Fujitsu 小型机配置文档手册




FujitsuDX100S3配置⽅案Fujitsu DX100S3配置⽅案存储配置新建欢迎来到 来到⼤浪涛天的博客 !Fujitsu DX100S3配置⽅案操作背景:1. 操作背景:1.⼴州市天河区建中路联通机房3台DX100S3存储安装调试。


2. 配置要求:中兴同事要求存储分别取名为NFS1,NFS2,NFS3,分别对应3套NFS双机,其中NFS3还需要对应OMM双机。



3. 其他要求:NFS1存储管理ip设置为222.88.30.109NFS2存储管理ip设置为222.88.30.110NFS3存储管理ip设置为222.88.30.1114. 操作步骤:4.1 存储调试⼈员安排姓名单位⼯作职责联系⽅式欧阳涛富⼠通(中国)信息系统有限公司存储端配置4.2 存储与主机HBA卡对应关系4.3 NFS1存储端配置设置管理ipset network -port maintenance -master-ip -netmask -gateway设置热备盘set global-spare -disks 0020,0021,0022,0023设置raidcreate raid-group -name RAID0 -disks 000-009 -level 10create raid-group -name RAID1 -disks 010-019 -level 10设置volumecreate volume -rg-name RAID0 -name vol-nfs1-1 -size 2tb -Type opencreate volume -rg-name RAID0 -name vol-nfs1-2 -size 2tb -Type opencreate volume -rg-name RAID1 -name vol-nfs1-3 -size 2tb -Type opencreate volume -rg-name RAID1 -name vol-nfs1-4 -size 2tb -Type open创建主机HBA卡别名create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e39c9f -name nfs1-1-1create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e39c9e -name nfs1-1-2create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e859a5 -name nfs1-2-1create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e859a4 -name nfs1-2-2创建主机组create host-group -name nfs1 -host-type fc -host-number 0,1,2,3创建lun组create affinity-group -name lun-nfs1 -volume-number 0-3 -lun 0-3创建端⼝组create port-group -name PG001 -port 000,001,100,101对主机进⾏映射set host-affinity -port-group-name PG001 -ag-name lun-nfs1 -host-group-name nfs14.4 NFS1-1主机和NFS1-2主机多路径软件安装系统侧进⾏依赖包检查:# rpm -qi gcc# rpm -qi kernel-source# rpm -qi make# rpm -qi kernel-default-devel上传MPD软件包挂载MPD包mount –o loop MPDV2.0L25_20131016.iso /mnt安装多路径包cd /mnt./mpdpkgaddProgressingPreparing... ########################################### [100%]1:FJSVmd_se-doc ########################################### [ 50%]2:FJSVmpd_se ########################################### [100%]重启主机shutdown –r now4.5 检测确认配置是否正常检查确认NFS1-1主机和NFS1-2主机是否均存在新增的4个卷,如存在则NFS1存储操作正常完成4.6 NFS2存储端配置设置管理ipset network -port maintenance -master-ip -netmask -gateway设置热备盘set global-spare -disks 0020,0021,0022,0023设置raidcreate raid-group -name RAID0 -disks 000-009 -level 10create raid-group -name RAID1 -disks 010-019 -level 10设置volumecreate volume -rg-name RAID0 -name vol-nfs2-1 -size 2tb -Type opencreate volume -rg-name RAID0 -name vol-nfs2-2 -size 2tb -Type opencreate volume -rg-name RAID1 -name vol-nfs2-3 -size 2tb -Type opencreate volume -rg-name RAID1 -name vol-nfs2-4 -size 2tb -Type open创建主机HBA卡别名create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e39c9f -name nfs2-1-1create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e39c9e -name nfs2-1-2create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e859a5 -name nfs2-2-1create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e859a4 -name nfs2-2-2创建主机组create host-group -name nfs2 -host-type fc -host-number 0,1,2,3创建lun组create affinity-group -name lun-nfs2 -volume-number 0-3 -lun 0-3创建端⼝组create port-group -name PG001 -port 000,001,100,101对主机进⾏映射set host-affinity -port-group-name PG001 -ag-name lun-nfs2 -host-group-name nfs24.7 NFS2-1主机和NFS2-2主机多路径软件安装:依赖包检查:#rpm -qi gcc# rpm -qi kernel-source# rpm -qi make# rpm -qi kernel-default-devel上传MPD软件包挂载MPD包mount –o loop MPDV2.0L25_20131016.iso /mnt安装多路径包cd /mnt./mpdpkgaddProgressingPreparing... ########################################### [100%]1:FJSVmpd_se-doc ########################################### [ 50%]2:FJSVmpd_se ########################################### [100%]重启主机shutdown –r now4.8 检查确认存储是否配置正常检查确认NFS2-1主机和NFS2-2主机是否均存在新增的4个卷,如存在则NFS2存储操作正常完成4.9 NFS3存储端配置设置管理ipset network -port maintenance -master-ip -netmask -gateway设置热备盘set global-spare -disks 0020,0021,0022,0023设置raidcreate raid-group -name RAID0 -disks 000-007 -level 10create raid-group -name RAID1 -disks 008-017 -level 10create raid-group -name RAID2 -disks 018-019 -level 1设置卷create volume -rg-name RAID0 -name vol-nfs3-1 -size 2tb -Type opencreate volume -rg-name RAID0 -name vol-nfs3-2 -size 2tb -Type opencreate volume -rg-name RAID1 -name vol-nfs3-3 -size 1678336mb -Type opencreate volume -rg-name RAID1 -name vol-nfs3-4 -size 1678336mb -Type opencreate volume -rg-name RAID2 -name vol-OMM -size 839168 -Type open创建主机HBA卡别名create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e85999-name nfs3-1-1create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e85998-name nfs3-1-2create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e859ad-name nfs3-2-1create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e859ac-name nfs3-2-2create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e859a9-name OMM1-1create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e859a8-name OMM1-2create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e85a71-name OMM2-1create host-wwn-name -wwn 10000c1262e85a70-name OMM2-2创建主机组create host-group -host-group-name nfs3 -host-number 0,1,2,3create host-group -host-group-name OMM -host-number 4,5,6,7创建lun组create affinity-group -name lun-nfs3 -volume-number 0-3 -lun 0-3create affinity-group -name lun-OMM -volume-number 4 -lun 4创建端⼝组create port-group -name port-nfs3 -port 000,001,100,101create port-group -name port-omm -port 010,011,110,111对主机进⾏映射set host-affinity -port-group-name port-nfs3 -ag-name lun-nfs3 -host-group-name nfs3set host-affinity -port-group-name port-omm -ag-name lun-OMM -host-group-name OMM4.10 NFS3-1主机,NFS3-2及OMM1和OMM2主机多路径软件安装依赖包检查:#rpm -qi gcc# rpm -qi kernel-source# rpm -qi make# rpm -qi kernel-default-devel上传MPD软件包挂载MPD包mount –o loop MPDV2.0L25_20131016.iso /mnt安装多路径包cd /mnt./mpdpkgaddProgressingPreparing... ########################################### [100%]1:FJSVmpd_se-doc ########################################### [ 50%]2:FJSVmpd_se ########################################### [100%]重启主机shutdown –r now4.11 检查确认存储配置是否正常检查确认NFS3-1主机和NFS3-2主机是否均存在新增的4个卷,OMM-1和OMM-2主机是否新增1个卷,如存在则NFS3存储操作正常完成5. 收集⽇志分别对3台存储进⾏⽇志收集。

FUJITSU Software BS2000 SHC-OSD V13.0 数据手册说明书

FUJITSU Software BS2000 SHC-OSD V13.0 数据手册说明书

DatasheetFUJITSU Software BS2000 SHC-OSD V13.0Storage Host Component for BS2000Storage management for BS2000The SHC-OSD software product is the storage host component for the management of the main functions of the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX and ETERNUS AF systems respectively EMC storage systems. It provides commands and information services for controlling the replication functions Equivalent Copy, QuickOPC, Remote Equivalent Copy (synchronous and asynchronous) and SnapOPC+ of the ETERNUS AF/DX storage systems and supports the ETERNUS SF functionalities Storage Cluster Options, Advanced Storage Tiering and Thin Provisioning. It also provides information services and commands for controlling the functions SRDF® (Symmetrix® Remote Data Facility) and TimeFinder® and supports Virtual Provisioning.SHC-OSD allows the use and control of functions for local and remote replication of storage systems via BS2000 command interfaces. Control of these mirroring functions can be integrated into procedures. This results in a high level of automation and reliable processing in critical operating situations.®'Symmetrix', 'SRDF' and 'TimeFinder' are trademarks of EMC CorporationETERNUS DX FunctionsInformation FunctionA global Show function provides selected information about the configuration, of the ETERNUS DX, external ports and Snap Device and Thin pools. The device-specific Show function provides information about device names, device type, status, RAID mode, volume size, etc. The Show functions to the mirrored pairs allow the user to call up information about the status of local clone pairs and remote mirrored volumes. A Snap Show function displays the current processing status of snap pairs.This functionality is not restricted to the volumes defined on the local BS2000 system. That means, for example, that volumes of multiple VM2000 or other systems as well as remote volumes can be controlled centrally from one BS2000 system without the need for additional I/O paths (particularly relevant with mirroring over long distances).In addition to the information output at the interactive interface, information is also set in S variables.Monitor FunctionSHC-OSD provides for ETERNUS DX systems a monitoring function for the storage subsystem and for individual volumes, also with regard to active data mirroring. When status changes are detected, descriptive messages are output to the console, enabling manual or automatic responses to be made.Local mirroring with Equivalent Copy (EC)Equivalent Copy (EC) provides local, continuous mirroring on a volume basis with separable mirrors. A local mirror volume of identical size is allocated to an original volume and after initial synchronization is also carried as a mirror. The copy, referred to as clone unit, is available directly after its activation. Together, the original and clone unit form the clone pair, which is administrated via Equivalent Copy. Equivalent Copy is integrated in the HSMS Concurrent Copy function, i.e. backup data can be read from split-off Clone units.Local mirroring with QuickOPCQuickOPC is a local replication function comparable to EC. A local mirror volume of the same size, called Clone-Unit, is also assigned to an original volume. QuickOPC creates consistent copies of the original data on another volume, which are active immediately after creation and directly accessible by the server.A new status of the originals can be updated to the clone units at any time. The Clone Units are then available directly with the new status. QuickOPC is integrated into the HSMS function Concurrent Copy, that means that the backup data can be read by split clone unitsLocal Snapshots with SnapOPC+The function SnapOPC+ of ETERNUS DX storage systems offers the possibility to create one or multiple snapshots of a logical unit on base of ‘copy-on-first-write’. The snapshot, which is also called a snap unit, is a logical copy of the original unit at a specific point in time. Whereas the data on the original unit is subsequently changed, the snap unit retains the state of the data at the time the snapshot was created. Starting from SHC-OSD V13.0 the functionality of SnapOPC+ for ETERNUS DX from S3 / ETERNUS AF becomes more flexible. Any Thin volumes and / or AST volumes can be used as snap-units. Synchronous remote mirroring with Remote Equivalent Copy (REC) It supports mirroring on a volume basis with separable mirrors between 2 or more ETERNUS DX systems. A mirror volume of identical size is allocated to a local original volume in the remote ETERNUS DX and after initial synchronization is also carried as a mirror. A maximum of 4 simultaneous REC mirrors are supported by SHC-OSD for one original (concurrent remote copy).Asynchronous remote mirroring with Remote Equivalent CopySHC-OSD supports the asynchronous Remote Replication for disaster recovery scenarios for ETERNUS DX as of S3. Two different modes are available for the user:In addition to a Consistency Mode, that ensures consistency in the remote storage system, a Stack Mode with delayed transmission for example for migration purposes is also supported.The administration of asynchronous REC pairs is carried out via SHC-OSD commands and information functions.Cascaded and Concurrent Remote CopyThe functions Cascaded and Concurrent Remote Copy form the basis for combined HA/DR configurations and offer a significant extension of the configuration options.With Cascaded Remote Copy the target unit of a synchronous REC pair is simultaneously also the source unit of a cascaded remote copy replication (synchronous or asynchronous) on a further target unit via remote connection. Concurrent Remote Copy describes the simultaneous mirroring (synchronous or asynchronous) on multiple target units. Cascaded REC and Concurrent REC including the asynchronous remote replication are supported for ETERNUS DX S3. Thin ProvisioningThin provisioning helps to avoid unused, cost-intensive memory and to improve performance. It is based on Thin Provisioned Volumes (TPV), i.e. volumes which are configured from a server point of view with a capacity that is larger than its actually existing capacity and Thin Provisioned Pools (TPP), i.e. pre-defined pools of physical disks for the provision of physical storage space. From a server point of view, a TPV does not differ from a normal volume.SHC-OSD supports Thin Provisioning with the information and monitoring functions and so enables the operator to use this highly modern functionality for BS2000 applications in a safe and integrated way.TopicsAutomated Storage TieringThe Automated Storage Tiering functionality automatically moves the storage resources between different storage tiers (SSD, SAS, NL-SAS) within one ETERNUS and offers at any time optional performance and resource utilization also on changing performance requirements. The definition of the pools/volumes and the administration of policies is carried out via ETERNUS SF. SHC-OSD integrates the Automated Storage Tiering for BS2000 by providing information and monitoring functions for monitoring the AST volumes and pools and by active management of replication functions (EC, QuickOPC, REC, SnapOPC+). Storage Cluster OptionsThe Storage Cluster Option (SCO) combines two ETERNUS AF/DX storage systems to a failsafe storage cluster. SHC-OSD V13.0 supports SCO on ETERNUS DX from S3 and ETERNUS AF with the following functions:■Output of information and monitoring of the storage cluster■Control of the additive replication functions, supported for SCO■Manual failover and failback for Storage ClusterFunctions of EMC storage systemsInformation FunctionThe global Show function provides selected information about the configuration of the storage system. The device-specific Show function provides information about device names, device type, status, RAID mode, volume size, etc.The SRDF Show functions allow the user to call up information about the status of remote mirrored volumes and about SRDF settings. The TimeFinder Show function displays the current processing status of the local mirroring function.This functionality is not restricted to the volumes defined on the local BS2000 system. That means, for example, that volumes of multiple VM2000 or other systems as well as remote volumes (single hop, i.e. only one connection node allowed) can be controlled centrally from one BS2000 system without the need for additional I/O paths (particularly relevant with SRDF over long distances).In addition to the information output at the interactive interface, information is also set in S variables.Monitor FunctionSHC-OSD provides a monitoring function to detect status changes in the configuration and status changes in volumes, TimeFinder and SRDF pairs. When status changes are detected, descriptive messages are output to the console, enabling manual or automatic responses to be made.TimeFinder FunctionsCommands for the TimeFinder functions can control the mirroring of volumes on additional volumes supporting mirroring by TimeFinder Clone, TimeFinder SnapVX™ and TimeFinder Snap.TimeFinder Clone is a flexible, highly functional way to create pointer-based full volume copies of volumes, also usable for volume migration.With the function Cascaded TimeFinder Clone for VMAX, a clone unit can be used simultaneously also as an original for a further TimeFinder Clone mirroring.™'VMAX3' and 'SnapVX' are trademarks of EMC Corporation For VMAX3 TimeFinder Clone is emulated on base of TimeFinder SnapVX.TimeFinder Snap is a flexible, highly functional way to create pointer-based space-saving copies of volumes.TimeFinder Snap is integrated in BS2000 with the Snapset features.TimeFinder SnapVX is the product for data replication for use on VMAX3 /VMAX All Flash. The Snapset functionality of BS2000 on base of TimeFinder SnapVX is also available.SRDF FunctionSHC-OSD can also be used to set and dissolve dynamically remote mirroring. It is differentiated between synchronous (SRDF/S), asynchronous consistent (SRDF/A) and self-adapting modes. Similarly, it is possible to define the response required if errors occur in the remote configuration or in connections to the remote configuration. The functions Concurrent SRDF and Switched SRDF open an additional variety of configuration options and scenarios.With the function ‚Cascaded‘ SRDF a SRDF mirroring can be cascaded, i.e. a SRDF target unit can be simultaneously used as an SRDF source unit for a further SRDF mirroring.Virtual Provisioning (on DMX-4, VMAX-1, VMAX 20k, 40k)Virtual provisioning is based on the option of configuring a large so-called "thin" device (i.e. volume) for a server or application and of making it accessible. Depending on requirements, this thin device uses physical memory from a jointly used "thin pool". Sufficient capacity, which can be dynamically extended, is provided in the thin pool for the applications.SHC-OSD supports Virtual Provisioning and so enables the operator to use this highly modern functionality for BS2000 applications in a safe and integrated way.Virtual Provisioning (on VMAX3)The storage system VMAX3 is completel y ‘virtual provisioned’. The information to virtual provisioning is provided by SHOW commands.ArchitectureETERNUS DXManagement of ETERNUS DX for BS2000 is performed with SHC-OSD via StorMan on an external server with StorMan taking on the encapsulation for the storage systems.On the SE servers the StorMan is integrated on the Management Unit. The SMI-S provider used by StorMan is part of the ETERNUS DX / AF firmware and provides the complete management functionality. StorMan is supplied with SHC-OSD by default. EMC storage systemsSHC-OSD is based on open interface SYMAPI from EMC Corp., available to EMC partners. The SYMAPI server is running on an external server (Windows/Linux) and is controlled remote from BS2000 / SHC-OSD. The SYMAPI client is integrated as POSIX application in SHC-OSD.Technical DetailsRequirementsTechnical Requirements Hardware For ETERNUS AF650 S2 - SE server from SE-SW V6.2For ETERNUS AF650 - SE server from SE-SW V6.2For ETERNUS DX500 S4 / DX600 S4 - SE server from SE-SW V6.2 or S serverFor ETERNUS DX S3 und S2 - SE server from SE-SW V6.1 or S server(ETERNUS DX500 S3 / DX600 S3 and DX8700 S3ETERNUS DX410 S2 / DX440 S2 and DX8700 S2)For StorMan a Windows or Linux Server is required.On SE servers the StorMan of the Management Unit is used; it is integrated inthe SE Manager.On SQ server the StorMan integrated on MARS can be used.For the use of Thin Provisioning or Automated Storage Tiering the ETERNUS SFSW and the ETERNUS DX firmware license Thin Provisioning Feature is required.To use the replication functions for ETERNUS DX S2 storage systems the ETERNUSDX Advanced Copy license is required (hardware license).For EMC storage systems:SE server from SE-SW V6.1 and S serversVMAX3 with HYPERMAX OS 5977 as of SYMAPI V8.4VMAX All Flash with HYPERMAX OS 5977 as of SYMAPI V8.4VMAX 20K, 40K with Enginuity 5876 as of SYMAPI V8.4VMAX-1 with Enginuity 5876 as of SYMAPI V8.4Use of SRDF and TimeFinder functions requires the corresponding firmwarelicenses.Technical Requirements Software OSD/XC V10.0 or higher (for SE server) or OSD/BC V10.0 or higher (for S server)SHC-OSD V13.0B for ETERNUS AF650 S2 and ETERNUS DX S4Use of replication functions on ETERNUS AF/DX requires the installation of theproducts SHC-CM-LR V13.0 and/or SHC-CM-RR V13.0.optional: SDF-P (if S variables are used)Demands on the user Knowledge of BS2000Installation and operationOperating mode Interactive (dialog) and batch modeImplementation language C, SPL, AssemblerUser interface Commands in English, message texts in German/English (optional) Installation By the customer according to the release noticeDocumentation and trainingDocumentation SHC-OSD User guideStorMan User guideTraining See course offer (German)PurchasingConditions This software product can be leased by the customer in accordance with theconditions for the use of software products.Ordering and delivery This software product may be obtained from your local Fujitsu TechnologySolutions GmbH regional office.Products/fts/products/In addition to BS2000, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of other computing products: ■ Storage systems: ETERNUS■ Server: PRIMERGY, PRIMEQUEST, Fujitsu SPARC M10, BS2000 Mainframe■ Client Computing Devices: LIFEBOOK, STYLISTIC, ESPRIMO, FUTRO, CELSIUS ■ Peripherals: Fujitsu Displays, Accessories ■ Software ■ Network Solutions/fts/solutions Infrastructure Solutions are customer offerings created by bringing Fujitsu’sproducts, services and technologies togetherwith those from partners.Industry Solutions are tailored to meet the needs of specific verticals.Business and Technology Solutions provide a variety of technologies developed to tackle specific business issues such as security and sustainability, across many verticals. Services/fts/services/ Application Services support the development, integration, testing,deployment and on-going management of both custom developed and packaged applications.Business Services respond to the challenge of planning, delivering and operating IT in a complex and changing IT environment. Managed Infrastructure Services enable customers to deliver the optimal IT environment to meet their needs.To learn more about BS2000, please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website. /fts/bs2000/global/about/environment/ Fujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues ofenvironmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:/global/about/environment/© 2018 Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries. BS2000 is a trademark or a registered trademark of Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH in Germany and other countries. Othercompany, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.Technical data subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.More informationContactFujitsu Technology Solutions GmbHMies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 8, 80807 München Website: /fts April 30, 2018 EN。

Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220服务器数据手册说明书

Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220服务器数据手册说明书

DATASHEETFUJITSU SPARC ENTERPRISE T5220 SERVERSECURE, HIGH-PERFORMANCE WEB INFRASTRUCTURE: 2U HIGH FUJITSU SPARC ENTERPRISE T5220 HAS SCALABLE STORAGE FOR NET INTENSIVE APPLICATIONS. IT DELIVERS UP TO 64 SIMULTANEOUS COMPUTE THREADS & OVER 4 TERABYTES OF STORAGE.FUJITSU SPARC ENTERPRISE FOR WEB SECURITY, EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCEFujitsu SPARC Enterprise throughput computing servers are the ultimate in Web and front-end business processes. Designed for space efficiency, low power consumption, and maximum compute performance they provide high throughput, energy-saving, and space-saving solutions, in Web server deployment. Built on UltraSPARC T2 or UltraSPARC T2 Plus processors, everything is integrated together on each processor chip to reduce the overall component count. This speeds performance lowers power use and reduces component failure. Add in the no-cost virtualization technology from Logical Domains and Solaris Containers and you have a fully scalable environment for server consolidation. Finish it off with on-chip encryption and 10 Giga-bit Ethernet freeways and they provide the compete environment for secure data processing and lightening fast throughput. SPARC PERFORMANCE MANAGEABILITY ANDRELIABILITYFujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220 delivers up to 64processor threads which can support up to 64separate domains. This means excellent parallelthroughput management and high web traffic control.Fully supported by the top scalability and opennessof the Solaris Operating system, there is the ability tomaximise thread utilization, deliver applicationcapability, and scale across hundreds of platformnodes.Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220 also provides localstorage capability that scales to 2.4 or 4.8 terabytes.This ensures in-Web processes and applicationshave the local growth capacity that will delivermaximum transaction response times.The intrinsic service management in Fujitsu SPARCEnterprise T5220 combined with the SPARChardware architecture and Solaris operating systemenables predictive self-healing and simplerimplementation and operation. In addition, with fewercomponents and a low-power, low-heat design, theoverall incidence of server stress and componentfailure is well below equivalent systems. This furtherincreases operational reliability and reduces the needfor manual intervention. As a result Fujitsu SPARCEnterprise T5220 is a very cost effective and wellengineered system that mostly looks after itself.16 disk model8 disk modelFEATURES AND BENEFITS FLEXIBLE INVESTMENT PROTECTION⏹A range of 4 or 8 core UltraSPARC T2 processors⏹Many growth options by use of Logical domains, Solaris Containers, and space-saving server node addition⏹Able to install up to 8 or 16 internal disk drives ⏹Can choose the performance required at lowest cost of ownership⏹Able to grow the underlying hardware platforms while maximizing the use of all available resources; for best return on investment⏹Excellent growth capacity to keep up with Web application growth and fast transaction performance turn-around requirementsRELIABLE OPERATION⏹A broad range of RAS functions including cache protection mechanisms, thread and core offlining, register protection, cache scrubbing⏹Overall system management and service security from hot swap and redundant disk drives (software and hardware RAID), power supplies, and Fans, system environment monitoring and easy component replacement ⏹Minimizes the possibility of server failure and ensures application continuity by removing, correcting or isolating in-processor faults⏹Lower management and maintenance costs coupled with non-stop system operation.WORLD’S MOST ADVANCE D OS, SOLARIS 10⏹Solaris 10 is pre-installed⏹Supports Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) Solaris Zettabyte File System (ZFS), plus use and process rights management⏹The choice of the world’s most advanced developers ⏹Easy installation and upgrades with Solaris binary compatibility means software investment protection⏹The outstanding diagnostics and secure data handling makes high throughput operations simpler and more secure⏹Able to access the widest range of business applications availableFLEXIBLE INVESTMENT PROTECTIONThe choice of two, four and eight core processors reduces the cost of socket based application licenses as well as allowing more flexible and extensive use of Solaris Containers. High reliability coupled with low operating costs also delivers unrivalled investment protection. Not only will your Fujitsu SPARC EnterpriseT5220 servers have a longer and more useful life but they will also reduce your overall IT spends.The ability to load up to 8 or 16 disk drives also ensures longevity as the system is better able to keep up with Net application growth.Advanced high thread processor technology continues to provide additional performance at lower than average power consumption, less than 2 watts per thread. When used to the maximum in high throughput computing environments you achieve outstanding return on investment. Such low levels of power consumption will also save on cooling costs with high-density rack use in the data center.To ensure that all available performance can be fully used, Logical Domains and Solaris Containers let you quickly and dynamically reconfigure the system to support both existing and new processes concurrently. Fully compatible with all Solaris applications Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220 inter-works will all other Solaris and SPARC Enterprise systems to let you start small and grow as your requirements increase. RELIABLE OPERATIONThe hot swap and component redundancy in all Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise throughput computing servers, coupled with the high RAS functions embodied in UltraSPARC T2 processors, provides Web platform reliability second to none. The result is a stable self sustaining system that works well with all the applications it supports. Error checking and correction systems implemented directly in the hardware not only take the pressure off the OS and applications but it also ensure the platform really manages itself. This means less systems administration and many fewer diagnostic and recovery tasks are required. Once you own a Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise system you will soon forget the operational problems of the past.WORLD’S MOST ADVANCE D OS, SOLARIS 10Every Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise comes pre-installed with the latest Solaris operating system. This ensures the best in binary compatibility with the world’s most important application systems. It’s just one more i mportant factor in ensuring the maximum life of your IT investments. But equally importantly, Solaris is the only OS that has the scalability, security, and diagnostic features to fully and quickly respond if a major application problem occurs. That has directly led to Solaris having one of the world’s largest application portfolios and why it is the development platform of choice for many of the world’s major software developers.TECHNICAL DETAILSPROCESSORProcessor quantity and type 1 x UltraSPARC T2Processor options 1 x UltraSPARC T2 quad-core processor (1.2GHz, 24KB L1 cache on core, 4MB L2 cacheper chip)1 x UltraSPARC T2 eight-core processor (1.4GHz, 24KB L1 cache on core, 4MB L2 cacheper chip)1 x UltraSPARC T2 eight-core processor (1.6GHz, 24KB L1 cache on core, 4MB L2 cacheper chip)MEMORYMemory slots 16 slotsMemory slot type FB-DIMMMemory capacity (min. – max.) 8GB–128GBMemory protection ECCMemory modules 8GB Memory Expansion (4 x 2GB DIMM)16GB Memory Expansion (4 x 4GB DIMM)32GB Memory Expansion (4 x 8GB DIMM)DRIVE BAYSDisk bay configuration 8 disk model 8 x 2.5-inch hot-plug SAS/SATA16 disk model 16 x 2.5-inch hot-plug SAS/SATA (maximum 8 in 16 disk bays for SATA)Disk drives HDD SAS, 146GB, 10,000rpm, 2.5-inchHDD SAS, 300GB, 10,000rpm, 2.5-inchSSD SAS, 32GB, 2.5-inchOptical drive bay configuration 1 x 128mm bayOptical drives CD-RW, DVD+/-RW (8xDVD+/-R, 8xDVD+/-RW, 24CD-R, 24xCD-RW)INTERFACESLAN/Ethernet 4 ports (Gbit/s, RJ45)Serial 1 port (RS232C, DSUB9)USB 4 ports (2 on front, 2 on rear)Service LAN for ILOM 1 port (10/100Mbit/s, RJ45)Service serial for ILOM 1 port (RS232C, RJ45)SLOTSPCI Express 2 x PCI Express (x8, half-height, short)4 x PCI Express (x4, half-height, short)Note XAUI cards can be installed in predetermined PCI Express slotsNote Expandable to 16 slots (PCI Express) when using 1 x External I/O Expansion UnitsCONNECTABLE COMPONENTSSCSI/SAS controller Dual-Channel Ultra320 SCSI Card, PCI ExpressSingle-Channel SAS Card, PCI ExpressFibre channel controller Single-Channel 4 Gbps Fibre Channel Card, PCI ExpressDual-Channel 4 Gbps Fibre Channel Card, PCI ExpressSingle-Channel 8 Gbps Fibre Channel Card, PCI ExpressDual-Channel 8 Gbps Fibre Channel Card, PCI ExpressLAN controller Dual Gigabit Ethernet Card (10/100/1000Base-T), PCI ExpressDual Gigabit Ethernet Card (1000Base-SX), PCI ExpressSingle 10 Gigabit Ethernet Card, (10Gbase-SR), PCI ExpressSingle 10 Gigabit Ethernet Card, (XAUI: 10Gbase-SR/LR)Rack infrastructure Cable Management ArmRack rail kitSUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMSSupported operating systems Solaris 10 8/07 or laterOperating system release link /sparcenterprise/manual/notes/SERVER MANAGEMENTService processor Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM)Supported software Enhanced Support FacilityServer System ManagerVIRTUALISATIONVirtualization features Logical DomainsSolaris ContainersRAS FEATURESProcessor RAS ECC protection for L2 cache and registers, Thread and core offlining Redundant components Hard disk drive redundant by software RAID and hardware RAID(RAID1)Solid state drive redundant by software RAIDFanPCI card (multi-path configuration)Power supply unit,Power systemHot-swap components Hard disk drive hot-replaceable by software RAID and hardware RAID(RAID1)Solid state drive hot-replaceable by software RAIDFanPower supply unit,Degradation features Dynamic degradation Processor (core)MemoryHard disk drive dynamic-degraded by software and hardware RAIDSolid state drive dynamic-degraded by software and hardware RAIDStatic degradation Processor (core)MemoryHard disk drive static-degraded by software and hardware RAIDSolid state drive static-degraded by software RAIDDIMENSIONS / WEIGHTRack-mount (W x D x H) 425 x 714 x 88 mm; 2U16.8 x 28.1 x 3.5 inches ; 2UWeight 25 kg (55 lb.)ENVIRONMENTSound pressure (LpAm) 63 dB (A)Operating ambient temperature 5–35°C (depending on altitude)Operating relative humidity 10–90%Operating altitude 0–3,000 mELECTRICAL VALUES AC POWER DC POWERRated voltage range AC 100–240V +/- 10% DC -48 V, DC -60VRated frequency range 50/60 Hz -Active power max. 8 disk model 845W 789W16 disk model 939W 877WApparent power max. 8 disk model 890VA -16 disk model 989VA -Heat emission 8 disk model 3,040 kJ/h 2,840 kJ/h16 disk model 3,379 kJ/h 3,156 kJ/hCOMPLIANCEEurope CERoHSRussia GOST-RUSA/Canada FCCICES-003UL/cULUL/DEMKOLVDUL/S-markJapan VCCIChina CCCChinese RoHSKorea MICTaiwan BSMIAustralia C-tickCompliance notes There is general compliance with the safety requirements of major countries. Nationalapprovals required in order to satisfy statutory regulations or for other reasons can beapplied for on request.WARRANTY AND SUPPORT SERVICESService link /supportIn addition to Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220, Fujitsu provides a range of platform solutions. They combine reliable Fujitsu products with the best in services, know-how and worldwide partnerships.Dynamic InfrastructuresWith the Fujitsu Dynamic Infrastructures approach, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of IT products,solutions and services, ranging from clients to datacenter solutions, Managed Infrastructure and Infrastructure-as-a-Service. How much you benefit from Fujitsu technologies and services depends on the level of cooperation you choose. This takes IT flexibility and efficiency to the next level.Computing Products/global/services/computing/ - PRIMERGY: Industrial standard server - SPARC Enterprise: UNIX server- PRIMEQUEST: Mission-critical IA server - ETERNUS: Storage system - BS2000/OSD: Mainframe - GS21: Mainframe - ESPRIMO: Desktop PC - LIFEBOOK: Notebook PC - CELSIUS: WorkstationSoftware/software/- Interstage: Application infrastructure software - Systemwalker: System management software - Symfoware: Database software - PRIMECLUSTER: Clustering software - GLOVIA: ERP solutionLearn more about Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220, please contact your Fujitsu salesrepresentative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website./sparcenterprise/Fujitsu Green Policy Innovation is our worldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues of environmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:/global/about/environment/©Copyright 2010 Fujitsu Limited.Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo, PRIMERGY, PRIMEQUEST, ETERNUS, BS2000/OSD, GS21, ESPRIMO, LIFEBOOK, CELSIUS, Interstage, Systemwalker, Symfoware, PRIMECLUSTER are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries.GLOVIA is a trademark of GLOVIA International LLC in the United States and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are trademarks orregistered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.DISCLAIMERTechnical data subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.CONTACTFUJITSU LIMITEDWebsite: 2010-09-14 WW-EN。

Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX100 S3系列服务器配置指南说明书

Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX100 S3系列服务器配置指南说明书

System Configuration and Order-information GuideRX100 S3November 2006®CD-ROM Drive (Optional)Hard Disk BayPCI Slot10/100/1000BASE-T connector Serial PortDisplayMouseKeyboardPCI SlotDIMM SlotCPUSystem FanThis document contains basic product and configuration information that will enable you to configure your system.Only these tools will ensure a fast and proper configuration of your PRIMERGYserver or your complete PRIMERGY Rack system.You can configure your individual PRIMERGY server in order to meet your specific requirements.Please follow the lines. If there is a junction, you can choose which wayor component you would like to take.Go through the configurator by following the lines from the top to the bottom.The color of the junction means as follows.Mono-Processor Rack ServerBase UnitPGUR1033APGUR1034ACPU Frequencies Intel® Pentium® D 930 3GHzSecond-Level-Cache256KB/2MB 2 x 2MB Front-Side-Bus 533MHz/800MHz800MHzChipset Intel® E7230MemoryStandard 512MB (512MB ECC DDR2 SDRAM DIMM x 1)Maximum *18GB (2GB ECC DDR2 SDRAM DIMM x 4)Graphics Controller ATI RAGE XL, VRAM:8MB (PCI)Resolution *2640x480/800x600/1024x768/1280x1024 dotInternal Bays Number of bays 2 (hot plug)3.5 inch Available HDD *373.4GB (PG-HDH71V) 10krpm, U320 SCSI HDD146.8GB (PG-HDH41V) 10krpm, U320 SCSI 300.0GB (PG-HDH31V) 10krpm, U320 SCSIStandard -Maximum *3600.0GB (300.0GB x 2)CD-ROM *4optional (Max 24 ATAPI)PCI Slots PCI-X 64bit/66MHz (3.3V)1 (Low Profile PCI Card Only) and 1 (Low ProfilePCI Card/Full Height PCI Card)RAID Controller OnboardSCSI Controller Onboard, Ultra320 SCSI x 1ch (with RAID1 function)FDD *5optional (3.5inch (1.44MB/720KB))Network Controller (onboard) 2 ports (1000 BASE-T/100 BASE-TX/10BASE-T) InterfacesDisplay (Analog RGB), Serial Port (D-SUB 9pins)Keyboard (PS/2type Mini DIN 6pins), Mouse (PS/2type Mini DIN 6pins), USB x3 (ver. 2.0)Server Management Software ServerView (Standard)Power supplyVoltageAC100V (50/60Hz) / 200V (50/60Hz) x1Power consumption 270W / 972kJ/h (max.)Redundant power supply-Redundant Fan -Dimensions (mm)429 (482 incl. protruding parts )(W) x 562 (596 incl. protruding parts)(D) x 42 (1U) (H)Weight15kg (max.)Environmental Conditions Temperature10-35°C / Humidity 20-80% (non condensing)OS Support *6Windows Server® 2003 R2, Standard Edition/Windows Server® 2003 R2, Standard x64 EditionWindows Server® 2003, Standard Edition/Windows Server® 2003, Standard x64 EditionWindows® 2000 Server (SP4)Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.3 for x86)/Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.4 for x86)Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.4 for EM64T)Attached tool (Standard)ServerStart (Setup Support tool) *8*1. Available memory capacity will be changed by the type of OS. Please find more details in Notes[Memory OS Compatibility List].*2. Resolution is determined by functions of the display monitor and OS.*3. HDD capacity is calculated according to the formula 1GB=10003 byte.*4. One USB-CD/DVD drive is required at least in plural servers if CD-ROM ATAPI (PG-CD320B/PGBCD320) is not mounted and DVD-RAM ATAPI (PGBDVA102) is not mounted in plural servers of one system.*5. One USB-FDD is required at least in plural servers.*6. Drivers for Linux are not attached. Please download and use drivers of the following URL./global/services/computing/server/ia/driver/*7. CPU Conversion kit: CeleronD(2.93GHz/256KB) -> Pentium4(3.0GHz/2MB)(PGBFU31A) is available for upgrading to Intel® Pentium® 4 631 Supporting Hyper-Threading Technology 3GHz.*8. ServerStart doesn't support Linux.*1: PCI 1 for Full Height PCI card, Low Profile PCI card *2: PCI 2 for Low Profile PCI card onlyIntel® Celeron® D 341 2.93GHz /Intel® Pentium® 4 631 Supporting Hyper-Threading Technology 3GHz *7TypeData SheetRemote Service BoardPG-RSB103LSCSI Ctrl U160 lpPCI/64bitEth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-T Cu lpLowProfile PCI Card Eth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-SX Fibre LC lp PG-1882LLowProfile PCI CardEth. 2x 1000-BASE-T CuEth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-T CuNo AFT/ALB Support*-:cannot be applied*CPU Conversion Kit (available only as a Configure To Order (CTO) option; no separate shipment as a loose part is possible)CPU Conversion kit:Intel® Cerelon® D 341 2.93GHz -> Intel® Pentium® 4 631 Supporting Hyper-Threading Technology 3GHz CeleronD(2.93GHz/256KB)Convert the CPU installed as standard in the base unit to the other.-> Pentium4(3.0GHz/2MB)(Note: This option can be ordered only as coupled with the base unit.(for CTO)A separate shipment as a loose part is not possible.)Memory Module-512MB (512MB DIMM x 1)PG-RM51BEPGBRM51BE (for CTO)Memory Module-1GB (1GB DIMM x 1)PG-RM1BEPGBRM1BE (for CTO)Memory Module-2GB (2GB DIMM x 1)PG-RM2BEPGBRM2BE (for CTO)Memory Module Conversion kit-1GB512MB → 1GB(1GB DIMM x 1)PGBRU1BE (for CTO)Memory Module Conversion kit-2GB512MB → 2GB(2GB DIMM x 1)PGBRU2BE (for CTO)*. The order of Memory installation is as following.1. [DIMM slot 1A] -> [DIMM slot 1B] -> [DIMM slot 2A]-> [DIMM slot 2B]2. [Memory Module-512MB (512MB DIMM x 1)] -> [Memory Module-1GB (1GB DIMM x 1)] -> [Memory Module-2GB (2GB DIMM x 1)](Available Memory Area)Same as the size of mounted memory Size of Mounted Memory minus "0.25GB"(*)Same as the size of mounted memory Size of Mounted Memory minus "0.4GB"(*)Same as the size of mounted memory Size of Mounted Memory minus "0.2GB"(*)Same as the size of mounted memory(Note: "0.25GB","0.4GB" and "0.2GB" are being used for PCI resource management.Windows® 2000 Server (SP4) /Windows Server® 2003, Standard Edition /Windows Server® 2003 R2, Standard Edition Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.4 for x86) /Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.4 for EM64T)Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.3 for x86)~3.5GB PCI Slot Priority 1 Max No.of MountLow ProfileMount PriorityBus2RemarksPCI64bit/66MHz 3.3VFull Height/Low ProfileMountable Cards1121221-124.0GB ~3.5GB 4.0~8.0GB 4.0~8.0GB ~3.5GB PG-1852 /PGB1852PCI/32bit PG-130L /PGB130L PG-1892L PCI-X/64bit PG-1862PCI-X/64bitPCI-X/64bitOthers~8.0GB-Available Memory AreaPGBFU31A Product IDTypeOSMounted MemoryLowProfile PCI Card, External SCSI connector 2-111-1212HighLow(''1) Wide Backup Device: PG-DT501 / PG-LT201 / PG-VX201HDD U320 10k 73GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH71VPGBHDH71V (for CTO)HDD U320 10k 147GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH41VPGBHDH41V (for CTO)HDD U320 10k 300GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH31VPGBHDH31V (for CTO)CD-ROM ATAPI PG-CD320BPGBCD320 (for CTO)DVD-RAM ATAPI PGBDVA102 (for CTO)CD-ROM/DVD-ROMUSB Extension Cable PG-CBLU002SCSI Ctrl U160 lp SCSI Cable HDCI 1.8m PRIMERGY SX10PG-130L PG-CBLS007PG-R1BC4PGB130L (for CTO)SCSI Cable HDCI 5m PG-CBLS008*Please find more information on the internal backup devices for PRIMERGY SX10 in Rackmount [Internal Backup Devices with PRIMERGY SX10 ]SCSI Card (PG-130L/PGB130L)SCSI Cable (PG-CBLS007/PG-CBLS008)ConnectionSCSI/RAID Type of HDD connectionInterfaceOnboard SCSIWide (''1) / Backup Devices ConnectionPRIMERGY SX10 Internal Backup DevicesTwist Pair Cable*for PCI-XEth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-SX Fibre LC lpPG-1882L Multi Mode Fibre Channel CableRemote Service BoardPG-RSB103LSpecifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest detailed information, contact your local representative.All brand names and product names are trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective holders.©2006 Fujitsu Limited. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.Global Business Development & MarketingBusiness Strategy & PlanningSystem ProductsURL Twist Pair Cable。

DX100S3 DX200S3安装配置指导手册

DX100S3 DX200S3安装配置指导手册

富士通DX100S3系列手册[安装配置指导手册][2015/1/7]FUJITSU (CHINA) HOLDINGS CO., LTD.目录1. DX100S2S3和DX200S3介绍 (4)1.1 DX 100S3外观 (4)1.2 DX100S3配置 (8)1.3 DX200S3配置 (9)1.4 技术规格和电源规格 (9)2. ETERNUS DX100S2/200 S3安装 (12)2.1安装前准备工作 (12)2.3 存储上架 (13)2.4 DX100S3/200S3各部件说明 (16)2.4 存储挡板的拆卸和安装 (18)2.5 硬盘安装 (19)2.6 线缆连接 (20)3. DX100S3/DX200S3状态 (32)3.1面板介绍 (32)3.2 控制柜后视图 (32)3.4 ETERNUS DX S3 的扩展磁盘柜前视图: (33)3.5 GUI管理方式 (33)3.6 系统状态检查 (37)4.RAID V olume配置和主机联调(RAID介绍参考相关资料) (39)4.1创建RAID组 (39)4.2创建Volume (41)4.3 主机存储联调 (43)4.3.1 主机和存储连接方式配置 (43)4.3.2 设置Host Response (45)4.3.3 建立Host Group (46)建立FC/FCoE Host (46)建立iscsi Host (47)建立sas Host (48)4.3.4 创建Port Group (50)4.3.5 创建Lun Group (51)4.3.6存储主机映射(LUN Mapping以及Host Affinity) (53) Host Affinity建立主机存储映射 (53)4.4 删除RAID Group和Volume (55)4.4.1 删除V olume和主机映射方式的绑定关系 (55)4.4.2 解除LUN Group与Volume的关系 (56) 已使用LUN Group踢出V olume (56) 未使用的LUN Group删除 (57)4.4.3 删除Volume (59)4.4.4 RAID Group删除 (60)5存储性能监控 (61)6.日常维护 (64)6.1 Log的下载 (64)6.2 日志检查 (66)注意事项 (66)1. DX100S2S3和DX200S3介绍1.1 DX 100S3外观1.2 DX100S3配置DX100S3 基本配置为一个控制柜(包括两个控制器)和一个磁盘柜,最多可以扩容22个磁盘柜。





如果您需要下载该文档,或与该作者探讨、指出问题等,也可以点击微信左下角“阅读原文”去社区原帖小型机安装配置完全手册第三部分1.42 创建VG1、创建sqdbvgPP Size 256 MBsqdbvg hdiskpower0 hdiskpower1建立时选择 powerpath建立修改VG属性 scalable vg yes使用SMITTY命令创建逻辑卷smit lv选择sqdbvg创建LV名字:lvsqdb大小:number 3000文件系统类型:jfs2建立文件系统Smitty fs选择 lvsqdbMount点 /**sqdbdata创建完成后手动mount /**sqdbdata更改文件权限:chown oracle:dba /**sqdbdata因为2号机需要进行导入操作,必须让1号机释放对硬盘的读写控制,在1号机上输入下列命令:umount /**sqdbdatavaryoffvg sqdbvg 后如果2号机上认到的存储盘没有PVID ,需要把认到的磁盘删掉,然后使用cfgmgr重新扫描, PVID会自动添加。

敲入# smitty vg 后,选择add a volume group,然后建立sqdbvg ,具体配置请按照下面的图示对照填写。

注意:一定要将active volume group automatically 设置为YES。

详细操作步骤:(smit方式):# smitty vg→ Add a Volume Group→ Add an Original Volume Group系统进入卷组创建界面,在该界面中输入以下各项:•[VOLUME GROUP name]项:卷组名称。

输入:sqdbvg;•[Physical partition SIZE in megabytes]项:PPS物理单位分区大小设置为:256•[PHYSICAL VOLUME names]项:物理卷组名称,即上面建立的SSA逻辑驱动盘名称。



Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
RAID Configuration Basic Rules
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
RAID Configuration Examples
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
ETERNUS DX410 RAID Configuration Examples(3/4)
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
ETERNUS DX410 RAID Configuration Examples(4/4)
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
RAID Configuration Basic Rules
In an ETERNUS DX410/DX440 Disk storage system, you can set RAID groups with the same RAID level and with different RAID levels. RAID group is a RAID unit and a group of disk drives configuring a RAID level and recognized as one RAID level in ETERNUSmgr windows. The following sections describe the number of disk drives that can be set in various RAID levels and recommended RAID level patterns.When setting up RAID groups, comply with the following basic rules:



小型机安装配置完全手册第二部分1.1系统网络参数设置更改下列参数做为初始配置.no -p -o tcp_keepidle="1800"no -p -o tcp_finwait2="300"no -p -o udp_sendspace="65536"no -p -o udp_recvspace="655360"no -p -o tcp_tcpsecure="5"no -p -o tcp_sendspace="262144"no -p -o tcp_recvspace="262144"no -p -o tcp_nodelayack="1"no -p -o tcp_pmtu_discover="0"no -p -o tcp_nagle_limit="1"no -p -o sb_max="2097152"no -p -o rfc1323="1"no -p -o ipsendredirects="0"no -p -o ipignoreredirects="1"no -p -o ip6srcrouteforward="0"no -p -o clean_partial_conns="1"no -r -o ipqmaxlen="512"no -p -o tcp_ephemeral_low=9000no -p -o tcp_ephemeral_high=65500no -p -o udp_ephemeral_low=9000no -p -o udp_ephemeral_high=655001.2系统AIO参数设置########AIO 即(Asynchronous I/O)异步IO,AIO通常只对文件系统起作用,对裸设备没有作用,最大为10X并行磁盘数<80,最小为最大的一半,chdev -l aio0 -a maxservers=NewValue更改在重新引导后生效并且永久有效,如果使用了标志-T,更改会立即有效,而且持续到下次引导。

FUJITSU PRIMERGY RX2530 M4 双处理器1U机架式服务器数据表说明书

FUJITSU PRIMERGY RX2530 M4 双处理器1U机架式服务器数据表说明书

Datasheet FUJITSU PRIMERGY RX2530 M4 雙處理器1U 機架式伺服器Data SheetFUJITSU PRIMERGY RX2530 M4 雙處理器 1U 機架式伺服器僅需 1U 空間,可帶來最大的生產力特性與優勢技術規格PRIMERGY RX2530 M4機型PRIMERGY RX2530 M4LFF PRIMERGY RX2530 M4SFFPRIMERGY RX2530 M4SFFPRIMERGY RX2530 M4 SFF類型機架式機架式機架式機架式儲存磁碟架構4x 3.5 吋SAS/SATA4x 2.5 吋SAS/SATA8x 2.5 吋SAS/SATA10x2.5 吋SAS/SATA/PCIe/NVMe電源供應器熱插拔熱插拔熱插拔熱插拔產品型態雙處理器機架式伺服器雙處理器機架式伺服器雙處理器機架式伺服器雙處理器機架式伺服器主機板主機板型號D3383晶片組Intel® C624處理器數量與種類 1 - 2 x Intel® Xeon® Processor Scalable FamilyIntel® Xeon® Bronze Processor Intel® Xeon® Bronze 3104 (6C nHT, 1.70 GHz, TLC: 8.25 MB, Turbo: 1.70 GHz, 9.6 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,133MHz, 85 W, AVX Base 1.30 GHz, AVX Turbo 1.30 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Bronze 3106 (8C nHT, 1.70 GHz, TLC: 11 MB, Turbo: 1.70 GHz, 9.6 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,133MHz, 85 W, AVX Base 1.30 GHz, AVX Turbo 1.30 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Silver Processor Intel® Xeon® Silver 4108 (8C, 1.80 GHz, TLC: 11 MB, Turbo: 2.10 GHz, 9.6 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,400 MHz, 85W, AVX Base 1.30 GHz, AVX Turbo 1.30 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Silver 4110 (8C, 2.10 GHz, TLC: 11 MB, Turbo: 2.40 GHz, 9.6 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,400 MHz, 85W, AVX Base 1.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.10 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Silver 4112 (4C, 2.60 GHz, TLC: 8.25 MB, Turbo: 2.90 GHz, 9.6 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,400 MHz,85 W, AVX Base 2.20 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.60 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Silver 4114 (10C, 2.20 GHz, TLC: 13.75 MB, Turbo: 2.50 GHz, 9.6 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,400 MHz,85 W, AVX Base 1.80 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.20 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Silver 4114T (10C, 2.20 GHz, TLC: 13.75 MB, Turbo: 2.50 GHz, 9.6 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,400MHz, 85 W, AVX Base 1.80 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.20 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Silver 4116 (12C, 2.10 GHz, TLC: 16.5 MB, Turbo: 2.40 GHz, 9.6 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,400 MHz,85 W, AVX Base 1.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.10 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold Processor Intel® Xeon® Gold 5115 (10C, 2.40 GHz, TLC: 13.75 MB, Turbo: 2.80 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,400MHz, 85 W, AVX Base 2.00 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.40 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 5118 (12C, 2.30 GHz, TLC: 16.5 MB, Turbo: 2.70 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,400 MHz,105 W, AVX Base 1.90 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.30 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 5119T (14C, 1.90 GHz, TLC: 19.25 MB, Turbo: 2.30 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,400MHz, 85 W, AVX Base 1.50 GHz, AVX Turbo 1.90 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 5120 (14C, 2.20 GHz, TLC: 19.25 MB, Turbo: 2.60 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,400MHz, 105 W, AVX Base 1.80 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.20 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 5122 (4C, 3.60 GHz, TLC: 16.5 MB, Turbo: 3.70 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667 MHz,105 W, AVX Base 3.30 GHz, AVX Turbo 3.60 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6126 (12C, 2.60 GHz, TLC: 19.25 MB, Turbo: 3.30 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 125 W, AVX Base 2.20 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.90 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6128 (6C, 3.40 GHz, TLC: 19.25 MB, Turbo: 3.70 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667 MHz,115 W, AVX Base 2.90 GHz, AVX Turbo 3.60 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6130 (16C, 2.10 GHz, TLC: 22 MB, Turbo: 2.80 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667 MHz,125 W, AVX Base 1.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.40 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6132 (14C, 2.60 GHz, TLC: 19.25 MB, Turbo: 3.30 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 140 W, AVX Base 2.20 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.90 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6134 (8C, 3.20 GHz, TLC: 24.75 MB, Turbo: 3.70 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667 MHz,130 W, AVX Base 2.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 3.40 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6134M (8C, 3.20 GHz, TLC: 24.75 MB, Turbo: 3.70 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 130 W, AVX Base 2.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 3.40 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6136 (12C, 3.00 GHz, TLC: 24.75 MB, Turbo: 3.30 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 150 W, AVX Base 2.60 GHz, AVX Turbo 3.30 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6138 (20C, 2.00 GHz, TLC: 27.5 MB, Turbo: 2.70 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667 MHz,125 W, AVX Base 1.60 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.30 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6140 (18C, 2.30 GHz, TLC: 24.75 MB, Turbo: 3.00 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 140 W, AVX Base 1.90 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.60 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6140M (18C, 2.30 GHz, TLC: 24.75 MB, Turbo: 3.00 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 140 W, AVX Base 1.90 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.60 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6142 (16C, 2.60 GHz, TLC: 22 MB, Turbo: 3.30 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667 MHz,150 W, AVX Base 2.20 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.90 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6142M (16C, 2.60 GHz, TLC: 22 MB, Turbo: 3.30 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667 MHz,150 W, AVX Base 2.20 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.90 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6144 (8C, 3.50 GHz, TLC: 24.75 MB, Turbo: 4.10 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,666 MHz,150 W, AVX Base 2.80 GHz, AVX Turbo 3.50 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6146 (12C, 3.20 GHz, TLC: 24.75 MB, Turbo: 3.90 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,666MHz, 165 W, AVX Base 2.60 GHz, AVX Turbo 3.30 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6148 (20C, 2.40 GHz, TLC: 27.5 MB, Turbo: 3.10 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667 MHz,150 W, AVX Base 1.90 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.60 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6150 (18C, 2.70 GHz, TLC: 24.75 MB, Turbo: 3.40 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 165 W, AVX Base 2.30 GHz, AVX Turbo 3.00 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6152 (22C, 2.10 GHz, TLC: 30.25 MB, Turbo: 2.80 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 140 W, AVX Base 1.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.40 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Gold 6154 (18C, 3.00 GHz, TLC: 24.75 MB, Turbo: 3.70 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 200 W, AVX Base 2.60 GHz, AVX Turbo 3.30 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Platinum Processor Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8153 (16C, 2.00 GHz, TLC: 22 MB, Turbo: 2.30 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 125 W, AVX Base 1.60 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.00 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8160 (24C, 2.10 GHz, TLC: 33 MB, Turbo: 2.80 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 150 W, AVX Base 1.80 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.50 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8160M (24C, 2.10 GHz, TLC: 33 MB, Turbo: 2.80 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 150 W, AVX Base 1.80 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.50 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8164 (26C, 2.00 GHz, TLC: 35.75 MB, Turbo: 2.70 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 150 W,AVX Base 1.60 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.30 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8168 (24C, 2.70 GHz, TLC: 33 MB, Turbo: 3.40 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 205 W,AVX Base 2.30 GHz, AVX Turbo 3.00 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8170 (26C, 2.10 GHz, TLC: 35.75 MB, Turbo: 2.80 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 165 W,AVX Base 1.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.40 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8170M (26C, 2.10 GHz, TLC: 35.75 MB, Turbo: 2.80 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus:2,667 MHz, 165W, AVX Base 1.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.40 GHzIntel® Xeon® Platinum 8176 (28C, 2.10 GHz, TLC: 38.5 MB, Turbo: 2.80 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 165 W,AVX Base 1.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.40 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8176M (28C, 2.10 GHz, TLC: 38.5 MB, Turbo: 2.80 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus:2,667 MHz, 165W, AVX Base 1.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.40 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8180 (28C, 2.50 GHz, TLC: 38.5 MB, Turbo: 3.20 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus: 2,667MHz, 205 W,AVX Base 1.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.30 GHz)Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8180M (28C, 2.50 GHz, TLC: 38.5 MB, Turbo: 3.20 GHz, 10.4 GT/s, Mem bus:2,667 MHz, 205W, AVX Base 1.70 GHz, AVX Turbo 2.30 GH記憶體插槽24 (每顆 CPU 6 個通道,每通道 2 個插槽,共 12 個 DIMM)記憶體插槽類型DIMM (DDR4)記憶體容量(最小-最大) 8 GB - 3072 GB記憶體保護高級ECC記憶體擦除SDDC支援Rank sparing memory支援Memory Mirroring記憶體說明Memory Mirroring 需在兩通道中的記憶體庫中有相同的一對記憶體模組(每記憶體庫有 6 個模組),Rank sparing 或 Performance Mode 需在六個通道中有相同的記憶體模組記憶體選項8 GB (1 module(s) 8 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,666 MHz, PC4-2666, DIMM, 1Rx48 GB (1 module(s) 8 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,666 MHz, PC4-2666, DIMM, 1Rx88 GB (1 module(s) 8 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,666 MHz, PC4-2666, DIMM, 2Rx816 GB (1 module(s) 16 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,666 MHz, PC4-2666, DIMM, 1Rx416 GB (1 module(s) 16 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,666 MHz, PC4-2666, DIMM, 2Rx416 GB (1 module(s) 16 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,666 MHz, PC4-2666, DIMM, 2Rx832 GB (1 module(s) 32 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,666 MHz, PC4-2666, DIMM, 2Rx464 GB (1 module(s) 64 GB) DDR4 3DS, registered, ECC, 2,666 MHz, PC4-2666, DIMM, 4Rx464 GB (1 module(s) 64 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,666 MHz, PC4-2666, LRDIMM, 4Rx4128 GB (1 module(s) 128 GB) DDR4 3DS, registered, ECC, 2,666 MHz, PC4-2666, DIMM, 8Rx4介面USB 3.0 埠5x USB 3.0 埠 (2x 前方, 2x 後方, 1x 內部)10x2.5 吋機型只有 1x USB2.0 位於前方顯卡(15 針) 2 x VGA (其中一個選配於前方,不支援基座為10x2.5 吋機型)串列1(9 針) 1 選配 (將佔用 PCIe slot)管理LAN(RJ45) 1 x iRMC S5 專用管理 LAN 埠 (10/100/1000 Mbit/s)管理埠流量可切換至共用的內建 LAN 控制器連接埠, 速度及連接介面與前述介面卡有關內建或整合控制器RAID 控制器硬體儲存控制器選項請參考「組件」中說明SATA 控制器Intel® C624, 1 x SATA ODD 用 SATA 通道內建或整合控制器LAN 控制器Intel® C6242 x 1 Gbit/s onboard可選配DynamicLoM OCP adaptors:4 x 1 Gbit/s Ethernet (RJ45)2 x 10 Gbit/s Ethernet (RJ45)2 x 10 Gbit/s SFP+4 x 10 Gbit/s SFP+所有支援特性已於相關系統配置中描述Wake-on-LAN supported on onboard Port 1 and 2.PXE-Boot via LAN from PXE server, iSCSI / FCoE boot (also diskless).額外的 LAN controller(PCIe Cards) 如下表所列。



PRIMERGY TX200FT S2 Configuration SheetsAbout this manualAbbreviationsThe following expression and abbreviation is used to describe the product name used in this manual.TrademarksAll product names used are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufactures.All products are copyrights of their respective manufacturers.All Rights Reserved, Copyright © FUJITSU LIMITED 2005AConfiguration SheetUse this form to record the hardware configuration and various settings of your server.BAcci dent SheetUse this form to record any failures that occur in your server.Product nameExpression and abbreviationPRIMERGY TX200FT S2This server, or serverContentsA Configuration Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3A.1 Hardware Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3A.2 BIOS Setup Utility Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5A.3 System Resource Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11A.4 RAID Design Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12B Accident Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13A.1 Hardware Configuration A Configuration SheetUse this form to record the hardware configuration and various settings of yourserver.Fill-in (or mark in some way) the checkboxes ( ) appropriate for your server.Fixed settings are indicated by a black square.A.1Hardware Configuration5-inch Internal OptionA CD-ROM drive is installed as standard in Bay 1.3.5-inch Internal OptionRAM ModuleA Configuration Sheet Expansion CardA.2 BIOS Setup Utility ParametersA.2BIOS Setup Utility ParametersThe marks used in each menu indicate:❑: Parameters ❍ : Settings at time of purchase ♦: Unchangeable settings : Default settingsMain menuA Configuration SheetA.2 BIOS Setup Utility Parameters Advanced menuA Configuration SheetA.2 BIOS Setup Utility Parameters Security menuA Configuration Sheet Server menuA.3 System Resource ChartA.3System Resource ChartThe following charts list the I/O port addresses, which can be selected for each expansion card.I/O port addresses11A Configuration SheetA.4RAID Design Sheet Logical drive informationSystem pack definitions12B Accident Sheet13•The contents of this manual may be revised without prior notice.•Fujitsu assumes no liability for damages to third party copyrights or other rights arising from the use of any information in this manual.•No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Fujitsu.PRIMERGY TX200FT S2Configuration Sheets B7FH-3841-01EN Z0-00Issued on Issued byOctober, 2005FUJITSU LIMITED。

富士通混合存储FUJITSU ETERNUS DX200 S4数据手册说明书

富士通混合存储FUJITSU ETERNUS DX200 S4数据手册说明书

数据手册FUJITSU ETERNUS DX200 S4混合存储适合中小企业或分支机构的全能存储系统ETERNUS DX - 以业务为中心的存储富士通ETERNUS DX S4存储系统是一款每个企业都有能力负担的完美混合存储系统,适用于中小企业,具有促迚业务增长、效率和连续性的综合且强大的功能。



ETERNUS DX200 S4可扩展且统一的富士通ETERNUS DX200 S4存储系统可为中小企业和分支机构提供企业级功能,具有卓越的性价比。



ETERNUS DX系列架构是令客户最早从软件选择中受益的入门级产品,如资源随需分配、自动存储分层、透明故障转移以及服务质量管理。


特性与优势最大限度利用与整合⏹足以满足未来需求的全面可扩展性⏹出众的基准测试结果,延迟超低⏹统一利用SAN和NAS访问磁盘系统,改善ROI⏹灵活组合闪存和磁盘媒体,部署适用范围更广⏹无需额外成本即可包含ETERNUS SF Express管理软件全天候业务连续性⏹复制与存储集群可避免计划或意外停机⏹透明故障转移,确保100%数据保险和不间断运行⏹智能快照功能,可迚行备仹⏹系统可用性高达99.9999%自动化服务质量⏹根据业务需求控制应用优先级⏹监控和调节自动化⏹管理工作最少化⏹保证服务水平可选择使用重复数据删除/压缩⏹选定最适合选项的应用标签⏹不影响应用程序的性能SLA⏹混合配置,节省容量技术规格一般系统信息2.5英寸控制器外壳3.5英寸控制器外壳控制器数量1/2主机接口数量2/4/8 个端口[FC、iSCSI、SAS],8/16 个端口[以太网(1Git/s)],4/8个端口[以太网(10Git/s)] 最大缓存容量64GB高速缓存池800GB最大磁盘数量264最大磁盘盘柜数量10备注10 个全部为 2.5 英寸或3.5英寸的磁盘盘柜(DE)、4个 HD-DE 或混合 DE支持的RAID级别0、1、1+0、5、5+0、6主机接口光纤通道(16Gbit/s、8Gbit/s)iSCSI(10 Gbit/s [10GBase-SR、10GBase-CR、10GBase-T]、1 Gbit/s)以太网(10 Gbit/s、1 Gbit/s)SAS(12Gbit/s)混合主机接口是最大主机数量1024支持的NAS协议CIFS(SMB 2.0)、CIFS(SMB 3.0)、NFSv2、NFSv3、NFSv4最大存储容量4055 TB磁盘类型 2.5英寸,SAS,15000 rpm(600 GB/300 GB)2.5英寸,SAS,10000 rpm(1.8 TB/1.2 TB/900 GB/600 GB/300 GB)2.5英寸,SAS(自加密),10000rpm(1.2TB)2.5英寸,近线SAS,7200 rpm(2 TB/1 TB)2.5英寸,SSD(15.36TB/7.68TB/3.84 TB/1.92 TB/960GB/400 GB)2.5英寸,SSD(自加密)(1.92 TB)3.5英寸,近线SAS,7200 rpm(10 TB/8 TB/6 TB/4 TB/2 TB)3.5英寸,近线SAS(自加密),7200 rpm(4 TB)3.5英寸,SSD(3.84TB/1.92TB/960GB/400GB)3.5英寸,SSD(自加密)(1.92TB)HDDE,SAS,10000 rpm(1.2 TB)HDDE,近线SAS,7200 rpm(10 TB/8 TB/6 TB/4 TB/2 TB)HDDE,SSD(3.84 TB/1.92 TB)HDDE,近线SAS(自加密),7200 rpm(4 TB)备注 2.5英寸磁盘仅用于2.5英寸磁盘盘柜;3.5英寸磁盘仅用于3.5英寸磁盘盘柜。

Fujitsu 产品指南说明书

Fujitsu 产品指南说明书

FUJITSU, years of experience RelaysFujitsu, years of experienceOver the years Fujitsu Components has made its name in the components and devices market with a complete product line-up of relays, thermal printers, touch panels and wireless modules. All adapted to the requirements of the market.Supplying high quality and reliable components is only one of Fujitsu’s strengths. Another strength is providing a high level of customer support service. Designed to meet our commitment to customers and to develop long lasting working relationships, our support includes: customer design facility, full technical back-up, applications advice, central warehousing anddistribution, full literature and documentation and a specialist network of distributors.Fujitsu Components product experts have built a wealth of knowledge through their years of experience.They are pleased to share their knowledge with customers and offer technical support.2017 - 100 years of manufacturing relaysThis year, Fujitsu Components Europe is celebrating Fujitsu’s one hundred years of manufacturing relays. The Takamisawa Electric Company was established in 1917 to design and produce relays for the Telecommunication industry. After being acquired by the Fujitsu Corporation in 1995, the name changed to Fujitsu Components in 2001 to reflect the focus of the company’s product lines that were added over the years such as connectors, keyboards, thermal printers, touch panels and wireless modules.Some milestones from our history:1917Takamisawa Electric was established. That year the development started of an electromechanical relay for telephone line switching.1935Fuji Tsushinki Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (currently Fujitsu Limited) established as an offshoot of Fuji Electric's Communications Division.1945Fujitsu built their first functioning computer based on relay technology.1971Takamisawa was offered design corporation request for digital PBX by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (current company name : NTT). Its MP started in 1974.1975Takamisawa manufactured their first miniature PCB type relays (MZ, RZ, LZ relays)1977Fujitsu developed their first PCB relay.1995The companies Fujitsu and Takamisawa merged into a new company Fujitsu Takamisawa Ltd2001The company changed its name into Fujitsu Component Limited2017Celebtrating 100 years of relay manufacturingIn the 70’s and 80’s many new applications lead to the development of new relay technologies and platforms such as the SF, VS, VB and VF families.The principle of a relay has hardly changed in the past hundred years but there are now many different variations and innovations on the basic concept from latching relays to internal arcing prevention and from surface mount to low profile versionsPartnering with customers on relay selections as well as the development of features to ensure quality and long operational life, makes Fujitsu one of the leaders in relay design and innovation. For example, Fujitsu seals its relay enclosures to prevent the ingress of dust and fluids, which is particularly important for the automotive market where Fujitsu is a leading relay supplier.Fujitsu is investing in new, fully automated production lines for the most popular relays and to meet the increasing demand for new, high voltage, high current DC relays that are required for the growing markets of electric and hybrid vehicles as well as for renewable energy infrastructure. Fujitsu is one of the leaders in DC relay design and manufacturing which present new design challenges, such as one way metal transfer between the contacts that does not occur with AC current due to the constantly changing direction of the current. This is just one example of how each switching operation results in wear of the relay, a fact that Fujitsu takes in account when guaranteeing a minimum number of operations; figures that Fujitsu verifies by extensive real life testing.Fujitsu relaysQuality is the key word describing Fujitsu Components’ relays.The relay product range covers automotive, power, signal, high frequency and solid state relays.The relays are available in a wide range of variations such as slim line, ultra quiet and low power consumption.Through continued research and development Fujitsu keeps expanding its product range.Visit /components/ to find out more about our business activities.Contents1 Product guide Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. – RelaysAutomotive Relays (25A)A u t o m o t i v e R e l a y s2 Product guide Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. – RelaysAutomotive Relays (25A)Automotive Relays3 Product guide Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. – RelaysAutomotive Relays (25A)A u t o m o t i v e R e l a y s4 Product guide Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. – RelaysAutomotive Relays (25A ~ 40A)Automotive Relays5 Product guide Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. – RelaysAutomotive Relays (25A ~ 40A)A u t o m o t i v e R e l a y s6 Product guide Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. – RelaysAutomotive RelaysAutomotive Relays (45A)7 Product guide Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. – RelaysAutomotive Relays (450VDC)A u t o m o t i v e R e l a y sPower RelaysP o w e r R e l a y sPower RelaysP o w e r R e l a y sPower RelaysP o w e r R e l a y sPower RelaysP o w e r R e l a y sU n de r D e v e lo pme Power RelaysP o w e r R e l a y sPower RelaysP o w e r R e l a y sPower RelaysP o w e r R e l a y sPower RelaysP o w e r R e l a y sSignal RelaysS i g n a l R e l a y sSignal RelaysHigh Frequency Relays (1A)H i g h F r e q u e n c y R e l a y sSolid State RelaysS o l i d S t a t e R e l a y sNotesThank you for making notes!For questions or information, please refer to your supplier or contact your local Fujitsu Office.For contact information, see the last page of this document, or /components/Product guide Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. – RelaysCopyrightAll trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. or its affiliates do not warrant that the content of this leaflet is error free. In a continuing effort to improve our products Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. or its affiliates reserve the right to make any changes without prior notice. Copyright ©2017The contents, data and information in this product guide are provided by Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. as a service only to its user and only for general information purposes.The use of the contents, data and information provided in this product guide is at the users’ own risk. Fujitsu has assembled this product guide with care and will endeavor to keep the contents, data and information correct, accurate, comprehensive, complete and up to date. Fujitsu Compo-nents Europe B.V. and affiliated companies do however not accept any responsibility or liability on their behalf, nor on behalf of its employees, for any loss or damage, direct, indirect or consequential, with respect to this product guide, its contents, data, and information and related graphics and the correctness, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, usefulness, availability and completeness thereof. Nor do Fujitsu Components Europe B.V. and affiliated companies accept on their behalf, nor on behalf of its employees, any responsibility or liability for any representation or warrant of any kind, express or implied, including warranties of any kind for merchantability or fitness for particular use, with respect to this product guide, its contents, data, information and related graphics and the correctness, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, usefulness, availability and completeness thereof.All rights reserved. Revised September 19th , 2017ContactJapanFUJITSU COMPONENT LIMITED Shinagawa Seaside Park Tower12-4, Higashi-shinagawa 4-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 140-8586, Japan Tel: (81-3) 3450-1682Fax: (81-3) 3474-2385Email:***************** Web: /jp/fcl/EuropeFUJITSU COMPONENTS EUROPE B.V.Diamantlaan 252132 WV Hoofddorp NetherlandsTel: (31-23) 5560910Fax: (31-23) 5560950Email:*****************.comWeb: /uk/components KoreaFUJITSU COMPONENTS KOREA LIMITED Alpha Tower #403, 645 Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13524 KoreaTel: (82) 31-708-7108Fax: (82) 31-709-7108Email:***************.comWeb: /sg/products/devices/components/North and South AmericaFUJITSU COMPONENTS AMERICA, INC.2290 North First Street, Suite 212San Jose, CA 95131, USATel: (1-408) 745-4900Fax: (1-408) 745-4970Email:*********************.com Web: /componentsAsia PacificFUJITSU COMPONENTS ASIA, LTD.102E Pasir Panjang Road#01-01 Citilink Warehouse Complex,Singapore 118529Tel: (65) 6375-8560Fax: (65) 6273-3021Email:***************.com/sg/products/devices/components/ChinaFUJITSU ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.Unit 4306, InterContinental Center 100 Yu Tong Road, Shanghai 200070, ChinaTel: (86-21) 3253 0998Fax: (86-21) 3253 0997Email:***************.com/sg/products/devices/components/Hong KongFUJITSU COMPONENTS HONG KONG CO., LTD Unit 506, Inter-Continental PlazaNo.94 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,Hong KongTel: (852) 2881-8495Tex: (852) 2894-9512Email:***************.comWeb: /sg/products/devices/components/FUJITSU COMPONENTS EUROPE B.V. Diamantlaan 25, 2132 WV HoofddorpThe NetherlandsPhone: +31-23-5560910Fax: +31-23-5560950Email:*****************.comWebsite: /componentsAll rights reserved, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model. All designations used in this doc-ument may be trademarks, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of their owners. We reserve the right to make modifications.Rev. September 19th, 2017。

FUJITSU Software BS2000 PCS V 3.2 性能控制子系统手册说明书

FUJITSU Software BS2000 PCS V 3.2 性能控制子系统手册说明书

FUJITSU Software BS2000PCS V 3.2Performance Control SubsystemIssue January 2017Pages 3FUJITSU Software BS2000 PCS distributes the work performed by the resources of a computer system amongst the various categories and tasks in accordance with user requirements (e.g. response time / throughput optimization). This makes for:⏹efficient use of the configuration, even when the load is complex and varying,⏹automatic recognition of situations in which the operating behavior deviates from predefined criteria,⏹automatic initiation of measures to keep the operating behavior at its optimum.Functional Description⏹Categorizing of loads:Placing the loads in categories (up to 16), according to their characteristics.⏹Allocation of resources:-Allocation of the service to the categories in accor-dance with the system administrator's specifications, -Graduated handling of the categories in concurrent situations,-Preferential treatment of a task within a category on the basis of priority information.⏹Influencing the response time behavior by specifyingdilation factors.⏹Transparency for the system administrator:Possible by means of SHOW command information on current service allocation and parameter sets used. Program DescriptionPCS controls the load by means of parameter sets. PCS offers the system administrator an interface via which these parameter sets can be defined. This interface consists of ⏹the utility program PCSDEFINE for the production,manipulation and listing of these PCS parameter setsand ⏹some system commands for the operation of the activePCS.The end user can differentiate his resource request by specifying a job class and a priority (if this is allowed by the system administrator).Operation of PCS comprises the following steps:⏹The system administrator uses a standard parameter setor defines one of his own.⏹The operator starts PCS and assigns this parameter set.⏹The system administrator and operator can have dataon the status of PCS displayed on the console at anytime.⏹The system administrator and operator can modify PCSparameters during operation or deactivate PCS entirely.⏹In a current system with PCS can be intervened inconflict situations with the command /MOVE-TASK-TO- CATEGORY without PCS restart.⏹When PCS is deactivated, PRIOR is automaticallyswitched to.Data Sheet ∣ Issue: January 2017 ∣ FUJITSU Software BS2000 PCS V3.2 Page 2 / 3TECHNICAL DETAILS PCS V3.2Technical data HardwareBS2000 Business Server SoftwareFUJITSU Software BS2000 OSD/BC V11.0 or FUJITSU Software BS2000 OSD/XC V11.0Operating modeInteractive and batch modeImplementation language Assembler, SPLUser interfaceMenu-driven in the PCSDEFINE utility routine or Commands EnglishMessage texts English/German (optional)InstallationBy the user as per the release noticeDocumentation PCS User GuideTrainingSee course offer at:/trainingDemands on the userKnowledge of system administration and system controlConditionsThis software product can be purchased by the customer against a single payment or leased in accordance with the conditions for the use of software products.Ordering and deliveryThis software product may be obtained from your local Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH regional office.Data Sheet ∣ Issue: January 2017 ∣ FUJITSU Software BS2000 PCS V3.1Page 3 / 3ContactFujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH 8, 80807 MünchenWebsite: /fts January 2017 ENMore informationProducts/fts/products/ In addition to BS2000, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of other computing products: ■ Storage systems: ETERNUS■ Server: PRIMERGY, PRIMEQUEST, Fujitsu SPARC M10, BS2000 Mainframe■ Client Computing Devices: LIFEBOOK, STYLISTIC, ESPRIMO, FUTRO, CELSIUS ■ Peripherals: Fujitsu Displays, Accessories ■ Software ■ Network Solutions/fts/solutions Infrastructure Solutions are customer offerings created by bringing Fujitsu’sproducts, services and technologies together with those from partners.Industry Solutions are tailored to meet the needs of specific verticals.Business and Technology Solutions provide a variety of technologies developed to tackle specific business issues such as security and sustainability, across many verticals. Services/fts/services/ Application Services support the development, integration, testing,deployment and on-going management of both custom developed and packaged applications.Business Services respond to the challenge of planning, delivering and operating IT in a complex and changing IT environment. Managed Infrastructure Services enable customers to deliver the optimal IT environment to meet their needs.To learn more about BS2000, please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website. /fts/bs2000/global/about/environment/ Fujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues ofenvironmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:/global/about/environme nt/© 2014 Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries. BS2000 is a trademark or a registered trademark of Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH in Germany and other countries. Othercompany, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.Technical data subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.。

富士通 XSCF 完全傻瓜配置手册

富士通 XSCF 完全傻瓜配置手册

XSCF完全傻瓜配置手册文档版本控制版本 1.0 1.1日期2008-06-22 2008-06-29维护人何朝东何朝东富士通(中国)信息系统有限公司技术支持部2008-06-29目录一.文档说明---------------------------------------------------------------3二.XSCF和ILOM比较之我见(以M4000和T5120为例)---------4三.XSCF基本配置步骤-------------------------------------------------5四.XSCF非常有用的配置(提高管理性)-------------------------14五.DOMAIN配置概述(M4000一般不需要配置)-------------17六.OS的安装及console的切换----------------------------------------20七.XCP的升级-----------------------------------------------------------24八.XSCF定位问题的方法及步骤------------------------------------27一.文档说明:本手册不是原理手册,完全是一个操作手册。


同样由于版本更新的问题,命令及相关参数可能有较大变化,而且现在正是fujitsu产品更新换代频繁的时期,去现场作业前请下齐最新的手册,下面我只列出最基本的手册:Getting Started Guide(C120-E345-03EN) (列出了M4000&M5000所有参考数目)Overview Guide(C120-E346-03ZH)SPARC Enterprise M4000(共19页,看完可以快速对M4000的硬件有个比较全面的认识)Instance Priority(共9页,M4000&M5000&M8000&M9000)Site Planning Guide(C120-H015-03EN) (对环境的要求等)Installation Guide(C120-E351-03EN)SPARC Enterprise Hardware Platform GuideAdministration Guide(C120-E331-05EN)XSCF User's Guide(C120-E332-05EN)XSCF Reference Manual(C120-E333-05EN) (下文中提到的所有XSCF的命令在XSCF Reference Manual都可以找到,而且有详细的参数说明)Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) User's Guide(C120-E335-04EN)Capacity on Demand (COD) User's Guide (C120-E336-04EN)Service Manual(C120-E352-03EN)SPARC Enterprise M4000&M5000 MAINTENANCE MANUAL(R11B-0926-01EN)二. XSCF和ILOM比较之我见(以M4000和T5120为例):XSCF和ILOM都是运行在Service Processor上的Firmware。

FUJITSU CELSIUS R970 工作站数据手册说明书

FUJITSU CELSIUS R970 工作站数据手册说明书

DatasheetFUJITSU Workstation CELSIUS R970Uncompromising Workstation Performance for Extreme RequirementsDo you require the maximum in performance for simulations, analysis, rendering or High-Performance Computing? Fujitsu’s CELSIUS R970 desktop workstation is designed to surpass all expectations. Achievingfirst-class benchmark results, this reliable, high-end dual processor desktop workstation is optimized for extremely demanding and memory intensive multi-threaded applications.Unleash the powerAchieve the optimum out of any demanding application■Up to 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors■Support of Windows 10 Pro for Workstations■Support of up to 1024 GB DDR4 2,933 ECC memory■FUJITSU SSD PCIe card (up to 2 x 2TB)Maximum expandabilityBroad selection and configuration options■Broad choice of professional graphics cards from NVIDIA■Up to two ultra-high-end graphic cards for simulation or photorealistic renderingsWork around the clockCertain components can be configured to support an extended lifetime usage■Selection of top-quality components and comprehensive testing in certified in-house laboratories■Full support of ISV applications and easy integration into existing IT environment■Server capabilities: SAS RAID controller, Windows® Server 2016, Dual 10 Gigabit EthernetWe are (VR) readyEnjoy a fully immersive and real-time Virtual Reality experience with low latency at high frame rates■Up to NVIDIA® Quadro® RTX 4000, RTX 5000, RTX 6000 and RTX 8000 VR-ready graphics cardsComponentsProcessor Intel® Xeon® Silver processor 4208 8C, 2.1 GHz, up to 3.2 GHzIntel® Xeon® Silver processor 4210 10C, 2.2 GHz, up to 3.2 GHzIntel® Xeon® Silver processor 4214 12C, 2.2 GHz, up to 3.2 GHzIntel® Xeon® Platinum processor 8260 24C, 2.4 GHz, up to 3.9 GHzIntel® Xeon® Gold processor 5218 16C, 2.3 GHz, up to 3.9 GHzIntel® Xeon® Gold processor 5222 4C, 3.8 GHz, up to 3.9 GHzIntel® Xeon® Gold processor 6226R 16C, 2.9 GHz, up to 3.9 GHzIntel® Xeon® Gold processor 6240 18C, 2.6 GHz, up to 3.9 GHzIntel® Xeon® Gold processor 6244 8C, 3.6 GHz, up to 4.4 GHzIntel vPro® technologyOperating systemsOperating system pre-installed Windows 10 Pro for Workstations Windows 10 Pro for WorkstationsOperating system notes Windows 7 Professional (available throughdowngrade rights form Windows 10 Pro)Windows® Server 2016Linux Windows® Server 2019 LinuxMemory modules 16 GB (1 module(s) 16 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,933 MT/s32 GB (1 module(s) 32 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,933 MT/s64 GB (1 module(s) 64 GB) DDR4, registered, ECC, 2,933 MT/sGraphics Ultra-high-end 3D: NVIDIA® Quadro® RTX 8000, 48 GB, PCIe x16, 4 x DisplayPort, 1 x Virtual LinkUltra-high-end 3D: NVIDIA® Quadro® RTX 6000, 24 GB, PCIe x16, 4 x DisplayPort, 1 x Virtual LinkUltra-high-end 3D: NVIDIA® Quadro® RTX 5000, 16 GB, PCIe x16, 4 x DisplayPort, 1 x Virtual LinkHigh-end 3D: NVIDIA® Quadro® RTX 4000, 8 GB, PCIe x16, 3 x DisplayPort, 1 x Virtual LinkEntry 3D: NVIDIA® Quadro® P400 , 2 GB, PCIe x16, 3 x miniDPOthers: DP to DVI-D (single link) Adapter CableOthers: MiniDP to DP Adapter CableHard disk drive SSD PCIe, 2048 GB M.2 NVMe Highend moduleSSD PCIe, 1024 GB M.2 NVMe Highend moduleSSD PCIe, 512 GB M.2 NVMe Highend moduleSSD PCIe, 256 GB M.2 NVMe Highend moduleSSD PCIe, 2x 2048 GB M.2 NVMe Highend cardSSD PCIe, 2x 1024 GB M.2 NVMe Highend cardSSD PCIe, 2x 512 GB M.2 NVMe Highend cardSSD PCIe, 2x 256 GB M.2 NVMe Highend cardSSD PCIe, 1x 2048 GB M.2 NVMe Highend cardSSD PCIe, 1x1024 GB M.2 NVMe Highend cardSSD PCIe, 1x 512 GB M.2 NVMe Highend cardSSD PCIe, 1x 256 GB M.2 NVMe Highend cardSSD PCIe, 1024 GB M.2 NVMe moduleSSD PCIe, 512 GB M.2 NVMe moduleSSD PCIe, 256 GB M.2 NVMe moduleSSD PCIe, 512 GB M.2 NVMe module, SEDSSD PCIe, 2x 1024 GB M.2 NVMe cardSSD PCIe, 2x 512 GB M.2 NVMe cardSSD PCIe, 2x 256 GB M.2 NVMe cardSSD PCIe, 1x 1024 GB M.2 NVMe cardSSD PCIe, 1x 512 GB M.2 NVMe cardSSD PCIe, 1x 256 GB M.2 NVMe cardSSD SATA III, 1024 GB, 2.5-inchSSD SATA III, 512 GB, 2.5-inchSSD SATA III, 256 GB, 2.5-inchSSD SATA III, 512 GB, 2.5-inch, SEDSSD SATA III, 256 GB, 2.5-inch, SEDHDD SATA III, 7,200 rpm, 4,000 GB, 3.5-inch, business criticalHDD SATA III, 7,200 rpm, 2,000 GB, 3.5-inch, business criticalHDD SATA III, 7,200 rpm, 1,000 GB, 3.5-inch, business criticalHDD SATA III, 7,200 rpm, 2,000 GB, 2.5-inch, business criticalHDD SATA III, 7,200 rpm, 1,000 GB, 2.5-inch, business criticalHDD SATA III, 7,200 rpm, 2,000 GB, 3.5-inchHDD SATA III, 7,200 rpm, 1,000 GB, 3.5-inchHDD SATA III, 7,200 rpm, 500 GB, 3.5-inchHard disk notes One Gigabyte equals one billion bytes, when referring to hard disk drive capacity.24/7 ready (Business Critical HDDs or SAS HDDs or High Endurance SSDs required)Up to 20 GB of HDD space is reserved for system recoverySED (Self-Encrypting Drive)SSD (Solid State Disk)Optical drive BD Triple Writer SATA ultra slim (tray)DVD-ROMDVD Super MultiDVD Super Multi ultra slim (tray)MultiCard Reader 24in1 USB 2.0 3.5”SCSI / SAS Controller LSI RAID Ctrl SAS 1GB (D3216) RAID 5/6 Ctrl. 12 Gbit/s 8 ports int.LSI RAID Ctrl SAS (D3327) RAID 0/1 Ctrl. 12 Gbit/s 8 ports int.Intel VROC HW key Standard M.2Flash Backup Unit (FBU + TFM) For RAID controller D3216Interface add on cards/components (optional) eSATA InterfacePLAN EM X557-T2 2x10GBASE-TPLAN EM 2x10Gb SFP+Gigabit Ethernet PCIe x1Dual 10 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe x8Intel 2x1Gb Ethernet Adapter I350-T2PLAN EP X550-T2 2x10GBASE-TWLAN 802.11ac (2x2) PCIe x1 and BT 5, SRD 5.8GHz (dedicated regions only) WLAN 802.11ac (2x2) PCIe x1, SRD 5.8GHz (dedicated regions only)Dual serial card PCIe x1Base unit CELSIUS R970 CELSIUS R970 Power MainboardMainboard type D3488-A1X D3488-A2X Formfactor ProprietaryChipset Intel® C624Processor socket Socket PProcessor quantity maximum 2Support capacity RAM (max.) 1,024 GBMemory slots 16 (8 per processor) DIMM (DDR4) ECCMemory frequency 2,666 MT/s 2,933 MT/sMemory notes 6 memory channels, thereof 2 channels supporting 2DIMMs per channel. For optimized 6 channelperformance,a minimum of 6 memory modules have to beordered andthe capacity per channel has to be the same.DDR4 2,666MHz may be clocked down to 2,400 or2,133depending on the processor.Supports up to 1TB of main memory (offered onrequest).This requires dual CPU usage with selected CPUs and128GB DDR4 memory modules. 6 memory channels, thereof 2 channels supporting 2 DIMMs per channel. For optimized 6 channel performance,a minimum of 6 memory modules have to be orderedand the capacity per channel has to be the same. DDR42,933MHz may be clocked down to 2,666 or 2,400 or 2,133depending on the processor.Supports up to 2TB of main memory (offered on request).This requires dual CPU usage with selected CPUs and 128GB DDR4 memory modules.LAN 10/100/1,000 MBit/s Intel® I219LM and Intel® I210 BIOS version AMI Aptio VBIOS features BIOS Flash EPROM update by softwareRecovery BIOSUnified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) Audio type On boardAudio codec Realtek ALC671Audio features High Definition AudioI/O controller on boardSerial ATA total 10Thereof SATA III 10Controller functions Controller functions Serial ATA III (6 bit) AHCIRAID 0/1/5/10CELSIUS R970Audio: in (rear) 1Audio: out (rear) 1Audio: in 1Audio: out 1Internal speakers 1USB 2.0 total 9USB 3.1 Gen1 (USB 3.0) total 4USB 3.1 Gen2 total Optional via add on cardUSB front 2x USB 2.0; 2x USB 3.1 (Gen1); optional: 1x USB 3.1 Type-C (Gen2) via add on card and front adapter bay USB rear 6USB internal 3, thereof 1 type AEthernet (RJ-45) 2eSATA 1 (optional)Interface Module notes Anytime USB charge functionalityInput devices (optional)KeyboardOptical USB wheel mouseDrive baysDrive bays total 122.5-inch internal bays 83.5-inch internal bays 43.5-inch external bays 25.25-inch external bays 1Drive bay notes Up to 8x 2.5-inch HDDs (cold plug) and 1x 2.5-inch SSD orUp to 4x 3.5-inch HDDs (cold plug) and 1x 2.5-inch SSD orUp to 2x 2.5-inch and 2x 3.5-inch HDDs (cold plug) and 1x 2.5-inch SSDM.2-2280 1 x on mainboard (for PCIe SSD modules)SlotsPCI-Express 3.0 x8 2 x (200 mm) Full height (1x PCIe 3.0x8 per processor)PCI-Express 3.0 x16 4 x (340 mm / 13.39 inch) Full height (2x PCIe 3.0x16 per processor)PCI (32-bit / 33 MHz) 1 x (312 mm / 12.29 inch) Full heightPCI-Express 3.0 x8 (internal) 1 x (170 mm / 6.69 inch) Full height (available with 2nd CPU)Graphics brand nameGraphics notes NVIDIA® Quadro® RTX 5000, RTX 8000 supportNVLinkElectrical valuesPower consumptions note 500 W depending on configurationRated voltage range 100 V – 240 VRated frequency range 50 Hz – 60 HzOperating voltage range 90 V – 264 VOperating line frequency range 47 Hz – 63 HzMax. output of single power supply 1000 W up to 90% efficiencyPower factor correction/active power ActivePower supply output 2 graphics power rails (8pin connector / 18.5A@12V)Noise for standard configuration (HDD, ODD)Related Processors for noise Intel® Xeon® Gold processor 6128 Intel® Xeon® Gold processor 6240Standard noise emission 8x4 GB, HDD, ODD, WindowsAccording to ISO9296 (LpAm at bystander position) 8x4 GB, HDD, ODD, WindowsAccording to ISO9296 (LpAm at bystander position)Standard noise notes / description A-weighted sound power level Lwad (in B) /Workplace related A-weighted sound pressure levelLpAm (in dB(A)) A-weighted sound power level Lwad (in B) / Workplace related A-weighted sound pressure level LpAm (in dB(A))Standard noise operation mode: CPU50% Load4.0 B / 24 dB(A) Bystander position 4.7 B / 30 dB(A) Bystander position Noise for standard configuration (HDD, ODD)Standard noise operation mode: CPU90% load4.0 B / 24 dB(A) Bystander position 4.7 B / 30 dB(A) Bystander positionStandard noise operation mode: HDDLoad4.0 B / 24 dB(A) Bystander position 3.9 B / 23 dB(A) Bystander position4.0 B / 23 dB(A) Bystander position 3.9 B / 22 dB(A) Bystander positionStandard noise operation mode: IdleMode4.5 B / 28 dB(A) Bystander position 4.5 B / 28 dB(A) Bystander positionStandard noise operation model: ODDLoad4.0 B / 23 dB(A) Bystander position 3.9B / 22 dB(A) Bystander positionStandard noise operation mode: Officeapplications 2.0Dimensions / Weight / EnvironmentalDimensions (W x D x H) 186 x 618 x 430 mm7.32 x 24.3 x 16.9 inchOperating position Vertical / horizontalWeight Approx. 20 kgWeight (lbs) Approx. 44.8 lbsWeight notes Actual weight may vary depending on configurationOperating ambient temperature 10 – 35 ºC (50 – 95 ºF)Operating relative humidity 5 – 85 % (relative humidity)ComplianceProduct CELSIUS R970Model ETNA-LGlobal RoHS (EU & China)Microsoft Operating Systems (HCT / HCL entry /WHQL)WEEE (Waste electrical and electronic equipment)China CCCTPM 2.0 for China (optional)Compliance notes Product Name maybe followed by suffixesCompliance link https:///sites/certificatesAdditional SoftwareAdditional Software (preinstalled) Workplace Protect (secure authentication solution)McAfee® LiveSafe™ (provides award-winning antivirus protection for your PC and much more. 30 days trialpreinstalled)Microsoft Office (1 month trial for new Microsoft® Office 365 customers. Buy Microsoft Office.) Additional software (optional) Recovery DVD for Windows®Drivers & Utilities DVD (DUDVD)CyberLink PowerDVD BD (playback software for Blu-ray Disc™)CyberLink PowerDVD DVD (playback software for DVD)Nero Essentials XLMicrosoft® Office Professional 2019Microsoft® Office Home and Business 2019(A Microsoft Account is required to activate each copy of these products. For purchase and activation only inthe region in which it was acquired.)SecurityPhysical Security Kensington Lock supportEye for padlockIntrusion switchIntegrated cabinet lock (optional)System and BIOS Security Embedded security (TPM 2.0)EraseDiskBoot sector virus protectionWrite protect option for the Flash EPROMControl of all USB interfacesExternal USB ports can be disabled separatelyControl of external interfacesUser Security User and supervisor BIOS passwordHard disk passwordAccess protection via external SmartCard reader(optional)Access protection via internal SmartCard reader(optional)Workplace Protect (secure authentication solution)Workplace Embedded Tools Auto BIOS Update via Fujitsu ServerAuto BIOS Update via customer server (optional)Easy PC Protection (optional)Easy Restore (optional)ManageabilityManageability technology iAMT 11.6 (depending on processor)DeskUpdate Driver managementPXE 2.1 Boot codeWake up from S5 (off mode)WoL (Wake on LAN)Manageability software DeskView ClientDeskView Instant BIOS ManagementDeskView components Inventory ManagementBIOS ManagementDriver ManagementSecurity ManagementAlarm ManagementSupport standards WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)PXE (Preboot Execution Environment)DMI (Desktop Management Interface)SMBIOS (System Management BIOS)WBEM (Web Based Enterprise Management)CIM (Common Information Model)Manageability link https:///fts/manageabilityMiscellaneousRack mountable (5U)Spare part availability 5 yearsPackaging informationMax. quantity / pallet 11Packaging notes Printed user documentation is bleached in chlorine free process WarrantyWarranty period 3 years (depending on country)Warranty type Bring-In / Onsite ServiceRecommended Service 9x5, Onsite Response Time: Next Business daySpare Parts availability 5 years after end of product lifeMore informationIn addition to Fujitsu Desktop CELSIUS R970,Fujitsu provides a range of platform solutions.They combine reliable Fujitsu products with thebest in services, know-how and worldwidepartnerships.Fujitsu PortfolioBuild on industry standards, Fujitsu offers a fullportfolio of IT hardware and software products,services, solutions and cloud offering, rangingfrom clients to datacenter solutions and includesthe broad stack of Business Solutions, as well asthe full stack of Cloud offering. This allows customers to leverage from alternative sourcingand delivery models to increase their businessagility and to improve their IT operation’s reliability.Computing Productshttps:///hk/products/computing/pc/ Software/software/To learn more about Fujitsu Desktop CELSIUS R970, pleasecontact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu Businesspartner, or visit our website.All rights reserved, including intellectualproperty rights. Technical data subject tomodifications and delivery subject toavailability. 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Designations may betrademarks and/or copyrights of the respectivemanufacturer, the use of which by third parties fortheir own purposes may infringe the rights of suchowner.HONG KONGFujitsu Business Technologies Asia Pacific Ltd. Tel: (852) 3910-8228Email:***********************.com/pc SINGAPOREFujitsu Asia Pte Ltd.Tel: (65) 6512-7555Email:*********************/pcCHINAFujitsu (China) Holdings Co., Ltd. –PC China DivisionTel: 86 (21) 58871000-8721Email:*************************.com/pcINDONESIAPT Fujitsu IndonesiaTel: (62) 21-570-9330 Email:********************.com /pc PHILIPPINESFujitsu Philippines, Inc.Tel: (63) 2-8841-8488Email:********************/pcMALAYSIAFujitsu (Malaysia) Sdn. 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Shared memory depending on main memory size and operating system. WWAN module is optional and available in specific countries only. It requires separately purchased service contract. Check with service provider for coverage and availability in your area. Connection speeds will vary due to location, environment, network conditions, and other factors. Please contact our Fujitsu sales specialist for more information. Interfaces depend on the configuration selected by customers. Battery runtime information is based on worldwide acknowledged BAPCo® MobileMark® 2018 (office productivity). Refer to for additional details. The BAPCo® MobileMark® Benchmark provides results that enable direct product comparisons between manufacturers. It does not guarantee any specific battery runtime which actually can be lower and may vary depending on product model, configuration, application and power management settings. The battery capacity decreases slightly with every re-charge and over its lifetime. 2-cell battery will only be available in specific countries/ regions. For more detail, please contact Fujitsu sales specialist. The stated thickness does not include rubber feet.FUJITSU shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Intel Evo, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi, Xeon Inside, Intel Agilex, Arria, Cyclone, Movidius, eASIC, Enpirion, Iris, MAX, Intel RealSense, Stratix, and Intel Optane are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. USB Type-C™ a nd USB-C™ are trademarks of USB Implementers Forum. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.All rights reserved, including intellectual property rights. Technical data subject to modifications and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner. For further information see /terms.© 2021 Fujitsu Business Technologies Asia Pacific LimitedLast Update: 13 May 2021。

FUJITSU PR-LN4 设置指南说明书

FUJITSU PR-LN4 设置指南说明书

© 2016 FUJITSU ISOTEC LIMITED This manual was made with recycled paper.Continued on the backINJURY3. Confirm that the power to the printer is off, and then insert the power card.1. If this product is to be connected to another printer, be sure to reset Be sure not to touch the printer board during operation or after turning it off because aEthernet hub×** Use a Category 5 or higher network cable if you are using the PR-LN4 in a 100BASE-TX 1.2.3.© 2016 FUJITSU ISOTEC LIMITED This manual was made with recycled paper.DHCP Enable: To acquire the IP address automatically from a DHCP server DHCP Disable: To set the IP address manually9*1) If a list of search results is not displayed, click [Search].*2) Check the labels displayed on *1) Under the factory default settings, the- This document describes the installation and usage of the PR-LN4 when it is used on FUJITSU DL7600Pro/DL7400Pro printer.PR-LN4 is Windows-specific software to display the status of the printer. - The location and name of the documents in the CD-ROM are as follows. - PR-LN4 Software Guide\\Documents\PR-LN4 Software Guide\PR-LN4_SoftwareGuide.pdf- The ".NET Framework 3.5 SP1" or higher is required in order to use this tool. If it is not installed, obtain and install the ".NET Framework 3.5 SP1" from the Microsoft website.- Administrator privileges are required in order to run this tool. Log into the Administrators account to run.。

富士通 PRIMEQUEST 2400E2 服务器数据手册说明书

富士通 PRIMEQUEST 2400E2 服务器数据手册说明书

数据手册FUJITSU PRIMEQUEST 2400E2服务器富士通开放平台小型机 (FUJITSU PRIMEQUEST)服务器,源于长期积淀的大型计算机系统研发的卓越技术,提供高端服务器性能。

最具经济效益的企业级服务器 富士通开放平台小型机“FUJITSUPRIMEQUEST”是专注于成长企业需求的高端数据中心系统服务器。

基于Fujitsu (富士通)数代高可靠大型机和Unix 服务器的技术和创新,该系统可提供关键任务级高性能、卓越的服务可用性以及x86服务器的开放性。

由于结合全球标准的Linux®和/或Microsoft®Windows®操作系统和Fujitsu (富士通)的可靠性、稳定性和易管理性技术,FUJITSU PRIMEQUEST 成为极具经济效益的关键任务开放平台。

FUJITSU PRIMEQUEST 通过以下特性,为客户投资提供全面保护: ■ 全年不间断运行; ■ 杰出性能和可靠性■ 开放式服务器的卓越灵活性和可扩展性 ■ 显著提升的性价比■ 面向未来的应用优化和可扩展性标准平台和高可用性 FUJITSU PRIMEQUEST 2400E2凭借出色的冗余性,实现了企业级平台所需的超常稳定运行时间。

服务器的心脏——由CPU 和内存模块构成的系统板——可在出现故障时即时在线恢复,确保关键业务工作负载平稳运行。


新型PRIMEQUEST 是世界上首个能够在线添加和替换系统板和I/O 板的开放式服务器平台——客户将不再受系统业务中断的困扰。

从服务器设计到生产再到质量保证, FUJITSU PRIMEQUEST 遵照了Fujitsu (富士通)生产流程的严格标准——能显著降低故障率。

卓越的性价比平台PRIMEQUEST 2400E2有助于降低关键任务系统的运行成本,包括收费软件。

所以,PRIMEQUEST 2400E2和Oracle 数据库的结合可以为您降低企业级系统的运行成本。

Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX200FT S2系统配置和订单信息指南(2006年1月版)说明

Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX200FT S2系统配置和订单信息指南(2006年1月版)说明

System Configuration and order-information GuideTX200FT S2January 2006®5 inch BayCD-ROM Drive Floppy Disk Drive Hard Disk Bay 5 inch BayCD-ROM Drive Floppy Disk DriveHard Disk BayKeyboard Mouse Serial PortDisplay10/100/1000Base T ConnectorPower SupplyPower SupplyKeyboardMouse Serial Port Display10/100/1000Base T ConnectorThis document contains basic product and configuration information that will enable you to configure your system.Only these tools will ensure a fast and proper configuration of your PRIMERGY server or your complete PRIMERGY Rack system.You can configure your individual PRIMERGY servers in order to meet your specific requirements.Please follow the lines. If there is a junction, you can choose which way or component you would like to take.Go through the configurator by following the lines from the top to the bottom.The color of the junction means as follows.Configuration To Order (CTO) is available with PRIMERGYProducts are delivered with options (HDD, Memory, Backup device, etc.) already mounted as per customer requirements.1. How shipped+ShipmentPhysical pack A collection of physical HDDs composing a RAID.Logical drive The logical drive (e.g. D: ) as seen by the Operating System.PartitionOne of the logical access units into which a logical drive is dividedPhysical packLogical drive ALogical drive B* Drives can be divided into partitions.Logical drive C<Restrictions>(1) Each physical pack must contain the same Product IDs of HDDs. (2) In case of composing physical pack, the maximum total size is 2TB. The maximum size of logical drive depends on restriction of installed OS.(3) The number of HDDs composing a physical pack is as shown below.RAID Level Description HDDs Capacity of logical drivesRAID 0 The data is broken down into blocks,2~16The capacity of logical drive is same each on a separate disk drive as the capacity of connected HDD. RAID 1 Duplicates the disk and writes 2The capacity of the logical drive is the same data onto two disks.half the capacity of connected HDD. RAID 5The data is broken down into blocks 3~16The capacity of each logical drive is and each block is written togetherthe number of connected HDDs - 1). with parity bits on a separate disk drive.RAID 0+1Duplicates the disk and breaks data down 4~16The capacity of each logical drive into blocks, each on a is the half the capacity of connected separate disk.HDD.(4) The same RAID level must be used when dividing a physical pack into a number of logical drives.(5) A physical pack must contain only HDDs which are connected by the same RAID Controller.(6) A RAID Controller can support several physical packs under the following conditions. - Physical pack should consist of HDDs of same product ID.- In the case that several physical pack configured with HDDs of same capacity, product ID of all HDDs should be same (7) A RAID Controller can support several different RAID levels under the following conditions.- RAID level of logical drives in physical pack should be same- Several logical drives (Max:8) can be supported in one physical pack (8) HDD of same product ID in physical pack should be set as hot spare disk.(9) In order to configure a spare disk environment with multiple physical packs,each pack must contain one or more hot spare disks with the same product ID as the rest of the pack.(10) In case that the same capacity HDDs are connected to the same RAID Controller, these HDDs must also have the same rpm speed.Disk array configurationPartition 1HDDHDDHDD HDDPartition 236GB15000 rpm 36GB15000 rpmRestrictions and Notes of RAID Controller CardHere are the restrictions and notes of RAID Controller Cards. Please be sure to use products along with these conditions as follows;[PG-140D1]1. One Controller Card can be mounted in a server2. Used only for internal HDD connection. On board SCSI Controller is used for the connection with internal HDD3. For RAID0/1/5, When one logical drive exists in physical pack, physical pack expansion capability is available. (only Windows Server 2003/Windows® 2000 supported)4. In case of using RAID controller card under Linux environment, Windows terminal is required separately to set and observe RAID[PG-142E3]1. For RAID0/1/5, When one logical drive exists in physical pack, physical pack expansion capability is available. (only Windows Server 2003/Windows® 2000 supported)2. In case of using RAID controller card under Linux environment, Windows terminal is required separately to set and observe RAID[On board SCSI Controller (RX300 S2/RX600 S2)]1. Used only for internal HDD connection. On board SCSI Controller is used for the connection with internal HDD2. For RAID0/1/5, When one logical drive exists in physical pack, physical pack expansion capability is available. (only Windows Server 2003/Windows® 2000 supported)3. In case of using RAID controller card under Linux environment, Windows terminal is required separately to set and observe RAID[On board SCSI Controller (RX100 S3/RX200 S2)]1. Used only for internal HDD connection. On board SCSI Controller is used for the connection with internal HDD2. In case that On board SCSI Controller is used for RAID configuration, only 2HDDs of same capacity and same rpm can be connected.3. In case of using RAID controller card under Linux environment, Windows terminal is required separately to set and observe RAID Combination matrix of RAID ControllerTX200 S2Standard CageWhen Internal HDD Unit BayConversion kit (PG-BC102) is applied.TX200FT S2RX100 S3RX200 S2RX300 S2* o: SupportedRX600 S2x: Not SupportedRAID Controller OS Compatibility ListWindows Server 2003, Standard Edition Windows Server2003, Enterprise Edition Windows Server 2003, Standard x64 Edition Windows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition Windows® 2000 ServerWindows® 2000 Advanced ServerWindows® Small Business Server 2003Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.3 for x86)Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.4 for x86)Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.3 for x86)Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.4 for x86)Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.4 for EM64T)* o: Supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.4 for EM64T)x: Not SupportedNotes of SCSI Controller[PG-128/PG-130L]1. When the external SCSI controller and the internal SCSI controller are connected simultaneously, SCSI Controller must be separated.[PG-129B]1. This card can be connected only to the the internal SCSI controller.RAID ControllerPG-140D1PG-140D1(Ultra320 SCSI, 0ch)PG-142E3(Ultra320 SCSI, 2ch, BBU)Internal HDD Internal HDD External HDDInternal HDD+External HDDo o o o o o o x x o x x x x x x x x o x x x o xxxox PG-142E3o o o o o o o o o o o o o x o o o o o o o o o o x oRAID Controller / SCSI ControllerMemory OS Compatibility ListWindows Server2003, Standard EditionWindows Server 2003, Enterprise EditionWindows Server 2003, Standard x64 EditionWindows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 EditionWindows® 2000 ServerWindows® 2000 Advanced Server Windows® Small Business Server 2003Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.3 for x86)Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.4 for x86)Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.3 for x86)Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.4 for x86)Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.4 for EM64T)Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.4 for EM64T)Memory Capacity4GB 32GB 32GB 1TB 4GB 8GB 4GB 8GB 12GB 12GB 12GB 16GB 32GBBase UnitsXeon® 3.40EGHz/2M 1GBPGUT2020F2 *9Xeon® 3.80GHz/2M 1GBPGUT202BF2 *9CPU *1Frequencies 64-bit Intel® Xeon® 3.80GHz/3.40EGHzSecond-Level-Cache 2MB Multi Processor2 (Max. 2)Front-Side-Bus 800MHz Chipset Intel® E7320Memory *2Standard 1GB (512MB ECC DDR SDRAM DIMM x 2) (Chipkill supported)Maximum4GBGraphics Controller ATI RAGE XL, VRAM:8MB (PCI)Resolution *3640x480/800x600/1024x768 dotInternal Bays Number of bays 6 (hot plug) (4 free bays)3.5 inch Available HDD *4 *673.4GB (PG-HDH71K) 10krpm, U320 SCSI HDD146.8GB (PG-HDH41K) 10krpm, U320 SCSI 300.0GB (PG-HDH31K) 10krpm, U320 SCSIStandard *4 *5 *673.4GB (PG-HDH71K) x 2 (RAID1)Maximum *4 *5 *61.5TB (300.0GB x 6 (RAID5))Internal Bays 5inch 3 (2 free bays)CD-ROM standard (Max 24 ATAPI)PCI SlotsPCI-X (64bit/133MHz) (3.3V) 2 (2 x Full Size) (LAN cards occupy 2 slots.)PCI-X (64bit/100MHz) (3.3V) *7 2 (2 x Full Size) (SCSI array controller card occupies 1 slot.)PCI (32bit/33MHz) (5.0V)1 (1 x Full Size) (LAN card occupies 1 slot.)RAID Controller standard (PG-142E3)SCSI Controller Ultra320 SCSI x 2ch Internal FDD3.5inch (1.44MB/720KB)Network Controller (onboard) 1 port (1000 BASE-T/100 BASE-TX/10BASE-T) x 1InterfacesCRT (Analog RGB), Serial Port (D-SUB 9pins)Keyboard (PS/2type Mini DIN 6pins), Mouse (PS/2type Mini DIN 6pins)Server Management Software ServerView (Standard)Ethernet ControllerStandard (LAN card(PG-1852))1000 BASE-T/100 BASE-TX/10BASE-TPower supplyVoltageAC100V (50/60Hz) / AC200V (50/60Hz) x 2Power consumption 550W /1980kJ/h (max.)Redundant power supplystandard (hot plug)Redundant Fan standard (hot plug)Dimensions (mm)( 483 (W) x 699 (750 incl. protruding parts)(D) x 177 (4U) (H) )Weight40kg (max.)Environmental Conditions Temperature10-35°C / Humidity 20-80% (non condensing )OS Support *8Windows Server 2003, Enterprise EditionAttached tool (Standard)ServerStart (Setup Support tool)*1. 1 CPU is occupied for FT control. 1 CPU is available for users.*2. 256MB is occupied for FT control.*3. Resolution is determined by functions of the display monitor and OS.*4. HDD capacity is calculated according to the formula 1GB=10003 byte *5. 22GB is occupied for FT control.*6. Internal HDD should be constructed with RAID1 or RAID5.*7. As RAID controller card is installed as standard, PCI-X bus (64bit/100MHz) works at max. 66MHz.*8. OS is installed before shipment.*9. TX200FT S2 is consist of a pair of TX200 S2.The discription of Base Units in the Data Sheet shows total set of FT server. The discription of the others in the Data Sheet shows one TX200 S2.TypeDual-Processor Tower ServerPRIMERGY TX200FT S2 consists of TX200FT S2(FT1) and TX200FT S2(FT2) .*1. Internal HDD should be constructed with RAID1 or RAID5.*2. As RAID controller card is installed as standard, PCI-X bus (64bit/100MHz) works at max. 66MHz.*Components installed as standard configuration marked in grey.RAID Ctrl 2-Channel 128MB w/BBU PG-142E3 PCI/64bit Standard, Internal arrayFibre Channel Controller PG-FC107 PCI-X/64bitFor ETERNUS3000 *required 2 sets Eth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-T Cu PG-1892 PCI-X/64bit *required 2 sets Eth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-SX Fibre LC PG-1882 PCI-X/64bit *required 2 setsStandard, No AFT/ALB support No AFT/ALB support, *required 2 sets Eth. Ctrl 2x1000-BASE-T CuPG-1862PCI-X/64bit*required 2 sets*-:cannot be applied *# : standard*1. As RAID controller card working at 66MHz is installed as standard, PCI-X bus (64bit/100MHz) works at max. 66MHz.PRIMERGY TX200FT S2 consists of TX200FT S2(FT1) and TX200FT S2(FT2) .Eth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-T Cu Eth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-T Cu PG-1852PG-1852*Standard*Standard*No AFT/ALB support*No AFT/ALB supportEth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-T Cu Eth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-T Cu PG-1852PG-1852*Standard*Standard*No AFT/ALB support *No AFT/ALB support Eth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-T Cu PG-1852*Standard*No AFT/ALB supportPG-1852 PCI/32bit --11---Mountable Cards-Mount PriorityBus#PCI-X-Eth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-T Cu--1#--1---64bit/100MHz*1Remarks12345Full Height PCI Slot PriorityPCI 3.3VMax No.of Mount64bit/133MHz*132bit/33MH z5.0V511111-143---#---#----1-HighLowMemory Module-512MB x 2 (256MB DIMM x 2 x 2sets)PG-RM51AEFMemory Module-1GB x 2 (512MB DIMM x 2 x 2sets)PG-RM1AEFMemory Module-2GB x 2 (1GB DIMM x 2 x 2sets)PG-RM2AEF(Available Memory Area)*1 : "256MB" is occupied for FT Control.Size of Mounted Memory minus "256MB"(*1)*2 : "0.1-0.8GB" which is being used for PCI resource management Size of Mounted Memory minus "256MB"(*1) minus "0.1-0.8GB"(*2)depends on the type and the number of installed memory modules.(''1) Wide Backup Devices: PG-DT501/PG-LT201 (TX200FT S2(FT1))(''2) Narrow Backup Devices: None(''3) Backup Devices which occupies 2 bays: NoneHDD U320 10k 73GB hot plug 1" x 2PG-HDH71KFRAID Ctrl 2-Channel 128MB w/BBU HDD U320 10k 147GB hot plug 1" x 2PG-HDH41KFHDD U320 10k 300GB hot plug 1" x 2PG-HDH31KFTape Drv DAT72 36GB internal PG-DT501SCSI Cable 1.54m Tape Drv LTO2 Ultrium2 200GB PG-LT201Available Memory Area3.5~4.0GB~3.0GB Mounted MemoryBackup Device (Wide/Narrow)PG-1862Twist Pair Cable*Dual portPG-1852PG-1892*for PCI-XEth. Ctrl 1000-BASE-SX Fibre LCPG-1882Multi Mode Fibre Channel CableKeyboard & Monitor mounting kitGP5-R1TB6Add-on BASE plateTX150 S2 / TX200 S2/ RX100 S3 /RX200 S2 / RX300 S2/RX600 S2PG-R6RC1 PG-R6RC2PG-R4RC3 PG-R4RC4PRIMERGY TX200FT S28U ○PRIMERGY RX100 S31U ○PRIMERGY RX200 S21U ○PRIMERGY RX300 S22U ○PRIMERGY RX600 S24U ○PRIMERGY SX30 RHPG-R1DC73U ○ETERNUS3000 Model 80 (Disk Array)4-5U ○ETERNUS3000 Model 100 (Disk Array)4-9U ○ETERNUS3000 Model 300 (Disk Array)14-32U ○ETERNUS3000 Model 500 (Disk Array)14-56U ○ETERNUS3000 Model 700 (Disk Array)14-56U ○PRIMERGY SX10PG-R1BC43U ○Keyboard & monitor mounting kitGP5-R1TB6*1○Add-on BASE plate GP5-R1TB7*2○StabilizerPG-R3ST1-○*○: supported*1. 9 units are occupied for console and 1 unit is occupied for keyboard.*2. The number of occupied units depends on installed equipment.TX150 S2TX200 S2Rack ServerDisplayHard Disk DevicesBackup DevicesOthersRack Conversion kit for TX150 S2/S4(PG-R1CK15)PRIMERGY TX200 S24U Rack Conversion kit for TX200 S2(PG-R1CK18)Base UnitPRIMERGY TX150 S25U19inch Standard Rack No. of units required Product ID Product ID40U + 2U x 224U + 2UProduct NameNo. of units occupiedPRIMERGY SX30 RH PG-R1DC7RAID Ctrl 2-channnelSCSI cable *MAX. 14 HDDsHDD U320 10k 73GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH71VPGBHDH71V (for CTO)HDD U320 10k 147GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH41VPGBHDH41V (for CTO)*Note for PRIMERGY SX30 (Hard Disk Cabinet)HDD U320 10k 300GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH31VPGBHDH31V (for CTO)HDD U320 15k 73GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH75VPGBHDH75V (for CTO)HDD U320 15k 147GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH45VPGBHDH45V (for CTO)Power Supply ModulePG-PU103PGBPU103 (for CTO)3. If you order PRIMERGY SX30 RH and RX300 S2 at a time to connect PRIMERGY SX30 RH to RX300 S2, you should order PCI-X-risercard 3 x 64bit/100MHz option(PGBCSU102) too.PCI-X-risercard 3 x 64bit/100MHz option(PGBCSU102) cannot be applied after shipment of RX300 S2.2. When more than 8 internal HDDs are installed in PRIMERGY SX30, 2 SCSI Cables must be connected with 2 channels for RAID Controllers.SCSI Cable HDCI 1.5m : PG-CBLS001SCSI CablePG-CBLS022 SCSI Ctrl U160 1p SCSI Cable HDCI 1.8m : PG-CBLS007Tape Drv VXA-2 80GBPG-VX201PGBVX201 (for CTO)RAID Ctrl 2-channnelSCSI cable *MAX. 14 HDDsHDD U320 10k 73GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH71VPGBHDH71V (for CTO)HDD U320 10k 147GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH41VPGBHDH41V (for CTO)HDD U320 10k 300GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH31VPGBHDH31V (for CTO)HDD U320 15k 73GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH75VPGBHDH75V (for CTO)HDD U320 15k 147GB hot plug 1"PG-HDH45VPGBHDH45V (for CTO)Power Supply ModulePG-PU103PGBPU103 (for CTO)Specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest detailed information, contact your local representative.All brand names and product names are trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective holders.©2006 Fujitsu Limited. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.Global Business Development & Marketing Business Strategy & Planning System ProductsURL connected with 2 channels for RAID Controllers.。

Fujitsu Software BS2000 PLI1 V4.2 数据手册说明书

Fujitsu Software BS2000 PLI1 V4.2 数据手册说明书

Datenblatt Fujitsu Software BS2000 PLI1 V4.2PL/I is a problem -oriented, general -purpose programming language suitable for both commercial and technical/scientific applications.TopicsProduct characteristic The language scope of the PL/I compiler PLI1 largely conforms to ISO Standard 6160 of November 1978, and the identical ANSI Standard published in 1976 as well as DIN Standard 66255 of May 1980. The PLI1 compiler has significant optimizationcharacteristics. PLI1 makes it possible to use thecompiler in the shareable mode and to generateshareable object programs.The PLI1 compiler can generate objects which areexecutable in XS addressing mode. When objects aregenerated in XS addressing mode, object code anddata can be stored in the expanded address space.Interactive symbolic debugging is possible with thehelp of the AID (Advanced Interactive Debugger).PLI1 object modules created by the PLI1 compilermust be converted to executable load modules bybeing linked to the PLI1 runtime system PLI1-LZS.The compiler and the pre -linked runtime system areDSSM -compatible.Functional descriptionInput/Output:◼ GET/PUT DATA: Simple control of input/output ofnames and values of variables. ◼ Sequential access to REGIONAL files. ◼ CONSECUTIVE: files also with ISAM access method (in addition to SAM). ◼ Record and stream I/O are also implemented forsystem files.Variable:◼ Dimensioning arrays and areas using variable, * (= reference to existing definition) and REFER (=self -defining, variable). ◼ VARYING: processing of bit and character strings with variable actual length.◼Processing complex sizes.Statements:◼BY NAME - structure allocation:◼Allocation of two structures to each other, provided the elements of both structures have the same name.◼DEFAULT - statement:◼Modification of attributes preset by the system. Declarations:GENERIC attribute:◼Call (selection) of various subprograms via a shared (generic) input.◼LIKE attribute:Copy attributes of an existing, defined structure declaration into another structure.◼Structures can be dimensioned to any level.◼Multiple functions for processing character and bit strings e.g., AFTER, BEFORE, DECAT, COLLATE, TRANSLATE, REVERSE, VERIFY, VALID.◼Generation of reentrant programs (OPTIONS REENTRANT).◼INITIAL attribute with CALL.◼BACKWARDS attribute for magnetic cartridge files.◼Variable sentence lengths for REGIONAL(3) access method.◼SCALARVARYING environment attribute to support variable sentence lengths in locate mode.◼Language elements:◼SELECT, LEAVE, DO UNTIL,◼ATTENTION condition,◼TRANSIENT files (via TIAM),◼Environment details LEAVE, UNLOAD, GENKEY, LIMCT,◼Built-in functions ANY, ALL, EVERY, SOME, POLY, CURRENTSTORAGE, STORAGE, PLI1GLOBAL,◼B- format with radix factors,◼User CONDITIONS also INTERNAL.Program descriptionPLI1 is made up of a compiler and the runtime system; the runtime system includes English and German text files (error messages).Optimization:PLI1 executes the following optimization of object programs etc.: ◼Loop optimization: linear index strength reduction, extraction of loop-invariant expressions, optimization of register use, optimization of implicit loops. ◼Elimination of multiple calculation of the same (sub-) expressions (combining of expressions).◼En bloc initialization of dynamic variables.◼optimization of register use on the basis of global information.◼Simplification of expressions.◼REORDER optimization.◼optimization of logic expression calculation.◼optimization of entry and return codes of specific internal procedures (quick procedures).◼In-line resolution of specific built-in functions.◼Special case optimizations.Control statements:Compilation and execution of PL/I programs can be easily controlled by options and modified to various stored application instances.Pre-settings exist for all options which can be redefined by the user.The compiler and objects can be controlled via the SDF command interface.Diagnosis and debugging aids:PLI1 offers specific tools for detecting and correcting errors when compiling and debugging programs:◼Clear error reports in German or English.◼Comprehensive source, cross-reference, and attribute lists; offset and assembler list, structure length list.◼Memory dumps and easy output of variable names (PUT DATA).◼Dynamic verification of index limits, lengths of character and bit strings etc.◼Statement localization in response to errors and log of call interleaving.◼Various traces (fault trace) can be switched on/off dynamically.◼Controller events (check points) can beactivated/deactivated dynamically.PLI1 runtime system PLI1-LZS:The runtime system includes the set of all ready-made components of an object program and program framework, input/output system, built-in functions, condition, and error handling etc. The linkage procedure combines all link modules named when the linkage editor is called and also those which are referenced explicitly or implicitly by the named modules. Object modules are referenced explicitly for which declarations (DCL...ENTRY EXTERNAL;) occur in the respective module concerned providing the declaration does not also contain OPTIONS (WXTRN). In contrast, modules in the runtime library as requiredfor conversion, input/output etc., are referenced implicitly.Two runtime systems are available:Elementary runtime system:With the elementary runtime system all elementary link modules are available individually. A complete link and load procedure is required for each source program. A link log is generated during the linkage. Prelinked runtime system:With a prelinked runtime system, most elementary link modules are prelinked to two main modules.All modules except ITP2SRT#, ITPLXFC#,ITPLXEN# and ITPLXFV# are programmed ”reentrant”.Input/output access methods:PLI1 supports SAM, ISAM, PAM and BS2000 system file access methods.SORT interface:Using a CALL interface, PLI1 programs can call BS2000 SORT and either transfer or import data. Reusability:An option exists to reuse the compiler and runtime system and to generate object programs which can be reused.openUTM interface:openUTM (Universal Transaction Monitor) means transaction applications can be simply executed in BS2000 and provides transaction-oriented administration of operating resources, application programs, data stations, primary and secondary data areas.openUTM guarantees that a transaction has been executed completely or not at all with all relevant data modifications and guarantees the consistency of the application data.Symbolic debugger tool AIDPLI1 generates debugger tool information for the symbolic debugging using the interactive debugging tool AID (Advanced Interactive Debugger) which is independent of the programming languages. This permits the symbolic display and setting of variables (symbolic dump) and symbolic trace. The debugging information is generated independently of a compiler option.Technical DetailsTechnical Requirements Hardware BS2000 Business ServerTechnical Requirements Software BS2000 OS DX V1.0BS2000 OSD/BC V11.0, OSD/XC V11.0User Requirements Knowledge of BS2000 and PLI1The manuals for PLI1 are available on the manual server.and conditions for the use of software products in return forongoing or one-time payment.Order and Delivery This software product may be obtained from your local Fujitsuregional office.ContactFujitsuBS2000 ServicesEmail: ************************** Website: /emeia/bs2000 2022-05-20 EM EN © Fujitsu 2022. All rights reserved. Fujitsu and Fujitsu logo are trademarks of Fujitsu Limited registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product, service and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of Fujitsu or other companies. This document is current as of the initial date of publication and subject to be changed by Fujitsu without notice. This material is provided for information purposes only and Fujitsu。

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4. 有关 M3000 服务器硬件的信息 61 说明和限制 61 200V 电源的使用说明 61 有关 DVD 驱动器和光盘的说明 61 有关使用 USB 内存的说明 62 电源控制和操作面板模式开关 62 适用于 Emulex PCI Express (PCIe) 卡的修补程序 63 硬件文档更新 63
SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/ M8000/M9000 服务器
产品说明 (适用于 XCP 版本 1101)
手册代码:C120-E646-02ZH 2011 年 4 月,修订版 A
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前言 vii
1. 软件要求 1 XCP、 Oracle Solaris OS 和所需的修补程序 1 获取 XCP 和 Oracle Solaris 修补程序 4 Web 浏览器 4
2. XCP 1101 及 XCP 1101 相关信息 5 XCP 1101 的新增功能 5 硬件 RAID 功能 (M3000 服务器) 5 支持的环境状况 6 说明和限制 6 SPARC64 VII+ 和 SPARC64 VII 处理器的限制 (M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 服务器) 6 有关硬件 RAID 的说明 (M3000 服务器) 6 有关使用硬件 RAID 的说明 6 有关构建或删除硬件 RAID 的说明 7 有关操作硬件 RAID 的说明 7 有关 raidctl(1M) 命令的说明 7 有关 Active Directory 的说明 8 有关 LDAP/SSL 的说明 8
vi SPARC Enterprise Mx000 服务器产品说明 (适用于 XCP 版本 1101) • 2011 年 4 月
本产品说明包含有关 SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 服务 器硬件、软件、固件和文档的最新重要信息,涵盖了 XSCF 控制软件包 (XSCF Control Package, XCP) 的最新发行版。 为了便于阅读,有时在提到服务器名称和文档名称时使用了简称。例如,如果您看到 M9000 服务器,请注意,完整的产品名称是 SPARC Enterprise M9000 服务器。如果 您看到 XSCF Reference Manual,请注意,完整的文档名称是 《SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual》。
注 – 比本手册支持的 XCP 版本新的 XCP 版本发布后,随后只会更新与 XCP 新版本相 关的手册。因此,除了查看与您正在使用的 XCP 版本相关的手册外,还必须查看最新 XCP 版本的手册。 全球站点 /sparcenterprise/manual/ 日本站点 /sparcenterprise/manual/
3. 有关软件的信息 15 说明和限制 15 关于远程维护的说明 15 设置远程维护服务之前 15 启用和禁用 REMCS 代理功能 16 REMCS 代理功能的时区设置 16 XCP 问题和解决方法 16 XCP 1101 中的已知问题和解决方法 16 XCP 1101 中已修复的 XCP 问题 18 XCP 1101 之前的发行版中已修复的 XCP 问题 19 Oracle Solaris OS 问题和解决方法 36 所有支持的 Oracle Solaris 发行版的问题和解决方法 36 已在 Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 中修复的 Oracle Solaris OS 问题 41 已在 Oracle Solaris 10 10/09 中修复的 Oracle Solaris OS 问题 42 已在 Oracle Solaris 10 5/09 中修复的 Oracle Solaris OS 问题 44 已在 Oracle Solaris 10 10/08 中修复的 Oracle Solaris OS 问题 45 已在 Oracle Solaris 10 5/08 中修复的 Oracle Solaris OS 问题 48 已在 Oracle Solaris 10 8/07 中修复的 Oracle Solaris OS 问题 52
本文档适用于 M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 服务器的所有型号。请根据您的 服务器阅读相关章节 (如下表所示)。
产品说明中的相关章节Байду номын сангаас(根据使用的服务器)
本文档的章节 第 1 章软件要求 第 2 章 XCP 1101 及 XCP 1101 相关信息 第 3 章有关软件的信息 第 4 章有关 M3000 服务器硬件的信息 第 5 章有关 M4000/M5000 服务器硬件的信息 第 6 章有关 M8000/M9000 服务器硬件的信息
有关功耗监视功能的说明 (M3000 服务器) 8 有关气流指示器的说明 8 有关 NTP 服务器的说明 8
有关引用本地时钟的 NTP 服务器的说明 9 有关 XSCF Web 的说明 10 其他说明和限制 11 XCP 1101 问题和解决方法 12 更新到 XCP 1101 12 重置 XSCF 固件 12 从早于 XCP 1050 的版本进行更新 (M8000/M9000 服务器) 13 从早于 XCP 1070 的版本进行更新 (M8000/M9000 服务器) 13
本节包括以下内容: ■ 第 viii 页的 “读者” ■ 第 viii 页的 “如何使用本文档” ■ 第 ix 页的 “相关文档” ■ 第 xii 页的 “文档反馈”
本说明的目标读者是具有计算机网络应用知识且非常熟悉 Oracle Solaris 操作系统 (Oracle Solaris OS) 的经验丰富的系统管理员。
iv SPARC Enterprise Mx000 服务器产品说明 (适用于 XCP 版本 1101) • 2011 年 4 月
软件文档更新 58 其他信息 58
确定系统中是否存在内存降级现象 58 确定系统板中的不同内存大小 59