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1.性质形容词(qualitative adjective)
2)有级的变化。hot(热的), short(短的),poor(贫穷的),cold(冷的),good(好的),rich(富有的),long(长的),bad(坏的)
2.关系形容词(relative adjective)

【例】the first beautiful little white Chinese stone bridge 中国第一座美丽的、白色的小石桥
a short young Japanese businessman 一个年轻的、矮个的日本商人
【例】This film is very interesting. 这部电影很有趣。She looks younger than her age. 她看上去比她的年龄小。(3)形容词作宾语补足语。
【例】We painted the wall white. 我们把墙刷成白色。
His coming made us happy. 他的到来使我们高兴。
Lucy came to the party, happy and cheerful. 露希兴高采烈来参加聚会。
Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear. 克鲁索凝视着脚印,心里充满恐惧。
He is a good boy. 他是个好孩子。
Mary is an honest, hardworking girl.
My mother has just bought two wooden chairs.
That is a new house. 那是一幢新房子。
That house is new. 那幢房子是新的。
I am very glad to see you. 见到你很高兴。
Bill has fallen asleep. 比尔睡着了。
We keep our classroom clean and tidy. 我们经常保持教室的整洁。
Have you got everything ready for the journey? 你的行装都准备好了吗?
I thought him very clever. 我曾认为他很聪明。
That boiler makes the water hot. 那个锅炉是用来烧水的。

The blind are taught how to do the work. 教盲人如何做这项工作。
Nurses are required to look after the sick and the old. 护士的工作是照料老人和病人。(句中 the sick, the old的相当于 the sick people或 those who are sick, the old people或 those who are old.)
the English(英国人),the Irish(爱尔兰人),the French(法国人),the Chinese(中国人)等,相当于 the English people, the Irish people, the French people,the Chinese people
the Germans(德国人),the Italians(意大利人),the Americans(美国人),the Indians(印度人)等。
The good in him outweighs the bad. 他的优点多于缺点。
He tries to find the good, the beautiful and the true in the world. 他努力发现这个世界上的真、善、美。



Tom is as tall as Mike. 汤姆和麦克一样高。
The horse is five times as heavy as the sheep. 这匹马是那只羊的五倍重。
There are as many students in our school as yours. 我们学校和你们学校有一样多的学生。
(2)否定形式用not as+形容词原形+as或not so+形容
Tom is not as tall as Mike. 汤姆和麦克不一样高。
(含义是: Tom is taller or shorter than Mike.)
Tom is not so tall as Mike. 汤姆不如麦克高。
(含义是: Tom is shorter than Mike. )
(3)…so+ 形容词原级+that从句,为结果状语从句,意为:如此……以致……。
He is so big that he can't enter the room by the door. 他块头太大,以致不能从这个门进屋。
(4)“… too+原级+to do sth.”表示:……太……,而不能……。
He is too young to join the army. 他年龄太小,不能参军。
(5)“形容词原级+ enough to do sth. ”表示:……足可以
This truck is powerful enough to carry 50 tons. 这辆卡车很有劲,足可运50吨货物。
the poor = poor people穷人
the rich =rich

people 富人
the dead = dead people 死人
the wounded = wounded people伤员
Your school is (three times) larger than theirs. 你们学校比他们的大(三倍)。
This bridge is 300 meters longer than that one. 这座大桥比那座长300米。
(2)表示两者之间的选择,可使用“Which is+ 比较级,…or…?”
Which is longer, this one or that? 这个和那个,哪个比较长?
This park is less beautiful than that one. 这家公园不如那家美。
The smaller the house, the less it will cost us to heat. 房间越小,取暖的费用越少。
Tom is no better than john. =Tom is as bad as John. 汤姆并不比约翰强。= 汤姆和约翰一样孬。
In spring, the days are getting longer and longer. 在春天,天变得越来越长。
(1)“…one of the+最高级+名词复数”表示“其中之一”。
Lao She is one of the greatest playwrights this century. 老舍是本世纪最伟大的剧作家之一。
(2)“…最高级+of (in)…”表不“在……中,最……”。
Of all the movie stars, I like Clark Gable the best. 所有的影星中,我最喜欢克拉克.嘉宝。
Li Ming is the best singer in our school. 李明是我校唱歌唱得最好的歌手。
(3)“This is/ was the最高级+名词+that定语从句”。
This is the worst film that I have seen for years. 这是几年来,我看过最糟糕的电影。





a blue and white flag 一面蓝白相间的旗帜
a red, blue and white flag 一面红蓝白相间的旗帜


a round brown wooden table(木桌)
a useful round iron box(铁盒)
a famous Chinese medical school(医学院)
a valuable old Indian writing desk(写字台)
an expensive Japanese sports car(赛车)
a charming small round old brown French oak writing desk
something cheap 一些便宜的东西
anything interesting 任何有趣的东西
nothing wrong 没有错误
everybody present 每个在场的人
The book (that is) similar to Jenny's belongs to Bill. 那本书是比尔的,和詹尼的非常相似。
The girls (who are) easiest to teach were in my class. 那些非常好教的女孩在我班。
They have a house (which is) larger than yours.
Anyone (who is) intelligent can do it. 任何聪明人都能做。
The young man, (who was) nervous, opened the door. 那个年轻人打开了门,他很紧张。

①He was absent from(缺席)the class yesterday. 他昨天没来上课。
② I am not yet accustomed(习惯) to the climate here. 我还不习惯这儿的气候。
③John is good at swimming. 约翰擅长游泳。
④Judy is very proud of her English. 朱迪对她英语好感到很自豪。
⑤Don't be afraid of examinations. 不要害怕考试。
⑥I am weak in math. 我数学不好。
⑦She feels quite ashamed of(惭愧)playing so badly. 弹得不好,她感到很惭愧。
⑧We were surprised at his behavior. 我们对他的行为感到很惊讶。
⑨We should not be blind to(视而不见) the beauties of nature. 我们不能对大自然之美无动于衷。
⑩He felt confident of passing the examination. 他相信自己能通过考试。
(11)They are dependent on my help. 他们依靠我的帮助。
(12)Jane is quite equal to Bill in brains. 珍妮的智力和比尔的相当。
(13)His work is worthy of(值得)praise. 他的工作值得表扬。
(14)Your writing is very ture to life(忠于生活,逼真).你的作品忠实于生活。
(15)She is tired of doing her homework. 她对写作业感到很厌倦。
(16)I've never felt surer of success. 我从未像现在这样对成功充满了信心。
(17)Tom was busy with his homework. 汤姆忙着写作业。
(18)Time is very dear(宝贵的)to him. 时间对他来说很宝贵。
(19)She is very experienced in teaching English. 她英语教学的经验很丰富。
(20)The city is famous for its castles(城堡). 该城市以其城堡而著名。
(21)Her work is inferior to(不及)his. 她的工作没有他的好。
(22)His work is superior to(胜过)hers. 他的工作比她的好。
(23)Your parents are worried about you all the time.
①She is clever to work hard. =It is clever of her to work hard. 她工作努力是很明智的。
②He is impossible to teach. =It is impossible to teach him. 不能教他。
③The old lady was disappointed to hear about the news. =To hear about the news disappointed
the old lady. 听到这个消息,老太太很失望。
④She is eager to learn. =She is a keen student.
①I'm sure (that) we'll succeed.
②I'm glad (that) you like it.
③I'm surprised (to learn that) he didn't come.
④He is confident (that) he will be able to pass the exam.
具有类似用法的形容词还有 proud, sad, alarmed,disappointed, happy, pleased, sorry等。这类形容词+that从句结构有时可以和形容词+介词词组结构替换,有时也可以和形容词+不定式结构替换。例如:
I'm sure that you will get success.

=You are sure of success.
I was sorry that I had to leave so early. =I was sorry to have to leave so early.
1)以前缀a-开头的形容词,如:alike, alive, alone, asleep, awake等只能做表语。例如:
The baby is asleep. 婴儿睡着呢。
The two boys look alike. 这两个男孩长得很像。
his left foot 他的左脚
my elder sister 我的姐姐(或妹妹)
the upper room 楼上的房间
a wooden table 一张木制的桌子
英语形容词比较等级(degrees of comparison)一般有两个,即比较级(comparative degree)和最高级(superlative degree)。平常所见的形容词通常为原级(positive degree)。
“形容词+后缀er”或“单词more+形容词”。它的最高级形式是:“形容词+后缀 est”或“单词 most+形容词”。形容词比较等级的形式变化如下:


interesting difficult
less interesting less difficult
least interesting least difficult
Mary is older than Judy.
玛丽比朱迪年龄大。(从句中省去 is old)
There are more students in this school than in that school. 这个学校的学生比那个学校多。(从句中省去了there are students)
The climate of Dalian is better than that of Wuhan.
Of the three students, he is the cleverest. 三名学生中,他是最聪明的。
This is the best film (that) I have ever seen. 这是我所看过的最好的电影。(that在口语一般省略)
Kunming is the most beautiful place (that) I have ever visited.
This story is the most interesting (that) I have ever heard. 这是我所听过的故事中最有趣的一个。
1.How beautifully she sings! I have never heard ______ .(’ 96)
A. the better voice B. a good voice C. the best voice D. a better voice
2.If there were no examinations, we should have at school. (’94)
A. the happiest time B. a more happier time

C. much happiest time D. a much happier time
3.With the help of the German experts, the factory produced ______ cars in 1993 as the year before.(’ 94)
A. as twice many B. as many as twice C. as twice as many D. twice as many
4.“If you don't like the red coat, take the blue one.”
“OK, but do you have ______ size in blue? This one's a bit tight for me.”(’93)
A.a big B.a bigger C. the big D. the bigger
5.“Mum, I think I'm ______ to get back to school.”
“Not really, my dear. You'd better stay at home for another day or two.”(93)
A. so well B. so good C.well enough D.good enough
6.Which is country, Canada or Australia? (’92)
A.a large B.the larger C. a larger D. larger
7.“How did you find your visit to the museum?”
“I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was ______ than I expected.”(’91)
A. far more interesting B. even much interesting C.so more interesting D. a lot much interesting
8.The pianos in the other shops will be ______ , but ______ .(’ 90)
A.cheaper; not as better B.more cheap; not as better C.cheaper; not as good D.more cheap; not as good
9.If we had followed his plan, we could have done the job better with ______ money and ______ people. A.less; less B.fewer; fewer C.less; fewer D.fewer; less
1.Have you finished your homework? This lesson is ______ than the last one.
A.more easier B. more easy
C.very easier D. much easier
2. He's ______ his sister.
A.much taller than
B.much taller that
C.much more tall than
D.much more tall that
3.He looks ______ than she is.
A.more young B.more younger
C.much younger D.very younger
4. ______ the worse I seem to feel.
A. When I take more medicine
B. The more medicine I take
C. Taking more of the medicine
D. More medicine taken
5.Tuition(学费) at an American university runs ______ one thousand dollars a term.
A. so high as B. as high to
C. as high as D. as high than
6.You are ______ able to do it than I am.
A. better B.much
C. more D. rather
7.Light travels ______ than sound.
A.too fast B.much fast
C. very faster D.much faster
8.Of the two toys, the child chose ______ .
A. the less expensive one
B. the one most expensive
C.the least expensive
D. the most expensive of them
9.Every year, when the cherry blossoms are at ______ ,a festival is held.
A.one's best B.its best
C. their best

D. best
10.Which do you think ______ , wealth or health?
A. better B. the better
C.best D.the best
11. Which do you like ______ , coffee, tea or water?
A. the best B. better
C.best D.the better
12.He wasn't ______ to lift the case.
A.too strong B.enough strong
C.strong enough D.so strong
13.His income is ______ that he cannot support his family.
A. so small B. so much
C.such good D.such large
14.Mr.Wilson was ______ for an hour before dinner.
A. so tired that he lay down
B. enough tired to lie down
C.too tired to lay down
D.very tired, so he laid down
15.I've never seen ______ before.
A. so beautiful sunset
B. such a beautiful sunset
C. such beautiful sunset
D. as beautiful sunset

1. On Sundays the shops in the middle of the city ______ people.
A. are always full of
B. always full with
C. always fill with
D. are always filled with
2. The meat has got burnt. It tastes ______ .
A.well B.good
C.nice D.bad
3.I can't find ______ in this magazine.
A.any interesting thing
B.anything interesting
C. nothing interesting
D. something interesting
4.My friends were all ______ when I passed the exam.
A. happy B. happiest
C.happier D. happily
5.Oh, we were late. It was getting ______ .
A. latter B.lately
C. later D.latest
6. ______ can be done by the wise.
A.Good everything B.Everything good
C.A good everything D.Every thing good
7.I find English spelling ______ .
A.to be difficult B.difficult
C.the difficult D.that it's difficult
8.These books are not ______ to publish.
A.enough interesting B.interesting enough
C.too interesting D.so interesting
9.The cakes he made looked ______ , but they tasted ______ .
A.bad, good B. well, good
C. bad, well D. well, bad
10.This town has ______ bridge.
A. a stone old fine
B. an old stone fine
C. a fine old stone
D. an old fine stone
11. She has ______ car.
A. a beautiful new American
B. a new American beautiful
C. a new beautiful American
D.an American beautiful new20
12.How ______ is your house from here?
A. long B. far
C.much far D. long way
13.This isn't ______ film I have ever seen.
A. better B. good
C.the best D.best
14.It is ______ impossible to solve the problem in this way.

A. most B. much
C. very D. quite
15.Price for bikes at that store can run ______ $ 100.
A.as high as B. as highly as
C.so high as D.so high as
16.The Yellow River is the second ______ river in China.
A. long B. longer
C.longest D.the longer
17.Of all the boys he sang ______ .
A. better B. much better
C.best D.very well
18.Who is ______ of you three?
A. older B. older
C. eldest D. the oldest
19. Of all the apples in the basket, this one is ______ .
A. red B. redder
C. the reddest D. more redder
20. I am the ______ of the two children in our family.
A. tallest B. taller
C. tall D. the most tallest

1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C
6.B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C
11.A 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A
16.C 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.B
1.A 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B
6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B
11.C 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.D
