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1. The teacher asked me _______ I hadn’t done my homework.

A. how

B. what

C. why

D. if

2. ----I don’t know ______ she is.

----Her mother says she is much better these days.

A. who

B. how

C. what

D. where

3. ----Are you sure you have to? It’s been very late.

----I don’t know ______ I can do it if not now.

A. where

B. why

C. when

D. how

4. Would you please tell me ________?

A. when did he come home

B. where he would play football

C. if he had seen the film

D. why he didn’t watch the game

5. ----We don’t know ______. ----It is said that he was born in Sweden.

A. what he is

B. if he lives here

C. where he comes from

D. which country is he from

6. ----Do you know when the World Cup ______ next week?

----Next Friday. When it _______ , I’ll ring you.

A. begins; begins

B. begins; will begin

C. will begin; will begin

D. will begin; begins

7. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 _____ Christmas Day.

A. is

B. was

C. has been

D. will be

8. ----Is that a boy swimming in the lake? ----I can’t find out _______.

A. if it’s a boy and a girl

B. that it’s a boy or a girl

C. whether it’s a boy or a girl

D. if he is a gi rl or not

9. An expert once said that humans _______ have serious problems in

the future if they ______ treat animals well.

A. would; didn’t

B. would; wouldn’t

C. will; don’t

D. will; won’t

10.----Can you tell me ________ English at home?

----Listen to the English programme and do a lot of reading.

A. how to read

B. how to learn

C. when to use

D. where to use


1. Who will give us a talk? I don’t know.

2. Do you know?Where does he live?

3. Have you decided ? When will you leave for Australia?

4. Can you tell me ? Where does Tom live

5. The old man asked me. D on’t play on the road.

6. I wonder. How much do these shoes cost

7. She asked me . Look at the map?

8. Mother told me . go to bed

9. I don’t know. What time does the movie start?

10. The doctor asked me . How long have I been ill?

1 / 3

11. Do you know ? Whose pen is this ?

12. teacher tell me listen to the tape?

13. They want to know. Why is the boy crying ?

14. Could you tell me? Where did you go yesterday?

15. Does he know ? W hat’s your name?

16. Do you know? Which floor does he live on ?

17. When does the train arrive? Please tell me.

18. Don’t play fire. Bob said to the children.

19. Please try to speak English as soon as possible.

The teacher says to the students.

20.We knew the sun is much bigger than the moon

21.I hear . He will be back in an hour

22. He said . He missed us very much

23. The teacher said to us . The earth moves around the sun

24. The teacher says . we’ll have exams next Friday.

25.The girl says . She can help him.

26. The races were not that interesting to watch.. Bill thinks .

27.The Water Festival is really fun. I know .

28.She said . She will come and she will also bring her son.

29.He told me Summer is after Spring

三、按要求变换下列各题,每空一词。1. Tom's father saw that he was sitting on some eggs. (改为简单句) Tom's father saw ______ ______ on some eggs.

2. He agreed that he could help me with my English. (改为简单句) He agreed ______ ______ me with my English.

3. The old lady found out where she could buy fruit cheaply. (简单句) The old lady found out ______ ______ ______ fruit cheaply.

4. He won't come tonight. I think. (改为复合句)

I______ ______ (that) he ______ ______ tonight.

5. Does Jenny like dancing? Can you tell me? (改为复合句)

Can you tell me ________ Jenny ________ dancing?

6. When does the train arrive? Please tell me. (改为复合句)

Please tell me ______ ______ ______ ______.

8. Alice didn’t know how she could draw horses well. (改为同义句) Alice didn’t know how ______ ______ horses well.

9.“I am very glad to visit your school”, she said.

She said _____ _____very glad to visit our school.

10. Tom said, “We are listening to the pop music. ”

Tom said ____ _____ ______listening to the pop music.

11. Mother asked, “Have you f inished your homework before you watch TV?”

Mother asked me _____ ___ ____finished my homework before I watched TV.

12. He asked the conductor, “Where shall I get off to change to a No. 3
