mechanism -General operation-Lubricant-Correct level-Filler and drain plug -Correct tightness / damage towashers-Cap screws and gaskets -Loose / oil leaks-LRC / Shift tower -Secure / free play / wear12Copyright Eaton Corporation, 2012.Eaton hereby grant their customers,vendors, or distributors permission to freely copy, reproduce and/or distribute this document in printed format. It may be copied only in its entirety without any changes or modifications. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INTENDED FOR SALE OR RESALE, AND THIS NOTICE MUST REMAIN ON ALL COPIES.Note: Features and specifications listed in this document are subject to change without notice and represent the maximum capabilities of the software and products with all options installed. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained within, Eaton makes no representation about the completeness, correctness or accuracy and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options.For spec’ing or service assistance, call 1-800-826-HELP (4357) or visit /roadranger.In Mexico, call 001-800-826-4357.Eaton Corporation Vehicle Group P .O. Box 4013Kalamazoo, MI 49003 USA 800-826-HELP (4357)/roadrangerPrinted in USA Roadranger: Eaton and trusted partners providing the best products and services in the industry, ensuring more time on the road.。
操作变速器前通读本手册车辆启动前驾驶员要坐在驾驶员座椅上,按空档(N),拉起手刹如果启动发动机时变速器没有在空档位(N),立刻检查车辆你在操作车辆过程中如果要停车或暂时下车,一定要按空档(N),拉起手刹,并在车轮处加塞块出于安全的原因,变速器挂档前请踩住刹车踏板进行任何焊接操作前,24V电池的正极和负极必须完全断开高压警告标识使用二氧化碳或者干粉灭火器,电池盒中的电池为锂离子电池高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图本手册中的紧急关机程序会说明如何在紧急情况时关闭电源警告标识 (i)紧急关机程序 (1)发生火灾时的紧急程序 (2)发生交通事故时的紧急程序 (2)高压元件特征 (3)换档按钮说明 (4)启动和停车 (5)倒档 (6)前进档-自动换档模式 (6)前进档-手动换档模式 (6)低速档 (7)再生制动模式 (7)一般型号信息 (8)故障排除 (9)档位卡死 (9)正确润滑 (10)正确的油面高度: (11)混合动力冷却系统 (11)紧急关机程序方法1:关钥匙(推荐)发动机会关闭仪表盘会关闭混合动力系统会关闭混合动力电池只在电池盒中有电方法2:断开24V电池发动机会关闭仪表盘会关闭方法3:拔掉混合动力控制器的保险丝(30A)混合动力系统会关闭混合动力电池只在电池盒中有电这些程序只适用于紧急情况,车辆维修时请参见《维修手册》中的相关内容发生火灾时的紧急程序如果车辆发生火灾:1.使用二氧化碳或者干粉灭火器,电池盒中的电池为锂离子电池高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图发生交通事故时的紧急程序如果条件允许,请把车推到路肩上并停车1.拉手刹2.按空档(N)3.关钥匙4.如果安全的话,下车高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图高压元件特征所有的高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签;每一个高压元件都有明显的警告或危险标识。
混合动力系统零件图解目录EH-8E306A-CD 四电池系统2009年8月目录如何使用本零件图解目录 (3)离合器总成 (4)分离机构总成 (5)混合动力驱动单元 (7)离合器控制电机(ECA) (8)电机/发电机总成 (9)混合动力控制模块............................................................ . (10)变速器控制单元 (11)选换档电机总成 (12)变速器线束 (13)ECA速度传感器 (14)逆变器 (15)换档控制器 (16)电池包 (17)电池包空滤.................................................. (18)高压电缆 (19)变速器本体 (20)主壳体总成 (21)主驱动齿轮 (23)主轴总成 (24)中间轴总成 (26)倒档齿轮总成 (27)换档盖总成 (28)套件和总成件清单 (29)如何使用零件图解目录本手册仅包含信息会经常更新。
零件清单零件清单按照部件总成进行分类并按维修需要进行了分解.为了更好的识别零件我们将零件清单作出以下分类:∙序号- 与插图中的号码相对应,便于识别∙零件号 - 可供服务用的领部件编号∙描述- 零件名称∙替代- 已经被替代的零件号∙数量- 定义特有的或必须的需求数∙注解- 说明维修套件或总成所包含的特殊零件∙包含该零件的套件或总成分总成:离合器总成离合器总成序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 128683 离合器从动盘 1 不单独提供104101-82 138000-2 离合器压盘 1 不单独提供104101-83 1271005 分离轴承 1 不单独提供104101-84 125659 分离拨叉 1104101-8 离合器总成 1 不包含分离拨叉3分离机构序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 4759 黄油嘴 1 1/8直螺纹2 4306335 螺堵4306085 1 K-37743 16387 卡簧 1 K-37744 4306083 离合器分离轴 1 K-37745 12815 衬套 2 K-37746 4306210 密封圈4306091 1 K-37747 X-3-700 垫片 2 K-3771,K-37748 90031 螺钉 2 7/16 ”X1-1/4 K-3771,K-37749 4306302 驱动轴 1 K-3771,K-377410 4306194 键 1 K-3771,K-377411 X-8-0503M 螺钉 412 4306347 手孔盖 113 5568550 O形圈-电机输出轴 114 K-3774 分离轴套件 1分离机构序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 5568550 O形圈-电机输出轴 12 4306335 螺堵 1 K-37743 16387 卡簧 1 K-37744 4306083 离合器分离轴 1 K-37745 12815 衬套 2 K-37746 4306210 密封圈 1 K-37747 X-3-700 垫片 2 K-3771,K-37748 90031 螺钉 2 7/16 ”X1-1/4 K-3771,K-37749 4306302 驱动轴 1 K-3771,K-377410 4306194 键 1 K-3771,K-377411 X-8-0503M 螺钉 412 4306347 手孔盖 113 K-3774 分离轴套件 114 K-3915 注油管套件 1分总成:混合动力驱动单元1混合动力驱动单元(HDU)序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 TA-C41-01 混合动力驱动单元 1 不包含输出叉、离合器分总成:离合器控制电机离合器控制电机(ECA)序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 K-3777 离合器控制电机4306483 1 43066512 X-8L-609 螺栓3 K-3771,K-3777分总成:电机/发电机电机/发电机序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 K-3771 电机/发电机套件 12 X-8-1014 螺栓 4 0.625-11X2.75K-37713 X-3-1000 锁止垫片4 K-37714 X-8L-609 螺钉 3 K-3771,K-3777分总成:混合动力控制模块混合动力控制模块(HCM)序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 K-3787 混合动力控制模块套件 12 4305919 螺母3 1/4-20 K-3787分总成:变速器控制单元变速器控制单元(TECU)序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 K-3797 变速器控制单元套件 12 X-8C-455 带垫片螺钉3 K-3797分总成:选换档电机总成选换档电机总成(X-Y)序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 K-3784 选换档电机总成A-7670 1A-78562 4305452 纸垫4301958 1 K-3784,K-37913 K-3438 位置传感器套件691551 26919264 X-8C-615 螺钉 45 4304602 通气塞23605 1 1/4”管螺纹6 5559348 尼龙扎带 6 K-3781,K-3793分总成:变速器线束变速器线束序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 K-3781 变速器线束4306086 1分总成:ECA速度传感器ECA速度传感器序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 K-3776 ECA速度传感器套件 1 安装在发动机飞轮壳下部分总成:逆变器逆变器序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 TBA逆变器套件 1 4306662分总成:换档控制器换档控制器序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 4306043 按钮式换档控制器S-3068 1分总成: PEC 电池包(4电池)PEC 电池包(4电池)序号 零件号描述替代号 数量备注包含该零件的 套件或总成1 A-8029 PEC 电池包(4电池)1个别应用中空滤安装位置有所不同1电池包空滤序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 4306705 电池包空滤 1 个别应用中空滤安装位置有所不同2 X-8C-401 螺钉 412高压电缆序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 TBA 高压交流电缆 1 长度1 TBA 高压交流电缆 1 长度2 TBA 高压直流电缆 1 长度2 TBA 高压直流电缆 1 长度1变速器本体序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 TN-C41-01 变速器本体 1 不包含输出叉61主壳体序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成2 A-7635 主壳体4305847 14 4305936 PTO盖 1 速度传感器安装位置5 201398 PTO盖 16 X-8-686 螺钉12 3/8”-16X3/4”K-37938 3315679 螺堵 19 4305309 纸垫1684 1 K-3791,K-379311 X-3-1000 弹簧垫圈 4 5/8”K-377112 X-8-1014 螺栓 4 K-3771.625-11X2.7515 3315659 纸垫 1 K-379116 4305925 前轴承盖 117 4305927 油封 118 239614 螺母 6 3/8”-16X3/4”21 3315681 调整垫片.004 121 3315682 调整垫片.007 121 3315683 调整垫片.010 121 3315684 调整垫片.020 121 4300977 调整垫片.040 123 X-12-1209 加油塞 124 X-12-1207 放油塞 1 3/4”磁性序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成27 4301607 中间轴轴承盖 130 3316160 速度传感器转子 1 16齿31 711123 轴承外圈 132 3315662 调整垫片.004 132 3315663 调整垫片.007 132 3315664 调整垫片.010 132 3315665 调整垫片.020 132 4300978 调整垫片.040 133 S-2864 后轴承盖总成691423 169166634 4300119 油封 1 轴2.753,厚0.5 S-286436 K-3411 螺母套件21937 14301920430469037 239436 垫圈 4 1/2”38 86D8 螺母86D08 4 1/2”-2044 X-8C-604 螺栓 4 3/8”-16X1-1/4”47 14373 磁铁 2 A-763549 239433 双头螺栓 4 1/2”-20X2-5/16”50 X-12-405 管塞 152 238370 吊耳 153 K-3772 速度传感器套件 254 X-8C-409 螺栓 1 1/4”-20X5/8”K-377255 14142 O形圈 4 K-3125,S-286456 K-3125 堵塞套件4302707 257 X-8C-409 螺栓 2 K-377259 X-8C-409 螺栓 2 K-377260 20875 0形圈 1 K-377261 86746 输出叉 1主驱动齿轮序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 675250 轴承外圈 12 742259 锥形内圈 13 4305928 主驱动齿轮 1主轴总成序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成4 710787 轴承内圈 16 691415 滑动离合器(5/6档) 17 4301476 离合器毂(5/6档) 18 4304543 5档齿轮 19 3315737 轴承 210 3315728 卡环3315729 111 3315727 垫圈 112 4304098 4档齿轮4304401 113 4124075 轴承 415 3315725 卡环 216 691414 滑动离合器(3/4档) 117 4301475 离合器毂3/4 1主轴总成序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成18 4304057 3档齿轮4304063 119 3315722 轴承 220 3315717 卡环3315718 121 3315719 垫圈 122 4303231 2档齿轮4301482 123 4301852 滑动离合器(1 /2档) 124 4303230 1档齿轮4301483 125 4301484 倒档齿轮 126 4301474 离合器毂 -倒档 127 4301473 滑动离合器-倒档 128 10J06 钢球 2 3/16”31 3315703 轴承 433 4301468 主轴 134 4301492 垫圈 135 5557003 轴承内圈 1中间轴总成序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 3315686 弹簧卡环 12 3315687 垫圈 13 K-3795 轴承套件1313645,791943 15 3315752 弹簧卡环3315751 16 4304541 驱动齿轮 17 4304542 5档齿轮 18 4304097 4档齿轮4304099 19 4304056 3档齿轮4304062 110 230292 半圆键 211 4303238 中间轴3315740 112 658981 轴承内圈 113 660181 轴承外圈 1倒档齿轮总成序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成15 3315674 轴承 216 3315676 隔套 118 3315672 倒档齿轮轴 119 10J06 钢珠 1 3/16”20 4304318 倒档齿轮 1换档盖总成序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成1 S-2865 换档盖总成691655 1A-70532 4300854 纸垫3315678 1 K-3791,S-28653 X-8C-600 螺钉239611 15 3/8”-16X1”4 691644 弹簧 45 10J14 钢球13 7/16”6 201044 销钉 27 4301719 倒档钢球限位垫圈 126 691526 倒档拨块 127 691654 倒档拨叉轴691422 128 3315897 倒档拨叉 129 691522 1/2档拨块 130 691419 1/2档拨叉轴 1序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成31 3315772 1/2档档拨叉3315770 132 691420 3/4档拨叉轴 133 A-7038 3/4档拨叉691524 134 1JM6028 销钉 635 1JM3528 销钉 636 691421 5/6档拨叉轴 137 A-7039 5/6档拨叉691525 139 4301279 换档轴压板3315756 240 3315757 换档轴压板 141 233043 螺钉8 3/8”-16X1”43 227675 拨叉耐磨垫 6 A-7038,A-703944 235052 堵塞 1 9/16-1844 4303656 螺堵15917 1 9/16-18,螺纹45 15900 纸垫 1 K-3791,S-286546 X-8-688 螺钉 247 238370 吊耳 2 3/8”-16X1”48 X-12-603 管塞X-12-602 1 3/8”K-3784999 S-2865 换档盖总成691655 1A-7053套件和总成件清单序号零件号描述替代数量备注包含该零件的套件或总成K-3125 堵塞套件 1K-3411 螺母套件 1K-3438 位置传感器套件 2K-3771 电机/发电机套件 1K-3772 速度传感器套件 1K-3774 分离轴套件 1K-3776 ECA速度传感器套件 1K-3777 离合器执行电机套件 1K-3778 逆变器套件 1K-3779 PEC电池包套件 1K-3781 变速器线束 1K-3784 选换档电机套件 1K-3787 混合动力控制模块套件 1K-3791 纸垫套件 1K-3792 电池包空滤套件 1K-3793 PTO安装套件 1K-3795 轴承套件1313645 1791943K-3797 变速器控制单元 1S-2864 后轴承盖总成 1S-2865 换档盖总成 1伊顿公司版权所有。
伊顿富勒变速箱 47页PPT文档
富勒常时啮合变速器与同步变速器比较 没有同步器
•结构简单,可靠耐用 •变速箱价格低 •故障概率低,使用更为放心 •从机械上防止车速过高时强行降档造成发动机的损坏
•均匀的速比级差,使驾驶员容易掌握换档点 •档位分布符合人机工程学 •正确操作的情况下,换档力极轻
EUROPE Transmissions (2 Plants) Clutches (2 Plants)
MANUFACTURING ASIA Transmission Licenses China Korea Pakistan
AFRICA Transmission License (South Africa)
富勒变速箱的结构 •为了避免损坏齿轮,请使用二脚离合器法 进行换档 •为了避免换档拨叉的磨损,请不要将手一 直放在换档杆上 •不要空档滑行
•副箱有二个档位,高档和低档 •副箱也采用双中间轴设计 •副箱中有同步器,同步器采用独特的EFM航天 摩擦材料 •驾驶员拨动档区开关控制副箱换档 •副箱将动力输出到传动轴
市场篇 产品篇 结构篇 理论篇 操作篇 结束篇
Internet网址 Http://truck.eaton
•创立于1911年 •跨国经营集团,全球拥有155个生产厂,分布于26个国家 •年营业额超过70亿,居世界200家最大工业制造公司之列 •分为5个主要部门
SEQUENCING Indiana, Virginia (Transmissions)
变速箱维修拆装 伊顿[上海]S9和S13挡变速箱维修工具操作手册
过吊架端面 2mm),用吊机的吊勾将副箱吊牢,用两只撬杠分别向外撬动副箱壳
可顺利地推入与主箱扣合。该工具 9、13 挡箱通用。
6、钎子[图号 TZ300407]
图 6-1 钎子[图号 TZ300407]
2、主箱输入轴[一轴]轴承[81504]拔出器[图号 TZ-YT02]
首先将输入轴上固定轴承(81504)的卡环或锁紧螺母拆下,取下轴承上的 定位卡环,然后将拔头[图号 TZ300402]子口凸缘卡套在轴承外卡环槽内,将顶 丝旋入拔套,使顶丝顶在输入轴[一轴]前端中心孔上,用套筒板手继续旋紧顶 丝,输入轴轴承[81504]即可顺利地被拔出。该套工具 9、13 挡箱通用
9、13 档箱 9、13 档箱通 用 9、13 档箱通 用
9、13 档箱通 用
9 档箱通用 9 档箱通用
6 档 13 档用
伊顿[上海]S9 和 13 挡变速箱在维修时须使用专用的拆装工具,下面介绍的
1、主箱副轴前轴承[81022 及国产 307309]拔出器[图号 TZ-300401]
4、倒挡轴拔出器[图号 TZ300404-1、-2、-3]
图 4-1 倒挡轴拔出器
图 4-2 接头 [9 挡箱用] 4
[图号 TZ300404-1]
[图号 TZ300404-2]
图 4-3 接头[13 挡箱用]
图 4-4 用拔出器拆倒挡轴
[图号 TZ-YT04-3]
如图 4-1,倒挡轴拔出器是由一根芯轴、冲锤和手柄组成。还带有两个不同的
Eaton UltraShift 自动变速箱说明书
Success Story:James Hansen Forest Products, LLC Market ServedVehicle/TransportationEaton UltraShift® transmission is really cutting itfor veteran log haulerPLUS“It allows you to concentrate on driving and the conditions around you…You do not have to think about what gear you should be in. UltraShift PLUS does all of the thinking for you. It’s much safer and easier.”Jim Hansen, owner/operator,James Hansen Forest Products, LLC BackgroundOwner operator Jim Hansen'swork week begins around 6 a.m.on Monday when he gets intohis 2015 Western Star truck witha six-axle tri-drive tractor and afive-axle trailer. Hansen travels200 miles from his home upto northern Michigan to collectsome 100,000 pounds of logs.That same day, once the logsare loaded and secured, Hansentypically travels another 200miles to deliver the wood tomills in southeastern andcentral Michigan.Instead of heading home afterthat, he sleeps in his truck tosave time and money. Hansendoes the same routine, occa-sionally making shorter runseach day, until Friday nightwhen he returns home forthe weekend.“Through the years, many truck-ers have come and gone, notrealizing the daily hard work andchallenges this work requires.It’s not something that’s foreveryone. It takes a special kindof person to live this kind of life,”says Hansen.The 59-year- old trucking industryveteran has been doing this for42 years.ChallengeSome weeks are harder thanothers, depending on the driv-ing conditions that range fromcongested urban traffic to hilly,muddy, and sometimes snowcovered off-road terrains thatHansen encounters getting inand out of the north woods.The huge payloads take skill andknowledge of the time of yearand types of wood to make surethe heavy hauls can be loadedand transported legally andefficiently.Often the mills have to sendbulldozers in to remove treesand stumps and carve out amakeshift road for Hansen. It’snot unusual for those samebulldozers to give Hansen anoccasional push so he can getthrough all of the mess.“The rough driving conditions asfar as getting the logs out of thebush can be especially demand-ing physically and mentally,” saysHansen. “Of course, it was a lotmore demanding 40 years ago.The equipment today is muchbetter than it was in the past,but it’s still very hard work.”Location:Lachine,MichiganSegment:LoggingChallenge:Safely and efficiently transportingextra heavy truck loads of timberwhile negotiating a variety ofdemanding road conditions.Solution:Eaton’s UltraShift PLUS MultipurposeExtreme Performance (MXP)TransmissionResults:The transmission’s grade sensing,weight computation and shiftdecisions provides safe, fuel efficientand driver-friendly performance.Contact Information:EatonVehicle Group13100 E. Michigan Ave.Galesburg, MI 490531-800-826-HELP (4357)/roadrangerS U P P O R TB AC K ED B YHansen was joined by his wife, Annette, after having his log rack and loader installed on his new Western Star truck. Annette also has a commercial driver’s license and spent 15 years in the logging industry.The cost of diesel fuel is also one of Hansen’s top challenges, so any fuel consumption gains he can find are more than wel-comed. With downtime being another factor that can chop into his productivity, he’s not shy about keeping up-to-date with the newer technologies in truck equipment and components to help ensure the best possible uptime.SolutionHansen cites one relatively new component as being particularly helpful with his recent success. After consulting with a fellow logger who works in even more demanding conditions of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and researching the product himself, Hansen decided to invest in a new Eaton UltraShift PLUS automated transmission for his Western Star truck.“A friend of mine bought a new truck about a year ago with an UltraShift PLUS in it,” says Hansen. “After listening to what he had to say about how it per-formed, I decided I wanted one. It was the wisest decision I’ve ever made. I love it.”The lucky recipient of Hansen’s affection is an UltraShift PLUS MXP (Multipurpose Extreme Performance) model. With 18-speeds and 2,250 lbs.-ft. torque capacity, the transmis-sion has virtually no payload weight limit – including the 158,000 pounds of combined vehicle weight that Hansen carries around every week. The transmissions are part of the UltraShift PLUS Performance Series, all of which employ grade sensing, weightcomputation and driver throttle commands to make intelligent shift decisions for optimum per-formance. The fully automated two-pedal transmissions can be paired with the highest torque engines available in the trucking industry.His transmission has 18 forward and four reverse speeds and an overall ratio of 20:1. Safety features include auto neutral and Intelligent Hill Start Aid, which prevents roll-back and roll-for-ward while launching on grades using foundation wheel brakes. Automatic Manual and Low modes offer drivers optimum vehicle control.Result“I’ve always been a fan of Eaton,” adds Hansen. “My previ-ous truck had an Eaton 18-speed manual transmission and it gave me a million miles of reli-able performance, but this new UltraShift PLUS has just made my job so much easier.“I mean it’s doing all of the work for me. When I’m coming out of the bush, through big hills and all types of road conditions, it knows when to shift and it shifts properly.”He went on to cite the transmis-sion’s favorable impact in making him a safer and better fuel consuming driver.“It allows you to concentrate on driving and the conditions around you,” he adds. “That’s really helpful in heavy traffic and through the city when I am fully loaded. Y ou do not have to think about what gear you should be in. UltraShift PLUS does all of the thinking for you. It’s much safer and easier.”Hansen is currently averag-ing about 4.1 miles per gallon, which he claims is very good for a heavy hauler and about the same as he was getting with his former vehicle that had two instead of three drive axles. Hansen credits his local Eaton Roadranger with an important assist.“An Eaton factory technician phoned me one day and said he wanted to ride along with me with a load on. We drove the full load around the loop of Lansing, Michigan, and he asked me to take a look at a new soft-ware shifting program. Then he used the ServiceRanger 4 tool to update my transmission.“Just like that it was shifting smoother and faster. Later, I discovered, I was getting bet-ter fuel economy. He was very knowledgeable and passedalong very helpful information. I was really glad I met with him.”After the sale support has been a longtime mainstay at Eaton with the company’s more than 200 Roadranger field members servicing all facets of the North American trucking industry. Over the years, many in the industry have cited the commit-ment to service as a factor that keeps Eaton a cut above the competition.S U P P O R TB AC K ED B YFor spec’ing or service assistance, call 1-800-826-HELP (4357) or visit /roadranger . In Mexico, call 001-800-826-4357.Roadranger: Eaton and trusted partnersproviding the best products and services in the industry, ensuring more time on the road.EatonVehicle Group13100 E. Michigan Ave.Galesburg, MI 49053 USA 800-826-HELP (4357)/roadranger © 2015 EatonAll Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.TRSL2547 0515Note: Features and specifications listed in this document are subject to change without notice and represent the maximum capa-bilities of the software and products with all options installed. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained within, Eaton makes no representation about the completeness, correctness or accuracy and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options.Eaton, Fuller, Roadranger, Solo and UltraShift are registered trademarks of Eaton. All trade-marks, logos and copyrights are those of their respective owners.。
伊顿 PS-386 合成变速箱润滑油 数据表
Eaton PS-386 Synthetic Transmission FluidPS-386 is a synthetic transmission fluid designed for fuel efficiency, extended drain intervals and severe service in heavy duty commercial vehicle transmissions which require a non-EP transmission lubricant. It is specially formulated to protect higher torque transmissions coupled with increased horsepower engines. It is approved for use in Eaton transmissions such as UltraShift PLUS, Fuller Advantage, FR and RT Series transmissions. Features:•Uniquely formulated toprovide up to 1.5 percent fueleconomy improvement whilemaintaining excellent shearstability.•Provides high performanceand extended draincapabilities in transmissions.•Excellent thermal andoxidation stability whichresists deposit and sludgeformation.•Advanced additive systemprovides excellent protectionfrom corrosion, foaming, rust,and wear.•High viscosity index syntheticbase fluid allows for superiorhigh and low temperatureperformance.•Provides friction retention,friction durability, andexcellent shear stability toensure and maintain smoothtransmission operationsthroughout the extendeddrain interval.•Formulated to reduce sumpoperating temperatures.S U P P O R TB AC K ED B YApplications:Recommended where wear, lowtemperatures or heat presentmajor problems and a non-EPlubricant is required. T ypicalusage includes transmissions,transfer cases, and wheel endhubs. Recommended commercialvehicle applications include linehaul, vocational, off-road, pick-upand delivery, and buses.APPROVALSEaton PS-386 SyntheticT ransmission Fluid is approved for these OEM specificatons:• Eaton PS-386 (supercedes PS-164 Rev 7)• Mack TO-A Plus• Navistar MPAPS B-6816 Type II• API MT-1Eaton ® PS-386 Synthetic Transmission FluidS U P P O R TB AC K ED B YNote: Features and specifications listed in this document are subject to change without notice and represent the maximum capa-bilities of the software and products with all options installed. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained within, Eaton makes no representation about the completeness, correctness or accuracy and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options.Eaton, Fuller, Roadranger, Solo, UltraShift and Fuller Advantage are registered trademarks of Eaton. All trademarks, logos and copyrights are those of their respective owners.For spec’ing or service assistance, call 1-800-826-HELP (4357) or visit /roadranger . In Mexico, call 001-800-826-4357.Roadranger: Eaton and trusted partnersproviding the best products and services in the industry, ensuring more time on the road.EatonVehicle Group13100 E. Michigan Ave.Kalamazoo, MI 49053 USA 800-826-HELP (4357)/roadranger © 2016 EatonAll Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.TCSL0022 0716T echnical DataT ypicalT est Characteristics P S -386methodViscosity, cSt ASTM D-445 100 °C 14.8 40 °C 95.1Viscosity, cP -40 °C 51,900 ASTM D-2983Viscosity index 163 ASTM D-2270Pour point, °C (°F) -42 (-44)ASTM D-97Fire point, °C (°F) 276 (528) ASTM D-92Flash point, °C (°F) 238 (460) ASTM D-92APIgravity,************°C 34.9 ASTM D-287Density, k g/l at 15.6 °C, 0.850 (7.09) ASTM D-1298(lbs/gal. at 60 °F)HandlingPlease refer to safety data sheet for details.Shelf lifeThe product in the original package can be stored for at least three years at ambient storage conditions without any deterioration.NoteThe data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application of our product, these data do not relieve processors from carrying out their own investigations and tests; neither do these data imply any guarantee of certainproperties, nor the suitability of the product for a specific purpose. Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, proportions, weights etc. given herein may change without prior information and do not constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product. It is the responsibility of the recipient of our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed.。
伊顿 18挡手动变速箱介绍
1T he Low-Inertia™ Super 18The ultimate for perfor-mance, versatility, and reliability with variable loads and speeds in ap p li c a t ions up to 2250 lbs.ft.• Unbeatable versatility with19.7 to 1 overall reduction and14.40 low gear.•Economical performance with0.73 and 0.86 overdrives forefficient cruise RPMs.•Smoother, faster, easiershifting due to patented low-inertia technology.•Exclusive output seal designimproves seal life andeliminates potential for sealdamage during yoke removal.•Faster, smoother range andsplitter shifts and improvedcold weather performancedue to design improvements.•On selected models anoptimized lubrication systemprovides increased coolingand lubrication for moredifficult, harder workingapplications.•Quieter operation andincreased durability due tohelical gears in aux i l i a r ysection.•Improved lubrication withstandard internal oil pump andoil lines for directedlubrication.•Roadranger warranties areavailable for a wide variety ofapplications. To find thecoverage that applies toyour specific vocation,please see the WarrantyGuide (TCWY0900), at/roadranger.S U P P O R TB AC K ED B YFuller ® 18-Speed TransmissionsmodelCapaCity Weight* length**SpeedSRTLO-14918B 1450 lbs.ft. [1966 Nm] 716 lbs. [324.77 kg] 33.1 in. [840.74 mm] 18 forward, 4 reverse RTLO-16918B 1650 lbs.ft. [2237 Nm] 716 lbs. [324.77 kg] 33.1 in. [840.74 mm] 18 forward, 4 reverse RTLO-18918B 1850 lbs.ft. [2508 Nm] 716 lbs. [324.77 kg] 33.1 in. [840.74 mm] 18 forward, 4 reverse RTLO-20918B 2050 lbs.ft. [2779 Nm] 716 lbs. [324.77 kg] 33.1 in. [840.74 mm] 18 forward, 4 reverse RTLO-22918B2250 lbs.ft. [3050 Nm] 716 lbs. [324.77 kg] 33.1 in. [840.74 mm] 18 forward, 4 reverse*Less clutch housing, lubricant and end yoke. ** Lengths listed are from face of clutch housing to front bottoming surface of companion flange or yoke.S U P P O R TB AC K ED B YNote: Features and specifications listed in this document are subject to change without notice and represent the maximum capa-bilities of the software and products with all options installed. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained within, Eaton makes no representation about the completeness, correctness or accuracy and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options.For spec’ing or service assistance, call 1-800-826-HELP (4357) or visit /roadranger . In Mexico, call 001-800-826-4357.Roadranger: Eaton and trusted partnersproviding the best products and services in the industry, ensuring more time on the road.Eaton Corporation Vehicle Group P .O. Box 4013Kalamazoo, MI 49003 USA 800-826-HELP (4357)/roadranger © 2012 Eaton CorporationAll Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.TRSL0250 0712Specifications:Clutch Housing Size:• SAE #1 and #2. •Cast iron and aluminum available.PTO Openings:• Two SAE standard openings. • Right side, regular duty, 6-bolt, short length. •Bottom, heavy duty, 8-bolt.P TO Drive Gears:• Right side, a 45-tooth, 6/8 pitch gear.•Left side, a 47-tooth, 6/8 pitch gear. Both gears turn at .79 engine speed.Oil Capacity:• Approx. 28 pints [13.3 liters]. • Integral oil pump standard. •Oil to water heat exchanger standard on 18918B, 20918B and 22918B (Requires 2 pints [.95 liters] additional lubricant. Adds 10 lbs. [4.53 kg] to weight).Shift Pattern:Ratios and Steps:gearratio% StepLow Inertia Concept:This innovative, patented design is identified in the Fuller nomen-clature by the letter "L" (as in RTLO-18918B).These transmissions feature a simple mainshaft which is not splined to the auxiliary drive gear. This unique design elimi-nates the added mass, drag and inertia of the entire auxiliary section.During upshifts, where both the lever and splitter button are moved together, the low-inertia mainshaft is quickly brought to synchronous resulting in fast, easy shifts.Performance Chart:Based on 1800 RPM engine cruising at 1630 RPM / 65 MPH.MPH0 2040 60103050RPM。
Fuller Advantage™ Series Automated T ransmissionsApplication: Efficient Linehaul FAO/FAOM-XX810S-EP3Kenworth and Eaton’s exclusive fully-integrated powertrain delivers exceptional performance and fuel economy.Introducing the Most Advanced Eaton andKenworth Powertrain Available Kenworth and Eaton have collab-orated to exclusively deliver a fully-integrated powertrain with exceptional performance and fuel economy.The PACCAR MX-13 engine and Eaton Fuller Advantage™10-speed automated transmis-sion share critical data including engine torque and operating gear.Precise engine and transmission communications are combined with proprietary control logic to further enhance downspeeding in both overdrive and directoperation – which uses less fuel. Error-free, guess-proof shifting makes every driver in your fleet as efficient as your best driver, saving you money on every haul.T ransmission Special Features and Benefits•Small-step ratio in 9th and 10th gear places the engine in a more fuel efficient operating range during a down shift• Weight savings of up to 82 pounds•Precision lubrication system increases reliability by eliminating the need for a transmission cooler•Optimized shift calibration unique to the PACCAR MX-13 engine blends performance and fuel economy®Kenworth & Eaton PowertrainS U P P O R TB AC K ED B YNote: Features and specifications listed in this document are subject to change without notice and represent the maximum capabili-ties of the products with all options installed. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained within, Eaton makes no representation about the completeness, correctness or accuracy and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options.Eaton, Fuller, Roadranger and UltraShift are registered trademarks of Eaton. All trade-marks, logos and copyrights are those of their respective owners.Eaton Fuller Advantage transmissions are backed by Roadranger support – for spec’ing or service assistance, just call 1-800-826-HELP (4357) or visit /roadrangerEatonVehicle Group P .O. Box 4013Kalamazoo, MI 49003 USA 800-826-HELP (4357)/roadranger © 2014 EatonAll Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.TRSL2533KW 0614An Inventive T ransmission DesignThe Eaton Fuller Advantagetransmission features “precision lubrication” technology thatreduces churning losses, further enhancing fuel economy.Precision lubrication technology also eliminates the need for a cooler in most applications,which reduces weight as well as increases reliability.The elimination of the cooler, together with extensive use of aluminum on select compo-nents, all adds up to an82-pound [37 kg] weight savings versus the UltraShift® PLUS LAS base model.Helps Make Every Driver Perform Like Y our BestThis powertrain package makes it easier for training new drivers. It’s easy to drive with smooth, automated shifting. Y our drivers concentrate on the road and traffic ahead, not shifting. There’s less driver fatigue and fewer clutch-related and shifting related wear issues. Plus, this powertrain includes a Hill Start Aid that helps prevent rollbacks. This reduces risk and simplifies operation for both inexperienced and experienced drivers.Warranty for the Long Haul The PACCAR MX-13 base warranty coverage is 2 years/ 250,000 miles (402,336 km). Several extended coverage plans are available.Check with your Kenworth dealer for details.The Fuller Advantage Series transmission is warranted in linehaul applications for 5years/750,000 miles (1,200,000 km) when using PS-164 Rev 7 oil. Extended protection plans are also available. All backed by Roadranger support. For warranty details, see Eaton warranty guide TCWY0900 on /warranty. Application Guidelines• All truck orders require application approval • Canadian and U.S. linehaul and regional haul trucks only • Max GCW at launch is 80,000 lbs [36,287 kg]•Engine cruise speeds of 1150 RPM or higher at the fleet's intended cruise speed •Axle consistent with intended cruise speed (2.64 – 2.93 typical)All other current automated transmission guidelines remain the same as published in TRAG2600.Specifications Power Take-Offs:•2 SAE standard openings • Right side, regular duty, 6-bolt. Bottom, heavy-duty, 8-boltPTO Drive Gears:• Right: 6 bolt; 45-tooth; 6/8 pitch gear. Left: 8 bolt; 47-tooth; 6/8 pitch gear turn at.79 engine speedOil Capacity:• Approx. 16 pints [7.57 liters]Transmission Controller:• Current Gen 3POWER PEAK TORQUE MODEL HP (KW) LB-FT [NM] @RPMEaton FAO-16810S-EP3PACCAR MX-13 455 455[339] 1650 [2237] @ 1000 PACCAR MX-13 485 485 [360] 1650 [2237] @ 1000Eaton FAOM-15810S-EP3* PACCAR MX-13 430 430 [321] 1550/1750 [2102/2373] @ 1000 PACCAR MX-13 455455 [339]1550/1750 [2102/2373] @ 1000Precision lubrication system eliminates the oil cooler for most applicationsand improves transmission efficiency.Ratios and Steps GEARRATIO% STEP*+200 lb-ft. [271 Nm] in top two gearsRECOMMENDED RPM BAND @ CRUISE SPEED1150-1300 RPM。