BIS(Bureau of Indian Standards)认证是印度国家标准局的认证,涵盖了多个领域的产品和服务。
1. 电子和信息技术产品,涉及计算机、电视、手机、电池、充电器、键盘等电子设备的安全性、电磁兼容性、能效等测试。
2. 机械和工程产品,包括发动机、泵、压力容器、制冷设备、电动机、变压器等产品的安全性、性能和质量测试。
3. 建筑和建材产品,涉及水龙头、管道、电线电缆、安全门、玻璃制品等的安全性、耐久性、防火性能等测试。
4. 食品和农产品,包括谷物、蔬菜、水果、肉类、奶制品、茶叶、咖啡等食品和农产品的质量、卫生标准、残留物测试。
5. 化学和化妆品产品,涉及化学品、肥料、洗涤剂、香水、化妆品等产品的成分分析、安全性评估、标签要求等测试。
6. 纺织和服装产品,包括纺织品、针织品、服装、鞋类等产品的纤维成分、色牢度、尺寸稳定性、可燃性等测试。
7. 玩具和儿童用品,涉及玩具、婴儿床、儿童座椅、儿童服装等产品的安全性、耐久性、化学物质含量等测试。
8. 环境和能源产品,包括太阳能产品、LED照明产品、电池等的能效、安全性、环境友好性等测试。
印度bis认证标准全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:印度BIS认证标准(Bureau of Indian Standards)是印度政府机构为了保障消费者权益,提高产品质量和市场竞争力而制定的一系列国家标准。
第二篇示例:印度BIS认证标准是指印度国家标准局(Bureau of Indian Standards,简称BIS)制定的一系列关于产品质量、安全和环保的规定和要求。
计划与物料控制部—工作手册计划与物料控制部工作手册编委:向勇志、罗能明、郭永志、胡新丰、王绍军、彭前刚、凌建明、黎超侠、关学义、李琴芳、刘宏生美编:李琴芳审核:翟冠永、徐时辉批准:林小鸥日期:2010年8月311计划与物料控制部—工作手册前言您好!首先,谨代表PMC团队的所有成员对您的加入表示热烈欢迎!谢谢您的加入,谢谢您能与我们携手并肩,共同分享公司成长中的辛苦和喜悦, 汗水与幸福。
一份耕耘, 一份收获, 在我们这个家庭里,只要努力学习,努力提高,努力创造了,你一定会在知识,技能,管理等各方面获得收成,并全面提升自己到一个更高的人生境界。
BIS(Bureau of Indian Standards)认证是印度国家标准局的认可,用于确认产品或服务符合印度国家标准的要求。
1. 产品测试:对产品进行全面的物理、化学、电气等方面的测试,以确保其符合印度国家标准的要求。
2. 工厂审核:对生产产品的工厂进行审核,以确定其生产过程是否符合印度国家标准的要求。
3. 质量管理体系:要求企业建立和实施符合ISO 9001质量管理体系标准的体系,并通过审核确认其有效性。
4. 标准符合性声明:提交相关文件和材料,包括产品规格、测试报告、工厂审核报告等,以提供证明产品符合印度国家标准的证据。
5. 认证标志使用:一旦通过BIS认证,企业可以在产品上使用BIS认证标志,以展示产品符合印度国家标准的认可。
▪ Barnett等于1971年提出了脑电双频谱指数(bispectral index, BIS)分析方法
▪ 1996年,BIS作为监测药物镇静及催眠作用的技术得到美国 FDA批准
▪ 2003年美国FDA声明:使用BIS指导麻醉,可以降低成人患 者在全麻和镇静过程中知晓的发生率。
▪ 到目前为此全球以超过了1100万人应用BIS,其中包括手术 室、ICU以及各种需要镇静监护的病人
▪ BIS应用傅立叶变换技术,在EEG功率谱分析的基 础上复合脑电相关函数谱分析技术,既测定脑电图 的线性(包括频率 和功率)部分,又分析其非线性部 分(包括位相和谐波),从而提高了EEG分析的完整 性。
▪ 将δ波段的相位锁定,把能量从δ能量中减除,并表 示为0~30Hz波段双波谱密度的比率,最后得出一 量化指标(0~100) ,即BIS。
▪ BIS值异常升高 ▪ BIS值异常降低
• 可以减少主要麻醉药物的剂量 • 可以缩短苏醒和恢复时间 • 提高了患者的舒适度 • 减少术中知晓和回忆的发生率
▪ 麻醉深度监测有脑电双频指数、听觉诱发电 位指数、病人状态指数、Narcotrend、脑电 熵、SNAP指数等一系列的监测指标。
▪ 在美国有95%的手术室应用了BIS
▪ 全世界有160个国家使用BIS
▪ 全球已装机器>35000台
▪ BIS文献资料超过2500篇
BIS操作指南印度BIS(Bureau of Indian Standards)强制注册计划自2013年生效起, CTI为您开启印度市场的大门。
一、印度民用电压和频率:India Voltage:230V;Frequency:50Hz;二、产品强制范围:标准2013-07-03已强制执行的产品2015-05-13强制执行的产品IS13252:2010 IEC60950-1:2005 (ITE)1、笔记本/平板电脑2、打印机/绘图仪3、扫描仪4、无线键盘5、电话答录机6、机顶盒7、自动数据处理器8、显示设备(min.32")1、电源适配器2、移动电话3、收音机4、POS机5、复印机6、智能卡读取器7、邮务机8、护照读取器9、移动电源IS616:2010 IEC60065:2005 (A/V)1、等离子/液晶电视机(min.32")2、内置功放的光盘播放器3、功放(min.2KW)4、电子音乐系统(min.200W)5、电子游戏机1、电源适配器IS16046:2012 IEC62133:20021、可充电电池(2015-08-13实施强制,运输需考虑UN38.3)其他产品已执行IS302-2-25:1994微波炉IEC60335-25:2010IS302-2-26:1994IEC60335-26:2008电子钟(附主电源)2015-05-13生效IS10322(Part5/Sec1):2012IEC60598-2-1:1979+A1(1987)LED灯具(只针对固定式灯具)IS15885(Part2/Sec13):2012IEC61347-2-13,Ed12006-05LED电子控制装置(只针对独立式外置的)IS16102(Part1):2012IEC62560:2011备有镇流器的电灯具IS16242(Part1):2014IEC62040-1:2008不断电系统/换流器(小于等于5KVA)三、方案简介:1、标识声明:"Self-Declaration-Confirming to IS.....(相关印度标准),XXX(注册号)2、发证机构:印度标准局,即BIS3、代理机构:CTI华测,进行结构检查和预测4、测试数据:所有测试必须在印度当地指定实验室完成5、零件认可:可接受IEC或者其等效标准认证的零部件;6、国家差异:电源线需要是印度ISI认证的产品;直插式插头需满足IS 1293:20057、其他事项:针对一份报告的要求如下:安全EMC CB报告插头报告工厂审查市场抽查评估不评估不接受不需要不需要需要当地代理年费注册有效期可否多型号可否多商标可否多工厂需要不需要(注册更新含费用)1年最多10个一般不可以不可以8、BIS证书有效期是两年;证书到期之后可以无限期的更新,但是基于标准和样品不更新的前提下;每次更新只能增加一年有效期;四、BIS认证流程1.确认合同2.支付款项3.提交样品、资料4.预测试5.提交最终样品、资料到BIS指定机构6.最终测试7.指定机构提供报告8.提供报告以及BIS注册资料9.完成注册,取得注册号码以及证书五、测试所需资料1.产品英文说明书2.整机的原理图、PCB图3.CDF(根据产品定,接受UL或者CB等证书)4.外置电源适配器的原理图、PCB图5.外置电源适配器CB报告和证书注:5月7号后不接受了,强制提供BIS认证6.锂电池或者池芯CB报告和证书7.产品铭牌8.锂电池的详细规格书(包含保护电路原理图)9.提供差异说明,系列申请的时候适用注意事项:电源线需要满足IS302-1,插头插脚需要满足IS1293 6:周期测试周期:4-5周注册周期:2-3周。
1. 送合格的样机给认可实验室测试。
2. BIS认证注册,BIS审议,批复意见,(不满足的要整改,再提交),收到证书,产品生产使用IS标志。
1. 了解BIS相关标准,文件要求;
2. 安排GCR-K956去实验室测试,联系工程师准备了相关文件。
4. 通过了解的需求,以及认证机构建议准备的材料,通知了工厂准备,,已经拿到的资料,安排了一部分的翻译,另外一部分,更新需求,并联系了相关工程师提供,还未完全更新。
1. 已经安排印度员工将购买到的最新BIS标准寄回来(下周一、二就能拿到),300多页,涉及各种环境及测试要求,即刻将标准给到相关部门,并按照这个准备样机,充分验证性能;(已有的技术规格文件见链接)
2. 同印度方面沟通包材,品牌等事项,和工厂沟通后确定下来。
3. 准备申请表,详细的自述文件,相关测试报告。
4. 这期间,根据德里实验室测试GCR-K956的结果,及时反馈到所有相关人员。
BIS(Bureau of Indian Standards)认证标准是印度政府设立的国家标准机构,旨在确保在印度市场上销售的产品符合一定的质量和安全要求。
BIS 认证标准涉及多个领域,如电子电器、建筑材料、化工产品、食品等,为印度消费者提供了产品质量和安全保障。
三、BIS认证标准的主要内容1. 产品范围:BIS认证标准适用于多个领域的产品,如家用电器、照明设备、电线电缆、建筑材料、食品等。
2. 认证流程:申请BIS认证的企业需要向印度标准局提交相关文件和产品样品,并按照规定的程序进行测试和评估。
3. 标志和标签:获得BIS认证的产品必须在产品本体或包装上标注BIS认证标志和相应的认证编号。
4. 监督和检查:印度标准局对已获得BIS认证的产品进行定期监督和检查,以确保其持续符合相关标准和规定。
四、BIS认证标准的意义1. 保护消费者权益:通过确保在市场上销售的产品符合一定的质量和安全要求,BIS认证标准有助于保护消费者的权益,减少因产品质量问题引发的风险。
2. 促进国际贸易:BIS认证标准是印度市场的准入条件之一,获得BIS认证有助于企业进入印度市场,并提升产品在国际市场上的竞争力。
3. 规范市场秩序:通过实施统一的标准和认证制度,BIS认证标准有助于规范市场秩序,打击假冒伪劣产品,促进市场公平竞争。
货物系固手册CARGO SECURING MANUALXX轮MV. XXX本手册是根据1974年国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS)及其修正案要求,且按照MSC.1/Circ.1353 (货物系固手册编制指南)的具体要求和格式编制。
This manual was made according to the requirement of SOLAS including its amendments, and format of MSC.1/Circ.1353.编制公司:Company:编制时间Date:批准机构Approved by:批准时间Approval date:船舶信息Information of ship船名Name of Ship:船旗国Flag:船型Type of Ship:船东Owner:船级社Class:IMO No.:垂线间长LBP:型宽Berth:型深Depth吃水Draught:总吨GT:初稳性高度GM0:本手册由ClassIBS验船师贺彤、刘颖钊依照经修订的《货物系固手册编制指南》(MSC.1/Circ.1353)编写。
目录Catalog前言Preamble第一章总则Chapter 1 General1.1定义Definitions1.2手册的准备Preparation of the manual1.3通用信息General information第二章系固设备及其布置Chapter 2 Securing devices and arrangements2.1固定式系固设备Specification for fixed cargo securing devices2.2便携式系固设备Specification for portable cargo securing devices2.3检查和维修方案Inspection and maintenance schemes第三章非标准货与半标准货的堆装与系固Chapter 3 Stowage and securing of non-standardized and semi-standardized cargo 3.1使用及安全须知Handling and safety instructions3.2对作用在货物单元上力的估算Evaluation of forces acting on cargo units3.3在各种货物单元、车辆和堆装区的便携式系固设备的应用Application of portable securing devices on various cargo units, vehicles and stowage blocks3.4滚装船的附加要求(略)Supplementary requirements for ro-ro ships3.5散货船Bulk carrier第四章集装箱与其他标准货的堆装与系固Chapter 4 Stowage and securing of containers and other standardized cargo4.1使用及安全须知Handling and safety instructions4.2堆装和系固方案Stowage and securing instructions4.3 其他允许的堆装方式other allowable stowage patterns4.4作用在货物单元上的外力Forces acting on cargo units第五章货物安全通道布置CHAPTER 5 Cargo safe access plan(CSAP)附件1:船上货物系固设备的更新记录Annex 1: renewal record of securing devices附件2:船上货物系固设备的检查、保养和维护记录Annex 2: Inspect and maintain record of securing devices前言PREAMBLE1. 根据1974年SOLAS公约的第VI章第5条、第VII章第5条和“货物堆装及系固安全实施规则”(CSS Code),货物单元包括集装箱都要按照主管机关批准的《货物系固手册》堆装和系固并贯穿整个航次。
印度bis认证标准-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容应该对印度BIS(印度标准局)认证标准进行简要介绍和概括。
以下是一个例子:概述印度BIS认证标准是由印度标准局(Bureau of Indian Standards,简称BIS)制定和管理的一套标准体系。
作为印度的国家标准机构,BIS 负责制定、推广和实施各个行业的标准以确保产品和服务的质量、可靠性和安全性。
可以按照以下方式编写:文章结构本文按照以下章节组织:1. 引言1.1 概述:介绍印度BIS认证标准的背景和目的。
1.2 文章结构:概括性描述本文的章节组织和内容。
1.3 目的:说明本文撰写的目的和意义。
1.4 总结:对引言部分进行小结。
2. 正文2.1 印度BIS认证标准概述:详细介绍印度BIS认证标准的定义、发展历程和相关背景信息等。
按《1986年印度标准局法》(The BIS Act,1986),印度的产品认证明行志愿认证原则,但考虑到公众健康和安全及公共消费等因素,印度政府通过发布即时法令,对特左产品实施强制认证。
因此,想打入印度市场的生产企业,有必要对印度的产品认证制度有所了解按《1986年印度标准局法》(The BIS Act, 1986),印度标准局(BIS)是印度标准化与认证主管机构,具体负责产品认证工作,它也是印度唯一的产品认证机构,正式成立于1987年,以取代1946年成立的印度标准学会。
印度标准局(BIS)隶属于消费者事务及公共分派部,它虽为社会法人集体,却行使政府职能,其主要任务是制立推行国家标准;实施合格评左制度:代表国家参与ISO, IEC等国际标准化活动。
RESTRICTION OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (RoHS) REGULATIONS 2012GOVERNMENT GUIDANCE NOTES FOR ROHS 2JULY 2014Contents1.Introduction (3)2.RoHS – The Law in Brief (4)Summary (4)Entry into force (5)Requirements (5)Enforcement (5)3.Scope of the Regulations (5)Assessing products to see if they are included in the scope (6)Exclusions (6)Exemptions (7)Spare parts (7)Possible future exemptions (8)Definitions (8)Maximum concentration values (9)4. Compliance (9)5. Manufacturers’ Obligations (9)6. Importers’ Obligations (11)7. Distributors’ Obligations (11)8. Enforcement (12)Offences and penalties (13)9. Contact points (15)Annex A – Categories of electrical and electronic equipment covered by the RoHS Regulations. (16)1. IntroductionAbout This Guidance1.1 This guidance applies from 2 January 2013. For product first placed on the market under the 2008 RoHS Regulations implementing the first RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC), please also refer to the earlier guidance BIS guidance notes URN 11/5261.1.2 This guide is addressed to all businesses and individuals placing electrical and electronic equipment on the UK market. It clearly explains the requirements of the UK Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) Regulations 20122 (as amended)3.1.4 This guidance is aimed at the UK market to provide specific advice over and above EU level guidance4, which will need to be read in conjunction with this document.1.5 This guidance cannot cover every situation and, of course, it may be necessary to carefully consider the relevant legislation to see how it applies in your circumstances. However, if you do follow the guidance it will help you to understand how to comply with the law.1.6 This guidance has been designed to comply with the “Code of Practice on Guidance on Regulation 2009”. This was published in October 2009 and a copy can be downloaded from the website.1.7 This is the July 2014 edition. The guidance is updated on a regular basis as necessary.1https:///government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/31803/11-526-rohs-regulations-government-guidance-notes.pdf2/uksi/2012/3032/contents/made3/uksi/2014/1771/made4 RoHS – The Law in BriefSummary2.1 The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2012 (SI 2012 No.3032)5 (as amended), (“the RoHS Regulations 2012”) implements the provisions of the European Parliament and Council Directive on the Restrictions of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment2011/65/EU6(“RoHS 2”).2.2 The Regulations are amended by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Restriction of the use of certain HazardousSubstances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (amendment) regulations 2014 no.17717 which transposes the Corrigendum to the Directive8.2.3 The original RoHS Regulations9 have restricted the placing on the UK market of new Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) containing more than the permitted levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium and both polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants in certain products since 1 July 2006. There are a number of exempted applications for these substances and a number of products which will have limits imposed in the future.2.4 Since 1 July 2006, manufacturers have needed to ensure that their products - and the components and subassemblies of such products - comply with the requirements of the original RoHS Regulations in order to be put on the single market. The Regulations have also had an impact on those who import EEE into the European Union on a professional basis, those who export to other Member States and those who rebrand other manufacturers’ EEE as their own.2.5 The RoHS Regulations 2012 do not affect the application of existing legal requirements for EEE, including those regarding safety, the protection of5/uksi/2012/3032/contents/made6 Directive 2011/65/EU of 1 July 2011, (OJ No. L174/88).7/uksi/2014/1771/made8 OJ L 4, 14.02.14, p.559 The RoHS Regulations 2006, (SI 2006 No. 1463); revoked and replaced by the RoHS Regulations 2008 (SI 2008 No. 37), as amended by the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009 No. 581).health, existing transport requirements or provisions on hazardous waste. In other words, existing legislation on EEE and hazardous substances must also be complied with.Entry into force2.6 The RoHS Regulations came into force on 2 January 2013, replacing the original Regulations that came into force on 1 February 2008.Requirements2.7 The RoHS Regulations 2012 impose obligations on economic operators throughout the supply chain (as defined in the Regulations) in relation to the placing and making available of EEE on the market.2.8 The key restriction is that economic operators may not place, or make available, EEE containing lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), in amounts exceeding the established maximum concentration values, on the market. There are also requirements for finished EEE to be CE marked.2.9 The Regulations outline what EEE are in scope, exclusions (EEE to which these regulations do not apply) and makes reference to the specific exemptions to the restricted substances. With the exception of some categories (where certain parts of the regulation apply on special dates), EEE that was outside the scope of the 2008 Regulations does not need to comply with the new Regulations until 22 July 2019.2.10 Economic operators must be able to demonstrate compliance by submitting an EU Declaration of Conformity and technical documentation or other information to the market surveillance authority on request and must retain such documentation for a period of ten years after the EEE is placed on the market.Enforcement2.11 Responsibility for the enforcement of the RoHS Regulations lies with the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills, who has appointed the National Measurement Office (NMO), an executive agency of the Department, to act on his behalf.3. Scope of the Regulations3.1 The RoHS Regulations apply to all EEE put on the market in the UK which falls into the broad categories listed. The RoHS Regulations define “EEE” and although this point is covered later in this guidance it should benoted that the definition has changed. In addition, the RoHS Regulations apply both to electric light bulbs and to household luminaires.3.2 The broad categories bring products into scope of the RoHS Regulations at different times over a 6.5 year period starting from 2 January 2013. Details are provided below.-Existing categories 1-7 and 10 remain in scope. All categories (1-11) are subject to new exclusions listed separately (p5).-Categories 8+9 Medical devices, monitoring and control instruments enter into scope on the following timetable:o From 22 July 2014: Medical devices and monitoring and control instruments;o From 22 July 2016: In vitro diagnostic medical devices;o From 22 July 2017: Industrial monitoring and controlinstruments.- A new category 11, other electrical and electronic equipment not covered by any of the categories above, comes into scope from 23 July 2019, as do two wheeled electric vehicles which are not type approved and any products in categories 1-7 or 10 not covered by the 2002RoHS Directive, which was most recently transposed into UK law bythe 2008 Regulations.Assessing products to see if they are included in the scope3.3 For many products, the decision on whether they are included within the scope of these Regulations should be reasonably straightforward. However there are a number of products (particularly in specialised or industrial sectors), where there may be significant areas of doubt and uncertainty.3.4 The FAQ developed by the Commission for the previous Directive does not apply to the new RoHS Directive as they are considered to have different policy intentions. The Commission have issued a FAQ document for RoHS 2 which is available on the Commission website10.Exclusions3.5 The RoHS Regulations do not apply to:10•Equipment which is necessary for the protection of the essential interest of the security of member states, including arms, munitions and warmaterial intended for specifically military purposes;•Equipment designed to be sent into space;•Equipment which is specifically designed to be installed as part of another type of equipment to which the RoHS Regulations do not apply, which can fulfil its function only if it is part of that equipment, and which can be replaced only by the same specifically designed equipment; •Large-scale stationary industrial tools;•Large-scale fixed installations;•means of transport for persons or goods, excluding electric two-wheeled vehicles which are not type-approved;•Non-road mobile machinery made available exclusively for professional use;•Active implantable medical devices;•Photovoltaic panels intended to be used in a system that is designed, assembled and installed by professionals for permanent use at a defined location to produce energy from solar light for public, commercial,industrial and residential applications;•Equipment specifically designed solely for the purposes of research and development only made available on a business-to-business basis. Exemptions3.6 A list of specific exemptions agreed for items in any category is provided in Annex III of the RoHS Directive. Additional exemptions for categories 8 and 9 are contained in a separate list in Annex IV of the RoHS Directive. The duration for the validity of these is considered in the Commission’s FAQ document.Spare parts3.7 Furthermore:•Until 1 July 2016, Reuse of spare parts recovered from EEE placed on the market before 1 July 2006 in a business to business closed loop are not subject to the substance restrictions;•Please note the Regulations do not provide for exemptions for spare parts for products in category 11 as this is not provided for in theDirective (Article 4.4).New and future exemptions3.8 Two exemptions which were granted additionally to the original RoHS Directive were not included in the text of RoHS 2. These have been applied to RoHS 2 through Commission Delegated Directive 2012/50/EU and2012/51/EU11 published in December 2012. A further two batches of exemptions have since been published:•16 Commission Delegated Directives 2014/1/EU to 2014/16/EU, of 18 October 201312•8 Commission Delegated Directives 2014/69/EU to 2014/76/EU, of 13 March 2014133.9 The European Commission expects to receive further requests from industry for exemptions of additional specific applications of the hazardous substances. These requests may further extend the list in the Annex to the RoHS Directive, if agreed and adopted as Commission Decisions. Details on applying for exemptions are contained within the RoHS Directive in Article 5 and Annex V.3.10 The RoHS Regulations incorporate both December 2012 exemptions which have already been adopted and any further exemptions which may be agreed while they remain in force, as the Regulations use provisions so as to refer to the exempt applications listed in the RoHS Directive Annex “as amended from time to time”. This removes the need for further amendments to the RoHS Regulations every time that new exemptions are agreed.Definitions3.11 The definitions of “electrical and electronic equipment”, “place on the market” and “make available on the market” can be found within the RoHS Regulations. It is worth noting these Regulations contain many more definitions than the previous ones, covering in addition e.g. “homogeneous material”, “conformity assessment”.11 concentration values3.12 For the purposes of the RoHS Regulations, a maximum concentration value of up to 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials for lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB and PBDE and of up to 0.01% by weight in homogenous materials for cadmium will be permitted in EEE.4. Compliance4.1 The RoHS Regulations use self-declaration as the basis of the compliance regime. The UK market surveillance authority also undertakes market surveillance activities to detect non-compliant products and conducts tests for this purpose. The new RoHS Regulations also have important procedural obligations which must be complied with.4.2 The RoHS Regulations now impose obligations on economic operators at different stages in the supply chain (manufacturers, importers, distributors) in relation to the placing and making available on the market of EEE. If you fulfil more than one of these functions, you will pick up the obligations of that part of the supply chain too.4.3 The Regulations contain common definitions. This reflects the changes that were made at EU level to align the new RoHS Directive with Decision No 768/2008/EC on a common framework for the marketing of products, which was adopted in July 2008 as part of (what has become known as) the “Goods Package”with a view to introducing greater legislative consistency among EC harmonising measures, and in particular among the increasing number of members of the “New Approach” family of legislation setting harmonised requirements for a range of products.4.4 RoHS allows for the use of harmonised standards as a route to supporting compliance. Where a standard exists and has been cited in the OJEC as a harmonised standard for the purposes of RoHS2 then meeting that standard will give a presumption of conformity for those requirements covered by that standard.5. Manufacturers’ Obligations5.1 The RoHS Regulations require manufacturers to self-declare the conformity of their products with the requirements of the RoHS Regulations. Manufacturers are required to complete an internal production control procedure in accordance with Module A of Annex II to Decision 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on a common framework forthe marketing of products and repealing Council Decision 93/465/EEC14. Manufacturers must also draw up technical documentation.5.2 Once the conformity assessment is complete, manufacturers must prepare an “EU Declaration of Conformity” and affix the “CE marking”. The RoHS Directive’s Annex VI sets out the requirements for the declaration of conformity. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, it is assumed that EEE bearing the CE mark is compliant with the RoHS Regulations. The term "not possible" in Regulations (18(2)(b) and 24(2))regarding affixing the CE marking has been copied out from the Directive. An informed judgement should be made on what is not possible in justifying the use of this provision to the enforcement authority.5.3 The technical documentation, and the EU Declaration of Conformity, must be kept for a period of ten years after placing the product on the market.5.4 Manufacturers also have other new obligations under the RoHS Regulations. These include:i. marking EEE with information identifying the EEE and themanufacturer;ii. putting procedures in place to ensure EEE manufactured by means of series production will remain compliant;iii. keeping a register, and advising distributors, of non-compliant EEE which they have placed on the market, and any EEE which has beenrecalled;iv. taking appropriate corrective measures if the manufacturer becomes aware that EEE placed on the market is non-compliant, and advisingmarket surveillance authorities of that non-compliance, and thecorrective measures taken;v. co-operating with the market surveillance authority, including providing it with the information necessary to demonstratecompliance. This information must be provided in English in theUnited Kingdom. Other EEA states can require it in a languageunderstood by their authority;vi. Identifying to market surveillance authorities who has supplied the manufacturer with EEE and to whom they have supplied EEE.14 OJ L218, 13.8.2008 p.826. Importers’ Obligations6.1 Importers have an obligation to ensure that EEE they place on the market comply with the content restrictions. They must ensure that the manufacturer has a register of non-conforming EEE and product recalls, carried out a conformity assessment procedure, drawn up technical documentation, affixed the CE mark, and marked the EEE with the required information. Importers should also check that any documentation required is present, and mark the EEE with the importer’s name, tradename or trademark, and a contact postal address. If EEE which they intended to place on the market is non-compliant, importers should inform the manufacturer, and the market surveillance authority, of the non-compliance.6.2 Importers have the following additional obligations under the RoHS Regulations:i. check that the manufacturer has indicated their name, registeredtrade name or registered trade mark and the address at which theycan be contacted on the EEE or, where that is not possible, on itspackaging or in a document accompanying the EEEii. taking appropriate corrective measures if the importer becomes aware that EEE placed on the market is non-compliant, and advisingmarket surveillance authorities of that non-compliance, and thecorrective measures taken;iii. co-operating with the market surveillance authority, including providing it with the information necessary (in English) to demonstratecompliance;iv. Identifying to market surveillance authorities who has supplied the importer with EEE and to whom they have supplied EEE.6.3 If an importer places EEE on the market under its own name or trademark, it is required to comply with the duties imposed on manufacturers, instead of the duties imposed on importers.7. Distributors’ Obligations7.1 Distributors’ obligations arise when they make EEE available on the market. Distributors must not make EEE available if they have reason to believe it does not comply with the substance restrictions contained inregulation 3 of the RoHS Regulations. They should also inform the importer (or manufacturer if no importer exists), and the market surveillance authority.7.2 Additional obligations for distributors under the ROHS Regulations include:i. taking appropriate corrective measures if the distributor becomesaware that EEE placed on the market is non-compliant, and advisingmarket surveillance authorities of that non-compliance, and thecorrective measures taken;ii. co-operating with the market surveillance authority, including providing it with the information necessary to demonstratecompliance;iii. Identifying to market surveillance authorities who has supplied the distributor with EEE and to whom they have supplied EEE.8. Enforcement8.1 It is the duty of the National Measurement Office, acting on behalf of the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills, to enforce these Regulations.8.2 Various powers of enforcement are available, including:•Making test purchases;•Exercising powers of entry to business premises (this excludes premises that are used wholly or mainly as a private dwelling);•Obtaining warrants;•Requiring the production of compliance documentation and other information which may provide evidence as to whether or not theRegulations have been complied with in a particular case or class ofcases;•Inspecting processes, documents, goods, EEE etc;•Seizing and detaining EEE, documents, information etc and performing analytical tests, or retaining it for use as evidence in proceedings;•Issuing a compliance or enforcement notice requiring certain action to be taken, or requiring non-compliant goods to be withdrawn from the marketor prohibiting or restricting the placing of non-compliant goods on themarket;•Issuing a recall notice requiring the economic operator to use reasonable endeavours to organise the return of the EEE;•The market surveillance authority can take an action that could have been required under a compliance, enforcement or recall notice incertain circumstances.Offences and penalties8.3 The RoHS Regulations carry the following offences:i. Contravening or failing to comply with the prohibition on placing non-compliant EEE on the market found in regulations 10, 23 and 29, orwith an enforcement or recall notice, could result in those heldresponsible facing a fine up to the statutory maximum (currently£5,000) on summary conviction or an unlimited fine on conviction onindictment.ii. The following offences could lead to a fine up to level five on the standard scale (currently £5,000) on summary conviction:a. failing to take corrective measures and notify the authoritiesin cases of non-compliant EEE, in accordance withregulations 20, 26 and 30;b. failing to keep technical documentation or an EU declarationof conformity in breach of regulations 15 and 27;c. failing to keep a register of non-compliant and recalled EEEin breach of regulations 19 and 25;d. failing to co-operate with the authorities in breach ofregulations 21, 27(5) or 31;e. contravening or failing to comply with the requirements ofregulation 33 regarding identification of economic operatorsto the market surveillance authority.f. contravening or failing to comply with the requirements ofregulation 34 regarding protection of CE marking.iii. Procedural offences (obstruction of an enforcement officer, providing false or misleading information to the enforcement authority) are alsopunishable on summary conviction by a fine up to level five on thestandard scale.8.4 As an alternative, or in addition, to any of the above penalties, the court may, in certain circumstances, make an order requiring a person convicted of the offences referred to in paragraph 36 (i) and (ii) above to remedy the matters which have given rise to the commission of the offence. In addition, the court may order a person convicted of the offences referred to in paragraph 36 (i) above to reimburse the enforcement authority’s costs of investigating the offence.8.5 The defence of ‘due diligence’ is available where a person can show he took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to avoid committing an offence. This may include reference to an act or default of, or reliance on information given by, a third party, in which case it must be accompanied by such information identifying the third party as is in the possession of the defendant.8.6 The RoHS Regulations also provide for the ‘liability of persons other than the principle offender’, including a provision that where a company or other body corporate commits an offence, those concerned in its management and responsible (consciously or by negligence) for the commission of the offence, may also be prosecuted.9. Contact pointsDepartment for Business, Innovation & SkillsEnvironmental Regulation Team1 Victoria StreetLondon SW1H 0ETTel: +44 (0)20 7215 5000Email: env.regs@Website: https:///rohs-compliance-and-guidanceThe National Measurement Office - RoHS Enforcement Team RoHS Enforcement TeamNMOStanton AvenueTeddingtonTW11 0JZTel: +44 (0)20 8943 7227Email: rohs@Website: https:///rohs-compliance-and-guidanceEuropean Commission FAQThe European Commission has issued an FAQ document for RoHS 2. Email: ENV-ROHS@ec.europa.euWebsite: A – Categories of electrical and electronic equipment covered by the RoHS Regulations.Existing categories continuing to be within scope:1. Large household appliances2. Small household appliances3. IT and telecommunications equipment4. Consumer equipment5. Lighting equipment, (including electric light bulbs and household luminaires)6. Electrical and electronic tools (with the exception of large-scale stationary industrial tools)7. Toys, leisure and sports equipment10. Automatic dispensersNew categories being added to the scope:8+9 Medical devices, monitoring and control instrumentsFrom 22 July 2014: Medical devices and monitoring and controlinstrumentsFrom 22 July 2016: In vitro medical devicesFrom 22 July 2017: Industrial monitoring and control instruments. 11. Any other EEEFrom 23 July 2019: other electrical and electronic equipment notcovered by any of the categories above,Other additions:Two wheeled electric vehicles which are not type approved and any products in categories 1-7 or 10 not covered by the original Directive come into scope from 23 July 2019.© Crown copyright 2014You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. Visit/doc/open-government-licence, write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email:psi@.This publication is also available on our website at /bisAny enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to:Department for Business, Innovation and Skills1 Victoria StreetLondon SW1H 0ETTel: 020 7215 5000If you require this publication in an alternative format, email enquiries@, or call 020 7215 5000.URN BIS/14/1007。
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本实用手册会step by step教会BIS用户如何进入BlackBerry邮箱,进行邮箱配置以及使用邮箱
•BlackBerry Internet Service 定时从用户邮箱中提取邮件
•自动发送(PUSH)新邮件到BlackBerry 智能手机上
2.1 进入BlackBerry邮箱
项”,选择“状态”即可得到手持终端的PIN和IMEI ),点击继续
2.2 邮箱配置
2.2.1 创建BlackBerry邮箱(用户名@邮箱)
2.2.2 添加其他电子邮件帐户
2.2.4 删除邮箱
2.2.5 更改设备
2.2.6 帮助
2.3 BlackBerry邮箱其他功能介绍(可选)
2.3.1 选项-Options
通过BlackBerry 手持终端发送电子邮件时,对方显示的“发件人”电子帐户名称 答复(至)
当联系人回复邮件时,发送的邮件地址会从源邮件地址被替换为该邮件地址 您的名称
该设置的内容会作为“发件人”名称显示 密码
当使用BlackBerry 手持终端发送邮件时,该段文字会被自动添加到邮件末端。
容最多255 字符。
2.3.2 电子邮件过滤器
✧AOL Mail*
✧Microsoft MSN*
✧Microsoft Hotmail*
✧Microsoft Outlook (BlackBerry Mail Connector or Microsoft Outlook Web Access) ✧IBM Lotus Notes®